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Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878/March 21st, 1871

From Wikisource
March 21st, 1871.
March the twenty-first! mark the day,Make as much of it now as you can,A Princess is to be given awayTo the son of the chief of the Campbell clan.  Then hey, brave boys, for the happy pair,   And hey, dear girls, for the marriage morn,  And hey for the old folks who'll be there—   At the wedding of Loo with her sweetheart Lorne.
Wonderful day!—the boys run free,Grim policemen grow benign;Old wives dabble in toast and tea,Counsellors feast on cake and wine.   Then hey for the holiday, hey for the snub   Which the bobby gives to his wonted scorn,  Hey for the gossip and hey for the grub,   And hey for the Lord and the Lady of Lorne.
Night in the city—rockets raiseShouts of wonder and wild acclaim;Night in the country—bonfires blaze,And tell the tidings with tongues of flame.  Then hey for the wedding of to-day,   Long may the English Bose adorn  The yellow-haired Laddie who bore it away,   And sweetly bloom in the land of Lorne.