Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878/Life Compared to a River
Life Compared to a River.
River, river, little river,Bright you sparkle on your way, O'er the yellow pebbles dancing,Through the flowers and foliage glancing, Like a child at play.
River, river, swelling river, On you rush, o'er rough and smooth,Louder, faster, brawling, leapingOver rocks, by rose-banks sweeping Like impetuous youth.
River, river, brimming river,Broad and deep, and still as Time;Seeming still—yet still in motion,Tending onward to the ocean, Just like mortal prime.
River, river, rapid river! Swifter now you slip away;Swift and silent as an arrow;Through a channel dark and narrow, Like life's closing day.
River, river, headlong river, Down you dash into the sea;Sea that line hath never sounded,Sea that voyage hath never rounded, Like eternity.