Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878/The Herdsman's Happy Life
The Herdsman's Happy Life.
What pleasures have great Princes More dainty to their choice,Than herdsmen wild—who careless In quiet life rejoice?And fortune's fate not scorning,Sing sweet in summer morning.
Their dealings plain and rightful Are void of all deceit,They never know how spiteful It is to kneel and wait,On favourite presumptuous,Whose pride is vain and sumptuous.
All day their flocks each tendeth, At night they take their rest,More quiet than he who sendeth His ship into the East,Where gold and pearl are plenty,But getting very dainty.
For lawyers and their pleading They esteem it not a straw;They think that honest meaning Is of itself a law;Where conscience judgeth plainlyThey spend no money vainly.
Oh! happy who thus liveth, Not caring much for gold,With clothing which sufficeth To keep him from the cold;Though poor and plain his diet,Yet merry it is and quiet.