Glory Special & 19618 other titles/32
- Praise the Lord in song - Allen L. Williams
- Praise the Lord in song - Mrs. E. T. Isbell
- Praise the Lord in song - Carlos Barrentine
- Praise the name of Jesus - Jimmy W. Barlow
- Praise the Lord in Song - Allen L. Williams
- Praise the name of Jesus - B. E. Cline
- Praise the name of Jesus - Charles W. Hinson
- Praise the name of Jesus - J. E. Marsh
- Praise the name of Jesus - Eugene McCammon
- Praise the Savior - Christopher C. Stafford
- Praise the holy dove - Clarence Elliott
- Praise to God will ring - Gordon Ross & Theresa West
- Praise to his holy name / by Adger M. Pace & Fred L. Swelling.
- Praise ye him - Cleavant Derricks
- Praise ye the Lord - Clyde Williams
- Praise ye the Lord - J. Daniel Williams
- Praise ye the Lord - J. W. Smith
- Praise ye the Lord - J. Otis Murphree
- Praise ye the Lord - S. A. Summerland
- Praise ye the Lord / by Dewey Belknap.
- Praise ye the Lord - L. E. Teal
- Praise ye the Lord! By Robert E. Arnold & Marvin P. Dalton.
- Praise ye the Lord - J. Marion Watson
- Praise ye the Lord - Luther G. Presley
- Praise ye the Lord - B. B. Edmiaston & Jerry L. Hargie
- Praise ye the Lord - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Christopher C. Stafford
- Praises sing to the Lord - B. B. Edmiaston & Nolan T. Kimbrell
- Praises to him belong - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
- Praises to the King - Cawthon Thompson & B. F. White
- Praising him for love - Luther G. Presley
- Praising his name in song - W. H. Dungan & James B. Paris
- Praising Jesus - T. A. Neal
- Praising Jesus Christ, my King - Orgel Mason
- Praising Jesue the Lord - Elsie Hunter & Hansel Hunter
- Praising my Savior - John l. Shrader
- Praising the Lord, sharing his - Don R. Moore
- Praising the Lord, sharing his - Don R. Moore
- Pray - J. C. Brown
- Pray - Ishmael J. Kirby
- Pray - J. Marion Watson
- Pray a fervent prayer - Oliver W. Cooper & Marvin P. Dalton
- Pray a little more - Doc V. R. Dooley
- Pray always - Charles Towler & M. E. Pearce
- Pray for me - Pat H. Baxter
- Pray for me - R. J. Creel & J. L. Huffstutler
- Pray for me / Mrs. Georgie Pugh.
- Pray for me - Wm. Cortez Blaylock
- Pray for one another - Jack Clark
- Pray for our leaders! By Sylvia Evans Egan.
- Pray, humbly pray - John L. Shrader
- Pray on, pray thru - V. O. Fossett
- Pray to your father in Heaven - J. B. Lemley
- Prayer - Cleavant Derricks
- Prayer - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Prayer changes things - Mrs. P. W. Alexander
- Prayer is the key - George O. Webster
- Prayer is the key - Cleavant Derricks
- Prayer of thanksgiving / by S. B. Quinn.
- Prayer time - Linda C. Bayus
- Prayer warrior - Dennis McKay
- Prayers that are whispered - Thurman H. Smith
- Praying for the ones I love - Luther G. Presley
- Preach it like it is - Videt Polk
- Precious Bible - Susie Shiver & Effie Avery
- Precious blood, previous love - Bobby Burnett & Viet Polk
- Precious hiding place - Leonette B. Allen
- Precious is his love - Eugene McCammon, Clyde W. Ballew & D. D. Mel Roberts
- Precious in Jesus - Alfred Matthews & J. T. Williams
- Precious is the prayer - Thomas R. Wilson & W. K. (Buck) Compelube
- Precious Jesus - Nellie D. Adams & Myrtle Duckworth
- Precious Jesus, don't forget - Albert E. Brumley
- Precious Lord - Glenn Cline
- Precious Lord, I need thee - Robert E. Arnold & V. O. Fossett
- Precious Lord, lead me - Eugene McCammon
- Precious Lord, lead me home - B. I. Cline
- Precious Lord, please forgive - Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson
- Precious Lord, redeemer of the - Harvey Tallent
- Precious Lord, save the lost - Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson
- Precious Lord, what will I do? By James B. Coats.
- Precious memories - Lonnie B. Combs & J. B. F. Wright
- Precious name - Cleavant Derricks
- Precious name - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Precious redeeming love - A. E. Kennedy & Mrs. A. E. Kennedy
- Precious Savior, guide my foots / by Alfred Barrant & W. Lee Higgins.
- Precious Savior, lead me home - B. I. Cline
- Prepare for after while - L. O. Womack
- Prepare for revival! By Thelma Sharp.
- Prepare to go there - Urey S. Lindsey & Isaiah Smith
- Prepare to meet God - Alice Erwin & Viola Trantham
- Prepare ye the way - Gary Lanier
- Press along - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Carlos Barrentine
- Press along - Thomas J. Farris
- Press along, O pilgrim - John L. Shrader
- Press along, O weary pilgrim - Thomas R. Wilson & C. M. Webb
- Press on - Alfred Barrant & W. Lee Higgins
- Press on - Herbert Cordell
- Press on - George C. Fox & R. W. Jones
- Press on, it won't be long - Theodore Sisk
- Press on, O pilgrim - Luther M. Hutchins
- Press on, O pilgrim, there is - V. O. Fossett & Luther G. Presley
- Press on, O weary pilgrim - Hansel Hunter
- Press on, there's joy ahead - V. O. Fossett & Luther G. Presley
- Press on, there's victory jus - B. I. Cline
- Press on to gloryland - Dwigh Brock & Nolan T. Kimbrell
- Press on to glory land / by Thomas J. Farris.
- Pressing on the homeland - Cleavant Derricks
- Prologue - Eugene McCammon
- Promise has become reality - Eugene McCammon
- Promise me (we'll sing to this song again) By Videt Polk.
- Promise of love - Celeste Johnson
- Promised to me - Curtis Doss
- Promised land - John F. Taylor
- Promised sunrise, waited morn - William J. Richey
- Protecting hands - Mrs. R. L. Paul & R. L. Paul
- Pure in heart - Alfred Barratt & J. N. Johns
- Put little sunshine in - Belton Cobb
- Put Jesus first of all - J. R. Varner
- Put on the whole armor - Milda McGroskey
- Put your feet under God's table - Aaron L. Ryder
- Questions for you - J. W. Gaines
- Rain upon the sand - Mrs. R. L. Paul & R. L. Paul
- Rainbow gould - John L. Shrader
- Raindrops of love are falling - Gordon Ross & Theresa West
- Raise the royal banner - Clyde W. Ballew & Vida Munden Nixon
- Reach out a hand - Herbert Craft
- Reach out and touch the Lord - J. B. Lemley
- Reach out and take Jesus by th - Thos. W. Gholson
- Reaching our goal - Jesse W. Baker & James L. Glover
- Read the Bible - Mrs. Herman C. Sprinkle
- Ready for that happy home - John A. Knecht
- Ready made - Luther G. Presley
- Ready now to go - Leonette B. Allen
- Ready to do God's will - W. L. (Bill) Hooper & Jane S. Rogowski
- Ready when he comes for me - James E. Noble
- Real love - Videt Polk
- Reapers, go - T. M. Jones & John L. Shrader
- Reaping the precious harvest - Clyde Williams & James Rowe
- Redeemed - Joe E. Parks & Eloise Phillips
- Redeemed - Cleavant Derricks
- Redeemed by the blood - Aubrey H. Graham
- Redeemed - Joe Roper
- Redeeming love has rescued me - P. N. Owensmon
- Redeeming the time - Elizabeth Dotter
- Redemption's story - Bobby Burnett & Videt Polk
- Refire your soul for him today - Urey S. Lindsey
- Rejoice, he's coming again - Ellis Short, Jr. & Wanda Short
- Rejoice, my soul - Renus E. Rich
- Rejoice, rejoice (in the Lord a) By Finis Fator.
- Rejoicing in Heaven - Clyde Williams & Claude V. Driver
- Rejoicing in Jesus - J. M. Henson & L. L. Hornsby
- Rejoicing in love divine - Mitchell I. Wilson
- Rejoicing in the Lord - J. M. Henson & S. L. Wallace
- Remember God cares for you - B. B. Edmiaston & Charles Tatum
- Remember me - Thomas J. Farris
- Remember me - Rena Presley
- Remember me - John L. Shrader
- Remember me, Dear Lord - Cleavant Derricks
- Remember when you pray - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
- Remember thy child - Luther G. Presley
- Rest - Luther G. Presley
- Rest at the end of the way - James D. Smith
- Rest, beautiful rest - Cleavant Derricks
- Rest for evermore - Alfred Barratt & J. N. Johns
- Rest for the longing heart - Rupert Cravens
- Rest for the troubled soul - Clyde Williams
- Rest for the troubled soul - Mrs. Chas Lee
- Rest over the river - J. K. Gosnell
- Resting in Jesus - C. Robert Huntress
- Reunion beyond the sky - J. Max Barnette & Charles T. Owens
- Reunion in the sky - Alton Delmore
- Revive us again - Marvin P. Dalton
- Revive us again - Jack Taylor
- Ride a cloud - Urey S. Lindsey & Isaiah Smith
- Ride on children - Glen Travis Presley
- Ride on, Jesus - Cleavant Derricks
- Riding on the glory cloud - Lonnie B. Combs
- Riding on the wings of love - Belton Cobb
- Ride on, we're nearing home - Lonnie B. Combs
- Right then - Mrs. J. E. Campbell
- Right upon the firing line - O. A. Parris
- Riding the glory waves - Luther G. Presley
- Ring on merry bells - Russel Burns
- Ring on, O happy song - Rupert Cravens & J. T. Williams
- Ring on, sweet bells of love - Luther G. Presley
- Ring on, sweet harbor bells - B. I. Cline
- Ring out the merry bells - Leonard A. Gordon
- Ring the bells - J. P. Lane & J. S. Davis
- Ring the bells of heaven - Jack Taylor
- Ring the joy bells in your sou - B. B. Edmiaston & A. O. Dunlap
- Ring ye the bells of heaven - Theodore Sisk
- Rise and shine - Leonette B. Allen
- Rise and shine - B. E. Fulmer
- Risen with Christ, O glorious T - Delma Whatley Reno
- Roads of life - Billy Joe Cagle
- Robes and crowns - John F. Taylor
- Rock of ages, safely hide me - A. A. (Buddy) Duke & Mrs. A. A. Duke
- Rock of ages, what a Savior - Luther G. Presley & W. M. DeVaughn
- Rock of love - Buell S. Thompson
- Rockin' on the waters - Joe Roper
- Rocking on the deep - Luther G. Presley
- Roll on river - Thurman Smith
- Room enough in heaven - Walter Duck & Johnny C. Matlock
- Room in God's kingdom - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Rose of Sharon - Gene Stratton Foster & B. C. Kendricks
- Round-up in the sky - V. O. Fossett & John A. Reynolds
- Run, Jonah, run - Joe E. Parks
- Run the race and win the crown - Marvin P. Dalton
- Runaway - Joe E. Parks
- Runaway (reprise) By Joe E. Parks.
- Safe am I - B. B. Edmiaston & W. E. Woodson
- Sacred to my memory - William M. McKinney
- Safe at rest - John L. Shrader
- Safe from the storm - G. D. McNair
- Safe home at last - Sanford J. Massengale
- Safe in his arms - Unknown
- Safe in his arms - Doris Wallace & Aaron M. Wilson
- Safe in his arms - Allen L. Williams
- Safe in the fold - Charles L. Wright
- Safe in the hands of God - Doc V. R. Dooley
- Safe with the Shepherd - Clamon C. Stewart
- Safely anchored in love divine - V. O. Fossett
- Sail away - Lester Williams
- Sailing and singing - V. O. Fossett
- Sailing for our ne w home - Luther G. Presley
- Sailing life's sea - Lonnie B. Combs
- Sailing on the love waves - Mrs. Austin Williams
- Sailing on the ocean of life - Conklin J. Belknap
- Sailing on the ocean of love - V. O. Fossett & Luther G. Presley
- Sailing on the sea of life - Amos G. Mashburn
- Sailin thru the air - Floyd E. Hunter
- Salvation - C. Robert Huntress
- Salvation in Jesus - J. T. Williams
- Salvation thru Christ - Dona Lane
- Salvation thru Christ - Darrell Ray Maddox
- Salvation through grace - Mrs. Wilbur Wilson
- Salvation's joy is mine - Ezra Knight
- Salvation's joy in my soul - Luther G. Presley
- Salvation's plan - Mrs. A. E. Kennedy
- Salvation's song is mine - J. G. Tucker
- Satan is a mighty evil spirit - Byron Pollard
- Satisfaction from above / by Orgel Mason.
- Satisfied - James B. Coats
- Satisfied - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Satisfied - Luther G. Presley
- Satisfied - Jesse W. Baker
- Satisfied now, that I'm saved - Pat H. Baxter
- Save a place for me, Lord - H. A. Green
- Save a wretch like me - Lillian Apperson
- Saved - Joe E. Parks
- Saved - William A. McKinney
- Saved - Elbert B. Fowler
- Saved and healed by the blood - Mrs. Wilbur Wilson
- Saved, and on my way home - Eugene Wright
- Saved and ready to go - Clyde Stephens
- Saved by divine grace - Roland J. Daniel
- Saved by grace - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Saved by grace - Jennie V. Preston
- Saved by grace - Mrs. Wilbur Wilson
- Saved by grace divine - Napoleon Hardwick
- Saved by grace divine - Clyde Williams
- Saved by his grace - L. D. Bassett
- Save by the blood - S. D. Bruton
- Saved by the grace of God - Marvin B. Dalton
- Saved for a witness - James B. Coats
- Saved, saved! By Jack TAylor
- Saved, saved! By Clyde Williams.
- Saved to serve the Lord - Clyde Williams
- Saving grace - Lonnie B. Combs
- Saving grace - B. E. Fulmer
- Saving grace - Charles Howard
- Savior, hear my plea - C. C. Martin
- Savior help me carry on - Floyd E. McNeill
- Savior, hide thou me - Jimmy Carr
- Savior, hold my hand - W. Lee Higgins
- Savior, lead me - Charles C. Dickey
- Savior, lead me - Sanford J. Massengale
- Savior, lead me - Luther G. Presley
- Savior, lead me - Rupert Cravens
- Savior, lead me - Harold B. Ables
- Savior, lead me - Charles C. Dickey
- Savior lead me all the wayaa - E. T. Isbell
- Savior, lead me home - George W. Rambo
- Savior lead me on / by Rupert Cravens.
- Savior, lead me to the promise - B. I. Cline
- Savior, lead us - Mrs. C. A. Lane
- Savior, like a shepherd lead us / by Peter J. Zondervan.
- Savior, like a shepherd lead u - Michael E. Parks
- Savior, precious Savior - J. Noble Moore
- Savior, take me home - A. V. Northcutt
- Say amen - Luther G. Presley
- Say it with a song - James B. Coats
- Scatter cheer - Urey S. Lindsey
- Scatter good seed - Clyde Williams
- Scatter love - E. L. Barratt
- Scatter sunshine - James B. Paris
- Scatter the rays of God's love - Luther G. Presley
- Scatter the wonderful light - V. O. Fossett
- Search me and know my heart - Clyde Williams
- Search me, and know my heart - G. T. Speer
- Secret prayer - W. A. Jackson
- See the tiny baby - Gary Lanier
- See you with the Bible in my han - Clyde Williams
- Seeing with love and compassio - O. O. Roberts
- Seek the Lord and be true - Dempsey Rainwater
- Seek ye first (God's holy kingd) By Nelson R. Tester.
- Seek ye first the kingdom of God - Clyde Williams
- Seeking those who've gone astr - James B. Coats
- Seems I hear sweet voices call / by Bobbie Glassco & L. E. Teal.
- Seems I hear the bells - Ellis Short, Jr
- Self sacrifice - Cleavant Derricks
- Selfless service - B. B. Edmiaston & John R. Kendall
- Send a worldwide revival, O Lo - Thelma O. Jordan
- Send it on - B. B. Edmiaston & Christopher C. Stafford
- Send out the gospel light - Raymond L. Morgan
- Send out the light - Eloise Phillips & Mrs. Ray Cox
- Send out thy holy light - Alfred Barratt & James E. Noble
- Send showers of blessing - Cleavant Derricks
- Send the news - Luther L. Lovett & Jas. C. Moore
- Send the word - Cleavant Derricks
- Serve the Lord (and do his will) By Ernest C. Phillips.
- Service I would give - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
- Serving and praising him - V. O. Fossett & James Rowe
- Serving my Savior - L. L. Melton & Bill Moore
- Serving the master / by W. Allan Sims.
- Set my spirit free - Jack Taylor
- Settle down in glory - Walter E. Howell
- Seven words - Terry Pillow
- Shackles of Satan can bind no - James B. Coats & Lucille Lewis
- Shades of evening - Cleavant Derricks
- Shall I hear you sing? by Urey S. Lindsey.
- Shall I meet you? By Martin A. Graham.
- Shall I meet you up there? By C. C. Clements.
- Shall I meet you up there? J. C. Brown & B. B. Edmiaston.
- Share th joys - Elmer Cook & Ruth Cook
- Share your blessings - C. Robert Huntress
- Sharon's rose - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Sharon's rose - Samuel W. Beazley & James Rowe
- She has gone away home - John L. Shrader
- She has gone to live in glory - Ed Benson & Travis Bottoms
- Shed for even me - Minnie Bynum
- Shed no tears for me - Luther G. Presley
- She's mean to me - W. C. Carden
- Sheltered in the arms of Jesus - Don Brooks & Mrs. Don Brooks
- Sheltered in the love of Christ - Eloise Phillips & Rupert Cravens
- Shepherd divine - J. R. Baxter, Jr
- Shield me, O Lord - Guy S. Duncan
- Shine for Jesus - Eugene McCammon & Elsie Hunter
- Shine for Jesus where you are - Harry Dixon Loes
- Shine, God's children - Jesse Cook
- Shining for me - G. T. Speer
- Shining stars - Robert O. Levell & Ora Lowe
- Shout and sing - Teddy Dubois
- Shout and sing - W. P. Poteat
- Shout the good news - V. O. Fossett
- Shout the praise of God - Clyde Williams
- Shout with joy and praise the - Billy Joe Cagle
- Shouting in the air - Henry L. Thompson
- Shouting out his praise - Gordon Ross & Theresa West
- Shouting the glory trail - W. Allan Smith
- Shun the place called Hell - Phillip D. Garrison
- Side by side with Jesus - Eugene H. Whitt
- Silent night! holy night! By Joe E. Parks.
- Silent night! holy night! By Jack Taylor.
- Silver and gold - Renus E. Rich
- Silver and gold have I none - D. E. Gilbreath
- Silver bells - W. Allan Smith
- Sin cannot harm me there - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & G. A. Thacker
- Sin drove the nails - Marvin P. Dalton & O. A. Parris
- Sin is to blame - J. H. Vernon
- Since God is real - B. B. Edmiaston
- Since he came - Edsel Coats
- Since he gave me this heart of - Luther G. Presley
- Since he saved this soul of mi - Sanford J. Massengale
- Since I gave my heart to Jesus - Elmer Ward
- Since I gave my whole heart - Alfred Barratt & Fred L. Swilling
- Since I got saved - Floyd E. Hunter
- Since I have been a child of God - V. O. Fossett & Luther G. Presley
- Since I have found Jesus - H. W. Sloan & Eugene H. Whitt
- Since I let the Savior in - B. B. Edmiaston & Preston Hood
- Since I looked up - Ellis Short, Jr
- Since I met Jesus - Margaret Sullivan
- Since I made Jesus my choice / by Curtis Eppler.
- Since I met the Savior - Videt Polk
- Since I put my faith in Jesus - Eva Ree Tilley
- Since I turned it all over to - Eloise Phillips Mrs. Roy Cox
- Since I took Jesus - Patty P. Hitchcock & Glenn Cline
- Since I yielded to him / by Clyde Williams & Donald J. Stringfellow.
- Since I've been born again - Al C. Locke
- Since I've given him control - Clyde Willliams
- Since I've had a glimpse of Je - Otis Deaton & B. B. Edmiaston
- Since Jesus came - Monroe B. Bowling & J. M. Henson
- Since Jesus came into my life - Cleavant Derricks
- Since Jesus saved me - Ellis Short, Jr. & Vida Munden Nixon
- Since my Savior came - Dorothy Waldrop
- Since that day - E. L. Harville & H. R. Teal
- Since the Lord came along - J. M. Henson & S. L. Wallace
- Since the Lord is leading the - Elmer F. Alexander
- Since the love of God came dow - Luther G. Presley
- Since the Savior came - Clyde Williams
- Since the Savior came - Robert E. Arnold
- Since the Savior came along - Horace A. Kennedy
- Since the Savior entered - Cleavant Derricks
- Sing - Dwight Brock
- Sing - Marvin P. Dalton
- Sing - John F. Taylor
- Sing! By Isiah Smith.
- Sing - S. D. Bruton
- Sing a beautiful song - Emory S. Peck & Luther G. Presley
- Sing a cheerful song and smile - Alfred Barratt & H. H. Martin
- Sing a glad happy song - Dwight Brock
- Sing a glad song - J. W. Birdwell & J. W. Hopper
- Sing a glad new song - Robert E. Arnold & Lee O. Chasteen
- Sing a glad new song - W. M. Devaughn
- Sing a happy song - Ellis Short, Jr. & Wanda Short Ward
- Sing a happy song - Jack Lancaster
- Sing a happy song - Rupert Cravens
- Sing a happy song - Jane Garner
- Sing a happy song - Elmer F. Alexander
- Sing a joyful song - Lavaughn Koger
- Sing a new song - Leonette B. Allen
- Sing a new song - Ezra Knight
- Sing a new song - Joe Roper
- Sing a song - Bobbie Glassco & W. H. Hill
- Sing a song - Edward E. Adams
- Sing a song. By Clarence R. Melton.
- Sing a song all the way - Dwight Brock & Nolan T. Kimbrell
- Sing a song of gladness - V. O. Fossett & Carl B. Story
- Sing a song of God's love - Eugene Dalton
- Sing a song of love - H. Wilhoit
- Sing about Jesus - Luther L. Lovett
- Sing about the love of God - Rupert Cravens & N. O. St. John
- Sing about the Savior's love - Bobbie Glassco & W. H. Hill
- Sing all the year - James L. Glover