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Gesta Romanorum Vol. II (1871)/Of celestial Dew

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Gesta Romanorum Vol. II (1871)
Anonymous, translated by Charles Swan
Of celestial Dew
Anonymous2273044Gesta Romanorum Vol. II — Of celestial Dew1871Charles Swan



Pliny says that there is a certain land in which neither dew nor rain falls. Consequently, there is a general aridness; but in this country there is a single fountain, from which when people would draw water, they are accustomed to approach with all kinds of musical instruments, and so march around it for a length of time. The melody which they thus produce, sweetens the water, and ascending to the fountain head, makes it flow forth in great abundance, so that all men are able to obtain as much as they will. (46)


My beloved, the arid land is man; the fountain God; the musical instruments, devotional exercises.

Note 46.Page 226.

I am unable to find this account in Pliny. In the second Book, cap. ciii., and in the thirty-first, cap. ii., the reader will find many wonderful properties of fountains, but that of gushing forth to musical sounds appeareth not.