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H.R. 3200/Division C/Title V

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Subtitle A—Drug Discount for Rural and Other Hospitals
Sec. 2501. Expanded Participation in 340B Program.
Sec. 2502. Extension of Discounts to Inpatient Drugs.
Sec. 2503. Effective Date.
Subtitle B—School-Based Health Clinics
Sec. 2511. School-based Health Clinics.
Subtitle C—National Medical Device Registry
Sec. 2521. National Medical Device Registry.
Subtitle D—Grants for Comprehensive Programs to Provide Education to Nurses and Create a Pipeline to Nursing
Sec. 2531. Establishment of Grant Program.
Subtitle E—States Failing to Adhere to Certain Employment Obligations
Sec. 2541. Limitation on Federal Funds.