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Fourth Channel (Wyn Roberts letter)

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Fourth Channel (1980)
by Wyn Roberts

Letter from the Permanent Under-secretary of State Welsh Office, Wyn Roberts to the Secretary of State for Wales Nicholas Edwards regarding the Fourth Channel.

1349549Fourth Channel1980Wyn Roberts

From Wyn Roberts M.P.
P.U.S.S. Welsh Office

To Rt Hon Nicholas Edwards M.P.
Sec. of State for Wales

Crowned Portcullis
Crowned Portcullis


Dear Nick


Aug 9 '80

I travelled home yesterday with Lord Goronwy Roberts who told me that the Shadow Cabinet last week decided to put forward an amendment to the Broadcasting Bill in the Lords to concentrate all Welsh language programmes on the Fourth Channel. The amendment may be moved by Cledwyn because Lord Elwyn Jones who normally speaks on Welsh matters for the Opposition, does not feel that he is familiar enough with the subject. Goronwy was uncertain as to whether they would press the amdmt. to a division.
I believe the date of the Lords' discussion is Oct 8 - two days after Gwynfor Evans begins his fast. If the Lords were to carry the amdmt. it would clearly weaken our position very considerably.
The argument likely to be deployed is that the cost of concentrating Welsh programmes on the Fourth Channel is less than we believe and amounts to the loss of advertising revenue associated with placing an additional 10 hours of B.B.C. Welsh programmes on the Fourth Channel.

I am copying this to John Belstead.

Yours ever Wyn.

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