George and Britain Save (1825, Stirling)/George and Britain Save
While deeds of Hell deface the world,and Gallia's throne in ruins lies,While round the world revolt is hurld'dand Discord's banefull banner flies.Loud shall the loyal Briton singTo arms! to arms! your bucklers bring.To shield our Country guard our King,And George and Britain save.
Ne'er shall the desolating woe,That shames with horror Europe o’er,To us is hideous image shew,Or sleep in blood this happy shore.Firm as our rock-bound isle we'll stand,With watchful eye and iron hand,To wield the might of Britain's land,And George and Britain save.
While wide threating frenzy burns,And prostrate nations mourn in rage,Sternly his eye the Briton turnsTo Edward's and to Henry's page. As o'er their conquering Urn he sighs,Touch'd by their fame's proud fire he cries,"Thus o'er our foes we'll ever rise,And George and Britain save."
Oft Fancy views them on the deep,And turning as their squadrons roll,Where great Eliza's ashes sleep,With triumph fills each Briton's soul.As Drake and Raleigh catch the glance:"Advance: he cries, rash fools advance!"The grave of Spain shall ope for France,"And George aid Briton save."
What prompts these restless foes of lifeTo dare our dreaded arms again?What, but the hope that party strifeHas broke Britannia's shield in twain?But know they not, when France is near,The war of tongues is silent here,That all my grasp Britannia's spear,And George and Britain save.
Ne'er in the pinch of Britain's Fate,Shall Statesmen's rival Feuds be known,Or Faction strive, with thwarting hate,To break the British Bulwark down. No! round the Alter of our Land,Link'd in one soul, the British Bard,Shall firm in sacred Union stand,And George and Britain save.
Though Moral Order sink to the ground,Though all the Virtues trodden lieThough Fury tear the nations round,And Blood and Rapine fill each eye;Ne'er shall the Storm here turn his flight,While British hearts at home uniteTo gaide our thought, to guard our right,And George and Britain save.
O happy Isle! wise order'd State;Well-temper'd work of Freedom's hand;No shock of realms can touch thy FateIf Union binds thy Sea-girt Land:Vainly the storm shall round thee ring,While Britain's Sons in concord sing,"We'll shield our country guard our King,"And George and Britain save."