Four Popular Songs (8)/When I've Money
When I've money I am merry, When I've none I'm very sad, When I'm sober I am civil, When I'm drunk I'm roaring mad: With my fal, lal, tidle tum, Likewise toodle, teedle, tum; Not forgetting titherin I, And also folderoodle um.
When disputing with a puppy, I convince him with a rap, And while romping with a girl, By accident I tear her cap.With my fal, lal, &c.
Gadzooks, I'll never marry, I'm a lad that's hold and free,Yet I love a pretty girl, A pretty girl is fond of me.Wiih my fal, lal, &c.
There's a maiden in a corner, Round & sound, & plump and fat,She and I drink tea together, But no matter, sir, for that,With my fal; lal, &c.
If this maiden be with bairn, As I do suppose she be,Like good pappy I must learn, To dandle Jacky on my knee.With my fal, lal, &c.
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