Hernösands Stifts Herdaminne/Carl Gustaf Næslund

Carl Gustaf Näslund (1872-1889) was the 15th minister of Arnäs, Sweden from 1872 to 1889. He was born on March 28, 1825 in Hede, Sweden to the then assistant minister of Torsåker and Ytterlännäs, Israel Israelsson Näslund (1796-1858) and his wife, Johanna Gustafva Ruuth (1800-1860). He was a student in 1846 and was ordained as a minister on November 11, 1849 på konsistorii kallelse, därefter assistant minister in Ytterlännäs with his father, and held the year after him; In the meantime, however, he had held a shorter ordinance of Ullånger during the summers of 1852 and 1853, in Ytterlännäs parish and Boteå parish 1857 and in 1858. He was in Skog in 1857, and was assistant minister in Ramsele and Edsele from January of 1859, to May of 1861. afl. past. ex. August 1868, t. f. pastor in Ramsele om hösten s. å. samt in November of 1870 after pastor Nils Abraham Flodstedt (1814-1870) died. Utn. khde i Arnäs February 27, 1871, afsade sig komministraturen in Edsele för att ss. nådårspredikant och t. f. pastor tjänstgöra in Arnäs from February 1, 1872 to May 1, 1873, when the pastorate was fully celebrated. Kontr. prost in Ångermanland northeast kontr. on April 29, 1874. During the parish council he received the most votes for the appointment, but died before he could assume the position as pastor. He died on June 5, 1889, at about 64 years old. Næslund was a simple, handsome man, his heart was warm for everything noble. He was a fatherly counselor and a brotherly friend to those that were suffering. His health waned, but he stayed strong in spirit and never showed that he was approaching death.
- 1) He firstly married Johanna Geijer (1831-1863) on July 19, 1861 in Risäter. She was born on October 10, 1831 to Captain Gustav Edward Geijer and Charlotta Geijer of Arvika. Johanna died, shortly after childbirth, in Edsele on December 25, 1863.
- 2) He secondly married Kristina Karolina Sjöström (1839-1914). She was born on November 15, 1839 in Ljustorp to service administrator Olof A. Sjöström.
The child of the first marriage was: Johan Näslund (1863-1864), who was born on December 21, 1863 and died on September 9, 1864. The children of the second marriage were: Johannes Näslund (1867-1868), who was born on November 14, 1867, and he died on June 30, 1868; Sofia Johanna Näslund, who was born on June 27, 1869, and was the manager of the officers trade fair in Sollefteå; Lydia Karolina Näslund (1871-1920), born September 2, 1871, in 1896 she married the court baliff Theodore Ödmark of Sollefteå, she died on March 3, 1920 while visiting in Stockholm; Gustaf Adolf Näslund, who was born and died in August of 1873; Ruth Olivia Kristina Näslund (1876-1964), born on May 28, 1876, who worked as an elementary school teacher; Karl Martin Näslund (1881-?), who was born on November 10, 1881. He became a master brewer in Luleå.