Glory Special & 19618 other titles/13
- Sing a song - Rena Presley
- Singing a happy song - Ezra Knight
- Teach me, Lord - Eugene McCammon
- The pathway of life - Clarence E. Jones
- Unending joy - Allen L. Williams
- Valley of roses and sunshine - Clarence E. Jones
- We will be happy - Earl H. Foust
- We'll be reunited yonder - Belton Cobb
- Ring out his praise! By Joseph E. Gregory.
- What a wonderful love - Slaughter B. Reed
- When all the redeemed reach home - Otha Foust
- When he calls for me - Odis B. Moore
- Won't you come and go with me? By K. Wayne Guffey.
- Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross - Leon Sherron & Dormon Grubbs
- King of Kings - Doc V. R. Dooley
- Jesus is King - Byron L. Reid
- He saved me - Wanda Short Ward
- I believe in heaven - Glenn Wilson
- Just as I am - Glenn Wilson
- I'm happy today - Tracey Phillips
- My refuge - Ken Ward
- Jesus loves you - Mrs. S. D. Bruton
- I'll not stop (until you call me home) By J. Sue Boggess.
- When we stand before the King - Nelson R. Tester
- It's almost time - Michael Mimbs
- He's coming soon - Wanda Short Ward
- Hear my prayer, O Lord - Gerald A. Beathard
- In the center of your will - Michael Mimbs & Dewell Pitts
- Straight is the way, narrow is the path - Dewell Pitts & Patty Pritchard
- He paid the price - April Daniel
- Give me a soul winning song to sing - Nelson Daugherty & Codella Daugherty
- A soft gentle wind - Dewell Pitts & Patty Pritchard
- Gloryland - Kathy Perkins
- I've been thinking of heaven - Curtis R. Garner
- There's no other one - Glenn Cline
- I'll sing of his love - Bobby Keys
- God's grace - Betty Marie Reid
- It's too good not to be true - W. Elmo Mercer
- Heaven for you and me - Darrell Ray Maddox
- A home through all seasons / Interlude 1. By William B. Bradbury.
- A home through all seasons / Interlude 2. By Gary Lanier.
- A home through all seasons / Interlude 3. By Gary Lanier.
- I will sing - Gary Lanier
- Miriam - Gary Lanier
- The wicked pharaoh - Gary Lanier
- There's a basket on the water - Gary Lanier
- Look! There's a baby boy - Gary Lanier
- Care for the child - Gary Lanier
- When someone cares - Gary Lanier
- School today - Gary Lanier
- Too wide, too deep, too big - Gary Lanier
- God will take you through - Gary Lanier
- I'm just a stranger here - Albert E. Brumley
- O Lord, I feel so weary - John Mark Cook
- Near to the heart of God - Lari Goss
- Jesus loves me - Lari Goss
- Sweet hour of prayer - Lari Goss
- My Jesus, I love thee - Lari Goss
- It must be a wonderful place - B. B. Edmiaston & Ruby Smith
- Let your spirit flow through me - Stephen R. Adams
- In the shadow of the cross - Hubert Armstrong
- What will you tell the world? By Gerald A. Beathard.
- Talk to the Lord - Miriam Biddle
- Our home, sweet home - Travis Bottoms
- They are singing his glory - Travis Bottoms
- Prepare to meet thy God - Sherill Brown
- He is always with me - S. D. Bruton
- Earth's tallest hill - Otis Burdette, Jr
- Movin' away - Robert J. Butts, Sr. & Bobby Butts
- Music over the sea - Bobby Butts & Leon Sherron
- Nothing important has changed - Jack Clark
- Just a little while - Belton Cobb
- Healer of broken hearts - Sydney G. Coble
- Into the garden - Alan Mahaffey & Thurman E. Coffey
- You new me before I knew you - Thomas R. Wilson & W. K. (Buck) Compelube
- God will take us all home - Doc V. R. Dooley
- Honey 'round the rock - Doc V. R. Dooley
- Tell me more - Kathy Perkins & Kathleen Doss
- In the morning - Luther Drummond
- I'm on a visit here - Otha Foust
- This day you will be with me - Earl H. Foust
- Joy when the sun goes down - T. L. Gilley, Jr
- Walking with Christ, my king - T. L. Gilley, Jr
- Forever and ever, amen - Emory E. Wood & Joseph E. Gregory
- Jonah - K. Wayne Guffey
- I have a longing to go - Patty Pritchard & Larry L. Hale
- There's coming a day - Patty Pritchard & Larry L. Hale
- It is God - Ree Johnson
- It's just Jesus and me - Clarence E. Jones
- The shadow of love - Clarence E. Jones
- I'll sing of his love - Bobby Keys
- I love the Lord - Ezra Knight
- Lead me gently on - Ezra Knight
- I'll thank the Lord - Nathan R. Lane
- The Prince of my peace - Harold Lane
- My Lord will be there waiting - Al C. Locke
- Enough for me - Ann Maddox & Darrell Ray Maddox
- Come go with me - Alan Mahaffey & Ken Ward
- He is all I need - Alan Mahaffey
- Just a pilgrim - Alan Mahaffey
- Be not weary in well doing - Eugene McCammon
- O it makes me feel so good - Eugene McCammon
- Wondrous grace - Eugene McCammon & Glenn Wilson
- Standing in the presence of the Lord - Deric McClard
- There's been a change in me - Michael Mimbs
- He is so wonderful to me - Odis B. Moore
- Jesus came for you and me - Don R. Moore
- I will serve the Lord - Vicki Short O'Brien
- O won't that be a happy day - Slaughter B. Reed
- Great homecoming day - Byron L. Reid & Byron E. Reid
- My journey to heaven - Byron L. Reid & Susan Pace Wishard
- There we'll abide - Joe Roper
- Feeling fine - Deloise Sellers
- Get right - Deloise Sellers
- Let's praise the Lord - Nelson R. Tester
- I'm safe in his arms - Wanda Short Ward
- One of these days - Wanda Short Ward
- Fill my heart - Keith Wilkerson
- Never such a friend - Allen L. Williams
- Get on board the glory train - Dorsey C. Yarbrough
- All hail the power - Lari Goss
- Amazing grace - Lari Goss
- Brethren, we have met to worship - Lari Goss
- I need thee every hour - Lari Goss
- It is well with my soul - Lari Goss
- Just as I am - Lari Goss
- May Jesus Christ be praised - Lari Goss
- O worship the King / O come, all ye faithful. By Lari Goss.
- Savior like a shepherd lead us - Lari Goss
- Shall we gather at the river? By Lari Goss.
- Softly and tenderly - Lari Goss
- 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus - Lari Goss
- When the roll is called up yonder - Lari Goss
- He is risen - Gary Lanier
- There has to be a song - Bob Benson
- In the sweet by and by - Don Sumner
- Farther along - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & John Starling
- Howdy-do - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- I have found a resting place - Alfred Barratt & V. O. Fossett
- To Jesus I'm resigning - Albert E. Brumley
- Higher - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
- Faith of our fathers - Jack Taylor
- Heaven can't be so far away - Ernest Edwards
- A friend is he - James A. Gray
- A friend so wonderful - Herbert Craft
- A friend that sticketh closer (than a brother) By Samuel E. Moore.
- A friend to man - Roland J. Daniel
- A glad and bright tomorrow - Clyde W. White
- A gleam of glory - W. O. Hyatt
- A glimpse of heaven - M. Verlee Taylor & James C. Hubbard
- A God of creation - Claude Kenyon
- A God of love - Hale Reeves
- A great day in the morning - Mae Johnson
- A great homecoming day - David Robertson
- A great homecoming - Jimmie M. Jacobs
- A foretaste of heaven - Bobby Butts & Dormon Grubbs
- A happy home - Elmer F. Alexander
- A happy time in heaven - Virgie Smith & Cam Whaley
- A happy, wonderful day - Cecil Fisher
- A holy city - Ishmael J. Kirby
- Away over yonder - E. M. Bartlett
- A home beyond the river - Mrs. Gerald Bynum
- A home up in heaven - Nena Sharp
- A light in the window - James L. Glover & Mrs. James Glover
- A little graveyard in the pines - Terry Pillow
- A long time building - Rena Presley
- A loving Savior - John W. James
- A million years from now - Dorsey C. Yarbrough
- A dream of heaven - Malcolm Jones
- Bread on the waters - M. H. McKee
- Bound for the Promised Land - P. J. Woodard
- Blest happy day! By J. N. Johns.
- Beside still waters - Thomas R. Wilson
- Because there's glory in my soul - Aubrey Douthitt
- Beautiful home - W. M. DeVaughn
- Angels, take me home - Luther Banta
- Alone with God - C. Robert Huntress
- A wonderful Savior is he - Robert E. Arnold
- A stranger and a pilgrim - Monroe Lewis
- A song of praise - Charles Speed
- A song in my heart - D. W. Hooton & G. C. Denham
- A singing convention in the air - R. L. Rust
- A preview of heaven - William A. McKinney
- A new touch - Linda Robinson
- A new home in Glory Land - Hansel Hunter
- A new-born soul - Renus E. Rich
- A morning prayer - Jesse W. Baker
- A model life - Mrs. Raymond Priest
- A melody of love - Sue Doggett
- His love is ever with me - L. W. Maynard
- Hear the bells of heaven - Walter E. Howell
- He's my everything - Joe Delk
- He's keeping my soul - Wayne Dennis
- He'll lead you home - S. D. Bruton
- He saw me sin - Keith Wilkerson
- He keeps me singing (in the darkest night) By Curtiss S. Pearson.
- He holds my hand - P. J. Woodard
- He gave to me a song - Joe E. Parks
- He gave to me a song - Willard Cabe
- He gave my heart a song - W. H. Davis
- He finds the time - Luther G. Presley
- He cares for me - Lavaughn Koger
- He came - Ira B. Dykes
- Going to live with Jesus - S. D. Bruton
- Going over Jordan - Mrs. J. C. Bryant
- God's love light - Simmie T. Mann
- God's hand of love - Fred Woodruff
- God showed his love - Billy Joe Cagle
- Glory awaits me - J. A. Miller
- Get in touch of heaven in your soul - Robert E. Arnold
- Give them the roses now - Thurman H. Smith
- Get in tune with heaven now - A. L. Clanton
- Get a little closer to the Lord - G. E. Wright
- Gentle Shepherd, lead me - Jesse Macbeth
- For the boys in the service - Walter McCord
- For Christ alone - Ben H. Hoskins
- How the burdens roll away - Mary E. Hamrick
- Facing the sunset - Dodge Lucus
- Ev'rybody singing over there - Charles R. Woods
- Every knee shall bow - Barbara J. Griffith
- Dis train - A. B. Sebren
- Deliverance at the Red Sea - L. O. Bynum
- I gotta longing to go home - G. L. Baker
- The city of God - C. M. Wilkins
- A few words with Jesus - Bill Henry
- What wonderful singing - E. M. Latham
- The Father's love - J. E. Hudson
- When his love found me - H. H. Martin
- A friend divine - Luther M. Hutchins & Loyce Mitchell
- A friend indeed - W. L. Matheson
- Come on and sing - George Andrews
- I've had an introduction - J. R. Varner
- I'm traveling on - J. I. Thomas
- Christ is the answer - Jane S. Rogowski and W. L. (Bill) Hopper
- Calvary's bloodstained brow - W. B. Waldrop, Sr
- It's only a step away - Bryant Johnson
- It cleanseth thee - Wayne M. Garrison
- In heaven we shall sing - Elmer Johnson
- In glory we shall sing - Cecil Milligan
- I've purposed in my heart - Sherill Brown
- I've got to cross that lonely river - Alton Delmore
- I've found his love - Horace A. Kennedy
- I've a grand new feeling - Robert E. Arnold
- I've gotta mansion - Mrs. C. C. Yarbrough
- In the land of the unsetting sun - J. R. Varner
- I'm only a pilgrim - Thomas W. Gholson
- I'll meet you there - J. R. Varner
- I am anchored in his love - J. R. Varner
- I'm marching homeward - Walter E. Howell
- I'm happy - G. C. Cheairs
- I'm gonna shout hallelujah - T. M. Bishop
- I'm gonna give up this old world - J. D. Patrtick
- I'm going there to live forever - J. N. Johns
- I'm glad that I was raised (in a Christian home) By Orgel Mason.
- I'm dreaming of home - Mrs. Fred Ashmore
- I'm gonna shout all over heaven - Malcolm Jones
- I'm gonna sail - Faye Walters
- I'll stroll along the streets of gold - Clyde Williams
- I'll be singing in my new home - Arvil Clark
- I'll tell you a story - J. Oscar Grace
- I will be no stranger - Clyde Williams
- I want to meet you up there - Duluth Phifer
- I want to meet you over there - K. Wayne Guffey
- If you want to ride - Charlie Cain
- If you just knew - Donnave Gardner
- If we let Jesus guide - H. C. Finley
- I put my faith in Jesus - Eva Ree Tilley
- I need the love of my Lord - Walter E. Howell
- I love to tell the story - Bryant Johnson
- I heard him calling - R. T. Griffin
- I have no fear - C. H. Mansell
- I have been set free - T. O. Miller
- I found it on my knees in prayer - A. L. Clanton
- I feel that I'm unworthy - Hurdist Milsap
- I don't want to get adjusted - Sanford J. Massengale
- I don't have far to travel - Henry J. Donohue
- I can truly love him - Mrs. C. R. Melton
- I can tell somebody has prayed - Fred Rich
- I can hear my mother say - J. M. Collier
- I believe Jonah's preaching - A. A. Worsham
- I believe in Jesus - Clyde W. White
- I am waiting for him - E. T. Isbell
- I am satisfied - J. Chesley Quillen
- I am on the way - Ruby Lee Williams
- I am on my way - W. A. Rash
- I am thinking of Mother - J. H. Holley
- I am happy in Jesus - Ross F. Chambers
- I am going to my home - Gaskell Warren
- I am glad - John Christy
- Just the gifts we gave away - Walter McCord
- Jesus is my guiding light - Virgil O. Fleming
- Jesus is leading - Lillan Howell
- Jesus is his name - Charles B. Atkins, Jr
- Jesus is coming back again - B. I. Cline
- Jesus gave his all - Mrs. Ellis Short, Jr
- L-O-V-E. By Herbert Wendel Austin.
- Look for tomorrow - B. I. Cline
- Look for me over there - W. M. Daniel
- Lights along the glory shore - R. H Cunningham
- Life will never end - Roy Orr
- Life on the other side - Wesley R. Daniel
- No more lonely - Mrs. W. F. Ellison
- Let's give him praise - Fred Rich
- Love for him - Samuel W. Beazley
- Let me hear again the story - G. E. Wright
- Keep the home fires burning - S. E. Reed
- Riding the billows of God's love - Burl Carter
- Remember your vow - N. Keith Ledsome
- Press along to the victory - Aaron M. Wilson
- Only the crumbs - Ulo K. Hall
- One church - Luther Craighead
- One by one - Jesse W. Baker
- On that great homecoming day - Luther M. Hutchins
- O what will your answer be? By W. W. Shaver.
- No where to rest my load - Imogene Stalling Pyle
- No time for Jesus - Mrs. Billy Brooks
- Narrow is the way - Mrs. C. R. Melton
- My Savior cares for me - Pauline Speagle
- My record will be there - Mrs. J. A. Brown
- My new home - Al C. Locke
- Mem'ries of loved ones - W. T. Buchanan
- Memories of Mother - Lester Williams
- May I spend my morning right - Arlie J. T. Sharp
- Marching with Jesus - Walter E. Howell
- Marching to Gloryland - P. J. Woodard
- Marching on - Robert S. Craft
- Mansions in glory - L. C. Newman
- Tune and listen in - Fred Rich
- Thinking of heaven - Thomas W. Gholson
- They crucified the Lord - Clifford W. Hatcher
- There's a song in my soul - O. L. Dunlap
- There is no other way - Jewell Cobell Martin
- The years of time - L. O. Bynum
- The time's drawing near / By G. C. O'Briant.
- The sunrise is coming soon - Walter McCord
- The peace of God - James E. Noble
- The middle cross was mine - A. L. Clanton
- The meeting over there - J. Milton Spires
- Walk in the light - Travis Bottoms & B. B. Edmiaston
- I have a mansion - B. B. Edmiaston, W. B. Huggins & G. W. Bobo
- Wonderful Jesus - Clyde Williams, B. B. Edmiaston & William A. McKinney
- The homeland of the soul - Mrs. W. A. Nelson & Mrs. J. G. Lusk
- I am so glad - William A. McKinney & Lester Williams
- Waiting for the rising sun - U. G. Carr & H. H. Conway
- I never know - Mrs. Roy J. Phillips & Mrs. Roy Cox
- While ages roll - Quennion Sharver & Wanda Sharver
- Shall I hear his well done? By Glynna VonFloyd & E. M. Latham.
- Some day - C. R. Melton & Mrs. C. R. Melton
- I firmly build on Christ the rock - J. R. Baxter, Jr., T. S. Williams & Jack Springer
- Walking with my Savior - Pat H. Baxter & John L. Shrader
- What a wondrous Savior - W. W. Combs & B. B. Edmiaston
- Shine where you are - Joe E. Parks & Daniel J. Cockerham
- Something so real - Elsie Hunter & Byron Pollard
- I shall rise to meet my King - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & L. E. Butrum
- Stepping along to Glory Land - Clyde Williams & Lester Williams
- Safe in his arms - W. K. (Buck) Compelube & M. Lynnwood Smith
- With him I'll ever be - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & O. V. Grice
- I want to tell it - B. B. Edmiaston & O. O. Kidd
- I can't keep from praying - B. B. Edmiaston & Carl Young
- I heard the voice - Lewis C. Allen & B. B. Edmiaston
- I found his love - C. R. Melton & John Hull
- I can almost hear the trumpet - Sandra Garrison & Phillip D. Garrison
- Talking to Mother - Erma Jewel Newman & J. E. Roane
- I have a house not made with hands - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & S. L. Wallace
- We'll go sailing to paradise - B. B. Edmiaston & James H. Chandler
- I can't forget you blessed Lord - Ernest Rippetoe & W. A. Washburn
- I am saved by grace divine - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Dero W. Abbott
- The friend most true - Velma McGee & Mrs. William W. Benson
- When we get there - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & O. V. Grice
- There is joy - Reuel Wilson
- Let Jesus swell within your soul - D. A. Roberson & Vernie Pritchard
- Lead me on - D. A. Hunter & J. W. Payte
- The beautiful home - Jesse Cook
- Where he leads me - Ernest Rippetoe & E. W. Blandy
- O that beautiful home - Rupert Cravens & B. F. White
- When we all get home - Adger M. Pace & S. L. Williams
- The city called Heaven - Henry L. Thompson
- Talking with the angels there - B. E. Fulmer
- Memories of my childhood - Floyd Butler
- There's a mansion for me - Mrs. John Rice & Marvin S. Gassaway
- Love bells - Bonnie Craft & W. Allan Sims
- Jesus is the friend you need - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & J. Floy DeVaughan
- Just a few more days - W. F. Burton, Urey S. Lindsey & Minzo C. Jones
- I am happy ev'ry day - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Wilbur Wilson
- I'm going home - Jim Varner & S. L. Wallace
- I am happy - L. E. Green & C. D. Williams
- Let me live for my Savior - Peggy Shipley & Jesse Cook
- Keep on singing - B. B. Edmiaston & Ernest Rippetoe
- No other hand can safely guide - Jim Varner & Carl B. Story
- My soul is free - Mrs. William W. Benson
- My Savior walks with me - B. B. Edmiaston & A. O. Dunlap
- My precious one - Mrs. Dallas W. Black & Clyde Williams
- Mother's love - Carl B. Story & J. R. Varner
- Mother's pray'r - Pat H. Baxter & Charles E. Sizemore
- Mothers don't weep - B. B. Edmiaston & Lester Williams
- Master here am I - W. B. Huggins & G. W. Bobo
- Marching on to Glory Land - Clyde Williams
- Traveling on the glory road - Isaiah Smith & Urey S. Lindsey
- This fleeting life - N. O. Saint John & Rupert Cravens
- There is joy in knowing Jesus - Mrs. W. Bryant Apple & Y. Jefford
- The rugged hill - Alfred Barratt & J. Noble Moore
- The bells of home - E. L. Wright
- I am looking to Jesus - Claude Kenyon & Frank White
- You're gonna be sorry - Fred Woodruff
- Won't you come and go along with me? By Walter E. Howell.
- Wonderful is Jesus - Luther L. Lovett
- Walking with Jesus - Everette U. Calvert
- Walking with Jesus - George C. Cheairs
- Walking with my Savior - S. L. Wallace
- Walking with the King - Ellis Short, Jr
- We can wear a smile - Henry G. Riser
- We shall meet them - J. E. Hudson
- We love to praise him - H. H. Martin
- We shall understand it all some day - L. D. Laminack
- We shall sing redemption's song - R. H. Cunningham
- We'll be happy - J. H. Holley
- Weary pilgrim, come home - Dennis W. Dykes
- What a glad reunion - Curtiss S. Pearson
- What a happy day - Luther M. Hutchins
- What a happy meeting - Thomas J. Farris
- What a wonderful time - James R. Maise
- What more could I ask? By Bryant Johnson.
- What will your answer be? By Mrs. C. R. Melton.
- When I see him face to face - Fred Rich
- When I think of Jesus - B. N. Hultsman
- When I wake in the morning - James A. Black
- When Jesus comes - Guy S. Duncan
- When Jesus turns on his searchlight - O. P. Harrison
- When my Little Boy Blue awakes - Mrs. J. W. Payte
- When my work is all done - Walter C. Carter
- When we gather on the hills - James A. Black
- Who then will go? By Robert E. Arnold.
- Will the pearly gates unfold? By William D. Gray.
- Sacred and holy - S. A. Fisher
- Safe in his love - Allen L. Williams
- Shine on me - E. M. Baygents
- Shun evil spirits - William A. McKinney
- Sing - Zera P. Denson
- Sing on, pray on we'll soon be home - B. E. Fulmer
- Shine on me - Carl Young
- Singing on my way to glory - Walter E. Howell
- Singing with loved ones - H. H. Martin
- Some day - J. Hawkins Russell
- The eyes of the Lord are roaming - Rena Presley
- The home on high - Mrs. Ellis Short, Jr. & Ellis Short, Jr
- The gospel train - Mrs. Lue Richardson
- The glad home coming - Joe L. Arterbury
- The garden of tomorrow - Marjorie L. Farley
- Smiles will welcome me there - Ira B. Dykes, Sr
- Sycamore Valley - Curtiss Doss
- Stay on the mountain - Luther M. Hutchins