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Glory Special & 19618 other titles/3

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Glory Special & 19618 other titles; musical compositions
286160Glory Special & 19618 other titles; musical compositions — 3
  1. He's keeping my soul - William A. McKinney
  2. Hear the call - Lester L. Dooley & B. B. Edmiaston
  3. Heaven's now in view - James B. Coats
  4. Come on, dear Lord, and get me - Marion W. Easterling
  5. Coming home - Luther G. Presley
  6. Deep in my heart - Robert Holliman & Luther G. Presley
  7. His love proclaim - Lavelle Kennedy
  8. Home at the end of the trail - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  9. He's knocking - Sherill Brown
  10. Hear the Savior's voice - Renus E. Rich
  11. Heaven's radio station is on the air - Albert E. Brumley
  12. Hide me, gentle Savior - Walter E. Howell
  13. Come over on the Saviour's side - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  14. Come and go sailing up home - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
  15. Deliver me - Eugene Wright & A. E. Studdard
  16. His love will rule - Pat H. Baxter & Charles E. Sizemore
  17. Home at the top of the hill - Luther G. Presley
  18. He's leading me home above - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Marvin P. Dalton
  19. Heaven after while - M. H. McKee
  20. Heaven's serenade - James B. Coats
  21. Hiding away - C. M. Tate
  22. Hide me in the rock of ages - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  23. Depending on you - B. B. Edmiaston
  24. His love's more precious to me - Albert E. Brumley
  25. Home eternal - Carlos Barrentine
  26. He's looking for someone like you - Wilkin Bacon
  27. Heaven bells are ringing - Roy C. Pendley & Mrs. Roy Pendley
  28. Heaven's smile - J. E. Marsh
  29. His balm of love - Pat H. Baxter & Charles E. Sizemore
  30. Come to Him now - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & A. J. Rainwater
  31. Coming to gather His jewels - Thomas J. Farris
  32. His love won my heart - Luther G. Presley & H. R. Sharpe
  33. Home for me is over Jordan - J. R. Baxter, Jr & Robert R. Smith
  34. He's mine - B. W. Merritt
  35. Heaven can't be so far away - Luther G. Presley & John L. Shrader
  36. Heaven, the wonderful land - J. R. Fant
  37. His beautiful love shines over me - Luther G. Presley
  38. Come to Jesus - Amos A. Hurt
  39. Coming, Lord, to thee / J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Marvin E. Baumgardner.
  40. Did it rain? By Luther G. Presley.
  41. His matchless face - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & W. Lee Higgins
  42. Home just over there - Luther L. Lovett & W. B. Nix
  43. He's mine forever - Rupert Cravens & Mrs. G. T. Speer
  44. Heaven can not be far away - Robert E. Arnold
  45. Heavenly bells - Alvin Smith
  46. His blessed love - Cleavant Derricks & B. B. Edmiaston
  47. Come to Jesus - B. B. Edmiaston
  48. Commune with God - Luther G. Presley
  49. Did Jesus die for me? By Vida Munden Nixon.
  50. His name is love - Luther G. Presley & Floyd A. Formby
  51. Home of love - Carlos Barrentine
  52. He's more than that to me - Harold Ivan Smith & F. L. Snider
  53. Heaven fills my soul - James B. Coats
  54. Heavenly joy bells - Carlos Barrentine
  55. His blessed name - C. M. Lyles & R. B. Walden
  56. Come to Jesus - H. C. Finley & Gene C. Finley
  57. His name is sweet to me - Luther Drummond
  58. Home of many mansions - Mrs. Willie Carpenter & W. Allan Sims
  59. He's my great redeemer - Clyde Williams & William A. McKinney
  60. Heaven for me - Luther G. Presley
  61. His blood has made me free - William A. McKinney
  62. Come to Jesus - Rupert Cravens, G. T. Speer & Mearl Mosley
  63. Count your blessings - Floyd W. Hawkins
  64. His pardon covers my sin - Alfred Barratt & V. O. Fossett
  65. Home of the soul - Luther G. Presley & Eugene Wright
  66. He's my Jesus - Albert E. Brumley
  67. Heavenly sunlight - Thomas Sirraf
  68. His blood he shed - E. D. Culpepper & Lake Roberson
  69. His peace, be still - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
  70. Home over yonder - Sanford J. Massengale
  71. Bloom on, sweet rose - Luther G. Presley
  72. Blue heaven - Luther G. Presley
  73. Blue shadows - Rena Presley
  74. Blue stars in my window - Luther G. Presley
  75. Born in a manger - Mrs. W. J. Graves & W. J. Graves
  76. Bound for a land where all is love - Eugene Wright
  77. Bound for Heaven - M. H. McKee
  78. Bound for the promised land - Eugene Wright
  79. Boundless joy - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  80. Boundless joy - E. D. Culpepper & Luther G. Presley
  81. Boundless love - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & E. D. Culpepper
  82. Bright mansions above - Clarence H. Heidelberg
  83. Brighten somebody's day - Luther G. Presley
  84. Brighten the pathway - Walter E. Edmiaston
  85. Brighter grows the road - Luther G. Presley & W. O. Hartsfield
  86. Brighter, lighter - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  87. Bring your cares to Him - M. H. McKee
  88. Bring your troubles to Jesus - M. H. KcKee
  89. Broadcast God's love - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & James B. Coats
  90. Brother has gone - O. E. Ratcliffe
  91. Brother, get ready - John L. Shrader
  92. Building for eternity - James B. Coats
  93. By faith I walk - B. B. Edmiaston & W. M. DeVaughn
  94. By grace, thru faith - William A. McKinney
  95. By His grace He saved me - Ernest Rippetoe
  96. By His help I shall win - T. M. Bishop & C. M. LeFan
  97. By Thy pow'r divine - B. B. Edmiaston
  98. Cabin in the valley of the pines - Albert E. Brumley
  99. By their fruits ye shall know them - Yvonne Devaney & C. P. Gardner
  100. Call on the Lord - Thomas J. Farris
  101. Call on the Savior - W. Lee Higgins & Cawthon Thompson
  102. Called to work with my king - B. B. Edmiaston & G. T. Speer
  103. Calling for workers - B. B. Edmiaston & W. M. DeVaughn
  104. Calling me - B. B. Edmiaston
  105. Calling to me - B. B. Edmiaston
  106. Calvary - C. A. Gregory
  107. Carry a song in your heart - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & M. L. Yandell
  108. Carry me home - Biney English
  109. Cast not your pearls before the swine - W. Lee Higgins & J. Graydon
  110. Certainly, land - Eugene Wright
  111. Chapel on the hill - B. B. Edmiaston
  112. Cherry Blossom Lane - Mrs. J. W. Payte
  113. Chiming, rhyming harmony - Cawthon Thompson & E. B. Riddles
  114. Christ came seeking - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  115. Christ died for me - Luther L. Lovett
  116. Christ is calling - E. D. Culpepper & B. B. Edmiaston
  117. Christ is calling - Claude Goodman & Leonard D. Huffstutler
  118. Christ is calling - Ella Garrett
  119. Christ is calling - Earl E. McCord & Rue Porter
  120. Christ is keeping me - L. O. Bynum
  121. Christ is keeping my soul - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & W. W. Combs
  122. Christ is my shepherd - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & S. L. Wallace
  123. Christ is risen - V. O. Fossett
  124. Christ rescued me - Ellis Short, Jr
  125. Christ satisfies - L. D. Morris
  126. Christ saves and keeps - M. Verlee Taylor & Betty Taylor
  127. Christ the Lord is leading me - H. H. Martin & Ray Talley
  128. Christ will lead me thru the valley - F. P. Morris
  129. Christ will reward / J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Mrs. T. E. Barry.
  130. Christmas song - Lillan Howell & Ray Riley
  131. Church awake - Ollie Hess Schwendemann
  132. City bright and fair - Eddie Williams
  133. Climb up - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  134. Climb upward with a song - Eugene Wright
  135. Climbing higher - Thomas J. Farris
  136. Climbing Jacob's ladder - James Pennington
  137. Climbing to glory land - B. B. Edmaiston & Martha Parker
  138. Climbing up the golden stairs - C. C. Yarbrough
  139. Cling closer to Jesus - W. H. Holley & Alfred B. Smith
  140. Cling to Christ / W. B. Hankins & Charles E. Moody.
  141. Cling to Jesus - C. E. Durden & Mary Sims
  142. Abide with me - B. B. Edmiaston & Ella Allen Edmiaston
  143. Abiding in love - B. B. Edmiaston & Roy Pickens
  144. Above the clouds - Billy Smith & Millard H. Smith
  145. Across the Great Divide / B. B. Edmiaston & Eddie Williams.
  146. Across the hills - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Stella May Thompson
  147. Across the river - Charles R. Woods
  148. After awhile - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  149. After sorrow comes the smiling - Luther G. Presley
  150. After the midnight - Katherine McCoy
  151. After the sunrise - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Eugene Wright
  152. After, then gladness - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Horace A. Kennedy
  153. All God's children gonna rise and shine - Eugene Wright
  154. All hail the power of Jesus' name - E. Perronet & W. Floyd Taylor
  155. All my sins on Him were laid - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & C. N. Oden
  156. All my troubles will be over - W. W. Combs
  157. All the redeemed - E. M. Baygents & Charles L. Wright
  158. All to thee I bring - M. H. McKee
  159. All will be gladness there - Carl B. Story & Mrs. Carl B. Story
  160. All will be well - Billy Joe Cagle
  161. Alone - Margaret English
  162. Alone with Him - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  163. Along the highway of love - B. B. Edmiaston & C. E. Paregien
  164. Always happy in Him - Luther G. Presley & Ernest Rippetoe
  165. Always humble - James B. Coats
  166. Am I doing the best I can? By Eugene Wright.
  167. Amazing grace, O happy day - L. E. Butrum
  168. Amen and hallelujah - B. B. Edmiaston & J. B. Hadaway
  169. Among the hills of home - Marion W. Easterling & Paul C. Mims
  170. Anchor your soul - W. W. Shaver
  171. Anchored faith - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  172. Anchored in His love - Thomas Ramsey & A. P. Wammack
  173. Amazing grace and O happy day - Leabourne Eads
  174. And there we can sing - Luther G. Presley
  175. Angels watch over thee - Sanford J. Massengale
  176. Any time - Luther G. Presley
  177. Are you drifting out in sin? By Kenneth Fulkerson.
  178. Are you home to Jesus? By Charles W. Combs.
  179. Are you living on the rock? By Claude Goodman & James Rowe.
  180. Are you ready for that day? By Rupert Cravens & Albert H. Cravens.
  181. Anchored in His love - U. G. Carr
  182. Are you sure He will let you in? By Henry P. Wilkerson.
  183. Are you the priest? By Luther G. Presley.
  184. Are you walking in His sunlight? By Bryant Johnson.
  185. Arms of Jesus hold me closer - Ernest Rippetoe
  186. As I go along the way - C. T. McCormack
  187. As I stood by the side of her bed - Marion W. Easterling
  188. As the days go by - Alfred Barratt & James E. Noble
  189. As to Lazarus, he's calling - Henry J. Donohue
  190. At home - William A. McKinney
  191. At Jesus' feet - B. B. Edmiaston & Fred W. Fenton
  192. At the dawning of day - B. B. Edmiaston
  193. At the great judgement bar - Ben E. Storie
  194. At the meeting in the sky - Luther M. Hutchins
  195. At twilight dreaming - B. B. Edmiaston & G. T. Speer
  196. Awake, arise - Emmett A. Burgess
  197. Away to my land of dreams - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
  198. Away to the fields we go - B. B. Edmiaston
  199. Back to Bethel - P. B. Shaw
  200. Back where the old home stands - Eldridge Murphy & G. L. Lindsey
  201. Be a loyal worker - Guy S. Duncan
  202. Be a shining light - J. E. Riley
  203. Be lifted up - V. O. Fossett & James Rowe
  204. Be lifted up my soul.
  205. Be not deceived - Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Estha Arnold
  206. Be ready to go - A. C. Doss & E. Percy Parks
  207. Be ready to meet the King - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & W. W. Turman
  208. Be still and know - Alfred Barratt & V. O. Fossett
  209. Be thou my guide - Robert E. Bacon
  210. Be true to the Lord - Priscilla Crouse
  211. Bearing your cross - B. B. Edmiaston & J. Porter Thomason
  212. Beautiful Bible - H. L. Johnson
  213. Beautiful crown - Cleavant Derricks
  214. Beautiful home - Frank Spencer
  215. Beautiful springtime - Mrs. Omah Floyd
  216. Beautiful stars - Austin Hazelwood & R. B. Monfort
  217. Beautiful, beautiful home - James B. Coats
  218. Because He loved me - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & M. L. Yandell
  219. Because He loved you and me - Charles E. Moody
  220. Because I love Him - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  221. Before the judgement seat of Christ - Cleo Shierling
  222. Behold the man - W. Allan Sims & Carl A. Collins
  223. Bells of happiness - Walter E. Howell & Lillan Howell
  224. Bells of joy will ring - Thomas J. Farris
  225. Bells of love ring in my soul - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
  226. Bells of mercy are ringing - B. B. Edmiaston & Homer F. Morris
  227. Beside the crystal sea - Ellis Short, Jr. & Alfred Barratt
  228. Bethlehem bells - B. B. Edmiaston & Wilbur Wilson
  229. Better get ready - G. A. Phillips
  230. Better get ready - J. W. Gosnell
  231. Bells of joy are ringing for me - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  232. Better get to praying - W. Lee Higgins & James Wells
  233. Better hurry up - James B. Paris
  234. Better times are coming - Grady Bradford & O. A. Parris
  235. Beyond the clouds - Virgil O. Stamps
  236. Beyond the evening star - B. B. Edmiaston
  237. Beyond the gold of sunset - Luther G. Presley
  238. Beyond the hills - J. Graydon Hall & P. B. Shaw
  239. Beyond the starry sky - Albert E. Brumley
  240. Beyond the sun is shining - Hale Reeves
  241. Beyond the veil - L. O. Bynum
  242. Billows of melodies roll - Tillitt S. Teddlie & Frank B. Jones
  243. Bless His holy name - V. O. Fossett
  244. Blessed be the Lord - James B. Coats
  245. Blessed be the name - H. C. Finley
  246. Blessed hope - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  247. Blessed hope sing on - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
  248. Blessed Jesus lead the way - Charles W. Combs
  249. Blessed Jesus loves you too - Albert E. Brumley
  250. Blessed Savior hold my hand - Jimmy Carr & Luther Phillips
  251. Blessed Savior lead me on - Floyd Butler & Ernest Rippetoe
  252. Blessed Savior, hear my prayer - Carl B. Story
  253. Home sweet home - Hovie Lister & V. P. Ellis
  254. How wonderful there - Harry Raymond & Carl B. Story
  255. I am His and He is mine - S. J. Gardner & Ruth Lewis
  256. I long for that city - V. O. Fossett & Clyde Burleson
  257. I love to tell of His love - Lonnie B. Combs
  258. I shall be satisfied - Thomas J. Farris
  259. I want to be ready - Harold Davis
  260. I want to meet the Savior - S. L. Wallace
  261. I will hold His hand - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
  262. Home - Thomas J. Farris
  263. I am His friend - Albert E. Brumley
  264. I long for that home - John L. Shrader
  265. I mean to keep the promise - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  266. I shall behold the King - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  267. I want to be Thine evermore - Rupert Cravens & G. T. Speer
  268. I want to meet you there - P. J. Woodard
  269. I will labor on - Malcolm Jones
  270. Home waits for me - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  271. Humble hearts - Luther Drummond
  272. I am His I know - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & L. D. Morris
  273. I long to go - Jasan Williamson
  274. I met Him at Calvary - M. H. McKee
  275. I shall fly away to glory - Clifford W. Hatcher
  276. I want to be true - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  277. I want to pay my vow - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & James B. Coats
  278. I will meet Him - James B. Coats
  279. Home with the redeemed ones - A. E. Barton & Elbert C. Harris
  280. Hurry up reapers - U. F. Silver
  281. I am the way of love - Luther M. Hutchins
  282. I long to meet you in glory land - Luther G. Presley & Grace Ellerman
  283. I move along - Luther G. Presley
  284. I shall go home in the morning - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  285. I want to be with Jesus - J. L. Jimerson
  286. I want to press on - J. C. Davis & K. C. Minter
  287. I will meet you in glory - W. W. Combs & J. B. Vaughan
  288. Home, happy home - J. W. Keel
  289. I ain't ashamed - Clyde Williams
  290. I am just as happy as can be - Hovie Lister & Alfred Barratt
  291. I look for His face in the sky - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  292. I must be saved - James B. Coats
  293. I shall go there to live - Evelyn Ayres Coe
  294. I want to do my best - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & W. Lee Higgins
  295. I want to see His face - H. L. Hillard
  296. I will meet you there - Sherill Brown
  297. Home-bells will ring a welcome for me - Eugene Wright
  298. I always find it there - E. Webster Kirkland
  299. I am living in His love - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & E. O. Yarbrough
  300. I love Him - Arlo Lear
  301. I must have Christ - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & H. A. Perry
  302. I shall go to Jesus some day - E. W. Suggs
  303. I want to follow where He leads - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & W. Lee Higgins
  304. I want to make life brighter - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  305. I will meet you, precious Mother - James B. Coats
  306. Home-coming by and by - B. F. Sims
  307. I am coming home - J. T. Ely
  308. I am moving on - Lonnie B. Combs
  309. I love Him - G. A. Thacker
  310. I must not fail to go - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Dwight Brock
  311. I shall have a home in glory - Oliver W. Cooper
  312. I want to go - Sanford J. Massengale
  313. I want to see my Lord - Harry D. Clark
  314. I will never doubt Him - Thurman Smith
  315. Home-coming day in Heaven - James B. Coats & John Branton
  316. I am glad that Christ is mine - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  317. I am moving to that city grand - W. Allan Sims
  318. I love Him more each day - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & J. A. Collier
  319. I must sail along - B. B. Edmiaston & B. F. White
  320. I shall live on and on - Eugene Wright
  321. I want to go - Marion W. Easterling & Eugene Wright
  322. I want to see my loved ones - A. C. Doss
  323. I will never forget my dad - Albert E. Brumley
  324. Homesick for Heaven - A. G. Godley
  325. I am glad the Savior came - Lester L. Dooley & James L. Palmer
  326. I am nearing my home - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & C. H. Culbreth
  327. I long to go home - Joe Sellers
  328. I need a friend - Emory S. Peck
  329. I shall meet Him - Howard Miles & Effie Paris
  330. I want to go back - D. N. South
  331. I want to serve my redeemer - Emory S. Peck
  332. I will never leave the Savior - Noah White
  333. Homesick for Heaven - Leonard D. Huffstutler
  334. I am glory bound - J. D. Jacobs
  335. I am no longer lonely - Dixie C. Gordon
  336. I love Him more each day - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & R. B. Derrick
  337. I shall meet Him - J. H. Carr
  338. I want to go home - Charles R. Woods
  339. I want to settle down in Heaven - Luther G. Presley
  340. Holy be the name - Thurman Smith
  341. Homeward bound - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & A. P. Carter
  342. I am glory bound - J. M. Henson & Homer F. Morris
  343. I am not afraid - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Harold Davis
  344. I love Him so - Clyde H. Ellison & Mrs. Theodore Sisk
  345. I need Jesus - C. Murray Fondren
  346. I shall meet Jesus - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & George W. Winningham
  347. I want to go home - Eugene Wright
  348. I want to shake hands - J. R. Varner
  349. I will plant a little flower - J. C. Torbett
  350. Homeward I go - Charles R. Woods
  351. I am going home - B. I. Cline
  352. I am now a child of God - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Floyd E. McNeill
  353. I love by blessed redeemer - Emmett S. Dean & B. B. Edmiaston
  354. I need thee, dear Lord - B. B. Edmiaston & Roy Wheeler
  355. I shall meet my Savior face to face - Charles W. Combs
  356. I want to go there, don't you? By James R. Haney.
  357. I want to show my love - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Jeanette Ann Miller
  358. I will sail up high some day - Clyde Williams & Luther G. Presley
  359. Homeward traveler - J. E. Herring & R. W. Tidwell
  360. I am coming home - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  361. I am now a child of God - E. D. Culpepper & Wayne Curtis
  362. I would have my garments white - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & J. E. Roane
  363. I need thee, Lord - James B. Coats
  364. I shall never forget - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Wilbur Wilson
  365. I want to go there, too - M. S. Hall
  366. I want to sing of His love - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  367. I will sing for the glory of the Lord - B. F. Logan
  368. Homing time - C. C. Yarbrough
  369. I am coming home - W. Allan Sims
  370. I am on my way - Fred Rich
  371. I would like to go back - Luther G. Presley
  372. I need thee, Lord, each day - L. D. Laminack
  373. I shall praises sing - Luther Banta & Jewel Banta
  374. I want to go to Heaven - Victor Hamner & Floyd A. Formby
  375. I want to sing of His love - R. H. Stanley & Mrs. R. L. Stanley
  376. I will still press on - O. L. Francis
  377. Honor give to His great name - V. O. Fossett
  378. I am going home - William A. McKinney
  379. I am on my way to Heav'n above - B. B. Edmiaston & L. L. Hornsby
  380. I would not miss it - Herbert Buffum & Virgil O. Stamps
  381. I need Thy hand - V. O. Fossett & Luther G. Presley
  382. I shall reach Heaven some day - Dan Williams
  383. I want to hear Him call my name - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & C. H. Culbreth
  384. I want to sing over there - Karl Taylor
  385. I will travel the old time way - W. B. Hankins & Eugene Wright
  386. Honor Him with praise - Virgil O. Stamps
  387. I am going to be there - Marion W. Easterling
  388. I am on the glory way - Thomas J. Farris
  389. I would service give - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  390. I need your prayers - Mabel Kirkham
  391. I shall reach my home - J. R. Varner & Wallace Varner
  392. I want to hold Him by the hand - Jimmie M. Jacobs
  393. I want to sing the glad new song - J. R. Baxter, Jr