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H.R. 3200/Division B

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The table of contents for this division is as follows:

Sec. 1001. Table of Contents of Division.

Subtitle A—Provisions Related to Medicare PART A
Part 1—Market Basket Updates
Sec. 1101. Skilled Nursing Facility Payment Update.
Sec. 1102. Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Payment Update.
Sec. 1103. Incorporating Productivity Improvements into Market Basket Updates that do not Already Incorporate Such Improvements.
Part 2—Other Medicare PART A Provisions
Sec. 1111. Payments to Skilled Nursing Facilities.
Sec. 1112. Medicare DSH Report and Payment Adjustments in Response to Coverage Expansion.
Subtitle B—Provisions Related to PART B
Part 1—Physicians' Services
Sec. 1121. Sustainable Growth Rate Reform.
Sec. 1122. Misvalued Codes Under the Physician Fee Schedule.
Sec. 1123. Payments for Efficient Areas.
Sec. 1124. Modifications to the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI).
Sec. 1125. Adjustment to Medicare Payment Localities.
Part 2—Market Basket Updates
Sec. 1131. Incorporating Productivity Improvements Into Market Basket Updates That Do Not Already Incorporate Such Improvements.
Part 3—Other Provisions
Sec. 1141. Rental and Purchase of Power-Driven Wheelchairs.
Sec. 1142. Extension of Payment Rule for Brachytherapy.
Sec. 1143. Home Infusion Therapy Report to Ccongress.
Sec. 1144. Require Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) to Submit Cost Data and Other Data.
Sec. 1145. Treatment of Certain Cancer Hospitals.
Sec. 1146. Medicare Improvement Fund.
Sec. 1147. Payment for Imaging Services.
Sec. 1148. Durable Medical Equipment Program Improvements.
Sec. 1149. MedPAC Study and Report on Bone Mass Measurement.
Subtitle C—Provisions Related to Medicare PARTS A and B
Sec. 1151. Reducing Potentially Preventable Hospital Readmissions.
Sec. 1152. Post Acute Care Services Payment Reform Plan and Bundling Pilot Program.
Sec. 1153. Home Health Payment Update for 2010.
Sec. 1154. Payment Adjustments for Home Health Care.
Sec. 1155. Incorporating Productivity Improvements into Market Basket Update for Home Health Services.
Sec. 1156. Limitation on Medicare Exceptions to the Prohibition on Certain Physician Referrals Made to Hospitals.
Sec. 1157. Institute of Medicine Study of Geographic Adjustment Factors Under Medicare.
Sec. 1158. Revision of Medicare Payment Systems to Address Geographic Inequities.
Subtitle D—Medicare Advantage Reforms
Part 1—Payment and Administration
Sec. 1161. Phase-in of Payment Based On Fee-for-Service Costs.
Sec. 1162. Quality Bonus Payments.
Sec. 1163. Extension of Secretarial Coding Intensity Adjustment Authority.
Sec. 1164. Simplification of Annual Beneficiary Election Periods.
Sec. 1165. Extension of Reasonable Cost Contracts.
Sec. 1166. Limitation of Waiver Authority for Employer Group Plans.
Sec. 1167. Improving Risk Adjustment for Payments.
Sec. 1168. Elimination of MA Regional Plan Stabilization Fund.
Part 2—Beneficiary Protections and Anti-Fraud
Sec. 1171. Limitation on Cost-Sharing for Individual Health Services.
Sec. 1172. Continuous Open Enrollment for Enrollees in Plans with Enrollment Suspension.
Sec. 1173. Information for Beneficiaries on MA Plan Administrative Costs.
Sec. 1174. Strengthening Audit Authority.
Sec. 1175. Authority to Deny Plan Bids.
Part 3—Treatment of Special Needs Plans
Sec. 1176. Limitation on Enrollment Outside Open Enrollment Period of Individuals into Chronic Care Specialized MA Plans for Special Needs Individuals.
Sec. 1177. Extension of Authority of Special Needs Plans to Restrict Enrollment.
Subtitle E—Improvements to Medicare PART D
Sec. 1181. Elimination of Coverage Gap.
Sec. 1182. Discounts for Certain PART D Drugs in Original Coverage Gap.
Sec. 1183. Repeal of Provision Relating to Submission of Claims by Pharmacies Located in or Contracting with Long-term Care Facilities.
Sec. 1184. Including Costs Incurred by AIDS Drug Assistance Programs and Indian Health Service in Providing Prescription Drugs Toward the Annual Out-of-Pocket Tthreshold Under PART D.
Sec. 1185. Permitting Mid-Year Changes in Eenrollment for Formulary Changes That Adversely Impact an Enrollee.
Subtitle F—Medicare Rural Access Protections
Sec. 1191. TeleHealth Expansion and Enhancements.
Sec. 1192. Extension of Outpatient Hold Harmless Provision.
Sec. 1193. Extension of Section 508 Hospital Reclassifications.
Sec. 1194. Extension of Geographic Floor for Work.
Sec. 1195. Extension of Payment for Technical Component of Certain Physician Pathology Services.
Sec. 1196. Extension of Ambulance Add-Ons.
Subtitle A—Improving and Simplifying Financial Assistance for Low Income Medicare Beneficiaries
Sec. 1201. Improving Assets Tests for Medicare Savings Program and Low-Income Subsidy Program.
Sec. 1202. Elimination of PART D Cost-Sharing for Certain Non-Institutionalized Full-Benefit Dual Eligible Individuals.
Sec. 1203. Eliminating Barriers to Enrollment.
Sec. 1204. Enhanced Oversight Relating to Reimbursements for Retroactive Low Income Subsidy Enrollment.
Sec. 1205. Intelligent Assignment in Enrollment.
Sec. 1206. Special Enrollment Period and Automatic Enrollment Process for Certain Subsidy Eligible Individuals.
Sec. 1207. Application of MA Premiums Prior to Rebate in Calculation of Low Income Subsidy Benchmark.
Subtitle B—Reducing Health Disparities
Sec. 1221. Ensuring Effective Communication in Medicare.
Sec. 1222. Demonstration to Promote Access for Medicare Beneficiaries with Limited English Proficiency by Providing Reimbursement for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services.
Sec. 1223. IOM Report on Impact of Language Access Services.
Sec. 1224. Definitions.
Subtitle C—Miscellaneous Improvements
Sec. 1231. Extension of Therapy Caps Exceptions Process.
Sec. 1232. Extended Months of Coverage of Immunosuppressive Drugs for Kidney Transplant Patients and Other Renal Dialysis Provisions.
Sec. 1233. Advance Care Planning Consultation.
Sec. 1234. PART B Special Enrollment Period and Waiver of Limited Enrollment Penalty for TRICARE Beneficiaries.
Sec. 1235. Exception for Use of More Recent Tax Year in Case of Gains from Sale of Primary Residence in Computing PART B Income-Related Premium.
Sec. 1236. Demonstration Program on Use of Patient Decisions Aids.
Sec. 1301. Accountable Care Organization Pilot Program.
Sec. 1302. Medical Home Pilot Program.
Sec. 1303. Payment Incentive for Selected Primary Care Services.
Sec. 1304. Increased Reimbursement Rate for Certified Nurse-Midwives.
Sec. 1305. Coverage and Waiver of Cost-Sharing for Preventive Services.
Sec. 1306. Waiver of Deductible for Colorectal cancer Screening Tests Regardless of Coding, Subsequent Diagnosis, or Ancillary Tissue Removal.
Sec. 1307. Excluding Clinical Social Worker Services From Coverage Under the Medicare Skilled Nursing Facility Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Payment.
Sec. 1308. Coverage of Marriage and Family Therapist Services and Mental Health Counselor Services.
Sec. 1309. Extension of Physician Fee Schedule Mental Health Add-on.
Sec. 1310. Expanding Access to Vaccines.
Subtitle A—Comparative Effectiveness Research
Sec. 1401. Comparative Effectiveness Research.
Subtitle B—Nursing Home Transparency
Part 1—Improving Transparency of Information on Skilled Nursing Facilities and Nursing Facilities
Sec. 1411. Required Disclosure of Ownership and Additional Disclosable Parties Information.
Sec. 1412. Accountability Requirements.
Sec. 1413. Nursing Home Compare Medicare Website.
Sec. 1414. Reporting of Expenditures.
Sec. 1415. Standardized Complaint Form.
Sec. 1416. Ensuring Staffing Accountability.
Part 2—Targeting Enforcement
Sec. 1421. Civil Money Penalties.
Sec. 1422. National Independent Monitor Pilot Program.
Sec. 1423. Notification of Facility Closure.
Part 3—Improving Staff Training
Sec. 1431. Dementia and Abuse Prevention Training.
Sec. 1432. Study and Report on Training Required for Certified Nurse Aides and Supervisory Staff.
Subtitle C—Quality Measurements
Sec. 1441. Establishment of National Priorities for Quality Improvement.
Sec. 1442. Development of New Quality Measures; GAO Evaluation of Data Collection Process for Quality Measurement.
Sec. 1443. Multi-stakeholder Pre-rulemaking Input Into Selection of Quality Measures.
Sec. 1444. Application of Quality Measures.
Sec. 1445. Consensus-based Entity Funding.
Subtitle D—Physician Payments Sunshine Provision
Sec. 1451. Reports on Financial Relationships Between Manufacturers and Distributors of Covered Drugs, Devices, Biologicals, or Medical Supplies under Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP and physicians and other health care entities and between Physicians and Other Health Care Entities.
Subtitle E—Public Reporting on Health Care-Associated Infections
Sec. 1461. Requirement for Public Reporting by Hospitals and Ambulatory Surgical Centers on Health Care-Associated Infections.
Sec. 1501. Distribution of Unused Residency Positions.
Sec. 1502. Increasing Training in Nonprovider Settings.
Sec. 1503. Rules for Counting Resident Time for Didactic and Scholarly Activities and Other Activities.
Sec. 1504. Preservation of Resident Cap Positions from Closed Hospitals.
Sec. 1505. Improving Accountability for Approved Medical Residency Training.
Subtitle A—Increased Funding to Fight Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
Sec. 1601. Increased Funding and Flexibility to Fight Fraud and Abuse.
Subtitle B—Enhanced Penalties for Fraud and Abuse
Sec. 1611. Enhanced Penalties for False Statements on Provider or Supplier Enrollment Applications.
Sec. 1612. Enhanced Penalties for Submission of False Statements Material to a False Claim.
Sec. 1613. Enhanced Penalties for Delaying Inspections.
Sec. 1614. Enhanced Hospice Program Safeguards.
Sec. 1615. Enhanced Penalties for Individuals Excluded from Program Participation.
Sec. 1616. Enhanced Penalties for Provision of False Information by Medicare Advantage and PART D Plans.
Sec. 1617. Enhanced Penalties for Medicare Advantage and PART D Marketing Violations.
Sec. 1618. Enhanced Penalties for Obstruction of Program Audits.
Sec. 1619. Exclusion of Certain Individuals and Entities from Participation in Medicare and State Health Care Programs.
Subtitle C—Enhanced Program and Provider Protections
Sec. 1631. Enhanced CMS Program Protection Authority.
Sec. 1632. Enhanced Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP Program Disclosure Requirements Relating to Previous Affiliations.
Sec. 1633. Required Inclusion of Payment Modifier for Certain Evaluation and Management Services.
Sec. 1634. Evaluations and Reports Required under Medicare Integrity Program.
Sec. 1635. Require Providers and Suppliers to Adopt Programs to Reduce Waste, Fraud, and Abuse.
Sec. 1636. Maximum Period for Submission of Medicare Claims Reduced to Not More Than 12 Months.
Sec. 1637. Physicians Who Order Durable Medical Equipment or Home Health Services Required to be Medicare Enrolled Physicians or Eligible Professionals.
Sec. 1638. Requirement for Physicians to Provide Documentation on Referrals to Programs at High Risk of Waste and Abuse.
Sec. 1639. Face to Face Encounter with Patient Required Before Physicians May Certify Eligibility for Home Health Services or Durable Medical Equipment Under Medicare.
Sec. 1640. Extension of Testimonial Subpoena Authority to Program Exclusion Investigations.
Sec. 1641. Required Repayments of Medicare and Medicaid Overpayments.
Sec. 1642. Expanded Application of Hardship Waivers for OIG Exclusions to Beneficiaries of Any Federal Health Care Program.
Sec. 1643. Access to Certain Information on Renal Dialysis Facilities.
Sec. 1644. Billing Agents, Clearinghouses, or Other Alternate Payees Required to Register under Medicare.
Sec. 1645. Conforming Civil Monetary Penalties to False Claims Act Amendments.
Subtitle D—Access to Information Needed To Prevent Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
Sec. 1651. Access to Information Necessary to Identify Fraud, Waste, and Abuse.
Sec. 1652. Elimination of Duplication Between the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank and the National Practitioner Data Bank.
Sec. 1653. Compliance with HIPAA Privacy and Security Standards.
Subtitle A—Medicaid and Health Reform
Sec. 1701. Eligibility for individuals with income below 133 1⁄3 percent of the Federal poverty level.
Sec. 1702. Requirements and special rules for certain Medicaid eligible individuals.
Sec. 1703. CHIP and Medicaid maintenance of effort.
Sec. 1704. Reduction in Medicaid DSH.
Sec. 1705. Expanded outstationing.
Subtitle B—Prevention
Sec. 1711. Required coverage of preventive services.
Sec. 1712. Tobacco cessation.
Sec. 1713. Optional coverage of nurse home visitation services.
Sec. 1714. State eligibility option for family planning services.
Subtitle C—Access
Sec. 1721. Payments to primary care practitioners.
Sec. 1722. Medical home pilot program.
Sec. 1723. Translation or interpretation services.
Sec. 1724. Optional coverage for freestanding birth center services.
Sec. 1725. Inclusion of public health clinics under the vaccines for children program.
Subtitle D—Coverage
Sec. 1731. Optional medicaid coverage of low-income HIV-infected individuals.
Sec. 1732. Extending transitional Medicaid Assistance (TMA).
Sec. 1733. Requirement of 12-month continuous coverage under certain CHIP programs.
Subtitle E—Financing
Sec. 1741. Payments to pharmacists.
Sec. 1742. Prescription drug rebates.
Sec. 1743. Extension of prescription drug discounts to enrollees of medicaid managed care organizations.
Sec. 1744. Payments for graduate medical education.
Subtitle F—Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
Sec. 1751. Health-care acquired conditions.
Sec. 1752. Evaluations and reports required under Medicaid Integrity Program.
Sec. 1753. Require providers and suppliers to adopt programs to reduce waste, fraud, and abuse.
Sec. 1754. Overpayments.
Sec. 1755. Managed Care Organizations.
Sec. 1756. Termination of provider participation under Medicaid and CHIP if terminated under Medicare or other State plan or child health plan.
Sec. 1757. Medicaid and CHIP exclusion from participation relating to certain ownership, control, and management affiliations.
Sec. 1758. Requirement to report expanded set of data elements under MMIS to detect fraud and abuse.
Sec. 1759. Billing agents, clearinghouses, or other alternate payees required to register under Medicaid.
Sec. 1760. Denial of payments for litigation-related misconduct.
Subtitle G—Puerto Rico and the Territories
Sec. 1771. Puerto Rico and territories.
Subtitle H—Miscellaneous
Sec. 1781. Technical corrections.
Sec. 1782. Extension of QI program.
Sec. 1801. Disclosures to Facilitate Identification of Individuals Likely to be Ineligible for the Low-income Assistance Under the Medicare Prescription Drug Program to Assist Social Security Administration’s Outreach to Eligible Individuals.
Sec. 1802. Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund; financing for Trust Fund.
Sec. 1901. Repeal of Trigger Provision.
Sec. 1902. Repeal of Comparative Cost Adjustment (CCA) Program.
Sec. 1903. Extension of Gainsharing Demonstration.
Sec. 1904. Grants to States for Quality Home Visitation Programs for Families with Young Children and Families Expecting Children.
Sec. 1905. Improved Ccoordination and Protection for Dual Eligibles.