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Gondibert: An Heroick Poem/Canto 20

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4111352Gondibert: An Heroick Poem — The Third Book: Canto the SixthWilliam Davenant

CANTO the Sixth.

The Argument.
Here Ulfin reads the art to UlfinoreOf wisely getting, and increasing Pow'r.The Rivals to Verona haste, and thereYoung Goltho's frailtie does too soon appear.Black Dalga's fatal beautie is reveal'd;But her descent and Storie is conceal'd.
1.OLd Ulfin parting now with Ulfinore,His study'd thoughts, and of a grave importThus utter'd, as well read in ancient Lore;When prudence kept up greatness in the Court.
2.Heav'n guide thee Son, through Honour's slipp'ry way;The Hill, which warie painfulness must climbe;And often rest, to take a full survayOf ev'ry path trod by Experienc'd Time.
3.Rise glorious with thy Master's hopefull Morn!His favour calls thee to his secret Breast;Great Gondibert! to spatious Empire born;Whose carefull Head will in thy Bosom rest.
4.Be good! and then in pitie soon be great!For virtuous men should toil to compass pow'r,Lest when the Bad possess Dominion's Seat,We vainly weep for those whom they devour.
5.Our virtue without pow'r but harmless is!The Good, who lazily are good at home,And safely rest in doing not amiss,Flie from the Bad, for fear of Martyrdome.
6.Be in thy greatness easie, and thy BrowStill clear, and comforting as breaking Light;The Great, with bus'ness troubled, weakly bow;Pow'r should with publick Burdens walk upright!
7.We chearfulness, as innocence commend!The Great, may with benign and civil EyesThe People wrong, yet not the wrong'd offend;Who feel most wrong from those who them despise!
8.Since wrongs must be, Complaints must shew the Griev'dAnd Favourites should walk still open Ear'd;For of the suing Croud, half are reliev'dWith the innate delight of being heard:
9.Thy greatness be in Arms! who else are great,Move but like Pageants in the People's view;And in foul weather make a scorn'd retreat;The Greeks their painted Gods in Armour drew!
10.Yield not in storms of State to that dislike,Which from the People does to Rulers grow;Pow'r (Fortun's Sail) should not for threatnings strike;In Boats bestorm'd all check at those that row.
11.Courts little Arts contemn dark Holes to saveRetreated Pow'r, when fear does Friendship feign;Poor thieves retire to Woods! Chiefs, great and brave,Draw out their Forces to the open Plain!
12.Be by thy Virtue bold! when that Sun shines,All Art's false lights are with disgrace put out;Her streitness shews it self in crooked Lines;And her plain Txet the Scepticks dare not doubt.
13.Revenge (weak Women's Valour, and in MenThe Ruffians Cowardise,) keep from thy Breast,The factious Palace is that Serpent's Den;Whom Cowards there, with secret slaughter feast.
14.Revenge is but a braver Name for Fear,'Tis Indians furious fear, when they are fedWith valiant Foes; whose Hearts their Teeth must tearBefore they boldly dare believe them dead.
15.When thou giv'st death, thy Banners be display'd!And move not till an open Foe appears!Courts lurking war shews Justice is afraid;And no broad Sword, but a closs Ponyard wears.
16.To kill, shews Fear dares not more fears endure!When wrong'd, destroy not with thy Foes thy fame,The Valiant by forgiving mischief, cure;And it is Heav'n's great conquest to reclaim?
17.Be by thy bountie known! for since the needsOf life, so rudely press the bold and wise;The bounteous heart, all but his God exceeds;Whom bountie best makes known to Mortal Eyes!
18.And to be bountefull, be rich! for thoseFam'd Talkers who in Schools did wealth despise,Taught doctrine, which at whom would Empire lose,If not believ'd first by their Enemies.
19.And though in ruling Ministers of State,The People wretched povertie adore,(Which Fools call innocence, and wise Men hateAs sloth) yet they rebel for being poor.
20.And to be rich, be diligent! Move onLike Heav'ns great Movers that inrich the Earth;Whose Moments sloth would shew the world undone,And make the Spring straight bury all her birth.
21.Rich are the diligent! who can commandTime, Natures stock! and could his Hour glass fall,Would, as for seed of Stars, stoop for the sand;And by incessant Labour gather all.
22.Be kind to Beautie! that unluckie Shrine!Where all Love's Thieves come bowing to their Prey;And honour steal; which Beautie makes divine:Be thou still kind, but never to betray!
23.Heav'n studie more in Nature, than in Schools!Let Nature's Image never by thee passLike unmark'd Time; but those unthinking FoolsDespise, who spie not Godhead through her Glass.
24.These precepts Ulfinore, with duteous care,In his Hearts Closet lock'd, his faithfull Brest!And now the Rival-friends for Court prepare;And much their Youth, is by their haste exprest.
25.They yet ne'r saw Verona, nor the Court;And expectation lengthens much their way;Since by that great Inviter urg'd, Report;And thither flie on Coursers of Relay.
26.Ere to his Western Mines the Sun retir'd,They his great Mint for all those Mines behold,Verona, which in Tow'rs to Heav'n aspir'd,Guilt doubly, for the Sun now guilt their gold.
27.They make their Entry through the Western Gate!A Gothick Arch! Where, on an ElephantBold Clephes, as the second Founder, sate;Made to mock life, and onely life did want.
28.Still strange, and divers seem their Objects now,And still increase, where e're their Eyes they cast;Of lazy Pag'ant-Greatness, moving slow,And angry bus'ness, rushing on in haste.
29.All strange to them, as they to all appear;Yet less like strangers gaz'd than those they see;Who this glad Day the Duke's Spectatours were;To mark how with his fame his looks agree.
30.And guess that these are of his fighting Train,Renown'd in Youth: who by their wonder stay'd,And by their own, but slowly passage gain;  But now much more their progress is delay'd:
31.For a black Beauty did her pride displayThrough a large Window, and in Jewels shon,As if to please the World, weeping for day,Night had put all her Starry Jewels on.
32.This Beauty gaz'd on both, and UlfinoreHung down his Head, but yet did lift his Eyes;As if he fain would see a little more:For much, though bashful, he did beauty prise.
33.Goltho did like a blushless Statue stare;Boldly her practis'd boldness did out-look;And even for fear she would mistrust her snare,Was ready to cry out, That he was took!
34.She, with a wicked Woman's prosp'rous Art,A seeming modesty, the Window clos'd;Wisely delay'd his Eyes, since of his HeartShe thought, she had sufficiently dispos'd.
35.And he thus straight complain'd! Ah Ulfinore,How vainly Glory has our Youth misled?The Wind which blows us from the happy Shore,And drives us from the Living to the Dead:
36.To bloudy slaughters, and perhaps of thoseWho might beget such Beauties as this Maid;The Sleepy here are never wak'd with Foes;Nor are of ought but Ladies frowns afraid.
37.Ere he could more lament, a little Page,Clean, and perfum'd (one whom this Dame did breedTo guess at ills, too manly for his age)Steps swiftly to him, and arrests his steed.
38.With civil whisper cries, My Lady Sir!——At this, Goltho alights, as swiftly postAs Posters mount; by ling'ring loath to erre,As Wind-bound Men, whose sloth their first Wind lost.
39.And when his Friend advis'd him to take care;He gravely, as a Man new potent grown,Protests he shall in all his Fortunes share;And to the House invites him as his own.
40.And, with a Rival's wisdom, UlfinoreDoes hope, since thus blind Love leads him astray,Where a false Saint he can so soon adore,That he to Birtha ne'r will find the way.
41.They enter, and ascend; and enter thenWhere Dalga with black eyes does Sinners draw;And with her voice holds fast repenting Men;To whose warm Jett, light Goltho is but Straw.
42.Nicely as Bridegrooms was her Chamber drest,Her Bed, as Brides; and richer than a Throne,And sweeter seem'd than the Circania's Nest,Though built in Eastern Groves of Cinamon.
43.The price of Princes pleasure, who her love(Though but false ware) at rates so costly boughtThe wealth of many, but may hourly proveSpoils to some one, by whom her self is caught.
44.She sway'd by sinfull Beauties destiny,Finds her Tyrannick Pow'r must now expire,Who meant to kindle Goltho in her Eye,But to her breast has brought the raging fire.
45.Yet ev'n in simple Love she uses Art,Though weepings are from looser Eyes but Leaks;Yet eldest Lovers scarce would doubt her heart,So well she weeps, and thus to Goltho speaks:
46.I might, if I would ask your pardon, Sir,Suspect that pitie which the noble feelWhen women fail, but since in this I erreTo all my Sex, I would to women kneel.
47.Yet happy were our Sex, could they excuseAll breach of Modestie, as I can mine,Since 'tis from passion which a Saint might use,And not appear less worthy of a shrine.
48.For my brave brother you resemble soThroughout your shape, who late in Combat fell,As you in that an inward Virtue show,By which to me you all the world excell.
49.All was he which the Good of greatness see,Or Love can like, in Judgement match'd by none;Unless it fail'd in being kind to me,A crime forbid to all, since he is gone.
50.For though I send my Eyes abroad in hopeAmongst the Streams of Men still slowing here,To find (which is my passion's utmost scope)Some one that does his noble Image bear.
51.Yet still I live recluse, unless it seemA liberty too rude, that I in youHis likeness at so high a rate esteem,As to believe your heart is kind and true.
52.She casts on Ulfinore a sudden look,Starts like a Mountebank, who had forgotHis Viol, and the cursed poison took,By dire mistake before his Antidote.
53.Pray'd Goltho that his friend may straight forbearHer presence, whom (she said) resembled soHer noble Brother's cruel Murtherer,As she must now expire, unless he go.
54.Goltho still gravely vain, with formal FaceBids Ulfinore retire, and does pretendAlmost to know her Parents, and the place,And ev'n to swear her brother was his friend.
55.But warie Ulfinore (who beauteous TruthDid never but in plainest Dress behold)Smiles, and remembers Tales to forward YouthIn winter Nights by Countrey Matrons told:
56.Of Witches Towns, where seeming Beauties dwell,All hair, and black within, Maids that can flie:Whose Palaces at night are smoaky Hell,And in their beds their slaughter'd Lovers lie.
57.And though the Sun now setting, he no LightsSaw burning blue, nor Steam of Sulphur smelt,Nor took her two black Mereon Maids for Sp'rites,Yet he a secret touch of Honour felt.
58.For not the craft of Rivalship (though moreThan States wise Rivals study interest)Can make him leave his friend, till he restoreSome cold Discretion to his burning breast.
59.Though to his fears this cause now serious shows,Yet smiles heat his solemn loving Eye:For lust in reading Beautie seldom grows,As old Physitians in Anatomie.
60.Goltho (said he) 'tis easie to discernThat you are grave, and think you should be so;Since you have bus'ness here of great concern,And think that you this House and Lady know.
61.You'l stay, and have your Sleep with Musick fed,But little think to wake with Mandrakes groans,And by a Ghost be to a Garden ledAt midnight, strew'd with simple Lovers bones.
62.This Goltho is enchantment, and so strange,So subt'ly false, that whilst I tell it you,I fear the Spell will my opinion change,And make me think the pleasant vision true.
63.Her dire black Eyes are like the Oxes Eye,Which in the Indian Ocean Tempests brings:Let's go before our Horses learn to flie,Ere she shew cloven Feet, and they get wings.
64.But high rebellious Love, when counsell'd, soonAs sullen as rebuk'd Ambition, growsAnd Goltho would pursue what he should shun,But that his happier fate did interpose.
65.For at the Garden gate a Summons, loudEnough to shew authority and haste,Brought cares to Dalga's Brow, which like a Cloud,Did soon her shining Beauty over cast.
66.Like Thieves surpriz'd whilst they divide their prize,Her Maids run and return through ev'ry room;Still seeming doubtfull where their safety lies,All speaking with their looks, and all are dumb.
67.She, who to dangers could more boldly wake,With words, swift as those errands which her heartSends out in glances, thus to Goltho spake:My Mother, Sir, Alas! You must depart.
68.She is severe, as dying Confessours,As jealous as unable Husbands are,She Youth in Men, like Age in Maids abhors,And has more Spies than any Civil War.
69.Yet would you but submit to be conceal'd,I have a Closet secret as my Brest,Which is to Men, nor Day, no more reveal'd,Than a closs Swallow in his Winters Nest.
70.To this good Goltho did begin to yield,But Ulfinore (who doubts that it may tendTo base retreat, unless they quit the Field)Does by Example govern, and descend.
71.And now his Eyes ev'n wake with longingness,Ready to break their strings to get abroad,To see this Matron, by whose sole accessDalga in all her furious hopes is aw'd.
72.And as he watch'd her civil Mercurie,The hopefull Page, he saw him entrance give,Not to a Matron still prepar'd to die,But to a Youth wholly design'd to live.
73.He seem'd the heir to prosp'rous Parents toyls,Gay as young Kings, who sue in forreign Courts,Or youthfull Victors in their Persian spoyls,He seem'd like Love and Musick made for sports:
74.But wore his clothing loose, and wildly cast,As Princes high with feasting, who to winAre seldom us'd, shew'd warm, and more unbrac'dThan Ravishers oppos'd in their design.
75.This Ulfinore observ'd, and would not yetIn civil pitie undeceive his friend;But watch the signs of his departing fit,Which quickly did in bashfull silence end.
76.To the Duke's palace they enquir'd the way,And as they slowly rode, a grave excuseGriev'd Goltho frames, vowing he made this stay,For a discov'ry of important use.
77.If Sir (said he) we heedlesly pass byGreat Towns, like Birds that from the Countrey comeBut to be skar'd, and on to Forrests flie;Let's be no travell'd Fools, but roost at home.
78.I see (reply'd his friend) you nothing lackOf what is painfull, curious, and discreetIn Travellers, else would you not look backSo often to observe this House and Street.
79.Drawing your Citie Map with Coasters care,Not onely marking where safe Channels run,But where the Shelves, and Rocks, and Dangers are,To teach weak strangers what they ought to shun.
80.But, Goltho, flie from Lust's experiments,Whose heat we quench much sooner than asswage,To quench the Fornace-lust stop all the vents,For give it any Air the Flames will rage.