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Fragments of poetry by Julius Caesar

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Fragments of poetry
by Julius Caesar
56080Fragments of poetryJulius Caesar


You, too, who divide your honours with Menander, will take your place among poets of the highest order, and justly too, such is the purity of your style. Would only that to your graceful diction was added more comic force, that your works might equal in merit the Greek masterpieces, and your inferiority in this particular should not expose you to censure. This is my only regret; in this, Terence, I grieve to say you are wanting. (Latin)
Quoted by Suetonius, Life of Terence, 7; translated by Alexander Thomson and T. Forester


Corpusque suavi telino unguimus: "We anoint the body with fragrant telinine ointment."
Quoted by Isidore of Seville, Etymologiarum sive Originum 4.12, translated by Priscilla Throop in Isidore of Seville's Etymologies. [1] This fragment has sometimes been attributed also to Julius Caesar Strabo Vopiscus.