Help unto prayer
Help unto Prayer.
Q.WHat are the principal parts of Prayer: according to the patern given us in the Lords Prayer?
A. Three: Preface, matter, and conclusion.
Q. What mean you by the Preface of a Prayer?
A. These words by which we begin our Prayers?
Q. In what words should you begin your Prayers?
A. O Heavenly Father. Matt. 6. 9. God of all grace, and goodness. O Eternal, all-seeing and everliving Lord God.
Q. What is the second part of Prayer?
A. The matter of Prayer.
Q. Unto what heads may the matter of Prayer be reduced?
A: Three: Confession, Petition, Thanksgiving.
Q: What are we to confess in prayer?
A. Our Sins.
Q. What Sins are we to confess in Prayer?
A. All our Sins: original, actuall.
Q: In what words should you confess your Originall Sin and guiltiness?
A. Lord, I was shapen in inquitie: and in Sin did my mother conceive me: Psal: 51. 5:
I am a transgressour from the womb: Isa: 48: 8:
By nature a child of wrath, an heir of hell, dead in trespasses and Sins: Eph: 2. 1: 3: Mat: 23: 15:
Q: What are these actual Sins that we are to confess?
A: Sins of omission and commission:
Q: In what words can you confess your Sins of omission?
A. O Lord, The good thou commandest me to do I have not done it. Rom. 7. 19.
I have slighted thy commands: and cast thy statutes behind my back. Psal. 50. 17.
I have been a hearer (O Lord) of thy word, but not a doer. Ja. 1. 23.
Q. In what words can you confess your Sins of commission?
A. I have sinned against Heaven and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy Son. Luke 15. 21.
I have sinned heinously, I have done wickedly, I have broken thy commandments; times without number. Dan. 9. 5.
The evil that thou forbiddest me to do, that have I done. Rom. 7. 19.
Q. Ought you not to confess your actual Sins more particularly?
A. Yes: The sins of my thoughts, words and actions, should particularly be acknowledged.
Q. In what words can you confess the Sins of your thoughts?
A. O Lord, the thoughts and imaginations of my heart are evil continually. Gen. 6. 3.
Vain thoughts have long lodged in my heart Jer. 4. 14.
Q. How may you Confess the Sins of your words?
A. I have not kept my tongue from evill, nor my lips from speaking guile Psal. 34. 13.
Lord my tongue is an unruly member: a World of iniquity committed by it. Ja. 3. 6. 8.
My mouth dayly uttereth vanitie. Psal. 144. 8.
Q. What are the Sins of your actions, you should confess?
A. All of them both secret and open.
Q. In what words can you confess your secret faults?
A. Lord, I am guilty of many secret Sins: which none but thy All-seeing eye and my own conscience was privy to. Psal. 19. 12.
I have had fellowship with the unfruitfull works of darkness. Eph. 5. 11.
Lord I am ashamed to speak of these things which I hove done in Secret. Eph. 5. 12.
Q. In what words should you confess your open Sinns?
A. Ah, an impudent, and rebellious sinner declaring my Sin as Sodom. Ezech. 2. 3. 4: Iſa. 3. 9.
I have hardened the wicked, and grieved the Godly, and have been a reproach unto Religion. Psal. 73. 15. Rom. 2. 24.
Q. With what frame of Spirit must you confess your Sins?
A. With grief, and sorrow: being ashamed because of them.
Q. With what words may you express this frame of Spirit?
A. O My God, I am ashamed, and blush to lift up my face to thee: For Mine iniquities are encreased over my head. Ezra. 9. 6.
I loath and abhor my self: and repent in dust and ashes. Job. 42. 6.
Q. What is the ſecond general head in the matter of Prayer?
A. Petition.
Q. For whom are we to petition God in Prayer?
A. For our selves, as also for others.
Q. What are you to ask of God in your own behalf?
A. Two things generallie: deliverance from things evil, and hurtfull. As also the bestowing upon me these things that are good.
Q. What are the evils we may pray to be delivered from?
A. They are of two sorts: evill of Sin and evill of Punishment.
Q. With what words are we to pray against the evil of Sin?
A. Forgive us our sins as we forgive these that sin against us. Mat. 6. 12.
Take away all iniquitie. Hosea. 14. 2.
Subdue our iniquities and cast all our sins into the deeps of the Sea: that they may not rise up to our Shame here or condemnation hereafter. Mica. 7. 19.
Q. With what words can you pray against the evil of punishment?
A. Enter not into Judgement with thy servant, Lord. Psal. 143. 2.
Lord deal not with me as I have sinned: not reward me according to my iniquities. Psal. 103, 10.
Q. What are the Good things you may ask of God in prayer?
A. They are of three Sorts: Temporal, Spiritual, Eternal.
Q. What are the temporal good things we may pray for?
A. They are chiefly three: provision, success, protection.
Q. In what words can you ask for provisions?
A. Lord give us this day; our daily bread Matt. 6. 11.
Give me neither povertie nor riches, but feed me with food convenient for me. Pro. 30. 3.
Q. With what words can you pray for Success in your lawfull undertakings, and affairs?
A. Lord prosper the work of my hands. Pſal. 90: 17. Send me good speed this day, and prosper my way. Gen: 24. 12. and 42.
Q. With what words can you pray for protection?
A. Lord keep me as the apple of the eye: hide me under the shadow of thy wings. Psal. 17. 8. Give thy Angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways. Pfsl. 91. 11.
Q. What are the spirituall good things you are chiefly to ask of God?
A. They are three: the renovation of my nature, grace to reforme my life, his love and favour.
Q. With what words can you express your desires for the Renovation of your nature?
A. Lord creat in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. Psal. 51. 10.
Create me in Christ Jesus unto good works. Eph. 2. 10.
Q. With what words can you ask for holiness of life?
A. Lord make me blameless, and harmless, as one of the Sons of God without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation wherein I live. Phil. 2. 15.
May, I be enabled, by thy grace to deny ungodliness and wordly lusts, living soberly, righteously and godly in this present World. Tit. 2. 12. 13.
Q. In what words can you express your desires for the love and favour of God?
A. Lord lift thou up the Light of thy countenance on me. Psal. 4. 6.
Shed abroad thy love in our hearts by thy holy Spirit. Rom. 5. 5.
Remember me with the love thou bears to thine own. Psal. 106. 4.
Q. What are the eternall good things we seek from God?
A. The full enjoyment of God in heaven for ever.
Q. In what words can you express these desires?
A. Lord guide me with thy counsel while here, and afterwards bring me to thy glory, Psal. 73. 24.
Keep me Lord by thy mighty power through Faith unto Salvation. Pet. 1. 5.
Bestow upon me an inheritance among them that are sanctified: even that which is incorruptable, undefiled and fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for thy people. Act. 20, 32;
Q. Are we to pray, only for our selves?
A. No.
Q. For whom else?
A. For all men: especially the Church of God and Nation we live in. 2. Tim. 2. 1.
Q. In what words should you express your desires in Prayer for all men?
A. Lord may all the ends of the earth see the salvation of God. Isa. 52. 50.
Make thy way known upon earth and thy saving health among all Nations. Psal. 67. 2.
Q In what words can you express your desires In behalf of the Church of God?
A. Lord save thy people, bless thine Inheritance, feed them also, and lift them up for evr. Psal. 28. 9.
Peace be within Zions walls, and prosperitie within her Palaces. Psal. 122. 7.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles. Psal. 25. 22.
Q. What are we to pray for in behalf of the nation we live in?
A. That God would bless this Land of our Nativity with peace and truth. Psal. 85. 10.
That God would appoint Salvation for walls and bull-warks. Isa. 26: 1.
That God would continue the light of the glorious gospel amongst us.
Q. Ought we not to pray more particularly for others?
A. Yes.
Q. For whom?
A. Magistrats, Ministers, Friends and Relations, yea also for enemies.
Q. What are you to pray for in behalf of Magistrats?
A. That they may be such as fear God, men of truth, haring covetousness. Exod. 18. 21.
That God would make them a terror to these that do evil, and encouragers of those that do well. Rom. 13. 3.
Q. What are you to pray for in behalf of the ministers of the Gospel?
A. That they may be shining and burning lights. Jo. 5. 35. That they may stand in the councel of God; and be made instrumental of turning many to righteousness Jer. 23. 22. Dan. 12. 3.
Lord make them wise to win Souls. Prov. 11. 30.
Q. What should you pray for in behalf of friends and relations?
That God would bless them with his friendship and favour.
That they may be made friends to God by grace, as they are to me by nature. Rom. 9. 3. Mark 3. 35.
Q. What are we to pray for in the behalf of enemies?
A. Father forgive them; and lay not to their charge the wrong they have done me: whether by word or deed. Luke 23. 34.
Q. What is the third general head in the matter of Prayer?
A. Thanksgiving.
Q. What are you to give God thanks for?
A. For all his mercies and benefits.
Q. In what words can you express your thankfulness for mercies received?
A. Bless the Lord O my Soul, and all that is within me bless his holy Name. Psal. 103.
Let me never forget his benefits who crowneth with me with loving kindness and tender mercies. Psal. 103. 3.
Q. What are the mercies and blessings for which you should give God thanks?
A. They are of three Sorts: Temporal, spiritual, and the hope that I have of eternal good things.
Q. In what words can you express your thankfulness for temporal blessings?
A. Lord I thank thee, who hast given me a beeing amongst the best of thy creatures: in this visible world Psal. 8. 5.
Lord I was cast upon thy care from the womb, thou art my kind God from my mothers belly. Psal. 22, 10.
Lord thou hast given me bread to eat, and raiment to put on me; so that hitherto I have lacked nothing. Gen. 28. 20. Luke 22. 35.
Q. In what words can you give thanks to God for spiritual mercies?
A. God be magnified: who has given me all things pertaining to life and godliness. 2. Pet. 1. 3.
Blessed be God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spirituall blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Eph. 1. 3.
Q. With what words can you give God thanks for the hope of eternal good things?
A. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercie hath begotten us again unto a lively hope, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, and that fadeth not away. 1. Pet. 1. 3.
Q. What is the third and last part of prayer?
A. The conclusion of Prayer.
Q. What do you mean by the conclusion of Prayer?
A. These words and expressions wherewith we finish or end our Prayers.
Q. In what words should you end your Prayers?
For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the Glory, for ever. Amen. Mat. 6. 13.
To the Father, Son, and eternal spirit, be all praise, Glory and honour world without end. Amen.
WHAT are these petitions in Prayer proper for young folk?
A. And teach me to remember my creator in the days of my youth. Eccles. 12. 1:
Lord may it be my mercy to know from my childhood the holy Scriptures: which are able to make me wise unto Salvation. 2. Tim. 3. 15.
Lord incline my heart to learn the instructions of my teachers and attend to understanding. Proy. 4. 1.
Give me grace to take heed to my way according to the rule of shy word: that so I may escape youthfull follies and lusts, unto which I am naturaly prone. Psal. 119. 9.
Q. What should you Pray for ere your read and bear Gods word?
A. Lord open mine eyes that I may see the wonderful things of thy law. Psal. 119. 18.
Lord put thy laws in my inward parts, write it in my heart. Ier. 31. 33.
Lord may I as a new born babe desire the sincere milk of the word; that I may grow thereby. 1. Pet. 2. 22.
Q. What should you pray after the reading and bearing of Gods word?
A. Lord put thy spirit within me, and cause me to walk in thy Statutes, and keep thy Judgements and do them Ezek. 36. 27.
Lord may I a doer and not a hearer only that I deceive not my own Soul Jam. 1. 22.
Q. What are these petitions in prayer suteable for the morning?A. Lord teach me to number my days that I may apply my heart unto understanding. Psal. 90. 12.
Lord bless my going out, and my coming in from this time forth and for evermore. Psal. 121. 7.
Set a watch, O Lord, this day before my mouth, keep the door of my lips, incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practise wicked works with them that work inquiry. Pſal. 141. 3. 4.
Q. What are these Petitions in Prayer suteable for the evening?
A. Lord thou who art the watch-man of Israel that slumbers not nor sleeps, be my keeper this night. Psal. 121. 4.
Lord as thou hast kept me from the perils of the day, so keep me from the terrours of the night: Lord make my sleep Sweet and refreshing and my awaking peaceable.
Q. What are you to pray for in sickness?
A. Lord rebuke me not in chine anger nor Chasten me in thy hot displeasure. Psal. 6. 1.
Lord make me to hear the voice of the rod and him that hath appointed the same. Mic. 6. 9.
Lord lay no more on than thou wilt give strength to bear. 1. Cor. 10. 13.
Lord teach me submission to thy will, not my will but thine he done. Mat. 26. 39.
Q. What are we to pray for after recovery from sickness?
A. What shall I render to the Lord, for all his gifts to me? Psal. 116. 12.
Bless the Lord, O my Soul, and forget not all his benefits; who redeemeth my life from Destruction: who Crowneth me with loving kindness and tender mercies Pſal 103. 2. 4.
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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