Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar/List of abbreviations
The following abbreviations have occasionally been used for works and periodicals frequently quoted:—
AJSL. | = | American Journal of Semitic Languages. |
CIS. | = | Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum. |
Ed.Mant. | = | Biblia Hebraica ex recensione Sal. Norzi edidit Raphael Ḥayyim Basila, Mantuae 1742-4. |
Jabl. | = | Biblia Hebraica ex recensione D. E. Jablonski, Berolini, 1699. |
JQR. | = | Jewish Quarterly Review. |
KAT.3 | = | Die Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament, 3rd ed. by H. Zimmern and H. Winckler, 2 vols., Berlin, 1902 f. |
Lexicon | = | A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, based on the Thesaurus and Lexicon of Gesenius, by F. Brown, S. R. Driver, and C. A. Briggs, Oxford, 1906. |
NB. | = | J. Barth, Die Nominalbildung in den semitischen Sprachen. Lpz. 1889-94. |
NGGW. | = | Nachrichten der Göttinger Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. |
OLZ. | = | Orientalistische Literaturzeitung. Vienna, 1898 ff. |
PRE. | = | Realencyclopädie für protestantische Theologie und Kirche, 3rd ed. by A. Hauck. Lpz. 1896 ff. |
PSBA | = | Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archæology. London, 1879 ff. |
REJ. | = | Revue des Études Juives. Paris, 1880 ff. |
Sam. | = | The (Hebrew) Pentateuch of the Samaritans. |
SBOT. | = | Sacred Books of the Old Testament, ed. by P. Haupt. Lpz. and Baltimore, 1893 ff. |
ThLZ. | = | Theologische Literaturzeitung, ed. by E. Schürer. Lpz. 1876 ff. |
VB. | = | Vorderasiatische Bibliothek, ed. by A. Jeremias and H. Winckler. Lpz. 1907 ff. |
ZA. | = | Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete, ed. by C. Bezold. Lpz. 18S6 ff. |
ZAW. | = | Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, ed. by B. Stade, Giessen, 1881 ff., and since 1907 by K. Marti. |
ZDMG. | = | Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Lpz. 1846 ff., since 1903 ed. by A. Fischer. |
ZDPV. | = | Zeitschrift des deutschen Palästinavereins, Lpz. 1878 ff., since 1903 ed. by C. Steuernagel. |