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Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878/Bide your Time

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4768551Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878Bide your TimeJ. C. Hutchieson
Bide Your Time.
Bide your time!—the morn is breaking,Bright with freedom's blessed ray;Millions, from their trance awaking,Soon shall stand in stern array.
Man shall fetter man no longer,Liberty shall march sublime;Every moment makes you stronger—Firm, unshrinking, bide your time.
Bide your time!—one false step takenPerils all you yet have done;Undismayed—erect—unshaken—Watch and wait, and all is won.
'Tis not by one rash endeavourMen or States to greatness climb;Would you win your rights for ever,Calm and thoughtful, bide your time!
Bide your time!—your worst transgressionWere to strike, and strike in vain;He whose arm would smite oppressionMust not need to smite again!
Danger makes the brave man steady—Rashness is the coward's crime—Be for freedom's battle readyWhen it comes—But bide your time!