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Glory Special & 19618 other titles/6

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Glory Special & 19618 other titles; musical compositions
286163Glory Special & 19618 other titles; musical compositions — 6
  1. I'll wear a white robe - Luther G. Presley
  2. I'ma debtor, I know - James B. Coats
  3. I'ma pilgrim going home - James B. Coats & Eugene H. Whitt
  4. I'ma pilgrim here - N. P. Gates
  5. I'ma pilgrim - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & P. B. Shaw
  6. I'ma pilgrim singing - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & L. L. Hornsby
  7. I'ma private in the army of the Lord - Albert E. Brumley
  8. I'ma soldier, let me ride - Cleavant Derricks
  9. I'm an unfortunate stranger - Albert E. Brumley
  10. I'm waiting his call - Jarvis W. Maxey
  11. I'm bound for heaven now - Mosey Lister & Wallace Varner
  12. I'm bound for the Promised Land - Samuel Stinnett
  13. I'm waiting for the boatman to come - Albert E. Brumley
  14. I'm bound to travel on - John L. Shrader
  15. I'm bound to travel on the way of love - Luther G. Presley
  16. I'm building - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & W. W. Combs
  17. I'm climbin' - B. B. Edmiaston
  18. I'm doing little things for Jesus - W. A. Lowry
  19. I'm drinking at the fountain - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  20. I'm feeling good in my soul - Thomas Ramsey
  21. I'm finding glory - Luther G. Presley
  22. I'm for Jesus all the time - J. Conrad Hall
  23. I'm for the Bible - M. H. McKee
  24. I'm free - Lillan Howell
  25. I'm free at last - Luther G. Presley & W. B. Walker
  26. I'm fully trusting - John L. Shrader
  27. I'm glad he found me - Roy W. Porter
  28. I'm glad he set me free - Walter E. Howell
  29. I'm waiting the call to come home - M. L. Bolton
  30. I'm walking in the light - Walter E. Howell
  31. I'm walking mighty close to Jesus - Albert E. Brumley
  32. I'm walking by my Savior's side - Carlos Barrentine
  33. I'm bound for the Promised Land - Luther G. Presley
  34. I'm walking in shadows of love - Alfred G. Townsend
  35. I'm winging my way back home - James B. Coats
  36. I'm with my King - B. B. Edmiaston
  37. If heaven's a dream - Mrs. J. B. Karnes & Mrs. C. A. Lane
  38. If I be lifted up - J. W. Gaines
  39. If I can make somebody happy - Luther G. Presley
  40. If I miss the way to God - W. E. Petty
  41. If Jesus is there - W. W. Combs & Rilla Evans
  42. If thou'lt abide - Joel T. Wheeler & Elizabeth Jones Boykin
  43. If we trust the Savior's love - Oliver J. Cooper
  44. Immanuel - B. B. Edmiaston
  45. Immanuel the wonderful - B. B. Edmiaston & W. M. DeVaughan
  46. In a little while - Henry J. Donohue & Dorothy Lou Donohue
  47. In a little while - Eugene Wright
  48. In a little while - R. L. Hardwick & Napoleon Hardwick
  49. In courts of worlds unknown - Frank H. Stamps & George W. Winningham
  50. In grateful praise - C. H. Culbreth & C. L. Dorris
  51. In heaven - Luther G. Presley
  52. In his love - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  53. In his love - Luther G. Presley & B. F. White
  54. In his love there's peace for all - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  55. In Jerusalem land - L. E. Butrum
  56. In Jesus there is comfort - Ollie Mae Davis & Mary Louise Russell
  57. In Jesus there is refuge - B. B. Edmiaston & Taldena Zacharias
  58. In mansions bright - Henry H. Powell & J. C. Weeks
  59. In Mother's way - Luther G. Presley
  60. In my cabin at close of day - Henry J. Donohue
  61. In my heart - Marvin P. Dalton & Luther G. Presley
  62. In Jesus' name - B. B. Edmiaston
  63. In secret prayer - Luther Drummond
  64. In sin I drifted - J. H. Holley
  65. In steps of love - Luther G. Presley & Eugene Wright
  66. In that beautiful Eden of prayer - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  67. In that beautiful land - P. B. Shaw & Stella May Thompson
  68. In that city over there - C. J. Hamrick & Brothers Kitts
  69. In that city - L. V. Jones & R. M. Hobbs
  70. In that city - W. W. Combs
  71. In that glad land - A. H. Purcell
  72. In that home I'll see Jesus - Samuel M. Newkirk
  73. In that home of joy eternal - John M. Tillery
  74. In that home of the soul - Eugene Wright
  75. In that home so bright and fair - Kelley Adkins
  76. In the ark of safety - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  77. In the ark of safety - William A. McKinney
  78. In the arms of his love - L. G. Curtis
  79. In the circle of God's love - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  80. In the cradle of the hills - Charles B. Durham & Thomas Ramsey
  81. In the cradle of the stars - James B. Coats
  82. In the garden of song - B. B. Edmiaston
  83. In the glory of his presence - L. D. Morris & James Rowe
  84. In the glory of his smile - Walter McCord
  85. In the happy by and by - Roy J. Weaver
  86. In the harbor - M. H. McKee
  87. In the homeland of the soul - E. M. McCullough
  88. Jesus leads to victory - James Rowe & Christopher C. Stafford
  89. Jesus leads you still - Mrs. Arthur C. Lee & Arthur C. Lee
  90. Jesus left his home in glory - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & L. D. Morris
  91. Jesus listens to my pray'r - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  92. Jesus loves you and me - Ralph R. DeBord & Clive W. Buckner
  93. Jesus needs you - Lester L. Dooley & Luther G. Presley
  94. Jesus needs you to scatter sunshine - V. O. Fossett & Luther G. Presley
  95. Jesus needs your best - Opal Lee Combs
  96. Jesus never fails - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Floyd E. McNeill
  97. Jesus never will forsake you - Videt Polk & Mrs. W. T. Mayfield
  98. Jesus of Nazareth - Richard Roy Ward
  99. Jesus paid all for me - Laurence Wilson
  100. Jesus paid the cost - W. Allan Sims
  101. Jesus pardoned me - Luther G. Presley & Eddie Williams
  102. Jesus pioneered the way - Herbert Buffum & Thomas J. Farris
  103. Jesus loves me - Luther G. Presley
  104. Jesus saved me and I'm glad - Leabourne Eads
  105. Jesus saved me from sin - Charles W. Combs
  106. Jesus saved my soul - Sanford J. Massengale & Marjorie Massengale
  107. Jesus saves - Roy J. Weaver
  108. Jesus saves, I know - A. B. Sebren & Grace Close
  109. Jesus set the joy bells ringing - Vernon W. Lackey
  110. Jesus shall ever reign - Grady C. Morris & Christopher C. Stafford
  111. Jesus spoke to me - William A. McKinney
  112. Jesus the King has pardoned me - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & James H. Chandler
  113. Jesus took me in - Wayne Silvers & George England
  114. Jesus turns our sighing into singing - B. B. Edmiaston & W. M. DeVaughan
  115. Jesus understands - B. B. Edmiaston
  116. Jesus understands - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  117. Jesus walk with me - C. C. Yarbrough & Mrs. C. C. Yarbrough
  118. Jesus walks with me - B. B. Edmiaston & Eugene Wright
  119. Jesus walks with me - J. D. Jacobs & H. M. Casiday
  120. Jesus wants you like a rainbow to shine - Robert E. Arnold & Luther G. Presley
  121. Jesus was not afraid to die - Mary Louise Gray
  122. Jesus went alone - Dixie C. Gordon & Mrs. Dallas Williams
  123. Jesus will be waiting - W. T. Sumnet
  124. Jesus will care for me - Walter E. Howell
  125. Jesus will carry you thru - Eugene Wright
  126. Jesus will lead - Hansel Hunter
  127. Jesus will lead us in the way - Rupert Cravens & G. T. Speer
  128. Jesus will show me the way - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  129. Jesus will smile on you - Luther G. Presley
  130. Jesus will stay with me - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & G. B. Dickinson
  131. Jesus will take me home - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Elmer L. Ware
  132. Jesus will welcome me there - Jackson Welch
  133. Jesus won - E. J. Cooper & Luther G. Presley
  134. Jesus' love is boundless - Ross F. Chambers
  135. Jesus, I'm coming back - Albert E. Brumley
  136. Jesus, King for evermore - J. A. Collier & B. B. Edmiaston
  137. Jesus, Savior, lead me - Oceta Gilmore
  138. Jesus, send the lovelight - J. M. Henson & Tom Wallace
  139. Jesus, wonderful Jesus - W. W. Combs & B. B. Edmiaston
  140. Join our band - Mrs. William W. Benson & William W. Benson
  141. Join the Savior's army - B. W. Ayers
  142. Jonah disobeyed - Luther G. Presley
  143. Jonah - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  144. Jordan is calling - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Robert L. Howard
  145. Joy and peace for me - W. W. Combs & B. B. Edmiaston
  146. Joy - B. B. Edmiaston & Virgil O. Stamps
  147. Joy for me - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Virgil O. Stamps
  148. Joy is coming - Luther G. Presley
  149. Joy is flooding my soul - Gaston Jackson & M. H. McKee
  150. Joy is mine - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Julius Baker
  151. Joy when morning dawns - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  152. Joy-bells - W. R. York & M. B. Cash
  153. Joys in heaven - Adger M. Pace & S. L. Wallace
  154. Just a curtain between - James B. Coats
  155. Just a dream of a cabin - Luther G. Presley
  156. Just a few more days - W. H. Haynes & Sanford J. Massengale
  157. Just a few more days to travel - Lonnie B. Combs
  158. Just a little farther on - Homer F. Morris & James Rowe
  159. Just a little more of heaven - James B. Coats
  160. Just a little more - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  161. Just a little nearer home - Roy J. Weaver
  162. Just a little old fashioned - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  163. Just a little talk with Jesus - Cleavant Derricks
  164. Just a little view of heaven - M. M. Mayo
  165. Just a little while - William A. McKinney
  166. Just a step - Noah White & Peter J. Noah
  167. Just a veil between - B. B. Edmiaston & Walter Rippetoe
  168. Just above the shadows - Robert E. Bacon & Wilkin Bacon
  169. Just as the sun went down - J. T. Ely & Virgil O. Stamps
  170. Just because he died for me - Albert E. Brumley & Frank H. Stamps
  171. Just beyond the far-off vista - V. O. Fossett & Vida Munden Nixon
  172. Just carry your burdens to him - Walter Rippetoe
  173. Just climb one step higher each day - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  174. Just come to Jesus - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Dwight Brock
  175. Just come to the Savior - Preston (Jack) Clifford & Manuel R. Wortham
  176. Just for today - Guy S. Duncan
  177. Just for you and me - Floyd E. Hunter
  178. Just for you and me - Leonard D. Huffstutler & James Rowe
  179. Just go to him in prayer - William A. McKinney
  180. Just go to Jesus - Albert E. Brumley
  181. Just go to Jesus - E. M. Baygents & James B. Coats
  182. Just lighten some load - Luther G. Presley & Charles W. Watson
  183. Just mention his name - Albert E. Brumley
  184. Just out-side - Carlos Barrentine
  185. Just over on the other side - John L. Shrader
  186. Just over there - B. B. Edmiaston & Frank B. Jones
  187. Just over there - R. H. Cunningham
  188. Just put a little bit of sunshine - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  189. Just rest your all in the arms of Jesus - Ernest Rippetoe & W. A. Washburn
  190. Just sing a new song - J. R. Varner & John Guthrie
  191. Just a sing a song - John L. Shrader
  192. Just the old time religions - W. Allan Sims & Emma Mayhall
  193. Just to be with him in glory - Alfonso Shipwash & Leila Mae Elliott
  194. Lead me home, O precious Savior - B. I. Cline
  195. Lead me on - Thomas J. Farris
  196. Lead me on - B. B. Edmiaston & J. Porter Thomason
  197. Lead me on - B. B. Edmiaston
  198. Lead me on - Cleavant Derricks
  199. Lead me on day by day - Rupert Cravens & C. R. Maddox
  200. Lead me to Glory Land - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & W. P. Long
  201. Lead me on to Glory Land - J. L. Scott & Wayne Scott
  202. Lead me on, O Lord - Henry D. Carlton & Ed Croft
  203. Lead me to the rock - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  204. Lead me to the rock - Ben L. Speer
  205. Lead me to the Promised Land - Henry Lambert
  206. Lead me onward - William Cortez Blaylock
  207. Leaning on his arms - S. D. Bruton
  208. Lean on his arm - B. B. Edmiaston & Homer F. Morris
  209. Leading the way - Luther G. Presley & Gresham Lowery
  210. Leading me - Jack Clark
  211. Leading light - Fred L. Swilling
  212. Lead us - Marion E. Cooper & B. B. Edmiaston
  213. Lead them right - C. H. Culbreth
  214. Lead me, Savior - Rupert Cravens & W. Lee Higgins
  215. Lead me, Savior - Olive Lloyd
  216. Leave your load at the cross - M. H. McKee
  217. Leaving the rest with Jesus - W. R. Crumly
  218. Led by the cross - Luther L. Lovett & Lizzie DeArmond
  219. Left behind - B. B. Edmiaston
  220. Lend a helping hand - Fred W. Fenton & Harold Davis
  221. Let ev'ry heart keep singing - Lonnie B. Combs & Luther Drummond
  222. Lean a little closer - Beatrice Stubblefield & Charles J. Jennings
  223. Let glad praise ring - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Otis Deaton
  224. Let God's sunshine warm your soul - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  225. Let his light guide you all the way - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & S. L. Wallace
  226. Let his word of promise be your stay - Alfred Barratt & Dorothy Ray
  227. Let hallelujahs roll - Claude H. Center & B. B. Edmiaston
  228. Let it ring - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Winfred Bell
  229. Let it roll - Joe Sellers & Carmi Sellers
  230. Let Jesus be your partner - C. P. Gardner & Elizabeth Allison
  231. Let Jesus in - Hurdist Milsap
  232. Let Jesus lead you home - Earl E. McCord & Attress McNoble
  233. Let love abide - Robert E. Arnold
  234. Let me be humble - Fred Rich
  235. Let me be one with thee - Jesse McBeth
  236. Let me be true - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Walter Rippetoe
  237. Let me die easy, Lord - Marion W. Easterling
  238. Let me dream of heaven - James B. Coats & Eiland Davis
  239. Mansions above - J. M. Browning
  240. Mansions in glory - Otmer J. Litton
  241. Mansions of happiness - James B. Coats
  242. Mansions prepared - Samuel W. Beazley
  243. Mansions up in glory - Claude Goodman
  244. Memories of Mother - Thomas J. Farris
  245. Memories that linger - S. E. Eudy
  246. Memory hall - B. B. Edmiaston & V. O. Fossett
  247. Memories of loved ones - Jonathan F. Noah & Lee Boozer
  248. Mighty close to heaven - James B. Coats
  249. Mighty the Lord - Samuel W. Beazley & B. B. Edmiaston
  250. Mocking-bird valley - Albert E. Brumley
  251. More like Jesus - L. D. Bassett
  252. More like my Savior - T. M. Bishop & Cletus Pippin
  253. More like thee - W. M. DeVaughan
  254. Morning hymn - Mrs. William W. Benson & William W. Benson
  255. Morning thanks - B. B. Edmiaston
  256. Morning, noon and evening - B. B. Edmiaston & J. Porter Thomason
  257. Most done traveling - V. O. Fossett
  258. Mother and home - Albert E. Brumley & W. H. Hensley
  259. Mother has gone - Charles E. Hudson & J. E. Hudson
  260. Mother has gone - Nena Sharp
  261. Mother is in heaven - Leon Guinn & Eddie Williams
  262. Mother's Bible - Frank H. Stamps & W. P. Long
  263. Mother's gone home - Mrs. William W. Benson & William W. Benson
  264. Mother's love - Luther G. Presley
  265. Mother's love - Robert L. Howard
  266. Mother's prayers have rescued me - G. L. Baker
  267. Mother's song - James B. Coats & Carl R. Harrington
  268. Mother, how we miss you - Elizabeth P. Butterworth
  269. Mother, rock me to sleep - B. B. Edmiaston & Ernest Smith
  270. Move along - W. H. Dunagan & B. B. Edmiaston
  271. Move into the sunlight of love - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  272. Moving higher - Eugene Wright & C. B. Woodard
  273. Moving to a better land - Eugene Wright
  274. Moving to Glory-Land - Luther G. Presley & W. O. Hartsfield
  275. Moving up the shining way - W. Lee Harmon & Eugene Wright
  276. Moving up the trail - W. Allan Sims
  277. Music in heaven - Mrs. J. N. Hunter & T. B. Mosley
  278. Moving higher - Robert E. Arnold & Eugene Wright
  279. Music is ringing in my soul - T. M. Bishop & Eugene Wright
  280. My bark will ride the waves in peace - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  281. My Bible - G. D. McNair
  282. My burden bearer - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & Warner W. Watts
  283. My cabin home - William S. Carrier & Mrs. William S. Carrier
  284. My castle in heaven - M. H. McKee & G. (Doc) Jackson
  285. My cathedral of dreams - Mrs. J. W. Payte
  286. My childhood home - J. C. Torbett
  287. My dear mother - L. E. Butrum
  288. My dear old home - A. B. Condo
  289. My dear old parents - J. Otis Murphree
  290. My dream of Mother - Virgil O. Stamps & Mrs. R. L. Wall
  291. My dreams will come true - Lonnie B. Combs
  292. My dreams will come true - W. A. Washburn & Hiram G. Davis
  293. My earnest plea - Alfred Barratt & B. B. Edmiaston
  294. My elder brother - Samuel W. Beazley & B. B. Edmiaston
  295. My eternal home - N. P. Gates
  296. My everlasting friend - Ellis Short, Jr. & Alfred Barratt
  297. My experience of grace - J. E. Roane & W. F. Nichols
  298. My father is a multi-millionaire - Alfred Barratt & W. M. DeVaughan
  299. My feet are on the rock - Loy E. Foust
  300. My friend - B. B. Edmiaston & Allen Ramsey
  301. My friend - J. O. Bearden
  302. My future estate - Sanford J. Massengale
  303. My future home - T. M. Jones
  304. My glory time - J. L. Jimerson
  305. My great desire - James B. Coats
  306. My guilding star - Robert E. Arnold
  307. My heart is aflame with his love - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  308. My heart is assured - Mrs. Frank Breck & Eddie A. Faulkner
  309. My heart is fixed on thee - M. H. McKee
  310. My heart is singing - Travis Bottoms & B. B. Edmiaston
  311. My home eternal - Roy C. Holt
  312. My home is over there - Luther G. Presley
  313. My home - J. Wreed Gladney
  314. My homeward flight - Luther G. Presley & Eugene Wright
  315. My house eternal - M. H. McKee
  316. My house is a home since Jesus came - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  317. My humble plea - Videt Polk
  318. My joy and glory will begin - Julius Baker
  319. My King and Lord - Robert L. Howard
  320. My life I owe to him - B. B. Edmiaston & Tiney E. Townsend
  321. My little lighthouse of love - Clarence A. Lutrell
  322. My little mountain home - Albert E. Brumley
  323. My little mountain home - Mrs. J. W. Payte
  324. My long sought glory - Luther G. Presley
  325. My Lord - Ernest Edwards
  326. My Lord is leading - John L. Shrader
  327. My Lord is near - Dwight Brock & Mrs. Dwight Brock
  328. My Lord is watching over me - Luther G. Presley & Floyd A. Formby
  329. My Lord will pilot me - T. O. Atkins & B. B. Edmiaston
  330. My Lord will show the way - J. T. Sisk & Thomas Self
  331. My mansion in glory - Clyde Williams & Adger M. Pace
  332. My mother is gone - Mrs. William W. Benson & William W. Benson
  333. My mother - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & W. Lee Higgins
  334. My mother's hands - M. E. Wilson
  335. My mother's in heaven - Albert E. Brumley
  336. My never-failing friend - B. B. Edmiaston & W. C. Woodward
  337. My new wedding robe - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  338. My prayer - Carl B. Story
  339. My prayer - James B. Coats
  340. My prayer - Louise Fanning
  341. My prayer - Marvin S. Gassaway
  342. My prayer - B. B. Edmiaston & Mrs. George Dean
  343. My prayer - Tillitt S. Teddlie & Walter Rippetoe
  344. My refuge - Allen Ramsey & Flossie Blake
  345. My refuge - Luther G. Presley
  346. My sailboat of dreams - Luther G. Presley
  347. My Savior bore the cross for me - Alfred Barratt & W. Lee Higgins
  348. My Savior - Cleavant Derricks
  349. My Savior - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  350. My Savior knows the way - James Rowe & C. W. Rainwater
  351. My Savior knows the way - Ruby M. Bryant & J. A. Collier
  352. My Savior will keep my soul - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & V. O. Fossett
  353. My Savior will welcome me there - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & O. V. Grice
  354. My sea of Galilee - Vida Munden Nixon & Emory S. Peck
  355. My song is Happy day - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & C. E. Paregien
  356. My song of praise - Pat H. Baxter & Mrs. Earl Harrop
  357. My soul is free - Cleavant Derricks
  358. My soul shall ride on the glory clouds - P. B. Shaw & Eugene Wright
  359. My soul will never die - Virgil O. Stamps & Rilla Evans
  360. My wonderful friend - J. O. Bearden
  361. My wonderful Savior - Grady C. Morris & Marvin E. Taylor
  362. My work on earth is ending - Walter E. Howell
  363. Nature's song - H. K. Meacham
  364. Nearer home - Charles B. Durham
  365. I'll fly away home - Lora K. Mayes & John L. Shrader
  366. Nearer to thee - B. B. Edmiaston & Flossie Blake
  367. Nearing home - Walter E. Howell
  368. Never leave me - Clarence A. Lutrell
  369. Never lose heart - Alfred Barratt & H. H. Martin
  370. My dreams will come true - Lonnie B. Combs
  371. My dreams will come true - W. A. Washburn & Hiram G. Davis
  372. Nearer home - James Cain & Otis Deaton
  373. O beautiful home - A. L. Bray
  374. O beautiful land - M. H. McKee
  375. O brother, hold his hand - J. R. Baxter, Jr
  376. O brother, tell me why? By W. A. Gilbert.
  377. O child, return - James B. Coats & Marion N. Pitts
  378. O Christians, let us pray - Walter H. Carter
  379. O dear Mother - Lonnie F. Sutton & J. E. Melvin
  380. O give me the old time religion - John L. Shrader
  381. O glory, it won't be long - J. R. Baxter, Jr. & O. V. Grice