Golden Fleece (magazine)/Volume 1/Issue 1/The Round Table

An Open Forum for Our Readers
The editors of "Golden Fleece" will appreciate and welcome letters of criticism and suggestions from readers. Although this magazine is primarily intended to feature historical adventure stories, we will by no means be bound to any unbreakable editorial policy in this respect.
If the majority of readers want some adventure stories of more modern times and possibly some laid in the future, they shall have them or any other type of story that they demand.
We think we have a good idea here, and we hope you like it, but if you don't do not hesitate to say so—because we can take it and will make any changes necessary for the good of the magazine. In short, the success of the magazine depends upon your reaction to it, and we want you to have a voice in the type of stories to be published in the future.
We have spared no expense in acquiring stories of a better type than are usually run in pulp magazines. We hope you like them as much as we do.
If, in reading the stories, you run across glaring errors as to period, locale or the customs of the times—put the writer on the spot! Always remember, however, that the writer should be allowed some "poetic license" and that a written story, like some you probably tell of your own experiences, should never be dulled by too strict adherence to the truth.
But just one thing more, dear readers:
We will carefully read all letters you send in.
We will from time to time print in this department
such as seem of general interest
and helpfulness. But we positively
Cannot enter into any correSpondence
or answer any
Questions. You and the writers will do
the sparring.
So let's hear from you. And may you henceforth and hereafter remain our faithful reader, always welcome to your seat at the round table.
The Editors
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