Harmonium (Stevens)/The Apostrophe to Vincentine
The Apostrophe to Vincentine
II figured you as nude betweenMonotonous earth and dark blue sky.It made you seem so small and leanAnd nameless,Heavenly Vincentine.
III saw you then, as warm as flesh,Brunette,But yet not too brunette,As warm, as clean.Your dress was green,Was whited green,Green Vincentine.
IIIThen you came walking,In a groupOf human others,Voluble.Yes: you came walking,Vincentine.Yes: you came talking.
IV And what I knew you feltCame then.Monotonous earth I saw becomeIllimitable spheres of you,And that white animal, so lean,Turned Vincentine,Turned heavenly Vincentine,And that white animal, so lean,Turned heavenly, heavenly Vincentine.