History of Mexico (Bancroft)/Volume 6/Index
Abarca, Brigadier, R. A., comandante, etc., of Guadalajara, 1810, iv. 204; measures, 204-5; death, 207.
Abarca, President, removal of, iv. 261-2.
Abasolo, Gen'. M., biog., iv. 127; cowardice of, 27S-9; death, 279.
Abzat, Astronomer, mention of, vi. 641.
Academy, of Arts, founded 1773, vi. 645; of San Carlos, 648.
Acajete, battle of, 1839, v. 211-12.
Acámbaro, affair near, 1858, v. 747.
Acaponeta, pirates capture, 1688, iii. 222-23; destroyed, 314.
Acapulco, plan of harbor, iii. 25; Cerralvo strengthens, iii. 81-2; Dutch visit, 1624, iii. 81-2; pirates repulsed at, 1685, iii. 205; trading at, 1 697, iii. 259; fortifications of, iii. 419-20; earthquake in 1787, iii. 461-3; tidal wave at, 463; defence of, 1796, iii. 489; hurricane at, 1799, iii. 498; 1810, iv. 92; commerce of, iii. 632-5; road to, iii. 636-7; siege of, 1811, iv. 300-1; 1812, iv. 470; 1813, iv. 545-51; recapture of, 1814, iv. 578; surrender of, 1821, iv. 739; plan of
Ayutla, v. 649; Santa Anna defeated at, v. 652; bombarded by the French, 1863, vi. 60.
Acatlan Princess, wife of Montezuma, i. 458.
Acatlan, Town, sack of, 1813, iv. 553.
Acaxées, uprising of, 1601, iii. 15.
Acazitzin, Cacique, submits to Cortés, i. 577.
Acéreto, Col., operations in Yucatan, 1860, vi. 409-10.
Acolhúa, tripartite alliance, i. 23; confederate nation, i. 96; king of, i. 141-2.
Acordada, established, 1719-22, iii. 273; judges of, 1719-1808, iii. 27374; severity of, iii. 273-75; power restricted, iii. 275-76; prison of, iii. 276; building demolished, 1812; iii. 276; court of installed, etc., iii. 546-7; suppressed, 1813, iv. 504-5. Acosta, J. de, works of, i. 461-2; biog., i. 462.
Acta Constitutiva, discussion on the, v. 11-12; adopted, 1824, v. 12.
Acta Constitutiva y de Reformas, provisions of, 1847, v. 525-7. Acuitzio, engagement at, 1811, iv. 337.
Aculco, affair at, 1810, iv. 198-201; plan, iv. 199; pillage, etc. of, 1812, iv. 396.
Aculcingo, battle of, 1812, iv. 480-1.
Adelantamientos, definition of, iii. 520.
Arredondo, Col., occupies Tula, iv. 321; gov. of Nuevo Santander, iv. 322.
Agriculture, hist, of, iii. 6 3-14; 618, 622-3; capabilities for, vi. 561; drawbacks to, vi. 532-3; maize, vi. 567, 579; wheat, vi. 568; barley, vi. 568; rice, vi. 568; beans, vi, 568; chile, vi. 568; plantains, etc., vi. 569; cacao, vi. 569; coffee, vi. 569-70; the maguey, vi. 570-71; sugar-cane, vi. 572; tobacco, vi. 572-3; olives, vi. 573; vines, vi, 573-4; indigo, vi. 574-5; cotton, vi. 575-6; vanilla, vi. 576-7. Agua Nueva, battle of, 1811, iv. 240; Gen. Taylor at, 1847, v. 418-20. Aguascalientes, founded, 1575, ii. 762; condition of, 1794, iii. 306-7; Callejaat, 1811, iv. 317-18; revolt at, 1848, v. 548; abandoned by the French, 1866, vi. 256.
Aguayo, Marqués de, mention of, iv. 432.
Aguiar y Seixas, F. de, archbishop, 1681, iii. 276; biog., iii. 276-77; death, 1698, iii. 276.
Águila, Col., L. de, victory at Aculoingo, 1812, iv. 480-1; marches on Oajaca, iv. 489; takes Coscomatepec, 1813, iv. 556; captures Zacatlan, 1814, iv. 589.
Aguilar, B. de, treasonable conduct of, ii. 585; quarrel with M. Cortés, ii. 605.
Aguilar, F. de, joins Dominicans, ii. 727.
Aguilar, G., Cortés meets, i. 80-2; captivity of, i. 80-4.
Aguilar, J., dispute with Rincon, iv. 585-6; death, 1816, iv. 638.
Aguilar, J. de, subdues Chetumalo, 1547, ii. 449.
Aguilar, M. de, adventures of, i. 82-3; accompanies Ponce de Leon, 1526, ii. 246; alcalde mayor, 1526, ii. 251; governor, 1526, ii. 251; arbitrary acts of, ii. 252; sickness, etc., of, ii. 253.
Aguilar, P. de, the Ávila-Cortés conspiracy, ii. 610, 616.
Aguilar, V., interpreter, Cortés exped., i. 116.
Aguirre, G., minister of public instruction, 1866, vi. 226.
Aguirre, J. M., minister of justice, 1851, v. 597, 610.
Aguirre, M. G. de, minister of justice, 1867, vi. 334.
Aguirre, Gen., operations of, 1812, iv. 415, 418-19; capture of Cóporo, 1817, iv. 654-5; of Fort Jaujilla, 1818, iv. 691-2.
Aguirre, Oidor, commissioner from junta of Seville, 1808, iv. 48-50; revolutionary plot betrayed to, iv. 110; prosecution of Dominguez, iv. 114.
Ah Kupules, Yucatec tribe, revolt of, 1546, ii. 447-9.
Ahuacatlan, natives of, enslaved, 1538, ii. 362; captured, 1542, ii. 509-10.
Ahualulco, Cruz proclaims pardon at, 1812, iv. 263; battle of, 1858, v. 747.
Ahuaxpitzactsin, king of Texcuco, ii. 21.
Ahuitzotl, predecessor of Montezuma, i. 97; pyramid built by, i. 278; death of, i. 98.
Aillon, L. V. de, Narvaez's exped., 1520, i. 360, 363; seizure, etc., of, i. 371-2.
Aké, Montejo at, 1527, ii. 433-5, battle of, ii. 434-5.
Alaman, L., works of, iii. 600, 625, 678; iv. 821-4; v. 100; biog. iv. 823; cabinet minister, 1823, v. 2; minister of relations, 1830, v. 95, 108, 112; 1853, v. 626, 635; impeachment of, v. 100; convocation issued by, 1846, v. 295; conservative leader, 1853, v. 625-6; character, v. 636.
Alaminos, A. de, pilot to Córdoba, 1517, i. 6; Grijalva's exped., i. 21; pilot to Cortés, 1519, i. 70; accompanies Monte jo, i. 132; mission to, Spain, i. 168, 172-3.
Álamo, the capture of, 1836, v. 167-8.
Alarcon, M. de las F., operations of, 1812, iv. 399-400.
Alas, I., minister of the treasury, 1832, v. 116.
Alatorre, Gen., operations of, 1866, vi. 262; 1872, vi. 382; 1876, vi. 420-1; insurrection in Yucatan, 1868, vi. 365; defeat of, vi. 426-7.
Albornoz, Contador, R. de, arrival of, 1524, ii. 143; Cortés charges against, ii. 196; quarrels with Estrada, ii. 206-7; acting gov., ii. 206; removed, 1524, ii. 209; reinstated, 1525; ii. 209; lieut. gov., 1526, ii. 232; meeting with Cortés, ii. 240-1; intrigues in Spain, ii, 259-60; complaints against Cortés, ii. 273.
Alburquerque, Duque de, (F. F. de la Cueva), 22nd viceroy, 1653, iii. 142; rule, iii. 142-51; character, iii. 142-43, 146; quarrel with archbp., iii. 148; attempted assassination of, iii. 1660, 148-50; transferred to Sicily, 1660, iii. 150; residencia, iii. 150-1. Alburquerque (Duque de), 34th viceroy, 1702, iii. 278; rule, iii. 278-85; character, iii. 278-80.
Alburquerque, B. A. de, bishop of Oajaca, 1554-81, ii. 694-5.
Alcalde, office of, iii. 521-2.
Alcalde del Crímen, office of, iii. 53940.
Alcaldes Mayores, powers of, iii. 520.
Alcalde de mesta, duties of, iii. 522.
Alcaldes Ordinarios, first appointed, 1786, iii. 453.
Alcaldías May ores, abolished, 1769, iii. 451.
Alcántara, J. de, death of, i. 509-10.
Alcedo, A. de, works of, iii. 511-12.
Aldama, Gen. J., revolutionist leader, iv. 102, 107, 127; operations at Las Cruces, iv. 180-2; suspicions of, iv. 271 ; trial, iv. 277-9 ; execution, iv. 279.
Aldama, Gen. M., joins Osorno, 1811, iv. 341.
Aldana, R. F., gov. of Yucatan, etc., 16(34, iii. 161.
Alderete, J. de, joins Cortés, i. 593; siege of Mex., i. 649, 653; plots against Cortés, etc., ii. 70-1, 76-7; death, ii. 143.
Alegre, F. J., works of, iii. 448-9.
Alfonso, X., laws, etc., ii. 281-2.
Alguacil Mayor, functions of, iii. 522.
Alhóndiga de Granaditas, Guanajuato, descript. of, iv. 136-7; capture of, 1810, iv. 136-54; plan, iv. 140; slaughter at, iv. 149-53; sack of, iv. 151; massacre at, iv. 222-3.
Alima, Olid's victory at, ii. 59.
Allende, General! simo, biog., iv. 104-6; plans betrayed, iv. 110-15; surrenders command, 1810, iv. 1223; operations, etc., at Las Cruces, iv. 178-82; defeat at Guanajuato, iv. 216-22; rejoins Hidalgo, iv. 249; plan of, iv. 250; supersedes Hidalgo, 1811, iv. 266; at Saltillo, iv. 268; capture of, iv. 274; trial, iv. 277-9; execution, 1811, iv. 279.
Almolonga, engagement at, 1823, iv. 792.
Almonte, Gen. J. N., rept. on Texas, v. 160-1; defence of Mexico, 1840, v. 220-3; negotiations with Santa Anna, 1841, v. 231; minister of war, 1846, v. 294; protest, etc., of, v. 338; minister to Paris, v. 775; treaty with Mon., v. 775-6; arrival at Vera Cruz, 1862, vi. 39, 41; pronunciamiento of, 1862, vi. 46; proclamation, vi. 59; biog., vi. 7981.
Alvarado, Friar M. de, mediation of, 1566, ii. 614-5.
Alonso, Chief, battle of Teaurite, 1721, iii. 323-4; revolt of, iii. 329.
Alpuche, J. M., founder of York rite lodges, v. 32-3.
Altamira, founded, 1749, iii. 344.
Altamirano, Dr. H. C., envoy of audiencia, 1624, iii. 70.
Altamirano, J., Cortés' agent, 1529, ii. 290; exiled, ii. 291.
Alva de Liste, Conde de, 21st viceroy, 1650, iii. 139; rule of, iii. 139^2; dispute with clergy, iii. 140; transferred to Peru, 1653, iii. 142; popularity of, iii. 142.
Alvarado, Port, assault on, 1813, iv. 554; capture of, 1847, v. 448.
Alvarado, A. de, regidor of Vera Cruz, i. 136.
Alvarado, D. de, mention of, i. 73-4.
Alvarado, J. de, conspiracy of, ii. 231-4; Indian bride of, i. 230; siege of Mex., i. 649; defeats Indians, 1541, ii. 502.
Alvarado, P. de, exped. of Grijalva, i. 25, 28, 32; character, i. 73-5; exped. of Cortés, i. 69-70; forces, i. 378; position in Cortés' absence, i. 407-10; compared to Cortés, i. 411-12; massacres Aztecs, i. 41318; Aztecs attack, i. 419-22; Cortés relieves, i. 227-8; Cortés reprimands, i. 428; evacuation of Mex., i. 471, 474, 477, 47981; La Noche Triste, i. 490; at Tlascala, i. 508; the lake campaign, i. 582; plot to murder, i. 610; siege of Mex., i. 622, 627-9, 634, 644-9, 654-6, 659-60, 676-8, 680; occupies Tututepec, ii, 40-1; chief encomendero at Tututepec, ii. 41-2; second expedition against Tututepec, ii. 42; prepares to invade Guatemala, 1523, ii. 104-5; sent against Garay, 1523, ii. 111-2; captures Ovalle's force, 1523, ii. 112; re-conquers Soconusco, 1524, ii. 126-7; exped. to Guatemala, 1524, ii. 127; at Seville, ii. 276;champions Cortés, ii. 285-6; obtains Honduras, ii. 445; exped. to Zapotlan, 1540, ii. 495; visits Mexico, 1540, ii. 496; rashness of, ii. 496-8; marches on Nochistlan, 1541, ii. 498; defeat of, ii. 498-500; death, 1541, ii. 499-502. Alvarez, B., founds order of Charity, ii. 709; biog., ii. 709-11; death of, 1584, ii. 711.
Álvarez, raid on Colima, ii. 57-8.
Alvarez, J., revolt of, 1830, v. 95-7.
Alvarez, Gen. J., revolt against Santa Anna, 1844-5, v. 275-6; battle of Molino del Rey, v. 498, 502-3; revolution of, 1854-5, v. 647-52, 654-6, 664-5; president ad interim, v.665; biog., v. 666-7; cabinet, v. 667; rule, v. 667-73; death, v. 674.
Alvarez, Padre J. F., defeat of, 1811, iv. 324.
Álvarez, Col. M., operations, etc., in Oajaca, 1814, iv. 581-3.
Álvarez, Col., battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 47-50.
Álvarez, Gov., defeat at Teotitlan, 1815, iv. 630-1.
Alzate, J. A., works of, iii. 624; vi 641.
Amador, J. M., defeat, etc., of, 1878 vi. 439.
Amalgamation Process, discovery of, 1557, iii. 582.
Amaquemecan, Cortés at, i. 268.
Amarillas, Marqués de las, 42d viceroy, 1755, iii. 360; rule, iii. 360 character, iii. 360.
Amazons, reports concerning, ii. 60; iii. 363-4.
America, early exploration of, i. 1-2.
Amnesty, Law of 1870, vi. 374-6.
Amozoc, affair near, 1847, v. 461.
Ampudia, Gen., operations in Yucatan, 1843, v. 243; subjugation of Tabasco, v. 245; capture of Texans, v. 247; promotion, etc., of, 1846, v. 349-50; operations at Palo Alto, v. 354-6; the Monterey campaign, v. 379-80, 394; capitulation, v. 396-9; battle of Buena Vista, v. 419, 423, 426; operations, 1859, v. 759.
Amusements, description of, iii. 771-5.
Anáhuac, description of, i. 95-6, 193-4.
Anáhuac, City, a religious centre, i. 237; description of, 1519, 237.
Anaya, Col., operations of, 1811, iv. 308; death of, 1812, iv. 415.
Anaya, Gen. P. M., defeat at Comitan, 1841, v. 219; minister of war, 1845, v. 290; 1851, v. 611; battle of Churubusco, v. 486; acting president, 1847, v. 524; biog., v. 525; president, 1847, v. 534.
Anderson, A., works of, iii. 647.
Andrade, A. F. de, commander at Isla del Cármen, 1717, iii. 293.
Andrade, Col. J. A. de, repulse at Izúcar, 1812, iv. 365; defeat at Orizaba, 1812, iv. 479-80.
Ángeles, F. de los, privileges granted to by pope, 1521 ii. 160; elected Franciscan general, ii. 162.
Anglo Mexican Mining Co., mention of, vi. 507.
Angostura, battle of, see Buena Vista, battle of.
Angulo, Brigadier, death of, 1816, iv. 638.
Angulo, B. G., minister of relations, 1832, v. 125.
Angulo y Sandoval, S. F. de, gov. of Yuc, 1674, iii. 161.
'Anonymous Conqueror,' the, remarks on work of, i. 2ol.
Anson, G., cruise in Pacific, 1742-3, iii. 355-56.
Ansorena, J. I. de, flight of, iv. 245. .
Antequera, founding of, ii. 39, 292-3.
Antigua, Rio de la, Cortés reaches, i. 143; Vera Cruz located at, ii. 140-1. Antillon supersedes Doblado, 1863, vi. 72-3.
Anton Lizardo, harbor of, iii. 213.
Antonelli, victory at Puruándiro, 1813, iv. 517.
Anzorema, J. M., gov. of Valladolid, iv. 173-4.
Apaches, outrages of the, 1885-6, vi. 462.
Apam, revolution in, 1811, iv. 341-2.
Apam Plains, affair at, 1813, iv. 536.
Aparicio, S. de, biog., ii. 722; death, 1600, ii. 722.
Apatzingan, constitution of, 1814, iv. 601-5.
Apodaca, J. R. de, 61st viceroy, 1816, iv. 648; rule, iv. 648-717; character, iv. 648-9; biog., iv. 648; deposal, 1821, iv. 717-18; review of administr., iv. 719-20.
'Apuntes para la Historia, ' v. 362-3.
Aquiahuateuhtli, cacique of Huexotzinco, 1534, ii. 27.
Arago, Col. J., supersedes Torres, iv. 693. Arana, Gen., execution of, 1827, v. 58.
Aranda, Conde de, proposes three kingdoms for Am., iii. 388-90.
Arangúren,M. de, Zumarrága's majordomo, ii. 558.
Araparicuaro, affair at, 1813, iv. 512.
Architecture, description of, vi. 646-8.
Archives, native, Zumarrága's, destruction of, ii. 299-300.
Ardila, G. G. de, campaign in Sierra Gorda, 1715, iii. 338-39.
Arciniega, G. de, exped. to Nayarit, iii. 313.
Arellano, J. de, marries Cortés, 1529, ii. 314-5.
Arellano, Gen., siege of Queretaro, 1867, vi. 289-90; escape of, vi. 305;
Últimas Horas del Imperio,' vi. 362. Arellano, T. de, quells revolt, 1548, ii. 538.
Arenas, J., plot of, 1827, v. 57-8; execution, 58.
Argüelles, M., secretary of congress, 1822, iv. 759.
Arias, Gen. J., treachery of, iv. Ill — 13.
Arias, J. de D., 'Reseña Histórica,' vi. 328-9.
Arisbaba, B., exped. to Nayarit, 1618, iii. 313-14.
Arista, Gen., campaign of, 1839, v. 212-15; promotion of, v. 349-50; campaign on the Rio Grande, v. 351-64; Armistice proposed by, v. 365-6; retreat of, v. 366-7; trial of, v. 363; minister of war, 1848 v. 566; presidential election, 1850, v. 591-3; president, 1851, v. 597; biog., etc., v. 596-7; rule, v. 597-614; cabinets, v. 597, 599-600, 610-11.
Aristi, Capt., execution of, 1812, iv. 486.
Arizmendi, M., alcalde of Guanajuato, iv. 228.
Arizpe, Dr. M. R., deputy to córtes, 1810, iv. 449-50; cabinet minister, 1825, v 31; career, v. 31; minister of justice, 1832, v. 125; 1833, v. 129.
Arlegui, works of, iii. 512.
Armijo, Gen., district of, 1813, iv. 510-11; campaign in Tecpan, 1814, iv. 575-9; operations, 1817, iv. 653, 689-90; victory at Almolonga, 1822, iv. 792; death of, 1830, v. 96.
Armiñan, Col., operations, 1817, iv. 652; defeat at Peotillos, 1817, iv. 664-6.
Armona, F., visitador general, 1761, iii. 367; death of, iii. 367.
Army, Aztec, i. 431-2, 456; organization of, 1624, 80-81; reconstruction of, 1792, iii. 480; reorganization of, 1808, iv. 69-70; 1822, iv. 752-3; royalist, 1765-1 808, iii. 40225; 1810, iv. 193-6; 1811, iv. 2423, 247, 252, 262-3, 317-20; 1812, iv. 322, 359,413; 1813, iv. 500-1, 50911; 1815, iv. 627-8; 1821, iv. 711, 738-9, 744; 1822, iv. 763-6; revolutionary, 1810, iv. 118-19, 123, 158-60, 165-6, 172-5, 231, 235-6; 1811, iv. 247-50, 268; 1812, iv. 362-3; 1813, iv. 522-3, 570; 1815, iv. 626-7; del Sur, iv. 711; trigarante, iv. 707-9, 714-17, 731, 797; libertador, iv. 791, 796-7, 801-2; protector, v. 89; republican, 1841, v. 238; 1844, v. 263; 1846, v. 3034, 349, 382, 414-17; 1847, v. 528; 1849, v. 566-75; 1853, v. 630-3, 668; 1863, vi. 116; 1867, vi. 3523; general mention, vi. 498-503.
Arrangoiz, F. de P., 'Méjico desde 1808 hasta 1867,' vi. 360.
Arredondo, Gen., operations, etc., of, 1811, iv. 270; 1813, iv. 526, 543; captures Soto la Marina, 1817, iv. 672; embarks for Habana, 1821, iv. 716.
Arrillaga, F. de, minister of treasury, 1823, v. 3.
Arrioja, M. M., minister of relations, 1855, v. 609.
Arroyave, Brigadier, mention of, iv. 588.
Arroyo, L., minister of relations, 1866, vi. 225.
Arroyozarco, skirmish at, 1810, iv. 198; plan of, 1853, v. 619-20.
Arteaga, Gen., J. M., supersedes Marquez, 1863, vi. 73; quarrel with Uraga, vi. 163; defeat of, 1864, vi. 169; 1865, vi. 186.
Artisans, condition, etc., of, vi. 61617.
Arzola, D. de, bishop of Nueva Galicia, ii. 684, 691-2; death of, 1590, ii. 692.
Ascona, M. L. de, archbishop, 1652, iii. 140; death, 1654, 140.
Asesores, first appointed, 1786, iii. 453.
Aspiroz, M., prosecution of Maximilian, vi. 309-13.
Assembly of Notables, authorized, 1863, vi. 17; functions, vi. 78; constituted, vi. 84-5; sessions, etc., of, vi. 85-6; rept. of committee, vi. 86; address to Forey, vi. 88.
Asylums, orphan, iii. 760-1; pauper, iii. 761; general mention, vi. 606.
Atempau, shipbuilding at, i. 562.
Atequiza, Hacienda, Hidalgo's recept. at, 1810, iv. 231-2.
Atlihuetzin, Cortés at, i. 225.
Atotonilco, massacre at, iii. 16-17; affair at, 1812, iv. 421.
Audiencias, of Mexico, ii. 273-4, 27699, 318-40, 367-8, 376-7, 380-1, 410-23, 520-1, 547, 573, 576-7, 586, 605-7, 614-23, 637-8, 661, 740; iii. 23, 49-53, 62, 64-70, 74-5, 138, 374, 391, 398-9; iv. 90-2, 459-60, 506, 599; hist, of, iii. 539-42; archives of, iii. 543-4; of Guadalajara, iv. 234, 260-1, 599.
Augustinians, first arrival, 1533; ii. ii. 397; early missions, 1533-41; ii. 397-400; at Tezcuco, ii. 524; support Velasco, 1562, ii. 577; mission to the Philippines, 1564, ii. 599, Quiroga opposes, ii. 609-70; province erected, 1543, ii. 733; struggle for tithes, ii. 733-4; reforms, ii. 734; college founded, ii. 735; extent of missions, ii. 735-6; success in Michoacan, ii. 735; prominent friars, ii. 735-6; progress of, iii. 717-20; disputes, iii. 718-20; punishment of friars, iv. 333.
Aury, Commodore, mention of, iv. 661-2.
Austin, Stephen F., colonies established by, v. 154; mission to Mex., 160.
Austin, Moses, colonization schemes of, v. 153.
Austria, the empire of Maximilian, vi. 96-8.
Austrians, surrender of at Mex., 1867, vi. 346.
Autos-de-fé, early, 1574-96; ii. 67981; description, ii. 679-81; Morelos', 1815, iv. 620.
Auza, Gen., defence of Puebla, 1863, vi. 66.
Ávalos, exped. to Colima, ii. 57-8.
Ávalos, Gov., measures of, 1851, v. 604.
Avendaño, D. de, oidor, 1624, iii. 49.
Ávila, Capt. A. de, joins Cortés' exped., 1518, i. 65; character, i. 76; battle of Tabasco, i. 85; Indian bride of, i. 230; quarrel with Cortés, i. 406-7; evacuation of Mex., i. 470-1; return from Sto Domingo, 1522, ii. 79; rewarded by Cortés, ii. 80; procurador to Spain, 1522, ii. 80; lieutenant to Monte jo, 1527, ii. 431; exped. to Chetumal, 1528, ii. 435-8; reaches Honduras, ii. 438; rejoins Monte jo, 1532, ii. 440; occupies Acalan, ii. 442-3; treason of, ii. 585; conspiracy of, 1565, ii. 509-13; trial, etc., of, ii. 618-19; execution, 619-20.
Ávila-Cortés, conspiracy, ii. 607-34.
Ávila, F. E. de, corregidor of Mex., iii. 45.
Ávila, G. G. de, treasonable conduct of, ii. 585; arrest of, ii. 618; trial and execution, 1566, ii. 619-20.
Ávila, G. J. de, alcalde mayor of Yucatan, 1552^4, ii. 649.
Ávila, J., wounded at Acapulco, iv. 547.
Ávila, Gen. M. de, successes, etc., of, 1810-11, iv. 300-6.
Aviña, mines of, discovered, ii. 596.
Axayacatl, father of Montezuma, i. 98.
Axayacatl, Palace, Cortes' quarters i. at, 287; burning of, i. 639.
Axoquentzin. Cacique, siege of Mex., i. 677.
Axotecatl, Cacique, execution of, ii. 180.
Ayala, D. G. de, escape of from Indians, 1546, ii. 448.
Ayala, P. de, bishop of Nueva Galicia, 1555-69, ii. 691.
Ayeta, F. de, works of, iii. 725.
Ayotla, affair at, 1817, iv. 651; pronunciamiento at, 1858, v. 750.
Ayotochtitlan, battle of, ii. 97.
Ayotzinco, Spaniards at, i. 268.
Ayutla, plan of, 1854, v. 648-9, 658-9, 662-5, 669, 671, 707.
Azanza, M. J. de, 54th viceroy, 1798, iii. 490, rule, iii. 490-8, biog., 499.
Azcapuzalco, Cortés captures, i. 585.
Azcárate, Gen. A., death of, 1832, v. 119.
Azcárraga, E. de, gov. of Yucatan, 1645-48, iii. 160.
Aztatlan, Guzman in camp at, 1530, ii. 359.
Aztecs, tripartite alliance, i. 23; empire of the, i. 96-7; superstitious of the, i. 101-8; weakness of the, i. 141-2; the Totonac revolt, i. 14750, 154-9; annals, i. 275-6; deities, i. 407; religious festivals, i. 407-10, 414-15; massacre of the, 1520, i. 407-18; uprising of, against Alvarado, i. 416-36; armor, i. 431-2; human sacrifices, i. 456, 484, 541, 656-8; character of the, i. 585, 6923; war symbols, i. 680; civilization among the, i. 695-6; mining, iii. 579; land-tenure, iii. 603-4; mechanical ingenuity, iii. 619-22.
Babicanora district, mining in, 182030, vi. 513-14.
Bacalar, Indians revolt at, 1636-44, iii. 159; captured by Indians, 1S48, v. 582; recaptured, etc., v. 582-3. Backus, Capt., capture of Monterey, v. 385.
Badajoz, G. de, siege of Mex., i. 677.
Bajío of Guanajuato, see Guanajuato.
Baker, Col., battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 458.
Balboa, V. N. de, gold collected by, iii. 558-63.
Balbuena, Bishop, works of vi. 656.
Balcárcel, B., minister of fomento, 1867, vi. 352; 1872, vi. 385.
Balderas, Col., battle of Molino del Rey, v. 501-2.
Banco de Avío, object, etc., of vi. 519-20.
Banco de San Cárlos, establ., iii. 643; failure of, iii. 644.
Banderas, Rio de, Grijalva names, 1518, i. 24.
Banderas, Valley, fight with pirates at, 1685, iii. 206.
Banking, vi. 551.
Baños, Conde de, 23d viceroy, 1660, iii. 143; rule, iii. 164-7; character, iii. 165; dispute with archbishop, iii. 165-66; intrigues against archbishop, iii. 166; superseded, 1664, iii; 166-67; unpopularity, iii. 167; residencia, iii. 167.
Baptism, wholesale administration of, ii. 174-5; method of, ii. 175-6.
Barabena, Commander, treason of, 1839, v. 213.
Baranda, M., minister of relations, 1847, v. 524.
Baranda, Capt. P. S. de, capture of Ulua, 1825, v. 63.
Baratillo, description of, iii. 233; abolished, 1696, iii. 249, 257.
Barba, Pedro, joins Cortes, i. 536-7; death of, i. 642.
Barbachano, Gov., measures of, 1848, v. 583-4.
Barbadillo, F., rule in 1ST. Leon, 1715, iii. 335-36.
Barbarena, Comand. Gen., success at Comitan, 1841, v. 219.
Barbillas, captures Gov. Saravia, 1708, iii. 292-93.
Barca, A. C. de la, minister to Mex., 1839, v. 182.
Bárcena, Juan José de la, gov. of Yucatan, 1688, iii. 162.
Bárcena, J. M. R., 'Recuerdos,' v. 433-4.
Bárcena, Dr. M. de la, president of, regency, 1821, iv. 735-6.
Barley, cultivation of, vi. 568.
Barlovento Squadron, formation of 1635, iii. 83-4; loss of, 1641, iii. 103; reorganized, 1683, iii. 202.
Barradas, Brigadier I., exped. of, 1829, v. 72-4; surrender of, v. 74-5.
Barragán, J. A., revolt of, 1832, v. 111.
Barragán, Gen. M., mention of, iv. 521; gov. of Vera Cruz, v. 62; vice-president, 1835, v. 138; president ad interim, v. 143; biog., etc., v. 143-4; rule, v. 146-78.
Barrio, J. V. de, commander of fleet, 1567, ii. 624.
Basadre, Col., mission to Hayti, v. 71-2.
Basadre, Gen., minister of war, 1844, v. 269.
Basch, S., 'Erinnerungen aus Mexico,' vi. 328.
Basterra, Capt., on Nueces river, 1749, iii. 344.
Battles, Tabasco, 1519, i. 85-6; Centla, 1519, i. 87-90; Tlascala, 1519, i. 202-3; Nautla, 1519, i. 259; Mexico, 1520, i. 463-81; Otumba, 1520, i. 497-503; Sangremal, 1522, ii. 540-2; Las Cruces, 1810, iv. 177-85; Querétaro, 1810, iv. 195-6; Aculco, 1810, iv. 198; La Barca, 1810, iv. 205-6; Zacoalco, 1810, iv. 206; Guanajuato, 1810, iv. 216-28; real del Rosario, 1810, iv. 238; San Ignacio de Piastla, 1810, iv. 238-9; Aguanueva, 1811, iv. 240; Urepetiro, 1811, i v. 247-8; Calderon, 1811, iv. 249-58; Saltillo, 1811, iv. 268; San Pedro Piedra Gorda, 1811, iv. 269-70; Valle del Maíz, 1811, iv. 270; Tres Palos, 1811, iv. 300; Tixtla, 1811, iv. 303-4; Piñones, 1811, iv. 307; Cerro del Grillo, 1811, iv. 308; Maguey, 1811, iv. 311; Pátzcuaro, 1811, iv. 312; Zitácuaro, 1811, iv. 326-8; Acuitzio, 1811, iv. 337; Zipiméo, 1811, iv. 337; Izúcar, 1811, iv. 350; Tenancingo, 1812, iv. 356; Izúcar, 1812, iv. 365; Yanhuitlan, 1812, iv. 434-6; Santa Rosa, 1812, iv. 470; San Agustin del Palmar, 1812, iv. 472; Aculcingo, 1812, iv. 480-1; Salvatierra, 1813, iv. 515-16; Zacapoaxtla, 1813, iv. 534; Jilotepec, 1815, iv. 612; Tezmalaca, 1815, iv. 617; Almolonga, 1823, iv. 792; Texca, 1830, v. 96; Chilpancingo, 1830, v. 96; Tolome, 1832, v. 109-10; Puerto del Gallinero, 1832, v. 117; San Agustin del Palmar, 1832, v. 11819; Posadas, 1832, v. 120-1; San Jacinto, 1836, v. 171-3; Acajete, 1839, v. 211-12; Palo Alto, 1846, v. 352-64; Resaca de la Palma, 1846, v. 357-64; Buena Vista, 1847, v. 420-33; Cerro Gordo, 1847, v. 4509; Padierna, 1847, v. 475-80; Churubusco, 1847, v. 480-8; Molino del Rey, 1847, v. 497-505; Chapultepec, 1847, v. 506-18; Salamanca, 1858, v. 734; Ahualulco, 1858, v. 747; La Estancia de las Vacas, 1859, v. 771; San Miguel, Calpulálpan, 1860, v. 793; Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 48; San Lorenzo, 1863, vi. 66; Mojonera, 1873, vi. 400; Tecoac, 1876, vi. 427.
Baudin, Admiral C, arrival at Vera Cruz, 1838, v. 190; ultimatum of, v. 100-1; capture of Ulúa, v. 1926; defeat at Vera Cruz, v. 197-9.
Bautista, Father, mention of, ii. 540.
Bautista, Pilot, Cortés, exped., i. 168.
Baz, J. J., gov. of Mex., 1861, vi. 16; minister of govt., 1876, vi. 425.
Bazaine, Gen., defeats Comonfort, 1863, vi. 66; commander-in-chief, 1863, vi. 112-13; instructions to, vi. 113; policy, etc., vi. 114; forces, vi. 115; captures Oajaca, 1865, vi. 189-90; relations with Maximilian, etc., vi. 228-9; 264-6; operations of, 1866, vi. 255-6; charges against, vi. 265-6; departure of, 1867, vi. 267-8.
Bazan, F. de, pioneer Jesuit, 1572, ii. 701; death, 1572, ii. 702.
Bazan, F. de, gov. of Yuc, 1655, iii. 161.
Bazancourt, Baron de, 'LeMexique Contemporain,' v. 809.
Bazoche, Admiral, blockade declared by, 1838, v. 187-90.
Beans, cultivation of, vi. 568.
Beaumont, Friar P., works of ii. 755; iii. 726-7.
Becerra, L., minister of justice, 846, v. 294.
Bee, B. E., mission of, 1839, v. 176.
Bejan, affair at, 1811, iv. 274-5; revolutionists captured at, iv. 273-5.
Béjar, Duke of, upholds Cortés, ii. 85-6, 201-2.
Béjar, Town, counter-revolution at, 1811, iv. 271; affair at, 1813, iv. 543.
Belgium, relations with Mex. 1879, vi. 441; treaty with Mex. 1883, vi. 455.
Belize, marauders at, v. 83.
Belknap, Lieut-col, campaign on the Rio Grande, v. 353-9; battle of Buena Vista, v. 433.
Beltrami, J. C, 'Le Mexique,' v. 808.
Benavente, Father M. de, companion of Villapando, ii. 453; escape of, ii. 453-5.
Benavente, Friar T. de, see Motolinia.
Benavides, A., imposture of, 1683, iii. 207.
Benedictines, arrival of, 1589, ii. 712.
Beneski, Iturbide's aid, iv. 807-8.
Benevolent Institutions, estates of, sequestrated, iv. 28-39.
Benitez, J., minister of the treasury, 1876, vi. 431.
Bequests, laws concerning, iii. 502.
Berenger, Brigadier, exped. of, 1817, iv. 662-3.
Berghes, C. de, 'Descripcion,' iii. 601.
Bergosa, Archbishop A., labors of, iv. 434; flight of, iv. 483, 487.
Beristain, J. M., 'Biblioteca Hispano-Americana Septentrional' vi. 655.
Berlanga, Friar T. de, acting Dominican provincial, 1532, ii. 395-6. Bermudez, A., joins Narvaez' exped., i. 362.
Bermudez, B., mention of, i. 36.
Bernard, J. F., et al., works compiled by, ii. 191.
Berriozábal, Gen., battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 47-50; defence of Puebla, 1863, vi. 66.
Berzábal, Major D., exploits of, iv. 149-50; biog., iv. 150.
Betanzos, Father D. de, Dominican provincial, 1535, ii. 396, 725-6.
Bethlehemites estab. in Mex., iii. 183-4; hospital, 1675, 183; rules of, 184.
Bienvenida, Friar Lorenzo de, in Yucatan, ii. 451, 720.
Billault, minister, speeches of 1862, vi. 94-95; 98-9.
Black, Consul J., negotiations of 1845, v. 340-1.
Black Vomit, origin of, iii. 212.
Blancarte, J. M., pronunciamiento of, 1851, v. 608-9.
Blanchard, P., works of, v. 204. Blanco, Gen., minister of war, 1853, v. 616; attack on Mex., 1858, v. 748.
Boacio, A., condemned by inquisition, 1558, ii. 675-6.
Boca de Términos, Escobar at, i. S4.
Bocanegra, J. M. de, cabinet minister, 1829, v. 80-2, 89; president ad interim, v. 90; minister of treasury, 1833, v. 129; protests, etc., of, 1842, v. 328-9, 333.
Boil, Friar L. de, mention of, ii. 712.
Boletin del Instituto Nacional de Geografia, vi. 659.
Bonaparte, Joseph, orders of, 1S0S, iv. 47-8; emissaries, iv. 70; proclamations, iv. 92.
Bonavia, Brigadier B. Calleja's instructions to, iv. 244; forces of, iv. 436; flight from Oajaca, iv. i: execution of, 1812, iv. 486
Bonilla, A. F. de, chief inquisitor, 1583, ii. 678; archbishop, 1592, ii. 687; death of, 1596, ii. 687.
Bonilla, M. D. de, minister of gobernacion, 1853, v. 627; of relations, 1859, v. 754.
Boot, engineer, mention of, iii. 10, 86.
Borja, F. de, general of Jesuits, ii. 699-700.
Borland, Major, capture of, 1847, v. 417-18.
Botello, astrologer, predictions, etc., of, i. 469; death, 490.
Boturini, works of, vi. 642-3.
Boulbon, Count R. de, exped. etc., of, 1853-4, v. 685-6.
Bourbonist Party in Congress, 1822, iv. 760-1.
Bourbourg, B. de, works of, i. 493; ii. 488.
Bournouf, E., overtures to Diaz, 1867, vi. 338.
Bracamonte, F., death of, 1701, iii. 314.
Bracamonte, F. de, discovers indigo plant, 1550, ii. 653.
Bracamonte, J. de A., fiscal of Panamá, iii. 45.
Bracho, Col, captures Terán, 1817, iv. 650-1.
Bradburn, Lieut, defence of Fort Sombrero, 1817, iv. 675.
Bragg, Capt., capture of Monterey, v. 383-4; battle of Buena Vista, v. 422-3, 427, 431.
Branciforte, Marques de, 53d viceroy, 1794, iii. 485; biog., iii. 485; rule, iii. 486-90; character, iii. 486-7; malfeasance, iii. 490.
Bravo, L., at Cuautla, iv. 363-4; capture, etc., of, 1812, iv. 409-10; character, iv. 410.
Bravo, M., at Cuautla, iv. 367; operations, 1812, iv. 438, 489; capture of, 1814, iv. 580.
Bravo, Gen., exploits at Tixtla, iv. 303-4; character, iv. 410-11; defeats Labaqui, 1812, iv. 472; repulse at Jalapa, iv. 473-4; operations at San Juan Coscomatepec, iv. 474; in Vera Cruz, 1813, iv. 554; charges against, iv. 555; besieged at Coscomatepec, iv. 555-6; defeat at Valladolid, 1813, iv. 570-3; at Tezmalaca, iv. 617; defense of Cóporo, iv. 688-9; operations, 1817, iv. 689-90; 1821, iv. 721-4; capture of, iv. 690; pardoned, iv. 691; joins Iturbide, 1821, iv. 721-4; member of regency, 1822, iv. 769; defeat at Almolonga, 1823, iv. 792; occupies Oajaca, iv. 795; member of executive, iv. 802; v. 13, 15; vice-president, 1824, v. 17; rebellion, etc., of, 1828, v. 38-40; acting president, 1842, v. 254; revolt against Santa Anna, 1844-5; v. 275-6; president, 1846, v. 298; cabinet, v. 299; rule, v. 299; battle of Churubusco, v. 481; of Chapultepec, v. 509-13.
Bravo, V., at Cuautla, iv. 363-4; operations, 1812, iv. 489; defeated by Armijo, 1814, iv. 575.
Briceño, F. R., Capt.-gen. of Yucatan, 1617, iii. 153.
Brigandage, prevalence of, iii. 271-4.
Brincourt, Gen., commandant at Puebla, 1863, vi. 70; operations of, 1865, vi. 202.
Bringas, Capt. A., operations, etc., at Las Cruces, iv. 179-81.
Bringas, F., operations at Las Cruces, iv. 178.
Briones, Capt., exped. against Zapotecs, ii. 33-4. .
Brown, Fort, see Texas, Fort.
Brown, Major, defence of Fort Texas, v. 352, 364-5; death of, v. 365.
Bucareli, Frey A. M., 46th viceroy, 1771, iii. 370; biog., iii. 370-1; rule, iii. 371-2; death, iii. 372-3.
Buceli, Col F., mutiny of, 1821, iv. 717-18; defeat of, 1822, iv. 766. Buena Vista, battle of, v. 420-33; plan, v. 421.
Bugueiro, M. S., archbishop, 105(5, iii. 148; quarrel with viceroy, iii. 148; recall of, 1660, 150.
Bull fighting introduced, ii. 135; prohibited, 1800, iii. 500.
Burgoa, F. de, works of, iii. 512-13.
Búrgos, J. de, joins Cortés, i. 562
Burkart, 'Aufenthalt und Reisen,' iii. 600.
Burnet, D. G., president of Texas, 1836, v. 167; treaty, etc., with Santa Anna, v. 173-5.
Bustamante, Gen. A., defection of, 1821, iv. 713-14; writings of, iv. 743^ v. 553, defeats Buceli, 1822, iv. 763; vice-president, 1828, v. 41; disaffection of, v. 82-3; plan of, v. 88; revolution of Jalapa, 1829, v. 88-93; biog., v. 93-4; assumes the executive, 1830, v. 94-5; cabinet, v. 95; rule, v. 95-121; resignation of ministry, v. 112-113; military operations, 1832, v. 116-21; negotiations with Santa Anna, v. 122-3; president, 1837, v. 179; rule, v. 180-235; cabinets, v. 180-1, 184; arrest, etc., of, 1840, v. 220-1; character, etc., v. 235-6.
Bustamante, C, secretary of Congress, 1822, iv. 759; works of, iv. 825.
Bustamante, C. M. de, works of, iii. 509-10; iv. 373; v. 803-0; biog., v. 802-3.
Bustamante, F. de, alcalde mayor of Tlascala, 1692, iii. 248.
Bustamante, V., defeat at San Felipe, iv. 524; death, iv. 524.
Butler, Gen., capture of Monterey, v. 377, 384-6; forces, v. 377; supersedes Scott, v. 531.
Caballero, J., donations of, iv. 99; biog., iv. 99.
Caballero, P., joins Cortés, i. 404.
Cabot, S., exped. to the Moluccas, 1526, ii. 257.
Cabrera, paintings of, vi. 646.
Cabrillo, J. R., explorations of, 1542, ii. 511-12.
Cácama, King of Tezcuco, advice to Montezuma, i. 125, 267; visit to Cortés, i. 269-70; conspires against Cortés, i. 329-34; Cortés captures, i. 333-4; evacuation of Mex., i. 471. Cacao, cultivation of, iii. 610; vi. 569.
Cáceres, J. de, Cortés' mayordomo, i. 68.
Cadena, conde de la, joins Calleja, iv. 196.
Cadereita, settlement, founded, iii. 94.
Cadereita, Marqués de, 16th viceroy, 1635, ii. 94; rule, ii. 94-95.
Cadwalader, Gen., affair at Puente Nacional, 1847, v. 464; battle of Padierna, v. 477-9; of Churubusco, v. 484-5; of Molino del Rey, v. 500-2; of Chapultepec, v. 512.
Caicedo, L. O. de, associate of Velazquez, i. 5.
'Caida de Querétaro,' vi. 327-8.
Caja, La, affair at, 1817, iv. 679.
Cajeme, Chief, the 'Yaqui' war, 1885-6, vi. 461-2.
Calafat, Gen. J., operations of, 1812, iv. 415-18.
Caldelas, gallantry at Huajuapan, iv. 437-9.
Caldera, Capt. M., the Chichimec treaty, 1591, ii. 763-4; exped. to Nayarit, 1616-18; iii. 313.
Caldera, N., the Nayarit war, 1721, iii. 324-25.
Calderon, Bridge, battle of, 1811, iv. 249-58; plan, 251.
Calderon, Gen., besieges Vera Cruz, 1832, v. 110.
California, coast of, explored, 1595-7, ii. 750-1; 1602, iii. 2-3; 1641, iii. 99; disaffection in, v. 403; U. S. flag raised in, v. 403-^4; Kearny's exped., v. 403.
California, Lower, expeditions to, iii. 114.
Calle, J. D. de la, "Mem. y Not.' iii. 551.
Calleja, Gen. F. M., comandante of San Luis Potosí, 1810, iv. 135; aid asked from, iv. 135; preparations of, iv. 160, 166, 174, 192-4; biog. iv. 193-4; forces of, iv. 196; route of, iv. 196-8; proclamation, iv. 202; recaptures Guanajuato, 1810, iv. 219-28; marches on Guadalajara, iv. 228-30; plan of campaign, 1811, iv. 244; victory of Calderon, iv. 249-58; at Guadalajara, iv. 259-62; at San Luis Potosi, iv. 262-63; 269-70; organization of forces, iv. 317-19; disposition of forces, iv. 319-20; captures Zitácuaro, 1812, iv. 352-5; reception in Mex., iv. 358-9; relations with Venegas, iv 359; 412-13, 497; capture of Cuautla, iv. 360-72; cruelty of, iv. 372; resignation of, iv. 413; 60th viceroy, 1813, iv. 491; character, etc., iv. 495-7; rule, iv. 498647.
Caloma, F., commands armada, 1593, ii. 752.
Caltzontzin, F., king of Michoacan, ii. 286; Guzmán's treatment of, ii. 286.
Calvillo, D., works of, iv. 373-4.
Calvillo, Gen. R., operations of, 1812, iv. 415, 418.
Camacho, N., attempts viceroy's life, 1718, iii. 291.
Camacho, S., cabinet minister, 1825, v. 32; envoy to England, v. 32, 51.
Camacho y Ávila, Bishop D., secularizes missions of N. Leon, 1712, iii. 335.
Camargo, Town, founded, 1749, iii. 344.
Camargo, D. de, exped. to Florida, 1518, i. 189; death of, i. 539.
Camargo, D. M., biog., i. 200; works, 200-1.
Camino, J. del, exped. of, 1541, ii. 508.
Campbell, Consul R. B., negotiations with Santa Anna, v. 302.
Campeche, Town, founded, 1540, ii. 445; convent founded at, 1545, ii. 452; plundered by pirates, 1561, ii. 646; 1596, ii. 647-8; 1633, iii. 83, 145; 1659, iii. 146; 1678, iii. 146, 185; conflagration at, 1682, iii. 162; fortified, iii. 162, 419; pronunciamiento at, 1829, v. 8Q; siege of, 1840, v. 218.
Campeche, State, appointed, 1858, vi. 411.
Campero, J., gov. of Yucatan, 1660, iii. 161.
Campillo, Bishop M. I. G. del, mediation of, 1811, iv. 346-8.
Campos, M., minister of finance, 1866, vi. 276.
Canales, Gen. M. A., operations of, 1839-40, v. 209, 214-15.
Canalizo, Gen. V., defeat at Tampico, 1838, v. 207-9; acting president, 1843-4, v. 258-9, 262-3; biog., etc., 258; exile of, 1845, v. 279; battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 454, 458.
Cancelada, J. P., works, etc., of, iv. 64-5, 450.
Candano, Col. J., attack on Coscomatepec, 1813, iv. 555-6; defeated by Matamoros, 1813, iv. 557; execution, iv. 557.
Candelaria de Azanza, colony founded, iii. 497.
Candelaria Mine, mention of, vi. 514.
Canek, cacique, revolt of, 1761, v. 83.
Caniego, exploration of, 1528, ii. 266-7; misoion to Spain, ii. 277.
Cannon Foundry, at Orizaba, iii. 350; at Mex., iv. 84; at Real del Monte, iv. 421.
Cano, S. del, mention of, ii. 257.
Cano y Sandoval, J., bishop of Yucatan, iii. 162; quarrel with Soberanis, 1694, iii. 162.
Cansino, D., cruel death of, 1546, ii. 447-8.
Cansino, J., tortured to death, 1546, ii. 447-8.
Captain-generalcies, created, 1821, iv. 739; reduced to comandancias, 1823, v. 3.
Capuchinas, nunnery of, at Oajaca, ii. 737; convents founded by, in Mex., 1666, iii. 710; in Michoacan, 1737, iii. 710.
Carabajal, L. de, gov. N. Leon, ii. 777; settles N. Leon, 1580-5, ii. 777-9; death, 1595, ii. 779.
Caravajal, A. de, alcalde mayor Yucatan, 1554-8, ii. 649.
Carbajal, A., heads tumult, 1544, ii. 523.
Carbajal, J. S., proclaims secession, 1829, v. 86.
Carbajal, Y. de A., visitador to Yucatan, 1630, iii. 155-6.
Carbajal, raids, etc., of, 1851-2, v. 603-5, 612.
Carbonero, P., fate of, i. 218.
Cárdenas, C. de, audiencia fiscal, etc., 1566, ii. 622.
Cárdenas, D. de, gov. of Yuc, 1621, iii. 153; rule, 153-54.
Cárdenas, D. Z. de, see Santo Floro, Marques de.
Cárdenas, J., mention of, v. 215.
Cárdenas y Leon, Astronomer, J. V., mention of, vi. 641.
Cardoñes, M. F., gov. of Yuc, 1672, iii. 161.
Caridad, y San Hipólito, La, order founded, ii. 709; spread of, ii. 70911.
Carleton, J. H., 'The battle of Buena Vista,' v. 434.
Cárlos II., death of, 1700, iii. 261; obsequies at Mex., 1701, 262-3.
Cárlos III., ascends throne, 1759, iii. 364; disputes with pope, iii. 434-6; obsequies of, 1789, iii. 468.
Cárlos IV., accession, 1789, iii. 468; ceremonies and rejoicings, iii. 469; abdication, 1808, iv. 35-6; pretensions of, iv. 74.
Cárlos V., reception of Cortés' messengers, 1519, i. 172-3; endorses Cortés, ii. 90-2; presents from Cortés, etc., ii. 196-7, 202, 22:3-4; reception of Cortés, etc., 1529, ii. 307-8; the new laws, 1542, ii. 519.
Carmelites, order introduced, 1585, ii. 711; province established, 1588, ii. 711-2; progress of, ii. 712; iii. 721; convent founded in Mex., 1615, iii. 710.
Cármen, Isla del, pirate rendezvous, iii. 292.
Carranco, Lieut, captures Morelos, 1815, iv. 617-18.
Carranza, Friar D., missionary labors of, ii. 396, 730-1.
Carrasco, G., Cortés captures, i. 392.
Carreño, Gov., defence of Acapulco, 1811, iv. 300-1.
Carrera, M., president ad interim, 1854, v. 660; biog., v. 660-1; rule, v. 661-4.
Carrillo, L., royal commissioner, 1567, ii. 625; petitions against, 156S, ii. 630; deposed, ii. 630-2; death of, ii. 632.
Carrillo, M. de, visitador, 1624, iii. 73.
'Cartas de Indias,' ii. 606. Carvajal, A. de, commissioner to Spain, ii. 285.
Casa de Contratacion, establ. ii. 629.
Oasa Mata, Plan of, proclaimed, 1823, iv. 784-5; adopted, 795-9.
Casafuerte, Marqués de, 37th viceroy, 1722, iii. 349; rule, 349-51.
Casal, Capt. A. G. del, defeat at Huamantla, 1812, iv. 377-8.
Casanova, Gen., defeat at Las Cuevitas, 1858, v. 747.
Casas, B. de las, see Las Casas, B. de.
Casas, F. de las, alcalde mayor, 1524, ii. 9; mission, etc., of, 1523, ii. 103; Olid's defection, ii. 203-4; return from Honduras, 1525, ii. 212-13; disarmed by Salazar, ii. 213-14; sentence of, ii. 223.
Casas, G. de las, gov. of Yucatan, 1577-83, ii. 650.
Casas, J. B., exploits of, iv. 241.
Casasola, R., defence of Ixmiquilpan, 1312, iv. 429-30.
Cascanes, escape of, 1542, ii. 509.
Casillas, T. de, bishop of Chiapas, 1555, ii. 673.
Castagny, Gen., operations of, 1864, vi. 124-5; 1865, vi. 193-^t; 1866, vi. 256-7.
Castañeda, Judge M., dismissal of, 1853, v. 638; minister of govt., 1857, v. 713.
Castañiza, Bishop, president of junta, 1822, iv. 785.
Castaño, (Gaspar de), alcalde mayor San Luis Potosi, 1575, ii. 776-7; lieut gov., N. Leon, ii. 779; explorations of, 1590, ii. 781.
Castellanos, D., siege of Mex., i. 675.
Castelnau, Gen., mission to Mex., 1866, vi. 229-30; measures, 233; departure, 1867, vi. 268.
Castilbanco, Town, Sandoval captures, 1520, i. 556.
Castilla, Capt. J., death of, iv. 148.
Castilla, L. de, exped. to Jalisco, ii. 369-71.
Castillo, Col. J. del, operations, 1811, iv. 336-7; 1812, iv. 414-19; 1813, iv. 518-21.
Castillo, y Lanzas, J., minister of relations, 1846, v. 294.
Castillo, P. F. del, minister of the treasury, 1S45, v. 290.
Castillo, Gen. S. del, defence of Guadalajara, 1860, v. 790; soldierly qualities of, vi. 275; siege of Queretaro, 1867, vi. 284-302; sentence, etc., of, vi. 349.
Castillo y Lanzas, J., minister of relations, 1858, v. 745.
Castrillo, G. de, defeats French pirates, 1571, ii. 647.
Castro, A. M. de, minister of justice, 1867, vi. 352.
Catalina, Cortés' bride, i. 165, 401.
Catoche Punta de, name, i. 8; Córdoba's affray at, i. 9.
Catorce, Town, founded, 1772, iii. 308.
Catorce District, mining in, iii. 5S9; vi. 513.
Cavendish, T., cruise in Pacific, 15868, ii. 744-50.
Cavo, A., works of, iii. 508-9.
Ceballos, J. B., president ad interim, 1853, v. 615; cabinet, v. 616; rule, v. 616-21.
Ceballos, Gen., operations, etc., of, 1873, vi. 400-1.
Cedral, settlement, founded 1780, iii. 309.
Celaya, town, founded, etc., ii. 655, 763; capture of, 1810, iv. 124-6; sack of, iv, 125-7; recapture of, iv. 219; assault on, 1813, iv. 516.
Célis, R. de, defeated by Osorno, 1813, iv. 534.
Celpalco, Montezuma's ashes buried at, i. 465.
Cempoala, Cortés' exped. to, i. 142-4; descript. of, i. 144-5; Christianity accepted in, i. 164-5; affair at, 1520, i. 393-8; conference at, 1521, ii. 71-3.
Centipac, province, Guzman conquers, 1530, ii. 356-7.
Centla, battle of, 1519, i. 87-90.
Central America, gold deposits of, iii. 553-70; independence of, declared, 1822, iv. 754; union with Mex. iv. 755; independence recognized, 1823, v. 47; claims of, to Soconusco, vi. 452-3.
Centralists, party organized, etc., 1823, v. 5; leaders of, v. 10-11; influence of, v. 182.
Cepeda, Governor, removal, etc., of, 1873, vi. 408-9.
Cerda, D. de la, alcalde mayor Yucatan, 1594-6, ii. 650.
Cermeño, D., conspires against Cortés, i. 177; execution of, 179.
Cerralvo, Marqués de, 15th viceroy, 1624, iii. 72; character, iii. 72, 94; rule, 72-94. restores Gelves, 73; resigns, 1635, 93.
Cerro Colorado, Fortress, attack on, 1814, iv. 587; surrender of, 1817, iv. 651.
Cerro Encantado, affair at, 1814, iv. 583.
Cerro Gordo, battle of, 1847, v. 4509; plan, v. 454.
Cerro de Nadó, armory, etc., destroyed at, 1813, iv. 521.
Cerro del Gallo, siege of, 1813, iv. 518-21.
Cetina, Col, recapture of Bacalar, 1849, v. 582.
Ceynos, F. de, oidor, 1530, ii. 321; character, ii. 321-2; resignation, etc., of, ii. 380.
Chalcans, join Cortés, i. 577.
Chalchimtl, Indian name for Cortés. i. 226.
Chalco, town, capture of, 1521, 58993.
Chametla, Samaniego at, 1530, ii. 362; occupied by Spaniards, ii. 549.
Champoton, Córdoba repulsed at, 1517, i. 10; affray at, 1518, i. 20-1;
Montejo lands at, 1537, ii. 442;
Spaniards besieged at, 1539, ii. 443-5; pirates sack, 1644, iii. 1456.
Chan, J., cacique of Chancenote, 1597, ii. 652.
Chapala lake, plan of, iv. 539.
Chapultepec, as a place of resort, iii. 472; palace at, iii. 472-3; battle of, 1847, v. 506-18; descript. of, v. 503-9; national observatory at, vi. 644.
Chaquetas, enrollment of, 1808, iv. 54; disbandment, iv. 69; re-embodied, iv. 160.
Charles V., see Cárlos V.
Chautla, capture of, 1811, iv. 349.
Chavez, D. de, bishop of Michoacan, ii. 693.
Chetumal, cacique, harasses Ávila, ii. 436-8.
Chetumals, revolt of, 1547, ii. 449.
Chi, cacique, A., execution of, 1597, ii. 652-3.
Chí, cacique, C, sack of Tepich, 1847, v. 537.
Chiachacata, conference at, 1523, ii. 113-14.
Chiametla, Cortés at, 1535, ii. 423-4.
Chiapas, revolt in, 1523, ii. 127-8; 1850, v. 588; Monte jo's exped., 1540, ii. 445; Las Casas, bishop of, ii. 553; union with Mex., 1824, v. 23-4; federalist invasion of, 1841, v. 219; French invasion of, 1864, vi. 127-8.
Chichihualco, affair at, 1814, iv. 57778.
Chichimecs, empire of, i. 96; Franciscans visit, 1539, ii. 395; condition of, 1521, ii. 539-40; conquest of, 1522, ii. 539-^45; map of war, ii. 541; depredations of, ii. 655-7, 7601; iii. 271; treaty with, 1591, ii. 763-4; colonies among, ii. 764; submission of, 1598, iv. 131.
Chichimecatl, cacique, siege of Mex., i. 580, 616, 666-7.
Chico, Col B., regiment of, iv. 165-6.
Chico, F. A., procurador-gen. of Vera Cruz, 1519, i. 136.
Chico, J. M., Hidalgo's minister of justice, iv. 233; execution of, 1811, iv. 279-80.
Chico, R. A., accompanies Montejo, i. 132; messenger to Narvaez, i. 387; capture of Narvaez, i. 390.
Chicomacatl, cacique, intercourse with Cortés, etc., i. 145-8, 157-64.
Chicontla, plan of, 1834, v. . 136.
Chihuahua, city, court-martial at, 1811, 277-81; executions at, 27983.
Chihuahua, state, revolutionary plot in, 1814, iv. 656; Wool's exped. to, 1846, v. 405-6; Doniphan's incursion, 406-8; maps, v. 407; vi. 201; mining in, vi. 514.
Chila, battles at, ii. 97-100.
Chilapa, occupied by Morelos, 1811, iv. 304; 1812, iv. 468-9; revolt in, 1842, v. 241; captured by Indians, 1844, v. 264.
Chilapan, convent founded at, ii. 398-9.
Childs, Lieut-col, capture of Monterey, v. 391-3; battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 455-6; defence of Puebla, 1847, v. 528, 531.
Chile, cultivation of, vi. 568.
Chilpancingo, occupation of, 1811, iv. 302; congress at, 1813, iv. 559-67.
Chimilpa, fortress, destruction of, 1815, iv. 613.
Chinampanecs aid Cortés, i. 643-4.
Chinantecs, Pizarro among the, i. 321-2; aids Cortés, etc., i. 381-2, 594; missionary labors among the, ii. 731.
Chirinos, H., veedor, 1530, ii. 356.
Chirinos, P. A., accompanies Cortés to Honduras, 1524, ii. 206-7; machinations of, ii. 207-9, 216-17; exped. to Oajaca, ii. 227-8; capture of, ii. 235; liberation, ii. 260; residencia of, ii. 292; conquest of Nueva Galicia, ii. 347-8, 353-6; as Guzman's advocate, ii. 360; procurador to Spain, 1545, ii. 527.
Chito, Villagran, see Villagran, Gen. J. M.
Cholula, pyramid of, i. 96; Quetzalcoatl's reign at, i. 101; subjugation of, 1519, i. 235-51; descript. of, i. 236-7; massacre at, i. 243-51.
Chontales, Dominicans, among the, ii. 396, 730-1.
Chovell, Col C, command of, iv. 165; arrest of, iv. 224; execution, iv. 227.
Chroniclers, review of early, ii. 784-8.
Church, first in Mex., ii. 387-8; encomiendas of, abolished, 1542-3, ii. 520; councils, 1555, ii. 673-4; 1565, ii. 674; 1585, ii. 684-5; condition of, 1600, ii. 687-8; affairs of, in Yucatan, ii. 688-90; jurisd. iii. 423-4; buildings in Mex., iii. 477-8; secular clergy, iii. 681-3; preferments, iii. 683; iv. 15-16; prestige, iii. 684; patronage, etc., iii. 684-6; royal prerogative, iii. 686; jurisd. iii. 686-8; right of sanctuary, iii. 688-9; archdiocese of Mex., iii. 690; suffragan sees, iii. 690-4; wealth, 'iii. 696-7; sequestration of estates, iii. 697-8; revenue, iii. 698-9; vi. 581, 593-4; festivals, iii. 772; vi. 594-7; buildings, etc., at Querétaro, iv. 97-9; at Guanajuato, iv. 133; denounces revolution, 1810, iv. 1603; edict against clergy, 1812, iv. 424-6; seizure of property, 1841, v. 238; opposition to organic law, 1857, v. 710-11, 718; Juarez' enactments, 1859, v. 768-9; affairs of, 1873, vi. 404-7; dioceses, etc., vi. 580-2; prelates, 1863, vi. 587; superstitions, vi. 595-6.
Churubusco, battle of, 1847, v. 480-8.
Cíbola, preparations to conquer, 1539, ii. 407-9.
Cihuacatzin, cacique, in command at Otumba, i. 497.
Cinco de Mayo, battle of, 1862, vi. 47-50; plan, vi. 48.
Cinnabar, discoveries of, iii. 5S4.
Cisneros, Friar G. de, mention of, ii. 164; first Franciscan provincial, 1536, ii. 393-£.
Cisneros, Dr J. B. de, 'Discurso,' iv. 65; deputy to Cortés, 1810, iv. 448-9.
Ciudad Rodrigo, Friar A. de, mention of, ii. 164; Franciscan provincial, 1537, ii. 394.
Clapion, Friar, J., privileges granted to, ii. 160.
Clara, J., revolt of, v. 588-9.
Clarke, Gen., battle of Churubusco, v. 481; of Chapultepec, v. 516.
Clavarino, Gen. D., operations of, 1812, iv. 421-2.
Clavigero, F. J., biog., i. 700; works, i. 700.
Clavigero, F. S., works of, ii. 487; iii. 778; vi. 643.
Clergy, conflict among the, ii. 664-5; secular, iii. 681-3, 695-6; as revolutionary leaders, iv. 422-3; edict against, 1812, iv. 424-6; measures against, 1833, v. 131, 134; forced loans from, 1846, v. 297, 304-5; sedition, etc., among the, 1856, v. 678; 698-9; opposition to organic act, 1857, v. 718; immorality, etc., of the, vi. 582; power, 583-5; reforms among, 584-6; wealth, 592-3.
Clipperton, Capt, exploit of, 1704, iii. 281.
Coahuila, floods in, 1802, iii. 503; conquest of, 1810-11, iv. 240; mining in, vi. 514-15; disturbance in, 1873, vi. 408-9.
Coast-guards, service organized, 1788, iii. 217.
Coatlan, temple of, dedicated, 1518, i. 112; siege of, ii. 227-8.
Coats of Arms, republic of Mexico, i. 13; City of Mexico, i. 13; Puebla de los Ángeles, ii. 335; City of Guadalajara, ii. 367; City of Valladolid, ii. 774; City of Tzintzuntzan, ii. 775; Mérida, iii. 154; Jalapa, iii. 220; Guanajuato, iv. 132; Valladolid, iv. 168; national, v. 4; of the empire, vi. 102.
Cobos, J. M., reactionist leader, 1861, vi. 93-4.
Cochineal, export etc., of, iii. 620-1; production, etc., of, vi. 574.
Cociyopu, King, submission of, ii. 39-40; spoliation of, ii. 727-8; death, ii. 728.
Cocom, cacique, revolt, etc., of, ii. 652.
Coffee, cultivation of, vi. 569-70.
Cogolluclo, D. L. de, works of, ii. 650.
Colmanacoch, king of Tezcuco, i. 513, 545; submission of, i. 570; escape, i. 571
Coinage, alloyed gold forbidden, ii. 245-6; increase in the, iii. 483.
Colegio de Propaganda Fide, mention of the, iii. 714-15.
Colegio Máximo, consecrated, 1603, iii. 118-19.
Colima, Province, Álvarez' raid on, ii. 57-8; Avalos exped. to, ii. 57-8; conquered by Olid, ii. 59; revolt in, ii. 59; hist, of, iii. 299; a federal terr., 1823, v. 8.
Coliman, town, founded by Olid, ii. 59.
Colio, D. G., alcalde mayor of Fresnillo, etc., ii. 597.
Colon, D., mention of, i. 2, 175; claims, etc., of, ii. 201.
Colonial government, division of, etc., iii. 519-21.
Colonial policy, effect of, iii. 776-7.
Colombian Republic, recognition of, 1823, v. 46; treaty with, v. 47.
Colonies, military, v. 573-5.
Columbus, C., heirs of, i. 2-3; compared with Cortes, 614. Comanches, outbreaks of the, iii. 497.
Comandancia General de Occidente, organized, 1813, iv. 541.
Comandancia General de Oriente, organized, 1813, iv. 541.
Comayagua, seat of the Audiencia of the Confines, ii. 521.
Comitan, affair at, 1841, v. 219.
Commerce, measures to develop, ii. 140-2; trading factories authorized 1713, iii. 288; convoys estab. for, 1581-1600, ii. 751-2; consulado estab. ii. 753; of Vera Cruz, iii. 210; of Jalapa, iii. 220; trading factories authorized, 1713, iii. 287-88; revival of, 1802-5, iii. 503; iv. 28; restrictions on, iii. 627-35; decadence of, iii. 630-1; iv. 749; contraband, iii. 289, 629-32; v. 564, 603; vi. 538-40; with Philippine Isls, iii. 631-4; with Peru, iii. 6345; highways of, iii. 635-8; internal, iii. 640-2; statistics, iii. 644-5; obstruction of, 1812, iv. 432; sketch of, vi. 533-6, 549-50; commercial tribunals, ii. 753; iii. 210, 629; iv. 453-5; vi. 550-1.
Commission, claims, 1841-2, v. 31718; 1843, 321-2.
Comonfort, Gen. I., comandante of Acapulco, 1854, v. 649, 652; Alvarez's revolution, v. 662-4; minister of war, 1855, v. 667; measures, etc., v. 668-72; acting president, 1855, v. 673; president, 1857, v. 721; biog. etc., v. 674-6; rule, v. 676-729; cabinets, v. 676, 713; comandante gen. of Tamaulipas, 1862, vi. 52. operations, etc., of, 1863, vi. 60-1; defeat at San Lorenzo, vi. 66; minister of justice, vi. 110; death of, 1863, vi. 119.
Compostela, founding of, ii. 366; provincial capital of Nueva Galicia, etc., ii. 547-9.
Concepcion Nuns, arrival of, 1530, ii. 303.
Concha, H. S. de la, pioneer Jesuit, 1572, ii. 701; visits Zacatecas, 1574, 708.
Concha, M. de la, operations of 1812, iv. 422-3; 1821, iv. 717, 724; defeats Morelos, 1815, iv. 616-17; operations in Puebla, 1816, iv. 637; death of, 1821, iv. 741.
Conde, Intendente A. C, mention of, iv. 238.
Conde, Col D. G., comandante of Valladolid, 1810, iv. 160; capture of, iv. 171; rescue of, iv. 201; defeats Herrera, 1811, iv. 270; at Zitácuaro, iv. 353-4; operations of, 1812, iv. 384-93.
Conde, J. M., gov. of Puebla, 1856, v. 699.
Conde, Gen. P. G., minister of war, 1844, v. 273.
Congregas, system, iii. 334; abolished, 1715, iii. 335.
Congress, of Chilpancingo, iv. 560-8, 576-8, 585-8, 601; of Apatzingan, iv. 601-5, 612-17, 631-3; national, iv. 744-7, 758-74, 780-4, 799-803, 806; v. 2-30, 95, 104, 124, 141-5, 228, 252-60, 271-3, 298, 305, 31516, 534, 590-1, 611, 616-18, 668701, 720; vi. 12-14, 17-18, 20-1, 60, 71, 120, 402-7, 418-19, 473-4; of Tamaulipas, iv. 809.
Conner, Commodore, blockade of Mex. ports, 1846, v. 409-10.
Conquista, Duque de la, 39th viceroy, 1740, iii. 354; rule, iii. 354-55.
Conservatives, policy of, 1853, v. 6256; attitude of, 1855, v. 664; 1857, v. 709; intrigues, etc., of, v. 714, 718; division among, 1858, v. 742; policy of, 1859, v. 766.
Constitution, federal, adopted, 1824, v. 15-17; text, etc., v. 17-20.
Constitution, national, adopted by córtes, 1812, iv. 457-8; published in Mex., iv. 458-9; suspended, iv. 465-6; reëstablished, 1813, iv. 502; defects of, iv. 506; abolished, 1814, iv. 595-6; reëstablished, 1820, iv. 697; proclaimed in Mex., iv. 698-9; opposition to, iv. 701-2.
Constitution, Revolutionary, 1814, iv. 601-5.
Constitutionalists, action of, 1858, v. 727-8; defeat of, v. 734, 741, 747; attack on Mex. v. 748; campaign in Vera Cruz, 1859, v. 757-9; in Mex. 760-4, 777-80.
Conti, Lieut-col, repulse at Coscomatepec, 1813, iv. 555.
Contreras, D. de, reënforces Monte jo, ii. 442.
Contreras, raids Contoy Island, 1597, ii. 652.
Convencion, Departamental, proposed, 1815, iv. 632-3.
Convoys, mention of, ii. 198-9, 751-3; official, tampering with, iv. 584-5; insufficiency of, 1815, iv. 640.
Cóporo, Fortress, siege of, 1815, iv. 608-11; plan of, iv. 609; captured by royalists, 1817, iv. 654-5; by Marquez, 1817, iv. 688-9.
Copper mines in Michoacan, iii. 587; redemption of currency, 1841, v. 239.
Coppinger, J., surrender of, 1825, v. 63.
Cordero, Col A., defeat, etc., of, iv. 240; instructions to, iv. 244.
Córdoba, City, founded, 1618, iii. 278, 218; pop. 1746, iii. 218; descript. iii. 218; agricultural products, iii. 218-19; earthquakes at, 1790, iii. 219; 1714, iii. 286-7; pop., 1810, iii. 219; sugar industry, iii. 219; capture of, 1812, iv. 401; occupied by Spanish troops, 1862, vi. 40; French proclamation issued at, 1862, vi. 49.
Córdoba, F. H. de, exped. to Yucatan, 1517, i. 11; ii. 430; death of, i. 11.
Córdoba, Gomez de, bishop of Guatemala, etc., ii. 684; attends council, 1585, 684.
Coria, B. de, conspires against Cortés, i. 177.
Corona, Gen. A., minister of war, etc., 1859, v. 767; reverses of, 1864, vi. 168; reprisals of, vi. 194; operations of, 1866, vi. 249; siege of Querétaro, 1867, vi. 278-304; appearance, etc., vi. 281-2; marches on Mex., vi. 344; operations of, 1873, vi. 400-1.
Coronado, Capt., exped. of, 1520, i. 511; death, i. 511. Coronado, F. V. de, gov. Nueva Galicia, 1539, ii. 465; character, ii. 465-6; exped. of, 1539, ii. 466-7; explorations, 1540-2, ii. 467-70; the Culiacan revolt, ii. 510-11.
Corpus Christi, Gen. Taylor at, 1846, v. 346.
Corral, Alférez, at Vera Cruz, i. 136, 207, 596-7.
Corregidores, functions, etc., of, ii. 329-30; iii. 520.
Corregimientos, establishment of, ii. 329-30; abolished, 1769, iii. 451.
'Correo Mercantil' iii. 646-7.
'Correo del Sur,' iv. 466.
'Correspondencia Diplomatica,' vi, 463.
Corro, J. J., acting president, 1836, v. 178; rule, v. 178-80.
Córtes, iv. 440-8, 457-8, 475, 595-6, 699-700, 867.
Cortés, Cacique of Tlacopan, etc., ii. 703.
Cortés, F., exped. to Jalisco, 1524, ii. 60-3.
Cortés, H., biog., i. 40-7; commander-in-chief, i. 52-3; preparations, etc., i. 56-63; overreaches Velazquez, i. 63-4; forces, etc., i. 69-70; address to troops, i. 71; at Cozumel Is., i. 78-84; on Yucatan coast, i. 78-93; battle of Tabasco, i. 85-6; of Centla, i. 87-90; at San Juan de Ulúa, i. 116-30; character, etc., i. 155-6, 152-3, 374-5, 613-15, 693-4; ii. 484-6; receives Montezuma's envoys, i. 156-7; exped. to Tizapantzinco, i. 157-60; at Cempoala, i. 159-65; bids for royal favor, i. 16673; conspiracy against, i. 177-9, 609-12; destroys his fleet, 180-5; Pineda's exped., 188-90; defeat of the Tlascaltecs, 201-10; conquest of Tlascala, i. 211-23; Montezuma's envoys to, i. 220-4. Tlascaltec envoys, 220-1; at Tlascala, i. 225-35; Indian names for, i. 126; as an evangelist, i. 227-8; subjugation of Cholula, i. 232-51; massacre of Cholultecs, i. 243-8; march from Cholula to Iztalalaplan, i. 252-73; enters Mex. 1519, i. 280; reception by Montezuma, i. 287-93; arrest of Montezuma, i. 299-308; treatment of Montezuma, i. 309-27; crushes Cácama's conspiracy, i. 331-4; attempt to destroy Mexican idols, i. 345-9; exped. against Narvaez, etc., i. 375^403; la noche triste, i. 463-81; retreat to Tlascala, etc., i. 482508; letters and documents, i. 5469; forces, i. 564-7; marches on Tezcuco, i. 567-71; siege of Mexico, i. 616-91; allies desert, i. 662, 665; palaces of, ii. 12-13; Tarascan envoys received by, ii. 48-9; attitude toward Tapia, ii. 69-75; Indian plot against, ii. 73-4; Alderete plots against, ii. 76-7; machinations against, ii. 85-6; commission investigates conduct of, ii. 86-90; favors shown to, ii. 92-3; rivalry with Garay, ii. 94-5; invades Pánuco, ii. 93-101; defeats Huastecs, ii. 97100; influence over natives, ii. 1012; governor, 1523, ii. 102-3; exped. against Garay, 1523, ii. 111-12; statesmanship of, ii. 130-1; social and sumptuary laws of, 1524-8, ii. 134-6; death of wife, 1522, ii. 1389; municipal regulations of, ii. 13940; commercial measures of, ii. 140-2; secret charges against, 1524, ii. 194-5; rewards conferred on, ii. 199-200; deputies appointed by, ii. 204-5; starts for Honduras, ii. 2056; in Vera Paz, ii. 212-13; reported death of, ii. 216, 220-1; search for, ii. 220-1; followers of, persecuted, ii. 223, 228-9; rising against Salazar, 1526, ii. 231-6; return to Medellin, 1526, ii. 239; instructions from, 1526, ii. 230-1; met by Altamirano, 1526, ii. 238-9; reception of, ii. 239-41; charges against, ii. 244-5; residencia of, proclaimed, 1526, ii. 249; Molucca's project, ii. 256-9; Albornoz' intrigues against, ii. 259-G0; summoned to Spain, ii269-70; retinue of, ii. 271-2; renewed charges against, ii. 274-5; adherents despoiled, ii. 287-8; residencia of, 1529, ii. 289-91; arrives at Palos, 1528, ii. 303-4; reception in Spain, 1529, ii. 306-8; royal grants to, ii. 308-9; created marques, ii. 310-11; marriage, ii. 31415; papal favors, ii. 315-16; leaves Spain, 15-a ii. 316-17; proclaimed captain-general, 1530, ii. 317-18; quarrels with audiencia, ii. 410-16, 418-19; suppresses Indian revolts, 1531, ii. 414-15; feuds with Antequera, ii. 416-17; ship-building by, ii. 419-24; South Sea expeditions, 1532-9, ii. 421-4; reception in Spain, 1540, ii. 474-5; claims of, ignored, ii. 475, 476-8; goes to Algiers, 1541, ii. 475-6; shipwrecked, 1541, ii. 475; death of, 1547, ii. 478-9; resting-place, ii. 479-80; will of, ii. 480-1; descendants, ii. 483.
Cortés, L., arrested, 1566, ii. 618; sentence of, 1566, ii. 622; sent to Spain, 1567, ii. 624; fate of, ii. 635.
Cortés, M., early career of, ii. 579; grants, etc., to, 1562, ii. 580; reaches Campeche, 1562, ii. 580-1; reception at Mexico, 1563, ii. 581; rupture with Velasco, ii. 583-4; charges against officials, ii. 587-8; character, ii. 603-4; wealth and standing, ii. 604-5; feud with Valdivieso et al., 1565, ii. 605-6; charges against, ii. 607; arrested, 1566, ii. 617-18; exonerated, 1566, ii. 623; tortured, 1568, ii. 627-8.
Cortés, Martin, (son of Marina) fate of, ii. 635.
Cortés y Esparza, J. M., minister of gobernacion, 1857, v. 720.
Cortina, comandante, capture of, iv. 212-13. Coruña, Conde de la, fifth viceroy, 1580, ii. 738; character, ii. 738-9; rule, ii. 739; death, 1582, ii. 73940. Coruña, Friar A. de, arrival of, 1533, ii. 397; biog., ii. 398.
Coruna, Friar M. de J. de la, arrival of, 1524, ii. 164-5; mission to Michoacan, ii. 342.
Corvalan, P., intendente of Vera Cruz, 1788, iii. 218.
Corwin, T., American minister, 1861, vi. 12.
Cos, Dr, defection of, iv. 345-6; plans of, iv. 379-81; operations of, 1812, iv. 393-5; comand.-general, iv. 590; disobedience of, iv. 613; imprisonment, iv. 613-14; death, 1819, iv. 614.
Cos, Gen., reverses of, 1839, v. 207-10. Coscomatepec, siege of, 1813, iv. 555-6.
Cosío, Gen. N., operations, etc., of, 1811, iv. 301-2.
Cosmografia, i. 257-8.
Costa Chica, revolution in, 1813, iv. 551-2.
Costa Rica, gold deposits in, iii. 568.
Cotton, manufact. of, iii. 617-18; vi. 520-3; cultivation of, vi. 575-6.
Council of the Indies, powers of, iii. 519, 545.
Council of State, created, 1812, iv. 458; 1822, iv. 776; American members, 458.
Courts, Military, cognizance of, 1823, v. 8.
Couto, B., minister of justice, 1845, v. 290; negotiations with Trist, v. 492.
Couto, J. F. de, works of, v. 808-9.
Covarrubias, J. D., minister of justice, 1876, vi. 425.
Covarrubias, Capt. M. mention of, iv. 223.
Coyote, Chichimec chief, 1522, ii. 540.
Coyuca, attack on, 1814, iv. 579.
Coyuhuacan, Lord of, i. 334; captured by Cortes, i. 607.
Cozumel Island, Grijalva reaches, 1518, i. 17; name, i. 17; Cortes' exped. at, i. 78-84; small-pox at, i. 542; Garcés bishop of, ii. 296; piratical raids on, ii. 647-8.
Creoles, characteristics of, iii. 743; advancement of, iii. 744; status of, iv. 13-14, 18; carry elections, 1812, iv. 462; political ascendancy, iv. 502-3; in council of the Indies, 1814, iv. 598.
Crime, incentives to, iii. 546; punishment of, 548-50.
Cristóbal, native protomartyr, ii. 179-80.
Croix, Marqués de, 45th viceroy, 1766, iii. 368; rule, iii. 368-70; character, iii. 369.
Cruíllas, Marqués de, 44th viceroy, 1760, iii. 363; rule, iii. 363-68; residencia, iii. 368.
Cruíllas, Town, founded, 1765, iii. 347.
Cruz, F. de la, procurador to Spain, 1545, ii. 527.
Cruz, Friar F. de la, arrival of, 1533, ii. 397; death of, 1536, ii. 399; biog., ii. 399.
Cruz, Gen. J. de la, biog., iv. 242; forces, iv. 242-3; proceedings at Huichapan, iv. 243; Calleja's instruct, to, iv. 244; recaptures Valladolid, 1810, iv. 245-7; victory at Urepetiro, 1811, iv. 247-8; joins Calleja, iv. 259-60; promotion of, iv. 262; defeats Mercado, iv. 263-4; captures Tepic, iv. 264-5; proceedings at San Bias, iv. 265; dispositions, iv. 265-6; operations, etc., in Nueva Galicia, 1811, iv. 323-5; 1813, iv. 537-40; negotiations with Iturbide, iv. 715; surrender of, 1821, iv. 715-16.
Cuautla, descript. of, iv. 361; defences, iv. 361-2; plan, iv. 362; siege, 1812, iv. 362-72; massacre at, iv. 372.
Cuba, appeal from, 1823, v. 56; trade with, v. 56-7; proposed invasion of, v. 70-1.
Cuéllar, Gen., command of, 1867, vi. 337-8; defeats Negrete, 1869, vi. 373.
Cuernavaca, plan of, 1834, v. 137, 140.
Cueva, Capt. de la, captures Rayon, 1817, iv. 689.
Cuevas, L. G., minister of relations, 1837, v. 180; 1844, v. 273.
Cuevas Dávalos, A. de, bishop of Oajaca, 1657, iii. 165; archbishop, 1664, iii. 167; biog., iii. 168-9; death, 1665, iii. 169.
Cuicuetzcatl, king of Tezcuco, i. 335; fate of, i. 569-70.
Cuitlahuatzin, Montezuma counsels with, i. 125, 219; Cacama's conspiracy, i. 329; release of, i. 429-30; defence of Mex., i. 430, 438; coronation, i. 474, 513; embassy of, i. 514; death, i. 543.
Cuitlalpitoc, cacique, mention of, i. 116, 120-2.
Cuitzeo, province, Guzman conquers, 1530, ii. 348-50.
Culhua, native name for Mexico, i. 23.
Curiel, J., pioneer Jesuit, 1572, ii. 701; labors in Michoacan, 1573, ii. 707; death of, 1576, ii. 708.
Currency, copper and cacao, iii. 66871; iv, 594.
Cuzco, treasures of, iii. 572-5.
Cyprey, Baron A. de, French minister, 1845, vi. 19-20.
Dambrini, Lieut-col, defeat of, 1813, iv. 551.
Dampier, W., defeated, 1704, iii. 281.
Darien, gold in, iii. 557-66.
'Datos Biográficos del General de Division C. Porfirio Diaz,' vi. 463-4.
Dauzats, A., works of, v. 204.
Dávalos, R., execution of, iv. 226.
Dávila, A., accompanies Grijalva, 1513, i. 16.
Dávila, F., attempt to assassinate, 1525, ii. 211.
Davila, G., gov. of Guadalajara, 1851, v. 608-9.
Dávila, G. G., works, of, ii. 189-90.
Dávila, Gen., retires to Ulua, iv. 710; counter-revolution of, 1822, iv. 7646.
Dávila y Pacheco, E., gov. ad interim of Yucatan, 1644, iii. 159-60; 1648, iii. 160.
Davin, works compiled by, ii. 191-2.
De Briant, commandant, defeat of, 1866, vi. 251.
Debt, imprisonment for, iii. 547-8; national, v. 560-3, 601; vi. 175-6, 458.
Declaration of Independence, 1813, iv. 566; 1821, iv. 735.
Defence, measures for, iii. 184-5, 216-17, 223-4, 270, 280, 365-6, 415-21, 489-92, 503; iv. 34.
Deffaudis, Baron, envoy to Mex., v. 187; demands of, v. 187-8.
Degollado, Gen. 8., minister of gobernacion, 1858, v. 736; of war, v. 736; capture, etc., of Guadalajara, 1858, v. 748-9; operations, 1859, v. 760-2, 771; victory of, 1861, vi. . 15; execution of, vi. 15.
De Haro, Dr A. N. de, 50th viceroy, 1787, iii. 456; biog. iii. 456-7; archbishop, iii. 457; administ. 457-9.
D'Héricault, C, 'Maximilien et Mexique,' vi. 279-80.
Delgadillo, D., oidor, 1527, ii. 274; violates sanctuary, 1529, ii. 291; excommunicated, ii. 291; character of, ii. 292; arrested, 1531, ii. 327; sent to Spain, 1532, ii. 328.
Delgadillo, H., port commandant, Vera Cruz, 1568, ii. 638.
Delgado, F., juez de residencia in Yucatan, 1669, iii. 161.
Delgado, Friar P., Dominican provincial, 1538, ii. 396.
'Derecho Internacional Mexicano,' vi. 463.
Descendimiento y Sepulcro de Cristo, brotherhood established, 1582, ii. 737.
'Despertador Americano' periodical, iv. 235.
'Diario de los Debates,' vi. 359-60.
'Diario de México,' estab., 1805, iv. 39.
'Diario Oficial,' mention of, iii. 509.
Diaz, B., wounded at Potonchan, 1517, i. 10; Cortés' exped., i. 134, 141; evacuation of Mex., i. 470; siege of Mex., i. 655, 691; works of, i. 697-700.
Diaz, Col F., battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 49; commandant of Oajaca, 1867, vi. 338; marches on Mex., vi. 344-5; death of, 1872, vi. 382.
Diaz, I., minister of justice, 1859, v. 767; sentence of, vi. 4.
Diaz, Father J., priest to Grijalva, i. 16; Grijalva's exped., i. 18; Cortés' exped., i. 69; conspires against Cortés, i. 177; first parish priest in Mex., ii. 158.
Diaz, M., explorer, 1539, ii. 467-8.
Diaz, Gen. P., battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 47-50; defence of Puebla, 1863, vi. 63-8; campaign of, 1864, vi. 126-7; defence of Oajaca, 1865, vi. 188-90; operations of, 1866, vi. 258-61; capture of Puebla, etc., 1867, vi. 335-41; Bournouf's overtures to, vi. 338; defeats Marquez, vi. 341; siege of Mex., vi. 342-7; revolt of, 18/1-2, vi. 379-84; revolution of, 18/5-7, vi. 419-27; negotiations with Iglesias, vi. 429-33; occupies Puebla, vi. 430; enters Mex., vi. 430-1; assumes the executive, vi. 431; cabinet, vi. 431; policy of, vi. 435-8; 441; address to congress, vi. 436-7, president, 1877, vi. 437; biog., etc., vi. 437-8; rule, vi. 438-48, 459-63, 477, 490, 499-500, 546-8; recognized by foreign powers, vi. 441, 446; review of admimstr., 448-50; reelected, 1884, vi. 458; attempted assassination of, vi. 458.
'Diccionario Universal,' vi. 659-60.
Diego, J., alleged miraculous vision of, 1531, ii. 403-6.
Diez y Bonilla, minister of relations, 1853, v. 637.
Diputacion Americana, demands of from córtes, 1810, iv. 443-8.
Diputacion Provincial, elections for, 1820, iv. 699.
Diseases, descript. of, iii. 755-7.
Disloyalty, causes of, iii. 504-5; iv. 17-22.
'Disturbios de Frailes,' mention of, iii. 724-5.
Doblado, M., the Paredes revolt, 1848, v. 549-50; revolt of, 1855, v. 672; league of, 1858, v. 733; minister of relations, 1861, vi. 26-7; conference with Prim, vi. 39-40; diplomacy of, vi. 40; protest of, 1862, vi. 42; policy, vi. 43; superseded by Antillon, 1863, vi. 72-3; minister of war, 1863, vi. 110; operations of, 1863, vi. 120-1; 1804, vi. 125; death, v. 125.
Doctrinas, Franciscans establish, iii. 178; irregular administration of, iii. 100-101; Palafox's reforms, iii. 101.
'Doctrina Christiana,' vi. 649.
'Documentos para la Historia de México,' mention of, iii. 509.
Dolores, Town, descript. of, iv. 102-3; revolution at, 115-18; cry of, 117-19.
Domenech, E., 'Historie du Mexique,' vi. 360.
Domenech, J. P., 'L'Empire Mexicain,' vi. 280.
Domingo, A. de Santo, Jeronimite father, i. 2.
Dominguez, Correg., complicity, etc., of, iv. 112-14; biog., 114-15.
Dominguez, M., member of exec, 1823-4, v. 2, 8, 12, 13, 15; chief justice, 1824, v. 30.
Dominicans, accompany Ponce, 1526, ii. 240; mortality among, ii. 301; relations with Franciscans, ii. 302; early missions, ii. 302-3, 395-7; province of Santiago created, 1532, ii. 395-6; Betanzos elected provincial, 1535, ii. 396; Delgado, provincial, 1538, ii. 396; success of missions, ii. 40; uphold Velasco, 1562, ii. 577; provinces, ii. 724, 726; rules, ii. 724-5; government, 152699, ii. 7-5-6; leading friars, ii. 726-7, 732-3; missions in Oajaca, ii. 727-32; convents in Oajaca, ii. 728-30; nunnery at Valladolid, ii. 737; rivalry with Franciscans, ii. 158; provincials, 1520-1599, ii. 725-6; provincials in Oajaca, 1592-8, ii. 730; sustain Jesuits against Palafox, 1647, iii. 123; rupture with Jesuits, iii. 131; in Sierra Gorda, iii. 338; progress of, iii. 720-1.
Donallo, Gen. M., defeats Rosains, 1815, iv. 628-9; operations in Puebla, 1816, iv. 637; in Vera Cruz, iv. 643, 652.
Doniphan, Col, exped. of, 1846, v. 406-9.
D'Osmont, Gen., minister of war, 1866, vi. 225.
Donay, Gen., operations of, 1864, vi. 122-4, 169.
Drake, F., exploits of, 1568-80, ii. 645-6.
Drainage, mention of, 1580, ii. 659-60; measures proposed, 1634, iii. 89-90; works executed, 90-1; expenditures for, 91; of Lake Zumpango, 1664-75, iii. 169-70; Galre's measures regarding, 1689, iii. 228.
Drama, encouragement of the, iii. 774.
Dress, extravagance in, checked, 1524-8, ii. 135-6; distinctions in, iii. 764-5; finery in, iii. 765; of men, iii. 760; of women, iii. 700-7; general mention of, vi. 620-1.
Duelling, officials punished for, iii. 146-7; Viceroy Osorio discourages, 1664, iii. 167-8. Duero, A. de, Velazquez' secretary,!. 37; supports Cortés, i. 63-4, 370, 388, 390, 400; joins Narvaez' exped., i. 362; Cortés rescues, i. 434.
Duncan, Capt., campaign on the Rio Grande, v. 353-9; capture of Monterey, v. 388-9, 393; battle of Molino del Rey, v. 502-3.
Dunlop, Commodore, plenipotentiary to Mex., 1862, vi. 32.
Duport, 'Metaux Precieux,' iii. 600.
Duran, Father D., works of, i. 460-1; vi. 642, 653.
Durango, diocese of, iii. 13, 692; maps of, vi. 193, 248; mining in, vi. 514.
Durango, City, founding of, iii. 13; cathedral of, iii. 692-3; capitulation of, 1821, iv. 715-16.
Dwellings, construction of, iii. 770; furniture of, 770-1.
Earthquakes, 1589, ii. 755; 1618, iii. 27; 1653, iii. 141-2; 1667-8, iii. 180; 1790, iii. 219; 1697, iii. 259, 265; 1711, iii. 285-6; 1714, iii. 286-7; 1749-50, iii. 359; 1787, iii. 460-2; 1800-1, iii. 498; 1759, iv. 169-70; 1845, v. 282-3; 1867, 1870, vi. 367.
Eastern districts, map of, iv. 340.
Ecclesiastical courts, cognizance, iii 687; suits in, iii. 687; names, iii. 688; personnel, iii. 688; privileges, iii. 680-8.
Echávarri, F. de, president of audiencia, iii. 360; governs ad interim, 1760, 360.
Echávarri, Brigadier J. A., repulse at Ulúa, 1822, iv. 786-7; defection of, iv. 793-4; resigns, 1823, iv. 796-7; exiled, 1827, v. 58.
Echave, Baitasar, artist, mention of, vi. 645.
Echeagaray, pronunciamiento of, 1858, v. 750.
Echeagaray, Col, battle of Molino del Rey, v. 500-1.
Echéverri, J. M. de, gov. of Yucatan, v. 84-5.
Echeverría, J., minister of treasury, 1834, v. 141; acting president, 1841, v. 232.
Echeverréa, P., minister of finance, 1344, v. 273.
Education, promoted by Velasco, ii. 591; colleges founded by Jesuits, iii. 117-19; lack of, iii. 474-5; condition of, iv. 18; military, vi. 503637; naval, vi. 504, 637; in the viceregal period, vi. 630-4; universities establd., 1553-1791, 633-4; progress, etc., of, 1810-86; vi. 633; appropriations for, 1833-4, 1885-6, 636; medical schools, 637, 610; law colleges, 637-640; school of fine arts, 637; conservatory of music, 637-8; schools for women, 638; normal schools, 638; academies of science, 643-4; academy of arts, vi. 645.
Edwards, H., colony founded by, v. 158.
Eguira y Eguren, 'Biblioteca Mexicana, vi. 655.
Elhuyar, F. de, 'Indagaciones,' iii. 679.
Elizondo, Lieut-col I., treachery of, iv. 272-5; captures revolutionists, 1811, iv. 273-5; defeat of, 1813, iv. 543.
Ellis, Envoy P., demands, etc., of, v. 303-15.
Empáran, Gen., attack of, at Guanajuato, iv. 219; operations at Calderon, iv. 253-4; victory at Maguey, 1811, iv. 311; repulse at Zitacuaro, iv. 328-30; death, 331.
Encomiendas, efforts to reform evils of, ii. 151-2; Tlascaltees exempted from, ii. 314; reforms in, ii. 328-31; system maintained, ii. 336-8; abuses, ii. 517-18; regulated, 1542-3, ii. 519-20; ecclesiastical abolished, 1542-3, ii. 520; clergy advocate, 1541, ii. 523-5; laws against, revoked, 1545, ii. 527; duration limited, 1552, ii. 571, 585; appeal of encomenderos, 1564, ii. 585-6.
England, war with, 1779-83, iii. 382-3; 1796, iii. 489; 1805, iv. 31-5; indemnity paid to, 1809, iv. 79-80; mediation of, 1812, iv. 450; loans obtained in, 1823, v. 4; recognizes Span.-Amer. republics, v. 50; relations with, v. 50-1; vi. 415, 455-6; intervention of, 1838, v. 202-3; 1361, vi. 21-2; Mex. bomb, v. 2 9; claims of, V. 248-9; the Texan question, v. 323, 331-4; Mex. debt, v. 560-1; vi. 458; threats of, 1830, v. 777; difficulty with, vi. 10-11; invasion of Mex. 1862, vi. 32-43.
Enriquez, Col, operations of, 1812, iv. 415, 418-19.
Enriquez de Almansa, M., fourth viceroy, 1568, ii. 639; character, ii, 639; negotiates with Hawkins, ii. 639-40; defeats Hawkins, ii. 640-1; organizes military, etc., ii. 654-5; the Chichimec outbreaks, ii. 655-7; benevolence of, ii. 658-9; transferred to Peru, 1580, ii. 660; instructions to successor, ii. 631-2; death, 1583, ii. 662.
Epidemics, i. 541-4; ii. 529; iii. 160, 353, 457, 460; iv. 505; vi. 602-4.
'Escala Espiritual,' vi. 649. Escalada, Gen. I., pronunciamiento of, 1833, v. 132; surrender at Tampico, v. 213-14.
Escalante, J. de, Cortés' captain, 1519, i. 70; alguacil mayor of Vera Cruz, i. 136; destroys fleet, i. 184; in command at Villa Rica, i. 186-8; battle of Nautla, i. 253-60; death, i. 260.
Escalera, E., 'Méjico Histórico-Descriptivo,' v. 809.
Escalona, Father A. de, labors, etc., of, 1544, ii. 722-3.
Escalona, Duque de, 17th viceroy, 1640, iii. 98; rule, iii. 99-108; rapacity of, iii. 101-4; differences with Palafox, iii. 103-7; deposition of, iii. 103-10; residencia, iii. 110-11.
Escamela, affair at, 1832, vi. 45.
Escandon, J. de, conquers Sierra Gorda, 1734, iii. 339-49; occupies Tamaulipas, 1746, iii. 340.
Escandon, Dean, recept. of Hidalgo by, iv. 232.
Escobar, A. de, repulse of,: 445; evacuation of Mex., i. 470.
Escobedo, F, F. de, gov. of Yucatan, 1670, iii. 161.
Escobedo, Capt. N., the Nayarit war, 1721, iii. 324-7.
Escobedo, Gen., defeat of, 1861, vi. 14; 1877, vi. 439; operations of, 1865, vi. 198-200; 1866, vi. 251-3; 1867, vi. 271; siege of Querétaro, vi. 278-304; biog., etc., vi. 281; minister of war, 1876, vi. 425.
Escoceses (members of Scottish rite lodges), efforts of, v. 37; plan of Montaño, 1827, v. 37-8; defeat of, v. 39-41; charges against, 1827, v. 59; intrigues of, 1834, v. 141.
Escudero, J., conspires against Cortés, i. 177; execution of, i. 179.
Esparza, M., minister of finance, 1851, v. 600.
Espejo, A. de, exped. to New Mex., 1582, ii. 781.
Espinosa, A. de, the Ávila-Cortés conspiracy, 1565, ii. 609-10, 617.
Espinosa, J. J., cabinet minister, 1825, v. 32; impeached, v. 100.
Espíritu Santo, founding of, 1521, ii. 35; early settlers of, ii. 35-6; decadence of, ii. 36; mine discovered at, 1543, ii. 551-2.
Espíritu Santo Bay, expeditions to, 1684-91, iii. 225-7.
Esquivel, F. de, gov. of Yucatan, 1663, iii. 161.
Estancia de las Vacas, battle of, 1859, v. 771.
Estatuto Orgánico, framed, 1855, v. 667, 671; provisions, etc., of, v. 688-9, 69(5; adopted, v. 695-7; opposition to, v. 709-10, 718.
Esteva, J. I., minister of treasury, 1824, v. 15.
Estrada, Treasurer A. de, arrival of, 1524, ii. 142-3; ruler ad interim, ii. 204-5; jealousy of, ii. 206; quarrel with Albornoz, ii. 206-7; removed, ii. 209; lieut-gov., 1526, ii. 232; gov., 1527, ii. 259-60; exiles Cortés, ii. 261; censured, ii. 262; reconciled to Cortés, ii. 262-3; opposition to Guzman, ii. 265-6; residencia of, ii. 2912; death, ii. 292.
Estrada, G. de, plan of, 1840, v. 2245.
Estrada, M. de, evacuation of Mex., i. 478; battle of Otumba, i. 499; at Tezcuco, 1521, i. 573.
Estrada y Zenea, I., 'Manual' vi. 434.
Europe, condition of, 1793-1820, iv. 1-9.
Ex-Acordada, revolution of the, 18289, v. 42-4.
Excommunication, Mexico laid under, ii. 228-9; laid on oidores, 1529-30, ii. 291; Palafox launches against Jesuits, 1647, iii. 123, 125; revoked, iii. 127.
Exhibitions, national, vi. 530; local, vi. 531.
'Extracto Historial,' mention of, iii. 646.
Fabre, J. A., works of, iii. 600-1.
Facio, J. A., biog., v. 88-9; minister of war, 1830, v. 95; bargain with Picaluga, v. 96-7; impeached, v. 100; defeat at San Agustin del Palmar, 1832, v. 118-19.
Fagoaga, F., minister of relations, 1832, v. 116.
Fairs, annual, transferred to Vera Cruz, 1683, iii. 203; at Jalapa, 1720-77; iii. 219-20; descript. of, iii. 640-2; national, vi. 530; local, vi. 531.
Falces, Marqués de, third viceroy, 1566, ii. 621; rule, ii. 621-4; deposed, _ 1567, ii. 624-5; trial of, 1568, ii. 629; reception at court, ii. 632.
Fannin, Col J. W., operations in Texas, 1836, v. 169.
Farfan, P. S., at Narvaez' capture, i. 396; at Tezcuco, i. 573; siege of Mex., i. 666.
Farías, V. G., minister of treasury, 1832, v. 125; vice-president, v. 127; acting president, 1833, v. 129; 1847, v. 304; cabinet, v. 129; biog., etc., v. 129-30, 137-8, 306; rule, v. 12938, 304-6; leader of revolt, 1840, v. 221; minister of relations, 1846* v. 302.
Feather-work, Aztec, iii. 621.
Federalists, party organized, etc., 1823, v. 5; leaders of the, v. 10; influence of, v. 182; revolt of, 1838-40; v. 206-25; 1845, v. 284-5.
Felipe IV., exactions of, iii. 84-5.
Felipe de Jesus, San, protomartyr, iii. 91; biog., iii. 91-2; canonization of, iii. 92.
Fernandez, A., works of, ii. 190.
Fernandez, F. V., revolt of, 1832, v. 111.
Fernandez, Col, capitulation at Puebla, 1856, v. 702-3.
Fernandez de Santa Cruz, M., bishop of Puebla, iii. 256; declines vice-royalty, 1696, iii. 256.
Fernando VII., loyalty to, iv. 46-8; arbitrary measures of, iv. 595-600.
Fernanda, Doña M. C. J., pretensions of, 1809, iv. 74.
Ferrer, D., mission to Spain, 1564, ii. 586; M. Cortés' agent, ii. 615.
Ferrer, Capt. M., capture, etc., of, 1812, iv 428.
Festivals, religious, etc., vi. 594-7, 621-3.
Figueroa, A. de, gov. of Yucatan, 1612, iii. 153.
Figueroa, D. de, exped. to Zapotecapan, 1527, ii. 254-5; shipwrecked, ii. 255.
Figueroa, Mariscal A. de, gov. of Yucatan, 1725-33, v. 83.
Figueroa, Col J., captures Tehuacan, 1812, iv. 303; negotiations with Iturbide, iv. 708.
Figueroa, Gen., operations of, 1866, vi. 259-62.
Figueroa, Licenciado R. de, emissary of Cortés, i. 551.
Filisola, Brigadier V., mention of, iv. 521; exped. to Cent. Amer., 1822, iv. 755.
Fire-engines, introduced, 1790, iii. 523.
Fischer, Father, chief of Maximilian's cabinet, 1866, vi. 225-6; biog. etc., vi. 225-G; persuasions of, vi. 238.
Fisheries, marine, vi. 527-9; pearl, vi. 528-9.
Flag, national, v. 4.
Flax, culture, etc., of, iii. 618.
Flint, H. M., 'Mexico under Maximilian,' vi. 55.
Floating gardens of Cuitlahuac, i. 270; of Xochimilco, i. 602.
Flon, den. M., command of, iv. 15960; victory of, 1810, iv. 195; operations at Guanajuato, iv. 220, 22i; at Calderon, iv. 252-6; death, iv. 253; biog., etc., iv. 256-7.
Florencia, F. de, works of, iii. 447-8.
Flores, M., intend, of San Luis, Potosí, 1310, iv. 213-14.
Flores de San Pedro, J., gov. of Nayarit, 1721, iii. 325; campaign of, 1722, 325-28; subdues Alonso, 329.
Flores y Teran, J. M., gov. of fed. district, 1848, v. 543.
Floroz, M. A., 51st viceroy, 1787, iii. 431; rule, 465-7.
Florida, exped. to, 1559, ii. 594-5.
Fomento Department, created, 1853, v. 626; benefits of, v. 633-4.
Fonseca, Bishop, opposition to Cortés, etc., i. 171-3; ii. 66-7; charges against, ii. 86-90; policy, etc., ii. 91-2.
Fonseca, U., minister of justice, 1851, v. 600.
Fonseca and Urrutia, 'Historia General,' iii. 600, 625, 678-9.
Foreigners, jealousy, etc., of, v. 54; vi. 627-9.
Forests, destruction of, iii. 472; vi. 577-8.
Forey, Gen., French commander-inchief, 1862, vi. 55; forces, etc., vi. 55-6; proclamations, vi. 56-7; 756; policy, vi. 57; correspondence with Ortega, vi. 58; capture of Puebla, 1863, vi. 62-8; occupation of Mex., vi. 74; recall of, vi. 112.
Forsyth, Secretary, claims against Mex., v. 309-13, 316; the xexan question, v. 326.
Fossey, M. de, 'Le Mexique,' v. 808.
Foster, Minister, J. W., demands, etc., of, vi. 445-6.
France, agents of, 1823, v. 52; relations with Mex., 1823, v. 52-3; 1379, vi. 441; war with Mex., 18389, v. 186-205; 1862-7, vi. 32-268; intervention of, 1861, vi. 21-2; claims on Mex., vi. 37; designs on Mex., vi. 93-9.
Franciscans, rivalry with Dominicans, ii. 158; Flemish, ii. 101-2; Valencia's party, ii. 162-8; establish convents, ii. 168-9; policy to natives, ii. 170; deception practiced on, ii. 1701; labors, ii 170-4; wholesale baptisms by, ii. 174-6; establish doctrinas, ii. 178; destroy idols, ii. 178-9; causes of success, ii. 181-5; virtues of, ii. 184-5; relations with Dominicans, ii. 302; visit Michoacan, ii. 342-3; Mlchoacan, a custodia, 1535, ii. 393; province of Sto Evangelio, created, 1536, ii. 303-4; provincials, 1536-40, ii. 30.3-4; growth of missions, ii. 393-5, 71213; popularity, ii. 714; rules, ii. 714-5; comisario general appointed, ii. 716; conflict with viceroy, 1578, ii. 716-7; Ponce's visit, 1584-8, ii. 717-8; Michoacan province, ii. 7189; Zacatecas custodia created, 710; martyrs, ii. 719-20; labors in Yucatan, etc., 1533-67; ii. 720-1; distinguished members, ii. 721-2; reform movement, 154-1, ii. 722-0; barefooted, ii. 723-4; in Nuevo Leon, 1530, ii. 776; 1593, ii. 779, 731; in Nayarit, 1618, 1667, iii. 314, 315; 1711, 316; in Nuevo Santander, 1749, iii. 31-4-5; later missions of, iii. 712-17; convents at Querétaro, iv. 97-9; arrest, etc., of, 1856, v. 698-9.
Frank, S., 'Weltbuch,' i. 250-1.
Freemasons, as revolutionists, iv. 698; intrigues against Iturbide, 1822, iv. 793-4.
French, raids of filibusters, ii. 84; iii. 109-204; 223-4; hatred of the, iv. 37, 44-6; intrigues of the, iv. 47-8; 70, 92.
French Guinea Company, permitted to ship slaves to Amer.; 1702, iii. 288; concession transferred to England, 1713, iii. 208.
French Revolution, effect of the, iii. 402-3.
Fresnillo, mines discovered, ii. 597; condition of, 1794, iii. 307; occupied by Sotomayor, 1011, iv. 308.
Friant, Intendant-general, minister of finance, 1866, vi. 225.
Friars, need of, ii. 156-7; mendicant, ii. 160-1; conflict with clergy, ii. 634-5; with, civil power, ii. 606-7; opposition to, ii. 669-71; grievances of, ii. 670-1; Pius V. sustains, ii. 671; rown supports, ii. 672-3; laxity of, ii. 147-8; vagabond, iii. 703; vicious, iii. 703-9; number, iii. 709; execution of, 1811, iv. 200.
Fry, J. R., 'A Life of Gen. Z. Taylor, 'v. 434.
Fuenclara (Conde de), 40th viceroy, 1742, iii. 355; rule, iii. 355-58.
Fuenleal, S. R. de, president 2d audiencia, 1530, ii. 321; resignation, etc., of, ii. 380.
Fuensalida, Friar L. de, arrival of, 1524, ii. 164-5; preaches in A::tec, ii. 174; Franciscan custodian, ii. 393.
Fuente, J. A. de la, minister of relations, 1053, v. 610; 1802, vi. 53.
Fuentes, Capt. A., comand. of Tecpan, iv. 299; operations, 1811, 300-4.
Furber, G. C, works of, v. 552.
Fusionists, Party, principles of, 1858, v. 742.
Gadsden Treaty, 1054, v. C52-3.
Gage, T., 'New Survey,' iii. 778.
Gaines, Gen., measures of, 1846, v. 372.
Galeana, Mariscal II., mention of, iv. 298-9; operations, 1811, 301-4; captures Tasco, iv. 350; at Cuautla, iv. 303-70; at Huajuapan, 1812, iv. 438; repulse at San José Chiapa, iv. 478-9; at Aculcingo, iv. 481; at Oajaca, 483-4; at Acapulco, 1813, iv. 547-9; at Valladolid, iv. 571-3; defeat at El Veladero, 1814, iv. 579; execution, 1814, 579.
Gali, F. de, voyage to Philippines, 1582-4, ii. 744.
Galindo, affair at, 1813, iv. 524.
Galindo, L., chief-justice X. Galicia, ii. 465.
Galindo, Gen., defection of, 1841, v. 232-3; marches on Mex., 1867, vi. 31-4.
Gallardo, B. P., works of, v. 697; vi. 318.
Gallegos, B. de, expedition to Tabasco, ii. 220; alcalde-mayor, 1545-8, ii. 547.
Galve, Conde de, 30th viceroy, 1GSS, iii. 222; rule, iii. 222-52; return to Spain, 1696, 252.
Galvez, Conde B. de, 49th viceroy, 1785, iii. 391; biog., iii. 392-3; rule, iii. 394-8; charges of treason against, iii. 395-7; death, 1786, iii. 398.
Galvez, J. de, visitador-general, 17017, iii. 307-9, 445.
Galvez, L. de, murder of, 1792, v. 84.
Galvez, M. de, 48th viceroy, 1783, iii. 335; character, iii. 386; rule, iii. 387; funeral cerem., iii. 3S7-8.
Gambling, efforts to suppress, 1524, ii. 134-5; restrictions on, iii. 773; prevalence, etc., of, vi. 623-4.
Gante, Friar P. de, arrival at Villa Rica, ii. 162; labors of, ii. 174-5, 181; refuses see of Mex., 1548, ii. 297-8, 558; petitions in favor of natives, 1552, ii. 572; influence of, ii. 675.
Gaona, Gen., defeat at Ulúa, 1838, v. 192-6.
Garay, A., minister of the treasury, 1846, v. 299.
Garay, F. de, mention of, i. 2; plans, etc., of, i. 188-9; expeditions of, i. 53S; ii. 94-5, 105-17; death of, 1523, ii. 116-17; forces of, ii. 117-18, 123.
Garay, Engineer F. de, drainage plan of, vi. 565-7.
Garcés, J., bishop of Cuba, i. 165; of Cozumel, i. 163; ii. 290; of Tlascala, ii. 263, 296-7, 688; of Yucatan, ii. 638; reconciles Cortés and Estrada, 1527, ii. 202-3; character, ii. 237; death, 1542, ii.
Garcés y Eguía, J., 'Nueva Teórica, ' iii. 601.
García, A., guerrilla chief, 1811, iv. 320; defeat of, 1811, iv. 323; attack on Guanajuato, iv. 338; operations of, 1812, iv. 384-90; capture, etc., of, 391-2.
García, Gen. A., minuter of justice, 1857, v. 713; gov. of Oajaca, 1867, vi. 337; of Vera Cruz, vi. 308.
García, C, minister of relations, 1833, v. 129.
García, Friar J., 'Historia Betlehemítica,' ii. 109.
García, Gen. J. M., minister of war, 1858, v. 745; 1863, vi. 225.
García, Col S., heads revolution, 1823, v. 42-3.
Gardner, Lieut, battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 455.
Garibay, P., viceroy ad interim, 1803, iv. 53; rule, 53-76, biog., 63.
Garland, Gen., campaign on the Rio Grande, v. 357; capture of Monterey, v. 333-6; battle of Churubusco, v. 484; of Molino del Key, v. 500-1; of Chapultepec, v. 516.
Garnier, Col, operations of, 1865, vi. 195.
Garza, Brigadier F. de la, protest of, iv. 783; seizure of Iturbide, iv. 807-8; duplicity of, 808-9.
Garza y Ballesteros, Archbishop L. de la, metropolitan of Mexico, v. 690; biog., v. 690; administ., 690-1, 694.
Gasset, Gen., occupation of Vera Cruz, 1861, vi. 29; manifesto, etc., of, vi. 29.
Gavíria, Oidor, character, iii. 40; arrest of, iii. 41; overthrow of Gelves, 1624, iii. 62-4.
'Gazetas de Mexico,' mention of, iii. 510.
Gelves, Marqués de, 14th viceroy, 1621, iii. 33; character, iii. 33-4; rule, iii. 31-74; quarrel with Archbishop Serna, iii. 43-57; excommunicated, iii. 47, 53-9; overthrow of, iii. 60-3; negotiations with audiencia, iii. 66-70; charges against, iii. 70-1; restored by Cerralvo, iii. 73; residencia of, iii. 75-7.
Germany, treaty with Mex., 1883, vi. 455.
Goazacoalco, Province, map of, ii. 33; Sandoval's exped. to, ii. 35; apolitical division, 1534, ii. 391.
Goazacoalco, River, Ordaz explores, i. 323-4; pirates land at, 1672, iii. 172.
Gobernacion Department, created, 1353, v. 626.
Gobernaciones, definition of, iii. 520; replaced by intendencias, iii. 529.
Gobernador Intendente power of, iii. 452.
Godines, A., juez conservador, iii. 123; death of, iii. 131.
Godoy, D. de, notary to Grijalva, i. 16; battle of Tabasco, 1519, i. 85; escribano of Vera Cruz, i. 133; Cortés, exped., i. 151; at Espíritu Santo, ii. 35.
Godoy, J. L, minister of justice, 1832, v. 110.
Godoy, M., downfall of, iv. 35-6.
Gold, first coined, 1679, iii. 183; discoveries, etc. in Cent. Amer., iii. 553-70; in Peru, iii. 570-8; mining, iii. 576-39.
Gomara, F. L. de, works of, i. 697; ii. 487.
Gomez, C, defection of, 1813, iv. 531.
Gomez, Intendente, execution of, iv. 226.
Gomez, J., 'Diario,' iii. 510.
Gomez, N., episcopal delegate, 1647, iii. 127.
Gomez, V., death of, 1816, iv. 638.
Gonzalez, Father A., Córdoba's exped., i. 6, 9, 13; first to celebrate Christian rites, ii. 158.
Gonzalez, A. R., 'Historia,' vi. 464.
Gonzalez, B., bravery of, ii. 411.
Gonzalez, E., arrest of, iv. 112.
Gonzalez, Col F., operations at Acapulco, 1813, iv. 547-9.
Gonzalez, G., returns from Honduras, 1525, ii. 212-13; sentence, etc. of, ii. 223.
Gonzalez, Gen. M., defence of Puebla, 1863, vi. 64; revolution of, 1875-7, vi. 421-27; president, 1880, vi. 448; biog., vi. 450-2; rule, vi. 4329; attempted prosecution of, 1885, vi. 460.
Gorostiza, P., intendente of Vera Cruz, 1792, iii. 218.
Gorostiza, Minister, negotiations of, v. 164; demands passports, etc., 1836, v. 313.
Gorreta, P. de la, gov. of Acapulco, 1624, iii. 65-6.
Government, Provisional, cabinet of, v. 2-3; measures, 1023, v. 2-8, 29-1; plot against, v. 8-9; end of administ. 1824, 20-1.
Grado, A. de, comandante of Villa Rica, 1520, i. 324-5; character, i. 325; misrule, i. 325; punishment, i. 326; settles at Espíritu Santo, ii. 33; inspector-general of Indians, 1526, ii. 241-2; marriage of, ii. 242.
Grammont, M., pirate captain, iii. 192; at sack of Vera Cruz, 1683, iii. 134-291.
Great Britain, see England.
Grijalva, J. de, exped. of, 1518, i. 15-30; return to Cuba, i. 30; reception, etc., i. 31-2; dismissal of, i. 32; character, i. 33-4; compared with Cortés, i. 55-6; meets Montezuma's servants, i. 112-13; Montezuma hears of, i. 113-14; commands Garay's fleet, 1523, ii. 103; surrenders Garay's fleet, ii. 112-13; works of, ii. 188-9.
Grillo, Cerro del, engagement at, 1811, iv. 308.
Guadalajara, City, founding of, ii. 386-7; arms of, ii. 367; Alvarado dies at, 1541, ii. 501-2; fortified, 1541, ii. 502-3; besieged, 1541, ii. 502-4; site of, changed, 1541-2, ii. 504, 546-7; capital of Nueva Galicia, ii. 548; see of, ii. 601; iii. 692; audiencia of, iii. 543; cathedral of, iii. 692; captured by Torres, iv. 207; Hidalgo's reception at, 1810, iv. 231-2; audiencia reorganized, iv. 234; Hidalgo's edicts at, iv. 234; printing-press, etc., at, iv. 235; military preparations, iv. 2356; reception of Calleja and Cruz, 1811, iv. 259; proclamations at, iv. 260; action of audiencia, iv. 260-1; of eccles. chapter, iv. 261; of university, iv. 261; junta de segurridad, iv. 262; junta de caridad, etc., iv. 262; mint at, 1813, iv. 537; revolution at, 1821, iv. 715; disaffection in, 1823, v. 6-8, 13-14; pronunciamiento at, 1846, v. 297; revolt at, 1851, v. 607-9, 613; plan of, v. 609; mutiny at, 1858, v. 7356; captured by Degollado, 1858, v. 748; evacuated, v. 749; Uraga's attack on, 1860, v. 782; captured by Ortega, 1860, v. 790; by Bazaine, 1863, vi. 122; abandoned by imperialists, 1866, vi. 257; university founded at, 1791, vi. 634. Guadalajara, Intendencia, map of, iv. 303.
Guadalupe de los Reyes, mine, yield of, vi. 514.
Guadalupe Hidalgo, treaty of, v. 539-43.
Guadalupe, Nuestra Señora de, apparition of, 1531, ii. 403-8, church erected, ii. 406; painting of, ii. 406-8; banner of, iv. 119. Guadalupe, Order, iv. 779-80; v. 637-8; 667.
Guadalupe, Society, overtures to Calleja, iv. 497.
Guadalcázar, Marques de, 13th viceroy, 1612, iii. 21; rule, iii. 24-8; transferred to Peru, iii. 28; character, iii. 28.
Guadalcázar, Town, name, iii. 27-8.
Guajicar, Cacique, revolt of, 1538, ii. 463-4.
Guanajuato, maps of, iii. 443; iv. 124; mining in, iii. 588-9; vi. 507, 512; revolution in, 1811, iv. 323; 1313, iv. 515-17, 522-5; 1815-16, iv. 656-7; 1821, iv. 713-14; insurgent movements in, 1811, iv. 338-9; campaigns in bajío of, 1812, iv. 384-6, 393-4; map of bajío. iv. 385; Iturbide's campaign in, 1814, iv. 591.
Guanajuato, City, founded, 1554, ii. 596, 762; San Ignacio de Loyola patron saint of, iii. 117-8; Jesuit college at, iii. 427; hist, of, iv. 130-3; coat of arms, iv. 132; capture of, 1810, iv. 133-57; descript. of, iv. 138-40; sack of, iv. 155-7; ayuntamiento, iv. 164-5; mint, estabd. iv. 166; recaptured, 1810, iv. 21628; plan of, iv. 218; proclamation at, iv. 225; executions at, iv. 225-8; amnesty at, iv. 227-8; govt, reorganized, iv. 228; depopulation of, iv. 229; Garcia's attack on, 1811, iv. 33S; raid on, 1315, iv. 657; Mina's attack on, 1317, iv. 679-80; occupied by Iturbide, 1821, iv. 713-14; the Paredes revolt, 1848, v. 549-50; pronunciamientos at, 1850-1, v. 602; French occupation of, 1863, vi. 119.
Guatemala, embassy from visits Cortés, ii. 103-4; Alvarado's invasion of, ii. 104-5, 127; claims on Chiapas and Soconusco, vi. 454-5.
Guatulco, Guerrero captured at, 1S30, v. 97-8.
Guayangarco, see Valladolid.
Guaymas, Raousset's attack on, 1854, v. 685.
Güero, G. de, gov. of Yucatan, 1633, iii. 156-7.
Guerra, A. de, bishop of Michoacan, 1591-5, ii. 693.
Guerra, G., biog., iii. 20; archbishop, 1607, iii. 20; 12th viceroy, 1611, iii. 20-21; death of, 1612, iii. 21-23.
Guerra, J., 'Historia,' iv. 65-6.
Guerrero, maps of, iii. 463; v. 526; vi. 191; state of, organized, 1847, v. 526-7; revolt in, 1854, v. 646-52; 1877, vi. 438.
Guerrero, G. captivity among Indians, i. 82.
Guerrero, J., conspiracy of, 1799, iii. 492-4.
'Guerrero,' Ship, capture of, 1828, v 65.
Guerrero, Gen. V., character, iv. 643; operations, 1815, iv. 643-4; defeated by Ruiz, 1818, iv. 694; joins Iturbide, 1821, iv. 708, 713; defeat at Almolonga, 1823, iv. 792; member of executive, 1823, v. 8; suppresses Bravo's rebellion, 1828, v. 39; revolution of 1828, v. 42-4; president, 1829, v. 44; biog., etc., v. 76-9; rule, v. 79-91, cabinet, v. 80; coalition against, v. 81-3; revolution of Jalapa, v. 88-93; flight of, v. 92; deposed, v. 95; defeat at Chilpancingo, v. 96; capture, v. 96-8; trial, v. 98-9; execution, v. 99; memory honored, v. 101.
Guevara, J. R. de, Narvaez' instructions to, i. 364-5; demands of, i. 365; imprisoned, etc., i. 366; Cortes wins over, i. 368-9, 383; siege of Mex., ii. 157.
Guevara, L. de, minister of justice, 1853, v. 616.
Guevara, P. V. de, gov. of San Juan de Ulúa, iii. 65.
Gruijo, G. M. del, diary of, iii. 509.
Guijon, F. V., governor of Yucatan, 1572-7, ii. 650.
Guillermo, P., minister of the treasury, 1851, v. 611.
Güitlan, Gen., revolt of, 1856, v. 6778.
Gulf Coast, map of, iii. 151.
Guride, Dr. J. M., deputy to Cortés, 1810, iv. 445; 'El Censor,' 450; president of junta, 1821, iv. 737.
Gutierrez, Gen., defeat of, 1866, vi. 257.
Gutierrez, J. de D., mention of, iv. 228.
Gutierrez, J. de la L., defeat of, 1811, iv. 323.
Gutierrez. J. I., minister of war, 1847, v. 524.
Gutierrez, J. M., pamphlet of, vi. 912.
Guzman, C. de, death of, i. 653.
Guzman, Treasurer G. de, mention of, i. 170 — 1; mission to Spain, 1519, i. 172.
Guzman, L., minister of relations, 1861, vi. 13; commissioner on U. S. claims, 1872, vi. 443.
Guzman, N. de, gov. of Pánuco, ii. 244, 263; antecedents, ii. 263; reaches San Estévan, 1527, ii. 263-4; cruelties of, ii. 264-5; boundary disputes, ii. 265-6; invades Narvaez' territory, ii. 266-7; enslaves Indians, ii. 267-8; president of audiencia; ii. 276-8; avarice of, ii. 278; hostility to Cortés, ii. 264, 288-9; prepares to invade Jalisco, ii. 293-4; tortures and burns Tangaxoan, ii. 1530, ii. 344-7; crosses the Lerma, 1530, ii. 344-5; conquers Cuitzeo, 1530, ii. 348-50; invades Michoacan, 1529, ii. 344 — 50; conquers Tonalá, 1530, ii. 350-1; burns Nochistlan, 1530, ii. 352-3; arrives at Tepic, 1530, ii. 354-5; exped. to Jalisco, 1530, ii. 355-6; conquers Centipac, ii. 356-7; in camp at Omitlan, 1530, ii. 358-9; at Aztatlan, ii. 359-62; forces reduced by diseases, ii. 361-2; at Chametla, ii. 363; at Colombo, ii. 364; gov. of N. Galicia, ii. 365-6; conflict with second audiencia, ii. 367-8; outwits Castilla, ii. 369-71; decline of power, ii. 371-2; residencia, 15368, ii. 457-60; relations with Mendoza, ii. 458; arrested, ii. 458-9; appeals to India Council, ii. 460; returns to Spain, ii. 460-1; death of, 1544, ii. 461; character of, ii. 461.
Guzman, P. de, joins Cortés' exped. i. 69.
Hachuetoca, tunnel of, vi. 564.
Hall, F., defence of Maximilian, vi. 309; 'Life of Maximilian I.,' vi. 328.
Hans, A., 'Querétaro,' vi. 326-7.
Harney, Col, battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 455-7.
Haro, P. R. de, death of, 1542, ii. 551.
Haro y Tamariz, minister of finance, 1853, v. 626, 635; pronunciamiento of, 1854, v. 661-2; revolt of, 1856, v. 679-81.
Hawkins, Admiral Sir J., attack on Vera Cruz, etc., 1568, ii. 637-44.
Hays, Col, capture of Monterey, v. 388-96.
Hazart, C, works of, ii. 190.
Helps, A., works of, ii. 488.
Hemp, culture, etc., of, iii. 618.
Heras, Conde de C. de, member of regency, 1822, iv. 769.
Hermosillo, J. M. G., exped. of, 1810-11, iv. 237-9.
Hernandez, B., heroism of, 1541, ii. 503-4.
Hernandez, D., siege of Mex., i. 630.
Hernandez, Gen. F., pronnnciamiento of, 1870, vi. 419; plan of Tuxtepec, 419-23; occupies Oajaca, etc., 419.
Hernandez, J. E., 'Coleccion,' iv. 624.
Herrera, Lieut-col S., capture of, iv. 241.
Herrera, Dr, minister to U. S., 1815, iv. 606-7.
Herrera, Friar, victory near San Luis Potosí, 1811, iv. 269-70; defeat at Valle del Maíz, iv. 270; execution of, iv. 270.
Herrera, Gen. J. J. de, operations, 1821, iv. 722-31; cabinet minister, 1823, v. 3; minister of war, 1833, 129; 1834, v. 141; president, 1844, v. 273; 1848, v. 550; cabinets, v. 273, 290; rule, v. 273-92, 557-95; biog., v. 289; negotiations with Trist, 1847, v. 492; death, v. 595.
Herrera, J. M., minister of justice, 1829, v. 80.
Herrera, L. de, plot, etc., of, iv. 212-15.
Herrera, M., cabinet minister, 1821, iv. 736.
Herrera, P. G. de, subdues negro revolt, 1609, iii. 11-12.
Herrera, S. de, commands convoy, 1524-5, ii. 199.
Herrera, Col S. de, execution of, 1813, iv. 542.
Herrera, operations in Nuevo Leon, 1813, iv. 544; execution of, iv. 544.
Hevia, Col, operations of, 1814, iv. 581, 586-7; 1816, iv. 650-2; victory at Tepeaca, iv. 723; death, 1821, 723.
Heyne, P., takes treasure-fleet, 1628, iii. 82-3.
Hibueras, coast, rival claims to, ii. 104-5.
Hidalgo, state of, organized, etc., 1869, vi. 369-70; mining in, vi. 515.
Hidalgo, C., biog., iv. 108.
Hidalgo, Mariano, execution of, 1811, iv. 279.
Hidalgo, Generalissimo Miguel, biog., iv. 103-4, 107-10; character, iv. 109-10, 121-2, 171, 284-6; plans betrayed, iv. 110-15; incites revolt, 1810, iv. 115-18; forces of, iv. 118-19, 123, 165-6, 172-5, 249, 268; at San Miguel, iv. 118-20; enters Celaya, iv. 124-6; captain-general, iv. 127; captures Guanajuato, iv. 14157; cited by inquisition, iv. 161-3, 163-6; proclamation, iv. 162-3; edicts, iv. 163-4; captures Valladolid, iv. 170-2; approaches Mex., iv. 175-85; victory of Las Cruces, iv. 177-84; inactivity of, iv. 188-9; retreat, iv. 198; defeat at Aculco, iv. 198-201; reception, etc., at Guadalajara, iv. 231-6; defeat at Calderon, 1811, iv. 249-58; resignation, etc., iv. 266-8; rejects pardon, iv. 269; capture of, iv. 274; trial, iv. 276-82; execution', iv. 282-3.
'Historia Parlamentaria,' vi. 359.
Hojacastro, M. S. de, bishop of Tlascala, ii. 673; of Puebla, ii. 697.
Holguin, G. de, siege of Mex., i. 686. 'Hombre Libre,' El, suppressed, 1822, iv. 781.
Honduras, Cortés' exped. to, 1524, ii. 127, 144, 203-7; gold-mining in, 1528-38, iii. 567-8.
Horcasítas, city, founded 1749, iii. 344.
Hospitals, ii. 169; iii. 183^, 759-60; vi. 506.
House of Birds, Mexico, burned, i. 639.
Houston, Gen. S., Texan commanderin-chief, 1835, v. 162, 167; victory of San Jacinto, v. 171-3.
Huahuapan, siege of, 1812, iv. 436-40; Morelos' headquarters, 470.
Humboldt, F. H. A. von, works of, iii. 513-15, 599-600, 625, 646, 778; visit of, iv. 31.
Hunt, envoy, the Texan question, v. 327.
Hunucma, sacked by pirates, 1571, ii. 646-7.
Ibarra, Capt., Mercado's instructions to, iv. 263.
Ibarra, F. de, mines discovered by, 1554, ii. 596-7; gov. of Nueva Vizcaya, ii. 598; expeditions of, ii. 598; iii. 13; founds Nombre de Dios, etc., ii. 598; death of, ii. 598-9.
Ibarra, J., paintings of, vi. 646.
Ibarra, J. de, oidor, 1624, iii. 49.
Ibarra, M. de, defeated, 1541, ii. 493-4.
Ibarra, Treasurer H. de, mention of, ii. 583, 623.
Iberri, Gen. J. I., minister of war, 1832, v. 116.
Idols, i. 8-9, 27, 80, 163-4, 200, 238, 247, 254, 277, 295-7, 315-16, 346-50, 353-4, 408, 449, 527, 585, 632-4, 657; ii. 178-9.
Iglesias, J. M., works of, vi. 71-2, 434; minister of justice, 1863, vi. 110; minister of govt, 1868, vi. 367; manifesto, etc., of, vi. 425; assumes the executive, 1876, vi. 426; negotiations with Diaz, vi. 429-33; recognized as president, vi. 431; forces, etc., of, vi. 432; self-banishment, 1877, vi. 433.
Iguala, plan of, proclaimed, 1821, iv. 709-10; opposition to, 1822, 709.
Ilarregui, J. S., comisario of Yucatan, etc., 1864, vi. 410.
Ilarregui, S., minister of gobernacion, 1866, vi. 225.
Illueca, J. I. C, cabinet minister, 1823, v. 3.
'Ilustrador Americano,' published, 1811, iv. 346.
Immaculate Conception, brotherhood of, established, iii. 135-6.
Immigration, restrictions on, iii. 745. 'Imperio y la Intervencion,' vi. 279.
Impilcingo, Olid's exped. to, ii. 58-9.
Inca, the ransom of, iii. 571-4.
Inclan, Comandante-general, misconduct of, 1830, 105; defence of Puebla, 1845, v. 275-6.
Independence, birth of, in Mex., 1810, iv. 115-18.
India council, Loaisa, president of, ii. 239; prohibits slavery in Yucatan, 1549, ii. 450; Guzman appeals to, ii. 460; restricts encomiendas, 1566, ii. 617; Fonseca's administration, ii. 91.
Indians, epidemics among, i. 541-2; ii. 529; aptness to learn, ii. 171; musical talent, ii. 171-2; acquire mechanical arts, ii. 172; artistic ability, ii. 173; catholic rites, etc., among, ii. 174-84; inspector-general appointed, 1526, ii. 241-2; branding of, ii. 287; reforms in treatment of, 1530, ii. 330-3; encomiendas regulated, 1542-3, ii. 519-20; condition bettered, 1551, ii. 564-72, 574; tribute doubled, 1563, ii. 586-7; decline of population, ii. 767; spoliation of, 767-71; intermarry with negroes, 772; public hiring of, iii. 17-18; decree concerning, 1609, iii. 18-19; management of, iii. 524-6; physique, iii. 733; oppression of, 746-8; race stigma, 750-1; rights ignored, iv. 504; exempt from tribute, 1814, iv. 598-9; present condition, etc., of, vi. 609-13.
Indias Occidentales, title to, iii. 517.
Indigo, production, etc., of, iii. 620; vi. 574-5.
Indulgences, sale of, iii. 503.
Inga, A., 'West-Indische Spieghel,' i. 90-1.
Innocent X., Palafox's appeal to, 1647, iii. 125-6, 129-32.
Inquisition, establd. 1571, ii. 675-8; early acts, ii. 675-6; Landa's cruelties, ii. 676-7; jurisdiction, ii. 678; autos-de-fé, ii. 679-81; iv. 38; evils of the, ii. 681; iii. 700-1; suppressed, 1813, iii. 701; iv. 503-4; officials, iv. 39; restored, 1814, iv. 503-4.
Insurance, regulations for, iii. 643; companies establd., iii. 643.
Intendencias, names, 1787, iii. 452; 1804, iii. 455; organization, iii. 452-3; objections to, iii. 453-4; appointments, iii. 455; area, iii. 45; population, iii. 455; changes in, iii. 482.
Intendentes, jurisd. of, iii. 455; powers, iii. 520.
International Boundary Commission, 1883, vi. 447.
Iriarte. P. S., minister of justice, 1847, v. 524.
Iriarte, R,., biog., iv. 210; treachery of, 214-15.
Iribarren, J. M., minister of fomento, 1867, vi. 334.
Irisarri, Brigadier S., mention of, iv. 357; comand. of Puebla, 1812, iv. 382; defence of Zacatecas, 1813, iv. 541.
Iron, manufact. of, iii. 620.
Iron-mines, location of, iii. 586-7. Irrigation, necessity for, etc., vi. 563-4.
Isabel, Point, Taylor's hdqrs. 1846, v. 346-8.
Iseca y Alvarado, A. de la, gov. of Yucatan, 1677, iii. 162.
Isla Blanca, Grijalva names, i. 26.
Isla de Pinos, Cortés' flag-ship stranded upon, i. 67.
Isla Liceaga, capture of, 1812, iv. 393-4.
Isla de Sacrificios, Grijalva names, i. 26.
Isla Triste, see Isla del Cármen.
Isla Verde, Grijalva names, i. 26.
Italy, the empire of Maximilian, vi. 96-7; relations with Mex., 1808, vi. 358; treaty with, 1874, vi. 415; 1883. vi. 455.
Iturbe, Lieut-col M. de, retreat of, iv. 239.
Iturbe, Minister, measures of, 184G, v. 297.
Iturbide, Emperor, A., biog., iv. 17G; operations at Las Cruces, iv. 181-2; operations of, 1812, iv. 391-4; victory at Salvatierra, 1813, iv. 51516; operations in Salvatierra district, 1813, iv. 524-5; gallantry at Valladolid, iv. 572-3; operations in Guanajuato, 1814, iv. 590-1; cruelties of, iv. 591; defeat at Mt. Cóporo, 1815, iv. 610-11; operations, 1815, iv. 612-13; arraignment of, 1816, iv. 646, 657; projects, etc., of, iv. 703-3; command of, 1820, iv. 704-7; duplicity, iv. 705-9; plan of Iguala, iv. 709-11; operations, 1821, iv. 712-26; treaty of, Córdoba, iv. 728; entry into Mex., iv. 731-2; president of regency, iv. 735; generalissimo, iv. 738; election of congress, iv. 744-7; plots against, iv. 747-8, 781-3; disputes with congress, iv. 762-9, 7804; charges against, iv. 767-8; proclaimed emperor, iv. 770-3; oath administered to, iv. 774-5; honors paid to, iv. 775; coronation, 1822, iv. 777-8; revolt against, iv. 788801; abdication, iv. 800-1; exile, iv. 802-6; writings of, iv. 805-G; return to Mex., iv. 806-7; execution, 1823, iv. 809-10; character, etc., iv. 811-12.
Iturbidists, in congress, 1822, iv. 760-1; revolt of, 1823, v. 7-8.
Iturrigaray, J. de, 56th viceroy, 1803, iv. 22; biog., iv. 22; rule, iv. 2355; venality, iv. 23-6; extortions, iv. 30-2; conspiracy against, iv. 52-5; deposal, iv. 54-6; character, iv. 55; imprisonment, iv. 58; trial, 58-60; residencia, 60-2; policy, 62-4.
Itzocan, description, i. 531-2; Cortés captures, i. 531-3.
Itzquintepec surrenders to Spaniards, ii. 38.
Ixmiquilpan, attack on, 1812, iv. 429-30.
Izquierdo, J., bishop of Yucatan, 1591-1602, ii. 690.
Izquierdo, P. S., gov. of Yucatan, 1653, lii. 161.
Ixtlilxochitl, cacique, rebels against Montezuma, i. 231, meeting with Cortes, i. 271-2; aids Cacama, i. 331.
Ixtlilxochitl, F. de, A. C, works of, i. 339-40; 697; ii. 24; aids Cortés, i. 569, 571, 595, 618, 637; king of Tezcuco, ii. 21; character, ii. 21-2; defeats Cácama, 1517, ii. 23; designs of, ii. 23-4; Cortés rewards, ii. 24-5; kingdom of divided, ii. 26; palaces sacked, ii. 225; reception of, 1526, ii. 240-1.
Iztapalapan, description of, i. 272-3; Cortés reduces, i. 574-5; Sandoval captures, i. 625.
Iztli, native weapons of, i. 88, 382, 404, 551.
Izúcar, attack on, 1811, iv. 349-50; engagement at, 1812, iv. 365.
Jackson, President A., Mex. policy, 1836, v. 313-15, 324-7.
Jalancingo, captured by Sandoval, 1520, vi. 557.
Jalapa, Cortés reaches, 1519, i. 193; annual fair at, 1720-77, hi. 219-20; trade of, iii. 220; luxury of, iii. 220; declared a city, 1794, iii. 220; coat of arms, iii. 220; beset by revolutionists, 1812, iv. 404; Bravo's attack on, iv. 473-4; constitution of 1812 proclaimed at, iv. 698; occupied by Santa Anna, 1821, iv. 723; Santa Anna's defeat at, 1822, iv. 791-2; revolution of, 1829, v. 88-93; captured by the French, 1863, vi. 117; surrendered by imperialists, 1866, v. 262.
Jalisco, Francisco Cortés visits, 1524, ii. 60-3; Guzman prepares to invade, ii. 293-4; expeditions against, 1530, ii. 355-6; rovalist cause in, iv. 205; revolt in, 1832, v. Ill, 114; map of, v. 230; revolt at, 1844, v. 265; republican operations in, 1866, vi. 256-7.
Jalon, Col J., command of, iv. 159; operations at Calderon, iv. 253-4.
Jamaica, English capture, 1655, iii. 143; attempt to retake, 1657, iii. 143.
Janicho, Fortress, capture of, 1817, iv. 654.
Japan, embassy from, visits Mex. iii. 3; Vizcaino visits, 1611, 4.
Jaral, Marqués de, treasure of, captured, iv. 670.
Jaramillo, Capt., evacuation of Mex., i. 477, 479, 655; siege of Mex., i. 655.
Jarauta, Padre C, the Padres revolt, 1848, v. 548-9; execution of, v. 549.
Jaujilla, junta of, iv. 654.
Jaujilia, Fort, capture of, 1817, iv. 691-2; plan, iv. 692.
Jáurequi, M. F. de, minister of gobernacion, 1858, v. 745.
Jerécuaro, capture of, 1812, iv. 428.
Jerez, presidio founded, 1570, ii. 655.
Jeronimite, Fathers, mention of, i. 2-3, 16.
Jesuits, arrival, 1572, ii. 699-702; abandon Florida, ii. 699-700; pioneer members, ii. 701; colleges establ'd by, ii. 703-4; iii. 11719, 135; vi. 633; novitiate, ii. 7045; progress of, ii. 699-709; iii. 136, 427-30; ill feeling toward, 1618, iii. 30-1; intrigues of, iii. 42; field of labors, iii. 116-17; wealth, iii. 119-20; disputes with, iii. 120-1, 428-31; quarrel with Palafox, iii. 121-32; pope decides against, 1648, iii. 129-32; resist payment of tithes, iii. 134-5; established brotherhood of the Immaculate Conception, iii. 135-36; in Lower California, iii. 265-7; in Nayarit, iii. 32031; tithes, iii. 428-31; royal decree against, 1767, iii. 432-7; expulsion, iii. 438-42; restored, 1819, iii. 4407; again expelled, 1821, 447; records of, iii. 446-9.
Jewelry, manufact., etc., of, iii. 622.
Jews, expelled, ii. 333.
Jilotepec, engagement at, 1815, iv. 612.
Jimenez, Father F., arrival of, 1524, ii. 164-5; preaches in Aztec, ii. 174.
Jimenez, J. M., minister of justice, 1846, v. 299.
Jímenez, Gen. M., advance on Valladolid, iv. 166; commands artillery at Las Graces, iv. 180; victory of, 1810, iv. 240; captures Saltillo, iv. 240; victory at Saltillo, 1811, iv. 268; capture of, iv. 274; trial, iv. 277-9; execution, iv. 279.
Jocotitlan, subjugation of, 1811, iv. 326.
Jocotlan, Mercado occupies, ii. 54950; raids upon, ii. 550-1.
Jorrin, P., minister of the treasury, 1858, v. 745.
Journals, iv. 346, 464-6, 781; v. 5, 6, 35, 80, 103, 530, 557, 691, 706, 712, 716-17; vi. 70, 351, 359, 402, 41718, 641-2, 650.
Juarez, B. P., minister of justice, 1855, v. 667; v. 670-1; gov. of Oajaca, 1856, v. 716, 741; chief-justice, 1857, v. 721; arrest, etc., of, v. 724, 727, 735-6; govt of, 1858, v. 736-7; biog., v. 730-41; recognition of, by U. S., v. 765; measures, 1859, v. 767-8, 790; 1861, vi. 29-30; 1862-4, vi. 53, 60-1, 71-2, 108-9, 130-2, 350-3; president, 1861, v. 795; vi. 17; recognition of by allied plenipotentiaries, vi. 40; outcry against, 1864, vi. 12,8-9; flight to Chihuahua, vi. 165-7; position of, 1865, vi. 202-7, entry into Mex., vi. 348-9; manifesto, vi. 349; polit. organizations, etc., against, ri. 354-5, reëlected president, 1867, vi. 356; 1871, vi. 376-8; foreign policy, vi. 355-6; insurrections against, vi. 365-6; polit. opposition to, vi. 3156-8; death of, 1872, vi. 385-6; obsequies, etc., vi. 386-8; writings oi, vi. 388-9; review of career, vi. 389.
Juarez, J., drawings of, vi. 645.
Juarez, Friar J., arrival of, 1524, ii. 164-5.
Juarez, L., paintings of, vi. 645.
Juarez, Bros R., paintings of, vi. 615-6.
Judicial system, description of, iii. 539-49.
Judiciary, corruption of the, v. 104.
Jueces conservadores, functions of, iii. 123; condemn Palafox, 1647, iii. 124-5; arrive at Puebla, 1647, iii. 127.
Juntas, iv. 46-51, 72-3, 75, 80; 84-9. 256-7, 262, 334-6, 321-2, 354, 417-19, 454, 460-1, 465, 491, 653-4, 691-2, 697, 699, 734-5, 745-56, 785; v. 752-3, 785, 791, 796; vi. 77-9, 84.
Jurien, Admiral, plenipotentiary to Mex., 1862, vi. 32, 35-6; instructions, 33.
Justice, courts of, iii. 541-2; administ. of, iii. 547; iv. 503-5; vi 483-7.
Kearny, Gen., exped. to Cal., v. 404; battle of Churubusco, v. 487.
Kératry, E. G., works of, vi. 278-9.
King, prerogatives of the, iii. 517-18; head of church, iii. 684-6.
King, Capt., capture of, 1836, v. 169.
King, F., death of, ii. 20-1.
Kollonitz, Countess P., 'The court of Mexico,' vi. 148.
La Barca, conflicts at, 1810, iv. 2056.
La Goleta, affair at, 1836, v. 169.
Lagos, C. de, guards Cortés, i. 49.
La Llave, Gen., defence of Puebla, 1863, vi. 66.
La Madrid, Gen., operations of, 1817, iv. 653.
La Soledad, convention of, 1862, vi. 39-40.
Las Cruces, battle of, 1810, iv. 177-85; plan, 177.
Las Cuevitas, affair at, 1858, v. 747.
Las Guayabitas, affair at, 1861, vi. 15.
Las Mesas, affair at, 1813, iv. 536.
Labaqui, Capt. J., defeat of, 1812, iv. 472.
Labastida, Archbishop, exile of, 1856, v. 677, 606; biog., vi. 81-3; return to Mex., etc., 1863, vi. 110-11.
Labazares, G. de, King's factor, 1564, ii. 599.
Lacunza, J. M., minister of relations, 1848, v. 566; president of Maximilian's cabinet, 1866, vi. 225.
Lafragua, J. M., minister of gobernacion, 1855, v. 676; of relations, 1872, vi. 385.
Lagos, town, founded, 1570, ii. 655.
Lagranda, F., writings, etc., of, 1821, iv. 742.
Laguna, Conde, in Nayarit war, 1721, iii. 322.
Laguna, Conde S. de, intendente of Zacatecas, iv. 207-10; disloyalty, iv. 211.
Laguna, Marqués de la, 28th viceroy, 1680, iii. 190; rule, 190-207; residencia, 1686, 207.
Lagunas, Juan Torre de, exped. against Chichimecs, ii. 655.
Land-tenure, Aztec, iii. 603-4; colonial, iii. 605-7, 623; republican, vi. 562-3.
Landa, Father D. de, cruelties of, ii. 676-7; bishop of Yucatan, 1573-9, 689; death, 1579, 689; character, 689.
Landa, Lieut-col, mutiny of, 185S, v. 735-6.
Landázuri, Comandante, defeats Rayon, 1813, iv. 523; defence of Valladolid, 1813, iv. 570-1.
Landeras de, Visitador V., arrival of, 6; recall, 6-7.
Landero, Gen. J. J., surrender of Vera Cruz, 1847, v. 445-6.
Lane, Gen., battle of Buena Vista, v. 425-6; affair at Huamantla, 1847, v. 528-9.
Langberg, Gen., defeat of, 1866, vi. 247.
La Piedad, Rayon at, 1811, iv. 312.
Lara, Bernardo Gomez de, defeat, etc., at Matehuala, 1811, iv. 322; death, 322.
Lara, Bernardo Gutierrez de, raids of, 1813, iv. 542-3.
Lardizábal, J. A. de, bishop of Puebla, declines archbishopric, 1729, iii. 351.
Lares, Contador A. de, influence with Velazquez, etc., i. 37; supports Cortés, i. 53, 63-4; death of, i. 490.
Lares, T., minister of justice, 1853, v. 626; 1866, vi. 225; president of assembly of notables, 1863, vi. 84; advice to Maximilian, vi. 240-1.
Larrainzar, M., works of, v. 806.
Larrainzar, I. T., minister of finance, 1866, vi. 226.
Las Casas, B. de, with Velazquez, 1511, i. 4; remonstrance, etc., of, i. 166; visits Campeche, 1545, ii. 453; pleads cause of Indians, 15^9-41, ii. 518; Loaisa. upholds, ii. 518; antislavery views, ii. 518-19; Cortes opposes, ii. 519; excommunicates Mendoza, ii. 533; bishop of Chiapas, ii. 533.
Lavallen, J. de, surrender of, iv. 207-8.
Lazarin, Doña M. R. de, plot of, 1811, iv. 331-2.
Lazo de la Vega, S., reveals conspiracy, 1546, ii. 5b8.
Le Grand Pierre, pirate leader, iii. 191; captures treasure-fleet, 190-1.
Lebrija, minister of the treasury, 1837, v. 181.
Ledesma, Father B. de, Montúfar's adviser, ii. 675; bishop of Oajaca, 6S4, 695.
Ledesma y Robles, M., attempts viceroy's life, 1660, hi. 148-9; execution of, 150.
Ledo, M., 'Esposicion,' v. 627; minister of the treasury, 1856, v. 687.
Ledo, O. M., minister of fomento, etc., 1859, v. 767.
Lefêvre, E., works of, vi. 361.
Legazpi, Mig. Gomez de, commands Philippine exped., 1564-5, ii. 599-630; founds Manila, 1565, ii. 600. Philippine exped., 1564-5, ii. 599-630; founds Manila, 1565, ii. 600.
Legislatures, constituent, estab. 1824, v. 21.
Legitimists, party, v. 112; project, 111-12.
Leixa, L. do, founds San Luis Potosí, 1576, ii. 763.
Lejoa, Gen., defeat of, 1863, vi. 107.
Lemaur, Brigadier F., treachery of, iv. 786; bombards Vera Cruz, 1823, v. 62.
Lemus, capture, etc., of, 1839, v. 209, 214.
Leon, A., occupies Oajaca, 1821, iv. 725.
Leon, A. de, gov. of Coahuila, 1689, iii. 226.
Leon Bros, sedition of, 1824, v. 55.
Leon, city, founded, 1584, ii. 777-8; renamed Monterey, 1596, 780.
Leon, F. A. de, Franciscan, ii. 779; missions in N. Leon, 1593, 779; curate of Monterey (1596), 780.
Leon, F. I. de, at siege of Mexico, ii. 157.
Leon, Gen., battle of Molino del Rey, v. 498, 501.
Leon, J. V. de, Cortés' captain, i. 70; character, etc., i. 77-8; partisan of Velazquez, i. 139; at Montezuma's seizure, i. 303-6; death of, i. 497; 'Comentarios,' MS., iii. 600.
Leon, M. de, 'Manual Breve,' iii. 725.
Leon, M. V. de, member of regency, 1821, iv. 736.
Leon, Nuevo Reino de, settlement of, 1575-1603, ii. 776-81.
Leon, V. de, minister of fomento, 1853, v. 627.
Leon y Gama, astronomer, mention of, vi. 641.
Léperos, descript. of, iii. 754; vi. 613-14.
Lerma River, Spanish cross, 1530, ii. 344-5.
Lerma, town, founded, 1614, iii. 28; affair at, 1812, iv. 414.
Lerdo, M., minister of fomento, 1855, v. 667; of the treasury, 1856, v. 687; death of, 1861, vi. 9; works of, iii. 646; vi. 661.
Lerdo, S., minister of justice, 1863, vi. 110; chief justice ad interim, 1867, vi. 353; acting president, 1872, vi. 386; biog., etc., vi. 391-2; rule, vi. 392-427; president-elect, vi. 396; revolution against, 419-27; flight, 1876, 427-8; review of administr. 428-9.
Lerdo Law, the, v. 693-4; vi. 471-2. Le Saint, L., 'Guerre du Mexique,' vi. 364.
Letona, P., envoy to U. S., iv. 234; death, 234.
Letters of marque issued, 1824-5, v. 62, 65.
L'Hérémite, J., Dutch admiral, 1623, iii. 81; death of, 81.
Liberals, dissensions among, v. 672, 690, 746; attitude of, 1857, v. 727; 1858, 742-3; forces, v. 734; campaign in Vera Cruz, 1859, v. 758-9; in Mex., v. 760-2; disasters, v. 770-2; defence of Vera Cruz, v. 777-80; operations, 1860, v. 781-3.
'Libro di Benedetto Bordone,' i. 280-1.
Liceaga, Gen. J. M. de, 'Adiciones y Rectificaciones,' iv. 156; at Guanajuato, iv. 223; operations of, 1812, iv. 393-4; district of, iv. 417; quarrels with Rayon, iv. 514-17; defeat at Puruándiro, 1813, 517; death of, 1818, iv. 694.
Lieber, Dr, arbiter on U. S. claims, 1870, vi. 443.
Linage, J. de V., 'Norte de la contra tacion,' iii. 645.
Liñan, Mariscal, operations, 1817, iv. 671-7; inactivity of, 1821, iv, 71213.
Linares, Col A., defeats insurgents, iv. 195-6; attack of, at Guanajuato, iv. 219; reënforces Valladolid, iv. 313; defeats Verdusco, 1813, iv. 512-13; operations at Mescala, 1813, iv. 539-40; defence of Guanajuato, 1817, iv. 679.
Linares, Duque de, 35th viceroy, 1711, iii. 285; rule, iii. 285-90; charity of, iii. 286, 290.
Linaz, A., founds apostolic college, 1682, iv. 97; biog., 97-8.
Literature, vi. 649-58.
Litigation, cost of, iii. 545-6.
Livermore, A. A., 'The War with Mexico Reviewed,' v. 548.
Lizana, F. J. de, 58th viceroy, 1809, iv. 76; rule, iv. 76-90; character, iv. 77; removal, iv. 89-90.
Llana, M. G., 'Méjico Histórico-Descriptivo,' v. 809.
Llano, Col, exped. of, 1811, iv. 341; comand. of Puebla, iv. 249-50; repulse at Izúcar, 1812, iv. 365; operations at Cuautla, iv. 365-71; operations of, 1812, iv. 401-5; relieves Valladolid, 1813, iv. 571-2; victory at Puruaran, 1814, iv. 573-4; siege of Mt Cóporo, 1815, iv. 609-11; surrender of, 1821, iv. 724.
Llave, P. de la, mention of, iv. 451; cabinet minister, 1823, v. 2-3.
Llera, town, founded, 1748, iii. 342.
Llerena, G. de, defends Cortés, 1229, ii. 290-1; seized by Delgaldillo, ii. 291.
Llorente, operations in Puebla, 1813, iv. 536.
Loans, ii. 764-6; iii. 676-7; iv. 79, 88-9, 376, 499-500, 493-4, 751, 776, 785; v. 4, 35-6, 260, 264, 297, 304-5, 320, 339, 524, 791; vi. 59, 135-6, 495-6.
Lobato, Gen. J. M., operations at Ixmiquilpan, 1812, iv. 429-30; revolt of, 1824, v. 12-13; revolution of 1828, v. 43.
Lobo, Chichimec chief, 1522, ii. 540. Lombardini, Gen. M. M., battle of Buena Vista, v. 419, 425-6; president, 1853, v. 621; biog., v. 621; rule, v. 621-8.
Lombardo, F. M., minister of relations, 1834, v. 136.
Loma Alta, affair at, 1860, v. 781.
Lopez, B., execution of, 1817, iv. 688.
Lopez, Gerónimo, procurador to Spain, 1545, ii. 527.
Lopez, Gonzalo, maestre de campo, 1530, ii. 359; sent to Michoacan, 1530, ii. 362.
Lopez, J. T., gov. of Yucatan, v. 86.
Lopez, M., snip-building, i. 326, 355, 562, 579; la noche triste, i. 490; siege of Mex., i. 674-5.
Lopez, Col M., appearance, vi. 299; jealousy against, 299; promotion, 300; character, 300; betrays Maximilian, 300-3.
Lopez, Oidor T., visitador to Yucatan, 1552, ii. 651; ordinances of, 1552, ii. 651-2.
Lorencez, Gen., arrival of, 1862, vi. 41; battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 47-50.
Lorencillo, pirate leader, iii. 194; sack of V. Cruz, 1683, 194-202.
Lorenzana, Dr F. A., archbishop of Mex., 1776, iii. 377-8; administ. 378; biog., 377-9; writings, 379-80. Los Guadalupes, secret club, 1812, iv. 377.
'Los Pueblos del Estado de Nayarit,' vi. 662.
Los Remedios, Fort, siege of, 1817, iv. 676-8, 683-5; plan of, 677; massacre at, 684-5.
Lower California, Cortés' visits, ii. 424; settlement of, iii. 235-7; Walker's raid in, 1853, v. 686; revolution in, 1875, vi. 413.
Lozada, M., defeat of, 1861, vi. 15; revolt of, 1872-3, vi. 699-701; execution, 701-2.
Lugo, F. de, battle of Centla, i. 87; aids Cortés, i. 134; at Montezuma's seizure, i. 303.
Luna y Arellano, C. de, gov. of Yucatan, 1604, iii. 152-3.
Luna y Arellano, T., commands Florida exped., 1559, ii. 594.
Macgregor, J., works of, iii. 648.
'Machete Conspiracy,' account of, 1799, iii. 494-5.
Maclure, W., 'Opinions on Various Subjects,' vi. 660-1.
Macpherson, D., 'Annals of Commerce,' etc., iii. 647.
Madera, defence of Pachuca, 1812, iv. 405-6; joins Clavarino, iv. 421.
Madera, P., crimes of, iii. 479; execution, iii. 479.
Madrepore Stone, used at V. Cruz, iii. 210-11.
Magarino Capt., evacuation of Mex., i. 471, 474.
Magnus, Baron, intercedes for Maximilian, vi. 315-16.
Maguey, uses of the, iii. 606-10; cultivation of the, vi. 570-6.
Maguey, hacienda de, engagement at, 1811, iv. 311.
Mails, iii. 639-40; vi. 551-2.
Maize, yield, iii. 607; cultivation of, vi, 567.
Maldonado, A., oidor, 1530, ii. 321.
Maldonado, F., oidor, 1527, ii. 274; death of, ii. 282.
Maldonado, F. C, gov. ad interim of Yucatan, 1631, iii. 156; 1635, iii. 157; Indian policy, iii. 158-9.
Maldonado, J. M., gov. of Oajaca, 1867, vi. 338.
Maldonado, R. P., cabinet minister, 1821, iv. 736.
Maldonado, Col. V., operations of, 1812, iv. 469-70.
Malinche, Indian name for Cortés, i. 226.
Malo, J. R., writings of, iv. 804.
Malo, L., command of, at Las Cruces, iv 180-1.
Mancera, Marqués de, 25th viceroy, 1664, iii. 169; rule, iii. 169-81; report of, 180; 'Providencias sobre Azogues,' iii. 600.
Manero, V. E., 'Documentos Interesantes sobre Colonizacion.'
Mangino, president of congress, 1822, iv. 778; crowns Iturbide, iv. 778.
Mangino, F., superintendente delegado de hacienda, iii. 405.
Mangino, R., treasury minister, 1830, v. 95.
Mani, hospital at, 1588, ii. 654.
Manila, Legazpi founds, 1565, ii. 600; trade with, ii. 601.
Manila Conducta, treasure of, appropriated, 1821, iv. 709; repaid, 1823, v. 4.
Maninalco, affair at, iv. 263-4.
Mañosca y Zamora, J. de, archbishop, 1645, iii. 108; sustains Jesuits, 1647, iii. 124; death, 1650, iii. 140.
Mansfield, Major, E. D., capture of Monterey, v. 383-4; works of, v. 551-2.
'Manual de Adultos,' vi. 650. Manufactures, fostered, ii. 536, 758-9; hist, of, iii. 608, 613-22; cotton, vi. 520-3; woolen goods, vi. 523-4; silk, vi. 524-5; paper, vi. 525; crockery, etc., vi., 525-6; tobacco, vi. 526-7.
Manzo, J. M., cabinet minister, 1821, iv. 736.
Maps, sectional of the conquest, i. 1, 18, 192, 322, 398, 492; Valley of Mex., i. 583; v. 470; Miztecapan and Goazacoalco, ii. 33; exped. of Montano, ii. 46; Panuco, ii. 98; Michoacan and Colima, ii. 343; Nueva Galicia, ii. 352, 690; Yucatan, iii. 158; v. 243, 580; vi. 371; Mixton War, ii. 492; Chichimec War, ii. 511; Mexico, ii. 555; Michoacan, ii. 692; v. 264; Oajaca; ii. 694; iii. 462; iv. 482; vi. 126; Tlascala, ii. 696; Transfer of Episcopal Seat, ii. 773; Kingdom of New Leon, ii. 778; Gulf of Mexico, iii. 151; Vera Cruz, iii. 219; Zacatecas, Aguas Calientes, San Luis Potosi, iii. 307; Nayarit, iii. 311, 318; Sierra Gorda, iii. 337; Guanajuato, Queretaro and Mexico, iii. 443; Michoacan and Guerrero, iii. 463; Guanajuato, iv. 124; Hidalgo's route, iv. 174; Guadalajara, iv. 203; Hidalgo's flight, iv. 267; Morelos' first campaign, iv. 298; Eastern districts, iv. 340; Morelos' second campaign, iv. 348; Bajio of Guanajuato, iv. 385; Puebla and Southern Vera Cruz, iv. 399; Seat of War, iv. 431; Mizteca, iv. 435; Campaigns in Puebla and Vera Cruz, iv. 477; The Revolution, iv. 509; operations in Michoacan, iv. 511; campaigns in the east, iv. 528, 629; Mina's operations, iv. 668; Texas, v. 157; v. 347; Tampico campaign, v. 208; Jalisco, v. 230; Santa Anna's movements, v. 270; Taylor's campaign, v. 378; Scott's march to Puebla, v. 459; Guerrero, v. 526; vi. 191; Paredes' campaign, v. 549; Sierra Gorda campaign, v. 577; campaign against Alvarez, v. 647; operations against Puebla, v. 702; Salamanca campaign, v. 733; Miramon's campaign, v. 756; Vera Cruz to Puebla, vi. 30; campaign in Michoacan, vi. 117; French operations in Jalisco, vi. 123; Nuevo Leon, vi. 120; operations in the north-east, vi. 164; Durango and Sinaloa, vi. 193, 248; Chihuahua, vi. 201; campaign in the northeast, vi. 250; March of Diaz to Mex., vi. 342.
Marañon, F. P., intend, of Guanajuato, iv. 228.
Maravatio, Castillo's headquarters at, 1813, iv. 521.
Maraver, P. G., bishop of Nueva,
Galicia, ii. 525, 549, 691; death of, 1552, ii. 691.
Marcy, Secretary W. L., variance with Scott, 1846, v. 369-71.
Marfil, real de minas, establ'd. at, 1554, iv. 131.
Margil, Padre, mission to Nayarit, 1711, iii. 316.
Maria, M. S., gov. of Nuevo Leon, iv. 240-1; execution of, 1811, iv. 279.
Mariano, conspiracy of, iii. 495-7.
Marin, Commander, squadron of, v. 776-8; capture, etc., 1860, 778-9.
Marin, L., joins Cortés, i. 165; at Espiritu Santo, ii. 35; defeat of, 1524, ii. 128.
Marin, T., minister of gobernacion, 1866, vi. 226.
Marina, biog., etc., of, i. 117-9; with Cortés exped., i. 197, 203, 228, 239-40, 300, 490.
Marino, Mariscal, P., reception of Mina, iv. 666.
Mariscal, L, minister of justice, 1868, vi. 367.
Markets, of Mex., i. 277, 294; regulations for, ii. 141-2; where held, etc., iii. 641.
Marquez, Capt., exped. to Tlascala, i. 607.
Marquez, Col., captures Cóporo, 1817, iv. 688-9.
Marquez, Gen. L., pronunciamiento of, 1849, v. 558-9; affair at Acámbaro, 1858, v. 747; battle of Ahualulco, v. 747; operations, 1859, v. 759-03, 770; 1860, v. 790-1; outrages of, v. 763-4j defeats, of 1801, vi. 15-17; revolt of, vi. 16: defeats Comonfort, 1863, vi. 66; superseded by Arteaga, vi. 73; defeats Arteaga, 1864, vi. 169; supports Maximilian, vi. 239; army of, 1866, vi. 244; appearance, etc., of, vi. 275; siege of Querétaro, 1867, vi. 284-8; escape from Querétaro, vi. 333; constructs cabinet, etc., vi. 334; attempts relief of Puebla, vi 336-7; defeated by Diaz, vi. 341; flight to Mex., vi. 341; extortions, etc., of, vi. 343; defence of Mex., vi. 343-6; resignation, etc., vi. 346; escape, vi. 349-50.
Marquez, Harbor, affair at, 1810, iv. 300.
Marquina, F. B. de, 55th viceroy, 1800, iii. 499; rule, iii. 499-504; capture, iii. 500; resignation, iii. 504.
Marroquin, Bishop, mediation of, ii. 495.
Marshall, Col., battle of Buena Vista, v. 423.
Martiena, J. M. de, works of, iv. 66. Martin, B., mission to Spain, i. 32; receives benefice of Ulua, i. 165; proceedings at Seville, 1510, i. 171.
Martin, Col. M., deputy to córtes, 1820, iv. 699.
Martin, R., with Narvaez' exped., i. 361.
Martin, Dr. San, capture of, 1818, iv. 693.
Martinez, E., constructs drainage canal, 1607-8; iii. 9-10; drainage scheme of, iii. 89-90; death of, iii. 90.
Martinez, F. P., minister to U. S., v. 316.
Martinez, Gen. operations of, 1866, vi. 247.
Martinez, J. A., revolutionist leader, iv. 586.
Martinez, Capt. M., joins Morelos, iv. 297-8.
Masseras, E., works of, vi. 359.
Mata, J. M., minister of the treasury, vi. 10.
Matamoros, City, seizure of, by Mejía, 1832, v. 114; revolt at, 1839, v. 209; capture, etc., of, by laylor, 1846, v. 347-67; plans of, v. 351; vi. 199; raid on, 1851, v. 604; siege of, 1865, vi. 199; captured by republicans, 1866, vi. 252; evacuated by the French, 1866, vi. 254-5; captured by Diaz, 1876, vi. 423.
Matamoros, Cura, at Cuautla, iv. 303-4.
Matamoros, Gen. organizes forces, iv. 471; at Oajaca, iv. 483-5; defeats Dambrini, 1813, iv. 551; victory at San Agustin del Palmar, iv. 557; district of, 1813, iv. 505; defeat at Valladolid, iv. 570-2; at Puruaran, iv. 573-4; execution, 1814, iv. 574.
Matanzas, Velazquez founds, 1511, i. 4.
Matchuala, engagements at, 1811, iv. 321-2.
Matienzo, J. O. de, oidor, 1527, ii. 274; excommunicated, ii. 291; arrested, 1531, ii. 327; sent to Spain, 1532, ii. 328.
Matlalzincas, Sandoval chastises, i. 604-5.
Matlazahuatl, Epidemic, ravages of 1545, ii. 529; 1575-7, ii. 657-9; 1736-7, iii. 353; descript. of, iii. 750.
May, Capt., charge of at Reseca de la Palma, v. 359.
Maximilian, Emperor F., crown of Mex. offered to, 1803, vi. 80; biog. vi. 88-90; works of, vi. 90; crown of Mex. accepted by, vi. 90, 104-5, 130-8; appearance, vi. 105-6; resigns claim to throne of Austria, vi. 130-7; convention with Napoleon, vi. 138-40; arrival at Vera Cruz, vi. 143 — 1; reception at Puebla, vi. 145-6; at Mex., vi. 140-8; measures, vi. 147-58, 224-7, 241-2; cabinets, vi. 150, 177, 225-6, 334; opposition to, vi. 159-61; constitution of the empire, vi. 171-3; decree of, 1865, vi, 183-5; withdrawal of French troops, vi. 207-9, 243, 207-8; appeal to Napoleon, vi. 209-10; forces, etc., vi. 215-10; residences, vi. 218-21; mode of life, vi. 221; dress, vi. 222; amusements, vi. 222-3; religious observances, vi. 223; proposed abdication in, 1800, vi. 230-2; vacillation of, vi. 230-7; advice offered to, vi. 238-40; assumes command, vi. 2712; besieged at Querétaro, 1807, vi. 277-304; betrayed by Lopez, vi. 299-303; surrender of, vi. 304; ill treatment of, vi. 306-7; proposed escape, vi. 307-8, 315; trial, vi. 308-14; intercession for, vi. 315-17; execution, vi. 317-20; remarks on the empire, vi. 322-3; character, etc., vi. 323-6.
Maximilian, Empress M., C. A., character, etc., vi. 106-7; appeal to Napoleon, 180(3, vi. 211-12; insanity of, vi. 212-13; occupations, etc., vi. 218; residences, vi. 218-21; mode of life, vi. 221-2; religious observances, vi. 223.
Maxixcatzin, D., gov. of Tlascala, 1534, ii. 27.
Maxixcatzin, J., crowned, etc., by Cortés, i. 558.
Maxixcatzin, Lord, ruler of Ocotelulco, i. 199; friendly to Cortés, i. 211-12; hospitality to Spaniards, i. 505-8; fealty of, i. 517-19; death of, i. 545.
Maxorra, Cacique, defeat, etc., of, ii. 545.
May, Col, battle of Buena Vista, v. 428.
Mayas, i. 19, 81, 94.
Mayer, B., works of, v. 552-3.
Mayo, conspiracy of, iv. 306.
Mayorga, M. de, 47th viceroy, 1779, iii. 381; rule, iii. 383-5.
Mazapil District, mining in, vi. 513.
Mazatlan, uprising in, 1851, v. 607; attacked by republicans, 1866, vi. 249.
Mcintosh, battle of Molino del Rey, v. 500-2.
McLane, R. M., U. S. minister, v. 755; treaty of 1859, v. 773-5.
Medal, of Apatzingan Congress, 1814, iv. 604.
Medellin, town, Sandoval founds, ii. 34-5; relocated, ii. 141.
Mediana, A. de V., gov. of Yucatan, 1586-93, ii. 650; Ind. policy, ii. 653.
Medicine, practice, etc., of, iii. 758-9; medical board, 758.
Medina, A., cabinet minister, 1821, iv. 736.
Medina, B. de, works of, iii. 722-3.
Medina, M. de, command, etc., of Zacatecas, 18.11, iv. 317.
Meglia, Nuncio, reception, etc. of, vi. 588.
Medrano, P. de, siege of Mex., i. 656.
Mejía, minister of the treasury, 1872, vi. 385; 1876, vi. 425.
Mejía, G., joins Cortés exped., i. 65; treasurer, i. 129, 136, 341; quarrel with Velazquez, i. 344; evacuation of Mex., i. 470.
Mejía, J., minister of war, 1872, vi. 385.
Mejía, J. A., revolt of, 1835, v. 146; defeat at Acajete, v. 211-12; execution, v. 212.
Mejía, Gen. T., the Monterey campaign, v. 379; battle of Ahualulco, 1858, v. 747; defeat of, 1861, vi. 15; operations of, 1863, vi. 118-19, 121; 1866, vi. 251-2, 256; forces of, 1866, 244; appearance, etc., of, vi. 275; siege of Querétaro, 1867, vi. 284-304; trial of, vi. 309; execution, vi. 317-20.
Melchor, Indian captive, mention of i. 9; in Grijalva's exped., i. 23; interpreter, i. 79; death of, i. 92.
Melgarejo, Friar, mission to Tapia, ii. 69.
Melgarejo de Urrea, mission to Spain, 1522, ii. 82-3.
Melian, F. N., gov. of Yucatan, 1643-4, iii. 159.
Melian, P., hscal, 1647, iii. 124.
Mendez, Gen., appearance, etc., of, vi. 275; siege of Queretaro, 1867, vi. 285-98; execution of, vi. 305-6.
Mendez, S., gov. of Yucatan, 1840, v. 218.
Mendieta, G. de, biog., ii. 667; defends friars, ii. 668-9; works of, ii. 668, 785.
Mendiola, G. de, bishop of Nueva Galicia, 1571-9, ii. 691.
Mendiola, G. M. de, exped. to Nayarit, 1715-16, iii. 316-17.
Mendiola, M. de, deputy to córtes, 1810, iv. 446.
Mendivil, J. de, operations at Las Cruces, iv. 178-82.
Mendivil, J. M., gov. of fed. district, 1824, v. 25-6; 'Breve Reseña Historica,' v. 45.
Mendoza, Alonso de, mission to Spain, i. 551.
Mendoza, Antonio de, viceroy, 1530, ii. 375-6; character, ii. 376; offices and prerogatives, ii. 376-7; instructions to, ii. 377-8; reception, ii. 378-9; rule, ii. 381-559; residencia, ii. 532; excommunicated, ii. 533; resignation of, ii. 559; instructions to Velasco, ii. 560-1; progress under, ii. 561; death of, ii. 561.
Mendoza, F. de, mention of, ii. 537, 559.
Mercado, G. V., de, exped. of, 1552, ii. 549-60.
Mercado, J. M., operations of, 1810, iv. 207-8; defeat of, 1811, iv. 203-4; death of, iv. 204.
Mercenaries, introduced by Cortés, 1530, ii. 303; estab'd, 1589, ii. 730; missions, ii. 736; progress, iii. 721.
Mérida, founded, 1542, ii. 447; episcopal see, 1501, ii. 688; declared a city, 1018, iii. 154; coat of arms, 154; secession declared at, 1829, v. 86; revolt in, 1840, v. 218; pronunciamiento, etc., at, 1809, vi. 371; disturbances, etc., in, 1873, vi. 411; Jesuit college at, vi. 634.
Merino, M., intendente of Valladolid; iv. 100; capture of, 171; rescue of, 201.
Merlo, J. de, suspends Jesuits' licenses, 1047, iii. 122; bishop's delegate, 120; severity of, 129.
Mescal, distillation of, iii. 609.
Mescala Rock, siege of, 1813, iv. 538-40; surrender of, 1810, iv. 655.
Mestizos, expelled from Indian towns, ii. 573-4; characteristics, iii. 733; disabilities, iii. 752-4; intermarriage, iii. 752-3; condition, etc., of, v. 570-7; general mention, vi. 607-9.
Mexican Geographical and Statistical Society, mention of, vi. 644.
Mexican Provincial Council, cédulas concerning, 1709, iii. 374-5; installation, 1771, iii. 375; personnel, iii. 370; acts, iii. 376.
Mexico, name, i. 12-14; arms of the repub., i. 13; early civilization, i. 94-7; conquest of, i. 116-694; authorities on the conquest, i. 694-702; divided into provinces, 1534, ii. 391; diocese of, ii. 391, 550; iii. 690; map of, iii. 443; population of intendencia of, 1790, iii. 470; limits, iii. 531-2; political divisions, 532; condition of, 1808, iv. 40-2; proposed independence, iv. 42-5, 73-5; loyalty to Spain, iv. 40-8; war of independence, 1810-21, iv. 102-733; deputies to córtes, 1810, iv. 441-2; equality with Spain, iv. 443-4, 447; effect of Fernando VII measures, 1814, iv. 590-000; revolutionary tendencies in, 1820, iv. 7004; financial condition, 1822, iv. 748-52; Iturbide's empire, 1822-3, iv. 770-801; states and territories, 1824, v. 21-5; foreign relations, 1823-84, v. 46-53; vi. 487-8; Spanish invasion of, 1829-30, v. 71-6; Texan affairs, v. 150-82, 240-7, 203; independence recognized by pope, 1837, v. 179; by Spain, 1830, v. 181-2; war with France, 1838-9, v. 180-205; accession of Soconusco, 1842, v. 240-1; causes of war with U. S., v. 307-44; claims paid by, v. 320; war preparations, 1845, v. 339; war with U. S., v. 340-550; treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, v. 539-43; review of republican era, v. 790-802; the McLane-Ocampo treaty, 1859, v. 773-5; foreign intervention, 1800, v. 788-9; 1801, vi. 21-; national debt, vi. 18-19, 38, 175-6, 458; invasion by European powers, 1861-2, vi. 29-43; internal dissensions, vi. 31-2; war with France, 1862-7, vi. 45-268; distaste for monarchy, vi. 90-1; colonization schemes, vi. 170-4; losses in war of intervention, 1863-7, vi. 348; relations with U. S., etc., 1854-83, vi. 356-7, 442-7; with Italy, 1868, vi. 358; treaty with Prussia, 1809, vi. 358; relations reëstabl. with Spain, 1871, vi. 358; famine in, 1809, vi. 372; relations with England, vi. 415, 455-6; relations renewed with Portugal, 1879, vi. 441; with Belgium, 1879, vi. 441; with France, 1880, vi. 441; U. S. claims, vi. 4424; treaty with U. S., 1883, vi. 447; 1884, vi. 450; Cent. Amer. affairs, 1824-82, vi. 452-5; treaty with Germany, 1883, vi. 455; with Italy, 1883, vi. 455; with Belgium, 1883, vi. 455; with Spain, 1883, vi. 455; party spirit, etc., in, vi. 406-70; congress, vi. 473-4; the executive, vi. 474-8; municipal administr., vi. 479, 481; territorial divisions, vi. 480; state govt, vi. 481; the suffrage, vi. 481-2; elections, vi. 482-3; administ. of justice, vi. 483-7; naturalization, vi. 488-9; colonization, vi. 489-92; revenue and taxation, vi. 492-7, 530; loans, etc., 1823-80, vi. 495-0; army, vi. 498-503; navy, vi. 503-4; mining, vi. 505-17; mints, vi. 518; coinage, vi. 518-19, 552-3; manufactures, vi. 520-7; fisheries, vi. 527-9; fairs, vi. 530-2; exhibitions, vi. 530-1; commerce, vi. 533-6, 549-50; customs, vi. 530-8; mercantile marine, vi. 540; carrying trade, vi. 541-4; tariffs, etc., vi. 545-8; roads, vi. 548-9; banking, vi. 551; mails, vi. 551-2; railroads, vi. 553-9; telegraphs, vi. 559-60; agriculture and stock-raising, vi. 561-79; church affairs, vi. 580-97; society, etc., vi. 598-629; education, vi. 630-9; science, vi. 640-5; antiquities, vi. 642-3; arts, vi. 645-9; literature, vi. 649-58.
Mexico, city, ancient arms of, i. 13; Aztec capital, i. 96-7; Cortes' march to, i. 191-287; description of, 1519, i. 275-9; 1800, iii. 473-8; plans of, i. 280; ii. 14; v. 499; vi. 219; la noche triste, i. 463-81; siege of, 1521, i. 613-88; rebuilding, etc., of, ii. 8-18; population, 1524-1600, ii. 17, 759; 1790, iii. 470; privileges, ii. 17-18; civil commotions at, 1525, ii. 211-14; improvements in, ii. 382-3; iii. 889, 186, 350; first church in, ii. 3878; cathedral of, ii. 389; iii. 173-8; map of archdiocese, ii. 555; inundated, 1553, ii. 592-3; dike constructed, 1553, ii. 593; factious brawls in, 1565, ii. 605-6; flooded, 1589, ii. 659-60; 1607, iii. 8; 1627-9, iii. 85-7; 1689, iii. 227-8; Velasco embellishes, ii. 759; proposed removal of site, iii. 7, 87-8; aqueduct completed, iii. 28; under interdict, 1624, iii. 58-9; revolt against Gelves, iii. 59-64; interdict removed, iii. 64; punishment of rioters, iii. 75-6; condition, etc., of, 1692, iii. 232-5; corn riot in, 1692, iii. 23248; earthquakes in, 1711, iii. 285-6; 1787, iii. 460; 1800, iii. 498; 1845, v. 282-3; famine, etc., in, 1714, iii. 286; disturbances in, 1808, iv. 58; garrison, etc., of, 1810, iv. 160, 186; alarm in, iv. 185-7; condition of, 1812, iv. 360; mutiny at, 1821, iv. 717-18; occupied by revolutionists, 1821. iv. 731-2; Lobato's revolt, 1824, v. 12-13; a federal district, 1824, v. 25-26; pillage in, 1828, v. 43; revolt in, 1829, v. 91; invested by Santa Anna, 1832, v. 119-20; martial law in, 1833, v. 119, 133; 1847, v. 525, 529; 1860, v. 792; 1863, vi. 71; federalist revolt in, 1840, v. 220-3; occupied by Santa Anna, 1841, v. 234-6; revolt against Santa Anna, 1844-5, v. 272-7; revolts in, 1846, v. 299, 305; defences of, v. 472; occupation by Scott, 1847, v. 519-21; industrial exhibition in, 1849, v. 593; occupation, etc., by Marquez, 1859, v. 761-4; by Ortega, 1860, v. 795; by the French, 1863, vi. 74; siege of, by republicans, 1867, vi. 342-7. Mexico, state of, congress of, installed, 1824, v. 22; revolt in, 1 330, v. 103; republican operations in, 1866, vi. 262-3; curtailment of terr., etc., vi. 370.
Mexico, valley of, early civilization in, i. 94-7; location, i. 95; map of, i. 583; lakes of, described, iii. 8; drainage of, iii. 8-11; vi. 564-7. Meztitlan, revolt at, suppressed, ii. 74.
Michelena, J. M. de, plot of, iv. 4023; member of the executive, 18234, v. 2, 8, 12; minister of war, 1837, v. 181.
Micheltorena, Gen., battle of Buena Vista, v. 425; campaign in Yucatan, 1850-1, v. 586.
Michoacan, visited by Parrillas, ii. 44-5; maps of, ii. 343, 692; iii. 463; iv. 511; v. 264; invaded by Guzman, 1529, ii. 344-50; province of, created, 1534, ii. 391; diocese of, established, 1536, ii. 391-3; condition of, 1532, ii. 470-1; Quiroga's reforms in, 1533, ii. 471-2; church affairs, in, 1565-1602, ii. 692-4; Jesuits enter, 1573, ii. 707-8; Franciscan province founded, etc., in, ii. 718-19; Valladolid the capital of, 1580, ii. 774; mining in, iii. 592; bishopric of, iv. 167; extent of, iv. 170; revolution in, 1811-13, iv. 323, 422-3, 511-13, 518-21, 538-40; campaign in, 1812, iv. 384-6; 1817, iv. 653-5; revolt in, 1830, v. 103; 1833, v. 132-5; factions, etc., in, 1851, v. 607; republican operations in, 1866, vi. 25861, insurrection in, 1874-5, vi. 412 — 13.
Mier, Col ii., defeat of, at Urepctiro, 1811, iv. 247-8; operations at Oajaca, 1812, iv. 483-4.
Mier, Dr S. T. de, biog., iv. 451; writings, 451-2; return from exile, iv. 780; imprisoned in Ulúa, iv. 780-1; opposition to Iturbide, iv. 781; opposes federation, v. 11-12.
Military commissions, created, 1813, iv. 491; espionage, iv. 501-2.
Militia, iii. 250, 402-14, 487-9.
Mimiahuapan, affair at, 1813, iv. 534.
Mina, F. J., biog., iv. 659-60; exped., 1817, iv. 659-80; character, iv. 667; capture, iv. 680-1, execution, iv. 681-2; causes of failure, iv. 682-3.
Mining, discoveries, ii. £51-2, 595-7; iii. 578-80; regulations, iii. 580-2, 592-7; vi. 503-8; process, iii. 582, 597; vi. 509-10; districts, iii. 588-92; hist, of, iii. 553-99; vi. 505-17; authorities on, iii. 599-601.
Miñon, Gen., capture of Borland, 1847, v. 417-18; battle of Buena Vista, v. 432.
Mint, establ., 1535, iii. 669; regulations, iii. 670; coinage, iii. 670-5; officials, iii. 672-4; buildings, iii. 673; tribunal, iii. 673-4; at Guanajuato, 1810, iv. 166; at Guadalajara, 1813, iv. 537; general mention, vi. 517-18.
Miota, Capt. J. B., defeats Ojeda, 1813, iv. 552-3.
'Miramar á Mexico,' vi. 148.
Miramon, Gen. M., battle of Ahualulco, 1858, v. 747; provis. president, 1859, v. 753; cabinets, v. 754, 766-7, 785; biog., v. 754-5; rule, v. 756-94; flight of, v. 794; battle of San Miguel Calpulálpan, 1860, v. 793; arrest of, 1862, vi. 39, supports Maximilian, vi. 239; army of, 1866, vi. 244; operations of, 1867, vi. 270; appearance, etc., of, vi. 275; siege of Querétaro, 1867, vi. 285-304; trial of 309; intercession for, vi. 316-17; execution, v. 317-20.
Miranda, Padre F. J., minister of justice, 1858, v. 745; designs of, v. 766.
Missions, royal encouragement to, ii. 409; in Yucatan, ii. 451-5; in Nayarit, iii. 229-31; in Sierra Gorda, iii. 338; in Nuevo Santander, iii. 344-8; secularization of, iii. 712-13.
Mixton war, ii. 492-511.
Miyares, Brigadier, services in Vera Cruz, 1816, iv. 640-1.
Mizteca, insurrection in, 1812, iv. 398; revolution in, 1811-12, iv. 433-40; 1814, iv. 583; 1816, iv. 642; map of, iv. 435; campaign in, 1817, iv. 653.
Miztecapan, Cortés explores, i. 320; map of, ii. 33; province of, created, 1534, ii. 391.
Miztec monarchies, brief account of, ii. 36-7.
Miztecs, early campaigns against, ii. 37-8.
Moctezuma, F., minister of war, 1829, v. 80; revolt of, 1832, v. Ill; occupies San Luis Potosí, v. 114-15; defeat at Fuerte del Gallinero, v. 117.
Mojonera, battle of, 1873, vi. 400.
Moledor, Arroyo, affair at, 1810, iv. 299-300.
Molino del Rey, battle of, 1847, v. 497-505.
Molucca Islands, Cortés' offer to conquer, 1826, ii. 256; Loaisa's exped., 1525, ii. 257; Cabot's exped., 1526, ii. 257; proposed search for, ii. 256-9; fate of Saavedra's exped., ii. 257-0.
Mon, ambassador, treaty with Almonte, 1859, v. 775-6.
Monarchists, party, v. 283.
Monasterio, minister, reply to U. S. envoy, 1836, v. 312-13; the Texan question, v. 326.
Monclova, conspiracy at, 1811, iv. 272-3; govt council at, iv. 272; revolt at, 1839, v. 209.
Monclova, Conde de, 29th viceroy, 1686, iii. 221-2.
Monopolies, commercial, effect of, iv. 16.
Monopolies, government, quicksilver, iii. 583-4, 662; salt, iii. 587; pulque, iii. 609; tobacco, iii. 613-14, 663; iv. 749; gunpowder, iii. 662; paper, iii. 663; ice, iii. 663; cards, etc., iii. 663-1.
Monsalve, Gen. P., captures Huichapan, 1813, iv. 527-9; takes Zimapan, iv. 529-30.
Montalvo, G. de, bishop of Yucatan, 1579, ii. 684; transferred to Cuzco, 1587, ii. 689; death, 1593, ii. 689.
Montañez, J. de O., 31st viceroy, 1696, iii. 256; biog., etc., iii. 256; rule, iii. 256-9; reappointed, 1701, iii. 268; rule, iii, 268-78; archbishop, 1699, iii. 276-7; death of, iii. 277-8.
Montaño, F., ascends Popocatepetl, 1521, ii. 29-31; exped. to Michoacan, ii. 45-8; map of exped., ii. 46.
Montano, Lieut-col, plan of, 1827, v. 37 — 8.
Monteagudo, Dr M., mention of, iv. 701-2.
Monteblanco, Fort, capture of, 1816, iv. 641.
Monte de Piedad, founded, 1775, iii. 761.
Montejo, F. de, Grijalva's exped., i. 16, 25; Cortés' captain, i. 70; character, etc., i. 75-6; ii. 430, 435; mission to Spain, i. 168-72; gov. of Yucatan, 1526, ii. 430; grants to, ii. 431; instructions, ii. 431; exped. to Yucatan, 1527, ii. 431-41; 1537, ii. 442-5; to Tabasco, ii. 441-2; gov. of Honduras, 1535, ii. 44i; departs for Chiapas, etc., ii. 445; residencia of, 1545, 1548, ii. 449-50; death of, ii. 450-1.
Montejo, F. de, jr, exped. to Yucatan, 1540-7, ii. 445-9; founds Campeche, 1540, ii. 445; founds Mérida, 1542, ii. 447; founds Valladolid, 1543, ii. 447.
Montemayor, D. de, settles in Nuevo Leon, 1584, ii. 776-7; grants to, confirmed, 1585, ii. 778-9; capt.gen. N. Leon, 1596, ii. 779-80.
Montemayor, oidor, works of, iii. 550.
Montepio Militar, founding of, iii. 422-3.
Monterey, founded, 1596, ii. 780; first cathedral in, iii. 693; junta of, v. 5-6; captured by federalists, 1839, v. 209; by Taylor, 1846, v. 376-402; fortifications, v. 380-2; plan, v. 381.
Monterey, Conde de, 9th viceroy, 1595, ii. 766; character, ii. 767; iii. 1-2; rule, 767-84; transferred to Peru, iii. 2; death of, 1606, iii. 2; residencia, iii. 5.
Montes, E., minister of justice, 1885, v. 676.
Montes-claros, Marqués de, 10th viceroy, 1603, iii. 5.
Montserrat, brotherhood of, organized, 1580, ii. 736-7.
Montúfar, A. de, archbishop, 1551, ii. 663; death of, 1572, ii. 674; character, ii. 674-5.
Montezuma II., descent, i. 98; character, i. 98-9, 455-8; rule, i. 99-100; superstition of, i. 100-14, 266-7; Grijalva's exped., etc., i. 113-15; envoys and presents to Cortés, i. 116-30, 156, 220-4, 231, 239, 243, 254; vacillation of, i. 125-6; taxcollectors seized by Cortés, i. 14651; perplexity of, i. 155; effect of Cortés victories on, i. 219-20, 223; invite? Cortés to Mex., i. 231, 255; subterfuge, etc., of, i. 265; meeting with Cortés, i. 280-6; reception of Cortés, i. 287-93; palace of, i. 192; seizure of, i. 303-8; captivity of, i. 309-27; treatment as captive, i. 328-52; opposes Cácama's conspiracy, i. 330-4; swears allegiance to Cortés, i. 336-7; opposes destruction of idols, i. 346-9; aids Alvarado, i. 422; fealty to Cortés, i. 426; effect of Cortés' rudeness on, i. 428-9; speech to his countrymen, i. 440-1; death of, i. 452-5; wives, i. 458-9; descendants, i. 458-60; obsequies, i. 464-5; Indian claimant to throne of, 1808, iv. 73-4.
Montezuma, Col J., operations of, 1812, iv. 400-1.
Montezuma, Conde de, 32d viceroy, 1696, iii. 259; rule, iii. 259-65; loyalty suspected, iii. 263-4; returns to Spain, 1 702, iii. 264.
Mora, I., divulges plot, v. 57; minister of war, 1837, v. 184; 1846, v. 299.
Mora, J. M. L., works of, iv. 824.
Mora y Villamil, Gen., battle of Buena Vista, v. 424-7, 430; negotiations with Trist, 1847, v. 492.
Morales, Gen., campaign in Yucatan, 1842-3, v. 242-3; defence of Vera Cruz, 1847, v. 442-5.
Morales y Molina, A. R. de, bishop of Michoacan, 1565-72; ii. 693; of Puebla, ii. 697.
Moran, victory at San Andres, 1816, iv. 639.
Morante, C., treachery of, iv. 332.
Morelos, Gen. J. M., mention of, iv. 202; biog., iv. 293-4; character, iv. 294-6; meeting with Hidalgo, iv. 206-7; first campaign, 1811, iv. 297306; plan of campaign, iv. 298; plots against, iv. 305-6, 344-5; measures, iv. 343-4; second campaign, 1811-12, iv. 348-51: plan of campaign, iv. 348; defeats Porlier, iv. 356-7; defence of Cuautla, 1812, iv. 362-72; relieves Huajuapan, 1812, iv. 438-40; third campaign, 1812, iv. 468-90; plans, iv. 489-90; captures Acapulco, 1813, iv. 545-51; convokes congress, iv. 559-60; deis of, iv. 559-65; decrees of, iv. 564-7; defeat at Valladolid, 1813, iv. 569-73; resignation of, iv. 576-7; capture, iv. 615-18; trial, etc., iv. 619-21; execution, 1815, iv. 622; character, iv. 622-5.
Morelos, state, organized, etc., 1869, vi. 369.
Morelos, town, affair at, 1840, v. 215.
Moreno, M., operations of, 1812, iv. 399-401.
Moreno, Gen. T., capture of Puebla, 1856, v. 701-3.
Moret, Gen., mention of, vi. 292-3.
Morla, F. de, Cortés' captain, i. 70; evacuation of Mex., i. 471; death of, i. 481.
Morones, Dr, juez de residencia, 1557, ii. 548-9.
Morote, G., juez de residencia, 1661, iii. 150.
Morquecho, D. N. de, gov. of Nueva Galicia, iii. 298.
Morrier, M., envoy to Mex., v. 51.
Mota, A. de la, bishop of Nueva Galicia, 1590, ii. 692.
Mota, I. de la, bishop of Puebla, iii. 119.
Mota Padilla, M. de la, works of, ii. 515.
Motolinia, Father T. de, works, etc., of, ii. 187-8, 785.
Moya y Contreras, P. de, coadjutor of archbishop, 1572, ii. 675; chief inquisitor; 1571, ii. 678; archbishop, 152. ii. 682-3; biog., ii. 682; rupture with viceroy, ii. 683; crown sustains, ii. 683-4; summons council, 1584, ii. 684; royal visitador, 1583, ii. 740; sixth viceroy, 1584, ii. 740; rule, 1584-5, ii. 740-1; charges against, ii. 741; returns to Spain, ii. 742; president India Council, ii. 742; death, 1091, ii. 742.
Municipal government, ii. 139-40; iii. 521-31; iv. 502.
Muñiz, Gen. M., in Michoacan, iv. 312-13; repulse at Valladolid, iv. 314; defeat at Acuitzio, 1811, iv. 337; district of, 1813, iv. 505; treachery of, iv. G56.
Muñoz, A., royal commissioner, 1507, ii. 625; character, ii. 625; tyranny of, ii. 620-9; deposed, 1508, ii. 630-2; death, 1508, ii. 632.
Munroe, Major, capture of Monterey, v. 390.
Munster, S., works of, i. 257-8.
Murguia, J. M., intend, of Oajaca, 1812, iv. 488, 502-3.
Muriel, D., 'Fasti Novi Orbis,' iii. 724.
Murphy, T., minister of foreign affairs, 1807, vi. 334.
Muzquiz, Gen. M., president ad interim, 1832, v. 115; biog., v. 115-10; cabinet, v. 116.
Nahua civilization, i. 94-7, 639.
Napoleon I., career of, iv. 1-3.
Napoleon III., instructions to Gen. Forey, etc., 1862, vi. 54-5; withdrawal of French troops, vi. 208, 243.
Narvaez, P. de, Velazquez' lieut, 1511, i. 4; character, etc., i. 358-9; exped. to Mex., 1520, i. 301-3; summons Villa Rica to surrender, i. 64-5; proceeds against Cortés, i. 370-2; seizes Cortés' treasures, i. 372-3; estranges his followers, i. 372; proposals to Cortés, i. 382; treatment of Cortés' messengers, i. 384-5; defeated at Cempoala, i. 393-7; capture of, i. 397-8; imprisonment, i. 405; release, etc., ii. 77-8.
Nautla, battle of, 1519, i. 259; sack of, i. 200.
Navarro y Rodriguez, C., 'Iturbide,' iv. 825.
Navidad, Philippine fleet at, 1503-4, ii. 666; burned, 1587, ii. 746.
Naval department, San Bias, iii. 420-1.
Navigation, internal, facilities for, iii. 638.
Navy, v. 65-6, 570-1, 744, 770-9; vi. 403-4.
Nayarit, province, extent, iii. 310-11; inhabitants, iii. 311-13; maps of, iii. 311, 318; expeditions to, iii. 313-17; chief visits Mex., 1720-1, iii. 317-21; conquest of, 1721-2, iii. 321-8; named Nuevo Reino de Toledo, iii. 328; missions, etc., founded, iii. 329; revolts, 1722-3, iii. 329-30; Franciscans in, 170-7, iii. 331; condition, 170-89, iii. 330-1.
Nayarit, town, surrendered by imperialists, 1807, vi. 352.
Negrete, E. del C, works of, iv. 624-5.
Negrete, Gen. M., battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1802, vi. 47-50; operations of, 1803, vi. 121; 1865, vi. 190-8; pronunciamiento of, 1869, vi. 372-3; defeat of, vi. 373; insurrection of, 1868, vi. 300.
Negrete, Gen. P. C, mention of, iv. 245; operations at Urepetiro, 1810, iv. 248; operations of, 1811, iv. 324-5; 1812, iv. 387-90; defeats Verdusco, 1813, iv. 512; repulse at Mescala, 1813, iv. 540; capture of Mescala, 1816, iv. 655; captures Durango, 1821, iv. 715-10; declares against Iturbide, 1823, iv. 796; member of executive, 1823, iv. 802; exiled, 1827, v. 58.
Negroes, conspiracy of, 1537, ii. 3845; 1540, ii. 537-8; number, ii. 575; intermarry with Indians, ii. 772; revolt of, 1009, iii. 11-12; 1009, iii. 172; 1735, iii. 352-3; emancipation of, iii. 751-2; protection of, iii. 7512; restrictions, iii. 753.
Nevares, A. O. de, gov. of Yucatan, 1593-4, ii. 650.
New Laws, the, passed, ii. 510; Las Casas' efforts in behalf of, ii. 51819; approved by the emperor, 1542, ii. 519; amplified, ii. 519; provisions of the, ii. 519-21; proclaimed, etc., ii. 523; modification of, 1545, ii. 527; disregarded, ii. 527; revolts caused by, ii. 527-8; enforcement of, ii. 565-6.
New Mexico, expeditions to, 1540-98, ii. 781-2; Spaniards driven from, 1680, iii. 251; reconquered, 1692, 251-2; revolt in, 1696, 252.
New Leon, map, ii. 778.
New Spain (see also Mexico), name, i. 20; iii. 372.
Nezahualpilli, astrologer, divinations of, i. 103-7; death, 330.
Nicaragua, the Contreras revolt, ii. 527; gold-gathering in, iii. 566-9.
Niza, M. de, explorations of, 1539, ii. 467.
Nobility, local, iii. 755; iv. 94-5.
Noche Triste, la, i. 463-81.
Nochistlan, burned, 1530, ii. 352-3; capture of, 1541, ii. 507.
Nochistongo, tunnel of, completed, 1608, iii. 9-10; cutting of, vi. 565.
Nolan, Philip, raid of, iv. 33.
Noriega, Gen. M., defence of Puebla, 1867, vi. 335-6.
Novella, Mariscal F., 62d viceroy, 1821, iv, 718-20; rule, 720-31.
Novenarios, name, v. 37.
'NovusOrbis,'i. 281-2.
Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion, city, see Chilpancingo.
Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, image of, iii. 478; iv. 91, 186-7; banner of, iv. 187.
Nueva Galicia, descript. of, ii. 59-60; Guzman's conquest of, 1530, ii. 344-65; maps of, ii. 352, 492; condition of, 1537, ii. 462; 1538-41, ii. 490-2; Indian revolt in, 1538, ii. 463-4; 1541, ii. 493-4; oppression of natives, ii. 538-9; govt, etc., of, 1548, ii. 547-8; iii. 296-301; Guadalajara, capital of, ii. 548; see of, establ'd, 1544, ii. 549; mineral discoveries, ii. 551-2; loss of population, ii. 552-3; map of bishopric, ii. 690; prelates, 1548-96, ii. 691-2; Jesuits visit, 1574, ii. 708-9; extent, iii. 296; governors, iii. 297-8; industrial condition, iii. 303-4; population, iii. 304; revolution in, 1810, iv. 2028; 1821, iv. 715; royalist operations in, 1811, iv. 322-5; royalist measures, iv. 339.
Nuevo Leon, governors, iii. 333-4; Indian troubles in, 334-5; extent, etc., 1810, 337-8; population, 338; defence of, iii. 412-13; see of, iii. 693; revolt in, 1811, iv. 240-1; 1813, iv. 544; subjugation of, iv. 656; map of, vi. 130.
Nuevo Santander, revolt in, 1810, iv. 239; insurrection suppressed in, 1811, iv. 321-2; increase of terr., 1811, 322; demonstration against Iturbide, iv. 783.
Nueva Vizcaya, reino established, ii. 598; revolution in, 1821, iv. 716.
Nuñez, A., mention of, i. 326, 355, 670, 675.
Nuñez, minister of the treasury, 1863, vi. 110.
Nunneries, number of, 1588, ii. 737; mention of, iii. 710-11.
Oajaca, Cortés reserves grant in, ii. 38-9; settlement of, ii. 42; revolt in, 1526, ii. 227-8; 1531, ii. 415; diocese established, 1535, ii. 391-2; slow growth of, ii. 417-18; map of bishopric, ii. 694; church affairs, 1554-1604, 694-5; Jesuits enter, 1575, ii. 706; condition of, 1550, ii. 728-9; maps of, iii. 462; iv. 482; vi. 126; see of, iii 691; revolution in, 1811-12, iv. 433-40, 481-9; 1821, iv. 725; royalist reaction in, iv. 558; reconquest of, 1814, iv. 580-3; earthquakes in, 1867, 1870, vi. 367; mining regulations in, 1873, vi. 508.
Oajaca, city, earthquake at, 1787, iii. 461-2; 1801, iii. 498; cathedral of, iii. 691; captured by Morelos, 1812, iv. 481-5; plans of, iv. 484; vi. 189; sack of, iv. 485; executions at, iv. 486; prisoners released at, iv. 4878; govt organized, iv. 488; royalist occupation of, 1814, iv. 581-2; Alvarez' measures in, iv. 582; occupied by Leon, 1821, iv. 725; by Bravo, 1823, iv. 795-6; siege of, 1865, vi. 188-90; capitulation of, 1866, vi. 261; occupied by Alatorre, 1872, vi. 382; by Hernandez, 1876, vi. 419.
Obeso, defeat at Ayotla, 1817, iv. 650.
O'Brien, Lieut, battle of Buena Vista, v. 424-6, 431.
Ocampo, D. de, alcalde mayor, 1523, ii. 111-12; negotiations, etc., with, Garay, ii. 113-15; royal notary, ii, 216; Cortés' agent, 1529, ii. 290.
Ocampo, G. de, regidor, 1524, ii. 9.
Ocampo, M., gov. of Michoacan, 1851, v. 607; minister of relations, 1855, v. 667; policy, v. 668-9.
Ochoa, Alcalde J. de, revolutionist plot divulged to, 1810, iv. Ill; action of, iv. 1 13-14; defeat at Pifiones, 1811, iv. 307.
Ocotlan, affair at, 1856, v. 681.
Ocuituco, Augustinians found convent at, ii. 397-8.
Odoardo, J. H., president of congress, 1822, iv. 759.
O'Donojú, J., viceroy of New Spain, 1821, iv. 726; biog., iv. 726; proceedings, iv. 727-8; treaty of Cordoba, iv. 728; recognition of, iv. 731; member of regency, iv. 735; death, 1821, iv. 736; character, etc., iv. 736-7.
Office-holding, rapacity, etc., of officials, ii. 739; iii. 30, 154-5; sale of offices, iii. 350, 529-31; eagerness for, iii. 526; candidates, iii. 527; qualifications, iii. 527-8; pay, iii. 528; pensions, iii. 528-9; precedence, iii. 531.
Ogazon, P., minister of war, 1876, vi. 431.
Oidores, jurisdiction of, ii. 278; instructions to, 1528, ii. 279-81; venality of, iii. 28-9; duties, etc., iii. 539-43.
Ojedi,, Capt., mention of, i. 1, 430-1; at temple fight, 1520, i. 447; at capture of Zacatepec, i. 526; at Tezcuco, i. 616; exped. to Tlascala, i. 667.
Ojeda, Lieut-col, defeat at Piaxtla, 1813, iv. 552-3.
Olavarrieta, J. A., auto-de-fé of, iv. 38.
Olazábal, convoy, etc., of, 1813, iv. 554.
Olid, C. de, search for Grijalva, i. 31-2; with Cortés' exped., i. 65, 70, 134, 136, 230, 312, 354, 389, 394, 396, 400, 471, 475, 490, 529, 582, 610, 618, 621-2, 627-9, 634; character, etc., i. 76; sent to Michoacan, 1522, ii. 51-3; pillage of Tzintzuntzan, ii. 52-3; occupies Zacatula, ii. 53; exped. to Impilcingo, 1524, ii. 58-9; conquers Colima, ii. 59; founds Coliman, ii. 59; ordered to Hibueras, 1523, ii. 104-5; defection of, ii. 203; founds Valladolid, iv. 167.
Olive-culture, restrictions on, iii. 613; condition of, vi. 573.
Olmedo, Father B. de, with Cortés' exped., i. 69, 92, 123, 129, 164, 197, 228, 248, 296, 316, 346, 370-1, 375, 380, 382, 392, 472, 545; ii. 81, 1578; character, i. 228-9; death of, ii. 159.
Olvera, Gen., defeat of, 1866, vi. 251-2; surrender of, 1867, vi. 351.
Omitlan, Guzman encamped at, 1530, ii. 358-9.
Oñate, C. de, exped. to Michoacan, ii. 348-9; to Jalisco, 1530, ii. 355-6; in charge of Nueva Galicia, ii. 372, 469; the Mixton war, ii. 496-8, 5023, 507.
Oñate, C. de, jr, conspiracy of, 1565, ii. 609; tortured, ii. 625; turns informer, ii. 625; exonerates M. Cortés, ii. 626-7; executed, 1568, ii. 626-7.
Ordaz, D. de, with Cortes' exped., i. 61, 66-7, 70, 79-80, 88, 134, 139, 291, 301, 310, 323-4, 390, 400-1, 407, 423, 433-4, 471, 486, 529, 558; character, etc., i. 78; search for Cortes, 1525, ii. 220-1; alguacil mayor, ii. 221.
Oñate, J. de, founds Guadalajara, ii. 366-7; conquers New Mex., 1597-8, ii. 781-2.
'Órdenes de la Corona,' iii. 551.
Ordoñez, Col C., operations of, 1813, iv. 527-30; 1817, iv. 657; defeated by Mina, iv. 667-8.
Orizaba, city, location, iii. 220; population, 1777, iii. 220; capture and recapture, 1812, iv. 400-1, 479-80; plan of, 1834, v. 137; occupied by Spanish troops, 1862, vi. 40; conference at, 1862, vi. 42.
Orozco, F. de, with Cortes' exped., i. 69; regidor, i. 555, 557.
Orozco y Berra, M., works of, ii. 6356.
Orrantía, Gen., mention of, iv. 525; victory at La Caja, 1817, iv. 679; captures Mina, iv. 680-1.
Ortega, Gen., battle of Buena Vista, v. 419, 425-8; operations, 1860, v. 781, 783; concentration at Queretaro, v. 787, 793; victory at San Miguel Calpulalpan, 1860, v. 793; occupation of Mex., v. 794-5; minister of justice, 1861, vi. 18; defeat of, 1862, vi. 52; correspondence with Forey, vi. 58; defence of Puebla, 1863, vi. 62-8; captivity of, 69; escape, 69; operations, 1863, vi. 122; 1864, vi. 125; retirement of, vi. 203-4; candidate for presidency, 1866, vi. 233-4; defence of Maximilian, vi. 308; claims the presidency, 1867, vi. 368.
Ortiz, M., victory at San Felipe, 1813, iv. 524.
Ortiz, T., execution of, 1811, iv. 351.
Ortiz, Father T., mention of, ii. 2469, 301.
Osollo, Col, operations, etc., of, 1856, v. 678, 701, 703, 705.
Osorio de Escobar y Llamas, D., archbishop, 1663, iii. 165; dispute with viceroy, iii. 165-6; 24th viceroy, 1664, iii. 166-8; rule, iii. 168; residencia, iii. 168; death, 1673, iii. 168.
Osorno, Gen. J. F., operations of, 1811, iv. 341-2; 1813, iv. 534-6; 181-4, iv. 588-9; 181-6, iv. 636-9; joins Teran, iv. 639; attack on viceroy, iv. 648.
Ostotoctheotl, temple of, ii. 401.
Otomis, submit to Cortés, i. 637; aid Cortés, i. 664-5; Augustinians preach to, ii. 400; defeat Chichimecs, ii. 540-2; depredations of, iii. 271.
Otumba, battle at, i. 497-504; submits to Cortes, i. 576; plan of Montaño, 1827, v. 37-8.
Ovalle, G. de, raids of, in Pánuco, etc., 1523, ii. 112.
Oviedo, G. F., works of, ii. 487. Oviedo, L. C. de, first gov. of Yucatan, 1565-71, ii. 650.
Pacheco, Gen., battle of Buena Vista, v. 419, 425-6; exiled, 1856, v. 703.
Pacheco, G., subdues Bacalar, etc. ii., 447; founds Villa Alta, ii. 731.
Pacheco, J. F., Spanish ambassador, 1860, v. 786-7.
Pacheco, J. R., works of, iv. 725.
Pachuca, capture of, 1812, iv. 405-6; retaken, 1812, iv. 421; capital of Hidalgo, etc., 1869, vi. 370.
Pachuca, district, mining in, iii. 591-2.
Packenham, minister, intercession of, 1838, v. 202-3.
Padierna, battle of, 1847, v. 475-80.
Padilla, A. D., works of, iii. 723-4.
Padilla, town, founded, 1749, iii. 343.
Pagola, J. M., execution of, 1818, iv. 693.
Paintings, Aztec, i. 113, 124-5, 367, 413, 416, 448, 463, 595; Mexican, vi. 645-6.
Palace, Montezuma's, i. 292.
Palace, viceregal, plan of, iii. 234; burned, 1692, iii. 240; rebuilt, 1693-1792, iii. 250; description, iii. 250-1, 474.
Palacio, F. G. del, minister of gobernacion, 1872, vi. 385; commissioner on U. S. claims, 1869, vi. 443; minister to U. S., 1871, 443. Palacio, M. R., defence of Maximilian, vi. 308.
Palacio, Gen. V. R., minister of justice, 1844, v. 273.
Palacio, Gen. R., operations of, 1866, vi. 263; siege of Querétaro, 1867, vi. 278-89; character, vi. 282; marches on Mex., vi. 344; banishment, etc., of, 1875, vi. 417; minister of fomento, 1876, vi. 431; 'Historia,' vi. 432-4.
Palafox y Mendoza, J. de, bishop of Puebla, iii. 98-9; biog., iii. 99-100; character, iii. 100; differences with viceroy, iii. 103-7; appointed 18th viceroy, 1642, iii. 108; rule, iii. 110-12; quarrel with Jesuits, iii. 121-32; flight from Puebla, 1647, iii. 126; return, iii. 127; recalled to Spain, 1648, iii. 129; pope sustains, iii. 129-30; bishop of Osma, 1653, iii. 132; poverty of, iii. 132; death, 1659, iii. 132-3; proposed canonization of, iii. 133; writings of, iii. 133.
Panes, D., works of, iii. 508.
Panes, Lieut-col J. M., operations of, 1812, iv. 400-1.
Palo Alto, battle of, 1846, v. 352-64; plan of, v. 354.
Pánuco, province, proposed exped. to, 1521, ii. 65; 1522, ii. 94-5; descript. of, ii. 94; Cortes' claims to, ii. 95-6; Cortes invades, ii. 96-101; map of, ii. 98; garrison left in, ii. 100; supply vessel wrecked, ii. 100-1; result of exped., ii. 101; Garay invades, 1523, ii. 105-17; Indian revolt in, 1523, ii. 117-22; province reorganized, ii. 123-4; Guzman gov. of, 1526, ii. 263; boundary disputes, ii. 265-6; Soto's party reaches, ii. 51314.
'Papeles Franciscanos,' MS., mention of, iii. 725.
'Papeles Varios,' vi. 660.
'Papeles y Correspondent de la Familia Imperial,' vi. 362.
Paper, manufacture of, vi. 525.
Parada, A. de, oidor, 1527, ii. 274; death of, ii. 282.
Parada, J. G., bishop of Yucatan, v. 85.
Paredes, Gen., operations of, 1838-9, v. 206; revolution of 1841, v. 22831; 1844-5, v. 265-77; 1845-6, v. 290-3; 1848, v. 548-50; president, 1846, v. 293; biog., etc., v. 293-4; cabinet, v. 294; rule, v. 294-9; plan of campaign, 1848, v. 549.
Paredes, J. de, alcalde mayor Yucatan, ii. 649; juez conservador, iii. 123.
Parian, Mexico City, erection of the 1695-1703, iii. 249-50; sack of the, 1828, v. 43.
Paris, Gen. F., operations of, 1810, iv. 299-300; 1812, iv. 407-9, 468-9, 489; death of, 1813, iv. 552.
Parker, Capt. W., repulsed at Campeche, 1596, ii. 647-8.
Parra, F. de la, mention of, iv. 237-8; capture of, 239.
Parral District, mining in, vi. 514. Parral, presidio, establ'd, 1631, iii. 14.
Parras, town, founded, 1598, iii. 14.
Parrés, J., minister of war, 1832, v. 125.
Parrés, L., minister of the treasury, 1846, v. 294.
Parrodi, Gen., 'Memoria,' v. 434; operations of, 1857, v. 705; surrender of, 1858, v. 736.
Paseos, descript. of, iii. 477.
Pastimes, descript. of, vi. 624-6.
Pastry war, the, 1838-9, v. 186-205.
Patterson, Gen., battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 452.
Pátzcuaro, episcopal seat, 1554, ii. 774; Jesuit college at, iii. 118; engagement, at, 1811, iv. 312.
Payno, Minister M., financial measures, 1849, v. 561-2.
Paz, R. de, regidor, 1524, ii. 9; Cortes' mayordomo mayor, ii. 205; arrest, etc., of, ii. 209-10; joins Salazar, ii. 210-14; Salazar plots against, ii. 215-17; tortured, ii. 218-19; executed, ii. 219.
Pearls, abundance of, iii. 560-1.
Pearl fisheries, mention of, iii. 619; vi. 528-9.
Pearl Islands, first visited, iii. 565-6.
Pedraza, Gen. M. G., comand. of Mex., 1823, iv. 800-2; gov. of Mex., 1824, v. 22; cabinet minister, 1825, v. 31-2; president elect, 1828, v. 41; flight of, v. 43-4; return of, 1832, v. 120; negotiations with Bustamante, v. 122-3; president, 1832, v. 123; rule, v. 125-7; cabinet, v. 125; biog., etc., v. 125-6, 128; death, v. 129.
Pedro, Prince Don, regency demanded for, 1812, iv. 456.
Peña, O. de la, defeat of, 1866, vi. 263.
Peña y Barragan, Gen., campaign in Yucatan, 1843, v. 243; battle of Chapultepec, v. 514.
Peña y Peña, M. de la, minister of justice, etc., 1837, v. 180-1; of relations, 1845, v. 290; negotiations of, v. 340-2; provis. president, 1847, v. 527; biog., 531-2, 550; rule, 53250.
Peñalva, Count de, gov. of Yucatan, 1649, iii. 160; assassination of, 1652, 160.
Peñate, A., conspires against Cortés, etc., i. 177-9.
Pensacola Bay, exped. to, 1693, iii. 227; Santa Maria founded at, 16946, iii. 227.
Peñuelas, affair at, 1860, v. 783.
Peotillos, affair at, 1817, iv. 664-6.
Peralta, J. S., works of, ii. 606.
Peralta, M. de, senior oidor, 1649, iii. 138; acting president, 1649-50, 1389.
Pereda, J. N., minister of relations, 1866, vi. 226.
Peregrino, affair at, 1854, v. 652.
Perez, A. J., deputy to córtes, 1810, iv. 445-6.
Perez, Bishop, influence over Iturbide, iv. 725.
Perez, C., plot of, iv. 402-3.
Perez, Gen. F., battle of Buena Vista, v. 430; of Molino del Rey, v. 498, 502; of Chapultepec, v. 511.
Perote, Fortress, building of, iii. 215, 417; plot at, 1812, iv. 403; surrender of, 1821, iv. 739; revolt at, 1828, v. 42; Santa Anna imprisoned at, 1845, v. 277-8; plan of, v. 278; capture of, v. 459-60; surrendered by imperialists, 1866, vi. 262.
Perry, Col, defeat of, 1817, iv. 663.
Perry, Commodore, operations of, 1846, v. 410-11; siege of Vera Cruz, v. 444; capture of Tabasco, v. 449.
Peru, rebellion in, ii. 528; audiencia of, establ'd, ii. 521; troops raised for, ii. 537; treasures of, iii. 570-8; gold-mining in, iii. 576-8; commerce with, iii. 634-5.
Petatlan, capture of, 1810, iv. 298. Pesado, J. J., 'El libertador de Mexico,' iv. 825; minister of relations, 1846, v. 299.
Pesquera, Capt. J., mention of, iv. 422-3.
Peza, C. G. de la, minister of the treasury, 1859, v. 766-7.
Peza, I. de la, 'Maximiliano,' vi. 327.
Pezuela, Gen. R., minister of war, 1851, v. 597; plan of, 1858, v. 750-2; biog., v. 751.
Philippine Islands named, ii. 512; exped. to, 1 564-5, ii. 599-601; Jesuits locate in, 1585, ii. 709; commerce with, ii. 743-4; iii. 632-4.
Philiponus, Friar H., works of, ii. 189.
Piaxtla, affair at, 1813, iv. 552-3. Picaluga, plot of, 1830, v. 96-8. Pie de Palo, pirate leader, iii. 83, 145.
Pierce, Gen., battle of Churubusco, v. 484-5; of Chapultepec, v. 515.
Pillow, Gen., battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 456-8; of Padierna, v. 476-7; of Churubusco, v. 483-5; of Molino del Rey, v. 504; of Chapultepec, v. 507-14.
Pineda, A. A., exped. to New Spain, i. 189-90; to Pánuco, i. 538; death of, i. 538.
Pino, Capt., gallantry at Las Cruces, iv. 178,
Piñones, Defile of, engagement at, 1811, iv. 307.
Pinos, town, capture of, 1817, iv. 666.
Pinotl, cacique, meeting with Grijalva, etc., i. 112-13.
Pizarro, F., treasure obtained by, iii. 570-5.
Plans, Mexico, ii. 14; v. 499; vi. 219; port of Acapulco, ii. 25; Vera Cruz, iii. 193; v. 198, 443; San Juan de Ulúa, iii. 213; palace of Mexico, iii. 234; city of Zacatecas, iii. 305; Querétaro, iv. 97; Alhóndiga de Granaditas, iv. 140; Las Cruces, iv. 177; Aculco, iv. 199; Guanajuato, iv. 218; Calderon, iv. 251; Cuautla, iv. 362; Oajaca, iv. 484; Mt Cóporo, iv. 609; Fort Jaujilla, iv. 692; Vera Cruz harbor, v. 64; Puebla, v. 121; San Jacinto, v. 172; San Juan de Ulua, v. 193; Tampico, v. 213; Perote, v. 278; Matamoros, v. 351; Palo Alto, v. 354; Monterey, v. 381; Buena Vista, v. 421; Cerro Gordo, v. 454; Puebla, v. 680; Cinco de Mayo battle-ground, vi. 48; Vera Cruz and harbor, vi. 143; Oajaca City, vi. 189; Matamoros and vicinity, vi. 199; Tampico, vi. 253; battle of Miahuatlan, vi. 259; Queretaro, vi. 273; Puebla, vi. 339.
Poinsett, J. R., American minister, 1825, v. 32-3, 48; charge against, v. 33; character, etc., v. 48; writings, v. 48; recall of, 1829, v. 81-2; the Texas question, v. 322-3.
Polk, President, Mex. policy of, v. 337-8, 340, 368; Mex. war, v. 5468.
Polygamy, difficulties in suppressing, ii. 176-7.
Ponce, Friar A., mission to Mexico, 1584, ii. 717; conflict with provincial, ii. 717-18.
Ponce de Leon, L., appointed judge, 1525, ii. 243-4; royal instructions to, 1525, ii. 244-6; suspends Cortes, etc., 1526, ii. 249; death of, 1526, ii. 249-51.
Popocatepetl, name, i. 255; ascents of, i. 256-7; ii. 29-31; eruption of, 1665, iii. 179.
Population, of Vera Cruz, 1777, iii. 209; of Vera Cruz intendencia, 1800, iii. 218; of Córdoba, 1746, iii. 218; 1810, iii. 219; of Mex. City, 1692, iii. 233; 1790, iii. 470-1; of Nueva Galicia, 1750-1800, iii. 304; of Zacatecas, iii. 306; of Aguascalientes, 1794, iii. 307; of Fresnillo, 1794, iii. 307; of San Luis Potosí, iii. 308; of Nuevo Leon, 1810, etc., iii. 338; of Nuevo Santander, iii. 346; of intendencia of Mex., 1790, iii. 470; estimates of, iii. 734-6; census, 1793-4, iii. 734; 1810, iii. 737; decrease in, iii. 738-9; distribution of, iii. 739-40.
Porlier, Comandante R., command of, iv. 160; operations of, 1811, iv. 3234, 337-8; 1812, iv. 355-6, 413, 4789.
Porter, Commod. D. D., operations of, 1825-6, v. 65.
Portilla, Gen. N. de la, minister of war, 1867, vi. 334; 'España en México,' iii. 778.
Portillo, Gov., uprising against, 185], v. 607-8.
Portugal, peace with, 1801, iii. 503; relations with, 1879, vi. 441.
Portugal, G., mention of, iv. 237.
Portugal, Bishop J. C, minister of justice, 1834, v. 141.
Portuguese, persecution of, ii. 681; Escalona's partiality to, iii. 104-5; feeling against, iii. 105-6.
Posada, Dr M., archbishop of Mex., v. 291; biog., etc., v. 291.
Posadas, engagement at, 1832, v. 120-1.
Potier, Col, operations of, 1865, vi. 185.
Pozo de los Carmelos, affair at, 1832, v. 114.
Pradillo, A., 'Maximiliano,' vi. 327.
Pradt, M. de, 'Historia de la Revolucion,' iv. 826.
Právia, Pedro de, governs archdiocese, 1586-9, ii. 686-7; death of, 1589, ii. 687; biog., ii. 726-7.
Prescott, W. H., works of, i. 7, 17, 696, 701-2; ii. 488-9.
Presidios, establ'd, 1570, ii. 655; number of, iii. 410; regulations, iii. 411-12.
Press, condition of the, 1804-7, iv. 39; liberty of, iv. 460-1; seditions, iv. 463; restrictions on, 1812, iv. 464-5; abuse of Spaniards, etc., 1821-2, iv. 742-4; edicts against, iv. 742; influence, etc., of, v. 295-6.
Prieto, G., minister of the treasury, 1855, v. 667.
Prim, Gen. J., the Spanish invasion, 1861-2, vi. 32; character, vi. 32-3; instructions to, vi. 34; manifesto of, vi. 35; conference with Doblado, vi. 39-40; despatches of, vi. 41.
Procuradores, duties of, iii. 522.
Pronunciamientos, plan de Quintanar, 1829, v. 91; at Vera Cruz, 1832, v. 107, 114; Escalada's, 1833, v. 132; Urrea's, 1838, v. 207; Paredes', 1841, v. 228; 1844, v. 267; at Huejotzingo, 1842, v. 255; at San Luis Potosi, 1845, v. 291; at Guadalajara, 1846, v. 297; at Mexico, 1846, v. 305; Marquez', 1849, v. 558-9; at Guanajuato, 1850-1, v. 602; Blancarte's, 1851, v. 608-9; Haro y Tamariz', 1854, v. 661-2; at Ayotla, 1858, v. 750; Almonte's, 1862, vi. 46; at Merida, 1869, vi. 371; Negrete's, 1869, vi. 372-3; Hernandez', 1876, vi. 419; at Tapachula, 1824, vi. 452.
Protestants, persecution of, 1874-5, vi. 414.
'Providencias Diocesanas,' MS., mention of, iii. 725.
Provincias Internas, attitude of, 1846, v. 405; extent, iii. 450-1; reorganization, 1792, 451; division of, 1813, iv. 541; mining in, iii. 590-1; revolution in, 1821, iv. 716.
Prussia, treaty with Mex., 1869, vi. 358.
Puebla, church affairs in, 1542-1606, ii. 695-8; iii. 691; map of bishopric,, ii. 696; Jesuit growth in, ii. 706-7; revolution in, 1812, iv. 382-3, 4768; 1813, iv. 534-6; 1821, iv. 722-5; 1830, v. 103; maps of, iv. 399, 477.
Puebla, city, founding of, 1530, ii. 333-6; arms of, 1532, ii. 335; growth of, ii. 695-6; cathedral completed, 1649, iii. 113; religious tumult in, 1647, iii. 125; see declared vacant, iii. 127; Palafox restored, iii. 128; damaged by earthquake, 1711, iii. 285-6; captured by Iturbide, 1821, iv. 724-5; surrender of, 1832, v. 119; revolt against Santa Anna, 1844-5, v. 272, 275-6; occupied by Scott, 1847, v. 461-4; Santa Anna's attack on, 1847, v. 528; revolts in, 1856, v. 677-82, 698-703; plans of, v. 680; vi. 339; conspiracy at, 1857, v. 721; fortifications of, vi. 61; captured by the French, 1863, 62-8; siege of, 1867, vi. 335-7, 340-1; pronunciamiento at, 1869, vi. 3723; occupied by Diaz, 1876, vi. 430.
Puente del Rey, fort of, 1815, iv. 641.
Puente Nacional, affair at, 1847, v. 464.
Puerta, J. de la, bishop of Yucatan, 1561, ii. 688.
Puerta del Gallinero, battle of, 1832, v. 117.
Puerto del Principe, Velazquez founds, 1511, i. 4.
Puertocarrero, H., with Cortés' exped., i. 65, 70, 93, 117, 134, 136, 168, 172.
Puga, V. de, oidor, 1564, ii. 603; 1568, ii. 630; works of, iii. 550.
Pulque, sale of, restricted, 1545, ii. 536; sale forbidden, 1692, iii. 249; manufact. of, iii. 608; monopoly, iii. 608-9.
Puruándiro, affair at, 1813, iv. 517; Rayon at, iv. 522; capture of, 1814, iv. 590.
Puruaran, engagement at, 1814, iv. 573-4.
Quauhnahuac, stronghold, Cortés captures, i. 599-602.
Quauhpopoca, Cacique, attacks Escalante, i. 259-60; accused of treachery, i. 302-4; trial, i. 316-17; burned, i. 317-18.
Quauhtemotzin, Emperor, high-priest, i. 513; biog., etc., i. 544-5; hostility to Spaniards, i. 578, 588; attack on Chalcans, i. 589-92; peace proposals to, i. 594-5, 679-82; siege of Mex., i. 623-5, 628, 637, 663, 672; capture of, i. 686; torture of, ii. 3-4; embraces Christianity, ii. 180-1; Cortes exped. to Honduras, ii. 205-6.
Quauhquechollan, Aztecs driven from, i. 530-3: aid from, to Chalcans, i. 589-90.
Quecholac, subjugation of, i. 534.
Quejo, J. B. de, mission of, ii. 74-5.
Querétaro, map of, iii. 443; insurgent movements in, 1811, iv. 339-40. Queretaro, City, founded, ii. 544-5; aqueduct at, iii. 350; iv. 100; hist. of, iv. 96-101; plans of, iv. 97; vi. 273, revolutionary meetings at, 1810, iv. 102; protection of, iv. 15960; engagement near, iv. 195-6; attack on, 1810, iv. 197; captured by Iturbide, 1821, iv. 716-17; reception of Santa Anna, etc., 1844, v. 269-70, 274; captured by rebels, 1857, v. 699; French occupation of, 1863, vi. 118; descript. of, vi. 274; siege of, 1867, vi. 277-304; fortifications, vi. 282-3.
Quesada, Bros., conspiracy of, 1565, ii. 609; execution of, 1568, ii. 627.
Quetzalcoatl, myth, etc., of, 101-4, 289, 336, 559; temple of, i. 232, 236-7, 244-5, 248.
Quiahuitzlan, Montejo at, i. 132; location, i. 147; Cortés at, i. 148-51.
Quicksilver, scarcity of, 1697, iii. 261; extraction of, forbidden, 1730, iii. 302; monopoly, iii. 302-3; supply, etc., iii. 583-4; tribunal de azogues, iii. 583; exempt from duty, 1822, iv. 750.
Quijada, D. de, alcalde mayor, Yucatan, 1562-5, ii. 649.
Quiñones, A. de, with Cortés' exped., i. 475, 612, 652; procurador to Spain, 1522, ii. 80; death of, ii. 84.
Quintanar, Comandante, defection of, 1821, iv. 714; plan of, 1829, v. 91; defeat at Posadas, 1832, v. 120-1.
Quintanilla, Capt. F., joins Iturbide, iv. 706.
Quiroga, V. de, oidor, 1530, ii. 321; character, ii. 322; residencia, 1536, ii. 380; bishop of Michoacan, 1537, ii. 392-3; administr., ii. 393, 4713; opposition to friars, ii. 669-70; benevolence, etc., of, ii. 692, 7756; death, 1565, ii. 693.
Quitman, Gen. J. A., forces, v. 377; capture of Monterey, v. 384-5, 394; battle of Churubusco, v. 483; of Chapultepec, v. 507-18; gov. of Mex., 1847, v. 529.
Racionales Caballeros, society of, iv. 70.
Rada, A. de, Jesuit provincial, 1649, iii. 131; controversy with Palafox, iii. 131.
Rada, J. de, Cortés' convoy to pope, ii. 315-16.
Radicals, attitude, etc., of, 1856, v. 690, 692.
Railroads, Mexican, vi. 533-6; Mexican Central, vi. 556-7; Mexican National, vi. 557; International, v. 557-8; Sonora, vi. 558; projected, vi. 558-9.
Ramirez, F., minister of relations, 1851, v. 599; measures, v. 601.
Ramirez, I., minister of justice, 1861, vi. 6; 1876, vi. 431.
Ramirez de Prado, M., bishop of Michoacan, iii. 182-3; archbishop, 1666-7, iii. 183; character, iii. 182-3.
Ramon, R., defeat at Cerro del Gallo, 1813, iv. 518-21; comand. del Norte, iv. 522; retreat from Zacapo, iv. 523.
Ramusio, G., works of, i. 282-3.
Rancheros, condition, etc., of, vi. 517.
Rangel, Gen., revolt, etc., of, 1845, v. 285; battle of Chapultepec, v. 514-15.
Rangel, R., with Cortés' exped., i. 68, 324, 364, 379, 423, 536-7; conquers Zapotecs, ii. 128-9.
Raynal, G. T., works of, iii. 648-9. Rayon, F., success at Galindo, 1813, iv. 524.
Rayon, Gen. I. L., biog., iv. 233-4; in command at Saltillo, iv. 273; operations, 1811, iv. 306-16, 337; establishes junta, iv. 333-4. Rayon, Gen. I., attack on Toluca, 1812, iv. 413; affair at Lerma, iv. 414; defeat at Tenango, iv. 414-15; at Tlalpujahua, iv. 420, 426, 428; 'Diario,' iv. 426; manifesto at Huichapan, iv. 427-8; defeat at Ixmiquilpan, iv. 429-30; mutiny against, iv. 430-1; negotiations with viceroy, iv. 432-3; proceedings in Oajaca, iv. 513-15, 581; charges, etc., against, iv. 514; defeat at Salvatierra, 1813, iv. 515-16; constitutions drafted by,, iv. 560-2; at congress of Chilpancingo, iv. 566; dispute with Rosains, iv. 585-7; reverses, 1814, iv. 586-9; claims of, 1817, iv. 654; capture of, iv. 689; pardoned, iv. 690-1.
Rayon, R. L., mention of, iv. 353; operations of, 1812, iv. 428; 1814, iv. 590; defeated by Llano, 1813, iv. 571; defence at Mt Cóporo, 1815, iv. 608-11; defeat at Jilotepec, iv. 612; surrender of, 1817, iv. 654-5.
Reactionists, party, opposition to Álvarez, 1855, v. 665; dissensions among, v. 679; revolts of, 1856-7, v. 679-81, 699-706; attitude of, 1857, v. 717; victories of, 1858, v. 729, 734, 743, 747; 1859, v. 770-3; 1862, vi. 52; defeats of, 1858-9, v. 757-8; campaigns in Vera Cruz, v. 759; in Mex., v. 760-4; intrigues, etc., of, 1861, vi. 93.
Reales de Minas, spread of, iii. 579.
'Reales Ordenanzas de la Mineria,' mention of, iii. 599.
Rebollo, Gen., operations, 1813, iv. 526.
Recacho, Oidor, defeat of, iv. 205-6. 'Recopilacion de Leyes,' mention of, iii. 550.
Regency, establ'd in New Spain, 1821, iv. 735-6; edict of, iv. 742; reorganized, 1822, iv. 769.
Regente, functions of, iii. 540.
Regidor, office of, iii. 521-2.
Reguera, Gen., operations in Costa Chica, 18.13, iv. 552.
Régules, Gen., operations of 1865, vi. 185; 1866, vi. 258, 263; siege of Querétaro, 1867, vi. 278.
Régules, J. M. de, victory at Yanhuitlan, 1812, iv. 434-6; defeats Bobadilla, iv. 434-5; siege of Huajuapan, iv. 436-40; execution of, 1812, iv. 485-6.
Reinosa, town, founded, 1749, iii. 344. Rejon, minister of relations, 1844, v. 260.
'Relatione d'alevue cose della Nuoua Spagna,' i. 281.
Religious Orders, uphold encomiendas. 1544, ii. 523-5; aid to, iii. 702-3; papal concessions to, iii. 703; wealth of, iii. 703-4; authority, iii. 705-6; dissensions among, iii. 706-7; decree against, iii. 709; missions, iii. 711-31.
Rendon, Intendente F., capture of, iv. 208-10.
Repartimientos, regulations for, 1524, ii. 131-2; crown confirms, ii. 145; workings of systems, ii. 145-54; official abuses, ii. 146-7; crown forbids, 1523, ii. 147-8; prohibition withdrawn, ii. 148; conditions of grant, ii. 148-9; regulations violated, ii. 284.
Republicans in congress, iv. 760-1, 769-70; division among, v. 4-5; defeated by reactionists, 1862, vi. 52.
Requena, Gen., negotiations of, 1846, vi. 365-6.
Resaca de la Palma, battle of, 1846, v. 357-64.
Rescatadores, business of, iii. 591. Revenue, how collected, ii. 152-4; reform measures, 1530, ii. 325; collectors' frauds, ii. 568-9; effect of new laws on, ii. 570-4; deficit, etc., in, 1787, iii. 467; 1812, iv. 474-5; 1858, v. 744-5; 1813, iv. 499-501; 1822. iv. 748-9; 1827, v. 36; 1837-8, v. 179, 183-4; 1841, v. 226-7; 1851, v. 598-9; 1853, v. 634; from mining, iii. 599; tribute money, iii. 655; royal fifth, iii. 655-6; Indian tribute, iii. 656-8; excise, iii. 658-9; transit dues, iii. 659-60; customs, iii. 6602; taxes, iii. 664; tithes, iii. 666-8; centralization of, v. 634; general mention of, vi. 492-5, 536.
Revenue officials, arrival, etc., of, 1524, ii. 142-3; relations with Cortes, ii. 143-4.
'Revista Filosófica,' vi. 279.
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de, 41st viceroy, 1746, iii. 358; rule, iii. 358-9; character, iii. 358-9.
Revilla Gigedo, Conde de, jr, 52d viceroy, 1789, iii. 478; rule, iii. 474-84; espionage, iii. 481; residencia, iii. 484; works of, iii. 551, 625, 645.
Revolt (see also revolutions), negro, 1669, iii. 172.
Revolutions, of 1810-21, iv. 1-22, 71-5, 80-3, 101-733, 812-21; v. 9; against Iturbide, 1822-3, iv. 780-801; Lobato's, 1824, v. 12-13; Bravo's, 1827-8, v. 37-40; in Yucatan, 1829, v. 86-7; 1839-41, 217-19; 1841-3, 241-4; of the ex-acordada, 1828, v. 42-4; at Jalapa, 1829, v. 88-91; Santa Anna's, 1832, v. 10724; in Texas, 1827-41, v. 155-78; federalist, 1838-40, v. 206-25; Paredes', 1841, v. 228-38; 1844-5, v. 265-7; 1S45-6, v. 290-3; 1848, v. 548-50; Santanists', 1846-7, v. 297-306; Álvarez', 1854, v. 647-52 654-6, 662-5; at Puebla, 1856, v. 677-82; at San Luis Potosí, 1869, vi. 373-4; of 1871-2, vi. 379-84; of 1875-7, vi. 419-27.
Revolutionary Junta Suprema, see Junta, Supreme National.
Reyes, Gen., minister of war, 1844, v. 261.
Reyes, P., bishop of Yucatan, v. 85.
Riaño, G. de, exploits of, iv. 144, 149.
Riaño, Intendente, proceedings of, iv. Ill, 123; defence of Guanajuato, 1810, iv. 133-46; death of, iv. 146; character, iv. 146-7.
Ribadeneyra, A. J. de, 'Manual Compendio,' iii. 725.
Ribera, J. de, mission to Spain, etc., 1522, ii. 82-3; unfaithful to Cortés, ii. 100.
Rice, cultivation of, vi. 568.
Richthofen, E. K. H. F. von, works of, v. 807-8.
Ridgely, Lieut, capture of Monterey, v. 386-7.
Right of sanctuary, limitation of, iii. 688-9.
Riley, Gen., battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 457; of Padierna, v. 476-9; of Chapultepec, v 507.
Rincon, J. de M., bishop of Michoacan, 1574-88, ii. 684, 693.
Rincon, Gen. M., at Jalapa, 1812, iv. 473-4; operations in Vera Cruz, 1813, iv. 532; dispute with Aguilar, iv. 585-6; in subordination of, 1827, v. 36-7; negotiations with Santa Anna, 1832, v. 113; battle of Churubusco, v. 482, 486.
Ringgold, Gen. J., operations at Palo Alto, v. 353-6.
Rio, A. del, deputy to córtes, 1820, iv. 699.
Rio Grande, campaign on the, 1846, v. 346-67.
Rioja, Capt. S., in Nayarit war, 1721-2, iii. 319, 321, 329.
Rionda, Gen., defeats Maldonado, 1812, iv. 470.
Rios, G., execution of, 1811, iv. 350-1.
Ripley, R. S., 'The war with Mexico,' v. 550-1.
Rivera, Gen. A., operations of, 1866, vi. 254; 1868, vi. 366.
Rivero, L. M. del, 'Mexico en 1842,' v. 807.
Rivera, M., works of, v. 806.
Rivera, Fray P. E. de, disputes with viceroy, iii. 179; 27th viceroy, 1673, iii. 182; biog., iii. 182; archbishop, 1668, iii. 182; rule, iii. 183-7; residencia, 1681, 186-7; death, 1684, 187.
Roatan Island, pirates rendezvous at, 1683, iii. 192.
Robinson, W. D., aid offered to revolutionists by, 1816, iv. 634; writings of, iv. 685-6.
Robles, A. de, diary of, iii. 509.
Robles, Gen. M., minister of war, 1851, v, 600; execution of, 1862, vi. 44-5.
Rocha, Gen., operations of, 1871-2, vi. 374, 381-3.
Rodriguez, M., revolt of, 1885, vi. 460-1.
Rogel, Oidor, takes Montejo's residencia, 1545, ii. 449-50.
Rogers, Capt. W., cruise of, 1708-10, iii. 281-83.
Rojas, J., auto-de-fé of, iv. 38.
Romano, D., bishop of Puebla, 15761606, ii. 684, 697-8; death of, 1606, ii. 698. Romano, Bishop P., takes Villamanrique's residencia, 1589, ii. 755-6. Romero, Comandante, death of, iv. 264. Romero, Gen., operations of, 1847, v. 437-8.
Romero, J. A., minister of relations, 1837, v. 184.
Romero, M., works of, vi. 29, 364; minister of the treasury, 1868, vi. 367; negotiations with Seward, vi. 442.
Rondero, J., minister of the treasury, 1847, v. 524.
Rosa, L. de la, minister of relations, 1855, v. 676.
Rosains, J. N., joins revolutionists, 1811, iv. 381-3; comand. general, iv. 585; dispute with Rayon, iv. 585-7; attacked by Hevia, iv. 587; defeat at Soltepec, 1815, iv. 628-9; outrages of, iv. 630; treachery, iv. 630.
Rosales, Gen. V., submission of, iv. 311; attack on Zacatecas, 1813, iv. 541.
Rosario, Cofradía del, founded, 1584, ii. 737.
Rosario, Real del, engagement at, 1810, iv. 238.
Rubio, M. R., minister of relations, 1876, vi. 425.
Rubio y Salinas, M. J., archbishop, 1749, iii. 353-54.
Ruiz, Col., operations, 1817, iv. 652; defeats Guerrero, 1818, iv. 694. Ruiz, J., minister of justice, 1861, vi. 13.
Ruiz, Judge M., retirement of, 1865, vi. 204-5.
Rul, Conde de, capture of, 1810, iv. 171; rescue of, iv. 201.
Russia, war with, 1799, iii. 492.
Saavedra, H. de, founds Puebla, 1530, ii. 333.
Saavedra Ceron, A. de, operations against Salazar, 1526, ii. 232-4; commands Molucca fleet, ii. 258; death of, 1529, ii. 259.
Sabaibos, revolt of the, 1601, iii. 15;
Sabana, the affair at, 1810, iv. 300; 1811, iv. 301-2.
Sabine River, boundary line, v. 48-9.
Sabino, mines discovered, ii. 597.
Sacramento Pass, affair at, 1847, v. 408.
Sacrifices, Human, mention of, i. 10, 26-7, 109, 144, 162-3, 195-6, 225, 229, 253, 295-7, 316, 347, 409-10, 437, 477, 484, 510-13, 624, 637, 656-8, 660.
Sacrificial Stone, i. 109, 202, 253.
Sacrificios, Island, seized by Hawkins, 1568, ii. 637-8; pirate fleet at, 1683, iii. 198-200.
Sahagun, B., works of, i. 49, 493, 696-7; vi. 642.
Salamanca, Guanajuato, battle of, 1858, v. 734.
Salamanca, Yucatan, founding of, ii. 435, 447; sacked, 1648, 1652, iii. 146.
Salamanca de, battle of Otumba, i. 501.
Salas, Gen. J. M. de, in charge of executive, 1846, v. 300; biog., v. 309; rule, v. 300-4.
Salcedo, F. de, Velazquez captain, i. 78; joins Cortes, 1519, i. 165; death of, 1520, i. 489.
Salazar, Q. de, bishop of Yucatan, 1630, iii. 156.
Salazar, Factor, G. de, accompanies Cortés to Honduras, ii. 206-7; commission from Cortes, ii. 208; intrigues against Estrada and Albornoz, ii. 209-11; disarms Casas, ii. 213-14; usurps lieut-governorship, ii. 217; rule, 1525-6, ii. 217-30; conspiracy against, ii. 229-30; revolt against, 1526, ii. 231-6; leniency of Cortés, ii. 242; comandante of Mex., ii. 244; residencia, ii. 292.
Salazar, Gen., defeat, etc., of, 1865, vi. 186.
Salazar, J. de, death of, i. 475-6.
Salcedo, Capt., exped., etc., of, ii. 600.
Salcedo, Gov. M. de, capture of, iv. 241.
Salcedo, Brigadier N. comand.-gen. of prov. internas, 1811, iv. 276-7.
Saldivar, J. de, exped. of, 1539, ii. 467-8.
Saligny, Comte D. de, envoy to Mex., v. 327; French minister, v. 789; vi. 11; plenipotentiary, 1862, vi. 32, 35-7; director pf policy, 1863, vi. 59.
Salm-Salm, Prince, mention of, vi. 292-3; 'My diary in Mexico,' vi. 327.
Salmeron, J. de, oidor, 1530, ii. 321; character, ii. 321; resigns, ii. 380.
Salt, production of, i. 283; iii. 587.
Saltillo, town, founded 1586, iii. 14; capture of, 1811, iv. 240; engagement at, 1811, iv. 268; Taylor's occupation of, 1846, v. 411.
Salto, J. G., execution of, iv. 423.
Salvatierra, Conde de, 19th viceroy, 1642, iii. 114; rule, iii. 114-15; promoted, 1648, iii. 114, 126; residencia, iii. 114.
Salvatierra, District, royalist operations in, 1813, iv. 525.
Salvatierra, Town, engagement at, 1813, iv. 515-16.
Salvatierra, Veedor, with Narvaez' exped., i. 365, 368, 397, 405.
Samaniego, L. de, mention of, ii. 244; at Chametla, 1530, ii. 362.
Samaniego, Lieut.-col., defeats Trujano, 1812, iv. 476-7; operations, 1817, iv. 653.
Sámano, J. de, factor, 1530, ii. 356; high-sheriff, 1565, ii. 606.
Sámano y Quiñones, C. de, governor of Yucatan, 1596-7; ii. 650.
San Agustin del Palmar, engagement at, 1812, iv. 472; 1832, v. 118-19; affair at, 1813, iv. 557.
San Andrés, affair at, 1816, iv. 639.
San Antonio de Béjar, captured by Casas, 1811, iv. 241; by Woll, 1842, y. 246-7.
San Benito, Mérida, citadel of, iii. 419.
San Bias, naval department at, iii. 420-1; defence of, 1796, iii. 489; capture of, 1810, iv. 207-8; arsenal at, iv. 335; recapture of, 1811, iv. 260, 264-5; Cruz' proceedings at, iv. 265; vessels built at, 1813, iv. 539-40; attack, etc., on, 1860, v. 782.
San Cárlos, founded, 1766, iii. 347.
San Cristóbal Ecatepec, execution of Morelos at, 1815, iv. 622.
San Estévan, Indians besiege, 1523, ii. 118-19; relieved by Sandoval, 1523, ii. 121.
San Estévan del Puerto, founding of, ii. 100.
San Eustaquio, affair at, 1811, iv. 308.
San Felipe, affair at, 1813, iv. 524.
San Felipe del Agua, affair at, 1876, vi. 419.
San Hipólito de Oajaca, Dominican province, ii. 724; missions in, ii. 727-32; convents in, ii. 728-30; friars, ii. 732-3.
San Ignacio de Piastla, engagement at, 1810, iv. 238-9.
San Jacinto, battle of, 1836, v. 171-3; plan, v. 172.
San José de Chiapa, affair at, 1812, iv. 478-9.
San Juan de Dios, order of, iii. 722.
San Juan de los Llanos, affair at, 1817, iv. 667-9.
San Juan de Ulúa, Fort, name, i. 27; Cortes at, i. 93, 116-42; plans of, iii. 213; v. 293; hist, etc., of, iii. 214-16; cost, iii. 217; fortifications of, 1796, iii. 489; plot at, 1812, iv. 402-3; attack on, 1822, iv. 786-7; fall of, 1825, v. 62-4; captured by the French, 1838, v. 192-6; restored, v. 204; surrender of, 1847, v. 446.
San Juanico Teposcolula, affair at, 1812, iv. 434-5.
San Lúcas, mines discovered, ii. 596.
San Luis, N. de, Otomí cacique, mention of, ii. 540, 542, 544-5.
San Luis de la Paz, founded, ii. 764; affair at, 1811, iv. 323.
San Luis Potosi, intendencia of, iii. 482; mines discovered, 1548, iii. 579-80; mining in, iii. 589; vi. 513; revolution in, 1810, iv. 202; counterrevolution in, 1811, iv. 270; insurgent raids in, iv. 395-6; subjugation of, iv. 656; disaffection in, 1823, v. 7; revolt in, 1830, v. 103; sedition in, 1848, v. 536.
San Luis Potosi, city, founded, 1576, ii. 763; plot in, 1810, iv. 195; revolt in, 1810, iv. 212-15; 1856, v. 698, 704-5; recapture of, 181], iv. 262-3; occupied by Moctezuma, 1832, v. 114-15; declares for Pedraza, v. 115; recaptured, v. 118; pronunciamiento at, 1845, v. 291-2; Santa Anna at, 1847, v. 415-16; assault on, 1863, vi. 121; revolution at, 1869, vi. 373-4.
San Lorenzo, treaty of, 1795, iii. 488; battle of, 1863, vi. 66.
San Martin, alcaldía mayor, ii. 7612.
San Miguel, founded, ii. 655; capture of, 1810, iv. 120; pillage, iv. 121.
San Miguel Calpulálpan, battle of, 1860, v. 793.
San Miguel el Grande, founded, 1559, ii. 545, 762; Lara captured at, iv. 322.
San Pablo Guelatao, Juarez' birthplace, v. 738-9.
San Pedro, founded, iii. 329.
San Pedro Batopilas district, mining in, vi. 514.
San Pedro de Jorullo, Hacienda, earthquake at, 1759, iv. 168-70.
San Pedro Piedra Gorda, engagement at, 1811, iv. 269-70.
San Ramon, Friar J. de, biog., ii. 398; first Augustinian provincial, 1543, ii. 733.
San Roman, F. de, procurador to Spain, 1545, ii. 527.
San Salvador el Verde, presidio, founded, 1722, iii. 329.
San Sebastian, capture of, 1810, iv. 238.
San Vicente de Chiapas y Guatemala, Dominican province, 1550, ii. 726.
Sanchez, Brigadier E., death of, 1823, iv. 792.
Sanchez, J., pioneer Jesuit, 1572, ii. 701; visits Zacatecas, 1574, ii. 708.
Sanchez, J. M., defeat at Huajuapan, 1812, iv. 437-8.
Sanchez, Dr P., first Jesuit provincial, ii. 700; resigns, 1579, ii. 705-6.
Sanchez, Padre, victory at Izucar, 1812, iv. 365.
Sandoval, G. de, with Cortés' exped., i. 65, 136, 188, 230, 291, 301, 303, 325-6, 381, 471, 476, 490, 499, 57881, 618, 625, 628, 648-9, 654-6, 659-60, 671, 684, 686; character, etc., i. 76-7; ii. 305-6; seizes Narvaez' envoys, i. 365-6; at Narvaez' capture, i. 389, 395-7; campaign of, 1520, i. 556-7; at Tezcuco, i. 574, 595; aids the Chalcans, i. 576-7 589-93, 593; expetl. to Tochtepec, 1521, ii. 32; grant secured by, ii. 34; founds Medellin, ii. 34-5; suppresses Colima revolt, ii. 59; relieves San Estévan, 1523, ii. 119; exped. to Pánuco, 1523, ii. 119-22; associate gov., 1527, ii. 253; return to Spain, ii. 272; death of, 1528, ii. 304-5.
Sangremal, battle of, 1522, ii. 540-2.
Santa Anna, Dictator, A. L. de, mention of, iv. 543; operations, 1821, iv. 722-4; attack on Ulúa, 1822, iv. 786-7; charged with treachery, iv. 788; dismissal, iv. 788-9; revolt of, 1822, iv. 789-800; 1828, v. 42; capture of Barradas, 1829, v. 72-5; revolution of Jalapa, 1829, v. 92-3; president, 1833, v. 127-8; rule, v. 132-43; dictator, v. 133, 141; biog., v. 13S-9, 658-9; character, v. 139; cabinet, v. 141, 269-71; siege of the Álamo, 1836, v. 167-8; capture, etc., at San Jacinto, v. 171-3; Burnet's treaty with, v. 173-4; release, etc., v. 174-6; success at Vera Cruz, 1838, v. 197-200; campaign of, 1839, v. 211-14; revolution of, 1841, v. 229-38; president, 1841, v. 236; rule, v. 238-76; reelected, 1844, v. 259; statue of, v. 260, 272; marriage, v. 261; revolution against, v. 267-77; exile, etc., 1845, 277-81; recall, 1846, v. 301-3; president, 1847, v. 306, 524-7; forces of, v. 414-17, 451, 471; march against Taylor, v. 416-17, 419-20; battle of Buena Vista, v. 420-33; of Cerro Gordo, v. 450-9; negotiations with Scott, v. 465-6, 490-6; battle of Padierna, v. 476-8; of Churubusco, v. 480-8; battle of Molino del Rey, v. 5034; of Chapultepec, v. 50618; evacuation of Mex., v. 518-19; cabinets, v. 524-5; measures, v. 5257; operations, v. 528; deprived of command, v. 533; works of, v. 553; president, 1853, v. 623-5; cabinet, v. 626; rule, v. 625-57; titles, v. 640-2; flight, v. 657-8; death, 1876, v. 658-9.
Santa Anna, J. M. de C, diary of, iii. 510.
Santanists, party, uprising, etc., of, 1845, v. 283-5; revolution of, 18467, v. 297-306; attitude, etc., of, 1849, v. 558-60; revolt in Guadalajara, 1851, v. 608-9; attitude of, 1858, v. 742.
Santa Bárbara, founded, 1749, iii. 344.
Santa Bárbara, district, mining in, vi. 514.
Santa Eulalia, district, mining in, 1704-1844, vi. 514.
Santa Fé, Mexico, founded, ii. 332-3.
Santa Fé, Texas, exped. against, 1841, v. 246.
Santa Gertrúdis, pueblo, founded, 1722, iii. 329.
Santa Hermandad, origin of, iii. 272; establ'd in N. Spain, 1553, iii. 272; functions of, iii. 272; officials of, iii. 272.
Santa Maria, Colombian minister, iv. 782; dismissal, 1822, iv. 782; reinstated, 1823, v. 5; writings, v. 5.
Santa María, town, founded, 1694-6, iii. 227.
Santa María, V. de, vicar-general and inquisitor, 1528, ii. 302.
Santa María y Mendoza, G. de, biog., iii. 20; archbishop, iii. 20; vandalism of, iii. 20.
Santander, founded, 1749, iii. 343.
Santa Pecaque, Swan captures, 1686, iii. 206.
Santa Rita, pueblo, founded, 1721, iii. 324.
Santa Rosa, engagement at, 1812, 470.
Santa Rosa district, mining in, vi. 514.
Santa Teresa, founded, 1722, iii. 326.
Santiago, pirates raid, 1685, iii. 205.
Santiago, Count of, aids in quelling corn riot, 1692, iii. 243-4.
Santiago de Mexico, Dominican province, ii. 724.
Santiago valley, affair in, 1S11, iv. 323; 1812, iv. 391-2.
Santillan, Diego de, gov. of Yucatan, 1571, ii. 646; measures against pirates, ii. 646-7; efficiency of, ii. 651.
Santillan, oidor, takes Montejo's residencia, 1549, ii. 450.
Santo Evangelio, Franciscan province founded, 1524, ii. 713; seal of, ii. 713; provincials, 1524-1600, ii. 713.
Santo Floro, Marqués de, gov. and capt.-gen. of Yucatan. 1636, iii. 157; rule, 157-9.
Santos García, bishop of Nueva Galicia, ii. 692; death of, 1596, ii. 692. Sara via, Gen. A. G., comand. at Oajaca, 1812, iv. 470-1; defeat of, iv. 485; execution, iv. 486.
Saravia, F. M. B. de, captured by pirates, 1708, iii. 292-3.
Sardá, Col., defence of Fort Soto la Marina, 1817, iv. 663, 672.
Saúz, M. do, maestre de campo, 1564, ii. 599.
Sayula, revolt in, 1810, iv. 205.
Schapenham, Admiral, occupies Acapulco, 1624, iii. 81-2.
Scott, Gen. W., variance with U. S. govt, 1846, v. 369-71; commander-in-chief, v. 469, 413; plan of, v. 438; forces, etc., v. 439, 464-5, 468; siege of Vera Cruz, 1847, v. 441-8; battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 452-9; occupation of Puebla, v. 461-4; proclamation, v. 462-3; quarrel with Trist, v. 463-5; negotiations with Santa Anna, v. 465-6; march on Mex., v. 468-9, 473; battle of Padierna, v. 475-80; of Churubusco, v. 480-8; armistice, v. 4906; battle of Molino del Rey, v. 497505; of Chapultepec, v. 506-18; occupation of Mex., v. 519-21, 529-30; measures, v. 530; superseded, v. 531; 'Memoirs,' v. 551.
Scottish Rite, Lodges, mention of, v. 33-4.
Sculpture, vi. 646.
Semmes, Lieut. R., works of, v. 551. Sentmanat, gov. of Yucatan, 1841, v. 219; defeat of, 1843, v. 245; execution, v. 245.
Sericulture, Delgadillo fosters, ii. 292; progress of, iii. 612-13.
Serna, F. V. de, gov. of San Juan de Ulúa, 1624, iii. 65.
Serna, J. P. de la, archbishop, 1613, iii. 42; reforms of, iii. 42-3; quarrels with viceroy, iii. 43-57; appeals to audiencia, iii. 49-52; exiled, iii. 52; interdict of, 1624, iii. 58-9; recalled, iii. 61; returns to Spain, 1624, iii. 76-7; death of, 1631, iii. 77.
Sesma, R., operations at Oajaca, 1812, iv. 483; command in Mizteca iv. 642; treachery of, iv. 653. Se villa, J., complicity, etc., of, iv. 213-15.
Sherman, Capt., battle of Buena Vista, v. 422, 431.
Shields, Gen., battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 466-8; of Churubusco, v. 484-5.
Shipping, statistics, iii. 644. Shover, Capt,, battle of Buena Vista, v. 432.
Sieges, Guanajuato, 1810, iv. 133-57; Acapulco, 1811, iv. 300-1; Valladolid, 1811, iv. 312-16; 1813, iv. 569-73; Cuautla, 1812, iv. 362-72; Cerro del Gallo, 1813, iv. 518-21; Mescala Rock, 1813, iv. 538-40; Acapulco, 1813, 545-51; Coscomatepec, 1813, iv. 555-6; Mt. Cóporo, 1814, iv. 608-11; Soto la Marina, 1817, iv. 672; Fort Sombrero, 1817, iv. 673-6; Vera Cruz, 1832, v. 110; 1847, v. 441-8; 1860, v. 777-80; Álamo, the, 1836, v. 167-8; Tampico, 1839, v. 213; Campeche, 1840, v. 218; Matamoros, 1846, v. 34767; 1065, vi. 199; Monterey, 1846, v. 366-402; Puebla, 1863, vi. 62-8; Oajaca, 1865, vi. 188-90; Querétaro, 1867, vi. 277-304.
Sierra Gorda, map of, iii. 337; v. 577,
Sierra Gorda, Condede, measure of, iv. 172, 246; early missions, iii. 338; campaign in, 1704, 1715, iii. 33839; 1849, v. 578-80; pacified by Escandon, 1734, iii. 339-40; revolution in, v. 536.
'Siete Leyes,' 1835, v. 145-6.
Siete Partidas, code of Alfonso x, ii. 281-2.
Sigüenza y Góngora, works of, vi. 641-2.
Silas, settled, 1553, ii. 752; Callejas edict at, 1810, iv. 229; affair at, 1860, v. 784.
Silíceo, M., minister of fomento, 1885, v. 676.
Silk, manufacture, etc., of, vi. 524-5, 576.
Silver Bullion, mode of handling, iii. 301-2.
Sinaloa, hostility of natives, iii. 13; enlargement of border, iii. 14; exped. to, 1810-11, iv. 237-9; maps of, vi. 193, 248; republican operations in, 1866, vi. 249; revolution in, 1871-2, vi. 383, 394-5; mining in, vi. 514.
Síndicos, duties of, iii. 522.
Sisal, pirates land at, 1571, ii. 646.
Slavery, mention of, i. 4-6, 92, 161, 197, 212-13, 216, 253, 268, 273, 311, 324, 362, 554-5, 564, 592, 599, 609; ii. 150-1, 518-19, 534, 565-6; iii. 287-8; v. 79-80.
Slidell, Envoy J., negotiations of, 1845-6, v. 341-3.
Smith, Capt. C. T., capture of Monterey, v. 489-91.
Smith, Gen. P., capture of Monterey, v. 390-1; battle of Padierna, v. 478-9; of Churubusco, v. 486; of Chapultepec, v. 510, 514-15.
Smuggling, see Commerce, contraband.
Soberanis y Centeno, R. de, gov. of Yucatan, etc., 1693, iii. 162; death of, iii. 163.
Society, ii. 134-6; 582-3; iii. 209, 220, 233, 731-77; vi. 598-629.
Soconusco, conquered by Alvarado, 1524, ii. 126-7; incorporated with Chiapas, 1825, v. 24; with Mex., 1842, v. 240-1.
Solis, A. de, voyages of, i. 1, 11-12; works, etc., of, i. 186-8, 697.
Solis, F., gov. of Yucatan, etc., 15836, ii. 650-2.
Soltepec, affair at, 1815, iv. 629.
Sombrerete, mines discovered, ii. 596-7; mining in, vi. 513.
Sombrero, Fort, siege of, 1817, iv. 673 — 6; massacre at, iv. 675-6.
Somera, F., minister of fomento, 1866, vi. 225.
Sonora, bishopric of, iii. 693-4; civil war in, 1842, v. 241; republican victories in, 1866, vi. 247; Yaqui war in, 1885-6; vi. 461-2. Soso, F., works of, iii. 727. Soto, D. de, mission to Spain, 1524, ii. 197-202.
Soto, Friar Fide, mention of, ii. 1645; Florida, exped., 1539, ii. 513; opposes encomiendas, 1544, ii. 5256; procurador to Spain, 1545, ii. 527.
Soto, Gen. J., minister of war, 1856, v. 687.
Soto, M. accuser of Varaez, 1622, iii. 44-6; excommunicated, iii. 46. Soto, Lieut. M. de, defeat of, 1811, iv. 349-50
Soto la Marina, occupied by Mina, 1817, iv. 661-2; siege of, iv. 672.
Spain, laws, iii. 518; sketch of hist., 1598-1875, iv. 3-8; revolution in, iv. 36-7, 41-2; reverses in and their effect in Mex., 1809, iv. 84, 89; regency in, 1810, iv. 84-5; 1812, iv. 456; affairs in, 1813-14, iv. 595-6; reinforcements from, 1815, iv. 640; revolt in, 1820, iv. 697; commissioners from, v. 56; commerce injured by privateers, v. 65-6; invasion of Mex., 1829-30, v. 71-6; 1861-2, vi. 29-43; treaty with, 1836-9, v. 181-2; 1883, vi. 455; relations with, 1857, v. 71617; 1871, vi. 358.
Spain, intervention of, 1861, vi. 21-3.
Spaniards, arrival of, predicted, i. 10015; character, i. 411, 613-14, 636-7, 692-4; sacrificed by natives, i. 484, 510-13, 535, 624; expelled from Indian towns, ii. 573-4; massacre of, 1810, iv. 222-4, 230, 245-6, 249; 1811, iv. 270; 1812, iv. 398; imprisonment, etc., of, iv. 23941.
Spaniards, exodus of, 1814, iv. 593-5; 1821, iv. 741-3; hostility toward, v. 54-5, 59-60; expulsion of, 1827, v. 60-1.
Spanish-Americans, race admixture, iii. 731-3.
Spice Islands, see Moluccas.
Stage lines, establ'd, iii. 638.
Stock-raising, mention of, iii. 614-16; vi. 578.
Street-lighting, introduced, iii. 623.
Suarez, C., mention of, ii. 137-9.
Suarez y Navarro, J. works of, v, 627, 807.
Suazo, Capt., battle of Molino del Rey, v. 502.
Subdelegados, first appointed, 1786, iii. 453; jurisd. of, iii. 520.
Sugar, maguey, iii. 609.
Sugar-Cane, cultivation of, iii. 610; vi. 572.
Sultepec, supreme national junta at, iv. 369, 378-9; capture of, 1812, iv. 418.
Sumptuary laws, 1524, ii. 135-6.
'Supremo Poder Conservador,' organized, etc., 1837, v. 181; measures of, 1841, v. 232.
Swan, Capt., cruise of, 1685-6, iii. 205-7.
Synod, first held, 1526, ii. 177-8.
Tabares, conspiracy of, 1811, iv. 305-6.
Tabasco, Grijalva's exped., 1518, i. 21-4; Cortés reaches, 1519, i. 84; submits to Cortés, i. 91-2; location, i. 95; conquest of, 1525, ii. 226; Montejo in, ii. 441-2; revolt in, 1840, v. 219; subjugation of, 1843, v. 245.
Tabasco, port, capture of, 1847, v. 449.
Tabera, Gen. R., capitulation of Mex., 1867, vi. 347.
Taboada, Gen., battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 47-50.
Tacubaya, occupied by Santa Anna, 1841, v. 233; plan of, v. 723-5.
Tagle, A., gov. of Hidalgo, 1869, vi. 370; minister of fomento, 1876, vi. 425.
Tagle, P., minister of govt, 1876, vi. 431.
Tajo, mine, yield of, vi. 514.
Tamaulipas, occupation of, 1746-66, iii. 340-7; map of, iii. 341; extent, etc., 1757-1810, iii. 346; population, 1757-1810, iii. 346; governors of, 1779-1800, iii. 347; missions, iii. 347-8; flood in, 1802, iii. 503; subjugation of, iv. 656; congress of, iv. 809; revolt in, 1832, v. 111.
Tamazulapan, people of, i. 321.
Tampico, sacked by pirates, 1682, iii. 191; occupied by Barradas, 1829, v. 73-5; surrender of Spaniards, 74-5; affair at, 1832, v. Ill; revolt at, 1838, v. 207; attack on, v. 2079; captured by Arista, 1839, v. 212-13; vi. 253; Perry's occupation of, 1846, v. 411; captured by republicans, vi. 254.
Tangaxoan II., king of Michoacan, ii. 44; receives Montaño, ii. 45-8; visit, etc., to Cortés, ii. 48-50; flight of, ii. 52; baptism, etc., of, ii. 341; torture and burning of, ii. 344-7.
Tapachula, pronunciamiento at, 1824, vi. 452.
Tapia, A. de, with Cortés' exped., i. 80-1, 341, 348, 367, 390, 471, 591, 610, 649, 653, 656, 663; biog., i. 405; 'Relacion,' i. 406; in control at Tzintzuntzan, ii. 53-4; Salazar's usurpation, ii. 231-^; alguacil mayor, 1526, ii. 233.
Tapia, B. V. de, regidor, 1524, ii. 9; procurador, ii. 224; commissioner to Spain, ii. 285.
Tapia, C. de, gov. of New Spain, etc., ii. 67-8; Narvaez' warning to, ii. 68-9; correspondence with Cortés, ii. 69; Cortés' policy toward, ii. 70-1; meeting with Sandoval, ii. 71; credentials objected to, ii. 72-3; departure of, ii. 73; accuses Cortés, 1522, ii. 86-7.
Tapia, Cacique, defeats Chichimecs, 1531, ii. 542-3.
Tapia, Cura, defeat at Huajuapan, 1812, iv. 437-8.
Tarascos, character, etc., of the, i. 514.
Tarelo, Padre J. F., negotiations of, iv. 383.
Tariffs, vi. 545-8.
Tasco, capture of, 1811, iv. 350.
Tavera, R., minister of war, 1866, vi. 226.
Taxation, increase of under Felipe IV., iii. 84-5; on rents, 1812, iv. 376; increase of, 1813, iv. 500; 1814, iv. 593-4; 1839-41; v. 226-7; 1841, v. 238-9; 1843, v. 245-6; decrease in, 1822, iv. 749.
Taxco, tin mines discovered at, ii. 31-2; mining in, iii. 591.
Taxmar, Cacique, mention of, i. 82.
Taylor, Gen. Z., instructions, etc., to, v. 335-6, 346, 373-6; campaign on the Rio Grande, v. 346-67; capture of Monterey, v. 376-401; forces, v. 377, 413-14; map of campaign, v. 378; the Chihuahua exped., v. 405-6; occupation of Saltillo, v. 411; of Victoria, v. 412; at Agua Nueva, v. 419-20; battle of Buena Vista, v. 420-33.
Teaurite, battle of, 1721, iii. 323-4.
Tecama, battle of, i. 583.
Tecamachalco, subjugation of, i. 534.
Tecoac, battle of, 1876, vi. 427.
Tecocoltzin, Cacique, conversion of, i. 560; king of Tezcuco, i. 572.
Tecpan, province organized, 1811, iv. 344; revolution in, 1814, iv. 575-80; map of, iv. 577; campaign in, 1816, iv. 653.
Tecpan, City, title bestowed on, 1811, iv. 344.
Tecualoya, Barranca, affair at, 1812, iv. 356.
Tecuichpo, Princess, marriages of, i. 458-9, 544; capture of, i. 686-8.
Tehuacan, capture of, 1812, iv. 389; surrender of, 1817, iv. 651; occupied by Spanish troops, 1862, vi. 40.
Tehuantepec, submits to Spaniards, etc., ii. 39-40; exped. to, ii. 54-5; reverts to crown, ii. 482, 580, 634; Indian revolt at, 1660, iii. 164-5.
Tehuantepec, canal, concessions, etc., for, v. 589-90.
Tejada, M. L. de, see Lerdo, M.
Tejada, S. L. de, see Lerdo, S.
Telegraphs, vi. 559-60.
Tello, Friar A., works of, ii. 514.
Tello, Major B., command of, iv. 195.
Tello de Guzman, J. B., gov. of Yucatan, 1683, iii. 162.
Tello de Sandoval, F., visitador, 15434, ii. 522-3; moderation of, ii. 5267; relations with Mendoza, ii. 5301; benefits wrought by, ii. 532-3; departure, ii. 535.
Temples of Yucatan, i. 8-10, 19-22; at the Isla de Sacrificios, i. 26; of Tabasco, i. 80; at Centla, i. 92; of Coatlan, i. 112; at Cholula, i. 232, 236-7, 244, 248; at Mexico, i. 276-7, 294-5, 349-50, 409, 413-16, 436-48, 513, 608, 656-8, 677; of Totoltepec, i. 485; of Iztocan, i. 531; of Coyuhuacan, i. 607.
Tenamaxtli, Cacique, mention of, ii. 491; defence of Nochistlan, 1541, ii. 507; of Mixton, ii. 507-9; flight of, 1541, ii. 509.
Tenancingo, engagement at, 1812, iv. 356.
Tenango, affair at, 1812, iv. 414-15.
Tenocha, negro conspiracy at, 1546, ii. 537-8.
Teotihuacan, pyramids of, i. 96.
Teotitlan, affair at, 1815, iv. 631; captured by Diaz, 1866, vi. 260.
Tepango, affair at, 1810, iv. 300.
Tepeaca, province, subjugation, etc., of, 1520, i. 524-7.
Tepeaca, town, affair at, 1821, iv. 723.
Tepehuanes, revolt of the, iii. 16-17.
Tepeli, royalists invest, 1816, iv. 650.
Tepic, Chirinos reaches, 1530, ii. 354; Guzman at, ii. 354-5; capture of, 1810, iv. 207; recapture of, 1811, iv. 264; Cruz's measures at, iv. 265; revolt in, 1872-3, vi. 399-401; 1874-5, vi. 413; naval school founded at, 1822, vi. 637.
Tepic, sack, etc., of, 1847, v. 537.
Tequilla, captured by Lozada, 1873, vi. 400.
Tequipans, revolt of, 1548, ii. 538.
Teran, Jesus, minister of gobernacion, 1857, v. 713.
Teran, Juan, operations, 1816, iv. 634-5, 639; joined by Osorno, iv. 639; besieged at Tepeji, 1816, iv. 650.
Teran, J. M. G. de, deputy to córtes, 1810, iv. 449.
Teran, L., minister of fomento, 1866, vi. 226; affair of the 'Trinidad,' 1879, vi. 440-1.
Teran, Gen. M. Mier y, defeats Álvarez, 1815, iv. 631; dispute with congress, iv. 631-2; operations, 1816-17, iv. 633-5; iv. 650-1; surrender of, iv. 651; capture of Barradas, 1829, v. 74-5; defeat at Tampico, v. Ill; mission to Texas, 1827, v. 155-7.
Terrazas, F. de, the 'anonymous conqueror,' i. 281.
Terreño, Conde de C, operations in Puebla, 1813, iv. 535.
Terrés, Gen., battle of Chapultepec, v. 517-18.
Terrones, L. de, arrests archbishop, etc., 1624, iii. 52-7.
Testera, Friar J. de, Franciscan custodian, ii. 393; mission to Yucatan, ii. 451-2; biog., ii. 452.
Tetitlan, Hujícar, defeated at, 1524, ii. 61.
Tetlahuehuetquizitzin, Cacique, aspires to rule, i. 330.
Tetzontli, Stone, description of, iii. 177; quarries of, iii. 587.
Teuch, Cacique, aids Cortés, etc., i. 192, 203, 213.
Teuhtlile, Envoy, visits to Cortes, etc., i. 121-30.
Teul, Grand (aboriginal town), destroyed by Chirinos, ii. 353-4; treachery of warriors, 1541, ii. 508.
Texas, famine in, 1718; iii. 290-1; French expelled from, iii. 292; revolts in, iv. 241; v. 146, 158-9, 161; revolution in, 1811, iv. 271; American raids in, 1813, iv. 542-3; boundaries, v. 151-2; Long's invasions, v. 152-3; foreign colonies in, v. 153-5; united with Coahuila, v. 154; disaffection in, v. 155-6; decree of 1839, v. 156, 159; maps of, v. 157, 347; the slavery question, v. 158-9, 323-5; grievances, v. 159-60; provis. govt establ'd, 1835, v. 161-2, 167; aid from U. S., v. 162-3; declar. of independ., v. 165-6; 'war of independ.', v. 16778; hostilities in, 1841-2, v. 246-7; attitude of U. S., v. 247-8; Mex. proposals to, 1843, v. 263; causes of secession, v. 308, 322-4; acquisition of terr., 1836, v. 324-5; recognition of, v. 327; annexation of by U. S., 1845, v. 334-8; raids organized in, 1851-2, v. 603-5.
Texas, fort, attack, etc., on, 1886, v. 348, 364-5.
Texca, battle of, 1830, v. 96.
Tezcatlipoca, temple of, i. 349; chief Aztec deity, i. 407.
Tezcucans, aid Cortés, etc., i. 561, 582, 593, 595.
Tezcuco, Acolhu — an capital, i. 96; king of meets Cortés, i. 269; descript, of, i. 425-6; Cortés' march to, 1520, i. 570; decline of, ii. 20; restored by Ixtlilxochitl, ii. 25; controlled by Augustinians, ii. 524.
Tezmalaca, engagement at, 1815, iv. 616-17; capture of Morelos at, iv. 617-18.
Theatres, v. 624-5.
Thomas, Capt., battle of Buena Vista, v. 431.
Thompson, minister, reply to Mex. protests, v. 329-30, 332.
Thornton, Sir E., arbiter on U. S. claims, 1873, vi. 443.
Tierra Caliente del Sur, revolution in, 1812, iv. 407.
Tihoo, expecl. to, 1541, ii. 445-7.
Tilmatli, Aztec garment, i. 474.
Tiltepec, occupied by Sandoval, ii. 34.
Timagé, Cacique, urges resistance to Spaniards, ii. 51-2.
Tin mines, discovered at Taxco, ii. 31-2.
Tirado, J., evacuation of Mex., i. 481.
Tiripitío, university founded at, 1540, ii. 735.
Tithes, amount, etc., 1523-4, ii. 159; reduction of, 1546, ii. 530; collection from Indians forbidden, ii. 665; Augustinians struggle for, ii. 733-4; orders resist payment of, 1624-73, iii. 120-35; church, iii. 666-8.
Tixtla, capture of, 1811, iv. 303; battie of, iv. 303-4.
Tizapantzinco, Cortés' exped. to, i. 157-60.
Tlacopan, capital of Tepanecs, i. 96; king of, i. 334; Cortés at, i. 585-8; causeway, i. 441-3.
Tlacotalpan, mutiny at, 1879, vi. 440.
Tlacotepec, congress at, 1814, iv. 576-8.
Tlacotlan, revolt at, 1541, ii. 503.
Tlalpujahua, Rayon's headquarters at, 1812, iv. 420, 426.
Tlascala, location, i. 95, 198; Montezuma fails to subjugate, i. 100; name, i. 198; wall of, i. 198, 201; conquest of, 1519, i. 201-15; Cortés enters, i. 216; Aztec embassy to, i. 514-19; ship building at, X 562; Cortés reviews forces at, i. 564-7; Cortés' retreat to, i. 482-508; diocese of, ii. 27, 180, 262, 296-7, 390; map of diocese, ii. 555; Indian revolt at, 1692, iii. 247-48; invasion of, 1811, iv. 341; occupied by Montaño, 1812, iv. 490; attack on, 1813, iv. 553.
Tlascaltecs, industries, etc., i. 198-9; govt., i. 199; alliance with Cortés, etc., i. 221-35; at Cholula massacre, i. 238-47; at Alvarado's massacre i. 414-18; evacuation of Mex., i. 471; fealty to Cortés, i. 490-1, 505, 515-19, 525-8; battle of Otumba, i. 499; army, i. 566-7, 616-17; siege of Mex., i. 582, 587, 591, 595, 616, 654, 670, 680; how rewarded, ii. 26-7; exempt from encomiendas, 1529, ii. 314; colonies of, ii. 764.
Tlatelulco, temple of, i. 295-7; negro conspiracy, at, 1544, ii. 537-8.
Tlayacapan Valley, battle in, i. 596-7.
Tobacco, cultivation and manufact. of, iii. 613-14; vi. 526-7, 572-3.
Tochtepec, Spaniards routed at, 1520, ii. 32; Sandoval's exped. to, 1521, ii. 22-3.
Togno, Lieut.-col., conference with Gen. Forey, 1863, vi. 65-6.
Toledo, A. de, defeat at Béjar, 1813, iv. 543.
Toledo, Nuevo Reino de, Nayarit named, iii. 328.
Tolentino, Gen., defection of, 1876, vi. 426.
Tolomé, engagement at, 1832, v. 109-10.
Tolsa, M., statuary of, vi. 646.
Toltecs, supremacy, etc., of, i. 95-6.
Toluca, City, insurgent repulse near, 1811, iv. 337-8; insurgents attack, 1812, iv. 413; relief of, iv. 414; affair at, 1860, v. 792; capital of state of Mex., vi. 370.
Toluca, Valley, subjugation of, 1812, iv. 418-19.
Tomson, R., inquisition condemns, 1558, ii. 675-6.
Tonalá, Spaniards occupy, 1530, ii. 350-1.
Tonati, Nayarit Chief, visit to Mex., 1720-1, iii. 317-21; fate of, iii. 330.
Tonatuih, Indian name for Alvarado, i. 75.
Toral, F. de, bishop of Yucatan, 1562, ii. 688-9; conflict with Franciscans, ii. 689; death, 1571, ii. 689.
Tornel y Mendibil, Gen. J. M., minister of war, 1842, v. 254, 259; 1853, v. 626, 637; biog., etc., v. 254; speech before Mex. congress, v. 326-7.
Torquemada, J. de, works of, i. 695; ii. 787-8; biog., ii. 786-7; juez de residencia, 1536, ii. 457; gov. of Nueva Galicia, 1536-7, ii. 457, 462; assumes govt, 1537, ii. 461-2; reforms of, 1537, ii. 462-3; defeats Indians, 1538, ii. 463-4; death of, ii. 464; character, ii. 464-5.
Torre, Capt. J. B. de la, operations of, iv. 326-7; death of, 1811, iv. 327.
Torre, M. de la, defence of Maximilian, vi. 308.
Torrejon, Gen., campaign on the Rio Grande, v. 350-6; the Monterey campaign, v. 380; battle of Buena Vista, v. 428-9.
Torre Valdés y Gamboa, de la, capitan protector of Nayarit, 1720, iii. 317-20; gov. 1721, iii. 320-5; exped. of, 1721, 321-4.
Torres, Gen. J. A., character, 203-4; operations of, 1810, iv. 203-8; action at Pátzcuaro, 1811, iv. 312; defeated near Zipiméo, 1811, iv. 337; capture of, iv. 388; execution, iv. 388.
Torres, Padre, leader of revolution, iv. 657; character, iv. 669; defeat at Fort Sombrero, 1817, iv. 674; besieged at Los Remedios, 1817, iv. 676-7, 483-5; outrages of, iv. 6934; death of, iv. 694.
Torres y Rueda, M. de, 20th viceroy, 1648, iii. 127, 137; bishop of Yucatan, 1644, iii. 137; rule, 164849, iii. 137-8; death of, 1649, iii. 138; property sequestered, 138-9.
Tortolitas, combats at, 1814-1815, iv. 636-7.
Totonacs, subjugated by Aztecs, i. 97; Cortes among, i. 141-51; revolt against Aztecs, i. 147-50, 154-9; allies of Cortes, i. 191-2.
Totoquihuatzin, II., conspires against Cortes, i. 329; death of, i. 543.
Touron, Father, works of, ii. 190-1.
Townley, Capt., cruise of, 1685-6, iii. 205-7.
Trade, see Commerce.
Travel, vi. 626-7.
Treasure obtained by Grijalva, i. 30; discovered by Cortes, i. 297-8; obtained by Cortes, i. 313, 341-3, 470, 477-8, 488, 679, 683, 691; division of, i. 343-6; ii. 5; shipments of, 1690-1807, iii. 503, 678; 1808, iv. 76; convoys attacked, 1812, iv. 386, 392-3; 1813, iv."554; 1814, iv. 584; seizure, etc., of, 1822, iv. 785; v. 4; 1860, v. 787-8, 791.
Treasure fleet, wrecked, ±553, ii. 5934; captured by Dutch, 1628, iii. 823; measures to protect, iii. 141; varied fortunes of, 1654-1702, iii. 143-5, 258-70.
Treasury, organization of department, iii. 651-2; regulations for, iii. 651-4; officials, iii. 652-4; receipts, 16441809, iii. 675-8; deficit, 1822, iv. 763; measures for replenishing, 1823, v. 3-4; deficits, etc., 1849-51; v. 563-6.
Treaties, of Córdoba, 1821, iv. 728; Zavaleta, 1832, v. 123-4; claims, 1838, v. 316-19; 1843, v. 319-22; of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 1848, v. 53943; Gadsden, 1853-4, v. 652-3; McLane-Ocampo, 1859, v. 773-5; with the U. S., 1883, vi. 447; with Germany, 1883, vi. 455; with Italy, 1883, vi. 455; with Belgium, 1883, v. . 455; with Spain, 1883, vi. 455.
Trejo, Capt., defection of, 1813, iv. 531.
Tres Palos, engagement at, 1811, iv. 300.
Tresguerras, Architect F. E., mention of, vi. 648.
Treviño, Gen., siege of Querétaro, 1867, vi. 277-8; defeat of, 1872, vi. 382-3.
Tribunal de Azogues, organization of, iii. 583.
'Trinidad,' affair of the, 1879, vi. 440-1.
Trinidad, pueblo, founded, 1722, iii. 329.
Tris Island, presidio at, iii. 419. Trist, Commissioner N. P., mission of, 1847, v. 463; quarrel with Scott, v. 463-5; negotiations, v. 493-5; treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, v. 539-40.
Triumvirate appointed, 1823, v. 2; measures of, v. 2-8.
Trujano, Col, battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 49.
Trujano, T., defence of Huajuapan, 1812, iv. 436^0; defeat at Rancho de la Virgen, 1812, iv. 476; death, iv. 476.
Trujillo, Lieut-col. T., character, iv. 175-6; defeat at Las Cruces, iv. 177-84; treachery of, iv. 182-3; joins Cruz' exped., iv. 242; command.-gen. of Valladolid, iv. 247; defence of Valladolid, 1811, iv. 312-16; defeats Garcia, iv. 384.
Tula, captured by Arredondo, 1811, iv. 321; by Rivera, 1866, vi. 254.
Tulancingo, attacks on, 1812, iv. 405, 421; captured by Guerrero, 1828, v. 39.
Tututepec, Alvarado's exped. to, ii. 42; revolt at, ii. 74.
Tuxpan, surrendered by the French, 1866, vi. 254.
Twiggs, Gen., capture of Monterey, v. 377-8, 383-6; forces, 377; battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 452, 455-7; of Churubusco, v. 483; of Chapnltepec, v. 507, 510.
Tyler, President, Texan policy, v. 337.
Tzintzuntzan, occupied by Spaniards, etc., ii. 52-3; declared a city, 1593, ii. 774-5; arms of, ii. 775.
Ugarte, J. do, intendente of Guadalajara, 1791, iii. 455.
Ulloa, D. de, bishop of Michoacan, 1598-1602, ii. 693.
Ulúa, see San Juan de Ulúa.
Umbría, Pilot G. de, conspires against Cortés, i. 177; mutilated, i. 179; exped. to Zacatula, i. 321.
United Mexican Mining Co., operations, etc., of, vi. 507.
United States, complications with, iii. 488, 491; iv. 33; condition of the, 1778-1800, iv. 9-11; aid sought from, by revolutionists, 1811, iv. 268, 271; filibusters from, 1813, iv. 542-3; treaties with, 1828-32, v. 48-9; the Texan question, v. 151-2, 155, 163-4, 322-44; claims of, v. 247-8; vi. 442-4; war threatened with, 1846, v. 295-6; policy of, 1846, v. 301-2; causes of war with, v. 307-44; claims paid to, v. 320; war preparations, v. 335, 339-40, 343-4; war with, v. 346-548; treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, v. 530-43; recognition of Juarez, 1859, v. 765; the McLane-Ocampo treaty, 1859, v. 773-5; armed intervention of, 1860, v. 778-9; attitude of, 1861-6, vi. 21-4, 99-100, 180-1, 206-7, 234; demand withdrawal of French troops, vi. 208-9; relations with Mex., etc., 1854-83, vi. 356-7, 442-7; treaty with Mex., 1883, vi. 447; 1884, vi. 456.
United States of Mexico, name adopted, v. 17.
Upshur, secretary, the Texan question, v. 333-5.
Uraga, Gen. J. L., revolt in Guadalajara, 1851, v. 609-10; arrest of, 1855 v. 670; operations, etc., 1860. v. 781-2; 1863, vi. 118, 122-4; quarrel with Arteaga, vi. 163.
Uralia, capture, etc., of, 1863, vi. 118.
Urdaneta, F. A. de, exped. to Philippines, 1564, ii. 599-600.
Urepetiro, battle of, 1811, 247-8.
Urquidi, J. M., minister of finance, 1853, v. 616.
Urrea,Gen., operations, etc., in Texas, 1836, v. 169-71; pronunciamiento of, 1838, v. 207; defeat at Acajete, v. 211-12; escape, etc., v. 214; revolt of, 1840, v. 220-4; operations, 1847, v. 437-8.
Urrutia, V., schemes of, 1808, iv. 45, 49-50.
Ursúa y Arizmendi, M. de, gov. of Yucatan, iii. 163; operations against Itzas, 1697, iii. 163.
Urtariz, Lieut J B. de, command of, at Las Cruces, iv. 179.
Usagre, M., with Cortés' exped., i. 69, 370.
Utatlan, embassy from, visits Cortés, 1522, ii. 103-4.
Vaccination, introduced, 1803, iii. 757. Valdelomar, B. P., gov. of Yucatan, 1800, v. 84.
Valderrama, Licentiate, reception at Mex., 1563, ii. 383-4; charges against officials, ii. 387; royal visitador, ii. 577; instructions to, ii. 586; doubles Indian tribute, ii. 586-7; report to king, 1564, ii. 587-9; reforms commended by, ii. 589; reorganizes audiencia, 1566, ii. 614.
Valdés, Lieut B., plot of, 1824, v. 54-5. Valdés, F., plot of, 1811, iv. 264. Valdivia, shipwreck, etc., of, 1512, i. 82; ii. 429-30.
Valdivieso, J. de, feud with M. Cortes, 1565, ii. 605-6.
Valencia, Friar M. de, missionary exped. of, 1523-4, ii. 162-5; at Santo Domingo, 1524, ii. 164-5; inquisitor, ii. 165; reception by Cortés, ii. 165-6; holds chapter, ii. 167-8; character of, ii. 185-6; death of, ii. 186.
Valencia, Gen., victory at Acajete, 1839, v. 211-12; revolution of, 1841, v. 229-30; revolt against Santa Anna, 1844-5, v. 275; insubordination of, v. 474-5; defeat at Padierna, 1847, v. 475-80.
Valenciana mine, output, iii. 589.
Valentin, F., eccles. judge, iv. 280-2.
Valentin, Dr M., member of regency, 1822, iv. 769.
Valenzuela, J. F., exploits of, iv. 154-5.
Valerio de la Cruz, cacique, succeeds San Luis, etc., 1559, ii. 545; death of, 1572, ii. 546.
Valero, Marqués de, 36th viceroy, 1716, iii. 290; rule, iii. 290-2; attempt on life, 1718, iii. 291; Nayarit embassy to, iii. 319-20.
Valladolid, Michoacan, founded, 1541, ii. 774; capital, 1580, ii. 774; arms of, ii. 774; iv. 168; revolutionary plan at, 1809, iv. 80-3; hist, of, iv. 167-70; earthquake at, 1759, iv. 169-70; surrender of, 1810, iv. 1702; plunder of, iv. 172-4; Hidalgo at, 1810, iv. 230-1; riot at, iv. 2456; recapture of, 1811, iv. 246; pardon proclaimed at, iv. 247; govt reorganized, iv. 247; siege of, 1811, iv. 312-16; 1813, iv. 596-73; threatened by insurgents, 1812, iv. 422; Verdusco's defeat at, 1813, iv. 51213; raid on, 1817, iv. 654; captured by Iturbide, 1821, iv. 714-15.
Valladolid, Yucatan, founded, 1543, ii. 447; revolt at, 1840, v. 218.
Vallarta, I. L., minister of govt, 1868, vi. 367; of relations, 1876, vi. 431.
Valle, J. del, discovers Tehuantepec, ii. 55.
Valle de Banderas, reported miracle at, ii. 62-3.
Valle del Maiz, engagement at, 1811, iv. 270.
Vallecillo, Capt., in command of Pánuco, 1523, ii. 123; exped. to Tabasco, ii. 226.
Vallejo, P. de, Cortés' lieut, ii. 100; attitude toward Garay, ii. 109-10; captures Garay's fleet, ii. 112-13; death of, 1523, ii. 118.
Van Buren, President, Texan policy of, v. 327.
Van Horn, N., pirate leader, iii. 1912; at sack of Vera Cruz, 1683, iii. 192-200; death of, iii. 200.
Vanilla, cultivation of, iii. 610; vi. 576-7.
Varaez, M. P. de, arrested, 1622, iii. 44; sentence of, iii. 45; mob releases, 1624, iii. 61; residencia, iii. 75. Vargas, J. de, gov. of Yucatan, 1628, iii. 154; rule, iii. 154-6; residencia, iii. 156.
Vargas, treachery of, iv. 655-6.
Vazquez, Canon P. F., envoy to Rome, v. 47.
Vazquez, Col, capture of, 1817, iv. 690.
Vazquez, J. M., defence of Maximilian, vi. 308-9.
Vega, F. de la, archbishop, 1639, iii. 96.
Vega, F. C. de la, 43d viceroy, 1760, iii. 360-1.
Vega, Gen. R. D. de la, conference with Worth, 1846, v. 348; capture of, 359; campaign in Yucatan, 1851, v. 587-8; sortie from Mex., 1867, vi. 344.
Vega, Gen. P., intrigues of, vi. 72; 'Documentos,' vi. 464.
Veladero, El, affair at, 1810, iv. 299; capture of, 1814, iv. 579.
Velasco, B. B. de, siege of Mex., i. 660-1.
Velasco, L. de, second viceroy, 1549, ii. 559; instructions to, ii. 560-1, 564-5; character, ii. 563; rule, ii. 565-99; death, ii. 589.
Velasco, L. de, jr, eighth viceroy, 15S9, ii. 757; rule, ii. 757-66; character, ii. 758; reappointed, 1607, iii. 6; rule, iii. 6-20.
Velez, Gen., capture of Maximilian, vi. 301.
Velez, Capt. P. A., defence of Acapulco, 1813, 546-51.
Velazquez, D., gov. of Cuba, i. 2; character, i. 2-3, 175-6; exped. to Yucatan, i. 6; Grijalva's exped., 1518, i. 16-33; Olid's, i. 31; Cortés, i. 39-176, 357-97; rights in the conquest, i. 402-3; intrigues against Cortés, ii. 65-6; influence in Spain, ii. 85; decision against, ii. 90; death of, ii. 91.
Velazquez de Lorea, M., alcalde provincial of the Santa Hermandad, 1710, iii. 273-4.
Venegas, F. J. de, 59th viceroy, 1810, iv. 93; rule, iv'. 93-491; biog., etc., iv. 93-4; plots against, iv. 331-3; character, etc., iv. 492-3. Vera Cruz, pop. of intendencia, 1800, iii. 218; map of, iii. 219; negro revolt in, 1735, iii. 352-3; revolution in, 1812, iv. 399-405, 473-50; 1813, iv. 531-2; 1814, iv. 5S3-7; 1815-16, iv. 639-41; 1821, iv. 722-4; campaign of 1817, iv. 652; revolt against Iturbide, 1822, iv. 791-2; disturbances in, 1827, v. 36-7; Miramon's campaign in, 1859, v. 758-9; republican operations in, 1866, vi. 261-2.
Vera Cruz, city, founded by Cortés, 1519, i. 136, 154; site, i. 154; ii. 140-1; Velazquez at, 1520, i. 363; slow growth of, ii. 141-2; fortifications of, ii. 383, 759; iii. 81-2, 1923, 202, 214-16, 416-18; v. 441; harbor improved, ii. 535; Jesuits settle in, 1578, ii. 707; unhealthiness of, ii. 759-60; iii. 211-12; declared a city, 1615, iii. 27; destroyed by fire, 1618, iii. 27; epidemic at, 1648, iii. 138; storm, etc., at, 1665, iii. 17980; 1810, iv. 92; military preparations at, 1675, iii. 184-5; pirates sack, 1683, iii. 192-202; 1712, iii. 283-4; map of, iii. 193; annual fair transferred to, 1683, iii. 203; extent of, 1730, iii. 208; growth of, iii. 208-9; social condition of, iii. 209; population, 1777, iii. 209; religious edifices, etc., 1746, iii. 209-10; commerce, iii. 210; vi. 534; consulado established, 1795, iii. 210; frequent fires at, iii. 21 1; city improvements, iii. 211; officials of, 217-18; blockade of, 1799, iii. 497, 502; 1846, v. 301-2; roads to, iii. 635-8; disturbance at, 1808, iv. 47-8; beleaguered by revolutionists, 1812, iv. 404; action of ayuntamiento, 1813, iv. 506-7; 1821, iv. 739-40; constitution of 1812 proclaimed, iv. 698; attack on, 1821, iv. 723-4; capitulation of, 1821, 740; bombardment of, 1823, v. 62; pronunciamiento at, 1832, v. 107; 1838, v. 114; siege of, 1832, v. 110; 1847, v. 441-8; 1860, v. 777-80; French attack on, 1838, v. 197-9; plans of, v. 198, 443; vi. 143; revolt at, 1846, v. 299 Spanish squadron at, 1856, v. 687 the Juarez govt, 1858, v. 736-7 allied occupation of, 1861-2, vi. 29 plenipotentiaries at, 35-7; surrendered by imperialists, 1867, vi. 351-2; railroad, vi. 398-9, 553-6.
Veragua, gold mines of, iii. 555-6.
Veraguas, Duque de, 26th viceroy, 1673, iii. 181.
Verdin, Padre N. S., plot of, at San Bias, 1811, iv. 264.
Verdugo, Archbishop, mention of, iii. 96.
Verdugo, F., reception of Cortés, etc., 1518, i. 65-6; capture of Tlayacapan, i. 596; conspiracy against Cortes, i. 610; alcalde, i. 612; subdues Xalpan, ii. 253; treasurer, 1530, ii. 356.
Verdusco, Gen., district of, iv. 417; operations in Michoacan, 1813, iv. 511-17; quarrels with Rayon, iv. 513-14; capture of, iv. 689.
Vernon, Admiral, on Gulf coast, 1740, iii. 354.
Vetancurt, A. de, works of, i. 697; ii. 785; iii. 507-8, 678.
Veytia, M., works of, vi. 642-3.
Vicario, Gen., victory of, 1863, vi. 107.
Viceroy, office of, establ'd, ii. 375; mode of reception to, ii. 378-9; powers curtailed, 1560, ii. 576-7; iii. 80; functions, etc., of, iii. 465-6, 532-5; ceremonies, iii. 535-7; term, etc., iii. 537-8; names of viceroyalties, iii. 519-20.
Victoria, city, Taylor's occupation of, 1847, v. 412.
Victoria, Gen. G., mention of, iv. 587; operations, 1816, iv. 641-2; hardships, iv. 695; joins Bravo, 1821, iv. 724; joins Santa Anna, 1822, iv. 791; member of executive, 1823, iv. 802; president of executive, v. 15; measures, v. 15; first president, 1824, v. 17; rule, v. 17-45; character, etc., v. 28-9; death, v. 45.
Vidaurre, J. I. E., minister of justice, 1830, v. 95.
Vidaurri, Gen. S., operations, etc., of, 1856, v. 698, 705, 733; defeat at Ahualulco, 1858, v. 747; disaffection of, 1864, vi. 129-31; appearance, etc., of, vi. 276; minister of treasury, 1867, vi. 334; contribution demanded by, vi. 334-5; execution of, 1867, vi. 349.
Viezca, A., cabinet minister, 1829, v. 82.
Villa Rica (see also Vera Cruz), site of, removed, ii. 140-1.
Villaescusa, Col P., operations, etc., of, 1810-11, iv. 238-9.
Villafaña, M. de R. y, gov. of Yucatan, 1652, iii. 160-1.
Villafañe, A. de, conspires against Cortés, i. 609-10; executed, i. 611.
Villagran, Gen. I., 'emperor of Huasteca,' iv. 526; capture, iv. 530; execution, 1813, iv. 530-1.
Villagran. J., insurgent chief, iv. 202, 427, 431.
Villagran, Gen. J. M., mariscal de campo, iv. 427; mutiny of, 1812, iv. 430-1; reconciliation with Rayon, iv. 431-2; defeat at Huichapan, 1813, iv. 527-0; execution, iv. 529.
Villalba, J. de, gov. of Tepic, 1541, ii. 493; takes Ahuacatlan, 1542, ii. 509-10.
Villalba, Gen. J. de, commander-in-chief, 1705, iii. 402; measures of, iii. 403.
Villalobos, P. de, oidor, 1504, ii. 603; investigates conspiracy, 1506, ii. 614-15.
Villalobos, R. L. de, explorations of, 1542-7, ii. 512-13.
Villamanrique, Marqués de, seventh viceroy, 1585, ii. 742; rule, ii. 74255; residencia, ii. 756.
Villapando, father L. de, mission of, ii. 452-5; first custodio in Yucatan, 1540, ii. 720.
Villareal, Col F., plan of Ayutla, 1854, v. 648-9, 658-9.
Villarfas, J., plot, etc., of, iv. 21215.
Villarocl, A. de, alguacil mayor, ii. 217-18; procurador, ii. 224.
Villarroel, H., works of, iii. 453-4, 778.
Villa-Señor, J. A. de, works of, iii. 510-11, 601, 678.
'Vireyes, Instrucciones,' mention of, iii. 551.
Vírgen, Rancho de la, affair at, 1812, iv. 476.
Visitador, functions of, iii. 521.
Viticulture, restrictions on, iii. 613; mention of, vi. 573-4.
Vizarron y Eguiarreta, J. A. de, 38th viceroy 1734, iii. 351; rule, iii. 351-3; archbishop, 1730-49, iii. 351-2.
Vizcaino, S., voyages of, ii. 751; iii. 2-4.
Volunteers of Ferdinand VII., see Chaquetas.
Wadsworth, W. H., commissioner on U. S. claims, 1869, vi. 443.
Walker, W., raid of, 1853, v. 686.
War of Independence, see Revolution.
Warfare, savage and civilized, iv. 121-2.
Washington, Capt., battle of Buena Vista, v. 422, 431.
Wheat, cultivation of, ii. 132-3; iii. 611-12; vi. 568.
Wilson, R. A., 'A New History,' i. 205.
Woll, Gen., operations in Texas, 1842, v. 240-7; arrest of, v. 276. Women, condition, etc., of, vi. 617-20.
Wool, manufact. of, iii. 616-17; vi. 523-4.
Wool, Gen., exped. to Chihuahua, 1846, v. 405-6; battle of Buena Vista, v. 422, 429.
Worth, Gen., conference with Vega, 1846, v. 405-48; capture of Monterey, v. 376-7, 382-3, 387-401; forces, v. 377; battle of Cerro Gordo, v. 453; occupation of Puebla, v. 461-2; battle of Churubusco, iv. 480-3; of Molino del Rey, v. 497-504; of Chapultepec, v. 507-18.
Wright, Major, battle of Molino del Rey, v. 500.
Wyke, Sir C. L., British minister to Mex., 1861, vi. 12; plenipotentiary to Mex., 1862, vi. 32; instructions, vi. 33.
Xaltocan, name, i. 583; Cortés captures, i. 583-5.
Xicotencatl, Tlascaltec general, i. 200; defeat of, i. 200-17; sues for peace, i. 220-3; at Cholula, i. 246; opposes Spaniards, i. 516-17; aids Spaniards, i. 525; baptized, i. 559; joins army of Cortés, i. 616; desertion of, i. 619-20; execution, i. 621.
Xicotencatl, Col, battle of Chapultepec, v. 511.
Xochimilco, description of, i. 602-3.
Xoloc, Cortés at, i. 495; capture of, i. 608; Spanish headquarters, etc., i. 627-9, 644.
Yañez, A., treasure discovered by, i. 397-8.
Yañez, Oidor, J. I., member of regency, 1821, iv. 736; charges against Iturbide, iv. 767-8.
Yañez, Gen. J. M., pronunciamiento of, 1846, v. 297-8; gov. of Guadalajara, 1851, v. 609; minister of war, 1855, v. 676.
Yañez, M., minister of relations, 1851, v. 610.
Yanhuitlan. engagement at, 1812, iv. 434; royalist flight from, 1812, iv. 439.
Yaquis, insurrection of, 1868, vi. 366; war. 1885-6, vi. 461-2.
Yell, Col., battle of Buena Vista, v. 418, 420, 428.
Yermo, G. de, leader of plot, 1808, iv. 52-5; biog., iv. 52; party of, iv. 78; corps of, iv. 160.
Yorkinos, Secret Society, founding of, v. 32-3; influence on election, 1826, v. 34-5; dissensions, etc., among, v. 40-1.
Young, Col., affair at Peotillos, 1817, iv. 665; defence of Fort Sombrero, 1817, iv. 674-5; death, 675.
Yucatan, sighted by Córdoba, 1517, i. 7-8; name, i. 11; a supposed island, i. 12, 21; Grijalva at, i. 17-22; cities and temples of, i. 21; Cortés at, i. 78-84; conquest of, ii. 430-49; maps of, ii. 432; iii. 158; v. 243; vi. 371; missions to, ii. 451-5; piratical raids, 1561-1602, ii. 6468; 1613-80, iii. 83-4, 145-6; extent of, ii. 648-9; governors of, ii. 650; iii. 152-63; Lopez' ordinances, 1552, ii. 651-2; church affairs in, ii. 688-90, 720-1; iii. 118, 694; epidemic in, 1648, iii. 160; famine, iii. 160; Indian affairs, iii. 157-9; wood-cutters expelled from, 1692, iii. 224; hist, sketch of, 1708-1820, v. 83-5; secession of, 1829, v. 86-7; revolution in, 1839-41, v. 217-19; 1841-3, v. 241^; treaty with Mex., v. 244; rebellion, etc., in, 1847-53, v. 536-9; war in, 1848-51; v. 5808; British trades in, v. 581-2; slave traffic, v. 584; British mediation, v. 585; French invasion of, 1864, vi. 128; insurrection in, 1868, vi. 365; disturbances in, 1843-75, vi. 409-12.
Zacapo, affair at, 1813, iv. 523.
Zacapoaxtla, engagement at 1813, iv. 534; revolt at, 1856, v. 678.
Zacatecas, conquered, ii. 545; condition of, 1530-46, ii. 553-4; name, ii. 554; Tolosa's exped., 1546-8, ii. 554-6; mines discovered in, 1546-8, ii. 554-6; iii. 679-80; mining in, iii. 590, 708-9; vi. 512-13; church affairs in, ii. 717; map of, iii. 207; revolution in, 1810, iv. 202; 1817, iv. 656.
Zacatecas, City, founded, ii. 554-6; a city, 1585, ii. 761-2; branch treasury at, iii. 401; growth of, iii. 304-6; cut off, iii. 304; govt, of, iii. 305-6; a corregimiento, 1726, iii. 306; an intendencia, iii. 306; population, iii. 306; revolt in, 1810, iv. 208-11; captured by Ochoa, 1811, iv. 268; by Rayon, 1811, iv. 307-9; junta at, iv. 309; recaptured by Calleja, 1811, iv. 310-11, 317; assault on, 1813, iv. 541; revolt in, 1838, v. Ill, 114; abandoned by the French, 1866, vi. 256; captured by Cadena, 1870, vi. 374.
Zacatepec, Spaniards capture, i. 326.
Zacatepec, Plain, affair at, 1812, iv. 421.
Zacatlan, occupation of, 1811, iv. 341; affair at, 1812, iv. 422; Osorno at, 1813, iv. 534-6; captured by Llorente, 536; by Aguila, 1814, iv. 588-9.
Zacatula, Olid occupies, ii. 53; headquarters in south-west, ii. 55-6; ship-building at, ii. 55-6; Morelos at, iv. 297-8; capture of, 1818, iv. 694.
Zaldívar, J. M., minister of fomento, 1858, v. 745.
Zamacois, N. de, 'Historia de Méjico' vi. 362-4.
Zamacona, M. M. de, commissioner on U. S. claims, 1873, vi. 443; minister to U. S., 1878, vi. 446.
Zambos, characteristics, ii. 771; lawlessness, ii. 771-2; increase of, ii. 772; privileges, iv. 475.
Zambrano, Col J. M., plot of, iv. 271; defeat at the cerro del Grillo, 1811, iv. 308.
Zamora, Hidalgo at, 1810, iv. 231; Rayon at, 1811, iv. 312.
Zamora, J. M., 'Biblioteca,' iii. 678.
Zapotecs, Briones' exped. against, ii. 33-4; conquered by Rangel, 1524, ii. 128-9; Figueroa's exped. against, ii. 254-5; revolt of, 1531, ii. 415; 1550, ii. 538.
Zapotlan, affair at, 1811, iv. 324.
Zaragoza, Club, mention of, vi. 354.
Zaragoza, Gen., minister of war, 1861, vi. 10; the Spanish invasion, 1861, vi. 29; battle of Cinco de Mayo, 1862, vi. 47-50; death of, 1862, vi. 56.
Zárate, J. L. de, bishop of Oajaca, ii. 391-2, 673.
Zarco, F., works of, v. 697; minister of relations, etc., 1861, vi. 6.
Zavala, Deputy L. de, motion of, iv. 783-4; gov. of Mex., 1827, v. 35; mission to Yucatan, v. 87; biog., v. 87-8; works of, v. 88; vice-president of Texas, 1836, v. 167.
Zavala, Gen., revolution of, 1828, v. 43.
Zavala, M. de, president of cabinet, 1829, v. 80; resignation, 82.
Zayas, Gen. R., surrender at Campeche, 1840, v. 218.
Zerecero, A., 'Memorias,' etc., iv. 373; pronunciamiento of, 1828, v. 42.
Zimapan, Villagran at, iv. 526-7; capture of, iv. 529-30.
Zipiméo, engagement near, 1811, iv. 337.
Zitácuaro, engagement at, 1811, iv. 326-8; defences of, iv. 328; attack on, iv. 328-30; junta establ'd at, 1811, iv. 334; capture of, 1812, iv. 352-5; destruction of, iv. 355.
Zocoalco, revolt in, 1810, iv. 205; battle of, iv. 206.
Zozaya, J. M., minister to U. S., v. 47.
Zuazo, Licentiate A. de, ship-wrecked, etc. 1524, ii. 124-6.
Zuloaga, Gen. F., president, 1858, v. 730; biog., v. 730-1; cabinets, v. 731, 745; rule, v. 731-51; circular of, 1861, vi. 31-2; plot of, 1865, vi. 178-9.
Zuloaguistas, party, principles of, 1858, v. 742.
Zumárraga, J. de, bishop of Mex., 1527, ii. 298; audiencia opposes, ii. 298-9; destroys native archives, ii. 299-300; archbishop, 1547, ii. 556; death, 1548, ii. 556; character, ii. 557-8; will, etc., of, ii. 557-8.
Zumpango, Lake, drainage works on, 1664-75, iii. 169-70.
Zúñiga, F. Manzoy, archbishop, 1628, iii. 77, 95; character, iii. 95; recall of, iii. 95.