Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man/Index
ABBEVILLE and Amiens, 102
- peat of, 109
Agassiz cited, 105, 226
- on Alpine glaciers, 291
- classification, 397
- immaterial principle in animals, 497
- Florida coral reefs, 44
- instinct, 493
- theory of Glen Roy roads, 256
Age of man in reference to glacial period, 228
Ages of stone and bronze, 369
Alluvium of Thames, 154
- with flint tools, 93, 106, 112-150, 166-169
Alpine erratics on Jura, 294
- glacial action, 291, 320
Alternate generation, 421
American Indians, 140
- monkeys, dentition of, 479
Amiens flint implements, 95, 114, 132
Amoorland mammals, 158, 440
Anca, Baron, 176
Antiquités Celtiques, 94
Antiquity of Liége cave bones, 73
- man, 206, 289, 372, 384
Apes, brain of, compared to human, 480
- classification of, 474
- list of genera of, 487
Archæopteryx macrurus, 450
Archencephala, 481, 491
Arcy-sur-Yonne, 151
Ardekillen Lake, 30
Aristotle, meteorics, 381
Aryan hypothesis, 455
Aurignac burial place, post-pliocene, (fig. 25), 182
- fossils, antiquity of, 190
Aurochs, 14, 190
Austen, Mr. Godwin, on Kent's hole, 97
- marine post-pliocene shells on Sussex coast, 281
- Pease Marsh gravel, 161
Australian skulls, 87
- weapons, 113
Aymard, M., 194
Bacton whales, 217
Baillon, M., 126
Bald, Mr., 53
Baltic, brackish waters of, 13, 56
Barrett, Lucas, 451
Bats in islands, 445, 447
Beaches, raised, 57
Beach raised in Fife, 54
Bedford flint tools, 165
Behring's Straits, 367
Belgian caverns, 59
Bell, Mr., on Bos primigenius, 370
Bentham, Mr., 425
Biddenham, near Bedford, 163
Bienne, lake of, 29
Bimana, order of, Blumenbach, 4 74
Bimanous, term, 475
Binkhorst, M. Van, 339
Binney, Mr. E., on marine drift shells in Central England, 270
Birch, Mr., on Egypt, 37
Bison Europæus, 61, 191
Bize, cavern of, 59
Blumenbach's order Bimana, 474
Boetlingk, M., 233
Borreby skull (fig. 5), 85
Bos bison, 14
- brachyceros, 24
- primigenius, 22, 24
- trochoceros, 24
- urus, 14
Boucher de Perthes, cited, 94, 109, 113, 121, 228
Boulders floating on ice, 361
- striated, 304
Brachiopoda fossil, Davidson on, 426
Brain, human structure of, 480
- of Bushwoman (fig. 58), 485
- chimpanzee (fig. 56), 484 and (fig. 57) 485
- Rolleston on, 492
Brick, burnt, in Egypt, 36
Bristow, H. W., cited, 278
British Isles, map of, 276
- in glacial period, 278
Brixham cave, 96
Brocchi on dying out of species, 393
Brongniart, Adolphe, on progression, 398, 404
Bronn on progression, 397
Bronze, age of, 10, 370
Brown, Mr. John, on Shetland insects, 435
Bubalus moschatus, 145, 156
Buchanan, Mr. John, on Glasgow canoes, 47
Buckland, Dr., 97, 256
Buffalo fossil near Berlin, 156
Bunsen, Baron, cited, 383
Burial rites in post-pliocene period, 192
Buried hut in Swedish drift, 240
Busk, Mr., cited, 11, 84, 86
- on Borreby skull, 85
Buteux's sections at St. Acheul, 96, 136
Cairo, 37
Canada, drift of, 354
Canche river, 109
Canoes, buried, of Glasgow, 49
Capercailzie in shell mounds, 15
Carnon, skulls at, 56
Carriden, 51
Carses of Clyde, Forth, and Tay, 47, 51, 54, 283
Carver, travels in N. America, 189
Cashmere, temple, 45
Caucasus, languages in, 460
Cave deposits, 93
- bear in Brixham Cave, 100
- of Neanderthal, 75
- at Bankton, 48
- Brixham, 96
Cavern of Bize, 59
- Chauvaux, 80
- Engis, 65
- Pondres, near Nismes, 60
Caverns round Liége, 63
Chalk, dislocations of, Denmark, 342
- pinnacle at Sherringham, 221
Chambers, Mr. Robert, 241
- on parallel roads, 258, 260
Chamblon, pile works, 28
Changes in physical geography, 375
- of level, 110, 286
Charonne, 151
Charpentier on Alpine glaciers, 291
Chavannes, 26
Chilian Andes glaciers, 296
Chillesford beds, 211
Chimpanzee, Marshall on, 488
- brain, 484
Chokier cavern, 65, 72
Christol, M., 59
Civilisation, early Egyptian, 380
Classification, systems of, 473
Cleopatra's Baths, 35
Clichy, gravel of, 151
Climate, 368
- changes of, 364, 368
- of Europe when Amiens' flint tools embedded, 142
- drift of North Germany was formed, 157
Coast ice, transporting power of, 363
- of Cornwall, 56
Cold, increasing, shown by Norfolk and Suffolk tertiaries, 210
- period in France, 138, 142
- Sicily and Syria, 223
Contorted drift, 222
- in North Italy, 308
- strata, Norfolk (figs. 29, 30, 31), 220
- at St. Acheul (fig. 21 a), 138
Copford, Essex, 155
Copper, age of, 11
Coral reefs, Florida, 44
Cornwall, coast of, 56
Coscinopora globularis figured, 119
Crag of Suffolk, 209
Crahay, Professor, 339
Crannoges, 29
Crawfurd, Mr., on languages, 455
Creation by variation, 417
- of species, 394, 423
Crete, rising of, 178
Cromer forest bed, 212, 214
- granite erratics at, 218
- section of Norfolk cliffs, at 213
Currents affect climate, 368
Cynotherium, 177
Cyrena fluminalis, 123, 124, 142, 154, 159, 161
- figures of, 124
DANISH peat, 8, 372
- shell mounds, 11, 372
Darent, valley of, 161
Darwin, Charles, on beach near Lima, 46
- erratics, 270
- glaciers of Chilian Andes, 296
- origin of species, 408
- parallel roads, 257
- on progression, 405
Davidson on fossil brachiopoda, 426
Dawkins, Mr., 171
Degeneracy, notion of, controverted, 378
Degradation of structure, 412
Delabeche, Sir H., his map of British Isles upheaved 600 feet, 275, 279
Delesse, M., analysis of fossil bones by, 187
Delta of Mississippi, 42
- Nile, 33
Dendrites on flint, figures of 116
Denise fossil man, 194
Deshayes on recent species of shells in upper miocene strata, 430
Desnoyers, M., on antiquity of human remains, 61, 181
Deville on contraction of granite, 286
Disco Island, 236
Dogs, bones of, in shell mounds, 15
- of bronze age, 25
D'Orbigny, Alcide, controverts existence of recent species of miocene shells, 430
Dover, Straits of, 284, 367
Dowler, Dr., 43, 200
Drew, Mr. F., cited, 278
Drift and boulders in Ireland, 272
- contorted in Denmark, 342
- in Perthshire, 244
Drumkellin bog, 30
Dryden on man, quoted, 193
Dryopithecus of Lartet, 499
Dumont d'Urville, Papoo dwellings, 19
Dundonald, cannel coal ornament at, 55
Dürnten, near Zurich, lignite of, 314
Dussel river, 75
EARTHQUAKE of 1855 in New Zealand, 349
- New Madrid, 202
Egypt, borings in Nile valley, 33, 38
- date of buildings in, 380
- Sir G. C. Lewis on, 381
Egyptian early civilisation, 380
Egyptologists, 38
Elephants' fossil teeth, 133
Elephas antiquus (fig. 19), 133, 143
- meridionalis (fig. 20), 133
- primigenius (fig. 18), 133
- Torquay, 371
Elevation of land, in Sardinia, 177
- in valley of Mississippi, 205
Eliot, Father, translation of Bible, 467
Embryological development, 415
Engihoul cavern, 65
Engis cave skull, 79, and (fig. 2) 81
- cavern, 65
England, glacial formations in, 269
Engulfed rivers near Liége, 72
Eocene monkey of Rütimeyer, 500
- supposed monkey of Kyson, a pachyderm, 500
Equine fossil species in America, 439
Erosion, glacial, of lakes, 309
Erosive action of glaciers, 315
Erratic blocks, map of, 357
- distribution and size of, 362
- in Massachusetts, 355
- England, 280
Erratics in Ireland, 272
- Sussex, 281
- Sweden, 239
Escher von der Linth on Alpine erratics, 303
Etheridge, Mr., cited, 278
Europe, map of N.W., upheaved 600 feet, 279
Evans, Mr. John, 162, 187
- on archæopteryx, 453
- on flint implements, 117
Extinct glaciers of Switzerland, 290
Extinction of species, 374, 393
FAJOLES, hill of, 182
Falconer, Dr.. on British species of fossil rhinoceros, 173
- cited, 134, 135, 143, 174, 179, 199, 216
- on Brixham cave, 98
- elephants, 436
- plagiaulax, 400
Falunian strata, 430
Farquharson of Haughton, 113
Fife, raised beach in, 54
Finmark, unequal movement in, 348
Flint implements, 66, 127, 160-163
- figures of, 114, 115, 118
- at Icklingham, 169
- Hoxne, Suffolk, 166
- from St. Acheul, 114
- in ancient gravel, 141
- basin of Seine, 150
- Somme valley, 112
- of Ouse valley, 163
- knives in Aurignac cave, 188
Flint knives in Brixham cave, 102
- valley of Somme, 117
- tools near Bedford, 165
Florida coral reefs, 44
Flower, Mr., on quadrumana, 488
Fluviatile deposits of Thames valley, 159
Fluvio-marine formation at Shoeburyness, 129
Foldings of strata in Island of Möen, 342
Fond du Forêt, 70
Foraminifera, 442
Forbes, Edward, cited, 283
- Fauna and Flora of British Isles, cited, 6, 146, 211, 274, 283
- on zero of animal life in Egean, 268
Forest bed of Norfolk cliffs, 215
Forfarshire zone of boulder clay, 249
Fossil man of Denise, 194
Fossiliferous strata, tabular view of, 7
Fox, used for food, 24
France, Central, volcanic action in, 198
Frere, Mr., on flint implements, 104, 166
Fuhlrott, Dr., 76
GALLO-ROMAN antiquities, 152
- coffins, 134
- remains, 110
Gangetic mud, 336
Garnier, M., of Amiens, 134, 143, 145
Gastaldi, Signor, 305
Gaudry, M., 104
Gaulish monuments, 61
Geikie, Mr., cited, 278
- on buried canoes, 49
- upheaval of Scotland, 50
Generations, alternate, 421
Geneva, Lake of, filled with ice, 299
Geographical changes in post-pliocene period, 273, 284, 375
Geological record, imperfection of, 448
German language in Pennsylvania, 466
Gilliéron, Victor, 28
Giraffe, 410
Girard on Egypt, 37
Glacial changes in Scotland, 248
- , time required for, 284
- deposits of Norfolk cliffs, 218
- succession of, 322
- in Ireland, 270
- drift near Ivrea, 308
- deposits in England, 269
- period, 229, 435
- age of, 206
- in North America, 351
- Scotland, 241
- furrows, 293
Glacial erosion, 309
Glaciers, 291, 293, 294, 296, 301, 315
- , extinct in Wales, 265
Glaciers extinct of Alps, intense action of, 304, and (fig. 42) 299
- Morlot on, 301
Glen Roy, Agassiz on, 256
Glen Roy, map of (fig. 36), 254, 252, and see Parallel roads
Goffontaine, 69
Gorilla, foot of, 477
- Huxley on, 490
- Owen on, 490
Gosse, H. T., flint tools found by, 151
Gower caves, 172
Gratiolet on brain, 482
Gravels, upper and lower, 130
Gray, Dr. Asa, on law of continuity, 501
- natural selection and natural theology, 502, 505
Gray's Thurrock, 157
Greeks and Romans on early state of man, 379
Greenland, continental ice of, 235
Griffiths, Sir R., on Irish drift, 272
Grotto di Maccagnone, 175
Ground-ice, 139
Guildford flint implements, 161
Gulf stream affects climate, 364
Gunn, Rev. J., on Mundesley strata, 168, 216, 224
Guyot on glaciers, 297
HAARLEM, lake of, 157
Hall, James, on trains of erratics in United States, 355
Hallam on Man's place in creation, 500
Hallstadt triassic beds, 449
Hanno, 384
Happisburgh buried forest, 214
Harrison, General, on Ohio mounds, 41
Hayden, Mr., on fossil mammalia of Niobrara, 438
Hearne on American Indians, 140
Hébert, M., 104, 151, 196
Heer, Professor, cited, 215, 237
- on carbonised wheat, 21
- Dürnten fossils, 315
- Oeninghen plants, 431
- fossil plants of Greenland and Iceland, 238
- and Unger on Atlantic continent, 440
Hekekyan Bey, 33
Heliopolis, 4, 388, 333
Herodotus on lake dwellings in Thrace, 17
Herschel, Sir J. F., on physical geography and polar cold, 367
Hesbayan mud or loess, 329
Hildreth, Dr., 41
Himalayan mud compared to loess, 336
Hippopotamus, climate and habits of, 178
- fossil,
His, Professor, 26
Hitchcock, Professor, on glaciers of Massachusetts, 355
Homer on Thebes, 382
Hooker, Dr. on creation by variation, 134, 157, 142, 157, 172, 175, 417
- glaciers of Lebanon, 323
- Himalayan shelves or roads, 261
- progression, whether indicated by fossil plants, 404
- reversion, 420
- variation in plants of complex organisation, 442
Hopkins on climate, 364
Horace on origin of Man, 379
Horner, Mr., on borings of alluvial plain of the Nile, 34, 33
Hörnes on Vienna basin, 430
Hoxne flint implements, 166
- section of strata at (fig. 24), 168
Hull, Mr. E., on extinct glaciers in England, 269
Human bones, 59
- absence of, in alluvium of Somme, 144
- in Liége caverns, 64
- fossils at Le Puy, 194
- Natchez, 200
- remains in loess near Maestricht, 338
Humboldt, Alex., on languages, 461
- William, on languages, 468
Humphry, Dr., on characters of Negro, 91
Huxley on brain, 483
- gorilla, 490
- human skulls of Engis and Neanderthal, 80
- difference between reason and instinct, 494
- term quadrumanous, 476, 478
Hyæna spelæa, 171
Hybridisation, 411
ICE-ACTION in Norfolk cliffs, 222
- North America, 355
- river beds, 139
- of extinct glaciers, intensity of, 304
Icebergs, action of, 230, 361
Iceland, Norwegian colony in, 465
Icelandic language, 466
- surturbrand, plants of, 238
Icklingham flint implements, 169
Immortality of the soul, 498
Imperfection of geological record, 448
Independent creation, 422
Indians of Massachusetts, extinction of, 467
Insects, European and American, 434
Ireland, glacial formations in, 270
Irish lake dwellings, 29
Iron, age of, 10
Islands, absence of mammalia in, 443
Italian extinct glaciers, 305
Ivrea glacial drift, 308
JAMES, Sir H., cited, 271, 278
Jamieson, T. P., of Ellon, 242
- cited, 278
- on extinct river channels, 249
- on glacial period in Scotland, 244
- roads 259 on parallel
Jukes, Prof., survey of Ireland, 272
Junction and separation of England and Ireland, 282
- the Continent, 282
Jura, Alpine blocks on, 294
KELLER on lake villages, 19
- fishing-huts, 19
Kent, flint implements in, 162
Kent's Hole, cave near Torquay, 97
King, Rev. S. W. on Mundesley section, 168, 224
- cited, 214, 215, 217
Kingsley, Rev. C., 156
Kitchen-middens, or refuse heaps, 12, 372
Kjerulf of Christiania on ice-action in Sweden, 234
LAKE-BASINS, origin of, 309
- dwelling, post-glacial in Italy, 319
- Swiss, Plate I., frontispiece, 17, 373
- of Haarlem, 147
Lamarck's theory, 389
- objections to, 392
Lambert, Abbé, on fossil bones of Oise valley, 153
Lamont, Mr., on Spitzbergen, 268
Languages formed slowly, 465
- changes of, compared to species, 457
- origin and development of, 454
Larcom, Lieut., map of Ireland, 278
Lartet, M., 60, 153, 183, 196
Lartet, M., on Dryopithecus, 499
Lauder, Sir T. Dick, cited, 255
Leech, Mr. T., on flint tools, 162
Leidy, Dr., on fossil mammalia of United States, 438
Lemming of Norway, 157
Lepsius, cited, 383
Lepus timidus, 23
Le Puy-en-Velay human fossils, 194
Lewis, Sir G. C., 381, 382
Liebig on stalactite, 71
Liége caverns, 63, 70
Life at great depths in ocean, 268
Lignite at Uznach, 315
Linant Bey, 37
Linnæan order, Primates, 474
Living languages, number of, 458
Lochaber parallel roads, 252
Loess at Liége, 74
- fossil shells of (figs. 44, 46), 326
- geographical distribution of, 328
- human remains in, 324
- in basin of Danube, 333
- Neckar, 332
- nature and origin of, 324
- near Stuttgart, 331
- of Belgium, 329
- Odenwald, 330
- position of, 334
Lohle, Mr., on piles of lake dwellings, 20
London, flint implements in gravel of, 160
Longevity of species in mammalia, 441
Lovén, on arctic character of drift shells, 57
Lower level gravels of Somme Valley, 108
Lubbock, Mr., on Danish shell mounds, 11
- Bubalus moschatus, 156
- Swiss lake dwellings, 19
Lund, fossil monkeys found by, in Brazil, 498
Maccagnone, Grotto di, 175
M'Enery, Mr., 97
Maclaren, Mr. C., on Pentland hill erratics, 247
- Swiss erratics, 298
Madeiran Archipelago, 444
Maestricht loess, 338
Malaise, Professor, 69
Malthusian doctrine, 409
Mammalia, absence of, in islands, 443
- at Menchecourt, 125
- nineteen species of, in Aurignac cave, 185
Mammalian fauna in Central France, 199
- fossil in drift of Somme, 137
- of Norfolk cliffs, 216
- longevity of species in, 441
- recent and fossil, 436
- remains in Liége caverns, 64
- scarcity of, in Irish drift, 271
Mammals of Amoorland, 158
Man, extermination of species by, 374
- foot of, 476
- migrations of, 376
Man's age in relation to present fauna, 289
Map by de Mortillet of moraines (fig. 43), 306
- of British isles in glacial period (fig. 39), 276, (fig. 40) 278
- erratic blocks in U. S., 357
- Europe upheaved 600 feet (fig. 41), 279
- parallel roads, Glen Roy (fig. 36), 254
Marcel de Serres, 60
Marcon, Mr., cited, 315
Marietta, mounds at, 41
Marmora, Count Albert de la, 177
Marshall, Mr. on chimpanzee, 488
Massachusetts erratic blocks, 355, 359
Mastodon, genus, 353, 436
- arvernensis, 226
- giganteus, 351, 353
Mautort, flints at, near Abbeville, 125
Megaceros Hibernicus, 185, 273, 283
Meigs, Dr., 42
Meilen, lake of Zurich, 18, 26
Memphis, 34, 381
- antiquity of, 382
Menchecourt, near Abbeville, 121
- mammalia, 125
Menchecourt, fossil shells at, 123
- section at, 122
Menzaleh, lake, 35
Meridional zones of cold, 366
Migrations of man, 376
Miller, Hugh, on progression, 396
Milne, Mr., cited, 129
Miocene flora of Iceland, 238
- plants and insects, 432
Missing links between man and animals, 502
Mississippi Delta, 42
- section of valley of (fig. 26), 200
Moel Tryfane, 267
Möen, Island of, 342
Möens klint (figs. 47 and 48), 344
Molluscs, longevity of species in, 442
Moore, Mr. C., 401
Moosseedorf, lake of, 20
Moraines, of modern glaciers, 293
- in Scotland, 248
Morges, bronze period, 21
Morlot on Swiss glaciers, 301, 220
- geological archæology, 110
- delta of Tinière, 27
Mortillet, Gabriel de, on lake basins 310
- map of moraines by, 306
Morvan, granite boulders from, 151
Moulin Quignon, 130
Mounds in valley of Ohio, 39, 41
- of Santos, 41
Mud produced by glaciers, 325
Mudge, Captain, 31
Müller, Max, on languages, 454
Mundesley and Hoxne deposits compared, 227
- fresh water formation, 223
- section (fig. 33), 224
Murchison, Sir R. I., on Alpine glaciers, 296
Muswell Hill, 160
Mutability in vegetable kingdom, 418
Mytilus edulis, 13
- fossil, 178, 240
NATCHEZ, age of deposit, 203
- fossil man, 205
- human fossil at, 200
- shells, 201
Natural selection, 407, 413
- and variation, 469
Neanderthal cave, section of (fig. 1), 76
- skeleton, 76, 375
- skull, 78 and (fig. 3) 82, and (fig. 4) 83
Nebraska valley, 439
Negro, anatomical character of, 91
- pictures of in Egyptian temples, 385
- race unchanged in Virginia, 386
Neozoic strata, 7
Newbold, Captain, 36
New Madrid, earthquake of, 202
New Zealand, earthquakes in, 349
Nile delta, 33
- mud, 325
- river, 36
Niobrara valley, 438
Noeggerath, Professor, of Bonn, 128
Nomenclature of Tertiaries, 3
Norfolk cliffs, section of (fig. 27), 213
North America, glacial period in, 351
- deposits in, 354
- Cape, rising, 58
Norway, raised beaches, 57
Norwegian colony in Iceland, 465
Norwich Crag, 208
OAK, in Danish peat, 9
Ocean, life in at great depths, 268
Oeninghen beds, 431
Ohio, ancient mounds of valley of, 39
- valley of, 39
Oise, valley of, 153
Orbitolina concava, 119
Organic remains, in Scotch boulder clay, 250
- variety of in glacial formations, 267
Origin of species by variation and natural selection, 407
- and development of languages, 454
Oscillations of Alpine glaciers, 292
- of level, 285, 287, 333
Ossiferous caves in Sicily, 174
Ouse, valley, section of, 164
- flint implements, 163
Owen, Professor, on human brain, 480
- supposed eocene monkey of Kyson, 500
Owen, Professor, on archæopteryx, 451
- brain of marmoset, 483
- gorilla, 490
- progression, 397
PALUDINA marginata, 225
Parallel roads, Darwin on, 257
- view of, Plate II., p. 252
- of Glen Roy, 252
- Chambers on, 258
- Jamieson on, 259
Pæonian lake dwellings, 17
Pagham erratics near Chichester, 280,
Pascal's Thoughts, 500
Paviland skeleton, 98
Peat, Danish, 8
- antiquity of, 110
- of Somme valley, 106, 108
- rate of growth of, 111
Pengelly, Mr., 98
Penguin, in shell-mounds, 15
Pennsylvania, 466
Pertuan, skulls, 56
Perthshire, drift in, 244
Pertz, Chevalier, 459
Peru, raised beach, 46
Phillips, Professor, on erratics of Yorkshire, 270
Phoca gryppus, 14
Physical geography, revolutions in, 274, 375
Pictet, Professor, 195, 90
Pierre à Bot, 295
Pingel, Dr., 237
Plagiaulax, 400
Plants, fossils of Norfolk cliffs, 216
Pleistocene, term explained, 6
Pliocene, older and newer, terms defined, 6
Pont de Thiéle, 29
Post-glacial dislocations, 341
- lake dwelling in Italy, 319
Post-pliocene period, 59
- alluvium, with flint implements, 93
- of Somme Valley, 106
- burying-place at Aurignac, 181
- term defined, 5
- tertiary, term defined, 5
Pottery, post-pliocene, in Sardinia, 178
Pouchet, George M., 104
Pourtalis, M., 44
Pozzuoli, 45
Prestwich, Mr., on Chillesford glacial beds, 211
- his visit to St. Acheul, 103
- discovery of Cyrena at Abbeville, 123
- on contorted strata at St. Acheul, 138
- cited, 161, 162, 168, 169, 225, 267, 270, 376
- on ground ice, 139
- ice-holes at St. Acheul, 116
Précy near Criel, 153
Primordial types, 470
Primates, Linnæan order of, 474
Proboscidians, 436
Progression, theory of, 395, 472
- whether botanically true, 405
Puggaard, rise of land in Denmark, 12
Puggaard's sections, 344
Purbeck, oolite fossil mammalia of, 400
- why term deceptive, 476
Quadrumana, Mr. W. H. Flower on, 488
Quatrefages on unity of species, 495
Quedlinburg, 157
Quenstedt, Professor, on Bubalus moschatus, 186
RACE and species, 389
Races change more slowly than languages, 457
Raised beach in Peru, 46
Rameses, statue of, 38
Ramsay, Professor, on flint tools, 117
- cited, 285
- on glaciers of North Wales, 266
- lake basins, 311
Ravin, M., 126
Recent deposits of seas and lakes, 44
- geological term, defined, 5
Reindeer in Brixham cave, 99
Reindeer, 1000 antlers of, in one fissure, 172
- fossil in South of France, 190
Reptilia, retrograde movement of, 402
Reversion to original type, 420
Rhine, bed of, at Bingen, 128
- glacial drift of, 303
Rhinoceros hemitœcus, 173
- tichorhinus, 156, 186
- eaten by man, 186
Rhone, extinct glacier, 299
- glacial drift of, 303
Richardson, Sir John, on Arctic fossil plants, 238
Rigollot, Dr., 95
Rink, Dr. H., on Greenland ice, 235
Rise of land in Sardinia, 177
Robert, M., on Denise fossil man, 198
Roches Moutonnées (fig. 38), 269
Rolleston, Professor, on brain, 488, 489, 492
Roman pottery, 110
Rosière, 38
Rubus genus, 425
Rütimeyer, on Bos primigenius, 370
- Eocene monkey, 500
- vertebrata of lake dwellings, 22
- contorted strata (fig. 21 a), 138
- section of gravel (fig. 21), 135
St. Cassian beds, 449
St. George's Channel, 283
St. Hadelin, 72
St. Hilaire, Isidore G., on Bimana, 475
San Ciro, 175
Sandstone blocks in gravel of Somme, 136
Santos mounds, 41
Sardinia, role of land in, 177
Saxe Weimar, Prince Bernhard of, 466
Scandinavia, a centre of erratics, 232
- once covered with ice, 232
Scarcity of human bones, 148
Schaaffhausen, Professor, 78
Schiller's Indian funeral dirge, 189
Schlegel, Professor, on elephant, 438
Schmerling, Dr., cited, 63, 145
Schmerling, Dr., on antiquity of man, 68
Schrenck, Dr. von, 158
Schroeder van der Kolk, 481, 486
Scotch fir in Danish peat, 9
- Cromer forest bed, 215
- lignite of Utznach, 315
- boulder clay, organic remains in, 250
Scotland, glacial period in, 241
- re-elevation of, 246
- submergence of, 243
- upheaval in, 47
Scrope, Mr. Poulett, 192, 195
Sedgwick, Professor, on progression, 395
Section at Hoxne, 168
- of Aurignac cave (fig. 25), 182
- cliffs at Cromer, 213
- Neanderthal cave (fig. 1), 76
- Ouse valley (fig. 24), 164
- Somme valley, 106 (fig. 16), 121
Sefström on alternate generation, 421
Seine, basin of, 150
Sepulchral grotto at Aurignac, 182
Sequoia, in Disco Island, 237
Serapis, temple of, 45
Shell-mounds, Danish, 11
Shoeburyness fluvio-marine formation, 129
Sicily, cold period in, 323
Sicilian ossiferous caves, 174
Silver pits off the Humber, 277
Skull in Engis cave 79, and (fig. 2) 81
- of Borreby (fig. 5), 80
- Neanderthal (fig. 3), 82, (fig. 4), 83
Skulls at Carnon, 56
- at Pertuan, 56
- of stone period, 15
Smith, Dr. Andrew, 179
- J., of Jordanhill, 55
Solenhofen, fossil bird found in stone of, 451
Somme valley, 93, 106
- flint tools of, 112
- section of, 122
Species, extinction of, 393
- and race, 389
Spirifer trigonalis, 427
Sponges from St. Acheul, 119
Spontaneous generation, 391
Spratt, Cuptain, on cave in Malta, 438
- on change of level in Crete, 178
Spring, Dr., 80
Squier and Davis, 39
Stalactite, Liebig on, 71
Stalactites in caves, 71
Staring's geological map of Holland, 147
Steenstrup on age of peat, 17
- fossils in peat, 9
- Icelandic fossil plants, 238
Stereognathus ooliticus, 401
Stockaded islands in Ireland, 30
Stone, age of, 10
- and bronze, ages of, 369
Stonesfield oolite, fossil mammalia of, 401
Strathmore, 246
Stuttgart, fossil mammifer of trias at, 401
Striated glacial pebbles and blocks, 304
Submergence of land, 376, 378
- in glacial period, 276, 278, 285
- North Wales, 267
- Scotland, 243
- Wales, 285
Subsidence of British Isles, 278
- land, 288
Successive changes, time required for, 284
Suffolk tertiaries or crags, 208
Sumner's, Records of Creation, 481, 496
Sunderbunds, 374
Superficial traces of glaciers and icebergs, 230
Sussex erratics, 281
Sus scrofa palustris, 25
Swedish raised beaches, 57
Swiss extinct glaciers, 290
- lake dwellings, 17, 373
Systems of classification, 473
Syria, cold period in, 323
TABULAR view of strata, 7
Taxodium distichum, 43
Tay, estuary of, 54
Tertiary strata, classification of, 3
Thames alluvium, 154
- valley, fluviatile deposits of, 159
Thebes, 381
- antiquity of, 382
Theory of progression, 395, 397, 398, 404
- objections to, 404, 472
Thothmes, Egyptian King, 37
Tiedemann on negro's brain, 481
- brain of ape, 489
Till in Norfolk, 219
Time required for changes of glacial period, 284
Tinière, cone of, 321
Tiniére, Morlot on, 27
Torquay, caves near, 96
Torquay, elephas primigenius at, 371
Tournal, M., 59
Transmutation theory, 424, 471
- arguments for and against, 446
Trias of Austrian Alps, 449
- Stuttgart, 401
Trimmer on Moel Tryfane, 267
Trimmer's maps of glacial period, 273, 162
Troyon on lake habitations, 20
Unger on Atlantic continent, 440
- miocene plants, 432
Unio littoralis (fig. 22), 158
Unity of origin of man, 387
- races, 386
- species, Quatrefages on, 495
Upheaval and subsidence, causes of, 288
- in Scotland, 47
- Wales, 282
- of land at North Cape, 58
- rate of 58, 178
Upsala erratics, 240
Ursus arctos, 22, 109
- spelæus, 101
Utznach near Zurich, lignite of, 314
VANESSA atalanta, 434
Variation, 407, 414
Varieties, incipient species, 416
Variation and natural selection, 469
- wide range of, 429
Vedas, 46
Vegetable kingdom, mutability in, 418
Vegetation, changes of, in, human period, 16, 372
Venetz on Alpine glaciers, 291
Vertebrata in Danish mounds, 14
- in lake dwellings, 23
- unknown in oldest rocks, 403
Vestiges of creation, 407
Vibraye, Marquis de, 151
Volcanic action in Central France, 198
Vrolik, on anatomy of quadrumana, 481, 486
WALES, extinct glaciers in, 265
- submergence of, 285
- upheaval in, 282
Wall of Antonine. 51
Wallace, Mr. Alfred, 408, 419
- on transmutation, 411
Wallich, Dr., on alluvium of Ganges, 337
- starfish at great depth, 268
Wangen, Lake of Constance, 20
Welsh glacial drift, 366
Wexford drift, 271
Whale at Dunmore, 53
- fossil, Airthrie, 53
Whales at Bacton, 217
Whitaker, Mr. W., cited, 278
Wicklow mountain, drifts of, 271
Williamson, Mr., on Wokey hole, 171
Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, 35
Wokey Hole, 170
Wollaston, T. V., on insects, 435
Wood, Lieut.-Col., 172
- Mr. Searles, his monograph of crag shells, 209
Woodward, Mr. S. P., on crag fossils, 209
Words, new ones introduced, 462
Works of art in post-pliocene alluvium, 150
Wyatt, Mr. Digby, on Irish lake dwellings, 30
- Mr. James, on flint tools near Bedford, 163
Wylie on lake habitations, 18
ZOSTERA marina in mounds, 16
Zurich, lake of, 314
- pile dwellings in, 18