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Glory Special & 19618 other titles/20

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Glory Special & 19618 other titles; musical compositions
286178Glory Special & 19618 other titles; musical compositions — 20
  1. He is my dearest friend - Clyde Williams
  2. He is my eternal king - Rupert Cravens & Marvin P. Dalton
  3. He is my friend - Joe Roper
  4. He is my friend - Lonnie B. Combs & Cleavant Derricks
  5. He is my friend - E. T. Isbell
  6. He is my friend - Ellis Short, Jr
  7. He is my glory - V. O. Fossett & J. M. Henson
  8. He is my guide - Alfred Barratt & V. O. Fossett
  9. He is my joy - V. O. Fossett & J. M. Henson
  10. He is my king - Carlos Barrentine
  11. He is my king - W. Freeman Boatwright & K. Wayne Guffey
  12. He is my Lord and king - Hale Reeves
  13. He is my rock - Tracey Phillips
  14. He is my Savior, my all - Ellis Short, Jr. & N. Keith Ledsome
  15. He is my Savior - T. L. Gilley, Jr
  16. He is my Savior - J. M. Henson
  17. He is my shepherd - E. T. Isbell & Lois Worthey
  18. He is my sunshine and song - C. H. Culbreath & Luther G. Presley
  19. He is near - Jimmy W. Todd & Alfred Matthews
  20. He is now my Lord - Rupert Cravens & S. L. Wallace
  21. He is our friend - E. M. Baygents & James B. Coats
  22. He is our Savior - Chas. B. Bowman & B. B. Edmiaston
  23. He is our wonderful king - Luther G. Presley & W. M. DeVaughn
  24. He is precious to me - Dwight Brock & Ellis Short, Jr
  25. He is precious to my soul - J. E. Marsh
  26. He is so precious to me - Albert E. Brumley
  27. He is so precious to me - Rupert Cravens & Tom Wallace
  28. He is so precious to me - Billy J. Cook & Rupert Cravens
  29. He is the bread of life - Michael E. Parks
  30. He is the hope of my soul - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & M. L. Yandell
  31. He is the light - Luther G. Presley
  32. He is the one - Eloise Phillips & Lynwood McCoy Smith
  33. He is the one to love - Luther G. Presley & W. M. DeVaughn
  34. He is the savior for me - Thelma O. Jordan
  35. He is the Son of God - Lyn Ritter
  36. He is there - B. B. Edmiaston & S. L. Wallace
  37. He is very near - W. M. DeVaughn
  38. He is very near - B. B. Edmiaston & Floyd Hunter
  39. He is waiting - Newman Miller
  40. He is waiting to save you - J. Oscar Grace
  41. He is watching over you - Thomas R. Wilson
  42. He is with me - B. B. Edmiaston
  43. He is with us all the way - M. J. Beasley & Rupert Cravens
  44. He is wonderful - Ezra Knight
  45. He is wonderful - Oliver Boone
  46. He is worthy - Ron Griffin
  47. He is your friend - Guy R. Lowman & Mrs. V. Sherman
  48. He is your truest friend - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & J. Elmo Burkett
  49. He keeps me - W. W. Combs & John Siler
  50. He keeps me by his love - W. A. McWhorter
  51. He keeps me company - James A. Black
  52. He keeps me on my journey - Ezra Knight & Eloise Phillips
  53. He keeps me singing - B. B. Edmiaston & L. S. Skinner
  54. He keeps me singing - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & C. W. Riggs
  55. He keeps my soul - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Ernest Rippetoe
  56. He keeps my soul - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Ernest Rippetoe
  57. He keeps my soul - Zera Pate
  58. He keeps my soul - A. E. Barton & Oliver W. Cooper
  59. He keeps my soul - William A. McKinney
  60. He keeps my soul - E. T. Isbell & Griffin Johnson
  61. He keeps on blessing me more - Odis B. Moore
  62. He knows - V. O. Fossett & Eugene Wright
  63. He knows - W. W. Combs
  64. He knows - P. J. Woodward
  65. He knows best - Joe E. Parks & Jack Taylor
  66. He knows ev'ry child by his name - Clevant Derricks
  67. He knows how much we can bear - Joe E. Parks & Eloise Phillips
  68. He knows the reason why - C. H. Culbreath
  69. He knows the way - E. Bert Riddle
  70. He knows the way - Cleavant Derricks
  71. He knows the way - Marvin P. Dalton & W. B. Walbert
  72. He knows the way we travel - Daniel J. Cockerham & Rupert Cravens
  73. He knows what is best for me - Alfred Matthews
  74. He leadeth his sheep - Herbert Craft
  75. He leads and all is well - Cleavant Derricks
  76. He leads, and I'll follow - Lee M. York & W. L. (Bill) Hopper
  77. He leads by love - J. M. Henson & S. L. Wallace
  78. He leads by still waters - J. M. Henson & S. L. Wallace
  79. He leads me - Emmett S. Dean & Eula Florence
  80. He leads me now - J. H. McMurray & W. Allan Sims
  81. He leads over stormy waters - Harvey Tallent
  82. He leads the way - B. B. Edmiaston & W. C. Shoemaker
  83. He led me out of bondage - Lonnie B. Combs
  84. He led me to the light - William J. Coleman
  85. He let the joy waves roll - William J. Coleman
  86. He lifted me up - Ronnie Hitchcock & Dewell Pitts
  87. He lifted me up - Virgil Pulliam
  88. He lifted me up - Robert E. Arnold
  89. He lifted my soul - B. E. Fulmer
  90. He lives! By J. Daniel Williams.
  91. He lives - Lonnie B. Combs
  92. He lives - Wesley R. Daniel
  93. He lives, he lives - Jesse W. Baker
  94. He lives in my heart - Floyd E. McNeil
  95. He lives today - Joe E. Parks & Clarence C. Todd
  96. He lives today - Otis Burdette
  97. He lives today - Odis B. Moore & O. A. Hunt
  98. He loved me ere I knew him - J. M. Henson & S. L. Wallace
  99. He loved me when no one cared - Videt Polk
  100. He loves and cares - O. A. Hunt
  101. He loves me - Bobbie Glassco & Autrey E. Hayes
  102. He loves me, I know - James B. Paris & Thomas Ramsey
  103. He loves me - Odis B. Moore
  104. He loves me so much - Mrs. Judson Bailey
  105. He loves us forever - Alfred Barratt & G. T. Speer
  106. He made it all right - Luther G. Presley
  107. He made me whole - Frank M. Lynn
  108. He made my blinded eyes to see - Thomas R. Wilson & C. M. Lyles
  109. He made the blue skies, new sk - V. O Fossett & Luther G. Presley
  110. He made the way - Floyd E. Hunter
  111. He may come any time - Frank M. Machen
  112. He means all the world to me - Pauline F. Pate
  113. He means ev'rything to me - V. Fay Formy Duval & G. L. Green
  114. He means more than the world t - R. H. McNew
  115. He means so much to me - Tom Lehmann
  116. He means so much to me - Joe Roper
  117. He never will leave me alone - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  118. He opened the way - Cleavant Derricks
  119. He paid it all - William A. McKinney
  120. He paid it all for me - Judity Ellis
  121. He paid the cost - George W. Pate
  122. He paid the cost - Nolan T. Kimbrell
  123. He paid the price at Calvary / by C. H. Culbreath.
  124. He paid the price for me / by Odis B. Moore.
  125. He paid the price of sin - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & W. E. Brown
  126. He paid the price to save us - Mrs. Georgie Pugh
  127. He paved the way - P. F. Smotheron
  128. He promised to be with me - J. M. Cole & S. A. Summerland
  129. He proved his love - Marvin P. Dalton
  130. He proved his love - Isaiah Smith & Melba Hutson Amrein
  131. He purchased my redemption - Alfred Barratt & Jimmie M. Jacobs
  132. He put a little sunshine in my - B. E. Fulmer
  133. He put a new song in my heart - Alfred Barratt & H. H. Martin
  134. He put a ray of sunshine in my - Charles B. Atkins
  135. He put a song in my heart - R. L. Solomon
  136. He put his love in my soul - Doyle C. McClain & James McClain
  137. He put music in my soul - Jeffie Cook & Jesse Cook
  138. He puts my thoughts back together - Thomas R. Wilson & W. K. (Buck) Compelube
  139. He put them all under the bloo - Luther G. Presley
  140. He redeemed by soul - Ellis Short, Jr
  141. He rescued me - Cleavant Derricks
  142. He said he'd go with me (to th - K. Wayne Guffey
  143. He said he would love me - G. T. Speer
  144. He said if I be lifted up - Chas. H. Pace & Virgil O. Stamps
  145. He said if you love me, feed my sheep - Luther G. Presley
  146. He satisfies the soul - Travis Bottoms & Catherine Rigdon
  147. He saved me from the night - O. G. Edwards & Marie Edwards
  148. He saved my soul - J. R. Varner
  149. He saved my soul - Luther M. Hutchins
  150. He saved my soul - Orgel Mason
  151. He saved my soul - Grace Marrisett
  152. He saved my soul - Leonette B. Allen
  153. He saved my soul - J. Oscar Grace
  154. He searched for me - Luther G. Presley
  155. He set me free - Albert E. Brumley
  156. He set me free - Jo Nell Bohannon & Kenneth Fulkerson
  157. He set me free - Floyd E. Hunter
  158. He set me free - Glen Travis Presley
  159. He set me free - Arvil Clark
  160. He soon is coming - Zack T. DeBerry
  161. He spoke peace to me - Lonnie B. Combs
  162. He spoke to me - V. O. Fossett & Carl B. Story
  163. He stands in the midst of the - Theodore Sisk
  164. He starts the sun to shining a - Mrs. J. L. Ensley
  165. He stayed on the cross for me - C. H. Culbreath & Lynwood McCoy Smith
  166. He takes care of me - Burl Carter
  167. He tells me why - Albert E. Brumley
  168. He tenderly calls - Edsel Coats & James B. Coats
  169. He took all my burdens away - B. I. Cline
  170. He took every burden away - Cleavant Derricks
  171. He took my place - Eugene H. Whitt & Alfred Matthews
  172. He took the blame for our sins - Thomas R. Wilson
  173. He took the blame for our sins - W. K. (Buck) Compelube
  174. He took the darkness and gave - Ezra Knight & Rupert Cravens
  175. He touched my heart - Eloise Phillips & Rick Nuck
  176. He touched my soul - Neola Horton
  177. He turned his back - Marion E. Cooper
  178. He turned my night to day - Thomas R. Wilson & Herbert Craft
  179. He understands - Robert E. Arnold
  180. He understands - Paul B. Collins & B. B. Edmiaston
  181. He understands and cares - Rupert Cravens & Mrs. Kelcie M. Ross
  182. He waits for you - Edsel Coats
  183. He walked alone - Videt Polk
  184. He walks and talks with me - Thomas J. Farris
  185. He walks and talks with me - J. Daniel Williams
  186. He walks and talks with me - V. O. Fossett
  187. He walks with me - B. B. Edmiaston & L. D. Morris
  188. He walks with me - C. H. Culbreath
  189. He walks with me - Luther G. Presley
  190. He walks with me - Luther M. Hutchins & Loyce Mitchell
  191. He walks with me - J. C. Weeks
  192. He walks with me - Joe L. Arterbury & Jesse W. Baker
  193. He walks with me - Bobby Burnett & Videt Polk
  194. He walks with me - Luther M. Hutchins
  195. He walks with me - J. M. Henson & G. T. Speer
  196. He walks with me each day - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & S. L. Wallace
  197. He was never precious to me - W. C. Stewart
  198. He was thinking of you and me - E. Bert Riddle
  199. He watches over me - J. M. Henson, Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson
  200. He went to the cross - J. M. Henson & S. L. Wallace
  201. He whispered peace to me - Henry L. Thompson
  202. He whispers sweet peace to me - Will M. Ramsey
  203. He will always be there - Doc. V. R. Dooley
  204. He will answer for me - J. M. Henson & Byron Pollard
  205. He will answer prayer - H. H. Martin
  206. He will answer them not (on th - Glen Travis Presley
  207. He will be beside me - J. M. Henson
  208. He will be near - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Fred L. Swilling
  209. He will carry us thru - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & G. T. Speer
  210. He will deliver you - Margaret E. Wieland
  211. He will go - Terry Killingsworth & Vida Munden Nixon
  212. He will guide me - Cleavant Derricks
  213. He will hear nd answer prayer - Charles W. Hinson
  214. He will hold my hand - Dewey Belknap & B. B. Edmiaston
  215. He will hold my hand - Robert R. Christian & J. M. Henson
  216. He will hold my hand - J. Otis Murphree
  217. He will keep me, I know - J. R. Baxter, Jr, & Marvin P. Dalton
  218. He will keep my soul - Frank Morgan & B. F. White
  219. He will lead - J. L. Freeman
  220. He will lead his children home - Robert R. Christian & Lonnie B. Combs
  221. He will lead us to that city - Clara Isbell & E. T. Isbell
  222. He will lead you home - Herbert Hutchins & Calvin L. Wills
  223. He will lead you home - S. D. Bruton
  224. He will make a way - J. M. Henson & S. L. Wallace
  225. He will make all things right - Leonette B. Allen
  226. He will make it all right - L. D. Bassett
  227. He will never leave me - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  228. He will never leave you alone - Patty P. Hitchcock & Glenn Cline
  229. He will not forsake me - Roy Orr & Walter E. Edmiaston
  230. He will open for you the way - Cleavant Derricks
  231. He will remember me - Henry Dodd
  232. He will save - Cleavant Derricks
  233. He will set your fields on fire - H. M. Ballew & L. L. Brackett
  234. He will show the way - B. B. Edmiaston & Floyd E. McNeil
  235. He will show you the way - O. G. Edwards & Marie Edwards
  236. He will surely be waiting - J. W. Payte
  237. He will surely keep my soul - Cleavant Derricks
  238. He will take us to that home - Luther L. Lovett
  239. He will take your burdens away - Charles B. Atkins & Monteene Slaughter
  240. He will walk with us - Charles B. Atkins & B. B. Edmiaston
  241. He without sin cast the first - Thomas R. Wilson & Dempsey Rainwater
  242. Help me, dear Lord - Hale Reeves
  243. Here, there, or in the air - Pat Robinson
  244. He'll care for you - J. Marion Watson
  245. He'll carry you thru - Gilbert Drake
  246. He'll claim me as his own - Robert E. Arnold
  247. He'll do the same for you - Thomas R. Wilson & E. M. Baygents
  248. He'll do the same for you - Vondall Ashimore & F. C. Blanchard
  249. He'll do what he said he would - G. T. Speer
  250. He'll forgive if you pray - Oscar Kirkland
  251. He'll go every step of the way - Eugene H Whitt
  252. He'll go with you - Broadus E. Smith
  253. He'll keep you in his care - W. H. Compelube & Thomas R. Wilson
  254. He'll lead by grace - J. S. Jenkins
  255. He'll lead me home - A. C. Doss
  256. He'll lead me on - B. B. Edmiaston & Nolan T. Kimbrell
  257. He'll lead you through shadows - Eugene McCammon
  258. He'll never disappoint you - V. O. Fossett
  259. He'll not forsake me - Leonette B. Allen
  260. He'll pilot me - Marcus A. Sutton
  261. He'll safely lead us thru - Sanford J. Massengale
  262. He'll see me thru - Jack Taylor & Robert E. Arnold
  263. He'll send the answer back to - Luther G. Presley & W. M. DeVaughn
  264. He'll take me thru - Eugene Wright
  265. He'll understand - Lynwood McCoy Smith
  266. He'll understand - Chester Wyatt
  267. He'll understand and say well done - Jack Taylor & Unknown
  268. He'll understand and say well done - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Lucie E. Campbell
  269. He'll wash all your sins away - Joe E. Greer, Geneva Greer & A. F. Miller
  270. He's a blessing - W. H. Haynes
  271. He's a friend - Ellis Short, Jr. & Wanda Short Ward
  272. He's a friend I can tell my tr - B. I. Cline
  273. He's a friend of mine - Eugene H. Whitt
  274. He's a light unto my pathway - B. I. Cline
  275. He's a lover of men - Marvin P. Dalton
  276. He's a part of my life - Videt Polk
  277. He's a wonderful friend - J. Otis Murphree
  278. He's a wonderful friend to me - Billy Joe Cagle & Lyn Ritter
  279. He's a wonderful Savior - Ellis Short, Jr. & Wanda Short Ward
  280. He's a wonderful Savior - Cleavant Derricks
  281. He's watching over you - O. A. Hunt
  282. He's watching us all - Dwight Brock & Daniel J. Cockerham
  283. He's willing and able to save - Mrs. L. A. Jones
  284. He's with me all the way - Elbert B. Fowler
  285. He's wonderful - J. Marion Watson
  286. Heab'n belong to you - Frank M. Lynn
  287. Headed for that peaceful land - Austin Williams
  288. Headin' for the roundup - Luther G. Presley
  289. Heading for home - Eugene McCammon
  290. Hear him calling - B. B. Edmiaston & E. B. Hornsby
  291. Hear him today - E. M. Baygents & James B. Coats
  292. Hear him while he's calling - E. M. Baygents
  293. Hear me, Lord - Jesse W. Baker & C. A. Tindley
  294. Hear me now - Cleavant Derricks
  295. Hear my cry, O Lord - Lynwood McCoy Smith
  296. Hear my prayer, O Lord - Don Brooks
  297. Hear my prayer, O Lord - Luther D. Isbell
  298. Hear the angels sing again - Albert F. Hendrix
  299. He's coming in the cloud - H. W. Colley
  300. He's coming in the glory cloud - Rupert Cravens & G. T. Speer
  301. He's coming to Earth again - Johnny Hardwick
  302. He's coming to take us home - Hyman Brown & Rupert Cravens
  303. He's dear to me - Rupert Cravens
  304. He's done so much for me - Bobby Burnettt & Videt Polk
  305. He's done so much for me - George W. Rambo
  306. He's done so much for me - Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson
  307. He's everything - Jack Clark & Melba Hutson
  308. He's ev'rything to me. By Henry L. Thompson.
  309. He's everything to me - Eugene H. Whitt
  310. He's ev'rywhere - Ellis Short, Jr
  311. He's gone to prepare us a plac - Rupert Cravens & C. R. Maddox
  312. He's got the whole world in his hand - Jack Taylor
  313. He's got the whole world in his hand - Dwight Brock
  314. He's here, he's there, he's everywhere - Johnnie Gilmore
  315. He's the light of the world - Mrs. P. W. Alexander
  316. He's the man of the hour - E. M. Baygents & M. Lynnwood Smith
  317. He's the one - Bobbie Glassco
  318. He's the only one - Marguerite Burr & W. L Spence
  319. He's the one I love - Clarence C. Todd & Thomas R. Wilson
  320. He's the only way - James A. Black
  321. He's the Savior of my soul - Jack Taylor
  322. He's the True Shepherd - Albert E. Brumley
  323. He's the truth and the way - O. L. Cunningham & W. Allan Sims
  324. He's there - Elmer Burroughs
  325. He's very real to me - Dwight Brock & Jonathan Parnell
  326. He's waiting on you - Eugene McCammon
  327. He's walking with me - B. E. Cline
  328. He's walking with me - Lonnie B. Combs
  329. He's walking with me - E. M. Latham & J. G. Tucker
  330. He's watching over me - W. C. Stewart
  331. He's wonderful Savior - Robert L. Cantrell
  332. He's a wonderful Savior - Howard H. Young
  333. He's a wonderful Savior to me - Aubrey H. Graham
  334. He's a wonderful Savior to me - Frank M. Lynn
  335. He's abiding in my heart - Robert E. Arnold
  336. He's alive - J. R. Varner
  337. He's all to me - W. A. Webb
  338. He's all you need - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  339. He's always near - B. B. Edmiaston & J. B. Edwards
  340. He's better to me - J. M. Henson & B. F. White
  341. He's building a home for me - Henry L. Thompson
  342. He's calling - W. Allan Sims
  343. He's calling for you - N. W. Allphine & Ernest Rippetoe
  344. He's calling you - Joe Roper
  345. He's calling you - B. B. Edmiaston & Christopher C. Stafford
  346. He's calling you today - Michael E. Parks
  347. He's closer than a brother - Thomas R. Wilson & E. M. Baygents
  348. He's my Savior - Robert E. Arnold & Marvin P. Dalton
  349. He's my wonderful king - Edward E. Adams & Macy O. Smith
  350. He's never failed me yet - Hazel Shade
  351. He's our all-in-all - Joe Roper
  352. He's our refuge sure - B. B. Edmiaston & G. D. Scarborough
  353. He's our Savior and King - Edward E. Adams & Mary Schmutzler
  354. He's reaching out for you - David J. Douglas
  355. He's reaching out in love to y - Leonette B. Allen
  356. He's real - Clyde Williams
  357. He's so good to me - Videt Polk
  358. He's so precious - Lonnie B. Combs
  359. He's so wonderful to me - B. E. Cline
  360. He's so wonderful to me - Eugene H. Whitt
  361. He's still the same - Joe Roper
  362. He's sweet I know - A. Jackson
  363. He's sweet I know - A. Jackson
  364. He's the answer - M. Lynnwood Smith
  365. He's the best friend I have ha - Ellis Short, Jr
  366. He's holding my hand - Doc V. R. Dooley
  367. He's holding my hand - Dixie C. Gordon
  368. He's holding my hand - Burl Carter
  369. He's holding my hand - Roy Orr & Herbert Reading
  370. He's leading me home - W. Freeman Boatwright & Loy E. Foust
  371. He's leading me on - Newman Miller
  372. He's leading me on - J. R. Varner
  373. He's mine - Clyde Williams
  374. He's more than a Savior to me - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  375. He's more than all the world t - Rupert Cravens & C. H. Huey
  376. He's much closer than you are - Lyn Ritter
  377. He's my guide and stay - Travis Bottoms
  378. He's my Jesus - Luther G. Presley
  379. He's my king - Elmer F. Alexander
  380. He's my king - Billy Stewart, Jr
  381. He's my Lord and King - Clyde Williams & Adger M. Pace
  382. He's my Lord and Savior - Clarence C. Todd & Robert E. Arnold
  383. He's coming - Luther G. Presley & C. W. Riggs
  384. He's coming! By Betty Capshaw.
  385. He's coming - O. V. Grice
  386. He's coming - Ira L. Lee
  387. He's coming again - Videt Polk
  388. He's coming again - Raymond L. Garrett
  389. He's coming again - Arvil Clark
  390. He's coming again - Bennie Stanberry
  391. He's coming again - Paul O. Goodman
  392. He's coming again - B. B. Edmiaston
  393. He's coming back - Greg Tingler
  394. He's coming back - Luther M. Hutchins
  395. He's coming back - J. B. Parris
  396. He's coming back again - Glen Travis Presley
  397. He's coming after me - Wanda Short
  398. He's coming back some day - Larry Mull
  399. He's coming for his children - Robert E. Arnold & Marvin P. Dalton
  400. He's coming for me - Gordon Ross & Theresa West
  401. He's coming, I tell you - Gordon Ross