Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878/The Lord's Prayer Imitated
The Lord's Prayer Imitated.
Father of all! Eternal Mind! Immensely good and great!Thy children—formed and blest by Thee,— Approach Thy heavenly seat.
Thy name in hallowed strains be sung! We join the solemn praise:To Thy great name with heart and tongue, Our cheerful homage raise.
Thy mild, Thy wise and sovereign reign, Let every being own;And in our minds,—Thy work divine,— Erect Thy gracious throne.
As angels, in the heavenly worlds. Thy blessed commands fulfil,So may Thy creatures here below Perform Thy holy will.
On Thee we day by day depend; Our daily wants supply;With truth and virtue feed our souls That they may never die.
Extend Thy grace to every fault Oh! let Thy love forgive;Teach us' divine forgiveness too, Nor let resentments live.
Where tempting snares bestrew the way, Permit us not to tread;Avert the threat'ning evil, far From our unguarded head.
Thy sacred name we would adore, With humble, joyful mind;And praise Thy goodness, power and truth, Eternal, unconfined!