Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878/Spring Flowers
Spring Flowers.
The loveliest flowers the closest cling to earth, And they first feel the sun: so violets blue, So the soft star-like primrose, drenched in dew,The happiest of Spring's happy fragrant birth.To gentlest touches sweetest tones reply: Still humbleness, with her low-breathed voice, Can steal o'er man's proud heart, and win his choiceFrom earth to heaven with mightier witcheryThan eloquence or wisdom e'er could own. Bloom on, then, in your shade, contented bloom,Sweet flowers, nor deem yourselves to all unknown.Heaven knows you, by whose gales and dews ye thrive; They know, who one day for their altered doomShall thank you, taught by you to abase themselves and live.