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4114425Herodotus — AdvertsGeorge Carless Swayne



The Parisians.

By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. Author of 'The Coming Race,' &c. To be completed in Four Volumes. With Illustrations by Sydney Hall. Vols. I. and II. are published, 6s. each.

Kenelm Chillingly, his Adventures and Opinions.

By Lord Lytton. Third Edition. 2 vols. crown 8vo, 10s.

French Home Life.

By "an English Looker-on, who has lived for a quarter of a century in France amidst ties and affections which have made that country his second home."—Preface.


"The present book of essays, which might in justice be called a guide-book to the French mind, will tell the reader all that he ought to know by this time, and certainly does not know, about French ways. Less amusing than M. Taine's work on England, it is deeper and in the main truer. The writer, indeed, does not aim at being amusing; he seeks to give philosophical analyses of the customs which constitute home life on the other side of the Channel, and he quite succeeds. . . . If, however, we dissent from some of the optimist conclusions drawn from French customs in this book, we cannot give it too high praise for its force and accuracy as a whole."—Pall Mall Gazette.

A True Reformer.

3 vols. crown 8vo, £1, 5s. 6d. (Originally published in 'Blackwood's Magazine.')

"This will probably prove the most successful political novel that has appeared in England since 'Coningsby,' and it deserves to be so. . . . A carefully-elaborated scheme of national defence is so ingeniously interwoven with stirring accounts of Parliamentary Struggles and triumphs, and so enlivened by amusing sketches of prominent statesmen, that it might well make an army reformer of a girl of eighteen, while the love story on which the debates and arguments are threaded is touching enough to flutter the pulses of a chairman of committee."—Pall Mall Gazette.

Middlemarch: A Study of English Provincial Life.

By George Eliot. A New Edition. 4 vols. fcap. 8vo, 21s.

Mysie's Pardon.

A Novel from Australia. By James walker Hay. 3 vols. crown 8vo, £1, 5s. 6d.

From Patmos to Paradise;

Or, Light on the Past, the Present, and the Future. By the Rev. John Cumming, D.D., F.R.S.E., Minister of the Scotch National Church, Crown Court, Covent Garden, London. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.

A Handbook of Weather Folk-Lore:

Being a Collection of Proverbial Sayings, in various Languages, relating to the Weather, with Explanatory and Illustrative Notes. By the Rev. C. SWAINSON, M.A., Vicar of High Hurst Wood. Fcap. 8vo, Roxburghe binding; 6s. 6d.

The History of Scotland;

From Agricola's Invasion to the Extinction of the last Jacobite Insurrection. By John hill Burton, Historiographer-Royal. New and Enlarged Edition in 8 vols. crown 8vo, 75. 6d. each.

"Mr Burton has the highest qualifications for the task. In no other history of Scotland with which we are acquainted are there the especial attractive graces which distinguish these volumes of national history."—Athenæum.

The Coming Race.

Ninth Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s.

"The prose poem of 'The Coming Race'—for so it may justly be entitled—takes high rank among the most remarkable and original books of the day."—Daily Telegraph.

"Language, literature, and the arts, all touched on with admirable verisimilitude, are impressed into the service of his thesis; and often in reading of the delights of this underground Utopia, have we sighed for the refreshing tranquillity of that lamp-lit land."


Piccadilly: A Fragment of Contemporary Biography.

By LAURENCE OLIPHANT. With Eight Illustrations by Richard Doyle. Fourth Edition, 6s.

'The picture of 'Good Society'—meaning thereby the society of men and women of wealth or rank-contained in this book, constitutes its chief merit, and is remarkable for the point and vigour of the author's style."—Athenæum.

Wise, Witty, and Tender Sayings,

In Prose and Verse, selected from the Works of GEORGE ELIOT. By ALEXANDER MAIN. Fcap. 8vo, 5s.

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."

George Eliot's Works.

ADAM BEDE. In crown 8vo, with Illustrations, 3s. 6d. cloth.

THE MILL ON THE FLOSS. In crown 8vo, with Illustrations, 35. 6d. cloth.

SCENES OF CLERICAL LIFE. In crown 8vo, with Illustrations, 3s. cloth.

SILAS MARNER: The Weaver of Raveloe. In crown 8vo, with Illustrations, 2s. 6d. cloth.

FELIX HOLT, THE RADICAL. In crown 8vo, with Illustrations, 3s. 6d. cloth.

SPANISH GYPSY. Fourth Edition, crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.

Works of Samuel Warren, D. C.L.

THE DIARY OF A LATE PHYSICIAN. One vol. crown 8vo, 35. 6d. Illustrated Edition, in crown 8vo, handsomely printed, 7s. 6d.

TEN THOUSAND A-YEAR. Two vols. in one, 5s.

Now AND THEN. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d.

MISCELLANIES. Crown 8vo, 5s.

THE LILY AND THE BEE. Crown 8vo, 2s.

Chronicles of Carlingford. By Mrs Oliphant.


"This story, so fresh, so powerfully written, and so tragic, stands out from among its fellows like a piece of newly-coined gold in a handful of dim commonplace shillings. Tales of pastoral experience and scenes from clerical life we have had in plenty, but the sacred things of the conventicle, the relative position of pastor and flock in a Nonconforming 'connection,' were but guessed at by the world outside, and terrible is the revelation."—Westminster Review.




The Cairngorm Mountains.

By JOHN HILL BURTON. In crown 8vo, 35. 6d.

"One of the most complete as well as most lively and intelligent hits of reading that the lover of works of travel has seen for many a day."—Saturday Review. Tom Cringles Log.

A New Edition. With Illustrations by STANFIELD, WEIR, SKELTON, WALKER, &c., Engraved by WHYMPER. Crown 8vo, 6s. Another Edition at 2s.

"Everybody who has failed to read 'Tom Cringle's Log' should do so at once. The 'Quarterly Review' went so far as to say that the papers composing it, when it first appeared in 'Blackwood,' were the most brilliant series of the time, and that time one unrivalled for the number of famous magazinists existing in it. Coleridge says, in his 'Table Talk,' that the 'Log' is most excellent; and these verdicts have been ratified by generations of men and boys, and by the manifestation of Continental approval which is shown by repeated translations. The engravings illustrating the present issue are excellent."—Standard.

Mary Queen of Scots and her Accusers.

By JOHN HOSACK. A New and Enlarged Edition, continuing the Narrative down to the Death of Queen Mary. With a Photograph from the Bust on the Tomb in Westminster Abbey. Vol. I., in 8vo, 155.

"He has confuted those who, by brilliant writing and a judicious selection of evidence, paint the Queen of Scots as an incarnate fiend, and who are dramatic poets rather than historians."-Times.

"Whatever surmises may be formed about Mary's knowledge or assent, there can now be no doubt that the murder was contrived, not by Mary, but by her accusers."—Scotsman.

Memorials of the Castle of Edinburgh.

By JAMES GRANT. A New Edition. In crown 8vo, with 12 Engravings, 35. 6d.

The Scots Musical Museum;

Consisting of upwards of Six Hundred Songs, with proper Basses for the Pianoforte. Originally Published by JAMES JOHNSON; and now accompanied with Copious Notes and Illustrations of the Lyric Poetry and Music of Scotland, by the late WILLIAM STENHOUSE. With Additional Notes and Illustrations. New Edition, 4 vols. 8vo, half-bound, £2, 12s. 6d.

Count Montalemberf's History of the Monks of the West.

5 vols. 8vo, 2, 125. 6d. Volumes III. to V. contain the History of the Conversion of England by the Monks, and may be had as a complete book, 31s. 6d.

"The work of a brilliant and accomplished layman and man of the world, dealing with a class of characters who have generally been left to the arid professional handling of ecclesiastical writers. Montalembert sees their life as a whole, and a human whole; and, with all his zeal as an amateur hagiographer, he cannot but view them with some of the independence of a mind trained to letters and politics."—Pall Mall Gazette.

Recent Publications. 5 Memoir of Count de Montalembert ; A Chapter of recent French History. By Mrs OLI- PHANT, Author of 'Life of Edward Irving,' &c. In 2 vols. crown 8vo, 1, 45. The Works of the Right Rev. Bishop Hay, of Edinburgh. Together with a Memoir of the Author, and Portrait engraved from the Painting at the College of Blairs. Edited under the Supervision of the Right Rev. Bishop STRAIN. A New Edition, in 5 vols. crown 8vo, 2 is. The Scripture Doctrine of Miracles Displayed. By the Right Rev. Bishop HAY, of Edinburgh. 2 vols. crown 8vo, los. 6d. Historical Sketches of the Reign of George Second. By Mrs OLIPHANT. Second Edition, in One Volume, i os. 6d. " Mrs Oliphant's Historical Sketches form two attractive volumes, whose contents are happily arranged so as to bring out some of the salient points at a period in our social history richly illustrated by epistolary and biographical remains." Examiner. Our Poor Relations. By Col. E. B. HAMLEY, C.B. Originally published in ' Blackwood's Magazine. ' With Illustrations, chiefly by Ernest Griset. Crown 8vo, cloth, gilt, 35. 6d. Library Edition of Lord Lyttoris Novels. Printed from a large and readable type. In Volumes of a convenient and handsome form. 8vo, 53. each viz. : THE CAXTON NOVELS, 10 Volumes : The Caxton Family. 2 vols. | My Novel. 4 vols. HISTORICAL ROMANCES, n Volumes: The Last Days of Pompeii. 2 vols. The Siege of Grenada. I vol. The Last of the Barons. 2 vols. Harold. 2 vols. 6 Messrs Blackwood and Sons' Lord Lyttoris Novels CONTINUED. ROMANCES, 7 Volumes : The Pilgrims of the Rhine. I vol. Eugene Aram. 2 vols. Zanoni. 2 vols. A Strange Story. 2 vols. NOVELS OF LIFE AND MANNERS, 15 Volumes: Pelham. 2 vols. The Disowned. 2 vols. Paul Clifford. 2 vols. Godolphin. I vol. Ernest Maltravers First Part. 2 vols. Ernest Maltravers Second Part (i.e. Alice). 2 vols. Night and Morning. 2 vols. Lucretia. 2 vols. Kenelm Chillingly. 4 vols. "It is of the handiest of sizes; the paper is good ; and the type, which seems to be new, is very clear and beautiful. There are no pictures. The whole charm of the pre- sentment of the volume consists in its handiness, and the tempting clearness and beauty of the type, which almost converts into a pleasure the mere act of following the printer's lines, and leaves the author's mind free to exert its unobstructed force upon the " Nothing could be better as to size, type, paper, and general get-up." Athenaeum. The Book of Ballads. Edited by BON GAULTIER. Eleventh Edition, with numerous Illustrations by DOYLE, LEECH, and CROW- QUILL. Gilt edges, post 8vo, 8s. 6d. Tales from Blackwood. Complete in 12 vols. One Shilling each, Sold separately. CONTENTS. VOL. I. The Glenmutchkin Railway. Vanderdecken's Message Home. The Floating Beacon. Colonna the Painter. Napoleon. A Legend of Gibraltar. The Iron Shroud. VOL. II. Lazaro's Legacy. A Story without a Tail. Faustus and Queen Elizabeth. How I became a Yeoman. Devereux Hall. The Metempsychosis. College Theatricals. VOL. III. A Reading Party in the Long Vacation. Father Tom and the Pope. La Petite Madelaine. Bob Burke's Duel with Ensign Brady. The Heads- man : A Tale of Doom. The Wearyful Woman. Recent Publicatio^ JL* A 7 VOL. IV. How I stood for the Dreepdaily Burghs. First and Last. The Duke's Dilemma : A Chronicle of Niesenstein. The Old Gentleman's Teetotum. " Woe to us when we lose the Watery Wall." My College Friends : Charles Russell, the Gentleman Commoner. The Magic Lay of the One-Horse Chay. VOL. V. Adventures in Texas. How we got Possession of the Tuileries. Captain Paton's Lament. The Village Doctor. A Singular Letter from Southern Africa. VOL. VI. My Friend the Dutchman. My College Friends No. II. : Horace Leicester. The Emerald Studs. My College Friends No. III. : Mr W. Wellington Hurst. Christine : A Dutch Story. The Man in the Bell. VOL. VII. My English Acquaintance. The Murderer's Last Night. Narration of Certain Uncommon Things that did formerly happen to Me, Herbert Willis, B.D. The Wags. The Wet Wooing : A Narrative of '98. Ben-na-Groich. VOL. VIII. The Surveyor's Tale. By Professor Aytoun. The Forrest- Race Romance Di Vasari: A Tale of Florence. Sigismund Fatello. The Boxes. VOL. IX. Rosaura: A Tale of Madrid. Adventure in the North- West Territory. Harry Bolton's Curacy* The Florida Pirate. The Pandour and his Princess. The Beauty Draught. VOL. X. Antonio di Carara. The Fatal Repast The Vision of Cagliostro. The First and Last Kiss. The Smuggler's Leap. The Haunted and the Haunters. The Duellists. VOL. XL The Natolian Story-Teller. The First and Last Crime. John Rintoul. Major Moss. The Premier and his Wife. VOL. XII. Tickler among the Thieves ! The Bridegroom of Barna. The Involuntary Experimentalist. Le- brun's Lawsuit. The Snowing-up of Strath Lugas. A Few Words on Social Philosophy. 8 Messrs Blackwood and Sons' Goethe's Faust. Translated into English Verse by THEODORE MARTIN. Second Edition, post 8vo, 6s. Also an Edition in fcap. 8vo, 35. 6d. "The best translation of Faust' in verse we have yet had in England." Spectator. Songs and Verses : Social and Scientific. By an OLD CONTRIBUTOR TO ' MAGA.' A New Edi- tion. Fcap. 8vo, 35. 6d., with Music of some of the Songs. " The productions thrown off by this eccentric muse have all the merits of originality and variety. ... He has written songs, not essays such a hotch-potch of science and humour, jest and literature, gossip and criticism, as might have been served at the Nodes Ambrosianse in the blue parlour at Ambrose's." Saturday Review. The Course of Time : A Poem. By ROBERT POLLOK, A.M. With Engravings. A New Edition. Fcap. 8vo, 35. 6d. "Of deep and hallowed impress, full of noble thoughts and graphic conceptions the production of a mind alive to the great relations of being, and the sublime simplicity of our religion "Blackwood's Magazine. An Illustrated Edition of the Course of Time. In large 8vo, bound in cloth, richly gilt, 2 is. " There has been no modern poem in the English language, of the class to which the ' Course of Time ' belongs, since Milton wrote, that can be compared to it. In the pre- . sent instance the artistic talents of Messrs FOSTER, CLAYTON, TENNIEL, EVANS, DALZIKL, GREEN, and WOODS, have been employed in giving expression to the sublimity of the lan- guage by equally exquisite illustrations, all of which are of the highest class." Bell's Messenger. The Poems of Ossian in the Original Gaelic. With a Literal Translation into English, and a Disser- tation on the Authenticity of the Poems. By the Rev. ARCHIBALD CLERK. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, ji, us. 6d. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, And other Poems. By W. EDMONDSTOUNE AYTOUN, D.C.L., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in the University of Edinburgh. Twenty -second Edition. Fcap. 8vo, 75. 6d. " Professor Aytoun's ' Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers 'a volume of verse which shows that Scotland has yet a poet. Full of the true fire, it now stirs and swells like a trum- pet-notenow sinks in cadences sad and wild as the wail of a Highland dirge." Quarterly Review. Recent Publications. 9 Illustrated Edition of the Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. The Designs by Sir J. NOEL PATON, R.S. A. Engraved on Wood by John Thompson, W. J. Linton, W. Thomas, J. W. Whymper, J. Cooper, W. T. Green, Dalziel Brothers, E. Evans, J. Adam, &c. Small 4to, printed on toned paper, bound in gilt cloth, 2 is. " The artists have excelled themselves in the engravings which they have furnished. Seizing the spirit of Mr Aytoun's ' Ballads' as perhaps none but Scotchmen could have seized it, they have thrown their whole strength into the work with a heartiness which others would do well to imitate. Whoever there may be that does not already know these ' Lays,' we recommend at once to make their acquaintance in this edition, wherein author and artist illustrate each other as kindred spirits should." Standard. Bothwell: A Poem. By W. EDMONDSTOUNE AYTOUN, D.C.L. Third Edition. Fcap. 8vo, 7s. 6d. " Professor Aytoun has produced a fine poem and an able argument, and ' Bothwell ' will assuredly take its stand among the classics of Scottish literature." The Press. The Ballads of Scotland. Edited by Professor AYTOUN. Fourth Edition. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo, I2s. Poems and Ballads of Goethe. Translated by Professor AYTOUN and THEODORE MARTIN. Second Edition. Fcap. 8vo, 6s. " There is no doubt that these are the best translations of Goethe's marvellously-cut gems which have yet been published." Times. Firmilian; or, The Student of Badajos. A Spasmodic Tragedy. By T. PERCY JONES. In small 8vo, 55. " Humour of a kind most rare at all times, and especially in the present day, runs through every page, and passages of true poetry and delicious versification prevent the continual play of sarcasm from becoming tedious." Literary Gazette. The Poems of Felicia Hemans. Complete in I vol. royal 8vo, with Portrait by FINDEN. Cheap Edition, 55. Another Edition, with Memoir by her SISTER. Seven vols. fcap., 355. Another Edi- tion, in 6 vols. bound as 3, I2s. 6d. The following Works of Mrs HEMANS are sold separately, bound in cloth, gilt edges, 45. each : RECORDS OF WOMAN. FOREST SANCTUARY. SONGS OF THE AFFECTIONS. DRAMATIC WORKS. TALES AND HISTORIC SCENES. MORAL AND RELIGIOUS POEMS. io Messrs Blackwood and Sons' Memoir of Mrs Hemans. By her SISTER. With a Portrait. Fcap. 8vo, 55. Selections from the Poems of Mrs Hemans. Beautifully printed on toned paper, bound in gilt cloth, 3s. Uniform with the above. The Poems of Caroline Bowles Southey. Small fcap., cloth, gilt edges, 53. Domestic Verses. By D. M. Mom (A). A New Edition, 55. Poetical Works of D. M. Moir. With Portrait, and Memoir by THOMAS AlRD. Second Edition. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo, 125. The Vita Nuova of Dante. Translated, with an Introduction and Notes, by THEO- DORE MARTIN. Second Edition, fcap. 8vo, 5-s. Homer and his Translators ', And the Greek Drama. By Professor WILSON. Crown 8vo, 6s. " But of all the criticisms on Homer which I have ever had the good fortune to read, in our own or any language, the most vivid and entirely genial are those found in the ' Essays, Critical and Imaginative,' of the late Professor Wilson." Mr Gladstone's Studies on Homer, The Nodes Ambrosiance. By Professor WILSON. With Notes and a Glossary. In 4 vols. crown 8vo, 1 6s. Recreations of Christopher North. By Professor WILSON. In 2 vols. crown 8vo, 8s. Tales. By Professor WILSON. Comprising * The Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life,' * The Trials of Margaret Lyndsay,' and 'The Foresters.' In I vol. crown 8vo, 45. cloth. Recent Publications. 1 1 Professor Wilson's Poems. Containing the * Isle of Palms,' the * City of the Plague,' 'Unimore,' and other Poems. Complete Edition. Crown 8vo, 45. The Maid of Sker. By R. D. BLACKMORE, Author of 'Lorna Doone,' &c. A New Edition, crown 8vo, 75. 6d. Fair to See. By LAURENCE W. M. LOCKHART, Author of ' Doubles and Quits.' Originally published in * Blackwood's Magazine. ' Second Edition. Crown 8vo, 6s. Poetical Works of Thomas Aird. Fourth Edition. In I vol. fcap. 8vo, 6s. The Odyssey and Iliad of Homer. Translated into English Verse in the Spenserian Stanza. By PHILIP STANHOPE WORSLEY and Professor CON- INGTON. 4 vols. crown 8vo, 393. The Metamorphoses of Publius Ovidius Naso. Translated in English Blank Verse. By HENRY KING, M.A., Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford, and of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Crown 8vo, los. 6d. The Odes, Epodes, and Satires of Horace, Translated into English Verse, together with a Life of Horace. By THEODORE MARTIN. To this Edition (the Third of the Odes and Epodes) a Translation of the Satires has been for the first time added. Post 8vo, 93. OTHER TRANSLATIONS BY THEODORE MARTIN : Catullus. With Life and Notes. Post 8vo, 6s. 6d. Aladdin : A Dramatic Poem. By ADAM OEHLENSCHLAEGER. Fcap. 8vo, 55. 1 2 Messrs Blackwood and Sons' Correggio : A Tragedy. By OEHLENSCHLAEGER. With Notes. Fcap. 8vo, 35. King Rends Daughter : A Danish Lyrical Drama. By HENRIK HERTZ. Second Edition. Fcap., 2s. 6d. Drawing-Room Dramas for Children. By W. G. WILLS, Author of 'Charles I.,' &c., and the Hon. Mrs GREENE. Crown 8vo, 6s. Charles the First. AN HISTORICAL TRAGEDY IN FOUR ACTS. By W. G. WILLS, Author of The Man o' Airlie,' ' Medsea,' &c. 8vo, 2s. 6d. Sermons. By the Rev. JOHN CAIRD, D.D., Professor of Divinity in the University of Glasgow, and one of Her Majesty's Chaplains for Scotland. In crown 8vo, 55. This Edi- tion includes the Sermon on ' Religion in Common Life,' preached in Crathie Church, Oct. 1855, before Her Majesty the Queen and the late Prince Consort. " They are noble sermons ; and we are not sure but that, with the cultivated reader, they will gain rather than lose by being read, not heard. There is a thoughtfulness and depth about them which can hardly be appreciated, unless when they are studied at leisure : and there are so many sentences so felicitously expressed that we should grudge being hurried away from them by a rapid speaker, without being allowed to enjoy them a second time." Fraser's Magazine. Religion in Common Life: A Sermon preached in Crathie Church, October 14, 1855, before Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Albert. By the Rev. JOHN CAIRD, D. D. Published by Her Majesty's Command. Bound in cloth, 8d. Cheap Edition, 3d. The Doctrine of Holy Scripture respecting the Atone- ment. By THOMAS J. CRAWFORD, D.D., Professor of Divinity in the University of Edinburgh. 8vo, 125. " An admirable repository of theological literature upon the question." Evangelical Repository. "Marked by sound judgment and ripe learning, great calmness, candour, and a rever- ence for Scripture teaching, which is itself a wholesome rebuke to this rationalistic age." Secession Magazine. " This sound, solid, and satisfactory treatise." Weekly Review. " A volume which we can heartily commend." Freeman. " One of the most valuable of recent contributions from the orthodox side to the litera- ure of this great subject." North British Daily Mail. Recent Publications. 13 Family Prayers. Authorised by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Crown 8vo, red edges, 45. 6d. Hours of Christian Devotion. Translated from the German of A. THOLUCK, D.D., Professor of Theology in the University of Halle ; Councillor of the Supreme Consistory, Prussia. By ROBERT MENZIES, D.D. With a Preface written by the Author for this Translation. In 8vo, 95. " We can heartily commend the book to our readers, promising them that they will derive from it a stimulus to their piety, and a solace in hours of darkness." Noncon- formist. " A most masterly and admirable book. . . . For Sunday-evening reading the Christian layman need have no better book. Even those who 'care for none of these things' will not readily lay aside a work which is so inviting in language and forcible in thought." The Christian Times. The Six of Spades. A Book about the Garden and the Gardener. By S. REYNOLDS HOLE, Author of 'A Book about Roses,' &c. Crown 8vo, 55. " We may, in conclusion, recommend the whole book to the attention of our readers as one which will afford them much amusement on a winter's night. . . . It is written by one who really loves flowers, and wishes to lead others to worship at the same shrine ; and we_ wish the book success." Journal of Horticulture. " This is Mr Hole's chef-d'oeuvre, and brings us nearer to him in thought and sympathy than any other of his works. . . . The book is a mixture of fiction and philosophy, and Mr Hole is a cheerful and healthy master of both, teaching wholesome truths in a kindly and cheerful way."- Tlie Gardeners' Magazine. Dedicated by Special Permission to Her Majesty. The Royal Atlas of Modern Geography. A Series of Entirely Original and Authentic Maps. By ALEX. KEITH JOHNSTON, LL.D., F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S. A new Edition, brought up to the present time, containing a new Map of North Polar Regions. In imperial folio, half-bound morocco, ^"5, 155. 6d. Dedicated by Permission to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. The Handy Royal Atlas. By the SAME AUTHOR. Forty-Five Maps, clearly Printed and carefully Coloured, with General Index. ^ With Indices to each Map, comprising nearly 150,000

  • Names of Places contained in the Atlas. A new

Edition, brought up to the present time, containing a new Map of North Polar Regions. In imperial 4to, half- bound morocco, 2, 125. 6d. 1 4 Messrs Blackwood and Sons' Essays -on Social Subjects. From the * Saturday Review.' A new Edition. First and Second Series. 2 vols. crown 8vp, 6s. each. " In their own way of simple, straightforward reflection upon life, the present century has produced no essays better than these." Examiner. " We shall welcome the author again if he has more to say on topics which he treats so well." Guardian, Thorndale; or. The Conflict of Opinions. By WILLIAM SMITH. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, los. 6d. The Handy Book of Fruit Culture under Glass : Being a Series of Practical Treatises on the Cultivation and Forcing of Pines, Vines, Peaches, Figs, Melons, Strawberries, and Cucumbers, with Engravings of Hot- houses, &c., most suitable for the Cultivation and Forcing of these Fruits. By DAVID THOMSON, Author of * Handy Book of the Flower-Garden.' In crown 8vo, with Engravings, 75. 6d. Handy Book of the Flow er- Gar den : Being Plain Practical Directions for the Propagation, Culture, and Arrangement of Plants in Flower- Gardens all the Year Round. By DAVID THOMSON, Gardener to the Duke of Buccleuch, Drumlanrig, N.B. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, 75. 6d. " Nowadays the flower-garden is such'a very important and interesting subject to many, that almost any book on the subject is sure to find readers ; but as this is written by one of the best gardeners in the country, and one, moreover, thoroughly master of the modern system of decoration, it deserves more attention than any book published on this or allied subjects of recent years." The Field. " This is essentially a book for amateurs, and every amateur who is fortunate enough to be its possessor, or who may merely skim over its pages, will, we are assured, agree with us in regarding its author as being entitled to great praise for the simple and clear manner in which he has explained the cultural directions, which, if carefully complied with, will enable the non-professional floriculturist to grow plants as well as any gardener." Gar- deners' Chronicle. A Book About Roses : How to Grow and Show them. By S. REYNOLDS HOLE, Author of ' A Little Tour in Ireland.' Fourth Edition, 75. 6d. " The production of a man who boasts of thirty ' All England ' cups ; whose roses are always looked for anxiously at flower-shows ; who took the lion's share in originating the first rose-show ; whose assistance as judge and amicus curies is always courted at such ex- hibitions. Such a man ought to have something to say to those who love the rose, and he HAS said it" Gardeners' Chronicle. 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