Help:Font size templates

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Font size templates

All Wikisource size templates are relative to the default size. There are two kinds of sizing template: inline and block templates. Inline templates are suitable for use within a paragraph, but can't handle paragraph breaks, and do not adjust line spacing. Block templates can handle paragraph breaks, and adjust line spacing, but are not suitable for use within a paragraph, as they will cause a paragraph break. See H:DIVSPAN for more details.

Font size definition by relative differences using words

Inline template Block template Size 12pt/16px
default base[1]
{{xxxx-smaller}} 41% 5pt/6.7px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{xxx-smaller}} 50% 6pt/8px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{xx-smaller}} {{xx-smaller block}} 58% 7pt/9px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{x-smaller}} {{x-smaller block}} 69% 8pt/11px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{smaller}} {{smaller block}} 83% 10pt/13px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{fine}} {{fine block}} 92% 11pt/15px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
100% 12pt/16px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{m-larger}} {{m-larger block}} 110% 13pt/18px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{larger}} {{larger block}} 120% 14pt/19px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{x-larger}} {{x-larger block}} 144% 17pt/23px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{xx-larger}} {{xx-larger block}} 182% 22pt/29px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{xxx-larger}} {{xxx-larger block}} 207% 25pt/33px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
{{xxxx-larger}} {{xxxx-larger block}} 249% 30pt/40px Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  1. Contemporary web browsers have largely standardized on a default base font size of 12pt or 16px.

100% and smaller font size and style comparisons table

Template Normal Bold Italics Bold and italics
This is 100% font size. This is 100% font size. This is 100% font size. This is 100% font size.
This is 96% font size. This is 96% font size. This is 96% font size. This is 96% font size.
{{fine block}} and {{fine}} This is 92% font size. This is 92% font size. This is 92% font size. This is 92% font size.
This is 88% font size. This is 88% font size. This is 88% font size. This is 88% font size.
This is 84% font size. This is 84% font size. This is 84% font size. This is 84% font size.
{{smaller}} This is 80% font size. This is 80% font size. This is 80% font size. This is 80% font size.
This is 76% font size. This is 76% font size. This is 76% font size. This is 76% font size.
This is 72% font size. This is 72% font size. This is 72% font size. This is 72% font size.
{{x-smaller}} {{x-smaller block}} This is 68% font size. This is 68% font size. This is 68% font size. This is 68% font size.
{{xx-smaller}} {{xx-smaller block}} This is 58% font size. This is 58% font size. This is 58% font size. This is 58% font size.

Fonts smaller than 100% with proportional line heights

Line height of 100% font size is 140%
Template Font size Line height Block Inline Comments
{{fs70}} 70% inherited YesY used for fractions {{sfrac}} inline, no paragraph padding
{{fs75}} 75% inherited YesY no paragraph padding
{{fs80}} 80% 112% YesY .50em padding before and after single paragraph
{{fs80/s}} & {{fs80/e}} 80% 112% YesY .50em padding before and after single paragraph
{{fs85}} 85% 119% YesY .50em padding before and after a single paragraph
{{fs85/s}} & {{fs85/e}} 85% 119% YesY .50em padding before and after spanning multiple paragraph(s) or page(s)
{{fs90}} 90% 126% YesY .50em padding included before and after wrapped text.
{{fs90/s}} & {{fs90/e}} 90% 126% YesY .50em padding before and after spanning multiple paragraph(s) or page(s)

See also
