Henry VI Part 1 (1918) Yale/Appendix D
The Text of the Present Edition
The text of the present volume is, by permission of the Oxford University Press, that of the Oxford Shakespeare, edited by the late W. J. Craig, except for the following deviations:
1. The stage directions are those of the original Folio edition, necessary additional words being inserted in square brackets.
2. The punctuation has been altered in many places, and the spelling normalized in the following instances: French place names in general (e.g., Champagne, Gisors, Poitiers, Bordeaux instead of Champaigne, Guysors, Poictiers, Bourdeaux); antic (antick), everywhere (every where), forfend (forefend), forgo (forego), immortaliz'd (immortalis'd), warlike (war-like).
3. The following alterations of the text have been made after collation with the Folio, readings of the present edition preceding and those of Craig following the colon. Except in the one case otherwise marked the changes all represent a return to the Folio text:
I. ii. 41 gimmors: gimmals
I. iv. 28 Call'd: Called
95 thee: thee, Nero
I. v. 16 hungry-starved: hunger-starved
I. vi. 22 of: or (F)
II. ii. 54 'tis: it is
II. iv. 6 th' error: the error
II. v. 71 Richard: King Richard
III. i. 25, 114 sovereign: sov'reign
198 lose: should lose
III. ii.28 Talbonites: Talbotites
III. iii. 76 wandering: wand'ring
IV. i. 138 wavering: wav'ring
IV. ii. 6 sovereign: sov'reign
IV. iii. 28 makes: make
IV. vii. 25 whether: whe'r
65 Verdon: Verdun
V. iii. 68 here: here thy prisoner
153 country: county
V. v. 39 lord: good lord
46 liberal: a liberal