Georgia Charter of 1732
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George the Second by the Grace of God To all To whom these Presents shall come Greeting Whereas wee are Credibly Informed that many of our Poor Subjects are through misfortunes and want of Employment reduced to great necessities insomuch as by their labour they are not able to provide a maintenance for themselves and Families and if they had means to defray the Charge of Passage and other Expenses incident to new Settlements they would be Glad to be Settled in any of our Provinces in America whereby Cultivating the lands at present wast and desolate they might not only gain a Comfortable Subsistence for themselves and families but also Strengthen our Colonies and Encrease the trade Navigation and wealth of these our Realms And whereas our Provinces in North America have been frequently Ravaged by Indian Enemies more Especially that of South Carolina which in the late war by the neighbouring Savages was laid wast with Fire and Sword and great numbers of the English Inhabitants miserably Massacred And our Loving Subjects who now Inhabit these by reason of the Smallness of their numbers will in case of any new war be Exposed to the like Calamities in as much as their whole Southern Frontier continueth unsettled and lieth open to the said Savages And whereas wee think it highly becoming Our Crown and Royal Dignity to protect all our Loving Subjects be they never so distant from us to Extend our Fatherly Compassion even to the meanest an most unfortunate of our people and to relieve the wants of our abovementioned poor Subjects And that it will be highly Conducive for the accomplishing those Ends that a Regular Colony of the said poor people be Settled and Established in the Southern Frontiers of Carolina and whereas wee have been well Assured that if wee would be Graciously pleased to Erect and Settle a Corporation for the receiving managing and Disposing of the Contributions of our Loving Subject divers persons would be Induced to Contribute to the uses and purposes aforesaid Know yee therefore that wee have for the Considerations aforesaid and for the better and more Orderly Carrying on the said good purposes of our Especial Grace certain Knowledge and Meer Motion Willed Ordained Constituted and Appointed And by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors Do Will Ordain Constitute Declare and Grant that our Right Trusty and Wellbeloved John Lord Viscount Percival of our Kingdom of Ireland Our trusty and Wellbeloved Edward Digby George Carpenter James Oglethorpe George Heathcote Thomas Tower Robert More Robert Hucks Rogers Holland William Sloper Francis Eyles John Laroche James Vernon William Belitha Esquires Stephen Hales Master of Arts John Burton Batchelor in Divinity Richard Bundy Master of Arts Arthur Bedford Master of Arts Samuel Smith Master of Arts Adam Anderson and Thomas Coram Gentlemen and Such other persons as shall be Elected in the manner hereinafter mentioned and their Successors to be Elected in manner as hereinafter is directed be and shall be one Body Politick and Corporate in Deed and in name by the Name of The Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America and them and their Successors by the same name wee do by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors Really and fully make Ordain Constitute and declare to be one Body politick and Corporate in Deed and in name for ever And that by the same name they and their Successors shall and may have perpetual Succession And that they and their Successors by that name shall and may forever hereafter be persons able and capable in the law to purchase have take receive and Enjoy to them and their Successors any Mannors Messuages lands Tenements Rents Advowsons liberties priviledges Jurisdictions Franchises and other hereditaments whatsoever lying and being in any part of Great Britain of whatsoevernature kind and quality they be in Fee and in Perpetuity not Exceeding the Yearly value of One thousand pounds beyond Reprises also Estates for lives and for years and all other manner of Goods Chattels and things whatsover of what name nature quality or value soever they be for the better Settling Supporting and maintaining the said Colony and other uses aforesaid and to Give Grant Let and Demise the said Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments Goods Chattells and things whatsoever aforesaid by lease or leases for Term of years in possession at the time of Granting thereof and not in Reversion not Exceeding the Term of one and thirty years from the time of Granting thereof on which in case no Fine be taken shall be reserved the full value and in case a Fine be taken shall be reserved at least a Moyety of the full value that the same shall reasonably and bonafide be worth at the time of such demise And that they and their Successors by the name aforesaid shall and may for ever hereafter be persons able and capable in the law to purchase have take receive and Enjoy to them and their Successors any lands Territories possessions Tenements jurisdictions Franchises and other herditaments whatsoever lying and being in America of what quantity quality or value Soever they be for the better Settling Supporting and maintaining the said Colony And that by the name aforesaid they shall and may be able to Sue and be Sued Plead and be Impleaded Answer and be Answered unto Defend and be Defended in all Courts and places whatsoever and before whatsoever Judges Justices or other Officers of us our Heirs and Successors in all and Singular Actions Plaints Pleas matters suits and demand of what Kind nature quality Soever they Be and to Act and do all other matters and things in as ample manner and form as any other our Liege Subjects of this our Realme of Great Britain And that they and their Successors forever hereafter shall and may have a Comon Seal to serve for the Causes and business of them and their Successors And that it shall and may be lawful for them and their Successors to Change break alter and make new the said Seal from time to time and at their pleasure as they shall think best And wee do further Grant for us our Heirs and Successors that the said Corporation and the Comon Council of the said Corporation hereinafter by us appointed may from time to time and at all times meet about their Affairs when and where they please and transact and carry on the business of the said Corporation And for the better Execution of the purposes aforesaid wee do by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors Give and Grant to the said Corporation and their Successors that they and their Successors forever may upon the third Thursday in the month of March Yearly meet at some convenient place to be appointed by the said Corporation or the Major part of them who shall be present at any meeting of the said Corporation to be had for the appointment of the said place and that they or two thirds of such of them that shall be present shall at such Yearly meeting and at no other meeting of the said Corporation between the hours of Ten in the morning and four in the afternoon of the Same Day Chuse and Elect such person or persons to be members of the said Corporation as they shall think beneficial to the good Designs of the said Corporation And our further will and pleasure is that if it shall happen that any of the persons hereinafter by us appointed as the Comon Council of the said Corporation or any other persons to be Elected and admitted members of the said Comon Council in the manner Hereinafter directed shall die or shall by writing under his and their hands respectively resign his or their Office or Offices of Comon Council man or Comon Council men the said Corporation or the Major part of such of them as shall be present shall and may at such meeting on the said last Thursday in March Yearly in manner as aforesaid next after such death or Resignation and at no other meeting of the said Corporation Elect and Chuse one or more person or persons being members of the said Corporation into the Room or place of such person or persons so dead or so resigning as to them shall seem meet And Our Will and pleasure is that all and every the person or persons which shall from time to time hereafter be Elected Comon Council men of the said Corporation as aforesaid do and shall before he or they Act as Comon Council men of the said Corporation take an Oath for the Faithful and due Execution of their Office which Oath the President of the said Corporation for the time being is hereby Authorized and required to Administer to such person or persons so Elected as aforesaid And Our will and pleasure is that the First President of the said Corporation shall be our Trusty and Wellbeloved the said John Lord Viscount Percival and that the said President shall within thirty days after the passing of this Charter cause Summones to be Issued to the several members of the said Corporation herein particularly named to meet at such time and place as he shall appoint to consult about and transact the business of the said Corporation And our will and pleasure is And wee do by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors Grant Ordain and Direct that the Comon Council of the said Corporation shall consist of fifteen in number And wee do by these Presents Nominate Constitute and appoint Our Right Trusty and Wellbeloved John Lord Viscount Percival Our Trusty and Wellbeloved Edward Digby George Carpenter James Oglethorpe George Heathcote Thomas Tower Robert More Robert Hucks Rogers Holland William Sloper Francis Eyles John Laroche James Vernon William Belitha Esquires and Stephen Hales Master of Arts to be the Comon Council of the said Corporation to continue in their Said Offices during their good behavior and Whereas it is our Royal Intention that the members of the said Corporation should be Increased by Election as soon as Conveniently may be to a greater number than is hereby nominated Our further will and pleasure is And wee do hereby for us our Heirs and Successors Ordain and direct that from the time of Such Increase of the members of the said Corporation the number of the said Common Council shall be Increased to Twenty four And that at the same Assembly at which such Additional members of the said Corporation shall be Chosen there shall likewise be Elected in the manner thereinbefore directed for the Election of Comon Council men nine persons to be of the said Comon Council and to make up the number thereof twenty four And our further will and pleasure is that our trusty and wellbeloved the said Edward Digby Esquire shall be the First Chairman of the Comon Council of the said Corporation And that the said Lord Viscount Percival shall be and continue President of the said Corporation And the said Edward Digby shall be and continue Chairman of the Comon Council of the said Corporation respectively until the meeting which shall be had next and imediately after the first meeting of the said Corporation or of the Comon Council of the said Corporation respectively and no longer at which said Second meeting and at every other Subsequent and future meeting of the said Corporation or of the Comon Council of the said Corporation respectively in Order to preserve an Indifferent Rotation of the several Offices of President of the Corporation and of Chairman of the Comon Council of the said Corporation wee do direct and Ordain that all and every the person and persons members of the said Common Council for the -- being and no others being present at such meetings shall severally and respectively in their Turns preside at the meetings which shall from time to time be had and held of the said Corporation or of the Common Council of the said Corporation respectively And in case any doubt or question shall at any time arise touching or concerning the Turn or Right of any member of the said Comon Council to preside at any meeting of the said Corporation or of the Comon Council of the said Corporation the same shall be respectively determined by the Major part of the said Corporation or of the Comon Council of the said Corporation respectively who shall be present at such meeting Provided always that no member of the said Comon Council having served in the Office of President of the said Corporation or of Chairman of the Comon Council of the said Corporation shall be capable of being or of serving as President or Chairman at any meeting of the said Corporation or of the Comon Council of the said Corporation next and imediately ensueing that in which he so Served as President of the said Corporation or Chairman of the Comon Council of the said Corporation respectively unless it shall soe happen that at any such meeting of the said Corporation there shall not be any other member of the said Comon Council present And our will and pleasure is that all and every the meetings of the said Corporation or of the Comon Council of the said Corporation the President or Chairman for the time being shall have a voice and shall vote and Act as a Member of the said Corporation or of the Common Council of the said Corporation at such meeting And in Case of an Equality of Votes the said President or Chairman for the time being shall have a Casting vote And our further will and pleasure is that no President of the said Corporation or Chairman of the Comon Council of the said Corporation or member of the said Comon Council or Corporation by us by these Presents appointed or hereafter from time to time to be Elected or appointed in manner as aforesaid shall have take or receive directly or Indirectly any Salary Fee perquisite benefit or profit whatsoever for or by reason of his or their serving the said Corporation or Comon Council of the said Corporation as President Chairman or Comon Council man or as being a member of the said Corporation And our will and pleasure is that the said herein before appointed President Chairman and Comon Council men before he and they Act respectively as such shall severally take an Oath for the Faithful and Due Execution of their Trust to be Administered to the President by the Chief Baron of our Court of Exchequer for the time being and by the President of the said Corporation to the rest of the Comon Council who are hereby Authorized Severally and respectively to Administer the same And our will and pleasure is that all and every person and persons who shall have his or their own name or names or in the name or names of any person or persons In trust for him or them or for his or their benefit any Office place or Employment of profit under the Corporation shall be incapable of being Elected a Member of the said Corporation And if any member of the said Corporation during such time as he shall continue a member thereof shall in his own name or in the name of any person or persons In trust for him or for his benefit have hold Exercise accept possess or Enjoy any Office place or Employment of profit under the said Corporation or under the Comon Council of the said Corporation such Member shall from the time of such having holding Exercising accepting possessing and Enjoying such Office Place or Employment of profit cease to be a Member of the said Corporation And wee do for us our Heirs and Successors Grant unto the said Corporation and their Successors that they and their successors or the Major part of such of them as shall be present at any meeting of the said Corporation Convened and Assembled for that purpose by proper and Convenient notice thereof shall have power from time to time and at all times hereafter to Authorize and appoint such persons as they shall think fit to take Subscriptions and to gather and Collect such moneys as shall be by any person or persons Contributed for the purposes aforesaid and shall and may Revoke and make void such Authorities and appointments as often as they shall see cause so to do And wee do hereby for us our Heirs and Successors Ordain and direct that the said Corporation shall every Year lay an Account in writing before the Chancellor or Keeper or Commissioners for the Custody of the Great Seal of Great Britain of us our Heirs and Successors the Chief Justice of the Court of Kings Bench the Master of the Rolls the Chief Justice of the Court of Comon Pleas and the Chief Baron of the Exchequer of us our Heirs and Successors for the time being or any two of them of all moneys or Effects by them received or Expended for the carrying on the good purposes aforsaid And wee do hereby for us our Heirs and Successors Give and Grant unto the said Corporation and their Successors full power and Authority to Constitute Ordain and make such and so many By-laws Constitutions Orders and Ordinances as to them or the greater part of them at their General meeting for that purpose shall seem meet necessary and convenient for the Well Ordering and Governing of the said Corporation And the said By-laws Constitutions Orders and Ordinances or any of them to alter and annull as they or the Major part of them then present shall see requisite And in and by such By-laws Rules Orders and Ordinances to sett Impose and Inflict reasonable pains and penalties upon any Offender or Offenders who shall transgress break or violate the said By-laws Constitutions Orders and Ordinances so made as aforesaid and to mitigate the same as they or the Major part of them then present shall find Cause which said pains and penalties shall and may be levyed sued for taken and retained and recovered by the said Corporation and their Successors or by their Officers and Servants from time to time to be appointed for that purpose by Action of Debt or by any other Lawful Ways and means to the use and behoof of the said Corporation and their Successors all and singular Which By-laws Constitutions Orders and Ordinances so as aforesaid to be made wee will shall be duly Observed and kept under the pains and penalties therein to be contained so always as the said By-laws Constitutions Orders and Ordinances pains and penalties from time to time to be made and Imposed to be reasonable and not contrary or repugnant to the laws or Statutes of this our Realm And that such By-laws Constitutions and Ordinances pains and penalties from time to time to be made and Imposed and any repeal or alteration thereof or of any of them be likewise agreed to be Established and Confirmed by the General meeting of the said Corporation to be held and kept next after the same shall be respectively made And whereas the said Corporation intend to settle a Colony and to make an habitation and plantation in that part of our Province of South Carolina in America hereinafter described Know yee therefore that wee greatly desiring the happy Success of the said Corporation for their further Encouragement in accomplishing so Excellent a work have of our Especial Grace certain Knowledge and Meer Motion Given and Granted And by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors do Give and Grant to the said Corporation and their Successors under the Reservations limitations and Declarations hereafter Expressed seven undivided parts the whole into Eight equal parts to be divided of all those lands Countries and Territories Situate lying and being in that part of South Carolina in America which lies from the most Northern Stream of a River there comonly called the Savannah all along the Sea Coast to the Southward unto the most Southern Stream of a certain other great water or River called the Alatamaha and Westward from the heads of the said Rivers respectively in Direct Lines to the South Seas and all that space Circuit and Precinct of land lying within the said boundaries with the Islands in the Sea lying opposite to the Eastern Coast of the said lands within twenty leagues of the same which are not already inhabited or settled by any Authority derived from the Crown of Great Britain together with all the Soils Grounds Havens Ports Gulfs and Bays Mines as well Royal Mines of Gold and Silver as other Minerals Precious Stones Quarries Woods Rivers waters Fishings as well Royal Fishings of whale and Sturgeon as other Fishings Pearls Comodities Jurisdictions Royalties Franchises Priviledges and Prehemmences within the said Territories and the Precincts thereof and thereunto in any Sort belonging or appertaining and which wee by our letters Patents may or can grant and in as Simple manner and Sort as wee or any our Royal Progenitors have hitherto Granted to any Company Body politic or corporate or to any Adventurer or Adventurers Undertaker or Undertakers of any Discoveries Plantation or Traffick of in or unto any Foreign parts whatsoever and in as large and ample manner as if the same were herein particularly mentioned and Expressed To have hold possess and Enjoy the said Seven undivided parts the whole into Eight equal parts to be divided as aforesaid of all and Singular the said lands Countries and Territories with all and singular other the Premisses hereinbefore by these Presents Granted or mentioned or intended to be Granted to them the said Corporation and their Successors for ever for the better support of the said Colony to be holden of us our heirs and Successors as of our honour of Hampton Court in our County of Middlesex in Free and Comon Soccage and not in Capite Yeilding and paying therefore to us our heirs and Successors yearly for ever the sume of Four shillings for every Hundred acres of the said lands which the said Corporation shall Grant Demise Plant or settle the said payment not to Comence or be made until ten Years after such Grant Demise Planting or Settling and to be Answered and paid to us our Heirs and Successors in such manner and in such Species of money or Notes as shall be Current in payment by Proclamation from time to time in our said Province of South Carolina All which lands Countries Territories and Premisses hereby Granted or mentioned or intended to be Granted wee do by these Presents make Erect and Create one Independent and seperate Province by the name of Georgia by which name wee will the same henceforth to be called And that all and every person and persons who shall at any time hereafter Inhabit or reside within our said Province shall be and are hereby declared to be Free and shall not be Subject to or bound to obey any laws Orders Statutes or Constitutions which have been heretofore made Ordered or Enacted or which hereafter shall be made Ordered or Enacted by for or as the laws Orders Statutes or Constitutions of our said Province of South Carolina save and Except only the Command in Chief of the Militia of our said Province of Georgia to our Governor for the time being of South Carolina in the manner hereinafter declared but shall be Subject to and bound to obey such laws Orders Statutes and Constitutions as shall from time to time be made Ordered and Enacted for the better Government of the said Province of Georgia in the manner hereinafter directed And wee do hereby for us our Heirs and Successors Ordain Will and Establish that for and during the Term of one and twenty years to Comence from the date of these our letters Patent the said Corporation Assembled for that purpose shall and may form and prepare laws Statutes and Ordinances fit and necessary for and concerning the Government of the said Colony and not repugnant to the laws and Statutes of England and the same shall and may present under their Comon Seal to us our Heirs and Successors in our or their Privy Council for our or their Approbation or Disallowance And the said laws Statutes and Ordinances being approved by us our Heirs and Successors in our or their Privy Council shall from thenceforth be in full force and virtue within our said Province of Georgia And for as much as the Good and prosperous Success of the said Colony cannot but cheifley depend next under the blessing of God and the support of our Royal Authority upon the provident and good direction of the whole Enterprise And that it will be too great a burthen upon all the Members of the said Corporation to be Convened so often as may be requisite to hold meetings for the settling supporting Ordering and maintaining Such Colony Therefore wee do will Ordain and Establish that the said Comon Council for the time being of the said Corporation being Assembled for that purpose or the Major part of them shall from time to time and at all times hereafter have full power and Authority to dispose of Expend and apply all the monies and Effects belonging to he said Corporation in such manner and ways and in such Expences as they shall think best to Conduce to the carrying on and Effecting the good purposes herein mentioned and intended and also shall have full power in the name and on the Account of the said Corporation and with and under their Comon Seale to Enter into any Covenants and Contracts for carrying on and Effecting the purposes aforesaid And our further will and pleasure is that the said Comon Council for the time being or the Major part of such of the said Comon Council which shall be present and Assembled for that purpose from time to time and at all times hereafter shall and may Nominate Contribute and appoint a Treasurer or Treasurers Secretary or Secretarys and such other Officers Ministers and Servants of the said Corporation as to them or the Major part of such of them as shall be present shall seem proper or requisite for the good management of their Affaires and at their will and pleasure to displace remove and put out such Treasurer or Treasurers Secretary or Secretarys and all such other Officers Ministers or Servants as often as they shall think fit so to do and others in the Room Office place or Stead of him or them so Displeased removed or put out to nominate Constitute and appoint and shall and may Determine and appoint such reasonable Salaries perquisites or other Rewards for the labour or Service of such Officers Servants and persons as to the said Comon Council shall seem meet and all such Officers shall before they Sit in their respective Offices take an Oath to be to them Administered by the Chairman for the time being of the said Comon Council of the said Corporation who is hereby Authorized to Administer the same for the faithful and Due Execution of their respective Offices and places And our will and pleasure is that all and every person and persons who shall from time to time be Chosen or appointed Treasurer or Treasurers Secretary or Secretarys of the said Corporation in manner hereinbefore directed shall during such time as they shall serve in the said Offices respectively be incapaable of being a member of the said Corporation And wee do further of our Especial Grace certain Knowledge and Meer Motion for us our Heirs and Successors Grant by these Presents to the said Corporation and their Successors that it shall be lawful for them and their Officers or Agents at all times hereafter to transport and Convey out of our Realm of Great Britain or any other our Dominions into the said Province of Georgia to be there settled all such and so many of our Loving Subjects or any Foreigners that are willing to become our Subjects and live under our Allegiance in the said Colony as shall willingly go to Inhabit and reside there with sufficient shipping Armour weapons Ordnance Munition Powder Shot Victuals and such Merchandize or wares as are Esteemed by the Wild people in those parts Cloathing Implements Furniture Cattle Horses Mares and all other things necessary for the said Colony and for their use and Defence and trade with the people there and in passing and returning to and from the same Also wee Do for us our Heirs and Successors declare by these Presents that all and every the persons which shall happen to be born within the said Province and every of their Children and Posterity shall have and Enjoy all Liberties Franchises and Immunities of Free Denizens and natural born Subjects within any of our Dominions to all intents and purposes as if they had been abiding and born within this our Kingdom of Great Britain or any other of our Dominions And for the greater Ease and Encouragement of our Loving Subjects and such others as shall come to Inhabit in our said Colony wee do by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors Grant Establish and Ordain that for ever hereafter there shall be a liberty of conscience allowed in the Worship of God to all persons Inhabiting or which shall Inhabit or be Resident within our said Province And that all such persons Except Papists shall have a Free Exercise of their Religion so they be contented with the quiet and peaceable Enjoyment of the Same not giving Offence or Scandal to the Government And our further will and pleasure is And wee do hereby for us our Heirs and Successors declare and Grant that it shall and may be lawful for the said Comon Council or the Major part of them Assembled for that purpose in the name of the Corporation and under their Comon Seal to Distribute Convey Assigne and Settover such particular portions of the lands Tenements and hereditaments by these Presents Granted to the said Corporation unto such of loving Subjects Natural born or Denizens or others that shall be willing to become Subjects and live under our Allegiance in the said Colony upon such Terms and for Such Estates and upon such Rents Reservations and Conditions as the same may lawfully be Granted and as to the said Comon Council or the Major part of them so present shall seem fit and proper Provided always that no Grant shall be made of any part of the said lands unto any person being a member of the said Corporation or to any other person In Trust for or for the benefit of any Member of the said Corporation And that no person having any Estate or Interest in law or Equity in any part of the said lands shall be capable of being a member of the said Corporation During the continuance of such Estate or Interest Provided also that no greater quantity of the said land be Granted either entirely or in parcels to or to the use of or In trust for any one person than Five Hundred Acres And that all Grants made contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof shall be absolutely null and void And we do hereby Grant and Ordain that such person and persons for the time being as shall be thereunto appointed by the said Corporation shall and may at all times and from time to time hereafter have full power and Authority to Administer and give the Oaths appointed by an Act of Parliament made in the First year of the Reign of our late Royal Father to be taken instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and also the Oath of Abjuration to all and every person and persons which shall at any time be Inhabiting or residing within our said Colony And in like Cases to Administer the solemn Affirmation to any of the persons comonly called Quakers in such manner as by the laws of our Realm of Great Britain the same may be Administered And wee do of our further Grace certain Knowledge and Meer Motion Grant Establish and Ordain for us our Heirs and Successors that the said Corporation and their Successors shall have full power and Authority for and during the Term of one and twenty years to Comence from the Date of these our letters Patents to Erect and Constitute jurisdictions and Courts of Record or other Courts to be held in the name of us our Heirs and Successors for the hearing and determining of all manner of Crimes Offences Pleas processes Plaints Actions matters Causes and things whatsoever arising or happening within the Province of Georgia or between persons Inhabiting or residing there whether the same be Criminal or Civil And whether the said Crimes be Capital or not Capital And whether the said Pleas be Real personal or mixed and for Awarding and making out Executions thereupon to which Courts and Judicatures wee do hereby for us our Heirs and Successors Give and Grant full power and Authority from time to time to Administer oaths for the Discovery of truth in any matter in Controversy or Depending before them or the Solemn Affirmation to any of the persons comonly called Quakers in such manner as by the laws of our Realme of Great Britain the same may be Administered And our further will and pleasure is that the said Corporation and their Successors do from time to time and at all times hereafter Register or cause to be Registered all such leases Grants Plantings Conveyances Settlements and Improvements whatsoever as shall at any time hereafter be made by or in the name of the said Corporation of any lands Tenements or hereditaments within the said Province and shall yearly send or transmit or cause to be sent and transmitted Authentick Account of such leases Grants Conveyances Settlements and Improvements respectively unto the Auditor of the Plantations for the time being or his Deputy and also to our Surveyor for the time being of our Said Province of South Carolina to whom we do hereby Grant full power and Authority from time to time as often as need shall require to inspect and Survey such of the said lands and Premisses as shall be demised Granted and settled as aforesaid which said Survey and Inspection wee do hereby Declare to be intended to Ascertain the Quit Rents which shall from time to time become due to us our Heirs and Successors according to the Reservation hereinbefore mentioned and for no other purpose whatsoever hereby for us our Heirs and Successors Strictly Enjoying and Commanding that neither our or their Surveyor or any person whatsoever under the pretext and Colour of making the said Survey or Inspection shall take Demand or receive any Gratuity Fee or Reward of or from any person or persons Inhabiting in the said Colony or from the said Corporation or Comon Council thereof on the pain of Forfeiture of their Office or Offices and Incurring our highest Displeasure Provided always And our further will and pleasure is that all leases Grants and Conveyances to be made by or in the name of the said Corporation of any lands within the said Province or a Memorial containing the Substance and Effect thereof shall be Registered with the Auditor of the Plantations of us our Heirs and Successors within the space of one Year to be Computed from the Date thereof otherwise the same shall be void And our further will and pleasure is that the Rents Issues and all other profits which shall at any time hereafter come to the said Corporation Issuing or Arising out of or from the said Province or out of or from any part or parcel of the same shall from time to time and at all times hereafter be laid out and applied in such Expenses and in such manner as the said Comon Council of the said Corporation or the Major part of such of them as shall be present at any meeting for that purpose Assembled shall think will most Improve and Enlarge the said Colony and best Answer the good purposes hereinbefore mentioned and for Defraying all other charges about the same And our will and pleasure is that the said Corporation and their Successors shall from time to time give unto one of the Principal Secretaries of State and to the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations Accountes of the Progress of the said Colony And our will and Pleasure is that no Act done at any meeting of the said Comon Council of the said Corporation shall be Effectual and valid unless Eight members at least of the said Comon Council including the member who shall serve as Chairman at the said meeting be present and the Major part of them consenting thereunto And our will and pleasure is that the Comon Council of the said Corporation for the time being or the Major part of them who shall be present being Assembled for that purpose shall from time to time for during and until the full End and Expiration of twenty one years to Comence from the Date of these our letters Patent have full power and Authority to nominate make Constitute Commission Ordain and appoint by such name or names Stile or Stiles as to them shall seem meet and fitting All and Singular such Governors Judges Magistrates Ministers and Officers Civil and Military both by Sea and land within the said District as shall by them be thought fit and needful to be made or used for the Government of the said Colony (save always and Except such Officers only as shall by us our Heirs and Successors be from time to time Constituted and appointed for the managing Collecting and receiving such Revenues as shall from time to time Arise within the said Province of Georgia and become due to us our Heirs and Successors) Provided always And it is our will and pleasure that every Governor of the said Province of Georgia to be appointed by the Comon Council of the said Corporation before he shall enter upon or Execute the said Office of Governor shall be allowed and approved by us our Heirs or Successors and shall take such Oaths and shall qualify himself in such manner in all respects as any Governor or Commander in Chief of any of our Colonys or Plantations in America are by law required to do and shall give good and sufficient Security for observing the several Acts of Parliament relating to trade and navigation and to observe and obey all Instructions that shall be sent to him by us our Heirs or Successors or any Acting under our or their Authority pursuant to the said Acts or any of them And wee do by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors Will Grant and Ordain that the said Corporation And their Successors shall have full power for and during and until the full End and Term of one and Twenty years to Comence from the Date of these our letters Patent by any Comander or other Officer or Officers by them for that purpose from time to time appointed to Train Instruct Exercise and Govern a Militia for the Special Defence and Safety of our said Colony to Assemble in Martial Array and put in warlike posture the Inhabitants of the said Colony and to lead and Conduct them and with them to Encounter Expulse repel resist and pursue by force of Arms as well by Sea as by land within or without the limits of our said Colony and also to kill Slay destroy and Conquer by all fitting ways Enterprizes and means whatsoever all and every such person and persons as shall at any time hereafter in an hostile manner Attempt or Enterprize the destruction Invasion Detriment or Annoyance of our said Colony and to use and Exercise the law Martial in time of Actual war Invasion or Rebellion in such Cases whereby law the same may be used or Exercised and also from time to time to Erect Forts and Fortify any place or places within our said Colony and the same to Furnish with all necessary Ammunition Provision and Stores of war for Offence and Defence and to comit from time to time the Custody and Government of the same to such person or persons as to them shall seem meet and the said Forts and Fortifications to demolish at their pleasure and to take and Surprize by all ways and means whatsoever all and every such person or persons with their Ships Arms Ammunition and other goods as shall an hostile manner invade or attempt the invading Conquering or Annoying of our said Colony And our will and pleasure is And wee do hereby for us our Heirs and Successors Declare and Grant That the Governor or Comander in Chief of the Province of South Carolina of us our Heirs and Successors for the time being shall at all times hereafter have the Chief Comand of the Militia of our said Province hereby Erected and Established and that such Militia shall observe and Obey all Orders and Directions that shall from time to time be given or sent to them by the said Governor or Comander in Chief any thing in these Presents before contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And of our Especial Grace certain Knowledge and Meer Motion wee have Given and Granted And by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors do Give and Grant unto the said Corporation and their Successors full power and Authority to Import and Export their Goods at and from any port or Ports that shall be appointed by us our Heirs or Successors within the said Province of Georgia for that purpose without being Obliged to touch at any other Port in Carolina And wee do by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors will and declare that from and after the Determination of the said Term of one and twenty years such Form of Government and Method of making laws Statutes and Ordinances for the better Governing and Ordering the said Province of Georgia and the Inhabitants thereof shall be Established and observed within the same as wee our Heirs or Successors shall hereafter Ordain and appoint and shall be Agreeable to law And that from and after the Determination of the said Term of One and twenty years the Governor of our said Province of Georgia and all Officers Civil and Military within the same shall from time to time be nominated Constituted and appointed by us our Heirs and Successors And lastly wee do hereby for us our Heirs and Successors Grant unto the said Corporation and their Successors that these our letters Patents or the Inrollment or Exemplification thereof shall be in and by all things good firm valid Sufficient and Effectual in the law according to the time intent and meaning thereof and shall be taken Construed and adjudged in all our Courts and elsewhere in the most favourable and beneficial sense and for the best advantage of the said Corporation and their Successors any Omission Imperfection Defect matter cause of thing whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding in witness as witness our self at Westminster the ninth day of June
By Writt of Privy Seal