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Greece from the Coming of the Hellenes to AD. 14/Index

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Abydos, siege of, 289, 298
Academics, the, 76, 314
Acarnania, 12, 169, 172, 211, 300, 335
Achaia, 38, 51, 56 ; varied meaning of the name, 340-1 ; joins Athens for a time, 142 ; revolts from Sparta, 218 ; made a Roman province, 307, 340 ; Achaean League, 274-6, 277, 283-4, 290, 293-4, 300-1, 304-5
Achaioi, 11 ; of Phthiotis, 293
Acrocorinthus, 277, 291-2, 294
Acropolis of Athens, 62 ; buildings on, 146-9
Actium, battle of, 339
Aegean, islands of the, 76-79 ; under-king of Egypt, 285-6
Aegina, mint at, 50, 57 ; gives earth and water to king of Persia, 99-100 ; war of with Athens, 107 ; forced to join Confederacy of Delos,157,162 ; purchased by Attalus, 283, 286, 290 ; desolation of, 328 ; given to Athens by Antony, 338, but taken away by Augustus, 342
Argospotami, battle of, 164, 195
Aeolians, 38, 81
Aeschines, orator, 218, 401
Aeschylus, 29, 119, 154, 264, 377-82
Aetolia, 171-2 ; Aetolian League, 273-4, 276, 278, 283, 291, 293 ; discontent of, 294, 296, 300 ; desolation of, 307 ; submits to Caesar, 335
Agathocles, 260
Agesilaus, king of Sparta, 207-8
Agis III., king of Sparta, 237
Agrigentum, 256, 259, 261
Agrippa, 342
Alcaeus, 23, 367-8
Alcibiades, 177, 181-2, 186-7, 192-4, 213
Alcman, 368
Alcmaeonidae, 67
Aleuadae, 111
Alexander the Great, 226-238 ; successors of, 235-6
Alexander IV., son of Alexander the Great, 265
Alexander the Philhellene, 215
Alexander, king of the Molossi, 255
Alexandria, foundation of, 233 ; under the Ptolemies, 271 ; Caesar at, 336 ; literature of, 23. 29, 248 ; Library at, 300, 339
Alexandria Troas, 296, 340
Amasis, king of Egypt, 84
Ambracia, 169, 172, 300, 309
Araraon, oracle of, 233
Amphiaraus, oracle of, 329
Amphictyonic League, 4, 6, 216, 218, 221, 273-4, 308, 340
Amphilochia, 335
Amphipolis, 145, 175-6, 200, 216, 227
Amphissa, 221
Amyntas, 215
Anacreon, 368
Anaxagoras, 153, 358
Andocides, orator, 40
Andros, 338
Antalcidas, peace of, 206, 209
Anthologies, Greek, 372
Antigdnus, one of the generals of Alexander, 240, 269
Antigonus Doson, king of Macedonia, 277, 282
Antigonus Gonatas, king of Macedonia, 271, 282
Antioch, 340
Antiochus, Athenian commander defeated at Notium, 194
Antiochus III. (the Great), king of Syria, 278, 285, 289 ; in Greece, 294-5
Antipater, regent of Macedonia, 237, 240, 270
Antiphilus, 238
Antiphon, orator, 192, 401
Antonius, C., in Crete, 332
Antonius, M., 338-340
Anytus, prosecutor of Socrates, 204
Aous R., 290
apella, 52
Apellicon, library of, 329
Aphrodite of Melos (Venus of Milo), 153
Apollodorus, Comic poet, 264
Apollonia, 309, 335
Apollonius of Rhodes, 24, 397
Appian, historian, 400
Aratus, restorer of Achaean League, 276-7 ; defeated at Caphyre, 278 ; poisoned, 283
Arbela, battle of, 233
Arcadia, 38, 51, 56, 213
Archelaus, general of Mithradates, 327, 329
Archidamus III., king ot Sparta, in Italy, 237, 255
Archilochus, 23, 272 3
Archons at Athens, 61
Areopagus, 62, 139
Argeioi, 11
Arginusae, battle of. 105
Argo, the, 4
Argolis, 2, 28
Argos, 40; friendly to the Persians, 00 ; allied to Athens, 140 ; renounces the alliance, 144 ; makes new league against Sparta, 176-7, 213, 218 ; separated by Romans from Achaean League, 306
Argos, Pelasgic, 11
Arion, 368
Aristagoras of Miletus, 92, 94-5, 96
Aristides at Salamis, 118; organises the confederacy of Delos, 129-130, 135
Aristion, 326, 328
Aristogeiton, 71
Aristonicus of Pergamus, 38
Aristophanes, 30, 164, 192, 199, 200, 390-3
Aristotle, 357-8, 403 ; his Politics, 21 ; his philosophy, 25-6 ; his successor, 244 ; his books acquired by Sulla, 329
Arsaces, king of the Parthians, 272
Art in Greece, 33-4
Artabazos at Plataea, 123
Artaphernes, 91, 93, 95, 97
Artemisia, Queen, 121
Artemisium, battles near, 112-113
Asia, Greeks in, 79, 80 ; settled by Roman commission, 299 ; oratory 111,309, 310; Roman province of, 318 ; massacre of Italians in, 325 ; Greek cities in revolt from Mithradates, 330; Sulla's severity to, 331 ; Greek cities in visited by Caesar, 336
Asopus, R., 121-2
Aspasia, 157-8
Assyria, 83, 85-6
Astyages, 83
Athena promachos, 146 ; Athena Nike, 149
Athens, early history of, 57-65 ; reforms in byDraco and Solon, 65-68, by Cleisthenes, 72-6 ; tyranny in, 68-72 ; becomes a naval power, 107 ; its hostility to Persia, 91 ; promises help to Aristagoras, 95 ; taken by Xerxes, 117 ; position of in Confederacy of Delos, 3, 129, 134-6, 145 ; fortifications of, 135 ; offended by Spartans, 136 ; long walls at, 141 ; adornment of, 146 ; unpopularity of, 157-8 ; makes alliance with Corcyra, 160-1 ; plague at, 309, 362 ; occupied by Lysander, 197 ; renewed confederacy of, 211 ; Macedonians in, 239 ; restored freedom of, 281-2 ; hostility of to Philip V., 286 ; becomes "friend" of Rome, 289 ; a Roman province, 307 ; joins Mithradates, 326 ; besieged by Sulla, 328 ; benefited by Pompey, 334-5 ; excludes Caesar's officers, 335 ; favours Antony, 337-8 ; altar to Augustus at, 341 ; Literature at, 23 ; philosophy at, 25-6, 309, 362 ; once the centre of intellectual life, 132-3, 153
Athos, Mount, 99 ; canal of, in Atossa, daughter of Cyrus, 87
Attalus I., king of Pergamus, 281-3, 286
Attalus II., brother of Eumenes, 304
Attalus III., leaves his royal rights to Rome, 317-18
Attica, nature of, 68 ; invasions of, 169, 289
Augustus (Octavian), 338, 339 ; his restorations in Greece, 340, 341, 343


Babrius, fabulist, 23, 372
Babvlon, 83, 87 ; Alexander at, 234-5
Bacchiadae of Corinth, 49
Bacchylides, 23, 264, 368, 403
Bactriana, 234
Balearic Islands, pirates of, 316
basileus and basileia, 21
Berytum, 340
Bion, 267, 397
Bithynia, kingdom of, 236, 272, 330 ; Roman province of, 342
Black Sea, trade with, 41 ; see Pontus
Boeotia, federation of, 57 ; submits to Persia, 99 ; Thebes claims supremacy in, 212 ; decline of, 247-8 ; disturbances in, 294, 302-3 ; federation of dissolved by Romans, 305 ; subject to Rome, and its territory made ager fublicus, 307-8 ; occupied by Mithradates, 329
Bosporus, the, 281
boulè of Athens, the, 72
Brasidas, Spartan general, 170, 175-6
Bruttius Sura, 327
Brutus, M., 323, 337
Byzantium submits to Persia, 99 ; reoccupied by Persians after revolt, 97 ; besieged by Greek fleet, 130, 145 ; again occupied by Persians, 193 ; joins Athenian confederacy, 211 ; Epaminondas at, 214 ; revolts from Athens, 217 ; attacked by Philip, 221 ; sea power of, 236, 272 ; at war with Rhodes, 281 ; joins Rhodes and Chios to secure peace, 283 ; Pontic occupation of, 330


Caecilius Metellus, Q., 332
Caesar, C. Julius, colonises Corinth, 307, 309 ; his officers occupy Greece, 336 ; visits Greek cities in Asia, 337
Calchedon, 91, 193
Callias, peace of, 142, 298
Callicrates, 301
Callidromus, Mt., 114, 248
Callimachus, polemarch, 102
Callimachus, poet, 24, 372
Callinus, 369-70
Cambyses, king of Persia, 57
Caphyae, 278
Cappadocia invaded by Croesus, 85 ; kingdom of, 236
Caria, 81, 96, 304
Carneades, 314
Carthaginians, 132, 256, 259- 62, 296
Cassander, 240, 243, 247, 269-70
Catana, 186
Caunes, 325
Celts, see Gauls
Censorinus, L., governor of Greece and Macedonia, 338
Ceos joins Aetolian League, 274
Cephallenia, 141, 169, 211
Chabrias, Athenian general, 212, 217
Chaeroneia victory of Philip at, 222 ; of Sulla, 329-30
Chalcidic peninsula, 161, 175-6, 178, 215
Chalcis in Euboea, 57, 290, 292, 204, 296, 309
Chersonese, Thracian, 41, 65, 90 ; occupied by Persians, 97, 194, 207 ; annexed by king of Egypt, 271, 341 ; occupied by Philip V., 285, by Antiochus, 295 ; given to Eumenes of Pergamus, 299, 302
Chios joins Samos and Lesbos to resist Persia, 126 ; breaks off from Athens, 191 ; joins new Athenian confederacy, 211 ; breaks off again, 216 ; as a sea power, 236, 272, 283, 299, 330-1
Chremodean war, 282
Cicero, 309, 321-3
Cilicia, 82 ; pirates of, 316 ; Roman government of, 323, 332, 339
Cimmerians in Asia, MS Cimon, son of Miltiades, 131 ; ostracised, 136 ; recalled and sent to Cyprus, 142
Cirrbaean plain, the, 221
Cius, 286
Clazomenae, 299, 331
Cleanthes, Stoic, 363
Cleisthenes, reforms of, 72-5
Cleobis and Biton, 83
Cleombrotus, king of Sparta, 212
Cleomenes I., king of Sparta, 94, 99 ; Cleomenes III., 277-8
Cleon, Athenian demagogue, 171-2, 175-6
Cleopatra, 338 40
Cleruchs in Euboea, 144, 157 ; in Potidaea, 217 ; in Samos, 239 ; in Delos, 315 ; forbidden, 211
Cnidus, battle of, 208 ; rescript of Augustus to, 343
Cnossos, palace of, 8
Codrus, king of Athens, 61
Coele-Syria, 295, 339
Coes of Mitylene, 89
Colonies, Greek, 42 ; Roman in Greece, 337, 340
Comedy, 30, 390; New Comedy, 243, 393-4
Conon, 194-5 ; restores the walls of Athens, 208
Corcyra, 107, 158, 171, 212, 300
Corinna, 368
Corinth, Bacchiadae of, 49; independent of Sparta, 51 ; its power at sea, 107 ; congress at, in, 124 ; its league with Epidauros and Aegina, 140 ; its fleet defeated by Corcyreans, 158 ; helps Potidaea against Athens, 161 ; refuses peace of Nicias and joins Argos, 176 ; joins Athens and Thebes, 208 ; separated from Achaean League by Romans, 306 ; destroyed by Mummius, 306-7, 309, 328 ; colonised by Caesar, 337
Corn trade with the North, 41
Coroneia, defeat of Athenians at, 143 ; victory of Agesilaus at, 217
Cremisus, R., battle at the, 260
Crete, discoveries in, 8, 22, 33 ; decay of, 76-7 ; Cretans refuse aid against Xerxes, in ;
 occupied by Spartans, 237 ; pirates of, 316, 332-3 ; partly liberated by Augustus, 340
Critias, 197-8
Critolaus, general of Achaean League, 306
Critolaus, peripatetic philosopher, 314
Croesus, king of Lydia, 81-3, 85
Croton, 3, 252
Cyclades, the, 76 ; belonging to Egypt and attacked by Philip V., 286, 341
Cyclic Pods, the, 22, 364
Cyclopean walls, 11
Cylon, 67
Cyme, 12, 299
Cynoscephale, battle of, 291
Cynossema, battle of, 193
Cyprus, conquered by Persians, 87 ; Conon in, 196 ; under Antony, 339
Cypselus, 49
Cyrene, 285
Cyrus, founder of Medo-Persian Empire, 83-6
Cyrus, son of Darius II., 194, 206-7
Cythera, 175, 341
Cyzicus, 193, 332, 342


Damascus, 233
Darius I., king of Persia, 87 ; invades Scythia, 88-90 ; resolves to punish Eretria and Athens, 98 ; and to invade Greece after Marathon, 107 ; his death, 108
Darius II. (Nothos), 194
Darius III. (Codomannus) defeated by Alexander, 231-4
Datis at Marathon, 100-1
Decelea occupied by Spartans, 190-1, 196
Deinarchus, orator, 401
Delium, battle of, 175, 200, treaty of, 330
Delos, confederacy of, 3, 129, 197 ; Ionian assembly at, 76 ; Persian fleet at, 100 ; Greek fleet at, 124 ; treasury removed from, 145 ; made a free port, 305, 326 ; commissioner of, 315 ; devastated by Mithradates's general, 327 ; Pompey's benefactions to, 334 ; statue of Julia in, 342
Delphi. 42, 57, in ; Persians at, 116 ; amphictyonic meetings at, 46 ; favours Sparta, 84 ; gold tripod dedicated at, 124 ; the care of the temple at, 142-3 ; sacred territory of, 216-17 ; Gauls at, 248 ; Aetolians in, 273 ; Sulla borrows from, 329 ; adhers to Caesar, 335 ; benefactions of Antony to, 338
Demaratus, king of Sparta, deposed, 99, 100 ; at Thermopylae, 113
Demeter, temples of, 122, 126
Demetrias, 290, 292, 294, 296
Demetrius, of Phalerum, 243
Demetrius, the Besieger, son of Antigonus, 269, 270-1
Demetrius II., king of Macedonia, 282
Demetrius, son of Philip V., in Rome, 302
Democracy, 21
Democritus, 358
Demosthenes, Athenian general, invades Aetolia, 171-2 ; occupies Pylos, 172 ; at Syracuse, 188-90
Demosthenes, the orator, 25, 167, 218, 221, 238-9, 401-2
Dercyllidas, Spartan admiral, 193
Diaeus, general of Achaean League, 306
Dio Chrysostom, 25
Diodorus Siculus, 24, 400
Diogenes, a Stoic, 314
Diogenes, a Macedonian officer at Athens, 282
Dionysius I., tyrant of Syracuse, 252, 259, 264 ; his son Dionysius II., 260
Dionysius Halicarnassus, 23, 400
Dionysius, theatre of, 149
Dodona, oracle of, 15
dokimasia, 73
Dorian dialect, 26 ; Dorians in Peloponnesus, 38 ; Dorian Hexapolis in Asia, 85
Dorilaus, general of Mithradates, 329 30
Draco, 65-6
Drama, the, 26-7, 371
Dyme, 314, 333
Dyrrachium, 309, 340


Earth and water, demand of, 99
Ecbatana, 83
Echinadae, battles off the, 239
Education in Greece, 348 ff
Egesta, 178, 185
Egypt, mention of in Homer, 15 ; Greek colonists in, 41 ; taken by Persians, 86-7 ; revolts in, 108, 141 ; Alexander in, 232-3 ; kingdom of after Alexander, 235-6; friendship of with Rome, 284, 289 ; furnishes ships to Lucullus, 329 ; made a province by Augustus, 341
Eira, Mt, 55
Elateia, 221, 290
Elea, philosophers at, 132
Elegiac poetry, 23, 371
Eleusinian mysteries, profanation of, 181 ; Augustus initiated in, 340 ; significance of, 366
Elis, 38, 5r, 56, 273
Empedocles, 132, 264
Epaminondas, 213-14, 216
Ephesus, 81, 95 ; taken by Alexander, 231 ; joined to Pergamus, 299 ; temple of Artemis at, 325; inscriptions at, 330, 337 ; Augustus benefactor of, 340. 342
Ephialtesof Malis, traitor, 114
Ephialtes, Athenian statesman, 139
Ephors at Sparta, the, 52
Epicharmus, 264
Epicurus, 26, 34, 244, 358, 361
Epicurean writings at Ikrculaneum, 403
Epidamnua (Dyrrachium), revolution at, 158
Epidaurus, temple at, 329 ; joins Corinth and Mgina against Athens, 140
Epinikia, 23
Epipolae, 187-8
Epirus, 12, 41 ; punishment of by Romans, 305; joined to province of Macedonia, 307 ; desolation of, 309
Erechtheus, 58, 149
Eretria in Euboea, 25 ; captured by Persians, 101-2 ; separation from Athens by Augustus, 342
Etruscans, 132 ; pirates, 259
Euboea, 143, 191, 216, 218 ; declared free by Romans, 293 ; submits to Mithradates, 327
Euclides, archonship of, 199
Eumenes, king of Pergamus, 293, 299, 300, 303-4 ; falls out of favour at Rome, 304
Eumolpidae, priests of Demeter, 182
Euripides, 29, 154, 164, 386-90, 403 ; on athletes, 45
Eurybiades, Spartan commander, 112
Eurycles, prince of Sparta, 341
Eurymedon R., battles of the, 131
Eurymedon, Athenian general, 188-9
Evagoras, king of Cyprus, 196


Festivals, Greek, 45
Fimbria, 330
Flaccus, 330
Flamininus, T. Quintus, 290-4
Four Hundred, revolution of the, 192-3


Gaugamela, 233
Gauls (Celts) invade Greece, 248, 251, 273
Gaza taken by Alexander, 232
Gelo, king of Syracuse, in ; defeats Carthaginians, 132, 256
Gorgias, a Sophist, 200, 264, 352
Granicus R., battle of the, 228
Greeks, their work in the world, 4 ; melancholy of, 13, 374 ; forms of government among, 21 ; decadence of under Romans, 308 ; settlement of by Sulla, 329 ; by Caesar, and with Macedonia under M. Brutus, 337, and Antony, 338 ; they favour Antony against Octavian, 339
Gyges, king of Lydia, 81
Gylippus, Spartan general, 187-8, 190
Gytheium, port of Sparta, 141, 293, 342


Hadrian, emperor, 149
Haliartus, fighting at, 208
Halicarnassus, taken by Alexander, 231 ; under Rome, 322
Halys R.,82, 84
Hannibal, 284, 295 ; defeated by Rhodians, 298
Harmodius, 91
Harmosts, Spartan governors, 212
Harpagus, a general of Cyrus, 89
Hegelochus, Macedonian admiral, 231
Hellas, meaning of, 2 ; Hellenes, descent of, 1, 38 ; characteristics of, 2-4
Helots, 53 ; rebellion of, 136, 141
Heracles, 16. Heracleia, 297
Hercte, Mt, 261
Herman, 150 ; mutilation of, 182
Hermocrates, Syracusan general, 187, 189
Herodotus, 24, 133, 153-4, 398
Heroes, worship of, 16
Herondas, 394, 403
Hesiod, 22, 366
Hiero I., king of Syracuse, defeats Etruscans, 132, and Carthaginians, 259 ; entertains poets and philosophers, 264
Hiero II., 262
Hippias, Sophist, 352
Hippias and Hipparchus, sons of Pisistratus, 71-2, 91, 101
Hippocrates, 24
Hipponax, 372
Histiaeus of Miletus, 90, 92,94, 96
Homeric poems, 11, 12 ; doctrines in, 17 ; use of in education, 364-66
Hypata, in Thessaly, 342
Hypereides, orator, 401


Iasos, 331
Ibycus, 368
Ilium, 331
Illyrian pirates, 259, 316
Inaros of Libya, 141
India, Alexander in, 234-5
Indus R., 234
Ionian cities, 81 ; revolt from Persia, 94-7 ; Ionian alphabet, 22 ; Ionian Sea, 41
Iphicrates, Athenian commander, destroys a Spartan mora, 209 ; 212 ; 217
Ipsus (Phrygia), battle of, 270
Isaeus, 401
Isis, 233
Isocrates, orator, 401
Issus, battle of, 232
Isthmian games, 45 ; proclamation at, 292 ; kept up by Sicyon, 308
Isthmus of Corinth, wall across the, 116 ; closed against Caesar's officers, 335 ; projected canal across, 337
Italy, Greek Colonies in, 41, 185, 251-2
Ithome, Mt., 55, 136, 141
Ixion, 18


Josephus, historian, 25
Julian, Emperor, 25


Kadmeia, citadel of Thebes, 210


Laconia, Dorians in, 2, 38
Lamachus, 1S1, 1N5, 187
Lamia, 238-9, 296
Lampsacus, 195, 296
Laodicea, 338
Larisa (Asia), 12 ; (Thessalv) 111, 335
Laurium, silver mines at, 65, 315
Lechaeum, port of Corinth, 208
Leleges, the, 11
Lemnos, 91
Leonidas, king of Sparta, 112-16
Leonnatus, 238
Leontini, 264
Leosthenes, 238
Leucadia, 294
Leotychides, king of Sparta, 100 ; at Mykale, 125
Lesbos, ports of, 23 ; joins with Samos and Chios to resist Persians, 126 ; revolt of, 170, 191
Leucippus, 358
Leuctra, battle of, 212-13
Lilybaeum, 262
Livia in Sparta, 342
Locri Epizypherii, 252
Lucian, 25
Lucretius, 358
Lucullus, 329, 330, 332
Lvcaonia, 299
Lycia, 82, 331, 338
Lycon, prosecutor of Socrates, 204
Lycortas, 300
Lvcurgus, Spartan law-giver, 51-5
Lycurgus, tyrant of Sparta, 278
Lycurgus, Attic orator, 401
Lydia, 81, 299
Lygdamis, 93
Lyric poetry, 23, 367
Lysander, Spartan general, 194-6, 198, 208
Lysias, orator, 401
Lysicrates, choragic monument of, 150
Lysimacheia, 286
Lysimachus, king of Thrace, 236, 269-71, 285
Lysippus ot" Sicyon, sculptor, 33


Macedonia, 3, 12, 91 ; rise of, 215 ; supremacy of, 2l6 position of alter Alexander, 235 ; influence in Greece, 278 ; wars with Home, first 282-3, second 282-91 ; divided into four districts, 303 ; made a Roman province, 307 ; Pontic troops in, 330 ; governed by M. Brutus, 337
Magna Gnecia, 3, 26, 251
Magnesia ad Sipylum, battle of, 298, 331
Magnesia (in Greece). 112
Mamertini, the, 261
Mantinea, 176-7, 210, 213-14
Marathon, battle of, 101-6
Mardonius reorganises Asiatic Greece, 98, 99 ; left in Greece by Xerxes, 121 ; killed at Plataea, 121, 123
Masanassa, 296
Medontidae, 61
Megabazus, 90-1
Megalopolis, 213, 237, 306
Megara, colonies of, 42 ; revolts from Athens, 143-4 ; its ports (Nisaea and Pagae), 144 ; Megarians excluded from Attic harbours and markets 158, 162 ; desolation of under the Romans, 336, 338
Meletus, prosecutor of Socrates, 204
Melos, revolt of, 163, 177-8
Memphis, 233
Menander, poet of New Comedy, 30, 246, 393-4, 403
Messene (in Sicily), 261
Messenia, Dorians in, 38 ; subject to Sparta, 51 ; helots in, 51 ; Messenian wars, 55 ; Messenians' revolt from Sparta, 218
Methone, 27
Metellus Scipio, 335
Mikon, a painter, 150
Miletus, colonies of, 12; position of among the Asiatic Greek cities, 42, 81, 299 ; fall of, 96
Miltiades, 89, 90, 101
Minos, king of Crete, 8
Minotaur, the, 8
Minyae, the, 11
Misenum, the peace of, 339
Mithradates IV., king of Pontus, 281
Mithradates VI. (Eupator), 324-332
Mitylene, decree about, 170-1, 195 ; joins new Athenian federation, 211 ; holds out for Mithradates, 331 ; restored by Pompey, 333-4
Moschus, pastoral poet, 24, 267, 397
Mucius Scaevola, Q., 320
Mummius, L., 306
Munychia, Macedonian garrison in, 239, 243
Musseus, 23
Mycenaean age, 8, 11, 15, 16
Mykale, battle of, 125, 126
Myson, sculptor, 33
Myrtis, 368
Mythymnia, 211


Nabis, tyrant of Sparta, 290, 293-5
Naples, 255
Naupactus, helots placed in, 141 ; given to the Aetolians by Philip, 274, 297
Naxos, revolution in, 92, 93 ; revolts from Confederacy of Delos, 131 ; assigned to Rhodes by Antony, 338
Nemean games, 45 ; proclamation at, 294
Nicholas of Damascus, 25
Nicias at Pylos, 175 ; peace of, 176 ; opposes Sicilian expedition, 178 ; appointed general of it, 181, 185, 188-90
Nicomedes, king of Bithynia, 331
Nicopolis, near Actium, 340, 341
Nisaea, port of Megara, 144, 175
Nonnus, 24
Notium, battle of, 194


Octavian, see Augustus Oenophyta, Boeotians defeated at, 141
Oligarchy, 21
Olympia, festival at, 45, 215, 252, 301, 326 ; works of Pheidias at, 146 ; statue of Augustus at, 339
Olympias, mother of Alexander the Great, 227
Olynthus, 210 ; destroyed by Philip, 218
Onomarchus, Phocian general, 217
Oppian, poet, 24
Oracles, 42 ; consulted by Croesus, 84
Orators, Attic, 400-2
Orchomenus (in Arcadia), 306
Orchomenus (in Bceotia), victory of Sulla at, 330
Oroetes, 87
Oropus, 191, 314, 324
Orphic Poetry, 366-7
Orthogoras, 49
Ostracism, 75


Pactyas, general of Cyrus, 85
Paestum, 256
Palestine, 232, 270, 278, 285
Pangaeus, Mt., 217
Panium, 285
Panormus, 261
Parmenides, 137
Parmenion, Macedonian general, 217
Parthians, the, 272
Patrae, 309, 336, 340-1
Paul, St., at Ephesus and Philippi, 342
Pausanias, Spartan regent and general, 122 ; dedicates tripod
 at Delphi, 124 ; recalled from Byzantium, 129, 130 ; conviction and death of, 131
Pausanias, king of Sparta, 196, 198
Pausanias, the traveller, 309
Pelasgians, the, 11, 16
Pella, 215
Pelopidas, 214, 216
Peloponnesian war, causes of, 157-61 ; declaration of, 162 ; general course of, 163-4 ; history of, 169, 199
Peloponnesus assigned to Sext. Pompeius, 339
Pelusium, 232
Pericles, rise of, 136-7 ; reforms of, 139-40 ; foreign policy of, 140-3 ; advancement of Athens by, 146 ; policy of in Peloponnesian war, 169-70
Perdiccas, king of Macedonia, 178
Perdiccas, officer of Alexander and Chiliarch, 235
Pergamus, kingdom of, 236, 248, 272, 299; fleet of, 316; bequeathed to Rome, 317 ; temple of Asclepius at, 325 ; Library at, 300
perioekoi in Laconia, 53
Perses, king of Macedonia, 302-3
Persians, 83-95 ; Persian invasions of Greece, 98-123 ; defeated at Mykale, 125-6 ; recover control of Greek States in Asia, 209 ; conquered by Alexander, 228-34
Phalerum, harbour of Athens, 65
Pharnabazus, 190, 193
Pharnaces, king of Pontus, 281
Pharsalia, battle of, 336
Pharsalus, 294
Pharus, 233
Pheidias, 33, 146-7 ; condemnation and death of, 157
Pherae, 217
Philemon, 243
Philip II., king of Macedonia, 215-29, 226-7
Philip Arrhidaeus, successor of Alexander, 235, 269
Philip V., king of Macedonia, 277, 282-6, 291, 295-6, 302, 340
Philippi, 217 ; battle of, 338 ; Roman colony at, 340
Philistus, 264
Philocles, Athenian commander at Aegospotami, 296
Philocrates, peace of, 218
Philopoemon, 296, 300-1
Phlius, 210, 213
Phocaea, battle off, 293
Phocion, Athenian statesman, 240, 243
Phocis, 57 ; Phocian wall at Thermopylae, 113 ; Phocians claim share in management of Delphi, 143 ; sacred war against, 216-17 ; declared free by Romans, 293
Phocylides, 372
Phoebidas, 210
Phoenice, peace of, 278
Phoenicians, 15 ; alphabet of, 22 ; subjected to Persia, 87
Phormio, Athenian admiral, 169
phoros, increase of, 145, 211
Phrygia, 299
Phrynichus, orator, 192
Phyle, 198
Pindar, 23, 133, 264, 368-9
piracy, 8, 129, 259, 315-61 331-3
Piraeus, 65, 135, 193, 197 ; deserted state of, 315 ; occupied for Mithradates, 327 ; dismantled by Sulla, 328 ; occupied for Caesar, 335
Pisa in Elis, 56
Pisistratus, 68-71, 93
Piso, 323
Plataea refuses earth and water, 99 ; sends 1,000 men to Marathon, 105 ; loyalty of, 111 ; battle of, 121-3 ; siege of, 169
Plato, 356-7 ; Laws and Republic of, 21; philosophy of, 25-6; successors of, 244
Pleistoanax, king of Sparta, invades Attica, 143-4
Plutarch, 25
Polus, a Sophist, 200, 352
Polybius, historian, 24, 244, 301, 304, 307, 369, 399
Polycleitos, 33
Polycrates of Samos, 86-7
Polygnotus, painter, 150
Polyperchon, 240
Pompeiastce, 334
Pompey (Gn. Pompeius Magnus) puts down the pirates, 333 ; his settlement of Asiatic Greece, 333-5 ; his benefactions to Athens, Rhodes, Delos, 334 ; Sext. Pompeius, 339
Pontus, kingdom of, 236, 272, 281
Potidaea, 161 ; siege of, 169, 200 ; seized by Philip II., 217
Praxilla, poetess, 368
Praxiteles, sculptor, 33
Prodicus, sophist, 353
Propontis, the, 41
Protagoras, 200, 350, 352-4
Prusias, king of Bithynia, 281, 283, 304
Psyttaleia, 118
Ptolemy I., king of Egypt, 269 ; Ptolemy II. (Philadelphia), 29, 264, 284 ; Ptolemy III. (Euergetes), 277 ; Ptolemy IV. (Philopator), 281 ; Ptolemy V. (Epiphanes), 285
publicani in Asia, 319, 320, 337
Punic wars, 284
Pydna, 216 ; battle of, 303
Pylagoroe, 46
Pylos, 172, 176-7
Pyrrhus, 255, 261, 284
Pythagoras, 132, 252
Pythia, the, 42, 84


Quintus of Smyrna, 24


Rhegium, 185, 256, 259
Rhodes joins Athenian confederacy, 211 ; breaks off, 217 ; sea-power of, 236, 272 ; School of Oratory at, 309, 344 ; war of with Byzantium, 281 ; joins Byzantium and Chios in advising peace, 283, 299, 304; suspected by Romans, 304; its fleet against pirates, 316 ; subject to Rome, 324-6, 331, 334, 338
Roman government of Greece, 3, 236, 262, 289, 313-347; Roman army in Epirus, 290 ; Roman policy towards Macedonia, 292 ; movement in Greece against, 304
Roxana, wife of Alexander, 235, 269
Rupilius Rufus, 320


Sacred wars, 67, 216
Salamis, bay of, 116 ; battle of, 118-20
Salamis in Cyprus, 323
Salonike, 331
Samos, 86-7 ; Persian fleet at, 124 ; makes league with Chios and Lemnos, 126 ; Athenian, fleet at, 191-2, 196 ; under Romans 322, 331 ; Augustus at, 339-40, 342
Sappho, 23, 367
Sardis, 81, 87 ; Persian army at, 111
Scaptius, 323
Sciathus, 327
Scipio Africanus, 298
Scopas, Aetolian general, 285
Scythians in Asia, 88 ; invaded by Darius, 89
Seleucus, king of Babylonia and then of Syria, 269-72
Seleucus. son of Antiochus the Great, 298
Selinus, 178, 185
Sellasia, battle of, 277
Sentinum, battle at, 251
Servilius Isauricus, P., 332
Sestos, siege of, 126
Sicily, 12, 171-2, 178 ; Athenian expedition to, 184-90, 256 ; Roman settlement of, 265 ;
 held by Sext. Pompeius, 339; Greek poets in, 266
Sicyon, tyrants of, 49; Roman troops defeated near, 283 ; Roman province of, 307; to keep up Isthmian games, 308; arbitrates between Athens and Oropus, 314
Sidon, 342
Sigeium occupied by Athenians, 65, 71. 92
Simonides of Ceos, 23, 132, 269, 368, 371-2
Simonides of Amorgus, 372-3
Sinope, capital of Pontus, 281
Slavery, 52
Smyrna, 295, 299
Social wars, of Athenian allies, 216; against; Ætolia, 274, 278, 282
Socrates, 164, 195, 200-5, 354-5
Solon, 23; legislation of, 66-8; visit of to Crœsus, 82-3; poetry of, 370-1
Sophists, the, 199, 351-3
Sophocles, 29, 154, 164, 382-6
Sparta, early supremacy of, 2, 206-12; constitution of, 51-56; loss of prestige of alter Persian wars, 135; earthquake at, 136; conference at to denounce Athens, 161-2; dealings of with Persian satraps, 191; end of supremacy of, 212; defeated by Antipater, 237; decadence of, 277; forced to join Archæan League, 300-1, 305; separated from the League, 306; a Roman province, 307; sides with Pompey, 335; favoured by Augustus, 341
Sphacteria, 172, 176
Stesichorus, 264
Stoa poekile, the, 150, 361
Stoics the, 26, 361-4
Strabo, 25
Strymon R., 108, 216
Sulla in Greece, 327-31
Sulpicius Rufus, Ser., 328; governor of Greece by Cæsar, 336
Susa, 92-4
Sussitia at Sparta, 54
Sybaris, 252
Syntaxis, 211, 231
Syracuse, 3, [64, [86-90, 252, 256, 265, 309, 341
Syria, kingdom of, 235, 330


Tagus of Thessaly, 57
Tanagra, battle of, 140-1; pottery works at, 247
Tantalus, 18
Tarentum, 32, 237, 247, 255-6, 309
Tarsus, 338
Tegeans at Plataea, 122
Tempe, vale of, 112
Telesilla, poetess, 368
Temenus of Argos, 49; Temenidae, 215
Tenedos, 211
Tenos, 338
Teuta, Queen of Illyria, 316
Thapsus, 186
Theatre, the, 149
Thebes, rise of, 57; legends of, 22; punished after Persian war, 124; supremacy of, 3, 212-4; invaded by Spartans, 210; allied with Athens, 211; and opposed to Philip, 221; destroyed by Alexander, 228; restored by Cassander, 247; submits to Mithradates, 327; submits to Cæsar, 335
Themistocles, 106, 107, 112-13; at Artemisium, 115-16; activity of at Salamis, 117-18; ostracised, 131; services of to Athens, 135
Theocritus, 24, 264, 397-8
Theognis, 23, 371
Theophanes, 333
Theophrastus, 243, 329
Theoric Fund, the, 139
Theramenes, 192, 196-8
Therma (Thessalonika), 111
Thermopylæ, meeting of Amphictyons at, 46; Persians at, 112-16, Philip II. at, 218; muster
 at after Alexander's death, 238 ; Gauls (Celts) at, 248 ; Antiochus at, 297 ; Achaeans at, 306
Thermus takes Mitylene, 331
Theseus kills the Minotaur, 8 ; combines the Attic towns, 58-9 ; temple of, 149
Thespias in Boeotia, in ; Thespians stand by Leonidas, 115 ; resist Mithradates, 327
Thespis, 26
Thessalonika, 335
Thessaly, 12, 57, 99 ; declared free by Romans, 293 ; a Roman province, 307, 341
Thimbron, Spartan general, 207
Thirty at Athens, the, 197-9
Thrace, kingdom of, 235-6, 270-1 ; Philip V. in, 302 ; troops of Mithradates in, 330
Thrasybulus of Syracuse, 259
Thrasybulus, Athenian general, 193-4, 198
Thrasyllus, 193
Thrinakia, 15
Thucydides, son of Milesias, opponent of Pericles, 145, 157 Thucydides, son of Olorus, the historian, 24, 154, 167, 175, 398-9
Thurii, colony at, 145, 186, 255
Timoleon of Corinth, 260
Timotheos, Athenian general, 212, 217
Tiryns, 22
Tissaphernes, 190-2, 207
Tithraustes, 207
Tolmides, Athenian general, 141
Torone, 176
Tralles, 299, 325
Trasimene Lake, battle of, 282
Tyrants in Peloponnese, 49-51 ; in Asiatic Greece, 86 ; with Darius on the Danube, 89 ; in Sicily, 262-3 ; in Sparta, 278
Tyre, taken by Alexander, 232 ; punished by Augustus, 342
Tyrtaeus, 23, 370


Verres, 323
Via Egnatia, 335


Xenarchus, 264
Xenophanes of Colophus, teacher in Sicily, 132, 264, 372 ; on athletes, 45
Xenophon, 24, 199, 200, 207, 399
Xerxes, king of Persia, determines to invade Greece, 108 ; at Thermopylae, 114-5 ; in Attica, 116-21


Zacynthus (Zante) allied with Athens, 141, 211
Zeus, 34, 244, 361-2 ; of Dodona, 16 ; temple of at Athens, 149