Glory Special & 19618 other titles/17
- Come, O Lord - Gary Hodges
- Come on - J. B. Brewer & Louise Ivey
- Come on - G. T. Speer
- Come on and go - Marvin P. Dalton
- Come on and go with me - John L. Shrader
- Come on board the train - George Kindsfather
- Come on board this train to glory - Sam Smith, Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson
- Come on, brother - Nolan T. Kimbrell
- Come on, dear friends - John L. Shrader
- Come on, friends - John L. Shrader
- Come on in - Edsel Coats
- Come on, let's all go home - Albert E. Brumley
- Come on, let's go - W. Allan Sims & E. L. Holley
- Come on, there's joy ahead - Luther G. Presley
- Come out of Egypt into Canaan - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
- Come, sinner friend (and know) By Odis B. Moore.
- Come to Christ today - Ellen Kennedy & Horace A. Kennedy
- Come to him at the cross - Dona Lane & T. J. Lane
- Come to Jesus - Odis B. Moore
- Come to Jesus - James Gregory
- Come to Jesus - Howard H. Young
- Come to Jesus - Thurman E. Coffey
- Come to Jesus now - Eugene H. Whitt
- Come to Jesus now - B. B. Edmiaston & George S. McMillan
- Come to the altar of grace - H. A. Green
- Come to the cross - Charles A. Moody
- Come to the Lord - Mrs. Morris Shiver
- Come to the Savior - Arvis A. Moore & Robert J. Moore
- Come to the Savior - Gordon Terrell
- Come to the Savior today - Clarence Elliott
- Come to the water - James A. McClain
- Come to the wedding - Finis Fator
- Come today - A. L. Bray
- Come unto me - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Willie W. Goins
- Come unto me - Luther M. Hutchins & Loyce Mitchell
- Come unto me - Gary Lanier
- Come unto me - James A. Black
- Come unto me - Luther M. Hutchins
- Come unto me - Sara B. Lyons & Edith Roach
- Come unto me (I'll give you rest) By Clyde Williams & Lonnie B. Combs.
- Come unto me and rest - Floyd McEwen & Walter E. Edmiaston
- Come walk with me - Henry L. Thompson
- Come with me to the home above - Velma M. Bailey
- Come with us to that city - Mae Gill
- Coming - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Virgil O. Stamps
- Coming again - William A. McKinney
- Coming again - Marvin P. Dalton
- Coming home - Cleavant Derricks
- Coming soon - Joe E. Parks & Chester Wyatt
- Compassion - Clyde Williams, Rupert Cravens & Mrs. Clyde Williams
- Content are we - G. L. Reynolds
- Contented - James B. Coats & W. K. (Buck) Compelube
- Could we stand the judgment? By Sylvia Evans Egan.
- Could ye not watch with me one? By B. B. Edmiaston & L. D. Morris.
- Count it all joy - Rupert Cravens & Roy J. Phillips
- Count your blessings - Jack Taylor
- Count your blessings - Rush Hampton
- Counting the stars - Luther G. Presley.
- Country church upon the hill - Mrs. R. L. Paul & R. L. Paul
- Country of life - B. B. Edmiaston & Simmie T. Mann
- Courage for trials - Grady C. Morris & H. Z. (Doc) Tanksley
- Cowboy's dream - Virgil O. Stamps
- Create in me a pure heart - Finis Fator
- Crosses will turn to crowns - B. B. Edmiaston
- Crossing o'er the river - Curtis Eppler
- Crossing o'er the river - Newell G. Payne
- Crossing over Jordan - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & O. Wright
- Crossing over Jordan - R. B. Ricks
- Crossing the bar - B. B. Edmiaston & Alfred Lord Tennyson
- Crossing the bar - Samuel W. Beazley & Alfred Lord Tennyson
- Crown him - B. B. Edmiaston & Christopher C. Stafford
- Crown him king - Luther G. Presley & Fred L. Swilling
- Crown him king - Joe Roper
- Crown him king - Marvin P. Dalton & Luther G. Presley
- Crown him king - Marcus B. Hooton
- Crown him Lord of all - Cleavant Derricks
- Crown him Lord of all - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
- Crown him Lord of all - V. O. Fossett & Luther G. Presley
- Crucify him - O. P. Harrison
- Cry of the blind - James B. Coats & T. S. Entrekin
- Dad and Mother - B. B. Edmiaston & George S. McMillan
- Daddy - J. C. Torbett
- Daily I walk in the footsteps - Cleavant Derricks
- Daily trust in Jesus - Charles Bray
- Daniel's band - Philip P. Bliss
- Daniel's faith - L. E. Ivie
- Dare to be a Daniel - Albert E. Burk & W. J. Graves
- Dare to be a soldier of Immanuel - Clyde Williams & Rupert Cravens
- Dark shadows - Thomas Lee
- Darkness and sunshine - W. Freeman Boatright
- Day after day - Dwight Brock & Eugene H. Whitt
- Day of gladness - Alfred Barratt & P. J. Woodard
- Day of rest - Cleavant Derricks
- Dear children - Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson
- Dear daddy of mine - Ernest Rippetoe & W. A. Washburn
- Dear Jesus, hold my hand - L. E. Teal
- Dear Jesus, I need thee - G. T. Speer
- Dear Lord, I pray - Tom L. Greene
- Dear Lord, I'm depending on you - Darrell Ray Maddox & Hettie Maddox
- Dear Lord, I'm depending on thee - Luther M. Hutchins
- Dear Mother and Dad - Chelsey Bray
- Dear Lord, lead me home - J. Oscar Grace
- Dear Savior walk with me - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
- Death may part, but not forever - Debra Paul
- Death punches no time clock - Urey S. Lindsey & J. E. Roane
- Death will be only a dream - Cleavant Derricks
- Death will bring the sunlight - Marvin P. Dalton
- Decision - J. W. Meeks & W. B. Meeks
- Deep, deep peace - Emory E. Wood
- Deep, deep river - Emory E. Wood
- Deep, down in my heart - Robert E. Arnold
- Deep down inside - James B. Coats
- Deep in his love - Frank M. Lynn
- Deep in my heart - Rupert Cravens & W. Lee Higgins
- Deep in my heart is God's love - J. M. Henson & S. L. Wallace
- Deep in my heart it grows - Charles B. Atkins & B. B. Edmiaston
- Deep in this heart of mine - Luther G. Presley
- Delighting in the love of God - Oliver W. Cooper
- Deliver me! By Sylvia Evans.
- Dere's a meetin' here to-nite - Ernest Rippetoe
- Despised and rejected - Marvin P. Dalton
- Despised and rejected - Samuel E. Moore
- Dew drops of glory - Mrs. Barney Goen
- Did Jesus die in vain for you? By W. A. Gilbert.
- Did someone pray? By Harold B. Ables & Cho. Alene Stockton.
- Did you? By Curtis Doss.
- Did you ever go sailin'? By Albert E. Brumley.
- Did you go to God this morning? By Charles Bray.
- Did you pray? By Thad Winter & Kay Winters.
- Divine peace - Clyde Williams & Mrs. Clyde Williams
- Dixieland for me - J. B. Parris
- Do a little more - T. O. Atkins
- Do all in the name of the Lord - C. H. Culbreth
- Do it now! By Eloise Phillips & Jonathan Parnell.
- Do Lord - V. O. Fossett
- Do Lord - Jack Taylor
- Do not be afraid - Dwight Brock & Joe E. Parks
- Do not travel on - W. W. Shaver
- Do not wait too long - J. Max Barnett & Charles T. Owens
- Do not weep for me - Luther G. Presley
- Do not weep for me - Sanford J. Massengale
- Do not worry, but smile - E. Webster Kirkland
- Do we thank him enough? By Vivian Mason.
- Do you ever pray? By William W. Benson.
- Do you ever wonder? By Joe E. Parks.
- Do you have the time? By Eugene McCammon.
- Do you know? By Dewey Belknap.
- Do you know him? By Cleavant Derricks.
- Do you know the Lord? By Clyde Williams & Robert E. Arnold.
- Do you know the man of Galilee? By Kytha Gilliland.
- Do you know the will of God? By Clyde Williams & Robert E. Arnold.
- Do you love him more than these? By Mrs. R. L. Paul & R. L. Paul.
- Do you love me? By I. D. Bassett.
- Do you need to make a change? By Mae Gill.
- Do you pray? By H. Z. (Doc) Tanksley.
- Do you really love the Lord? By Rush Hampton.
- Do you remember? By Dempsey Rainwater.
- Do you take the time? By Dewey Belknap.
- Do your best for the Lord - Claude V. Driver & J. M. Henson
- Does any one know? By Rena Presley.
- Does God really care? By Billy Joe Cagle.
- Does he find fault in me? By Wade Warren.
- Does my Savior care? By Homer F. Morris & Johnson Oatman, Jr.
- Does the way seem long and dre? By Alva Jones.
- Does this train go to heaven? By G. E. Wright.
- Does your candle glow? By Clyde W. Ballew & Vida Munden Nixon.
- Doing little things for Jesus - W. A. Lowery
- Done with sin and sorrow - Cleavant Derricks
- Don't be deceived by Satan - Mrs. Stanley Baker & James B. Coats
- Don't be discouraged - G. T. Speer
- Don't be too late - Orgel Mason
- Don't drive your stakes too deep - Joe E. Parks & Lilly Vee Adams
- Don't ever hush the song of th - Joe E. Parks & M. E. Pearce
- Don't forget - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
- Don't forget - Dan Cliburn
- Don't forget me - Luther G. Presley
- Don't forget to pray - L. E. Green & Virgil O. Stamps
- Don't grieve for me - Walter E. Edmiaston
- Don't hand your harp on a will - E. Bert Riddle
- Don't hold back the music - Eugene McCammon
- Don't leave him out - Doc V. R. Dooley
- Don't let it happen to you - Pat H. Baxter
- Don't let me be the one - Mary Ruth Allmon
- Don't let the door be closed - Elton R. Dabney
- Don't let the rocks cry out - Don R. Moore
- Don't let troubles steal your - Aubrey Douthitt
- Don't look back - Otis Burdette
- Don't look back - Edsel Coats
- Don't look for me down here - J. W. Birdwell & Lonnie B. Combs
- Don't lose gladness - James B. Coats
- Don't miss Christmas - Ora Lowe
- Don't tell me (show me) By W. L. (Bill) Hopper.
- Don't try to flee from the Lord - Odis B. Moore
- Don't turn at the detour sign - Henry H. Powell
- Don't turn him away - W. Oliver Smith
- Don't turn Jesus away - Gordon Pope & G. T. Pope
- Don't wait too long to pray - Ellis Short, Jr
- Don't wait too long - H. A. Green
- Don't wait too long - Preston Hamilton
- Don't wait too long to pray - James B. Coats
- Don't weaken the wheel - O. O. Kidd
- Don't weaken your hold on the - J. R. Varner
- Don't worry about all those tomorrows - Marty Parks
- Don't you Cadillac me - M. L. Yandell
- Don't you hear the invitation? By Clyde Williams & Ethel P. Hanson.
- Don't you know you need the sa - Ellis Short, Jr
- Don't you want to go? By R. H. McNew & J. E. Roane.
- Don't you want to go? By Dewey Belknap & B. B. Edmiaston.
- Don't you want to go home? By Bessie Jenkins.
- Don't you want to go with Jesus? By Rush Hampton.
- Dost thou love me more than th - Cleavant Derricks
- Down at the foot of the cross - Clyde Williams & Vida Munden Nixon
- Down in my heart - Luther G. Presley
- Down in my heart - V. O. Fossett
- Down in my soul - James B. Coats
- Down in the valley with him - B. B. Edmiaston & Walter E. Edmiaston
- Down into my heart - B. B. Edmiaston
- Down on my knees in prayer - Ezra Knight
- Down on the southern beach - Luther G. Presley
- Down on your knees - Shirley Cook
- Down the pathway to glory - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
- Draw me close to thee - B. B. Edmiaston & Walter L. Rose
- Draw me closer - Myra H. Rackley & Bobby Keys
- Draw me closer to thee - Mrs. Meda Hunnicutt
- Draw me Lord to thy holy tabernacle - Mimi Ribble
- Dreamin' - Albert E. Brumley
- Dreaming - B. B. Edmiaston
- Dreaming of home - C. Robert Huntress
- Dreaming of home and childhood - W. T. Aultman
- Dreaming of the golden shore - Thomas Ramsey
- Dreaming, waiting, singing - James B. Coats
- Drifting - William A. McKinney
- Drifting along with the tide - Joe Roper
- Drifting away - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
- Drifting on - Roy J. Weaver
- Drifting too far from the shore - Charles E. Moody
- Drink and thirst no more - Leonette B. Allen
- Drinking at the fountain - Eloise Phillips & Ray Cos
- Dwelling in Jerusalem - Fred Rich
- Dying for me - J. Otis Murphree
- Each day (I grow a little near) By Luther G. Presley.
- Each day I live - Luther G. Presley
- Each day I'm getting closer - Karl Taylor
- Each hill that I climb - Alvia Bennett
- Each moment of time - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Each sinner needs it all - W. Lee Higgins
- Each step I take - Rush Hampton
- Each step I take - Mrs. J. E. Campbell
- Each step of the way - Thelma O. Jordan
- Each step with Jesus - Eugene P. Gross
- Echoes from Calvary - Conklin J. Belknap
- Echoes from childhood - B. B. Edmiaston
- Echoes, sweet echoes - Mrs. Theodore Sisk
- Elijah's God - W. J. Henry
- Empty hands - George Smith
- Endless day - Glenn Cline
- Endless joy awaits - Lonnie B. Combs
- Endless joy is coming - Claude Goodman & James Rowe
- Endless joy is coming - John L. Shrader
- Endless joy is coming - John L. Shrader
- Endless joy is waiting - C. H. Culbreth
- Enlist today - Charles T. Owens
- Enlisted to work in God's garden - Leona M. Shadle
- Enough for me - Joe Roper
- Enough for me - James B. Coats
- Enough for me - Ellis Short, Jr
- Enter now - B. B. Edmiaston & S. L. Wallace
- Ere the sun goes down - Terry Pillow
- Especially for me - Rena Presley
- Eternal city - Harold B. Ables
- Eternal in the heavens - Marvin P. Dalton
- Eternal is thy church - Charles N. Gilbert
- Eternal morn - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Eternity - Glenn Cline
- Even today - James A. Black
- Eventide - Mattie Spencer Willis
- Ever praise the Lord - Eloise Phillips
- Ever since I found the Lord - L. D. Bassett
- Ever trust and pray - Hazel Humphrey
- Everlasting arms - B. B. Edmiaston
- Everlasting peace - Gordon Ross
- Every day, all the way - Emmett S. Dean
- Everyday, all the way - Eugene H. Whitt
- Every-day nearer - James A. Black
- Every knee shall bow - Barbara J. Griffeth
- Every moment he is just the? By Ernest C. Phillips.
- Everybody ought to love him - Luther G. Presley
- Everybody praise the Lord - Finis Fator
- Ev'rybody sing - L. D. Bassett
- Everybody sing - Henry L. Thompson
- Everybody sing and glorify the - Robert E. Arnold
- Everyone is important - Dawn Mobley
- Everything is in order now - Clyde Williams
- Everything will be alright - Mark R. Bales & Nancy B. McGinnis
- Ev'rybody needs the Lord - Lonnie B. Combs
- Ev'rybody ought to sing - Marvin P. Dalton
- Ev'rybody's goin' to get a ble - Doc V. R. Dooley
- Ev'ry day, all the way - B. B. Edmiaston
- Ev'ry heart rejoice - Urey S. Lindsey
- Ev'ry heart resounds - Alfred Barratt
- Ev'ry little thing we do - Dewey Belknap
- Ev'ry moment - B. B. Edmiaston
- Ev'ry moment, ev'rywhere - Alfred Barratt
- Ev'ry moment of the day - Joe E. Parks
- Ev'ry step along the journey - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Ev'rything's gonna be alright - Joe Roper
- Ev'rything has been made right - Clyde Williams
- Ev'rything will be made right - Homer S. Dye & Vernon W. Lackey
- Ev'ry time I think about it (I) By Clark Mobley.
- Everywhere I go (I want his love) By Pauline F. Pate.
- Excuses, excuses - Rena Presley
- Extol his holy name - B. B. Edmiaston
- Eye has not seen - Luther M. Hutchins
- Eye hath not seen - Robert E. Arnold
- Face to face - James A. Black
- Face to face - Joe E. Parks
- Face to face with the Lord - John H. Pool & Sue Shavor
- Faith - Hale Reeves
- Faith - J. Berle Hinsley
- Faith - N. Keith Ledsome
- Faith - Leonette B. Allen
- Faith cometh by hearing - Sue Johnson
- Faith gains the victory - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
- Faith in the Lord - J. B. Lemley
- Faith in the rock - Doc V. R. Dooley & B. B. Edmiaston
- Faith removes mountains - J. A. Collier & B. B. Edmiaston
- Faith will bring the blessing - Robert E. Arnold & V. O. Fossett
- Family prayer - O. V. Grice & George S. McMillan
- Far above the starry sky - J. T. Sisk
- Far beyond the blue sky - Conklin J. Belknap
- Far beyond the dark valley - Thomas R. Wilson
- Farewell - Arthur D. Platner
- Farther along - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & W. B. Stevens
- Father, forgive - Glenn Cline, Patty Prichard & Linnell G. Williamson
- Father, forgive - Clyde Williams & Robert E. Arnold
- Father, forgive, I pray - A. A. (Buddy) Duke
- Father, forgive if I have falt - E. M. Baygents
- Father, forgive them - Gary Lanier
- Father, forgive them (for they) By Emory E. Wood.
- Father, hold thou my hand - S. D. Bruton & E. B. Graham
- Father I need thee - Walter E. Edmiaston
- Father, lead me all the way - Robert L. Howard
- Father of love - O. L. Dorris & B. B. Edmiaston
- Father, Son and Spirit - Mrs. Doyle T. Barger
- Father's gone - C. F. Roberts & Conklin J. Belknap
- Father's gone - Ernest Smith & Thomas Pate
- Father's gone - George W. Bacon & Bernard Williams
- Father's gone to be with Jesus - John A. Norrell
- Fear not - Gary Lanier
- Fear not - Joe E. Parks
- Fear not, my child - Otis Burdette, Jr
- Fear not the shadows - B. B. Edmiaston
- Fearing not - C. Robert Huntress
- Fearing not the pilgrim way - Rubert Cravens & Hansel Hunter
- Feasting on the manna from above - Cleavant Derricks
- Feed my sheep - W. Allan Sims
- Feeling grand - Luther G. Presley
- Fight for the right - Robert E. Arnold
- Fight on, my soul - Cleavant Derricks
- Fill me with thy fullness - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
- Fighting for the Master - Jeffie Cook
- Fill our empty vessels - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
- Fill the world with gospel sin - Rupert Cravens & N. O. Saint John
- Filled with his love - D. C. Etheredge & E. L. Harville
- Filling my life with song - J. M. Henson, Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson
- Flowers are blooming for me - R. M. West
- Flowers are telling the story - Luther G. Presley
- Fly me away to heaven - Edsel Coats
- Follow all the way - Ancil Baker
- Follow his footsteps - Rupert Cravens
- Follow Jesus - Frank M. Lynn
- Follow Jesus Christ, he knows - Eugene H. Whitt
- Follow on - Floyd E. Hunter
- Follow the light - Austin Williams
- Follow the light - Adger M. Pace
- Follow the Lord - Eugene H. Whitt
- Follow the Lord - Rupert Cravens & J. E. Nichols
- Following footsteps of Jesus - Louis Braswell & B. B. Edmiaston
- Following Jesus - B. B. Edmiaston & Henry Lambert
- Following Jesus - E. P. Saunders
- Footprints on the sands of time - Clarence E. Jones
- Footprints on the sands of time - W. B. Clement
- Footsteps of Jesus - Jack Taylor
- For Christ my King - Ezra Knight & B. B. Edmiaston
- For eternity - D. W. Hooten
- For God so loved the world - Otis Burdette
- For God so loved the world - Videt Polk
- For he is our peace - Lynwood McCoy Smith
- For I'm washed in the blood - S. L. Wallace
- For me - Lily Noble
- For me - Lucille Light
- For me - Clyde Williams & B. B. Edmiaston
- For me - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- For me he died - O. B. Benefield, Sandra Benefield & Oliver Boone
- For me they're calling - B. B. Edmiaston
- For mercy I plead - Lonnie B. Combs
- For my home is over there - Leon Guinn & Eddie Williams
- For my Savior - B. B. Edmiaston & Lester King
- For others I'll live - Rupert Cravens & B. F. White
- For the Lord - Curtis Doss
- For the love of me - Clarence E. Jones
- For the world - Finis Fator
- For you and me - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
- For you and me - Ruby Smith
- Forbidden to pass thru the bea - Albert E. Brumley
- Forever and ever - Barbara Johnson
- Forever at home with him - Horace A. Kennedy
- Forever mine - Newman Miller
- Forever with the Lord - W. C. Stewart
- Forgive me, Lord, I pray - B. B. Edmiaston, Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson
- Forgive us, Lord. By Clyde Williams & Rupert Cravens.
- Forsaken - Alan Mahaffey & Kenny Barrett
- Forward ever, backward never. By Jesse W. Baker & W. K. (Buck) Compelube.
- Free and full salvation - Clive B. Christy
- Free and whole - James B. Coats
- Free from the guilt of the past - Cecil Pollock
- Free indeed - Curtis Doss
- Free to be (what God has planned for me) By Eugene McCammon.
- Free to help each other - Eugene McCammon
- Freedom hills - Durward T. Collins & Claude V. Driver
- Freedom in Jesus - Jesse W. Baker
- Fresh winds - Leonette B. Allen
- Friend and guardian - Alfred Barratt
- Friend, are you guilty? By Alfred Matthews.
- Friends are leaving one by one - E. Bert Riddle
- From a cabin to a mansion - Claude A. Ballew
- From death to endless life - Elwood Denson