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Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878/Watchman, What of the Night?

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4756278Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878Watchman, What of the Night?J. C. Hutchieson
Watchman, What of the Night?
Say, watchman, what of the night?Do the dews of the morning fall?Have the orient skies a border of light,Like the fringe of a funeral pall?
"The night is fast waning on high,And soon shall the darkness flee,And the morn shall spread o'er the blushing sky,And bright shall its glories be."
But, watchman, what of the night,When sorrow and pain are mine,And the pleasures of life, so sweet and bright,No longer around me shine?
"That night of sorrow thy soulMay surely prepare to meet,But away shall the clouds of thy heaviness roll,And the morning of joy be sweet."
But, watchman, what of the night,When the arrow of death is sped,And the grave, which no glimmering star can light,Shall be my sleeping bed?
"That night is near, and the cheerless tombShall keep thy body in store,Till the morn of eternity rise on the gloom,And night shall be no more!"