Freemason's song/My Friend and Pitcher
My Friend and Pitcher.
The wealthy fool, with gold in ſtore,
will ſtill deſire to grow the richer,
(illegible text)e me but theſe, I ask no more,
my charming girl, my friend and pitcher.
My friend ſo rare, my girl ſo fair,
with ſuch what mortal can be richer?
Give me but theſe, a fig for care,
with my ſweet girl, my friend and pitcher.
From morning fun I'd never grieve
to toil, a hedger, or a ditcher,
If that, when I come home at eve,
I might enjoy my friend and pitcher.
Though fortune ever ſhuns my door,
(I know not what can thus bewitch her,)
With all my heart I can be poor,
with my ſweet girl, my friend and pitcher