Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878/Bide your Time
Bide Your Time.
Bide your time!—the morn is breaking, Bright with freedom's blessed ray;Millions, from their trance awaking, Soon shall stand in stern array.
Man shall fetter man no longer, Liberty shall march sublime;Every moment makes you stronger— Firm, unshrinking, bide your time.
Bide your time!—one false step taken Perils all you yet have done;Undismayed—erect—unshaken— Watch and wait, and all is won.
'Tis not by one rash endeavour Men or States to greatness climb;Would you win your rights for ever, Calm and thoughtful, bide your time!
Bide your time!—your worst transgression Were to strike, and strike in vain;He whose arm would smite oppression Must not need to smite again!
Danger makes the brave man steady— Rashness is the coward's crime—Be for freedom's battle ready When it comes—But bide your time!