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Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878/Imitation of Christ's Humility

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4756289Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878Imitation of Christ's HumilityJ. C. Hutchieson
Imitation of Christ's Humility.

Philipfians ii. 6-12.

Ye who the name of Jesus hear,His sacred steps pursue;And let that mind which was in HimBe also found in you.
Though in the form of God He was.His only Son declared,Nor to be equally adoredAs robb'ry did regard;
His greatness He for us abased,For us His glory veiled;In human likeness dwelt on earth,His majesty concealed;
Nor only as a man appears,But stoops a servant low:Submits to death, nay, bears the cross,In all its shame and woe.
Hence God this gen'rous love to menWith honours just hath crowned,And raised the name of Jesus farAbove all names renowned:
That at this name, with sacred awe,Each humble knee should bow,Of hosts immortal in the skies,And nations spread below;
That all the prostrate pow'rs of hellMight tremble at His word,And ev'ry tribe, and ev'ry tongue,Confess that He is Lord.