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Goffine's Devout Instructions/Memoir

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Goffine's Devout instructions on the Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays and holydays (1896)
by Leonard Goffiné
Memoir of the Author
4004225Goffine's Devout instructions on the Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays and holydays — Memoir of the Author1896Leonard Goffiné


LEONAED GOFFINE was born at Cologne in the year 1648, and was received as a Premonstratensian monk on the 18th of July, 1669, at Steinfeld, in the duchy of Juelich, in a convent which was afterwards secularized. For many years he had charge of the parishes of Oberstein and Coesfeld, which he served with praiseworthy zeal. Everywhere he kept the example of his Lord and Master before his eyes. As we read in the Acts (i. 1), "Jesus began to do, and to teach," so his greatest care was, first to correct himself and then to teach others. Being persuaded that public instruction and the exercises of the divine service should be accompanied by Christian instruction at home, he wrote at Coesfeld, Westphalia, a book of instruction and devotion, which, under the title of "A Manual," he caused to be published in the year 1690. In this work his aim was to instruct thoroughly, in regard to their sublime vocation, not only his own parishioners, but also all Christians desirous of salvation ; to convince them of the superstition and errors of the world ; to fill them with a lively faith, with sweet hope of the goods of eternity, and with a holy love for God and heavenly things. As his whole conduct showed that the spirit of God was with him, so even they who opposed his religion could not withhold from him their respect. He died August 11, 1719, in the 71st year of his age. His memory remains in benediction.