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Glory Special & 19618 other titles/40

From Wikisource
  1. When the old cane mill went ar - E. Webster Kirkland
  2. When the pearly gates swing wide - Cecil Fisher
  3. When the red light turns green - Clyde Barner
  4. When the redeemed are gatherin' - Luther G. Presley
  5. When the redeemed are safe at home - Luther G. Presley
  6. When the redeemed begin to sin - T. M. Bishop
  7. When the roll is called up yonder - Jack Taylor
  8. When the sails of life's sunse - Alfred R. Preston
  9. When the saints are gathered h - B. I. Cline
  10. When the saints have gathered - Joe L. Aterbury
  11. When the saints go shouting ho - Luther G. Presley
  12. When the Savior calls - Luther Shaw
  13. When the Savior calls me - Travis Bottoms
  14. When the Savior calls us home - B. B. Edmiaston & Edwin Jones
  15. When the Savior reached down for me - G. E. Wright
  16. When the Savior took my hand - T. O. Adkins
  17. When the shadows fall - E. M. Baygents & Lynwood McCoy Smith
  18. When the singers get to heaven - Mrs. W. E. Ray & J. E. Roane
  19. When the singers unite over th - C. H. Culbreth
  20. When the storms of life are pa - George W. Rambo
  21. When the sun goes down - William A. McKinney
  22. When the sun goes down - Curtis Doss & Thurman May
  23. When the the times of refreshing s - G. T. Speer
  24. When the trump of God shall so / by J. Daniel Williams.
  25. When the trumpet shall sound - Dwight Brock & Robert E. Arnold
  26. When the trumpet sounds - Jesse W. Baker
  27. When the trumpet shall sound - William J. Coleman
  28. When the trumpet sounds / L. D. Bassett & Urey S. Lindsey.
  29. When the trumpet sounds - Belton Jones
  30. When the winds of sorrow blow - James (Woodie) Belknap, Mrs. Conklin Belknap & Conklin J. Belknap
  31. When they come to Jordan - John L. Shrader
  32. When they ring the golden bell - Joe Roper & Dion Demarbelle
  33. When they toll the bells of he - Walter Duck
  34. When this journey is over - Clyde Williams
  35. When this life is over - W. B. Clement
  36. When this life is over - Billy Joe Cagle
  37. When this life on earth is o'r - C. Lovingood & Hansel Hunter
  38. When this world is burning - Conklin J. Belknap
  39. When this world is on fire - Oliver Boone & Mrs. O. C. Boone
  40. When to Jesus we bow down - W. O. Hyatt & Vida Munden Nixon
  41. When twilight falls - B. B. Edmiaston
  42. When we all gather there - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Dwight Brock
  43. When we all get home - Videt Polk
  44. When we all get home - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Herbert Hutchins
  45. When we all get to heaven - Jack Taylor, Eliza E. Hewitt & Emily D. Wilson
  46. When we all get to heaven - Adger M. Pace & S. L. Wallace
  47. When we all get to heaven - Henry L. Thompson
  48. When we all get together over - Curtiss S. Pearson
  49. When we all get together over - Burl Carter
  50. When we all have gathered home - Frank White
  51. When we all shall meet again - F. P. Morris
  52. When we all wake up in glory - Urey S. Lindsey & Jarvis W. Maxey
  53. When we anchor there - Ernest Rippetoe & Eugene Wright
  54. When we are through - John W. Sullivan
  55. When we arrive at home - Ida M. Roberts & J. T. Milligan
  56. When we awake in glory - Austin Williams & Mrs. Austin Williams
  57. When we come to cross the rive - Ellis Short, Jr., Rupert Cravens & Wanda Short Ward
  58. When we cross the river - Adger M. Pace & S. L. Wallace
  59. When we gather home - Rupert Cravens
  60. When we gather on that beautiful shore - Albert E. Brumley
  61. When we gather over yonder - Ellis Short, Jr
  62. When we get home - A. C. Doss
  63. When we get home - Robert L. Cantrell
  64. When we get home - Dewey Belknap
  65. When we get home - Adger M. Pace
  66. When we get home - S. L. Wallace
  67. When we get there - Brenton B. Cummings
  68. When we get to heaven - Odis B. Moore
  69. When we get to heaven - Jack Lancaster
  70. When we get to heaven - J. R. Baxter, Jr., Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson
  71. When we get to heaven - Dwight Brock
  72. When we get to heaven - Edsel Coats & Nolan T. Kimbrell
  73. When we get to heaven - Glen Travis Presley
  74. When we get to heaven - Clyde Williams & Adger M. Pace
  75. When we get to heaven - Bonnie M. White
  76. When we get to heaven's land - Clarence E. Jones
  77. When we get together on heaven - Edsel Coats
  78. When we get together with him - Curtis Eppler
  79. When we hear the Master callin' - Clyde Barner
  80. When we hear the trumpet sound - Mrs. Judson Bailey
  81. When we meet - John L. Shrader
  82. When we meet in glory - Thomas J. Farris
  83. When we meet in heaven - W. Allan Sims
  84. When we meet our Saviour there - Clyde Williams, Jackie McCreless & Mrs. Clyde Williams
  85. When we meet the Lord in praye - Jesse W. Baker
  86. When we meet the Lord in the a - Eugene H. Whitt
  87. When we meet to part no more - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Dwight Brock
  88. When we praise our Savior, kin - Adger M. Pace & S. L. Wallace
  89. When we pray - Thelma O. Jordan
  90. When we reach heaven - Dwight Brock, Ellis Short, Jr
  91. When we reach heaven - Marvin P. Dalton
  92. When we reach heaven - Griffin Johnson
  93. When we reach heaven - Dwight Brock & Ellis Short, Jr
  94. When we reach heaven - K. Wayne Guffey
  95. When we reach heaven - James E. Noble
  96. When we reach heaven - Walter E. Howell
  97. When we reach heaven's city - Dwight Brock
  98. When we reach home - O. G. Edwards
  99. When we reach home - Rupert Cravens
  100. When we reach home - J. Daniel Williams
  101. When we reach our home - Thomas J. Farris
  102. When we reach our home - J. Graydon Hall
  103. When we reach our home above - Darrell Ray Maddox & Hettie Maddox
  104. When we reach our home eternal - J. N. Johns
  105. When we reach our home in glory - George L. Eller & J. Howard Hall
  106. When we reach that beautiful l - Billy J. Cook & Rupert Cravens
  107. When we reach that city by and - Clarence Elliot
  108. When we reach the golden shore - Walter C. Mitchell
  109. When we reach the other shore - Roscoe Aultman & Jesse Swindle
  110. When we reach the sunset valley - Daniel J. Cockerham & Rupert Cravens
  111. When we see our Lord and King - Clark Mobley
  112. When we see the lights - Samuel W. Beazley & Thomas Ramsey
  113. When we settle down over there - B. E. Fulmer
  114. When we shall meet on heaven's - O. A. Hunt
  115. When we sing over there - Urey S. Lindsey
  116. When we sing over there - G. D. McNair
  117. When we sit down - Marvin P. Dalton
  118. When we tour that city - Odis B. Moore
  119. When we tread the streets of g - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  120. When we trust in the Lord - Bowen R. Gurley & Marcus B. Hooton
  121. When we walk on the heavenly streets - Albert E. Brumley
  122. When we walk through the gates - N. Keith Ledsome
  123. When we've make our journey ho - James A. Black
  124. When work here is done - Clyde W. White
  125. When work is done - Home Coley & John L. Shrader
  126. When work's all done this fall - Virgil O. Stamps
  127. When you call me to my home - Joe L. Arterbury
  128. When you count up your wasted y - Luther G. Presley
  129. When you count your blessings - Luther G. Presley
  130. When you judge me, Lord - Rena Presley
  131. When you kneel to pray - Robert A. Beggs
  132. When you need him - Nolan T. Kimbrell & Jonathan Parnell
  133. When you need him most - James a. Gill
  134. When you know him (you'll be s) By Odis B. Moore.
  135. When zephyrs of heaven shall f - James B. Coats
  136. Wherever I call - Marvin P. Dalton
  137. Whenever I remember - Alfred Barratt & J. N. Johns
  138. Where could I go? By James B. Coats.
  139. Where dreams come true - Luther G. Presley
  140. Where endless dreams come true - Edsel Coats
  141. Where he leads I'll follow on - B. B. Edmaiston & Lester Williams
  142. Where is Jesus? By Ezra Knight.
  143. Where it's just me and my Lord - Luther G. Presley
  144. Where life's fair river flows - Belton Cobb
  145. Where living waters flow - Thurman Smith
  146. Where milk and honey richly fl - Elsie Hunter & Hansel Hunter
  147. Where no partings come - B. B. Edmiaston & J. E. Roane,
  148. Where O where, eternity? By Kenneth Murphy.
  149. Where the endless ages roll - Joe E. Parks
  150. Where the gentle waters flow - Albert E. Brumley
  151. Where the healing waters flow - James A. Black & A. I. Quales
  152. Where the happy millions sing - Thomas R. Wilson
  153. Where the living waters flows - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & R. Kelsie Baxter
  154. Where the love of God came down - Cleavant Derricks
  155. Where the River of Life rolls - Claude V. Driver & M. Lynnwood Smith
  156. Where the roses never fade - Jack Osborn, Jim Miller & Elsie Osborn
  157. Where will you be? By Larry Spears.
  158. Where would you be? By Nolan T. Kimbrell & Jonathan Parnell.
  159. Where will you stand? By Willie B. Brantley & James D. Smith.
  160. Where will you spend eternity? By V. O. Stewart & Jennie Wilson.
  161. Where will you spend eternity? By Darrell Ray Maddox & Hettie Maddox.
  162. Where will you be? By Luther G. Presley.
  163. Where we'll never say goodby - Glen Travis Presley
  164. Where we'll never grow old - Clarence Elliott
  165. Where'er he leads - Cleavant Derricks
  166. Where would you be? J. M. Henson.
  167. Where would you be? By Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson.
  168. Where are the waters of life are f - Walter E. Howell
  169. Where was Thomas? By Betty Spence.
  170. Where we'll live for evermore - R. L. McGee
  171. Who touched me? By Clyde Williams & Rupert Cravens.
  172. Who touched me? By C. E. Bridges.
  173. Who will be the first to shake? By Roy Wall & Walter E. Edmiaston.
  174. Who will hold my hand? By F. E. Huett.
  175. Who will sing for me? By J. T. Ely.
  176. Who will sing for me? By Clifford W. Hatcher.
  177. Whoever calls on the name of t? By Ellis Short, Jr. & Wanda Short Ward.
  178. Whom, dear Lord, but thee? By Charles W. Combs.
  179. Whoso offereth praise; Psalm 5 - Jack Taylor
  180. Whosoever will may come - J. B. Haskett
  181. Whosoever will may come - Raymond L. Garrett
  182. Which road are you on? By Eugene Dalton.
  183. Which road will you take? By J. L. Huffstutler & Ola Womack.
  184. Which road will you travel? By B. E. Fulmer.
  185. Which side are you on? By James R. Haney.
  186. Which way do you travel? By Emory S. Peck & Luther G. Presley.
  187. Which way will you go? By Mae Johnson.
  188. which way will you walk? By Daniel J. Cockerham.
  189. While ages roll - Elbert C. Harris & W. E. Martin
  190. While ages roll on - R. B. Ricks
  191. While the ages roll - Cleavant Derricks
  192. While the ages roll on - Luther G. Presley
  193. While the ages shall roll by - Cleavant Derricks
  194. While the days go rolling by - Urey S. Lindsey & J. E. Roane
  195. While the endless ages roll - James A. Black
  196. While the years roll on - Olvier W. Cooper & H. E. Upchurch
  197. While walking in the light - G. T. Speer
  198. Whisper a prayer - Jack Taylor
  199. Whisper a prayer for me - Rupert Cravens
  200. Whisper again - James Rowe & Christopher C. Stafford
  201. Whispering hope - V. O. Fossett
  202. White as the snow - Raymond L. Morgan
  203. Who? By William A. McKinney.
  204. Who? By S. D. Bruton.
  205. Who are the wise? By Gary Lanier.
  206. Who at my door is standing? By Asa B. Everett & Mary B. Slade.
  207. Who at my door is standing? By Joe E. Parks.
  208. Who but God? By James B. Coats & Leone Rochelle.
  209. Who cares? By Mrs. P. W. Alexander.
  210. Who is on the Lord's side? By Frances R. Havergal & George W. Rambo.
  211. Who is on the Lord's side? By Marion E. Cooper.
  212. Who is the King? By Robert E. Arnold & Marvin P. Dalton.
  213. Why did he love me so? By L. J. Wiley & Mrs. L. J. Wiley.
  214. Why did Jesus have to die? By William A. McKinney.
  215. Why do you journey that way? By Mrs. Glen Davis & Elmer Ward.
  216. Why I love him - Eugene McCammon
  217. Why I sing - Nelson R. Tester
  218. Why miss his glory? By James B. Coats.
  219. Why must the Savior die? By Willa Calvert Smith & Mabel Theirle.
  220. Why not accept him today? By Cleavant Derricks.
  221. Why not be happy? By Eugene McCammon.
  222. Why not be saved? By James B. Coats & W. M. DeVaughn.
  223. Why not make Heaven your home? By Luther G. Presley & J. C. Whitmire.
  224. Why not step right out? By Eugene McCammon.
  225. Why put off salvation? By Mrs. R. L. Paul & R. L. Paul.
  226. Why shall I fear? By Malcolm Jones & Henry V. Weldon.
  227. Why should he love me so? By Bobby Burnett & Videt Polk.
  228. Why should I fear? By Joe Roper, Elisha A. Hoffman & T. B. Mosley.
  229. Why should I roam? By Katharyn Bacon & W. L. Higgins.
  230. Why should I wander? By E. M. Latham.
  231. Why shouldn't I love him? By Robert E. Arnold.
  232. Why, tell me why? By Luther G. Presley.
  233. Why think vain things? By B. B. Edmiaston.
  234. Why won't you come? By B. B. Edmiaston & Sallie Herbert.
  235. Why won't you come tonight? By Thomas Benton.
  236. Why worry? By W. O. White.
  237. Will anyone care? By Videt Polk.
  238. Will I be missed? By E. L. Faircloth.
  239. Will it be enough? By Luther G. Presley.
  240. Will it be well with me? By Fred Rich.
  241. Will it do, precious Lord? By Albert E. Brumley.
  242. Will my name be written there? By Sanford J. Massengale.
  243. Will the circle be unbroken? By John L. Shrader.
  244. Will there be someone waiting? By Joe E. Parks & Clyde Williams.
  245. Will we be forgotten? By James B. Coats.
  246. Will we sing those sweet old s? By Thomas R. Wilson.
  247. Will you be rewarded? By Eugene Wright.
  248. Will you be there? By W. O. Wyatt & Vida Munden Nixon.
  249. Will you earn everything? By Curtis Doss.
  250. Will you earn everything? By C. M. Lyles.
  251. Will you fail the Lord? By James B. Coats & Herschel Saucier.
  252. Will you live for the Lord? By Hyman Brown & Rupert Cravens.
  253. Will you meet him that day? By H. H. Martin & Adger M. Pace.
  254. Will you meet me in Glory? By Dewey Belknap.
  255. Will you meet me in that home? By H. Z (Doc) Tanksley & Mrs. H. Z. Tanksley.
  256. Will you meet me, my friend? By J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett.
  257. Will you meet me over Jordan? By Eugene H. Whitt.
  258. Will you meet me there? By Isaiah Smith & Urey S. Lindsey.
  259. Will you meet me up there? By Eugene H. Whitt.
  260. Will you meet me up there? By Ralph Thomas & Lester Williams.
  261. Will you miss me? By George Beebe & Cleland B. Mcafee.
  262. Will you work for Jesus? By Mrs. Morris Shiver.
  263. Will your building stand? By Al L. Clanton.
  264. Will your dreams come true? By Luther G. Presley.
  265. Will your hands be empty? By Hazel Shade.
  266. Will your religion stand the t? By R. H. McNew.
  267. Willing to guide you - Robert E. Arnold
  268. Willingly, joyfully give - C. A. Lane & Mrs. C. A. Lane
  269. Wilt thou not revive us again? By R. L. Solomon.
  270. Win precious souls for thee - C. Robert Huntress
  271. Wings of prayer - Joe E. Parks & Clyde Williams
  272. Wipe the tears from your weepi - James B. Coats
  273. With a shout and a song - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
  274. With my eyes on Jesus - Robert A. Beggs
  275. With tenderness - Alfred Matthews
  276. With the angels we shall sing - E. G. Reagan & D. O. Wilson
  277. With the Lord to Jericho - L. D. Bassett & Jarvis W. Maxey
  278. With the saints we'll rise - D. E. Gilbreath
  279. With the Savior by my side - Alfred Barratt & J. R. Varner
  280. Within' my heart - B. B. Edmiaston
  281. Within' my heart - J. E. Roane
  282. Without a word - Joe E. Parks
  283. Without God - Lonnie B. Combs
  284. Without him - Pauline F. Pate
  285. Witness for Christ - Mae Johnson
  286. Witness for my Lord - Cleavant Derricks
  287. Witness with tears - Mrs. Kelcie M. Ross
  288. With a shout we march - Lester L. Dooley & b. B. Edmiaston
  289. With angels walking by - Leon Guinn & Eddie Williams
  290. With Christ along the glory wa - John Myrick & A. J. Thomspon
  291. With Christ my Lord I will wal - Floyd A Formby
  292. With Christ there is no need - Mrs. Wilbur Wilson
  293. With faith in God there is victory - Thomas R. Wilson & Eugene H. Whitt
  294. With gladness praise the Lord - Eugene McCammon
  295. With God - James B. Coats
  296. With God upon the mountain - Eloise Phillips & Mrs. Roy Cox
  297. With him abide - Cleavant Derricks
  298. With him I'll reach that city - Loy E. Foust
  299. With him I'm walking - Luther M. Hutchins & Loyce Mitchell
  300. With Jesus - E. M. Baygents & Lynwood McCoy Smith
  301. With Jesus I am secure - Eloise Phillps & Rupert Cravens
  302. With Jesus my Lord - Mrs. J. Edwin Powell & G. T. Speer
  303. With joy I'm telling the story - O. C. Pennington & Christine Sims
  304. With mine eye - W. Lee Higgins & Johnson Oatman, Jr
  305. Woman - James B. Paris
  306. Wonder of wonders - Marvin P. Dalton
  307. Wonderful - Joe Roper
  308. Wonderful - James Rowe & M. L. Yandell
  309. Wonderful - Elsie Hunter & Byron Pollard
  310. Wonderful - Luther M. Hutchins & Loyce Mitchell
  311. Wonderful - Cecil Fisher
  312. Wonderful - B. B. Edmiaston & Norma Petro
  313. Wonderful - Emmett S. Dean & Raymond L. Morgan
  314. Wonderful - Jas. C. Moore
  315. Wonderful city - Roy Orr
  316. Wonderful city - B. B. Edmiaston & Herschel Joyner
  317. Wonderful city - J. Otis Murphee
  318. Wonderful faith - Jo Ann Harp
  319. Wonderful friend - J. Otis Murphee
  320. Wonderful gift of God - Eugene H. Whitt
  321. Wonderful glory is flooding my - Cleavant Derricks
  322. Wonderful heaven - Cleavant Derricks
  323. Wonderful home - Gordon Ross
  324. Wonderful homecoming day - Horace A. Kennedy
  325. Wonderful indeed is he - Luther G. Presley & W. M. Devaughn
  326. Wonderful is he - O. G. Edwards & Marie Edwards
  327. Wonderful is he - C. A. Lane
  328. Wonderful is he - Francis Ann Brandon & Howard H. Young
  329. Wonderful is Jesus - B. B. Edmiaston, Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson
  330. Wonderful is Jesus - Luther M. Hutchins
  331. Wonderful is our Lord - Ezra Knight
  332. Wonderful is the name of Jesus - W. O. Hyatt
  333. Wonderful Jesus! By Rubert Cravens & Isaiah Smith.
  334. Wonderful Jesus - Dewey Belknap
  335. Wonderful Jesus - Aaron M. Wilson
  336. Wonderful Jesus - Dewey Belknap
  337. Wonderful Jesus - Floyd E. Hunter & Horace A. Kennedy
  338. Wonderful joy and peace - J. E. Marsh & Mrs. J. E. Marsh
  339. Wonderful joy is mine - Fred Rich
  340. Wonderful love - Floyd E. Hunter
  341. Wonderful love - Cleavant Derricks
  342. Wonderful love - S. D. Bruton
  343. Wonderful love - Robert E. Arnold
  344. Wonderful love from heaven - William A. McKinney
  345. Wonderful love of God - Mrs. Kelcie M. Ross
  346. Wonderful love of God - Lonnie B. Combs & J. T. Williams
  347. Wonderful love of God - Eugene McCammon
  348. Wonderful love of the Savior! By R. L. Solomon.
  349. Wonderful mansions - W. M. Devaughn
  350. Wonderful morning - Henry L. Thompson
  351. Wonderful peace - W. D. Cornell & W. Oliver Cooper
  352. Wonderful peace is mine - Austin Williams & Mrs. Austin Williams
  353. Wonderful Savior is he - Everett U. Calvert
  354. Wonderful story - Elbert B. Fowler
  355. Wonderful story - J. D. Belvin
  356. Wonderful story - Henry L. Thompson
  357. Wonderful story of love - Horace A. Kennedy
  358. Wonderful story of love - Louis R. Gardner
  359. Won't that be the day? By Luther M. Hutchinson.
  360. Won't we be happy? By T. O. Atkins.
  361. Won't we have a good time in Gloryland? By Odis B. Moore.
  362. Won't we have a good time? By Thomas R. Wilson.
  363. Won't we have a wonderful time? By Eugene H. Whitt.
  364. Won't we have a wonderful time? By Mrs. Herman C. Sprinkle.
  365. Won't you accept his precious? By Dwight Brock & Daniel J. Cockerham.
  366. Won't you come? By Mrs. S. H. Vaughn.
  367. Won't you come and go along? By Lora K. Mayes & John L. Shrader.
  368. Won't you come and go with me? By Bert Evans & John Myrick.
  369. Won't you come today? By J. A. Collier & Bernice Kearney.
  370. Won't you meet me? By Eloise Phillips & Mrs. Roy Cox.
  371. Won't you meet me in that city? By L. N. Marquart & Mrs. Georgie Pugh.
  372. Won't you trust him? By Horace Sanford.
  373. Words of Jesus - Clyde Williams, Mrs. R. L. Paul, R. L. Paul & Mrs. Clyde Williams
  374. Work and win - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Ernest Rippetoe
  375. Work for Christ each day - Dwight Brock
  376. Work for Christ each day - Daniel J. Cockerham
  377. Work for Jesus - Dwight Brock, J. T. Williams
  378. Work for Jesus today - C. B. Adkins, Jr
  379. Work today - B. b. Edmiaston, Mrs. Wilbur Wilson & Wilbur Wilson
  380. Work today and sing tomorrow - Bob Paul, Debra Paul, Mrs. R. L. Paul & R. L. Paul
  381. Workers for Jesus - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Horace Echols
  382. Wonderful story of love - Kenneth Fulkerson
  383. Wonderful the love of Jesus - Terry Pillow
  384. Wonderful voice of Jesus - Baine Darnell
  385. Wonderful, wonderful is Jesus - Rev. Tommy Worrell
  386. Wonderful, wonderful love - Eloise Phillips & Mrs. Roy Cox
  387. Wonderful words of life - Philip P. Bliss & Peter J. Zondervan
  388. Wonderful words of life - Jack Taylor
  389. Wonderous gift - Harold B. Ables & Walter E. Edmiaston
  390. Wonderous joy is mine - W. Allan Sims & Wesley Tucker
  391. Wonderous story - W. A. Brown
  392. Won't heaven be a wonderful pl? By Thomas J. Farris & Marshall Denzil Smith.
  393. Won't it be a glorious time up? By Carl B. Story.
  394. Won't it be joy? By Herbert Hutchins & James R. Maise.
  395. Won't it be wonderful? By Mrs. S. D. Bruton.
  396. Won't it be wonderful? By Henry L. Thompson.
  397. Won't it be wonderful there? By Homer F. Morris & James Rowe.
  398. Won't it be wonderful there? By Lonnie B. Combs.
  399. Won't that be a happy meeting? By V. O. Fossett & J. B. Levick.
  400. Won't that be a happy time? By Terry Pillow.
  401. Won't that be a happy time? By Charles C. Dickey.
  402. Won't that be a happy time? By Fred Rich.
  403. Workers together with God - Elizabeth Dotter
  404. Working for a robe and crown - J. E. Marsh