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History of Norfolk/Volume 4

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British History online's transcription of the volume. Footnotes removed. Formating automatic, there may be some errors.

478320History of Norfolk — Volume 4Francis Blomefield



The present cathedral is a fine Gothick freestone building, brought to that magnificence we now see it in, at several times and in different ages, by the great care and industry of its many worthy benefactors; Bishop Herbert, its original founder, laid the first foundation stone in 1096, in the place where afterwards was made the chapel of the Blessed Virgin of Pity, and there he erected an altar in honour of our Saviour; and Hubert de Rhye, one of his barons, a devotee to the Holy Land, laid the second stone; Roger Bigot, and most of the nobility and barons of the diocese, being present, laid their several stones, and contributed largely to that pious work: so that the original church, as left by Herbert, was the whole choir, tower, and two transepts, with the north and south isles of the choir, beyond the transepts, and the extent of it then, was to the division between the nave and anti-choir, and no further; the lower part of which, now remaining, is the original building of Herbert, though some ornaments between the arches, and the entire roofs and upper parts have been since added.

Having finished his church, it was dedicated to the honour of the Holy Trinity, on the 24th day of Sept. on which day the dedication feast was annually celebrated to the Dissolution.

At Herbert's death, Bishop Eborard, his successour, built the whole nave or body of the church, and its two isles, from the antichoir or rood-loft door, to the west end, which was so great a work, that some have not scrupled to say, he built the whole church; and the present building, except the roof of the nave and western end, is of his foundation; and thus the church stood (though not perfectly fitted up and finished) till 1171, when it received much damage by fire; all which,

John of Oxford, the 4th Bishop in this see, fully repaired, and completely fitted up the church with ornaments, vestments, and such like, about the year 1197.

The next addition to this pile, was the noble chapel of the Virgin Mary, called the chapel of St. Mary the Great, which was built by Walter de Suffield the 10th Bishop here, who was a person of such sanctity and goodness, that though he was not formally canonized by the Pope, he was a reputed saint in his country, and a shrine being erected over his grave, it was visited by pilgrims from many parts, abundance of miracles being said to be done there; which was much confirmed by the miraculous escape of this chapel (as they then interpreted it) from the fire and fury of the citizens in 1272, when the whole church, tower, and adjacent buildings, were totally defaced in the insurrection between the citizens and monks; a large account of which occurs in Part 1. p. 53, 54, &c.

But the citizens being condemned to pay 3000 marks for their rashness; with that, and the liberality of the King, Queen, Bishop, Nobles, and Barons, of the country, the church was repaired and finished, and on Advent Sunday 1278, King Edward the First, and Eleanor his Queen, the Bishop of London, Hereford, Waterford, and many other nobles, were present at the inthronization of William de Midleton, who then rededicated the church in their presence; and John de Chisil Bishop of London then dedicated that altar where the body of St. William was buried, to the honour of our Saviour, and all the Saints; and Thomas de Cantelupe Bishop of Hereford dedicated the opposite altar by the choir door, to the honour of the Blessed Virgin, St. John the Baptist, St. Giles the Abbot, and all Holy Virgins; and Stephen Bishop of Waterford in Ireland dedicated the altar at the sacrist's chamber door, to St. Peter and Paul, and all the Saints,

And at this time the Bishop decreed, that the feast or dedication of the church should be held on the 18th of the calends of October, (viz. Sept. 24,) as usual in ancient time, and that the octaves of that feast, should be a single feast, held every year on the first day of October.

The old tower appearing soon after to be much weakened by the fire, another was begun on St. Peter and Paul's day, by Bishop Ralf de Walpole, at whose expense it was totally finished.

The same bountiful prelate, in the year 1297, began the cloister on the south side of the church, and the old chapter-house, which he built, together with that part of the cloister from the grand entrance into the church, called the Prior's entrance, with all the curious work about that entrance, to the entrance leading to the chapterhouse, (now to Life's Green,) and by that he placed a stone with this on it.

Dominus Gadulfus Dalpole Dorwicensis Episcropus me posuit.

i. e. Ralf de Walpole Lord Bishop of Norwich laid me.

And Richard de Uppehall, the undertaker of the aforesaid works of this Bishop, built three more of the arches, of that side of the cloister, and laid a stone in the wall in like manner, showing that he was founder of them.

The other five arches, and the south side of the cloister to the arch, where the espousals or sacrament of marriage was carved on its top, were built by Bishop Salmon and his friends, and by the office of pittancer, which the convent set aside, and laid out the pittance money on this work.

The north side against the church was built by Master Henry de Well, at the expense of 210 marks, besides 20l. given by Master John de Hancock, and some of the pittance money.

The west side from the espousals aforesaid, with the fine carved entrance towards the refectory or common eating-hall, together with the Lavatories, and the door entering into the strangers-hall was built by Jeffery Simonds, rector of St. Mary in the Marsh, at the expense of 100l. and the part from the strangers-hall door to the entrance into the church, with that entrance, was made by the executors of Bishop Wakeryng, who also in his lifetime rebuilt the new (but now demolished) chapter-house.

And Walter de Burney, citizen of Norwich, gave 100l. in 1382, with which much of the fine iron work and glazing of the cloister windows were perfected.

The rest being finished by the several families of Morley, Shelton, Scales, Erpingham, Gourney, Mowbray, Thorp, Savage, &c. the arms of all which families, and those of or, a lion rampant gul. with many more, were to be seen in the windows of the cloister above the bars, before their glazing was demolished.

And thus this famous cloister was finished in the time of William Alnwyk Lord Bishop here, (of whose gift the west end of the church was built, as may be seen in Pt. I. 531,) and in the third year of William Worsted, prior of the church, who were both considerable benefactors: in the year of our Lord 1430, and in the 133d year from the first beginning of the work.

In 1361, on the 15th of Jan. the steeple was blown down, and the quire much damaged, to repair which, Bishop Percy not only gave 400l. out of his own purse, but obtained an aid of 9d. in the pound, of all his clergy, to repair it, and then was the spire first erected, and the present tower built.

The shaft or spire commonly called the pinnacle, is a most handsome and well proportioned fabrick, and the highest in England, except that of Salisbury, which being raised upon a very high tower, is higher from the ground; but yet the pinnacle itself seems at least to equal that, and is higher than those noted ones of Litchfield, Chichester, or Grantham.

In 1629, the upper part of it was blown down; and in 1633, it was agreed at a general chapter, that it should be repaired.

It is 105 yards, and two feet, from the top of the pinnacle, to the pavement of the quire under it; it is built strongly of freestone on the outside, and brick within; the upper window is the highest ascent inwardly.

At the Restoration, when it was repaired, and a new gilded weathercock placed on it, there were stages made at the upper windows, and many went up to the top of the pinnacle, from whence is a prospect all round the country; Moushold-hill seems low and flat ground; the Castle-hill and high buildings, are very much diminished; the river looks like a ditch, and the city with its streets, shows like a pleasant garden of many walks.

The cock is three quarters of a yard high, and one yard and 2 inches long, as is also the cross bar and top stone of the spire, which is not flat, but consists of a half globe, and channel about it, and from thence are eight leaves of stone spreading outward, under which begin the 8 rows of crockets, which go down the spire at five feet distance.

In 1463, the church was much damaged again by fire, occasioned by lightning which fired the wood-work within the top of the pinnacle, which was the means of its being much augmented and beautified: for the noble stone roof of the nave of the church, adorned with most of the principal stories of the Old Testament, as of Pharoah, Sampson, &c. carved in stone very neatly, with the upper part of the nave, was then made at the expense of Bishop Lyhert and his friends, whose great generosity, added to his own, enabled him not only to perfect this great work, but pave the cathedral, build the stone rood-loft which now remains, and erect that tomb which was over the founder, before it was demolished in the late rebellion, on the south side of which, were the arms of the See, Lyhert, and of Windham impaling Braunch, who all contributed towards that good work; and on the north side were the arms of the See, an emblem of the Trinity, and Clere and Branch impaled; which I suppose were put on, when the tomb and choir were much repaired, by the Cleres, Boleyns, Windhams, &c. about the latter end of Henry the Seventh's time, or the beginning of Henry the Eighth's; and least the memorial of such benefactors should perish, the windows of the nave were adorned with the arms of England, Edward the Confessor, Bohun, Valence, Brotherton, Earl Warren, John of Gaunt, Cornwall, Beauchamp, East-Angles, the See, Albany, Lacy, Danby, the Empire, Plantagenet, Ufford, Bardolf, Huntingfield, Norwich, Charles Earl of Richmond, Lyhert, Hetherset, Mortimer of Attleburgh, Ingham, Bacon, Kerdeston, Morley, Scales, &c. most of which are now gone.

On Lyhert's death, Bishop Goldwell, his successour, beautified the tower, made the roof of the quire, of the same work as the nave, with stone carvings of most of the principal passages of the New Testament, and fitted up the choir and chapels about it, in the same manner as they now appear; and covered the vaulted or arched stone work, with lead; placing on the walls and in the windows, the arms of those worthy benefactors that contributed to that work, viz. Southwell, Calthorp, Erpingham, Clopton, Walton, Windham, Kerdeston, Warren, Dela Pole, Lucy, Hobart, Clere, Boleyn, Butler, Le' Strange, Bovile, Beauchamp, Felbrigge. Wichingham, Vere, Stanley, Wingfield, Heydon, Townesend, Bedingfield, Bruce, Hastyngs, Stapleton, Clifton, Hevingham, Bokenham, Ingloss, and many others; most of which, are now lost; but there are none so often occur as the arms of Sir Thomas Erpingham and his two wives, Sir Thomas Windham and his two wives, and Sir William Boleyn and his wife; which shows, that they were the most considerable benefactors.

There are also twenty-four escutcheons on the inside of the steeple over the quire, six on each side; those on the east side are the arms of

1. England and France quartered. 2. Edward the Confessor. 3. an Emblem of the Trinity. 4. the Emblem of the Sacrament. 5. the East-Angles. 6. the See of Canterbury, impaling Archbishop Moreton, viz. quarterly gul. and erm. on the 1st and 4th quarters a goat's head erased arg.

On the south side,
1. Stanley Earl of Derby, arg. on a bend az. three bucks heads caboshed or, with his quarterings, impales France and England quartered.

2. England alone.

3. Vere Earl of Oxford.

4. Townesend, az. a chevron erm. between three escalops or, quartered with gul. a chevron between three de-lises or, impaling quarterly, 1. az. a chevron between three boars heads cooped or. 2. arg. three chevrons gul.

5. Bedingfield.

6. Clere, impaling Udall or D'overdale.

On the north side,
1. Norwich See impales Goldwell's coat and devices, joined per fess, viz. first, gul. three gilt or golden wells, or. 2. Arg. six columbines az. 3. his paternal coat. (See Pt. I. p. 540.)

2. De la Pole impales Burwash, gul. a lion rampant doublequevée or.

3. Stanley and his quarterings, and Plais quartering Ufford.

4. Heydon.

5. Wingfield quartering Bovile.

6. Brewse impaling Debenham, sab. a bend between two crescents or.

On the west side.

1. The Priory arms impaling the arms of Prior Heverlond, viz. gul. on a fess arg. between three falcons or, three inescutcheons. (See Pt. I. p. 604.)

2. The Priory impales Prior Molet, viz. sab. between three luces or pikes hauriant 2 and 1, a mullet or. (Ibid.)

3. St. George's arms.

4. The City arms, viz. gul. a castle az. in base, a lion passant guardant or.

5. The Priory arms impales Prior Bozoun. (Ibid.)

6. The Priory impales the arms of the then Prior Spynk, for which see Pt. I. p. 605.

All which coats, though misplaced and wrong described, are to be seen in two copperplates in the Repertorium.

In 1509, the transept isles of the church being much injured by fire, Bishop Nix repaired them, adding a stone roof to them, in the same manner as the rest of the church, so that he completed the roofs, as we now see them, and in memory thereof, fixed up his own arms there, with those of his friends, who were benefactors to the work.

And thus the church remained till the Dissolution, when, by injunction from the Bishop, to the dean and prebends, the crucifixes, images and pictures, were all taken away, and the tabernacles or niches, where the images stood, where filled up and whited over.

No other alteration happened till 1601, when part of the spire was struck down by lightning, which was afterwards soon repaired.

And thus it continued in the same state, till the grand spoil of it in the late rebellion, in the year 1643, an account of which occurs in Pt. I. p. 382, &c.

But at the Restoration, the church was fitted up again in the old manner; and in the same place where the old organ stood,
The present organ was set up by Dean Crofts and the chapter, and was afterwards painted and beautified by Dean Astley; the old organ erected in 1607, and repaired in 1626, with a legacy given for that purpose by Abel Colls, being altogether demolished by the rebels. As were the five or six copes belonging to the church, which though they looked somewhat old, were richly embroidered: the present cope was given at the Restoration by Philip Harbord, Esq. then high sheriff of Norfolk; at which time the city, to make some amends for the late spoil and abuse of the church, gave 100l. for plate for the altar.

And from that time till the late reparations, &c. mentioned in Pt. I. p. 630, scarce any thing was done; so that it was in a most indecent condition, though now few exceed it in that point, it being both as neat and decent (if not more so) than the generality of the present cathedrals are.

And now having given an account of the building, I shall only observe, that from the west door to the entrance of the ruinated chapel of St. Mary the Great, which stood at the east end, is 400 feet, and the extent of the transept or cross isles, from north to south, is 180 feet; and thus much as to the church in general.

I shall therefore now descend to a particular account of it; and in so doing, shall follow the Ichnography or Plan, here inserted; by which the dimensions of the building may not only be generally viewed, but particularly described in the following manner.

The letter (a) denotes the

Chapel of the Blessed Virgin, commonly called St. Mary the Great, and very often St. Walter's chapel, from Walter de Suffield, alias Calthorp, its original founder, whose tomb is marked with figure (1). The life of this good and religious prelate may be found in Pt. I. p. 486. And it appears by the annual accounts of the sacrists of this church, that the offerings at the altar of St. Mary, or the high-altar of this chapel, marked by the pricks in the plan, above figure (2), together with those at his shrine or tomb, with the money taken annually out of the box, placed at the head of the shrine, were very considerable; daily service was said at the high-altar here, for the founder's soul in particular, his friends, relations, benefactors, and the dead in general, according to his foundation for that purpose, mentioned in Pt. I. p. 487.

This chapel was about 70 feet long, and 30 broad, had a fair entrance out of the church of a considerable height, as may be seen by the outside, where it joined to it; being fallen into decay, it was demolished in the time of Dean Gardiner, whose reputation was deservedly stained upon this and other accounts of the like nature; for on a commission of enquiry concerning the affairs of the church in his time, it was sworn by Mr. John Debney, under-steward, and chapter clerk, and Mr. Robert Stanton, one of the minor canons,
That the houses belonging to the ministers of the church were leased to laymen at small rents; that those who were married and kept hospitality, were forced to be contributors to those that kept none, by allowing towards keeping the common-table in the common-hall, that the brew-house was turned into a tippling-house; that of the lead taken off our Lady's chapel, two fodders were sold to Mr. Sackfield, master of the requests, for 12l. and that the Dean had the money towards his charges at London; the rest being disposed of to the use of the church; and that the said Dean pulled down a great leaded hall, (viz. the strangers-hall on the west side of the cloister,) and pulled the lead off his own house where he lived, viz. (the present deanery) and not only swallowed it all, but had 40l. more allowed him towards repairing his house aforesaid. And Tho. Hughson, formerly sacrist, swore, that in the first year of King Edward VI. there was plate in the cathedral of above 592 ounces weight; but that the next year it was reduced to 271 ounces; and that in this dean's time there was no more than one communion cup double gilt, weighing 19 ounces. That the ancient parochial church of St. Mary in the Marsh was pulled down by Dr. Gascoigne, who bought it of the dean and chapter for 80l. which was divided between the Dean, Dr. Spencer, Dr. Barret, Mr. Mannell, and Mr. Toller, minister of the parish; and immediately after the new erection of the cathedral, the dean and chapter sold the bells of St. Mary's church aforesaid.

What became of all the tombs, monuments, and gravestones, in this chapel, we know not, except two only, whose surviving relations took care to remove them into Jesus chapel, where they now remain.

Some have said the consistory court was formerly kept in this chapel, but by errour, for it was ever since the foundation of the present chapel (where it is now held) kept there, and the errour proceeded from the evidences saying, it was held in St. Mary's chapel, which is true, the present consistory being the chapel of St. Mary the Less.

The site of this chapel is now Mr. Frank's garden.

Between the altar and the founder's tomb, at figure (2), was buried Bishop Totington, for whom see Pt. I. p. 525.

And at figure (3) lies Bishop Walton, mentioned in Pt. I. p. 492.

Figure (4) is the burial-place of Bishop Scarning, who is treated of in Pt. I. p. 493.

And figure (5) denotes the place of the interment of Bishop Midleton, whose life occurs in Pt. I. p. 494.

The figure (6) shows the place, where the tomb which now stands in Jesus chapel, marked with figure (7), was removed from; it was erected to the memory of Sir Thomas Windham, who was knighted by Sir Edward Howard Lord Admiral of England in the fourth year of King Henry VIII. at Croiton Bay in France, in which expedition he was very serviceable, doing much towards the winning of Turney, Turwin, and other places; he was Privy Councellor to that King, one of the knights retained for his body guard, and vice-admiral, being son of Sir John Windham of Crownthorp in Norfolk; he was buried between his two wives, Eleanor, daughter and coheir of Rich. Scroop of Upsall, Esq. and Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Henry Wentworth of Letheringham in Suffolk, and died about 1521; for on 22d of Oct. in that year, he made his will at his manor of Felbrigge in Norfolk, by which he appointed this place for his sepulture, and this tomb, with the following arms and inscription to be erected,
Orate pro animabus Thome Dinham militis Cleanore, et Domine Elizabethe Urorum eius, Qui quidem Thomas fuit unus consiliariorum Domini Gegis Menrici Ortaui, ar unus Militum pro Corpore eiusoem Domini Gegis, necnon Vice Admirallus.
His own effigies, with those of his two wives, were upon it, and the arms of

Windham, arg. a chevron between three lions heads erased or, impaling his first wife, viz.

Scroop, az. a bend or, with a crescent for difference, quartering Tiptoft, ar. a saltier ingrailed gul.

Windham impales his second wife, viz.

Wentworth and her quarterings.

1. Wentworth, sab. on a chevron between three leopards heads or, a crescent for difference.

2. Spencer, quarterly arg. and gul. in the 2d and 3d quarters a fret or, on a bend sab. three mullets of the first.

3. Inglethorp, gul. a cross ingrailed arg.

4. A fess between eight barrulets.

5. Barry of six, a canton erm.

6. Lucy, gul. crusuly or, three luces hauriant sab.

Other persons of note buried here that I have met with, are,

John Clervaus, archdeacon of Suffolk; see Pt. I. p. 652.

John Thornham, dean of the deanery of Norwich city, buried in 1423, and gave to the high-altar of the cathedral 20s. and towards repairing the tower, a fodder of lead.

Elizabeth Blomvyle of Norwich, gentilwoman, buried in 1433; she gave the prior 20s. and to Richard Walsham the sacrist 20s.

John Bypys, chaplain, buried in 1477; he gave to the new glazing a window in this chapel 16l. and 4l. more, for other work and ornaments to be done there.

The Chapel of St. Luke the Evangelist, situate on the south-east corner of the cathedral, is marked with the letter (i) in the plan; it is of the original building of Bishop Herbert, and was the prior's chapel, till that on the east side of the cloister was built for that use, as being more convenient on account of its nearness to the prior's lodge; at first it extended nor further than figure(49), at which the present pulpit is fixed, as is the font at (48); but now being used instead of the ruinated parish church of St. Mary in the Marsh, for a place of divine worship for all the inhabitants within the Close or Precinct, there is weekly service performed therein, and all the part of the isle from the east end to the 18th south pillar, is now included in it.

At figure (8) was a very ancient gravestone, with a cross thereon, said to be laid over Prior Walsham. See Pt. I. p. 601.

At figure (9) was another of the same sort, said to be the monument of Prior Brampton, (Ibid.) by whom Master John de Cove, an advocate in Norwich consistory court, was buried in 1373. (Ibid.)

In 1471, Katherine Saint-Thomas was buried here, whose will was remanded from the Archdeacon's to the Bishop's office, as being a gentlewoman that bare arms.

In 1505, Master Wotton paid 20s. for his mother's interment in St. Luke's chapel.

There was an ancient gild called St. Luke's gild, kept at the altar here; for the offerings of which, the sacrist annually accounted; it was held every Sunday after Trinity, and was the gild belonging to the pewterers, brasiers, &c. See Pt. I. p. 207.

The font is very ancient, being that which stood in the church of St. Mary in the Marsh; there are upon it the carvings of the seven Sacraments, and the four Evangelists, besides other saints, popes, and confessors.

Over this chapel is the treasury belonging to the dean and chapter.

The following inscriptions are to be seen on stones here:

Willielmus Infans, Henrici Mazey, Natus et Denatus, Aprilis 23, 1674:

John Welch died Febr 21, 1681.

Rob. and Deborah Welch his Wife; he died Nov. 4, 1717, Æt. 81. She died Dec. 7, 1724, Æt. 80.

I. Under this Stone lie the Bodies of Mr. Samuel Hoadly, Master of the Free-School in Norwich, who died April 27, A. D. 1705, Æt. 61.

II. Of Mrs. Martha Hoadley his Wife, who died Jan. 13, A. D. 1702, Æt. 64.

III. Of Benjamin Hawkins their grandson, who died Febr. 10, 1703, Æt. 6.

There is a stone over against the font, for

Jeremy Vynn, Esq; Mayor of the City of Norwich, who died Dec. 1. 1705, Æt. 73.

Susan Vynn, his Wife, died Jan. 7, 1710, Æt. 73.

John Knights Gent. his Son-in-Law, Aug: 3, 1706, Æt. 34.

Mrs. Frances Knightes, Relict of John Knights Gent, & Daughter of Jeremy and Susan Vinn, 29 Jan: 1730, Æt. 60.

Mrs. Christiana Warnes, Nov. 26, 1711, Æt. 77.

On an old gravestone which had an effigies and two escutcheons, is this lately cut,
Hic jacet Georgius Lamb, Filius Georgij Lamb, Med. Doctoris, & Mariæ Uxoris ejus A. D. 1710.

There are also stones for Mrs. Anne Bret, and Henry Son of William Newbury, and Anne his Wife, 1667.

Robert another Son, 1677. Anthony another Son, 1678, Eliz. their Dr. 1680.

Bridget, Daughter of Edward Pearce Esq; by Mary his Wife, died on Easter-Day Morn' 1667.

Anne Pearce her Sister, March 27, 1668.

Lucy, Daughter of Mr. Tho. Breton of London Merchant, by Lucy his Wife, died Sept. 20, 1667, and is buried by her Cousin Bridget Pearce.

Within the altar rails,
Crest, a leopard sedant erm.

Harvey, or, a chevron between three leopards heads gul. impaling, quarterly on a bend three mullets.

Sacred to the Memory of William Hervey Gent. who departed this Life the 23 of June 1714, Æt. 61. Anne his Wife, 28 May, 1738, aged 79 Years.

Carola Daughter of John and Alice Harwood, was buried upon Good-Friday, 1661.

On a small mural monument on the north side of the altar,
To the Memory of John Harwood, Curate to this Chappel 32 Yeares, who died 21th Day Jan. 1691, aged 65 Yeares, and also of Alice Harwood his Relict, one of the Daughters of Dr. Hassall, some Time Dean of this Cathedral, who died 16 June, 1713, aged 84 Years, both being buried in the Middle Part of the Altar.

Arms and Crest of Steward.

Sarah Wife of Caleb Steward, died June 17, 1734, aged 46 Years.

At figure (13) is the monument of Richard Brome, Esq. his arms, viz.

Broom, ermine a chief indented gul. impales,
Yaxley, erm. a chevron sab. between three mullets gul. pierced or.

Crest, a bunch of broom vert, flowered or.

The inscription,
Nic iacet Richardus Brome Armiger, ruius anime propicietur Deus, is now lost, as are three shields from the altar part of the tomb, though the two initial letters of his name still remain in a cipher.

This Richard Broom lived in the time of King Henry VII.; his daughter Elizabeth married John Herberd, alias Yaxley, serjeant at law, from whom the Yaxleys of Melles and Yaxley in Suffolk descended.

To the west end of this, adjoins the monument of Prior Bozoun, described in Pt. I. p. 603, and marked in the plan with figure (12). Weever, fo. 796, calls him Boswell, and gives a large account of that family, which hath no relation at all to this.

On a stone over against Brome's monument,
Hic jacent Parentum deliciæ, Eheu! Breves. Maria et David Fleming; Hic obijt VI°. Id. Quint. Infans sesquimestris, Illa balbutiens, dum Parentum fallebat luctus, dolentis Patris ulnis, Eheu; jam tandem satis dolentis, subita morte erepta est, IV. Id. Quint. Uno Eodemque Die et Tumulo Sepulti, Prid. Id. Quint. 1720: Robertus Fleming, Infans. obijt XVI°. Cal. Quint. Nat. IV°. Non. Jun. 1722.

Anne Harsnet 1641. Heaven, has her Charitie,
The Good her Fame, The Church, her Pietie, This Stone, her Name.

Opposite to this is,
The Chapel called Jesus Chapel, marked in the plan with letter (g). This is also of Herbert's foundation, and before any chapel was built to the palace, was the Bishop's own private chapel; it was dedicated to this Holy name, and had the mass of Jesus said daily in it to the Dissolution.

It is now used both as a chapter-house or consistory for the dean and chapter, and vestry also.

In the midst of it stands Sir Thomas Windham's tomb, of which before; and on the north side of the now demolished altar, is a brass plate fixed, which was brought out of the ruinated chapel of St. Mary, as appears by the will of Ralf Pulvertoft, custos or master of the charnel chapel, at the west part of the cathedral, who ordered his body to be buried in St. Mary's chapel aforesaid. He was rector of Hevingham, and died about the latter end of Henry VII. His arms are, Six wheat ears in a bordure of cinquefoils.

And this inscription,
En morior, prodest michi quid prius hoc quod habebam, Preterit omne quod est, eo nudus sic beniebam, Sola michi requies manet, hic non sunt mea plura, Antea nulla quies, modo pro uichilo michi Cura; Sed fleo, dum fueram, modicum, bel nil bene gessi Crimina multa feram, fuerrant mea, quando cecessi Pulnertoft Gadulphus eram, Custos Caronelle, Christe Deus pro me passus, mea Crimina Pelle, Sic eroro, petas, qui mea Scripta legas. Pater noster.

On a gravestone is this,
Jane Bacon, Daughter of Henry Howard of Tandredg in the County of Surrey Esq; Widow to Richard Bacon Cittison of London, deceased the 10th of Jan. 1664.

On a small stone on the south side,
Elizabeth, the first-born of Fran: Frank, Bachelor of Laws, & Eliz. late BACON, his Wife, born Apr. 13, died Febr. 20, 1736. Also Frances their Daughter was born June the 4th, and died July the 5th. 1739.

In the north window of this chapel were the effigies and arms of Radcliff Lord Burleigh and Cecil, and or, a saltier ingrailed sab.; and in the east window is the effigies of a religious, kneeling on a cushion, and under him, was arg. a lion rampant gul.

There were also three achievements supported, of Ratcliff Earl of Sussex, Cecil Lord Burleigh, and the Earl of Leicester.

Between this chapel and the entrance into St. Mary's chapel, behind the 20th and 21st north pillars, in which place the singing school was lately kept, are stones for John and Barbara Rhodes; see Pt. I. p. 670. There is also a very large stone disrobed of its circumscription and other ornaments, which, I take it, was laid over John Skarlet, rector of Little-Massingham, who was buried here in 1468.

Near which is this on a stone,
Hic conditur Domina Anna Gresham Vidua, quæ obijt vicessimo sexto die Februarij, A. D. MDCXXXIV.

Ex Momento hujus vitæ pendet Æternitas, Memorare novissima.

On a stone near Jesus chapel door,
Gournay, arg. a cross ingrailed gul. impales On a fess between three de-lises, three roundels.

Restaurato Rege Carolo 2do.

Cujus reditû non Solum vivorum, sed etiam Mortuorum Dormitoria, Nec non Fana ipsa sacrata à Fanaticorum violationibus preservantur In memoriam BRIGETTÆ Uxoris suæ dilectissimæ 26 7bris Anno salutis 1652, Denatæ.

Thomas Gournay hoc posuit Anno 1662.

Returning back in the same isle, we come to the ancient confessionary, marked in the plan with letter (f) it is an arched stone vault, through which we pass, in going from the quire to Jesus chapel, but was formerly very dark; here the people stood when they confessed to the priest, who stood within the altar rails, between the 18th and 19th north pillars, at the letter (e) in the plan, the voice coming through a hole made in the wall for that purpose, which still remains; this place is now called Queen Elizabeth's seat, because that Queen, when she attended service here, sat in a seat prepared for her between those pillars.

Near the entrance of the confessionary, at number (53), was buried Sir William Denny, Knt. recorder of Norwich, and counsellor at law to King Charles I.

Repositorium Gulielmi Denni Millitis, Quondam Recordatoris hujus Civitatis, et unus ex Consiliarijs Regis ad Legem. Qui obijt vicesimo Sexto die Marcij Anno XVIII Caroli Regis Anno Dom. 1642.

Here under resteth the Body of the right vertuous Lady Frances, late Wife of Sir William Denny, one of his Majesty's Counsail learned in the Law, eldest Daughter of James Taverner Esq; who departed this Life the 12th Day of Febr. A. D. 1631, being of the Age of 36 Years.

On the north side of this isle there were two chapels, but both are demolished; to what saints they were dedicated I cannot certainly learn; but take that most east to be the chapel of St. Stephen; for I find the sacrist annually accounted for the offerings, at the cross in the chapel at the altar of St. Stephen: and the other, I take it, was St. Sithe's chapel, which was paved in 1398; and the offerings at the altar here were also considerable; it seems as if the chantry priest of Sir Robert Ty, Knt. who was sustained by lands in Thurleton, officiated in one of these chapels.

Here are also stones for Mrs. Anne and Mrs. Mary Eachard, whose monument is against the west side of the 18th north pillar, in the quire; the first died Nov. 1710, the last July 15, 1714.

William Yallop Gent. died 17 May, 1725, Æt. 52.

Ed. Yallop Nat. 4° Jul. 1706. obijt 16 Nov. 1710.

To pass over now to the south side of the quire, the consistory, or

Chapel called our Lady the Less, or Beauchamp's Chapel, is first to be observed; it is marked (k) in the plan, was dedicated to our Lady and all the Saints, by William de Bello-Campo or Beauchamp, its founder, as the following inscription in capitals, cut in stone near the ground on the outside of the south wall, informs us;

In Honore beate Marie Virginis, et omnium Sanctorum, Willielmus Beauchampe, Capellam hanc ordinavit, et ex proprija Sumptibus construxit.

He lived in the time of Edward II. and III. being a knight of good reputation and family, and is buried in a fine arched vault under the chapel; and his inarched monument is in the south wall, at number (14) in the plan: the altar stood in the middle of the east wall, and there is a fine carved tabernacle or niche in that wall, on its north side, where the image of the Virgin heretofore stood; and opposite is a ledge or cornish, on which stood a groupe of figures of all the Saints.

I have an old account of the monuments, taken before the Rebellion, which says, that John Barret, D. D. prebend of this church, who died July 12, 1563, was buried here; as was a daughter of Dean Gardiner's, and Dr. Talbot, late prebend; for whom see Pt. I. p. 663.

Thomas Leman, clerk, was also interred here, who died October 4, 1564.

The roof is of stone, finely carved in the same manner with the rest of the church, having legends of divers saints, &c. represented thereon, as the Ascension of the Blessed Virgin, the Salutation, the Conversion of St. Paul, and our Saviour's triumphant entering into Jerusalem, with other symbols of the Apostles, Martyrs, and Confessors; with the arms of Beauchamp, and a mullet sab. for difference; which I suppose, was done by another of the same name and family, who lived in the beginning of Henry the Sixth's reign, and probably may be buried in the vault here, where, without doubt, several of the Beauchamps are interred.

Against the west wall of this chapel, at the entrance on the right hand, is a neat mural monument, erected to the memory of Thomas Batcheller, LL. B. one of the proctors in this court, with the following inscription, composed by Dr. Tanner, then chancellor of the diocese, and the arms of

Batcheller, arg. on a bend vert, between three single wings az. three de-lises or, impaling

Erm. on a chief sab. three lioncels rampant arg.

Batcheller's crest (not on the monument) is, on a pair of wings conjoined az. six de-lises or on each wing.

At top there are two Cupids, one holds a lighted torch, the other points to the place of his sepulture; at the bottom in a chaplet, are two trumpets in saltier.

Quod mortale fuit THOMÆ BATCHELLER Patriâ Norfolciensis,
E Coll. S. Petri Cantab. in Jure Civ: Baccalaurei, Subtus depositum est, in loco hoc Consistorij Episcopalis, Ubi multa cum suâ Laude litigantium Commodi et Fori Ecclesiastici Dignitate, in causis agendis defendendisve (Et Negotijs gerendis) per quadraginta tres annos Procuratorum Generalium unus, versatus est.

Ad intimam juris Cæsarei Canonici et Maritimi.

Cognitionem tam Theoricam quam practicam adjunxit, Literas Politiores, et Romanis Græcisque Scriptoribus Usus est familiariter.

Eximiâ erat vitæ integritate, mirâ in negotijs gerendis Solertiâ, rarâ Humilitate, & modestiâ penè nimiâ.

Perspectâ in Clientes Fide et Diligentiâ, Summâ in suos Benevolentiâ In omnes humanitate:

Meritò itaq; Episcopis Norvicensibus eorumq; Cancellarijs et Clero (quorum jura optimè callebat Et egregie tuebatur) vixit charus, omniumq; ordinum Hominibus, quibus ob Legum Rerumq; peritiam Ingenij acumen, judicij Gravitatem, multiplicem eruditionem Spectatam probitatem et singularem Prudentiam Innotuit, tristissimum sui desiderium reliquit.

Obijt XVIII° die Mensis Julij A. D. MDCCXXIX°.

Ætatis suæ LXV°.

There is a gravestone for him on the ground, on which is added,
In hoc Tumulo Sepultus est Thomas Batcheller filius natù Maximus Leonardi Batcheller Arm. Thomæ Batcheller L.L. B. nepos, Qui obijt decimo Septimo Septembr. 1736.

A stone with a defaced circumscription lies over Martha wife of Robert Smith, late one of the procurators (or proctors) of the consistory, who died in 1634.

That part of the south isle from St. Luke's chapel door at the 18th pillar, to the transept at the 15th pillar, is the burial place for persons dying in the Close or Precinct, in which the following persons are interred,

STEPHANUS KNIGHT sub hoc marmore requiescit, Johannis Knight Generosi, Hisdaniæ Vici Essexiæ posthumus, Legum Baccalaureus, Caroli I°. Britanniarum Monarchæ à cubiculo privato Extraordinarius, tribus Dominis Episcopis Norvicensibus Registrarius principalis, proximus post Christi Resurrectionem Dominico anno Christi MDCLXIV denatus, Ejus Resurrectione expectans suam.

Pepper son of John Moore Gent. and Tamasine his wife, died 27 March, 1705, aged 1 year and a quarter. For Mary and Robert Pepper, see Pt. I. p. 635.

John son of Jeremy Norris, Nov. 1692. Æt. 20.

Elizabeth conjux charissima Gaguini Nash, cujus Mater adlatus, Liberi ad pedes hic jacent, obijt 10 Apr. 1693.

Maria filia Gaguini Nash hujus Ecclesiæ Minor-Canonici obijt Dec. 27, 1684, nata 11 Menses.

Gaguinus filiolus Gaguini & Eliz. Nash, obijt Dec. 24, 1686.

Gaguinus alius eorundem Parentum filiolus expiravit Mar. 22, 1689.

Reliquiæ Gulielmi Newbury Gen. et Notarij publici, qui obijt 29 die Mensis Julij anno Dom. 1699, Æt. suæ 62.

A large marble at the very entrance of St. Luke's chapel is thus inscribed,

Here lyeth the Body of John Miller Esq; Son of Sir John Miller Knight. He married Bridget, the youngest Daughter of Edmund West Esq; late of Marshworth in the County of Bucks.

By her he had Issue, two Sons, and two Daughters, His Wife, one Son, and one Daughter, surviving him, who was one of the best of Husbands and Fathers, and always ready to do friendly Offices to all Mankind.

He was but five Months at this City before he died, On the 30th of Jan. 1708.

in the 70th Year of his Age.

His Wife Bridget died the 7th of June 1711.

at London, in the 63d Year of her Age, and according to her own Desire, was buried here in the same Grave.

She was a very pious and charitable Woman.

Miller, az. an inescutcheon arg. between four mascles in cross or, impaling

West, arg. on a fess dancetté sab. three leopards heads jessant or.

Eliz. Dr. of Alexander and Mary Croshold, Nov. 13, 1668.

Steward's arms in a lozenge.

Eliz. eldest Daughter of Augustine Steward Gent. and Mary his Wife, died Sept. 13, 1730, Æt. 67, and Mrs. Anne Steward their youngest Daughter, Febr. 18, 1732, Æt. 63.

Beridge, arg. a saltier ingrailed between four escallops sab. impaling Miller.

Here next to the Bodies of John Miller Esq. and Bridget his Wife, lieth the Body of Anne their eldest Daughter, who was buried here by her own special appointment; she was married to John Beridge of Great Massingham in Norfolk, Doctor in Divinity, whom she survived, and left by him only one Daughter, she died the 21 of Febr. 1725, aged 59 years.

John Marcon (Barrister at Law) died May 12, 1723, Æt. 38.

Tho. Woodger Mar. 19, 1733, Æt. 48. William Son of Tho. and Mary Woodger an Infant 1727.

Hic sitæ sunt reliquiæ Deboræ et Elizabethæ, Gulielmi Herring LL. D. et Deboræ Uxoris ejus, Filiolarum; hæc Id Apr. 1724. 2do. Anno ineunte, Illa 18vo. Cal. Febr. 1727, annum agens 8vm de Vitâ migravit.

M. S. Joannis, Gulielmi Herring LL. D. et Deboræ Uxoris ejus, Filij natû tertij: Juvenis Singulari modestia, Temperantia, Bonitate, prediti: Literisque à pueritiâ mirificè dediti: Qui dum studia colebat in Academiâ Cantabrigiensi Severiora, spemque Egregiam parentibus afferebat, morbo, quem vocant Tabem absumptus, quarto Mensis Julij Anno Christi MDCCXLo. Ætatis suæ xixo. supremum diem Clausit.

Debora their mother lies interred at their left hand, being so lately buried, that a stone is not yet laid over her.

Erasmus Greenwood, Oct. 4, 1726, Æt. 64. Jane his Relict Sept. 5, 1738, Æt. 58.

Alice Rising 1708.

Jane Daughter of Abraham Clarke and Jane his Wife, March 3, 1723. Kemp their Son died the same Month, in the 2d Year of his Age.

Sacred to the Memory of Isaac Chambers, late of this Precinct Gent. who died March 21, 1725, Æt. 66. He married Christian Brabourne, Dr. of Samuel Brabourne late of Rumburgh in Suffolk Gent. died Jan. 20, 1727, Æt. 76.

Crest, a leg in armour, cooped at the thigh, the foot standing upwards.

Chambers, arg. a chevron erm. voided sab. between three chambers or canons discharging, impaling

Brabourn (or Brabant) arg. on a fess humetté gul. three leopards faces or.

Ric. Calvert Gent. died in May 1721.

John and Ellen, Son and Daughter of Charles and Ellen Catton late of Burrow-Bridge in Yorkshire 1723.

Abigail Daughter of Richard and Hannah Catton 26 June, 1733, Æt. 8.

Charles Catton 7 Oct. 1736, Æt. 53. Ellen Catton 1732. Abigail 1733. 2 Hannahs, one in 1727, another in 1731, his Children.

Nathaniel Smith Gent, Son of John Smith of Yarmouth Gent. 10 May, 1739, Æt. 28.

A stone laid over John Moore, principal register, whose monument, with the arms and inscription, occurs in Pt. I. p. 590, on which Moore impales Pepper.

On the back side of Bishop Goldwell's tomb, was this inscribed on a brass plate,

Of Thomas Tybenham, under Stone, The Body here doth rest Who when God called in hope of Neuen, Co change his Lyfe was prest, Ne Lybyng trusted certainly, An God his Nope was sure, Dying By Christ's own Death to fynde, The Life which shall endure, Wherefore good Reader credit that, Which said so truly is, And godly hope, his soul to libe With God in Nebenly Bliss. Obiit 22 Jan. 1582.

On another brass next to it,

Pray for the Soul of Elizabeth Waters, and John Waters Alderman, and for the Soul of John Manning Alderman and Manor of Norwych, and husbands unto the said Elizabeth, on Whose Souls God habe Mercy. Amen.

On another stone,
Here resteth the Body of Mr. John Rede, late Canon of this Church, who departed the 16 of July, 1588.

The south cross isle or transept, marked (o) in the plan, hath the following memorials all on flat stones, there being neither altar tomb nor monument in it.

Gulielmus Burton, eximia spe virtutis et ingenij adolescens, è Collegio Caij Gonvilliensi apud Cantabrigienses, A. B. annos natus duos et vigniti, denatus VI Calendar' Julij MDCLXXXIII. triste sui desiderium reliquit.

He was son of Mr. John Burton, master of the free-school, who wrote the inscription.

Margery Wife of Edward Gresham Esq; her 6th Husband, died Sept. 7, 1646.

Henry Neave Gent. 16- - -

Mr. Peter Seautin M. D. ob. 21 Aug. 1630.

Arabella Dr. of Edw. Turfett Gent. Apr. 8, 1648.

Ledia Daughter of Mr. John Smith of Cratfield Esq. Mar. 16, 1671, Æt. 15.

Exuvias hic deposuit Ric. Hughes Presbyt. et hujus Ecclesiæ Minor Canonicus, VIII. die Mensis Augusti A. D. MDCXCVIII.

In spem Gloriosæ Resurrectionis, depositum Johannis Pulham, hujus Ecclesiæ Auditoris, Qui migravit ad Dominum 16° Martij 1642.

Ad pedem Parietis huic lapidi vicini jacet, Rebecca Lovering, mater Thomœ Lovering, Quæ cum annos Octoginta & unum implessit, morti cessit,
Sic gravidis onerata seges, subit horrea Culmis
Sic Matura suo tempore poma cadunt.

Obijt autem Junij 26, A. D. 1644.

Huic à Latere accumbit Blancia Lovering Uxor ejusdem Thomœ prima, quæ cum Sexaginta plus minus annos numerâsset tunc ablata: Sub hoc Lapide jacet Margeria ejusdem Thomœ Uxor secunda, de quâ, ut de Priore, dum vixerunt meritò affirmetur.

Utraque grata uni, vicinis grata et egenis, At nunc Cœlesti est Utraque juncta choro.

Obijt harum Prior Maij 12, 1658.

Posterior Aprilis 26, 1663.

In this transept also was buried William de Bakunsthorp. (See Pt. I. p. 605.) At figure (43) in the plan, was a brass plate on a stone for Simon Folkard, first prior of Hoxne, and after of Lynn, which is now lost, but had this inscription on it,
Orate pro anima Symonis Folkard nuper Prioris Lenne, qui obiit MCCCCCI

There was also an inscription for one Thomas, a priest, who paved this transept, but it is now quite gone,
Thome Presbyteri Corpus Lapis iste, retentum, Funus habet, magno qui sumptu dedit hor pabimentum. Anno milleno quater et C Septuageno Octabo, Stephani liquit terrestria festo, Ut Cœli detur requies sibi quisque precetur. En iacet hic stratus Under this Ston, Ligs John Knapton, Who died inst, The xxvii of August. M D, L. C, and on, Of thys Church Peti Canon.

Mr. Walter Hawe, son of Walter Hawe, Hawys, or Haughs, one of the proctors, who was elected schoolmaster in 1562, was interred here, but his brass is lost, which had this on it,
Clarus et hac celebri qui quondam birit in Orbe, Nunc agit etherea Clarior ipso Domo, Cuius ab Eremplo iam doctus randide Lector. Disce moci Mundo, bibere Disce Deo, Obiit bio Junii 1569.

Another brass now gone, had this,

Anna sub hoc tumulo iacet, cognomine dicta Cornmaleis, gelide morte perempta iacet, Nanc genuit Rookwood, peperit Wychingham, et utrique Natæ ac hæredis nomine chara fuit. Jnsignis pietate sua Assiduasque preces obtulit ipsa Deo. Jllius Eremplo doctus nunc, candide Lector, Cu bene far bibas, et morieris bene Obiit anno salutis 1565, 18 Aprilis.

On another brass now lost, was this,

Radulfus Sadlington Notarius Publicus, qui suo tempore morte immaturâ abreptus fuit 6to die Martij 1601. Ejus Vita perpetua fuit mortis Commutatio, morbi Magnitudine excruciatus, illius accerbitatem, æquo animo, ac Christianâ Patientiâ pertulit, usque ad extremum spiritum, prepotentem deum verbis Supplicibus orabat, ut inter illius peccata, et justum Dei judicium, merita interponat, in quo omnem spem salutis Æternæ posuit, moriens 30° Anno Ætatis suæ nondum compleverat, fuit mitis teneræque naturæ in vitâ manens, maxima virtutis, religionis, et pietatis, documenta dedit. Domum in cujus famulatû ferè continuus vixit, summâ observantiâ coluit, et omnibus, illi fidelis fuit; erat literis politioribus non leviter tinctus, et ad humanitatis studia perpendebat, cum illo actum est preclaré. Cujus anima eternitate fruitur.

Quid vel vivens, vel moriens metuit, Cui vivere Christus est, et mori Lucrum.

There was also another stone that had at the time the former were copied (which was before the Rebellion) four escutcheons only left, the effigies and inscription being reaved.

Sab. a fess dancetté between three crescents or.

Gul. three martlets arg.

Arg. a lion rampant gul. double furché.

A crown or.

Under St. Peter's picture was painted the sea, with a ship, and fishermen catching abundance of fishes, and this distich,
Ecclesiam pro Nabe rego, michi Climato Mundi Sunt mare, Scripture, Retia, Piscis, Nomo.

There is a clock fixed in the south part of this isle, and two small figures of men, with hammers in their hands, turn themselves and strike the quarters of the hour; and on the frontispiece was painted the sun and moon, to whom the clock comparatively seems to speak in this hexastich, which is painted on the same place:

Noras significo cunctas quas Phæbe Diebus, Quas solet atque tua pallida nocte soror: Nec Magis errarem, Rector mihi si foret idem, Nos qui, I quæque regit motibus astra suis. Tempora nam recte designo, si mihi doctus, Custos assiduam conferat artis opem.

And on each side of the clock, these words,

Nil Boni hodie? Th! diem perdidi.

These verses, Mr. Weever in his Funeral Monuments, fo. 800, renders thus,

Phœbus, I tell all th' houres, and all as right As thou, or thy pale sister, day and night, Nor I, no more than you, in ought should erre, If he rul'd mee, who guides you, and each starre; For times I rightly tell, if of his art My learned keeper, will his help impart,

What's the day gone, And no good done? Alas! if so it be, The day is truly lost to thee.

In this isle also, are the following memorials,

Phillippus Borrough Presbyter, et hujus Ecclesiæ Minor Canonicus ob. xv Sept, A. D. MDCXVIII° Æt. XXXII°.

A hand cooped at the wrist in bend.

Cornelius Man - - - hujus Ecclesiæ Cath. Epistolarius. Feb. 2. 171 - - Æt. 31.

Mary wife of Humphrey Cotton, Organist, 21 Jul. 1724, Æt. 24. This brought from the S. isle. H. Cotton. Æt. 65.

Gul. Smith A. M. hujus Ecclesiæ Minor Canonicus & Sacrarij Curator, ob. 13, Jan. 1728, Æt. 65.

Eliz. Dr. of Timothy and Mary Garey 1633.

Philip Priest Lay-Clark 10 years, Nov. 17, 1721, Æt. 29.

Anne wife of Tho. Church, 14 Sept. 1730 Æt. 33.

Tho. Church 1 May 1742, Æt. 53.

Hic jacet Gremio terræ Commissum Marthæ, Uxoris Josephi Ransome Clerici, Corpus, ob. 29 die - - - A. D. - - - -

Edmd. & John, sons of Edmd. Witherlye Gent. and Dorothy his wife, the first, died Julij 27, 1661, aged 6 years & 8 Months, the 2d. March 2, 1662, ag. 3 Months.

The north cross isle or transept marked (n) in the plan, hath had the following arms in the windows; most of which are now gone,

The arms of the SEE, impaling

Nix, Goldwell, Ufford with a bendlet arg. Beck with a bendlet az.

Gul. a cross recercelle az. Erm. on a chevron gul. three bezants.

Bateman, Thorp, Morley, and Norwich, per pale gul. and az. a lion rampant erm. the usual coat of this family, but this lion is crowned, and hath a ring in his nose or.

There are plain flat stones for the following persons,
Philip Geast, 5 Years Verger, March 7, 1703, Æt. 47.

Elisabeth his Widow, Dec. 7, 1709, Æt. 53.

Edw. Cooke, Lay-Clark 33 Years, June 11, 1704, Æt. 68.

Timothy Browne Lay-Clark, June 21, 1711, Æt. 49.

William Burgesse, 15 Aug. 1688, Æt. 59. Eliz. & Anne his Daughters, 1657.

William Geast, Verger 18 Years, Aug. 14, 1698, Æt. 65. Mary his Wife Apr. 3, 1682.

Margaret Rault, Wife of Peter Sandley, May 13, 1664.

Mrs Martha Blofield Sept. 5, 1677.

Margaret Alden, March 5, 1691. Charles Alden Lay-Clark, Aug. 4, 1692.

Jane Holt Widow 1626.

James Davy Verger 7 Years, Nov. 25, 1711, Æt. 41.

Tho. Mowting Gent. Lay-Clark, Febr. 3, 1685, Æt. 82. Frances his Wife, July 21, 1681.

Rob. Tracey Oct. 10, 1670, Æt. 70.

Frances Fox Widow, June 10, 1683, Æt. 60, an. 11. Mens.

John Brereton, 50 Years Verger, Sept. 13, 1680, Æt. 86. Ursley his Wife, May 23, 1663.

Eliz. Carleton July 19, 1681, Æt. 6.

Brathwait Sowter Lay-Clark, Nov. 8, 1680, Æt. 68.

Eliz. Wife of Charles Bromehall, June 24, 1689, Æt. 86.

John Wythe, Aug. 3, 1695, Æt. 10 Months. S. W. obijt 1700.

Hannah the beloved Wife of Stephen Searle Gent. Oct. 29, 1684, Æt. 25. Stephen Searle Junior, Nov. 17, 1684, Æt. 10 Months. Tho. Son of Stephen Searle, buried Feb. 19, 1694.

Tho. Beare, Apr. 15, 1633.

Walter Marcon, who was Porter unto four Bishops, Apr. 30, 1636.

To the pious memory of Mrs. Eliz. Stukely, the beloved Wife of Mr. John Stukely Minor-Canon of this Cathedral Church; she was the only Daughter of Mr. Charles, Binks, late of Barbadoes Merchant, who exchanged her Mortality for Immortality, on the 11th of Oct. in the 27th Year of her Age, Anno Dom. 1698.

John their Infant Son, May 11, 1603, and Charles another Infant, Aug. 16, 1695.

D. S. Thomas Pleasants, hujus Ecclesiæ Organista, et puerorum Choristarum in arte canendi Instructor, obijt 5° Id. Mensis Augusti, anno ætatis suæ XLI. Salutis humanæ MDCLXXXIX. 20d° die 9bris. In eodem anno, Thomas Pleasants, dicti Thomæ & Annæ ejus Uxoris Filius, ad patrem et plures abijt, anno Ætatis suæ 10.

Thomas and Anne Pleasants of 3 Days age, died Aug. 9, 1672. Eliz, died July 5, 1682, aged 5 weeks. and Edm. Aug. 12, 1683, aged 16 Days.

Mary Daughter of Anthony Loveday, of Cheston in Suff. Gent. died Oct. 23, 1639.

Hast Reader, and away for Fear, Lest thou dost turn Idolater, For here, Love, Grace, and Wit, In a true Virgin Knot were knit.

On a stone in the east wall near the door, leading towards St. Giles's hospital,
Here lies the Corps, the Ghost is gone, To Joy, the which in Life it sought; At length it found by Christ alone: See what Advantage Death hath brought.

George March, Verger of this church, 1740.

In the north isle of the nave, at letter (M), was the entrance into the preaching place, afterwards called the Green Yard, which is now stopped up, the yard being enclosed, and added to the Palace Yard: before the grand Rebellion, the combination sermons were preached in the summer time at the cross in this Green Yard, where there was a good accommodation for the auditors. The mayor, and aldermen, with their wives and officers, had a well contrived place built against the wall of the Bishop's palace, covered with lead, so that they were not offended by rain. Upon the north side of the church, places were built gallery-wise, one above another; where the dean, prebends, and their wives, gentlemen, and the better sort, very well heard the sermon: the rest either stood, or sat in the green upon long forms provided for them, paying a penny, or half-penny apiece, as they did at St. Paul's cross in London. The Bishop and chancellor heard the sermons at the windows of the Bishop's palace; the pulpit had a large covering of lead over it, and a cross upon it; and there were eight or ten stairs of stone about it, upon which the Hospital boys and others stood. The preacher had his face to the south, and there was a painted board, of a foot and an half broad, and about a yard and an half long, hanging over his head before, upon which were painted the arms of the benefactors towards the combination sermon, which he particularly commemorated in his prayer; viz. Sir John Suckling, Sir John Pettus, Edward Nuttel, Henry Fasset, and John Myngay, But when the church was sequestered, and the service put down, this pulpit was taken away, and placed in the New-hall yard, which had been the artillery-yard, and the publick sermon was preached there. But the heirs of the benefactors denying to pay the wonted beneficence for any sermon, unless it was preached in the Green Yard; after a full hearing, it was adjudged, that they should be always preached in the cathedral, for the future, as they still continue to be, every Sunday morning; the preachers being appointed by the Bishop every half year, viz. the Norfolk clergy in the winter time, (as being nearest,) and the Suffolk in summer time: and each minister so appointed, receives a guinea of the mayor for his sermon, and is entertained at the corporation's expense. The mayor and court are obliged to attend the combination sermons; and for neglect of it, there have been a mandamus sent down for that purpose. In 1635, March 14, his Majesty directed his letter to the city, commanding the mayor, sheriffs, justices, aldermen and all other chief officers of the city, to resort every Sunday morning to the cathedral church, in the same manner as is done at London, and hear divine service, and also the sermon which shall be preached there, or in the Green Yard.

At the upper end of the south isle of the nave, against the south wall, is the figure of a skeleton, on whose breast is this,

All you that do this Place pass by Remember Death for you must die As you are now, so once was I As I am now so shall you be.

At the bottom,
Thomas Gooding here doth stay, Waiting for God's Judgement Day.

On flat stones in this isle, all which, are lately removed,
A saltier between four griffins heads erased.

Here lyeth interred the Body of Richard Yleward, Organist of this Place, who was born at Winchester, and died here the 15th of October, An. Dom. 1669.

Here lyes a perfect Harmonie, Of Faith & Truth & Loyaltie, And whatsoever Vertues can, Be reckoned up, was in this Man, His sacred Ashes here abide, Who in God's Service liv'd & dy'd.

But now by Death advanced higher, To serve in the celestial Quire.

God save the King.

Richard Blagrave, Lay-Clark, March 20, 1707, Æt. 42, he was buried on the S. side of Spencer's tomb, but his Stone is removed and laid between the first and second North Pillars.

On a stone between the 10th and 11th south pillars,
Exuvias hic deposuit Jacobus Cooper, hujus Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Organista, et puerorum Choristarum in arte Musicâ Instructor, Quibus Officijs Summâ diligentiâ perfunctis, tandem presentis Temporis ævum pro æterna fœlicitate Commutavit xxvi° die Jan. annoq. Dni. 1720.

Amicos multos, Inimicos nullos meruit.

Thomas Otway Minor Canon, July 31, 1732, Æt. 28.

Anchor Kilby, Sub-Sacrist 40 years, July 30, 1712, Æt. 82. Eliz. his Wife 8 March, 1721,

There is a stone removed from the south transept, now broken in peices, for Tho. Weaver, one of the wardens of the worshipful company of fish-mongers, whose arms are on the stone, and another

In piam Memoriam Johannis Weaver - - - - -

If thou wouldst know these doubting Days, The Guides to Heaven and their Ways, Faith, Truth, Love, Loyalty, are gone, Under this sad and sacred stone.

In the south isle, in that part between the south transept and the partition wall,
Petrus de la Hay Cadomensis hujus Ecclesiæ presbyter & Minor Canonicus, obijt 16° Cal. Octob. A. D. 1687.

Sacrum Memoriæ Thomasinæ Corbet. filiæ Clementis Corbet LL. D. et quondam Cancellarij Norwicensis, fuit religiose pia, prudens, benefica, fidelis Filia Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, perseveravit in Virginali Statû usque ad Mortem. Obijt Julij 5° 1665, Cujus Exuviæ, hic depositæ sunt, in certam Expectationem Resurrectionis ad vitam eternam.

This stone is also removed, and laid between the second and third south pillars,
Thomas Dunch A. B. Hujus Ecclesiæ Minor Canonicus, de Bergh-Apton Rector, obijt xxvj° die Mensis Decem. A°. Dni. MDCCXIX°, Ætatis suæ xxxij°.

Gulielmi Bentham A. M. Rectoris de Taseburgh, Sti. Egidij, et Sti. Gregorij infra hanc urbem Curati, quod mortale erat, et claudi poterat, hic clauditur, multùm se vivens dilectum reddidit, multùm obiens exoptatum; plorant itaque, Conjux Maritum, Parochiani Parochum, Amici Amicum, Canonici Canonicum, et hujusce Ecclesiæ Precentorem; ita tamen, ut non tanquam sine spe mærere videantur; sciunt enim easdem Dotes Quæ eum huic Choro desideratissimum, Cælesti etiam desideratum reddidisse, obijt Febr. xxvii°. A°. Salutis MDCCXXX°, Ætatis xxxvii°.

William Bentham, Dec. 28, 1730, Æt. 5.

This stone is now removed into the south transept,
Forster, arg. a chevron between three bugle-horns sab.

Pexhall Forster A. M. hujusce Ecclesiæ Precentor, in Theologiâ et Musicâ supra Ætatem Doctus, dum Ecclesiam Catholicam propugnabat, et hunc Chorum Cathedralem ornabat Subitâ morte ereptus, in Cælestem Chorum Cooptabatur, Oct. IV°

A°. D. MDCCXIX. Æt. xxvi°.

This stone is now removed into the south transept.

In this isle also, is interred Mr. Richard Deere, late minor canon of this church, to whose memory I saw a handsome black marble in a stone-cutter's shop, with an inscription said to be composed by his tutor in Cambridge; but (as I am informed) it was not permitted to be laid down, on account of the inscription, which here follows.

Hic jacet quod reliquum est, Revdi. Richardi Deere A. B. Qui Canonicus licet Minor, Inter Majores tamen, (Id erat meriti) dignus, qui consedisset; Ecclesiæ Sti. Johan: Sepulc. in hâc Civitate Pastor non infidus.

Variolarum tandem morbo correptus Et devictus, Novissimam efflavit auram, die xxiij° Julij, Anno Cælibatûs xxxi°.

Domini: M. DCCXXXVII°.

The chapel marked (1), totally demolished, was called Heydon's chapel. It was built in the reign of King Edward IV. anno 1479, by John Heydon of Baconsthorp, Esq. a great favourite of Henry VI. for his own interment; and accordingly, he was buried here in 1480; as was also Sir Henry Heydon, Knt. his heir, who built the church at Salthouse, and made the causeway between Thirsford and Walsingham, at his own charge; he died in Henry the Seventh's time.

The arms of Heydon, viz. per pale arg. and gul. a cross ingrailed counterchanged, were in several places in the windows of this church on the south side, and once in the deanery. I do not find that this chapel had ever any other entrance to it, but from the chapter-house, marked (m) in the plan, concerning which, see Pt. I. p. 530.

In the Nave were gravestones with the following inscriptions, all which are now removed.

At Figure (55) in the plan, is buried Dean Prideaux, for whom see Pt. I. p. 629.

At figure (37) is buried Sir Francis Southwell, Knt. of Wood-rising in Norfolk.

Between the 3d and 4th north pillars, lies a stone removed about 6 feet only more north, from the place it laid in, on which are the arms of

Castle, in a lozenge, arg. three castles triple towered gul.

M. S. Elizabeth Castell, (fifth Daughter of Talmach Castell, late of Raveningham in Norf. Esq. by Eleanor his first Wife) departed this Life the 7th of Jan. 1728, aged 86 Years.

Between the 7th and 8th north pillars lies a stone removed from the other side of the nave over against the 6th south pillar, having

Dalton's crest, viz. a demi-wivern; and arms, az. a lion rampant gard. arg. impaling

Hunt, per pale vert and arg. a saltier counterchanged.

Thomas, Son of John Dalton, late of Bury St. Edmund Esq; died 26 Dec. 1727, Æt. 29.

Between the 4th and 5th south pillars lies a stone, removed from the north side of Nix's monument, with the

Crest of Bedingfield, a demi-eagle displayed gul. and

Bedingfield, erm. an eagle displayed gul. with his two wives,
1. Cullum, az. a chevron between three pelicans arg. vulning themselves.

2. Hare, gul. two bars and a chief indented or.

H. S. E. Phillippus Bedingfield Armiger, Vir verè Generosus, quin et Theologus, suprà Pares suos eximius, Fidel Catholicæ et Hierarchiæ Primitivæ Assertor strenuus, etiam et propugnator, sinceræ Pietatis, Integritatis et Humanitatis Cultor assiduus. Abi Viator, et Sequere. Obijt 24to Octobris, Anno Dni. 1730, Ætatis suæ 59no.

This learned gentleman published The Psalms of David, made fit for the closet, and an exposition on St. Athanasius's Creed, Lond. 1720, oct°. and is well known to have deserved the character here given him by Dr. Littell, one of the prebends, who composed the inscription.

At figure (33) laid the stone now lying between the 9th and 10th south pillars, which is thus inscribed,
Hic sepulta Elizabetha Edmundi Mundeford Militis Filia, Primo Milonis Hobart Armigeri, deinde Hugonis Cartwright Militis Uxor. obijt Anno Ætatis 83. Anno Dom. 1690. Hic etiam contumulabatur, filia natû maxima prædicti Milonis, et Eliz: Hobart, Mulier (si quæ unquam) vita inculpabilis, 63 plus minus annos nata, mortem obijt 12 Calend: Maij An. Dom. 1696.

Figure (32) is where Dean Astley's stone laid, for which see Pt. I. p. 652.

On the west side of the 5th north pillar is a mural monument, with the following inscription, almost illegible; there is a cut of it in the Repertorium, at p. 67, inscribed to Mr. James Cooper, then organist.

OSBERCO PARSLEY Musicæ Scientissimo Ei quondam consociati Musici posuerunt Anno 1585: Here lies the Man, whose Name in spite of Death, Renowned libes by Blast of Golden Fame, Whose Normonie surbibes his bital Breath, Whose skill no Pride did spot, whose Life no Blame; Whose lom Estate was blest with quiet Mind, As out sweet Coros, with Discords mired be, Whose Life in seventy and fourYears entwin'd, As talleth mellowed Apples from the tree; Whose Deeds mere Rules, Whose Words mere Verity, Who here a singing Man did spend his Days, Full Fifth Years, in our Church Melody, His Memory shines bright whom thus me praise.

For Dean Fairfax's monument, at figure (40) see Pt. I. p. 627.

For Chancellor Spencer's tomb at figure (39) see Ibid. p. 633.

For Bishop Nix's monument and chapel, marked (38) see lb. p. 546.

For Bishop Parkhurst's monument at figure (36) see Ib. p. 555.

For Chancellor Maister's monument at figure (35) see Ib. p. 633.

For Bishop Scambler's monument at figure (34) see Ib. p. 559, 560.

At figure (31) between the 9th and 10th north pillars, was a chapel belonging to the Hobart family, enclosed till the late repairs, and then laid open; (the likeness of which is still preserved in a cut in the Repertorium, at p. 4.)

In it stands an altar tomb disrobed of its brasses, under which was interred Sir James Hobart, who was born at Monks-Illegh in Suffolk; was a great friend and acquaintance of Bishop Goldwell, whom he much assisted in building and adorning the quire; being a right good man, of great learning and wisdom; in 1447, in Lent term, he was reader of Lincoln's-Inn, of which society he was chosen one of the governours in 1483, having made such proficiency in the study of the laws, that on Nov. 2, 2 Henry VII. 1486, he was constituted attorney general by the King; and afterwards, sworn of his privy council, and was dubbed knight, when he created his son Henry Prince of Wales.

He settled at Hales-hall in Lodne, the parish church of which he built; as also the bridge of St. Olave, commonly called St. Tooley'sbridge; and made the causeway by it: he married Margaret, daughter of Peter Naunton, Esq. who died before him in 1494, according to Mr. Weever, who says she was buried in Loddon church.

Mr. Rice, in his Survey, says, that Sir James died in 1507, from whom Sir Henry Hobart, Bart. attorney general to King James I. and afterwards Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, descended.

On the top is the crest and arms of

Hobart, S. a star of eight points or, between two flaunches erm.

Crest, on a wreath, bull passant per pale S. and G. besanté.

On the top of the arch was Hobart's coat; the bull as before, for one supporter, and a martlet as the Naunton's, supporter for the other.

On the south side of the tomb was Hobart's arms single.

On its right side, Hobart impales

Naunton, S. three martlets arg.

On its left side, Naunton single.

And in this chapel, till the Reformation, the souls of himself and family were constantly prayed for.

Figure (30) is the grave of Bishop Thomas Browne, before St. William's altar, represented by the pricks in the plan; see Pt. I. p. 533. And figure (29) is the grave of Bishop Walter Hart, for which, see Pt. I. p. 536.

The altar marked with pricks opposite to the altar aforesaid, I take to be the precentor's altar, dedicated to St. Mary, for the offerings at which, the precentor annually accounted to the sacrist, and he to the convent.

Over St. William's altar is the mural monument for Dean Astley's wife, for which see Pt. I. p. 625.

Against the west side of the 11th south pillar, is a monument painted on the wall, having an angel blowing a trumpet, and at bottom an old man lying dead on a tomb, with a pillow under his head; by him stand two old men, with each a chaplet of flowers in their hands, one representing art, holds a musick book, the other, the representing age, an hour-glass at bottom,

Inglot, on a chief indented, a lion passant gard. impaling

On a chief indented, a crescent.

A plate of this monument, dedicated to William Croft, master in musick of the King's royal chapel, may be seen in the Repertorium.

Here William Inglott, Organist doth rest, Whose Art in Musick, this Cathedral blest; For Descant most, for Voluntary all, He past, on Organ, Song, and Virginall; He left this Life at Age of sixty seven, And now 'mongst Angells all, sings St. in Heaven, His Fame flies far, his Name shall never die, See Art and Age, here crown his Memorie.

Non Digitis, Inglotte, tuis terrestria tangis, Tangis nunc digitis, Organa celsa Poli.

Buried the last Day of Dec. Anno Dom. 1621. This erected 15 Day of June 1622.

The Anti-Choir was the chapel of St. Mary of Pity; at whose altar in it, many offerings were made, and yearly accounted for by the sacrist, as were all such offerings as were made at the box at the entrance into the presbitery, which also stood in this chapel, at the right hand of the door of the presbitery or choir. This chapel is marked (q) in the plan, and is directly under that noble rood-loft, erected by Bishop Hart, as is before observed, Pt. I. p. 536; at present it is the organ loft, but was, till the Pieformation, the reredos, or holy-rood-loft, as it was then called; on which, the principal rood or cross, with the effigies of our Saviour, in full proportion on it, was placed; with the imago principalis, the principal image, or image of the Holy Trinity, to which this church was dedicated, together with the images of the Virgin Mary and St. John, and such other saints as were principally esteemed here; touching these linages, there was great variety in those days, as to their position, habits, and ornaments; the rood, or image of Christ upon the cross, was generally made of wood, and in most churches, was placed in a loft made for that purpose, right over the passage out of the church into the chancel. The nave representing, as they said, the church militant, and the chancel, the church triumphant, those therefore that would pass out of the former into the latter, must go under the rood-loft, that is, must go under the cross and suffer affliction. But no rood was complete without the images of Mary and John, one standing on one side, and the other on the other side of the cross, in allusion to that of St. John in the Gospel, (chap. xix. ver. 26.) Jesus (on the cross) saw his mother and the disciple standing by, whom he loved.

The like images were sometimes placed without, over the entrance into the church, but that very rarely.

The holy-roods were of very great esteem, and many miracles were said to be done by some of them, the falsity of which, at their demolition, flagrantly appeared.

The festival of the cross, was, and till this time is, known by the name of holy-rood-day, the word [rode] in the Saxon language, signifying a cross; and as it was then a usual oath to swear by the mass, so also to swear by the rood was a very sacred thing.

The images on this rood, I make no doubt, were finely adorned; that of the Holy-Trinity being richly gilt; and in 1499, Lady Margaret, late wife of Sir Ralf Shelton, Knt. sent by Master Simon Dryver, to be put about this image, a gold chain of 25 SS. weighing eight ounces, wanting half a quarter, with four small jewels, and one great jewel, with a red enamelled rose in gold hanging thereon; and in 1443, R⊙b. Norwych, Esq. who was interred in the cathedral, (but in what part I cannot find,) gave to the great image of the Trinity, his silver collar, given him by the Emperour, as part of his livery; both which were seized with the rest of the church plate, at the Dissolution.

This image of the Trinity was, in the then too usual but profane manner, the Almighty Father, whom the heavens, and the heaven of heavens, are not able to contain, being blasphemously represented by a weak old man; the Blessed Redeemer on the cross, between his knees, and the Eternal Spirit, by a dove, on his breast.

Here also were kept the holy relicks, (as they were called,) among which the most remarkable, was a portion of the blood of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mentioned by Mr. Fox, to which many came in pilgrimage, and made their offerings, for which the sacrist annually accounted.

At the Reformation, a multitude of cheats and counterfeits were discovered in this matter of relicks, and it is probable, this might be something like the blood of Christ, showed in those days at Hales in Gloucestershire, which proved to be the blood of a duck, weekly renewed, to their no small gain.

The other relicks in most esteem here, were those of St. William the boy saint, for whom see Pt. I. p. 27, to whose honour the altar was dedicated, as aforesaid,

The experience of the notorious and frequent delusion in relicks, occasioned a cautious provision in the council of Trent, that no relicks should be admitted or esteemed, but such as were first approved by the Bishop, which was only inforcing the decrees of the Lateran council, that no relicks should be worshipped but such as were stamped with the Pope's authority; which not having prevented the delusions so long afterwards practised, it would have been much better to have put an end to all such practices, by setting them all aside at once.

Among other precious things kept here, was the crown of silver and gold, which John Smethurst yeoman of the crown, used in his office; who, when he died at Hetherset in 1506, gave it to the church.

This is sometimes called Holy-rood chapel, and had Jesus mass sung in it once every week.

At figure (26) lies buried Bishop Percy, (see Pt. I. p. 514,) who had his chaplain celebrating for his soul, at St. Thomas's altar on the right hand of the quire door; that of Virgin of Pity being on the left hand; in 1428, an image of freestone, which cost 5l. 6s. of St. Thomas the Martyr, was fixed here, which shows that it was dedicated to Archbishop Becket.

In 1528, Sir Edmund Wethyr, master of the charnel, was buried at his left hand, and had a stone over him, with his picture, &c. in brass, as he desired, which is the only gravestone now remaining in this chapel; but it is spoiled of all its ornaments.

On the other side of the said Bishop, was Will. Sekyngton interred in 1460, who founded a pittance on the day of his obit; and another on the day of the principal feast, or dedication day; close by his grave, at figure (27), was interred Dean Crofts; (see Pt. I. p. 623;) but his stone is now removed and laid between two of the north pillars in the nave; the other stones here were removed, and now lie in the south isle adjoining.

At figure (28) is the monument of Dame Elizabeth Calthorp, with the arms of

Calthorp impaling Berney, she being the daughter of Ralph Berney of Gunton, Esq.

Culpepper of Suffolk, gul. a chevron ingrailed, between three martlets arg. impales Berney.

Berney in a lozengè single.

And this inscription,
This doth shew, that here under resteth the Bodye of the worshipful Dame Elizabeth Calthroppe Widow, first the Wief of Sir Fravncis Calthrop, Knight, and last the Wief of John Cullpeper Esquier, who departid this Lief the 24th Daie of December in the Yere of our Lord God 1582.

On the west wall of the said chapel, on the north part, is a mural monument for William Burleigh of Lytcham, Esq. with this inscription,
Hic jacet Gulielmus Burleigh Armiger, Lychamiæ in Agro Norfolciensi natus, in Academiâ Cantabrigiensi per Septennium enutritus, Gradû autem Magistri in Artibus Ornatus, in Hospitio Grayensi Legum Municipalium Studijs Operam dedit, donec Actor in Foro Westmonasteriensi Evaderet. Tandem Decano et Capitulo Norvicensi, Factus est à Consilijs, atque etiam Curiarum & Maneriorum Seneschallus: Quæ Munia singularia absolvit integritate, Vir spectatâ in Deum, Regem, Ecclesiam, Pietate, Fide, et amplâ (dum vixit) in hanc Basilicam Munificentiâ, ubi jam requiescit spe felicis Resurrectionis, Denatus Aprilis 14°. Anno salutis 1683, Ætatis suæ 55°,

Under it laid a gravestone, now removed and placed between the 3d and 4th south pillars in the nave, with the following inscription and arms of

Burleigh, arg. a lion rampant sab. surmounted by a fess chequy or and az. impaling

Sayer, gul. a chevron erm. between three sea-mews proper.

Here lyeth the Body of Mary, the beloved Wife of William Burleigh Esq; and one of the Daughters of Thomas Sayer of Essex Esq; she died Sept. 3, A. D. 1679.

John Crispyng, Esq. was buried here in 1423; he gave a legacy to make a new rood-loft in Hapisburgh church, and others, to the Trinity gild there; and to the chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr in Bromholm convent; 20s. to the cathedral, and 40s. to find a light burning before the image of the Blessed Virgin of Pite here, which was an effigies of the Virgin sometimes in tears, sometimes in a most melancholy posture, surveying the wounds and dead bodies of our Blessed Saviour.

Laurentio Townley, A. M. et hujus Ecclesiæ Canonico Minori, Qui obijt Maij 24, 1642.

The stone is now removed.

Anne Lambert, Daughter of John Sandlay, March 14, 1659.

John Sandlay, Apr. 28, 1660.

Hester Wife of Francis Wasey, and Widow of John Sandlay, 22 Sept. 1691.

All their stones are removed into the south isle.

And now having passsed through the whole church, except the presbitery or choir, we must enter there, and for regularity shall begin at the east end, at letter (b), which is the ancient Bishop's throne, ascended by three steps, and raised so high, that originally, when there was no division between that and the altar, and before the present rood-loft was built, the old loft being placed very high, at the pillars marked (12), the Bishop could see directly in line through the whole church, unto Tombland; but now there is a late partition between that and the high altar, which makes the old vestry at letter (c) now disused.

Letter (d) is the high-altar of the Blessed Trinity; the custos or master of which annually accounted for the offerings made there, which were very many, the annual processions only of the country and city clergy, made on the Feast of the Holy Trinity, on St. Paul's day, and at Whitsuntide, raised a good sum: the copes, vestments, and other ornaments belonging to this altar, were very grand, and the plate and furniture very sumptuous, till the Reformation, when it was much lessened; but in Queen Mary's time was again much increased; till Dean Gardiner and the prebends, reduced it to a cup of 19 ounces only; but by the time of the Rebellion, it became handsome enough to be seized by the rebels, headed by such of the principal citizens as were then in power; for which abuse and spoil, after the Restoration, the city gave 100l. with which the fine large offering dish, and pair of silver candlesticks, all double gilt, were purchased. On the dish is this,
Ad sacros usus Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Sanctæ et individuæ Trinitatis Norwici Donavit Civitas Norvicensis, Pietatis, in Deum, et in Ecclesiam hanc Charitatis Tesseram: Tempore Maioratûs Mathei Markham.

On each of the silver candlesticks,
Ad sacros usus Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Sanctæ et individuæ Trinitatis Norvici, donavit Civitas Norvicensis.

On a noble silver chalice, double gilt, on which the arms of the deanery impales Suckling.

Quid retribuam Domino pro omnibus quæ tribuit mihi?

Calicem Salutis accipiam, et nomen Domini invocabo, Psal. 116.

Edmundus Sucklyng Sacræ Theologiæ Professor, et Decanus Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Norwici,
Poculum hoc Deo dedit et Mensæ Dominicæ ibidem. Anno Dni. 1615.

On a large silver patin gilt, the arms of De Grey, and this,
Deo, et Sacris, dicavit Domina Anna de Grey de Antingham in Agro Norfolciensi Vidua.

On two large flaggons of silver double gilt,
The deanery arms, and these words, Ecclesia Norwici.

Ex dono Barbaræ Rhodes, Relictæ Johannis Rhodes, nuper hujus Ecclesiæ Prebendarij, A. D. 1668. (See Pt. I. p. 670.)

There are also two large cups and covers of silver, gilt, with nothing on them but the arms of the deanery, and Ecclesia Norwici.

Another fine silver cup gilt, hath the same arms, and this,
To the Cathedral Church of Norwich, The Gift of Sarah Helwys, Aug. 23, 1743.

Helwys in a lozenge; or a bend gul. surmounted by a fess az.

There belong also to the furniture of this altar, two Common-Prayer books, and a fine Field's Bible in two volumes, bound in red velvet, bossed with silver double gilt; on them are the arms of the church, and the crest and arms of

Crowe, viz. a frette of four arrows.

Girony of eight O. and S. on a chief of the second, two leopards heads of the first.

Hunc Sacrum Librum, et Seipsum Deo et Ecclesiæ dicat R. [ogerus] C. [rowe.] 1673.

The steps of the altar extend as between the pillars marked (18), on the uppermost of which stand the rails, within which, at letter (e), the priest formerly heard confessions. See p. 12.

Figure (11) is the grave of Bishop Redman, as I have lately found by undoubted proof, so that he was not buried as mentioned from common report, in Pt. I. p. 561, there was nothing on the stone over him but these words,
Beati qui moriuntur in Domino.

Figure (10) is the gravestone of Sir Will. Boleyn or Bullen, now spoiled of its brasses, but Mr. Weever hath preserved the inscription, which was this,
Nic jacet Corpus Willelmi Boleyn Militis, qui obiit r Octobris Anna, Dni: MoCCCCCono, Cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

I find he gave 20l. to three priests, to celebrate masses here for his soul, and 6l. 13s. 4d. for lights, &c. on his burial day.

In 1483, John Mowbray Duke of Norfolk, Lord High Admiral, constituted this Sir Will. his deputy for all the coasts of Norfolk and Suffolk, for life; with all the fees belonging to his place, and a pipe of good wine yearly, with power to exercise it by his deputies. The commission is dated at Norwich Aug. 21, 1 Richard III.

He was a great benefactor towards adorning the arches in the quire, as appears by his arms, and those of his wife.

But yet as Mr. Weever (fo. 799) observes, Let it be the greatest honour to this noble Knight, that he was great-grandfather to that renowned and victorious Princess, Elizabeth, late Queen of England, according to Mr. Cambden's account, in his introduction to his History of her long and prosperous reign.

The linage and descent of Elizabeth Queen of England (saith he) was by her father's side truly royal, for daughter she was, to King Henry VIII. grand-daughter to Henry VII. and great grand-daughter to King Edward IV. By her mother's side her descent was not so high; howbeit, noble it was, and spread abroad by many great alliances in England and Ireland: her great grand-father's father was Geffrey Boleyn, a man of noble birth in Norfolk, (who purchased the manor of Blickling of Sir John Fastolf, Knt. and settled there, as a letter under his own hand shows me.) In 1457, he was lord mayor of the city of of London, and at the same time, honoured with the dignity of knighthood. An upright honest man, of such estimation, that Thomas Lord Hoo and Hastyngs, knight of the Order of St. George, gave him his daughter, and one of his heiresses, to wife; and of such wealth, that he matched his daughters into the noble houses of the Cheyneys, Heydons, and Fortescues; left his son a goodly inheritance, and bequeathed 1000l. to the poor of London, and 200l. to the poor of Norfolk.

This man's son, William Boleyn, was chose amongst 18 choice knights of the Bath, at the coronation of King Richard III. to whom Thomas Earl of Ormond (who was in such favour with the King's of England, that he alone of all the Irish noblemen had his place and voice in the English parliaments, (and above the barons of England also) gave (Margaret) his second daughter, and one of his heiresses, in marriage. By her, (besides daughters married to Shelton, Calthorp, Clere, and Sackvile, men of great wealth and noble descent, and other children,) he begat

Thomas Boleyn, who being a young man, Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey, who was afterwards Duke of Norfolk, a man much renowned for his worthy service and achievements in the wars, chose to be his son-in-law, giving unto him his daughter Elizabeth in marriage, and Henry VIII. after he had performed one or two very honourable embassies, made him first treasurer of his household, knight of the Garter, Viscount Rochford, Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, and LordKeeper of the Privy Seal. This Thomas, among other children, begat Anne Boleyn, who in her tender years being sent into France, attended on Mary of England, wife to Lewis XII. and then on Claudia of Britaine, wife to Francis I. and after she was dead, on Margagaret of Alencon, who with the first, favoured the Protestant religion springing up in France. Being returned into England, and admitted amongst the Queen's maids of honour, and then but 22 years old; King Henry, in the 38th year of his age, did for her modesty tempered with French pleasantness, fall deeply in love with her, and took her to wife, by whom he had the aforesaid Elizabeth Queen of England.

The arms on this stone were,
1. Boleyn single, arg. a chevron gul. between three bulls heads cooped S. armed or.

2. Boleyn quartering,
1. - - - - - three mullets, 2 and 1, a chief indented erm.

2. Butler Earl of Ormond. Or, a chief indented az, Impaling

Hoe, quarterly arg. and sab. quartering

St. Omer, az. a fess between six croslets or, and a coat of pretence, in fess of Wichingham er. on a chief sab. three croslets paté or.

3. Three mullets 2 and 1, a chief indented erm.

Adjoining to the north side of Boleyn's stone, lies another large disrobed stone, now spoiled of all its brasses, under which lies buried Robert Clere, Esq. of Ormesby, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heiress of Thomas Owydale, Udale, or Dovedale, Esq. lord of the manor of Tacolneston in Norfolk; she died at Tacolneston in 1492, and gave the prior and convent a rent charge of 3l. 6s. 8d. yearly issuing out of the manors of Threston in Norfolk, and Cleydon in Suffolk, to pray for their souls.

On it were the arms of

Clere, arg. on a fess az. Three eagles displayed or, and Clere impaling

Dovedale, sab a cross moline gul. pierced arg.

Near this place was also buried Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Philip Braunche, Knt. first widow of John Clere of Ormesby, Esq. (who was, as I imagine, also buried here,) and then widow of Sir John Rothenhale, Knt.; she died at Castor by Yarmouth in 1440, and gave a vestment to the church; to Ric. Walsham, monk of Norwich, and then Prior of Yarmouth, eight marks per annum for his life, to pray for her own and husband's souls, and if he died, to be contiuued by some monk of the church, for 50 years after her decease, and two marks per annum for the aforesaid term to the Norwich monks, to keep her anniversary.

Another stone had these arms,

1. Two lions passant guardant

2. Quarterly Hoo and Wichingham, and a coat of pretence of

St. Leger, az. frette arg. a chief or.

3. St. Omer single.

At No. (45) lieth buried Bishop Overall, his monument, against the 18th south pillar, see in Pt. I. p. 565.

Letter (s) is Wakeryng's or St. George's chapel, and figure (21) the grave of that prelate; see Pt. I. p. 528. The circumscription on the stone was this,

Orate pro anima Reberendi Patris Dni: Johannis Wakeryng quondam Normicensis Episcopi qui obiit rrbio die Aprilis MoCCCCorrbo, ruis anime propicietur Deus, Amen.

There were also shields of the arms of St. George, England and France quartered, the see of Norwich, and his own.

Figure (20) is the burial place of Bishop Corbet, see Pt. I. p. 568.

Figure (19) is Bishop Spencer's grave, see Ibid. p. 515.

Figure (15) is the founder's tomb, for which see Ibid. p. 465,

Figure (16 is the grave of Bishop Turb and Bishop Montague, see Ibid. p. 474, 571.

Figure (18) is the grave of Bishop John of Oxford, at the head of which stood a cross, and a box to receive the offerings of such people as prayed at his grave, he being of great reputation both in his time, and after his death. The sacrist annually accounted, till after 1334, for the offerings at the cross at the head of Bishop John's grave. See Ibid. p. 476,

Figure (17) is Bishop Armine's grave, see Ibid. p. 501.

Figure (24) is Chancellor Pepper's grave, see Ibid. p. 635.

Figure (25) is the burial place of Bishop Hopton, see Ibid. p. 552.

Figure (44) is the place where Bishop Rugge was interred, see Ibid. p. 547.

The inscription on the brass on his stone was this,

Nic jacet Willus Rugg Sacræ Theologiæ Procfessor, quondam huius Ecclesiæ Normicensis Episcopus qui obiit vicesimo prime nic Sept Mocccccolo.

The stalls are fixed as in the plan, and are in number 62, according to the number of the old foundation, viz a prior, sub-prior, and 60 monks; and are, according to the mode of those times, adorned with odd fancies, most of which allude to the violent animosities that then subsisted between the regular and secular clergy.

Letter (t) is the chapel of St. James the Greater, and St. James the Less, commonly called Goldwell's chapel; and figure (22) denotes where that prelate was interred; see Pt. I. p. 540. The altar in it marked with the pricks in the plan, had a pair of silver chalices gilt, of 24 oz.; a silver paxe gilt, of 2 oz.; a cheseble of blue tissue, with the albe and stole; a cheseble of red velvet, with the albe and stole; a cheseble of white busteyn with the albe and stole; a case of red velvet on one side, for the corporase to be put in; an altar cloth of baudekyn silk, another of red damask, and another of dun damask, belonging to it, all of the Bishop's appointment.

Forregister Moore's monument, against the 16th south pillar, see Pt. I. p. 590.

For Prebend Kent, see Ibid. p. 669. There is a shield of Kent' arms upon the stone, viz.

Az. a chief erm. in fess a lion passant guardant or.

For Prebend Pearce see Pt. I. p. 663, and also for Prebend Littell's monument, Ibid. p. 664.

For Prebend Spendlove and his wife, see Pt. I. p. 670.

Against the east side of the 15th south pillar, is a mural monument, for Stephen Knight, whose gravestone lies in the adjoining south isle, as may be seen by the inscription on it, at p. 15; on it Knight, vert, a bend lozenge or, impales Faldo, gul. three bucks heads caboshed or, attired arg.

Memoriæ Sacrum, Charissmi Patris Stephani Knight Essexiensis Generosi, Qui Uxorem duxit Margaretam filiam natû maximam Tho. Faldo Gen. Faldorum prisco oriundi Stemmate, in Agro Bedfordiensi, Primi ab Archivis Norfolciensi et Suffolciensi, Quo officio summâ perfunctus integritate (usque quo invido premeretur Fato) qui nuperis in Angliâ motibus, varijs se objecit periculis, multa Rei-publicæ Causâ prosperè molitus, animi Constans, damnorumque patiens, cujus virtute delectatus, Rex Carolus Primus, illi recusanti ordinem Equestrem obtulit, Ducis tamen titulum, ad quem in ipsis Castris evectus est, invitus suscepit. Denatus 17mo die Apr. An. Dom. 1664, Ætatis suæ 73.

This monument was erected by his beloved daughter Mary Knight, a woman of singular qualifications, most exemplary for her duty towards her parents, even to their deaths.

Against the west side of the 17th north pillar there is a mural monument lately erected for Prebend Hubbard, (see Pt. I. p. 668,) with this inscription.

Non longè ab hinc, (sub Occidentali silicet parte, Monumenti in Herberti Memoriam positi) Sepultæ sunt Reliquiæ EDVARDI HUBBARD S. T. P.

Aulæ Stæ. Catherinæ CANT. Magistri, Et hujus Ecclesiæ Prebendarij, Qui Cùm Academicæ Juventuti Bonis Literis erudiendæ, Satis felicem per XXIII annos operam navasset, Et intereà Procuratoris et Procancellarij Munera sustinuisset, Diem suum obijt Dec. XXIII, Anno Dom. MDCCXLI. Ætat. XLVII.

Qualis fuerit, Bene norunt amici, Quibus non pancis flebilis occidit, Reliquis tum demum innotescet, Quando resurget.

Against the west side of the 18th north pillar, is a mural monument for Mrs. Anne and Mary Eachard, who are buried in the north isle, (see p. 13,) on which is this;

Beneath these Steps lay interred, the truly Religions and Vertuous Mrs. Mary and Mrs. Anne Eachard, loved and lamented by all that knew them, Mary died July 15, 1714, Anne Nov. 6, 1710.

At the top, a flame issues from an urn, placed between two extinguished tapers.

For Edward Hall's monument, see Pt. I. p. 581, near which is a flat gravestone thus inscribed;
Here lieth the Body of Mary, the Relict of John Hobart Esq. late of Waybread in the County of Suffolk, and Daughter to Sir Anthony Felton of Playford in the same County, Knight of the Noble Order of the Bath, who departed this Life the first Day of Oct. A°. Dom. 1685, aged 78.

On a flat stone by Bishop Montague's grave,
Henry Best Gent. Principal Register to the Bishop of Norwich, died in 1629.

My Time is shorte, the longer is my rest, God calls them soonest, whom he loves Best.

Letter (r) is St. Anne's or Berney's chapel, and figure (46) is the grave of John de Berney, who was buried here in 1374, by Joan, his former wife; he willed, that if the Prior would not permit him, he would then be buried by Sarah his wife, in St. Anne's chapel, which he had founded and built adjoining to the church of Burgh by Apton. He gave 5l. to repair the cathedral; 30s. to the Prior; to Joseph, a monk here, 20s. to every monk 2s.; 26l. to keep his 7th and 30th day after his burial, and founded an anniversary on the day of his death, when the monks were to have 20s. for a pittance, besides wine: he appears to be son of Ric. de Berney, and Alice his wife; Agnes de Berney, his aunt, Katherine his wife, then alive, Thomas and Robert, his sons, and Alice his daughter, married to Rich. de Holdiche, are mentioned: and he particularly ordered five wax tapers of 5l. weight a-piece, and seven torches to be set by his coffin in the church at his burial.

The offerings at the altar here were yearly accounted for by the sacrist.

In 1379, Walter de Berney, citizen of London and Norwich, was buried in the cloister, to which he had been a great benefactor. See p. 3. He gave the prior 40s. and every monk half a mark.

Figure (23) is the burial place of that famous knight Sir Thomas Erpingham, and his two wives; Joan Walton, his first wife, died in 1404, as appears by the probate of her will; and Joan, daughter of Sir William Clopton of Wickham-Brook in Suffolk, Knt. died also before him: it is plain that his first wife was a great favourer of the doctrine of Wickliff; as Sir Thomas also was, for in her will she mentions no saints, but commends her soul to God only.

In 1417, King Henry V. for his faithful services, granted an annuity for life of 50 marks a year issuing out of the alien priory of St. Faith's at Newington Longeville in Bucks. And in 1427, he was lord and patron of the manor and advowson of Toft Monks in Norfolk, which he had given him by King Henry IV.

He made his will in 1427, and died in 1428, when it was proved in the prerogative court, by which he gave to the high-altar 10 marks, to every monk 6s. 8d.; to Erpingham and Litcham churches 40s. each; to the altar of St. Martin at the Palace-gate, in which parish his city house was, 26s. 8d.; to Norman's spittle 10 marks; to the prisoners in the castle and gild-hall 40s. each place; to Julian Lampit, recluse at Carhoe, 10s. &c. Sir Will. Phelip, Sir Andrew Butler, Knts. William Baumburgh, Rich. Gegge, Esqrs. and others, were executors; Bishop Alnwyk supervisor, and Sir Simon Felbrigge, Sir John Clifton, and Sir Tho. Kerdeston, Knts. witnesses.

Before his death, he gave 300 marks to the prior and convent of Norwich, to found a chantry for a monk to sing daily mass for him and his family for ever, at the altar of the holy cross in the cathedral, and to keep his anniversary; with which they purchased houses on Tombland, and settled them to that use; and bound themselves to enter his name in their martyrology, and recite it particularly on his anniversary, before the whole chapter.

His effigies, with those of his two wives, were in the window of the north isle, and in several places in the nave; in some, their own and husband's arms were in the mantle or outward garment; in others their husband's on the mantle, and their own on the kirtle.

They are preserved by a plate in the Repertorium, at the 8th page, dedicated to Sir Hen. St. George, Knt.

Erpingham's crest is, from a crown gul. a plume of feathers arg. vert, an inescutcheon in an orle of martlets arg.

Walton, arg. on a chief indented sab. three bezants.

Clopton, sab. a bend arg. between three cotizes dancetté or.

The word Bewar remains on a brass label at one corner of his stone, which I take to have been his motto.

He was knight of the Garter in Henry the Fourth's time, and a lord warden of the Cinqueports in Henry the Fifth's time: he built the Black-Friars church, now called the New-hall. Many of his family are buried at Erpingham, whence they took their sirname.

Other persons of note buried in and about the cathedral, whose fixed places of sepulture I cannot determine, are,

Mabel de Lakenham, whose obit was kept every 16th day of March.

  • 1328, Margaret wife of Sir William son of Sir Roger de Kerdeston.
  • 1329, Sir Walter de Norwich, Knt.
  • 1329, Sir John de Mutford, one of the judges in the Common Pleas, in the time of King Edward II. of the knightly family of the Mutford's of Mutford in Suffolk.
  • 1374, Alex. de Melton, citizen of Norwich, who gave a silver cup for common use, to the convent.
  • 1379, Robert de Aylesham, chaplain.
  • 1398, Nic. de Berford, citizen.
  • 1420, Robert Yelverton of Rackhithe, Gent. buried in the cathedral by his father John Yelverton's tomb.
  • 1422, Thomas Salmon, rector of Great Rackhite, buried in the yard, right before the porch of the charnel, now the free-school.
  • 1423, Will. Holm, chaplain, buried right before the west door of the north isle in the yard.
  • 1436, John Atte-dam, priest.

In 1444, John Paston, eldest son and heir of Will. Paston, chief justice, and Agnes Paston, widow of the said justice, settled a rent charge of eight marks yearly, for 90 years, issuing out of the manor of Sweynsthorp, to find a priest to sing for the soul of the said William, in the chapel of our Lady the Great, in the cathedral of Norwich; in which chapel, the said chief justice lies interred; and 7d. a week for seven years, to the monk that singeth the mass of the Holy Ghost in the said chapel daily, to pray for him and his family's souls. And it appears, that at his death, the said chief justice had in cash at his house in London, 1460l. 2s. 4d. In this monastery 958l. 16s. 5d. besides rings of gold weighing 13 oz. and an half. Gilt plate 24 pounds 11oz. and ungilt plate 92 lib. 2 oz. by weight.

  • 1453, Rich. Lombe, rector of St. Julian.
  • 1459, Brother John Norwich. Dr. John Park. Brother Robert Porland, and Brother Rob. Cley, monks.

Sir William Yelverton, one of the King's justices or judges, was buried here.

  • 1475, Edm. Soham of East-Bilney, Gent.
  • 1505, Sir Thomas Growt, monk.
  • 1541, Walter Grime.

Besides the arms already mentioned at p. 5, there were these following, many of which are lost, though some still remain.

Taverner, one of that family being buried in the north isle, near Erpingham's tomb.

Gilbert's merchant-mark, impaleth the Grocers arms, and under it,

Orate pro animabus Johannis Gilbert quondam Maioris Cibi tatis et ur: eius

He was mayor in 1459, and was a considerable benefactor towards building the roof of the quire.

Heydon. Lyhert. Andrews. Weyland. Suliard. Hastyngs. Clifton. Caily. Heveningham. Fastolf. Redisham. Ratcliff. Burnell. and Wakeryng.

Windham impaling Redisham, Fastolf, Clifton, Cayly, and Howard.

The arms of all which families, and those before observed, are often impaled, and quartered, in many places, both in the windows, and on the walls.

Besides the altars, chapels, &c. already mentioned, the sacrist accounted yearly for the composition fees for people buried in the church, and for the offerings at the three Kings, at St. Eligius, at the great gild called St. George's gild, kept here; the dyers gild, and worsted weavers gild. Of the indulgence published by Dr. Bryggate by the Pope's bull, called the Angelles or Perke Indulgence, on the vigil of the Ascension. At the altar by the black cross, of which a monk was chosen custos or keeper. At the stumpe cross; at the red cross; at St. Nicholas's altar, where Nic. de Hindolveston was buried in 1298; at St. Appolonia, at St. Gazian, and St. John of Bridlington at St. Catherine, at St. Petronel or Parnell, at St. Ipolitus's altar, at St. Leodegar or Leiger, at St. Anthony, at St. Theobold, at the charnel cross, and at All-Saints. By which we may see, with what number of altars, images, crosses, and pictures, the church was in those days filled.

The Prior was obliged to pay 10s. a year, to find a wax taper burning at our Lord's sepulchre, one of which was in those days in every church, generally in the north wall of the chancel: great pomp and pageantry was used at the sepulchre at Easter, on which day, the crucifix and the pix were taken out of this place, where they were in a solemn manner deposited on Good-Friday, by the priest, on the saying Surrexit, non est hic; He is risen, he is not here.

There were certain annual sums paid to the boy bishop and his clerks, on St. Nicholas's day, by all the officers of the church.

This Boy-Bishop, or episcopus choristarum, was a chorister bishop, always chosen by his fellow children on St. Nicholas's day; and on that day above all others, because that saint's Legend says, that while he laid in his cradle, he fasted Wednesday and Friday, and knew the Scriptures from a child, and therefore children worship him before all other saints; from this day till Innocents day at night, the episcopus puerorum, or boy bishop, was to bear the name and hold the state of a bishop, answerably habited with a crosier or pastoral staff in his hand, and a mitre on his head; and such a one too some had, even richer than the real Bishop's: the rest of his fellows taking on them the style of prebends; yea, so far was this carried on, that whatever the very Bishop himself, with his deans and prebends (had they been to officiate) was to have performed, the very same was done by this boy bishop and his canons, upon the eve and holiday, the mass itself only excepted, as the book of Salisbury church shows us; for that of York takes no notice of it. This chorister bishop went in solemn procession with his fellows, to the high altar of the Holy Trinity, in their copes, and burning tapers in their hands; there performing the service of the holy innocents, designedly represented by these children, which seems to have been the main cause of this institution; which was so guarded, that nobody, under pain of excommunication, should interrupt or press upon them during the procession, or any part of the service: nay (as Molanus says) the part was acted yet more earnestly, for this bishop and his clerks had certain fixed rents paid them yearly, by most of the officers of this church. If the chorister bishop died within the month, his exequies were solemnized with an answerable glorious pomp and sadness; he was, as all other bishops, buried in his pontificalibus: there is a monument of such a bishop in Salisbury church, standing on a beast with a lion's head, and dragon's tongue and tail, in allusion to that of the psalmist, Conculcabis leonem et draconem. Thou shalt tread on the lion and the dragon; and a child of this kind might be thought fit enough to tread upon the old serpent.

John Gregory, A. M. of Christ-church in Oxford, hath a treatise extant, on the ancient custom in the church of Sarum, of making an anniversary bishop among the choristers; printed at London in 1649. But it appears to me, to have been a common custom in most cathedrals.

There have been eight bells, but five only now remain, on which,

1. Fac Margareta nobis hec Munera leta.

2. Andrea quesumus, famulorum suscipe Vota.

3. J. B. A. D. 1633.

4. Subbeniat digna, donantibus hanc Katerina.

5. Sum Rosa Pulsata Mundi, Maria bocata. Orate pro aia: Roberti Brethenham Monachi Norwici.

And now having done with the church, I shall proceed into

The cloister,
Which is on the south side of the church, and is the largest quadrangle of this kind in all England: the dimensions of it may be seen in the plan, and the account of its foundation in Pt. I. p. 530.

The stone roof is adorned with sculptures of divers scripture pieces, and many legendary ones, in particular the visions of the Revelations, the last judgment, the legends of St. Christopher, St. Laurence, &c. remain very perfect.

At the grand south entrance, marked (D) in the plan, are the espousals or sacrament of marriage, carved in stone; the custom being formerly, for the couple who were to be married, to be placed at the church door, where the priest used to join their hands, and perform the greatest part of the matrimonial office; it was here the husband endowed his wife with the portion or dowry contracted for; which was therefore called dos ad ostium ecclesiœ, or the dowry at the church door: and from hence the poet Chaucer, who lived in Edward the Third's time, in his Wife of Bath, hath this,

She mas a worthy Woman all her Libc, husbands at the Church Dore had she fine.

On the right hand of this door, are the two lavatories, marked (EE) in the plan; here the monks used to wash their hands before they went into the common eating-hall, the towels hanging on the left hand of the door.

Over one of these, is carved in stone, a fox in a pulpit, in the habit of a secular priest, holding up a goose to his auditory; this, with many other carvings on the stalls in the quire, and on the stone work in other places, was designed as a reflection on the secular clergy, or parish priests, who were much hated by the monastick or regular clergy, as they called themselves, though not on account of their being more regular than the others; for had it been so, common experience would have given them the lie; but because they did, or at least pretended to live, by the regulœ or rules of the founders of their several orders, and these being Benedictines, consequently were to follow the rules of St. Benedict.

What really first caused this standing antipathy was, the regulars continually incroaching upon the seculars, in getting the parochial churches appropriated to themselves, thereby making the seculars subservient solely to them, for what they thought fit to allow them for the service of the cures, otherwise obtaining dispensations to serve them themselves: which covetousness so apparent to all the world, caused the people in general to join the seculars, and at last utterly demolish all the regulars: this is the reason of the many odd figures usually seen carved on the stone work of religious buildings: in monasteries or churches appropriated to them, what do we see oftener than the heads of secular priests, lions, wolves, foxes, and other emblems of craft and rapine, fixed with leaden spouts from their mouths: and on the parochial churches, what so common as part of a monk, in his cowl, pouring water out of his mouth every shower, to upbraid that sect with their excess of gluttony and drinking; and to represent their vanity, idleness, folly, and other vices; nothing more common than asses, monkeys, owls, magpies, tortoises, swine, &c. dressed in cowls, or other monkish habits.

Near the other of these lavatories, was formerly a shield of the arms of the ancient family of

Verdon, sab. a lion rampant arg.

The north part of the cloister was unpaved in the late rebellion, but was repaired by Will. Burleigh, Esq.; on the wall of the church there were eleven shields, handsomely beautified with the arms of such nobility, in their proper colours, crests, mantlings, supporters, and quarterings, as attended Queen Elizabeth in her progress hither in 1578, when she lodged at the Bishop's palace, and dined here in publick, they made a handsome appearance till the late rebellion, when the lead being faulty, and the stone work decayed, the rain falling upon the wall, washed them away; they were these, the Queen's achievement, Howard Duke of Norfolk, Clinton, Russell, Cheyney, Hastyngs, Dudley, Cecil, Carey, Hatton, &c.

In this walk, at figure (47) in the plan, is a void space in the wall where formerly was the effigies of a person in a praying posture, said to be Bigot's monument; the description of which, answers to that I find of the monument of Roger Bigot, sewer to King Henry I. the co-founder, as it were, with Bishop Herbert; who, by his means, obtained the very land the church stands upon, of that King: that this Roger was interred here, contrary to the account of those historians who say he was buried at Thetford, I think I have sufficiently proved in the first volume of my Norfolk History, at p. 441; as well as shown the great reason those historians had to think so; but that he should be buried in this place, I can hardly believe, being apt to imagine that he was laid by the high altar, or near the founder; though probably this might be the tomb of some of that name, buried long since the former. For besides the tradition, that Roger Bigot was buried in the church, in Mr. Le-Neve's Collections, I meet with the following account of his monument; that he, as a knight, was represented kneeling in his armour, on a cushion, with a surcoat of arms of a lion rampant, bareheaded, with a collar about his neck, before an image of our Blessed Saviour, which had only a loose garment thrown over him, and the crown of thorns upon his head; over which were three shields, viz. the arms of the see in the middle, on the right hand a lion rampant as on the surcoat, and on the left or, a cross gul. both which last coats were born by the Bigods.

Persons buried in this walk are,

Robert Brigstock, one of the Free-Masons of the Cathedral, 1673. Will. Spring, Gent. Proctor, 1694. Mrs. Hannah Wake, March 8, 1742, æt. 84. Walter Long 1725. Hannah his Relict July 29, 1743. Walter his Son, March 13, 1739, æt. 40. Charles Knapp, Gent. 1721, æt. 60. Jer. Richardson 1657. John Moy, April 1, 1709, æt. 56. Eliz. Wolfe 17 Aug. 1679.

Reliquiæ Saræ-Maræ Primogenitæ Johannis et Elizæ Marker, hic depositæ sunt. Nata 20mo. Januarij 1721mo. denata, 19°. Aprilis 1722°. necnon Amantis ejus Matris, quæ obijt 2d. Aug. 1729no.

Francis Stafford sometimes Parish-Clerk, May 15, 1694, æt. 40. Anne his Wife Nov. 30, 1710, æt. 55. they had 10 Children, 9 survived their loving Father, and 6 an indulgent Mother.

Francis the Daughter of Henry Mowting and Mary his Wife, The 7th. Day of February departed this Life,
Anno 1679.

Sarah York this Life did resigne, On may the 13th. 79. [sc. 1679.]

And the following lines, much like the former, were to be read here some time since:
Here lieth the Body of honest Tom Page, Who died in the 33d. Year of his Age.

The following epitaph was composed for Jacob Freeman, who was buried in the cloister yard, where he used often to lie on a hill, and sleep with his head on a stone: this old man was very hardly used by the committee in those times, for lying in the cathedral, and in church porches, where he usually repeated the Common Prayer to the people, in spite of all their ill treatment, he being often sent to Bridewell, whipped and imprisoned for it. It is printed in Matthew Stevenson's Poems, p. 85.

Here in this homely Cabinet, Resteth a poor old Anchoret, Upon the Ground he laid all Weathers Not as most Men, Gooselike, on Feathers, For so indeed it came to pass, The Lord of Lords his Landlord was, He liv'd instead of Wainscot Rooms, Like the possess'd, among the Tombs, As by some spirit thither led, To be acquainted with the Dead.

Each Morning from his Bed so hallow'd, He rose, took up his Cross, and follow'd; To every Porch he did repair, To vent himself in Common-Prayer, Wherein he was alone devout, When Preaching justled Praying out; In such Procession, through the City, Maugre the Devil and Committee, He daily went, for which he fell, Not into Jacob's, but Bridewell, Where you might see his Loyal Back, Red letter'd like an Almanack, Or I may rather else aver, Dominickt, like a Calender, And him triumphing at that harm, Having nought else to keep it warm, With Paul he always pray'd, no wonder, The Lash did keep his Flesh still under; Yet Whip-Cord seem'd to loose it's Sting, When for the Church, or for the King; High Loyalty in such a Dearth, Could bafle Torments with Mean Earth, And tho' such Sufferings he did pass, In spite of Bonds, still Free-Man was.

'Tis well his Pate was Weather Proof, The Palace like, it had no Roof: The Hair was off, and 'twas the Fashion, The Crown being under Sequestration, Tho' bald as Time, and Mendicant, No Fryer yet, but Protestant.

His Head each Morning and each Even', Was water'd with the Dew of Heaven.

He lodg'd alike, dead and alive, As one that did his Grave survive; For he is now, tho' he be dead, But in a manner put to Bed; His Cabin being above Ground yet, Under a thin Turf-Coverlet.

Pitty he in no Porch did lay, That did in Porches so much pray; Yet let him have this Epitaph, Here sleeps old Jacob, Stone, & Staff.

In the west side of the cloister, near the grand entrance into the church, at letter (G) in the plan, are stones for,
Rebekah Wife of Francis Stafford, Aug. 10, 1717, æt. 29. Frances their Daughter, 1716. Susanna Daughter of the said Francis by Susanna his Wife, 1718.

Eliz. Mayer of London 1731, æt. 47. Mary Day of Henham in Suff. 1712.

Edward Cuddon Gent. 1678. Prudence his Wife 1727, æt. 90.

Cuddon, arg. a chevron gul. on a chief az. 3 bezants.

In the south wall of the cloister are stones for,
Mrs. Mary Cooke 1717, æt. 23. Will. Clarke 1723, æt. 58. Sarah his Wife 1736, æt. 73. Will. Son of Ric. Cooke Gent. 1686. Mary Cook 1741, æt. 82, &c.

In the south wall there are niches, which formerly served as repositories for the towels and linen, for daily use in the common-hall, which stood a few paces on the left hand of the door marked (D), to which the butteries, cellars, kitchens, and other offices adjoined; the dormitory or dorter also, and infirmary, frater, or firmary, where on this south side, and are now standing; the long gallery or walk, well enclosed, where the sick monks used to walk, still remaining whole; as doth the prior's lodge, now the dean's house, commonly called the deanery, at letter (y) in the plan, beyond which, stand the granaries, and other buildings, now converted into dwelling-houses; the stone buildings on the right hand of the aforesaid entrance, extending from the west side of the cloister, were the strangers lodgings, the most southern chamber of which, is now the library and chapterhouse, and to the north end of these lodgings, the strangers-hall adjoined, and extended against part of the west side of the cloister, behind the lavatories, as far as the void space in the plan, which was the entrance into it, the rest of that side, and the other parts of the cloister, being taken up with the cells.

In the east side, extending from the grand entrance at letter (z), or the prior's entrance, to letter (C), which is now called the Darkentry, and was anciently a passage to the dormitory, infirmary, kitchen, and other offices, are buried,
John Taylor 1725, æt. 61. Etheldred his wife 1721, æt. 53. Will. Hey, 1730, æt. 44. Edw. Kirk 1726, æt. 43, &c.

And not far from the prior's chapel, marked (x) in the plan, lies a large stone robbed of its brasses, under which, Walter de Berney, who is mentioned among the benefactors to the cloister at p. 3, is said to be interred.

This chapel was founded by one of the priors, and was dedicated to St. Edmund King of the East-Angles, but by which of them, I cannot find: it was appropriated for the use of the prior, who before that time used St. Luke's chapel, for want of one nearer to their lodge; in all probability several of the priors were interred here, but being quite demolished at the Reformation, it is now a yard to the adjoining house.

On this side of the quadrangle, is the dean and chapter's office, at letter (B), and the gaol and dungeon at figure (54) and letter (u)

And now having finished all belonging to the church on its south side, we must return to the north side thereof, on which stands the



To which there was a passage from the door of the north transept, marked (N) in the plan, which was arched over with stone like the cloister, till the late troublesome times, when it was totally demolished; an account of which building you have in Pt. I. p. 530.

This entered the palace at the great or common-Hall, on part of the site of which, the present chapel is built; the old chapel, now totally demolished, standing on the right hand between the church and it, from which it is not far distant.

The present palace, though it stands upon the same spot, was not built by the founder, that being wholly pulled down by Bishop Salmon, who not only entirely rebuilt it, but obtained license from the King to enlarge the site: the works of this prelate were truly grand, not only the present palace as we now see it being of his building, but the demolished great hall, which was 110 feet long, and 60 feet wide, extending from the southern wall of the present chapel, to the now decayed kitchen, buttery, and other offices, which almost reached the great gate built by Bishop Alnwyk (as you may see in Pt. I. p. 531,) which opens on St. Martin's Plain, and the grand gate or entrance into the said hall, which is now standing, (the chamber over it being the repository for the Bishop's evidences,) also the old chapel, now demolished, and the charnel chapel and its offices, were of his foundation; all which, by length of time, and too much negligence, were fallen into decay, till Bishop Totington substantially repaired them; the whole being afterwards much adorned by Bishop Hart, in 1449, against the King's coming to lodge there, and afterwards by Bishop Goldwell, and Bishop Parkhurst, (see Pt. I. p. 555,) whose arms, with those of divers other Bishops, as Freke, Redman, Corbet, &c. were to be seen in the windows.

In 1535, Bishop Nix, just before his death, with the consent of the prior and chapter, granted a lease to the mayor, sheriffs, and citizens, for 89 years to come, that for the honour of God and St. George, they might hold the gild and feast of St. George in the palace, and use the buttery, pantry, and kitchen at its north end, for 14 days together at the gild time, unless the King, Queen, or other nobles, were at the palace with the Bishop at that time. This hall was demolished in the Rebellion, and the lead sold, and that after the year 1656, for then it was a publick meeting-house; for at the court of mayoralty held June 13, that year, Henry Sedgwick informed upon oath, that the last Monday, "At a publique meeting in the place which formerly was the Bishops-hall, one Will. Wayneford a comber, did there in his prayer which he did openly make, use these words following, that the Lord would be pleased to throw down all earthly power, and rule, and authority, and that he would consume them that they might be no more alive upon the earth, and that he would set up the Kingdom of his Son, that they might be all taught of God."

A sad example of the doctrine, as well as folly, of those pernicious times.

There is a room in the palace, wainscotted with carved wainscot brought from the demolished abbey of St. Bennet in the Holm, on which I saw the arms of that abbey, of the Veres, Ingloses, and others, and particularly those of Sir John Fastolff, their great benefactor, handsomely carved; which shows that it was done at the expense of that great man, and the others, whose arms are thereon, and that it was made in the time of Henry V. or Henry VI.; there are also busts of divers heroes, and remarkable persons both men and women, with their names carved by them; it was brought hither by Bishop Rugg.

Bishop Reynolds had enough to do at the Restoration, to make the palace fit to be inhabited, it being then divided, and let out into so many tenements, that it was almost quite ruinated, since which time, little had been done, unless by Dr. Trimnel; so that its neatness and convenience is entirely owing to the generosity of our present diocesan.


At first, Jesus chapel in the cathedral was the Bishop's private chapel, but that being inconvenient by reason of its distance, Bishop Salmon, at his coming to the see, about the year 1300, having agreed with the prior and chapter for a peice of land lying between the church and the palace, on the east side of the way leading from the church to the palace, for an annual pension of 4l. built a chapel thereon, and dedicated it to the honour of the Virgin Mary.

It stood near the place where the present chapel stands, about 10 or 12 yards more south, and was 30 feet broad, and 130 long; there were many plain monuments, under which it was thought some of the Bishops were buried, and Bishop Salmon, its founder, is said to be interred in the midst of it, before the high altar.

In this chapel was a chantry of three priests, founded by Will. de Ayreminne, Bishop here in 1331, who purchased the advowson of Thurveton or Thurlton, and appropriated it to the hospital of St. Giles, the master of which house was to pay out of the annual profits of that rectory, stipends of 6 marks a year to each officiating chaplain; all which were to be in the Bishop's collation, and dwell and have apartments in the palace, and be found with meat; drink, and lodging, at the Bishop's cost; they were to pray daily for the souls of their founder and his family, for the King and his progenitors, and for the welfare of the present bishop of the see, and the souls of all his predecessors: and King Edward III. not only confirmed the foundation, but also granted, that during the vacancy of the see, they should not be molested by any one, but should continue in the palace, and be provided for as usual: they were all sworn at their admission, to serve duly according to their foundation, which was not settled till the latter end of

  • 1342, when Peter de Bardelby and Robert de Berningham were collated; and in 1343, Tho. de Plumstede; who were the three first chaplains in this chantry.
  • 1351, Will. de Blickling.

In 1368, The Master of St. Giles's hospital certified to Bishop Percy, that the profits of Thurveton rectory were so reduced by the late plague, that they did not amount to above 10l. per annum, so that he could not pay the three stipends without damage to himself and house; upon which the Bishop agreed he should drop one of the three chaplains, paying the other two, 7 marks, 3s. 4d. per annum, on giving security, that if the rectory advanced again hereafter to the old value of 20l. per annum, that he would then pay a third stipend, whenever the Bishop collated a 3d chaplain; and thus they were reduced to two only.

  • 1374, Roger de Couteshale. 1377, William Halle, priest. 1385, Roger, son of John atte Welle of Couteshalle. 1409, William Bacon. 1418, Sir Thomas Rodeland, priest.

In 1448, Jan. 4, Walter Hart Bishop of Norwich discharged the master and brethren of St. Giles's hospital from finding the other two chaplains in this chapel, and so the chantry ceased: the master and brethren indeed obliged themselves to find a priest to sing for the founder in their own house; and certified that the profits of Thurveton were so reduced, that they would only find a parochial chaplain to serve the church; but this was a mere pretence only: the truth is, the Bishop, who was to maintain them in the palace, and find them apartments there, was glad to get rid of them, and not to have such chaplains as he was forced to keep, after he had once collated them; but liked others better that he could discharge at his pleasure, and so make them wholly dependent.

In 1619, the Bishop licensed the Walloon congregation to use his chapel during his pleasure.

The 4l. per annum pension before mentioned was always paid till Bishop Goldwell subtracted it all his time, but his executors were forced to pay it by Bishop Nix's arbitration in 1508, and it was constantly paid till Michaelmas 1642; and then the Bishop came to the dean and prebends assembled in chapter, and said, That he conceived the chapel of the palace, which ought anciently to pay 4l. per annum, was the dean and chapter's, and that they might take it into their hands, for he would pay it no longer; upon which they declared, that though the pension was due for it, yet it was not theirs, but the chapel of the Lord Bishop of Norwich, and hath been so reputed, taken, and used, time out of mind: but from this time it quite ceased. For the same year, Bishop Hall, in his Hard Measure, informs us, at p. 15, whose own words I shall use, "Sheriff Tofts and Alderman Lindsey, attended with many zealous followers, came into my chapel to look for superstitious pictures, and reliques of idolatry, and sent for me, to let me know, they found those windows full of images, which were very offensive, and must be demolished: I told them they were the pictures of some ancient and worthy Bishops, as St. Ambrose, St. Austin, &c. it was answered me, that they were so many Popes; and one younger man among the rest (Townsend, as I perceived afterwards) would take upon him to defend, that every diocesan Bishop was a Pope: I answered him with some scorn, and obtained leave, that I might with the least loss and defacing of the windows, give order for taking off that offence, which I did, by causing the heads of the pictures to be taken off, since I knew the bodies could not offend." But the good Bishop needed not to have been so exact, if he could have thought of the consequence; for soon after, the windows were not only quite broken in pieces, but the lead pulled off the roof and sold; so that at the Restoration it was so decayed, that Bishop Reynolds was forced to pull it down entirely; upon which, he built the present chapel, somewhat more north than the former, in which he and his successour, Bishop Sparrow, lie interred; as may be seen in Pt. I. p. 584, 587.

Besides the inscriptions for Dr. Tanner's two wives, already mentioned in Pt. I. p. 590, 636, under the account of that prelate, who was chancellor here, there are the following ones on brass plates, viz.

Antonius Filius Petri Parham M. D. & Susannæ Filiæ Rev. Patris Antonij, Episcopi Norvic: natus 7 Mens: obijt Martij 21 Anno Dni: 1680.

Rebecca Filia Petri Parham M. D. et Susannæ Uxoris, nat. 10 Mens: obijt Oct. 2do. 1682.

Thomas Filius tertius P. Parham M. D. et Susannæ Uxoris, natus 6 Hebdom: Obijt Aug: 16, An°. 1684.

Jana Webster obijt Aprilis 24, 1685.

The ancient garden belonging to the palace, is on the east part of it, and the stables, &c. join, as they always did, to the great entrance.

And now having finished the description of the cloister, and buildings belonging to the Bishop and Convent, I shall proceed to the other places to be treated of, which are within the Close or Precinct; and first of the church of

St. Mary In The Marsh


St. Mary In The Marsh, called Cow-Holm, that is, the marsh where the cows fed, that part of the city now called Conesford being originally called Couesford or Cowsford, from the ford they passed over to come to this holm or marsh, all which was then in the parish of Thorp, and came with that manor to Bishop Herbert; before whose time all the inhabitants were buried and received the sacraments at Thorp; and as a proof of it, till the Reformation all the rectors in Blofield deanery came in procession to this church every Whitsun-Monday, as to a church in that deanery.

There was a chapel here before Herbert's time, belonging to its mother church of Thorp, which that Bishop pulled down, and rebuilt the present church, and gave it, with all Cowholm, to the Prior and Convent, who always presented, the dean of their manors inducting to it, as one of their peculiars.

The rectory was valued at 5l. 10d. was not taxed, and so paid no first fruits, but 10s. 1d. tenths, 12d. synodals, and 15d. procurations; but being sworn of no value, it was discharged of tenths.

In 1499, all the lands and gardens, with the cellerer's dove-house, within the Precinct, paid their tithes and offerings to this church; it being, from Herbert's time, the parish church of the Precinct: the prior, and since that, the dean and chapter, paid the rector a pension of 3l. 6s. 8d. a year; and the cellerer for the tithe of his gardens, offerings of the servants at Christmas, Easter, &c. paid 53s. 4d. per annum. The



Of this church were,

  • 1272, Master Simon de Skerning.
  • 1311, Tho. de Langele.
  • 1324, John de Dudelington.
  • 1332, Tho. Mannyngs of Hindolfstone.
  • 1334, Mr. John de Brisele. His will is proved before the dean of the manors, of the prior and convent.
  • 1357, Rob. de Ashele, who changed for Saxlingham-Nethergate in
  • 1360, with Ric. Skyn.
  • 1369, Will. de Sharington.
  • 1369, Simon de Bukbrok.
  • 1376, Rob. de Howe.
  • 1390, Mr. Rob. Cook of Thurgarton.
  • 1393, Will. Bernham, in Bac. Dec.
  • 1405, Tho. Dallyng, who changed for Warham All-Saints, in
  • 1406, with Will. Bacon.
  • 1409, Jeffry Simonds.
  • 1410, Will. Bernham again; he resigned for Blofield.
  • 1420, Peter Skelton, resigned.
  • 1425, John Hancok, he died rector.
  • 1431, John Waryn, resigned.
  • 1432, Will. Sekyngton, LL. B. resigned.
  • 1459, Edm. Keche, resigned.
  • 1466, John Hornese, alias Sipton; Bishop of Ross.
  • 1471, John Styward, by lapse.
  • Jeffery Lawnder died rector.
  • 1506, Henry Sharpe. Ditto.
  • 1507, John Farewell.
  • 1514, Rob. Jackson, he died rector in 1526; the brass taken from his stone in this church is now in Mr. Rolf's hands, with this on it,
  • Orate pro anima Domini Roberti Jackson quondam Rectoris istius Ecclesie, A. D. M. N.orrhio.
  • 1526, The venerable and religious father in Christ, Rob. Catton, Prior of Norwich, on the presentation of Thomas Godsalve, by grant from the convent.
  • 1528, Will. Chaumberleyn, he died rector.
  • 1533, Will. Frankysh.
  • 1546, Ric. Underwood, by lapse.
  • 1547, John Basse, by lapse.
  • 1559, John Tollar.

In 1564, John Parkhurst Bishop of Norwich, John Tollar, recto here, and John Salisbury dean, and the chapter, patrons of St. Peter per Mountergate, St. Mary in the Marsh, and St. Vedast, commonly called St. Vast's or Faith's, agreed to consolidate the said parishes; the church of St. Vedast being down, and this rectory being of small value, they were consolidated to St. Peter's aforesaid, which church was large enough for all the three parishes, the income of which, when united, would be but small, the dean and chapter having reserved all St. Mary's tithes lying in the Precinct, and all pensions, and also all the tithes of the gardens lying out of the Precinct on the north side of St. Vast's-lane, as enclosed with a wall or pale, down to the river, for a rector to be instituted in Jesus chapel in the cathedral, which was to be assigned to the parishioners of St. Mary, dwelling in the Precinct; and their rector was to have all things within the Precinct, as his predecessors had, and was to pay all things as they did, all ornaments, plate, &c. belonging to St. Mary's, being to be removed thither, the Bishop assuming a strange and unwarrantable power of desecrating the said church; an example I never met with in any age before, or since; and not only so, but of converting the structure itself to the use of the cathedral; and on the first of June following, by virtue of the act of the 37th Henry VIII. by consent of the Bishop, incumbent, patrons, mayor, sheriffs, citizens, and commonalty of the city, that part of the rectory and parsonage of St. Mary aforesaid, lying within the Precinct, and the gardens aforesaid lying without the Precinct, were consolidated to the chapel of St. John the Baptist in the south isle of the cathedral, for the better maintenance of the said isle and chapel, and for the better relief of the incumbent there; which said isle, called St. John's isle, was henceforth to be called the parish church of St. Mary and St. John for ever: and the parishioners inhabiting in the Precinct were bound and obliged for ever, to hear and receive the sacraments there, instead of the church of St. Mary, and were to be accounted parishioners of the said chapel or isle, and to pay to the parson there, all their tithes, offerings, &c. and the sextry yard joining to the south side of the said isle was appointed the burial-place for all the parishioners: the site, lead, bells, and buildings, of the church of St. Mary, with the churchyard and ground on the north and south sides thereof, were reserved to the use of the dean and chapter; and the plate, jewels, books, and other ornaments, to the parishioners, to be carried to St. John's. The parson of St. Mary and St. John, and his successours, being obliged to pay to the Queen's Majesty, the Bishop, and Archdeacon, and their successours, all manner of tenths, subsidies, pensions, senages, visitation money, and proxies, in such manner as was always paid.

Upon this, the dean stript it of its lead valued at 160l. which he sold, and it was sworn in 1568, that he never brought one penny of it to account, nor yet of the lead that was sold off the dorter or dormitory; and Dr. Gascoign, the chancellor, stript the inside, and pulled down much of the stone work, having bought it of the dean and chapter for 80l. which was shared, as is mentioned at p. 7.

Afterwards the bells were sold, and it stood useless for some time, till it was turned into a dwelling-house, as it still remains, standing in the Lower-Close, on the right hand going to the ferry, it being inhabited by Mr. Holland, a hatter, some few years since.

In 1421, John Metfield, chaplain, was buried in the churchyard.

In 1460, Will. Sekyngton, some time rector here, was buried in the cathedral, and gave a vestment of black and white silk, an ordinal, and a new processional to this church.

In 1516, William Elsy, who was buried in St. George's of Colgate church, gave to this church a white vestment, in honour of God and our Lady, of 4 marks value, and 20s. to buy a small copper cross, gilt.

  • 1539, John Horn was buried in the steeple in the belfry.
  • 1540, James Wallington was buried upon the bank before the south church door, and gave 10l. towards repairing the church.

Soon after this consolidation, the dean and chapter, desirous to have the south isle clear, agreed with the parishioners, and assigned them the chapel of St. Luke the Evangelist, for their parochial church; and the isle between that chapel and the south transept of St. John's isle from which they were removed, for the burial-place of the principal parishioners, which hath continued so ever since, though it was done by verbal agreement only, no instrument, since that of the last consolidation, being made concerning it.

At Tollar's death, this rectory lapsed to the Bishop, who, in

  • 1569, 17 Jan. collated Thomas Read to the consolidated rectory of St. Mary in the Marsh, and St. John in the Cathedral: and in
  • 1579, 10 Febr. the dean and chapter presented Richard Sadlington to the said rectory.

From which time I find no institution, the rectory having been served, as it now is, by a Sequestrator or Curate.

In 1616, Tho. Askew, curate here, died.

  • 1617, George Saunders, curate.
  • 1662, John Harwood. See p. 10.

The present [1744] curate is the Rev. Mr. David Fleming, rector of Bixley and Framlingham Earl in Norfolk. See p. 11.

ST. Ethelbert's, or St. Albert's


Parochial chapel, was founded before the cathedral, as is evident by its parish being divided part within, and part without the Precinct; it was a rectory, of which,

John was rector in 1256, and was succeeded about 1260, by Mr. Simon de Skerning, in whose time,
The chapel, which stood near the left hand as you go out of the monastery gate, at the south end of Tombland, was burned down by the citizens in the grand insurrection in 1272, as is before observed in Pt. I. p. 54. Upon which, by consent of the prior and convent, patrons thereof, and of Simon de Skerning, then rector; Roger de Skerning, then Bishop, perpetually united it to the church of St Mary in the Marsh, to which the said Simon was then instituted, and all the parishioners both within and without the Precinct were united to St. Mary's, and were obliged to hear divine service, and receive the sacraments there; and those within the Precinct were to pay all their tithes and oblations to the rector there; and be, as formerly, exempt from all archidiaconal jurisdiction: but those without the Precinct were to pay their tithes to the rector of the church of St Cuthbert, and his successours for ever; and be subject to Master Tho. de Skerning, Archdeacon of Norwich, and his successours.

After the insurrection was appeased, the citizens, in part of recompense for the injury done to the convent, built the present gate, in the same place where the old one stood, that they had destroyed; and over it a large handsome chapel, which was dedicated to St. Ethelbert or Albert; in which, the rector of St. Mary in the Marsh at first officiated, to such parishioners of St. Albert's parish as lived without the Precinct; but afterwards withdrawing his service wholly to St. Mary's, as he had power to do, this chapel was served by a priest, who had only what voluntary offerings were made there by strangers, for his labour; which after some time becoming small, the cellerer took it; in whose hands it remained many years, till at last it was let out for a dwelling; and in 1519, the cellerer accounted for the profits of the house or chapel of St. Ethelbert over the great gates of the monastery; it is now divided into three rooms, in which the registers and wills belonging to the Bishop are reposited, whose office is kept close by the gate, on its north side.

Besides this great gate, there were four others entering the Precinct, one of which, though now demolished, entered into St. Vast's-lane; another called the Hospital-gate, because it leads to St. Giles's hospital, is still standing; another opens on St. Martin's Plain, and is called the Bishop's Great-gate, for which see Pt. I. p. 531: and the other called Erpingham's, or the Lower-gate, in the Close, opens against the west end of the cathedral, and was built as a penance for Lollardy by Sir Thomas Erpingham, as is already observed in Pt. I. p. 524.

There is a cut of it at p. 24, in the Repertorium, dedicated to Charles Lord Vicount Townsend, but the effigies of Sir Thomas on his knees, which is now in the niche, was not then found and placed there, as it hath since been, so that it doth not occur in the plate.

On the summit, stands a cross of stone, and the emblems of the four Evangelists are placed on pedestals, two on each side. On the top sits an effigies of a secular priest with a book in his hand, teaching a youth standing by him; and opposite, on the southern pillar, sits a monk with a book in his hand also, surveying those that pass by; designed, I presume, by the founder to signify, that the secular clergy not only laboured themselves in the word, but diligently taught the growing youth, to the benefit of the world; when the idle regular, who by his books also pretends to learning, did neither instruct any, nor improve himself; by which, he covertly lashed those that obliged him to this penance; and praised those that had given him instruction in the way of truth.

On one side of the niche are the arms of the see; and on the other, those of the church. Right over the arch is a shield of the five wounds of Christ, represented by a heart between two hands cooped in chief, and two feet cooped in base, our Blessed Lord being wounded on the cross, with the nails that went through his hands and feet, and with the spear that pierced his heart.

On the north side of this, are three shields; the largest hath on it a triangle, to represent the blessed Trinity; the lowest hath our Saviour on the cross; and the uppermost, three chalices and wafers thereon, to represent the blessed sacrament: opposite also, are three shields, the largest hath the arms of Sir Thomas, impaling those of Joan Clopton, his second wife; the uppermost hath the arms of Joan Walton, his first wife, and the lowest, hath the arms of Clopton single. The pillars and arch are adorned with many well carved images, and the word pena often under them: they are the effigies of divers saints, martyrs, kings, and confessors; those on the north side being most, if not all, men; and those on the south side most, if not all, women; by which we may learn, that his last wife was concerned in this penance, as being a Lollard, or follower of Wickliff, as well as himself; the arms of the Erpinghams, Waltons, Cloptons, &c. are scattered all over the building; which hath its beauty entirely spoiled by a chamber of wood fixed in the arch for a dwelling, which not only stops up great part of it, but renders the sight altogether disagreeable; the loss of the rent of which, could be no great thing, if the dean and chapter, to whom it belongs, should, for decency sake, take it away.

The eastern part of the Precinct is bounded by the river, over which there is, and immemorially hath been, a ferry; the keeper of which is appointed by patent from the dean and chapter: it is now called Sandlin's Ferry, from one of that name who was keeper of it, and most probable from Mr. John Sandlin, mentioned in the Repertorium at p. 1, who lived 89 years, and was a chorister in the reign of Queen Elizabeth; near this ferry was a large canal, that formerly conveyed all things brought by water, into the Lower-Close; besides fish-ponds, &c. for the convent's use.

The Charnel House


now the free-school, at the west end of the church, was founded by John Salmon Bishop of Norwich, who died in 1325, as may be seen in Pt. I. p. 499; in which he at first placed four chaplains or priests, one of which was to be custos, master, or principal; and at the west end thereof, he erected proper offices and chambers for them; so that the whole (except the present porch) was built by this Bishop; and that, was the foundation of Bishop Hart, as appeared by his arms cut in stone there.

The upper charnel chapel is now the school-room, and was dedicated to the honour of St. John the Evangelist. In this, the custos or master, and chaplains with him, served daily; underneath was the lower charnel chapel, and CHARNEL-house itself; all which is now used for a vault or cellar: this chapel was dedicated to the same saint, though I have seen it called St. John Baptist's, by errour; and here the keeper of the lower charnel officiated daily, as they all did, for the souls of Salomon, his father, Amy, his mother, his own soul, and those of all the departed Bishops of Norwich in particular; all the dead in general; and in particular for the souls of all those whose bones were reposited in the vault of this charnel; in which, with the leave of the sacrist, who kept the key of the vault, the bones of all such as were buried in Norwich might be brought into it, if dry and clean from flesh, there to be decently reserved till the last day. Whether the bones were piled in good order, the sculls, arms, and leg bones in their distinct rows and courses, as in many charnel-houses, I can not say; nor how they were disposed of when removed after the Reformation, I do not find; though it is with probability conjectured, they were buried in the Upper-Close, which was to that time the burialplace belonging to the charnel: the foundation deed of which, is dated at the Bishop's palace at North-Elmham, IVth of the nones of Oct. 1316; by which it appears, that the founder had purchased the advowson of the church of Westhale St. Andrew in Suffolk, and appropriated it to the prior and convent, who were to have all the tithe corn of the said parish; out of which they were yearly to pay 22 marks and an half as follows; viz. to the principal chaplain six marks a year, and to each of the other three, five marks and an half per annum, by the hands of the prior, for the time being, who was to receive the profits, and pay yearly to the said chaplains 6l. on Michaelmus day, 4l. on St. Andrew's day, and 5l. on the octaves of Easter: all the small tithes being reserved to the vicar, who was to be presented by the prior and convent, as the vicars are now by the dean and chapter; and if the prior omitted to pay at any time, the chaplains were to be daily maintained in the strangers-hall, or at the prior's table, and yet recover their full stipend.

The custos or principal was always to be nominated by the prior for the time being, or in a vacancy, by the sub-prior, in a full chapter, to whom the custody of the vestments, books, ornaments, and buildings were committed; on swearing at his admission, to take care of them, and to celebrate mass every day for the dead, and the mass of St. John the Evangelist in particular, to which the other three chaplains were also all sworn.

The other three chaplains, every vacancy, were to be named by the prior in a full chapter, and all were to be honest learned priests, and of advanced years; and if every vacancy was not filled up by the prior in a month's time, the bishop, or his official in his absence, was to collate to it by lapse; and every one nominated by the prior, was to be presented to the Bishop, who was to admit him, on swearing as aforesaid; and every chaplain omitting to be sworn for a month, was to forfeit and pay half a mark to the official, and if he neglected it two months, was to be removed, and the prior was to present another. But in all cases the ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the chaplains, concerning all things only within the Precinct, belonged to the prior and convent, as all things in the precinct anciently did; and the prior and convent could displace them for any thing that would displace a stipendiary priest.

They were to live together in the apartments by the charnel, (which are now the schoolmaster's house,) and have free egress and regress for themselves and families, at all competent and fit times at the monastery gates; and to eat and drink together at a common table, and were to be compelled by the prior, under pain of ejection, to keep their houses in good repair.

The chapel itself, with the vestments, plate, books, and ornaments, being to be maintained by the prior out of the profits of Westhale rectory; and the sacrist of Norwich was annually to receive all the offerings in the chapel; but was to allow the moiety of those made on the two feasts of St. John the Evangelist, and on the day of the dedication of the said chapel to the chaplains to find small necessaries for the chapel; and all books, plate, or vestments given to the chapel, were there to remain for its use continually.

Nine pounds of the overplus profits of the rectory of Westhale were to be delivered yearly to the chamberlain of the convent, who every March, on St. Bennet's day, was to pay it to half of the monks, to find them such winter gowns as the other half were already provided with; and what still remained overplus of the said profits, were to be paid by the prior for the common use of the church and convent; and all the priests and their servants were to be sworn by the prior or sub-prior, neither privately or publickly to do, act, or cause to be done, any thing to the prejudice, hurt, or damage, of the church or convent. All which was confirmed by the bull of Pope John XXII. and by the patent of Walter Archbishop of Canterbury, as also by Rob. de Langele Prior of Norwich, and his convent; and least the mortmain act should void the whole, King Edward II. licensed the abbot and convent of Humberstayn, for a fine of 40s. to assign the advowson of Westhale to the prior and convent, and the prior and convent to receive them in mortmain, by license dated at Windsor, 10th April, in the 8th year of his reign; and by another dated at York, four years after, the prior and convent had license to purchase 10l. per annum more, in mortmain, to settle on the chaplains aforesaid; and accordingly a messuage, six acres of land and two acres of wood in Hoxne, and one acre of pasture, and liberty of faldage in Denham in Suffolk, were settled to that use, by John Cordwayner of Eye, chaplain, Rob. Barker, and others, of whom they were purchased, in 1389.

After these four chaplains were settled, there were two more added by the founder himself, whose stipends were paid by the cellerer of the monastery, out of certain lands in Cressingham, Hopeton, and Ashele, which were purchased of Sir Walter de Norwich, Knt. and settled on the prior and convent for that purpose; so that the cellerer paid the said priests 22 marks and an half, and 10l. to the chamberlain of the convent for winter gowns, out of Westhale, as they did before.

In 1421, John Wodehouse, Esq. that great warriour, obtained license of his sovereign, King Henry V. to found a chantry priest, to sing for the King, Queen, and his beloved Esquire John Wodehouse, and his wife, their ancestors and posterity, in the lower charnel chapel, where he was buried in 1430; Alice his wife surviving him, who afterwards married to Edw. Winter, Esq. and dying in 1447, was buried by her husband Wodehouse in this chapel, as her will declares; in the license for the foundation, the King himself is declared founder, who licensed the said John Wodehouse, to grant the advowson of the rectory of Geyton, which belonged to the alien priory of Wells and Pangsfield, and was given him by the said Prince, for that purpose, to the chaplain of the perpetual chantry, now founded in honour of the Holy Trinity and five wounds of Christ, in the lower chapel of the charnel; and not only so, but he got it appropriated to the said chaplain and his successours for ever; who were to take all the great tithes for their own stipend, and to present a vicar, who was to enjoy all the small tithes; and I find, the said John Woodhouse presented to Geyton rectory thrice, in right of the temporals of the alien priory aforesaid, then in his hands by the King's gift: and in 1436, Oct. 29, Peter Knowt of Geyton was presented to the vicarage by John Sparham, chaplain of the perpetual chantry in the lower charnel chapel at Norwich, founded in honour of the Holy Trinity and five wounds of Christ, to which chantry this church was now appropriated. But though the appropriated tithes continued to support this chantry, the chaplains of it did not present to the vicarage after 1476, for then Henry Chamber, was presented by the dean and chapter of Westminster, who had obtained a grant of the temporals of the alien priories, from Henry VI. The account at large of the gifts of John Wodehouse, &c. may be seen in my first volume of the History of Norfolk, p. 757. [Vol. ii. p. 548. oct. edition.]

This arched vault is supported by two rows of pillars, 14 feet high; at the entrance, on the right hand, was a holy-water stone; and on the other side, a niche, where formerly an image stood: it appears that this chantry did not add any other chaplain to the former six, but which ever of them it was, that was appointed keeper of the lower charnel chapel, he it was that consequently was Wodehouse's chantry priest.

The names of such CHAPLAINS as I have met with, are these:

  • 1324, Hubert and Henry.
  • 1373, Walter de Sechford, chaplain, buried in the cathedral sanctuary, in the place where the charnel chaplains are buried.
  • 1386, Henry de Biteryng, and Will. de Mikelby. In this year, Julian, relict of John de Mikelby of Wenhaston in Suffolk, was buried in the burial-place of the charnel chaplains.
  • 1434, William Martin, by lapse.
  • 1436, and 1447, John Sparham, keeper of the lower charnel. Henry Bitteryng, chaplain.
  • 1440, William Karre, by lapse.
  • 1464, Thomas Hill.
  • 1478, died Tho. Dale, principal or master.
  • 1492, Rob. Ippeswell.
  • 1494, Ralf Pulvertoft, principal or custos of the charnel; by his will, dated 27 March, 1525, ordered to be buried in our Lady's chapel at the end of the presbitery; and gave the 3l. that Prior Bakunsthorp owed him, to the poor for bread, 3s. 6d. to the ringers at his exequies or mass; a taper of 5l. of wax to the image of the Trinity, and another like it to be set before our Lady's image in the chapel where he was buried; a candle of half a pound wax to be kept for a year, burning on his grave daily, when Lady mass was sung there, and to the priests gild 6s. 8d. and the same to our Lady's gild in St. Stephen's church; "also I give and bequeth to the use of the charnell, all the stuff of my household as I delivered it to
    Sir John Boot, to whom I resigned the charnell, that is to sey, in the chapel a pixt of silver weying 12 oz. and an half, Item an antiphoner, ij grayles, ij processionaries, iiij rochets wight, iiij vestments, with other stuff," To John Spilman, Gent. and Will. Christian, parson of Saxlingham, his executors, 6s. 8d. For his monument, &c. see p. 11.
  • 1528, Edm. Wethyr, LL. B. master of the charnel, was buried in holyrood chapel in the cathedral, and founded a priest to sing for him for three years, at his grave; he bequeathed five marks that the abbot of St. Bennet owed him, to the charnel. See under holy-rood chapel in the cathedral, and volume ii. p. 390 of the History of Norfolk.
  • John Whetacre, died master, and in
    1547, Sir Thomas Lewyn was admitted in his place, by the dean and chapter, on the presentation of John Sotherton, citizen and mercer of Norwich; to whom, jointly with
  • Nic. Sotherton deceased, the next turn had been granted by the late prior and convent; and this was the last presentation ever made to it. For the next year, it was dissolved, stipends being reserved to the chantry priests during their lives, three of which only survived to the year 1555, when Thomas Lewyn, late master, received a pension of 7l. per annum, and Tho. Hay, and Henry Smith, late chantry priests there, 4l. 13s. 4d. per annum each.

This chapel was not taxed, but was valued at 19l. at the Dissolution; at which time Edw. Warner, Knt. and Ric. Catlyn, Gent. obtained a grant of it to them and their heirs, by the name of the chapel, called the Charnel-house, with all its site and appurtenances, within the Precinct of the cathedral of the Holy Trinity at Norwich, they being to hold it of the King, as of his manor of Draiton in Norfolk, by fealty only, in free soccage and not in capite, which grant bears date the first of July, in the second year of King Edward VI. and the year following, they sold it to Thomas Bere of Norwich, goldsmith, who conveyed it, the year following, to Rob. Jermy, Gent. and the 4th of Oct. the same year, he sold it to the mayor, sheriffs, and commonalty of the city of Norwich; who purchased it as part of the 200l. per annum, that they had license in mortmain, to purchase and add to the revenues of the hospital in Holmstrete; but in the mean time, the dean and chapter would not acquiesce in the validity of the grant, and therefore, to hinder its taking place, they granted a lease of the said charnel, dated Febr. 5, 1578, to Queen Elizabeth and her assigns, from Lady day 1579, for 100 years to come, at 10s. a year rent; which term the said Queen assigned to Rich. Coningsby, and Nic. Brooke, Esqrs. and they to John Bate, Gent. and he to the dean and chapter again; all which was done under colour to strengthen their weak title; but in 1582, it was agreed between the city and church, to leave it to the final determination of Ric. Davy and Ric. Godfrey, Esqrs. who determined it in favour of the city, on their paying to the dean and chapter, 3s. 4d. for ever at Easter, for a parcel of land lying within their premises; and each party binding themselves under the penalty of 500 marks, to stand by this arbitration: the matter was finally settled Jan. 11, 1582. And soon after, they acknowledged the city's right to their houses on the Precinct wall, at the north-west corner, and for a rent of 4d. a year, granted them license to make a door and windows through their wall, and another door into the schoolmaster's garden.

Before this time, and after the Dissolution of the old grammar school, at the Reformation, the city, by their hospital charter, dated May 7, 1 Edward VI. was obliged to find a schoolmaster and usher out of their revenues assigned them in that charter; both which, were to be sufficiently learned to teach grammar, and to be nominated by the mayor and majority of the aldermen for the time being: the master being to have a convenient house for his dwelling, and an annual pension of 10l. sterling, with power to seize on the revenues for non-payment; which pension was to be free and clear from all payment of first-fruits, tenths, or other outgoings.

The usher also in like manner was to have an annual pension of 6l. 13s. 4d. and a convenient house for his dwelling, and both are removeable from their places, by the mayor, and major part of the aldermen, "for any great crime by them, or either of them committed, or for being negligent or disobedient in performing and doing, those good and reasonable ordinances and commands, which shall be assigned or ordered to them, or any one of them hereafter," and to place others in their rooms, as often as it shall so happen.

And from that time, the school was kept in the frater or firmary, belonging to the late dissolved Black Friars convent, according to their promise to the King, when they petitioned for that monastery to be granted them.

But now the charnel chaplains houses were assigned to the schoolmaster, and the upper chapel was fitted up for the school, as it still continues; the names and arms of such benefactors as contributed to the work being at first placed in the windows, most of which are now lost, except some remains in the north windows, of the drapers, grocers, and St. George's arms; with those of the Palmers, Symbarbs, Ruggs, &c. In the upper window of this side, there remained sufficient fragments of words to denote by an easy conjecture, the following lines, which seem to refer particularly to those, whose arms went before; the words signifying,

That the citizens have at their own charges, repaired this place, when it was just coming to ruin, and made it a grammar school for boys, in the manner which we now see it adorned;
Hanc cum jam misere fuerat vicina Ruine, Ære Domum Cives restituere suo, Atque modo, quo nunc ornatam cernitis illam, Grammaticam Pueris, instituere Scholam.

In the middle of the top of the east window was an imperial crown, and in the midst of it the ensigns of King Edward VI. who confirmed by his charter, the hospital begun by his father King Henry VIII. and took care that the master and usher should be supported by the yearly income of the same, as is already observed in the foregoing extract of that charter. And in the same window was an account, in Roman capitals, of the assignation of the building for the use of a publick school, but it is so defaced that it cannot be made out.

On the front of the south porch, or entrance, on each side of the city arms, are the following lines now almost defaced:

AD QUEMVIS [philomathi].

Quam cernis variâ renovatam Porticus Arte, Pandit Apollineis Artibus ista Viam.

Ad quas ut Stoicos transcendas; Perge, Vocaris: Invenitque novos nunc Honor Ipse Gradvs; At quo, si quæras, polycleto Surgimus, aut Quam, Invenit Phidiœ nostra Minerva, Manum, Totius Candor vult quæque albere Senatus, Luteaque Henrico Lane via sola placet.

There is a copperplate of this chapel prefixed to the account of it, at the end of the Repertorium.

The schoolmasters that I have met with since the Reformation, are,

  • 1542, Walter Hall; he was succeeded in
  • 1547, by Mr. Bird, and he by Mr. Buck.
  • 1562, Mr. Walter Hawe was elected by the court, and the salary advanced to 20l. per annum; see p. 19.
  • 1570, Mr. Stephen Lymbert, who died Oct. 10, 1589, on whose stone the following inscription was fixed on a brass plate:

Stephano Limberto.
Here resteth the Corps of Mr. Steven Limbert, Maister of Artes, in that renowned Universitie of Cambridge, who taught and governed the Free-School here at Norwich five and thirty Years, and died in the Year of our Lord 1589, full of Dayes, and of Comfort in the Multitude and Proficiencie of his Scholars.

Limbertus jacet hic, Quis ille, quæris? Frustra. Major enim ille quam referro; Major quam capere et queamus illum, Æra, aut marmora quanta, quanta totum, Pergin' quærere? plura Sciscitator? I, porrò lege, perlege alteram illam Quam NAUNTONIVS addidit propinquis Votivam Parietibus Tabellam, Triste Mnemosynum Optimi Magistri.

Dilectissimi Præceptoris Sanctissimæ Memoriæ Posui Robertus de Naunton, Miles.

  • 1602, Mr. Richard Briggs, at whose election the salary was raised to 26l. 13s. 4d. per annum; and in 1610, it was settled at 40l. per annum.
  • 1636, Mr. Thomas Lovering, A. M. at whose admission the salary was raised to 50l. per annum, and the usher's house was joined to the master's, in recompense of which, they added an annual allowance of 6l. a year to the usher. See p. 18.
  • 1664, Mr. Henry Mazey. See p. 9.
  • 1667, Mr. John Burton. (See p. 18.) He was author of the Antiquitates Capellœ D. Johannis Evangelistœ. hodie Schole Regiœ Norwicensis, which is always bound up with the Repertorium. He was a most noted schoolmaster, and was succeeded by

Mr. Samuel Hoadly, (father to the present Bishop of Winchester,) who died in 1705, for whom see p. 9; being succeeded by

Mr. Robert Pate, who in 1713 published "a compleat Syntax of the Latin Tongue, compared with the English, principally designed for the use of Norwich School." It was printed by John Collings at the printing-house near the Red-Well, and was sold there by Francis Collins. In 1722, it was republished at London, for Mrs. Frances Oliver, bookseller in Norwich. There is also in print, "an Exposition of the Church Catechism for the Use of Norwich School."

I have seen a sermon preached at Thetford assizes, March 17, 1703, on Mat. v. 5, by John Robinson, A. M. rector of Reepham, and some time usher of this school, published at the request of Richard Knights, Esq. high-sheriff, printed at Norwich by Francis Burges, quarto, 1704.

Mr. John Reddington, A. M. succeeded; he was rector of Rackhithe and Hethill in Norfolk, and resigned the school in 1737, as did the Rev. Mr. Cory, then usher:

And the Rev. Mr. Timothy Bullimere, vicar of Olton, and rector of Plumstead in Norfolk, the present [1744] master, was elected; whose son,

The Rev. Mr. Ellis Bullimere, is the present usher.

The master's salary being now 50l. pounds a year, besides his house; and the usher's 30l. per annum, but no house.

For scholarships belonging to this school, see Pt. I. p. 300— 310.





Having finished the description of the Close or Cathedral Precinct, I come now to that of the City in general, and therein shall follow its ancient division into four great or capital wards, and their subdivision into twelve small or petty wards: the whole ecclesiastical jurisdiction of which (except in the several peculiars belonging to the dean and chapter) was anciently under the Archdeacon of Norwich, in the Dean of the deanery of the city of Norwich, who was always collated by the Bishop, and had power to prove the wills of such persons dying in his deanery, as were not clerks or gentlemen of arms, (all such belonging to the Bishop only,) nor having any goods out of the jurisdiction of his deanery, (all such belonging to the Archdeacon.) He deputed also a sub-deacon, to collect the synodals, procurations, &c. for him; he being answerable to the archdeacon for 16s. synodals every Easter, and as much every Michaelmas; which he was to receive for him of the clergy of his deanery, which was estimated at 20s. but paid no Peter-pence or tax whatever.

Deans of the City of Norwich

  • 1216, Richard the dean.
  • 1233, Master Richard de Sipton.
  • 1256, Master Gosceline or Josceline.
  • 1278, Master Henry Sampson. He was put to great trouble for pretending to exercise his jurisdiction within the fee or bailiff wick of the castle, where it was proved he had nothing to do: in 1286, he was committed to custody by the itinerant justices for exacting hallidays toll by his sub-dean, John de Berstrete, in too high a manner; but on his proving that he took of every great boat that came up to the city on a holiday 1d. only, and of each small one a halfpenny, of every cart 1d. and of every horse or man laden, an halfpenny; and of all bakers, butchers, and fishmongers, that sold their commodities on a holiday, 1d. each; and that his predecessors always had immemorially taken it, he was discharged. See Pt. I. p. 48.
  • 1297, Thomas Silvestre, chaplain; he held the deaneries of Norwich and Taverham, and the churches of St. Simon and Jude, St. Swithin and Crostweyt, and asserted that they were all perpetually united, and appendant to his deanery, but produced no instrument of union, and therefore at his death in 1329, Bishop William separated the deaneries from the churches, and united the two deaneries for ever.

Deans of Norwich City and Taverham

  • 1329, Tho. Dallyng; he changed for South-Elmham All-Saints in
  • 1331, with John de Wimbotsham.
  • Will. de Hemenhale; he changed for the deanery of the chapel in the Field in
  • 1340, with Master Sim. de Cley; who changed this for Norwich Thorp in
  • 1342, with Mr. Tho. de Hiltoft.
  • Tho. Cook, who changed for the free chapel of St. Margaret in London, in
    1371, with Simon de Erlham.
  • 1371, Rob. de Derlington.
  • 1386, John de Staunford.
  • 1392, Walter Poule.
  • 1437, John Thornham.
  • 1421, Tho. Lane.

Mr. Ric. Petteworth.

  • 1458, John Perse, buried in St. Martin's on the Plain.
  • 1471, John Elmham, late Dean of Sudbury.
  • 1475, Mr. John Wilton.
  • 1477, Clement Gent.
  • Tho. Rede, resigned.
  • 1503, Lord Edmund Lytchfeld, suffragan.
  • 1512, Rob. Browne.
  • 1519, Tho. Bellamy.

At the Reformation, this, with the other rural deaneries, ceased, and their whole jurisdiction centered in the archdeacons.



Contains the three small wards of South Conisford, North Conisford, and Berstreet. And first of

South Conisford Ward


Which contains in the suburbs (of which I shall treat separately) that part of Trowse on this side of the river commonly called Trowse Milgate, from the water-mills there, and the priory and parish of St. James at Carrow; and within the walls the following parishes, viz.

St. Peter Southgate,

In which the Southern-gate, as it was anciently called, and now,
(1) Conisford-gate, is situated; near which, on the west side, the river Wensum runs between two
(2) Towers, one of which stands on the east side of the river, and in that, the keeper of the old boom or beam, which went cross the river between these two towers, dwelt, that he might be at hand to admit such boats as he thought proper up the river: this boom being of a double use, to stop all persons from coming up the river that the city thought proper; and to hinder any boats going till the city toll was paid; a certificate of which was produced to the keeper, before he suffered their boats to pass.

Entering the city at this gate, on the right hand of Cowsford or Conisford-street, (see p. 50,) is the ancient site (though now built upon) of

(3) St. Olave's chapel,

Which was a parochial chapel before the Conquest, subject to the archdeacon of Norwich, paid 3d. synodals; but it was perpetually united to the rectory of St. Peter Southgate, in Edward the Third's time, and the ornaments of the chapel were carried thither, and the chapel itself was pulled down before 1345; and the yard seems to have been leased to the city, to augment their key which they then had, against the water-side, by the dissolved chapel of St. Olave. This parish was in Lower or Nether Conisford, as all those parishes on the east side of the street are; those on the west being in Over, or Upper Conisford; that next the gates is called,

(4) St. Peter Southgate, and anciently St. Peter de Bither,

Which is a rectory belonging to the abbey and convent of St. Benedict at Holm, and now to the Bishop of Norwich, in right of that house; it was anciently valued at 40s. taxed at half a mark, paid 6d. synodals, and 8d. ob. procurations, and a pound of incense to Holm abbey; which was released to the rector when the advowson came to the bishoprick; from which time there hath been usually 5l. per annum given by the Bishop to the serving minister here, as there now is; the voluntary contributions of the parishioners in Dr. Prideaux's time amounted to 5l. and it hath been augmented by lot, with 200l. of Queen Anne's bounty; so that the whole amounts to about 16l. per annum; it was valued in the King's books at 2l. 17s. 3d. ob. and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 2l. 3s. 1d. ob. it is discharged of first fruits and tenths; and hath service performed once in a fortnight.


Presented by the Abbot and Convent of Holm.

  • 1217, Roger, rector.
  • 1254, Simon Sonestryst.
  • 1318, Tho. son of Rob. Ketel.
  • 1323, Adam de Houton, son of Thomas le Barkere, resigned,
  • 1326, Peter son of Herman at the Stighele at Fretenham, resigned.
  • 1330, Luke Bertram of South Walsham.
  • 1350, John Mason of North Walsham.
  • 1351, Henry de Uppecloft.
  • 1355, Hugh de Tame, changed for Howe in
  • 1366, with Richard, son of John Richard.
  • 1380, Stephen, son of John Horn, buried in the Friars-Austins.
  • 1381, Ric. de Lyng resigned.
  • 1381, Seman the priest, changed for Netesherd in the same year, with John Mirigo, who changed for Sidestrond in
  • 1391, with John Swyket.
  • 1392, John Snell, resigned.
  • 1393, Will. Tillere.
  • 1396, James Goodman.
  • 1403, John Grond changed for Bircham Tofts in
  • 1405, with John Wittlesey.
  • 1408, John Graunt of Wramplingham.
  • John Tudde, changed in Elmendon in Litchfield and Coventry diocese in
  • 1416, with Sir William Palmer, who changed for Abynton in Ely diocese, in
  • 1418, with Sir Tho. Hall.
  • 1419, Sir Reginald Marchale of Great Snoring, priest, lapse.
  • 1430, Will. Grey.
  • 1445, Rob. Ryngman.
  • 1448, Will. Brygge, lapse.
  • 1464, John Foster held it by sequestration.
  • 1476, Will. Haytour alias Lyons, lapse.
  • 1479, Will. Swan, lapse; buried in the chancel.
  • 1498, John Cook, lapse, resigned.
  • 1502 John Stanton.
  • 1510, John Forham, lapse.
  • 1523, Will. Wights, united to Trowse, resigned.
  • 1528, John Wente, resigned.
  • 1533, John Selby. The last presented by the abbot.
  • Rectors

Presented by the Bishop.

  • 1593, John Alrick, the Bishop in right of St. Bennet's abbey.
  • Stephen Gall.
  • 1608, James Smith.
  • 1612, John Jefferie.
  • 1613, Will. Merrick, resigned.
  • 1623, Tho. Sadlington.
  • 1638, Tho. Smith.
  • 1671, John Paris, res.
  • 1673, Will. Keeling.

Since which, I find no institution, it having been held, as it now is, by sequestration, on the Bishop's nomination.

Mr. Henry Watts was some time since sequestrator, and now [1744]

The Rev. Mr. John Brooks, rector of St. Augustine, and minor canon of the cathedral.

(5) Here was anciently a rectory-house, which stood on the west side of the churchyard, in which Roger the rector dwelt in 1217; Simon Sonestrist owned half an acre of land extending from the north side of his parsonage yard to Hildebrond's spitel, which at his death, he settled to find a lamp burning for ever in this church, which continued to the Dissolution.

In 1632, one Anne Bullen recovered it by action from the city, who had leased it out.

The parsonage-house was in ruins very early, and the site of it, which contained about a rood of land, was conveyed for an annual rent to the parishioners; after which, it was called the free land of the parish; and in 1654, was recovered from Richard Dowsing, by a commission of charitable uses.

The steeple of this church is square, and hath in it three bells, the nave and south porch are tiled, the chancel thatched; there is a north chapel, which is tiled, and was founded by Tho. Large, alderman, and dedicated to our Lady; in which, before the altar, he was interred in 1518, but his stone is robbed of its brasses, though his merchant-mark remains in a window there.

In a north chancel window are the effigies of Will. Basset the elder, and his wife, in blue habits, and a desk before them, on which a book, and this date, 1521, and an [M] to denote the name of Mary. He was buried in the aforesaid year, under this window, and gave 13s. 4d. to glaze it, and 3s. 4d. to repair the organs in this church, which stood between the church and chapel, on a beam of which Basset's merchantmark still remains.

The gild of St. Peter, commonly called the fishermen's gild, was held in this church, to which John Hoode, senior, fisherman, was a benefactor; in 1479, he was buried in the church, and ordered a marble to be laid over him, on which the inscription still remains;

Orate pro anima Johannis hood ruius [anime] Deus propicietur qui obiit xxviii die Decembris Ano. Dni: M CCCCoxxxixo.

In 1431, the window over the cleristories, that is, the seats in the wall on the south side of the altar, on which the clerks sat in stories, one higher than another, viz. the priest, deacon, and sub-deacon, was new glazed, and a new bell purchased.

At the chancel door lies a stone with the effigies of a priest on it, the inscription being lost; but it was laid over Roger Clerk, priest, who was buried in 1487, and gave 20s. towards a new mass book.

In a north chancel window is a broken inscription for Tho. Owbens. The font hath this round its top:

One good Peple of yowr lebing Cheryte pray ffor the Sowlls off Robt. Gant and Thomas Fawde and Cyssely, with their Goodis deed thys fount reedifey, In the honur of God, and owor blissid Ladi Seint Mari and Hooli Seint Peter owor Abome.

It is an octagon, on each side of which is a carving, viz.

1. A cock on a pillar, and P. P. for Peter and Paul.

2. The crown of thorns, scourges, and rods.

3. The shield of the five wounds.

4. The shield of the instruments of the passion.

5. St. Peter on the cross with his head downwards, and S. S. P. for the most Holy St. Peter.

6. The emblem of the Trinity.

7. The cups and wafers, the emblem of the Sacrament.

8. Arg. frette vert, a canton.

On a brass,

Orate pro anima Margarete Adreo, cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

Orate pro anima Johis Isbellys cuius anime propicietur Deus amen.

There is an inscription on this stone, for Anne wife of William Beverley, 25 Dec. 1736, Æt. 28.

On a brass by the altar on the south side;

Orate pro anima Domini Willi: Swan, quondam Rectoris istius Ecclesie, ruius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

On a loose brass that came off a stone in the middle of the chancel,

Orate pro anima Johannis Longe Capellani qui obiit rriiiio die Mensis Augusti, Ao Dni: MoCCCCoro ruius anime propicietur. Deus.

There are stones here for,
Margaret Wife of James Jeckes, Daughter of John Gonton, ob. 19 Sept. 1688, and also for James her Son.

John Gunton Parchment Maker, March 16, 1707, Æt. 77. Martha his Wife, 3 Dec. 1697, Æt. 70.

In the porch lie buried, John Baker, July 19, 1736, Æt. 61. Rob. Scales Carpenter, 29 Jan. 1730, æt. 53.

(6) On the west part of this church lie the hills called ButterHills, corruptly for Boteler's or Butler's hills, part of which were owned by John le Boteler, and after that by Hubert de Hoe, and Agnes his wife, Thomas the fellmonger and Isabell his wife, who gave it in free alms to the Prioress of Carrowe, there being then a windmill on that part of it which reached the city ditch, the walls being then not built; all which Sabrina Prat, for the souls of Sibraund her father and Maud her mother, confirmed to the Prioress and her convent, which owned the greater part of these hills, of the gift of King Stephen their founder, and always received the rent thereof, till the mayor and commonalty encroached upon them, and raised various suits about them, but were always overthrown: but at last, in 1521, the Prioress leased them for ever to the city, for 10s. per annum, with a clause of entry for non-payment. The hills being thus abutted on the city walls south, Berstreet west, the close of John Girdeler north, the city land called the

(7) Lime-kiln ground belonging to the city, the land of the church of St. Peter Southgate, the land of Holm abbey, of the Prioress of Carrowe and others, east; and soon after, the city leased it to alderman Grewe, at 26s. 8d. per annum. On the summit of these hills stands the

(8) Black-Tower, or Governour's-Tower, which commands the city and the river to a great distance; this was used in time of the plague for a pesthouse; other houses being erected for that purpose on these hills, and such as died there were buried in this churchyard.

The religious concerned in this parish were, the Abbot of Holm, who was taxed for his temporals at 16d. and the Prioress of Carrow at 2s. 6d.

The next parish to this is


Whose church stood also on the west side of Conisford-street; its churchyard joined, on the south side, to the site of Hildebrond's hospital, and had a lane or passage leading from the street by the side of the hospital, to its churchyard; the east end of which extended level to the west end of St. Etheldred's churchyard; to the south-west corner of which, it reached within about 100 yards, there being three tenements with their yards, between the churchyard and the street, one of which paid a yearly rent of 21d. to the high altar in this church, the ruins of which are visible in Mr. Webber's garden.

It was at first a rectory in the donation of the Prioress of Carhowe, valued at 40s. and paid 3d. per annum synodals. In 1269, Robert, rector of St. Edward's, is mentioned, at whose death it was perpetually united to St. Julian's; and in 1305, Hugh de Creyte was instituted to the annexed churches of St. Edward and St. Julian, at the presentation of the Prioress of Carrow, and ever since they have been but one parish.

Joining to the west end of this church, was a chapel called Hildebrond's chapel, founded by Hildebrond the mercer, when he founded his adjoining hospital, for the use of that house; in this chapel there was daily service performed for the hospital; the Norwich Domesday tells us, that there was a missal, portifory, and vestment, with a chest to lay them in, belonging to it; after the Union, the hospital chaplain performed service in the church, and celebrated mass at such times only as he liked, in the chapel; and so the rector was discharged from the service of the church, and it became the hospital church, and as such continued to the Dissolution: it was in use in 1540. and when the hospital was dissolved, the church was ruinated, and the site of it passed with the site of the hospital, to the mayor and commonalty, of whom it is now held by lease.

Joining to the north side of this church was a cell, the ruins of which may now [1744] be seen, in which a recluse continually dwelt, and most persons that died in the city left small legacies towards her support. In 1428, Lady Joan was anchoress here, to whom Walter Sedman left 20s. and 40d. to each of her servants. In 1458, Dame Anneys or Agnes Kyte was recluse here.

The advowson was joined and continued with St. Julian's, as doth that of St. Clement's in Conisford, and all the three, after their union, were valued at 3l. 6s. 3d. in the King's Books, paid 12d. synodals, and 10d. procurations.

In 1516, Margaret Norman, widow, was buried here, and gave a legacy to the lady anchoress by the church.

In 1530, Margaret Benham was buried in the chancel, and in

  • 1540, Christian Pollard, a parishioner of St. Edward's parish, was buried in the church, and gave a legacy to it.
  • Walter, the chaplain in Henry the Third's time, settled 2s. per annum out of a messuage in this parish on the Prioress of Carrowe, for an annual pittance.

(10) The Common Stathe, or Key, called the New Common Stathe, in Henry the Sixth's time was in this parish, belonged to the city, and was then let at 8l. 11s. 10d. per annum. I find it sometimes called Calvestathe: in Henry the Fourth's time, Richard Blackamore built a crane here, from whom it took the name of Blackamore's stathe; in Edward the Sixth's time, the city built a house and a new crane, and leased it out. In 1667, upon complaint that this house (being a publick-house) harboured dissolute persons, who put off from thence at unseasonable times, the mayor ordered that the boom near the stathe should be shut up at 10 at night in the summer, and nine in the winter; and should be opened at four in the morning in summer, and six in winter.

In 1660, there was a committee about the common-stathe lease, to consider whether Mr. Malby's gift to the city ought to take off any duties granted in the lease, and to examine of how long continuance a boom or a chain have been used to be crossed over the river above the common stathe.

The religious concerned here were,
The Abbot of Ramseye, who was taxed for his temporals at 5s.; the Abbot of Langele at 2s.; by deed without date, John, son of Nic. de Buthorp, gave to the abbot and canons at Langley 7s. yearly rent, issuing from divers lands and tenements; among which was a yearly rent of 31 pence and an halfpenny, and one penny to every free scutage, issuing out of 10 acres and an half of land in Bowthorp, which the recluse at St. Edward's held of him. On the south side of this churchyard was,


Founded by Hildebrond the mercer in Norwich, and Maud his wife, who gave the patronage of it to the Bishop, as appeared by an inquisition taken in 1274. It was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin; and as Norwich Domesday tells us, had a common-hall or large chamber over it for the master or custos; besides other buildings, both low and upper rooms, in which poor people wanting house-room were to be lodged, and have firing allowed them by the master.

The master had a chapel also dedicated to St. Mary, appropriated to his hospital, joining to the west end of St. Edward's church, as aforesaid. His mastership was valued at 5l. per annum, and the other revenues of the hospital at 14s. 2d. per annum. The masters were collated by the Bishop, and inducted by the official of the Bishop's manors, and it was compatible with any preferment.

Masters of The Hospital.

John Roynges.

  • 1260, Master Tho. de Mutford.
  • 1262, Nicholas, rector of Bernham; he granted under the common seal of the hospital, to Master Adam of St. Alban, a piece of land in St. Peter per Mountergate, to be held of the hospital at 40d. per annum.
  • 1320, John Wykelwode.
  • Rob. de Langele, resigned.
  • 1353, Henry de Plumstede.
  • 1385, Peter Mighel.
  • 1385, John Eyr.
  • 1397, John de Elmham.
  • 1401, Master Will de Fryseby.
  • 1405, John Haukyns, who changed for St. Bartholomew, in Norwich in
  • 1412, with John Bowde
  • 1413, Will. Hayton.
  • 1419, Will Toly.
  • Roger Malmesbury, resigned. In 1428, Will. Setman hath this clause in his will, that if the master of Ivyhall, late called the Hospital in Conysford, will observe and perform the ancient duty belonging to that hospital, then the ancient rents due to the hospital should be paid out of his two houses, otherwise not.
  • 1471, Tho. Massenger.
  • 1497, John Jollys; he was succeeded in
  • 1504, by Tho. Deye.
  • John Underwood, suffragan to Bishop Nix, was the last master.

At the Dissolution it came to the city, with all its revenues, and croft called

(12) Hildebrond's Spitel Croft; and in 1632, the tenements of the mayor and commonalty, called Hildebrond's Spitel, were then leased out.

The site of this hospital was purchased by Hildebrond the mercer, of Roger son of Ric. de Duneviz, (or Dunwich,) as the original deed shows me, about the beginning of Henry the Third's time.

In 1244, Alice, widow of Simon of St. Leonard, citizen of Norwich, conveyed to Sibill her daughter, a messuage in Conisford, between the land of Hildebrond the mercer, and the land of her sister Katerine, the anchoress at St. Giles's, opposite to the hospital; this was purchased by Robert, rector of St. Edward's; and in 1267, sold by him to Maud le Waleys of Swerdeston, there being a rent of 3d. per annum payable out of it to the church of St. Edward, on St. Edward's day; which shows that the church was built alter the Confessor's time, to whom it was dedicated; this messuage after came to John, son of Simon the mercer, who seems to have been son of the founder, for he settled a rent of 8s. 6d. per annum out of it on the hospital.

In 1274, the citizens, in the King's name, sued the Bishop for the advowson of the hospital, the revenues of which were 12 marks per annum; but the Bishop recovered.

The master always paid 4d. a year to the Prioress of Carrowe, for a free rent for the site of the hospital; which always received yearly a sum from the Bishop, and another from the city to be employed in works of charity; but they both were gifts only, and not fixed payments.

In 1440, Rob. Steynton, rector of St. Julian and St. Edward, gave a bed and other furniture.

In 1458, Emma Swey gave a vestment to the hospital chapel at the end of St. Edward's church, and new tiled it with Flemish tiles.

In 1459, Will. Grey, alderman, gave a sum of money to repair the beds in Ivyhalle hospital, for the poor to lodge in.

(13) St. Etheldred's Church

Is a small building, its steeple is round, was rebuilt little higher than the church, the nave and south porch of which are covered with reeds, the chancel is tiled, and there is only one small bell.

On a mural monument on the south side, at the east end of the nave,
Paul, arg two fesses az. a canton sab, Crest a dove proper.

Subtus inhumatur vir Reverendus JOHANNES PAUL A. M. Ecclesiæ Cathedialis Norvici Minor Canonicus, necnon Parochiarum S. Ægidij, et S. Gregorij infrà hancce Civitatem Pastor, verè dignus, verbi Dei fidus Concionator, Ecclesiæ Anglicanœ filius obsequentissimus, amicus perquam fidelis, pijs omnibus bonisque Charus, placidè in Domino obdormivit, Septembris die 28 A°. Dni: 1726, Æt. suæ 46.

Here also resteth the Body of Mrs. ABIGAIL PAUL (who erected this monument to the memory of her brother) and departed this life the 8th day of June 1729, aged 44 years.

The Holy Bible and several books, are carved at the bottom of the monument.

And opposite in the alley, are stones for, Mr. John Paul Senior, Nov. 22, 1730, Æt. 77. Mary his wife 17 July, 1724, Æt. 68, Mary their daughter Jan. 15, 1696.

Inscriptions within the altar rails; the first is on a brass plate:

Here lyeth buried the Bodye of that Blessed meeke Man William Ramsie, who beinge about the Age of Fowerscore Yeres, departed this Life in the Faith of his Savior Christ Jhesus, the xiith Day of October, A°. Dni: 1613.

Joan Ramsie died in 1656.

Hic jacet Georgins Green Generosus, idemque dum vixit apprimè doctus, adeo ut ambigeres Jurisperitum, potius diceres Medicum, an Theologum, sed nec humaniores literas minus calluit: I Lector, et posse mori, dole hunc,

[MOYSEION EMPSYCHON] / Posse mori dixi? Fato / Hunc ne cedere credas, / Cujus vel lecto / Nomine, Fama viret.
Mr. John Bradbourne 30 Jan. 1667. Æt. 68.

On a mural monument against the east chancel wall on the north side of the altar.

Here resteth the Bodie of William Johnson late Alderman of this Cittie, who had Issue, by Ann his last Wife, one Sonne and three Daughters, he departed this present Lyfe the tenth Daye of March, in the Hope of a joyful Resurrection, A°. Dni. 1611.

Johnson, gul. on a saltier arg. five crosses moline of the field, impaling

Arg. two fesses gul. on the 1st two birds or, on the 2d three escalops of the field.

He is represented in his alderman's habit, kneeling at a desk; a book lies before him, his son on his knees holds a book behind him: opposite to him, is his wife kneeling, a book lies before her on a desk, behind her are her three daughters on their knees, the first holding a book, the two others a scull each, and on the wall between them are the city arms.

Frances daughter of Will. Johnson 13 Sept. 1606.

There are stones in the chancel below the rails, for Henry Pinckny and Eliz. his wife, she died 27 Sept. 1700, Æt. 86. Geo. Hall 21 June 1655. Joan his wife 8 Aug. 1666. Barbara wife of John Hall grocer, by whom she had 4 sons and 4 daughters, one is and 7 are not, she died April 4, 1674. John son of Geo. Hall, husband of Barbara 16 May, 1688. Eliz. Dr. of John Hall, 7 Nov. 1688.

Bolter, a bend between two bird-bolts,
Siste Viator, et memineris, Quòd fui, quod es, et sum, quod eris, Memento mei, et sapiens eris, Fac Bonum, et non morieris.

Richard Bolter gentleman, of South Creake, Sept. 30, 1623, Æt. 65.

Hic quiesco, et expecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum et vitam Æternam.

Mr. Will. Bolter 10 Dec. 1505. Margaret his Wife 24 Febr. 1664:

There are stones for the following persons in the church,
Eliz. Dr. of Rob. and Eliz. Wasey 1687. Rob. their son 1684. Mary their Dr. 1668. Edw. Kettleburgh 1638. John Kettleburgh 1638, Æt. 35. Sam. Whetlock 1643. Rob. Whetlock 1644. Tho. Penton 1675. Daniel Curtis 1681. August. son of August. Curtis and Sarah his wife 1684. Hugh Curtis 1687. John Feake Brewer, 1638. Tho. Feake Brewer 1654. Debora his wife 1686; on this stone is carved a scull, and these words, sic tv. Mr. John Deye 1677, Æt. 80; on this stone, Hodie mihi, Cras tibi.

Hic jacet Corpus Ursulæ, Uxoris Willielmi Linton, sculptoris, sepultæ 22° Dec. 1679.

Fetteplace, two chevrons and a crescent. Crest, an eagle's head erased.

Mr. Tho. Fetteplace Gent. surveyor of the King's customs in Norwich, May 5, 1680.

Bridget Wife of Mat. Salter. who had by him 22 children, 31 Dec. 1670, Æt. 42.

Thowgh dead, yett deere, Thowgh deere, yett dead to me, Dead is her Body, Deere is her Memoree.

On the church-porch are the arms of
Albany impaling Caily, and chequy, quartering a cross ingrailed, impaling Caily, carved in stone.

In 1459, Katerine, wife of Sir Simon Felbrigge, Knt. whose city house was in this parish, gave 16l. to a priest to sing for her here for three years; two marks to repair the church, a vestment and furniture, and two large curtains to draw before the high-altar, of gold tissue.

In 1479, Hawise Balygate was buried in the church by John Balygate her husband, and gave a legacy to its repair.

There is an alms-house in ruins at the north-west corner of the churchyard, founded in 1611, by Anne Johnson, widow of Alderman Johnson aforementioned; it was inhabited formerly by five widows.

This was a rectory till 1272, in the gift of the prior and convent of Norwich, when the Bishop appropriated it to that convent, to the office of the cellerer or keeper of the refectory there, to find the monks table cloths, napkins, glasses, spoons, and pots, for the refectory or common eating-hall of the convent; the whole being to be let by that officer, who was to serve the church by a stipendiary priest, as was always done to the Dissolution; from which time it continued in the dean and chapter, till the 10th of March, 4 Edward VI. and then they granted the church, churchyard, walls, bells, steeple, &c. to the mayor and citizens for 500 years at 4d. per annum rent, it being part of the revenues of their hospital of St. Giles in Norwich; from which time, the nomination of the serving minister is in the mayor and aldermen, who are obliged to pay him 5l. a year out of the hospital revenues, towards serving the cure, as the convent did when it belonged to them.

In 40 Eliz. the court sold all the bells but one, and stripped the chancel of its lead, which they sold at 9s. a hundred.

It was valued at 40s. taxed at 20s. and paid 3d. synodals.

Before the Dissolution, the vicar of Trowse paid 10s. a year, for the parishioners of Trowse-Milgate, or that part of Trowse on this side of the river, all which came to this church and received the sacraments here.

Many lands, meadows, &c. lying in Trowse, Brakendale, Lakenham, and Carrow, are titheable to this church; together with part of Boteler's-hills, and other lands and gardens, within the walls, all which are exactly described in the VIth Register of the Cathedral, fo. 82.

The chancel was always repaired by the convent, who new-leaded it in 1376, and consequently belongs now to the court.

There was very anciently an anchorage in this churchyard, which was rebuilt in 1305, where an anchor continually resided till the Reformation, when it was pulled down, and the grange or tithe barn at Brakendale was built with its timber.

In 1361, the minister had a chamber in the churchyard, which was rebuilt by Brother Roger Waltone, a monk, in 1412; and as I am informed, there is a house belonging to him, out of which, 20s. is to be paid yearly to the poor of the parish, to be distributed on St. John's day.

There is service here once a fortnight.

It hath the Queen's bounty by lot, and the arbitrary contributions, according to Dr. Prideaux, were valued at 6l. per annum.

In 1260, Rob. de Hindringham, the last rector, was presented by the prior and convent, since which time it hath been a donative; so that the succession of its ministers does not occur; those I have met with follow.

  • 1307, Sir Giles, parish priest, died.
  • 1412, Sir Will. Multone
  • 1419, died Sir Ric. Smith, priest.
  • 1421, Sir Robert.
  • 1492, Brother Will. Davy, monk.
  • Stephen Galle, curate.
  • John Hales, minister.
  • 1614, John Moyse, licensed on the nomination of the court, as all his successours have been.
  • 1625, Mr. Will. Merricke.
  • 1627, Mr. Tho. Horne.
  • 1627, Laurence Townley.
  • 1636, Mr. Morrant, A. M.

Mr. Henry Watts.

Mr. John Burcham.

  • 1744, The Rev. Mr. John Brooks is the present minister.

The religious concerned here were,

The Prior of Norwich, the Prioress of Carrowe, the Dean of the chapel in the Fields, the Abbot of Wimondham, and the Abbot of Langley, all which had houses, lands, or rents in this parish; in which formerly many persons of distinction had their city houses; as

(14) Sir Thomas de Helgheton, Knt. whose house was called Gosehill-hall, which was confirmed to him and Alice his wife, by John de Helghelon, (or Hillington,) his eldest brother, rector of Wramplingham.

(15) The ancient seat of the family sirnamed Of Norwich, was in this parish, and in Henry the Third's time, was owned by Henry de Norwich; and in 1259, by Richard his son; whose son, Henry de Norwich, clerk, and Katerine his wife, sold it in 1282, to Henry de Heylesdon, citizen, and Agnes his wife, in trust, for William son of Thomas St. Omer, Knt. and Elizabeth, his wife, and Thomas, their son and heir; who, in 1337, sold it to the Lady Maud, widow of Sir Rob. de Thony, Knt. who sold it to James de Briseworth, otherwise called de Blickling; and in 1370, Will. de Blickling and Lettice his wife sold it to Lady Joan de Monteacuto or Montague; Nic. Ratcliff, Esq. lived in it in Henry the Sixth's time; in 1485, it was the city house of the Abbot of Wimondham, in right of his monastery; and after the Dissolution, belonged to Sir James Hobart, Knt.

(16) The capital messuage, commonly called the Musick-house, was anciently the great messuage of Moses the Jew, a man of great wealth and ability in the time of Will. Rufus; he left it to Abraham the Jew, his son; and he to Isaac the Jew, his son; from whom it was anciently called Isaac's-Hall; from him it became an escheat to King John, whose son Henry III. gave it to Sir William de Valeres, Knt.; it afterwards came to Ralf de Erlham, and by him was sold to Richard, son of Henry de Norwich, who in 1259, conveyed it to Will. de Dunwich. In 1290, it was owned by Alan de Frestone Archdeacon of Norfolk, at which time there was a chapel in the house; and in 1316, Sir Constantine de Mortimer, Knt. lived in it, whose chaplain, Clement de Suffolk, priest, was then suspended for marrying two servants of Sir Constantine's in it; and the chapel was put under interdict for the future, it being proved that it was detrimental to the church of St. Etheldred, in which parish it was situated.

In 1368, John de Catfield, rector of Stratton, was trustee to the Lady Eve de Audelee, and Sir James de Audelee, Knt. her son, for the place in St. Etheldred's and St. Clement's parishes in Conisford, called Isaac's-hall; it after belonged to Sir Will. Benhall, Knt. then to the Lady Kat. Felbrigge, widow of Sir Simon Felbrigge, Knt. then to Sir William Yelverton, Knt. and in 1474, was the city house of William Yelverton, Esq. by whom it was sold to Sir John Paston, Knt. who resided in it in 1488. In 1626, John Paston, Esq. owned it; and in 1633, it was the city house of the Lord Chief Justice Coke.

Opposite to the north side of St. Etheldred's churchyard, on the north side of Holgate-lane, stood the house of that valiant knight, Sir Robert de Salle, who was killed by the rebels in Edward the Third's time. (See Pt. I. p. 107.) After his death it belonged to his daughter, Alice de Salle, and was after called Baist's-place, from some owner of that name.

North of the musick-house is

(17) The Old Common-stathe, commonly called Town-stathe, which is in the dissolved parish of

(18) St. Clement of Conisford.

Commonly called St. Clement at the Well, from a common well or cistern that was near it.

This church was one of the ancient ones before the Conquest; the advowson of it belonged to William de Wendling, in King John's time, whose son William gave it to the abbey of his own foundation at Wendling in Norfolk, with the houses by it, which he purchased in 1266, of Henry son of Ric de Witton; and the same year, he bought of the city, the key or stathe, now the old common-stathe, late John Teppay's; all which, Simon Abbot of Langley, at the request of Sir Jeffery de Lodnes, and for three shillings annual rent paid to his convent, confirmed to Sir William de Wendlyng and his heirs, who, in 1267, settled it with 10 acres of land in Wendlyng, in which the site of the abbey was built, and 3s. rent in Baldeswell, on the abbey of Premonstratensian canons, that he then founded in his manor of Wendlyng in Norfolk, by fine levied between himself and Nicholas, abbot there; Gilbert de Fraunsham, capital lord of the fee, being present in court, and consenting.

In 1303, Robert Abbot of Wendlyng leased out the stathe; in 1352, Thomas Abbot of Wendlyng leased out the whole to William de Middleton and Isabel his wife, for their lives; and in 1360, Roger de Hardegrey and Joan his wife, had been possessed of the advowson, &c. for some time, by lease for 100 years from the abbot, and by release from Middleton and his wife; in 1378, they assigned it to Hugh de Holland, (from whom it was called Holland's stathe,) who conveyed all his term in it to the city, in which Will. de Holland his brother joined; and in 1456, Edmund Abbot of Wendlyng, and the convent, released all their right in the advowson, stathe, and houses, to the city, for 100 marks, to be paid by 20 marks a year. And the advowson of the chapel of

(19) St. Anne, which stood by St. Anne's stathe, and had been demolished and united to St. Clement about 1370, was particularly conveyed along with it; and in 1458, it was made the common-stathe, and a crane and publick-houses were erected at the city's charge.

In 1472, the city requested the Prioress of Carrow to permit St. Clement to be perpetually united to their united rectories of St. Julian and St. Edward, and that the presentation might be alternate; but the Prioress would not consent to it; however, they were so intent upon it, that they gave up their right in the advowson; and in 1482, it was perpetually united to St. Julian, and the Prioress presented.

The rector of St. Julian always served this church by a parish chaplain of his own appointment, till 1549, in which year the city pretending it to be a free chapel, and consequently dissolvible by the late act, would have no service performed there, but seized upon the ornaments of the church; the old mass book of which was brought into the Gild-hall, to be laid up as a testimony of the right this church had to receive the tithes of 10 acres of arable land, lying between Nedham or St. Stephen's-gates, and Greenowmill-hill, the account of it being entered there.

In 1550, the city sold to Leonard Sotherton and John Rede, the bells, the lead of the north isle, and the whole steeple as low as the church roof, in which condition it now remains [1744]; the whole being standing still, though converted to secular uses.

In 1559, the court resolved to sell the church and churchyard; and accordingly, at the assembly held on St. Matthias's day, the year following, they sealed a deed of it to Thomas Keteringham and his heirs for ever, since which time it hath continued a private property as it now remains.

The synodals payable from this church were 6d. The


I have met with are,
1309, Alan de Dunham. The Abbot of Wendling.

  • 1317, Simon de Salthus. Sir John de Thorp, Knt. by grant from the Abbot.
  • John de Thornedon, resigned.
  • 1334, Nic. de Specteshale.
  • 1340, Simon Fest of Ixworth, priest.
  • John de Ashult, resigned. Will. de Midleton.
  • 1359, Tho. de Derham. Roger Hardegrey.
  • 1482, John Boor was instituted to the perpetual united rectories of St. Julian, St. Edward, and St. Clement of Conisford, with the chapel of St. Anne annexed, from which time it became part of St. Julian's parish, as it now remains. In 1508, the Mayor would have had it disunited from St. Julian's, and accordingly presented Dr. John Tacolneston, alias Browne, a monk of Norwich, who was instituted to it, and enjoyed it some time, but it was ever after presented to with St. Julian. In.
  • 1438, Adam Gosselyn was buried in the church, and ordered his executors to lead the top of the then new built steeple. In
  • 1451, John Stathe, chaplain, gave a green vestment, a processionary, and a scarlet worsted curtain for the altar.

In 1458, Kat. Marchale gave a silver tablet and chain to St. Anne's chapel in St. Clement's church.

In 1499, Tho. Pekke, chaplain, was buried in the church.

The religious concerned here, were the Prioress of Carrow, the Abbots of Langley and Wendling, the Dean of the chapel in the Field, and the Prior of Norwich.

In this parish was

(20) Thorp's-Place, which was first the city house of Sir William de Roying or Rochyng, Knt. sheriff of Norfolk in 1284, after that, of Ralf de Rochyng, who sold it to Sir William de Thorp in 1290; it was afterwards John de Lek's, whose son, Master Laurence de Lek, sold it in 1331 to the Lady Margaret, widow of Sir Hubert de Multon, Knt. Lady of Surlingham, and Edmund, her son, rector of Warham St. Mary, and they conveyed it soon after to Will. de Bois of Surlingham, and in 1438, Will. de Surlyngham aforesaid, by will, gave it to Cicily his wife.

In 1333, Sir Simon de Hethersete, Knt. had a house in this parish.

(21) The Priests Tenements, were so called, because the priest of St. Clement usually dwelt in them; Edmund Aggys, priest, vicar of Easton, owned them in 1470; and in 1548, they belonged to Sir Thomas Palmer, parish chaplain here.

(22) St. Julian's Church

Was founded before the Conquest, and was given to the nuns of Carhoe by King Stephen, their founder; it hath a round steeple and but one bell; the north porch and nave are tiled, and the chancel is thatched; at the west end by the font, is a brass plate for
John Lulman 1637, æt. 58. Michael Lulman Worsted Weaver 1614. James Son of Captain John Lulman 1680. Rob. Son of Robert Lulman 1660. Edward Son of Rob. and Anne Lulman 1675. James, Son of James and Anne Fremow Dr. of Robert Lulman 1711. Edw. Gay Gent. 1709. Mary Wife of John Brough Gent. Relict of Edw. Gay, Dr. of Capt. Rob. Lulman 1730, æt. 74. Anne Dr. of Edw. & Mary Gay 1694.

Crest a demi-fox proper.

Lulman, az. a fox seiant arg. impaling two gauntlets in saltier.

Charles Lulman late rector of Posswick, 18 Febr. 1697.

Martha Wife of Robert Lulman Junior, 1704, æt. 33. Ann Wife of Captain Robert Lulman 1709. Capt. Robt. Lulman 1709, æt. 88. Rob. Lulman of Great Yarmouth Gent. 1725, æt. 63:

Here lies John Lulman, all may say, (Baker) who died the 11th of May, A°. nostri Domini, the Son, 1671.

There are other stones for,
Thamasine Dr. of Ric. Cristen 1687. Edw. Hickes 1669. William Money 1723. Eliz. Wife of John Morley 16 -- Edw. Tomson 1669. another Edw. Tomson 1669. Math: Tomson 1677. Mrs. Ann Doily 1663. Mary Dr. of Will. Selth 1720. And within the altar rails lies Alderman Tho. Dunch 1715, æt. 66. and Henrietta-Maria Waldegrave his Grandaughter.

This rectory, when it was single, was taxed at half a mark, and the rector had a house belonging to it; after the first three were annexed, they were valued at 3l. 6s. 3d. in the King's books; Dr. Prideaux says, it had 7l. per annum certain endowment, and the arbitrary contributions were about 8l. per annum: it was sworn of the clear yearly value of 19l. 13s. 1d. and so is capable of augmentation. Here is service once a fortnight.

There was an image of St. Julian in a niche in the wall of the church, in the churchyard.

In 1323, Andrew de Acre settled 5s. a year out of a house in this parish, viz. 30d. to keep a torch burning before the holy-rood in this church, and 30d. for the like in St. Michael's church in Conisford.

Nic. son of John Page, and Christian his wife, was buried in the churchyard of St. Julian the King and Confessor, [which shows that it was not dedicated to St. Julian the Bishop, nor St. Julian the Virgin,] by the tomb of Kat. his wife, daughter and heiress of Will. de Lindesey, burgess of Lyn; he gave 200l. in clothing and victuals to the poor of Norwich and Lyn, legacies to Henry his brother, rector of Bixley, and to all the orders of friars.

In 1459, Kat. widow of Alex. Buxton, was buried in the churchyard, and gave a vestment of worsted work to the altar.

In 1493, Eliz. Knowte, widow, was buried by her husband in the church, and gave 5l. to make a foot of silver gilt for the crucifix in the church, that was bought by her husbands, Tho. Ellys, and John Knowte, for St. Agnes's altar there.

The religious concerned here were, the Abbot of Waborne, whose temporals were taxed at 8s. 4d. the Prioress of Carrowe, the Prior of Norwich, and Dean of the chapel in the Fields.


Of St. Edward and St. Julian.

  • 1305, Hugh de Creyk. Prioress of Carrow.
  • 1308, Sir Nic. de Holm.
  • 1344, Will. de Catton.
  • 1349, Jeffry Attewell of Tofts.
  • 1361, Thomas Whiting of Specteshall. He was buried in the church, and gave five marks for a new window in the chancel.
  • 1379, Roger Grylle of Woodrising.
  • 1396, Will. Tillere of Cretyng, changed in
  • 1397, with Nic. Hales, for Langham-Parva, and he in
  • 1412, with Edm. Coupere, for Surlingham. Edm. Beel, died in 1420.
  • 1420, Rob. Steynton of Norwich.
  • 1421, Robert Steynton of Wilton. He was buried in the chancel before the image of the Virgin Mary, at the south-east corner of the high-altar, and gave a vestment of gold tissue to this church.
  • 1441, John Valans, R.
  • 1454, Ric. Lombe, died rector.
  • 1460, Rob. Markham, lapse, resigned.
  • 1464, John Chateriz.
  • 1476, Rob. Pygot.
  • Rectors of St. Julian, St. Edward, and St. Clement in Cunesford, annexed.
  • 1482, John Boor.
  • 1492, Will Thursford, lapse.
  • Tho. Toly, resigned.
  • 1508, Tho. Taverner, lapse.
  • 1581, Gawin Browne; Anne Shelton, widow, who owned Carrow abbey.
  • 1589, Tho. Woodward. Charles Cornwaleis, Esq. and Anne his wife.
  • 1624, Nic. Toll, resigned. Humfry May.
  • 1634, Laurence Townly. Judith May, widow; he died rector.
  • 1642, Rob. Tyte. Ditto. He was sequestered, and forced from his wife and two children, but lived to be reinstated, and died rector.
  • 1685, Car. Robyns, resigned. Nat. Axtell, Esq.
  • 1688, Steph. Grigges. Ditto. United to All-Saints.
  • 1691, Will. Dalton, died rector.
  • 1704, Henry Shepey. Nat. Axtell, Esq. united to All-Saints.

In 1737, St. Julian with St. Edward, and St. Clement, and the chapel of St. Anne annexed, were consolidated to All-Saints in Berstreet.

In the east part of this churchyard stood an anchorage, in which an ankeress or recluse dwelt till the Dissolution, when the house was demolished, though the foundations may still be seen: in 1393, Lady Julian, the ankeress here, was a strict recluse, and had two servants to attend her in her old age, Ao. 1443. This woman, in those days, was esteemed one of the greatest holiness. The Rev. Mr. Francis Peck, author of the Antiquities of Stanford, had an old vellum MSS. 36 quarto pages of which, contained an account of the visions, &c. of this woman, which begins thus, "Here es a Vision schewed be the Goodenes of God, to a devoute Woman, and hir Name is Julian that is Recluse atte Norwyche, and yitt ys on Life, Anno Domini M. CCCC. XLII. In the whilke Vision er fulle many comfortabyll Wordes & greatly styrrande to alle they that desyres to be Crystes Looverse." In 1472, Dame Agnes was recluse here. In 1481, Dame Elizabeth Scott. In 1510, Lady Elizabeth. In 1524, Dame Agnes Edrygge.

Now because there were many of these anchorets and anchoresses in this city, and few know what they were, I shall observe, that they were a sort of monks, properly called anachorites, from [anachoreo], which signifies to retire, as they did, wholly out of the world: they were also termed recluses or incluses, from their being shut up in their cells or anchorages; of these there were two sorts, the eremite or hermit, so called from the [erimos] or wilderness, that he lived in, after the example of Elias, and John the Baptist; and the recluse or anchoress, who pretended to follow the example of Judith. The most perfect account I have seen of them, occurs in Becon's Reliques of Rome, fo. 312:

As touching the Monasticall Sect of Recluses, and such as be shutte up within Walles, there unto Death continuall to remayne, geving themselves to the Mortification of carnal Effectes, to the Contemplation of Heavenly and Spirituall Things, to Abstinence, to Praier, and to such other ghostly Erercises, as Men dead to the Worlde, and havying their Lyfe hidden with Christ: I have not to write: forasmuch as I can not hitherto fynde probably in any Au thor, whence the Profession of Anckers and Anckresses had the Beginning t Foundation, although in this Behalf I have talked with Men of that Profession, which could very little or nothing say in the matter. Norwithstanding as the White Fryers father that Order on the Propbet falsy) so likewise do the Ankers and Ankresses, make that holy and vertuous Matrone their Patronesse and Foundresse. But how unaptly, who seeth not? Their Profession and Religion diffreth as far from the maners of Judith, as Light from Darknesse, or God from the Devill, as it shall manefestly appere to them that will diligentlye conferre the History of Judith with their Life and Conversation. Judith made her selfe a privy Chamber where she dwelt (sayth the Scripture) being closed in with her Maydens. Our Recluses also close theym selves within the Walles, but they suffer no Man to be there with them. Judith ware a Smocke of heare: but our Recluses are both softly t finely apparaled. Judith fasted all the Dans of her Lyfe, few ercepted. Our Recluses eate and drinke at all Tymes of the beste, being of the number of them, Judith was a Woman of very good Report, Our Recluses are reported to be supersticious and idolatrous Persons, and such as all good Men flye their Company. Judith feared the Lord greatly, and lyved according to his Holy Word. Our Recluses fear the Pope, and gladly doe what his pleasure is to command them. Judith lyved of her own Substance and Goods putting no Man to Charge, Our Reclases as persons only borne to consume the good Fruites or the Erth, lyve idely of the Labour of other Mens Handes. Judith, when Tyme required, came out of her Closet to do good unto other. Our Recluses never come out of their Lobbeies, sincke or swimme the People. Judith put her Self in Jeopardy for to do good to the commune Countrey. Our Recluses are unprofitable Cloddes of the Earth, doing good to no Man. Who seeth not now, how farre our

Ankers and Ankresses differre from the Manners and Life of this vertuous and godly Woman Judith, so that they can not iustly claime her to be their Patronesse? Of some idle and supersticious Heremite, borowed they their idle and supersticious Religion. For who knoweth not, that our Recluses have Grates of Yron in theyr Spelunckes t Dennes, out of the which they looke, as Owles oute of an Yvye Todde, when they will vouchesafe to speake with any Man at whose Hand they hope for Aduantage? So reade me that John the Heremite so inclosed himself in his Heremitage, that not Person came in unto him, to them that came to visite him, he spake thorow a Windowe onely. Our Ankers and Ankresses professe nothing but a solitary Lyfe led in Contemplacion all the Days of their Lyfe, in their hallowed House wherein they are inclosed, wyth the Home of Obedience to the Pope, and to their ordinary Bishop. Their Apparell is indifferent, so it be dissonant from the Laity. No kynd of Meates they are forbidden to eat. At Midnight they are bound to say certain Praiers. Their Profession is counted to be among all other Professions so hardye t so streight, that they may by no means be suffred to come out of their Houses."

(23) The Friars of the order of our Lady, called Fratres de Domina, were a sort of begging friars, under the rule of St. Austin; they wore a white coat, and a black cloak thereon, with a black friar's cowl, and had their beginning about 1288, the order being devised by Philip, who got it confirmed by the Pope: they were introduced here very early, for in 1290, Rog. de Tubenham gave a legacy to the friars of St. Mary. Their house stood on the south side of this churchyard, and the east end abutted on the street. They continued here till Edward the Third's time, and then dying in the great pestilence, their house became afterwards a private property, and as such hath continued ever since.

Robert Rufus, or the Red, in Henry the Second's time, built a capital messuage here, which in Henry the Third's time was called the

(24) Stone-house, and belonged to Ralf Waukel, and after that to Will. de Donewico or Dunwich, who gave it to St. Giles's hospital.

In 1296, the Lady Cecily de Howe, Prioress of Carrowe, had built a

(25) House for the Prioresses to come to when they pleased, on the land formerly given them by Rob. de Possewick, which about 1300, was sold by the convent for a rent of 6s. per annum, to Will. Virly, whose son Andrew jointly with Beatrix his wife, sold it to Sir John le Breton, Knt. lord of Sporle, who by will in'1310, gave it to Nicholas his son. In 1328, John de London, rector of S. Creyk, owned it, whose executors sold it to John de Holveston, of whom Lady Joan, widow of Sir Rob. de Inglose, Knt. purchased it, and gave it to be sold to find masses to be sung for her soul; and in 1568, John de Herling bought it of her executors, and sold it again to Mr. Tho. de Rickinghall, clerk. It was afterwards sold by John de Yelverton to Agnes Lady Bardolf, and Sir Miles Stapleton, her trustee; and was after called Bardolf's-Place.

The capital messuage called

(26) Gournay's-Place, from Ant. Gournay, owner of it, hath the arms of the Gournays, viz, arg. a cross ingrailed gul. still remaining in the parlour windows; as also Gournay impaling Calthorp, Malmains, Woodhouse of Waxham, &c.

In 1558, it was the city house of Thomas Gawdy, Esq. whose arms impaling Warner and Bassingbourn and his quarterings, may still be seen. It afterwards belonged to Will. Paston, Esq. and after to John Coke, Esq.

Adjoining to the north side of this, was the key anciently called Kyrmer-hoppe, with a messuage belonging to the Berneys.

(27) The messuage of Sir Miles Stapleton, Knt. adjoined north to the former, which was afterwards Edw. Grey's, Esq.

(28) And to the north side of that, joined the house of Sir Will. Boleyn, Knt. and after that, of the Lady Anne Boleyn.

(29) Meddeyz-Inn took its name from Roger Midday, who in the beginning of Edward the Third's time, purchased it of the abbot and canons of Wouburn; whose son William, in 1335, sold it to Will. Clere of Ormesby, who rebuilt it, and made it the city house for that family; it after was owned by the Berfords, Briggs, and Elyses; and in 1544, James Marsham, grocer, gave it at his death to Cicily his wife, and John his son, and his heirs: in 1626, Nic. Elliet had it, and it after came to the Cooks; Thomas Cooke, Esq. being the present owner. It is now the sign of the three Merry Wherrymen, and the arms of Monthermer may still be seen in the windows there.



(30) St. Michael's Church in Conisford


Was a rectory, valued at 20s. but was not taxed. It was confirmed by the bull of Pope Lucius II. Ao. 1183, to St. Bennet's abbey at Holm; it paid 3d. synodals, and was conveyed from that abbey, for an annual rent of 16d. only, very early.


  • 1301, John de Paggegrave. Paul de Paggegrave.
  • 1317, Simon de Salthuse. Sir John de Thorp, Knt. who purchased it of Paul de Paggegrave.
  • 1326, Rob. Sparhauk of Wimondham. Robt. Thorp.
  • 1349, Tho. atte Kirk of Blofield. Lapse.
  • 1351, Henry Oliver of Plumstede. William de Midleton, who sold it to the Austin-friars about 1360, who obliged themselves and successours to pay the yearly synodals, and 1d. per annum to the high-altar of the cathedral, towards making a procession on the octaves of the Trinity; and having obtained proper licenses, they got the parish perpetually united to St. Peter per Montergate, pulled down the church, and laid the site of it, with the churchyard, into their cloister, which was then begun.

Almost opposite to this church, on the west side of the street, was

(31) Thorp's-Place, to which the advowson was long appendant, it being owned by the Pagraves, Thorps, and Midletons: to the north side of which, joined the

(32) Messuage of Thomas Codd, after that of Joan Codd, and now of St. Giles's hospital.

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of Norwich, the Prioress of Carrowe, and the Abbot of Langley.

The whole part of this parish on the east side of the street, was got into the possession of the

Austin-friars, or Augustinian eremites or hermits, who were one of the four principal orders of friars, though the last of them as to time: they first entered England in 1252, and instead of a wide wilderness, settled in Broad-street, London; and being begging friars, soon dispersed themselves into the principal cities in England; and accordingly they came hither in the beginning of Edward the First's time, and settled in a messuage belonging to Roger Miniot, who for that reason is called their founder; in 1290, Barth. de Acre, merchant, gave to God, St. Mary, and St. Augustine, and the brethren of that order, in pure alms, his messuage on the south side of the messuage or dwelling-place of the said brethren; in 1293, they had met with such success, that what by gifts, and what by purchase, they obtained license from King Edward I. to take in mortmain, the several lands and houses of Barth. de Acre, Emma David, Hugh Feringseth and Julian, his wife, Reginald de Antingham, and Roger de Morley, all which they demolished to enlarge their site. As this was their first charter of foundation, this King is said by some to be their founder, because his soul was particularly prayed for, according to their covenant in the aforesaid license.

In 1313, John de Langele, rector of Bodham, gave to Langley abbey, a messuage by the site of these friars, and in 1326, that convent conveyed it to the friars, who pulled it down.

In 1319, Peter de Basingham and Catherine his wife, released, for 9 marks in hand paid, 11s. yearly rent, which the friars were obliged to pay them, out of several houses that they had pulled down; and this year they obtained from King Edward II. a charter of confirmation of all their possessions and foundation.

In 1347, a license was granted by King Edward III. in pursuance of a license obtained from the prior and convent of Norwich, to enable them to enclose a common lane by their site; and to receive certain houses from the prior and convent, adjoining there, on condition that the prior and convent of friars heremites of the order of St. Austin for ever paid 3s. 8d. yearly rent to the prior of Norwich for such demolished houses; and in 1351, and 1354, like licenses passed: so that now having got the whole of St. Michael's parish on that side of the way, except the church and churchyard, they formed a design of making a noble convent; and accordingly (having got that parish church as aforesaid) about 1360, they demolished their old site, and built in its place a noble cloister and conventual church, of 150 feet long, and 50 wide, with an adjoining cloister on its south side, upon the spot where St. Michael's church stood; and having finished the whole about 1368, they enclosed it with a high wall; and in 1429, obtained a charter of confirmation of their foundation and revenues, with license to enclose another common lane into their site, by which they made their convent quite perfect and commodious; which continued so till the Dissolution, when it was taken into Henry the Eighth's hands, who died possessed of it, leaving it to his son and successour Edward VI. who in 1547, by letters patent dated at Burnediche, August 17, with the consent of Edward Duke of Somerset and all his council, granted, among other things, in exchange, to Sir Tho. Hennage, Knt. and Catherine his wife, and William Lord Willoughbie, all the site and precinct of the Austin-friars in Norwich, and all that piece of ground as it is included with high stone walls, now called Cunsford-place, with all the orchards, gardens, and two acres of land thereto adjoining, and fishing thereto belonging, now in the tenure and occupation of Sir John Godsalve, Knt. to be held of the King as of his honour of Bollingbroke in Lincolnshire, by fealty only, in free soccage, without any payment whatever; and the same year they sold it to Sir John Godsalve.

In 1594, it was owned by the Blundeviles; in 1604, John de Blundevile sold it to Sir Will. Paston, who conveyed it to Sir Tho. Knevet, Knt. of Ashwellthorp, who died seized of it, as trustee to the Pastons; it is said to have been conveyed to the Duke of Norfolk; who made a garden of it; from whom, though it hath been some time sold, yet it still retains the name of, My Lord's Gardens.

In 1419, the grand east chancel window of this church was glazed by Sir Thomas Erpingham, Knt. and the following arms and inscription fixed in it, as an old parchment roll in my own possession informs me, viz.

In the first pane,
Sir John Hovel, who bears sab. a cross or; he it was that granted his arms to the

Uffords, on condition they should always bear the cross ingrailed for difference.

Sir Rob. Ufford Earl (of Suffolk), with the rest of his family that were knights, all of the same name, and with their proper differences, viz. 1. a label of 3 arg. 2. a de-lis arg. 3. a crown arg. 4. a crescent arg. 5. an annulet arg. 6. a baston arg. 7. a baston erm. 8. a baston gul. and arg. goboné.

In the second pane,
Sir John de Huntingfeld, Edw. Montague. Hammund de Felton, James or Jacob de Audele. Tho. Morewes (or Morieux). Will. Elmham. Rob. Knollys. Walter de Norwich. Rob. Benhale. Nic. Dagworth.

In the third pane.

Sir Oliver de Ingham. Richard Walkfare. Peter Rosscelyn. John Aspale. Ric. Fitz.-Symond. Rob. de Causton. Aimer de Welyngton. Hugh de Wesenham. Ralf de Skeyton. Walter de Walcote.

In the fourth pane.

Sir John de Burgh. John de Tilney. Nic. Bozun. Barth. de Antingham. Edw. Gerbrigge. John Ulston. Edmund de Hethersete. Walt. Mewys. Thomas Fastolff. Barth. de Naunton.

In the fifth pane.

Sir Anselm Marchale (or Marshal). Roger de Thorp. Donald Sturmyn. Roger de Welsham. Hugh Peverel. Richard Ilney. Edm. Vemerse. William Talmache. William Smalebergh. Thomas Gissing.

In the sixth pane.

Sir Thomas Thornham. John Peche. Robert Bernak. Robert Wachesham. Robert Hempnale (or Hemenhale). Robert Baxynte. John Curson. John Reppys (or Reppes). Thomas Narford. Tho. Hertford.

In the seventh pane.

Sir Robert de Salle. Edmund Seyntomerys [de Sco. Omero.] Edmund de Baconesthorp, John de Caston. Peter Straunge. John Bacon. Barth. Bakon. John Colby. John Lacy. Baldwin Botour [or Bourtetort.]

In the eighth pane.

Sir Robert Mortimer. Roger de Bekham. Richard Belhous. John Withe. Edmund de Reynham. Edmund Bret. John Verdon. Hugh Trussebut. Rob. Banyard. Will. de Barsham. Tho. Erpyngham. Thomas Felton knights.

At the bottom of the window was this inscription:

Mounseiur Thomas Ecpyngham Ehibalere ad faith faire ceste Fenestre, atMonnur deDieu l toutz Senates, Gemembrauncede tout, Ics Seigneurs, Barones, Bannercttes, t Ehiualeres, que sont mortz sans Issu maie, en les Dountes De Dorff. t Suff. yuist le Coronacion de noble Edwardele tierce. qe Fenestre fuist fait In: deDieu. Mo eeee riro..

In English thus,
Sir Thomas Erpingham, Knt. made this window in honour of God and all the saints, in remembrance of all the Lords, Barons, Bannerets, and Knights, that have died without issue male in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, since the coronation of the noble King Edward the IIId. which window was made in the year of our Lord 1419.

Since which time, the following knights and esquires, who had every one 100l. per annum dying without heirs male, had their arms put up.

Robert son of Thomas Lord Morley, Tho. Erpyngham, Simon Felbrigge, Edm. Thorp, John Wildeshire (or Wiltshire), Thomas Geney, John Genny (or Jenny.) Edmund Barri, Tho. Gerbrigge, John Rothenhale, William Bowet, - - - - Swyllington, Ralph Bigot, John Shardelowe, Richard Carbonell, William Phelip Lord Bardolf, George Sekford, Thomas Ilketelhale, John de Maudeby (or Mawtby,) Thomas Hengrave, - - - - Dovvedale (or Dovedale,) John Winter, Thomas Cravene, - - - Howard, Oliver Bardolf.

I find the following persons buried in the church of the Austinfriars.

  • 1375, Thomas, son of Thomas de Hemenhale, Knt.
  • 1378, Thomas de Hemenhale, Knt.
  • 1379, Sir William Morley, Knt; Cecily his wife was buried by him. Sir Robert Brokedish, rector of Marlingford, and Sir Edm. Hemgrave, Knt.
  • 1381, Stephen Horne, rector of St. Peter Southgate.
  • 1383, Amabill Maloysel, formerly wife of John de Holveston, by whom she was buried.
  • 1386, Henry Martin of East-Carleton, chaplain.
  • 1400, Joan, wife of Robert Boys, daughter of Wichingham.
  • 1401, Lady Alice Hemgrave of Mutford, daughter of John L'Isle, buried by her husband, Sir Edmund Hemgrave.

Sir Robert, son of Thomas Lord Morley, died before his father, and had his father's arms, with a label of three points, on his sepulchre. Anne his wife was afterwards buried by him. Thomas Lord Morley, who died at Calice, and was buried there, was afterwards brought hither. John Morley, Esq. was also buried here.

  • 1416, Margaret Howard.
  • 1417, Sir Tho. Gyney, Knt.
  • 1454, Sir John Gyney, Knt. and Alice his wife.
  • 1418, Lady Cecily Gerbridge of St. Michael Coslany, widow, she gave 10 marks for a pilgrim to go to Rome, and pray for her there; and five marks to Brother Sampson Collen, a friar-austin, to sing for her soul a year.
  • 1422, Joan, widow of Jeffry Fraunsham, Esq.; she gave the convent 100 marks. Her son, Master Thomas Sharington, was then a friar here.
  • 1433, Rich. Gybbes of Norwich.
  • 1435, John Peverel of Great Melton, Esq. and Eliz. his wife.
  • 1439, Nic. Burgh, citizen.
  • 1439, John Holm, by the monument of Margaret his wife.
  • 1445, Will. Mangesson of Norwich.
  • Tho. Wetherby, Esq. alderman, by his will dated at Carrow in 1444, and proved the next year, ordered to be buried in the Austinfriars church, leaving Walter Wetherby his brother, John Jenny his son, and Margaret his wife, executors, and Ralph Lord Cromwell supervisor; Alice his daughter was a nun at Carrow.
  • 1457, Margaret Wetherby, his widow, of Intwood, was buried by him, and gave 100 marks to build a new library, on condition that on every class and in every window, her own and husband's name should be inscribed, to preserve their memories.
  • 1448, Sir Thomas Kerdeston, Knt.; he gave 300 marks to find three brethren of their own, and not stipendiaries, to celebrate service for his soul, and the souls of Elizabeth, and Phillipa, daughter of Sir John Trussell, Knt. his wife, and a silver cross and two silver dishes, with this round them,
  • Orate pro animabus Thome Kerdeston Militis, I Phillipe vroris sue, Filie Johis Trussel Militis.

Sir John Hovel, Knt. Sir Rob. Ufford, Knt. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir T. Robsart. Elizabeth, wife of Will. Garneys or Garnish, Esq. and a son of Sir Ralph Bigot, were also interred here.

  • 1453, Dame Katherine Ferrers, wife of Sir John Radcliff.
  • 1456, Margery, daughter of Sir Robert Clifton of Bukenhamcastle, Knt. first wife of Sir Edw. Hastyngs, Knt. and after of Sir John Windham of Crownthorp, Knt. was buried here.
  • John Bacon, Esq. son of Sir Roger Bacun of Baconesthorp, Knt. buried in 1471, by Maud his wife, who was buried in 1456. John, their son and heir, was buried by them in 1462, and Margaret his wife afterwards; this family were great benefactors to the convent.
  • 1461, Tho. Foleard, rector of Heigham.
  • 1463, Elizabeth, formerly wife of Sir Ralph Bigot.
  • 1465, Margery, late wife of Walter Vere, citizen, buried by the tomb of John Fowler, her father.
  • 1472, Edmund Wichingham of Wooderising, Esq.; and in 1475, Alice his widow was buried by him.
  • 1475, John Windham, senior, Esq.; he gave 20l. to the convent.
  • 1477, Thomas Soterley, Esq. and Elizabeth his wife; and Thomas Thurton by the tomb of Sibill his wife.
  • 1480, John Bulward of Brakendale, before the image of our Lady of Pity in the north isle.
  • 1485, Rob. Skelton. 1492, Edw. Southwell, chaplain. 1496, John Brygham.
  • 1501, Margaret Holland.
  • 1502, Tho. Smytheline, before the holy-rood in the body of the church.
  • 1516, Tho. Berney of Norwich, Gent. and Katherine his wife.
  • 1528, Sir William Neel, rector of Castor St. Edmund by Norwich.
  • 1532, Will. Buckenham, buried before the image of St. Catherine, and gave the convent five marks, and 6s. 8d. to Sir John Blumvyle, priest.
  • 1535, Ric. Crispin, buried by Soterley's grave.
  • 1536, Katherine Heyward, widow, gave a legacy to be prayed for in the book Quia Fidem for ever.

Besides these persons already mentioned, I find, that in 1428, William Sedman, citizen, and in 1429, Sir Richard Carbonel, Knt. were benefactors; as was Sir John Fastolff, Knt. whose arms were in the north window of the choir, against the high-altar. In 1468, Elizabeth, widow of Will. Tendryng, Esq. a sister of this convent, gave them a legacy. In 1452, Roger Blickling, Esq. according to indenture between him and the Austin-friars, was to have Placebo and Dirige, and all services performed for him as a brother of this house, and the souls of Simon Blickling, Roger Blickling, and Anne his wife, and the said Robert, and Margaret his wife, were annually to be prayed for.

The church was dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin, and St. Augustine; and had three gilds held in it; viz. the gild of St. Augustine, held by the shoemakers, called the shoemakers gild, the gild of the Holy Cross, and that of St. Margaret. I find the images of St. Laurence, St. Margaret, St. Christopher, St. Erasmus, our Lady of Pity, St. Augustine, &c. mentioned to be in this church, together with the rood altar, &c. but that which brought most profit to the convent, was the chapel of our Lady in this church, called Scala Celi, to which people were continually coming in pilgrimage, and offering at the altar there; most folks desired to have masses sung for them here, or to be buried in the cloister of Scala Celi, that they might be partakers of the many pardons and indulgences granted by the Popes to this place; this being the only chapel (except that of the same name at Westminster, and that of our Lady in St. Buttolph's church at Boston) that I find to have the same privileges and indulgences as the chapel of Scala Celi at Rome; which were so great, as made all the three places aforesaid so much frequented; it being easier to pay their devotions here, than go so long a journey; all which indulgences and pardons may be seen in Fox's Acts and Monuments, fo. 1075.

These friars, to do them justice, were always reckoned a society of learned men, good disputants, and eloquent preachers, and were truly industrious in propagating literature; the most remarkable men of this convent were priors thereof, as

Benedictus Icenus, or Bennet of Norfolk, of whom many writers have left us an admirable character, all agreeing that he was a godly, wise, learned, and eloquent man, deserving to be ranked among the prime divines of his days, for his singular grace in preaching, and his ability in persuading, he was so beloved of Bishop Bek, that he made him his suffragan, and got him consecrated titular Bishop of Sardis; (see Pt. I. p. 505;) his life may be seen, and the books he published, in Bale's Centuries, at p. 42, or in Pitts, at p. 440, from whom Weever, fo. 804, took his account of him; he continued prior till 1340, when he died and was buried here.

Richard Cheffer, a Norfolk man born, was educated from his youth in this convent, whence he went and studied at Cambridge, and became a famous divine, and celebrated preacher, and returning hither, published divers books; an account of which occurs in Pitts, p. 480; he flourished in Edward the Third's time, and died about 1354.

  • 1367, Brother Richer de Lammesse was prior.
  • 1390, Brother Roger Twiford, commonly called Good luck, S.T.P. a famous preacher, remarkable for his piety and industry in learning; he lived to be old, and published some books, as may be seen in Pitts's account of him, at p. 549.
  • 1420, Brother John de Sloley, S. T. P. was educated here, and was admitted to his decree at Cambridge, where he had regularly studied; and for his piety and exemplary life, was not only elected prior here, but was also provincial of his whole order; which grand office he went through honourably; he published many things, and living to a very old age, died June 4, 1477, and was buried in the church here. See Pitts, fo. 666.

In his time flourished Brother John Pulham, Brother John Holkham, Master Thomas de Gerston or Gerveston, S. T. P. Brother Ric. de Brandon, &c. all friars, remarkable for their learning and knowledge.

  • 1478, Brother John Tonney or Tony, born in Norfolk, was educated in this convent from a child, went to Cambridge, and became doctor in divinity; so remarkable for his learning, and skill in the Greek tongue, and in all parts of rhetorick, philosophy, divinity, and poetry, that he was not only elected prior of his own convent, but provincial of his whole order; many of his works were printed by Ric. Pynson, the King's printer at London, where he died about 1490. A large account of him and his works occurs in Pitts, p. 676; and in Bale, 210.
  • John de Langham, born at Langham by Blakeney, was educated in this convent, studied at Cambridge, where he made great improvement in philosophy and divinity, in which sciences he wrote several treatises, which were preserved in this convent till the Dissolution. Pitts, p. 877, gives us some account of him, but does not inform me in what I much wanted, namely the time of his death.

In 1501, and 1523, Dr. Hugh Lovemere was prior.

Master Stokes, D. D. of Cambridge, was the last prior here.

And these are all the priors that I have met with, but am sensible there were many more; whose names occur not, they being chosen by the majority of their own convent, and being exempt from the Bishop's jurisdiction, and immediately subject to the Pope, we meet with nothing of them in the registers of the see.

More north, on the west side of the street, stands the church of

(33) St. Peter Per Mountergate


So called from a gate anciently placed by the churchyard, at the foot of the mount or hill: this was originally a rectory belonging to the patronage of Roger Bigot, by whom it was given to the monastery of monks in Norwich, and at their request was appropriated to the infirmary there, whose custos received the profits, and served it by a stipendiary chaplain, who had a dwelling in the churchyard, which was originally a rectory-house; it always paid 12d. synodals to the Bishop, but was not valued or taxed; Dean Prideaux says, It is endowed with 10l. per annum, and the voluntary annual contributions amounted to 10l. more.

The present building is a handsome fabrick, and was erected in 1486, as appears from the many benefactions to it in the wills of that time, among which, Nicholas Ovy, Gent. gave 20l.

At the east end of the chancel, is a chapel of St. Mary, which is covered with lead, and used as a vestry; on the outside of the wall, directly against the altar within, was an effigies of St. Mary, and under it two statues of the founders, with a brass plate and inscription, which being lost, we know not who they were: the covering which belonged to the altar of this chapel, now covers a table set in its place, and hath this round it.

Aequiem etiam dona eis Domine, etLur percpetua Luceateis, requiescant in pace. Amen.

The tower is a fine square building, having a clock and five bells in it; the nave, south porch, and chancel, are leaded, the following arms are carved in stone over the steeple door, which show, that those families to whom they belong were principal benefactors to its building, viz.

There are also the arms of

Clifton of Lancashire, sab. on a bend arg. three mullets gul. impaling Brome.

Albany impaling Clifton; and a shield of three urchins or hedge-hogs.

The following persons are buried in the nave.

  • 1499, Rob. Cooke, alderman, who gave 10l. to glaze a south window 13s. 4d. to Sir Will. Nele, parish chaplain, to pray for him, 2 tunicles of red velvet, with aubys, "amys, parures, gyrdles, and stoles, according to the best red chesypyll in the church." and if the parish leaded the church in 18 years time, he gave them a foddyr of lead; and to the use of [the image of] St. Nicholas the Bishop, in the church, his scarlet gown, and cloth for a robe. He ordered the grave of Dr. Holkham (a famous Austin-friar) to be paved with marble stones a foot square. His stone is robbed of its inscription.

And from stones still remaining, I find the following persons of the same family are here interred, viz.

  • 1657, Samuel Cooke, æt. 17. 1675, Samuel Cooke aged 80. 1678, Frances Dr. of Thomas and Anne Cooke æt. 24. 1682, Mary Daughter of Robert Cooke and Hannah his Wife. 1687, Anne Wife of Thomas Cooke æt. 54, then thorough Divine Grace, she exchanged this Life for a Better. 1690, John Cooke late of London Merchant, son of Robert Cooke Alderman of Norwich and Hannah his Wife, 9 May, æt. 30. 1697, Sam. eldest Son of Rob. Cooke Esq; Alderman of Norwich, & Anne his Wife, æt. 45. 1703, Thomas Cooke Esq; 16 April, æt. 75. 1710, Robert Cooke Esq; Mayor in 1693, 18 March æt. 80.

There is a stone, having lost its brasses, lying in the middle of the alley about eight feet from the font, under which lies buried the famous Codde, who was mayor in Ket's rebellion; on it is the following inscription cut, to preserve the memory of that worthy citizen:

M. S.

Hic jacet, et per annos CXV Jacuit, quod mortale fuit, Sed non quod reliquum fuit, Viri istius Boni & Benefici THOME CODD quondam Senioris, et Rebellanti Ketto Opportuni, Fidelis, et strenui, Civitatis hujus Norwici Majoris.

Nè ignorarent Posteri, cui Hæc Parochia, imo Civitas Norw: Tantum debent, notum esse Piè voluit, omnium qui bene Fecerunt, Gratissimus Cultor, J. J.

On another stone by the former,

Here lyeth Johan Codd Wedome late the Wiff of Thomas Codd Citizen and Alderman of Norwich, who deceased the b of March 1566:

Here are also stones for,
George Son of George and Mary Biggs, 1693.

Corpus terra tegit, spiritus altè petit.

Mr. John Dawney, 1657; he purchased this Stone for his Uncle, Mr. Thomas Turner, & his own family, so lo long as they remain.

Jane Wife of John Kindgwood, and John Kindgwood 1678, æt. 80. and Hannah and John their Children. Ben. Barker 1715, æt. 69. Susanna Copeman Relict of the said Ben. 1726, æt. 72. George Callo 1691. George his Son 1690. James Barwicke Gent. 1631. Ric. Shipden Goldsmith 1638, æt. 52. Rob. Miet 1644. Ric. & Robert Miet 1681. John Collings 1695, æt. 55. Anne his Wife 1707, æt. 75. Eliz. Wife of Rob. Collings 1724, æt. 59. Rob. Collings 1727, æt. 53. George Durrant 1686. æt. 51. John Son of John Mace 1693. Anne Wife of Alderman John Norman 4 June, 1713, æt. 59. Mr. John Norman senior, 18 Dec. 1704, æt. 73. Nat. Browning 1683, æt. 27. Rebecca Mace & Children 1661.

Persons interred here, whose stones are spoiled,

  • 1466, Agnes Prowet, buried by John her husband, who gave a pricket or candlestick to place on the herse, as well for the poor as rich.
  • 1467, Thomas Goldbeter, buried by Kat. his wife, he was a glazier, but gentleman of coat armour; his will was first proved before the Dean of Norwich and Taverham, but the Bishop voided it, he having the sole probate of all gentlemen's wills that bear arms.
  • 1503, John at Mere, notary. 1504, Tho. Sweyn, senior alderman, he gave 20l. to the city poor, and 10 marks to this church.
  • 1510, Andrew Pawe, by Catherine his wife, and had a space left for Margaret his wife; he gave 10l. to the church.
  • 1515, John Swayne, alderman; he gave 20 marks for the beautifying the church.
  • 1504, John Gyllyng was buried in the porch, which he ordered to be "honestly paved at his coste."

In this porch are stones for,
Isaac Reeve, Gent. 1738, æt. 82. Deb. Wife of Will. Tricket 1726, æt. 60. William Tricket 1736, æt. 77.

  • 1492, Edmund Southwell, chaplain, who was buried in the Austinfriars church, was a good benefactor here.

The following persons are interred in the chancel:

  • 1510, Alice Bylaugh, widow, who gave an altar cloth here and another to St. Vaste's church. This chancel was repaired and new roofed by the prior and convent 11th Henry VII.
  • Robert son of Owen Godfrey of Hendringham, Esq. 1646. Margaret, wife of John Southalls, Gent. 1707, æt. 75. Elizabeth their daughter 1679. Mary Miller 1737, æt. 21.

Brereton, arg. two bars sab. impaling a stag's head in a bordure ingrailed; a crescent for difference.

William Brereton, 1682, æt. 1 year 15 days.

Crest and arms of Richardson impaling on a saltier ingrailed, five de-lises.

Johannes Richardson in Agro Dunelmensi oriundus hujus Ecclesiæ Curatus, per annos 33, obijt Jul 20, A°. Ætatis lxvi°. salutis MDCCXXI°.

Grace Dr. of John and Alice Richardson, 1694.

Berney's arms with a crescent. John Berney Gentleman, March 2, 1620.

Charles Son of Sir Thomas Skinner of London 1690. Mrs. Brigit Saunders, Daughter of Richard Godfrey Esq; Counsallear at Law, 10 April, 1649. Valentine Saunders Esq; 1680, Anne Daughter of Owen Godfrey Esq; 1648. John Barrow 1707. These in the altar rails.

Berney's arms, and this on a brass plate.

Here lyeth the the Bodye of Richard Berney Esquier, who departed this Life the 26 Day of June, A°. Dom. 1615.

At the south-east corner of the chancel, is a noble monument in form of a bed, on the top of which stands a representation of Time, being an old man with his wings expanded, holding a sithe, having an hour glass under him; and on the front are the crest and arms of Berney and Hobart impaled, supported by two bears sab. crest, on a wreath erm. and az. a plume of feathers az. and gul.

Berney per pale az. and gul. a cross ingrailed erm. a crescent for difference, quartering,
Arg. on a cross sab. five crescents or, impaling Hobart, on the star is a crescent sab. for difference.

There are also the emblematical figures of Faith, represented by a woman, holding a roll of the Law in one hand, and the book of the Gospel in the other; Hope with an anchor and cable; and Charity giving suck to a child, another standing by her for that purpose; the whole being adorned with cherubs heads, &c.

Under the canopy is an altar tomb, on which are two cumbent effigies of a man and woman, with pillows under their heads, and ruffs about their necks; at his feet is a bear couchant, at her's, an ox in the same posture, they being the several animals used by their families as supporters; on the side of the tomb are two cherubs, one leans on a scull, and holds an extinguished torch, the other on an hour-glass, and holds a spade, and this inscription is fixed in the wall,
Hic jacent Richardus Berney nuper de Langley Armiger, qui diem clausit extremum vicesimo septimo die Junij An°. Dom: Milesimo sexcentesimo decimo quinto, et Elizabetha Uxor dicti Richardi, quæ fuit filia Jacobi Hobart nuper de HalesHall in Loddon Armigeri, quæ obijt decimo sexto die Aprilis An°. Dni. 1622. In quorum Memoriam, Edwardus Hobart Generosus, unus Fratrum, et Executor ultimæ voluntatis dictæ Elizabethœ, hoc posuit Monumentum, Mense Julij, An°. Redemptionis nostræ 1623.

The windows of this chancel are adorned with the images of the following saints, viz. St. Catherine, St. Margaret, St. Barbara, St. Edward, St. John, St. Wulstan, St. Theobald, the emblems of the four Evangelists, &c.

Arg. frette de France on a canton gul. a rose or.

Orate pro bano Statu Roberti Leuys Capellani Johanne Sorois eius, et pro animabus B. K. Alderman: Andree Name et Henrici Johnson Burgensium.

On the screens is St. Michael and the dragon, and a cross moline on a shield. Round the chancel are 24 stalls, which belonged to the several chantry and soul priests, which lived in the

(34) College, at the north-east corner of the churchyard; this house was first given to the
Fratres de Pica, or pied friars, so called from their outward garment, which was black and white like a magpie; and after they quitted it, which was when they were obliged to join one of the four principal orders, it came to the hospital of Bek in Billing ford in Norfolk, the master of which, made it his city house, and entertained such chantry or soul priests, or secular chaplains as served in this church, or any where else, where they paid for their commons, and lived together in a collegiate manner, each having his stall here; which by the number, appear to have been 24 complete, and no more; but it having no endowment, and being solely dependent on the will of the master, whose house it was, there is no mention of it in the publick evidences of the see, though they lived together in that manner to the Dissolution. It seems they were dedicated to the Holy Trinity, the emblem of which is on the master's stall, and a shield of Spencer's arms in a bordure adorned with crowns.

On the other stalls are divers emblems, as a woman playing on a harp, a monk thrusting a sword through a unicorn's head: which is on the woman's lap; two cockatrices, and three monks, one holding three arrows, another a staff, his bag at his girdle, and cowl at his back, and the third holds a sword. Two monkeys in monks habits playing upon bagpies. A monk thrusting out his belly and blowing a trumpet, his hinder part is a lion. Two hares eating a bunch of grapes. A fox in a monk's habit holding a pilgrim's staff, enticing the fowls to him, and then seizing them. A monk with his beads, holding a cart-saddle issuing from a wilk-shell, between two sea-monsters. A merman with a bason in one hand, and a comb in the other. Two dolphins and a mermaid, giving suck to a mer-boy. Hercules and his club, holding a lion in a chain. A lion seizing on a dragon. An eagle fighting an armed monk, and seizing his shield, three dragons. Two old heads, between them a castle; a watchman on the top holds a spear in one hand and a shield, on which a castle; in the other, he looks at a lion entering below, but as he enters is caught by the fall of the portcullis upon him. All these are emblematical reflections of the secular collegians, on the regular monks.

On another stall, is a priest kneeling, and saying the maria; on each side is a book on a desk, and The. C.D. D.L. S.A. S.R. L.M..

A table of benefactions hangs in the nave by the north door.

"Thomas Codd, Esq. gave 10l. per annum to the curate, to the poor 10s. per annum, and four nobles for knights meat."

This worthy magistrate, by his last will, gave to the mayor, sheriffs, and commonalty of Norwich, after the decease of Joan his wife, his paled close in Conisford, which he bought of Thomas King; conditionally, that the surveyors or receivers of St. Giles's hospital, commonly called God's-house, shall receive the profits of the said close, and yearly distribute and pay 26s. 8d. to the alderman of the ward of North-Conisford, and the church-wardens here for the time being, towards the discharge of the Queen's task (or tax) within the said ward, whenever it shall happen to be granted; and the citizens meat for the time of any parliament, as heretofore hath been paid, which money, as soon as yearly received, shall be laid up in a box in the church, and there kept till it be wanted to discharge such task or citizens meat; and the two keys are to be kept, one by the alderman of the ward, and the other by the church-wardens.

He gave also to the city for the relief of the poor in the said hospital, his meadows, edifices, gardens, and orchards, which he bought of Thomas King, and his gardens and tenements in St. Benedict's parish, and a leased tenement which he held of the dean and chapter of Norwich in this parish, conditionally, that they keep it in good repair, and pay the dean and chapter's farm, and keep an obit yearly in St. Peter's per Montergate church for ever; with a dirge (or dirige) the night before every obit day, and mass and requiem to be sung the day following, when they were to pray for his soul, his wife's, father's, and mother's, for the soul of Sir Rob. Codd, (his brother,) late master of the said hospital; of John Holly and Elizabeth his wife; his father and mother-in-law; of John Awelton and Elizabeth his wife, and all his friends and benefactors.

And also on condition further, that the curate of the church of St. Peter per Montergate for the time being, shall pray for all the souls aforesaid, every Sunday in the year in his bead-roll, and at the said yearly obit; and every Sunday for so doing, and every obit day, the said curate is to receive and be paid out of the premises 4s.

And at the obit 26s. 4d. is to be paid as follows: to 4 priests 6d. each, and four clerks 3d. each; besides the parish priest, who is to have 8d.; 12 beads-men to be there and have 2d. each; the parish clerk for ringing the bells and setting the herse, 3s. 4d.; and for lights about it, 1s.; and for 10 poor people standing about it 6s. 8d.; the other 10s. residue of the 26s. 8d. to be distributed at the obit to the poor of North Conisford ward.

He gave also 20l. to the city treasury, and a lease of Hofton laths, in Hofton, held of the Bishop of Norwich, which the city sold for 30l.

The heads of his will, which is dated Oct. 12, 1558, are annually read at this parish church at his commemoration sermon, which is preached before the court of mayoralty every Sunday before St. Thomas.

His effigies may still be seen in a north window in the nave, in which also are remains of the effigies of St. Francis (which shows as if he was a brother of the adjoining monastery of Franciscan friars) and St. Edmund naked, with his hands tied, his crown on, and his body full of arrows, and under him this broken inscription,
istius Cibitatis Maioris et Aldermani eius et pro quibus tenentur.

The tenements, &c. given to the hospital by Alderman Codd, are now let at 32l. 10s. out of which the treasurer yearly pays 10l. to the curate, 1l. 6s. 8d. towards the task and knights meat, and 2l. 4s. 8d. is generally allowed towards the charge of the commemoration sermon, and payments made at it.

Mr. Peter Peterson, goldsmith, gave the city his four tenements and enclosure in St. Vedast and St. Peter per Montergate, on condition that 5s. be yearly given to the minister for herbage; and the church-wardens every Lammas-day are to lay coals into the lower vestry, to be delivered by them and the overseers to the poorest people in the parish, a bushel each, on St. Thomas's day; no alderman is to be concerned in occupying the premises, but the inhabitants are to nominate four parishioners, and he that will give most shall occupy it. In 1667, the premises were let at 14l. per annum by the city, and the chamberlain paid 9l. 15s. of it for coals, and the parson 20s.

Eliz. Barney, widow, late wife of Richard Barney, Esq. gave the corner house against the Rose, the rent yearly to be given in bread to the poor.

Mr. John Seaman gave the poor 5l. per annum to be paid out of his house and ground in St. Faith's-lane, on St. John the Evangelist's day.

Mr. Edward Warnes, late rector of Lammas with HautboisParva in Norfolk gave the poor his estates in Worstead, Scottow, Hautbois-Parva and Magna, to be given in coals, clothes, and money, to the sick, orphans, and widows, especially of clergymen, as appears by his will:

"I Edward Warnes, the unworthy servant of the Lord, rector of Lammas with Hawtbois-Parva, together with Hawtebois-Magna, being about to appear before the tremendous judgement seat of Jesus Christ, make this my last will, &c. The last day of Febr. 1694.

Whatever is in my possession, that belongs to another, I will shall be restored, and if it should happen, that it cannot be done, by reason of death or any other cause, I strictly command that my executors, get it valued by honest men, at the true value (as in that case ought to be done) and take care to distribute the whole of that value to the poor. Moreover I command my executors, to make full satisfaction to all persons whatever, in the whole world, if by chance I should have injured any one, by word, or deed, on condition such injury be regularly proved, (according to the provision of Pope Calixt I.) De Inimicis non admittendo, &c.

After the death of Christian my wife "I give and bequeath all and singular my houses, lands, and tenements in Flegge Hundred in the county of Norfolk, with their appurtenances, to remain to the Bailiffs, Burgesses and Commonalty of Great Yarmouth, and their successors, to the use of the poor there, for ever, so that they pay yearly on the 1st day of May, in the south porch of the church of Great Yarmouth aforesaid, to Anne Markant, sister of the aforesaid Christian, or her assigns 10l. yearly, during the term of her life, and all the remaining rents, and annual profits, shall be for ever distributed to the poor, man by man, especially to the Sick, Orphans, and Widows, and before all others, to Clergymen's Widows, and this to be done yearly, in Easter and Christmass weeks, in the presence of the Minister of the church of Great Yarmouth aforesaid, for the time being, or of any one deputed under his hand, and six of the burgesses there.

"And I will, that a copy of this Legacy in Latin and English fairly wrote on parchments, be made and delivered by my executors, within 3 months after my death, to the Bailiffs and Commonalty of Great Yarmouth aforesaid, to be for ever kept in a publick chest there. And I will that the copy of the aforesaid legacy, shall be publickly read in English by the Minister aforesaid, in time of divine service, or immediately after, in the aforesaid church, every year, after the death of the aforesaid Christian, in the aforesaid weeks, together with the under written clause, belonging to this clause, in case there should be any default made, as to the disposition of this legacy, in manner and form as is aforesaid; to which Minister I give 20s. yearly, out of the said rents and profits to perform this faithfully.

"Nevertheless, if there be any default, in performing the premises, or if at any time the aforesaid Bailiffs, Aldermen, Burgesses, and Commonalty, shall make any lease of the aforesaid premises, or otherwise alien them to any one, or dispose of the same lease or alienation, or a longer term than seven years, then the aforesaid premises, after the death of the aforesaid Christian, and after default made is aforesaid, or lease, or disposition, as above mentioned, shall remain to the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Commonalty of the city of Norwich, and their successors for ever, so that they pay in manner and form aforesaid, the rents and profits of the aforesaid premises, to the poor of the city of Norwich, in manner and form as above written."

'And this above written clause, is that, which I have herein above ordered to be read. And after the death of the aforesaid Christian, give and bequeath all and singular my houses, lands, and tenements in Worstead, Scottowe, Hawtebois-Parva, Hawtebois-Magna, and in each of them, and in the adjacent villages (except those otherwise disposed of, or to be disposed of in this present will,) to remain to the Mayor, Sheriffs, Citizens, and Commonalty of the city of Norwich, and their successors for ever, to the use of the poor, as is under written, in manner and form following, viz. that the houses be kept tight, viz. they shall keep in sufficient repair, all and singular the houses of the last mentioned premises, with all the ornaments and appurtenances whatsoever, belonging to the capital house there, and shall not suffer any waste to be made in the grown up trees, or young trees; and all and singular the rents and profits of the same premises, or the true value of them, (except all out-goings in and about the premises) they shall pay yearly to the Alderman for the time being, of the Ward of North Conisford, in the city aforesaid, to be paid to the poor of that Ward, in the presence of five, or more, of the chief parishioners of St. Peter per Montergate, every year, in coals, cloathing, and the remainder in money; especially to the Sick, Orphans, and Widows, and to the Widows of Clergymen before all others; and the aforesaid Alderman, in the presence of the aforesaid five, or the more or less of them, is to give an account in writing of every particular, under his hand, to the Mayor, and court of Mayoralty of Norwich, as well of the receipts, as disbursements of the aforesaid rents and profits, distributed to the poor as aforesaid; this legacy is to be given to the poor, over and above their weekly collection.

Nevertheless, if there be any default in performing the premises, or if at any time the aforesaid Mayor, Sheriffs, Citizens, and Commonalty aforesaid, shall make any lease of the aforesaid premises, or otherwise alien them to any one, or dispose of the same lease or alienation, for a longer term than 7 years, then the aforesaid premises, after the death of the aforesaid Christian and after default made as aforesaid, or lease or disposition above mentioned, shall remain to the Bailiffs, Burgesses, and Commonalty of Great Yarmouth, and their successors for ever.

And a copy of this legacy, given to the aforesaid city, fairly written on parchment, in Latin and English, shall be made and delivered by my executors, within 3 months after my decease, to the chief parishioners of St. Peter's aforesaid, to be preserved in the publick chest there for ever.

And the copy of this legacy, I will, shall be publickly read in English, by the Pastor or Minister of the church of St. Peter aforesaid, in time of divine service, or immediately after; every year, after the death of the aforesaid Christian; to which minister I give out of the aforesaid rents, bequeathed to the city aforesaid, twenty shillings yearly, to do it faithfully."

In the vestry hangs up a map of the estate called Little Hautboishall, lying in Hautbois-Parva, Magna, and Frettenham. The total being 146 acres and one rood of land.

He gave many legacies to other towns, died 27 Dec. 1700, and is interred in Thrigby chancel, on the south side, under a black marble thus inscribed:

Hic situs est Edvardvs Wa nes, haud ità pridem Ecclesiarum Lammas, et Haathois Rector, vir probus, et Doctus, qui moriens, Magnas opes alendis pauperibus supremo suo Testamento legavit, obijt 27° die Decembr. MDCC. ætatisque suæ octogesimo septimo.

Mr. Edward Monday, bricklayer, gave 20s. per annum out of his estate at Catton to bind out a lad from this parish, once in five years.

Mr. Robert Mallet gave his estate in Worstead of about 8l. per annum to the poor.

Thomas Cooke, Esq. gave the overseers 10l. for a common stock, for the use of the poor.

This table was erected in 1704.

In 1704, I find six boys bound apprentices from this parish, by Justice Wisse's gift.

  • 1724, the church-wardens paid 1s. 2d. per annum to the city, for their tenement sometime of John Underwood.
  • 1375, Sir Simon Swan was parish priest. 1564, John Balden.

In 1613, George Bishop of Meath in Ireland, and Dean of Norwich, with the chapter there, demised this parsonage, with all the profits whatsoever, for 21 years, to George Saunder, clerk, if he so long lived, and continued petty canon of the cathedral, and served the cure, paying the dean and chapter 6s. per annum, repairing the chancel, and paying all other outgoing charges for the parsonage.

  • 1627, John Sowter.
  • 1662, Joshua Meen, licensed curate.

It is a perpetual curacy, and

The Rev. Dr. John Clark, dean of Salisbury, is the present [1744] curate.

This parish includes in it the united parishes of St. John the Evangelist in Conisford, St. Vedast, corruptly called St. Faith's, part of the parish of St. Mary in the Marsh, and St. Albert over the monasterygates; and part of it was in the bailifwick or jurisdiction of the castle.

The religious concerned here, were the Prioress of Carrow, the Prior of Cokesford, the Prior of Norwich, and the Dean of the chapel in the Fields.

In 1724, Mr. Thomas Woolfall paid a rent of 6d. a year to the city, for his tenement called the Holy Lamb, anciently Jesus Inn.

(35) In 1267, Will. nephew of William de Wells, for ten marks, granted to God, and his church of the Holy Trinity at Norwich, and to Nicholas, prior there, and his successours for ever, for his own and ancestors souls, all his tenement abutting north on this churchyard, paying to Hildebrond's hospital 30d. per annum. In 1626, it was held by the Berneys, and seems to have been in that family some time, it being called Berneys-Inn.

On the south side of this, was the city house of the Heydon family; Sir Christopher Heydon dwelt in it in 1671.

The corner house on the north side of Toft-lane, belonged in 1315, to Adam de Toft, from whom that lane took its name.

(36) The corner house on the west side of the street against Roselane, in 1370, belonged to Sir John Erpingham, Knt.

And the next to it on the west part, in 1371, to Sir John de Reppes, Knt. who had it of Alice, widow of his brother, Rob. de Reppes.

The parish of

(37) St. John the Evangelist in Southgate


Or Conisford, was a rectory valued at 26s. 8d. and was appropriated to the priory of Norwich; and about the year 1300, was annexed to the parish of St. Peter per Montergate; it was then purchased by the gray friars to augment their site, when the whole was pulled down, except a small part left for an anchorage, in which they placed an anker, to whom part of the churchyard was assigned for a garden, and all the ornaments which belonged to it were removed to St. Peter's per Montergate. The whole of it being got into the site of the Gray Friars; it stood at the north corner of the Rose-lane.

(38) Cooke's Hospital


Was founded and endowed by Robert and Thomas Cooke, Esqrs. two brothers, both aldermen for Berstreet ward, and mayors of the city; for the habitations of ten poor women, either maids or widows, of 60 years of age or upwards, such as have inhabited in the city of Norwich for 10 years before their nomination, "been of good report, and behaved soberly and honestly."

By indenture dated May 3, 1677, between Robert Cooke aforesaid, and the Corporation, the said Robert "being sensible of God's goodness towards him, in blessing his endeavours in his vocation in the said city, and also of the obligation upon him, as a man and a Christian, to promote the honour and welfare of the city, and to contribute towards the necessities of the poor thereof, did freely and voluntarily grant to the corporation an annuity of 10l. payable every first day of Dec. out of all that great peice of ground lately of the said mayor, sheriffs, &c. parcel of the grey friers, inclosed with stone walls on the west, south, and north parts, and with a fence of pale on the east: and out of one little peice of ground inclosed round with stone walls, with all the houses, edifices, buildings, shuds, and ladings there-upon built, with all the said walls and fence of pale, and the moiety of a well or pump and a little entry or lane leading to the same well on the west part of the same little peice of ground, as the same premises were late in the farm of Samuel Cooke late of Norwich worstead weaver, in the parish of St. George of Tombland, all which the city demised to Samuel Cooke, and now are in the use of Robert Cooke aforesaid; and also out of all the messuages, tenements, yards, gardens, grounds, and hereditaments, which the said Robert Cooke at any time heretofore had, and purchased to him and his heirs of the city," with power of entry for non-payment, but no writ or action to charge the persons of the said Robert or his heirs; the said annuity to be paid into the Hamper, and by the mayor, or such other person as the corporation shall appoint, to be paid to such poor people, as the mayor and aldermen shall think fit, (unless the said Rob. Cooke in his lifetime should direct otherwise.)

Thomas Cooke, Esq. by will dated Jan. 16, 1701, devised as followeth, "Whereas I have erected and built in the aforesaid parish (meaning St. Peter's per Montergate) several tenements or almeshouses having a peice of ground thereunto belonging, which are altogether inclosed, situate and being at the lower end of my orchard to and for the perpetual habitations of ten poor old women, as well widows as maids, (which like number be there now) which same almes-houses and grounds, I do hereby give and devise for ever, to and for the sole use of ten poor people as aforesaid, severally to dwell in, and as often as it happen that any of them dye and depart this life, then he, or they that shall afterward be owner or owners of my said orchard, shall have the priviledge to place there, others in their steads."

Further, my mind is, that whosoever shall have, possess, and enjoy those houses and ground which I purchased of Mrs. Whale and her daughters, the same shall for ever stand chargeable, not only to maintaine and keep up the said almes-houses or ten roomthes and grounds in good repaires, but also to pay between Midsummer and Michaelmas unto the ten poor folkes there, and to each of them two shillings, or in liew thereof two secks of coals, yet nevertheless my will is, in case my brother (Robert Cooke) or any other person, shall after my decease make a good and sufficient provision, by any other wayes and meanes, for the constant keeping up and repairing of the almes-houses and groundes, and for the said yearly payment of two shillings or two secks of coales apiece for ever, to the poor inhabitants there: then my mind is, that such person or persons after my decease, so owning the same estate which I bought of the said Mrs. Whale and her children, shall be discharged, and his and their estate aforesaid, shall be absolutely exonerated from that incumberance aforementioned."

Dec. 16, 1703, an indenture between Robert Cooke, Esq. and the corporation, sets forth, that the said Robert Cooke and Thomas, his deceased brother, or one of them, had built several rooms in the parish of St. Peter per Montergate, for the constant habitation of such poor women, as by the wills of Thomas and Robert Cooke should be appointed, reciting the first indenture, and that the said Robert did intend to settle a maintenance for poor women inhabiting there; and the said Robert according to the power reserved to himself in the first indenture, did direct the said annuity of 10l. to be paid towards the maintenance of such ten poor women as should inhabit in the said rooms, the same to be applied as he should think fit, during his life; and after his decease, in such manner as he should direct and appoint by his last will, or otherwise.

Sept. 13, 1704, Thomas Cooke, Gent. at the request of Robert Cooke, Esq. his father, who is also party to the deed, reciting the aforesaid will, settled on the mayor, sheriffs, citizens, and commonalty in trust, a rent charge of 21l. per annum, (besides the rent charge of 10l. per annum already settled on them in trust, by Robert Cooke aforesaid,) clear of all taxes whatever, issuing and going out of "all those messuages, tenements, houses, edifices, buildings, yards, gardens, orchards, grounds, and hereditaments, scituate lying and being in the parish of St Peter per Mountergate, or else where, in Norwich aforesaid, between the King's high way or common lane, called St. Faith's Lane on the part of the south, and the grounds late of the mayor, sheriffs, citizens, and commonalty of the city of Norwich, now in the use, and possession of the said Robert Cooke in part, and the house and grounds late of the mayor, sheriffs, citizens, and commonalty, late in the use, possession, or occupation of Rich. Swallow deceased, in part, on the part of the north, and abutting upon the King's highway towards the west; and the ground of the dean and chapter of Norwich, (late St. Vedast's churchyard,) now or late in the occupation of Francis Herne Gent. towards the east, with their and every of their rights, members, and appurtenances whatsoever."

And also out of all other the messuages, tenements, houses, edifices, yards, gardens, orchards, grounds, and hereditaments whatsoever, scituate, lying, and being in the parish of St. Peter per Mountergate, or elsewhere in Norwich aforesaid, and now or late in several uses or occupations of Thomas Colling, Dorothy Gilbart, Edward Adlorme, Anne Savery, Thomas Fenn, Robert Fella, Roger Barrowe, Nathaniel Aylmer, Daniel Dey, and John Norman, as tenants to the said Thomas Cooke, or some or one of them.

And also, out of all the messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, of him the said Thomas Cooke party to these presents, scituate, lying, and being in the parish of St. Peter per Mountergate aforesaid, which the said Tho. Cooke deceased purchased, of Mrs. Whale and her daughters, or any or either of them, or which were the messuages, houses, and lands of the said Mrs. Whale and her daughters, or any or either of them."

The whole for non-payment to be entered upon, but the persons of the owners of the estates not to be charged with any action concerning the rent charge.

The endowment now being thirty one pounds a year, it was settled to pay 6l. 10s. each quarter day, that is to say, 13s. a quarter to each poor woman. And the other 5l. to be annually laid out in repairing the houses of the hospital, if they require it, and if there be any overplus (after 10s. per annum deducted for payment of the city chamberlain, for his pains "and trouble, if he looks after the repairs, and pays the respective quarteridge to the poor women) it shall be applied to or towards the cloathing the oldest or most indigent of such poor women inhabiting in the same roomes.

And the owner and owners for the time being, of the messuages, houses, orchards, and lands, late of the said Mrs. Whale and her daughters, purchased by the said Thomas Cooke deceased, shall from time to time and at all times, as such poor women dye, put in other and others in room of such soe dying, under the terms and regulations aforesaid."

The management of the said hospital is now [1744] in the said Thomas Cooke, Esq. who, as owner of the orchard, nominates the poor people, and pays them accordingly.

To the east side of this hospital joins the

(39) Churchyard of St. Vedast, commonly called St. Faith: this St. Vedast was Bishop of Arras, and had the 6th of February kept holy to his honour; his legend saith, that he died in the 600th year after Christ. The church was founded before the time of the Confessor: the sixth part of the advowson belonged to Edstan, who held it of him. (See p. 11.) It was afterwards in divers hands; Clement, son of Jeffery St. Vedast, gave to God and the almoner of Norwich priory, his sixth part of the advowson, and a rent of 2s. a year, as long as he continued a layman; and Jeffery, son of Gilbert the wax-chandeler, when he was made monk here, gave a third part of the advowson; and Roger Algar released all his right and all the actions that he had with the monks concerning his right in part of the advowson, on condition they constantly prayed for the souls of Master Richard de Draiton, and Alexander his son, and for his own soul, and made him a brother of their convent; which having got the whole advowson, John of Oxford, about 1190, appropriated it to the almoner of the cathedral, who was to serve the cure by a stipendiary chaplain; it was then valued at 10s. paid 3d. synodals, but was not taxed. In Richard the Second's time the almoner paid the curate 40s. per annum, 6s. 8d. for a gown, and 13s. 4d. for his robes, and bare all the outgoing expenses of repairing the chancel, &c. at which time, the high-altar, the principal image of St. Vedast by it, and the picture at the altar, were repaired. In 1318, was a cause determined by the dean of Norwich city, in whose jurisdiction this parish was, between Jeffery, son of William Garnish, and the prior, by which William was obliged to pay as his ancestors always had done, a silver farthing's worth of bread every Sunday to the poor of the parish, for liberty of the thoroughfare that he had to his house through the churchyard; Master Ric. de Berney being proctor for the prior and convent. In 1512, John King, reder, was buried in the churchyard, and gave 20s. towards building St. Vaste's new porch; but at the Dissolution, the prior took the opportunity of delivering it in, as a place liable to be dissolved, and accordingly, in 1540, they pulled down the church, and the next year sold the bells to Mr. Codde, and totally demolished it; and the parish being anciently united to St. Mary in the Marsh, it continued with it till 1562, and was then consolidated to St. Peter per Montergate, with which it now remains. (See p. 52.) And from that time the churchyard hath been leased out by the dean and chapter, as it now [1744] is, to the Rev. Mr. Stephen Norris.

In 1568, Will. Bussy was buried in the church, and ordered Robert Cooke, citizen, his executor, to distribute a legacy to divers religious houses.

In 1287, Ralph the priest was curate here. 1428, Sir Richard Blake. 1429, Sir William Cambridge. 1491, Brother William Castleacre, monk. 1564, John Balden was curate of St. Peter per Montergate when this was consolidated to it.

The religious concerned here were the Prior of Walsingham, whose temporals were taxed at 3s.; the Abbot of Coumbes at 26s. 8d.; the Abbot of Sibeton 1s.; the Prior of Norwich 11s. 6d.; the Prioress of Carrow 6s. 2d.; the Abbot of Windham, and the master of the charnel, who had a messuage here, formerly of Alexander de Derham.

In 1675, the recorders and stewards meadows were laid to the hospital revenues by the court, who, instead thereof, pay 10l. per annum out of the city revenues, to the recorder, and 9l. per annum to the steward out of the same; these meadows are now turned into gardens called Spring-Gardens.

In this parish is Skipwith's-Place, so called from William Skipwith, Esq. its owner, in the time of Henry VI. and Edward IV. it was some time the city house of the Duke of Exeter, of Sir William Elmham, Knt. Sir John Carbonel, Knt. after that of the family of the Morleys, and then of the Lord Bardolf; it now [1744] belongs to St. Giles's hospital, and in 1687, was let to William Johnson at 6l. per annum, for 61 years to come.

On the north side of this, by Rushmere or Rustlin-Stathe, Sir Thomas Roscelyne, Knt. in Edward the Second's time, built a house, which he left to the Lady Margery de Chaumpayne, his sister.

The tenement that abutted on the east end of the churchyard, was settled in 1309, by Etheldred, relict of Hugh de Morley, to find a lamp burning before the high altar in St. Vedast's church, from the synod held after Michaelmas, to that after Easter.

In this parish is the island in the river called the Swan-Bank, and several bitmays or pieces of land gained out of the river, which pay small rents to the city; and the fee of the prior of Norwich extended over this whole parish, to Lovell's stathe, which is at its extremity, and took its name from Roger Luvell, its owner in 1249.

(40) The Gray-Friars


Franciscan, or Friars-Minors, had their original from St. Francis of Assisium or Assise, a city of the dutchy of Spoleto in Italy, so named from mount Assi, near which it is placed. This seraphical father, as he is commonly called, was born of wealthy parents in the year 1182, was educated as a merchant about 22 years, and then he abandoned the world, renounced all title to his father's inheritance, cast off his shoes, threw away his money, and contenting himself with one despicable coat, and a mantle or cloak; after the manner of the poor shepherds in Italy, he girded himself with a knotted cord or rope, prescribed a rule, not only containing the three vows of obedience, chastity, and poverty, which were essential to all religious orders, but divers laws for his disciples to follow; as to live without propriety of house, place, or thing, as pilgrims and strangers in this world, to be obedient to their superiours in all things, that are not against their own conscience, or contrary to his rules; and accordingly he would have them called minors, not only for their perfect denial of their temporal interest, but from that humility and lowliness of mind, which by his prescript they ought to have.

They are termed Mendicants also, because pretending evangelical perfection, they professed willing poverty, and subsisted chiefly upon alms, which they used to beg as all friars did, from door to door; so that all the four orders were denominated begging friars.

They were called Gray-friars from their habit, which was a loose gray garment down to their heels, and a cowl or hood, and a cord or rope about their loins, instead of a girdle.

Having got many followers, he established the rules of his order in 1209, and became himself the first minister-general of it, by approbation of Pope Innocent III. by whom it was approved in the Lateran council in 1215, and was confirmed by special bull of Honorius III. in 1224, and by many others afterwards.

St. Francis held his first general chapter or congregation of his order, in 1217, and then sent out many of his friars into different nations to preach, both by word and example, with great success; for in 1219, he called a second general chapter, at a little church near Assize, which was given him by the Benedictine monks, and was the first church and convent of the order; and then he saw 5000 of his friars assembled in the fields, such an increase was there already of his order.

Upon this, he resolved to extend his mission throughout the whole world, as well Pagan as Christian, hoping to bring the one to the faith of Christ, and the other to the primitive piety of the first professors of that faith; and with this view, among other places, he ordered nine of his friars for England, at that time miserably harassed and oppressed with a tedious civil war, between the King and his Barons; four of these were clerks, and five lay-brothers, and over them he appointed brother Agnellus de Pisa, the first minister provincial of his order in England; these nine were transported from France to Dover by the monks of Fescamp in Normandy; among them were three Englishmen, viz. Brother Rich. de Ingworth, Richard of Devonshire, and William Esseby; and having first settled in Canterbury, and had more friars sent to them, they divided, and went to London, Oxford, and Cambridge, and in 1226, came to Norwich, being the very year that St. Francis, their seraphical father and founder, died; they settled between the churches of St. Vedast and St. Cuthbert in Conisford, in a house given them by John de Hastingford, who for that reason is esteemed their founder: here they subsisted some time, before they could think of erecting any considerable convent, but by degrees getting several small tenements that joined to their house, they then declared they would erect a large church and convent as soon as possible, which made many contribute to procure them room for so doing; and accordingly in 1284, they obtained license from King Edward I. to enclose a common lane into their site; and in 1288, had confirmation of their foundation, and liberty to purchase to enlarge their precinct: two other licenses also passed in the years 1290, and 1296, for that purpose; in 1299, Hugh de Rokelund and Etheldred his wife gave them all their land in St. Vedast's parish, lying on both sides of their convent, the site which was at first wholly in this parish, though afterwards it was enlarged by adding and demolishing many houses which belonged to St. Cuthbert's parish, and in 1330, Edmund their son and heir confirmed it.

Having obtained a general confirmation of all the benefactions towards their site in 1288, it appears that they had parts of it from John le Grocer, Adam de Stonehouse, Rich. de Fornsete, the prior of St. Faith, the prior of Norwich, Mabel de la Canwet, Tho. de Stanfeld, the abbot of Holm, Alexander de la Sateryn, Thomas de Windham, Rog. le Merishal, Godfry Pikard, Giles the painter, William and Robert Justise, Roger de Morley, John de Wilton, Goda de Lodne, Will. de Colney, and William Virley, who were all benefactors.

Upon this, they immediately set about building a grand church, the length of its nave contained 150 feet, from the west window to the folding doors at the tower or steeple; and 50 feet from thence to the folding doors entering the choir, being the interspace of the belfry or steeple; the breadth of the nave and isles was about 80 feet, the length of the choir about 150, and the breadth 50; the cloister on the south side was a square of the length of the nave; all which building was finished in a few years, such was the piety of those times. This church they dedicated to St. Francis, to whom their other small oratory had been dedicated, which they now pulled down.

In 1345, they enlarged their site further, for King Edward III. licensed the Bishop to receive and assign to the prior of Norwich, in recompense for land conveyed by them with the King's license, to the Friars-minors, one messuage of Adam de Stoke, another of Thomas Stanfield; a third of Robert de Sprowston, chaplain, and 4s. a year rent of Adam de Saham.

In 1372, Tho. Ladde, citizen, was buried in the conventual church of Langley, and gave a legacy to these friars, for the soul of Goda his wife, and John and Emma his father and mother.

In 1391, Clement Hereward gave them 5l. and half the money arising from the sale of a house in St. Michael's parish.

In 1429, Sir Richard Carbonel, Knt. was a benefactor, giving them two altar cloths of gold tissue, a great Bible, &c.

Roger Virley licensed them to carry and recarry their goods through a creke of his, to their site, which was confirmed by Eliz. Elmham, widow of Sir John Ingaldesthorp, Knt. in 1404, and by Tho. Skipwith, Esq. in 1464, with license for the warden to fish in that creke, to the stone-bridge.

There used to be great resort to this convent, many arbitrations, as that in 1492, mentioned in Pt. I. p. 178, &c. being held in the chapter-house here, which was a grand room about 130 feet long, on the east side of the cloister.

In 1537, the Lord Surrey lodged here; and soon after, the convent was dissolved, and on the 12th of March, 1539, King Henry VIII. by authority of parliament, and his letters patent, in consideration for the good, true, and faithful service, that his well-beloved cousin, Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Earl-Marshal of England, had done and still continued to do him, granted to the said Duke and his heirs, "all the site of the late priory of the brothers minors in Norwich, lately dissolved, and all their church, steeple, bells, churchyard, fisheries, orchards, yards, and buildings, whatsoever, as well within, as without the said site, to be held in free burgage by fealty only." By which it appears, that they had kept up to their institution, having no other revenues but their site and other conveniences adjoining to it.

In this noble family it continued till 1544, when it was seized by the King, who on the 6th of Nov. in that year, granted many messuages, houses, and lands, within the site of the Gray-friars, to Paul Gresham and Francis Baldero, Gent. and their heirs, all which were afterwards parcelled out, and are now the inheritance of divers persons; the part of the site not passed by this grant came again to the Norfolk family, when the attainder was reversed by Queen Mary, and so continued till 1559, and then the city purchased it of the Duke of Norfolk for 200l. and let it at the then reasonable rent of 26l. 5s. 8d. to Mr. Rich. Sotherton, in consideration of his obtaining it at such a price from the Duke. This lease the city bought again in 1564, and took down the buttresses at the great house there, and demolished much of it; and on the 27th of Febr. 1688, they sold part of the site to Alderman Robert Cooke, and his heirs, for ever, who owned much of it before, and his son, Thomas Cooke, Esq. is the present [1744] owner.

I find the following persons buried in this church:

  • 1330, Robert Baniard. 1370, Sir John de Haddon.
  • 1371, Walter le Pestour, Pistor, or Baker, rector of Shropham, buried in the churchyard by Master Dionise.
  • 1372, William de Pulham. 1373, Sir John Reppes, Knt. by the grave of Sir John Bavent, Knt.; he gave Brother Ralf de Castre five marks for an annual, for the soul of Florence de Plumstede; to South Reppes altar 20s. and 26s. 8d. to St. Olive's, to pray for the soul of Henry de Calcote and his ancestors: William at Grene, vicar of Derham-Market, and Alice, relict of Sir Edmund de Redesham, Knt. were executors.
  • 1374, Henry Wynke, chaplain; he left 40s. to William, rector of St. Edmund's Fishergate, to glaze the east chancel window of St. Edmund's church.
  • 1385, Lady Petronell de Hardeshull. 1389, William, rector of Intwood; he gave legacies to Merkeshall and Kesewic altars, and glazed two windows in Intwood church, and one in the chancel. 1397, Hen. Oldbek of Great Wichingham, rector of Wramplingham.
  • 1418, Brian Easterford, rector of Biskele. 1423, Tho. Ode. 1431, Margaret, wife of Sir Ric. Carbonel, Knt. buried in the chapel of St. St. Anne. 1433, Tho. Boys, Esq. 1437, Hen. de Walsingham. 1439, Thomas, son of Richard at the Gates. 1441, Will. Sedman, citizen; he gave them 10 marks to repair St. Mary's chapel. 1442, John Brakle of Norwich, lyster (or dier), was a great benefactor; Dr. Brakle, a famous friar here, was his son. 1445, Roger Totenay, and Rob. Lowdesdale, Esq.; he gave the manors of West-Tofts and Breydeston, to be sold, to fulfil the will of Sir John Carbonel, Knt. to be laid out in acts of piety, for the souls of Sir John and Sir Ric. Carbonel, Knts. deceased, and the ladies Margery and Margaret, their wives, who are all interred in the Friars-minors church. Master John Botwright, clerk, of Swaffham, and Brother John Brakle, professor of divinity, were supervisors of his will.
  • 1455, Rob. Ryngman, rector of Bernham-Broom, Bishop of Gathy, and suffragan to the Bishop of Norwich, was buried in the choir; and by him was Robert Popy, his predecessor, also buried the same year.
  • 1459, Alice Preston, widow. 1461, Thomas Shyrlock, chaplain. 1470, Margaret Eton. 1474, Alice Brocher, widow, who gave them a legacy to repair their dormitory; and Will. Herbert of Swerdeston. 1481, Tho. Spark.
  • 1483, John Dyghton, vyntener, buried in the north side of the church, before St. Thomas's image, and gave 20s. for breaking the ground, and to such friars as are priests, a pipe of red wine, to sing their masses with, and a stained cloth with the 9 worthies; to the warden 20d. to each friar that is master of arts, 12d.
  • 1484, Cecily, widow of Tho. Shelton, Gent. of Norwich, buried by the tomb of her late husband in this church.
  • 1485, Edmund Albon was buried in Pardon-cloister in the Grayfriars, at the north side of St. Vedast's church; this cloister was so called because of the indulgences granted to all such as should be buried there by the Pope, which this convent procured, to get some advantage thereby, in the same manner as their neighbours the Austin-friars did, by their Scala Celi: this year William Phillipes, alderman, was buried here, by Catherine his wife; and one Margaret Est, who was buried in the churchyard of St. Martin in the Baily; being a sister of this convent, ordered her letter of pardon and privilege to partake of their indulgences, to be carried home to the convent, as soon as she was buried.
  • 1486, Margaret Fisher, widow, and Margaret Skipwith, widow, who was buried in the chapel of our Lady, contiguous to the choir, to ceil which, she gave 10l.; she was lady of Goulthorp-hall manor in Swerdeston. There was a gild held to the honour of our Lady in this chapel.
  • 1490, Isabel Lyston, widow, buried by John Lyston, Esq. her husband.
  • 1492, Rog. Aylmer, Esq. he gave 2l. 6s. 8d. to mend their books and vestments, to each of the four friars that carried him into the church, 20d. For a solemn mass yearly in the church for four years, 8l. Friar John Fisher to be his priest, and go to the church of Rome in pilgrimage, and sing mass for his soul at Scala Celi there, and to have 10 marks when he goes out, and 40s. when he comes home.
  • 1494, Thomas Bryggs, Esq. buried before the high-altar in the south part of the church, and gave them 100 marks to sing daily for his own and ancestors souls. He gave 10l. to the cathedal, 5l. for a stone to be laid over him, and the same for a stone to be laid over Eleanor his mother in St. Peter's Mancroft in Norwich. (Regr. Woolman, p. 222.)
  • 1496, John Springwell. 1499. Rich. Glaunvile.
  • 1501, Jeffery Freeman of Norwich. 1502, Anastasia Ellis. 1504, Isabel Hoode, widow; she gave 6 silver spoons, &c. 1514, Edw. Walsham. 1515, Margery, widow of John Havyrs, buried by her husband. 1516, Oliver Dude. 1529, Rog. Appleyard, Esq.

There were two other gilds held here, viz. of St. John the Evangelist and St. Barbara.

The chapel on the south side of the church was dedicated to our Saviour; and the image of our Lady of Pity was on the north side of the nave.

I find many legacies given to the box of St. Francis's friars.

They had two anchorages, one where St. John's church stood, as is before observed, and another, which stood against Conisfordstreet, directly opposite to the street leading to the Red-Well; in 1618, it was called the

(41) Ankerites garden, and was let at 10s. In 1515, William Beisby, who was buried in the churchyard of St. George of Tombland, ordered this anker to sing five masses of the five wounds, by the privilege of Scala Celi granted to Boston pardon for him, on the day or day after his death.

I find the following

Guardians, Wardens, or Priors

Of this convent, the rest of their names being lost, when their noble library was ruined at their dissolution.

  • 1260, Brother Thomas de Docking, so called from the town of that name in Norfolk, where he was born; being entered young here, he was sent by the convent to Oxford, to finish his studies; and after great pains taken in a sedulous application to the noble sciences, for many years, he was admitted doctor in divinity, with great applause; in which faculty he made such a progress, that he was made publick professor and regent, being reckoned among the first divines of that age, for he had then the character of being the very best of modern doctors; and to speak truth, his learned works proclaim his fame, many of which are extant in manuscript in Baliol college in Oxford. He left off publick teaching about 1260, and retiring hither to his own convent, became warden thereof in his old days, and died about 1270. Wood, Pitts, and Bale give us an account of him and his works.

About 1299, died Brother Peter Quesquel or Queswell, who was brought up at this convent, and died warden thereof; he was deeply learned in the civil and canon law, a great divine and famous writer. He recommended his name to posterity by several judicious and useful pieces of learning, which were kept in the library of the convent to its dissolution. The most remarkable work of his was, A Directory of the Law in the Courts of Conscience, and Judicial, which he divided into four distinct books, containing,

1. Of the most adorable Trinity, Catholick Faith, and 7 Sacraments.

2. Of administering and receiving the Sacraments.

3. Of the crimes which hinder the receiving of the Sacraments, and of the Penalties enjoined for the same.

4. The method of orderly directing the Things that relate to Right and Judgment.

Brother Richard of Poringland or Porland, was born at the village of that name near Norwich, and was educated in this convent. He was famous both for his holy life and great learning, being of a ready wit, solid judgment, and polite discourse; which talents, by diligent application and hard study, he so much improved, that he had deservedly the dignity, as well as the knowledge, of a doctor in divinity, being made professor of that faculty in this his convent, where his constant custom was to teach the young friars on working days, and to preach to the people on Sundays and holidays. He was author of many excellent books, most of which were kept in the library here till its fatal ruin; one of his treatises was Of the Passion of Christ.

Brother Roger de Merston, born in the village of that name in Norfolk, and brought up here, was admitted D. D. of Oxford, being the 16th regent professor among the Franciscans there; so eminent was his merit, that he was the 16th minister provincial of his order in England; he retreated hither in the decline of life; became warden after Porland's death, but continued so few years, for he died about 1303, and was buried in the conventual church here.

Brother Walter Catton, born at Catton by Norwich, was admitted here, and became a man of great fame, for his manifold learning and exemplary virtues; Leland says he was an excellent philosopher and divine, being also a great mathematician, he sharply reproved certain abuses in that science; condemned judiciary astrology, as an evil practice, hateful to God, and a mere device of the devil. In process of time, his reputation spread so far, that he was called to the papal court at Avignon, where the Pope made him his penitentiary, and took him for his confessor; he taught divinity publickly in his convent, the government of which he resigned when he went to Avignon, where he died in 1343.

Brother John de Wichingham, born at a town of that name in Norfolk, entered into the order of St. Francis very young, in this convent; where he first learned the languages, being sent to Cambridge, he studied there philosophy and divinity, with an extraordi nary success, answerable to his diligent application, and excellent natural genius: afterwards he betook himself to the sublime study of the Holy Scriptures, and preached frequently to the people with great fervour and zeal, teaching them to eschew vice and embrace virtue: he published many treatises, and died in 1362.

Brother Simon de Tunsted was born in Norwich, his father being originally of Tunsted in Norfolk: he entered himself in this convent after he had perfected himself in classick authors; he was a very great lover of piety and learning, took much pains in the pursuit of the liberal sciences, and became a finished master in philosophy; especially in the mathematicks and musick, and on these considerations gained a great name in the world. In natural philosophy nothing pleased him so much as the speculation of meteors, and the situation of celestial bodies; these studies raised his mind to more sublime contemplations, so that he seemed to dwell in the third heaven: he is highly commended as a most knowing man in all sciences, and some extol his great prudence and dexterity in managing affairs of importance; others praise him for his gravity and composure of mind, and set him off as a person of great worth and authority. Having seriously weighed all I have read of him, (says Pitts,) he seems to me to have been a man, not only of uncommon learning, but also, eminently perfect in all virtue, as appears from the great opinion his brethren had of him, who esteemed him the most worthy man among them, to be chosen by their unanimous votes, minister provincial of their numerous province of England, being the 29th in order in that office. He died at the nunnery of Brusyerd in Suffolk, Ao 1369.

Brother Jeff. de. Ling, born at Ling in Norfolk, educated in this convent, became a great antiquary and historian; a large volume of his, intituled Chronica, or Chronicles, from the time of Brute to his own days, was extant till the Dissolution; he died in 1390.

Brother Reginald de Langham, born at a town of that name in Norfolk, a learned man, doctor of divinity, and professor of that faculty at Cambridge; his wit was sharp, but his temper seems to have been somewhat litigious. He had the character of an excellent school-man, being very expert in all scholastick disputations, and accustomed to argue learnedly and smartly, to distinguish subtilely, to explicate clearly, and to conclude solidly. But I know not, (says Pitts,) whether it proceeded from the envy of others, which often attends the greatest wits, or from his own fault, that he had many learned adversaries of almost all religious orders, that wrote against him, to whom he returned the courtesy, by writing against them; he died in 1410.

  • 1432, Brother Robert de Carleton, born at Carleton by Norwich, died warden, and was buried in the conventual church here.

Brother Robert de Finingham, born at a village of that name in Suffolk, was entered and educated here in all the liberal arts and sciences. He finished his philosophy with great success, and made such uncommon proficience in divinity, that he had scarce his fellow in that sacred faculty: but the learning in which he most of all excelled, was the canon law; in the study of which he took exceeding pains, and wrote many things in that and other faculties; but being envied for his success in it, he wrote against all his slanderers, a treatise Of the State and Dignity of the Order of St. Francis, showing after what manner these friars profess evangelical perfection; praying continually for themselves and others, preaching to the people, begging their food and clothing, and finally, having nothing, and yet possessing all things. He died in

  • 1460, and was succeeded by Dr. Barnard.
  • 1465, Br. Richard de Colby was warden. 1468, Br. William Rokewood. 1469, Br. John Mowte. 1470, Br. John Spark. 1485, Br. — Thornham. 1494, Br. Tho. Glanvyle. 1496, Dr. Shenkwyn.
  • 1524, Doctor Call, warden herè, was also minister provincial of the order.

The English province of Friars-minors was divided into seven custodies: I. London. II. York. III. Cambridge. IV. Bristol. V. Oxford. VI. Newcastle. VII. Worcester; and this monastery was in the 3d custody, which contained the several convents of Cambridge, Norwich, Colchester, Bury, Dunwich, Walsingham, Yarmouth, Ipswich, and Lyn.

Many are the men of worth, and writers, that this convent produced, some of whose names are still deservedly preserved for their virtues and learning, as

Brother Henry de Brisingham, born at Brisingham in Norfolk, who was the 8th Franciscan professor regent at Oxford, and the 13th in Cambridge; a man of great renown; he was sent from this convent to Oxford, where by strenuous application to study, he not only attained the title, but the learning of a finished doctor in divinity, about 1261. He wrote a treatise intituled Summa de Sacramentis, and died about 1280.

  • 1290. About this time died, Brother Thomas de Bungeia or Bungeye, who was born in the town of that name, which stood on an island by the river Waveney, anciently called Le Bon Eye, or the Good Island; and being educated among the Franciscans here, was sent to Oxford, and there was admitted doctor of divinity; and going to Paris, was there perfected in the same degree with great applause for his performances; after which, he became theological professor at Oxford, being completely qualified for that high employment. Besides the common notions of philosophy, he was also a great mathematician, so knowing in the hidden secrets of nature, and so well skilled in uncommon experiments, that he performed such wonders by his wit and art, as exceeded the understanding of the vulgar, and were not intelligible to some men of letters; and therefore the Doctor was traduced by some, as a person dealing in the black art, holding a correspondence with dæmons, and in a word, a conjurer, and one that had to do with the devil. But indeed, I am apt to believe (with Mr. Wood) that Friar Bungey was no stranger to the surprising experiments of his brother Friar Roger Bacon, and believe he had a sight of his writings, wherein greater insight was given into natural magick, or experimental philosophy, than ever was before, it being almost totally unknown in those days. But neither Bacon nor Bungeye were ever held by the learned part of the world, to be such conjurers as to be guilty of necromancy, or of holding a correspondence or communication with evil spirits; though the ignorant and unlearned populace have looked upon them as such. Their experiments exceeded not the lawful bounds of nature, as their writings demonstrate; however, they might surpass the reach of the undiscerning and illiterate vulgar. But the most wise men of his own and other orders never so much as suspected him to be guilty of any unwarrantable practices; otherwise they would not have chosen him for their superiour, or minister provincial of England, as they really did, in which office he succeeded John Bungeye, D. D. in Oxford, who seems to have been not only his titular, but natural brother. He was some time divinity professor at Cambridge, whence he retired in his old age, to the convent of his order at Northampton, and there died and was buried amongst his religious brethren; he wrote a book of Natural Magick, and other things.
  • 1367, Walter Wiburn, Wiborn, or Wimburn, a friar here, was a man of good learning and poetical genius; he was author of a poem in hexameter on the Virgin Mary, another on the Godhead of Christ; a parcel of poems digested in one volume, and a history or treatise of the properties of the Holy Land.
  • 1375, Br. Will. de Elingham. 1417, Br. Tho. Lavenham. 1418, Br. John Brakle, born in Norwich, entered young in this convent, became afterwards doctor of divinity, and a most famous preacher; he was an intimate friend and chaplain to Sir John Fastolff, whom he attended to his death, became a great friend to the Pastons, was tutor to Sir John Paston, and chaplain to Judge Paston; many of this man's letters in Latin, to the great men of that time, together with a sermon in English, and other things of his own handwriting, are in my own custody; he died and was buried in the church of his own convent.
  • 1419, Brother Robert Colman, D. D. of the University of Oxford, of which he was chosen chancellor, with the general applause of that learned body. By this man's piety, mildness, integrity, and commendable example of all Christian virtues, N. Clopton, Knight, and Lord Chief Justice of England, was induced to contemn all worldly vanity, and in his old age became a friar of this order. He wrote several treatises, some of which still remain.
  • 1434, Br. John Feld. 1444, Br. John Pulham. 1460, Br. John Wariant. 1474, Br. John de Mulberton. 1485, Friar Edm. Brygate. 1486, Br. Nich. Lucas. 1492, Br. John Fisher. 1494, Br. John Underwood, titular Bishop of Calcedon, and suffragan to Bishop Nix, a rigid Papist, on which account, he was set aside at the Reformation. (See Pt. I. p. 546.) 1497, Dr. Roger Framingham. Br. John Springwell. And in 1530, Br. John Alborn.

More north, on the same side of the street, stood the

(42) Church of St. Cuthbert


Now totally demolished; the house in which Justice Clark dwells being built upon the churchyard, the west part of which joined to the street: it was a rectory valued at 6s. 8d. and in 1272, was united by Bishop Roger and the convent of monks who were patrons, to St. Mary in the Marsh, but the parishioners not consenting, it was dismembered again, and became a separate parish as formerly, and so continued till after 1492, and was then perpetually united to the church of St. Mary the Less at the monastery gates; it was demolished in 1530, and in 1535, the prior and convent leased out the churchyard to Thomas Godsalve, who totally cleared the ruins of the church, and built a house there. All that part of this parish on the east side of the street was in the fees of the Prior of Norwich and castle, and not of the city.

(43) The Suffragans tenements stand upon the castle-fee, and are in this parish; they were built by John Underwood, suffragan to Bishop Nix, and were given by him to the city, and are now a city lease; the house late Alderman Arnam's stands on their site.

This whole street was burnt down in the great fire, and the void grounds being purchased by Alderman Augustine Steward, Nic. Hare, and Leonard Spencer, Gent. in 1530, of Lancelot Wharton Prior of St. Faith's, the Prioress of Bungeye, and others, they conveyed them to the Suffragan, and he to them and others, for the use of the city,

The religious concerned here were, the Abbot of Waverley, afterwards of Langley, whose temporals were taxed at 6s. 8d.; the prebend of the chancellorship of the chapel in the Fields had a rent of 12d. out of a house here. The Prioress of Bungeye, and the Prior of St. Faith's; and about 1270, Walter le Mercer of Norwich settled a messuage in this parish in St. Vast's-lane, on the Abbot of St. Bennet at the Holm.

Towards the north-east of St. Cuthbert's churchyard, under the monastery walls, stood the

(44) Parochial chapel of St. Albert, an account of which, you may see at p. 53.

(45) St. Michael's Church or Chapel on Tombland


Was one of the oldest churches (if not the very first) in this city; it stood near the midst of Tombland, which is so called from the tombs then in it, it being the largest burial-place in the city, and before the cathedral was built, was the principal church; it was founded by the Earls of the East-Angles, long before the Confessor's time, and was by them amply endowed; it was indeed not parochial, but always served as a chapel to their

(46) Palace, which stood against the south part of the chapel yard, and included the whole south end of Tombland, from the monastery gates to the castle-ditch; all which, was then in the fee of the castle, was afterwards called Raton-row, and was divided into four capital messuages; the first of which, next the monastery, was in St. Mary at the Marsh parish, and was called the Stone-house; and the other three were in Little St. Mary's; the middle one belonged to the prior and convent, and the other two in 1330, to Roger Papinjay, in whose family it continued till Roger Papinjay, his grandson, turned the corner house into an inn, and in allusion to his own name, made it the sign of the popinjay or great green parrot, from which time it hath been a publick-house to this day, it now being the Popinjay tavern.

This church and its revenues were settled by the Earls of the East Angles, on the see, and accordingly Bishop Stigand held it in the Confessor's time, for in Domesday Book, fo. 162, we read thus concerning it:

In the hundred and village of Taverham, St. Michael's church in Norwich had one carrucate of land, in the time of King Edward the Confessor, and Stigand (the Bishop) held it in right of that church, there were there always 4 villeins and 2 bordars, one plough tilth in the demean, and another in the tenants hands, and four socmen that had twelve acres of land; there were always 8 acres of meadow, and shack in the wood for 12 swine, and the rents were then annually worth 20s.

At Stigand's deposition, it was seized from the bishoprick, and given to the earldom again, and so continued till the translation of the see from Thetford to Norwich; and then Bishop Herbert, when he founded the cathedral and priory here, procured of Roger Bigot Earl of the East-Angles, or Norfolk, the whole palace of the said Earl, and the church or chapel of St. Michael, and all the land in Taverham and elsewhere, which belonged to it; and quite demolished the palace, took down St. Michael's chapel, and laid open the whole churchyard for the advantage and beauty of his monastery, placing a stone-cross on the spot where the chapel stood, with the image of St. Michael on its top: this was afterwards called St. Michael's Cross, and was the boundary between the liberties of the church and city. This same Bishop having procured the manor of Thorp, which then crossed the river, and included the whole cathedral Precinct, and the Hospital meadows to the Great Tower in them, founded a chapel on the summit of the hill at the edge of Thorp wood, which then reached to the brow of the hill, and dedicated it to St. Michael, in recompense for this chapel of that Archangel's, which he had destroyed; the cure of which he assigned to the adjacent priory of St. Leonard, which he also built.

(47) The Church of St. Mary the Less


Commonly called Little St. Mary's, or St. Mary at the Monastery Gates, and now [1744] the French church, was a rectory valued at 6s. 8d. only, and so was never taxed; it was appropriated by the prior and convent, patrons thereof, to the keeper of the infirmary in the monastery, who served it by one of the monks; it paid synodals with St. Cuthbert's, with which, in 1542, it was consolidated to St. George of Tombland, as they now remain.

This church continued in use till the Dissolution, and in 1544, June 16, John Salisbury Dean of Norwich, and the chapter there, for 20l. granted a lease to the city for 500 years, at 4d. yearly rent, of the advowson of the rectory of the parish church of Little St. Mary in Norwich, with all the church, bells, lead, churchyard, grounds, walls, and buildings, thereto belonging, to be held of them without impeachment of waste; upon which, the desks in the choir, which the Dean had reserved, were purchased by the city, and the windows repaired, which shows as if they designed at first to have had it kept in use; but the case was soon altered, for the very same year, it was leased out in parcels by the city, as the following notes from the accounts show me: "36 H. VIII. received of Crane for a broken marbyll Ston that laye upon oon Preston's Grave, his Wyvys Husbond in the church, Yard of St. Mary Lytyll 12d. of Will. Waller for halff a yere ferme of St. Maryes Church ended at Myghelmes, graunted to him by lease for 20 Years 6s. 8d. of John Derne for half a Year ferm of the West End of the Church-Yard, as it is now newly inclosed with Ston Walls graunted by Lease, 3s. 4d. of John Jowel for a hole Yer ferm of all the South and East Parts of the said Church-Yard, with the Tenantry annexid, late purchaced of Arnold, 26s. 8d. (so that the whole Yearly rent was 46s. 8d.) of John Thurkyll for 7 old Fourmes that stood in St. Mary's Church 7s. of Tho. Farrour for the Font that stode in the same Church with a lytill Marbyll Stone that laye thereby 6s. 8d. of the Church-Wardens of St. George Tomlond for the Roodloft and the Desks of the Qwere 30s. of Tho. Barcham for the Altar and an old Tabernacle 3s. 4d."

In 1554, "the Lead of St. Mary Lyttel Church taken down May 10, being in the hool 52 C. 3 Quarters and 22l. and the said Church tyled. Two Loode of Lead carryed to Mr. Stywardes, which he had towards the Satisfaction of his Debt, for other Leade bestowed by him upon the Charnel House."

In 1564, when the lease expired, the city laid out above 43l. in fitting it up for a hall, for the strangers to search and sell their baize in, and let it and the hallage thereto belonging, at about 13l. per annum.

In 1623, it was made a hall for sale of yarn, and an officer appointed for ordering the business there, according to the orders of the King's privy council in that behalf. May 4, 1625, the King's proclamation was read to the Suffolk yarn and wool sellers; and June 15, the country yarn-men held their first market for yarn at this hall, and were prohibited selling elsewhere within the city. In 1628, a reasonable recompense was settled for hallage.

In 1631, the yarn-men objecting that this place was too small, refused coming; upon which, the following year, the yarn presses were removed from hence to a spacious place in the New-hall, and

In 1637, "the Walloon company having undertaken to repayre and make fit the church of Little St. Maryes to be used for God's worship by the said congregacion, and also to repair the yard on the north side," had a lease for 40 years, paying for the the ground on the north side 10s. per annum keeping the steeple, church, and walls of the yard in good repair; which lease hath been renewed, and now [1744] it is the church of the French congregation.

The steeple is square, but hath no bell in it; the church and chancel are tiled, and the south porch is leaded, there are houses built on the west, south, and east end of the churchyard, and the north part is a stone-cutter's yard. Over the entrance are two shields, one hath D, F. and a merchant's mark; and the other, a cross lozengé on a chief a lion passant, and 1636. They being the initial letters of the name, arms, and mark, of some principal of the congregation, that contributed to the fitting up the church.

There is a stone in the chancel thus inscribed,
M. S. Davidis Martineau Artis Chirurgicæ peritissimi, qui vitam suis percaram, quam plurimis proficientem, ah! præmaturé deposuit xxix Maij A. D. 1729. Æt. suæ 32.

Such persons buried here as I have met with are,

  • 1453, Tho. Trewe, alias Park, Esq. buried in the chancel, and ordered a stone to be laid over him with his image and inscription.
  • 1456, Ric. Bere, goldsmith, buried in the church, and gave a ship of silver for the use of the church.
  • 1456, Mabel, wife of Rich. Apulton, buried in the chancel before the principal image of St. Mary there.
  • 1460, Margery, widow of Tho. Park, Esq. aforesaid, buried by her husband.
  • 1463, John Folkard, alderman, buried in the church.
  • 1464, John Goose, shoemaker, buried in the churchyard, and gave to the "exaltynge of the crucifix on the rode lofte 6s. 8d."
  • 1474, John Baly, who owned the Papyngeay, was buried in the church, and gave a silver cross with a Mary and a John of 10l. value, and a candlestick and silver bason of x. marks, and two laton candlesticks of 4 marks, and two wax tapers to put in them, weighing 5 pounds a taper, to burn about the herses in the church, and at Easter about the sepulchre.
  • 1504, John Silke, notary, gave his antiphoner to the church, and 40d. to the curate.
  • 1516, Joan, wife of Robert Belle, buried in the nave by her husband, gave a stipend for a curate to serve in the church two years, and sing for her and her husband, besides much linen to the altar, and "a towel of plein cloth for to howsel with, of iiii or v ellys by estimacon."

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of Pentney, who had a rent of 5s. per annum out of a house, settled by Robert son of Ralf, son of Wibert of Newton by Castleacre, on the church of St. Mary Magdalen, and the canons of Pentney, which the prior, recovered after a suit for it in 1397. The Prioress of Carrow had a rent settled in 1252, of 2s. a year out of a house here, which was after paid by the cellerer of Norwich. In 1269, the prior and convent, with the Bishop's consent, granted to Elfred de Bromholm, glover, and Benedict de Hapesburgh, cutler, a piece of the east part of this churchyard, of 34 feet long, and 13 broad, to be held to them and their heirs at 6d. a year, and 6d. to the repairs of the church; 6d. to the keeper of the Infirmary, and a pound of wax yearly to the almoner; this was purchased of William Arnold of Cromer, Gent. in 1542, by the city.

The tenement joining to the north side of this churchyard, is called the Star-Ground, and sometimes belonged to the aldermen and brethren of St. George's gild; the next house to it was the Lamb, and was sometimes used as a meeting-house for the company, till 1550, and then the fraternity of St. George granted "all the tenements and grounds called the Lambe, the Stere, the two acres of ground in the feylde without St. Gyles-gates, and the customs or ferme of Fybryg Stathes, to the house of the poor peopull called Goddes-house (or St. Giles's hospital) to be employed to the use of the poor peopull in the same, kept and maynteyned for ever." And accordingly they belong to that hospital at this day [1744].



(48) St. Martin in Balliva


In the Baily, or bailiffwick of the castle, which was in this parish, for which reason, this church was totally exempt from all episcopal and archidiaconal jurisdiction, and all that died in the castle were buried here, (the royal chapel being consecrated for all uses but burial only,) and the constable of the castle, and chaplain of the chapel there, exercised all manner of spiritual jurisdiction whatever, and were accountable to the King's person only.

This church is often called by the names of, St. Martin at the Castle-gate, Super-montem or of Timberhill, of Berstreet, and St. Martin's Priory, because there was

(49) A Priory, or fraternity of friars, that dwelt in a house in the churchyard here till they were obliged to join one of the four principal orders, and then they united to the White-friars or Carmelites.

There is a deed in the gild-hall made in 1253, by which, Nic. the blacksmith of Berstreet, and Cecily his wife, sold a stall in the market for 24s. to the prior and brethren of the fraternity of the blessed Mary and St. Nicholas and all the Saints, then inhabiting in the church of St. Martin in the Baile in Norwich: and it appears, that the castle liberty extended beyond the limits of this parish to the King's ditch or cockey that ran down to the river.

The church stood on the triangle piece, on the right hand of the entrance of the Golden-Ball-lane; at the north end of which, the gate of the castle entering the outward vallum or trench, stood, and was the principal entrance into the barbican: this, and the church of St. Michael at Thorn, are of ancient foundation, originally belonged to the castle, and were given by the Conqueror, to that Ralf FitzWalter, who is mentioned in Domesday, (see Pt. I. p. 16,) in whose family they continued till Henry the First's time, and then Robert Fitz-Walter, founder of the monastery of St. Faith at Horsham, gave them to that priory, to which they were both appropriated, being united as to spirituals, though they subsisted to the Dissolution as single parishes, and then this was joined in all things to St. Michael's, as it now continues; they were valued together at 20s. it was served by a stipendiary priest nominated by the convent, and there was a gild held in honour of St. Anne.

At the Dissolution it came to the Crown, and in 1549, the rectory, and advowson of the vicarage, was granted to Ralf Sadler and Laurence Wynyngton; and the same year, Henry Albon and Robert Spull sold a bell, but were compelled to bring it again, and it continued in use till 1562, and then it was sold to the Queen, and the site hath been in private hands ever since.

At a court held the 7th of Elizabeth, this letter was read from the Lord Treasurer, and entered by the mayor in the court book,
"I comende me hartely to you, and forasmoche as the olde Church of St. Martins at the Bale in Norwich, wherof that Church and the Church-yard is solde, and the Bells and Leed reservyd for the Quene, which I have willyd my Frende Mr. Goslyn to take downe with your Oversighte, and to se the Bells and the Leade wayed, and me and other the Quenes Majesties Officers certefyed under your hands, and then leave the Leade and the Bells with Mr. Gostlynge, and yf your Self may not attende yt, I pray you appoynt some other Alderman that he may supply your Place and syne the Byll that you should signe, thus fare you well, this viijth day of December 1564.

Your Frende Wynchester.

Upon which it was certified, that there were two bells weighing 500 weight, prized at 6l. and that the lead of the church, porch, and steeple, weighed 7 fodders, and was valued at 70l. and then the whole was totally demolished.

The Prior of St. Faith was taxed at 62s. for his temporals, and the Prioress of Carrow, the cellerer and almoner of the monastery, had divers rents; for Roger, son of Eustace the baker, and Katerine his wife, gave all their ground in this parish by the castle-gate, to the almoner, which some time was owned by Sweytyne, servant to the recluse at St. John of Berstrete, and the almoner granted it off at 7s. per annum. (Regr. II. Pr.)

  • 1386, Nic. de Monte buried here, was a benefactor to the church. His will was proved before Clement de Knapton, chaplain of the royal chapel in the castle, where the original was then kept; this Clement was brother to William de Knapton Archdeacon of Norwich; there was a seal of office belonging to the spiritual jurisdiction of this chapel, which is fixed to the probate.
  • 1445, Petronel Saluse, buried in the church.
  • 1459, John Attleburgh, chaplain, buried in the church.
  • 1465, John Arnald, Gent. buried by the porch door.
  • 1474, Will. Byshop, buried in the church. 1477, Henry Cole, ditto.
  • 1502, Isabel, wife of Will Birde, gravour, buried in the church by Thomas Gurneys, her late husband,

A cross called St. Martin's-cross stood in the south part of this churchyard.

(50) School, Scolds, or St. Martin's-green, as it was anciently called, from its nearness to this church, took its name from the school that used to be kept in it, the present name being only a corruption of Scholars-green, from the scholars playing there.

(51) Norwich Castle


Though it never belonged to the city, but is now, as it always was, part of the county of Norfolk, and as it were, the head or chief place thereof; yet being always part of this parish, I choose to speak of it here. But as the history of its rise, progress, &c. is interwoven with the general history of the city, I shall only observe the principal things relating to it, referring you thither for the account at large.

That King Uffa, soon after the year 575, made this a place of defence, is already observed, (Pt. I. p. 4,) and that it was a royal castle in 642. But that in all likelihood the first castle of brick and stone here was built by Alfred the Great, before 872, appears in Pt. I. p. 5, which was destroyed by Swain the Dane in the year 1004, and rebuilt by King Canute his son, about 1018; which building, I imagine, was taken away to make room for the present stone building, which was erected by Roger Bigot, and repaired and beautified by Thomas de Brotherton, in Edward the Second's time.

For its being besieged in the Conqueror's time and taken; for its soc or extent of jurisdiction, its building by Bigot and being made his chief seat, and the liberty of the city first severed from it, see Ibid. p. 14, &c.

That it was a prison for the King's prisoners before 1135, and was taken by King Stephen from Hugh Bigot.

That he was made constable in 1163. That it was taken by the Flemings in 1174, and surrendered again to the King, who in 1184, fined the citizens for encroaching on the liberties of it, see Ibid. p. 32, 33.

That in 1189, King Richard I. made Roger son of Hugh Bigot Earl of Norfolk, and constable of the castle, who in 1212, joined the rebellious barons against King John, who seized the castle on that account, and soon after made Hubert de Burgh governour of it, who appointed his brother Thomas keeper thereof, who was forced to surrender it to Lewis and his Frenchmen, who joined the barons, see Ibid. p. 36, 40, 41.

But in 1217, on Lewis's departure to France, Hubert de Burgh took possession of it again, and on Roger Bigod's reconciliation, he was again constituted constable thereof, and died so in 1220; and it continued in his family till 1224, when the King took it into his hands.

In 1240, the custody of the castle was committed to the sheriff, and in 1260, the city magistrates were forced to sue for a royal pardon, for presuming to enter into the liberty of the castle; and in 1266, it was sacked by the disinherited barons.

In 1273, Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk had the custody of it granted him, see Ibid. p. 60, 66, 76.

In 1293, it was a county gaol, (see Ibid. p. 66,) and the prior allowed yearly ten quarters of wheat baked into bread, 6s. 8d. to the constable, 18d. to the constable's clerk, 12d. to the watchman, 18d. to William de Knapton, the sheriff's esquire, and 40s. on Candlemas day to the sheriff himself.

In 1300, Rog. Bigod resigned it into the King's hands; and in 1312, Tho. de Brotherton became constable here, and fitted up the castle in the manner we now see it, except its battlements, which though so great an ornament to this ancient pile, were not many years since taken down. See Ibid. p. 67.

In 1325, it was ordained that the first general sessions of the peace should be held in the shire-house within the limits and fee of the castle.

In 1339, it was annexed to the sheriff's office, for a publick gaol for the county of Norfolk, as it still remains; (Ibid. p. 86;) which produced an inquisition in 1344, to know whether the fee of the castle belonged to the Earl of Norfolk, or the King, and it was found to be the King's, (Ibid. p. 88,) who the same year granted it to the city, except the then shire-house, and site of the castle to the outside of the inner ditch surrounding the said castle, according to the bounds of the county lately set out there, (see Ibid. p. 91,) where the account of it may be seen at large.

In 1381, the custody of the King's gaol here was granted to John de Gray for life, and the 20l. per annum allowed to the sheriff, and anciently to the constable of the castle for keeping the gaol, was to be allowed and paid to the said John at the Exchequer for such custody during life.

In 1396, the city granted divers parcels of the Castle-meadow by the castle ditches, to be built upon, and by a renewal of the rental of the castle-fee, in 1485, it appears that part of the castle ditches, built and not built upon, were in, and extended into, the parishes of St. Martin at Bale, St. Peter Mancroft, St. Andrew, St. Michael at Plea, St. Cuthbert, St. Peter per Montergate, and St. John of Timberhill, and the houses built upon them paid 29l. per annum city rent.

In 1509, the city paid 54s. and 4d. to the King, reserved rent for the castle ditches and leet.

In 1610, the King allowed 20l. fee per annum to the keeper of the castle.

Originally, all the fees that belonged to the King and Earl, paid ward-money to guard this castle; many of which were remitted by divers Kings, and others continued till the late troubles.

The Abbot of St. Edmund used to pay the castle-guard of 40 fees till King Stephen's time, and then he remitted it, on condition that Hugh Bigot should pay castle-guard for all his fees that he held of Bury abbey, to this castle; and it appears, that the abbot used to pay to the sheriff yearly for castle-guard and wait-fee 16l. 3s. 4d. for his eight hundreds and half, 6l. 13s. 4d. rent, which he collected of the tenants that held the fees of him, every 20 weeks.

The Bishop of Norwich, before the exchange of his old revenues and barony, paid 17l. 2s. per annum castle-ward and waitfee, and 16s. quitrent, for the town of Lyn and hundred of Hoxne.

Hervy, the first Bishop of Ely, obtained the favour of Henry I. to have a charter of exemption for all the lands given by Tombert and Ethelfled to Ely monastery from castle-guard service.

The Abbot of Langley paid 3s. 9d. ob. q. every seven weeks, to the ward of the castle, &c.

This castle was defended by a wall round the hill it stands on, and three ditches also round it; the extent of the outermost ditch reached on the west part, to the edge of the present market-place; on the north, to London-lane, as it is now called, which it included; and on the east, almost to Conisford-street; the postern or back entrance was on the north-east part, for a communication to the site of the Earl's palace, the precinct of which joined to it, and contained the whole, between the outward ditch and Tombland; the southern part reached to the Golden-ball-lane, at the entrance of which the grand gate stood, from which there were bridges over each of the ditches, the first hath been immemorially destroyed, but the ruins of the second remained till the ditches were lately levelled by the city, for to keep their market for all manner of cattle, swine, &c. the third is still left, which hath one arch only under it, but of such dimensions, if it was open to the bottom (great part of it being stopped with earth) that I believe very few in England exceed it; the gate on the bridge is now in ruins. The castle is square, having a court within it, and

A Chapel of most ancient foundation, which is dedicated to St. Nicholas, is a royal free-chapel, and as such, is exempt from all episcopal jurisdiction whatever, being visitable by the King only.

In 1221, the Dean of Norwich was forced to supplicate for pardon, for pretending to any jurisdiction within the castle or its limits, or over any of the tenants dwelling in the castle fee; and upon inquisition taken, concerning the exercise of spiritual jurisdiction in the fee of the castle, the following return was made, which was sent to all that exercised any spiritual jurisdiction in the diocese, to be entered in their offices, that they might not plead ignorance for the future; and accordingly it remains in the 7th register of the priory of Norwich, now in the Dean and Chapter's office, fo. 68, it being in old French, and is thus translated:

The Free Chapel in Norwich Castle.

In the castle of Norwich, is a chapel which is called the King's Free Chapel, because the chaplain there daily sings, as he is obliged, for the souls of all the Kings before and since the Conquest, and the said chapel hath the following liberties, and had before the Conquest, that if all England be interdicted, but the King's chapel, the chaplain of this chapel can sing his mass by note in the said chapel; and neither archbishops, bishops, nor none of their officers, have or ought to have any visitation or correction in the fee of the castle, by reason of the franchise of the said chapel; but the chaplain of the said chapel hath the sole spiritual jurisdiction or correction of all the tenants of the castle fee, in such a manner that no official whether the dean of Norwich city or any other in the town, hath to do with it. The chapel aforesaid hath no right of burial, and for that reason the tenants of the castle-fee have anciently used their several parish churches for that purpose, and paid their tithes and offerings, and received the rites of holy church in their life, and at their death. But all those that die in the castle, as well prisoners as others, must be buried in the churchyard of St. Martin in the Bailifwick."

And accordingly the wills of all dying in the fee, were proved before the constable of the castle, and afterwards before the sheriff of the county, who supplied that place, and the chaplain of the chapel, the former having the jurisdiction and probate, as to all temporal estates, in like manner as the city hath in their liberty, and the latter of all personalty, as appears by those wills, which relate to the personals only, being proved solely before the chaplain, whose seal of office only is affixed to them all. In 1304, John de Bliburgh, blacksmith, had his will proved before the constable, chaplain, sheriff, &c.

The Prior of Norwich always paid a pension of 20s. to the chaplain, and usually presented the sheriff with 40s. at Christmas.

The chaplain, since the Dissolution, is appointed by the justices of peace for the county, from whom he receives 16l. per annum for his attendance on them, and service in the chapel, and is removeable at their pleasures; the Bishop used to pay him 4l. per annum as ordinary of the goal; for in ancient times in the King's courts, where felonies were determined, the Bishop or his deputy, was to attend to inform the court whether the felon could read as a clerk, or not: for since the statute of the 18th Elizabeth, every man to whom benefit of clergy is granted, hath been put to read at the bar, after he had been found guilty and convicted of the felony, and so burnt in the hand and set free for the first time, if the ordinary standing by, did say, legit ut clericus, i. e. he reads like a clerk, or otherwise he was to be hanged. But the ordinaries, according to the doctrine of the church they represented, willing rather to err in mercy than judgment, usually saved such offenders, hoping they might repent of their former errours, which occasioned reading at the bar to be wholly laid aside; for by the statute of 5th Anne, cap. 6, if any person convict of such felony for which he ought to have the benefit of clergy, doth pray the benefit of this act, he shall not be required to read, but shall be punished as a clerk convict; from which time the necessity of the ordinary's attendance at the assizes being taken away, the Bishop withdrew the stipend which was allowed for that purpose.

The Rev. Mr. Jonathan Thornton is now [1744] chaplain.

(52) The Old Shire-house


Called anciently Curia Comitatûs, stood in the parish of St. John of Timberhill, on the left hand of the entrance by the grand gate; on part of the ruins of which, there are stables lately built; here all the county business used to be done, and the assizes held; but in 1579, it was ruined, and the present shire-house built, which joins to the north side of the castle, and hath two convenient courts for the judges to sit in, and a grandjury chamber, in which the evidences of the county are reposited. There is also

(53) A House erected on the hill at the south-east part, a little distance from the castle, for the gaoler to dwell in.

(54) The Church of St. John Baptist of Timberhill
Stands at the north end of Berstrete, or Burgh-street, as it was anciently called, because it led to the burgh or castle.

This church is mentioned in old evidences by several names, as St. John ad Montem or at the Hill; afterwards Timber-hill, because the timber-market was kept at the joining of the cross streets before the churchyard; St. John at the Castle-gate, because of its nearness to it; and St. John by the Swine-market, which was formerly kept on AllSaints-green.

This church was founded by Wodowin the priest, who gave it, soon after its foundation, to the monastery of Norwich which was then founded, and it was always appropriated to that house, and applied to the use of the infirmary there, the keeper of which, by virtue of his office, always received the whole profits of the parish, out of which he repaired the chancel, found a stipendiary priest daily to serve the church; and the overplus was applied to bear part of the charges of his office, in supporting the sick monks, &c. The monks being disturbed in their possession in Henry the First's time, that King directed his writ to the Bishop, which is dated at Roan in Normandy, commanding him to permit the monks to hold it peaceably and freely, in as ample a manner as Wodowin gave it them; and unless he did so, he would send his writ to the Archbishop, and command him to look to it. Upon which, no Bishop ever after molested them about it. It was valued at 15s. paid 3d. synodals, but was not taxed to any first fruits, tenths, or other payments.

The church consists of a nave, which is thatched, a chancel tiled, a south porch and two isles with chapels at their east ends, which are all leaded; the tower is square and hath five bells, on the biggest is this,

Per me fideles inborantur ad Preces.

On the north side of the chancel is our Lady's chapel, part of which is now the vestry, at the entrance of which stood our Lady's box for offerings; this was founded in 1494, by John le Grice, Gent. who was buried in the midst of it in the year 1500; his stone lies there still, but his brass inscription is gone; he gave a new antiphonary and processionary to it. His arms, impaling

Bateman, his wife, remain carved on a seat, and those of

Le Grice quartering Bateman, impaling quarterly five cinquefoils, quartering bendy of six, on a canton a castle, over all, a label of three points.

In the north isle are stones for, Eliz. Rand 1675. John Clackson 1626. David Son of Augustine Clackson 1660. Gridgori Bootti 1648.

In the nave, John Benison 1742, 49. Grace Bently 1727. John Bently 1733. Grace Anderson 1728. George Bennet 1695. Phillis his Wife 1686. George Bennet 1697. John Son of John and Elizabeth Bennet 1708. Alderman Simon Whistler 1682. Simon his Son 1673. Tho. Cowden 1699. Eliz. Nat. & 3 Annes, Children of Tho. & Eliz. his wife.

By the font is a stone in the middle alley, which shows that Charles Woolmer died in 1724; the brass that came off it, is loose in the chest, and hath this on it,

Orate pro anima Katerine Dunnyng, que obiit Ao. Dni. MoccccoIriro.

In the south chapel was buried Robert Hales in 1436, and gave 40s. towards repairing it; this was also a chapel of St. Mary. In it and the south isle are stones for Anne Wife of John Perkinson 1686, and John their Son. Anne Wife of Tounesend Sheringham 1729, æt. 40, and nine of their Children. John Perkinson 1705, æt. 63. John Perkinson 1705, æt. 60.

There are no stones in the altar rails, and those in the chancel are for, Christr. Browne 1710, 57. Christ. Browne 1718, 61. Barbara Wife of Ric. Evans 1656. Eliz. Evans 1674. Eliz. Evans the third of that name 1681. Eliz. Evans 1669. Margt. Evans 2d of that Name 1682. Will. Son of Ric. & Barbara Evans 1670.

In 1385, Henry Skye buried in the church. 1438, John son of Will. Sporle buried in the church by his father. 1447, Will. Butte, merchant, in St. Mary's chapel, and gave five marks to repair it.

Here was an image of St. Christopher, with a light burning before it.

  • 1475, Walter Geffrey, alderman, buried in the church; and in 1493, Tho. Alicok, who gave 10 marks to buy a cope; and in 1479, John Erpyngham, gyrdeler, gave a legacy to the light burning before our Lord's sepulchre in Easter time.

The following were Parish Priests, Chaplains, or perpetual Curates here.

  • 1303, Sir Roger, parish priest. 1455, Sir John Pallyng, chaplain. 1492, Sir Will. Arnold, canon of Chaply-Field. 1494, Sir Rob. Swetman, buried in All-Saints church. 1555, Sir Rob. Fitton. 1563, Tho. Pidcock, perpetual curate. 1577, John Perkin. 1582, Will. Singer. 1590, Rob. Withers, his stipend was taxed at 6s. 8d. to the Queen. 1598, Tho. Woodward. 1608, Tho. Robinson, 1617, Will. Merricke, Rector, he always subscribed the register by that name, (1632, Gulielmus Merricke, rector hujus ecclesiæ per quindecem annos, et tunc anima ejus ad superos feliciter migravit.) 1632, Tho. Horne, perpetual curate, licensed as such. 1662, John Vicars. 1682, John Shaw. 1688, John Richardon. 1723, Tho. Manlove.

It is a perpetual curacy in the nomination of the Dean and Chapter, who are impropriators. The Rev. Mr. John Brooks is now [1744] curate. It hath the Queen's bounty, but no endowment at all. Dean Prideaux places the arbitrary contributions in his time, at 20l. but now they do not much exceed 10l. per annum. There is neither glebe nor house, though in 1504, the prior released 20d. part of a rent of 2s. issuing out of the houses which abut south on the churchyard, given by the will of Robert de Eston, coverlet weaver, for the dwelling of the parish priest. (Regr. I. Pr. fo. 275.)

Mr. Kirkpatrick says, that Sir Rob. Swetman, as parish priest, dwelt there; that the 2s. belonged to the infirmary, and that the whole but 2d. a year was released, on condition it should be kept as a mansion-house for the parish priest, according to the will of Eston the donor; that sometime after the Dissolution, the parishioners had it; that three tenements were let by the church-wardens, and that afterwards Mr. Freeman held it of Christ church.

Anciently there was a recluse dwelt in a little cell joining to the north side of the steeple, but it was down before the Dissolution; in 1641, Tho. Hinderby and Anne his wife, with general consent, rebuilt it, and dwelt there to their deaths, and then the parish pulled it down, finding it made the churchyard publick, which now hath no common passage through it.

In 1585, this parish paid 14s. 2d. knight's meat, and 32s. 6d. taske or tax; and in 1586, John Leech of Norwich, wax-chandeler, and John Cotwyn, tailor, for the mere good will and affection which they did bear unto the parish of St. John, moved partly in conscience to prefer the same, (to use their own words,) did settle on feoffees for the use of the parish, one tenement parcel of a tenement called Segoresinn, with a yard, and out-houses thereto belonging, with liberty of a well, &c. the clear revenues of which are to be employed for ever " towards the payment and discharge of the Queene's Majesties taxe, or other like exaction generall, within the said parish, and to none other use or intent." In 1714, the feoffees leased it at 3l. 10s. per annum for 21 years, to Mr. Townsand Sheringham, grocer, and it pays one halfpenny landgable to the city.

In 1666, Rob. Rosse, Gent. gave certain houses to the city, on condition that two boys or girls be maintained in the city hospitals; and the court ordered that two girls should be always maintained in the Girls-hospital, to be taken one from the parish of St. John Timberhill, and the other from All-Saints, provided the parishes or their parents put the said girls into convenient apparel and linen at their admissions; and that the aldermen of that ward give convenient notice to the officers of the parishes, to present two such girls to be admitted accordingly.

John Dockyng gave 5l. and Tho. Newham 10l. to be lent to the poor men of the parish, on security given; but both gifts are lost.

There is service here once every fortnight, and this is one of the four parishes where Hall's sacramental lectures are preached.

There is a silver cup, salver, and plate. The register shows, that in 1559, 64 persons were buried here; in 1535, 55; and in 1665,72; the plague being here in those years.

There is an ancient parish book beginning in 1555, with this, "Jesus have Mercy upon us, Amen payd the Orgayn Playr 18d. for fitting up the Sepulchre 3d. for stayning the Hye Awter xs. received of St. Michael's parish at Christmas xs. of St. Martin's at Bale xs. of All-Saints at Lady xvijs. xjd."

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of St. Faith, the Prioress of Carrow, he Master of St. Giles's hospital, the Abbot of Holm, who had 5s. per annum out of houses in the Swyne-market, given by Clement le Moine of Burnham; and in 1303, John de Weston had a grant of the Jews lands forfeited here, and Roger Beamund, merchant, and Beatrix his wife, released a messuage to the prior and convent.

The hog-market was anciently kept on All-Saints-green, which is called the Old Swine-market, in all ancient evidences; thence it was carried to Hog-hill in this parish, which received its name on that account, but it is since removed to the castle-ditches. The old shirehouse in the castle-ditches was within the bounds of this parish, and in Edward the First's time, the outermost ditch of the county (the city not then having the castle ditches) reached near this churchyard.

(55) The Church Of All-Saints


Is a rectory, which belonged to the Crown, till King Stephen, when he founded Carrow abbey, gave it to that house, which it hath constantly attended to this day.

It was valued at first at 40s. and afterwards in the King's Books at 3l. 14s. 4d. ob.; but being sworn under value, it was discharged, and is capable of augmentation. It hath a parsonage-house, which joins to the east part of the churchyard, the south end reaching the street; it is now let at about 5l. per annum; and about 5 acres and 1 rood glebe, called Alldery Hollond Close, near St. Giles's-gates, let at 11l. per annum. The herbage of gardens and lands lying within the walls amounts to about 2l. per annum, and the voluntary contributions comes to about 4l. per annum more. Dr. Prideaux tells us, the endowment in his time was 15l. per annum, and the contributions 8l.; it paid 6d. synodals, is subject to the visitation of the Archdeacon of Norwich, but was not taxed, and now pays neither first fruits nor tenths.

In 1576, the rector sued for 8d. in the noble, tithe, for the rents of houses; but it was proved, that it was not the custom of any parish in Norwich to pay according to the bare rent of any houses, without ground; but according to the substance, occupation, and abilities of the tenants, which is taxed by the parishioners themselves. There is service here once in a fortnight.

This church hath the following different names in evidences, AllSaints by Timberhill, because of its nearness to the timber-market. All-Saints in the old Swyne-market, because the green before it, now called Aldery-holland-green, or All-Saints-green, was the first swinemarket in the city; All-Saints by Berstreet, and All-Saints in Nedham, and often All-hallows, or Aldery-hallows.

Rectors Presented by the Prior and convent.

  • 1309, Jeffery de Wotton.
  • 1314, John Levyngs of Causton.
  • 1318, Walter le Claver of Disse.
  • 1323, Will. Hervy of Swerdeston, resigned.
  • 1329, John de Bekham.
  • 1349, Tho. son of Tho. Tabern of Litcham.
  • 1361, Will. Colyns.
  • 1386, Adam Smyth, buried in 1396, in the chancel.
  • 1396, John Dove of Antingham, resigned.
  • 1423, John Howlet, resigned.
  • 1435, Henry Boole, resigned.
  • 1436, Tho. Rodeland, resigned, in exchange for Ewston, with Tho. Stanford, who died rector.
  • 1453, Simon Thornham, resigned.
  • 1454, Rob. Pilgrim, resigned.
  • 1457, Ric. Anysson, deprived.
  • 1460, Sir Will. Swetman, the elder, buried in the nave by the entrance into the chancel with this on a brass plate:
  • Of your Charite ye that here for by gone, Prey for the Sowle of Syr Mill. Swetman.
  • 1503, Will. Swetman the younger, buried by his uncle in the church in 1509.
  • 1510, John Baker, O.
  • 1518, John Coke. Tho. Waterman was the last presented by the convent.
  • 1548, Ric. Clipper. Anne, relict of Sir John Shelton, Knt. owner of Carrow. John Parkins, died rector.
  • 1579, Ric. Peryall. Sir Ralf Shelton, Knt. Deprived.
  • 1584, Rob. Withers, buried here in 1597, and was succeeded by Tho. Pearsey or Pearson. Sir Ralph Shelton, Knt.
  • 1602, Gregory Swan. Devereux Greenwood. Buried 1611, and was succeeded by Robert Murdon. Sir Charles Cornwaleis, Knt.
  • 1614, John Moyse, buried here in Sept. 1625.
  • 1626, Millecent, wife of Will. Delphe, minister, (curate to Mr. Hatley,) buried here.
  • 1626, Will. Good, resigned. Humphry May, Knt.
  • 1626, Christopher Hatley, buried here, for whom there is a stone in the chancel near the entrance of the vestry, thus inscribed,

Here under lyeth the Body of that grave, loval, and orthodox Divine, Mr. Christopher Hatley, who was Minister of this Parish 52 Years, he lived 77 Years, and died July 8, 1679, in the 77 Yeare of his Age, and by him lyeth Sarah his faithfull Wife, and Eliz. his Daughter.

While they lived they learned to dye, To live with Christ eternally.
Sarah died 1670, æt. 64. Eliz. 1647.

  • 1680, Will. Kelyng. Charles Pigeon, Esq. this turn. Buried
  • 1685, and was succeeded by Charles Robyns, who was presented by Nat. Axtell, and held it by union, with the consolidated rectories of St. Julian, St. Edward, and St. Clement in Conisford, resigned.
  • 1688, Steph. Griggs, ditto. Deprived. (See p. 81.)
  • 1691, Will. Dalton, ditto.
  • 1704, Henry Shepey, ditto. Resigned.
  • 1737, Charles Ames, clerk, to the consolidated rectories of All Saints, St. Julian, St. Edward, and St. Clement in Conisford. Rob. Moreton, Esq. patron in fee, united to Ringland vicarage. He was succeeded by John Blackburne, by whose cession in
  • 1742, The Rev. Mr. Richard Brooke, the present [1744] rector, was instituted on the presentation of Rob. Morton, Esq. patron in full right.

The church hath its north vestry, nave, and chancel thatched, a south porch and north isle leaded, and anciently there was an anchor or hermite, who had an anchorage in or adjoining to the church.

The tower is square and hath three bells, on two of which,

2d. Gallus vocor, Ego solus, super omnia sono.

3d. O Magdalena, duc nos ad Gaudia plena..

There was formerly an altar dedicated to St. John, and a gild of St. Eloy or Loy kept here.

  • 1446, John Flye was buried in the church, and gave 40s. towards a new antiphonary,
  • 1453, Margaret, wife of Ralf Pygot, buried in the church. 1466, Sir Thomas Rodeland, priest, late rector, buried in the chancel by Will. Rudlond, his father, and paid 6s. 8d. "for brekyng the Ground, to ould Oudolff, for the Pardon of St. Tho. of Acrys 20d." 1471, Robert Sampson buried in the chancel. 1476, Will. Hew, butcher, in the church. 1532, Margaret, widow of Henry Larke, in the churchyard, and gave a legacy towards gilding of the rodeloft.

Under the altar is an old brass with this.

Hic iacet Thomas Glemesford Capelanus, cuisus anime propicietur deus Amen.

And in the Rails are memorials for, Will. and Mary Tovey 1669. Jehosaphat and Anne Tovey their Children 1673. Edmund Son of John and Mary Tovey 1674. Susanna their Daughter 1678. John their Son 1680.

Mary the vertuous Wife of Mr. Tho. Tovey 1693.

Etsi mortua, tamen chara Etsi chara, tamen mortua mihi, Mortuum est Corpus suum, Chara est Memoria sua.

Stones in the chancel; Theoph. Cullyer 1687. Anne, Daughter of Tho. Utber Senior, of Hooe, 1646.

There is a vault at the east end, in which are two coffins of lead.

1. John Atkinson, Mayor in 1702, died 27 March 1711, 77. He gave a silver salver to the altar.

2. His wife. His hatchment hangs on the north side of the chancel:

Crest, an eagle's head erased sab.

Atkinson. Arg. an eagle displayed sab. on a chief az. a cinquefoil between two marlets or, impaling, quarterly 1, or, a bend gul. surmounted with a fess vert. 2, gul. a griffin saliant ar. 3, gul. a chevron vert, between three spread eagles ar. 4 as 1.

In the nave are buried, Susanna Wife of Sam. Austin 1715, 37. John Baxter 1707. Sarah his Wife 1708. Peter Watts Senior 1706. Sarah his Daughter 1712, 23. John Watts 1742, 36. Margaret Wife of John Dunch Wine Cooper 1707, 24.

In Time of Trouble then her Vertue shin'd, In all Conditions equal was her Mind.

In the north isle. Lucy Webster 1735. Edw. Boot 1740, 95, Rob. Boot 1742, 70. Margaret his Wife 1742, 72. Eliz. Cocks 1735, 22.

Dear Child! her Life was short The longer is her Rest, God calls in Mercy first, Those whom he loveth best.

Mathew Son of Rob. and Julian Howard 1657. Thomas another Son 1660. Hannah a Daughter 1652.

To mourn for thee were Sin, Rejoice we rather, That thou hast got, An everlasting Father.

Francis Dr. of Henry & Prudence High 1712, 10. Will. & Anne two other Children 1701. Mr. Henry High one of his Majesties Coroners for this City 14 Years, who married Prudence Daughter of Will. Hase, 1732, 67. & eleven of their children. Richard Son of Will. Hase 1696. Will. a Son 1683. Jane a Daughter 1679. Ric. Hase 1684. Anne his Wife 1647. Prudence Dr. of John Burton, Grandchild to Ric. Hase 1673. Will. Son of Ric. Hase 1712, 67. Frances his Wife 1724, 78. 4 of their Children, and 7 of their grand-children.

There is a fine old font, having the 12 Apostles, St. Michael and the dragon, and many saints and confessors carved on it, and not far distant in the middle alley, is a large marble with the following inscription and arms in a lozenge, though the arms are wrong cut.

Turner of Essex. Ermines on a cross quartered arg. four ferdu-Molins sab. quartering

Dawney, arg. a bend sab. three annulets of the field.

Here lyeth the Body of Sarah Turner under the same stone, late deceased, which was purchased by her Brother Robert Dawney, for the use of his Body next, and noe other, untill the Decease of him,

And while she lived, she desired to learn to dye, That her Soul might live with Christ to eternitye.

Sarah Turner died the 14 Day of June 1687.

In the porch are buried, Mary Wife of John Laurence 1736, 58. Ester Wife of John Lawrence 1696, and John her Son. Mary Daughter of John and Ester Laurance 1727, 40.

On an altar tomb opposite to the chancel door, John Budwell 1733, 87. Mary his Wife 1733, 89.

In Innocence and Vertue, void of Strife, They passed an inoffensive Life.

John Tuley their Grandson 1733, 11. 4 Children & 13 Grand-Children.

There is a silver cup and cover, the gift of Mr. Jehosophat Davie to he parish church of All-Saints in Norwich, 1669.

A girl out of this parish is to be maintained in the Girls-hospital, of Robert Rosse's gift, which see under St. John of Timberhill.

In 1525, Tho. Clerk, alderman, gave a pair of chalices weighing 8 ounces, to this church, for the soule of John Levolfe late heremite.

Sir Will. Swetman, senior, gave a legacy to be added to that given by Sir Tho. Perse, clerk, to buy an altar cloth for the high-altar; and a mass book to St. John's altar, for the souls of Sir Nic. Derham, priest, Tho. Derham and Alice his wife, his father and mother.

There are two houses on the west side of All-Saints green, called the Parish-houses, given to the repair of the church; they are opposite to the church porch; I find they were owned by Will. Russell, immediately before they were in the hands of parishioners; which makes me imagine he gave them; though it is said they were given by Will. Tuck, but I do not find him as an owner, only first feoffee.

In Queen Elizabeth's time, the mayor and court licensed the butchers, notwithstanding the statute, to kill cattle within the city walls, according to license granted by the privy council, but confined them to Berstreet and All-Saints-green only; on which, at that time, there was a common-well, and a pit called

(56) Jack's-pit, which was at the south end of the Green, and is now filled up, and partly built upon; a piece of ground near it and the said pit, was leased by the city in 1701, for 1000 years at 3l. per annum to Ric. Buck.

The religious concerned here were, the Prioress of Carrow, the Master of the hospital of St. Giles, Dean of the Chapel in the Fields, Abbot of Holm, and Prior of Bromholm, who in 1317, purchased the house, which joins on the east part, to that which hath the sign of the city of Norwich, of Ralf de Baketon, and made it a lodging, house of entertainment, or inn, called

(57) The Holy Cross of Bromholm, to which the prior, or any of his monks, always resorted when they came hither, and entertained others of their own order there, in a publick manner.

(58) St. Michael's at Thorn


Called in ancient evidences, St. Michael in Berstreet, and ad Spinas, or at the Thorns, and even to this day, a very large thorn remains growing in the churchyard: I find it also in the most ancient deeds called, St. Michael super Montem, or St. Miles on the Hill, from its situation.

It was anciently a rectory appendant to the castle, till the Conqueror gave it Fitz-Walter, along with St. Martin at the Bale, and his descendant gave it, with that church, to the priory of St. Faith at Horsham, when he founded it; both which he got appropriated, on condition that the Prior should serve it by a stipendiary chaplain, as was done till the Dissolution.

It paid originally 12d. synodals, but the revenues were so mean that it was not taxed at Walter's taxation; and the synodals were after reduced on the same account.

The steeple was built in 1430, at which time there was an image of our Lady on the north side of the church; and there were a so two gilds, the one of St. Austin, and the other of St. William, held here. In 1680, the court contributed 21l. 10s. towards the repairs of the church.

It is now a donative in the donation of John Lord Hobart of Blickling.

  • 1324, John, parish chaplain. Rob. Gray. Martin Stebbing.

3d Edward VI. Sir Andrew Colby, parish priest.

  • 1633, Christopher Hatley. Sir John Hobart, Bart. donor.
  • 1637, Robert Tyte, A. M. to the churches of St. Martin, and St. Michael in Berstreet, on the donation of Sir John Hobart of Blickling, Bart.

The Rev. Mr. Stephen Norris is the present [1744] minister.

It hath service once in a fortnight.

The steeple is sqare and hath three bells; the nave, chancel, north vestry, and south porch, are all tiled.

I find the following persons interred here.

  • 1617, Abraham Leaman died March 18, he gave 4l. for a parish stock, which was afterwards lost.

Wythe, az. three griffins in pale or.

John Wythe Gent. died Oct. 22, 1717, aged 72, without issue, and left the poor and needy his heirs, and an indulgent widow, who out of love and gratitude laid this stone.

Clare wife of Ric. Hase, and neice to John Wythe Gent. 30 April, 1731, Æt. 49.

Wythe impales Atkinson, erm a fess between three pheons sab.

Clere wife of John Wythe daughter of John Atkinson, Sept. 23, 1695. Mary wife of John Wythe Gent. and daughter of Rob. Johnson of Horsford Gent. Aug. 17, 1705, Æt. 32.

Bacon, quartering on a fess three leopards heads.

Hic. jacet Corpus Richardi Bacon Filij Nicholai Bacon de Gillingham in Agro Norfolciensi Armigeri, qui infans obijt 24 Nov. 1649.

Ric. son of John and Francis Plunket 166--. Hamond Eastgate and Ursula his wife, he died 1684, she 1685. Kat. wife of James Bradshaw 1591. John Smith an infant 1651. Margaret wife of Henry Baily grocer 1637.

In the 2d north window is the following shield of arms,

Quarterly S. and gul. on a fess arg. three martlets of the second, in the first quarter a mullet arg. for difference.

The Prior of St. John of Jerusalem had rents, &c. in this parish.

There is a house leased out at 30s. per annum belonging to the parish.

In 1724, the overseers were charged by the city with a rent of 30s. per annum due for a tenement late built by one Wilson, holden at loose farm, but it had not been paid for 11 years past.

The house over against the church with a large garden, of 3 or 4 acres thereto belonging was anciently John Corbet's; then Edward Southwell's, after that Alderman Tho. Grene's; after that Sir Nicholas Bacon's city house; and during the time Bishop Reynold's was repairing the palace, he dwelt there; it was a grand house, but is now converted into small tenements.

(59) St. Bartholomew's Church in Berstreet


Called sometimes St. Bartholomew per Mountergate, was a rectory valued at 2l. 13s. 4d. in the King's Books; it paid no first fruits but 5s. 4d. tenths, till its destruction; 6d. synodals, and 8d. procurations; the advowson of it was given by John, son of Rob. le Masun, to the Prior of Wymondham.

Rectors presented by the convent of Windham.

  • 1310, Sir Robert.
  • 1312, Ralf Treghe.
  • 1313, Alan de Wyseth.
  • 1315, Jeffery de Snitterley.
  • 1342, Will. Gottis of South Reppes, resigned.
  • 1343, Rob. de South Reppes, resigned.
  • 1344, Rob. de Bury of Bukenham; he died in 1389, and was buried in the chancel, and gave 3s. a year to the rector for ever, out of his tenement in this parish.
  • 1390, Edm. Erle.
  • 1401, John Ham of Swannington, resigned.
  • 1408, Elias Masoun, resigned.
  • 1410, Peter Parlet.
  • 1411, John Bowde, who changed with John Hawkins for Hildebronde's hospital; (see p. 71;) and soon after Bowde was instituted again here.
  • John Grond, died rector.
  • 1415, Sir Simon Anable resigned, and from this time all the following rectors were instituted by lapse.
  • 1417, George Powr.
  • 1449, John Foster.
  • 1462, John Bemplow.
  • 1464, John Foster again.
  • 1492, Tho. Pekke.
  • 1493, Tho. Dynne.
  • 1500, John Feld.
  • 1527, Brother George Knyfe, the last rector,

For in 1549, the rectory, advowson, and church, which came to the Crown at the dissolution of Windham abbey, were granted by King Edward VI. to Ralf Sadler and Laurence Wynington, and the heirs of Ralf, to be held in free soccage of East-Greenwich manor, by fealty only: and soon after, the church was desecrated, the two bells and ornaments which belonged to it were carried to St. John Sepulchre's church, to which parish it was consolidated, as it now remains.

The church is now standing, though the chancel hath been ruinated a long time; the south porch, and tower, which was square, are also standing, but the top part of it is taken down to the roof of the church; the churchyard was large, it is now much built upon, and is owned by Justice Spurrel, who purchased it of Mr. French, who still owns about 3 acres of glebe in Lakenham field, which belonged to it. It stands on the east side of Berstreet, just on the south side of Skeygate-lane, which was anciently called St. Bartilnew's-lane.

In 1371, Tho. de Trows, citizen, buried here. 1522, Edmund Michelles was buried in the church, in which St. Bartholomew's gild was yearly kept.

Between Skeygate-lane, which leads from Berstreet to Conisford, on the north part of St. Bartholomew's churchyard, was one tenement only, which belonged to the Prior of Bukenham.

The messuage joining to the south side of the churchyard, and the close at the east end of it, was given to the parish by Richard Drew, chaplain, and assigned to the parishioners of St. John Sepulchre, when this parish was united; and they, in 1626, leased it out to Thomas Green, alderman; and now Justice Spurrel hath it; there were only two messuages more in this parish on this side of the way, both which were John de Eston's; that most north he sold, and it continued always a private property; but the most southern one Rob. de Eston gave to the curate of the parish, for his dwelling, and it now belongs to the parishioners of St. John.

In this parish, on the west side of the way almost opposite to the church, is a tenement belonging to the parishioners of St. John, formerly Nic. Hullok's, which was probably given by him to the parish of St. Bartholomew.

Many houses here paid small rents to St. Faith's monastery, they being held of that fee. I am informed the parish ground-rents are about 3l. per annum, and that the close belongs to the hospital.

(60) The Church of St. John Baptist And The Holy Sepulchre In Berstreet


Commonly called St. John at the Gates, from its nearness to Berstreetgates, was built in the Confessor's time, but after the survey taken by that Prince, in which it occurs not; and seems to have been founded by William de Bellofago or Beaufo Bishop of Thetford, who died in 1091, and left it to his son, Ric. de Beaufo, who held it in alms as rector, of the King's donation, (Pt. I. p. 465, note 8,) after his death, Eborard Bishop of Norwich purchased the advowson, with that of St. Nicholas at Brakendale, of King Stephen, and gave and appropri ated it to the monks, to the use of their infirmary. It appears by the Conquoror's survey, that two of the Earl of Norfolk's tenants disseized this church of two acres of glebe, but the Earl regranted it to the rector. (See Pt. I. p. 15, &c.) The keeper of the infirmary received all the profits, repaired the chancel, and paid the curate or parish chaplain annually for his service; at the appropriation the convent received all the tithes of many lands without the gates, in right of this church; all which are abuttalled in the 6th Register of the Prior and Convent, fo. 84. Besides the glebe which laid in those fields, the parsonage-house and orchard which joins to the south-east part of the churchyard, belonged to the parish chaplain till some time after the Dissolution, but are now leased out by the dean and chapter, who enjoys the glebe, tithes, &c. that belonged to it.

The curate receives out of Bokenham's-house in Berstreet 10s. per annum, and the rent of some tenements in the parish of St. James, now amounting to about 6l. per annum, which were given by Thomas Doughty, Gent. "for the better mayntenance of a weekly and every week preaching minister in the parish of St. John Sepulchre in Berstreet, and of the parish clerk attending such minister. And for the default of such preaching minister, for the benefit of the poore of the said parish." The curate here is to preach Mr. Craske's sermon annually, (see Pt. I. p. 380,) and Alderman Church's sermon, for which see Ibid. p. 421. It hath the Queen's bounty, with which no purchase is as yet made. Dean Prideaux makes the endowment in his time 4l. and the contributions 16l. and the whole now is estimated at 30l. per annum. Here is a sermon every Plow-Monday, which the curate hath 10s. for, of the gift of Mrs. Kemp, for which an estate in Heydon is tied.

It is now a perpetual curacy, in the nomination of the dean and chapter, who are impropriators

Parish Priests, Chaplains, or perpetual Curates.

  • 1158, Sir Richard, parish priest. 1492, Sir Ric. Tomson, chaplain. 1530, Sir Richard Skippe, chaplain, buried in the chancel this year. 1558, Sir Will. Seman, buried here, and was then succeeded by George Edwards, perpetual curate. 1560, Mr. George Leedes, curate. 1570, Tho. Gardiner, curate. 1616, Ralf Furnes. 1635, Tho. Displain, curate; he was ejected in the late rebellion, and had at that time a wife and 4 children. (Walker, Append. fo. 415.) 1662, Mr. Watts, curate. 1673, William Kelyng. 1738, Mr. Richard Deere, (see p. 25.)

The Rev. Mr. Ephraim Megoe, one of the minor canons, is now [1744] curate.

The rectory was anciently valued at 20s. taxed at 5s. and paid 3d. synodals.

The benefactors that I have met with are,

  • 1492, Rob. Cok, rafman, buried at the entrance out of the nave into the chancel, and gave a fodder of lead towards leading the church, which was then designed. "Item I wull that Robert my Son have my Ground over the Way against my Place wherein I dwell, which I bought of Tho. Alicock, so that he, his Eyrs and Assignes, thereof paye and discharge the Inhabitauntes and Dwellers in the seid parish of the Kinges Taxe, as often as it hereafter shall fortune to be payde." This lies on the west side of Berstreet, and was the last house but one in this parish, before St. Bartholomew's was joined to it, and now belongs to the parishioners: "Item, I wull that a Laumpe be founde brennyng on my Grave every Sonday and Fest-full in the Yere at all Divine service, and also that it be light dayly at vij of the Belle before Mydday, and brenne from vij of the Belle dayly till High Mase be endid in the said Church of St. Sepulchre." In 1471, John Cok was buried at his father's right hand.
  • 1672, Mr. Nathaniel Cocke of London, merchant, by will dated Nov. 28, gave to the parish of St. John Sepulchre at Norwich (where he was baptized) 130l. to be laid out in lands "and the profits and income thereof, to be given and distributed yearly unto the poore of the same parish." (Lib. Benefact. in le Gild-Hall.) With this, 33 acres of land in Horsted were purchased, which being improved, are let at 13l. per annum by the parish.
  • John Gower, plomer, who by will dated Aug. 20, 1507, gave to the reparations of St. Sepulchre's church for ever, his two tenauntries or houses in Finkel-street, on condition that 10 or 12 of the principal of the parish be infeoffed therein to the said use, and when they be dead all but two or three, they to renew to 12 more to be chosen by the parishioners. They now belong to the parish, and stand almost opposite to the south-west corner of the churchyard. This John is buried in the south chapel, as was Kat. Gower in 1468.

Mr. Luke Fisher gave houses and lands in Elme in Cambridgeshire, now let at 24l. per annum clear of all taxes, to the poor of this parish; with which 10 chaldrons of coals are yearly bought and given to the poor, and the rest laid out in blue coats and gowns; it was settled by Mr. Fisher, executor of Luke, in 1642; Mrs. Margaret Fisher gave a legacy to repair the church in 1474.

Mrs. Kemp gave 20s. per annum to the poor, and 10s. to the minister, as is before observed; and an estate now owned by Erasmus Earl, Esq. lying in Heydon, is tied for these yearly payments, as I am informed.

Mr. Johnson tied the King's arms by Berstreet-gates, now owned by Mr. George Hainsworth, for three chaldrons of coals, to be yearly given to six of the poorest people in the parish.

  • 1686, Mr. Michael Smith, by will dated Jan. 20, gave 2s. weekly, to be divided in bread every Sunday, in the parish church, to such of the poor of the parish, as are most frequent at divine service; and the estate is now owned by Mr. Tho. Bound.

There are divers houses in St. Austin's parish now rented at 20l. per annum, given by Mr. Baker to the butchers in Berstreet ward, which are now in feoffees hands for that purpose.

For the lands and tenements now belonging to this parish, in right of the united parish of St. Bartholomew, see under that parish.

The religious concerned here were, the Prioress of Haliwelle; for in 1261, Julian Prioress there, leased a piece of ground in this parish to Thomas, son of Stanard de Trowse, and his heirs, paying to the priory 2s. a year. The Prior of Cokesford, Prior of St. Faith, Prior of Norwich, and Prioress of Carrow.

On the south-east part of this churchyard, are

(61) Berstreet-Gates


Which in ancient times were the most frequented gates of the whole city, the grand passage to the castle entering there; in this street there is a common well and pit, which was always repaired and emptied by the city. On the east side of the street, opposite to the churchyard, in Blaks-hall, so called from William Blackamore, its owner in Edward the Third's time.

In Henry the Third's time there was a recluse dwelt in the chuchyard, and in 1455, Thomas, a hermite, dwelt in a hermitage by Berstreet-gates. The parish is now in the jurisdiction of the dean and chapter.

This church hath a square tower, clock, and five bells, on the third is,

In eternis annis, resonat Campana Johannis, it being the largest bell before St. Bartholomew's bells were brought hither, and so was dedicated to St. John, as the church was. The two biggest were rung by Thomas Potter in 1537, for then James Cootes, who was buried here the foregoing year, gave 6l. 13s. 4d. towards it, and in 1502, Will. Thacker, butcher, gave 40s. On the 5th is this,

Vas tu Campanas formasti, Pottere Thomas.

The porch, nave, and two transverse chapels are leaded, and the chancel is tiled.

The register in the chest begins in 1538; from which I observed that Alderman Thomas Grew was buried in 1548; Alderman John Howse in 1558; Ursula Heydon, Gent. in 1570; in 1578, Anne Jackson was the first that died of the plague, 59 being buried this year, 63 in 1579, and 50 in 1589. See Pt. I. p. 354, 356.

In the churchyard are two headstones, from which I transcribed the following lines:

Mary Wife of Charles Brandon, 1741, æt. 43. Adieu! vain World I've known enough of thee, And I am heedless what thou say'st of me, Thy Smiles I court not, nor thy Frowns do fear, My Toils are past, and I rest quiet here.

Rose Wife of Richard Simson, 1737. Death is a Market where we all must meet, It's found in every City, Town, and Street, If we our Lives, like Merchandise could buy, The Rich would ever live, the poor alone must dye.

In 1505, Thomas Snellyng, butcher, was buried in the middle of the south chapel, which is dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and gave five marks towards a suit of vestments, if the parish would be the rest; Alice his wife executrix.

The north chapel is dedicated to our Lady; in 1502, James Cootes was buried in the said chapel, to which he gave two copes of white damask, to serve in the church at the feasts of our Lady; and ordered a gravestone six feet and an half in length to be laid over him, "Item, I well that the chapel on the north side of the Churche be made newe of my goods, like unto the chapell on the south side." The same year also, William Thacker, butcher, was buried in it before the altar, and gave a cope.

In 1515, Edward Norman, worsted weaver, gave a lamp to burn a year in the chancel, before the blessed Sacrament.

There was an image of St. Anne in a niche or tabernacle in the nave.

In 1737, the church was robbed of the silver cup, &c.

On a mural monument at the east end of the chancel on the south side,

In Commemoration of Bernard Church Esq; Son of Richard Church late of Whinburgh, in the County of Norfolk Clerk, borne at Whinburgh aforesaid the 17 of May 1604, Sheriff of this Citye 1644, Mayor of the same in 1651, one of the Burgesses for the same 1654; he died July 28, 1686, a Benefactor to this antient Corporation; It is the Work of Charity to build up Christians, but it should not be the Work of Christians to beat down Charity. 1 Cor. Cap. 14, Ver. 1

On another mural monument on the south chancel wall near the east end,

Here at the Foot of this Wall, in hope of a joyfull Resurrection to Life eternal, resteth the Body of Katherine Quarles, she was the Daughter of Edmund Quarles Gent. of this City of Norwich, Wife of Barnard Church Esq; some time Major of this City, a Woman indued with Godly Grace, Charity, and Love to all; she changed this Life for a better, May 19, 1670, aged 63 Years.

Heer's Matter both of Hart tormenting Grief, And Joy, which to my Hart doth give Releif, Of Grief, that he have lost soe deare a Wife, Of Joy, that she hath gain'd eternal Life.

On flat stone before the altar,

Crest an eagle's head erased. Salter, gul. ten billets or.

Here lays Capt. Nicholas Salter whose Choice Endowments both in Grace and Art, Deserve the ablest Hand to express but Part; As to Religion constant and sincere, Faithful and fervent, fighting while h' was here, The Fight of Faith; o'recome, and is sett downe, His Course he finish'd, and enjoys a Crowne; And for his Art and Ingenuity, By his exquisite Skill in Turning, Hee Made so conspicuous, that who it beheld, Was at his Art with Admiration fill'd, But cease, no more, only a Sword, a Tear, To lett the Reader know, choise Dust lies here.

He died 7 June, 1669, being aged 52 Years.

By this, lies a stone with two effigies in brass on it, and under each was a brass inscription, which are now loose in the chest.

Browne, per bend arg. and sab. three mascles counterchanged. Crest, an eagle issuant proper.

John Browne of Waltone Gentleman, Phillip Browne's Son and heir, Brother unto Winifrid, Vis onlie Sister deare, Forseeinge that Mans Life is traile, And subject unto Death, Vath rhosen him, this sylle Shrine, Co shreud his Corps in Earth, Yet hopes he for to rise again, Through Faith in Christ, God's Son, Whoe for his Soule elect to Life, A glorious Croun hath wone, This is his Hoape, this is his Truste, Faith is his only Shielde, By whiche he oher Syn and Death, And Sathan wins the Feeild.

Winifrid Browne the Daughter of Phillip and Anne his Wife, Under this Stone inclosed is, Deboid of breathed Life, A Virgin pure, she libde I di'de God Garnish'd her with Grace, And like a Christian in his Feare, She ran her Pilgrims Race, A lowlie Part she eber had, Belob'de of Rich and Pore, An Sprite I Truth she daile sought, The Lord God to adore. But though this hertuous Virgin young, Unto the World be dead. The Lambe of God, we hope in Heaven, With Glorp Crowns her Head.

On a brass by the chancel entrance,

Here resteth John Chapman inter'd Waiting the Resurrection, Whose Soul to Heaven's transfer'd, Into the Lord's Perfection. Obijt 27 Sept. Ao. 1621, æt. 82.

Will. Quarles Gent. Sword-Bearer 1666.

On a stone on the south side of the font. A fess chequy between three palmer's scrips.

Priscilla Wife of John Spurrell, Esq; Daughter of Mr. Robert Chad, late of Wells Merchant, died Dec. 11, 1742, æt. 60.

'Tis mine to Day to moulder in the Tomb, To morrow may thy awfull Summons come, Thus frail & sleep secure! awake or know, Thy Dreams will terminate in endless Woe, Wake & contend for Heavens immortal Prize, And give to God each Moment as it flys, Serene then mayst thou recollect the past, And with a sacred Transport meet the Last.

Ric. & Hellen Collinges 1639. John Tooke 1677. Tho. Watts Clerk, 1671. Grace his Wife 1665. Rob. Hacon Surgeon 1716, 33. Margaret Wife of Ric. Hacon 1718, 70. Richard Hacon 1722, 78. Eliz. Wife of Stephen Jackson, Daughter of Richard and Margaret Hacon 1743, 70. Thomas Corrington 1653.

(62) The Rectory of St. Winewaloy or St. Catherine, in Newgate


Was first dedicated to St. Winewaloci or Winewaloy, commonly called Winall, who was bishop and confessor, and had the 3d of March kept holy to him; at the time of Norwich Domesday, it appears to have been rededicated to St. Catherine; it was valued at 6s. 8d. but was not taxed, though it paid first fruits, and 6d. synodals.

It was given by King Stephen to his nuns at Carrow, who presented the rectors till 1349, when the whole parish was almost depopulated by the great pestilence, and never recovered since, but dwindled away, so that now there is only one house standing in its limits; upon this, the tithes and glebes which were considerable, and the whole profits, were appropriated to Carrow, and the church made a chapel only, though they still presented a rector, and paid him a stipend.

Rectors presented by the Prioresses.

  • 1357, Rob. de Elmham.
  • 1360, Peter Knot.
  • 1337, Will. de Kelb.
  • 1395, Will. de Colnyse of Briston.
  • Henry Mayhew, he changed it for Wroxham in 1411, with Adam Smith.
  • 1418, Will. Baxter of Boton.
  • 1438, Rob. Brown. Rob. Mateshall, res.
  • 1490, Will. Swetman the elder.
  • 1503, Will. Swetman the younger; he held it by union with AllSaints, and gave the nuns 20s. if they would give the chapel to his successour there, and ordered a pardon to be purchased from the court of Rome, to remain in the church of St. Catherine in Norwich, if it be annexed to the church of All-Saints; by which it is plain, the dissolution of this chapel was then talked of, and this rector did it with a view that it might not be pulled down, but supported by this pardon, which would produce sufficient to find a priest to perform service in it, but his design was frustrated by the Dissolution.
  • 1509, Tho. Bower on Swetman's death; he died rector.
  • 1530, 27 May, Thomas Waterman, was the last rector ever presented to this church;

The advowson of which passed with Carrow abbey by grant of Henry VIII. to Sir John Shelton, Knt. and the chapel being void and looked upon as a free chapel, and so subject to be dissolved by the act of Edward VI. that Prince granted it by the name of St. Catherine's chapel and chapel yard, containing half an acre, with all the tithes, &c. thereto belonging, to Sir Tho. Woodhouse of Waxham, Knt. and his heirs; but in 1561, great contests arose between Ralph Shelton of Shelton, Esq. and John Bonde of Carrow, who had purchased it of Wodehouse, and obtained also a lease of it in 1543, of Anne Shelton, widow of Sir John Shelton, and John her son and heir; and after many contentions, all parties agreed, and conveyed the whole to Anthony Stile, notary publick, whose wife Margaret, in 1567, joined with Anthony Stile, notary publick, her son and heir, and conveyed the whole to the city, for the use of St. Giles's hospital, as part of the 200l. per annum that Edward VI. had granted them license to purchase in mortmain; it was conveyed to them by the name of St. Catherine's chapel yard, containing one acre, because the half acre lying west on the chapel yard, called St. Catherine's Close, on which the parsonage once stood, was now added to it; the chapel stood in the midst of the triangle half acre opposite to the Broad Tower in the walls, at the very joining of the way under the walls leading from Brazen-door to Berstreet, and that way coming from Great Newgate in St. Stephen's, leading also to Berstreet, which was anciently Little Newgate, or St. Catherine's-street. The other part of this parish belonged before to the city, who paid the tithe of it to this chapel; on the purchase of which, it became tithe free; the rest of the closes which extend to the way leading to Brazen-door on the west, contain six acres, and had a barn and a dove-house standing on a hill on the west part, both which are now demolished: the city close, containing four acres, on the north side of Catherine-street or Little Newgate, paid tithe here, and several other closes there, and without the walls, were titheable here; all which are specified in a schedule in the gildhall. These closes are now leased out by the city, and are part of the hospital revenues.

The religious concerned here were, the Prioress of Carrow, who had once no less than 28 tenements in this parish. The Dean of the chapel in the Field, who had a tenement formerly Walter Broadwater's.

This parish was united to St. Stephen's, as it now remains, though the rents of the closes, &c. are placed in the accounts under St. Michael at Thorn.

The way dividing St. Stephen's and St. Catherine's parishes, leading by Jack's-pit to All-Saints-green, goes to the gate now called

(63) Brazen-Door


Which was originally a tower, with a postern of brass, from which it took its name; it was afterwards of iron, for it is often called the Irondoor; after that, it was made a passage for horsemen, and then was called the New-gate, from which the neighbouring streets took their names; and after that, was called the Swyne-market-gate, and it is a publick gate for all carriages at this time.

And now having done with this great-ward, I shall proceed to



Which contains only the parishes of St. Peter of Mancroft, St. Giles, and St. Stephen; each of which, are a small ward of themselves; and to proceed where we left, I shall first take the parish adjoining to that of St. Catherine, which is that of

(64) St. Stephen The Proto-Martyr


This church was founded before the Conquest, as a parochial church for all the sick and needy that belonged to the castle, whose dwelling here gave this part of the city the name of Nedham, by which it is constantly called in all evidences.

It was a rectory given by King Henry I. to the convent, and was confirmed by King Henry II. with Eaton and Trowse Newtou, to be held in as ample a manner as it was in the time of his grandfather; it continued a rectory in their presentation till 1205, and then John de Grey Bishop of Norwich appropriated it, after the death of John de Hastyngs, then rector, to the prior and monks, to the use of the chamberlain of their monastery, towards the monks clothing; reserving a pension of 30s. a year to be paid by the chamberlain out of it, to the cellerer; all pontifical and parochial jurisdiction whatever being expressly reserved to the Bishop, which is the reason that though it belongs to the dean and chapter, it is not in their exempt jurisdiction, but is subject, as other parishes, to the episcopal and archidiaconal visitation, correction, and jurisdiction, as it always was. The appropriation is dated at Norwich, and was transacted by Master Jeffery de Derham, then chancellor, in the presence of Masters Will. de Len, Rob. de Gloucestre, Rob. de Tywa, Alan de Gray, and Alan of St. Edmund. The rectory being then valued at ten marks, and taxed at eight marks. The vicarage remained unendowed till 1303, and then the jury for that purpose, viz. Thomas, rector of St. Andrew, Peter, rector of St. John Madirmarket, Jeffery, rector of St. Margaret Westwick, Roger, parish chaplain of St. John of Berstreet, Ralf, chaplain of St. Gregory, Walter, chaplain of St. Giles, &c. found, that the profits of the living chiefly consisted in offerings, then worth 17 marks, 8s. 4d. a year, the tithes of 4 acres and 1 rood of arable land lying in the fields, valued then at 5s. per annum and that the vicarage was then not endowed; upon which, in 1304, the Bishop ordained and endowed the vicarage, viz, that the vicar and his successours should for ever receive all the profits whatever, belonging to the rectory; with all the houses and lands, paying out of them a yearly pension of 13 marks to the convent, by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and also all ordinary outgoings, as synodals and procurations; he was also to find and keep the books and ornaments belonging to the chancel, at his own charge; but all accidental extraordinary charges of repairing, or if there be occasion, of rebuilding the chancel, were to be born, two thirds by the convent, and one by the vicar: the Bishop reserved power for himself or successours, to alter this ordination or settlement, at any time hereafter. And thus it stood till 1342, when Jeffery de Hecham, then vicar, refused to pay the pension to the convent, for which the Prior prosecuted him in the Bishop's consistory, where he pleaded, that the revenues, after the pension paid, were not sufficient maintenance for the vicar, according to the statute; but sentence was passed against him, and he appealed to the prerogative court, and in 1345, retracted that appeal, and paid the pension; which continued till 1501, and then the vicar commencing a suit again, the convent agreed with him, and reduced the pension on account of the decrease of the profits to 53s. 4d. which is paid by the vicar at this time, to the dean and chapter. In 1501, the chancel was in great decay, and was then repaired, if not rebuilt, at a great expense; the convent paid two thirds and the vicar one; and the chamberlain paid for 500 weight of lead added to 900, weight to new lead the chancel. It seems to be finished in 1521, for then the vicar brought in his bill to the chamberlain for his two thirds of the charge of that year, and was paid it.

This vicarage was not taxed, but is valued at 9l. in the King's Books, and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 4l. 17s. 6d. only, it was discharged of first fruits and tenths, and hath since been augmented by lot. Dean Prideaux valued the contributions yearly at 46l. and saith it had no certain endowment. There is now no vicaragehouse; the service is twice each Sunday, viz. prayers in the morning and prayers and sermon in the afternoon.

Vicars, presented by the Prior and convent.

  • 1304, April 5, Clement de Hoxne was the first vicar, and so died in 1318.
  • 1319, Jeffery de Hanstanton.
  • 1342, Jeffery de Hecham.
  • 1349, John Hoddes of Baconsthorp.
  • 1369, John Fride or Frithe of Aldburgh.
  • 1398, John Reyner, a brother of Corpus Christi gild. O.
  • 1400, Jeffery Barney.
  • 1402, May 22, Master Richard de Castre or Castor, who was born at the village of that name near Norwich; a man of the greatest learning; and what was exceedingly remarkable in those days, a constant preacher of God's word in English, to his parishioners, warning them with tears to avoid those wicked courses that were then too generally followed: this man was himself a great favourer of Wickliff's doctrine in Henry the Fifth's time, and was so beloved in general, that he was called Castor the Good, yea he was always esteemed among the common people as a prophet; and after his death many miracles were said to have been showed at his grave in this church, to which many pilgrimages were made; and this indeed was the original cause that the doctrine of Wickliff had always such root here; and on this account it is, that the good vicar's pilgrimages were hindered as much as possible; he wrote a comment on the 10 commandments, and many other theological tracts, and dying on the 29th of March, 1419, was interred in his own church, with much sorrow and lamentation; Pitts, p. 600, Holingshed, fo. 584, &c. mention him. He was succeeded in
  • 1420, April 8, by John Spencer, who was buried in the chancel in 1424.
  • 1424, William Bernham, for whom see Pt. I. p. 632. He was buried here in St. Mary's chapel.
  • Richard Poringland, D. D. born and brought up here, so called from Poringland near Norwich, whence his family had their sirname; he died in 1457, and was buried by the altar steps; his effigies in his winding sheet, is still on his stone, and the following verses on brass plates,
  • Ut pateat Turbe, Quis, qualiter hic sit Numatus, En! fueram, Natus, simul hac imbutus in urbe, Postea progressus, Studio, curisque grabatus, Demum Curatus, hic Pausando quasi fessus.
  • Richardus primoque, Poringland post hocitatus, Nuius sub Limo Terre, iaceo tumulatus, Nic nequit esse Status, aliam scio ducar ad edem, In Celis sedem michi Jesu des Miseratus. Amen.
  • 1437, 28 Jan. John Underwood, otherwise called Leystoft, from the place of his birth; he lies buried on the south side of his predecessor. Some of the brasses were not many years ago on his stone, but are now off,
  • Ossa Johannis habet sub se Lapis iste paratus, Leystoft est natus, tamen hic sub pulbere tabet, Culmen Doctorum, Curamque gerens animarum, Marcius in Festo Felicis transtulit Jstum, Nuius apud christum, qui pertransis, memor esto.

And this still remains on a plate on the stone,

Obitus eiusdem Magistri Johannis Leystoft, Ao, Dui. Mo. cccco. Irio. octabo Mensis Marcii cuius anime propicietur Deus. Amen.

  • 1461, 19 March, Jeffry Chaumpneys, D. D. was buried in the chancel in 1470.
  • 1471, 21 April, Robert Calton, D. D. was buried in the chancel by Dr. Chaumpneys, and gave 10l. to the church, and an antiphonary. At each corner of his stone is a rebus or device for his name, viz. Cal and a Tun for Calton, and under his effigies is this,
  • Orabitis pro anima benerabilis viri Magistri Roberti Caloton, Doctoris sarre Thenllgie, quondam Nicarii istius Erclesie, qui obiit in Festo Sancti Thome Ao. Dni: Mo ccccco cuius anime pro. picietur Deus Amen.
  • 1501, 7 April, Tho. Bowyer; he died in 1530, being 82 years of age, and lies buried by Dr. Chaumpneys, who brought him up from a child, and got him ordained priest; he gave 6l. towards building the new chancel, which was begun this year; to our Lady's gild 4 marks, and 3s. 4d. to its priest. (Regr. Palgrave.)
  • 1530, 28 Nov. Tho. Capp, doctor of the decrees, buried in the chancel; the following inscription for him still remains under his effigies:
  • Orate pro anima Magistri Thome Capp, Juris, Ecclesiastici Doctoris, nuper Vicarii istius Ecclesie, qui obiit xio. die Mensis Februarii Ao. Dni. Mo. ccccro, cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

On this stone also is an inscription for Augustine son of Rob. Cawdron, Esq. of Great-Hale in Lincolnshire, Nov. 9, 1710, and also Sarah, daughter of Henry Cawdron, Dec. 14, 1723, æt. 4.

  • 1546, Ric. Lusher, he resigned.
  • 1556, John Pory.
  • 1581, Mr. John Holt, D. D. curate to William Miller, vicar, whose wife Anneys was bured in the chapel of Stratford le Bow in Middlesex, 11 July, 1533.
  • 1598, John Holden.
  • 1602, Mat. Stonham.
  • 1639, Sam. Booty, resigned.
  • 1642, Sam. Harding, ejected.
  • 1653, John Collinges, B. D. afterwards doctor; pastor of St. Stephen's, published a book intituled Vindiciæ Ministerij Evangelici Revindicatæ, &c. He was a frequent writer, as Wood says. In 1653, he published A Caveat for old and new Profaneness. Besides many lives of their holy saints, as the short meditations of that precious Gentlewoman Mrs. Anne Skelton of Norwich, wherein are several Evidences of the Works of Grace in her Soul, &c. and other treatises with whimsieal titles. He was a grand presbyterian, and having taken Harding's place, held it without institution, till the Restoration, and then was obliged to give way to Gabriel Wright, the legal vicar, who was succeeded in
  • 1683, by John Connould, who lies buried in the nave by the west end, under a black marble thus inscribed,

M. S. Johannes Connould A. M. hujus Ecclesiæ per 25 annos Vicarius, (uti spero, non ingratus) hic situs est, Verbi Dei fidus Dispensator, Antiquæ Disciplinæ rigidus Satelles, Pijs omnibus Bonisque charus, si Mortuum insectentur Malevolorum Proba, ne cedat ei damno, horum Encomia, perennem Memoriæ inusserant Labem; placide obdormivit Æræ Christianæ 1708, 3° Non: Maij, Anno Æt. suæ 63.

S. E. M. Requiescit Eliz. Uxor Charissima Johannis Connould, que ex hâc vitâ decessit, Maij 14, 1723' æt. 75°.

1. Connould, arg. on a saltier sab. five escalops of the field.

2. on a chief three martlets. 3. a chevron. 4 as 1, quartered, impaling a wolf saliant.

  • 1708, Samuel Salter; (see Pt. I. p. 646;) he resigned, and in
  • 1729, 27 Dec. The Rev. Mr. Thomas Manlove, A. M. the present [1744] vicar was presented by the dean and chapter, and holds it with the consolidated rectories of Castor St. Edmund by Norwich, and Merkeshall; and is also minister of St. Peter of Mancroft in Norwich.

The church is a neat regular building, covered with lead, consisting of a nave, two isles, and a chancel; there is a vestry at the east end of the south isle; a small chapel against the north isle, against which, towards the west end, stands a square tower, which serves also for a north porch, which was finished in 1601, as was the nave in 1550, as the dates in their stone work plainly discover; there was a charnel at the east end of the north isle; there is a south porch, and a sort of stone-work lantern for the saint's bell to hang in, at the top of the west end of the nave; there are five bells; on the third are Brazier's arms, and

Hec ertat sub annis Sancti Campana Johannis.

On the great bell,

Per me Fideles inbocanter ad preces.

In 1467, John Swan, chaplain, was buried in the church, and gave a little bell to be a treble to the four already in the steeple; which shows, that the old church had a steeple and five bells. Ric. Brasier, alderman, was his executor.

In 1370, the Bishop translated the dedication day of this church from the 11th of March, to St. Gregory's day, March 28. In 1451, a fine picture for an altar-peice was placed here, towards which John Hinde, bocher, gave 20l. and John Benet, chaplain, and others, contributed. The east chancel window was glazed in 1533, as the date in it still shows, by Dr. Capp, then vicar; for whom, as well as for all that assisted him in it, there was an inscription, of which this only now remains,

qui bitriari fecit Ao. Dni' Moccccco, pro picietur Deus Amen. Dompn'. in rrr.

On the carpet for the communion table are the arms of

Brasyer, erm. a coronet or between three bells az. and

Requiescant in pace Amen. Thesus Merci.

Which shows that before the Reformation it was the carpet belonging to the altar in Brasier's chantry in the north isle; there are also the arms probably of his wife.

Az. a chevron erm between three griffins heads erased or, and by the merchant mark, it appears to have been given by Rob. Brasier.

The same arms are in the north isle, and in St. Anne's chapel.

On the north side of the altar is a table, erected Ao. 1689, on which the Creed is written, and seems to have been placed there to answer the opposite mural monument; there is a shield over it, on which,

Or, on a fess between three lozenges gul. three plates, quartering sab. on a fess arg. three escalops of the field.

On the opposite monument are the arms of

Cock, quarterly gul. and arg. quartering Bond, arg. on a chevron three bezants.

Ad pedem hujus Monumenti jacet Anna Cock Filia et Hæres Richardi Bond Generosi, quæ vitam commutavit 3° die Maij, Anno Dni. 1654, in cujus Memoriam posuit hoc Monumentum maritus ejus dilectissimus, Carolus Georgius Cock Armiger, expectans etiam ejusdem Sepulchri Consortium, quod obtinuit - - - - - die - - - - - - - Anno Dni. - - - - - - - -

Quos Deus univit, seperavit Mors, seperatos Conjunxit rursus, Jam. sumus ergo Pares,

On a black marble under it in the altar rails, are the arms of Cock and Bond.

This was the famous Mr. Cock the sequestrator in the late troublesome times; author of that folio volume intituled English Law, or A Summary Survey of the Household of God upon Earth, Lond. 1651; which is sufficient of itself to show the man in his proper colours; as is his Essay of Christian Government, &c. which he published in folio the same year, subscribing himself, Charles George Cock, student of Christian law, of the Society of the Inner Temple, now resident in Norwich.

Ex hoc Carcere in supremo die Leta prodibunt Corpora Caroli Georgij Cock Armigeri et Anne Uxoris ejus, quorum alter tardiùs hos Limites est ingressus, scilicet - - - - altera citiùs scilicet 3° die Maij 1654, Vita conjuncti, Mortis Tempore separati, sepulchro Sociati, Obvij Christo, simul prosilient.

  • 1428, Thomas Cok, merchant, was buried in the chapel of the blessed Virgin Mary in St. Stephen's church. (R. Surflet, fo. 42.)

Sibil Relict of Francis Jenny Gent. Daughter of Francis Norris late Alderman of this city, 30 Sept. 1716, 80.

Arms of Jenney and Norris.

Francis son of Sir Arthur Jenney late of Knodis-hall in Suff. Knt. 20 April, 1706, 75.

Jenny and Norris, crest, a hand cooped at the wrist, holding two olive branches with fruit, on which a dove.

The arms of Kedington in a lozenge.

Hannah-Philippa eldest Daughter of Henry Kedington of Great Hockham in Norff. Esq. and Margaret his Wife. Dr. of Rob. Buxton of Channons-hall in Tibenham in Norff. Esq. 13 Dec. 1710, 22.

Judith 3d Dr. of Henry Keddington aforesaid, 15 Aug. 1710,18.

On a loose brass that came of a stone here,
Ye that looke upon this Stone and see this Drytyng at ony Time, Sey some Charitable Prayer for the Soul of Sir John Gryme, His Body is buried here in this Grabe, Whose Soule Crist Jesu by his Mercy must sabe Amen. The iii Daye of Maye. Ao. Dni. M. cccccrliii.

On a loose brass which belonged to Rob. Rant; the arms remain, the inscription is loose, and the stone lies at the step in the nave into the chancel.

I scapt a Death at Cales, a Siege of Spain, And died at home, and here I buried laye, From whence I hope to rise agayne, Though now I am, as thou shalt be, but Claye. Obijt Anno 1598, Octob: Rob. Rant.

The south chancel isle was formerly a chapel, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, to whom, jointly with St. John the Evangelist, the altar there was consecrated. John Danyel, merchant, who was mayor in 1406, and 1417, was a great benefactor to it, and lies interred in it, with this inscription under his effigies,
Nic iacet Johannes Danyel quondam Maior Norwici qui obiit die Septembris Ao. Dni' Moccccrbiiio. cuius anime propicietur Deus.

He ordered the advowson of the church of St. Michael in Coselany to be bought with his money, and appropriated to find a chantry priest in this chapel for ever, if it could be, to sing for the souls of Roger Daniel of Fundenhall, and Christian his wife, his father and mother, his own soul, and those of Maud and Emma his wives, the souls of Walter Daniel his brother, and Joan his wife, and all his friends and benefactors; and if it could not be, then he founded a chantry here for 40 years, and appointed John Barsham, chaplain, to have it for life, and 9 marks per annum stipend; who was daily after mass to go to his tomb, and say De Profundis: a torch to burn at high mass for 40 years was ordered in his will. He was also a benefactor to the parish. In 1423, John Rich, at Barsham's death, was appointed chaplain by Walter Daniel.

Here also lies buried Walter Daniel, who was mayor in 1407, 1409, 1419, and 1423, with this,
Nic iacet Dalterus Daniel quondam Maior Cibitatis Norbici qui obiit rbiiio die Mensis Septembris Ao Gni' Moccccorrbio. ruius anime propicietur Deus.

He gave 20l. to the church, and was a great benefactor to the poor; 50 poor men and 50 poor women had russet gowns at his burial.

On another brass plate,

Here ly buried Misstresse Maud Neade, Sometime an Aldress,o but now am deade, Anno Mccccclr and seaben, The xiii Day of April, then My Lyf, I leafte, as muste all Men, My Body yelding to Christen Dust, My Soule to God the faithful and Just.

Nic iacet Jahes' Frankish Generosus qui obiit 4o Sept. 1498, cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.

By his will he gave 40s. to repair the church, and 20s. to the altar of St. Mary Magdalen, and St. John the Evangelist, before which he lies buried.

In 1531, Jn. Shottisham, mercer, buried in this chapel, and Joan his wife, daughter of John Daniel, and also Will. only son of Walter Daniel, and many more of that family.

Orate pro anima Johannis Burgh quondem Cibis et Aldermanni istius Cibitatis qui obiit iro die Mensis Nobembris Ao. Dni. M cccc Irrrriiiio.

There is a handsome fretted ceiling over this chapel, and a merchant mark, but not that of the Daniels.

The opposite isle on the north side of the chancel, was called Brasier's chantry or chapel, and before that, the chapel of our Lady the Virgin, in which the chantry or gild of St. Mary, which was valued at 5l. 6s. per annum at the Dissolution, was kept before the image of the Virgin here; this chapel and gild was of ancient foundation; for in 1385, John Osmond, chaplain, founded an annual for his soul; and before this, in 1315, Ric. Priour settled 4s. a year out of John Sparwe's tenement in this parish, to keep a lamp burning in this chapel, and a wax candle lighted before the Virgin's image; and another before the holy rood. In 1432, Henry Brisley, chaplain, was buried by the tomb of Agnes, first wife of Tho. Cok, merchant. (See p. 152.) In 1457, Katerine, late relict of Peter Bond, alias Brasier, was buried here by her husband; so that it appears, their ancient name was Bonde, and that they assumed the name of Brasier from their business. In 1460, Nic. Callough was buried at the entrance of this chapel, and gave a legacy to paint the Virgin's image, and another to her gild here. 1464, Tho. Spynk, chaplain, was buried by Callough, and gave a vestment to serve at St. Thomas's altar in the church, where there was a light continually kept. 1503, Emye Dyne buried here, gave a red velvet covering to the holy-rood, on the north side of St. Stephen's church, and a towel three yards long to the high-altar. 1509, Beatrix Krikemer, buried in the church, "Item I bequeth to our Lady in the same church, my best beads to hang about her neck on good days." (Regr. Spyltimer.) 1523, Alice Carre buried in the churchyard, and gave her place with the close in Newgate for a certeyn to be kept annually for her and her friends in this church, for which the curate was to have yearly 4s. 4d. and an obit once a year, on what day Sir John Grime, her son, should assign, and 2s. 4d. then to be divided to such priests and clerks as the vicar or his deputy should order to be present at the Placebo, Dirige, and mass of Requiem; two children to have 1d. for singing the versicles; and 12d. for a peal to be rung; the overplus of the clear profits to maintain the priests service of the gild of our Lady, when it is served with a priest, and kept; and in the vacation time of the said priest, the overplus of the farm to go to the sustentation and reparation of St. Stephen's church, and the estate to be secured to such uses, as it was till the Dissolution, when it was seized by the Crown. She gave her coral beads to the beautifying the image of our Lady in the festefull days, in this church, and of St. Margaret, St. Catherine, &c. the said beads to be on those images on those days, &c. In 1424, there were many clerks and priests belonging to this gild. In 1459, Sir Adam Kerbrook was the gild priest, who died in 1465, and was buried in the churchyard: he gave to the altar of this chapel where he served, a red vestment, a diaper towel, a corporal, two frontlets of purple velvet, and another of purple damask. In Henry the Eighth's time, this gild had lands in Eton. In 1525, Alice, late wife of Rob. Burgh, alderman, John Burgh her son, Sir John Grime, Sir John Doraunt, and Rob. Palmer, her feoffees, settled on Thomas Bowyer, vicar, alderman of the gild, Tho. Godsalve, Gent. and Henry Cock, collectors of the gild; Rob. Browne, and Rob. Grene, aldermen, Rich. Yaxley, Esq. Henry Salter, grocer, Rob. Courant, notary publick, Christopher Briggs, and others, brethren of the gild, two pieces of arable land late Rob. Burgh's, containing 15 acres, not far from Nedham or St. Stephen's-gates; the first piece contained 12 acres, and the second 3 acres, and abutted on the highway leading from those gates; all which the said Alice and John had, jointly with Paul Burgh, bachelor of the civil law, of the feofment of John Rightwise in 1517, and were to be applied after Alice's death, to find a priest to celebrate the exequies and anniversary of the said Alice, Rob. and John, according to the use of Sarum, every New-Year's-day, and to give 2s. the next day among the singers, vicar, and curate, and the rest to sustain the priest of the gild; and if they have not a priest celebrating for the souls of the sisters and brothers of the gild in their chapel here, then the church-wardens were to apply to it, to repair and adorn the church, the premises to be always in feofment, in 12 feoffees, who were to be parishioners, and when they were all dead but 4, they were to renew the feofment, which must be in two parts, the church-wardens to keep one, and the alderman of the gild the other: but at the Dissolution this was seized by the Crown, and the parish could not recover it.

The east window of this chapel was a very fine one, containing the whole history of the Virgin's life, with many labels and inscriptions, as Salve Regina Mater misterecordie. Ave Regina celorum, ave Domina.

It appears by the fragment of the bottom inscription, and the arms of sab. three cranes arg. that it was repaired at the cost of Robert Browne, mayor of Norwich in 1522, and brother of this gild, whose arms they are; being originally made by vicar Leystoft, Leystofte Vicar' Ecclesie et pro Under this window is an altar tomb disrobed of its arms and circumscription; and the following inscriptions are in this chapel,

Orate pro anima Johanne Godsalff que obiit nono die Mensis Ortobris anno Domini Millimo: quingentesimo undecimo.

The arms of Mingaye, gul. on a bend az. three leopard's faces arg. are in the north isle windows, and often about the church.

Magister Will. Mingaye, Aldermannus Norwici ac principalis Registrarius per dioc. Norwicensem obijt 3 Aug. 1564, cujus anime propicietur Deus.

Hic jacet Georgius Mingaye Generosus Filius Willmi: Mingaye Armigeri quondam Majoris hujus Civitatis Norwici, qui quidem Georgius obijt in Domino xxx die Mensis Octobris Anno Dni: Millm: ccccclxxxxiii, Sepultusque fuit primo Die Novembris sequente. Beati qui Moriuntur in Domino.

He was a benefactor here.

On a broken stone,

Obtius eiusdem Dni: Johis Chese Ao Dni: Mocccrliii, riio die Mensis Maii, cuius anime propicietur Deus.

Pray for the Soul of Eel Butry sumtyme Pryoress of Cam pesse on whose Soule Jesu habe Merci xxiii Bay of Oct. Mo. bc. rlbio.

She gave iiij Quyshions of Verdours, a Cross Cloth, an Altar Cloth of Dyepar, & a Frontlet for the Sepulchre.

Under two effigies is this on one brass plate, and under it Turfet's inscription on another,

O bos omnes Picturas istas intuentes debotas ad Deum fun dite preces, pro animabus Roberti Brasyer istius Cibitatis Alder manni et Maioris, et Christiane uroris eius, quibus requiem eternam donet Deus, Amen.

By will proved in 1435, he ordered his body to buried it St. Mary's chapel. (R Surflet.)

Hic Etiam Jacet Maria Uxor Edwardi Turfett Gen. que ex hac Vita migravit 15 Dec. 1625.

If Vertue, Beauty, Wit, join'd all in one Could have repel'd the Force of cruell Death, Then she that lyes bewayl'd beneath this Stone, Had not in youth given up her vital Breath. But Fates were too unkind, and death too cruell, So soon to robbe the Worlde of such a jewell.

Orate pro anima Ricadi Brasyer Senioris Norwici Cibitatis olim Aldermanni et Mainris ar etiam pro anima Ricardi Brasyer Filii eius predicte Cibitatis quondam Aldermanni et Maioris, qui ab hac migrabit ho die mensis Septembris anno Domini Mocccccoriiio. Quibus regnis in celestibus gloriam sempiternam donet Deus Amen.

This stone hath two effigies, and Brasier's and Mingay's arms; and Mingay impaling Skinner. He was bellfounder and brasier, and gave to our Lady's gild 6s. 8d. and ordered his executors to buy a marble stone with a picture thereon, with his arms and two images, one for him and another for his wife; and another marble with a picture thereon, with his arms, for his father Richard Brasier's grave, and Margery his mother; and also two images to be put on his grandfather's grave, with his arms, he gave a jewel of 20l. value to the church, and 10l. to repair the walls of the city. His will is dated April 8, 1505, and was proved Oct. 7, 1513, by Sir John Gryme, priest, executor. (Regr. Coppinger.)

A stone having lost two effigies and arms, hath a modern brass with this,

Hic jacet Willus: Mingaye nuper de Grays Inn in Com: Middlesex, Armiger, Filius Willimi: Mingaye Armigeri quondam Majoris hujus Civitatis Norwici, qui quidem Willus: Mingaye Filius, obijt in Domino sexto die Mensis Junij Anno Dni: 1607.

Mors est Transitus ad meliora.

Hic jacet Henricus Mingaye nuper de Interiore Templo Armiger qui obijt 5°. die Mensis Decembris Ao. Domini 1932.

In the nave are the following inscriptions:

Corpus Parnellæ Rant Virginis hic sepelitur Mens est cum superis sic vivit mortua Mundo.

Vixit annos 19 obijt 10 Jan. 1619.

Gregory Newhouse 5 July 1612, he have fought a good Fight, he have finished his Course, he have kept the Faith, from hece forth there is laid up for him a Crown of Righteousness.

Orate pro animabus Thome Bokenham I Maria Coniugis eius qui quidem Thomas obiit 1o Aug. Ao Dni: Mocccclro quorum ani mabus propicietur Deus Amen.

In 1515, Katherine, widow of Thomas Bokenham, was buried here, and gave 10s. to Sir Tho. Doraunt towards building his chantry:

Under this Stone doth Simon Borough lay. Waighting the mercy of the Judgement Day, His Life was such, that he deserbes these Lines, Obiit 24 Octob. 1602, æt. 33.

In 1521, Kat. Burgh, widow, was buried by her husband; "I will that there be bought for the church a pair of organys of 20 marks." Rob. Brasier her son, and John Rightwise, were executors.

Orate pro anima Thome Stuart ruius anime propicietur deus Amen.

In the south isle are the following inscriptions:

Orate pro animabus Johannis Banyard I Chirstiane Vroris sue et pro quibus tenentur

Orate pro anima Johis: Stalon mercer, qui obiit ro die Julii Ao. Dni: mo. vo ruius anime propicietur Deus.

Doctoris Juris Edmundi Wryght Lapis iste Ossa premit, precibus nostris tua Gracia, Christe Perpetuam bitam sibi det Celis redemitam.

Of your rharite pray for the Soull of Dame Mary, sumtyme the Wyfe of Syr John Tymperley knt. and late the Wyfe of Andrewe sulyard Esquyre, on whose soule Jesu have merci, the XIII daye of January Ao. Dni. mocccccorlbio.

In the north isles are these,

Of your charite prau for the souild of master Rob. Grene, sum tyme Mayor of the Citie of Norwhich, which departed the threde Daye of July in the yere of our Lord God a thousand ccccco rl I on.

Jstic sub saro iacet hic quidam tumulatus, Norwici Cibis Robertus Carrque boratus, Cibius Angelicis in Celis sit erogatus.

In the chancel:

Themilthorp, sab. on a fess between three antelope's heads erased or, three crescents gul. quartering

Watts, erm. on a chief gul. two billets or, and

Chamberlain, gul. an inescutcheon arg. in an orle of mullets or,

Edmund Themilthorp of this Parish Gent, 21 Dec. æt. 70, 1714, Eliz. his first Wife, Dr. of Henry Watts of Norwich Esq; Jun. 14, 1682, and their 4 Children, 2 Edmunds, Mary & Hannah, all died young, and are here buried. Martha his second Wife, Dr. of Ric. Chamberlain of Warwickshire Esq; June 19, 1695. Ric. the Son of Edmund & Martha buried here March 19, in the 19 Year of his age, surviving his Father only 3 months.

Henry Shardelowe Alderman, Aug. 15, 1712. Sarah his Wife 7 Oct. 1726, æt. 62.

Eliz. late Wife of Will. Kemp of Antingham Gent. only Dr. of Alderman Shardelowe, July 14, 1726, æt. 35.

Tamasine Lane Widow 1680. Titus Camplin Chymist, her Son 1679.

In the south chapel there is a mural monument for Mat. Peckover, Alderman, 24 Aug. 1625.

Earth has possess'd him Ashes, Clay and Dust.

And Heaven contains his Soul among the Just.

Frances Dr. of John & Frances Goodman, 17 June 1729, aged 3 Years. Anne an Infant Dr. July 28, 1728. Rob. their Son Dec. 5, 1735. Antony their Son 9 April 1739.

James 3d Son of Sir Tho. Robinson Bart. 1720, æt. 8.

In the north isle is a mural monument, on which Rant erm. on a fess sab. three lioncels rampant or, impales Ward, chequy or and az. a bend erm. Crest, on a ducal coronet a lion sejant or.

Vita, Mortis Via Via Mortis, Vita.

Gulielmi Rant in Medicinis Doctoris, Viva dum vixit de morte Meditatio, How many buried are, within Church Ground, How few of many, with such Thoughts are found, We pass by Graves & never think to dye Such is the Height of Man's Security, But know oh Man, this Life must pass away, And after Death shall come the Judgement Day, Happy art thou, if thou thes Thoughts retaine, We live to dye, and dye to live againe. These of the Dead, while living did he make, Not for the Dead, but for the Living's Sake.

In memoriam Revdi Viri Gulielmi Rant et Mariæ Uxoris ejus, Humfridus Rant Armiger Filius eorum primogenitus hoc Monumentum posuit, in Matrimonio vixerunt annos 32. Filios habuere 5. Filiasque 3. Ille mundum reliquit Ao æt. 64, die Maij 26, Illa Ao æt. 54, die Julij 7. & ambo in Ao. Dni: 1627.

Will. Mingaye 1644. Mary Mingay 1646. Bridget Mingay 1642.

James Demee of Norwich Gent. and Eliz. his 2d. Wife, he died 11 Sept. 1718, æt. 59. she 9 April 1709, æt. 43. and are buried in a Vault under this Stone, for whom a mural monument against the wall is thus inscribed,

M.S. Jacobi Demee Generosi, qui in spe letæ Resurrectionis una cum Justis in Conditorio prope ab hoc Monumento jacet, Recti & Honesti Cultor, Æquus, inflexibilis, cui potissimum miseris succurrere Cordi fuit, Duas habuit Uxores, quarum prima Francisca fuit Filia Martini Earl de Wood-Dawling in Com. Norf. Gen. quæ sexto die Jan: 1687, annum agens 23um. Vitam Æternitate commutavit, secunda Elizabetha fuit, Filia Francisci Morley Clerici, quæ mortua est 9no die Aprilis 1709no 43 annos nata, et juxta maritum humata, ex primis Nuptijs tres suscepit Liberos, quorum duo Fatis cesserunt Infantes, una tantum superstes Filia Maria, Carolo Mackarell de Civitate Norwici Generoso nupta, ex secundis, unicum Filium Jacobum illi quoque Superstitem, obijt ximo die Septembris anno Æræ Christianæ 1718, æt. suæ 59.

In a lozenge three coats

1. Richmond er. a chief sab. a griffin passant or.

2. Pally of six, on a chief three owls.

3. Steward.

M. S. Maria Steward quodam Johannis Richmond de Hedenham Armig: nupera Henrici Steward Armig. Vidua, unicuique dum vixerint conjux charissima, heic sui exuvias deposuit Nov. 24, 1673.

A mural monument with the effigies of a man and woman, with a fald-stool and books before them at prayers, with the arms of

Mingay, or, on a bend az. three leopards faces ar. impaling Skinner gul. three cross-bows bent erected arg. garnished or.

This Monument is erected in Memory of the Right Worshipfull John Mingay Major of this City, A°. 1617, and of Susan his Wife, Daughter of Ric. Skinner Gent. which said John & Susan had Issue, 7 Children, 4 Sons & 3 Daughters, they both lived lovingly together in Wedlock 44 Years, until Death did part him from her, the last day of January 1625, being aged 69 Years & 9 months, and she left this Life the 18 day of Aug 1642.

Why do we, to frail Life such Glory give, When Marbles make Men after Death to live, And tho' these stones were silent, yet the Tongues Of Prophets, People, & the Poor, in throngs Shall freely speak, and tell Posterity, Here rest their Friends, Patterns of Piety. Post mortem vita est.

On a mural monument in the north isle.

Rant's arms and crest, viz. a lion sejant on a coronet.

Morimur ut Vivamus.

Umfrido & Katerine Rant, charissimis Parentibus suis, Gulielmus Rant Medicine Doctor hoc Monumentum posuit, postquam vixerunt in matrimonio annos 46, et Filios habuere 7, Filiasque totidem, ille mundum hunc reliquit anno æt. suæ 80 die xi Dec. annoque Dni: 1607, Illa anno æt. 70, die 17 Apr. annoque Dni: 1609. Ituri in locum beatiorum.

Gilbert, gul. two bars erm. in chief three de-lises or.

In the south isle, Mary Dr. of John Isaack of Mundesly died 11 Oct. 1657.

Fitz, gutté de sang, on a cross gul. an annulet for difference,

Memoriæ Johannis Fitz Civis Norwic: et Dorotheæ Uxoris, è quibus alter obijt iii Non. April Ao D. 1703, altera 15 Cal. Nov. 1687, Filius unicus superstes Gulielmus Fitz, Pietatis ergo hoc marmor posuit, Eliz. predicti Johis: Mater, et Gracia, Uxor secunda, Relicta, hic contumulantur, hæc ob; die 14 Jan: Ao Dom. 1703, illa 7 Maij 1707. Magdalen Covel Nov. 12, 1719, æt. 21.

In the north isle.

Mary Wife of - - - - Melcher of St. John of Maddermarket Coppersmith, and John their Son, buried Nov. 21,1668. Hodie mihi, cras tibi.

An escutcheon between four escalops, impaling a saltier between four wolves heads erased.

Mrs. Eliz. Relict of Mr. Enoch Pendleton, June 20, 1677.

Solas quas dederis, semper habebis opes.

Carter, arg. a chevron sab. between three cart wheels vert, impales a fess wavy between three lions passant. Ric. Carter Gent. and Ric. his son 1716.

Here lyeth Henry and Hunfry Style, the first died the 12 of April 1617, the other the 22 of Sept. 1620, having libed 25 Years 4 Months together.

Antony Stile, Gent. Proctor of the Arches, sometime Judge of the Admiralty, and alderman of Norwich, is buried here.

There was a brass in the south isle with this,

Nic iacet Thomas Kingesley Rotarius qui obiit Febr. xiv. Ao. Dni. moccccolrriiio. et Alicia Uror eius que Obitt Oct. viiio. Ao Dni. Mocccco quorum animabus propicietur deus Amen.

On another was this,

Of your Charite pray for the Soule of Mr. Rob. Browne and Alice his Wyfe sometime Mayer of the Cety of Norwiche, the whiche departed the thred daye of Aug. in the yere of our Lord Gode a thomsent ccccco rrr, on whose soule Thesu have mercy Amen.

He was a great benefactor to this church, the greatest part of the west end, with the stone turret or lantern at top, were erected at his cost; his merchant mark and arms impaled, are carved on the stone work at the north side of the turret, and are as above: Browne's arms are also on the font.

In the west window are the arms of Henry VIII. and Jane Seymour, viz. France and England, impaling

Seymour, gul. a pair of wings conjoined in lewre or, and five more coats. There were also the arms of Bishop Spencer, Lucy, Percy, Gray, Stafford; Mingay impaling Wentworth and Sulliard, and per pale gul. and az. a fess arg. between three croslets or.

On the north side of the church was buried Mr. Godsalve: on his atcheivement is, mors mea vita. Godsalve, per pale gul. and az. on a fess wavy arg. between three croslets patee or, as many crescents sab. Crest, a griffin's head erased, paly wavy arg. and sab. eared sab. beaked or, holding therein a branch of gilliflowers gul. leafed proper.

Mr. Godsalve's inscription, now lost, see Pitts, fo. 737:
Conditur illustris gelido hoc sub marmore Thomas Godsalvus nitido preditus Eloquio; Qui pius et Doctus, mirâ Gravitateque pollens, Inque Sacrâ constans, Religione fuit. Ingenio prestans, Formâ, Facieque decorus, Eximius calamo, Summus et ipse Stilo. Insignis Rebus gestis, Idem quoque lenis Et Comis, Patrie Commodus atque sue; Egregias ejus si ad plenum promere dotes Conarer, Tempus me, puto, deficerit. Quem quia talem virum nobis infesta tulerunt, Jure ingens subijt pectora nostra Dolor; Testibus ac spes est presens Solamen amicis, Ut melius vivat Funera post animus.

In the north isle also lies interred Tho. Ashley, 28 years clerk of the parish, and city bellman, Feb. 28, 1738, 55.

In this sacred Object is most Pleasure, And in Christ is both my Life and Treasure.

Tho. Son of Tho. and Sarah Gallard, Oct. 22, 1734, 22.

In this same Grave my Body lies at rest, 'Till Christ my King shall raise me to be blest, For at his coming I am sure to see, The Righteous Judge, my Saviour for to be.

Cath. Cooper 1738. Edm. Riches 1740, æt. 75. In the north porch, Mr. Edm. Roe master of musick, 1723, 41. Eliz. his wife 1724, 42. Watson an infant 1720. Here also are buried, Rog. Mingaye ironmonger, and mayor in 1658. Mr. Jn. Atkins notary publick, alderman and sheriff in Ket's rebellion, and others of that family. Simon Bowde twice mayor, buried in 1595. Alice his wife in 1588, and others of his family. Ant. Ockley, June 12, 1689, æt. 87. He was a noted maker of musical instruments. Cuthbert Brereton attorney, alderman and sheriff in 1576.

Mr. Benjamin Mackerell in the chancel, at the very entrance from the nave, next Vicar Calton north. In 1732, he published the Catalogue of Books in the Publick Library of the City of Norwich, qo. and in 1738, the History and Antiquities of the flourishing Corporation of King's-Lynn in the County of Norfolk; at London, in octavo; which contains great part of Mr. Green's history of that place, transcribed exactly from his manuscript now in the hands of the Rev. Mr. Squire, rector of Congham in Norfolk.

A hatchment hangs in the north chapel, viz.

Mackerell, per fess az. and vert, three mackerells, or, impaling

Demee, gul. a chevron arg. between three garbs or, on a canton arg. a de-lis sab.

Crest on a lance erect gul. headed or, two mackerells in saltier proper; motto, Macte Virtute Patrum.

In this same chapel are two other hatchments, viz.

1. For Anthony Mingaye, Esq. who gave the two large silver flaggons to the altar in 1627. Mingaye impaling Cornwaleis. Crest, a pike or lance erect or, wreathed with laurel proper.

2. Brooke, gul. on a chevron arg. a lion rampant sab. crowned or, impaling Mingay. Crest, on a wing gul. a chevron arg. on which a lion rampant crowned or. Motto, Spoir en Dieu. This was for the wife of William Brooke, Esq. the present recorder.

In 1687, Thomas Steward of Swerdeston and Welborne was buried here; and in 1650, Mary his wife, daughter of Henry Lord Grey of Groby. In 1479, David Payn was buried in the south porch, and Joan his wife in 1483. In 1503, Joan, widow of Will. Aylmer, buried by Ralf Moor, her first husband, in this porch, and gave 5 marks towards painting the rood-loft. In 1528, George Usher, grocer, was buried in the church: "I will the arche that I have begonne in St. Steven's churche be made an ende of my goods for the workmanshepe." In 1491, Agnes Petyte, widow, gave a little tablet with pearles, and a piece of the holy cross therein, as it hath been said, to be reposited with the silver pix, with relicks and the silver chest gilt, with relicks, that Will. Bernham, vicar here, gave to the church. Sir Will. Swetman, senior, rector of All-Saints, gave 7 marks to buy a jewel for this church. In 1514, Will. Blyth was buried in the churchyard, between the porch and the cross, which stood on the south side of the churchyard; and in the west part of the churchyard a place is often mentioned, where the Gospel was read on Palm-Sunday. Besides those already mentioned, there were the altars of St. Nicholas, and of the Holy Trinity in this church, besides the images of St. Mary of Pity, &c. with lights burning before them, as also before the Holy Sepulchre.

In the churchyard, at the east end of the chancel, is an altar tomb for Winifred, wife of Hamond Thurston, Gent. daughter of Francis Jermy, Jan. 31, 1671. Hamond Thurstan, 7 Oct. 1694.

In Times of Trouble then her Vertue shin'd, In all Conditions equal was her Mind. He serv'd both Kings in all the Rebells Warr. They are through Christ in Heaven a happy Pair.

Thurstan, or, on a canton az. a falcon volant of the field, impaling Jermy.

On a mural monument there, Dorothy wife of Tho. Long 1694.

Her Soule is departed from it's Case, Her Lord and Saviour to embrace, In him she liv'd and so did dye, To live with him eternallye.

On a monument against the south church wall in the churchyard.

John Loftus, Aug. 9, 1721, 66.

We daily see Death spares no Sex or Age, Sooner or later all do quit the Stage, The old, the young, the strong, the rich, and wise, Must all become to him a Sacrifice.

Tho. Loftus May 12, 1721, 21.

His Death was but Jacob's Dream exprest, A Ladder to convey his Soul to rest, Rest then dear Soul, ne'er to return to me, While I stay mourning 'till I come to thee.

Against the north isle is a small chapel, which now belongs to Chapel-Field-House, as a seat for the family there; this is dedicated to St. Anne, who had her image at the altar here; in 1523, Alice Carr, widow, gave a small pair of coral beads to be daily about this image, and her best coral beads to put on it, on the feast of St. Anne only. Here the chancellors, who generally lived in the chapel of the Fields hard by, used often to hold their courts, and the archdeacons of Norfolk also, whose office was always kept, till lately, in a house opposite to the north part of the churchyard, which is the reason that many of the proctors and notaries publick dwelt here. The Godsalves were many years registers here, and were remarkable for being concerned in church lands, &c. so much that in John Bale's Image of both Churches we read thus, "what made Thomas Moore for his Tyme wyth so prodigiouse Tirannie to persecute the Trueth and Sens, Godsalve of Norwiche, Warthon of Bongaye, Hales and Baker of Kent, with such other like? but Auri Sacra Fames, as Virgil doth call it." And after them the Mingays succeeded in that office.

It was first founded by Lettice, wife of William Pain of Norwich, in 1313, who obtained license from King Edward II. to erect a chantry in the parish church of St. Stephen's and St. Peter's Mancroft, in the city of Norwich, and to settle on it in mortmain, one messuage, and 6l. 6s. 8d. yearly rents in Norwich; and in 1316, she made Sir Henry de Thornham, pilecok, and John Brond of Norwich, chaplains, her first chantry priests, and settled on them and their successours, a messuage in St. Peter's Mancroft, in upper Neuport-street, and 6l. 6s. 8d. annual rents in Norwich, payable at the 4 quarter days in the year by equal payments, out of divers houses in Cotelerowe, lower or nether Neuport-street, Vicus de Sellaria or Sadler's-rowe, Cordewaynerrowe, the Flesh-market, Sheregate in St. Gregory's, Pottergate there; one of them to serve every morning in St. Stephen's, the other in St. Peter's, for her own and husband's soul, her ancestors and successours, and all the faithful departed; the advowsons of which the said Letice, settled on the prior and convent of Norwich, after her death, and the death of Jeffry, son of Peter de Wyleby, her nephew. The chantry priests were to be admitted by the prior and convent, at her nomination, and the said Jeffry's, during their lives. John de Wylby, rector of Hedenham, &c. executors of Letice, sold the capital messuage in Newgate street, in St. Stephen's parish, in which Letice dwelt, to Sir Walter de Norwich, and Lady Catherine his wife, in 1318: Letice died in 1317, for her will was proved in November in that year; by which she gave this capital messuage to her brother John for life, and then to be sold and distributed to pious uses, as augmenting her chantries, &c.; by her will she gave also a rent of 5s. per annum more, to her chantry priests; afterwards, the stipends being so small, it was served by one chaplain only, who served one week in St. Stephen's, and the other in St. Peter's: John Florence was the last chantry chaplain, and had an allowance of 4l. 11s. pension for life at the dissolution of the chantry. In 1549, the revenues in the city and in Lakenham belonged to Sir Edward Warner, Knt. Silvester Leigh, and Leonard Bate, Gent. by grant from the Crown at its dissolution, in the preceding year. The chantry was valued at 5l. 9s. 7d. and the chaplain had a house to reside in, in St. Peter's parish.

Benefactors to this parish are,

In 1418, John Danyel, merchant, and Walter Danyel his brother, built the alms-houses for the poor, lying in St. Catherine's and St. Stephen's, on the south side of Great Newgate. (Regr. Hirning, fo. 32.) In 1688, Mr. Buck, carpenter, had a lease of the old alms-houses by St. Catherine's, for 60 years; the first 50 at 8l. per annum, and the last 10 years at 10l. per annum, and the lease commenced June 24. The said rent is now paid to the parish.

In 1426, Walter Danyel aforesaid gave a messuage on the east side of St. Stephen's-street, formerly William Carleton's, to be kept for the use of the poor to dwell in; it is now leased out at 20s. per annum, ground rent.

He gave also a tenement in Newgate worth 55 marks, which is now included in the said old almes-houses aforesaid,

And a tenement next the house of Andrew Bocher, which is also included in the said old alms-houses,

And also a tenement formerly Tho. Commerton's, then let at 3l. per annum, which hath been since leased out, it being the second tenement from the north-east corner of the south side of the horsemarket.

  • 1557, John Atkins, Gent. gave the Windmill Close out of St. Stephen's-gates "to helpe to sustain and bear the charges of the taske, so far as it will extend," the rent received by the parish is 8l. 10s. which is applied to the repairing and beautifying of the church.

A rent of 26d. yearly, was settled towards repairing the body of the church, in 1298, out of a house that abutted west on the way by the churchyard, but it is lost.

  • 1568, Feb. 14, Alderman Ric. Heade, who is buried by his wife, gave 100l. to be lent at 10l. to ten persons, nine of which are to be of this parish, such as the aldermen of St. Stephen's ward, and two principal men of the parish, shall appoint; the other to be of St. Giles's parish, nominated by the aldermen there, and two principal men of that parish, and they are to have it two years free of interest, on security given for the principal.

In 1593, John Mingaye, by will dated Oct. 22, gave his tenement which he purchased of Ric. Browne,

To pay 20l. to be kept as a stock to buy corn and coals, to be sold to the poor at prime cost; it is now laid out in coals, and used accordingly; he tied also his tenement in Nedham-street, to pay yearly for ever 10s. to the prisoners in the Castle, and Gildhall.

And in 1631, Henry Mingaye tied the said tenement called Browne's, to pay 1 shilling a week for ever, for bread to be weekly given to the poor of the parish.

  • 1632, Mrs. Frances, wife of Robert Kemp, Esq. of the family of the Kemps of Spayns-hall in Essex, daughter of John Mingaye of St. Stephen's and Ameringhall, tied all her estates in Heydon (where she is buried) for the annual payments of 20s. to the several prisoners in the several prisons in Norwich; to the preacher of Heydon 10s.; to the poor of Heydon 20s.; to St. Stephen's poor 20s.; to the vicar of St. Stephen's for a sermon on St. Thomas's day 10s.; to the curate of St. John Sepulchre for a sermon on Plow-Monday 10s. (See p. 138, 139.) The estates are now owned by Erasmus Earl, Esq. as I am informed.

James Aldred, Gent. gave a meadow in Thuxton in Norfolk, now let at 2l. 12s. per annum to be given in bread to 12 poor parishioners every Sunday.

John Bowde gave 20l. to be lent to four tradesmen of the parish at 5l. each, to be continued interest free for five years, on good security, and also a maintenance for two girls in the Girls hospital.

Alderman Rudd gave 6s. 8d. to be given in bread on Ash-Wednesday for ever, to be paid by the city chamberlain.

Joan Smith of London, widow, settled her gift, for which see Pt. I. p. 358; she gave 20s. to this parish to be laid out in bread, in lieu of the gift of Mr. Tennison deceased, besides the parish proportion, with others; so that they now yearly receive in the whole, 3l. 6s. 8d. to be given weekly to the poor of the parish on Sunday in the church, for ever.

Mr. Nic. Pipe, draper, gave the silver chalice and cover, double gilt.

  • 1645, Augustine Blomefield, Gent. gave 3l. to the poor, and Mr. Tho. Blomefield 40s. and Isaac Blomefield paid both his father's and brother's legacies.
  • 1671, Tho. Browne sealed a bond to the court, to pay 12d. a week to the overseers, to be laid out in bread for the poor, so long as the city continued to license a certain house and bowling-green of the said Thomas, which was then occupied by one Lancelot Rigsby.

In this parish is one of the principal city gates, called

(65) Nedham or St. Stephen's-Gates


The room over which formerly was an hermitage; Tho. Basset, hermit here, was buried in St. Stephen's in 1435; 1483, Rob. Godard, hermit; and in Henry the Seventh's time, the toll at these gates was let at 22s. 8d.; in Henry the Sixth's time, an order of court was made, that every mayor should have his riding about the city walls within one month after his charge, in which all the walls, ditches, gates and towers, should be examined and repaired, and the Pomærium, or space round the walls, both within and without, kept clean and cleared, in which space, though now many houses are erected, yet formerly it was not lawful to have any buildings at all to incommode the passages.

The Religious concerned here were, the Prior of Norwich, who had divers rents, viz. John son of Will. Blaunche settled 20d. per annum on the cellerer, 7d. a year from a house in Newgate, settled for the sacrist's use in 1303, by Peter Flint and Mabel his wife. Bartholomew son of Will. de Derham, in 1261, settled 20d. yearly rent; another messuage paid 12d. per annum to the infirmary. Simon son of Clement settled 4d. per annum on the almoner, and Rog. de Reppes 2s. 4d.; Maud, wife of Stephen Cockman, settled 1d. per annum on the sacrist. In 1278, William Prior of Norwich conveyed a messuage in Newgate to Ric. Thoward, paying 6s. per annum to the light of the Blessed Virgin in the cathedral, and 3d. ob. per annum to the chamberlain: which messuage was given to the convent by Isolda, wife of Peter Clerk of Newgate, to the use of the high-altar. Martin Ordemer settled 12d. per annum for the soul of John Ordemer, his brother. In 1333. Ric. de Hecham, sacrist, leased this messuage at 5s. rent. (Regr. Sacrist, fo. 78, &c.) This convent was taxed for 3l. 9s. 4d. temporals here. The Prioress of Carrow at 5s. the Dean of the college of the chapel in the Fields at 10s. 1d. In 1308, Roger son of Walter de Wichingham, released all his right in the messuage late Sir Will. Sturmy's, Knt. to the college; and in 1326, William the Dean, and the convent, granted it again to Sir John Sturmy, Knt. cousin to Sir William, paying 2s. per annum to the college. The Prior of St. Neots in temporals 12d. The Prior of Windham 5s. The Prior of St. Faith 31s. 6d. The Abbot of Sibton 11s. The Prioress of Thetford 5s. given in 1286, by Sir Peter de Melding, Knt.

In 1287, the Horse-Market was kept in this street; by the sign of the ramping horse; in 1316, Jeffry son of Sir Rog. Miniot, Knt. and Catherine his wife, had their city house in this parish, as had Sir Walter de Norwich, Knt. and Catherine his wife in 1323. In 1805, William Bateman had a large house and croft here, which was Margery Bateman's in 1320; in 1402 John Aslak of Sprowston, serjeant at arms to the King, purchased a house here, and there was a street called Wattle or Wastelgate-street, and now Red-Lion-lane; and on the triangular piece at Wastelgate, stands a brew-house, where anciently stood

(66) A Work-House.

On the outside of St. Stephen's gate stood

A leper-house, called St. Stephen's hospital, which was formerly inhabited by lepers, lazars, and lame folks; of these houses there were five, at five of the city gates; each was governed by a master, custos or guardian, who before the Dissolution, was always a religious, and officiated daily in the chapel belonging to his house; there was one always at each house, called the foregoer, who used to beg daily for them; few people died heretofore without leaving a legacy "to each leper-house at the five gates, "viz. St. Stephen's or Nedham, St. Giles or Newport, St. Bennet's or Westwick, St. Austin's, St. Mary Magdalen Fybridge, or Five-bridge-gate: and to each of the foregoers there; and anciently, besides these leper-houses, there were hermits dwelling in their cells in all the gates; for in many wills there are legacies to the hermits residing in all the gates at Norwich.

The leper or Lazar-houses were very frequent at some small distance from great towns, and very often in lonely places, near some great passage over rivers, &c. for the greater convenience of daily begging for their relief; and at the same time being alone by themselves, according to the law of the leprosie in Leviticus, "for as long as the disease shall be upon him, he shall be polluted, for he is unclean, he shall dwell alone, without the camp shall his habitation be." And accordingly by the national law, there was a writ intituled de Leproso amovendo, by which the parish was to remove the leper to some solitary place, to hinder his conversing with those that were not so.

Nay, so far exact were they, that each leper-house had a burial ground to their chapel, in which the lepers were buried by themselves. Few of these houses had any settled revenues, but yet they had always a common seal to each, and acted as incorporated bodies; most of them were subservient to the Bishop, who appointed the master or custos; others on abbies, or religious houses, as in particular this, which was built on the fee, and had its masters always nominated by the Prior of St. Faith's monastery at Horsham. None of these five houses were dissolved, but all continued as hospitals long after; at the Dissolution the seal of this house was altered, and the King presented the masters, who were admitted by the Bishop and Mayor; in 1603, James I. by warrant under his privy seal, for the good services done in the wars by Tho. Oglethorp, in recompense of his great hurts and wounds received, granted him the office, place, and room, of the guide and guidership of St. Stephen's hospital by Norwich, void by the death of John Bellmy, late guider, deceased, for life; with all fees, houses, lands, and revenues, thereto belonging; among which, Sir Bassingbourn Gawdy, as treasurer of the King's Bench, and Marshalsea, paid each guider annually 13s. 4d. In 1615, Tho. Ogilthorp and Mary his wife, granted the guidership to Thomas Alkynson of Norwich, glover, for three years, if he so long lived, at one pepper-corn rent for the first year, and 12l. for each of the last years. In 1606, Edmund Newport had a grant of it in reversion, in which it is said to be then called the Spitel-house, and was inhabited by lepers, lazars, and lame folks, and was late parcel of the priory of Horsham St. Faith: it seems Joshua Atkinson, glover, succeeded; for he, in 1629, as master and guider of the poor-house or hospital without St. Stephen's-gates, with the consent of the poor brothers and sisters therein inhabiting, for 5l. paid them by the officers of Fersfield in Norfolk, did admit into the society of the said house, Thomas Symonds, alias Cowper, a lame boy of 4 years of age, and a poor child of Fersfield aforesaid, there to be kept and maintained during life, according to the custom of the same house, to which he subscribed his name, and fixed the common seal of the house, which was square, with an S. in the middle, for St. Stephen. It continued till about 1694, and in 1698, the city leased the tenements formerly a lazar-house, to John Dunch for 900 years, at 2s. per annum to the city, and 6s. per annum to his Majesty's bailiff.

On the north side of Great Newgate-street, stands

Surrey-House, so called from the Earl of Surrey, formerly owner thereof; the royal arms supported by a lion and dragon, and those of Edward Prince of Wales, with this, ve. le. roy. and the white and red rose united, with H. R. for Henry VIII. Rex. were to be seen in the windows here; as were the arms of Thomas Duke of Norfolke Hygh Treasver and Erle Maryshall of England. being Howard with the Scotch augmentation, quartering Brotherton, Warren, and Mowbray, all in a garter with the Howards supporters. There was also in a lozenge having a crown over it, the arms of Vere Earl of Oxford, with 7 quarterings viz. 1. Trussel. 2. Arg. a lion rampant gul. on a fess or, three croslets sab. 3. Arg. three chevrons sab. 4. lost. 5. imperfect. 6. Barry wavy A. S. 7. Vert a lion rampant arg. In Edward the Sixth's time, it was either sold or given by the Duke of Norfolk, to his great favourite, Sir Roger Wodehouse, Knt. whose city house it was. He married Eliz. daughter and coheir of Sir Rob. Ratcliff, Knt. and accordingly on a fretted ceiling in a chamber here, are his arms impaling Ratcliff. In 1570, it was the city house of his son, Sir Roger Wodehouse, Knt. and after his death, Sir Philip Wodehouse, Knt. much beautified it, and resided here very often. There was a large shield of his arms, with the supporters and crest, and Frappe Forte, and for a motto underneath, Felix Infortvnatvs, in a window here, the shield had 13 coats, 1 Wodehouse of Kimberley. 2 Erpingham. 3 Felton. 4 Lutterel. 5 Estmond. 6 Clervaux. 7 Northwood. 8 Fastolff. 9 Furneaux. 10 Gedding. 11 Bottitort. 12 Aspall. 13 Pecche. 14 Swathyng. 15 Ratcliff. All which are right as to the arms, but quite misplaced as to the time of the matches; the whole impales Yelverton's arms and crest, viz. a lion passant gardant gul. Sir Philip aforesaid having married Grizell, daughter of William Yelverton of Rongham in Norfolk, Esq. and widow of Tho. le Strange of Hunstanton, Esq. It was sold by the Wodehouses to the Rants, afterwards belonged to Mr. James Demee, whose daughter Mary married Mr. Charles Makerel, with whose daughter it came to Alderman Crowe, the present [1744] owner.

In a house late Counsellor Mingay's, at the south-west corner of Brigg's-lane, now owned by the Rev. Mr. Mingay of Yarmouth, first Ufford and Willoughby quartered. 2. Paston. 3. Mowbray impales Morley. 4. Paston quartering Somerton, quartering Mawtby and Berry. 5. Howard quartering Brotherton, Warren, and Mowbray. 6. Godsalve. 7. Norwich bishoprick impaling Spencer. 8. Mingay with a crescent. 9. Ratcliff and his quarterings, but much imperfect. 10. Piercy Earl of Northumberland. 11. The arms of Henry VIII. 12. Mingay with a crescent impaling Gawdy, which shows that they were put by John Mingay of Ameringhall, Gent. who married Isabell, daughter of Sir Thomas Gawdy. She died in 1621, he in 1622, and are both buried in this church.

In a house at the south-east corner of Gun-lane is a shield of Trussel's coat.

The Greyhound in St. Stephen's was the ancient house where the Brownes lived, as Richard Browne, alderman in 1456, &c. Browne's arms impaled with the grocers and mercers, were in the windows, and those also of Boleyn and Brewse, and az. a chevron arg. between three boars heads cooped or, impales arg. on a bend sab. three mullets of the field, quartering gul. frette or, an annulet for difference.

In a large house late of Mr. Reuben King, schoolmaster, joining to the east part of the site of the chapel in the Fields, in a chamber window, Warner and Barton.

1. Warner quarters Whetnal, quartering Barton, and arg. two pallets az. being the arms of Robert Warner of Besthorp, Esq. and Margaret Barton, his wife.

2. Grey and Hasset. 1 and 4. Grey. 2 and 3 quarterly, 1st. Hastyngs quartering 1. Valence. 2. Hasset quartering Lowdham, Keldon, and Orton. These are the arms of Sir Henry Grey of Wrest, by right Earl of Kent, but on account of his small estate, did not take the title; he married Anne, daughter of John Bleverhasset, Esq. and died 1562.

There were formerly many more arms here, as Brampton of Letton impaling Barton, Leventhorp, Basingham, &c. Drury and Calthorp impaled, Wingfield, Cornwaleis, Cecil, Mildmay, Tindal, Grey, Hobart impaling Hasset, Warner impaling Cobham, Hare, Wingfield, &c. Marsh and Giggs, Marsh and Gresham, Browne and Harding, Albany quartering Mautravers, &c. all which are now gone.

In this parish is the

(67) College of St. Mary In The Fields


First called the Chapel in the Fields, and now commonly ChaplyField-House: it was first a chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as the legend round its common seal denotes, viz.

The Fields and Virgin gabe the Name, And may good Luck attend the same.

The fields near it are still called Chaply-Fields, and are leased out by the corporation. And indeed though they are now enclosed in the city walls, we are to consider, that at the foundation of this chapel, the walls were not built, but it stood open to the fields indeed.

It was built before 1250, in the fields on the south-west part of the city, by John le Brun of Norwich, priest, and at first was designed for an hospital only, by which name it is often called; but in a short space it became a noble college, consisting of a dean, (the founder being the first,) chancellor, precentor, treasurer, and seven other prebends; and afterwards there were added six chaplains, conducts, or chantry-priests, all on the foundation; besides gild-chaplains, soul priests, priests, and gentry, who used to have a common table, and live in a collegiate manner. The succession of the deans here follows.

Deans of the College of the Chapel in the Fields


who were all collated by the Bishops, in right of the see, or by the King, the see being void.

  • 1260, Master John le Brun of Norwich, founder and master of the hospital of St. Mary in the Fields; in 1278, dean of the chapel of St. Mary. In 1280, he and his fellow-canons granted a stall in the market to Ralf Bulman and Clarice his wife, on condition that after the deaths of Sabine, widow of John Nade, and Will. Payn of Norwich, who gave it them, they should pay 2s. a year out of it to the chapel. The common seal then, had the aforesaid legend round it, and a lily, the cognizance of the Blessed Virgin, within it; he lived to be old, when he died was buried in the choir, and was succeeded in
    1305, by Ric. de Ringestede. (See Pt. I. p. 660.)
  • 1309, Walter the dean.
  • 1315, a sequestration was granted to Henry, rector of Bawseye. In
  • 1321, another was granted to Walter de Ditchingham, one of the prebendaries, who soon after was made dean.
  • 1326, Simon de Cley; (see Pt. I. p. 660;) he resigned in 1340, to Will. de Hemenhale, in exchange for Norwich and Taverham deaneries. (See p. 64.)
  • 1340, Robert de Utlycote on Hemenhale's resignation, who was succeeded by Ric. Yve, or Ive, who had been precentor, and died in 1367, and Adam de Cringlewood, priest succeeded him.
  • 1369, John Henneye, priest, he resigned.
  • 1374, John Broun, rector of Tacolnestone, was buried in the same grave, and under the same stone with the founder, in the second step or ascent of the choir, before the high-altar. He was chancellor, and relation to the founder. (See Pt. I. p. 632.)
  • 1383, John Clervaus, chancellor, and Archdeacon of Suffolk. (See Ibid. p. 632, 652.)
  • 1401, Mr. Henry de Well, born at Upwell in Norfolk; he resigned on his being made Archdeacon of Lincoln, and died in 1421, was buried in the abbey church of West-Derham in Norfolk, to which he was a benefactor, having been presented to Grimstone rectory by that abbey.
  • 1405, John Rekingale of Rickinghall, rector of the mediety of Fressingfield, had other preferments in this diocese, and voided this at his consecration to Chichester bishoprick. (Godwin, p. 558.)
  • 1426, Master Tho. Ringstede, vicar of Mildenhall, (see Fox, fo. 664,) res.
  • 1436, John Wygenhale, alias Saresson, doctor of the decrees, chancellor. (See Pt. I. p. 632) He resigned, and in
  • 1440, Tho. Ringstede had it again; and resigned in 1444, and Wygenhale was collated again; he was rector of Great Massingham, &c.
  • 1459, Mr. Simon de Thornham, LL. B. he exchanged this dignity for a more inferiour station in this church, with Rob. Popy, LL. B. who was prebendary of the first prebend, called the prebend of the morning mass.
  • 1467, John Neel, S.T. B. official also of the Bishop's manors, who was buried in 1498, on the south side of the choir in a new monument he had built for himself.
  • 1498, Nic. Goldwell, LL. B. (See Ibid. p. 542, 633.)
  • 1502, Rob. Honywood, fellow and benefactor to All-Souls college in Oxford, Chancellor, (see Ibid. p. 633,) Archdeacon of Norwick, master of Bek hospital in Billing ford, rector of Calteshall, and canon of Windsor. He was succeeded by
    Mr. Freeman, on whose death
    Tho. Hare, LL. D. was collated in 1513; (Ibid. p. 633;) he was buried here, and in
  • 1519, Nic. Carr, LL. D. chancellor, &c. succeeded. (Ibid. p. 633.)
  • 1532, Miles Spencer, LL. D. the last dean, who persuaded the college to resign for small pensions, having cunningly obtained the whole to himself and heirs, by grant from Henry VIII. at its dissolution. (See an account of him in Pt. I. p. 633.)

The following are the names of such PREBENDS as I have met with; all which were collated by the Bishop, and installed by the Dean or Vice Dean, on the Bishop's mandate.


  • 1303 Roger Woderowe.
  • 1304, Will. Bromholm, res.
  • 1305, Ric. Hovel.
  • 1315, Walter de Detchingham.
  • 1321, John, son of Andrew de Baningham.
  • 1332, Rob. de Thorp.
  • 1333, Walter Snow of Wodeton.
  • 1333, Dionise de Toucestre.
  • 1334, Nic. de Hickling.
  • 1340, John de Baningham held it in commendam.
  • 1343, Rob. de Norton.
  • 1349, John de Len.
  • 1349, Rob. de Eton.
  • 1350, Roger Mondegome.
  • 1360, Adam de Foxele, res.
  • 1365, Rob. Solyde of Hingham, res.
  • 1366, John Roys, res.
  • 1366, Will. at Fen of S. Walsham.
  • 1376, John Browne, rector of Tacolneston, made dean.
  • 1376, John de Derlington, res.
  • 1376, Hugh de Westwyk, who changed the prebend of Taunfield in the collegiate church of Chester in Durham diocese with Derlington.
  • 1381, John Iwar.
  • 1394, George Palmer.
  • 1411, Ric. Helgay.
  • 1413, Tho. Norris.
  • 1415, John Sneyton.
  • 1418, Reginald Pulham, died.
  • 1433, John Saresson alias Wigenhall, doctor in the decrees.
  • 1459, Mr. Rob. Popy, res.
  • 1462, Simon de Thornham.
  • 1492, Tho. Wotton, ob.
  • 1493, Edmund Bryget, LL. B.
  • 1505, John Abberfeld, LL. B.
  • 1532, Edmund Steward.
  • 1534, Adam Hamond.


  • 1306, Walter de Stow.
  • 1315, Henry rector of Bauseye, sequestrator.
  • 1332, John de Wymbotsham.
  • 1349, Simon Akwere.
  • 1351, Roger.
  • 1323, Walter Ingald of Wortham, rector of Easton, died.
  • 1379, Mr. Thomas Lank, res.
  • 1427, Nicholas Derman, bachelor in the decrees, res.
  • 1454, Mr. Nic. Stanton, LL. B.
  • 1492, Nic. Goldwell.
  • 1498, Barth. Northern, LL.B. vicar of Buxton.

Roger Chirche doctor of the decrees, resigned in 1501.

Thomas Hare, LL. D. res.

  • 1515, Thomas Bower, ob.
  • 1530, Thomas Pellys LL.D. the persecutor and chancellor; (see Pt. I. p. 633,)
  • 1532, William Newton.
  • 1534, James Mitchell.


  • 1332, Roger le Virly.
  • 1334, Robert de Norton.
  • 1343, Will. at Oke of Woodnorton.
  • 1377, John Osmund,
  • 1389, Hugh de Heclee.
  • 1394, Thomas son of John of Smalburgh.
  • 1400, Robert Honeworth.
  • 1442, Mr. Rob. Appleby, LL.B.
  • 1492, Mr. Robert Calton, ob.
  • 1501, Thomas Deye, res.
  • 1536, Alexander Trodis, ob.
  • 1527, Ric. Taylor.
  • 1534, Thomas Cheviler.


  • 1306, Thomas Depham by sequestration.
  • 1315, Henry, rector of Bauseye, ditto.
  • 1321, Rich. Yve, sometime rector of St. Andrew.
  • 1343, William de Papworth, res.
  • 1344, Robert de Redgrave, res.
  • 1344, John de Baningham, res.
  • 1344, John Acura de Ingelemitis.
  • 1364, Adam de Hickling.
  • 1389, John Freton.
  • 1390, Robert Edyman, afterwards rector of Brisley.
  • 1394, John Stamp of Reynham, buried here.
  • 1410, John Hardpenny.
  • 1413, Thomas Barton, bach. dec.
  • 1422, John Ferrour, res.
  • 1475, Ralf Harple alias Wulman.
  • 1476, Ralf Daniel, bachelor in the decrees.
  • 1507, Thomas Edeman.

Mr. Gregory Mower, ob.

  • 1520, Mr. John Coke.
  • 1534, George North.


301, Andrew, rector of Tivetshall.

306, Mr. Roger de Snetesham.

321, Richard Kempe.

332, Rob. Balls of Thrandeston.

  • 1332, Mr. Freman, ob.
  • 1513, Thomas Hare, LL. D.
  • 1536, Thomas Freke.


306, Bartholomew, rector of Aysch, &c.

  • 1534, Richard Bryan.


348, William Ingald of Wortham.

349, Robert Bullock.

390, David Cook.

Mr. John Southo, resigned.

429, Mr. John Sadd.

444, William Hert.

457, Richard Palmer.

  • 1476, Mr. Paul Geyton, scholar in divinity, res.
  • 1409, John Hedge, O.
  • 1536, Stephen Prewet, presented by Elizabeth Littleproud, by grant from the Bishop.


349, Robert Bullock.

349, John de Titleshall.

395, Richard Boun of Tid St. Giles.

456, Mr. William Wode, ob.

  • 1497, John ap Howel, A. M. res.
  • 1497, Rob. Pokyswell, LL. D. ob.
  • 1502, John Leicester, LL. B. ob.
  • 1510, William Stillington.


380, John Iwar.

381, Thomas Noreys, res.

418, John Aylsham, res.

448, Master Robert Popy, bachelor in the decrees, res.

462, Master Simon Thornham, LL. B. ob.

471, John Davyson, keeper of the Hanaper in the King's Exchequer.

  • 1473, Master John Bulman.

Master Robert Diker, res.

  • 1530, Thomas Cappe, doctor in the decrees, res.
  • 1535, Thomas Symonds, domestick chaplain to the Bishop.


John Sutton.

  • 1432, William Thrulby, Ralf Harpeley alias Wulman, res.
  • 1457, Ric. Hayman, res.
  • 1457, John Wode, LL. B.
  • 1492, Master John ap Howel.

The Six Conducts


Were chantry priests, that daily celebrated mass at their altars, for the souls of their several founders and benefactors.

Was founded in 1331, by Katherine de Kirkeby, widow, who this year obtained license of Edward III. to settle in mortmain, her tenement in the horse-market, on which it abutted south, and on the common-market (now the hay-market) north, on the college, to find a chantry priest, daily to say mass for her own soul, and those of her ancestors, in the chapel of the college aforesaid for ever; the dean and canons being to receive the profits, and nominate the priest, and maintain and pay him for his service; and accordingly the next year, the college appointed Sir Roger de Wortham, chaplain, the first chantry priest, and conveyed all the house, &c. of her donation, to him for life, for his service.


This chantry was founded in 1388, for the souls of Bartholomew and William Appelyerd, and their ancestors and successours; the said Bartholomew and William gave the college 100 marks, for which they bound themselves to the city, to find a priest to live among them as one of their secular canons, to sing daily in their collegiate church, for the souls aforesaid; and to allow him a decent chamber, and meat, drink, washing and lodging, within the college, and pay him yearly five marks, 6s. 8d. by the hands of the dean of the college, at Easter and Michaelmas, out of the tithes, offerings, and profits, of the church of St. Andrew in Norwich, which was appropriated to them; and the chaplain or chantry priest at his admission, was obliged to swear to the dean and canons, that by himself or other he would perform daily service for his founder's soul; and every year, the dean, canons, and chantry priest, were to keep the anniversary of the said Bartholomew and William, with exequies, &c. on Sunday after ascension day, and also their several obit days.

The priest was named by the college, and the chantry was served till the Dissolution.

Was founded in 1391, by Ralph Chircheman, clerk, citizen of Norwich, otherwise called Ralf de Neketon, son of Roger Chircheman of Neketon or Necton in Norfolk, who gave two houses, called Depesplace, and Sadelers-place, for a chantry of one chaplain to celebrate divine service in the collegiate church for ever, for his own soul, and the soul of Alice Renter, who had given the said Ralf a messuage in Berstreete to dispose of for her soul, and the souls of Walter de Horstede and Basil his wife, her father and mother, of Simon Renter her late husband, and Elizabeth her daughter; all which this priest was daily to commemorate: he also gave a tenement called Larecokys in Cook-rowe in St. Simon and St. Jude's parish, to Agnes Markaunt for life, then to William his son, Margaret, and Marion his daughters, and the daughters of the said Agnes, for their lives, and then to be sold, and the money paid to the dean of the chapel, to augment his chantry, and other pious uses. This priest was to sing at the altar by his grave in the collegiate church.

John Chircheman, citizen of London, and Emma his wife, are often mentioned, and he seems to be brother to this Ralf, and had a house in which he sometimes resided, in the Cook-row in St. Simon's parish.

John Chircheman, citizen of Norwich, son of William and grandson of Ralf, made his will in 1451, and left legacies to Margaret his wife, &c.

These were all benefactors to the college and the priest serving there; as also to the church of Necton, most of which they glazed at their expense, filling the windows with their arms in small shields, on the edges or bordures, viz.

Churchman arg. two bars, in chief two pallets sab.

And anciently some of the family bare them thus, viz.

Sab. two bars humetté, in chief two pallets, in base an escalop arg.

Some of which still remain in these windows.

Was founded in 1405, when John Alderford, Esq. and Alice his wife, gave the college 220 marks, and the residue of a good lease, held of the college in St. Andrew's parish, on condition they should yearly find at their own cost, a secular chaplain that had no cure of souls, nor was under any religious vow or order, to perform daily service both in the choir and out, as the other chaplains of the college did, who was particularly to pray for the souls of Robert Kenton, and — his wife, William Rees, Esq. and Margery his wife, and for the welfare of Sir Simon Felbrigge, Knt. Roger Prat, clerk, master of St. Giles's hospital; John Alderford and Alice his wife, during their lives, and their souls after their decease; the said priest to be called Kentone's priest, who was bound, with the dean and whole college, to observe the anniversary of Robert Kenton and his wife, with placebo, dirige, and mass of requiem in the collegiate church, according to the use of Sarum.

The dean and canons were to find the priest a handsome chamber in the college, and constantly repair it, and also the same meat, drink, barber, washing, and lodging, with the other canons, and pay him 3l. per annum, at Easter and Michaelmas, for his stipend; to perform which, all the members of the college sware, and bound themselves to oblige all persons to swear in like manner, that should ever be admitted hereafter, giving security to the city to forfeit 10l. every time any part of this contract was not fulfilled.

In 1410, Will. Rees, Esq. brother to Will. Appelyerd, by will, gave a house, &c. to be sold, and the money to be given to the college, to increase the stipend of his chantry priest, and to pay 2s. a week to Thomas, an anchorite by the college, during his life.

This chantry was not fully settled till 1422, and then King Henry V. having granted license in mortmain for that purpose: by indenture tripartite made between John Mannyng, mayor, and the corporation on one part, John Rykynghale, dean, and the chaplains and chapter of the college on the second part, Sir Sim. Felbrigge, Knt. Roger Prat, clerk, Walter Danyel, and John Alderford, on the third part; the mediety of the church of Fresingfield in Suffolk, which they had purchased of the abbot and convent of Bury, except a pension of 40s. annually to be paid out of it to that abbey, was appropriated for this purpose to the college: the following conditions being added to those above-mentioned, viz. that he should always daily say mass at the altar, before which the bodies of Will. Rees, Esq. and Margery his wife, lie entombed, and pray for the souls, and welfares aforesaid; and that of William Paston of Paston, while alive, and his soul when dead; and the day before All-Saints, they were to keep the anniversary of William and Margery, and find two wax tapers burning on their tomb, and distribute 6s. among the chaplains of the college, and 4d. to the chantry priest, and augment the stipend of the first chantry priest to 3l. 12s. 4d. and that of all his successours to 66s. 8d. and Robert Douve priest, was elected by the college, who were patrons; and all his successours, were to enjoy it for life, unless they did any thing that would remove a rector.


Was founded in 1411, by William Sedman citizen of Norwich, who by license obtained of King Richard II. settled on the college the manor and advowson of Bouthorp, with one messuage, one toft, 320 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 16 acres of marsh, 7 acres of broom, and 9s. annual rents in Heigham, Eston, Costesseye, Rynglond, Honingham, Colton, Marlyngford, Melton, Bauburgh, and Bowthorp, the whole, except the manor and advowson, was to go to the benefit and advowson of the college in general, but they were settled to find a chaplain in the collegiate church, and in the church of St. Peter of Mancroft, to pray for the welfare of the said William Sedman and Margaret his wife, during their lives, and their souls for ever after their decease, which secular chaplain, or chantry priest, was to have no other cure whatever, being bound to say matins at 6 o'clock every morning, in St. Peter's church at the altar of the Holy Trinity, one week, and the other, in the collegiate church, and so alternately for ever; and also to be and serve day by day in the choir there, with the rest of the canons or vicars, he being to be reputed one of them; he was chosen by the majority of the college, and was sworn to perform his office, and be obedient in all things lawful to the dean, was to hold it for life, if he did not that which would remove a vicar, and was to have a chamber found him, and his barber, meat, drink, washing, and lodging free, and six marks stipend at Easter and Michaelmas, and if the college did not fill up every vacancy in three months, the corporation of the city was to do it, and have 10l. per annum paid them by the college out of the premises, to and such a priest. The settlement was by tripartite indentures, one part of which was to be in the Gild-hall, another in the college, and the other in St. Peter's church.

This William Sedman was bailiff, sheriff, mayor, and thrice burgess in parliament for the city; he married Margaret, daughter of John Daniel, and lies buried in Lettice Payn's chantry in St. Peter's Mancroft, before the high-altar there, called Bronde's or Trinity altar, and gave 20l. to the college towards leading the chancel, on condition they put his name in their martyrology, and keep his obit, and commemorate his name in the Sunday bead-roll, and observe his chantry faithfully for ever.


This chantry was founded in 1460, by Master John de Wygenhale, doctor in the decrees, some time dean here, and archdeacon of Sudbury, (see p. 171,) who gave 200l. to purchase lands and tenements with, for the benefit of the society, on condition they found a secular chaplain, who had no cure of souls, nor was of any religious order, to pray daily for his welfare, and for his soul after his death, together with the souls of John and Margaret, his father and mother, and William, (his brother,) and all the faithful deceased; and to keep his anniversary with placebo, dirige, and mass by note. His chantry priest was to have a chamber well repaired found him, with barber, meat, drink, washing, and lodging, as the rest of the canons in all things, he being to be reputed and taken to be one of the foundation, and to have a pension of 5 marks a year: John Spendlove, priest, was appointed the first, who, as all his successours, was to enjoy it for life, if not guilty of notorious crimes, and they were to be chosen by the dean and majority of the college: it seems one Maude Hirde (Heade) made some addition to this conduct's place, for her soul was daily prayed for, along with the others.


Was founded by Edmund de Bokenham of Snetterton, Esq. who died in 1479, at his city house in St. Peter's, and was buried in this collegiate church, and gave the dean 13s. 4d.; to every brother prebendary then resident, and serving in the choir daily, 10s.; to every chantry priest there 6s. 8d.; to the clerk 3s. 4d.; to the master of the boys that sing in the choir, 13s. 4d. and ten marks to repair the church. He settled divers lands and tenements called Buxton's in Smallburgh, which he purchased of the executors of Henry Catte, for the profits to find fuel for the choristers yearly, from All-Saints to Easter, to be managed by the master of the children of the said college; and also two tenements in St. Giles's parish, to find a light yearly burning in a lamp before the high-altar, and another before the sepulchre at Easter for ever, and gave his city house to be sold, and the money was settled to find a chantry priest to sing for his soul at his grave here, and for that of Dionise his wife, for ever.

Goldwell's chantry priest

Was founded by the executors of Bishop James Goldwell, (see Pt. I. p. 541,) with the surplusage of his fortunes, with which they purchased license of Henry VII. to settle 53 marks a year in mortmain, which they accordingly did, on the master and brethren of St. Giles's hospital in Norwich, conditionally to find for ever three chaplains, either seculars or regulars, to pray for the soul of the said Bishop; upon which, lands of that value were purchased, and the hospital gave security, and tied their manor of Rokel's in Trowse in the county of Norfolk, to pay 10 marks a year to one chaplain celebrating for his soul in the cathedral, in the chapel at his tomb, and 10 marks a year for a second chaplain to celebrate mass for his soul in the collegiate church, and 10 marks for a third chaplain celebrating for him in their hospital church, the residue being to be applied to the poor in the hospital, all which was settled by three deeds in 1520.

Persons buried in the collegiate church are,

  • 1379, Walter Ingald, rector of Easton. 1382, William Armory, rector of Long-Stratton, buried in the choir by the tomb of Simon de Babingley. 1382, Sir Thomas de Gyssing, Knt. 1384, Adam, rector of Fieldallyng. 1384, William Basset, rector of a mediety of Hetherset, gave a messuage abutting on Abraham's-hall west, on the highway east, and on the market south, daily to remember his soul, and those of Henry and Maud his parents, in their morning mass for ever, each by their several names. 1385, George de Stanford, rector of North-Reppes; he gave 20s. for a pittance, and 8 marks for an annual. 1385, Adam Everard of Bradfield, chaplain. 1388, Joan, widow of Sir Tho. de Gissing, Knt. buried by her husband's tomb, and gave a vestment to St. Catherine's altar of red velvet and gold stars. 1391, John Smith of Gonthorp, parish chaplain of East Carleton or Carleton St. Mary. 1393, Tho. de Hale, chaplain.
  • 1419, Sir Tho. Hemgrave, Knt. before the image of the Blessed Virgin in the choir, and gave 10l. to the college. 1432, John Playforth, rector of Baconesthorp, buried in that chapel, where he used to say mass, and gave a cup and patten of silver gilt. 1434, Richard Schyrlok of Badlee, buried before St. John's image, and gave 26l. 13s. 4d. to be entered in the martyrology and bead-roll; to the work of the new window 26s. 8d. and 5l. for a marble to be laid over him. 1439, Sir Edward Hunt, chaplain, buried in the porch, and gave a fine cup, and vestment of red silk. 1443, Godwin Pescod. 1445, Thomas Bumpstede, senior, Esq. buried by the tomb of Margery his mother, and gave 5l. and forgave the college a debt of 9 marks. 1446, Thomas Fuller, rector of the mediety of North Tuddenham, buried in the south isle, and gave 10 marks. Robert Blickling of Norwich, Esq. was buried in the abbey church at Carrow, but ordered a marble pavement to be made in the north isle of the collegiate church, by the tomb of Simon de Blickling, his grandfather. 1458, John Godwyn, chaplain, brother of Corpus Christi gild held here, the alderman of the gild, and brethren to say mass for him on the 7th day after his death. 1458, William Martyn, notary publick; he gave a legacy towards rebuilding the church, as it was then designed, and a sum of money to make the sepulchre of our Lord, and a handsome white silk altar-cloth, with a frontel for the high altar, on which this was embroidered, Orate pro anima Will' Martyn Hotarii, qui contulit hunc pannum in honorem Beatissime Virginis Matris Domini nostri Marie, Matris DominiJesu Christi. 1460, Will. Sekyngton. 1461, Ric. Fuller, chaplain, by his father's tomb. 1460, John Smith, chaplain. 1464, Ric. Ferneys, hermit, formerly at Newbrigge in Ickburgh; he gave legacies to John, then hermit there, and to John Felton, then hermit at Norwich.
  • 1465, Edmund Hobbes, chaplain. 1468, John Wigenhale, doctor in the decrees, Dean here, Archdeacon of Sudbury, &c. (See Pt. I. p. 648,) buried in the north part, at the east end, before the altar of the Blessed Virgin, and gave 10l. to repair the church. 1471, Thomas Jamys, chaplain. 1475, John Spendlove, chaplain, before St. James's altar, where morning mass is said, before the image of St. Mary there painted. 1479, John le Strange of Norwich, Esq. left Eliz. his second wife, an annuity out of his manors of Aslacton, Wakton, and Hedenham, and if Thomas Duke, his first wife's son, would settle it, he to have the manors in fee simple, and his estates in the parish of St. Edmund the King, St. Paul, and St. Peter of Hundegate; he gave the college 20 marks. Eliz. wife of John Jenney, daughter and heir of John (Wetherbye) or Wedyrlye. (Weever, fo. 865.) 1483, John Shottesham, chaplain, gave a corporas case and corporal of gold tissue. 1485, William Fake, buried before the holy-rood in the choir, and ordered 4 marbles 1 foot square each, and 20 half yard marbles, to be laid as pavement over and near his grave, to give example to others to pave the whole church with marble, which was afterwards done; he gave 10l. to buy an altar cloth for the high-altar; and was a great benefactor to their library and college. 1488, Will. Hemyng, chaplain, buried by Spendlove's tomb. 1495, Will. Cubet, chaplain, 1497, Philip West, priest. 1503, Sir Robert Bushett, priest, of St. Stephen's, by his mother, and gave a vestment of black damask worsted. 1506, Ric. Baxter, priest. 1512, Robert Burnham, notary, by Mr. Bartilmew Northern. 1513, Sir Thomas Love, priest, buried on the south side of the church, before the image of our Lady of Pity, and had a stone thus inscribed, hic iacet Thomas Love Capellanus quondam Cle ricus Parochialis Sancti Petri de Mancroft, cuiux anime propicietur deus Amen. 1519, Rob. Burges, clerk of the chapel in the Field, buried in the body of the church, next Master Ralf Danyel, on the north side, and gave a legacy for himself and wife, to be put in the martyrology book, and in the bead book. 1534, John Coke, buried in the nether end of the north isle.

Benefactors to this college were,

John le Brun, the founder, who gave the site of the college, and the advowson of the rectory of the church of St. Andrew in Norwich; and Jeffery le Brun, his brother, rector there, confirmed it in 1267. It is plain that the founder had began an hospital here before 1248, for in that year, John Bond bequeathed to the hospital of St. Mary in the Fields, a rent of 6d. a year, out of the messuage formerly of Chabbard the Jew, and then of Will. de Happesburgh.

In 1272, William de Dunwich was a benefactor, and the advowson of St. George at the Monastery-gates, now St. George at Tombland, seems to have been given also by the founder, and was appropriated with the church of St. Andrew.

King Edward III. granted them license to appropriate the church of Moulton, and a mediety of the church of Fresingfield in Suffolk. In 1374, Sir Roger Midleton, rector of St. Peter of Mancroft, gave 10l. towards building their common kitchen and their precinct walls; to Gloucester abbey 40l. and to Cirencester abbey 40 marks. In 1364, King Edward III. licensed them to get the church of Easton appropriated to them, and to hold divers lands there. In 1377, Margaret, relict of Peter Fairchild, gave them a shop to sell, and lay out the money in building their cloister. 1378, Ralf Kesewic gave them a stall to sell for that purpose. In 1379, Adam Popy settled a messuage and garden on the college; and Walter de Berney gave 10l. towards building the cloister. In 1380, a royal license passed to appropriate St. Andrew's, St. George's, and Field-Dallyng, to the college; and another in 1383, for the appropriation of St. Peter in Mancroft. In 1385, Thomas Bumstede was a benefactor. In 1389, Ric. de Blakeney settled divers lands in Norwich and Heigham. In 1392, Henry Liminour settled and gave divers lands in Eston and Costesseye. In 1419, Thomas Frary, chaplain, conveyed to the dean divers lands in Melton-Parva, of the gift of John de Blickling. In 1420, the other mediety of Fresingfield was appropriated to them by John Bishop of Norwich. In 1423, Walter Danyel, mercer, gave 20 marks for the soul of William his son. In 1428, Rich. Fatman gave 20l. towards leading the chancel, and founded a priest to sing for him there. In 1433, William Sedman gave 20l. towards leading the choir. In 1442, John Cambridge, alderman, gave 10 marks. 1444, Thomas Wetherby, Esq. gave five marks to repair the church. 1464, Alice, widow of Ric. Brown, merchant, gave 40s. In 1467, John Drolle, alderman, gave a cross of silver gilt. 1470, John Pers, dean of Norwich city, was a benefactor of their library; as was Alderman John Gilbert in 1466, and Ric. Ferneys, hermit at Newbrigge, in 1464. In 1487, John Carlton, mercer, and in 1493, Thomas Wotton, rector of Blofield. In 1492, Eliz. widow of Robert Clere of Ormesby, Esq. founded two priests to sing before Ryse's or Rees's altar here, for two years, for her soul, and those of Thomas Uvedale and Margaret his wife, her father and mother; and Sir Walter Balle, priest, to have it and 7 marks a year stipend; and if the dean will keep her mother's yerday, he to have 8d. and two wax tapers to burn that day: she was a benefactress to the great gild of St. Mary kept here. The manor of Tacolneston went with her from the Uvedales to the Cleres; she is interred in the cathedral. 1501, Thomas Bachcroft of Little-Melton, gave 40l. to make a new rood-loft in the worship of God, our Lady, and All-Saints in heaven. 1515, the dean paid 10s. to the Prioress of Bungey for certain tithes in Mowton hired of her, and 4s. for rent of the George by Fibrigge, 10s. for a house on Tombland, and 10s. for a house in St. Peter's. 1525, Alderman John Marsham gave a legacy to the church.

The church of St. Mary Unbrent in Norwich was given at or soon after the foundation, by Mathew le Brun, brother to the founder; and it appears, that the three brothers, viz. John the Founder, Jeffery, rector of St. Andrew, and Mathew, shared the inheritance of their father, for each of them had 4 acres of land in ChapelFields, and the advowson of a church; on his 4 acres the founder built the college, and gave his advowson of St. George, and procured the two other from his brothers. Other 4 acres, came some time after to be in the priory of St. James at Bukenham in Norfolk, of which house the college purchased it; paying them 10s. per annum reserved rent; and the other part was given by Mathew, to Lucy de Morley, his wife, and by her executors sold to John son of Henry le Caus, and Alice his wife, who sold it to Peter de Bumpstede, merchant, and his heirs, and that continued a private property many years. In 1530, the college released 3s. part of a rent of 5s. out of the tenements, called afterwards the Suffragan's tenements.

Edmund, son of Jeffery the blacksmith, by deed without date, gave an annual rent of 12d. out of his house in St. Stephen's: and many such small rents were given by divers persons out of several houses in many parishes in the city.

The revenues of the college in 1428 were thus taxed; viz. spirituals,

St. Andrew in Norwich valued at 100s. paid 10s. tenths.

St. Peter of Mancroft — 15 marks. — 33s. 4d.

The portion of the Abbot of Gloucester in the said church, perpetually leased to the college.—6 marks. — viij.s.

St. George at the Gates appropriated, but not valued or taxed.

The whole of their spirituals was valued at 79l.

The whole of their temporals 4l. 10s. 4d. of which in St. Stephen's 10s. 1d.; St. Saviour's 6d.; St. Andrew's 21s. 10d.; St. Martin at Plain 2s.; All-Saints 4s. 4d.; St. John 18d.; St. Peter per Montergate 10s.; St. Mary Unbrent 4s. 10d.; St. Simon and Jude 7s.; St. George 12d.; St. Olave 5d.; St. Julian 2s.; St. Mary 2s.; St. Edward 2s.; St. Clement 6d.; St. Giles 8s. 6d.; St. Laurence 2s.; St. Margaret 12d.; St. Swithin 12d.

The whole of their spirituals and temporals valued at 83l. 10s. 3d. paid 8l. 7s. ob. every tenth; and in 37 Henry VIII. it was granted to Miles Spencer, the last dean, and his heirs, for 105l. 13s. 4d. viz.

The whole college and its site in the parishes of St. Stephen, and St. Peter of Mancroft, with the church, steeple, and churchyard, and all walls and buildings whatever in the said site, to be held in free burgage and not in capite. And also, a capital messuage with gardens and orchards in St. Peter's Mancroft, and 20 messuages and tenements, and also the capital messuage called Abraham's-hall, in the parishes of St. Stephen's and St. Peter aforesaid; and the corner house and two adjoining tenements in St. Stephen's; and a stable and four other messuages in that parish, and a messuage and all their shops and cellars in St. Andrew's, and three messuages in St. George's, and their gardens and orchards, and 2s. rent from the city, and divers rents out of houses amounting to 12s. value, and also a moiety of a garden and a parcel of ground adjoining, in St. Stephen's; and one great garden called the Dove-house Close, and one dove-house therein built, in St. Peter Mancroft, and another garden; and a garden and waste messuage there; and six gardens more in St. Stephen's, and one more in St. Peter's; and all stalls, gardens, &c. there; and also the manor, rectory, and advowson of Bowthorp, vicarage, with all lands, court fees, tithes, &c. thereto belonging, and all other their revenues there: and the rectories of Easton, and Field-Dallyng, in Norfolk, and Fresingfield in Suffolk, and the advowsons of their several vicarages, and all barns, buildings, lands, tithes, &c. belonging to their several impropriate rectories. The manor advowson, and rectory of Bowthorp, and Eston, Field-Dalling, and Fresingfield advowsons, and rectories, to be held in capite at the 60th part of a knight's fee; and 9s. 2d. ob. per annum for Bowthorp, 4s. 8d. for Eston, 19s. 8d. for Field-Dallyng, and 8s. 4d. 0b. for Fresingfield, to be paid into the Court of Augmentations every Michaelmas, as tenths. The said Miles was to pay 40s. a year to the collector for his fee; 2s. to the Bishop of Norwich for Bowthorp synodals, and 6s. to the Archdeacon of Norfolk for procurations; 6s. 8d. to the Bishop for a pension from Easton; and 40s. to him for a pension from Field-Dallyng; 3s. 4d. to the sacrist of the cathedral, and 4s. to the Bishop for Fresingfield synodals, 3l. for the Bishop's pension from Fresingfield; 11s. 8d. to Suffolk Archdeacon for his synodals and procurations, and 8d. to the sacrist of the cathedral. The said Miles was to have all the timber, glass, iron, tombs, and stones, of, in, or upon the church, chancel, cloister, and all other buildings, within the site; and all the lead on the cloister, porch, and great hall, and in the windows of the parlour, and at the end of the gallery, and about the cisterns and conduits; with all the ornaments of the church, without paying any thing for them: the letters patent are dated at Westminster, May, 22, Ao. Reg. 37°.

In 1555, William Burnel and Constance his wife received an annuity of 3l. 6s. 8d.; Miles Spencer a pension of 11l.; Will. Mingay, auditor, 10s.; John Corbet 20s.; all which were paid by the Crown, on grants made them at the dissolution of the college.

From the Spencers it came to the Cornwaleises, and Henry Cornwaleis, Esq. owned it in 1588. In the bow-window in the great hall, are Southwell's arms, with his quarters, viz. Wichingham, Fastolff, Tendring, and Holebrook, impaling

Cornwaleis and her quarters, viz. 1. sab. two bars gemels arg. on a canton of the second, a crescent of the first. 2. Braham. 3. arg. a bend between six croslets fitché sab. 5. Tirrel. 6. Duke.

Kitson, sab. three luces hauriant in fess arg. a chief or, quartering quarterly, 1 and 4, arg. three pales az. on a chief gul. three bezants. 2 and 3, a chevron between three mullets gul. the whole impaling Cornwaleis and his quartering as before, and are the arms of Sir Thomas Kitson, Knt. lord of Hemgrave or Hingrave in Suffolk, who married for his second wife, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Sir Thomas Cornwaleis, Knt. owner of this college; Kitson died in 1602, and Elizabeth his widow erected his monument in Hingrave chancel in 1608.

Cornwaleis and his quarterings as before, impales Jerningham and her quarters, viz. Inglethorp, Fitz-Osborn, Herling, Lowdham, Gonvile, Keldon, and Clifton of Nottinghamshire.

It was after owned by Sir Charles Cornwaleis, whose whole achievement, though now lost, was in the windows, with his crest and motto, viz. Virtus vincit Invidiam: there were also the arms of Southwell and Cornwaleis, and

Southwell's crest, viz. a demi-hound arg. with a red ear, and a crown about his neck or,

Barrow sab. two swords in saltier proper, between four de-lises or, in a bordure gobony arg. and gul.; and many more now lost.

It was after purchased by the Hobarts; in the windows the following arms of that family still remain;

1. Hobart and Bell, for Sir Henry Hobart the judge, and Dorothy his wife, daughter of Sir Robert Bell of Baupre-hall, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.

2. Hobart and Sidney, for Sir John Hobart, Bart. and Phillipa his first wife, daughter of Robert Sidney Earl of Leicester.

3. Hobart, with Ulster arms, impaling Egerton, arg. a lion rampant gul. between 3 pheons sab. for Sir John Hobart, Bart. and Frances, his second wife, daughter of John Earl of Bridgewater.

4. Hobart impales Peyton, for Sir Miles Hobart, Knt. second son to Sir Henry Hobart the chief justice, and father to that Sir John Hobart that married Hampden; and Susanna his wife, daughter to Sir John Peyton of Iselham, Bart.

5. Hobart and Hampden, arg. a saltier gul. between four eagles displayed az. for Sir John Hobart of Blickling, Bart. and Mary his second wife, daughter to John Hampden of Hampden in Buckinghamshire, relict of that Colonel Hammond, who had Charles I. prisoner in the isle of Wight; which Colonel was own brother to the learned Doctor Hammond, the favourite chaplain to that King.

It is now [1744] owned by John Lord Hobart of Blickling.

(68) Abraham's-hall, is part in St. Stephen's and part in St. Peter of Mancroft, on the south side of the hay-market; it is now the sign of Abraham offering up his son Isaac, and is a very ancient inn; for in 1619, Will. Blomefield, merchant, aged 82 years, Titus Norris, aged 83 years, and others, certified that they had known it an inn above 60 years, and it was then reputed an ancient inn. It takes its name from Abraham the son of Deulecresse the Jew, who for blasphemy and other transgressions that he did, was drawn and burnt, and so escheated his estate to the Crown; and on the 7th of July 1278, King Edward I. granted to Vincent de Kirkeby and Lucy his wife, this messuage, with seven shops adjoining, and 8s. 8d. yearly rents paid to it, the whole being then valued at 6l. 1s. per annum, and to their heirs for ever: Anthony Bek Archdeacon of Durham, Master Tho. Bek Archdeacon of Dorset, Ralf de Hengham, Thomas de Weyland, and others, being witnesses. In 1351, Edward III. granted license in mortmain, to Katherine de Kirkeby, to settle it on the college of St. Mary in the Fields; and in January 1333, it was settled by the name of her tenement in the horse-market, called Abraham's-hall, for a chaplain to pray daily for the soul of the said Catherine after her death, and for the souls of John de Kirkeby, Walter Gysouns, Rich. Lirling, fathers of the said Katherine de Kirkeby, and Roger de Wortham the first chantry priest, who was to be nominated by the college, and have a stipend of five marks and an half, and be as one of the vicars in the college, and reckoned a canon there, and have a chamber, meat, drink, washing, and lodging; and if they suffered the chantry to be void a month, the turn was then to lapse to the Bishop.

(69) St. Peter of Mancroft


This parish is a small ward of itself, and at the beginning of the Confessor's reign was uninhabited, being field only; that part which is now the market-place, was the magna crofta castelli, or great croft of the castle; it joining to the outward west ditch thereof; and hence the church that was built on the south-west part of it, is still distinguished from the other churches of St. Peter in this city, by the name of Magna Crofta, or Mancroft. At the latter end of the Confessor's time it began to be inhabited, and at the Conqueror's survey, all this land was owned and held by Ralf Waiet, or Guader, Earl of Norfolk, in right of his castle, and he granted it to the King in common, to make a new-burgh between them; which burgh contained all this and St. Giles's parish; and this Earl it was, that first founded the church of St. Peter and Paul at Mancroft, and gave it to his chaplains; and after his forfeiture, Robert Blund the sheriff, received an ounce of gold yearly from the chaplains; and on Godric's becoming sheriff, the Conqueror gave it in fee to Wala his chaplain, at which time it was worth 3l. per annum. This Wala, after the grant, was called Wala de Sco' Petro, by which name he became a monk in the abbey of Gloucester, and at his entering there, gave this church to that monastery, in the time, of Serlo the first abbot there; and William the Conqueror confirmed his gift, as did afterwards Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury, who licensed them to get it appropriated if William Turb Bishop of Norwich would consent, but he would not; and so it still continued a rectory in the gift of Gloucester abbey, by the abbot and convent of which, the following rectors were presented.


  • 1300, Sir Jeffery de Wyleby, priest. It was then valued at eight marks.
  • 1312, John de Carent.
  • 1320, Edward de Flete, chaplain, or vicar to Carent.
  • Walter de Berencestre; he resigned.
  • 1326, John de Burncestre; he was allowed to be non-resident, and acknowledged to John Abbot of Gloucester, a pension of six marks, to be yearly due and paid by the rector here to that abbey. Simon de Byntre was his vicar or parish chaplain.
  • 1361, Sir Robert Passelew, priest, resigned.
  • 1361, Sir Roger de Midleton, priest; he was buried in the chancel in 1374, and gave 20s. to repair the books belonging to the altar, and 40s. towards consecrating the churchyard, which was now enlarging by license from the King and Bishop; 20s. to his parish chaplain or vicar; 6s. 8d. to the parish clerk; 2s. to the sexton; and to each chaplain celebrating annuals in the church when he died, 40d.; to his lord the Abbot, and convent of Gloucester 40l.; to the monks there 20l.; and 20l. to repair the church; to the Abbot and convent of Cirencester 40 marks; 20 marks to the canons there, and 20 marks to repair that church; 40s. to Sir John Brown, dean of the chapel in the Fields. (See p. 170.)
  • 1374, March 19, Sir Adam Damport, the last rector, was presented by the Abbot and Convent of Gloucester, who in 1383, obtained license in mortmain, to convey the advowson to John de Pyeshale and Tho. More, clerks, Rob. Ashfield, Barth. de Salle, Nic. de Blakeney, Henry Lumnor, Will. Appelyard, and Robert de Pyeshall, who were to convey it to the dean and chapter of the college of St. Mary in the Fields, which they accordingly did, by their deed bearing date in 1388, with liberty to get it impropriated and so hold it to them and their successours, paying the old pension of 4l. a year to the Abbot of Gloucester; of which pension also afterwards, they obtained a perpetual lease from the abbey; it is plain that the church was soon after impropriated, for the dean and chapter of St. Mary held it as such, and never presented any rector or vicar, but took the whole profits to themselves, and nominated a parish chaplain, paid 3d. yearly for the synodals, 33s. 4d. tenths, to the Bishop, prior, and monks five marks per annum, and to the sacrist 4s. and the college was bound at the impropriation, to make the stipend of the parish chaplain eight marks a year, because he was taxed at that rate, as the monks were also taxed for their pension: and it appears by the accounts of the college, that they always nominated the parish chaplain, and paid him his stipend, as also the parish clerk's stipend, and that of the sacrist or sexton; and in 1431, they paid to

Master John Grydinge, parish chaplain, 6l. 6s. 8d. clear; he being found a good and decent habitation in the college, with meat, drink, washing, and lodging, as one of their canons; 20s. to the parish clerk, and 2s. to the sexton, as stipends, over and above their accustomed fees. And from the impropriation, the college repaired the chancel, and paid the proxies or procurations to the Archdeacon of Norwich, whose jurisdiction it is in; and after all expenses and stipends paid, the college received 26l. 8s. 7d. ob. q. clear.

In 1441, the whole profits were assigned by the college to rebuild the chancel, and the parish chaplain, and all that served here, remitted their stipends this year for that purpose.

In 1454, Sir Will. Bafyn was then parish chaplain, had 6l. 13s. 4d. for his stipend, and the college paid for bell-ropes, and rushes to straw the church; this year the college cleared 29l.

In 1492, Sir Robert Beverle was then parish chaplain, and appeared at the Bishop's visitation as such, with the two chantry chaplains serving in the church, which were also assistants to him, and nine other stipendiary priests; all which officiated as soul priests by his leave, in the church, he being their superiour; this number of priests under him, occasioned the parish chaplain sometimes, even in records, to be called the prior of St. Peter in Mancroft.

  • 1513, died Sir Thomas Love, priest, parish chaplain, and is buried at the chapel in the Fields. (See p. 180.)
  • 1525, Sir John Gryme, priest, parish chaplain. He died in 1543, and is buried in St. Stephen's, (see p. 152,) and was succeeded by one of his own name, for in
  • 1547, Sir John Gryme appeared as parish chaplain, and prior or superiour of Sir Stephen Prewet, stipendiary priest. Sir John Dorant and Sir William Coppin, chantry priests, Sir John Ferman and Sir Robert Roberts, stipendiaries.

In 1545, 37 Henry VIII. Dr. Spencer Dean of the college, and the prebends, and Bishop of Norwich, their patron and ordinary, joined in a grant, and conveyed the college, and all its revenues to the King, which was also confirmed by the chapter of Norwich cathedral.

The King being thus seized in right of his Crown, his successour Edward VI. by virtue of the said grant, and certain clauses in the statutes of colleges 37th Henry VIII. and of chantries 1st of Edward VI. did in the 7th year of his reign, Ao. 1552, 1 July, grant the same to William Mingay and William Necton of Norwich, gentleman, and their heirs, to be held of the manor of East Greenwich in Kent by fealty only, by the name of the rectory and church of St. Peter of Mancroft in the city of Norwich; and the tithes of the same, with all the appurtenances, free and discharged of the pension heretofore due to the abbey of Gloucester, &c. and they by deed dated dated March 1, the same year conveyed it to Ric. Catlyn, serjeant at law, and his heirs; and in

  • 1547, the Serjeant, by his will, made the Bishop of Ely and Barbara his wife, executors, who were to take the profits of all his estates, till one of his children being heir to him attained the age of 22 years. Barbara only administered; and in
  • 1556, 7 Sept. Sir Stephen Prewet or Prowet, then parish chaplain, was instituted to the rectory of St. Peter in Mancroft, at the presentation of Barbara Catlyn, widow aforesaid, and was inducted and held it for life.

But it appearing that the church was not presentative, but a mere donative in the donation of the impropriator, at his death it went as it had done, ever since its impropriation, and the impropriator made a donation of it in

  • 1562, to Sir Robert Dixon, who was licensed by the Bishop, on his showing his deed of donation and nomination.
  • 1564, Master John Walker was licensed parish chaplain.
  • 1568, Sir Thomas Crosse, ditto. Mr. William Newman was curate or assistant, and after him Clement Paman, who was made parish chaplain in 1569, by the donation of Charles le Grice, for

In 1569, Francis Southwelt, husband of Barbara Catlyn, and Rich. Catlyn, son and heir of Serjeant Catlyn, conveyed it to Charles le Grice of Brockdish, and his heirs, for ever, and in

  • 1572, Mr. Hugh Castleton was licensed parish chaplain on the donation and nomination of Charles le Grice. He was vicar of Scarning. In
  • 1581, 24 Eliz. William le Grice of Norwich, Gent. son and heir of the said Charles le Grice, conveyed the rectory church, and all its appurtenances, to Henry Greenwood, Christopher Barret, and many others, as feoffees in trust, for the parishioners of the said parish, who purchased it; and accordingly in
  • 1588, Mr. Hugh Thornly, a licensed publick preacher, was made parish chaplain on the donation of the feoffees.
  • 1595, Mr. George Flood, preacher, licensed parish chaplain, on the donation of the feoffees; and this year, they, jointly with the majority of the parish, established an assistant minister or curate, to be always chosen by the majority of the parishioners, inhabiting in the parish, and assigned the several stipends to them; both which the feoffees paid, and yearly received all the accruing profits. This was found necessary after the dissolution of the chantry-priests, which were constant assistants to the parish chaplain, and accordingly

Sir Thomas Heach was chosen assistant minister or curate, and was licensed accordingly, on the nomination of the majority of the parishioners.

  • 1598, Mr. Will. Welles, prebend of Norwich, (see Pt. I. p. 662,) was licensed chaplain, on the donation of the feoffees. He lies interred in the altar rails: on his stone are his arms, and this inscription:

Welles, or, a lion rampant double quevé sab. in a bordure ingrailed gul.

Doctrinæ, Virtuti, Memoriæ, Sacrum.

Ossuarium disertissimi, dilectissimi Viri, Magistri Gulielmi Welles, in Sacrâ Theologiâ Bacalaurei, Rectoris hujus Ecclesiæ, et Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Prebendarij, Qui post 30 annos, egregiâ Vitæ sanctitate, et suavitate morum, cum insigni et indefessâ in Negotio Pastorali diligentiâ, in hâc celebri Civitate, summâ cum Laude transactos, satur Famæ optimæ, et bonis omnibus desideratus, Ecclesiæ Dei, præmaturè sibi fæliciter, in Domino obdormivit, spe certâ resurgendi. Ano. Dni: 1620, Maij 26. Ætatis suæ 54.

  • 1620, Samuel Gardiner, S. T. P. on the donation of the feoffees, at Welles's death.
  • 1632, Mr. Simon Sumpter, S. T. B. Ditto.
  • 1631, Mr. John Carter, chosen curate or assistant minister, by the parishioners; and in 1633, he was appointed one of the four lecturers by the court, namely, to preach the Tuesday lecture in this church, according to the order of assembly, and to receive 50s. every quarter for so doing.
  • 1638, Mr. John Carter was licensed to the place of parish chaplain or head minister, at the donation of the feoffees, and in November following,
  • Hugh Roberts was instituted Rector at the King's presentation, he having obtained the broad seal as to a lapsed rectory, but the parishioners on contest, proved their right, and outed him.

At Carter's being made parish chaplain, the parishioners chose

Mr. Thomas Osborne, curate or assistant minister, who died Nov. 2, 1642, and is buried here.

In 1639, the court granted to Mr. John Carter, then head minister, 10l. per annum during pleasure "so as he do contynew and perform preaching there on Tewesdays, as formerly he and other his predecessors have heretofore done."

In 1679, two of the four lectures were laid aside, and the stipends fixed to two only; and in the Court Book is this entry concerning the lecture, "agreed that the annual allowance of this city for the support of the Tuesday lecture in the parish of St. Peter of Mancroft, shall be 20l. per annum," from which time the upper minister hath been lecturer, and received the stipend, and continues so to do till Michaelmas next, notice being given to the parishioners by the court, that the stipend will be then withdrawn, and so consequently the lecture will cease. In 1652, Mr. Carter's stipend, as upper minister, was 96l. per annum.

  • 1654, Mr. John Boatman, upper minister, on the donation of the feoffees; he was elected into the assistant's place and performed the whole duty, and in 1655, received 123l. 16s. 11d. for the two stipends,
  • 1658, George Cock, assistant, chosen in 1557, was now elected upper minister by the parishioners and obtained thereon a donation of the feoffees, who have no power to elect solely, they giving a counter deed to the church-wardens and parishioners, to release all right to such others, as they shall appoint whenever they are called upon by them so to do; he received 120l. per annum stipend.
  • 1670, Mr. Rively was chosen assistant minister, and had 50l. stipend, as is still paid.
  • 1674, Thomas Tenison, fellow of Corpus Christi college in Cambridge, D. D. chaplain to Edward Earl of Manchester, and after that to his son Robert, after that to Car. II. vicar of St. Martin in the Fields, Archdeacon of London, Bishop of Lincoln, and thence translated to the archiepiscopal see of Canterbury. His stipend was 100l. per annum.
  • 1675, Mr. Hall, assistant.
  • 1676, William Hawkins, D. D. of Magdalen college Oxford, prebend of the fifth stall in Norwich cathedral, for whom see Pt. I. p. 669.
  • 1676, Mr. Morley, assistant. Mr. Tooley 1677, and Mr. Leech, the latter end of the same year.
  • 1678, John Jeffery, D. D. Archdeacon of Norwich, for whom see Pt. I. p. 641. He lies interred under a black marble in the altar rails, with this inscription;

M. S. Johannis Jeffery, S. T. P. Archidiaconi Norvicensis hujus Ecclesiæ per 42 Annos Ministri qui Christianam Religionem absque partium, absque sui Studio, ab anili Superstitione fæliciter vindicavit, simplicem et absolutam prædicavit, studijs coluit, ornavit moribus, Calend. Aprilis, Anno Æræ Christianæ 1720. Ætatis suæ 73, ad sui similes demigravit, apud quos, Vita, quam amavit, Gloria, quam quæsivit, Fruitur.

  • 1678, Francis Morley, assistant. 1686, Mr. Robins. 1688, Mr. Girling.
  • 1740, The Rev. Mr. John Whitefoot, A. M. chosen assistant. He was commissary of Norwich archdeaconry, rector of Hellesden and Heigham, minister of St. Gregory, and clerk of the convocation, a very learned, worthy, and judicious divine. See Pt. I. p. 581, 656. In
  • 1720, He was chosen upper minister at Jeffery's death, and was succeeded in his assistant's place by

Mr. Samuel Ganning, who, in

  • 1731, Dec. 11, on Mr. Whitefoot's death, was chosen upper minister, he was rector of Earsham in Norfolk, and of the sinecure rectory of Tid in Lincolnshire; he lies buried under a black marble in the north isle, directly against the north door, though in the most south part of the isle, with this,

Sub hoc marmore deponuntur Exuviæ Sam. Ganning, A. M. quondam hujus Ecclesiæ Pastoris, obijt Octob. XXVo.

Anno Ætatis suæ LIIIo. Domini nostri MDCXLo.

  • 1731, Dec. 11, The Rev. Robert Camell, LL. D. rector of Bradwell and Lounde in Lothingland in Suffolk, was elected coudjutor or assistant minister here, to whom I am in gratitude bound, always to acknowledge the great assistances I received from him during his life, in this and many other undertakings. An account of him may be seen in my first volume of the history of Norfolk, p. 25. He lies buried on the south side in the altar rails, under a black marble, with the following arms and inscription,
    Crest a boar's head cooped.

Camell gironné of eight, or and sab. Motto, loyal au mort.

In the fess point is a shield of

Hasbert on a coat of pretence, viz. fretté, on which in chief four crescents.

Reliquiæ Roberti Camell LL. D. Rectoris de Bradwell & Lounde in Com. Suffolciæ, hujusque Ecclesiæ Co-adjutoris, Parochianorum Suffragijs Co-optati, obijt 21° die Mensis Novembris, Ætatis 39°. Æræ Christiani 1732°.

Scias Lector, quicunque sis, quod qualis Is erat, et Tu fueris, Magnus ille et tremendus dies Domini nostri JESV CHRISTI, [THEANTHROPOY], cum omnes ad summum Tribunal sistentur judicandi, manifestabit.

At his death, Mr. Robert Clipwell, his curate, was chosen into his place; which, on taking the rectories of Barsham in Suffolk, and Wotton in Norfolk, he resigned, and in June

  • 1735, the Rev. Mr. Thomas Maulove was elected in his room, who at Mr. Ganning's death in
  • 1740, was appointed parish chaplain, or upper minister, and still [1744] continues so, being also vicar of St. Stephen's, and rector of the consolidated rectories of Castor St. Edmund by Norwich, and Merkeshall. And then

The Rev. John Francis, LL. D. was chosen coadjutor, or assistant minister, and so continues; being also rector of the Morleys, and of St. John Maddermarket in this city.

The upper minister's place is 80l. per annum stipend, a house to dwell in against Chapel Field, let at 6l. per annum clear. 5l. per annum for the interest of 200l. it being augmented by Queen Anne's bounty, and no purchase yet made; and the surplice fees of the two first months in every quarter.

The coadjutor or assistant minister's stipend, is 50l. per annum and the surplice fees of the last month in every quarter.

It being the upper minister's duty to preach every Sunday in the morning, and the assistant's every Sunday in the afternoon, and they administer the sacrament every month as their turns happen.

The reader's place was established in 1680, to read prayers daily (except on Sundays and holidays, when the minister or assistant officiates) at 9 in the morning, and 3 in the afternoon; it is supported by a voluntary subscription, and 4l. per annum issuing out of the house in this parish, in which Alderman Weld lately dwelt, which was settled by Mr. Alexander and Mary Briggs in 1707; the whole amounting to about 30l. per annum. Mr Whitefoot first began it, and was succeeded by

The Rev. Mr. John Brand the present [1744] reader.

In 1707, a noble organ was erected at the west end of the nave, and Mr. Will. Pleasant was chosen organist, and a salary of 20l. per annum was settled on his place; after him Mr. Humphry Cotton was chosen, who is now organist of the cathedral, being succeeded here by Mr. George Baker the present organist.

The parish clerk's stipend is 8l. per annum, besides all fees; Luke Hill, is now parish clerk.

The sexton's stipend is 4l. per annum besides fees; Peter Smith is now sexton, who hath also 4l. for ringing the four o'clock bell in the morning and the nine o'clock bell at night.

The steepleman, whose office lies in the steeple only, for ringing of bells, &c. has 4l. per annum, and Charles Wenn hath that place.

The bellows-blower to the organ is Sam. Brereton, whose stipend is 40s. per annum.

The present church is a noble regular freestone fabrick, the best by far of any parochial church in the city, of which this is the principal parish; in 1367, the parish was so increased, the parishioners were forced to enlarge the churchyard, not having sufficient room to bury their dead; and in order thereto, they obtained a license from King Edward III. for that purpose, which is still in the parish chest; by which it appears, that they purchased 39 perches of land of Thomas de Bumpstede, Nic. de Blakeney, Peter de Blickling, and others; and obtained of the city two pieces of small lanes thereto adjoining, all which was conveyed to Roger de Midleton, then rector, and his successours for ever; and the Abbot of Sibeton released all his right in the said ground; upon this it was added to the churchyard, and walled in, and consecrated in 1575.

In 1390, it was determined to demolish the old church and build a new one; and from that time to 1430, many legacies were left, and gifts given for that use; and then they pulled down the whole, and built the present church, which was finished and consecrated in 1455.

It consists of a fine square tower, 100 feet high, containing in it a peal of ten most excellent bells, with a clock and chimes; a nave 90 feet long, and two isles of an equal length, not including the chapels at the east ends thereof, which are 40 feet long each, the isles are 20 feet broad, and the nave 30, the whole breadth being 70 feet; and to make the whole in form of a cross, there are two chantry chapels or transepts added, of 13 feet from south to north, and 15 feet each from west to east; it being 60 feet from the pavement of the nave to the summit of the roof; the chancel is 60 feet long, and as broad as the nave; there are two porches, one on the south part, and the other on the north, and at the east end of the chancel is the old vestry, and under it a treasury, and under that an arch; the whole being covered with lead; and under the high-altar, which is very advantageously raised to a good eminence above the rest of the church, is another arch, formerly a common passage, but now stopped up, and made a convenient place for workmen to make mortar and such like in, for the church repairs.

The altar piece is, at top a representation of several cherubs, and underneath a perspective view of a building. The furniture of the altar is velvet, the plate belonging to it exceeding grand, all (except one cup lately given) double gilt.

First, the cup of the old plate left at the Reformation, with its paten, hath this on it,
Sanct. Peter. of Mancrofte. 1569.

to which belongs a round offering plate, with a heart in the middle, and I.H.S. and a noble offering bason, on it the weight 22 oz. dim.

An octogonal paten, with this,
Ex dono Johannis Boatman, Ecclesiæ Sancti Petri de Mancroft Pastoris, Ao. Domini 1657.

A neat small standing cup with a cover, without any inscription, designed to administer in at private houses to the sick, &c.

A grand upright flaggon with this on it,
Ex Dono Richardi Clarke Generosi, Ecclesiæ Sancti Petri de Mancroft Dec. 25, 1683.

He was an apothecary of this parish.

Crest, an eagle issuant. Arms, on a bend between three plates, three martlets impaling, party per pale two dolphins embowed counterchanged.

Two fine round-bellied flaggons, on which,
The Grocers arms, and R. B. Has duas lagenas Argenteas Æquilibres, Oz. 36.

A large spoon bought by the parish.

St. Peter Mancroft 1725.

A large silver cup not gilt, on which,
Ad Gardianos Ecclesiæ Saneti Petri de Mancroft, in Civitate Norwici ab Ævo in Ævum, Ex Dono Isaaci Fransham Generosi, olim unius Attorn' Curiæ Domini Regis de Communi Banco, nati in Parochiâ predictâ 28° die Octobris Anno Domini 1660, qui obijt Anno Domini 1743, et anno ætatis 82.

But as great a curiosity and elegant piece of workmanship as is almost any where to be seen, is a most noble standing cup and cover given by Sir Peter Gleane, Knt. on which is the story of Abigail bringing presents to King David, and other things thereto belonging, according to the tenor of the 25th chapter of the first book of Samuel, where the whole account is related. On it are these words:

Ex Dono Petri Gleane Militis, Anno Domini 1633.

Besides Dr. Camell and Archdeacon Jeffery, whose inscriptions are already mentioned, there are stones within the altar rails for

Thomas Townshend, Esq. and Anne his wife, with the arms and crest of Townshend, with a mullet impaling on a chevron three garbs; and by him lies an old stone having lost its inscription; on it remains a shield of the following arms,

1. On a chevron between three crescents, two lions combatant. 2. Per pale a chevron counterchanged. 3. On a saltier five crescents. 4. A lion rampant surmounted with a bend. These four quartered, impale quarterly in the 3d and 4th quarters, a frett, over all on a bend six mullets.

On the south side of the wall, within the rails, is a mural monument for that worthy physician Dr. Thomas Browne, an account of whom you have in Pt. I. p. 414; it is of black and white marble, and there is a copperplate of it extant in some copies of his Posthumous Works, which were published in octavo at London, in 1712, as also another of his effigies, prefixed to that book, taken from an original picture which was given to the parish by Dr. Howman, and now hangs in the new vestry. His life at large may be seen before his Posthumous Works. The plate is inscribed to the Rev. Edward Tennison, LL. B. Archdeacon of Carmarthen, nephew to Lady Browne.

Crest, a goat trippant erm.

Tennison, gul a bend ingrailed az. between three leopards heads or jessant, as many fleurs de-lis of the second.

Browne, arg. a bend voided sab. between two pellets.

M. S. Hic situs est Thomas Browne M. D. Miles. Ao. 1605, Londini natus, Generosâ Familiâ apud Upton in Agro Cestriensi oriundus, Scholâ Primum Wintoniensi, postea in Coll. Pembr. apud Oxonienses, bonis literis haud leviter imbutus, in urbe hac Nordovicensi Medicinam Arte egregia et fœlici successû professus. Scriptis quibus Tituli, RELIGIO MEDICI, et PESU DODOXIA EPIDEMICA, alijsque, per Orbem notissimus. Vir prudentissimus, Integerrimus. Doctissimus; obijt Oct. 19, 1682. Piè posuit mæstissima Conjux Domina Doroth. Browne.

Near the Foot of this Pillar lies Sir Thomas Browne Knt. and Doctor in Physick, Author of Religio Medici, and other learned Books, who practised Physick in this City 46 years, and died Oct. 19, 1682, in the 77th Year of his Age. In Memory of whom Dame Dorothy Browne who had been his affectionate Wife 41 Years, caused this Monument to be erected.

Opposite to this, upon the north pillar, there is another mural monument, with an English inscription in verse, upon his lady;
Sacred to the Memory of Lady Dorothy Browne of Norwich, in the County of Norfolk, she died Feb. 24, 1685, in the 63d year of her age.

Reader! thou maist beleive this sacred Stone; It is not common Dust, thou tread'st upon; 'Tis hallowed Earth, all that is left below, Of what the World admir'd, and honor'd too, The Prison of a bright celestial Mind, Too spacious to be longer here confin'd; Which after all that Vertue could inspire, Or unaffected Piety require; In all the noblest Offices of Life, Of tenderest Benefactress, Mother, Wife, To those serene Abodes above, is flown, To be adorn'd with an immortal Crown.

Below the rails in the chancel are stones for,
Mary Dr. of Sir Thomas Browne, Knt. 1676. Dorothy Dr. of Tho. and Dorothy Alexander 1729. Margaret and Han, Drs. of Hen. & Han. Tuthill. Moses Hicks 1709. Bridget his Wife 1733. Anne the Dr. & Dorothy the Wife of Mr. Will. Strange, Merchant 1691. Hannah Relict of John Cooke, Merchant, 1731, 68.

John Son of John Cooke of London, Merchant, 1702.

His Imperfection with Perfection grac'd, He hath his God, his God hath him embrac'd, If here Perfection may be found in Truth, He was a perfect Modell in his Youth, But now he's gon unto the Joyes above, To his Redeemer, and his God of Love.

Jana Charissima conjux Gulielmi Payne Generosi, hic jacet sepulta ob. 4 Junij Ao. Dom. 1706, æt. 72.

Gulielmus Payne Generosus, Clericus pacis Com: Norff. per Viginti annos, hic similiter jacet. ob. viiio die Augusti A. D. 1709, æt. 76.

On a brass plate at the altar steps,
Here lyeth the Body of Mr. John Dersley Merchant, he dyed Oct. 9th 1708, aged 76 Years, and Anna his second Wife, Daugh. of Will. Rush of Colchester in the County of Essex Gent. she dyed April 28th. 1698, aged 48 Years.

On another plate,
Here lyeth buried the Body of Isack Gurlling, who waiteth his Lord's coming, to chang Corruption into Glory, his Soul return'd to rest with God that gave it, in the fifty seaven year of his age, the second of Novemb' Ao. Dni. 1630.

The following inscriptions are in the nave; and first of those on brass plates, beginning at the most eastern part, just by the step out of the chancel, lies a large stone, having the effigies of a mayor in his robes, between his two wives; by the first wife are the effigies of her children, two boys and two girls; and by the second four girls; it being placed here in memory of Richard Aylmer, mayor in 1511, son of Robert Aylmer, who was mayor in 1481, and 1492, and Joan his first wife; he died in 1512. This inscription is printed in Weever's Funeral Monuments, fo. 802, as imperfect, though it is legible at this day:
Aylmer Ricardus Procerum de stipite natus, Is quondam Maior Urbis, iacet hic tumulatus, Hatis cum prima atque suis Consorte Johanna, Moribus ornatus, Bonus omnibus atque benignus, Anno Milleno, D, bind, cum duodeno, Jous semtembris trino, migrabit ob orbe. O bone Christe Thesu, fons bite, spes, Medicina, Votis inclina, te quesumus aure Benigna, Ut sibi sit Requies, bibat terum sine fine.

Hic iacet Robertus Osburn quondam Cibis et nicecomes Ci bitat' istius, obiit rrro die Mens' Marcii Ao Millimo' cccco nona gesimo quinto, cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.


Under it are two shields, over the first is,
Thomas Waller, and

Waller, arg. on a bend cotised sab. three walnut leaves quartering a chevron between three croslets.

Over the second,
Elizabeth Uxor ejus;
Hogan, arg. a chevron varry O. G. between three hurts, on each a bear's leg or paw erased of the field, quartering,
Blundell, ar. a chevron between three eagles displayed gul.; Between the shields are these words,
Morieris, Resurges, Judicaberis, si in Domino, beatus.

Under the first, (viz. Thomas Waller)

Filius Tertius Thome Waller de Gregories in Beaconsfeild in Com. Bucks. Armig.'

Under the second, (viz. Elizabeth Uxor.)

Filia Et Heres Gresham Hogan de Hackney in Com' Midd' Armig' (qui fuit de Stirpe Hoganorum de East Bradenham in Com. Norf.) et Coheres Johannis Blundell de Barton in Com' Oxon' Armig'.

Mary Dr. of John Rede 13 Oct. 1641.

Pettus Witherick obijt Quarto die Novembris 1635, Et sepultus fuit sexto die Novem. Sequente.

There are also brass plates at the west end for Eliz. Clarke late Wife of Peter Walwin, 10 Jan. 1635. Mary Wife of Abraham Vincke 1645, æt. 60. Mary Wife of John Andrews Woolen-Draper 1635, 20.

And the following brasses are loose, which came off here,
Ye schall pray for the Soule of Sir John Leuys Pryst, and Johanna his Syster, his Frendys Souls, and all Crysten souls, on whos souls Jesu have Mercy amen.

Rici: hareman nuper Cib. Norh. qui obiit rriio die Men' Januarii cuius anime propicietor Deus.

Here lyeth the Body of Elias Browne Goldsmith, some Time Sheriff of the City of Norwich, by six of his Children, whoe departed this Life Oct. 12, 1660, æt. 56.

The goldsmiths arms quartered with quarterly in the 1st and 4th a leopard's head, in 2d and 3d a covered cup between two buckles.

Mathew Morley 1637, 66.

On a small stone, the impression of a cup and wafer remains, the inscription is gone, but was for Sir Will. Alman, chaplain, buried in 1479.

Of yowr Charyte that here for by gan Pray for the Sowle Spr Willm' Alman.

Orate pro anima Johanne London filie Willi: London Armigeri, ruius anime propitietur Deus Amen.

Of Mrs. Ann Flynt's soul, Jesu Mercy have, Which was the dowter of William London Whoes Body died, I was beryed in this Grah The ri Dy of Jun, by recourse I computatyon Iu. r: and rri ryer of our Lordys Incarnatyon And to all them that for her thus do pray, Jesus grant them Nehyn at their Dethys Day.

Orate pro anima Johannis Mers Auditoris Episcopi Lincoln' et pro quibus idem Johannes tenetur Orate. Anno Dom. M.ccccc bn,

Here lieth Henry Wilton sumtym Alderman of this Citte; And Margaret my Wyfl, which libed in this World in Felicite, And now libe here undyr this Marble Stone in Mortalite, Wherefore we pary you of your Charite, That you will pray for us, that me may rum to libe, In Warlde celestiall, with a Pater Noster and an Abe. Obiit Henricus rii Decemb. Mcccccbii. Margareta obiit M. cccc.

The following on modern stones, beginning at the east end of the ave,
John Lucas Gent. 1696. Anne his Daughter 1710. John Lucas lerchant his Son 1738. Susan the Wife of John Pitts 1689. John itts 1728, æt 73. Edw. Mayes 1708, æt. 70. his 2 Wives Susanna Margaret, & his Son John. Anne the Wife of Philip Stebbing Esq; 1702, 52, & 3 of their Children. Also Philip Stebbing Esq; late layor, 1705, 64.

James Son of Thomas & Anne Harwood 1706. James another son 1710. James a third son 1713, and Anne Harwood their Mother, who died Mayoress of this City 1728, æt. 51.

Peter Fabuër Sword-Bearer, 1725, æt. 32. Ann Wife of Nath. Roe 1743, æt. 47. Mary Dr. of John and Hannah Morse 1733, 27, Jonathan their Son 1700, and also Hannah and Mary Roe 1721, Hannah Dr. of John and Hannah Morse, 1725, 21. John Morse mercer 1713, 50, and Hannah his Wife 1738, 75. Ann Wife of George Hainsworth 1721, 30, Samuel & George their Sons, Samuel died 1727, George 1730, Mary their Daughter 1732, 19. Charles Green 1734, 71, Eliz. his Wife 1727, 53, Charles their son 1735, 25. John Dunch 1734, 58. Will. Pleasant late Organist, 1717.

Hic jacet Carolus Perry Medicinæ Doctor, Filius Johan. Perry Generosi, & Franciscæ Uxoris ejus, intra hanc urbem Natus, Cantabrigiæ in Collegio de Gonvile & Caius educatus, et in sodalitium admissus: In altero loco Studiorum in Medicinâ feliciter positorum honores habuit Summos; in altero fructum percepturus. Acuto correptus morbo, de spe suâ et amicorum simul infeliciter decidit. Natus est anno Dom. 1698, Mortuus est 1730. Gibson Filiolus Johan: & Franciscæ Perry 1695.

Fui Sara Warren Ux. Richardi Warren Gen. quæ ob. 1° die Decemb. 1689 Hic etiam jacet Corpus predicti Richardi Warren qui obijt 6° die Febr. Anno Dni: 1703, ætatis 75.

Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Geore Vertue, sometime Sheriff and Alderman of this City, who out of publick Zeal to the more solemn Worship of God in the Beauty of Holiness, both proposed and managed the Contributions, which by his singular Care erected this noble Structure over him.
Envy not Reader, his fair vocall Tombe, None but the Blind and Deaf, could here be dumb,
He died 1710, aged 44. Stephen his Son, also Sarah his late Wife, 1727, 58. Tho. Vertue his second Son 1724, 25. Also Ann, Catherine, and George, who all died in their minority.

There is a noble brass branch, double gilt, of 24 sockets, hanging in the nave.

In the north isle, beginning at the chapel at the east end, which is dedicated to the holy name of Jesus, and St. John the Baptist; at the altar at its east end, was founded a priest daily to celebrate the mass called Jesus mass, who was sustained by the fraternity or gild of Jesus, kept here; which was instituted at the building of the church in 1455, to which most persons that died in the parish were benefactors; but in particular John Cook, who gave a tenement in the Middle-row in the Market-place, which he had of Richard Marvyn, alias Tevell, clerk, to keep, according to the rule of the church of Salisbury, his anniversary, with his father's and mother's, with Placebo and Dirige by note, on the Monday after the 4th Sunday in Lent, by the parish chaplain, and priest of Jesus mass, and by the parish clerk, and clerk of Jesus mass, and the four other priests celebrating in the church, and four other secular persons dwelling in the parish, in the choir there; and mass of requiem the Wednesday after: at which anniversary there was 8d. to be spent in bread, beer, and firing on the priests, and 1d. to be offered at mass of requiem, and 4d. to the parish chaplain, and 4d. to the priest of Jesus mass; to each of the clerks 2d. to each of the celebrating priests 2d. and 1d. apiece to the two chorister boys, and 1d. to each of the four seculars, and a wax candle of a quarter of a pound to burn during mass; the rest of the rent was to go towards the maintenance of the gild priest: it was settled in 20 feoffees, by James Green, chaplain of the gild, at the request of John Hekker, and Tho. Wattys, clerks, executors of Mr. John Cak, clerk, Cook's trustee. Thomas Coney, grocer, John Sotherton, mercer, Nic. Osborn, mercer, and Will. at Mere, scrivener, wardens of Jesus gild and mass, were among the first feoffees.

Sir Richard Tevell, clerk, aforesaid, settled a stock of 16 milch neat beasts on the church-wardens, for the benefit of the gild and parish, which in 1544, were let by the four church-wardens to John Walby, junior, who was to make each beast good, or pay 14s. each.

In this chapel lies buried Thomas Elys, and Margaret his wife, with this over him, which is now lost;

Prudens Mercator et nobilis istius Urbis, Ter Maior Thomas Elys hic iacct et sua sponsa Margareta simul Viginti Coningio soboles, et sic in honore per annos Quatuor et quingquagenos decas octo Septeno, quinta Septembris lice sic ipse Decessit, Requies et Lur sit utrique perhennis.

This Thomas was mayor of Norwich in 1460, 1465, and 1474; and once burgess in parliament; he died in 1487, and was father to Will. Ellis, Baron of the Exchequer in 1535, who was lord of a manor in Attlebridge, where William, his son and heir, lies buried. He and his family glazed the windows of this chapel in a fine manner; which were lately unglazed, and made quite new with white glass, and the painted glass put together and fixed in the two windows by the high-altar.

The following inscriptions were here formerly, before their removal,
- - - - anda - a - - - Dei, pro animabus Thome Elys tercia Vice hujus Civitatis Norwici Majoris ac Margarete Consortis sue.

Orandumque est pro animabus Edmundi Garnysh Armigeri, et Matilde ejus Consortis Filie predictorum Thome Elis et Margarete, ac pro longevo statu Christopheri Garnysh Militis, dicti serenissimi Principis ville sue Calisie Janitor' - - - - Willi: Elys - - - uni' Baronum Scaccarij mutuend' - - -

In the windows were many effigies and arms, viz.

France and England quartered, impaling quarterly France and England, quartering St. George and the arms of Mortimer; by it, a red rose supported by a dragon gul. and a greyhound arg. collared gul.

The effigies of all the aforesaid men and wives, with their children by them, are in divers panes of the windows, kneeling at desks with books before them. As Thomas Elys in his mayor's gown and a sable cap, the gown gul. turned up vert, and his wife also at a desk kneeling on which L. E. & E. arma Elys, viz.

Ellis, sab. on a chevron between three women's heads erased arg. crowned or, as many roses gul. quartering, arg. on a chevron sab. between three crescents az. three leopards faces arg.

On the surcoats of Edm. Garnish, Esq. and Maud his wife,
Garnish, arg. on a chevron az. between three escallops sab. a mullet S. quartering

Ramsey, mayor of Norwich, gul. three rams heads caboshed arg. and V. arma Barnish. and sab. two bars, party per fess nebulé vert and az. in chief three spindles arg.

Ellis impales quarterly 1st and 4th arg. a dog saliant S. 2d and 3d arg. a bend ingrailed gul. V. arma William Ellys Baron'. . Two women kneeling in murry gowns, their hoods purfled or, and Ellis's arms quartered as before, and arg. an otter rampant S. impaling arg. a bend ingrailed sab. and

Orandum est itidem pro anima Elizabetha Ellys Uroris prefati Willi' Ellys.

She was buried here with this inscription, now lost,
Elizabetha Sponsa Willelmi Elys generosi, In qua forma, deror, I Virtus folruit isto Marmore rlauso iacet, et eam luc septima Marci E medio tulit, anno Christi Mil. quater et C. I Simul. U. ter. et I. requies rui sit sine Fine.

There is a shield of az. three cups or, with wafers arg. on their tops, radiated or; and another of arg. a saltier sab. These arms are many times over, and many merchant marks besides.

On a gravestone is a brass coat only left of Beauprè.

Here lies buried Sir Peter Rede, Knt. though that honour being conferred on him by the Emperor, he was acknowledged here as an esquire only.

His effigies in complete armour is on a brass plate on his stone, which hath a shield at each of the four corners, and the following inscription at his feet,
Here under lyethe the Corps of Peter Rede Esquier, who hath worthely served not only his Prynce and Cuntry, but also the emperor Charles the 5, bothe at the Conquest of Barbaria and at the Siege of Tunis, as also in other Places, who had geven hym by the sayd Emperour for his valiaunt Dedes, the Order of Barbaria, who died the 29th of December in the Year of our Lord God 1568.

Read or Rede, az. on a bend wavy or, three moor-cocks sab. in a bordure ingrailed arg. pelleté a crescent erm. with the following honourable addition given by the Emperour, viz. a canton sinister parted per pale, on the first part two ragged staves in saltier; on the second, a man holding a caduceus in his right hand, his left pointing upwards; on his sinister side a sword in pale, with the point downwards, pricked into a Moor's head.

The same again at his feet; the third shield hath Rede as before, impaling quarterly, 1st and 4th, on a fess between three unicorns heads erased, three lilies; 2d and 3d, a fess between three leopards faces; fourth shield, Read impaling Bleverhasset, quartering Lowdham, Keldon, Orton, and Skelton.

This Sir Peter, was son of John Rede, Esq. mayor of Norwich in 1496, and gave his houses in St. Giles's, to find the great bell to be rung at four o'clock every morning, and eight o'clock every night: these fell into decay, and afterwards the ground was leased out, and is built upon, and pays 4l. ground rent, and is the west corner of the triangle piece at the meeting of the two streets of St. Giles's, called Upper and Lower Newport. There is a picture of him in the council-chamber, with a hawk on his fist, and the arms of Rede. Crest, a buck's head armed or, collared arg. on which,
Peter Reade Gentleman, did give certayne houses in Norwich, to the Ende that the greate Bell in the Parish of St. Peter of Mancrofte, should for ever be runge at fower of the Clocke in the Morninge, and at eight of the Clocke at Night, for the Helpe and Benefit of Travillers. He did also give a faire Salt double Gilt, of the Value of twentie poundes, to be used in the Maiors Houses in Norwich, in Time of ther Maioroltie; and he did further give to the Poore of this Cittie, one hundred thirtie three Poundes six Shillinges and eight Pence, to be yearelie distributed by six Poundes, 13s. 4d. untill the whole summe were runne out; he departed this Life An°. Dni. 1568.

In the top is a little golden statue depicted, and A°. 1646,
In Memoriam renovatam Generosissimi Petri Reade, Johannes Reade, consanguineus, hanc Tabulam posuit.

He was knighted by Charles V. at the winning of Tunis in 1538.

By this stone lies another robbed of its brass inscription, which was this,

Of your Charite pray for the Soule of Kod Reade, late Wyffe of Edward Read, Alderman of this Citty of Norwich, which died the rii of September, in the Year of our Lord M.cccccrriii, on whose Soule Jesus have Mercy.

Thomas Osborn Minister, Nov. 2, 1642. Thomas his son Nov. 5, 1664.

Osborn, arg. on a bend between two lions rampant S. three dolphins of the first. John Osborne was mayor 1661. The Osbornes of Sething are of this family.

George Beverley 1638. A bell crowned with a coronet.

The north chapel is dedicated to St. Nicholas, and was called Cosyn's chantry; in 1322, Edward II. granted the first license in mortmain, and in 1328, John Cosyn, citizen of Norwich, was licensed by William Bishop of Norwich, to found a chantry of two priests, daily to sing for his own and his wife Margaret's soul, and all his parents, friends, and benefactors; and in 1330, King Edward III. granted him a second license in mortmain for that purpose, having obtained leave of John de Burncester, rector, to found two chantry chaplains here; and accordingly he appointed Sir Gilbert de Folsham, and Sir John Bolour of Hemenhale, his first chaplains, and settled on them and their successours, two shops, four stalls, and 28 shillings rent in the market in Norwich, in the Worthstede-row, and in the Spicerierow; in 1396, these chaplains had a tenement in the parish settled on them to dwell in: in 1457, Will. Ashwell, alderman, gave to Sir John Rake, clerk, 40s. and a vestment of green silk, to serve in his chantry. In 1501, Sir John Josse, vicar of Little Melton, gave two chambers in the parish, to the augmentation of this chantry, on condition the chantry priest daily remember his soul in his mass; and another house in the parish to the same chantry, to keep a solemn dirige by note, and mass of requiem by note, disposing at the same time of 2s. to the priest, clerk, and poor men there, of which the parish chaplain to have 6d. This chantry revenues were taxed at 6l. 13s. 4d. and the chantry priests were always collated by the Bishop.

Chantry Priests of Cosyn's Chantry.

  • 1330, Gilbert de Folsham, John Bolour. 1381, John Osmund. 1386, Thomas Chapeleyn, succeeded in 1397, by John Cotton. 1403, John Pope. 1413, Thomas Ryngeman. 1428, John Rake, alive in 1458. 1483, Tho. Bateman. 1487, Ric. Stokesby. 1490, Robert Sexten, alias Cutlers. Sir Robert Watton. 1454, Will. Copping, the last chantry priest.

At the Dissolution, the City purchased the revenues of it viz. 4 shops in the butchery, one tenement with a wool-shop in Spicerrow, another shop in the poultry-market, and 15s. 4d. rent from divers fish-shops, which were purchased at 100l. and 10l. was paid to Sir Edward Warner, Knt. and to Mr. John Gosnall, for their counsel and pains about it.

In 1445, Thomas Bumpstede, Esq. gave 10l. to glaze the east window of this chapel over St. Nicholas's altar, by which the image of that saint was placed. In 1506, there was a new tabernacle made, for the image of St. Edmund the King in this chapel, and each of these images had a light burning before them.

Inscriptions on brass plates here, viz.

Hic iacet Willms: Ballys ruius anime propicietur deus Amen.

Here lyeth the Body of Thomas Mathewe, eldest Son of John Mathewe of Norwich Upholster yet living, who died the nynth of January Ao. Dni. 1632, Lydea the most loving Wife of the said Thomas, made this Monument for her dearly beloved Husband,
Whos Dust lieth here, my own remaine, Thow now is parted, yet once shall meet againe.

Under the effigies of a man,
Here lyeth the Body of Christopher Hudson, the son of Thomas Hudson, who had to Wife Mary Bourne the Daughter of Allen Bourne, by whom she had Issue too Sonnes and three Daughters, he died the third Daye of August 1609, being of the age of 69 Yeares.

Under the effigies of a woman,
Mary that late was William Bussie's Pride Heer sleepeth by her Father Hudson's Side, Who eighteene Yeares in sacred Wedlock spent.

Then with one Child, unto the Saints she went, She is not dead, who fixed her steady Hart, With faithfull Mary, on the better Part.

There are flat stones in this chapel for, Daniel Manser 1672, Jane his wife 1708, 79, and two mural monuments, one on the west side for Will. eldest son of James and Eliz. Bolton of Lincoln. Nov. 1718, 26. The other on the east side is thus inscribed,
M. S. Mingay Osborne (formerly Sheriff of this City) and Annaretta his second Wife, lies interred in their Grave near this Place, he was a dutifull Son, and in his Business a faithfull obliging Servant; during his Mother's Life he lived upon a small Income contentedly and commendably, and by her Death (not 8 Months before his own) becoming possessed of ample Property, but not permitted Life to enjoy it, he disposed of it so, as to shew himself kind to his relations, gratefull to his Friends, and charitable to the needy, he died Jan. 27, A. D. 1741, Aged 26 Years.

In the north isle there are four mural monuments; the first is towards the east end not far from the aforesaid chapel, with this,
Spe beate Resurrectionis, in tumulo non procul ab hoc marmoris Monumento jacent Cineres Isaaci Fransham Gen.' olim' un' Attorn' Cur' Dni' Regis de Banco, nati in Parochiâ Sci' Petri de Mancroft in Civitate Norvici anno Salutis 1660, qui obijt Maij 7° 1743, anno ætatis suæ 82, unà cum corpore Rob. Fransham Patris ejus.

Sive vigilo, sive dormio, semper hæc Vox clamat in aures, surgite mortui, venite ad Judicium.

The second is near the said chapel, a little more west, having the arms of Osborne, and this,
Hereunto adjacent lieth the Body of John Osborn Esq. who died Sheriff of the City of Norwich, Aug. 27, 1719, aged 49, Eliz. his first Wife 27 Nov. 1702, ag. 32.

The third monument is more west on the same wall, and is erected to the memory of Richard Starling carpenter, who lies buried on the other side of the wall in the churchyard, he died Nov. 1, 1723, 92, and of Ric. Starling Attorney at law his son, 1690, 36, and of Ric. Starling carpenter, who died Nov. 1729, 57. And Ric. their kinsman Nov. 1723, 8.

The fourth is a neat mural monument at the west end of this isle against the north-east buttress of the tower; it is of an unusual, but well-looking composure; at the top is a shield, on which the arms of

Curtis, paly of eight az. and or, a fess chequy sab. and or, supported by a neat pillar, surmounting a piece of marble cut in form of a pyramid, and underneath is this,
Sacred to the Memory of Augustine Curtis Senior, and Augustine Curtis Junior, Carvers, both of this Parish, Son and Grandson of John and Frances Curtis late of this City,

At the west end of this isle, enclosed with rails, stands a large ancient font, with its top supported by pillars, and is a heavy looking thing, though painted, and in good repair.

The flat stones in this isle, beginning at the east end, are for

Eliz. Dr. of Henry and Eliz. Turner 1696. Rob. son of Edm. Clark and Judith his wife, 1709.

Blyford's arms and crest, a demi-lion or. Thomas Blyford died 1723.

Blyford quarterly arg. and gul. on a bend sab. three mullets of the field, impaling Kitchingman, arg. on a pile sab. between two croslets fitché gul. three lozenges or.

Mathew Blyford, born Aug. 26, 1705, died 3 June 1706, and Kitchingman Blyford born 12 Oct. 1708, died 19 Aug. 1710, both Sons of Mathew Blyford of this Parish, and Dorothy his Wife; also Will. Blyford their Son, born 27 March, died 30 May 1712, also Matt. Blyford died Nov. 24, 1714, aged 34, and Dorothy his Wife died Febr. 8, 1714, 34,

Crest, a dog sedant. Billetté a cross fitché fleury. Capt. James Norris of this Parish, died 23 May, 1718, Æt. 51. Jane Wife of Sam. Brockden, 1690, 33. Benjamin their Son of London, June 9, 1719, 27. Alderman Ric. Brockden 1689. Bokenham Son of James and Dorothy Brockden 1690, 13. Dorothy Wife of Jonathan Barton, Dr. of Mr. John Coller, 1688, 64. John Riseborow Sen. 1682, Mary his Wife 1704, Mary her Dr. 1694, Prisca another Dr. 1699.

Ladd, girony of eight or and gul. in the fess point a lion's head erased arg. on a chief sab. three annulets of the third.

John Ladd Surgeon, July 8, 1711, 73. Robinson Ladd 1708, 38.

Susan Browne, the last deceased of eleven Children, (the first ten interr'd before the northern Porch) from their surviving Parents, John and Susan his Wife, she sought a City to come, and upon the 30th of August, departed hence and found it.

A°. Æt. 19 Dni. 1686.

Here lies a single Flower scarcely blowne, Ten more, before the northern Door are strowne, Pluckt from the self same Stalke only to be, Transplanted to a better Nursery.

Edward Woodward 1677. Margaret his Wife 1669, Mat. Rob. Edw. their Sons. Anne Wife of Michael Beverley, Dr. of the said Edward 1688. Deborah Shipley March 5, 1728. Ant. Denew of Blofield Gent. 1727, 84,

Opposite to the north door, the whole breadth of the isle, lie stones for the Gannings, that most south for Samuel Ganning late minister here, is before taken notice of; the rest are for, Eliz. wife of Daniel Ganning Grocer, daughter of the Rev. Mr. John Whitefoot, late minister here, she died June 4, 1725, 29 Susan their daughter 20 April, 1732, aged 9 Years. Timothy Ganning Upholster second Son of Nicholas Ganning Bachelor of Divinity, late Rector of Barnham Broom, Dec. 30, 1731, 79. (See Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 378.) Susan Wife of Jeremiah Ganning Hosier, 11, 1721, 63. Jeremiah their third Son 20 May 1708, 11. Daniel Ganning Grocer, 4th son of Nic. Ganning B. D. Jan. 6, 1712, 56.

These memorials are still in the north isle and its two chapels; in the north porch lies George Hill, Parish Clerk, died 1714, 71. In the south porch lies Tho. Till, Parish Clark, who died in 1733. In the tower under the bell chamber was buried Francis Smith 1742. And here stands one of Newsham's engines, which was purchased by the parish in 1736.

On the south side of the south isle, opposite to St. Nicholas's chapel aforesaid, is the chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which in those days was a place of great repute. Here the fishmongers, &c. kept their gild on the 9th Sunday after Trinity. (See Pt. I. p. 207.) The altar here was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and was commonly called Bronde's altar, from John Bronde, the first chantry priest here, who daily served at it; he being chantry priest of the foundation of Letice, wife of William Pain, who in 1313, founded a chantry of two chaplains, one to officiate here, and the other in St. Stephen's, where you may see an account of this foundation at p. 163.

  • 1485, Rob. Dapeleyn alias Dryver, clerk, of this parish, who was buried in the churchyard, gave his house he dwelt in, to the augmentation of this chantry, to be settled on it, by the advice of Master Roger Townesend, one of the justices of the Common Pleas; the chantry priest, with an other priest yearly for ever after his decease, in their surplices, being to celebrate at the altar, for the souls of Lettice Pain, Roger Townesend aforesaid, his own, and friends souls, on his obit day, with Placebo, Dirige, and mass of Requiem, the chantry priest to give the priest that helps him 4d. and to the bell-ringer that rings for his Dirige 4d. and to repair that bell 8d. to offer 1d. and give to three poor persons attending 1d. each; and if the house cannot be settled, then to be sold, and laid out in ornaments for the, church, and in particular for a legendary of 10l. price, and an antiphonary of 10l. price.
  • Chantry Priests.
  • 1317, Henry de Thornham, pilekoc, first chantry priest in St. Stephen's, John Bronde, first chantry priest here. 1381, John Cosyn, who had one of Cosyn's chantry stipends also. 1386, Roger Cole. 1390, Jeffery Bonewell. 1392, Peter Neve. 1394, Henry Dallyng. 1445, Sir Richard. 1481, died Will. Brewyn, 1482, Rob. Dryver aforesatd. 1487, Will. Byllern. 1513, Sir John Dourant, he died in 1543, "Item, I will that my Successor, the which shall be Chauntery Pryste next after my Decease, shall have to him and his Successors ix Acres of Londe lyenge with owght St. Stephen's Gates, upon, Condicon, that he shall not vexe nor troble my Executors for Dilapidacon and decay of my seid Chaunterye or any other Cause." He lies buried here, with this still remaining.
  • Orate pro anima Domini Johannis Doraunt Cantariste, Canta
  • rie Leticie Payn, qui obiit rrbiio die Aprilis Ao. Dni Mo. Dc. rliiio. ruius anime propicietur Deus.
  • 1545, John Florence, who had the other stipend in St. Stephen's was the last chantry priest, and had 4l. 11s. pension for life, allowed him at the Dissolution; this chantry being valued at 5l. 9s. 7d. as that in St. Stephen's was; but the houses, lands, &c. belonging to it, were purchased by the city.

In 1497, 10 marks were given to paint our Lady's tabernacle and image in this chapel, and keep a continual light before it.

In this chapel is a stone disrobed of four shields and its inscription, the labels from the mouths of the effigies remain, and on them is this,
In te domine Sperabi ne confundar in eternum.

On a shield is J. and L. and a Tun., for John Carleton, impaling his merchant mark. This John was an eminent mercer in Norwich, and was buried in 1487, and gave 5l. to repair this chapel.

Will. Setman or Sedman, was buried under another disrobed stone before this altar, and gave 26l. 13s. 4d. to repair the church; and settled a wax taper to burn continually day and night before the body of our Lord in the chancel of this church for ever; and gave money to say 3000 masses for him after his death; he founded the fifth conduct's place in the chapel in the Field, as may be seen at p. 176.

In this chapel was also an altar of our Lady, and her image in the tabernacle aforesaid was called our Lady of Millain; and in 1504, an image of St. Edward was set up here.

The following inscriptions are on flat stones;
Resurrectionem vitæ ab hinc expectat Anna, chara, dilecta, fidelis Uxor, Petri Thacker Generosi, quæ post undecim Uteri Pignora fatales demum enixa Gemellos, gravi Puerperio, Mariti graviori Luctu, Liberorum mærore, omnium affectu, animam in manus Dei Datoris reddidit xi° die Julij anno domini 1695, ætatis suæ 42.

Crest, a goose yoked in a knot of rushes proper.

Thacker, gul. on a fess between three lozenges erm. a trefoil between two geese heads and necks erased, yoked sab. quartering vert, on a fess or between three lions passant ar. three lapwings sab. On a hatchment hanging in the south isle, the same crest and arms are impaled on the stone,
Peter Thacker hujus Civitatis, aliquando Præfectus, diù Senator, memor exitûs vitæ, hoc sibi & suis Sepulchrum vivens posuit; repentinâ tandem, non improvisâ morte ereptus. Ætatis anno 76, Salutis 1722

Crest, a demi-eagle between two wings.

Bickerdike, or, on a saltier gul. between four eagles displayed az. a cinquefoil arg.

Sacred to the Memory of Nicolas Bickerdik Esq. some time Mayor of this Corporation, whos publick Spirit, sound Principles, Orthodox Piety, and discrete Charity, justly chaleng the exemplary Character of a true Patriot to his Country, a loyal Subject to his Prince, a steady Friend to the church, and generous Benefactor to the Poor; born at Farnham in the County of Yorke, who departed this Life, Jan. 21, 1701, aged 63 Years.

Nic. Middleton Gent. died Sept. 26, 1724, æt. 49.

In the south isle, beginning at the east end of the chapel there, which is dedicated to St. Anne, as was the chief altar, by which her image was placed, and had a light burning before it; this altar was, where now the new vestry is. And here was the gild of St. Anne held. Here was also an image of St. Robert, before which Richard Clerk was buried in 1526: and we meet with pilgrimages sometimes made to St. Robert here.

Exuviæ Jacobi Skipper C. C. C. C. alumni, cujus animus, terrenum Corporis Mortalis Ergastulum, ægrè ferens et pertæsus, vincula rupit, et ex hac qualicunque vitâ gestiens, ad immortalitatem et Patriam Cælestem demigravit 25° Dec. A. D. 1706. Ætatis suæ anno 20.

James Skipper 1738, 81. Anne Dr. of Tho. Bayly 1702.

Here are several inscriptions covered over, and some obliterated.

King, sab. on a chevron ingrailed arg. three escalops of the field.

And this on a brass plate,
Here resteth the Body of John Kinge late of Norwich Gent. a Man hopefull and ingenvous, his departure much deplored; he marryed Mary the eldest Daughter of Edw. Garneys of Redsham-Hall in the County of Suff. Esq; upon the 8th Day of April 1658, and was from her by Death divorced, upon the 31 Day of May next following.

Hymen did blese him with a worthy Mate, Er'e Cynthia doubled her Revolution, Heavens willing that he should anticipate His Glorye, wrought his Dissolution It was decreed soe, nor do thou Mourne His Relict Turtle, agaynst necessity He never will unto the Arke retourne, He hath found better footing equally, Thanke Almighty God, which to the gave him, And Almighty God, which from the have him.

There is a disrobed stone, having a shield left, on which, on a chief a palmer's bag, two lions passant.

On another brass,
Here RICHARD ANGUISH sleepes for whom alyve Norwich & Cambridge latlie seem'd to strive, Both called him Son, as seemed well they might, Both challenged in his Lyfe an equall Right, NORWICH gave Birth and taught him well to speake, The Mother Englishe, Latine Phrase, and Greeke, CAMBRIDGE with Arts adorned his ripening Age, Degrees and Judgement in the sacred Page, Yet NORWICH gaines the 'vantage of the Strife, Whiles there he ended, where begann his Life.

Sept. xxiiii. Ao. Dni' 1616.

On another stone, a brass shield of a chevron between three lions heads erased, impaling chequy a bend. All the other brasses are lost.

On a small brass against the south chapel,
Spencer, az. a fess erm. between three seamews heads erased arg.

Crest, a seamew's head erased proper.

Here lyeth the Body of John Spencer of Allerclife in the County of York Gent. who was the third Son of William Spencer of the same Towne & County Gent. who was baptized the 4th. of November 1619, and here interred the 8 of Jan. 1665.

On a brass near the west end of this isle,
Orate pro anima Willi: Yerforth qui obiit quinto die Nobembris Ao Dni: Mo. ccccco biiio. ruius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

On flat stones, beginning at the west end by the last brass plate,
Edw. Clarke Mercer, 1723, 57. Mr. Tho. Gibson, 1711, 82. Judith his wife 1718, 81. Susanna Dr. of Edm. & Judith Clarke 1714, 22. Edm. son of Edm. Clarke 1721, 24. George Wilcox 1679. George son of George and Alice Wilcox 1674. Edw. son of Edw. Browne Clockmaker 1724. James Burill 1720, 67. John Wilson 1692, 66. Tho. Willson 1706, 39. Charles son of John Wilson 1709. Bridget Nixon 1724, 18.

Weld, az. a fess nebulé between three crescents erm. impaling Sedley.

Crest, a dragon seiant.

Tho. Weld Gent. 30 Oct. 1717, 87, he married Eliz. Dr. of John Sedley Esq. late of Morley-Hall in this County.

Weld impaling Knevet, Muriel Wife of Edw. Weld, Dr. of Tho. Knyvett Gent. June 19, 1726.

Frances Dr. of Bartholomew & Francis Harwood March 31, 1734, 3 Years 4 Months & William an Infant Son. William Russell Ironmonger 31 Jan. 1718, 53.

Cawston or Caston, gul. a chevron between three eagles displayed arg. Robert Cawston 29 May, 1673, 77.

William Helwys, Esq. of the honourable Society of the midle Temple London, 1723, 58.

Benj. Mackerell 1679. Anne Dr. of John Mackerell & Anne his Wife 1681. John Salter Surgeon, born July 12, 1716, died April 30, 1742, he was to an extraordinary Degree diligent and temperate, disposed to every social Vertue, and not ashamed to be religious. John his only child born 1741, died 1742.

Hic jacet Thomas Long Pharmacopola obijt 4to Jan. 1722, 47.

Augustine Metcalfe Coachmaker 1663, Augustine his Son late Mayor, died May 13, 1722, 73. Frances his Wife 1729, 79.

Fretté, impaling Browne of Northamptonshire, az. a chevron between three escalops or.

Mary Wife of Charles Browne Gent: 1692, 38, and 4 of his Children.

On a mural monument by the south door. Sam. Vout Febr. 10, 1666 and Eliz. his Wife 1670.

On a neat mural monument more east, on the top sits a cherub,
Sacred to the Memory of Edward Coleburne Esq; who was elected one of the Sheriffs of this City, and Alderman in the Year 1717, Mayor in 1720, he administered Justice impartially, was just in his Dealings, very liberal to the Poor, and a good neighbour, departed this Life the 18th Day of Sept. 1730, in the 37th Year of his Age.

More east, on the other side of the south chapel, is a monument, on which,
Mackerell's arms and crest, (see p. 162.) quartering az. fretté or.

M. S. Johannis Mackerell Civitatis Norvicensis Gen. Qui in spe letæ resurrectionis unà cum justis, in Conditorio è Regione hujus Monumenti jacet. Cujus eximia Pietas, Fides inconcussa, atque in egenos Liberalitas satis innotuere: juxtaque humatur Anna Charissima ac pientissima Consors ejus, EliÆ Browne, quondam ejusdem Civitatis Armigeri Filia, ex quâ undecim suscepit Liberos, quorum quinque Exuviæ pariter atque septem Liberorum Caroli Mackerell, Filij eorum natû maximi, et sex Benjamin, eorundem Filij eorum natû minimi, in avorum sepulchro conduntur, Qui omnes Fato cesserunt Infantes. Diem Ille supremum obijt, octogenarius, decimo sexto die Martij, anno domini, Mdccxxiii°. Immortalitatem Illa induit, die nono Jan: Anno Æræ Christianæ Mdccxxiido. Ætatisque suæ Lxxv.

There are three lines of Hebrew at the bottom, which, as I am informed, (not understanding that language myself,) contains a quotation out of the Psalms.

There are two hatchments in this isle, on the first, or, a bend gul. over all a fess az. a mullet for difference, quartering, quarterly 1. gul. a lion rampant arg. 2. gul. a chevron between three eagles displayed arg.

Crest a goat's head erased proper, which is said to be put up for Counsellor Ellis.

Alderman Riseborow's hatchment;
Crest a fretle between two wings arg.

Riseborow, sab. on a fess between three cinquefoils or, a frette, impaling

Colman, az. on a pale radiant rayonné a lion rampant gul.

In the vestry is a good old painting of St. Paul, with his hands joined, in contemplation and prayer, saying

O wretched Man that I am, who shall deliver me from this Body of Death. Rom. 7, 24.

And to express the law of the members, warring against the law of the mind, and bringing that into captivity, to the law of sin, which is in the members, to use the Apostle's words in the preceding verse, he is represented with one of his knees naked, and the devil putting a thorn into his flesh; but to his comfort a glory appears to him, on which are these words of consolation,
My Grace is sufficient for Thee.

There is also a curious old board picture of our Saviour's resurrection, which is also represented on the tapestry here.

Against the wall hangs a neat old painted carving in alabaster, of nine female saints, designed in all probability formerly, for some altar of St. Margaret, for she is the principal image, holding down a dragon: there are also St. Hilda the Abbess, holding a book and a pastoral staff, St. Barbara holding the tower and palm branch, &c. These, and several books, were given by Dr. Howman, and added to the remains of the library, which was formerly over the north porch, but now removed hither. Here is a fine iron chest, given by the late Archdeacon Clark, in which the evidences are deposited, and a fair octavo MS. Bible, which was written in 1340; and a folio MS. much ancienter, and illuminated, which was formerly the book of Robert de Novell; it contains the text of all St. Paul's epistles, with a gloss on them, with these lines at the end,
Pauli Doctoris, quem rexit virtus amoris, Summa Dei nostri Glosis presentibus istis, Inde sibi justum jam non est vivere tristis, Functus in officio Laudis fuit iste Labore, Inde manens omni cunctorum dignus honore.

Explicit hic Petri Glosarum meta Magistri, Que perdent Dictis ac Juribus Utilitatis, Sunt ammirantes has omnes aspicientes, Tum laudant pridem, tum post testantur et Idem, Legitur obscura, sapienter Litteratura.

Other memorials were here, and are gone or covered over, for

Barker Son of Henry Fairfax, Esq. and Anne his Wife 1670.

Hic iacet Margareta Swaine quondam Uror Will: Swaine Civis et Aldermanni Horwici que obitt rr Jan: Anno Dni: Mo. cccco. lrrio. cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

Hic jacet Hester Legge Filia Tobiæ Legge Clerici (dum vixit) donis Naturæ, Artis, et Gratiæ, fuit cælitus ornata, obiit Nov. 29, Ao. Dom. 1639.

Speravit sperans, moriens Cæli attigit aures.

This was in the north isle, and this;

Hic jacet Euphrosyne Francisci Gardiner conjux dilectissima, quæ obijt Nonis Februarij Ao. Dni. 1662, Ætatis suæ 24.

Deliverance Weymer 3 Sept. 1650. John Ket 1643.

In the south isle, are the two following inscriptions,

Memoriæ Infantuli, Filij primi, Richardi Anguish Generosi, et Katherine Uxoris ejus, Qui levissimus citius ascendit suprà, Pars autem Gravior, Natali Labore fessa, Habitu carens, hic quiescit. Natus obiit Dec. 25, 1635,

Nomen Scribitur in Libro Vitæ.

Thomas Rowson under this Marbyll with Earth is inclosyde, Whom Death the 24 Day of September from the World disposyde, In the 15o Year of our Lord I 39, he departed indede, That his Soule may the sooner to hebyn, Jesu him spede.

In the middle alley in the nave,
Here resteth the Remains of a pious Soule, Mary Wife of William Goldsmith, who was born Saturday Morn' May 16, 1640; was married May 20, 1658, and died Saturday Night May 25, 1661.

Her Time was short, the longer was her rest, God calls them soonest, whom he loveth best. Vivit post Funera virtus.

In the churchyard against the south chapel,

Guliemus Harrold C. C. C. apud Cantabrigiensis alumnus et in Artibus Baccalaureus obijt Julij 25, Ao æt. 23, Dni. 1709.

Benjamin son of Benjamin Underwood, 1731.

If Heaven's great Host of spotless Innocence consist, This harmless Infant is inevitably blest.

There is a large altar tomb enclosed with an iron palisade, for Mary Wife of Edward Coleburn 1710, aged 42, and Edw. Coleburn 1714, aged 60.

On a headstone more towards the steeple,

In Memory of William West, Commedian, late Member of the Norwich Company: obijt 17 June 1733, aged 32.

To me 'twas given to die, to the 'tis giv'n To live; alas! one Moment sets us ev'n, Mark how impartial is the Will of Heaven.

On the north bank, on two head stones, for two comedians:

Anne Roberts 1743, aged 30.

The World's a Stage, at Birth our Play's begun, And all find Exits when their Parts are done.

Henrietta Maria Bray 1737, aged 60.

Here Reader you may plainly see, That Wit nor Humour here could be A Proof against Mortality.

Besides those already mentioned, I find there were lights kept in this church, before the images of St. Mary Magdalen, St. Dorothy, St. Thomas, St. Catherine, St. Margaret, the two angels in the quire, the patible over the perke, St. Saviour, the Holy Sepulchre in the chancel, and St. Peter and Paul, the principal images or patron saints of the church, which stood one on each side of the altar; besides these there was an image of St. John Baptist, and an altar and a gild kept to his honour, in the north chapel, which was dedicated to him, and the holy name of Jesus, as is before observed; and there was a constant light burning before the holy rood, on the rood-loft, which was between the church and chancel.

From the will-books in the Bishop's office I have extracted the following notes of burials here.

  • 1311, John de Wroxham, buried in the chapel of St. Mary, "Sub alis ecclesie Sancti Petri de Mancroft," which shows, there was a chapel of St. Mary in the old church, that was pulled down, and that the isles may be so called from the word ala, a wing, they being as it were wings to the nave. He gave 10l. to the church.

In 1320, Cecily, his wife, was buried by him, and gave a legacy to St. Mary's mass.

  • 1385, Thomas Bumpstede, buried in St. Nicholas's chapel, gave 18l. to adorn the church, and 100l. for 20 priests to sing for him, and 50l. towards the rebuilding of the steeple at Newton Flotman, 10l. to repair Taseburgh steeple, and a legacy to pave Kynyngham chancel.
  • 1393, John Pilly buried in the church, and gave towards rebuilding it 40s. 1431, Roger Scale gave 5l. towards it. 1439, Will. Fen gave 10 marks towards the building the chancel, if the rector would rebuild it wholly new. 1444, Emma wife of Roger Legyard, spicer, buried before St. John Baptist's altar, and gave towards the new reredos or rood-loft, 55 marks. Nic. Manning buried in the church the same year. 1445, Gregory Smith, rector of Merkeshall, buried in the church. The same year, Robert Pert, senior, buried in the church by Agnes his wife, gave 20l. toward the new gable of the chancel, viz. 10 marks when it was level with the ground of the churchyard, 10 marks when it came to the bottom of the great window, and 10 marks when they crowned the arch of its top. Ric. Gouge, buried in the church the same year, and Tho. Balle in 1446. In 1453, Tho. Aleyn, grocer, in the north isle, and gave a vestment of a 100 marks, with these words thereon in small pearls. Orate pro Animabus thome Aleyn et Agne- tis wroris eius. He gave also 50 marks to make a new pillory in the market, and a covering for corn to be sold under it, which was the old cross. 1457, Alderman Will. Ashwell, buried in the arch under the high altar. 1458, Beatrix, widow of Tho. Balle, buried by her husband, and also John Ode, and Marion Mason, widow, who gave a canopy to be placed over the host, and a white silk vestment to serve on the holidays of the Virgin. 1459, Alice Lovel, widow, buried in the church; and in the same year, Will. Lovel, alias Elyngham, chaplain, buried in the churchyard; he gave his missal and manual to the mass of Jesus, the same year, Will. Deynes, grocer, buried in the church, gave 5 marks to it, and 20s. to the said mass. 1461, John Shotesham buried in the church, gave a silver pix of 5 marks value. Will. Atkins in 1462, gave 6 marks to the church. In 1462, John Holle Turnor, buried in the churchyard on the north side, and gave to the making a stone-cross called a palme-crosse, five marks, which was to be placed over his grave; this palme-crosse is mentioned in many wills. 1463, John Causton, alias Julians, grocer, buried in the north isle, and gave 10 marks to make a new font of good work; which is now standing. Margt. Sexteyn, buried in the church. 1464, Agnes, widow of Thomas Aleyn, alderman, buried by her husband's tomb, and gave two osculatories of peace, of silver, to serve at the altar. 1467, Rob. Toppe, alderman, buried in St. John Baptist's chapel, and gave 20 marks to the church, and founded an obit and anniversary to be kept for him in this church for 20 years, to pray for his own soul, and the souls of Alice his wife, and all their children, of William Fen and Agnes his wife, his father and mother, of John Byskeleye and his wife, and all the deceased, every priest in his surplice at his exequies, to have 4d. and 3s. 4d. to be distributed to the poor. Joan, wife of Sir William Knyvet, Sir Will. Yelverton, Knt. Chief Justice of the King's Bench, and John Heydon, counsellor, executors. 1472, Godefry Joye, alderman, buried in the church by the tomb of Agnes Caly, his first wife, and settled his tenement that he purchased of Brothers John Elyngham, monk, and John Thornage, chaplain, on the parishioners, to find a candle burning before the sacrament at the highaltar, and 20l. either to buy a jewel or make a new altar-piece at the high-altar, between the tabernacles of St. Peter and Paul there. The altar-piece is of wainscot, and is now behind the new one, and hath divers martyrs, saints, and confessors, painted on the pannels. 1475, Agnes Reyner, in the church. 1479, Edm. Bokenham, Esq. in the church; and Thomas Burgess also, by the tomb of Barth. Splytte, and Joan Shelton, widow, and Tho. Kempe, who gave 40s. towards new leading the church, 40s. to paint the lower part of the perke or rood-loft, and a legacy to the light burning before the patible on the rood-loft. 1489, Robert Pert by Cecily his wife, and gave a jewel of 10l. Rob. Vere, chaplain, buried in the church the same year. Walter Byllern, who gave a silver gilt cross of 20 marks. 1493, Tho. London, mercer, buried before the image of our lady in the body of the church, on the perke, to which he gave 40s. to the new gilding, and a legacy to new gild the image of the Holy Trinity, at the south end of the said perke, and paint the tabernacle it stood in. In 1494, Rob. Osborn, sheriff, (see his inscription,) was buried before the image of our Lady on the rood-loft, on the south side by Eliz. his late wife, and ordered Eliz. his relict to buy for the high-altar, a red velvet vestment of 40l. The images of our Lady of Pity, and St. John, are mentioned. 1496, Nic. Noble, buried in the church, gave his mass book of the blessed name of Jesu, to Jesus mass. 1497, John Newman gave an antiphonary and desk, to stand on the south side of the church, as that on the north, for the priests to sing their service at. 1498, Will. Byllern, priest, gave a whole set of vestments of blue velvet to the two blue copes, of 12l. value, and his corporas case of blue cloth of gold tissue, with the corporas therein ready hallowed, and an antiphonary of 12 marks, and many other books, and a cross. 1499, Margaret Turner buried in the south isle, and gave a cope of 5 marks. 1500, Florence Johnson, gave 7 wax candles to burn before the image of our Lady in her chapel for four years, viz. the mid-candle to burn at all times of divine service, and the other six only while the Salve of our Lady is sung. 1502, Margaret Radclyff, alias Curteys, widow, gave a white satin vestment embroidered.
  • 1504, Eliz. Drake, widow, late wife of Will. Davy, and wife to John Carleton, mercer, buried by Carleton, and gave 5l. to gild the roodloft between the church and chapel. 1504, Sir Rob. Beverley, clerk, buried before the image of St. Edward lately made, 1506, Allice Ballis, buried in our Lady's chapel, by Ric. Ballis, her husband, and gave 5l. to cover the relicks in the church with silver. 1506, John Mere in St. Nicholas's chapel, on the north side of William Curteys, and gave a suit of vestments to the altar in the chapel with the arms of the church of Lincoln, and this inscription,
  • Orate pro anima Johannis mere quondam auditoris Episcopatus Lincoln' et pro quibus Idem Johannis orare tenetur.
  • 1508, William Yexworth in the chancel, in the space where his desk standeth. 1507, Henry Wilton, alderman, in St. Nicholas's chapel, between Katherine and Margaret his wives, and gave 5l. to buy lead to lead the steeple, and gave a legacy towards finishing the top of the steeple. 1513, Henry Barker buried in the church, and gave a black velvet cope. 1514, Sir John Dannok, in the church, and gave six marks towards the choir copes. The same year Alderman Rich. Ferrour was buried by the stile, on the north side of the church, against the old tomb of John Hendrye, and ordered a new tomb of five marks to be placed over him, and gave four marks to the church, and willed a hundred masses to be sung in the church within eight days after his decease, half by secular priests, and half by friars. 1523, Rob. Bois, grocer, buried in the churchyard by the little door entering St. Nicholas's chapel, and ordered a marble to be laid over him, and a porch to be built there at the door over it. 1540, Tho. Thetforde, in St. Nicholas's chapel. 1539, Sir William Isbals, sometime of St. Augustine's, buried here. 1540, Sir Rob. Butfield, priest, vicar of Barney.
  • 1549, Robt. Knyvet, Gent. son and heir of Charles Knyvet, slaine at Kett's campe, John Woods, Gent. Will. Haydon, Gent. Rice Griffin, Esq. George Wagat of Northamptonshire, Rob. Madat of Hartfordshire, Sir Tho. Woodhouse, priest, Morgain Corbet, Gent. all slain in Kett's insurrection, and buried here.
  • 1555, Alderman Ric. Catlyn and Eliz. his wife buried; in 1568, Edw. Reade, Esq. of London buried; 1570, George Redman, who was executed for treason. Samuel, fourth son of James Brockden of Norwich, died 29 Dec. 1690, buried here; he married Jane, daughter of Tho. Wagstaff of Tamworth in Warwickshsre, by whom he left only one son, Thomas; there is a stone for him in the north isle.

In the chapel of St. Anne, at the upper end of the south isle, on the right hand of the entrance of the new vestry, is a mural monument of white marble, erected to the memory of Augustine Briggs, Esq. descended from an ancient family at Salle in Norfolk, who before the time of Edward I. assumed the sirname of De Ponte or Pontibus, i. e. at Brigge, or at Brigges, as the ancient family of the Fountains of the same place, assumed theirs of De Fonte or Fontibus, i. e. at the fountain or fountains, much about the same time, the one dwelling, I presume, by the springs or fountains heads; and the other by the bridge or bridges, ever the currents that came from them; the eldest branches of both which families continued in Salle till they united in one, as appears by the following pedigree.

The first of this family that I have met with was,

(1) William atte Brigge of Salle, called in some deeds William de Ponte de Salle, and in others, De Pontibus de Salle, and the last mention I find of him is, that he was living at Salle in 1334.

(2) John atte Brygge of Salle Esq. his second son, is the first I find mentioned of this family, in any of the pedigrees I have seen; he was alive in 1383, and then bare for arms, gul. three bars gemelle or, a canton arg.

(*) Thomas Brigge of Holt, the 4th brother, was alive in 1400; and in 1392, went to the Holy Sepulchre of our Lord, with Sir Tho. Swinbourne, Knt. an account of which pilgrimage, written by himself, is still extant, in a MS. in Caius College library, which begins thus,

AoMCCCLxxxxijo, vjo Aug. die Martis ego Thomas Bryggs recessi de Castro de Gynes versus Sanctum Sepulchrum Domini, cum comitivâ Domini mei Dni' Tho. Swynbourne Militis de Angliâ, et veni Venecias, die Dominicâ, &c.

(3) John Brygges, Esq. his son and heir, was a man of good estate in this county, as appears by his will, dated 1454, in which he gave to Margaret his wife, all his lands, faldcourses, and watermills in Ewston in Suffolk, which of right were hers, in fee tail, and all his sheep there, for life; she being to leave the manor and full stock, to Will. Brygge her son. His manor of Lynford which he purchased of the executors of Sir Constantine Clyfton of Bukenham castle, Knt. his great friend, he ordered his executors to sell to the prior of St. Mary at Thetford, for 8 score marks, according to his agreement; out of which he assigned 40 marks to celebrate his anniversary in that monastery; every monk in priest's orders attending there, to have 12d. and each other 6d. as long as the money lasted.

Thomas, his second son, was to have the other 6 score marks; but William, his son, and Margaret, his wife, was to have the custody of him till he was of age to be a priest, or if not, till he was 24 years old: Margaret his daughter was to have Illington manor to her and her heirs, and if she died without heirs, it was to be sold and disposed of, to pious uses: it appears, that on his second marriage, he removed from Salle to Thetford, for he gave his house in Thetford of her inheritance, in which he dwelt, to his wife; having settled his paternal estate at Salle, on his heirs male by Eleanor his first wife, and all his second wife's inheritance on her and her issue.

In 1438, he was trustee for Bukenham's manor in Old-Bukenham. The free-tenement or manor in Quidenham, which had been in a family of this name a good while, came to this John, and was left by him to William his son, and continued in the family till about 1500. He lies buried in the south isle of Salle church, with his effiigies in a winding sheet on a brass plate, and this under it,

Here lyeth John Brigge under this Marbil Ston. Whos Sowle our Lord Jesu have Mercy upon, For in this Worlde, worthily he libed many a Bay, And here hys Bodi ys beried. I rowrhed under Clay, Lo! Frindis fre, Whateber ye be, pray for me, I you pray: As ye me se, in soch degrc, so schal ye he, anothir Day.

(†) Edmund Brigges, brother to this John, had an estate in Westmorland settled on him, and Simon Briggs, the fourth in a lineal descent from him, married Cecily, daughter of Oliver Gilpin of Yorkshire; and Brian, Simon's son, married also in Yorkshire.

(||) Sir John Brigge, chaplain, in 1438, was presented to the rectory of St. Laurence in Norwich, by the abbot and convent of Bury; in 1446, rector of Dickleburgh; in 1466, rector of Berford, and was buried in the chancel there in 1481.

(4) Thomas Bryggs, Esq. of Salle, was a great friend and doer for John Paston, Esq. by whose means he much advanced himself; by will dated 1494, he founded a chantry priest to sing for his soul for ten years after his decease, at the altar by the image of the Virgin Mary in the chapel of St. James, on the south side of St. Peter and Paul's church in Salle, which noble fabrick was built in his time; and it appears by the arms of this Thomas, carved in stone on the south porch, south isle and chapel aforesaid, that they were built at his expense; his first wife's arms are,

Arg. on a bend az. three croslets or, as coheiress of Beaupre.

His second wife's maiden name I have not met with; but it seems they are both buried before the altar in St. James's chapel at Salle, for there lies a stone robbed of its plate, which I found loose in the chest with this,

Orate pro animabus Thome Bregge et Margarete ac Marga garete Vrorum eius quorum animabus propicietur deus Amen

Which would have made me conclude that he had been buried with them; had not his will informed me that he was interred in the church of the friars-minors at Norwich, as you may see at p. 111.

(‡) William Bryggs of Thetford, was mayor there in 1480, 1481, and divers other times, and was a man of figure and fortune.

(5) Edward Bregge of Salle, Gent, died in his father's lifetime, and left issue by Cecily Moore, whose arms are,

Gul. a fess between three boars heads cooped arg.

(6) Thomas Brygge, Esq. of North-Wotton, second son of Edward Bregge of Salle, bare the arms of Brygge with the canton sab. In 1509, he had the manor of Rusteyns in Snetesham settled on him by Ric. Mounteyn, Esq. and Eliz. his wife, and Ric. Crophill, on his marriage of their daughter.

(**) Sir Thomas Briggs, clerk, his 5th brother, was rector of Brisingham in 1539, doctor in divinity in 1549, chaplain to the Lady Mary, sister to King Edward VI. and Queen after him; was vicar of Kenninghall, and in 1556, vicar of Windham.

(7) Augustine Briggs, Esq. settled in Norwich; in 1626, he gave 10l. to the city hamper or hanaper, for the use of the poor; and was a benefactor to south Conisford parishes, and St. Peter's Mancroft, and gave money to bind out 12 poor boys.

(8) Augustine Briggs of Norwich, Esq. for whom this monument was erected, was born 1617, and was educated in this city; being strenuous for his royal master in the late rebellion, he was turned out of the court of aldermen by the rebels, but was restored again at the King's restoration, and elected sheriff that very year; he was one of those gentlemen who joined the Earl of Newcastle's forces in the siege of Lyn, in 1643. The late Recorder Berney showed me a long sword with a label of Briggs's own hand writing tied thereto, "This I wore at the Siege of Linn, in the Servis of the Royal Martyr K. Charles the first. A. BRIGGS."

In 1660, at the Restoration, he became alderman, and was very serviceable in composing the differences between the dean and chapter, and city, and in procuring a new charter for the city, in which he is named an alderman; and had so great interest as to be elected burgess in parliament for the city in 1677 without opposition, having before refused it, in favour of the Paston family, which he much valued and truly served; he was chosen no less than four times successively a member for this city; having been mayor in 1670, and afterwards was major of the trained band, or city militia; he died Aug. 28, 1684, in the 67th year of his age, having justly deserved the character given him by the late Rev. Mr. Whitefoot, minister here, who composed the inscription on his monument; for he was indeed highly loyal to his King, and yet a studious preserver of the ancient privileges of his country; was always firm and resolute for upholding the church of England; and assiduous and punctual in all the important trusts that were committed to him, whether in the august assembly of parliament, his honourable commands in the militia, or his justiciary affairs upon the bench, gaining the affections of the people by his hospitality and repeated acts of kindness, which he continued beyond his death; leaving the following charities by his will, as a more certain remembrance to posterity, than this perishing monument, erected by his friends, which his posterity endeavours by this plate, to continue to future ages.

By will dated Aug. 19, 1684, he gave all his estates whatsoever in Swerdestone in Norfolk, unto Nic. Bickerdike, alderman of Norwich, and divers other trustees, and to their heirs, on condition that they shall, without making any manner of benefit to their own use, always suffer the profits to be received by the mayor and aldermen, or their receivers, to be disposed by them, after all necessary charges are defrayed, "the one half part, yearly and every year, to encrease the maintenance and revenue of the Boys hospitall, and the other half part to encrease the revenew of the Girls hospital, to the intent that the number of children in both the said hospitals to be placed, may be every year increased so far forth, as the same will extend."

He also ordered his executors, within two years after his decease, to purchase and settle on trustees, as many lands, tenements, &c. in Norfolk or Norwich, being freehold, as they could purchase for 200l. for which they are to pay at the rate of 6l. per cent. till the purchase be made, the neat produce to be employed by the mayor and aldermen, or major part of them, "for the putting forth to convenient trades yearly and every year, two such poore boys of the ward of St. Peter of Southgate, (whereof he was alderman,) as can write and read, and have neither father nor mother able to put them forth to such tardes," and if there be no such boys in the ward, then the money to go to the hamper, to be disposed by the mayor and aldermen, "for the relief only of the necessitous sick or impotent poor people of the ward aforesaid, and for no other purpose whatsoever." The trustees when all dead to one, that one, or his heirs, to renew to such persons as the mayor and court shall appoint.

There is a boy and a girl maintained in the hospitals of this foundation.

He ordered also 40s. a year to be settled on the reader of daily service in this church for ever.

Jan. 3, 1664, he had a grant of a crest to the ancient arms of his family, by Sir Edward Bysshe, Knt. Clarenceux, viz. on a helm and wreath of his colours, a pelican sab. picking her breast, on the trunk of a tree or, and was to bear them with a canton or, mantled gul. doubled arg.

(¶) Angustine Briggs, his eldest son settled an estate in Norwich, on trustees, for the benefit of Southgate ward, according to his father's bequest of the 200l. and Alexander and Mary Briggs, his brother and sister, settled the aforesaid 40s. on the reader, and added 40s. more of their own gift, as at p. 191. This Augustine was one of the aldermen turned out by the mandate of James II. in 1687, but was restored in 1688; he was sheriff in 1658, mayor in 1695, and died in 1704.

(9) William Briggs, brother to the last-mentioned Augustine, was born in Norwich, admitted at 13 years old into Bennet college in Cambridge, where he was educated under Dr. Thomas Tennison, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, and being chosen fellow of the college, continued there several years, discharging the trust of a tutor with honour to the society. In 1671, he had a certificate under the University seal, that he had been regularly created master of arts, soon after which, he was incorporated into the University of Oxford, and after he had improved himself by his travels in foreign countries, being well versed in most parts of learning, he settled at London, and on the 3d of July 1677, took his doctor's degree in physick, in the University of Cambridge, and soon after becoming an eminent physician, was chosen fellow of the college of physicians in London, where having gained the friendship of most of the learned men, by his remarkable skill in his profession, he was made physician to St. Thomas's hospital in Southwark, and physician in ordinary to King William the Third.

That he was a judicious anatomist, appears by his accurate treatises on the eye, which he published, intituled, Ophthalmographia, and Nova Visionis Theoria, an account of which is inserted in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, (of which he was fellow,) and are much commended by the great Sir Isaac Newton, in a letter of his, inserted in the said Ophthalmographia, &c. where he very much praises the Doctor, who wrote other pieces also, with much ingenuity and learning. He died Sept. 4, 1704, aged 62 years, at Town-Malling in Kent, where he lies interred.

He married Hannah, sole daughter and heiress of Edmund Hobart, Gent. son of James Hobart, Esq. one of the sons of Sir Henry Hobart of Blickling, Knt. Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in King James the First's time, an eminent royalist in the late civil wars, as his mural monument, which is to be seen on the south side of Holt chancel, of which this copper plate is an exact likeness, evidently declares. In her right the arms of Hobart are quartered with Briggs.

(10) The Rev. Dr. Hen. Briggs, born in London, was educated at the Charter-house, and being sent to the University of Cambridge, was admitted into Corpus Christi or Bennet college, under the tuition of Dr. Dannye; he took his degrees of bachelor and master of arts, was ordained deacon and priest in the church of St. James, London, by Dr. Charles Trimnel Bishop of Norwich; he was some time minister of Loose near Maidstone in Kent, was instituted to the rectory of Holt in Norfolk, (of which town he is now lord and patron,) June 25, 1722, being then master of arts. He was created doctor of divinity in the University of Cambridge, in 1729, and doctor of the same faculty at Oxford in 1738. In 1731, was appointed chaplain in ordinary to his Majesty King George II. and in 1741, was instituted to the rectory of Leryngsete by Holt, which he holds by union with Holt rectory.

There is a print of him extant by Faber, which is an exact likeness.

The ancient motto of this family is, virtus est dei.

Against the north wall of Jeses chapel is a monument, now much defaced; the bottom part is an altar tomb, on which is placed the effigies of a judge down to his waste, in his robes and cap of judgment. between four pillars; over his head are the arms of

Windham, az. a chevron between three lions heads erased or, with a crescent sab. on the chevron for difference. Crest, a lion's head erased within the bow of a fetter-lock.

On the one side is a shield, on which Windham quarters Scroop and Tiptoft quartered.

On the other side is another, on which Windham quartering as before, impales Bacon quartering Quaplode; on the side of the tomb are three shields, 1. Windham with the crescent, 2. Windham quartering Scroop and Tiptoft. 3. Windham quartering Scroop and Tiptoft impaling Towneshend and five quarterings.

1. Towneshend, az a chevron erm. between three escalops arg.

2. Haywell, gul. a chevron or, between three de-lises arg.

3. Brewse, arg. crusuly a lion rampant double quevé gul. crowned or.

4. Ufford.

5. Huntingfield, gul. a cross arg. in a bordure ingrailed or.

6. Shardelowe.

It seems as if this monument was always, as it now is, without any inscription, notwithstanding which, it is plain that it was erected in memory of Francis Windham of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. who was elected one of the benchers there in 1569; and autumn reader to that Society in 1571; was made serjeant at law with Francis Gawdy and Robert Bell, Esqrs. two of his countrymen, in 1577; and in 1579, one of the justices of the Common Pleas; he died at his house here in 1592, and was buried July 18, as the register shows us.

Some time since, there was a loose brass in the old vestry thus inscribed;
Jasper fert Myrrham, Thus Mechior, Balthasar Aurum, hec tria qui secum portabit nomina Regum, Solbitur a Morbo, Christi Pietate, raduco.

This was a sort of charm against the falling-sickness, and with many such follies as this, that age abounded; but how it should come here, or on what account I cannot tell, if it was not formerly fixed to some person's stone, who imagined himself defended by it from that disease; I have seen the verses, and the names of the three wise men that brought their offerings to Christ, in English, in this manner,
Jasper. Melchior. Balthasar.

Myrrh, Frankincense, and Gold, the Eastern Kings, Devote to Christ the Lord, as offerings, For which of those, who their three Names do bear, The falling-sickness never need to fear.

Benefactors to this parish are:

  • 1502, Peter Curson, alderman, who was buried in the church of Leryngsete, gave a legacy towards paving St. Peter's chancel in Norwich, where Joan his first wife was buried, with marble; he gave his fine silk banner with the images of St. Peter and Paul, and his own arms, to the church.
  • 1543, Sir Richard Tevell, alis Marvyn, vicar of Linton in Cambridgeshire, gave 16 milch neat beasts to the parish, (see p. 198,) "for a certen memorie to be wreten in the bed-roll booke, wherby the the curate every Sunday shall reherse and pray for the sowles of the sayd Richard Marvyn and Jone his wyff, his father and mother, and John Tevell and all frends." The overplus of the annual profits and increase of the beasts, to go to the reparation of the church. This is long since lost.
  • 1568, Sir Peter Rede gave his houses in St. Giles's for the ringing the four o'clock and eight o'clock bell. (See p. 200.)
  • 1581, the parish-house opposite to the south side of the churchyard, came along with the rectory to the parishioners, "it being the old parsonage-house of the parish, and so reputed and taken to be in times past." In 1712, it was leased by the feoffees to Edward Freeman, for 61 years, at 6l. per annum rent, and was said to be lately divided into two tenements; it is now settled by Alderman Risebrow for a charity school-house, as the following inscription fixed against the wall of it shows:

This School was founded by Mr. John Risebrow late of this City, in the Year of our Lord 1721, for the teaching poor Children to read and to write, and for instructing them in the Principles and Doctrines of the Church of England; and for the Support and Maintenance of this charity school, he assigned to Trustees, a lease of this House; and by his last Will and Testament, he settled an Estate in Walpole for the Use and Benefit of it for ever.

The trustees pay the 6l. per annum to the parish, which is laid out on church repairs.

Before 1626, Mr. John Davy gave about 17l. for a parish stock to buy sea coals, to be sold to the poor of the parish at reasonable prices; in 1656, it was laid out by the churchwardens, but they were forced to repay it, and settle it for the same use as heretofore, by decree of court; but it is since lost.

  • 1651, Mr. Henry Davy of London, merchant-tailor, gave to the poor of St. Peter's Mancroft, where he was born, four pounds a year for ever, to be distributed on the day of his death, by the church-wardens direction; and tied the house called the Rose in St. Gregory's for the annual payment thereof.
  • Thomas Pye, alderman, gave the houses called the Alms-houses in St. Gregory's parish, near the south-west corner of that churchyard, on the other side of the street there, for six poor people to inhabit and dwell in; two of those dwellings are settled for the benefit of two poor women aged 50 at least, married or unmarried, belonging to this parish, to dwell in during life; both which are now enjoyed by Henry Salmon, who inhabits one, and lets the other; by reason of the large repairs he hath done to them, at his own charge. The dwelling most west, or first dwelling, is always to be filled by St. Giles's parish. The 2d by St. Michael's of Coslany; the 3d by St. Giles's, the 4th and 5th by St. Peter's, and the 6th, being that most east, by St. Michael's of Coslany.

Mr. John Blackhead, merchant, gave four acres of land in Heigham, let at 6l. per annum to be yearly disposed of by the churchwardens, viz.

For an annual sermon here on St. John's day, 15s.

To the parish of St. Stephen's on New-Year's-day, 30 shillings worth of the best white bread to be delivered to the church-wardens.

To the poor debtors in the city goal on New-Year's-day in the best white bread 10s.

The overplus to be laid out in coals for the benefit of St. Peter's poor, to be delivered to them on New-Year's-day.

  • 1650, Mathew Lindsey, Esq. alderman, gave by will, his tenements (called Rutters and Thunders, which formerly belonged to the chapel in the Fields, lying on the east side of Lady's-lane) for the use and benefit of the poor people of the ward of Mancroft, and the ward of Berstreet, to be kept in repair by the corporation; and the clear yearly profits to be laid out in sea-coal; three parts of the profits to be so applied for the poor of Berstreet ward, and the 4th part for the poor of Mancroft ward.

They are now laid into one tenement, let at 4l. per annum.

  • 1689, Thomas Gobert gave 5l. to the parish officers, as a stock to be lent out on security, to any poor joiner or smith resident in the parish, for four years, without paying any interest.

The houses in St. Laurence's parish, in which Mr. John Gay dwells, very anciently belonged to this parish, are leased to him at 10l. per annum.

In 1695, the parish purchased the house late the school-house, belonging to the dissolved college of the chapel in the Fields, of Dr. Jeffery, then minister here, for a PARSONAGE-house for the upper minister; it stands against Chaply-fields, and is now let free of all taxes and repairs, at 6l. per annum which the parish chaplain, or upper minister, receives yearly.

The benefactions of the Briggs's, appear at p. 191, 218.

The offering bason of 22 ounces and an half weight, mentioned at p. 192, was given by Peter Witherick of this parish, inn-holder, And the two flaggons marked R. B. were given by Mr. Rob. Blackbourne, grocer, Nov. 20, 1612.

The arch under the old vestry is let for 40s. yearly, by the churchwardens, which is applied towards the church repairs.

The following religious houses had revenues in this parish, viz. the Prior of Norwich, to the value of 10l. 14s. 2d. per annum of the gifts of Will. de St. Omer, Tho. Schirreve, Henry de Witton, and Will. de Norwich, rector of Melton All-Saints in 1299, who settled divers lands, &c. on the Prior of St. Leonard, to say 30 masses for his soul yearly: the Priors of Canterbury, Alvesbourn, Cokesford, St. Faith's, Windham, Weybrigge, Pentney, Peterston, and Hickling; the Abbots of Wardon, Holm, Waltham, Ramsey, Langele Sibeton, and Creke; the Prioress of Bungeye, and of the nuns at Swaffham in Cambridgeshire, who had a rent out of a shop in the drapery, given them in 1272, by Will. de Dunwich, citizen. The Prioress of Carrow, the Dean of the chapel in the Fields, and the masters of the hospitals of St. Giles, and Hildebrond.

Chapel-field, commonly called Chapley-field, from the chapel of St. Mary, which adjoined to its east part, was heretofore in divers owners, and that part which now goes by this name, and lies within the walls, was called Chapel-field-Croft, and the adjacent fields on the outside of the city ditch, were called anciently Chapel-fields, and are still in the hands of many proprietors; but the croft was all purchased in by the city, and is leased out by the court; the ancient owners of it were, the Prior of Bukenham, the Prioress of Carhowe, the dean and college of the chapel in the Fields, &c. it was formerly ploughed land, but at the Dissolution, when the city had got it all, it was converted into pasture, as it still remains; in 1569, Alice, widow of John Worseley, alderman, and Barth. Rede, had a lease of it for 21 years at 12l. per annum, in 1572, Mr. Francis Windham had a lease of the cherry-yard, dove-house, and chapel-field-croft; and in 1592, a license passed to pull down the dove-house late the dean's of the chapel; and in 1578, it appears to have been the Campus Martius of the city, the musters for the trained bands or artillery of the county of the city, being yearly made there, between Bartholomew tide and Michaelmas; and according to a proclamation, this was ordered and appointed a meet and fit place to charge guns with shot and powder for the exercise of shooting in hand-guns, harquebusses, callivers, &c. &c. for trial of all such pieces as were named in the proclamation. In 1596, Sir Robert Mansell, Knt. desired a lease of it, and had it granted on the terms as Justice Windham had it, with a clause, that if he or his lady died before it expired, the rest of the term to be to Nic. Bacon, Esq. In 1609, the mayor and court granted to Mr. Attorney General H. Hobart, a lease of the croft for 41 years, and a deed in fee simple of the cherry-yard, gratis. In 1656, the court, by special messenger, sent word to the Lady Hobart, that contrary to her lease, ditches, stiles, and taynters were then made in Chapley-field, to the hinderance of the citizens free passage there, and that they insisted on its being reformed. In 1668, the city tent was ordered to be set up in Chaply-field against the general muster, for the use of the deputy lieutenants, by the chamberlain; in 1671, it was erected there for the lord lieutenant of Norfolk and Norwich, and the deputy lieutenants of the city to meet in, for a general review of the city regiment, and this was done yearly. In 1707, the field was railed in, as it still continues.

The market-place, was the magna-crofta or great-croft belonging to the castle, to the outward ditch of which it adjoined, and at first was open, from St. Stephen's church to the Holtor, now called Dove-lane. The whole was at first built on each side and end, but the middle-rowe between the market-place and fish-market consists of stalls enclosed at divers times by royal licenses, and all the buildings at the end of the church were originally erected by the like authority: as it is, it still remains the grandest market-place, as well as the very best single market in all England, the market-days being Wednesday and Saturday in every week. At first every business had its several rowe or station appointed to sell their goods in; and accordingly we read of the following places in ancient deeds and evidences; as, Cirotecaria, Glover's-row; Merceria, Mercer's-row; Speceria, Especerie, or Spicer's-row; Acuaria, Needler's-row; Pelliparia, Allutaria, or Tawer'srow; Ferraria, or Ironmonger's-rowe: the following names also which occur in deeds, show the same; for there we have the several markets mentioned, as Forum Unguentarium sive Apotecaria, the Apothecary's market; Herbaria, the Herber or Herb-market; Puletaria or Poultry-market; Forum Pistorum, or Bread-market; the Flesh-market or Butchery; the Wool and Sheep-markets; the Freshwater or Fish-market; the Pudding-market; old Wood-market; the Cheese-market; Forum Tannatorum, or Leather-market; the Worthstede-row; Shereman's or Cloth-cutters-market; Forum Sutorum, Souter's or Cobler's-row; Parmentaria, the Parchmenter's row; Whiteware-market; le Scouthere's, or Scourer's-row; Soper's-lane; the Fether-house, Sea-fish-market, &c. all which are mentioned before Richard the Second's time; for about the latter end of Edward the Third's businesses began to intermix, and many of these lost their original names. In describing the remarkable places that have been, or are still remaining, I shall begin at the south-east corner of the present Hay-market, in which stands

(70) A good engine to weigh hay, sometime since fixed here by the corporation, who receive the profits, and assign an officer to take daily care of it; and first,

The wastel, or wheat-bread market, began at Wastel-gate, and extended from the brew-house on the triangular piece, to the present entrance of the Hay-market, and from thence was the south entrance to,

(71) The New synagogue and schools of the Jews, to which there was an entrance from Hog-hill on the east part, and another on the west, from the Hay-market, by the passage now into the Star yard, and the whole part of the market from Wastel-market aforesaid, to the White-lion-lane, is called in old evidences Judaismus, Vicus de Judaismo, or the Jewry; the new synagogue was built in Henry the Second's time, when the Jews removed and dwelt altogether here; it had a burial-place by it, and the school was at the south end of it; the house appropriated for the high-priest, who was called the Bishop of the Jews, stood on the very place where now is Dr. Howman's house; for in Edward the First's time, Ursell, son of Isaac the Bishop of the Jews at Norwich, sold it to John de Wroxham, and his executors, in Edward the Second's time, sold it to John Pirmund; and in Edward the Third's time, it was confirmed to the prior and convent of Norwich, by the King's license, by Ralf de Atleburgh. It was some time ago Alderman Anguish's, and after that, the learned Dr. Brown's.

The next house to this, north, was settled by John Damme on the wardens of the mass of the Blessed Jesus, in this parish church, and in allusion thereto, was the sign of the Holy Lamb.

The house now the Star, formerly belonged to Elias the Jew, and abutted east on the garden belonging to the Jews school, and north on the entry to the Jews synagogue; Elias son of Elias sold it to Jeffry de Gloucester the Jew, from whom it was seized by Edward I. and conveyed to Jeffery de Bungeye.

In 1286, when King Edward I. banished all the Jews, this synagogue was destroyed, and the whole Jewry seized by the King; but the reason we see nothing remaining of these places is, because the whole Jewry was burned down, and then these were quite destroyed. (See Pt. I. p. 64.)

The corner house at Wastel-gate, abutting on Hog-hill east, and Wastel-gate south, is anciently said to belong to the parishioners of St. Stephen's, and was late Rob. Borough's.

The north side of the Jewry was bounded by White-lion-lane, as it is now called, from the sign of the white lion there, but was anciently known by all the following names, Selaria, Sellaria or Sadle-gate, in Edward the First's time. In Edward the Second's, Sadleres-row, Rolimere's or Lorimer's-row. In Edward the Third's Bridlesmethsrow. In Henry the Fourth's, Sporiers-row; and Edward the Fourth's, Sporowe-lane.

The third tenement from the market-place, on the south side of this lane, belonged to the abbey of Sibeton in Suffolk, for John, abbot there in 1363, leased it out; it was given them by William de Brokedisch or Brockdish, and the tenement joining east to the former, was given by Rob. de Possewyk, bridlesmith, to Hubert and Henry, the two first charnel chaplains. (See p. 48.)

The east side of the market-place from White-lion-lane to the Cockey-lane, was anciently called Nether or Lower-rowe, and now the Gentllmen's-walk; the south part of which, was called the Cordwaineria, and Calceria, Cordwainers, Cordiners, or Shoemaker's-rowe, and the northern part Caligaria, or Hosier's-rowe.

(72) The Fons de Sellaria, or Sadlegate common well, was on the fee of the Prior of St. Faith, as the whole north side of White-lion-lane was; this hath been disused in common, for a long time. The northern corner of this row, at the entrance of the Cockey-lane, is called Jenney's-corner, from John Jenney, one of the bailiffs in 1368, and 1373, who owned the corner house.

The Cockey-lane was formerly called by the several names of Latoner or Tinmen's-rowe, Cuteler-rowe, and Hosier-gate, and extends from the market-place eastward, in a straight line to the meeting of the lane called the Back of the Inns from the south, with Rackey'slane from the north, near the noted shop commonly called John-ofall-Sorts; and so far this way, it is called Cockey-lane, as is now another lane anciently called Smethe-rowe, which extends northward from the middle of the aforesaid lane, into Potter-gate street: now the word cockey, is, and hath been very anciently used in this city, to signify the cloacœ, sive gurgites publicœ, i. e. the common sewers or water-courses through the streets into the river, whether vaulted over as they now are, or running open and uncovered as they did formerly, to the great prejudice of the neighbouring inhabitants, which occasioned them to get them covered as soon as possible; it appears, that the two cockeys which meet here, one on the back side of the Netherrowe from Nedham-street, and the other from St. Giles's-street, by the north end of the market-place, were open and passed over by bridges till Edward the Fourth's time, and then this lane was first paved, and the cockeys covered, chiefly at the expense of the neighbours.

The north end of the market-place from Dove-lane to Smethe-rowe aforesaid, was the Aurifabria, or Goldsmiths-rowe; and the lane aforesaid was called Smethy-lane, from the working goldsmiths that lived there: the messuage called the Stone-hall, in 1286 belonged to John le Brun, founder of the chapel in the Fields, was his dwellinghouse, and afterwards was made

(73) The Goldsmiths-hall; and it seems as if they rebuilt it, for there remain many ancient shields of arms in the stone-work to this day.

The lane now called Dove-lane, from that sign there, was anciently called Hol Tor lane from the old tor or tower that stood at the south-west corner of it,

(74) Which was built by the Jews in Will. Rufus's time, for their synagogue, and continued such till Henry the Second's time, when they built their new synagogue; it was a publick-house till the great fire, and being then totally demolished, the site was built upon, so that there are no ruins of it to be seen at this day.

From this lane to Stongate or Goat-lane, was the Pillearia or Hatteres-rowe, in which.

(75) The City Gaol is now kept, and hath been so ever since it was removed from the rooms under the Gild-hall. This house was an ancient inn called the Lamb, which was purchased by St George's company in Henry the Seventh's time, for a gild-hall for them, and afterwards was assigned to the city for this use; the next house joining to it, is the sign of the castle, and was anciently called the Common-inn, and belonged to the city, it being conveyed to them by John de Welbourn, taverner, in 1368; it then reached to Potter-gate on the north, and that part was made the worsted-seld or hall, for sealing the worsteds; and the petty-customs belonging thereto were let at 8 marks a year; but in Henry the Eighth's time it was removed to the Cloth-hall at the west end of the Gild-hall. This inn is now leased out by the corporation for 500 years, at 18l. per annum, clear of all charges and taxes whatever, and a fine of 500l. paid down for the lease.

Opposite to these stands,

(76) The Gild-Hall


Which at first was only a small thatched building, erected on Carrow fee for a toll-house to collect the toll of the market in; in Edward the Third's time, it was called the Toll-Booth, and in the latter part of his reign, a single room was added to it, which was also built of studwork, and thatched, but then it took the name of the Gild-hall; it continued in this state till Henry the Fourth's time, and when that Prince granted the charter for a mayor instead of bailiffs, the city resolved upon building a new gild-hall, prisons, &c. the old one being so small and mean, that there was room only to erect a seat for the mayor and six more to sit there; wherefore, in 1407, at an assembly then held, John Danyel, Rob. Brasyer, and 22 more, were elected to make laws for the government of the city, according to the charter; and consult how to raise money to build the gildhall, for which purpose they had a warrant to press all carpenters, carters, and workmen, for that service; and this year it was got so forward, that the arches under it designed for the prisons, were finished by John Marowe, the master mason. The next year, Walter Danyel and Rob. Dunston were elected supervisors of the work, and 24 persons were chosen to collect the aid or tax laid on every inhabitant in the city at their discretion, and to distrain for the same; and each constable had a warrant to press workmen, citizens and foreigners, to work at the Gild-hall every day, from 5 o'clock in the morning to 8 at night, as often as there was occasion; and this year advanced the second story. In 1409, the roof was raised, and the third tax and impress warrant granted; and now many gifts and legacies came in, so that the work went on well; and in 1412, the prisoners were put into the prisons under it, but the whole was not perfected till 1453, when the windows of the council chamber were glazed, and the chequer table placed in it. In 1435, the porch and tower were built; and in 1440, all the city records, which till that time laid dispersed, in the White-friars, in the chapel in the Fields, &c. were brought hither; in 1444, the King, under the broad seal, confirmed to John Burgeys for life, for the good services done by him to Eton college, the keeping of the gaol of the city of Norwich by himself or deputy, and 5d. fee for every prisoner. In 1461, John Hagoner repaired and beautified the chamber behind the sheriffs court, called le Queste-house, Kiste, or Guest-hall. The stalls against the Gildhall now covered with lead, were the ancient scriptorys, or places where the writers sat at all elections. In 1511, the roof of the council-chamber at the east end of the Gild-hall, fell down, and the treasury tower: and the next year, James Hobart, Esq. recorder, gave 40 marks towards building it new; but it could not be brought to perfection till 1534, as I learn from the city book. "Be it hadde in Remembraunce that the newe Counsell House wher the mayer keep his court of Chauncerye, was begon by the procurement of Austyn Styward, one of the aldermen of this cittie in the moneth of Maye in the Year of our Lorde Gode Moccccco. xxxiiij, and in the xxvi yeare of the reign of our soveraign lord Kyng Henry viijth. and was accomplished and fynyshed the year next ensuying, &c." (See Pt. I. p. 208.)

Gifts given for that purpose, by the executors of Tho. Aldrich, late mayor, 20l.; by the executors of Rob. Jannys, late mayor, 20l.; the executors of Gregory Clerke, late mayor, xl.; the executors of John Marsham, late mayor, 2l.; by Edw. Rede, late mayor, 5l.; Tho. Pickerell, late mayor, 5l.; Rob. Greene, late mayor, 2l.; Reynold Littleprowe, late mayor, 1l.; Tho. Bawburgh, late mayor, 1l.; Master Alan Percye, priest, 5l. &c.

The east window was glazed by the executors of John Fuller, mercer, and contained four days or lights.

The 1st of St. George, with Domine Salvum fac Regem.

The 2d had, az. a cross between five martlets or. Vive le Roy. Vive.

The 3d had France and England quartered in the garter.

The 4th had the city arms. Fuller's mark; and the mercers arms.

The two little windows were glazed by Tho. Nectun, alderman. The first window on the north side by Master Jannys. The second north window by Rob. Ferrour, late mayor. The first south window by alderman Nic. Sotherton, and the second south window by Austyn Styward. And accordingly in the first little north window, are the mercers arms impaling Tho Nectun's mark, and in another shield a tun, and over it Nec, for Nectun. The next window on this side hath R. F. in a shield, for Rob. Ferrour, and his arms, or, a cross florée arg. and his mark. There are also the city arms, St. George's cross, and the drapers arms. Ao. Domini Millesimo cccccrrriiii.

This window contained the story of the corrupt judge, who was flayed alive for false judgment; and these words were in the middle pane; the two first verses addressed to all magistrates sitting in the court; and the four last to the judge's son sitting in his father's place, in the window, with his father's skin hanging before him.

Valerius li. vo.

Lette alle Men se, stedfast you be, Justyce doe ye, or els loke, you fle.

Yom that sittyst now in Place, See hange before thy Face, Thyn own Faders Skyn, For Falshod; this ded he myn.

The next window hath Master Robert Jannis Grocer, and his mark, the grocers arms, the city arms, and the mercers arms. This window contained a King, with a large parcel of armed men, placing a person before him on his knees, and on the other side was a man in his winding sheet, sitting in order to be shot dead with arrows: this man's picture is in the chamber; and I have seen several copies of it, with death seizing him; and by the words, Jesu miserere, fill Dei, miserece mei. which are in the window, it seems to be a memorial to warn mankind of the certainty of death, and to prepare for it, as unavoidable. Under the picture is this,

For all, Welth, Worship and Prosperite Ferce Death ys cum, and rested [arrested] me, For Jannys praise God, I pray you all, Whose Arts do remayne a Memoriall.

The eastern window on the south side, contained the judgment of Solomon and this,

The Theme and Counterfet to trye, She had rather lose her Kyght, Seying, the Soulders mare redy To rlyhe, with all ther myght.

But the glass hath been so often broken and misplaced, and other painted glass added, brought from other places, that little of the original designs can be now perceived.

In this chamber, besides the pictures of Jannys, and Sir Peter Rede mentioned at p. 200, are these that follow,
King William and Queen Mary.

Thomas White Miles, Aldermannus Civitatis London' Fundator Collegij Sancti Johannis Baptiste, et Aulæ Gloucestrensis Oxon.'

Cernitur hic Thomas Whitus, sub Imagine Picta, Cernitur hec Vitæ melius sub Imagine vera; Et Pater, et Prætor Londini, Miles in illo, Providus Oxoniœ Fautor, Fundator in illa, Bristolij Decus eximium, Laus prima Redingœ, Gloria Tunbrigiœ, tibi Causa Coventriæ Famæ, Urbis Honos, Orbis, Prudentiæ, Gemma Senectæ.

Cum 24 urbes hujus Regni Angliœ suis ditâsset Opibus, Annis et Honore plenus obijt. Febr. xio Ao. Dom. 1566, Æt. suæ 72.

His crest was a stork proper, motto, Auxilium meum a Domino.

White, gul. an annulet or, in a bordure sab. eight stars proper, on a canton erm. a lion rampant sab.

Archbishop Parker's picture, hath his own arms impaled with Canterbury see, and

Mundus transit & Concupiscentia ejus. Ao. Dni. 1573, Ætatis suæ Ao. 71, Augusti sexto. (See Pt. I. p. 306,)

Mrs. Joan Smith of London, widow. (See Pt. I. p. 358.) Ao. 1594, Ætat. 60.

Smith of Leicestershire, gul. on a chevron or between three bezants, three croslets patee fitchee sab. impaling.

Coe of Suff. arg. martletté sab. three piles in point wavy gul.

  • 1634, Mr. Rob. Heronsey's picture ordered to be hung up, it being made at the city charge. He was mayor in 1632.
  • 1668, Mr. Rob. Holmes, alderman, and benefactor to the Children's hospital.
  • 1674, Mr. Francis Southwell's picture hung up, a copy of it was made and sent to Sir Rob. Southwell, Knt. one of the clerks of his Majesty's privy council.

Mr. Henry Fawcet's picture. Sheriff 1608, Alderman 1614.

Fawcett, arg. on a bend az. three dolphins embowed or.

Tho. Layer, Esq. member of parliament Ao. 1606, æt. 78, ob. 1614, sheriff 1567, mayor 1576, and 1595. Alderman 47 years.

Crest a unicorn's head cooped arg. armed or.

Layer, per pale arg. and sab. a unicorn passant between three croslets countercharged, quartering arg. on a bend gul. three roses or.

Augustine Briggs, Esq. mayor 1670.

Tho. Carver, alderman, and mayor elect, May 1, 1641, died the 29th of the same month; he holds a glove in his hand.

Ant. Parmenter, Esq. mayor, 1717.

John Norman, mayor 1714.

William Doughty, Gent. founder of Doughty's hospital. 1687.

Mr. King, townclerk and keeper of St. Giles's hospital, with a pen and ink, and roll of parchment by him.

Lord Chief Justice Coke, holding a death's head.

Sir Joseph Paine, Knt. mayor 1660, æt. 63. 1663.

Sir John Pettus, Knt. mayor 1608. Ao. 1612, Æt. 62. The arms and crest of Pettus, a death's head by him, and a glove in his hand.

Rob. Yarham, mayor 1591, Ao. Æt. 71. He holds a scull.

Mrs. Anne Rede, widow, wife of Peter Rede, Esq. in a furred gown, holding a book.

Barnard Church, Esq. mayor 1651, A. D. 1654. æt. 50.

James Hobart, Esq. recorder, in his hat and band, holding a bundle of papers. He was a benefactor to rebuilding the council chamber.

Alan Peircy, priest, another benefactor; Ao. 1549, he holds a book in one hand, and glove in the other, and is a good picture. (See Pt. I. p. 208.)

Mr. Serjeant Francis Windham, recorder, Ao. 1592. He holds a book in one hand and a death's head in the other, with Cogita Mori: he is in his hat, and an hourglass stands by him. This is a good picture.

There are six pictures more without names, among which are, Augustine Steward, mayor, Francis Moundford, steward, John Marsham, mayor, and Will. Denny, Esq. steward. But I cannot distinguish which the several persons are.

In 1635, this hall was near being demolished by the servants of the deputies for salt-peter, who digged in the vault or cellar under the council chamber above three feet lower than the foundation, and would not forbear at the court's request, till three or four of the aldermen went to the council at London, and made them desist from the saltpeter works.

  • 1660, The cellar at the west end was the Cloth-hall, and the entrance was on the north side; and the free-chamber over the same, was the sale-hall for foreign wool and yarn; every pack paid 4d. to the city, and each cloth 2d.

The uppermost chamber over the Gild-hall, was the old magazine and armory.

  • 1547, six brass fawconets made at London by Augustine Styward, mayor, weighed 29 hundred and 39 pounds; and another small piece a quarter of a hundred, which cost 46l. paid to John and Rob. Owen, the King's gunmakers, besides old metal they had of the city; viz. 18 hundred and 14lb. weight. Each gild had a gun belonging to them kept here. 1 Edward VI. John Marsham, Esq. mayor, bought a gun, called a robonet, in Flanders. 1657, the canoneer had 10s. per annum for keeping the fire-engine, 10s. for each anniversary, viz. on the 5th of November, Coronation, and Restoration, and 40s. of St. George's company, &c.

In 1443, the vault under the east end of the Gild-hall was new repaired, and the debtors prison, called le Penteneye or Pountney, and the passage out of it to the Gild-hall chapel, was made secure; and in 1453, R. Segrym, alderman, was at the expense of dividing it so, as to make two separate prisons, one for women, and the other for men, as he had promised John Wilbeye, whose executor he was, to do. In 1597, an order passed, that "the Roomes on the Est End of the Guyld-hall heretofore used for a Common-Gayle, shall cease to be used for a Pryson, after 20 Oct. next. And that the Common-Goal for the County of this Cittie, shall be kept in the house called the Lamb." where it still continues.

The Sheriffs Office was on the north side of the Gild-hall, till 1625, and was then removed into the old chapel opposite to it, on the south side, which being decayed, was pulled down, and the present sheriffs office built on its site.

The chapel called the Gild-hall chapel, was dedicated to St. Barbara the Virgin, who in those days was esteemed the prisoner's Saint, for, according to the legend, her father imprisoned her, in an hyghe and stronge tour, in which he dyde doo kepe, and close this Barbara, to th' ende that noo man sholde see her." And therefore she is always represented with the tower, in which she was imprisoned; she is commemorated on the 4th of Dec. in the Roman church, by the name of Barbara the Virgin and Martyr.

The chapel was first founded in Henry the Sixth's time, for the souls of Alderman Ralf Segryme and Agnes his wife, Ric. Broun and Alice his wife, and John Wilby, late Alderman, and Maud his wife; who left money for this purpose: and in the year 1472, by indenture between the mayor, &c. and the master of St. Giles's hospital, for 200l. given to the hospital by Ralf Segryme, Ric. Broun, and Ric. Drolle, late alderman, the hospital covenanted for ever to find a secular chaplain to perform service every Sunday and holy day, in the chapel aforesaid, for the benefit of the prisoners, who was constantly to pray for the souls aforesaid, and for the welfare of the city; and the said hospital was to find the necessary ornaments for the chapel: and from this time to the present, the chaplain of the city gaol, who officiates to the prisoners, is paid out of the revenues of the hospital, and the Rev. Mr. Cory, the present [1744] chaplain, receives the ancient annual stipend of 16l.

The ornaments of this chapel were, a pair of gilt chalices, and a paten of 12 ounces weight, a cope of red worsted embroidered with writings, (or labels,) a sacrying bell, a bell hanging in a frame without the chapel door, and two large pewter candlesticks standing on the altar; in 1549, there was a book of Common Prayer, and a new Bible, of the gift of Sir Robert Dowe, chaplain there, and a surplice; and in 1626, the old cope, the pax, the crucijix, the masse-book, &c. were in the Gild-hall, which were burned on a thanksgiving day soon after.

The altar here was demolished at the Reformation, but was made new in Queen Mary's time, and in Queen Elizabeth's time it was used, for books and ornaments were bought for it.

Before the Reformation, every May-day, as soon as the mayor was elected, a mass of the Holy Ghost was sung here, and the new-elect was obliged to be present, and every parish clerk in the city was forced to appear here, on the day of the Translation of St. Nicholas the Bishop, to join in singing a most solemn mass of St. Nicholas, for which by composition, they were all excused from serving on juries within the city; the chaplain received 2s. yearly, for celebrating an annual, for the soul of Rob. Bungeye, from a tenement late the said Robert's, in the Nether-row.

Alderman Robert Pawe, who died in the beginning of Henry the Eighth's time, had his anniversary kept here every Oct. 3.

There was an old lecturn or reading desk here, which is now in the Gild-hall, with this on it,

Richard Brasyer for a good Intent this Lectorn gabe, Whose Soule Cryst Jesu for his Mercy must sane, Aldirman he was, and Mayor of this Cyte, Whom now must rowmfort our Lady of Pyte. Amen.

In 1549, the inventory of the goods in the custody of Mr. Mayor was kept here, among which were, "an hatte of crymsyn velvet for the sword-bearer. A sword, the hylts and pomel sylver and dobyll gylt; another swerd the hylts and pomell guylt, a scaberd of riche clothe of goold set with perles, with a gret chape of sylver. A scaberd of clothe of golde checker'd, with a little chape of sylver gylt. A scaberd of purpil velvet, another of crymsyn velvet, with two letters of H. doubyl crowned, and a chape all sylver doubyll gylt. a mace of arms of sylver and doubyl gylt, wrought upon crystall and set with stonys. Item anothir lesser mace of sylver dobyl gylt."

The west side of the market-place was anciently called the Vuere, Over or Upper-market, and the southern part of it was the linendrapery; behind which was the old barley-market yard, which had two entrances to it, one out of Upper-Newport called Barley-marketlane, and another called by the same name, and sometimes Herlewyn's-lane, which led from the butchery; there were also two other lanes in this row, one called Cosyn's-lane and the other Fishou's or Elmeswell's-lane, because it led to a large house of John de Elmeswell in Edward the Third's time, called the Kisthalle.

The White Swan inn over against the steeple, is an ancient inn, and the play-house for the Norwich company of comedians is in this yard.

The Weavers-lane at the east end of the church, was formerly called Cobler's-rowe; and the house at the south end of it on the west side, belonged to Letice Pain's chantry priest.

The midle-rowe between the fish-market on the west, and the market-place on the east, are only stalls built upon: in this rowe was the ancient morage-house, called also the murage-loft, and toller; underneath it were divers stalls, and over it was a large room, in which the supervisors of the affairs of the commonalty met every market day, to collect the tolls and customs of the market, as the market-committee doth at this day in the Gild-hall.

Four of the houses in this row were built by Robert Jannys, and settled in 1527, on the city: "Yeerly and holly to be expended, upon, aboute, and towardys, the charges of a comon cart or carts, for the carriage awey of the filthy mater comyng of the makyng clene, fowing, and swepyng of the stretys and cisternys of the city."

(77) A market-cross was first erected here in Edward the Third's time, and was repaired in Henry the Fourth's time, it had then a little oratory or chapel, and four shops in it. In Edward the Fourth's time, it was assigned for the dwelling of the collector of the alms for the prisoners in the Gild-hall, and the Gild-hall chaplain officiated here when he pleased, in a morning, to the market people, and had their offerings as his reward; the whole being in decay, it was pulled down in 1501, (see Pt. I. p. 181,) and was rebuilt by John Rightwise, then mayor, at his own expense in part, and with the benefactions of divers legacies and gifts for that purpose. It was a neat octagonal building, with steps round it, and an oratory or chapel in it, with a chamber over it, and must look very grand, before the leads, and pillars to support them, were added round it. At the Dissolution, the chapel was turned into a store-house; 1st Edward VI. the crucifixes that stood at each corner were taken down by order of the King's visitors. The common sealed measures of the city used to be kept here, and in 1574, it was ordered, "that the chappell that is in the crosse shall be yearly lett to the masters, searchers, and sealers of leather;" and the wardens of the cordwainers were to seal no leather but there; and so it continued till they were removed into the Gild-hall. In 1646, the whole city was taxed to repair the cross, every one paying according to the proportion they paid to the poor; it was then new paved, &c. In 1664, it was appointed for the court of guard, and in 1672, was much beautified and adorned. In 1732, it was sold and pulled down, and the site of it paved over. There are two plates of it now extant, a very good one published by Mr. Timothy Sheldrake, and an ordinary one by Tho. Hildyard, engraver.

Against the east end of the Gild-hall, in the market-place, was a common well, and in 1404, a new pillory was erected by it, with a cage under it, which was covered with lead, and a vane placed on the crucifix, which was on the top; in 1453, Alderman Tho. Alleyn gave 50 marks to rebuild the pillory, and make a house under it for to buy and sell corn in, and Thomas Veyle then rebuilt, painted, and adorned the common well-house. 3d Edward VI. part of the house was turned into a cage, with stocks therein; the whole was sixsquare, each side nine feet long, and was now paved with the stone pulled down and brought from Chapel-field steeple; in 1679, the well was new railed in, but now, the whole is demolished and paved over.

The street called Bedlam-street, was anciently called Over or Upper Newport, because it leads to the New-port, or St. Giles's-gate, and the most east part of it was the ropery, where the cord and rope makers anciently dwelt. On the north side of this street, is the White-Horseinn, which formerly belonged to the church-wardens, to find a light burning before the sacrament, but was seized from the parish at the Dissolution; and the house now the Wheat-sheaf, which was on the east side of Barley-market-lane, was settled on Cosyn's chantry priest. The most eastern tenement but one on the south side, is called the Stone-hall, and was settled by Lettice Pain on her chantry priest. (See p. 163,) on the west side of this house, was the ancient passage or lane called Old Ladies-lane, now enclosed, which led directly to the churchyard of the collegiate church or chapel of our Lady in the Fields; but in 1383, it was put by, and New-Ladies-lane laid out in its stead: more west, on the same side of the way, is the site of the committee-house, (see Pt. I. p. 395,) on part of which, is built.

(78) Bethell or Bedlam


Which was founded by Mary, third daughter of John Man, Esq. she was born March 24, 1647, and was married to the Rev. Mr. Sam. Chapman, rector of Thorp by Norwich, May 10, 1682. In 1713, she built bethel in this parish, "for the convenient reception and habitation of lunaticks, and not for natural-born fools or ideots," according to the desire and advice of her late husband; who had a charity of this nature much in his thoughts; and therefore by will dated Dec. 4, 1717, she settled all her estates in Norfolk and Norwich on trustees, giving to them, and the majority of them, the sole power and management of the house; ordering them to choose, and place or displace, the master, (who is to dwell therein, and take care of the lunaticks) and to appoint physicians, apothecaries, &c. as the majority think fit: those only who are destitute of friends or relations, to be kept here gratis, as the following clause of her will shows: "Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God, to visit and afflict some of my nearest relations and kindred with lunacy, but hath hitherto blessed me with the use of my reason and understanding; as a monument of my thankfullness unto God, for this invaluable mercy, and out of a deep sense of his divine goodness, and undeserved love to me, vouchsafed, and in compassion to the deplorable state of such persons, as are deprived of the exercise of their reason and understanding, and are destitute of relations or friends to take care of them, I do hereby settle bethel for that purpose;" and according as the will directs, there are as many poor destitute lunaticks kept here gratis, as the revenues will afford; the city of Norwich being always to be preferred; and when the trustees can maintain more than are in the city, they may be sent from any parish in the county, "or elsewhere," but the physician of the house must first certify them to be proper objects, and the master must have an appointment under the hands of a majority of the seven trustees, before any one can be admitted. The benefit of this charity is not limited to any place or county; and the trustees have power to fix any weekly sum to be paid them, by the friends or parishes the lunaticks belong to; and the usual allowance paid at this time is, 3s. a week for any person put in by a parish, and 4s. 6d. for any one that hath friends to pay it. She lies buried by her husband in Thorp chancel, under a marble thus inscribed;

Under this Stone, resteth in Hope of a joyfull Resurrection, the Body of that exemplary, pious, and charitable Widow, Mrs. Mary Chapman, Daughter of John Man Esq. some time Mayor of Norwich, and High-Sheriff of Norfolk, and Relict of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Chapman formerly Rector of this Church. She built wholly at her own Expense, the House in Norwich called BETHEL, for the Reception, Maintenance, and Cure of poor Lunaticks; to which, and other charitable Uses, she gave all her. Income while she lived, and her Estate at her Death, which happened on the 8th of January 1724, and of her Age 77.

This that this Women hath done, Shall be told for a Memorial of her. Math. 26, & 12th Verse.

Since the foundation, it hath had the following benefactors.

  • 1717, Mr. Thomas Hall gave 200l. 1720, Mrs. Susanna Cook 100l. 1721, Mrs. Margaret wife of John Hall of Norwich, Esq. 100l. 1729, Mr. Timothy Ganning 20l. 1732, Mr. John Lougher, 100l. Mr. John Thompson 50l. 1732, Mrs. Mary Crome 200l. Mr. William Houghton 50l but the trustees, after a suit, received only 25l. 15s. 8d. 1735, Dr. Thomas Tanner, late Bishop of St. Asaph, 20l.

The present Trustees are,

Sir Ben. Wrench, Knt. who is also appointed physician; Tho. Vere, Rob. Marsh, Will. Clarke, Philip Meadows, and Edward King, Esqrs. and Mr. Samuel Crome, merchant; five of which are justices of peace for the city, but act in their private capacities as to this charity, the foundress leaving this clause in her will,

"It being my express mind and will, that this charity shall never come into the hands of the court of majoralty, nor any of them, acting as publick society, shall be any way concerned in the execution of this trust."

Each trustee is to have 20s. per annum, and lay out 5l. yearly, for shirts, shifts, and clothing, for the poor lunaticks. There are estates in Potter-Heigham, &c. settled on the trustees, besides money.

The first master, appointed by Mrs. Chapman herself, was,

Mr. Henry Harleston, who was succeeded by Robert Waller, who was displaced by the trustees, and Mr. Edward Page, the present [1744] master, was appointed by them.

The trustees fix the master's salary, which besides his dwelling rent free, and two chaldrons of coals allowed annually, is 40l. per annum, 10l. of it being added to the salary, in lieu of the money given by people that visit this house; which is now put into a box, the keys of which are in the trustees hands, who apply it to the increase of this merciful foundation.

She ordered the word Bethel to be fixed over the door of the entrance in the front, and under it a text of Scripture, viz. Heb. xiii. 16, and another table to be kept in the house of the following texts, Jer. ix. 13. Cor. iv. 7. Ecclesiastes vii. 7. Sam. ii. 3.

When any trustee dies, or removes out of the city, so that on summons he doth not attend, he is to be displaced; and in such cases, the remaining trustees are obliged in three months to choose another in his room, and certify such choice to the new trustee, under the hands of the majority of them.

On a stone in the wall by the entrance is this,

This House was built for the benefit of distressed Lunaticks Ano Dom 1713, and is not to be alienated or employed to any other Use or Purpose whatsoever. Tis also requir'd that the Master, who shall be chosen from Time to Time, be a Man that lives in the Fear of God, and sets up the Protestant Religion in his Family, and will have a due Regard, as well to the Souls, as Bodies, of those that are under his care.

Will. Hobart, Gent. his younger brother, was condemned on account of the design for restoring the King, Dec. 30, at Norwich, and was executed at the market-cross there, for loyalty to his King; though some say at Dearhammarket, (see Pt. I. p. 400,) unless two of that name suffered in the time of the rebellion.

The tenants of the dutchy of Lancaster were always toll free in the city, according to their charter entered in the Custom-Book, fo. 7.

(79) The Parish of St. Giles


Is also a small ward, and is part of the New Burgh, (see Pt. I. p. 20,) made in the Conqueror's time, when the church was founded by Elwyn the priest, in his own estate, and was given by him to the monks of Norwich, after he had procured an indulgence of 20 days pardon, to all persons that would come and offer here, on St. Giles's day, or seven days after, and Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury appropriated it to the monks; it being then a rectory that paid 6d. synodals to the Bishop, whose jurisdiction this parish is subject to, as also to that of the Archdeacon of Norwich.

It was afterwards settled by the monks on their infirmary, and no vicarage being endowed, it was always served by a parish chaplain, and is a donative in the dean and chapter, who appoints the chaplain, and the Bishop licenses him. In ancient evidences it is called St. Giles on the Hill, and that very properly, it being on a very great eminence, whence the lower part of the city appears as a large valley, which makes a most beautiful prospect; it is often called St. Giles of Over New-port, and sometimes of Potter-gate. The rectory, at the appropriation, was valued at 40s.

The tower is large, square, and very lofty, being 40 yards high, for which reason in 1549, a cresset or large lantern for a fire beacon was fixed on its top; there is now a clock and eight bells, two trebles beind added in 1737. The great bell is rung daily the winter half year at six in the morning, and eight at night, and at five in the morning and nine at night the summer half year. The nave, two isles and south porch, are all leaded; the chancel was quite demolished in 1581, when the dean and chapter gave to the trustees of this parish, "all the lead, timber, iron, and stone, which did come and remain of the decayed chancel of this church, for a stock to be put out for the encouragement of poor traders in this parish," by which means they eased themselves of all repairs at once, for the chancel belonged and was to be maintained by them. There was a hermitage in the churchyard, and in 1428, Sir Richard was hermit here. There was also a cross, and an image of the Trinity in a niche in the wall on the west side of the steeple.

In the west end of the south isle there was a chapel, altar, and image of St. Catherine, with a light burning before it; and against one of the pillars, there was a famous rood called the Brown-rood. There was a gild of St. Mary kept before the altar of the Virgin of Pity. The west window in the north isle, was adorned with the history of our Lord's passion; and there were lights (either wax tapers, or lamps) burning before the images of St. Mary, St. John Baptist, St. Christopher, (whose effigies, of a monstrous size, with his staff sprouting by him, was painted over the north door,) St. Giles, St. Unkumber, and St. Wilegesortis; besides those that continually burned before the holy-rood or cross, the holy sepulchre, and the sacrament.

Persons buried in this church as appears by their wills, are: 1424, Rob. son of Will. de Dunston and Cecily his wife, by Christian his first wife, and ordered Margaret his second wife, to give 5l. towards repairing the tower. 1448, Henry Pykyng, by the south nave door by St. Catherine's altar. 1459, Christian, relict of John Brosyard, buried in the south porch by her husband. 1496, Ric. Gosslin, in the yard at the steeple's end, before the image of the Blessed Trinity, and gave a legacy to the brown-rood on the pillar. 1506, John Carter, in the nave; in which there are modern stones for, Susan wife of Will. Copman, 1737, 87. Will. Copeman 1719, 72. Near the font Eliz. relict of Colonel Cobbe, late of Sandringham-hall, 1698. A wife of Roope daughter of Ansell, Esq. 1687. James Finch, 1699, 45. John Ansell, Esq. 1693. Anne his widow, 1695. Francis Bristow 1697.

On brass plates in the nave, beginning at the west end,

Under thses Stonys lyght Thomas Colchester and His Wyt Jone, on hose Sowlys God have Mercy. Amen.

Near this was another plate, now loose in the vestry, on which is this,

Orate pro anima Alice Tyllys filie Johannis Tyllis et Dionisie Uroris eius, Generosorum.

Of yomer Charyte pray for the Sowlys that her lyth, Of Thomas Herby I Clare his Wyfe. Amen.

Orate pro anima Will. Knappe.

Hic iacet Agnes Heryng que obiit nono die Decembris Anno Dni. Millimo' cccc. rir. cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

In the middle of the nave, is a stone with the effigies of a mayor in his robes, and his wife by him. There are three shields lost, and one with his merchant mark remainining,

Hic iacet Robertus Barter quondam Maior Cibitatis Norwici qui obiit tercio die Mail Anno Dni: Millmo. cccco. rrriio, et Cris tiana Uror eius, quorum animabus propicietur Deus Amen.

Robert Baxter, merchant, was buried before the great rood in 1429, and gave 20l. for a suit of vestments; 12 marks for a missal, and 7 marks for a gilt silver cup; and in 1470, Ric. Baxter, Gent. was buried by his mother in the church, and gave a jewel and pair of silver cruets.

Orate pro anima Margarete Landysdale quondam Uroris Roberti Landysdale Armigeri que obiit rbio die Mensis Marcii anno dni. Milio. cccco Liiiio. ruius anime, prapicietur Deus Amen.

A stone without any inscription, hath these arms on a brass plate,

Crest, a blackamoor's head with a turban, on his neck a crescent.

1. a maunch erm. surmounted by a bend, quarters a chevron, between three cushions lozenge tasselled, impaling a chevron, between three pheons inverted.

On another stone now partly covered by the altar step, are the effigies of a mayor, with a dog at his feet, and his wife by him, and this, though now covered,

Orate pro animabus Ricardi Purdaunce quondam Maioris istius Cibitatis, qui obiit in Festo Sancti Marci Ebangeliste Anno Dni. Millimo: cccco rrro. serto et Domina Margareta Uror eius quorum animabus propicietur Deus, Amen.

In 1481, Margaret wife of Ric. Purdaunce, buried at the west end by her husband.

On a brass plate,

Elizabetha Bedingfield, Sorori Francisce sve. S. R. Q. P.

My Name speaks what I was, and am, and have, A Bedding Field, a Peece of Earth, a Grave, Where I expect, untill my Soul shall bring, Unto the Field, an everlasting Spring.

For Rayse, and Rayse, out of the Earth & Slime, God did the first, and will the second Time.

Obijt. die 10 Maij 1637.

The Body of Elizabeth Forby Under this Stone doe ly, Whom God has pleased out of this World to take Betimes, that she a blessed Saint might make.

Aged 7 Yeares, died Aug. 20. 1675.

In the north isle near the east end, lie two black marbles, that most north hath a hand holding a crown, and over it on a scroll,

Coronam Spero Coelestem.

And under it three cherubs.

JUDITHÆ CROSS-GROVE amicissimæ necnon dilectissimæ Consortis HENRICI CROSS-GROVE, Typographi Norvicensis (Subter memorati) Quod Reliquum, in hoc Sepulchro repositum est. Commissa erat Mortalitati vicesimo primo Januarij 1682, super Æthera autem erepta, (candidissimam animam Deo reddere) septimo Februarij 1742. Laudabiliter multæ fecerunt, ipsa vero superavit Omnes. Supremum munus Maritus mœrens posuit.

Spe non exiguâ lætæ Resurrectionis Exuviæ Henrici Cross-Grove, Typographi Norvicensis, subter sunt humatæ, In Orbe minimè tranquillo, Dolenter migravit Aug. 14, 1683. Ad snperos necnon alacriter evasit, Sept. 12, 1744.

That most south is laid in memory of, Joseph Brooke, Dec. 22, 1709. William his Son Dec. 8, 1717. Joseph Son of William 1741, 28. Ecc. xii. i. Remember thy Creator, &c.

On brasses here,

Hic iacet Henricus Pool Capellanus qui obiit decimo die Junit Anna Dni: Mo Moccccorliio. ruius anime propiecietur Deus Amen.

Rachell Dr. of Kugh Spendlobe of Wrorham Gent. late Wife of Henry Moulton ob. 3. nob. 1615.

Orate pro anima Roberti Cowper, cuius anime propricietur Deus, Ao. Dni. Mo. bc. rrio.

Rob. Lee 1683. Daniel Son of Augustine and Sarah Curtis 1675. Margaret Wife of John Baker, 1679.

On brass plates in the south isle, beginning at the west end,
A cup and wafer, and this,
Orate pro anima Johannis Smyth Capellani qui obiit biio. dic.

Novembr. Anno Dni. Mocccco lrrrriro. cuius anime propicietur Deus amen.

Grate pro anima Agnetis Sheltun, et pro omnibus Benefarto rithus suis pro quibus cenebatur que obiit rrbiio hie Decembr. Anno Dni. Millimo, cccco lrrr biii. cuius anime propicietur Deus, Amen.

Eliz. Robinson Widow, 1712, 76. John Raining 1722, 63. Frances his Wife 1730, 59. Mrs. Cath. Blome 1676.

Carter, arg. a chevron sab. between three cart wheels vert, impaling

Manning, gul. a cross patonce between four trefoils or.

Tho. Carter Gent. who married Anne Dr. of Sam. Manning of Diss Gent. Oct. 2, 1730, Æt. 54.

Braham, sab. a cross or, with a crescent for difference.

Robert eldest Son of John Braham of Wickham-Skeith in Suff. Gent. 1691.

There is a most neat mural monument against the south wall, of the modern Italick composure, in imitation of a picture framed, properly enriched; on the top of it are the arms of

Churchman, arg. two fesses; on a chief sab. two pallets of the field, impaling sab. on a chevron between three croslets floree or, three roses gul. with this motto,

Mens sibi Conscia Recti.

Sacred to the Memory of Alderman THOMAS CHURCHMAN, who died universally lamented, the sixth of Aprill 1742, aged 72.

More west, against the same wall, is another monument of divers kinds of marble, in which an urn is placed upon a sarcophagus.

The crest is a demi-talbot gul. collared and chained or, on a wreath az. and or.

Snell, quarterly gul. and az. a cross floree or, impaling Browne, sab. three lions passant in bend, between two double cotises arg.

M. S. ROBERTI SNELL Generosi, Viri, popularibus suis ob mores integros, Fidemq; spectatam charissimi: Egenis per vitæ spacium usque Liberalis, nec minus in Funere evasit, Ecclesiæ qualis, quantusq; Benefactor, huic Parochiæ DONA satis indicant.

Patrem habuit Rob. Snell Gen. qui ob. 4°. Oct. 1720. Æt. suæ 59°.

Matrem, Elizabetham, quæ ob. 9°. Maij 1720. Æt. suæ 49°.

Fratrem, Edwardum M. D. qui ob. 27, Sept. 1733. Æt. suæ 40°.

Uxorem Duxit Elizabetham, Gulielmi Browne de Elsing in Com. Norf. Arm. et Annœ Uxoris ejus, Filiam, quæ obijt 31°. Oct. Anno Dom. MDCCXXVII°. Ætat. 32°. et apud Elsing cum suis sepulta jacet, alteram habuit Uxorem Margaretam, Antonij et Margaretœ Ransome, de Civitate Norwicensi, Natam, quæ obijt 15° Oct. Ano. Dni. MDCCXXXV°. Ætat. 38°. Tandem Familiæ solus superstes Robertus, Ipse morti succubuit, 17° Nov.

MoDCCXXXVIIIo. Ætat. 47°. et suorum potius quam suæ Memoriæ, hoc Monumentum poni piè mandavit.

He gave a noble set of plate for the service of the altar, upon which, the branch hanging in the church was bought with the old plate; there are two flaggons double gilt, as the whole set is, one weighs above 51 ounces, and the other above 49. On each are these words,
Poculum Benedictionis cui Benedicimus, nonne Communicatio Sanguinis Christi est.

Two cups with covers, one weighs 22 ounces, and the other above 21, on each of which is this,
Calix Laïcis, non est denegandus.

On a neat paten weighing above 22 ounces,

Panis quem frangimus, Nonne Communicatio Corporis Christi est?

On an offering bason weighing above 31 ounces,
Beatum est dare, potìus quam accipere.

ROBERTUS SNELL GENEROSUS, Hæc Vasa deaurata ex abundanti suâ Generositate Ecclesiæ Sti. Ægidij, D. D. C. 1738.

Ut omnia fierent decenter.

They are buried before the altar, where there lies a black marble with the arms of Snell, and their several names inscribed thereon.

In the north isle, near the door, is another mural monument, on which are the arms of

Paine, or, a chevron verry arg. and az. between three lions rampant az. impaling.


Crest, an ostrich's head erased or, holding in its beak a horseshoe arg.

Prov. xiv. xxi. He that hath Mercy, &c.

Adrian Payne Gent. and some time Sherife and Alderman of this Citie, was interred in this Vault the 4th Day of May 1686, who gave a hundred and twenty Pounds to this Parish of St. Giles for ever, for the clothing of poor Men and Women in Gownes once every Year, in the Moneth of November, as farre as the annual Profits of the said Summe would extend. For the Performance whereof, a Peice of Land or Inclosure knowne by the Name of the Lower Church-Close in Hanworth, of the north side of that Church, contayning about fourteene Acres, &c. is settled and secured by Rob. Doughty of the said Towne in the County of Norfolk Gent. (being Son in Law to the said Adrian) for the Payment of six Pounds per Ann. for ever, upon the last Day of October in each Yeare, to those in Trust, to see this Charitie disposed, who are to be tenn in number, Inhabitants of this Parish, and are to be renewed by the remainder, at the Request of the Parishioners hereof, when six or seven at most of the said ten be dead.

In 1528, Edward Grewe, chaplain here, gave his messuage, yard, &c. to the parish for ever, "toward repayring the church, or releving the Pore." They were vested in trustees, and have continued so ever since, and were lately leased out for 500 years to Thomas Andrews, carpenter, at 3l. per annum rent charge, to be paid by half yearly payments at Lady and Michaelmas, in the church porch, and for want of payment the feoffees may seize the premises. This messuage stands on the north side of the street, between the church and the gates, not far from the lane leading by the steeple: and adjoining to the west side of this messuage, are the parish houses formerly called

The alms-houses, which were heretofore three tenements near the common-well, given Oct. 17, 1583, by the will of John Balliston, to be vested in feoffees, who are to permit and suffer the churchwardens to receive the clear yearly profits, and to "make distribucion to the poore in manner and fourme following, that is to sey, the weke before Michaelmas, the weke afore Christmas, and the weke after Easter, in the church of St. Giles, and the ministre shall then request the pore people, all they that receive almes, and all other that have need of Almes, to come to church these three days beforeseid, being flesh daies, and he shall say service, and request them to pray to God, for the preservacion of the prince and of the nobell councell, and give thanks to God, for that it pleased God, to incline his harte, that gave this distribution, and they shall place their selves fower and fower together, that be above the age of eleaven yeres, and every fower of them, shall have sett before them a twopenny wheat loffe, and a galland of beste bere, and fower pound of beef and broth, as it rise off the meate, and in their own vessels, as it is already begonne and the minister shall have for every of the seid thre daies, fower pence for his paynes, and this to be done yerely." March 20, 1735, they were conveyed by the feoffees by way of lease for 500 years to Stephen Cullyer, mason, for a clear rent charge of 40s. per annum payable at Lady and Michaelmas in St. Giles's church porch, with power to seize on the premises for non-payment. The money is distributed to the poor as directed; and the distribution is called St. Giles's-feast.

The houses called the Pit-houses from a common pit formerly on their south side, stand on the triangular piece opposite to the southeast part of the churchyard. They were given to the parish in 1509, by James Wadnow and John Mason, chaplains, being then a messuage and 3 renters, &c.; the feoffees are to permit the church-wardens to receive the profits, who are to lay the whole out annually in repairing or adorning the church of St. Giles, at their own discretion; there are always to be ten feoffees, and when eight are dead, the parish to choose eight new ones, and the two old ones must renew to them. Sept. 14, 1726, the feoffees leased the whole out for 500 years to Will. Foster, mason, at 6l. per annum, clear of all taxes, to be paid every Lady and Michaelmas, by even portions, and for want of payment, the premises may be seized.

  • 1650, Dec. 20, the parishioners purchased of William Gargrave, innholder, and Alice his wife, an annuity of 30s. per annum, payable to the church-wardens, out of all the houses lately called the Ram, and now the Black-swan inn, in St. Giles's-street, opposite to the church, to be paid every 9th day of Dec. and if it be unpaid 20 days after, they may seize the premises. This was purchased with money given by Mary Godwyn, late of this parish, for the benefit of the poor; and accordingly it is distributed every New-year's day by the church-wardens and overseers, in bread or money.
  • 1612, Thomas Pye, alderman, and Anne his wife, settled the almshouses in St. Gregory's for the uses expressed at p. 222, "the places to be filled by the three most ancient justices of peace for the county of the city, being aldermen, or any two of them."

In 1479, Edmund Bukenham, Esq. gave a tenement in this parish to find a lamp before the high-altar here, and before the sepulchre yearly at Easter in St. Mary's college in the Fields, but it was seized at the Reformation.

In 1502, Nic. Coliche, alderman, gave 5l. to purchase 5s. a year, to help the poorest of the parish to pay their taxes, but this money is lost long agone.

(80) God's-house, was given for an alms-house, by John le Grant in Edward the First's time, and in 1310, was confirmed by Thomas his son, to the parish; it was in St. Giles's-street in lower Newport, and was rebuilt by Bishop Lyhert, whose arms, with those of the see, were on each side of the old Gate-house before it was pulled down; but the nomination of the poor people to inhabit here, being in the Bishop, (though they were to be parishioners,) it was seized with the rest of the revenues of the see, and so became a private property ever since. The old house was pulled down by Mr. Rob. Gamble, who built the present house standing on its site.

There was formerly a hermit dwelling over St. Giles's-gates: and just on the outside of them, was a leper-house, founded in Edward the Third's time, by Balderic or Baudry de Taverham, who in 1343, settled it for that use on the city, as his original deed now in the Gildhall, in old French, shows us. It was not dissolved, but continued an hospital or sick-house, as long as the house at St. Stephen's-gates, which see at p. 167.

The nave of the church and two isles, are 27 yards long, the isles are four yards wide each, and the nave is eight yards wide. The whole was rebuilt at once in Richard the Second's time, together with the tower; which is the reason it is so neat and uniform a building; it appears that the families of Scales, Thorp, Clifton, Caily, Shelton, Calthorp, and Vaus, were great benefactors to it; their arms now are, or lately were, in the windows, together with or, a lion rampant gul.; gul. in a bordure or, a cross arg.; gul. on a chevron arg. three roses proper. The principals of the roof are supported by angels holding shields, on which England and France quartered, St. George. The arms of the Priory, arg. a cross humettè gul. &c.

The two least bells were added in 1738, and the third and fourth were made in 1619; there were three bells originally here, and an old Gabriel bell, which was added as a treble to them.

5. Hac in conclabe, Gabriel nunc pange suabe.

6. Missus hero pie Gabriel fert leta Marie.

7. Celi Regina, languentibus sit Medicina.

8. Cripler Persona Crinitas, nunc Gaudia Dona.

On an altar tomb on the north-east part of the churchyard:

To the Memory of Mr. William Goddard, who having for some time apply'd himself to Trade, with strict Punctuality and great Probity, closed thist emporary scene in a prudent Retirement: His Ability and Disposition to be serviceable, endearing him to the Affection of his Acquaintance, render'd his latter Days more extensively usefull, and made his loss sustain'd by his Death sensibly felt, and justly lamented. He died the 6 of March 1742, in the 47th Year of his Age. Also two of his Children, viz. Mansfield Goddard died the 28 July, 1743, aged 12 Years, and Sarah died in her Infancy.

Parish Chaplains

  • 1403, Sir Walter.
  • 1442, Sir Henry Pool, buried here.
  • 1466, Tho. Thirlby, buried in the nave.
  • 1466, Peter Williams.
  • 1490, Rich. Lister.
  • 1493, Tho. Smith, buried before the window of Christ's passion, at the west end of the south isle.
  • 1499, John Smith, buried in the south isle.
  • 1506, William Cristian.
  • 1528, Edward Grewe, the benefactor to the parish.
  • 1439, Sir Peter Hobbs.

In 1586, the dean and chapter leased the whole rectory, tithes, and offerings, &c. to Will. Crumpton, clerk, for his life, he serving or procuring the living to be duly served, at his expense.

In 1587, Crumpton assigned his lease to the parishioners, who chose John Lowe their parish chaplain; he died in 1626, and was succeeded by Mr. Ric. Gamon.

In 1650, deans and chapters being laid aside, Henry Drewry was instituted rector, and appointed Will. Stinnet his curate; he continued rector till his death, about 1678, and then the dean and chapter leased it to Tho. Blome.

  • 1680, John Shaw.
  • 1690, Isaac Girling.

Bishop Trimnel and dean Prideaux were parish chaplains here some time.

  • 1709, John Havet.
  • 1714, John Paul.

Mr. Will. Bentham.

The present [1744] minister is the Rev. Dr. John Gardiner, rector of Great Massingham and Brunsted, and minister of St. Gregory's in Norwich.

The religious concerned here were, the Abbot of Sibton, taxed for temporals at 2s. 6d.; the Prior of Hickling 6s.; the Prioress of Carrow 6s. 3d.; the Dean of the chapel in the Fields 8s. 6d. and the Prior of Norwich 10s. which were small rents appropriated to the infirmary and cellerer. Escawin, with the consent of Muriel his wife, gave his lands and houses by this church, to the convent, for their souls; and the monks received them into their fraternity, granting them to be honourably among them. In 1293, Henry, son of Henry le Counte of Norwich, formerly one of the butler's to Henry I. gave them a house in Pottergate.

In Dr. Prideaux's account, the whole is said to be arbitrary contribution, then about 24l. per annum, but it is now about 50l. per annum, and has been lately augmented by lot with 200l. of Queen Anne's bounty. Here is service and a sermon once every Sunday, and prayers every Friday.

The small ward, called,



Takes its name from Wimer, who lived at the time of the Conqueror's survey; this ward is subdivided into three small wards, called West, Middle, and East Wimer wards, the whole extending by the south side of the river, quite through the city from Bishop's-gate in the east, to St. Benedict and Heyham in the West, and first of

West Wimer ward


Which contains, besides part of Erlham and Heygham, without the walls, the parishes of St. Benedict, St. Swithin, St. Margaret, St. Laurence, and St. Gregory, within the walls,

(81) The church of St. Benedict, or Bennet


Stands near the most western part of the city, and is an ancient small building; the steeple is round at bottom, and octagonal at top, and hath three bells, the nave, south porch, north isle, and vestry, are leaded, the chancel, and north porch are tiled.

In the nave on a brass plate:

Orate pro anima Johannis Ker.

Pray for the Soule of Thomas Whes, on howys Soule Jesu habe Mercy,

Here under resteth the Body of Peter Vertegans Gardyner, who dyed the 24 March A°. D. 1633.

Orate pro anima Willi: Calle qui obiit primo die Aprilis Ao. Dni. M. cccc. biiio cuius anime propicietur Deus.

Dorothy Wife of Tho. Houghecroft, Nov. 18, 1690. Tho. Houghecroft 1706. Martha Wife of Tho. Houghecroft 1730.

In the chancel,
Tho. Powell 1683, 77. Sarah his Wife 1689, 78. John Yallop 1695. Eliz. his Wife 1696.

In the north isle,

Orate pro anima Ricardi Herby cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.

Orate pro anima Andre Walssh ruius Ic.

Eliz. Wife of John Hyndes 1696, 76. John Hyndes 1699, 77. Jeremye Gooch Gent. 1617. Barbara wife of Nat. Durrant 1684, 39. Also Anne another wife 1702, 45. Nat. Durrant 1706, 63.

In the south porch,
Sarah wife of George Bayfield, 23 Mar. 1719, 63. Death is a Market, &c. as at p. 140.

George Bayfield 23 March 1719, 63.

Remember me as you pass by, For as you are, so once was I, But now I am return'd to Dust, In hopes to rise among the Just.

In 1475, Rob. Herman was buried in the church, and gave a new cope and 10 marks.

† 1502, Ric. Harvey, buried in the north isle. 1504, Margt. his wife buried by him, and gave 40s. and a silver censer; she had formerly been wife of John Stalon.

  • 1506, Ric. Hill Rafeman, gave a suit of vestments.

This part of the city is called Westwic, for its standing on the western wic or winding of the river; and the parts next the river are said to be in Nether or Lower Westwic, as those which are most remote from it, are in Over or Upper Westwic.

The advowson of this rectory was given to the priory of Bukenham in Norfolk, about 1160, by Tho. de Sancto Egidio, (or St. Giles,) chaplain, together with two acres of ground joining to the west side of the churchyard, with his messuage thereon built, between the churchyard east, and Bennet-gates west, and also many rents that were annually paid to it; on the east part of this messuage, was the parsonage-house and garden, which stood at the very north-east corner of the churchyard; the east part looking into the churchyard, and the north side into the great street; this house, together with all the revenues of the priory, came into the King's hands at the Dissolution, and were after granted to Ralf Sadler and others, except the impropriation and advowson of the church, which was purchased by the parishioners, the majority of whom elect their parish chaplain or minister at this day; it being a donative in their hands.

It was appropriated soon after it was given to the priory, and was valued at 5l. The priory repaired the chancel, as the parishioners do now: it is served once a fortnight. Dr. Prideaux says, the whole is voluntary contribution, and in his time was 8l. and is now estimated at about 10l. per annum.

It was anciently taxed at one mark, and paid 3d. synodals, and the Abbot of Holm, Prior of Norwich, and Prioress of Carrow had rents here.

Parish Chaplains

  • 1405, Sir John Pokeman, buried here.
  • 1492, Sir Will. Norwich.
  • 1526, Sir Rich. Norfolk.
  • 1533, Will. Morrison.
  • 1562, John Lowe.
  • 1610, Rich Gammon.
  • 1628, Mr. Ward.
  • 1636, Laur. Townly.
  • 1641, Mat. Stonham.
  • 1668, Sam. Stinnet.
  • 1674, Ben. Penning.
  • 1684, Joseph Ellis.
  • 1696, Edw. Reveley.
  • 1730, Gilbert Bennet.
  • 1734, James Taylor.
  • 1735, Robert Camell, LL. D.
  • 1735, Robert Clipwell.
  • 1736, the Rev. Mr. Rich. Tapps, the present minister.

It is augmented by lot, but no purchase is yet made. There is service and a sermon once in a fortnight only.

Here was an alms-house given very anciently by Hugh Garesoun or Garzon. And within the walls on the south side of

Westwick or St. Bennet's-gates, was an old hermitage; and without a

Leper-house, which continued as long as the other leper-house did, as a sick-house or hospital for the poor. In James the First's time Leonard Wright was keeper of St. Bennet's hospital.

In 1594, William Edwardes was master, governour, or proctor, of the hospital or poor-house, called St. Bennet's in Norwich, and used the ancient seal of the hospital, which is oblong, having the effigies of St. Bennet standing at the entrance of a church door, which shows it was dedicated to him.

There is an orchard on the west side of the churchyard, which formerly belonged to the parish, who conveyed it to Mr. Codd, who gave it to St. Giles's hospital, of which it is holden by lease at this time.

In 1484, William King was buried in the church, and made and glazed a new window in the north isle; he gave his tenements and gardens to the church, for the church-wardens, to have placebo and dirige said yearly, on Sunday after the Circumcision between 5 and 6 o'clock in the afternoon; and the Monday following, mass of requiem, for his own soul, and the souls of Joan his wife, and all his friends; the priest to have 4d. and the clerk 2d. and they were to offer 1d. and put one halfpenny into the poor's box, and distribute 16d. in bread and beer to the poor, the rest of the profits were to be applied at the discretion of the inhabitants, either to pay the taxes of the poorest inhabitants, or repair the church; and to pay to the priest 2s. a year, and find 7 candles yearly to burn at the high-altar, on St. Bennet's day, Whitsuntide, and Advent; and one taper of a pound weight, to burn before the sepulchre of our Lord Jesus Christ at Easter, in Whitlingham church. These extended against the east side of the churchyard, from the Common-green on the south part of the churchyard, to St. Bennet's-street north, and now belong to the parish. The sign of Adam and Eve is part of it, now let at 9l. per annum, another house is let at 7l. per annum, and another at 3l. per annum, and the most southern part was leased at 4l. per annum ground rent, for 2000 years, to George Bayfield, who built the houses in which Mr. Bacon and Mr. Daye now dwell thereupon. In 1654, by decree in chancery, they were settled to repair the church, and pay taxes for the poor; and the clear profits are now applied to church repairs, and the overplus given in coals, bread, clothing, &c. to the poor.

  • 1663, Edward Howard, or Heyward, gave 50l. to buy land, the revenues of which, to be given to widows, orphans, or industrious poor people. And the house in St. Laurence's parish in which Mr. Wright now dwells, pays 3l. per annum, which is given to the poor in money, it being tied for this gift.
  • 1686, Michael Smith, worsted weaver, gave 6l. to be paid to the receiver of the Boys hospital yearly, to maintain a boy continually there, to be taken always out of St. Benedict's parish, to be named and chosen by the church-wardens and overseers of that parish, or any three of them, and if they neglect to choose a boy and place him there, the six pounds shall not be paid to the receiver during the vacancy.
  • 1700, Tho. Seaman, &c. See under St. Margaret's.

(82) St. Swithin's Church


Hath a square steeple and three bells; the north and south isles, north and south porches, and nave, are leaded, and the north vestry tiled; on the second bell,
The. Maria. Gracia. Plena. 3d, Nobis solamen, sit Deus, Amen.

The chapel of St. Mary at the east end of the north isle, had an altar and a gild of the Holy Virgin kept there, called the Tanner's gild, and a messuage, on the east of the churchyard on the south side of the church, was given to find a lamp burning there.

On a mural monument on the north side of the altar, the arms at top,
Scottowe, fess or and az. a star counterchanged, and Suckling, per pale gul. and az. three bucks tripping or.

In Memorie of Anne Scottowe the wife of Augustine Skottowe of Norwich, Gent. who was the Daughter of Rob. Suckling of Woodton in Norfolke Esq; she died the 24th Day of 8ber Ao, 1662, and left one Son and one Daughter. And of Sibilla Skottowe his first Wife, who was the Daughter of William Brooke of Norwich Gent. she died the 17 8ber 1657, and left one Sonne.

On a brass in the chancel,
Orate pro anima Walteri Gods quondam Rectoris istius Ecclesie ruius anime propicietur deus Amen. He was buried in 1497.

  • 1659.

Stay Passenger and let thine Eyes Inform thee, who here under lyes Yet haste, since William Brook is gone, And left this World, e're fifty one;
Whose Lustre, a slow Consumption spent, Wasting a clayie Tenement, It matters not how long we live, but how? From second Birth, a few Days are enough.

Here he lyes, that was a Friend, To Religion 'till his end; Never touch'd with Faction's Sting, A Lover of his exil'd King, Tenn of his Offspring in the Heavens dwell, Singing a Triumph over Death and Hell, Weep, weep no more, cease to Repine, The water of these Brooks is turn'd to wine, The fourteen Springs from this Brook, For their Supply, doe to the Fountain look.

Under this Stone interr'd doth lie, Sibilla Skottowe, whoe did dye, Sooner then twenty, yet had more Of Patience, than manie Score, Ev'n like a Pearl fall'n into Dust, Yet is not Lost, tho' it doth rust; She's match'd again, and home is took, By him, who drank deep of the Brook; Haste Reader, Christ is Love, England's Crimes, Will justifye a Death betimes; And with hir lies in Bed hir Sonne, Came in, & cried, wash'd, and had done, Yet is he now as old as she, Heirs of one Perpetuitie.

She was the Daughter of William Brooke of Norwich Gent. of Tamasine his wife, died 17 Aug. 1657.

There is another stone for John son of Will. and Tamazine Brook, 20 Feb. - - -

And many verses on this stone are covered with a seat.

Mr. Francis Marshall 1727, 61. Peter Thacker 1663. Tho. and Sam: son of Sam: and Eliz: Juler 1697. Mary wife of Tho. Heach merchant, 1707, 33. John their son 1706, 4. Peter son of Peter Thacker 1675.

In the nave are the following inscriptions on brass plates;
Ye shall of yomer Charite pray for the Sowle of Rob. Barket lat Citizen and Alderman of Norwich, the which died the rrr Daye of Man in the Yere of owre Lord God Mo ho and rbi.

Hic iacet corpus Margarete Uroris Thome Barter que obiit decimo quarto die Decembris 1619.

Orate pro anima Petri Tilney qui obiit rriio die Tunii Anno Dni: M. bo io ruius anime propicietur deus.

Ye shall of yower Charite pray for the Sowle of Rob. Barker lat Citizen and Alderman of Norwich, the which died the rrr Daye of May in the Yere of owre Lord God Mowc and rvi.

John Burroughs 1740, 71.

Hic iacet corpus Margarete Hroris Thome Barter que obfit decimo quarto die Decembris 1619.

On a brass plate in the south isle,

Orate pro anima Simonis Bryght qui obitt xxx die Maii Ano. Dni: Mo hc. cuius anime propicietur deus.

There is a brass at the east end of this isle, covered with a seat, which may be for Tho. Barley, who was buried in 1504, or for Ralf Clemens, who gave 10l. to gild the rood loft, and was buried in 1534.

On plates in the north isle,
Grate pro anima Marie Barker filie Rob: Barker Aldermanni, ruius anime propicietur deus Amen.

The effigies of a priest, having a label from his mouth, on which,

In te Domine sperabi, no confundar in eternum. Cur sub norte dies, cur ipse raligine Titan, Cur labilis bita Principe morte ruis? Me bir nature compagine teruit ordo Sobrior, et horrendi hermis alumnus ero, Hic ego Cinis eram, sed I adbena Barly Johanne s. Erul ab urbe mea celica Regna peto, Virgo Decora dei Mater, Baptista Johannes, Per bos eterna, sit mihi queso salus, M. C. quater Domini seragessimo quoque quinto Septembris quarta luce Caro rediit.

On the same stone, on a modern brass,
Matthew Bridgis wrapped up in Clay, Layes here intomb'd untill the Judgement Day, He lived in good Estate, in Fayth he dyed, And now we hope with Christ lives glorifyed. As he is now, so shalt thou shortly bee, Death's Bridg is laid a Passage next for thee. died 23 Jul. 1625, aged 45.

In the east window of the north isle, are the emblems of the Trinity and sacrament, and this inscription also remains on a brass plate in the isle:

Orate pro anima Agnetis Barly ruius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

On the font, the Trinity, sacrament, emblems of the passion, and the East-Angles arms.

On two loose brasses which came out of the chancel,
Hic iacet Edmundus Colman nuper cihis et Aldermannus Nor wici et Matild Uror eius qui obiit iiiio die Jan: Mocccc xxxio I dicta Matilo obiit xij die eiusdem Mensis eodem anno quarum animarum propicietur dcus Amen.

Hic iacet Dominus Johannes Whythred Capellanus ruius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

On a monument against the south wall,
In Memory of Edward Temple some time Inhabitant of, and at his Death a liberal Benefactor to this Parish, who departed this Life Sept. 23, 1701, and lyeth interr'd on the South Side of the Church-yard. He bequeathed his Estate in Houses at the George of St. Stephen's being seven Pound per An. and two Peices of Land lying out of St. Austin's Gates, by Estimation 12 Acres, at eleven pound ten Shillings per An. to these charitable Uses, viz. 10 Shillings to the Minister of this Parish for a Sermon to be preached annually on the 1st. of January, & two Shillings to the Clark for his Attendance, two Dozen and a half of Bread to be delivered every Sunday in the Year in this Church, to the poor of this Parish, and what shall remain of the said Rents, shall be given in Coales to such Poor of this Parish, as his Executors and Trustees shall see meett, for ever.

On another mural monument more east,
To the Memory of Mary the Wife of William Wilcocks, youngest Daughter of Mr. Christopher Burlingham, a Woman who during the state of her Mortality, in all Conditions of Life had her Conversation such as became the Gospel of Christ; She was a very dutyfull Daughter, a most obliging, faithfull, and affectionate Wife, a carefull, prudent, and indulgent Mother, a kind & gentle Mistress, a good and peaceable Neighbour, and a charitable, devout, and humble Christian: By an Appoplectick Fitt, she was intirely deprived of all Sense as in a moment of Time, on Sunday in the Evening the 21st. of Dec. 1735, and expir'd the next Day, in the 54th Year of her Age, for whom this Monument is erected.

In the south isle are stones for, Anne Bowman 1684. Susan wife of Ric. Foulger, Grandmother to Anne, 1665. Sarah Dr. of Will. and Lydia Godfrey 1740, 31. Eliz. wife of Will. Burtis 1673.

Tho. Chapman 1675.

Pasenger make greate spede & now repent, Those Talents which in Vanitie are spent, Death will upset, his Prisoner yow shall be, 'Till you be sent forth unto Victore.

Will. Chapman his son 1679, 46, Will. his son 1680, 23. Christopher eldest son of Tho. Burlingham Gent. 1710, 58. Alice eldest daughter to Christopher. Tho. Chapman 1682, 22.

In 1390, Peter de Heygham Potter, buried in the church. 1460, John Wacey tailor, was buried in the friars-minors church, and gave a picture of St. Swithin here.

In 1429, legacies were given to every sister that vowed chastity, and dwelt together in the tenement formerly John Pollet's in this parish, and were called the sisters in St. Swithin's.

Augustine Steward, alderman, by will bearing date Oct. 9, 1570, gave to (St. Giles's) "Hospital for ever, by the Advice of Mr. Major of the Citty, and the Surveiors of the said Howse, for the Time beinge, the five tenements that lye and bene scituate in the Parish of St. Swethings Church-Yard, for five pore Widowes to dwell in them, of good Name and Fame, paying no Fearme nor Rent for their Dwellings, and to put in them such pore Widowes that have little or nothinge to live bye, at their Discretions aforesaid; and if they be not of good Behavier, to remove them at their Pleasure; and to put in other pore Widowes, and I will that my executors to see at the Delivery of the said Howses to the Surveiors and Major for the Time beinge, to make them Winde thite and Water thite; which five tenements to have their cominge to the Well ther, beinge to drawe ther Water ther at all times, accordinge as I have the grant of it for ever." These alms-houses stand on the west side of the churchyard, and two of them are quite dilapidated, and the three remaining, in bad repair. They belong to the hospital, and the mayor and hospital committee have the nomination to them.

  • 1662, Isabel Dix, widow, gave a copyhold house and yard in Eaton, now let at 2l. 6s. per annum to the parishioners, 5s. of the annual rent to go to the church repairs, and the rest to be divided among the poor.

This rectory was anciently in the donation of the see of Norwich, and in 1200, was annexed to the deanery of the city of Norwich, as were the churches of St. Simon and Jude, and Crostweyt, and the deanery of Taverham, and were so held till 1329, when Thomas Silvestre, chaplain, dean of Norwich, died, and then the deaneries were separated from the churches, which were perpetually united; so that the rectors from 1329, to 1546, are the same as those of St. Simon and Jude, and Crostweyt (which see hereafter.) But on the 28th of Aug. 1546, Bishop Rugg separated the advowson from the bishoprick, and granted it to William Farar and others; and it was afterwards purchased by Augustine Steward, Esq. in whose time Tho. Robinson was rector.

  • 1608, Nov. 8, John Warde was patron, who lapsed it to the Bishop, who collated him to it, and it being entered in the book, that the Bishop collated him in full right; it is said since, to be in the Bishop's patronage, though it is only a lapsed rectory in the Crown, the advowson being in the heirs of the said Mr. Warde, who died in 1647; and the value being small, it hath been held by sequestration or license ever since, at the Bishop's nomination.

It is rated in the King's Books at 6l. 3s. 4d. but sworn of no certain value; Dr. Prideaux says, the arbitrary contributions were about 10l. per annum and they are now about 12l. Service is here every other Sunday.

The Rev. Mr. Blackburn is now minister of this, St. Margaret's, and St. Laurence, and vicar of Shropham in Norfolk.

The New-mills are chiefly in this parish, as was proved in 1459, when there was a suit between the prior of Bukenham, impropriator of St. Bennet's, the Prior of St. Mary in Coslany, who had a small part allowed him, and the rector of St. Swithin, for the tithes of them; concerning the suit between the Abbot of St. Bennet and the city, as to their erection, see Pt. I. p. 147. Formerly all the city bakers were obliged to grind at these mills, and the miller, as a publick servant belonging to the city, had a livery and badge given him every year. In Queen Elizabeth's time, the water-works were begun here, to serve the city with river water; and in 1583, were brought so far to perfection, as to serve the hall and cross in the market-place; and then John Foster and Alex. Peele, surrendered all their right in them, to the city, for 650l. and undertook to keep them in repair for the 6th part of the annual rents. And now the water began to be laid into private houses from the main pipes; and since that time, the works hath been so improved, that by rayses or water cisterns properly placed, the whole city is served with river water, as commodiously as any city in England; the mills still belong to the city, and were let with the bakers grint, thereto belonging in 1706, for 87 years, at 200l. per annum; but by covenant Dec. 6, 1708, they were reduced to 180l. per annum.

  • 1663, Edward Howard or Heyward's gift to this parish is 3l. per annum given to the poor in bread; see St. Margaret's parish, to which he was a benefactor.
  • 1730, Mr. Charles Emerson gave 50l. the annual interest of which is to bind out a poor child of this parish yearly; he is buried here.

For Mr. Tho. Seaman's gift, see St. Margaret's parish.

There is a handsome set of plate for the altar, viz. a silver flaggon of above 38 ounces, a bason of 20 ounces, a paten of 11 ounces, a cup, and a new cover to it.

(83) St. Margaret's Rectory


Commonly called St. Margaret of Over Westwick; was anciently valued at 40s. and paid 3d. synodals to the Bishop; it stands at 5l. 4s. 8d. in the King's Books, but being sworn of no certain value, is discharged of first fruits and tenths, and hath been augmented by lot, and an estate is purchased and settled on it, which lies in Newton Flotman in Norfolk, rented at 14l. per annum, and is part copyhold, but fine certain at 4s. per acre.

In Dr. Prideaux's time, the voluntary contributions were 6l. and now are about 12l. per annum. Service is every other Sunday. There is only one cup and cover belonging to the altar.


  • 1286, Thomas, son of Mabel, daughter of Isabell le Cauz, sold the advowson to Jeffery son of Warine le Gros of Wodenorton, whose son, Jeffery de Norton, was rector in 1300.
  • 1330, James de Yokesford was patron, who sold it to John de Norwich, clerk.
  • 1338, Hugh Banden of Jokesford or Yoxford, instituted at the presentation of Emma, relict of John de Norwich, clerk.
  • 1349, John de Walsham, ob. John de Norwich, Lord of Yoxford.
  • 1352, Rob. de Kyngton, who in 1355 changed it for Keswick, with Simon de Bintre. Ditto.
  • 1357, John Garson, resigned. Sir John de Norwich le Cosyn, Knt. who was lord of Yoxford, and had his city house in this parish.
  • 1359, Henry de Plumstede. Ditto. He was succeeded by Simon Gilberd, who in 1376, exchanged it for Brandon, with Jeffery de Swathyng. John Norwich, Esq.
  • 1376, John Dilham. Ditto.
  • 1395, Will. Chaumpenys. Ditto.
  • 1416. Tho. Berford, ob. He was succeeded by Jeffery Goddard, and he in 1421, by John Domlyn, who died rector. The last three were presented by John Norwich of Yoxford, who in 1428 gave this advowson to be sold with his manor of Yoxford, as appendant thereto.
  • 1439, Rob. Sleper. Sir John Fastolff, Knt. John Berney of Redeham, and John Lynford of Stalham, in right of their manor of Yoxford.
  • 1459, Rob. Ellis, resigned. John Hopton, Esq. and Rob. Baniard.
  • 1462, John Everard, resigned. John Hopton, Esq.
  • 1467 John Barker, buried in the chancel in 1500, and was succeeded by John Castre, who was presented by Rob. Clere and other feoffees of the manor of Cokefield-hall in Yoxford, to which manor this advowson is appendant. He died in 1507, and Sir Rob. Clere, then lord of that manor, presented William Empson, who was buried before the altar of our Lady in St. Anne's chapel on the south side of the chancel in 1512, being succeeded by John Wilkins, who died in 1536, and Tho. Wellys was presented by the assignee of Sir Arthur Hopton, Knt. lord of Cokefield-hall, who in 1544 presented Stephen Prowet.

Mr. Gardiner succeeded Prowet in 1559.

In 1580, Sept. 8, Edward Reade was presented by Edward Duke, Esq. lord of Cokefield-hall, to which manor the advowson was, and still is appendant; but it being small, from this time, the lords of that manor have totally neglected it, and the following rectors were all instituted in right of the King or the Bishop by lapse; and those that were ministers served it by sequestration or license a long time.

Reade was succeeded by John Lowe, rector, and he in 1613, by Will. Merricke, both collated by lapse.

In 1615, the King presented Tho. Townly, by lapse, who died in 1623, and the Bishop collated Nic. Stonham, and in 1638, Sam. Dobson; and at his death the following ministers served it without any institution, as,
1660, Mr. John Carter, and afterwards Mr. Poke, Mr. Rively, Mr. Edw. Capper, Mr. Bennet, Mr. James Taylor, and in 1739, Feb. 12, The Rev. Mr. John Blackburn was instituted at the collation of the Bishop of Norwich.

The south isle, nave, chancel, and north and south porches are leaded, the north vestry is tiled; the tower is square and hath five bells, besides a small sanctus bell; at the east end of the south isle is a chapel of St. Anne, the altar of which was dedicated to St. Mary, and the barkeres or tanners gild was kept at it; before this altar lies a large stone, under which, Mr. Tho. Bell, late coroner of the city, was buried in 1713, and it hath been robbed of all its brasses but one, on which is R. H. which shows me that it was the stone of Robert Hemyng, alderman, who was buried in 1541, by Tho. Hemyng, his father, who died in 1537, and gave a new pair of organs to this church. In 1512, William Canon, secular priest, was buried in this chapel, as was Kat. Gervase, Gent. in 1517, by her sister.

In the nave lie two large stones robbed of their brass inscriptions, on one remain four shields of arms, viz.

1. Jenney erm. a bend gul. cotized or, impaling quarterly a cross botoné, between four escalops, and a chevron between three cinquefoils.

2. The cross and cinquefoils quartered. 3d. Ditto.

4 Inglosse, barry of six arg. and az. on a canton arg. five billets in saltier sab.

Under this stone, in 1494, was interred Eleanor Jenney, first wife of Rob. Inglosse, Esq. and after that of Sir Will. Jenney, Knt. one of the King's justices.

Two shields only remain under the adjoining stone,
1. Per pale a chief dancetté, over all a bendlet.

2. Inglosse with a crescent, impaling the cross botoné, quartering the chevron between three cinquefoils, under which it seems Rob. Inglosse, Esq. her first husband, was interred.

In this nave was buried Margaret Ampulford, Gent. wid. in 1467, and Isabel Stalon, wid. in 1502, and in 1522, Ric. Fuller, tanner, who gave a garden out of St. Bennet's-gates to the church-wardens, to keep his anniversary on the Feast of the Translation of St Richard, viz. June 16, when they were to pay 5d. to the rector for a dirige, 4d. to the clerk to ring a soul-peal, to four poor people 1d. each, and 4s. for a certeyn for his own soul and the souls of Tho. and Alice Fuller his father and mother; and to the headman of the tanners gild, held in St. Swithin's and St. Margaret's churches 2s. 8d.; this was seized from the parish in Edward the Sixth's time. In 1534, Rob. Empson's widow, was buried in the nave, and gave a towel four yards long to hallow the middle bell with. There are stones for Eliz. wife of Will. Wilson 1735, 49. Peter Burgess 1718, 34. Mr. Ric. Hayes 1725, 66, and two in the south porch for, Mat. Greenleafe 1723, 67. Mat. Greenleafe 1721, 22.

In the chancel,
Mr. William Tooley, a worthy Citizen, aged 72 Years, was buried here Feb. 10, 1716, and hath an unalienable Right to this his Gravestone, consecrated to his Dust ('till the Resurrection) by the Piety of his only Daughter, the Wife of John Russell of Poswick Clark.

John Gilman 1678, 58. Hannah, Anne, Henry, and John, Children of Will. Gilman and Anne his Wife, 1686.

On a brass plate on the top of an altar tomb on the north side of the altar, under the effigies of a woman, is this,
Here under lieth buried the Body of Anne Rede, the Daughter of Sir Tho. Blevyrhayset Knt. and first the Wife of George Duke late of Brampton Esq. and then after the Wife of Peter Rede of Gymmyngham Esquyer, the which Anne departed this iyfe the rvi Day of April in the Year from Christes Jncarnacion 1577

Duke, az. a chevron between three sterns arg. membered gul. quartering 1st. Bedingfield. 2d. a fess between two chevrons, a canton erm. 3d. a fess between two chevrons impaling Bleverhasset, Lowdham, Orton, and Keldon, quartered.

Rede's arms, with Sir Peter's honourable additions as at p. 200, impaling Bleverhasset, quartering Lowdham, quartering Orton, Skelton, and Keldon.

This ancient family dwelt in the black flint house opposite to the north side of the churchyard, in which many of their arms remained lately.

In 1292, Robert de Aswardby had settled an alms-house, called afterwards God's-house, in St. Margaret's, for the benefit of the poor; it stands on the west side of the churchyard, but hath been a private property many years.

The Prioress of Carrow, the Abbot of Sibeton, the Prior of Bromholm, the Dean of the chapel in the Fields, and the brothers and sisters of Magdalen hospital, had revenues here.

In 1463, there was an alms-house of one room only, at the northeast corner of the churchyard, which hath been long since dilapidated, and the ground built upon.

Andrew Topliffe gave 5s. a year to be given every 10th of Jan. in bread to the poor, and tied his estate opposite to the south-west corner of the churchyard, for payment of it.

Mr. Edward Heyward gave 3l. per annum, for which he tied the estate in St. Laurence, where Mr. Wright now dwells, as also for 3l. per annum to St. Bennet's parish, 3l. per annum to St. Swithin's parish, and 3l. per annum more to St. Laurence's parish; which sums are paid to the several parishes, and divided in bread among the poor.

  • 1730, Mr. Charles Emerson's gift of 10l. was paid to the parish, the interest to be given to the poor every 19th of January, in bread.

Mr. Tho. Seaman, by will dated Aug. 10, 1700, settled his closes lying between St. Giles's and St. Stephen's-gates, containing nine acres, called Crabtree or Claypit closes, to pay 5l. clear of all taxes, yearly, and gave 200l. with which an estate in Heigham was purchased, to find 10l. yearly, the former to bind out two girls, paying 50s. each, and the latter to bind out two boys yearly, paying 5l. each, from the parishes of Heigham, St. Benedict, St. Swithin, and St. Margaret, so that every year each parish hath a child bound out, and alternately a boy one year, and a girl the next.

(84) St. Laurence's Church


Stands upon the very spot of ground that in ancient days, before the retreat of the sea, when this was a great fishing town as Yarmouth now is, was the very key or landing-place for all the herrings brought hither, the tithe of which was so considerable when it belonged to the bishops of the East-Angles, that when Alfric the Bishop granted the key, stathe, hagh, (or close enclosed with hedges,) together with the adjoining mansion, to Bury abbey, about the year 1038: the abbey, upon building the church, had a last of herrings reserved to be paid them yearly. On this hagh, in the time of the Confessor, the parish began to be built, the abbey having aliened it, and reserved the key or stathe only, on which the old church of St. Laurence was founded in the Confessor's days, made a rectory, and divided into two medieties at its foundation; the abbey having the house and half the profits, and the rector the other half; but soon after, the whole was joined about Will. Rufus's time, and so hath continued an entire rectory; the parsonage-house on the west side of the churchyard being part of the abbey's mediety, was then joined to the rectory, and continues with it at this day; the last of herrings paid by the rector to the abbey, was compounded for by the celerer of the convent about Henry the Third's time, for a pension of 40s. which was annually paid till Henry the Seventh's time, and was then released on account of the meanness of the profits. The rectory being valued at five marks, was constantly taxed at half a mark, and paid 3d. synodals; it stands now in the King's Books at 4l. 13s. 9d. and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 16l. 5s. 11d. ob. it is discharged of first fruits and tenths, and is capable of augmentation.

The ancient church that stood here was wholly pulled down about 1460, in the time of John Boone, abbot of Bury, at whose expense, jointly with the assistance of that monastery, the parishioners, and several benefactors, living and dead, that most beautiful regular pile which is now standing, was erected and finished in 1472.

It consists of a most noble square tower, 112 feet high, having a door on the west side, over which, on a north part, is the martyrdom of St. Laurence carved in stone, the saint being laid broiling on the gridiron, and the soldiers tending the fire; there is also a representation of a King, crowned, which was designed to represent the Father, with a sword in his hand striking at the Emperour Decian, who commanded this cruelty to be executed on the saint, the Emperour falling down at the stroke. On the other side is another carving of St. Edmund the King, where he is seen tied to a tree, and the Danes shooting arrows into his body; and under them is his head in a parcel of bushes, in allusion to that part of the legend, which says, that when they could not kill him with arrows, Hunguar, the Danish leader, ordered them to smite off his head, and carry and throw it among the thickest thorns in an adjacent wood, which they did; but a wolf finding it, instead of devouring it, kept it from all beasts and birds of prey, till it was found by the Christians, and buried with the body, and that in a surprising manner, according to the legend.

There are six musical bells in this tower, on the third is this in Saxon capitals, VOLOR JOHANNES. The sixth bell weighs about 15cwt. and is rung for a curfew bell, at eight o'clock every evening, there being an acre of land in Earlham field, called St. Laurence's acre, very anciently given to the rector, who was bound to pay a person to ring it constantly; but at the Dissolution it became vested in the parishioners, who choose feoffees for it, and let it at 1l. 5s. per annum; there is a clock also; the nave, two isles, and two chapels at their east ends, the south and north porches, are leaded; and the north vestry tiled, the lead being sold off it in the late rebellious times. The following were presented by the Abbot and Convent of Bury.


  • 1289, Angelarius.
  • 1307, John.
  • 1309, Hugh.
  • 1322, Robert, son of John de Morley.
  • 1329, Tho. de Bughton.
  • 1340, Rob. de Runhall.
  • 1349, Stephen de Runhall.
  • 1349, Rob. de Runhall again; he died and was buried in the chancel in 1388, and was infeoffed in a messuage in Alderford, by Robert Mayn, to sell and build a new south porch, repair the altar in the chapel at the east end of the south isle, and the window over it. He was succeeded by
  • John Wareyn, who, in 1390, changed it for Uggeshall rectory in Suffolk, with Will. de Thornton, who died in 1401, and was buried at the head of Rob. de. Runhall, being succeeded by
  • Henry Plomer, and he in 1414, by
  • Rich. Rag. In
  • 1417, Rob. Hay was instituted, who in
  • 1422, changed it for Kirkele in York diocese, with
  • Rob. de Ravenyngham, who was buried in the chancel in 1436, and was succeeded by
  • Rob. Lawshull, who in 1437, resigned to
  • Tho. de Ely, and he in
  • 1438, to John Brygges, who died in 1449, and was buried in the churchyard, on the south side, being succeeded by
  • John Boteler, who resigned in
  • 1461, to Will. Man, and he in
  • 1470, to Will. Ashfield, who died rector in 1479, and
  • John Steyk was instituted, who in 1484, resigned to
  • John Lee, and he the same year to
  • Tho. Nevile, and he in
  • 1501, to Tho. Rede, and he in
  • 1504, to Rob. Thompson, who died rector in
  • 1521, and George Stywarde was instituted, who resigned in
  • 1523, to John Bobet, who died in 1537, and was buried on the north side of the chancel, being the last rector presented by the Convent.

For that house had before is dissolution conveyed the advowson to Rob. Leche, alderman of Norwich, who on the 19th of Jan.

  • 1537, presented Will. Nuttell, under their grant. In
  • 1571, Mr. King was sequestrator, and in
  • 1596, Mr. Ragg.
  • 1604, 17 Sept. Mr. Richard Gamon was presented by the Crown, by lapse. In
  • 1639, 30 Dec. Charles Davill was instituted rector, at the presentation of Thomas Bartram of Melton in Norfolk, whose heir is now [1744] patron; for it hath been ever since presented to by the Crown by lapse only, or else held by sequestration. Davill was succeeded by
  • Francis English, and he in
  • 1654, by Mr. John Carter, who was chosen by the parishioners, and died in 1656, in which year he added a codicil to his will, expressing, that whereas in his will dated Sept. 18, 1655, he gave to the library of the city of Norwich, divers books, &c. "nowe seeinge (to my no small grief) that that library is locked up, ministers shut out of it, and that it is never like to be of publique use againe, but that the books are devoted to the wormes, dust, and rotteness, to the dishonour of God, the damage of the ministry, and the wrong of the benefactors, the dead, and the living, &c." He reversed his gift, and instead thereof gave 5l. to each of the three united parishes of St. Laurence, St. Swithin, and St. Margaret, for a stock of coals for ever, the principal to be laid out every summer by the church-wardens, when they are most cheap, and are by them to be sold to the poor in the dead of winter, at the same rate. The parishioners had such a value for him, that they repaired his house, and laid a tombstone over him at their own cost.
  • 1669, Mr. John Chapman, sequestrator.
  • 1676, died Samuel Cowper, who is buried in the chancel, with this,

Exuviæ Samuelis, Henrici, Cowper, viri vere pij, Theologi ad SS. Scripturam Normam elimati, Christiani plusquam nomine, tenus salutem Fide quærentis, Fidem operibus Perficientis, Concionatoris ut oracula Dei loquentis, Christum tanquam omnia & in omnibus exaltantis Ecclesiæ Dei in hâc Paroeciâ à Sto Laurentio, necnon in duabus proximè vicinis, à Sta. Margaretâ, et à Sancto Swithino denominatis, Pastoris Fidelis, sub hoc marmore, ad Clangorem ultimæ Tubæ â tertio Calendarum Maij anno salutis 1676, secundum, et feliciorem Indutum præstolantur.

Siste Viator! Æternitatem versus Iter tuum est, En! tibi Religionis Exemplum cujus vestigia Supremam Pallidæ Mortis umbram ipse etiam Transeas, in Chisto humiliter audax.

  • 1683, 20 July, Mr. John Pitts, instituted; the King by lapse. He was deprived.
  • 1693, 1 Aug. Thomas Gooch; the King by lapse. He died April 28, 1715, aged 48, and is buried on the south side of the churchyard.
  • 1716, Mr. John Brand, sequestrator.
  • 1728, Mr. Samuel Ganning.
  • 1740, Mr. Charles Ames.

The present sequestrator [1744] is the Rev. Mr. Blackburn, rector of St. Margaret.

In 1448, there were three devotees, or women that vowed chastity, called the sisters of St. Laurence, that dwelt together in the tenement by the churchyard, late settled by John Asgar for that purpose; and as they died others came in.

The altars in this church were, the high-altar, St. Mary's altar, and holy-rood altar; and there were tabernacles and images of St. Laurence, and St. Edmund by the high-altar, the former on the north, and the latter on its south side, with wax tapers burning before them; there were also images and tabernacles of St. Nicholas, St. Christopher, St. Mary, St. Mary of Pity, the Assumption, and St. John, with lights before them, as also before the holy sepulchre, the crucifix or holy-rood on the perke or rood-loft, the image of Jesus, and the sacrament in the chancel.

In 1591, the organs were sold out of the church. In 1593, the silk copes were turned into a pall cloth, communion cloth, and cushions. There is a cup weighing about 30 oz. which was made in 1567. In 1636, the church was repaired, and the altar rails set up at above 70l. expense; and in 1643, they were pulled down, and the chancel floor levelled, and the fine painted glass windows defaced, as appears by this entry in the parish book, "laid out to Goodman Perfett for the putting out of the superstitious incriptions in the church windows and the pulling down of crucifixes 1s. 8d." In 1710, the east end of the chancel was blown down, and was repaired by the parish, and the contributions of other benefactors; the income being so small, that the rector, to whom it belonged to repair it, would have quitted the living rather than have undertaken it, the whole not exceeding 25l. per annum. Dr. Prideaux placed the certain endowment at 10l. per annum, and the voluntary contributions at as much.

  • 1471, Will. Owdolf buried here. 1482, William Davy, and gave a legacy to repair the church. 1529, Alice, widow of Tho. Rudkyn, buried in the churchyard by her husband, and gave 10l. to make a perke or rood-loft in the north isle.

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of Norwich, the Prioress of Carrowe and Bungeye, the Dean of the chapel in the Field, the Abbot of Sibton, the Priors of Hickling, and Thetford canons.

In 1627, there was a dispute between the parishioners and city, about repairing the streets; viz. Over or Upper Westwick or St. Ben net's-street on the south side of the churchyard, and Nether or Lower Westwick, Hollegate or Hellegate-street on the north side, and the common passages and steps called St. Laurence Steps and passages; the streets were adjudged to the parishioners to repair, and the steps and passages to the court, as being publick ways for the use and conveniency of the city. In 1679, the like contest happened, but was determined in the same manner.

In 1606, Mr. Gibson was buried in the chancel, and paid the minister the usual fee of 6s. 8d. for breaking the ground, and gave 40s. to the church, "received of John Wright as a dutie belonging to the churche for carrying the dead corps of his mother widow Colman out of this parish, to be buried in St. Margaret's parish, the dutie being 6s. 8d. but in kindness took but 4s." 1668, Alderman Heyward buried in the church, and the executors paid the churchwardens their fee for it, as did the executors of Mrs. Brett and Mrs. Barrow. 1682, Mr. Isaac Westal and Mrs. Lowe, buried in the church, and in 1688, Mrs. Fromantle. In 1695, 3l. 6s. 8d. was distributed of Prebend Loveland's gift; the whole was 10l. per annum for five years.

In the north isle lie buried, Mary, wife of Rob. Miclo, 16 - - Henry, second son of Sam. and Cath. Shuckford, 1692.

Tegumentum hoc marmoreum, piæ Memoriæ Adam Brigham, nuper de hâc Parochiâ Pandoxatoris (qui sub hoc Lapide depressus jacet) dicavit Elizabetha Brigham, nunc Vidua Mœstissima, nuper vero Uxor Charissima ipsius prædicti Adam, Materque alma Roberti Brigham, cujus corpus sub alio marmore, huïc marmori contiguo, ex parte septentrionali sepultum jacet.

In youth, I poor and much neglected went, My gray & wealthy Age in Mirth I spent,
To Honours then, I courted was by many, Altho' I did in no wise seek for any; But what is now, that Wealth, that Mirth, that Glory, Alas! 'tis Grave, 'tis Dust, 'tis mournfull Story; Ne'erless my Soul thro' Christ, a Place enjoys, Where blessed Saints, with him in God rejoice.

Moriens ita speravit.

Obijt 14° die Junij Ao Christi incarnati 1685, ætatis suæ vero 54°.

Hodiè mihi. Cras tibi.

Sub hoc marmore positæ sunt exuviæ Roberti Brickham, Filij unici Adami Brickham de hâc Parochiâ Pandoxatoris et Elizabethœ Uxoris suæ; Qui redemptorem suum vivere, ac seipsum in hâc eâdem Carne suâ, posthàc visurum esse, Deum sciens, hanc pro meliori commutavit vitam, quinto die Octobris, Ao Ætatis suæ 22° Christi vero 1681, Moriens ità dixit.

In the chancel,
Here lyeth Meynel-Gaunt of Yeares but seaven, His Body sleeping while his Soule's in Heaven, Then rest a while sweet Babe, noe Tombe nor Stone, Can e're prevent thy Resurrection.

Ob 5° Feb. 1665. To all Eternitie.

Isaac, Son of Francis Annison 1660. John a 2d Son 1662. Ephraim Son of Ephraim Dowsan 1697, 22. Eliz wife of Edw. Green, 1732, 66. Edw. Green, who fined for Sheriff of this City in 1709, and died in 1737. John Lambert Gent. 1696, 67.

Lambert's arms, gul. a chevron or, a chief chequy or, and sab.

Rebecca Wiscard 1727, 72. Mrs. Cicilie Brantingham 1641. Elias Brantingham Esq. had a house in this parish.

In the south isle are memorials for the following persons, beginning at the west end.

Daniel Green 1715, 33. Daniel his Son 1738, 19. Mr. John Greene 1735, 85. Mary his Wife 1737, 87. Edw. Thexton 1740, 70. John Greene 1720, 36. In the east chapel of this isle, Clement Son of John Lowe 1674, Mary a Daughter 1675. Eliz. Wife of Mr. John Colfier 1628. Michael Andrews 1725, 58. Sarah wife of Dan. Gilman, Dr. of Mich. Andrews and Amy his wife, 1716, 20, Amy wife of Mich Andrews of Norwich Kallendrer, 1719, 48. Margt. Wife of John Lowe, Dr. of John Curtis of Fritton in Norfolk, 1679, 35, Rob. their son 1670, John another Son 1698. Sarah Wife of Joshua Keymarsh, Daughter of Will. Marshal of Lincoln Gent. 1679. Susan Dr. of Rice Wicks and Eliz. his Wife, 1727, 44, Rice Wicks Dec. 7, 1725, 73. Eliz. Wicks Relict of Rice, Febr. 10, 1734, 77. In the south porch, Gilbert Pickering 1706, 59, Ann his Wife 1697, 43. In the nave, Mary Wife of Will. Bear 1733, 66.

The following memorials are on brass plates.

There is a stone that hath the effigies of a man in an alderman's gown, and his wife by him; and the mercers arms, with his merchant mark, and I. W. the inscription being defaced, but the mark and letters show that John Westgate and his wife were here interred, who was sheriff in 1520.

On a stone in the chancel, is the effigies of a priest, over his head is St. Faith the Virgin crowned; out of his mouth, Wirga,

Orate pro ainma Galfridi Langley, quondam Prioris istius Lori qui obiit xxxviij die Mensis Decembris Anno Domini Mo. ccccxxxvij.

He was installed Prior of the priory of St. Faith the Virgin at Horsham, in 1401.

In the south chancel isle,

Of Your Charite pray for the Soull of Margaret Leche, late the Wyfe of Robard Leche Alderman of Norwich, the wiche Mar geret deperted the ix day of Man in the Year of our Lord Gode Mo. ccccco, on howhis Sowll Jesu have Mercy Amen.

Hic iacet Johes: Asger Junior, quondam Cibis Norwici qui obiit xii die Mensis Mail Anna Dni. Do. cccco xxxvi ruius anime propicietur deus, Amen.

On another stone are two large effigies and four shields; on each side a small label of the word mercy, and his merchant mark.

Over his effigies was this, now lost. (Weever, fo. 803.) He was mayor in 1426.

Sis Cestis Criste, quod non iacet hic Lapis iste, Corpus ut ornetur, sed spiritus ut memoretur. Queris, quis iacet hic? John Asger marmore strirtus. Sit precor hic illic ubi semper sit Benedictus. Quondam Burgensis fuerat, merrator onustus, Post Boricensis Maior, moderamine iustus, hunc tulit a terris, Febru, penultima Mensis, Anno Milleno C quater ter I x quoque seno,

The following lines now remain on the same stone,

Qui me conspicitis, pro certo scire potestis, Quod sum, bos eritis, olim fueram, belut cstis, Ut merear beniam, precibus me queso iubetis Ad bos non heniam, sed bos ad me benietis, Pares meis Domine delicitis, bel miserere, De possim fiere, sed letari sine fine. Da requiem runctis Deus, ubique sepultis, Ut sint in requie propter tua Uulnera quinque.

On another stone,

Dic iacet Robertus Asgar guondam Mercator I Cihis Norwici qui obiit xixo die Mensis Aprilis Ao. Dni Millimo:cccco bicesimo quinto cuius anime propicietur deus,

Orate pro anima Ricardi at the Gatys, quondam Ciuis Norwici qui obiit xio die Mensis Marcii Ao Dni. Mo cccco xxvii. cuius anime propicietur deus.

There is a skeleton on a plate over the following inscription:

Hic iacet Tho. Childes quondam Clericus istius Ecclesie qui obiit decimo septimo die Mensis Julii Ao Dni. Mo cccco lii, cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.

In the south isle,

Hic iacet Johes: Stylle Capellanus qui obiit secundo die Au gusti, Ao. Mo cccco lxxxiii. ruius anime propicietur deus Amen.

The following were here, but are now gone, In the south isle on a grave stone,

Orate pro anima Johis: Groos Arming: qui obiit iiiio die Men sis Martii Ao. dni: Mo cccco lxxxxvIIo cuius anime propicietur deus.

Orate pro anima Margaretæ Gross nuper uroris Johis: Gross Arm. que obiit xixo die mensis Oct. Mo cccco lxxxxviiio.

Escutcheons, 1st and 4th Groos single. 2d and 3d Groos impales Heveningham.

Orate pro aia: Johis Wellys nuper Aldermanni I Maioris istius Cibitatis ac Margaretæ Uroris sue, qui obiit iiio die Nobem bris tempore maioratus fui Ao. Dni: mo cccco xcvO.

On the south windows of the nave,
A saltier quarterly gul. and vert counterchanged, between four birds heads erased sab. beaked arg.

1. Nevile, gul. a saltier arg. a crescent or for difference.

Orate pro anima Jhome Nebilli Rectoris istius Ecclesic.

2. Jewell, az. an armed arm cooped at the shoulder, holding a ball in its hand or. Erm. on a bend az. three roundels or.

Orate pro anima Elizabethe Uroris Johannis Jewell.

Groose and Heveningham impaled, Strange and Heveningham. Heveningham single.

4. Orate pro aia: Eliz. Rust: Orate pro aiabs Johis Kyng I Rosæ: suæ.

5. Orate pro aiab: Rici Fuer I Alice ur: eius.

6. Groos, Heveningham and Redsham.

Orate pro anima Johannis Groos.

7. Hastyngs impales gul. three fusiles in fess erm. Brewse, and sab. a bend between two crescents or, impaled with sab. a bend between two crescents ar. the same impales Foliot, quartering Hastyngs.

Drate pro aiab: dni: Chome Bremse et Eliz. Ur.

8. St. George. Norwich city, viz. gul. a castle az. and a lion underneath passant guardant er.

9. Jewell, and Isabell, az. on a bend or three bezants.

10. St Lawrence, sab. a gridiron arg. St. Edmund's arms, and arg. a lion rampant gul. debruised with a bend az. three bezants.

On a north isle window,
Orate pro bono statu Chome Thome Thirsby, ct Cliz. Ur. et pro aiab: Johis: et Rob. Aylmer quondam maiorum Cibitatis Normici.

On the north windows of the nave:

1. Gul. a cross patoncé arg. St. George's cross.

Orate pro animabus Johis Ramsey

2. Sab. two hands in pale or, holding two three-stringed whips in saltier arg. and az. two garbs or.

Orate pro anima Johis. Bomue et Alicie Uroris.

3. Thorp, az three crescents arg.

Orate pro anima Rob. Thorp nuper Aldermanni.

4. Az. three escalops arg.

5. Orate pro anima Thome Tatlin.

6. John Wells his achievement, coat, mantle, helm, and crest, viz. per pale gul. and vert, a boar's head coupé, between two wings sab. armed arg. quartering a bend ingrailed between two cottises arg.

Sab. a cross ingrailed arg. impales sab. a saltier ingrailed arg.

Orate pro animabus Johis: Wells t Margarete uroris eius.

The same coats again on another fair window, right underneath the former.

Nevil with a label, goboné, Montague and Monthermer, quartered, impaling France and England quartered. Canterbury see impales quarterly Nevile, with a label, and Montague and Monthermer quartered.

7. Orate pro aia. Nici Hemes qui istam fenestram fieri fecit. (See his inscription.)

8. Gul. a cross ingrailed arg.

9. Roos, gul. three water-budgets arg.

Orate pro aiab. Hugonis Col.

These fine windows were demolished in 1643.

  • 1290, Walter son of Rob. de Asewardeby and Sara his wife, conveyed a house in Lower Wesiwyk, to Thorald de Causton, who was to pay for ever 16d. per annum to repair this church, and four hens every Christmas day to the high-altar. (Rot. Cart. 18 Edward I.)
  • 1424, Joan, wife of Roger Parker, buried in the church.
  • 1459, Ric. Playter, buried in the churchyard before the north door, and gave 46s. 8d. to build a new porch there, and 40 stone of lead to cover it; he gave a St. Christopher and all its appurtenances, to the said church; and a candle to burn before the said St. Christopher on festival days, for 7 years; and also candles to be set before St. Laurence, St. Edmund, St. Mary of Pity, and St. Thomas; and 4d. for a light before the cross in the chapel.
  • 1459, Henry Hykelyng, fuller, buried at the west end of the steeple in the churchyard, before the image of the Trinity, and gave to the altar of St. Laurence and the holy cross, 6s. 8d.
  • 1478, John Alysaunder buried here.
  • 1487. John Groos, Esq. buried in the south isle before our Lady and the holy-rood, and gave 5 marks to repair the church. See his inscription.
  • 1493, John Caster, citizen and alderman, buried in the church before the image of St. John, and gave to the making a new perk there, 40s.
  • 1501, John Bowde, raffman, buried in the alley before the font, gave 6s. 8d. a year, that the parson shall every Easter day, when the gospel of high-mass be done, exhort his parishioners yearly, to say for his soul a Paternoster and an Ave, and he to have for his labour 4d. Three altar cloths for the three altars in the church, and two copes of white branched damask; on the high-altar cloth St. Laurence to be embroidered in the middle, with a bow on each side, and a J. and a B. On our Lady's altar cloth her image embroidered in the midst; and on the holy-rood altar cloth, IHS in the sun beams, with a crucifix in the midst, and on the cope St. Laurence embroidered, and upon the pectoral before a rost iron, and on the other cope, the image of St. Edmund, and on the pectoral two arrows crossed; he gave to the five parish churches, which used yearly on St. Mark's day to go in procession unto the cross without Westwykgates, viz. St. Bennet, St. Swithin, St. Margaret, St. Gregory, and St. Giles, to each 20d. yearly, on Easter day, when the gospel of high mass is done; and the curates to exhort their people to pray for him; he gave Margaret his wife his shop of raffery, five combs of gray salt, 100 weight candle, &c. and his shop of mercery in his house on the north side of the churchyard.
  • 1502, Nic. Hews, parson of Walsoken, buried in the chancel; he gave to the holy-rood altar, in honour of the holy-rood, our Lady, and St. Nicolas, a vestment of red cloth of bawdkyn, the orfrays of blue velvet, powdered with crowns and stars, and divers flowers, and wrought with the needle in fine gold; also a corporas kercher, with the case of white damask wrought with branches of gold, garnished with red silk and gold, and three tufts of red silk, with three stones of calcedony, also to the said altar a pair of silver cruets gilt, weighing 6 ounces and a quarter, and half a mass book in quires new written; also to the presbitery his best carpet, with three cushions to be occu pied at principal feasts at the high-altar in the said presbitery, and 5 marks to St. Laurence's tabernacle, and to mend St. Nicholas's tabernacle. His brass had this,
  • Orate pro anima Rici Hemes, quondam Rectoris de Walsken qui obiit iij o die Sept. MoCCCCCo

He was instituted to Walsoken in 1473, and resigned it in 1502.

  • 1502, Will. Drake, Gent. buried in the church. 1563, Eliz. Drake, she gave to repair the church 53s. 4d. a vestment of green with a crucifix, and Mary and John for the Rood Altar.
  • 1504, Kat. widow of T. Bewfield, alderman, gave 40s. to the church.
  • 1508, John Kyng, callaundrer, buried in the churchyard, gave 5l. to the church, and 20s. towards makyng a new perke. 2 doz. wax candles to burn in the basin before the crucifix, 2 doz. to burn before the holy-rood. 2 doz. to burn before the image of our Lady in the chapel, and 2 doz. to burn before the image of St. John in that chapel.
  • 1508, Avelyne widow of John Caster alderman. "I knowlege my Self a Crysten Woman, I make yis Protestacion befor Almyghty God, yt I entend & wyll with his helpe Grace, & Socour to lyue & dey in ye Feyth of Holy Chyrch, & therfor yf yt fortuneth me by Reason of Sykness, ille Custome, Alienacon of Mynde, Tribulacon, Temptacyon, or ony Vexacyon of ye Devyll, to do, wyll, sey, or thynk, or otherwise thanne holy Church hath ordeyn'd, as God forbyd, I now at this Tyme, for yt Tyme, revoke yt, & forsake yt, & hartly pray Almighty God of forgyuenes, onto whome I mekely comend my Soule, & to owr blyssyd Lady St. Mary, St. Laurence, myn Adwer, and all Saints, & my Body to be buryed within the Chyrch of St. Laurence in Norw. Item I bequeth to the fynysching of the Stepyll 6s. 8d."
  • 1518, Eliz. Thursby, widow, some time wife of Rob. Aylmer, gave 5 marks to repair the church, a vestment of 20s. and her next best chalice.
  • 1532, Rob. Long, alderman, buried in the church, dwelt in the parish. He gave 6l. for to make a new covering for the font.
  • 1535, John Bobet, priest, buried in the chancel, and gave 40s. towards two new antiphoners.

Besides the stones before spoken of, there are several others disrobed, as one which hath lost its effigies, label, shield, and inscription, and only this remains, Mater Jesu Christi post hoc erham nobis bonet gaudium sine fine. Another hath the effigies of a woman left, another hath a label only, with Inclina cor meum Deus, &c.

The Terrier in 1740, says, besides the churchyard, the rector hath a rectory-house, and three tenements much in decay, and a yard thereto belonging, being 29 yards long and 13 broad, abutting east on the churchyard, on upper Westwyck-street south, and the rectory lands west, and also two pieces of land adjoining to the same, east, being 14 yards broad, and 18 long. with a summer-house built thereon, and another piece, abutting east as the former, and south on upper Westwyk-street, on which a house is built; for which parcels, 1l. per annum is paid to the rector.

This on a stone on the outside of the east chancel wall,

Jesus, havc Mercy on my somle. William Pakenham: Rector bene and Tural:

This on a stone in the churchyard, near the south chancel door,
Ester Nelson, the Dr. of Benj. & Eliz. Nelson of Skarning in Norfolk, 1637, 28.

The Young and Innocent in Death are blest, These with small Trouble, gain eternal Rest, And have the Privilege to run the Race, That leads to Heaven in a little Space.

Dear Child her Time was short, The longer is her Rest, God calls in Mercy first, Those whom he loveth best.

There is a stone lately laid in the south isle, for Sarah, relict of Edw. Thexton, 82, Anno Domini, 1743.

Other Benefactors besides those already mentioned, are,
1660, Alderman Edw. Heyward, alias Howard, settled 12l. per annum out of his estate in this parish, in which Mr. Wright now lives, to pay 3l. per annum to this parish, and 3l. to St. Bennet's, 3l. to St. Swithin's, and 3l. to St. Margaret's, as is mentioned under those parishes, "to be by the church-wardens and overseers, imployed for releif of poor widowes, orphans, and laborious poore people, inhabitinge in the said several parishes."

  • 1730, Mrs. Eliz. Wickes, widow, of St. Laurence's parish, by will dated Jan. 18, tied her houses in this parish, in which she lived, for 10l. per annum, to be yearly paid every 1st day of Dec. for to clothe eight poor women for the parish, to be chosen by the minister, church-wardens, and overseers, or the major part of them.
  • 1685, Bernard Church, Esq. his gift see in Pt. I. p. 420, 1, where it is said 10s. per annum instead of twenty, his will being, I will, "that yearly and everye Yeare, for ever hereafter, upon the fifteenth Day of January in every Yeare, the several Sumes of Money following, shall be given and paid as followeth, that is to say, twentie Shillings to the poore People of the Town of Whinburgh, and other twentie Shillings to the Parish of St. Laurence in Norwich, where I served my apprentiship." (Will. Book, fo. 46, b.)

Mrs. Joan Smith's gift is sometimes 6s. per annum, sometimes 12s. (see Pt. I. p. 358,) paid by the aldermen of the ward.

Mr. Tho. Warren's gift is 12s. once every two years.

Mr. Topliff's gift is 5s. per annum, (see p. 260,) in bread to the poor on New-year's day.

There is a piece of ground and a summer-house in this parish, used by Mr. Rob. Thexton at 3l. per annum, paid towards church repairs, which was sold in 1549 by Rob. Brown, mercer, to Tho. Smith, raffman, who settled it on the parish.

The Well called St. Laurence's Well, is very ancient, for in Edw. the First's time it was a common well; in 1547, the court granted the parishioners the lane from the High-street to the well, together with the said well, on condition they erect a door at the south end of the lane, and keep it open in the day, and shut it up securely at night. In 1576, Rob. Gibson had a grant of the said lane or entry and well, provided that at his own charge, he shall bring the water from the said well in a cock of lead, into the publick street, for the ease of the common people, and shall maintain the same. It is now called St. Laurence's Pump, and hath this inscription on it,
This Water here cavght, In Sorte as yowe se, From a Spring is brovghte, Threskore Foot and thre.

Gybson hath it sowghte, From Saynt Lawrens Wel, And his Charg this wrowghte, Who now here doe dwel.

Thy Ease was his Coste, not smal, Voychsafid wel of those, Which thankful be, his Work to se, And thereto be no Foes.

St. Laurence's acre mentioned at p. 264, was conveyed in 1535, by John Bobet, rector to the church-wardens, and their successours. By

(85) Coselany Bridge there is a great passage from this parish to the part of the city on the other side of the river, it being the first common bridge on the west part of the city, for carriages, &c. and is one of the five bridges over the river.

(86) St. Gregory's Church


Was a rectory, the advowson of which belonged to the Valoines or Valoyn's family; and in 1210, John Fitz-Bernard, one of the coheirs of that family, had it settled on him and his heirs, by fine levied between him and Sibill wife of John de Rochford, by the name of the advowson of St. Gregory's church near Mancroft in Norwich; it continued in his family till Walter Fitz-Bernard, Knt. gave it to the priory of monks at Norwich; and in 1276, it was appropriated by Roger de Skerning Bishop of Norwich, at the rector's death, for the use of the stranger's-hall, and entertainment of their guests there; but in 1289, Ralf de Walpole, at the death of Andrew de Giselham, the last rector, reversed the former settlement, and appropriated it to the infirmary of the monastery, the master or keeper of which received all the profits, there being no vicarage endowed, and paid a secular priest for the service of the church, repaired the chancel, and answered all things to the Bishop and Archdeacon of Norwich, whose jurisdiction it is subject to, as it was before the appropriation, when it was valued at 9 marks, taxed at four, and paid 6d. synodals. The chancel was rebuilt in the handsome manner we now see it, in 1394, at the expense of the priory, and such benefactors as they could get to contribute to it; and the churchyard was much enlarged on the north side. In 1421, the keeper of the infirmary was at a great expense to repair the priest's chamber, and chancel leads, which were much damaged by a high wind; and in Henry the Seventh's time the infirmary received about 3l. per annum clear out of the profits, the service and repairs being deducted.

It is now a donative in the donation of the dean and chapter, of the value of near 40l. per annum, but is all arbitrary contribution, (except the offerings and surplice fees,) which in Dr. Prideaux's time amounted to 24l. Dr. Gardiner, rector of Massingham-Magna, is now [1744] minister. Here is service and a sermon every Sunday, and prayers on Saints days.

The church is an ancient building, and was covered new with lead in 1537, and is now handsome and convenient within, consisting of a nave and two isles, with chapels at their east ends; that on the south is dedicated to St. Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, and its altar to St. Thomas and St. Anne, who had their images by it, in niches in the wall; that on the north was St. Mary's chapel; and at the west end of the steeple is a small chapel still remaining, which opened into the common passage; this was the chapel of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, in which was her altar and image with a light always burning before it; and Jesus mass was celebrated here; at the Dissolution it fell to the church-wardens, who have constantly let it out, as they did also the vault under the chancel, which was a charnel.

  • 1577, paid the glazier 5s. for taking the images out of the windows. In 1578, a tissue cloth cope was sold. In 1582, an attempt was made to consolidate it to St. Laurence, but the parishioners opposed it at a good expense. In 1597, the spire or pinnacle lead work was cast; this spire is the only one in Norwich, except the cathedral, and is very tall, being made of timber covered with lead. In 1626, about 110l. was laid out in beautifying the church, half of which was raised by voluntary contribution, and the rest by rate, as the 50l. was also raised, before the subscribers names is this, "Christian successors according to this last yeares accompt with the great charge subscribed to it, it is thought fittinge not to suppres, but to specify unto you the names of the well disposed gentlemen and inhabitants within this parish, who have voluntarily contributed to so pious a work, as the beautifying God's house or habitation, the place where his honour dwelleth, as the prophet David professeth, Psalm 26, verse 8, not doubtinge but as our forefathers have formerly shewed their zeale and goodworks in building this temple, so you seeing owr continewed mayntayning and upholding of the same, may take the better occasion to be stirred up to go forward in the same course." Mr. Robert Debney, mayor in 1624, 43s. 4d. &c. and among them is Francis Watson, a pedler, who not only contributed 30s. but painted and marbled all the pillars, railed in the font, and adorned the altar, "out of his own free will, zeal, and devotion, to the house of God." The font was repaired and made in the manner we now see it in, in 1624, at near 40l. expense, to which Edmund Reve, Esq. afterwards a judge, Mr. Francis Bacon, who was a judge also, Mr. Stonham, minister, and Mr. John Loveland, sheriff this year, were benefactors. In 1626, the east end and window of the chancel was repaired partly by the dean and chapter, who laid out 10l. and 5l. was given by Francis Bacon, Esq. 5l. by Tho. Bacon, Esq. &c.

The lights kept here, before the Reformation, were placed before the following images, viz. of St. Catherine, St. Margaret, St. Elizabeth St. John, St. James, St. Christopher, the Holy-rood, our Saviour, and the Holy Sepulchre.

The chancel, south vestry, south and north isles, south and north porches, are leaded; the tower is square, hath a clock and five bells in it, on which,
1. Dulcis sisto melis, Campana vocor Michaelis.

2. Sanctus Gregorius Papa.

3. Gabriel ave, hac in conclave, nunc pange suave.

4. In multis annis resonet Campana Johannis.

5. Nos societ Sanctis semper Nicolaus in altis.

In St. Thomas's chapel on the south side of the chancel, is an altar monument, and also a very handsome mural one, on the top of which is a death's head, or dead man's scull, and under it a spade and mattock in saltier, with this,
Mors Ligonibus æquat Sceptra.

And then the arms and crest of

Bacon, arg on a fess ingrailed between three inescutcheons gul. three mullets or.

Crest, a talbot's head erased per fess sab. and arg. holding a sheep's foot in his mouth or.

Bacon impaling Rouse, sab. a fess dancetté or between three crescents arg.

Bacon impaling quarterly, 1st and 4th Bacon of Garboldesham, 2d and 3d az. ten estoils or, 3, 3, 3, and 1. Bacon impaling gul. two chevrons arg. Bacon impaling

Robinson, sab. a frett arg. on a chief gul. three escalops of the second. At top,
Tota Funeris Pompa, contemnenda est in nobis, non tamen negligenda in nostris—Cic.

On the table: Quis hic tandem? Quem luges rigida Niobe? Cuinàm Lachrymas marmore exudas? Quem nemo non luget; cui nullus non illachrymatur, nisi marmore durior.

Nè sileant Homines, saxa loquantur, Æquum est scilicet, Justa facere, Jus dicenti, At quis huïc oneri invito succumbit, Si nescis, Ignare, audies: Atlas utriusque poli vergentis Juris Æquitatis, Legis, Morum, Pacis, Arbiter, Vindex, Censor, Sequester, Judex in Terris integer, (si quis alius) Judice Coelo Tandem quietus est, et hic jacet; Nec jacet tamen, sed subsidit, Laboris et Senij, non tamen sui, Quàm delirantis Mundi, pertæsus, Paucisque in terris repertis Bonis, abijt ad Plures; Diebus nefastis, Justitio in terris indicto Irati Coeli Justitia, Terram reliquit, Ad Astra fugiens, Astreæ sequax, Cum Sanctis Collegis redux, Luce novissimâ, Terram denuò judicaturus, Quin tandem Nomen ut eloquar, Magni Verulamij et Sanguine et Nomine, Utroque dignus, audit Franciscus Baconus.

An altar erected over his grave hath this on its top,
Resurrecturum in Resurrectione, in novissimo die, hìc in spe requiescit Corpus vere venerabilis perdoctiq; Judicis Francisci Bacon: Qui ex Thoma Bacon (Proavo suo) de Hesset in Comitatù Suffolciœ; Generoso (anno primo Edwardi Regis Angliœ Sexti defuncto) per Annam Rowse Uxorem suam secundam & Filiam Henrici Rowse de Dinington in Comitatû predicto Armigeri, originem suam deduxit, Quiq; etsi multò magis ob cognomen, quam Divitias Prosapiæ ejus devinctus fuit, attamen Dei Benedictione, suisq; Studijs, sine istâ Animâ venali, quâ in hâc hominum Ætate Aurifures opulescunt, honestè & modicè ditescens, sibi benefecit, & lautè vixit: Liberos benè Moratos, ac ad eruditionem educavit, & (cum Familiâ piè gubernatâ) copiosè sustentavit, pauperibus et egenis amicè subvenit: esurientis quotidiè exsaturavit; et (tandem) Salvâ Conscientiâ, honestissimâ Famâ prorsus omnibus per amatus, et deploratus obijt. Quemq; (post multos Annos studiosè & per officiose (in Vitæ serie) contritos, et ultra quam quatuor Tyrocinia in Legibus Angliœ Ambagiosis, evigilando adimpletâ; unamque Legis Lectionem Societati suæ publicè in Hospitio Graïensi præleetam) Rex noster Carolus insigni honore bis nobilitavit, scilicet, Termino Trinitatis Anno Regni sui 16° & 1640, ad Statum & Gradum Servientis ad Legem gratis ordinavit: & Termino Michaelis 18° Regni sui, 1642, unum Justiciariorum de Banco Regis, et coram ipso Rege (insperato & sine ambitû) delegavit (postquam nec Serviens ad Legem, neque Judex apud Westmonasterium per ipsum Regem ordinatus nec constitus fuit) & in eâdem Curiâ (nec Amore præmij, nec timore Pœnæ Jus violare unquam persuasus, cum Pietate, Fidelitate, & Honestate, Deo, Regi, & Patriæ cum Collegis suis, et pro tempore haud parvo, ut Judex unicus tempore bellicoso) munus suum Judiciarum præstitit; usquequò diploma ejus (per præmaturum Regis prædicti Fatum) legitimè finitum fuit: per quod, optimum Magistrum, honorabile, & perutile servitium amittens, & nolens (Rebus sic stantibus) novam Commissionem exequi: etsi hìnc Divitias exaggerare, suosq; posteros Impendio locupletaret) sese negotijs publicis (ullo modo) tumultuare penitissime recusavit: et ab eo tempore vitam privatam egit, Tædiumque Vitæ, Clientibus privatim consulendis delusit, usque 22am diem Augusti, Ao. Dni. 1657, quâ stadium pertæsum sibi propositum (per Tollerantiam) decucurrit, et Ao. Ætatis suæ 70° (morte pergratâ) Periodum imposuit, ex quo Filius suus natû maximus, (Filiali Debito Reverentiæ & Gratitudinis obstrictus) in Memoriam Honoris & Integritatis ejus Pijssimam (anno Salutis nostræ 1659, cum tristissimo Dolore) hoc Monumentum constituit, et (quantum in se fuit) Æternitati Mandavit.

Arms at the east end of the tomb,

Bacon, arg. on a fess ingrailed between three inescutcheons gul. three mullets or, impaling gul. a lion rampant arg. surmounted by a bend az.

On the side,

Bacon impaling sab. three beehives or. Bacon alone, and Bacon impaled with arg. a saltier ingrailed az.

On a stone in the same chapel:

Elizabeth the charitable and pious wife of Francis Bacon, (the last Judge that was commissionated in the Court of King's Bench by our late deceased King) was here buried, in the Grave of her Father William Robinson Gent. about the 56th Year of her Age, Oct. 9, Ao. Dni. 1651.

When Christ who is our Life shall appear, then shall we also appear with him in Glory. Colos. 3. 4.

Here also lies Francis Bacon Esq; (eldest Son of the abovesaid Francis and Eliz.) who died 28 Sept. 1692, aged 68.

Bacon impales Robinson.

Bacon and Bedingfield impaled.

Here resteth in hope of her Resurrection to everlasting Blisse, Dorothy, the faithfull, loving, charitable, and pious wife of Francis Bacon Esq. (eldest Son of the late Judge) and the eldest Daughter of Philip Bedingfield of Ditchingham in the Countie of Norfolk, Esq; and Anne his Wife, the Dr. of Edward Bacon of Shribland-Hall in Suffolk Esq. she died in the prime of her yeares, and was interr'd upon the 12th Day of August in the 15th Yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the second, Annoq; Dni. 1663.

Behold he taketh away, who can hinder him, Who will say unto him what doest thou? Job. 9, 12.

Anne wife of Robt. Davy Esq, and also Robt. Davy Esq; Recorder, who died in 1703.

Pepys, sab. on a bend or between two nags heads erased arg. three de-lises az. impaling Bacon.

Barbara the wife of Roger Pepys of Impington in Cambridgeshire Esq; and the eldest Dr. of Francis Bacon, sometime one of the Judges of the Court of King's Bench, [leaving two Sons and two Daughters overliving her; viz. Talbot and John, Barbara and Eliz. Pepys] was here buried March 2d. Ao. Dni. 1657.

Nos nostraque Morti debemus.

Mary Dr. of Rob. Davy and Anne his Wife died 18 March 1683.

Davy, sab. a chevron ingrailed erm. between three annulets arg.

Andrew Carr Gent March 31, 1658. Andrew only Son of Nic: eldest Son of Nic. Carr Esq; Dec. 9, 1684, 22, buried in the Grave of Andrew Carre his Uncle, who was buried in 1658. Mary Sister of Andrew 1690.

Carr gul. on a chevron arg. three estoils [and sometimes mullets] sab.

Crest, on a buck's head cooped, two bars gemels.

The following inscription is either lost or covered lately:


Quæ jacet hìc moles? Thomæ tenet ossa Corei, Qui Norvice, tibi, Scriba fidelis erat.

Hunc habuit charum totâ cum plebe Senatus, Sæpe requirit eum Concio, Sæpe Forum.

Sed frustrà! Terras et Tecta caduca reliquit, Ducit et Æternâ tempora Læta Domo.

Obijt anno 1590, 16° die Septembris.

Henry Bacon Gentleman, the youngest Son of Francis Bacon the Judge, died a Batchelor, and was buried under this Stone, 18 Oct. 1675.

Gulielmi Robinson Gen. et Elizabethæ Uxoris, funere conjunct' piæ Memoriæ, Elizabetha Uxor Francisci Bacon Armigeri, eorum unica soboles hanc observantiam posuit A. D. 1637.

Here lyes Elizabeth Robinson, eldest Daughter of Christopher Layer Esq; who was first the Wife of Thomas Corey Gentleman, and afterwards of Will. Robinson Gent. and was buried the 6th Day of August, 1620, between her said two Husbands.

On this Stone also is this: Eliz. Wife of Rob. Longe of Remerston in Norff. Esq. second Dr. of Francis Bacon, some time one of the Judges in the Court of King's Bench, was buried 1659, in the 3d Year after her Marriage, & in the 33d of her Age.

O Dij Boni! quid est in Vitâ hominis diù. Cic.

Corey, sab. on a chevron between three griffins heads erased or, as many stars gul. a mullet for difference impaling Layer.

All these now are, or lately were, in the chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr on the south side of the chancel, in which the following memorials do now, or lately did, remain, viz. on a small mural monument over the south vestry door, is this,
Johannes Whitefoot Sesquisenex; Ecclesiæ Anglo-Catholicæ Presbyter, Hujus Parochiæ Curatus, In Coelum pariter ac terram, Redux factus; Quod habuit utrinque Deo volente reddidit, Teque propediem Lector, utrobidem manet, Interea temporis pro Statu dispari, Coelestem Patrem qua datur, Utrique jugiter colamus, Quin et quà licet, et refert.

Pro nobis ipsis oremus invicem.

Obijt Ao. Ætatis 89°.

Æræ. Xianæ 1699°.

Opposite is a mural monument adorned with military ensigns, as drums, trumpets, colours, &c. with this inscription,
Josephus Paine Eques Auratus, Hujusce Urbis Civis, Senator, Prætor, Tribunus, Pius, Prudens, Justus, Fortis, Familiam honestam, honore auxit, Industriæ et Virtutis præmio.

Pauperum Patronus, Quos ab injuriâ & Inediâ vindicavit Suppeditato & opere & ope, Relicto etiam in illorum suppetias, Thesauro perpetuo.

Civitatem Magistratû et Consilio ornavit Ecclesiæ huic reliquias credidit, Quam et instauratâ Fenestrâ Astante decoravit.

Sic lumine bonorum operum, Qui claruit vivus Extinctus etiam splendet Obijt Aug. 15°, 1668.

Ætatis suæ 68.

Pain, sab a fess raguled, between three gambs erased and erected or.

Crest a gamb erased sab. holding a ragged staff or.

Eliz. Dr. of Jarrett Dashwood Gent. and Anna-Maria his Wife, Jan. 18 1741, aged 7 weeks.

Orate pro anima Jacobi Pote Tivis Mormici cuius anime propicietur Deus.

Hic iacet Johes Tilney puer et Armiger.

Mary youngest Dr. of Tho. Bacon Esq. and Jan. his Wife 1669, 5.

Will. Greene, late Servant to Sir Henry Hobart Knt. and Baronet, Lord Chief Justice of his Majesty's Court of Common Pleas Westminster. - - - -

Fui, Lucia Uxor Thomæ Neve Civis Norwicensis Filia Magistri Josephi Pain, ejusdem Civitatis Aldermanni, annum agens 24m Feb: 16m diem clausi novissimum A. D. 1658. Oportet operari donec dies est, venit nox, quando nemo potest operari.

Robertus Pain, Josephi Pain Militis, & aliquando hujusce urbis Prætoris, Filius primogenitus, egregiæ indolis, eximiæ virtutis, flos Familiæ, spes Magna Civitatis, omnium Testimonio ornatus, seculo malo, benigno numine ereptus, anno Ætatis 31, 1656. Collectus ad tres Liberos præmissos, vid. Rogerum, Mariam & Josephum, qui hic sepulti adjacent.

Pain impales Mingay.

Pain's crest, arms and motto, viz. Je prens pour donner.

Here lyeth the Body of the vertuous Lady, the Lady Emma Paine, Wife to the Right Worshipfull Sir Joseph Paine Knt. some Time Mayor of this Citie, who departed this Life the 28 Day of April, A. 1665, being the 65 Year of her Age.

The Memory of the Just is blessed.

In the nave,
Will. Son of Will. and Amy Clerk, 1726, 6 Months, John second Son 1729, two Years, Daniel 3d Son 1737, 6 Months. John Goose Esq. some time Mayor 1714, 72. Hester Hemyngway 1740. Francis Gilbert 1719, 65, Mary his Wife aged 55, 1719, and six of their children, John Gilbert 1719, 28. Hester Brownsmith 1726, 42.

Crest, an eagle displayed. Gilbert, az. a chevron ingrailed erm. between three eagles displayed arg. impaling erm. on a chief three crescents.

Under the steeple, Tho. Bateman Gent. Dec. 29, 1740, 64. Eliz. his Wife 1741, 66. There is a mural monument at the west end of the nave, for Mary Dr. of Tho. and Eliz. 1721, 15. Mary Goose 1697. Eliz. Goose 1726, 79. In the south porch, M. Pepys, 1700. Eliz. Wife of Rob. Goose 1682, Rob. Goose 1687. On a chevron between 3 geese's heads erased, 3 mullets of 6.

On a loose brass which came off a stone in the nave,

Orate pro animabus Johannis Pennyng nuper Tibis et Alver manni Pormici et Elene Uroris sue qui quivem Johannes obiit iiiio vie Mensis Julii Ao. Dni. MoCCCClixo quorum animabus propicietuc Deus Amen.

Orate pro anima Alicie Uroris vudum Galfrivi Hauby.

Here under lyeth the Body of John Weaver, sometime one of the Carriers to London for this Citie of Norwich, who departed this Life the 17 Day of November Anno 1625, being of the Age of 43 Years, whoe gave by Will a certaine Piece of MeadowGround lying in Eaton by Norwich, (holden by copy of the Dean and Chapter) to this Parish of St. Gregory, for the preaching of two Sermons yearly for ever, allowing xs. for each Sermon, and the Remainder of the Rent to the Poor of the same Parishe.

Orate pro anima Johannis Honemorth nuper Tibis t Alver manni Normici Merrer, qui obiit vecimo vie Mensis Marri Mo CCCCo xivo cuius anime propicietur veus Amen. He was sheriff in 1457,

Orate pro anima Matilve Mestgate nuper Uroris Johannis Westagate quonvam Tibis et Alvermanni Normici, que obiit vices simo quarto vie Aprilis An. Dom. 1538. Tuius anime propicietur Deus Ame.

Fui Jana Stebbing Filia Gregorij Stebbing Gen. 1677.

Hic iacet Torpus Thome Unvermood, quonvam hic Uicarii, cuius Anime propicietur Deus Amen.

Nicholas the Son of William Oliver and Elizabeth Oliver, died the 15, and was buried the 17 of July, 1668. (This stone is now removed.)

Here under lyeth the Body of Thomas Gostlin, Son of Thomas Gostlin and Sarah his Wife, he departed this Life the 14 of March 1676, aged 4 Years and 5 Months. Also their Sons and Drs. Thomas 1668. Eliz. 1677. Thomas 1678. John 1731, 66.

Eliz. 1694. Susan 1709.

Crest an eagle's head erased. Gostlin, gul. a chevron between three crescents erm.

Pray for the Soul Rob. Tomson, on mhose Soule Jesu habe Merry Amen. A. D. 1539.

Hic iacent Johannes Wilby Mercenarius, quondam Alderman nus Norwici, et Matilda Uxor eius, Qui Johannis obiit septimo decimo die mensis Septembris Anno Dom. 1444. Dictaque Matilda obiit die Anno Dom. M. CCCC Quorum animabus propicietur deus Amen. He was sheriff in 1427.

Orate pro anima Thome Cok Civis Norwici Raffman, Qui obiit 21 vie Aprilis A. D. 1502, cuius anime etc. amen. His effigies remain.

Mary the Dr. of John Burkin Junior, dyed the 13 of Nov. Anno 1664. Elizabeth Dr. of John Burkin, died the 6 of Aug. Anno Dom. 1666. (a brass plate.)

Orate pro anima Willielmi Turhe, Draper, quondam Cibis Normici, cuius anime propicietur deus.

Sugden, az, a fess between three maids heads cooped at the shoulders, in chief, and a leopard's face in base or. Crest, a leopard's face or on a coronet, impaling a chevron between three dolphins. Gamaliel and Eliz. Children of Gamaliel and Mary Sugden, 1681, 1688. Priscilla Dr. of Tho. and Alice Wigmore, 1684. Thomas Son of Nic. Booty, 1700, 62.

In the north isle,

Maria Filia Francisci Wise Generosi, & Mariæ Uxoris ejus, sub hoc marmore jacet, qua vitam morti succubuit, quarto die Maij An. Dom. 1673.

Orate pro anima Roberti Bryon qui obiit A. D. 1531, cuius anime propicietur Deus, Amen.

Orate pro animabus Renrici Gunton, quondam Tibis Normici, et Margarete Uroris sue, qui quivem Henricus obiit vicesimo octabo die Mensis Julii A. D. 1468, et victa Margareta nbiit verimo nono vie Mensis Februarii A. D. 14 - - - cuius animabus propicie tur veus.

Will. Woods 1726, 55. Mary his Wife 1735, 69.

Hic jacet Corpus Priscillæ, Uxoris Jacobi Barnham, spe Fœlicis Resurrectionis, quæ decimo septimo die Martij A°. Salutis 1722, obijt. Ætatisque suæ 24°.

On a small mural monument on the north wall,

Sacred to the Memory of Daniel Fromanteel Esq. Sheriff of This City 1719, Mayor 1725, who was very much esteemed both in his publick and private Character. He departed this Life 25th Nov. 1731, aged 53.

Barry of ten vert and arg. a lion rampant gul. crowned, impaling or, three lozenges gul.

At the east end of this isle is St. Mary's chapel, in which is a vault for the Seamans; here hangs a hatchment of

Vere, quarterly gul. and or, four mullets counterchanged, impaling Seaman,
Crest, a boar passant az. armed or.

This was for Frances wife to Thomas Vere, Esq. sister to Sir Peter Seaman, who was interred in the vault April 20, 1729.

There is a mural monument at the north east corner, with a bust of Sir Peter Seaman, holding a truncheon in his hand between two Cupids, one of which holds a spear, and the other a helmet.

P. M. S.

Petri Seaman Equitis Aurati Cujus exuviæ hic juxta sitæ sunt.

Vir Famæ integræ, sine Fuco, sine Fastu, Hujus Civitatis aliquando Prætor, Militiæ Urbanæ Tribunus, Necnon Comitatus Norfolciæ Vicecomes, Redditu anno ad binos pauperculos Artifices erudiendos, relicto in perpetuum.

Obijt vi° Iduum Jan.

Anno Dom. 1715.

Ætatis suæ 53.

Seaman, barry wavy of six arg. and az. over all a crescent gul. impaling

Framlingham, arg. a fess gul. between three cornish crows proper, quartering three martlets in a tressure fleuré. Crest, a mast and tackle.

This chapel is adorned on the top with, Labi helpe.

In the south isle,
George Davidge 1704. Edw. Scott 1727, 39. E. Clift 1690.

R. Clift 1696. Ric. King late of Dearham, 1731, 21.

Bacon impales De Grey.

Here resteth the Body of the vertuous and charitable Jane late Wife of Thomas Bacon Esq. youngest Dr. of Sir William de Grey of Merton Knt. deceased, who departed her Life the 27th of July, in the Year of Christe 1698.

Here likewise resteth the Body of the abovesaid Thomas Bacon Esq; 2d Son of the venerable Judge Bacon, by whose exemplary integrity and Abilities, the Hereditary Accomplishments of his worthy Ancestors, were transmitted to the Honour of theirs, and his own Memory, ob: May 18th 1710, Ætat. 83.

Hic iacet Alicia quonvam Uror Johannis Clerk, que obiit xxiiij die Martii Anno Dom. 1467, Cuius anime propicietur veus Amen.

Orate pro anima Thome Alberv, unper Cibis Normici, qui obiit In festo Sancti Cdmunvi Regis, Anno Dom. 1510, ruius animi propicietur deus.

Hic iacet Thomas Nemman cibis Normici, qui obiit 29 die Martii Anno Dom. 1444, cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.

On the top of the nave are the arms of Morley and Erpingham, quarterly one and four Boleyn, and sab. three mullets or, a chief indented erm.

Hoe and Beauchamp impaled, on a coat of pretence fretté, a chief gul.

Wichingham, and barry of six or and az. on chief arg. three lions heads erased sab.

On two altar tombs on the south side of the churchyard,

Crest, a lion rampant.

Bokenham, or, a lion rampant gul. over all, on a bend az. three bezants, impaling,

Nicholson, az. two fesses er. in chief three suns proper.

P. M. S.

Henrici Bokenham Med. Doct.

Reginaldi Bokenham de Wortham In Agro Suffolciensi Armigeri Filij natû maximi, Generosa non minus Indole, Quam Fide Antiquâ, Qui cum bina fere Lustra Apud Ædes Collegiatas Gonvilienses Bonis Literis Felicem navâsset operam.

Perduellione grassante, Gradum Doctoralem Ultrajecti capessivit, Patriam inde expetens, Annum circiter MDCLVII.

In hac Civitate Norvici Artem Medicam Egregiâ Laude, Felici Successû, professus est, Vitæ tamen pertæsus, Cœlo autem maturus obijt, Æræ Xianæ MDCXCVI, VII Calendas Februarij Ætatis LXXX.

Here lieth Eliz. the Wife of the said Doctor Bokenham, who was the Daughter of Francis Nicholson of Ipswich Esq; she departed this Life 2d. Nov. 1666.

And the Bodies of Roger Seaman Gent. & Francis his Wife, Dr. of the said Doctor Bokenham & Eliz. his Wife, also the Body of Mary West Widow, Sister of the said Doctor. Mr. Seaman died 3d Aug: 1698, his Wife 14th Jan: 1715, and Mrs. West 13 Oct. 1696.

At the feet of these lye Henry, Reginald, & Eliz. Sons & Daughters of the said Doctor and his Wife. Also Henry & Thomas Bokenham, & Henry Seaman their Grand-Children.

Here are also two headstones, with the arms of Bokenham and L'Estrange.

In Memory of Thomas Bokenham Gent. Son of Henry Bokenham M. D. 1743. aged 78, and of Judith his Wife, who was the Daughter of Hammond L'Estrange late of Pakenham in Suffolk, 1739, aged 76.

Here are two very fair altar cloths, the first is of black silk, and was always used when mass for the dead was celebrated here; it is adorned with dolphins embowed, embroidered thereon, each having a fish in their mouths half devoured; there also many angels, each holding a sheet; those like men, having a demi-man naked, in each sheet, and those like women, having a demi-woman naked in each sheet; to represent, that by their ministration, the souls of the righteous are conducted to heaven; on it is this inscription;

Pray for the Somles of Thon Reede and Agnes his myfc.

The other is of gold brocade, with this on it,
Pray for the Somle of John Mestgate Alderman, t Mamde hes Wyff.

There is a silver paten of 5 oz. and an half, and a handsome gilt cup with the date 1629; which weighs 29 oz. and a chalice weighing 35 oz. on which is this,

Deo et Ecclesiæ Dicavit Maria Ward, Norwigch Vidva. April 12, A°. D. 1628.

The font is a large pile, having an octagonal top, on four sides of which are the four Evangelists; and on the other four sides, four persons representing the four parts of the world, viz. Europe, Asia, Africa, and America; there is also an angel holding a mitre in one hand, and the Gospels in the other; to show, that by the Gospels of those Evangelists, all the world shall be converted to the faith of Christ, and then there shall be one church triumphant for ever.

The following persons are buried in the church, as the will-books, ledger, &c. inform me,

  • 1447, Clement Rash, fishmonger, in St. Thomas's chapel. 1460, Alex. Thurston, in the isle before the image of the Virgin Mary, in a niche in the wall there. 1467, Agnes Bixter, Gentlewoman, and gave a cup to the church. 1473, Kath. Dilham alias Thyrston widow. 1499, Rob. Hothe buried in the arch under the high-altar. 1502, John Pepir mercer. 1503, John Wrane. 1513, Will. Playford, sherman, buried before the chapel of our Lady at the steeple end. 1537, Margaret widow of Tho. Cory citizen and alderman, buried in the church by her husband, and gave ten marks towards new leading the church, and a cope and two chesibles for the deacon and subdeacon. Will. Cory buried in the south chapel, and many of that family. 1609, Jacob Young and Abraham Nixon. 1619, Mr. Ric. Morley. 1631, Mr. Alderman Debney's wife, by her husband. Mrs. Mary Ward. Mrs. Barbara Cory, Kat. Keymer, and Mrs. Margaret Mihill. 1633, Mary Keymer.
  • The Parish Chaplains here were,
    1303, Sir Ralf. 1400, Roger Austin, who was buried in St. Thomas's chapel. 1439, Nic. Hall. Tho. Underwood, vicar, see his inscription. 1450, Sir Will. Veautre, buried in the south isle at St. Thomas's chapel door, and gave five marks to finish the new sepulchre of our Lord. 1477, Sir Will. Bruyn. 1492, Mr. Robert Bulle or Balle, who by will in 1497, ordered his body to be buried in the arch under the high-altar, and gave 20 marks which Sir John Paston, Knt. owed him, to the reparations of the church vestments. 1525, Tho. Hallys, buried in the churchyard. 1523, Sir Rob. Pictow, chaplain. 1574, John Nesse. 1577, Mr. Hinckes. 1578, Mr. Fasset or Fawcet. Sir Anthony Hudson succeeded him, and he was succeeded by Mr. Richman. 1587, Mr. Curby, and after him Mr. Barnard. 1593, Mr. Decke. 1623, Mr. Mat. Stonham senior. 1637, Mr. Allison. 1641, Mr. John Whitefoot. 1727, Will. Bentham. 1732, the Rev. Dr Gardiner, the present [1745] minister. (See St. Giles.)

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of Bromholm, whose temporals were taxed at 5s. 4d. The Prior of Dunmowe taxed at 4s. 4d. and the Prior of Norwich at 1l. 13s. 4d. the said Prior having divers houses and rents of the gifts of Master Andrew de Giselham, and Roger Algor, and confirmation of Alexander Waleyns, rector of Dudelington, in the year 1300, and of divers others; several rents of which, were settled on the infirmary belonging to the priory, and others, on the almoner.

Benefactors to the parish and church:

  • 1301, Alice, widow of Walter le Mercer, junior, settled 2s. rent out of a house in the market, to find two candles to burn before the holy rood, another before the image of the Virgin, this was seized at the Reformation.
  • 1304, Walter de Wymundham mercer, settled 2s. rent out of a stall in the market, to find two tapers at the altar. This is paid by the chamberlain of the city.
  • 1505, Robert Barnard, Esq. gave a pair of aglytts of gold to the church
  • 1523, William Byrd, cooper, gave the grounds late Rob. Necoman's, lying in this parish, towards repairing the church for ever. (Regr. Grundesburgh, fo. 46.) In 1574, it was called the Alms-house, and laid on the west side of the churcyard, it is now aliened, and was then let at 20s. a year.
  • 1525, Thomas Hallys, clerk, buried here, confirmed the mansion house that was sometime Thomas Fedymont's, to the use of the church, according to the last will of Catherine Hallys. (Regr. Alpe, fo. 42)
  • 1444, Maud, relict of John Wilbey, senior, alderman and mercer, buried here, (see the inscription,) gave a silver cup of 12 ounces.

In 1574, there was another house released by the prior and convent to the parish, it being anciently the chaplain's house; it joins to the clerk's house, and is rented at 20s. a year.

There were also other tenements on the west side of the churchyard, rented in 1574, at about 40s. per annum, but are all lost.

In 1582, the parish nominated their own minister, by lease from the dean and chapter, and received the tithes of the gardens, and paid 6s. 8d. a year rent, during their lease, and repaired the chancel during that time, which now belongs to the dean and chapter to repair.

In 1597, the parish houses at the steeple's end, were let by the parish, and so was the parsonage and the other house at the chancel's end, they having agreed to take the whole, and pay the minister 34l. per annum, which they did in 1638.

  • 1631, 30 Dec. the will of Mrs. Margaret Stevenson, which is proved in the Bishop's office, hath this clause:

"Item, I will and my minde is, and I do give and bequeath unto the poore people of St. Gregory's parish, where I do now dwell, twenty shillings a year for ever, as a rent charge issueing and goeing out of the houses in St. Gregorie's and St. Peter's. which I bought of Mr. William Peters Gent." This rent charge is paid out of the Angel and Fishes inn, now owned by Mr. Will. Paine, attorney at law, and is divided among poor widows of the parish every Christmas eve.

For Mr. John Weaver's gift of Eaton Meadow, see p. 280.

Mr. Thomas Weaver left a house and ground at Poringland, now let at 1l. 17s. per annum for a sermon on the Epiphany or Twelfth Day, the minister to have 10s. and the parish clerk 2s. and the rest to be given in coals to the poor.

  • 1644, Mary, widow of Alderman Richard Ward, paid 28l. 10s. to the parish of her husband's gift.
  • 1682, Mr. Nat. Letten of London, merchant, gave 20l. to clothe the poor.
  • 1697, Mrs. Mary Goose, single woman, buried here, gave a crimson velvet pulpit cloth, and cushion, and 5l. to the poor.
  • 1703, Mrs. Eliz. Goose, single woman, her sister, gave a brass branch with 16 sockets, which now hangs in the nave. There is also a brass eagle.
  • 1706, Mr. Phillip Manning gave 20l. to clothe the poor.

For Sir Joseph Pain's gift see Pt. I. p. 411.

For Sir Peter Seaman's gift, Ibid. p. 437; by will dated 2d of Sept.
1715, he gave all his houses and lands in St. Swithin's, and his messuage, &c. in St. Julian's, to bind out two poor boys, &c.

For Alderman Pye's alms-houses in this parish, see p. 245.

The north-east corner of this churchyard abuts on Sherer's-hill, which took its name from sheremen or cloth-cutters that dwelt there; on the spot at the meeting of the three streets, was a stone cross erected, by corruption called charing-cross, for sherer's-cross; this was taken away in 1732. See Pt. I. p. 447.

The small ward called



Contains the several parishes of St. John of Madder Market, Holy Cross, St. Andrew, St. Christopher, and St. Michael at the Pleas: and first of

(87) St. John Baptist's Church in Madder-Market


Took this distinguishing appellation from the market held on its north part, for the sale of madder or [maedderre] a plant much used in dying. This church is a good flint-stone building, having a nave, two isles, and two porches covered with lead, a north vestry tiled, and a square tower and six bells.

This church is as ancient as most in the city, being founded before the Confessor's survey, and was originally dedicated to the Holy Trinity and St. John Baptist, the patronage of it was in 12 burgesses, by whom it is most likely to have been built; it seems the Conqueror seized it and gave it to the Bishop, from whose family it afterwards came to the Giffards, and Walter Giffard Earl of Buckingham, the third of that name, who died about 1402, confirmed to the priory and monks of St. Faith at Newington Longavile in Buckinghamshire, which was a cell to the alien abbey of St. Faith at Longaville in Normandy. The church of the Holy Trinity and St. John at Norwich, and a pension of 6s. 8d. per annum was paid out of it, to the Prior of Newington Longaville; and with the revenues of that priory it was seized and remained in the Crown many years, in right thereof, and so continued till King Henry VI. granted it to Winchester or New College in Oxford, where the patronage remains at this day.

It is sometimes called St. John at Pottersgate, was valued at 5 marks, and taxed at 20s. and paid 3d. synodals. It stands in the King's Books at 7l. 10s. 2d. ob. and was sworn of the clear yearly value of 13s. 9d. ob. q. and so being discharged, was augmented by the commissioners of Queen Anne's bounty in 1714. Dr. Prideaux places the arbitrary contributions at 24l. and the whole is now worth about 40l. per annum.




  • 1303, Peter de Weston.
  • 1332, Rog. at Cross of Weston.
  • 1361, Tho. Christmesse, who was buried in the church in 1385.


  • 1385, John Creton.
  • 1386, Rob. Longham, buried here in 1404.
  • John Alderford.
  • 1419, Sir Ric. Kellow.
  • 1420, Sir John Caton.
  • 1421, Sir John Colwich.
  • 1426, Will. Colyns.
  • 1427, John Dyra, buried in the chancel in 1450.
  • John Parlet.


  • 1450 Wil. Bowle, LL. B. he died rector.
  • 1456, Wistan Browne, A. M. resigned.
  • 1458, Will. Bafyn, who is buried here, with this on a brass plate,
  • Orate pro anima Domini Willi: Bafyn nuper Rectoris istius Crrlesie qui obiit Mense Junii Ao Dni. moCCCColxviio, cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.
  • 1467, John Dade or Dod, LL. B. resigned.
  • 1482, John Crisp.
  • 1488, Tho. Audeley.
  • 1497, John Elmham by lapse, resigned.
  • 1503, John Baker, died rector.
  • 1518, John Fremantell.
  • 1523, Will. Sallet.
  • 1570, Ric. Bourne.
  • 1598, Will. Batho.
  • 1604, Henry Byrd.
  • 1611, Rob. Fisher.
  • 1612, Rob. Murden.
  • 1613, John Forster.
  • 1614, Will. Stinnet.

Mr. Bradford.

Ric. Hughes, died rector.

  • 1677, James le Franc.
  • 1689, Will. Adamson, who lies buried in the middle of the chancel, under a stone having two brass plates thus inscribed,
    1. Under the South Side of this Stone lyeth William Adamson, Rector of this Parish 18 Years, he died Oct. 15, A. D. 1707, aged 77 Years.

2. And under his Coffin lyeth Mary his wife, who died Dec. 29, 1706, aged 72 years.

On the same stone, P. M. S. Ex Variolis defunctorum, A. D. 1714, Tantum non semel, at simul, hoc inhumantur in uno, Quatuor heu! Fiski, marmore herè, nefas: Invida mors ridet, sed deridetur ab illis, Qui per eum vivunt, [EIS TON AIONA AMIN]

This stone hath also lost an ancient effigies, inscription, and arms.

  • 1708, Samuel Jones,
    1724, Charles Leaver, on Jones's death; he held it united to Reedham, and is buried in this chancel.
  • 1727, 21 Dec. the Rev. John Francis, LL. D. the present [1745] rector, on Leaver's death, who holds it united to Morley in Norfolk.

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of St. Olave, who was taxed for his temporals at 2s. 8d. the Prior of Hickling at 4s. the Prior of Norwich at 1l. 5s. 8d. the Prioress of Carrow at 1s. 6d. and the dean of the chapel in the Fields at 1s. 6d.

Persons buried here for whom I find no memorials, are, 1472, Agnes Wife of Ralf Segrym merchant, in the church by her husband, and gave a silver chalice and censer. 1501, Hamon Claxton, merchant and alderman. 1504, Tho. Bowde clerk buried in the alley at the west end of the steeple, in the churchyard. 1505, Joan Marlburgh widow, buried in the church, and settled a stipend for a priest to sing a certain time for her in our Ladie's chapel here.

In 1563, on the 7th of Feb. at night, in the Duke's palace in this parish, died the virtuous Lady Margaret Duches of Norfolk daughter of the Lord Audley, second wife to Thomas Duke of Norfolk, who was beheaded by Queen Elizabeth, and was solemnly buried on the north side of the choir of this church, on the 18th of Feb. the singing men, priests, and dean, went before in the procession; then the mayor and aldermen, then the chaplains and almoner to the deceased; then followed the Bishop, steward, treasurer, and comptroller, with white staves in their hands, and hoods on their shoulders; then the great banner of arms of that noble family; then Rouge Dragon Pursevaunt; then Norroy King at Arms, and Garter King at Arms; then the corpse born by six gentlemen, and at the four corners, four assistants, and with them four bearing banners; and over the corpse a canopy of black velvet born by 4 gentlemen; then came the Countess of Surrey, the chief mourner, supported by two gentle women, her train born by Mrs. Catherine Howard, who was supported by Sir Nic. le Strange, Knt. Chamberlain; then followed 8 ladies mourners, with their hoods on their shoulders; then her Grace's gentlewomen in black, followed by all the yeomen, ushers, gentlewomen, servants, and dependents, belonging to the family.

Being seated in the church, when they offered, the chief mourner offered first, with the 3 officers of arms with her, then the 8 mourners and assistants, then the gentlewomen 2 and 2, then the steward, then the mayor, aldermen, &c. the Bishop performing the service.

In 1542, Rob. Blickling, Esq. who was buried in St. Mary's church in Carhowe priory, gave 40l. towards new leading and roofing this church, and a whole vestment of cloth of gold; and ordered inscriptions to be put on the marbles in this church, lying over Isabel formerly wife of Simon Blickling, his grandfather, and Roger Blickling, their son, and Anne, his wife.

There are memorials remaining here for,
John Marsham, who built the corner house over against the Duke's palace on the west side of St. John's-street; in the windows of which are the arms of

Marsham, arg. crusuly fitché sab. a lion passant gul. between two bendlets az. each with three croslets or.

And gul. a fess between three hedge-hogs arg.

There is a shield of the five wounds with, Jesus est Amor Meus. and the grocers arms, with Da michi Bratiam. and this,

Spend mell, and Hi from fli from Sinn Kepe mell, and com to Hehyn. In omni opere memento finis.

By his will, which is in Regr. Briggs, fo. 167, he made Eliz. his wife, and James Marsham his brother, executors, and gave 10l. towards the New Mills, on mending the common stathe; his own and wife's effigies, as also five sons and eight daughters, remain on his stone in the south isle, but all the arms are lost except the grocers, and a fess between three hedgehogs. He was ancestor of the Marshams of Stratton Strawless in Norfolk.

Of your Charye pray for the Soulles of John Marsham, sometyme Maire of this Cittie of Normiche, t Clizabeth his Wyffe, myiche John deceassed the xiij Day of May in the Year of our Lord Hod Mo Vc. xxv, on mhose Soulles and all Cristen Soulles, Jesu habe Merry, Amen.

Memento Nomo, quia Morieris.

On the same plate, on the side next the stone, is this, as appeared when it was pulled off, it being now loose in the vestry,

Charitable Pepyl that shall lore upon this Ston, Nabe John Marsham in Remembrance of your Charite, Mayer of this Cyte sumtyme mas his Person, and the xiii Day of May that departed he, And A Mo vc. and xxv C rist Yeres nnointed: for Eliz. his wife of your Charite pray, that in the feyth Catholich from this morld departed, In the yer of Crist m. vc. Ye shall not lost your charitable Dcvocion, XII. Carqinals have graunted you xiic Dayes of Pardon.

On a brass on a stone by the altar having the effigies of the man and his two wives,

Orate pro animabus Thome Caus, nuper Civis et Aldermanni Norwici, et bis maioris eiusoem Cibitatis, Johanne et Helene Urorum eius, qui quidem Johannes ab hac luce migrabit xxiiio die Sept. Ao Dni: 1560 et pro quibus idem Thomas orare tenetur, quorum animabus propicietur deus Amen.

God have merry upon the Soule of John Todenham and Johne his Wyff for here lyeth he buried.

His effigies remain, and on a label is this,
God yat sittyth in Trinite, On the Soule of John Todenham have Merry et Pite.

On a stone on the south side of the altar, are the effigies of a man and woman, between them, the city arms, and lower, the mercers; at his feet John Cerri, at her feet Lettys Terri. out of his mouth on a label, Miserere, and from her's, Nostri. Over their heads,

Deyote Crystene Peple desioruse to knowe, Mhose Body resterh under thys stone so lowe, Of John Terry marchant, the tyme bys Lyf ledde Mayr et Alderman of thys Cyte in dede, Uertunse in lyvynge, to the Comonwelth profyghtable, And to Ryght t Conscyence ever conformable, The same to preserve, ande also to ayde, And eyke to be mayntenede, cc l. have payd: Among the Cytizens, in Lone for ey to remayne, Therewyth for a Tyme to easse ther Nede t Payne. And over that cc l. to purchase Lande or Fec, To comfort t releve por Fowks at necessyte, When herafter yt chauncyth the Ryngs Tasks to be layde, The Rentts of the same for them to be payde, For the wyche Dedis, Gode that ys but one, Ertend his Pety upon the same John, Wyche thys World departyde in January the fyrste Day, And hys Sowle in Marry to have that beste may, The Yere of owre Lorde God moccccco xx and fowre, The Trynyte his Sowle kepe from all Delowr.

In the chancel,
Here lieth buried the Body of master Nicholas Sutherton, latte Mayer and Alderman of this Worschipfull Cite, whiche the nerte yere after that he was Mayer, discessid out of this transeitorie Lyfe, that was the yere of our Lord 1540, the x Day of Nob. On whose Soule say yow, Jesu have Merry, For as he is so schall ye be.

Sotherton, arg. a fess, in chief two crescents gul. impaling Hetherset, az. a lion rampant guardant or.

In the nave,

Orate pro anima Johannis Wade.

On a stone by the font,
Hic iacet Walterus Moneslee et Isabella Uror eius qui quldem Walterus obiit xxo die Mensis Novembris Ao. Dni: mccccoxii quo- rum animabus propicietur deus Amen.

Orate pro anima Johannis Martyn, cuius anime propirietur deus Amen.

In the south isle in St. Mary's chapel, on a very large stone, two effigies remain, all the rest being lost, except a modern brass for Ric. Scottowe, alderman, and Mary his wife, daughter of Alderman John Sotherton, who had two sons and three daughters, he died 26 Feb. 1616, she 18 Nov. 1619.

There is a stone in this isle, having the portraitures of a man and a woman; from his mouth, Pater de Delis deus miserere nobis. From her's, Filli Fiedemtor Mundi deus miserere nobis. At each corner a coat, viz. a chevron ingrailed between three mullets, and the mercers arms.

From the four sons mouths, Deus proicius esto animabus parentum nostrorum. The daughters are pulled off, a label as that before, remains,
Of your Charytie pray for the Soules of Robarte Rugge Es- quier, somtime Alderman, and twyse Mayer of this worshipfull Citie of Norwich, and Elizabeth his Wyffe, which had Issue betwyrt them fine Sonnes t three Daughters, and the said Rob. Rugge departed this trancitory life the xviii Daye of Februarie in the yeare of our Lord God 1558, of whose Soules say you, JESU have merrye Amen.

Of your Charite pray for the Soule of Elizabeth Wright, we- dowe, John Watts t Alyng Wright sumtyme Hosbunds of the said Elizabet, on whose Souls God have Merry.

Francis Sonne of Ric. Skottowe Alderman, deceased 22, Oct. 1618.

In the north isle, on a large stone having two effigies, in All-Saints chapel at the east end.

Jesu Merry. Lady Helpe.

Hic iaret Ricardus Host nuper Cibis et Alderman' Civitatis Norwici qui obiit xxiiio die Mens. Aug. Ao Dui: Moccccolxviio. et Elena uror sua, que obiit viio die Mens. Augusti, Aoccccolxxiii, quorum animabus propicietur deus Amen.

In the chancel, on the north side of the altar,

Orate pro anima Johanne nuper Uroris Thome Caus, que obiit ultimo die Septembris Ao Dni. Moccccolxxxvo, cuius anime pro- picietur deus Amen

Two effigies in the chancel on the north side of the altar.

A mural monument at the east end of the chancel on the south side of the altar having the effigies of a man and woman, three sons and five daughters; arms over them are,
Layer, per pale arg. and sab. a unicorn passant, between two croslets counterchanged. Over the woman arg. a lion rampant gul. a ragged staff in bend or.

Quarterly, Layer and arg. on a bend gul. three Catherinewheels or.

PAX. VANITAS. GLORIA. LABOR. represented by four persons.

Christopherum Layer gestantem pectora Christum, Cæsareos-que Animos, Justitiâque Numam, Juridicaque Toga, Fabium, rigidisque Catonem Moribus, hæc gelidi marmoris Urna tegit. Qui ter vicenos et ter tres viderat annos, Cum sua Telluri Membra tegenda daret, Annis Magnus erat, sed multo Major honore, Nam bis Norwici maximus urbe fuit. Quinas cui peperit natas charissima conjux, Tresque mares, Viduo moesta relicta Thoro, At binæ periere satæ, Patrique superstes, Unicus hic posuit Filius hunc Tumulum. Obijt 19 Junij 1600, illa 23° Junij 1604.

On a mural monument on the south side of the altar,
Effigies of a man and woman, Sotherton quartering Steward, Norwich city, and nebulé a chief quarterly, one and four, a lion of England, two and three or, two roses gul. on each quarter.

Lege, Vir, ac Uxor, Titulo Nicolaus et Agnes, Gente Sothertoni, Quos humus una tegit, Sexta ad viginti confecit Junius illam Nona November Luce peremit eum. Illum annus Domini qui quadragesimus auxit Mille et quingentos jussit adire deum. Octo hijs trigintaque Annos super addidit illa, Quos omnes Viduo vidit abire thoro, Ille Urbis fuerat Pretor cum viveret hujus, Et bis sex Capitum non sine laude Pater; E quibus occumbens natos sex, Filiolasque Quatuor, Uxori liquerat ille sue.

On a mural monument in the south isle,
Effigies of a man and woman, two sons and six daughters, and a faldstool between them, and two books on it.

Crest, a goat's head erased, collared with a coronet or.

Arms of Sotherton, and az. a lion rampant guardant or.

Here under resteth the Bodye of Thomas Sotherton, late Alderman of this Cittye, being the Sonne of John Sotherton of this Cittye Alderman, who married Francis Foxe the widow of John Foxe of Alborowe in the Countie of Suffolk, by whom he had two Sons and six Daughters, and died the 12 of Maye 1608, being of the Age of 53 Years.

Under this could Marble sleepes, Hee, for whome even Marbell weepes. His Name lives heare, in good Men's Hartes Whilst Heaven injoyes his better Partes. The Race of fyftye Years & three, His Lyfe runs oute relygeouslye, Of gentell Blud, more worthy Merrit, Whose Breast inclosed an humbell Sperryt. Oh! Death thou hast the Boddy wonne, Of worthy Thomas Sothertone. His Vertues 'bove thy Power is raysed, And shall while Tyme dooth last, be praysed, Hir one Year's Father Norwich chose him, And wished then she might never lose him, So deare a Friend unto hir State, Is reft from hir by cruell Fate, But 'twas decreed, all that hath Breath, Must pas the Wombe, to Grave, by Death. So all must tread the Path that he hath done, And by Death follow, worthy Sotherton.

In a window,
Thorp's arms and de-lis for difference; and az. a chevron er. impaled.

Thorp, impales sab. a fess ingrailed between three de-lises ar.

On two loose brasses,

Orate pro animabus Thome Martyn et Agnetis Consortis sue qui quidem Thomas obiit vicessimo die Mensis Febr. Ao. D. mocccco xxxvo.

Orate pro animabus Henrici Jakys, et Margarete quondam Uroris sue qui quidem Henricus obiit xxxviio die Mensis Decem- bris Ao. Dni. mocccco xlio.

On brass plates in the nave:

Hodie mihi, cras tibi.

John Melchior died June 25, 1657, And here the Body is interr'd Whose Soul to Heaven is transferr'd, Where Angels sing eternally, All Glory to the Trinity.

John Melchior senior 1707, 85. Cornelius Melchior 1713, 47.

By the south door,
Major Francis Roberts 1650.

In the chancel,
Roberts, az. three estoils or, on a chief wavy gul. a lion passant guardant or.

Duke impales Snelling, gul. three eagles heads erased arg. a chief indented er.

Anne late wife of John Duhe of Colchester in Essex, M. D. 1649, he died there May 16, 1629. she was Dr. and Heiress of John Snelling of Boxford in Suff. Gent. they had issue, Mary married to Laurence Wright of London M. D. Eliz. to Thomas Cock of Pebmarch in Essex Esq; and Judith to Rob. Paynell of Belaugh in Norfolk Esq; Anna their third Daughter 1647. Judeth Paynell 1652. Robert Paynell Esq; Councellor at Law 1658.

All-Saints chapel at the east end of the north isle, hath its roof adorned with angels, holding labels, on which, part of the Te Deum is written, and the word JESUS, in crowns of thorns; out of this is an entrance into the vestry.

Opposite in the south isle is St. Mary the Virgin's chapel, the roof of which is adorned with angels holding labels, on which,
Ave Maria gracia plena Dominus tecum, Virgo serena. tr.

And the cipher of the word MARIA crowned, is scattered all over it.

In the south isle, on a mural monument,
Here resteth the Body of Francis Gillians Worsted Weaver, who by his Will gave 100l. for binding out Apprentices with the Interest thereof for the Parishes of St. Helen, St. Martin at Palace, St. Simon & Jude, St. John at Madder-Market, & St. Stephen, in this City, which is payed into the Hands of the Mayor, Sheriffs, Citizens, & Commonalty of Norwich, for an Annuity of 5l granted by them, to be yearly issuing out of Butter-Hills, to bind out 1 Boy yearly an Apprentice for one of the same Parishes, beginning with the first, & so on successively for ever. He also gave, after the Decense of his Wife, all his Houses called Sherrod's Gap in St. Michael's at Thorne Parish, of the yearly Rent of 26l. 12s. or thereabouts, for ever, upon Trust, that the clear Rent thereof (after all Taxes & Repairs deducted) should be disposed for paying the Minister that shall preach at the Cathedral from Low-Sunday, to and upon the Sunday next before Advent Sunday, for reading Prayers & Preaching at this Parish the same Day in the Afternoon, 10s. when perform'd, as in the Will directed, (except on the Bishop or Dean's Days) and 10s. to the Minister of this Parish yearly, for reading Divine Service and preaching on St. Andrew's Day, 2s. 6d. to him for giving Notice and reading Part of his Will the Sunday next before; 20s. per Ann. to the Clarke; & 5s. per Ann. for Candles; 15s. for the Expences of the Church-Wardens at yearly Meeting, to settle Accounts, & more for Cloathing the Tenants when there shall be Money to spare, as in the Will is expressed. He died the 20th of Dec. 1719, aged 64 years, and this monument was erected by Lidia Gillians his widow and executrix, in pursuance of his will.

Within the rails, at the altar,
To the Memory of Dame Rebecca, the deservedly beloved Consort of Sir Benjamin Wrench Knt. Dr. of Phisick, of whose singular Vertues in every Relation of Life, the Remembrance of surviving Friends is the amplest Testimony, and the best Monument. After thirty six Years happily spent in the conjugal State, she departed this Life the 4th Day of March 1727, in the 59th Year of her Age.

Near her lie interred her two daughters,
Anne who died Jenny Maria. the 2d. of Jan. 1709, aged 16 Years. Dec. the 23d, 1722, in the 18th Year of her Age.

In the chancel.

Mr. Rob. Bocking, late Alderman of this City 15th Sept. 1669.

Hic depositum est quod mortale fuit Thomæ Russell hujusce Parochiæ Mercatoris ferrarii, obijt 9° Aprilis.

Anno Salutis humanæ 1740. Ætatis suæ 39.

Crest, a goat passant. Russel, arg. a lion rampant gul. on a chief sab. three escalops of the field.

Sarah the Wife of Thomas Statham, Feb. 25th, 1725, aged 55.

Eliza. Ux. Tho. Corre Ar: una Filiarum Chr: Layer Ar. Filij secundi Christopheri Layer nuper Civis & Aldermanni hujus Civitatis. Nata 20° Sept. A. D. 1608, denata 19° Feb. A. D. 1682.

In the north isle beginning at the east end in All-Saints chapel, there is a small mural monument against the north wall, for Abigail Dr. of John Boseley, and Wife of Tho. Jenney Gent, 1728, 29. and Anne and Hannah their infants. Also for Mary his 2d Wife, 1729, 35, & Jonas their son.

Jenney impales Boseley arg. on a fess between three cinquefoils sab. three de-lises or and gul. two fesses, in chief three annulets arg.

Will. Walen 1686.

On a mural monument against the north wall of this isle,
To the pious Memory of the much lamented THOMAS BUBBIN Esq; late Captain of the Militia, and Mayor of this City, in which Office he died the 30th Day of October, Ao. Dni. 1717, aged 66, and also MARY his dearly beloved Wife, who departed this Life the 16th of October Ao. Dni. 1705, aged 47.

This North Isle was repaired at the charge of that worthy Knight and Citizen Sir JOSEPH PAINE, highly eminent for his Civil and military Accomplishments, in the Year 1668.

In the nave, beginning at the west end,
Mr. John Wilson 1730, 77. Mr. Will. Emperor 19 Oct. 1735, 62. Mary Wife of John Wilson 1711, 56. John and Rob. their Children. Lidia Breese 1729, 20. Peter Woodfall 1687, 53. Peter his Son 1717, 49. Also Tho. Woodfall 1726, 35. Sarah Gunton 1734. John Rushbrook 1743, 78. Eliz. his wife 1738, 61. Hannah and William their Children, and 4 Grand-children Infants. Gregory Booty 1719, 69. Mary his wife 1721, 81. Lydia Huson Dr. of John Gobbet Gent, 1691, 22. John Son of Thomas Huson an Infant. Tho. Hare Gent. 1719, 42, and Sarah, Tho. Eliz. and Eliz. his Children. Mary Dr. of John Robins 1640. John Robins Husband to Mary Robins 1665. There is a small mural Monument against the North Wall, for John Robins Upholster, 1723, 65. Joseph his only Brother 1725, 62. Eliz. wife of Joseph 1733, 70. Samuel son of John Barnham, Mary his Dr. 1669. Margaret wife of Will. Barnham, Dr. of Charles Windham of Stokesby in Norff. Esq; 1679. Rebekah his second wife, Dr. of Simon Mydelton of Hackney in Midlesex Esq; 1683, and Rebekah his third wife, Dr. of Edw. Beacon of London Mercht. 1695, 22. Eliz. Dr. of Will. and Margaret 1590, 15, Eliz. Harrison 1688.

Stebbing, quarterly or and gul. on a bend sab. three bezants, impaling
Seabourn, barry wavy of ten, arg. and az. over all a lion rampant or.

MARIA, Uxor dilectissima HENRICI STEBBING, de - - propè Norvic' Gen.) & modestissima, Fœmina, Filia Thomæ Seaborne Gen. Wymondham - - natû minima. obijt Sept. 24° Ano Dni. 1710, Ætat. 27°.

In the south porch, Will. Slack 1697, 30. Susan and Anne his Children. Mary wife of Henry Youngs 1686, 32. In the north porch, Mary Slacke 1699.

On the 3d bell, Har in conclave, Gabriel nunc pange suave.

4th Dona ropenda Pia, Rogo Magdalena Maria.

5th Sum Rosa pulsata Mundi, Maria Uocata.

The following persons were buried in the church here, as appears by the parish register.

  • 1572, Tho. Winter alderman. 1589, Edw. Shelton Gent. 1593, Mary wife of alderman Roger Welde. 1594, Will. Calthorp clerk, and Gent. and also Henry Groome Gent. 1621, Frances Lady Mor daunt, buried 23 Oct. 1621. John Gallard A. B. of Christ's col lege in Cambridge, Rector Stinnet's brother, buried under the second pane of the biggest chancel window northward. 1622, Hester Sayer and Susan Buskard, in one grave. 1628, Justice Francis Cocke, buried in a lead coffin on the north side of the altar. 1638, Christopher Layer, Gent. Ester Buskard at the altar. 1639, Justice Rob. Craske. 1640, Master Duncan Burnet, M. D. Scotus, Medicus prestantissimus 3° May. 1649, Mrs. Anne, widow of Doctor Duke. 1664, Will. Stinnet, minister above 50 years, buried Nov. 21.

I meet with no benefactions to this parish, except the ozier ground at Thorp, which is let at 2l. 10s. a year, and several tenements in the parish, which join together, containing five low rooms, in which are placed such poor people as the parish approve.

The common pump called St. John's pump, at the north end of the churchyard, is repaired by the parish.

(88) The Duke's Palace, was anciently in many tenements, bought in by Alan Percy, clerk, brother to the old Duke of Northumberland, of whom it was purchased by the Duke of Norfolk, in Henry the Eighth's time who made it his palace or chief house of residence; and it hath attended the fate of this noble family ever since. In 1602, the old palace was demolished, and a noble grand house begun, by Henry Duke of Norfolk, and was scarcely finished before it was pulled down by Thomas Duke of Norfolk, his grandson; on account of the ill behaviour of Tho. Havers, then mayor, &c. towards him, in not permitting his comedians to enter the city with their trumpets, &c. from which time it hath been neglected, as it now is, being a sort of common stathe only, and the remaining part of the building is now one of the city work-houses, hired of the Duke for that purpose. There was a play-house, bowling-alley, tennis court, &c.

In the palace-yard, at the entrance of a house near the river, lies a large gravestone, with an abbot in his robes cut thereon, and the following circumscription, which without all doubt was brought up by the boats from the ruins of the abbey church of St. Bennet in the Holm at Ludham:

Frater Ricardus de South Walsham Abbas Monasterii Sancti Benedicti de Hulmo, qui obiit Anno Domini quadrigentissimo vice- simo nono.

The arms of the monastery are on this stone. The very ancient effigies of St. Benedict in his robes, sitting on a throne, which is now fixed in a gable on the east side of Coslany bridge, on the south side of the river, was brought from thence.

The eastern part of this parish was the ancient parish of the Holy Cross, which was perpetually united to this; the church which belonged to it was commonly called

(89) St. Crowche's


And was dedicated in honour of the Invention of the Holy Cross, but is now totally demolished; the churchyard is still surrounded with common lanes or passages; and the publick-house called the sign of the Hole in the Wall, stands on its site, the advowson belonged to the prior and convent ot Norwich, and was appropriated to the infirmary. It was given them by Clement, rector here in Richard the First's time, who it seems granted the parsonage to William de Hofetune, which stood on the spot now the garden to St. Andrew's parsonagehouse; it being afterwards in St. Giles's hospital, of which it is now held by lease, at 1l. rent, paid by the church-wardens.

It was subject to the Bishop and Archdeacon's jurisdiction, and paid 6d. synodals.

In this churchyard, Adam and Botild, father and mother of Bishop Gilbert, were interred, whose graves many pilgrims and other devout people used to visit, there being an indulgence to all that came thither and prayed for them, of 300 days of pardon.

  • 1458, John Browne, worsted weaver, was buried in the church by the tomb of Margaret his wife. 1464, Alice, widow of Ric. Browne, merchant, by her husband in the chancel, and had two new windows made like the other, in stone-work, and glass-work, at her charge. 1479, Rob. Stenton, buried in the yard on the north side by the cross there, and gave 10s. for a new cross. 1483, John Dyghton, vintner, buried in the friars minors church, and gave 9 marks to the parish priest here. 1515, James London of Thompson, buried by the corner against the sign of the Crown, by Margaret Haute, his sister, and settled a priest to sing for her 4 years. 1532. Will. Hert, alderman, buried by Margaret his wife.


  • 1272, Walter Lomb. 1492, Sir Rob. Playford. 1497, John Baxter.
  • 1505, Tho. Smith, alias Salter, priest, buried here.

In 1546, Edward Duke of Somerset had a grant of the advowson, but to no effect, for the same year it was granted to the Dean and Chapter, and by them leased in 1549, April 10, for 500 years at 4d. per annum rent, to Tho. Codde and Thomas Marsham, aldermen, by the name of the advowson of the church of St. Cross, with the buildings, walls, and cemetery thereto belonging, with all the tiles, stones, glass, timber, bells, &c. without impeachment of waste; for the city, which had every thing but the ground given them, on Mr. Marsham's paying them 22l. released all right in them, and on the 14th of Oct. 1551, the church was demolished, and the parish consolidated to St. John's, except a house or two which were added to St. Andrew's.

The hospital of St. Giles, the Prior of Beeston, the Prior of Norwich, and in 1292, Brother Lupus, proctor-general in England, of Rocidival hospital, received 7s. 10d. rents here.

(90) The Church of St. Andrew the Apostle


Is a fine fabrick, being esteemed the best parochial church in the city, except St. Peter of Mancroft. The ancient church that stood here, was founded before the Conquest; the patronage of its rectory was given by John le Brun the patron, to his college of St. Mary in the Fields, when he founded it, (see p. 180, 181,) by and with the consent of Jeffery le Brun, his brother, who was rector here, and confirmed it in 1267. In was then valued at 5l. taxed at 20s. and paid 3d. synodals.


  • 1267, Jeffery le Brun, in whose time the dilapidated and near adjoining church and parish of St. Christopher, was perpetually annexed to this. The parsonage-house here stood on the west end of the site of Bridewell, and at the appropriation went to Chapel-field college, and was leased out or sold, soon after.
  • 1303, Thomas.
  • 1333, Sir John King, who resigned.
  • 1339, June 15, Richard Yve, all which rectors were presented by the dean and canons of St. Mary in the Fields, who in 1340, obtained a license from King Edward III. to appropriate it to their college, along with St. George on Tombland, and another from Henry Duke of Lancaster, lord of the fee; and in 1350, upon a bull from Pope Clement VI. exhibited for that purpose, William Bateman Bishop of Norwich, appropriated them to the college, and allowed the college to serve them by chaplains or vicars, who were to dwell in the college, and not be forced to take institution, but were only nominated to the Bishop, to be approved by him: and from this time to the Dissolution, it was served by the canons of the said college, who are sometimes called vicars, and sometimes parish chaplains, as Sir Edward Kelyng was called in 1466.
  • 1526, Sir Ric. Hugheson was parish priest, and in
  • 1533, Tho. Hall, parish chaplain.

At the Dissolution it came to the Crown, and there continued, till Edward VI. Ao. 1552, granted the advowson of the rectory and vicarage, to William Mingay and Will. Necton, and their heirs, to be held of the King of his manor of East Greenwich, by fealty only, and not in capite. And on the 2d Nov. 1559, they conveyed it to Tho. Sotherton and others, as trustees for the parish, who purchased it of them; and from that time it hath continued in feoffees, in trust for the parish, as it still remains at this day, it being a donative in the feoffees hands, on whose donation the Bishop licenses.

Curates, or Parish Chaplains.

  • 1556, Mr. Overy, on the donation of Mingay and Nectun.
  • 1559, Sir Will. Canvas; by them also,
    1561, Mr. George Hovey, the first nominated and appointed by the feoffees; he was buried in the churchyard on the south side in 1562, in which year he was succeeded by Dr. George Gardiner, dean here, (see Pt. I. p. 620.) 1571, Mr. Buck. 1572, Mr. Slater. 1573, Mr. Greenaway, 1571, Mr. Moore; buried here, 16 Jan, 1591. 1580, Mr. John Linacre. 1583, Mr. Rob. Linacre. 1591, Ralf. Fumes. 1596, Roland Nut, buried this year June 20. 1596, Mr. Harrison. 1591, Robert Hyll, nominated by the feoffees; he was B. D. of St. John's college in Cambridge, and published a book of divinity, while he was minister here, dedicated to Judge Popham, printed at Cambridge. 1602, Tho. Newhouse, buried Aug. 12, 1611, succeeded by Dr. Bound, who was buried 26 Dec. 1613; and Mr. Gallard was appointed, but was set aside in 1615.

In 1614, there were three lectures erected here, and Mr. Greaves was appointed lecturer every Monday morning at 7 o'clock, Mr. Heylet every Thursday morning at 7 o'clock, who were paid by the court; and the parish minister's lecture was every Friday morning at 7 o'clock, for which the parish allowed him 10l. per annum.

  • 1616, Mr. John Yates, B. D. of Emanuel college in Cambridge: he wrote against Montague's Appello, &c. and published also a Model of Divinity, catechistically composed, printed in quarto at London in 1622; in which year he was succeeded by Laurence Howlet, who had also one of the court lectures; he was buried Nov. 26, 1626. 1627, John Chapell, who resigned in 1634, and the feoffees appointed George Cock. In 1638, Mr. Henry Hall was chosen, who in 1640, was one of the assembly of divines, and died at London in that service.
  • 1643, May 3, Mr. Bridge was apppointed Monday lecturer, and Mr. Cushen, Friday lecturer, and the court paid each 13l. 6s. 8d. a year; but on the 25th of August they conferred them both on Edw. Reyner, who came from Lincoln, having been plundered by the Earl of Newcastle's forces, and they allowed him 20s. a week for the two lectures. In 1661, all the lectures were set aside by the court, and then one lecture was established in their places, to be preached by the minister every Thursday morning, who was paid 20l. per annum, which continued till 1743, and then was set aside by the court; so that now there is not one sermon on a week-day, in this large and populous city.

Mr. John Thornback, who succeeded Mr. Hall, was buried here March 13, 1647.

  • 1648, Paul Raynham from Bedfield, died 1657, and was succeeded by Sam. Bordman, who staid a few months only, and Rob. Harmer succeeded; and conformed at the Restoration. 1678, 21 April, Benedict Riveley was appointed; he was A. M. of Emanuel college, chaplain to Dr. Reynolds Bishop of Norwich, whose funeral sermon he preached on Job. xxx. 23, which was published at London in 1677. In 1679, he published a sermon in q°. London, on Rom. xiii, 4, which was preached at the cathedral June 17, at the annual solemnity of the mayor's admission to his office.

There is a mural monument at the north-west corner of the north isle by the door there, erected to his memory, with this,
Memoriæ Sacrum, Viri Reverendi Benedicti Riveley, hujus Ecclesiæ quondam Ministri, qui obijt sexto die Februarij Anno salutis 1694, Ætatis 67. Atque ad pedem hujus marmoris sepultus est. Psalmistœ sequentibus versibus ab ipso Epitaphij vice designatis.

I had rather be a Door Keeper in the House of my God, than to dwell in the Tents of Wickedness for ever. Ps. 84, 10.

Piè posuit Edvardus, Filius, A. M.

Riveley, arg. a fess between three squirrels sejant gul. each eating an apple or.

  • 1694, 17 Feb. Joseph Ellis, who died minister; for whom there is a mural monument erected at the south-west corner of the south isle, with the arms of
    Ellis, arg. three eels naiant in pale sab, and this,
    Exuvias hic deposuit mortales, Reverendus vir Josephus Ellis, hujus Ecclesiæ Minister vigilans. Animarum sibi commissarum Pastor solicitus, amator Studiosus, Evangelij Præco indefessus. Qui cum annos octodecim plus minus Scripturis sacris exponendis operam hic navâsset arduam, Nephritide, plusquam Ætate confectus, et involutum se evolveret, et onus vitæ molestum opponeret, perlubens in Gremium ipsius Apostoli, cui hæc sacra dicatur Ædes, ut felicem Immortalitatem indueret, pride. Festi Divi Andreæ animam recondidit. Anno Æræ Xtianæ MDCCXIImo Ætatis LVmo.

Ben-Josephus, Filius charissimus, in Grati Animi Testamentum mœrens hoc posuit.

  • 1712, 9 Dec. The Rev. Dr. Ben-Joseph Ellis, the present [1745] minister, is also minister of St. Peter of Hungate, and rector of Hasingham and Bukenham-Ferry in Norfolk.

The following persons were buried in the church, whose meomrials were most of them lost when the church was rebuilt.

  • 1386, Bartholomew Appilyard, who gave 20l. towards new covering the church with lead, which was done this year. (Regr. Harsike, fo. 67.) 1389, Cecily de Lopham, formerly wife of Rob. de Bumpstede. 1400, Rob. Lomynour, merchant; he ordered Margaret his wife, to find a wax candle of 3 in the pound, to burn day and night in the chancel before the high-altar, in honour of Christ's body; and tied his messuage, &c. which he gave at her death, to Nic. his son, to find it for ever. 1442, John Cambridge, alderman, buried under the great stone that lieth over his wife, before the chapel of our Lady, and gave 10l. to be kept in a chest behind the altar in St. Anne's chapel, to be lent out on security, to the poor of the parish; he gave his messuage to Corpus Christi college; which college, in Henry the Sixth's time, received rent for a tenement with the garden of St. Christopher, which was formerly the churchyard of St. Christopher, abutting against the wall of the Friars-preachers on the north. 1459, Margery Cosseye, widow, by the tomb of John Cosseye her husband, and gave 10 marks towards rebuilding the church. 1467, John Gilbert, alderman, buried in the chancel, and gave 10 marks towards repairing the church, 100 marks to buy a vestment, 20 marks to the cathedral; 10 marks for a vestment in St. Anne's chapel in this church, in which a priest was to sing for him 10 years. Annor his wife was buried by him the same year. The stone over them is 4 yards long, and 5 feet broad, having their two effigies and 17 children, and this,
    Orate pro animabus Johannis Gilbert, quondam Cibis, Groceri, t Aldermanni, atque bis Maioris Civitatis Norwici qui obiit i xo die Mensis Novembr. Ao Dni. moccccolxviio, et Annore uroris eius que obiit vjo die eiusdem Mensis eadem Septimana Ao supradicto quorum animabus propicietur deus Omnipotens Amen.
  • 1467, John Drolle, alderman, buried in our Lady's chapel on the north side of the church by Agnes his first wife, and gave 20l. to build a south porch, and settled a priest to sing for him and his wife in the said chapel. He gave two altar cloths, one to the high-altar, the other to our Lady's altar in her chapel, both of white, and their frontels of cloth of gold; and also a velvet cope, with vestments for priest, deacon, and subdeacon, of the same. Also a russet velvet cope, powdered with branches of leaves of gold; and also two choir copes, and a vestment of fine blue worsted, to our Lady's altar. He also gave his renters or tenantries in this parish, in Rackey-lane, to the church for ever, to be infeoffed in the church-wardens and 12 other parishioners, to keep his obit on Passion Sunday, with dirige; and the day following, to have mass for his own and wives souls, Will. Drolle, and Alice Drolle, his father and mother, and John and Mary Cosseye, his wife's father and mother. Agnes, his second wife, was afterwards buried by him.
  • 1470, Will. Undirwode, goldsmith, buried by Alice his first wife, at the steeple door, by the chapel of St. Mary the Virgin in the steeple. (See Pt. I. p. 546.)
  • 1474, Nic. Plumstede, buried in the north porch. 1476, Thomas Cambridge, mercer, in the churchyard before the image of our blessed Lady. 1486, Rauff Est, &c. and all gave legacies towards building the steeple. 1496, John Hayne, organ-maker. 1496, Cat. Kerre, widow and gentlewoman, buried under the gravestone of Rob. Aleyn, her late husband. 1497, Alice late wife of Will. Gilbert, draper, buried by her husband, both which gave much to the steeple. 1499, Anable, widow of Will. King, goldsmith, buried on the south side of the chapel which is under the steeple, and gave a legacy towards rebuilding the church. 1500, Tho. Aylmer, grocer, in the church by his kindred. 1502, Margery Dilham, widow gave 8 marks towards rebuilding the church; the same year Nic. Colich, alderman, was buried by his wife in the church; he gave 10 marks for a vestment to serve in St. Anne's chapel here, where a priest was to sing for him; and 50 marks towards rebuilding the church, and a holy water stope of silver that weighed 70 ounces. "Item, I wyll it be graven in the Fote of the same that noe Man selle it, ne set it to Pledge, as they wyll answere ad justum Dei Judicium." he gave 7l. to buy a new legend, 40s. to be put into Cambridge's Chest, 20l. to be lent to two poor men going into business, on security to repay it at 7 years end. 20l. to the poor. 10l. to St. George's gild if they purchased 40s. value in houses or lands in 10 years time, and 5l. to St. Giles's parish if they purchased 5s. a year with it, to pay the poor's taxes, and also legacies to St. Luke's and St. Barbara's gilds.
  • 1503, Joan widow of John Heyne, buried in the church by her husband; and the same year the following 6 persons were interred here: Tho. Hood, skynner, and gave 10 marks towards rebuilding the church. John Balles 5 marks. John Withnale 20 marks, and 6s. 8d. towards maintaining the daily mass of Jesus and our Lady, in this church. Will. Cossyn, he gave a legacy to St. Loy's gild. Clare Withnale, widow, by her husband, gave 10 marks, Jeffery Steward, alderman, he gave Cecily his wife his swan-mark in the King's stream.
  • 1504, Agnes Est, by Rauf Est her husband, towards rebuilding the church 20l. to our Lady in the steeple, a pair of beads of silver; her executors to purchase land of 20l. value, and to settle it to keep her obit in this church, on which day every year, 2 wax candles of half a pound each shall burn on her grave; 1d. to be offered, called the mass penny, &c. her house in Cutler-rowe to be subject to find the obit, if they could not settle lands for it. 1505, Edmund Wright, 20s. to the church lights to be set before the images of our Lady in the chapel of our Lady of Grace, St. Andrew, and St. Saviour. An altar tomb was erected for himself and wife. 1508, Robert Gardiner, alderman, buried in our Lady's chapel in the steeple, gave 6l. for a pair of gilt chalices; a well disposed priest to go to Rome to sing there 13 weeks for him and his wives, and the rest of the year in St. Andrew's church, and he to have 20 marks. He gave towards finishing the glazing on the north side of the church, which was yet undone, 10l. and his name to be written in every window; the said priest, when at Rome, was to purchase a bulle, that "eche wel disposed person wiche in the chapel wher my body lyethe, say for my soule, the soules of Kateryne and Eliz. my wives, Will. and Marion his Father and Mother, and the Soules of John Drolle, Agnes and Agnes his two Wives, and Andrew Gardiner, with other Frends Soules, shall have CCC. Days pardon, if it can be purchased under the Sum of v Poundes. Item, I will that all the new Stoolynge in the Church and Isles of St. Andrew in Norwich, be made at my Cost. Item, I will that the Perke in the same Church, be made at my Cost in the middest of the same, accordyng to the old Werke made on both Sidys." 1509, Will. Boneham, rector of Horsted, gave 10 marks to glaze a window, but is not buried here. 1510, John Chirche gave a legacy to gild the image of our Lady of Grace in her chapel. 1512, Henry at Mere, alderman, buried in the churchyard. 1518, Eliz. Thursby, widow, buried in the church by alderman Rob. Aylmere, her late husband, and gave 10 marks towards finishing the church, and her best gilt chalice. 1521, Annor, widow of John Belton, goldsmith, buried in the churchyard by him, gave to the church 40s. and 2 paxes of silver of 27 ounces, and 20s. for a new tabernacle for St. Andrew. 1522, John Smarte goldsmith, buried at the south door in the churchyard, and had a marble with his name, a roll, scripture and heart of Jesus, and gave five marks towards St. Andrew's new tabernacle. 1526, Tho. Clerk, alderman, buried in the south porch by Annabill his mother, by the window of our Lady's chapel there, and had a marble laid over them; he gave to the said chapel a pair of silver chalices, and two silver gilt candlesticks to the high-altar, like those in St. Michael's in Coslany, of the gift of Mr. Gregory Clerke, weighing six score ounces, after 3s. an ounce, and his name to be graven on the feet of them. 1527, John Holly, brewer, buried by the font, gave 10l. to the church, 10s. towards making a tabernacle for St. John's image, and 3s. 4d. to the gild of our Lady in her chapel here. Eliz. his widow was buried by him the same year, and gave a cope and vestment for deacon and subdeacon, of 30l. value, and 5l. to finish St. John's tabernacle. In 1528, Simon Tower, grocer, gave a gilt tabernacle with St. Simon and Jude's images in it, to be set in the church, and tied his house to pay 1d. every Sunday to the priest, when he is saying high mass, to remember him.

The steeple was rebuilt in 1478, and was totally finished before the church and chancel were rebuilt, which begun to be pulled down for that purpose, in the year 1500; at the east end of the south isle, is St. Anne's chapel, where the gild of St. Andrew was kept; and opposite in the north isle is our Lady's chapel: under the steeple was a chapel of our Lady of Grace, in which was her image with a light always burning before it on her altar, and a gild to her honour was always held here, and Jesus mass was daily celebrated in the chapel in the north isle. There were the several tabernacles with the images in them, of St. Andrew, the Visitation of our Lady, St. Saviour, St. Nicholas, &c.

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of Peterston, whose temporals were taxed at 10s.; the Prior of St. Faith at 8s.; the Prioress of Carhow 3s.; the Dean of the Chapel in the Fields 1l. 1s. 10d.; and the Prior of Norwich at 1l. 17s. 2d. for divers rents paid him out of the houses here, of the gift of William the Cook, Ernald de Cambridge, Rog. de Hoxne, chaplain, John de Hakeford, and John son of Herbert de Norwico or Norwich.

In the nave, beginning at the west end,
James Fletcher 1741, 42, Christian his Wife 1741, 45, Nathaniel Son of Nathaniel Remington 1617, 14, James Grundy 1604, Frances Fenne 1669. Kat. Wife of John Rix 1668. Samuel their Son 1668, Henry Fyrmage Gent. 1638, Rebecka Remyngton 1604, Easter Dr. of Daniel and Easter Pycroft 1725, Will. Fyrmage a Twyn 1630, Nic. Brother to Nic. Fyrmage interred by him, Sons of Henry and Eliz. Fyrmage 1625, Will. Goddard Brasier, 1629, 78. Sarah his Wife 1722, 70, Will. Carter 1734, 84, Henry Potter Confectioner 1731, 65. Laurence Goodwin, late Alderman, 1725, 92. Barbara his last Wife, Mary his 1st Wife, and 3 of their Children. Mr. Tho. Paul 1737, 65. Eliz. his Wife 1729, 67.

Rosier, arg. on a cross formée sab. five stars of the field.

Frances Dr. of Roger Rosier of Hatthestone in Suffolk Gent. 1698, 82.

Sarah wife of Will. Lombe Merchant 1727, 68, with 4 children and 4 grand-children, Eliz. Sarah, Mary, and Thomas. Arms of Ellis.

Be sure thou Grave, thou faithfull prove, The dear Depositum observe, Tell every Sinew, Bone, and Nerve, They're all recorded in the Register above.

The font is placed on a stone that hath lost four shields, two effigies, and an inscription, but thus much of the circumscription remains.

Prey for the Soule of Robert Aylmer Citezeyn and Alderman of the Moneth of July in the Yer of our Lord God mocccco lxxxxiijo. on whose Soule God

Near it lies a stone with an effigies and this,

Orate pro anima Elizabethe filie Roberti Aylmer nuper Civis et Aldermanni Norvici que obiit xvo die Sept. Ao Dni. mocccco lxxxxiijo. cuius anime propicietur deus.

In the middle of the nave lies a stone having had a cross, with a heart in the midst, and the hands and feet of our Saviour saltier wise, to represent the five wounds, and over the cross a scroll; by the cross was the effigies with a label from its mouth, but the brass plates are reaved except this inscription,
Pray for the Soul of John Underwoov Doctor of Devynyte and Byschope of Calsedony, and Suflragan to the Byschope of Norwyche, the whiche decessid this World the xvij Daye of Maye in the yere of our Lorde God, a thousent ccccc forty on, on whose Soule Jesu have Marry Amen.

Being a zealous Papist, and great persecutor, he was turned out of his suffraganship.

Underwood, gul. on a fess erm. between three annulets or, a lion passant az.

Cary ar. on a bend sab. three roses of the field. Crest, a lion.

M. S. Sub tegmine hujusce Lapidis conduntur Exuviæ Thomæ Cary, Juvenis longe alijs artis scribendi peritioris, Qui cum vix quinque annos summâ diligentiâ, nec Minori Laude in eâdem inter adolescentes profecisset, deploratus omnibus occubuit Aug. 29, A° 1723, 27.

Crowe, girony of eight or and sab. on a chief of the second, two leopards heads of the first. Crest, a frette of arrows proper, impaling

Ward, chequy or and az. a bend er.

Henry Crowe of Norwich Merchant, Son of Henry Crowe of Norwich Esq. and Jane his Wife, Dr. of Sir Edward Ward lately of Bixley Bart. Mr. Hen. Crowe died April 8, 1710, 43, Mrs. Jane Crowe April 10, 1708, 33.

Alderman Rob. Gardiner's mark is on most of the principals of the roof, and in the north windows, and his effigies remains very perfect in a north isle window, and the grocers arms and Gilbert's marks on those of the south side.

In the north isle,

In St. Mary's chapel there, lies a stone with this inscribed on a brass plate,

Of your Charite pray for the Soule of John Clark late Alder- man, t tweys Meyor of thys worchiphull Cete, wyche departed owght of thys present Lyve on Mydlent Sonday, that felle the xxii Day of Marche, in the Yer of our Lord God moccccco xxvijo. t for the Sowlys of Elizabethe, Cecili, t Agnes his Wyffys t ffor all his Frends sowlls.

Against the north wall of this chapel, is fixed a small mural monument for Alderman Rob. Garsett, who died March 18, 1611, leaving issue, Eliz. and Robert, who erected the monument in 1613. There is a bust of the alderman, with Robert on his knees, at his right hand, and Eliz. at his left, and
Garsett's arms, arg. a saltier between four mullets sab.

At the east end wall, on the northernmost part, is a monument thus inscribed,

Hic prope Patricio Ruggorum sanguine cretus Franciscus recubat, qui septaginta duosque, Per-vivens annos, isti ter præfuit Urbi, Anna que ab Aldricijs quæ progeneratur avitis, Hujus Francisci nuper fidissima conjux, Condidit hunc Tumulum recubantis honore Mariti.

Obijt Ille die xviii° Mensis Octobris A° Dni. 1607.

Obijt Illa die xxiiio. Mensis Maij 1611.

A Senator of Senators renowned Race, Was Francis Rugg, now intombed in this Place, He was thrice Mayor in 72 Years Life, Ann, being by birth an Aldrich late his Wife, In Love hath reared this Memorial, To celebrate his worthy Name withal.

Rugg, as in Pt. I. p. 550, quarters 1st, arg. a chevron ingrailed between six keys sab. 2d, arg. a chevron ingrailed sab. between three birds. 3d, Brome. There is a crescent for difference.

The said quartered coats impale Aldrich, and there is a shield of Aldrich single.

Against the same east wall, towards the south part of this north chancel chapel, is a mural monument with the arms of

Suckling, per pale gul. and az. three bucks tripping or. Crest, a buck tripping gul. armed or.

And the portraitures of a man and woman kneeling, with a faldstool between them; behind him were five sons, and behind her are five daughters all kneeling, and over the faldstool are the city arms, There is an iron grate by it.

Robertus Sucklinge, quondam hujus Civitatis Norwici, Civis et Aldermannus, ex hâc vitâ migravit Mense Novembris A°. Dni. 1589, Erat Vir magnæ Prudentiæ et Pietatis, bis Præturam (præcipuum hujus Urbis Magistratum) Summâ suâ cum Laude gessit, suscepit ex Elizabetha, primâ ejus uxore dignissima, quinque Filios, totidemque Filias, omnes (post mortem Matris) Superstites: Equibus vero Johannis Sucklinge natû minimus (olimque Thomæ nuper Comitis Dorset, ac summi Angliœ Thesaurarij, Secretarius) sumptibus suis proprijs, hoc Monumentum, Pignus flagrantissimi Amoris ergà pios suos Parentes perlibenter posuit, Mense Augusti, A°. Salutis 1611.

Against the north wall in the same chapel, is a most sumptuous monument enclosed in an iron pallisade; at top are the crest and arms of Suckling, impaling

Cranfield, or, on a pale az. three de-lises of the field.

And three images playing on viols. On the altar tomb are the effigies of Sir John in full proportion, in armour, and his wife, both in cumbent postures; over them against the wall, is a lamp almost extinguished, and under it, Sparisco, and opposite is the ark with the dove by it, and Sciolta. Over the lamp is this, Sic depereuntes perimus. And under the ark is, post putredinem Resurrectio. At the top is a beam of light springing up, and this by it, Spero Videre Dominum in terrâ viventium. In the midst is this inscription:

MARTHÆ Vxori carissimæ Johannis Suckling Armigeri olim Thomæ (nuper Comitis Dorset, summi Angliœ Thesaurarij, Secretarij, modoque Collectoris Principalis Subsidij serenissimi Domini Regis pro omnibus Mercimonijs inducendis infra Portum Londini, ac Receptoris dicti Domini Regis omnium Finium, & Pecuniæ summarum pro Alienacionibus &c.) Qui ex illâ suscepit duos Filios, Quatuorque Filias, omnes (divino favore) superstites Præclaris ornata virtutibus, vitam degens Pietate ac probitate insignem, Parentibus eximiæ bonitatis Thoma Cranfield, Mercatore Londoniensi, Martha que Uxore ejus, oriundâ; vivit annos 35 obijt Norwici vicesimo octavo die Octobris anno salutis 1613. Mœstus maritus hoc Monumentum bene merenti piè posuit.

Mirror of Time, bright Starre of Pietie, A Peereles Peece, moulded by Chastitie, Rarest of Witts, cannot give the thy due, Thou wert so good, so chast, so wise, so true, Heaven hath thy Soule, the World thy living Fame, A Tombe in Norwich, London gave thy Name.

At their heads is one son, on his knees, and this addressed to his brother kneeling at their feet.

Frater, Mater nostra non mortua est sed dormit.

And he addresses his four sisters on their knees on the south side of the tomb.

Sorores, Cui bono hœ Patris nostri Lachrimœ?

Over the youngest sister's head is this, Sed Patri, et nobis, periculosissimæ.

The eldest answers, Non Matri. the 2d. Non Patri. the 3d. Nec Nobis.

At the west end of the altar tomb, is a ship carved, under full sail, in a storm, to represent the dangers and uncertainty of human life, and under it,
Sin viento soy nada.

At the east end are carved dry and dead bones, with grass, flowers and trees springing from them, as an emblem of the resurrection.

Ni croissons, ny Tombons, en semble.

This Sir John Suckling, was son of Robert Suckling, Esq. alderman and mayor of Norwich, and Eliz. his wife, and father of the famous poet Sir John Suckling; he was of Greys-Inn, and afterwards settled at Whitton in Middlesex, was made one of the principal secretaries of State, March 1622; and was afterwards comptroller of the household to King James I. and Charles I. to which last he was a privy counsellor; Sir John Suckling, his son, the poet, was 19 years old at his death, which happened March 27, 1627, when he was buried here by his wife.

His will is dated 30 Sept. 1626. "Item, whereas I have erected in the parish church of St. Andrewe in the city of Norwich, two severall monuments, the one in memory of my late worthy and religious parents Rob. Suckling Esq. sometime citizen and alderman of the said city, and Elizabeth his wife; and the other in memory of my late dear wife Mrs. Martha Suckling, and whereas I have for about the space of 12 years last past given several summes of money unto the poore of the parishes of St. Andrew aforesaid, St. Augustine, St. George of Colgate, and St. Saviours in the said city, with a yearly allowance to a preacher for the making of a sermon on the feast of St. Simon and Jude, and also to the clerk of the parish of St. Andrew aforesaid, for looking to the said monuments. Now I being very desirous to have a perpetual contynuance, as well of the said monuments, as of the said christian and Charitable worke, in lasting memory of my said dear parents and wife, it is my special desire and intention, to give a yearly summe of money to be distributed yearly for ever, for the preaching of a sermon in the parish church of St. Andrew aforesaid, on the Friday next after the feast of St. Simon and Jude in every year, between the howers of two and four of the clocke, in the afternoon, of the same day, by some godly and learned minister and preacher of the word of God to be thereunto appointed, by my eldest son John Suckling, during his life, and after, by the mayor of the said city of Norwich for the tyme being; also toward releiving of the poor of the parishes aforesaid, and for the gratifying such others for their pains and diligence therein to be had, as herein after is expressed. And therefore to that use and purpose, I do give, devise, and bequeath, unto the said mayor, sheriffs, aldermen, and common councell of the said city of Norwich, and to their successors for ever, one annuitie or yearly summe of eight pounds of lawfull money of England, to be issuing, payable, and leviable, out of all that the scite of my manor of Barsham in the countie of Suffolk, and out of all such other my lands, tenements, and hereditaments, as do belong to my said manor of Barsham in the county of Suffolk, to have, hold, levy, and receive, the said annuitie of 8 pounds, unto the said mayor, &c. for ever, at the feast of St. Michael yearly, or at the furthest within 20 days next after the same, and if the same be unpaid at any time, they to distrain, &c. And I will that the said mayor, sheriffs, aldermen, &c. shall yearly for ever, give and distribute the said annuity of 8l. as follows, viz. to the said preacher being nominated as aforesaid, who shall preach the said sermon in St. Andrew's church, on the Friday next St. Simon and Jude yearly as aforesaid, twenty shillings, to be paid yearly to such preacher, as soon as his said sermon is ended; at which sermon, I desire the mayor of the said city of Norwich, with the sword-bearer and 3 or 4 justices of the peace, and the sheriffs of the city for the time being, to be present yearly, &c." The mayor to have 2s. 6d. and 7s. 6d. to be divided among the justices, sheriffs, and sword-bearer, and the mayor, &c. to pay yearly the sum of 6l. parcel of the said 8l. to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor for the time being, to be distributed among the poor sort of people of their several parishes, on every such Friday after St. Simon and Jude, viz. to the poor of St. Andrew's 40s. of St. Augustine 40s. of St. George of Colgate 35s. and of St. Saviour 5s.

And that the said mayor, &c. shall yearly for ever, deliver and pay the sum of 10s. residue of the said yearly sum of 8l. unto the parish clerk of the said parish of St. Andrew for the tyme being, upon the Friday aforesaid in every year, for his pains in making and keeping clean of the said monuments; and that the said mayor, &c. will be always mindfull to call upon the church-wardens of the said parish of St. Andrew, to cause the said parish clerk to do according to my said meaning; and my intent is, that the gifts by me herein before willed and given to the poor of the said several parishes, and to the parish clerk aforesaid, shall be no cause or any diminution of any other charitable benevolences or pentions, to be given to the same poor, or of any wages to the said parish clerk. Provided always, that for the more sure distribution of the said 8l. per annum the mayor, &c. shall bind themselves to the dean and chapter, and if they do not, this gift to be void, and to devolve to the dean and chapter, who in that case are to bind themselves to the mayor, &c. for full and true performance of it.

Also I will, that my executors within three years next after my decease, bestowe 40l. to buy land of inheritance for the said parish of St. Andrew, (where I was born) and the yearly profits thereof, arising to go onely to the repair of the two monuments aforesaid, which are by me erected within the chancel of the said church of St. Andrew, and not otherwise wherein I have appointed to be buried near my late dear wife. Yet it is my desire, that the churchwardens there would repair the church it's self with the yearly profits of the said land, untill the monuments or either of them have need of reparations, and when they are in want and decay, the said churchwardens are then presently to repair them out of the yearly profits of the said land, for which end and purpose I bequeath the said 40l. as aforesaid, requiring my executors to be carefull in the performance of the same accordingly." And they procured the said manor of Barsham to be charged with the annuity of 40s. so that the whole is now [1745] 10l. notwithstanding which, the tombs are in a ruinous dirty condition, the very letters being almost illegible.

The same Sir John Suckling in his donation to the Norfolk preachers at the cathedral, appointed another sermon to be preached yearly at St. Andrew's church, on the Sunday sevenight after Michaelmas synod, between 2 and 4 o'clock, for acknowledging God's mercies and favours towards him; for which the preacher receives 10s.

In the window over the last mentioned monument, is the effigies of William Layer, who was mayor in 1537, and his arms, quartering arg. on a bend gul. three cinquefoils or, with his merchant mark.

Westhorp, sab. a lion rampant er. crowned or, impaling Gooch.

Mr. John Westhorp died 1687.

Edward son of Eliz. Rand 1737, 12. Mary his sister 1739, 23.

Salter's arms and crest. John Salter, Esq. late mayor, 20 Nov. 1669, 77. Henry Reeve Gent. 1720, Hen. son of John Dannye 1674, Sarah Lombe 19 Aug. 1694, Tho. Linstead 1676, 55. Linstede or Linstead's arms. sab. a saltier between 4 arrows arg. Crest two single bows in saltier sab.

Fui Paynellus Brome, Filius Nathanielis Brome Gen. & Franciscæ Uxoris ejus, obiit 15° die Junij A. D. 1671.

Crest, a stag's head erased. Amyas arg. a boar's head cooped between three croslets fitché sab.

Audry Wife of John Amyas Surgeon, 5 June 1737, 34, in the same grave with Thomas Howes late of this Parish her Father, who died Dec. 15, 1738, and Audry her Mother, April 3, 1716.

There is a neat mural monument against the north wall, with the arms of Wingfield, impsling az. two bendlets between two estoils or.

Haud procul ab hoc marmore Exuvias suas deponi voluit Robertus Wingfield, hujus urbis Indigena, Adolescentium in artibus computandi & scribendi Præceptor peritissimus, necnon Humanitate, Prudentiâ & Probitate Ornatissimus. Natus 3° die Decembris A. D. 1694, mortuus 17° Septembris A. D. 1742.

Heu! Pietas; Heu! Prisca Fides.

Duo etiam Pueruli sui in eodem Sepulchro sunt conditi.

Nuthall, arg. a shackle-bolt sab.

Sub hoc marmore requiescunt Corpora Thomæ Nuttall qui obiit 3° die Decem. A. D. MDCCIXo Æt. suæ LXXo et Mariæ Uxoris ejus, que obijt xiiio die Julij A. D. MDCCXXIo. Æt. suæ LXXXo Hic etiam jacet Corpus Saræ nuper Uxoris Benja mini Nuthall Filij prædicti Thomæ quæ obijt ivo die Aug. A. D. 1713, Æt. suæ XXXIXo. ad pedem hujus Lapidis jacent Corpora quorundam Infantium dicti Benjamini, tam ex predictâ Sara quàm ex Maria Uxore ejus secundâ, genitorum,
On a mural monument against the north wall,

Riveley ar. a fess between three squirrels sejant gul. each eating an apple or, impaling, per chevron ar. and gul. an annulet in fess, counterchanged, a canton of the 2d.

Juxta depositæ sunt Reliquiæ Edwardi Riveley A. M. qui per triginta quatuor annos in Ecclesijs, Parochianis Sti. Benedicti, Sti. Swithini, S. Margaretæ, in hac Civitate, Boni Pastoris officio functus; tandem fato cessit, Mercedem in Celis reportaturus, obijt vicesimo primo die Maij, Anno salutis MDCCXXIXo. Ætatis LXIV.

Hic. jacet Carolus, charissimus Filius Benedicti Riveley S. T. P. et hujus Ecclesiæ Pastoris, Juvenis summa spei, et in vitâ et in morte, Cui dedit Lumen villa de Southacre in Norfolc. Literaturam, Schola Norvic. Gradum in Artibus, Academia Cantabr. Locum inter Socios Aula de Clare ibidem, inter Sanctos, Domus Dei, quæ est in Cælis; evasit, erupit, excessit, annos natus pene 22, Mart. 8, 1682.

At each end of the two isles are doors entering from the porches, and over them are the following verses. Over the south isle door.

This Church was builded of Timber, Stone, t Brichs. In the Year of our Lord God xv hundred and sir, And lately translated from ertreme Joolatry, A thousand five hundred and seven and fortie. And in the first year of our noble Ring Edward, The Gospel in Parliament was mightily set forward.

Thanks be to God. Anno Dom. 1547, Decemb.

Over the north isle door;

As the Good King Josiah being tender of Age Purged the Realm from all Jdolatry, Even so our noble Queen t Counsell sage, Set up the Gospell and banisht Popery. At twenty fower Years began she her Reigne, And about forty fource did it mayntain.

Glory be given to God.

Mr. William Jackson, Master of the King's hospital in Norwich, Dec 30, 1626. Ellen his wife 2 Nov. 1622.

On a brass plate on a stone in the middle of this isle,
Hic jacet Corpus AnnÆ Vxoris Augustini Blomefielde, Generosi quæ obiit vio die Julii Anno Dni. 1634.

In the chancel,
On the principals of the roof are the arms of Bishop Goldwell, who was a considerable benefactor to it, as also those of Bishop Nix, in whose time it was finished; and on the outside at the east end are three niches, the images are pulled out of them, but there remain 15 shields: 1, a lion rampant for Goldwell, and 2, the same impaling Goldwell with the three wells on the chief. 3, an eagle displayed with two heads. 4, England single. 5, the East-Angles arms. 6 the city arms. 7, St. George's cross over France and England quartered. 8, St. Andrew's cross. 9, the instruments of the passion. 10, the emblem of the sacrament, viz. three cups and wafers on them. 11, St. George's cross. 12, quarterly a bendlet. 13, a lion rampant quartering chequy. 14, a lion rampant. 15, a saltier ragulé. In the east window is the story of the serpent lifted up in the wilderness, and the stoning the man that gathered sticks on the Lord's day.

There is a handsome set of plate belonging to the altar; 1st, a fine old gilt cup made by the parish in 1568. 2d, a handsome standing cup and cover, the gift of Mr. Nathaniel Remyngton, alderman. 3d, a large silver paten, the gift of Eliz. Salter, 1680. 4, a large offering dish of 47 ounces weight. Ex Dono Laurentij Goodwyn Armigeri hujus Civitatis nuper Prætoris. To do good and communicate forget not, Ao. Xti 1704. There are also two noble flaggons of his gift, one weighs above 59 ounces, and the other above 58: on each is this, Altari Ecclesiœ Sti. Andreœ in Civit. Norvic. Consecratum 1704.

There is a branch of 16 sockets, and in the south vestry (which is tiled) are several old books, among which a qo. MS. of Trevisa's translation of the Epistles, Gospels, and most of the New Testament, in which is this,
O Deus Anselmi, Barbour, miserere Wylelmi.

On a brass under the altar,
Here lyeth the Body of the vertuous and Religeous Mrs. Anne Skelton, the Wife of William Skelton Gent. she was the Dr. of the Worshipfull Mr. Nic. Crispe, Marchant Adventurar of London, 13 July 1648. William Skelton Gent. Febr. 2°. 1658, 86.

Skelton, az. on a fess between three de-lises or, a Cornish chough proper, impaling
Crispe, arg. on a chevron sab. five horse-shoes or.

Eliz. wife of Henry Watts, Esq. 1649.

There is a flat stone with this inscription in the altar rails,
To the pious Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Coulson, Widow and Relict of Christopher Coulson Esq. of great Ayton in Cleveland in the County of York, who lies buried in the Round of the Temple Church. She was one of the Daughters of John Man Esq; formerly of this Parish, High Sheriff of the County of Norfolk, fined for Sheriff of London, and was Mayor of this City in the Year 1653. She died at Thorp the 29th. of Jan. 1732, in the 88th. Year of her Age; and lieth here buried near her Father, and other Relations.

On the south side of the altar, is a neat mural monument for the same person, with this inscription,
Near this Place are interred the Remains of Mrs Eliz. Coulson, late of Thorp near Norwich, Widow of Christopher Coulson of Ayton in the County of York Esq; and Dr. of John Mann of this Parish Esq; sometime Mayor of this City, and High Sheriff of the County of Norfolk. She died January 29th. in the Year of Our Lord 1732, and of her Age the 88th.

Out of Gratitude and Honour to the Memory of so near and dear a Relation, her Grand-daughter and Executrix Mrs. Eliz. Skottowe, since the Wife of Dr. Thomas Tanner Bishop of St. Asaph, hath caused this Monument to be erected.

In a lozengé, Coulson arg. two luces hauriant sab. chained together or, impaling

Mann, sab. on a fess counter-embattled, between three goats or, as many pellets.

Within the altar rails is a stone disrobed of its inscription, with the effigies of a mayor and his wife, with their mark, which shows me that it lies over Will. Layer, who was mayor in 1537, and his wife.

There is a hatchment on the south side of the altar, for Justice Nicholas Helwys.

Crest, a goat's head erased arg.

Helwys, or, a bend gul. surmounted by a fess az.; a crescent gul. for difference, quartering,
1. Gul. a griffin arg. 2. Gul. a chevron betwixt three eagles displayed ar. impaling,

Grimes, arg. three cross taus or, (but they should be three mallets or,) the same on a pretence.

On a mural monument on the north side of the altar opposite to the former,
Crest, a dolphin embowed vert, armed gul.

Havet, vert, on a fess between three angle hooks arg. three delises sab. impaling

Hastyngs, arg. a maunch sab.

To the Memory of Mr. John Havet late of this City Merchant, who departed this Life the 6th Day of Febr. 1724, aged 91.

And of Ann his Wife, one of the Daughters of Martin Hastings, late of Hindringham in the County of Norfolk Esq; she died the 27th. of Aug. 1710, aged 70 Years. They had issue nine Children, several of which lie interred with their Parents near this Monument.

Alderman George Gobbet, sometime Sheriff of this City, Nov. 7, 1723, aged 54 Years. Eliz. his Wife Sept. 9, 1721, aged 38.

Mary the Wife of John Boyce, Dr. of the above Mr. George Gobbet, Aug. the 9th. 1729, aged 35.

Susan the Wife of Thomas Wiss of this City Esq; the 15th of Aug. 1679. Also Tho. Wiss Esq; March the 4th 1702, 78.

Crest, a demi-lion proper, holding a trefoil or.

Wiss, per chevron gul and erm. in chief a bezant between two trefoils or.

On a monument against the south wall of the south isle, not far from the west end,
M. S.

Saræ Uxoris Ben-Josephi Ellis, A. M. meritò desiderabilis, Filiæq; Johannis Goose, hujus Civitatis nuper Prætoris, primogenitæ. Quæ obijt Apr. 26, Anno Dom. 1724, Ætat. 36. Et cujus (si cujusvis) maritus, Solomonis aphorismi vim expertus, huic marmori inseruit. Prov. 18, 22, Qui consequitur Uxorem, consequitur bonum, et favorem obtinet â Deo.

In St. Anne's chapel, at the east end of this isle,
On a small black stone fixed against the wall, is this inscribed;

Near this Place resteth the Body of Mary the Wife of Samuel Manning, who departed this Life the 31st. of Decemb. 1713. Also 3 of their Children.

Over the vestry door, is a mural monument, on which

Rogerus Crowe, cujus Reliquiæ non procul hinc marmore obteguntur. Ex opibus quas è foro congessit haud mediocres, centum libras huic urbi legavit, easq; quinq; artificibus post tyrocinium suum probè peractum, singulis scilicet viginti Libras pro septennio gratis collocandas.

Crowe's arms; see p. 33, and Pt. I. p. 425.

On a flat stone,
Rogerus Crowe medij Templi Londinensis Generosis, Qui hic sepultus jacet, et cujus munificentiæ Monumentum in proximo videre licet pariete, obijt quinto die Octobris Anno Dom. 1690, annoq; ætatis suæ quinquagesimo primo.

Let Charity this Man commend To diligent Apprentices, whose End Brought Mony to their City, Stock to lend.

Near it is a large mural monument with this, Suckling Jay of Holveston in the County of Norff. Esq; for the perpetuating the Memory of his honourable Father John Jay of Holveston aforesaid Esq; who died in 1619, in the 56 Year of his Age, and also of his ever honourable Mother Lucy Johnston (Wife of the said John Jay) who died in 1647, in the 70th. Year of her age. And also of his dearely beloved Wife Bridget Heveningham, who died in 1639, in the 25th. Yeare of her age, and lye all of them here interred, erected this Monnument, and was him Selfe afterwards buried by them in 1677, in the 74th. Yeare of his Age.

Vive Deo, tibi mors requies, tibi vita Labori, Nam postrema dies, sit tibi prima quies.

Jay, gul. on a bend ingrailed ar. three roses of the field, seeded or.

Jay impales Heveningham, and Johnston, per pale sab. and az. on a saltier ar. between three castles, one in chief, two in fess sab. and two spears in saltier or, in base, five cocks gul. armed or.

On a flat stone. Here lyeth Suckling Jay Esq; who erected this monument.

Arthur Haslewood, March 22d. 1671. aged 78. Martha Haslewood his Daughter, the 8th. of Sept. 1719, aged 42.

In the south isle is a stone having a brass with the effigies of a mayor in his robes, remaining, which probably was for Tho. Bewfield, who was mayor in 1488, for in 1504, Catherine his widow was buried here, and gave 26s. 8d. towards building the church.

Thomas Nelson 1695, aged 84. Thomas Whaley 1714, 31. Arthur Haslewood 1684, 46. Eliz. Haslewood his wife, 1715, 71, Arthur Haslewood 1740, 66. Mary Dr. of Stephen and Eliz. Gooch, 1740, 29. Edward Ward Gent. 1741, 38. Francis Burgess 1706, 30. Thomas Hey 1719, 73. William Hartley and Eliz. his Wife, she died 1659, 66, he 1681, 93.

Susan Dr. of James Baldwin Gent. and Frances his Wife, 1669. Baldwin, arg. a saltier sab. impaling barry of 8.

Edward Hyrne 1658. Eliz. Dr. of Edw. and Ann Buxton 1664, Edw. their son 1754, Mr. Edw. Buxton 1665. Luce late Wife of John Jay of Holveston Esq; 1617. Martha widow of George Herring Gent. 1653, Mary Dr. of John and Eliz. Keene 1662.

Robert Gooch Gent. Sheriff of Norwich. 1660.

Gooch's arms, as in Pt. I. p. 598. Mrs. Mary Gooch his Wife, 1661, Gooch impales a chevron between three carpenters squares.

John Cobbe Apothecary 1574, Susan Dr. of Ralf Bleverhasset Esq. Wife of Thomas Buxton of this Parish 1651, 23.

Daniel Latthow, born May 28, 1585, died Sept. 2, 1614.

Whose Vertues cause him live, tho' hee, From Mortall Eyes, here hidden bee.

There is a stone by the west door of this isle, that hath lost two effigies, inscriptions, &c. but the merchant mark with J. C. and seven children's effigies, remain. Which shows me that it was laid over Alderman John Cambridge in 1442, who was buried as before, whence the stone was removed.

  • 1502, Nic. Colich, alderman, gave 20l. to be lent gratis to two poor men, at 10l. each, when they went into business, on giving security for the repayment; and there is some money now lent out in this way.
  • 1574, June 7, Roger Munnes gave his tenements in St. George's of Colegate, to the parish to be in 12 of the parishioners hands as feoffees, and when six of them be dead, the survivors are to make a feofment to 12 others; the clear profits are to be bestowed every Christmas for wood, coales, and clothes, or such like;" at the discretion of the church-wardens and two principal inhabitants; the church-wardens to have 4s. for their pains. It is now 12l. per annum, and is given in coals, and lies about the middle of Bridge-street on the east side thereof.

Suckling Jay, Esq. gave 8l. per annum, out of which 3s. worth of bread is divided among the poor every Sunday.

Mr. Nowel Sotherton of Grey's Inn, one of the Barons of the Exchequer in James the First's time, gave 100l. to the corporation, for which Sept. 5, 1607, they granted a yearly rent charge out of their manor of Hawkyns in Barnham Broome, to be paid to the churchwardens of St. Andrew's yearly, who are to pay for a sermon here on Easter Tuesday in every year 6s. 8d. and to the clerk 3s. 4d. and to divide 20d. every Sunday among the poor, and the first payment began on the 18th of Sept. the same year.

There are also two estates belonging to the parish for the reparation of the church; one lies in St. Giles, next the city walls on the south side of Pottersgate, and is leased at 12l. 10s. per annum, the other in St. Saviour's parish in Rotten-rowe, opposite to the lane leading to St. Paul's church, and is leased at 10l. per annum.

The chest in the vestry was called Cambridge's chest, because he first established it at his death in 1442, leaving 10l. to be put therein, and be lent to poor people gratis by little sums by the church-wardens, they taking pledges for the repayment of them: in 1504, Nic. Colich, alderman, gave 40s. to it, and it was increased so, that in 1650, the stock was 50l. but in 1656, it was found to be all misemployed, and converted to other uses, by the parishioners; on which a decree passed, that in ten days time it should be put there, in order, "to be lent out to poore people of the same parishe, upon pawnes, without paying any thing for loane thereof," according to the true intent of the donor. Cambridge's 10l. still remain in the hands of the church-wardens.

In 1488, the parishioners had a tenement late of Margaret Ives, which is now the most southern part of the present parsonage garden; the parish-clerk's house, which joins to the parsonage, was of Mr. Rugg's gift; and the parsonage-house was purchased in 1570, of Rob. Stephenson, and one Allen, for 100l. and the garden on the west side of it is an hospital lease, for which the church-wardens pay 1l. yearly, and was anciently the site of the parsonage of St. Crowche's church.

In 1625, in the chamberlain's account, a rent of 3d. was received by him of John Puttock, Gent. for a tenement some time the widow Hogen's, after belonging to the church-wardens of St. Andrew, and lately to Mrs. Puttock, widow. And also 6d. of Mr. Christopher Barret, alderman, for part of a tenement some time John Withnale's, after belonging to the church-wardens of St. Andrew, who also formerly had a tenement and yard in Upper Newport-street, all which, it is likely, were seized at the Reformation.

There are 8 bells and a clock here, and on the biggest bell is this
Let us sound, and tune together, England's sweet Peace for ever.

Dean Prideaux says, this donative is endowed with 15l. per annum that the arbitrary contributions were 70l. per annum, in all 85l. Here is service once every Sunday.

Hall's sacramental lectures are preached the Friday before the the first Sunday in every month, alternately, at St. Peter Mancroft, St. Andrew, St. George of Colgate, and St. John of Timberbill. See Pt. I. p. 437.

The Lecturers following were nominated by the Corporation.

  • 1718, Mr. Rively.
  • 1719, Mr. Salter.
  • 1720, Mr. Richardson.
  • 1721, Mr. Jeffery.
  • 1722, Mr. Brand.
  • 1723, Mr. Burges.
  • 1724, Mr. Manlove.
  • 1725, Mr. Thornton.
  • 1726, Mr. Lever.
  • 1727, Mr. Suton.
  • 1728, Mr. Herne.
  • 1729, Mr. Harvey.
  • 1730, Mr. Beales.
  • 1731, Mr. Bennet.
  • 1732, Mr. Ray.
  • 1733, Mr. Ames.
  • 1734, Mr. Taylor.
  • 1735, Mr. Brooks.
  • 1736, Mr. Burcham.
  • 1737, Mr. Gogill.
  • 1738, Mr. Arnam.
  • 1739, Mr. Blackburne.
  • 1740, Mr. Meagoe.
  • 1741, Mr. Smith.
  • 1742, Mr. Brand.
  • 1743, Mr. Brooks.
  • 1744, The Rev. Mr. Hethe, vicar of Geyton in Norfolk, the present [1745] lecturer.

For Dr. John Cosin Bishop of Durham, see Pt. I. p. 416: who by will dated 11 Dec. 1671, gave to the poor prisoners in the goals at York, Peterburgh, Cambridge, and Norwich, 50l.; to the poor people in Norwich cathedral's Precinct, and in St. Andrew's, where he was born, and educated in his minority, 20l. and 20l. to the cathedral, 10l. of which to be laid out for a table or memorial of Dr. Overall, Bishop there, whose chaplain he was.

At the north-east corner of this churchyard, is St. Andrew's common Well, which in Queen Elizabeth's time was made a common pump, as it still remains; and on the south side of the churchyard, the whole length of it, is

The City Bridewell, which is a noted building, being esteemed the most curious wall of black flints in all England, for its neat work and look, the stones being broken so smooth, and joined so well; it was owned by Bartholemew Appilyerd, bailiff here in 1372; but the present building was built by William, his eldest son, who was the first mayor of Norwich, and kept his first mayoralty here in 1403; and in 1418, he settled it on Margaret his wife, and Rob. de Erpingham, parson of Braken, his trustee; who with Nic. Appleyerd, their son, released it to Tho. Ingham; it came afterwards to Tho. Cambridge, who, in 1454, conveyed it to John Paston, &c. who released it in 1488, to James Hobard, and he in 1491, to Philip Curson; but it seems as if these were all in trust only, for in 1520, Curson released it to Roger Appleyard, Esq. of Braken, who in 1522, sold it to Rob. Browne, whose son, Rob. Browne, in 1536 sold it to Tho. Codde, and he in 1546, to John Sotherton, and he in 1557, with Helen his wife, sold it to Nic. Sotherton in trust, for Mr. Baron Sotherton, his brother; and it contained the whole space encompassed within the several lanes and streets about it, and hath been a long time used as a common bridewell, or house of correction.

Between the lane at the end of this chancel, and that leading out of Wimer's-street to the Red Well, where the late Mr. Havet's house stands, opposite to the Friar's-preachers churchyard, anciently stood

(91) The Church of St. Christopher


Which was one of the old churches demolished by fire in Henry the Third's time, and was never rebuilt; it was perpetually united to St. Andrew's, and the churchyard annexed to that rectory, and went, at the appropriation of it, to the dean and chapter of the college of St. Mary in the Fields, by whom it was leased out, and then built upon, and was afterwards Alderman Cambridge's, as is before said; its parish included all between the two lanes aforesaid, and part of the north side of Cutler-rowe, to which there was an entrance from the churchyard; and some of its parish was annexed to St. Michael at Plea; but the greater part of it to St. Andrew's.

(92) The Church of St. Michael at Pleas


Was built in form of a cross, consisting of a nave, south and north transept chapels, and a chancel, which are all leaded; it hath a square tower, clock, and five bells, besides the saints bell; there is also a vestry on the north side of the chancel, besides a south porch, and another chapel built against the south side of the chancel, and joined to the east side of the south transept.

In the chancel, on flat stones within the rails:

Sub hoc marmore, situs est Vir integerrimus, Johannes Peck Armiger, Thomæ pronepos, una cum optima carissimaque conjuge Sarâ è Whartonum Gentè in Agro Nottinghamiensi, Idem jam complectitur Sepulchrum, quos annos propre quadraginta affectus mutui conjunxerant, et nuptiæ imitatione dignissimæ. E Liberis IX, Masculis VI, Fœmellis III, thalami castissimi incrementis, filios duos unamque filiam superstites reliquerunt simul ac pientissimos, cæteris ineunte primâ Infantiâ, jam olim defunctis. Natus est ille Apr. XV. MDCLII. obijt Mart. V. MDCCXXXII. Illa Decemb. XXI, MDCLXVII mortalitatis primum habuit diem, Mart: XX, MDCCXXIX, supremum. Si quid ultra quæris, scias utrosq; re modicâ contentos: privatam Vitæ sortem virtutem parum vulgari ornâsse; et sæculi labe intactos, Parentum, Amicorum, Hominum, officia omnia explevisse.

Peck's arms and crest impaling Wharton, sab. a maunch arg.

P. Parham M. A. ob Jun. 1mo 1720, Æt. 29. Anto: Filius 4tus Petr. Parham M. D. & Susannæ Uxoris, natus 7 hebd: obijt Aug. 26, 1685. Johnes: Filius 5tus Novimestr. obijt Aprilis 26, 1687. Petrus Filius 2dus natus annos 5 demptis tantum unde viginti diebus obijt Octob. 29, 1687. Susan Filia 2da. Pet. Parham M. D. & Sus. Ux. nat. 14 Septem. obijt Febr. 16, 1689. Gul. Fil. nonus undenos Mens. obijt Julij 19, 1693. Susan Fila. tertia sex ann. nat obijt Sept. 23, Anno Dni. 1700.

Susan Sparrow Ux. Antonij nup. Epi. Norw. Def. obijt viceso die Men. Aug. Ano. Dni, 1697, Ætat. suæ 76.

Nicholaus Parham A. M. Socius Caio-Gonvil: filius natù maximus Petri Parham M. P. avito hoc fruitur tumulo, denatus VIIIo die Augusti Anno Dni. MDCCXXIIIo;
Fas sit illorum misereri cineres Mira cum esset animarum similitudo Eandem Vivi excoluerunt Pietatem Eandem mortui affectant Beatitudinem.

Hic situs est Samuel Cooper, Civis, Amicus, Pater. obijt 6°. Decem. Anno Salutis MDCCXLIo Ætatis LXIo.

On the south side without the rails:

Edmond Rogers 10th. Octob. 1692, 73, Bridgett his wife 12t Aug. 1700, aged 76.

In the south chapel, a stone with the arms of Guyborn,

Mary and Frances Guyborn, Mary died Feb. 23d, 1709, aged 73, Frances May the 20th. 1709, Grace wife of Thomas Havers Octob. the 16, 1718, aged 63, Tho. Havers Esq; 1732, aged 86. Havers impaling Berney.

Edward Phillips Nov. 6, 1720, aged 35.

Mary the Wife of Rob. Sadler June 17th. 1709, aged 37, Robert Sadler 1714, aged 42, also his 2d wife Ann the Daughter of Peter Thacker Esq. Aug, 15th, 1706, aged 31, and Robert his Son July 15, 1699.

Crest, a demi-lion crowned; Sadler, or, a lion rampant per fess gul. and az.

Mr. Samuel Mann Sept. 12th. 1733, aged 50, Mary his Daughter Nov. 5th. 1718.

On a plain mural monument against the west end of the south transept chapel:

Sacred to the Memory of Bridget the late Wife of Mr. Samuel Man whose conjugal Affection to her Husband, tender Care in the Education of her Children, and affable Behaviour to her Friends and Neighbours, procured her the just Esteem and Love of all that knew her. She died March 16th. 1726, aged 39 Years.

Crest, a demi-griffin or, armed gul.

Mann, az. on a fess embattled between three goats trippant or, three pellets.

Impaling az. an eagle displayed or.

On a very neat monument against the south wall,

Sacred to the Memory of John Boseley Gent. who died 27 Decem. 1739, aged 79, and Abigail his Wife died 10th April, 1738, aged 71, and also Thomas their Son died 17th May. 1715, aged 20. This monument is erected by John Bosely of Terrington Gent.

Boseley, impaling three escalops, 2 and 1.

Two exceeding large stones lie in this chapel for the founders thereof, entirely disrobed of their brasses, but their merchant marks remain on the outside of the building, carved on the stone-work in many places; as do also many shields with an alderman's gown on each, and many text [a]'s, and over the porch door is a carving of St. Michael and the dragon; and on a stone put into the church wall on the south side of the churchyard, is this,

Here lyeth the Body of honest Tho. Page, Who died in the 25th Year of his Age, 1705. Will. his Brother 1727, 64.

In the nave,

Jermey Gooch Gent. 28 Jan. 1652. John his son 1653. Jermey another Son 1669. Gooch impales Parmenter.

Jane Wife of Tho. Keregan Gent. 1709. 37, Robert Lulman Gent. 1732. Pepys's arms. Mr. John Pepys Publick Notary and Deputy Register of the Archdeaconry of Norwich 1716, 31. Rob. Craen 1674. Charles Marsh 1727, 43.

There have been eight stalls taken out of the chancel, which are now set about the church; and there still remain several ancient paintings on boards, as an old salutation hanging at the west entrance, and our Saviour's resurrection and crucifixion, on the north side of the entrance into the chancel; together with the Virgin of Pity, surveying her son's dead body, the salutation, Judas betraying Christ; and St. John, and the Virgin; and opposite are paintings of the crucifixion, with Mary and John by the cross, St. Margaret and the dragon, St. Benedict and St. Austin.

There are also stones for, Henry Son of Hen. Weld, 1658, James Lowe 1632, Will. Chapman 1602, John Warner 1648, Jaques de Hem 1624, 76, Tobyas de Hem Gent. 1629, Mary Dr. of Ric. and Margaret Ponder 1655, Rob. Playford the Elder 1649, Mary Wife of Ric. Farrer Alderman, and once Mayor, 1605. Barbara Wife of Will. Farrer, twice Mayor, yeilded up her Soule to the most Holy Trinity, on Trinity Eve 1588; there is a skeleton on this stone, with an Ecce quid eris. And in the north transept is a fair altar tomb, covered with one marble of 9 feet 3 inches long, and 5 feet 7 inches broad, on which is a brass plate thus inscribed,

Hodie nobis. Cras vobis.

Here resteth expecting the second Coming of our Saviour Christ Jesus, the Body of Anne Ferrer Wyfe of Robert Ferrer Alderman and twice Maior of this Citty, obijt 3° Maij Ao Dni. 1530. And the Body of William Ferrer her Sonne, Alderman and twice Maior of this Citty, obijt 9° Novembr Ao Dni. 1577. And the Body of Richard Ferrer his Sonne, Alderman and once Maior of this Citty, obijt 29° Maij Ao Dni. 1616.

And findeth that Rest within his Grave, Which in his Lyfe he could not have.

Crest, an eagle's head erased, collared. Motto, Deus videt.

Ferrer or Ferrar, verrey or and gul. on a chief sab. threelions heads arg.

By it lies Dorothy Ferrar 1687; and by her is this on a stone,

Corpora Susannæ Uxoris Johannis Havett, mulieris permodestæ, ac verè religiosæ, et Johannis Havett, prolis unicæ eorum, hic dulciter simul dormiunt in spem beatæ Resurrectionis, Hæc, 30 Julij, Ille 2 Aug. 1662.

Horrida Sum Pravis, Justis optabile Lucrum, Illos, Supplicijs, Hos, ego mitto, polis.

On the east side of the tomb lies Katherine wife of William Brome, Mayor of Norwich died Febr. 1569.

In the chancel, at the east end, hangs a table

To the Memory of John Harbord of Gunton Esq; by whose generous Benefaction of one hundred Pounds, and the kind Assistance of the Parishioners, this Chancel had a new Roof put upon it, and (being before thatched) was covered with Lead, Ao. 1711.

And under it is the crest and shield of Harbord.

There are also hatchments with the arms and crest of Peck impaling Hastyngs, motto, Pour mon Foy. And Brereton, arg. two bars sab. a crescent or, on a crescent sab. for difference.

On the north side of the altar lie, Robert Son of Sam. Cooke and Susanna his wife, 1682, 15 Days, Samuel their Son 1688, 5, Robert 2d son of that name, 1689, 45 Weeks, John a Son 1689, 2, Susanna a Dr. 1693, Thomas, a son, 1694, Ric. their Son 1739, 33, Susanna Wife of the said Sam. Cooke 1720, 63.

Tho' dead yet dear, tho' dear yet dead to me, Dead are their Bodies, but dear their Memory.

Bridget Sherringham 1658, Cath. Holbecke widow, Martha Baker 1652, Alice Dr. of Robert and Alice Suffield 1713, 13, Sarah Grove, great Aunt to the said Alice, 1720, 73.

In this same Grave, my Body lies at rest, 'Till Christ my King shall raise me to be blest.

Over the entrance of the vestry, (which is tiled,) on a mural monument,

Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Nicholas Browne, some time Register for the Archdeaconry of Norwich, who discharged that Office many Years with universal Esteem, for his Honesty and Ability, he died Aug. 7, 1681, and lays buried in the vault within this vestry, rebuilt at his own Expence; In the same lay Mr. Nicholas Browne his Son, and Successor in his Registership, who died June 25th 1706, and Mrs. Mary Cobb his Daughter, who died Apr. 21, 1710. This Monument was set up at the charge of the said Mrs. Mary Cobb, and her Executrix Mrs. Ann Browne.

On the pillar opposite to this monument, is another, on the upper part of which, is a faldstool placed between John Playford and Rebecca his wife; over her head is,

Terram terra tegit, Spiritus alta petit.

Over his head is, Fide, —Et nos Ordine Sequemur.

Behind her are the effigies of her dead children, and this, Mortuæ Vita.

Behind him are his living children, and Viventis Memoria.

Sponsa decens, suavis conjux, perpulcra, pudica, Ingeniosa fuit, simplex, fœcunda, benigna, Dignaque Luce Diuturniore, nisi quod Luce, Meliore digna.

Whose onely Dust doth here in Pawne remaine, That those now parted, once shall meet againe,

Rebeccæ Uxoris charissimæ ac dilectissimæ Johannis Playford Corpus hìc inferius requiescit, cui ex illâ nati, nati quatuor, quorum cum illo duo vivunt, duoque verò cum illâ dormiunt, obijt sexto Januarij 1614, Ætatis 24.

On a stone under it,

Johannes Playford et Rebecca Uxor ejus sub hoc marmore requiescunt, obijt Johannes Jan. 22° Ao Dni. 1639.

There is a handsome mural monument on the north part of the altar, against the east chancel wall, having the arms of

Peck, arg. on a chevron ingrailed gul. three croslets patté of the field, impaling

Guyborn, or, a lion rampant sab. surmounted of a bend gul. charged with three escalops arg.

Fato Sacrum.

Thomas Pecke, inclytæ hujus Civitatis Civis, Senator, & bis Prœfectus, Denisenariæ prolis Pater, Vir pius, ornatus & liberalis eximiè, cui, non nisi amico sale condita arridebant Opsonia, tandem, autem quò innotesceret, ut vel præclara virtus, utcunque mori non possit, ad humum tamen usque possit procidere, hic jacet, sepultus, Feb. 26°. A. D. 1591.

Ursula Pecke Fœmina viro consimilis, et illi, non minus animo, quam Thalamo, conjuncta, nè nesciremus Charitatem in terris æquè ac in Cœlis post Fata superesse posse, Monumentario hoc opere comitem diutius se præbet marito, interijt Oct. 10°, 1607.

Blest Payre by Death not sever'd, whom as one Bed did containe, so doth this weeping Stone, Sleepe, gently sleepe, slumber this Night away, The World at last shall burne, and make it Day.

There are stones in the chancel for,

Rebecka Dr. of Henry King 1655, Anne her Sister 1656, Henry Son of Henry King Esq. 1652, Eliz. King 1654. Thomas another Son 1655. Mr. John Rant 1671, 40.

Rant, erm. on a fess sab. 3 lions rampant or. Crest, a lion sedant.

Capel Son of Shelton and Eliz Suckling, 1710, 5. Anne Roger 1691, Bernard Tooley Gent. 1706, 31. Crest a demi-lion, a fess wavy, and on a chief 2 pellets, impaling on a fess between 3 lozenges erm. a trefoil between 2 eagles heads erased, collared.

Salter's arms and crest, a bird's head erased billetté.

Within the Vault under this Stone lie the Bodies of Mr. Edmund Salter and six of his Children, who died young ob. 27, Nov. 1729, 52, whose Conduct in Life, was conformable to his Faith in Christ. Eliz. his Wife March 6, 1742, 6l.

Here lyeth the Body of Mrs. Eliz. Acton, eldest Daughter of Mr. John Acton of Bramford in Suff. Esq; by Isabella his Wife, who was the eldest Daughter of John Buxton of Tibbenham in this County Esq. she died the 28th Day of April 1664, in the 15th Year of her Age. Hodie mihi. Cras tibi.

Acton in a lozenge gul. a fess in a bordure ingrailed erm.

Here laieth the Body of Ann Cory, Dr. of Tho. Cory Cittisen and Alderman of Norwich, which said Ann departed this present Life in a sure and stedfast Hope of a happy and blessed Resurrection, the 15 Day of Aug. in the 17th Yeare of her Age, Ao. D. 1634.

Crest and arms of Norris, impaling Eyre.

M. S. Memor esto Judicij mei, sic erit et tuum;

Hoc tibi altè inclamant, Viator, vel muti hi Cineres, Hieremiæ Norris Gen. natus Nordovici Anno Salutis MDCXXX, Ibidem obijt MDCC, Dec. 27°. Antiquæ Fidei et morum Vir, sit in Pace locus ejus, et Habitatio in Sion; sic illi apprecata quarta conjux Teresa, Filia Thomœ Eyre de Hassup in Agro Derbiensi Armig' Saxum hoc funebre mœrens posuit. Reliquiæ Annæ, Uxoris Thomœ Reilly Gen. Filiæ Jeremiœ Norris supradicti ob. 27 Jan. 1711, 34.

Crest, a boar passant: per fess two mullets in pale, impaling a chief and chevron.

Sacred to the Memorie of Mrs. Eliz. Vere, the beloved Wife of Alderman Thomas Vere of this City Merchant, she was the only Childe of Mr. Stephen Dey late in St. Andrew's, and departed this Life on the 25 of Sept. Ao. 1714, in the 26th Year of her Age. Here also layeth two of their Children, Eliz. and Ann, who died in their Infancy.

In the nave,

Sub hoc Lapide depositæ sunt reliquiæ, Edmundi Ferrer A. B. Viri, literis Latinis Græcisque egregiè docti, obijt die Maij xvjo. A. D. MDCCXXXo æt. suæ XLIIIo.

Francisca, Thomœ Husband de Belaugh, Armigeri Filia, Guil. Ferrer Genr. Ux. ob. II. Maij A. D. MDCCIIIo. Æt. XLIXo Gulielmus Ferrer Genr. ob. xii°. Aug. A. D. MDCCXVIIIo, Æt. LXXIXo.

Samuel Portland 1715, Eliz. his Wife 1724, Edw. their Son 1694, 16, Hannah their Dr. 1730. Milecent wife of Peter Decele 1688. Lock, per fess az. and or, 3 eagles counterchanged, crest, an eagle perched or, holding a pad-lock in his beak. Edmund Lock Gen. 1741, 61, Sarah his Wife, Dr. of Stephen Buttolph Merchant, 1713, 32, John their Son 1710, 5, Judith Lock his sister, 1742, 54. Bernard Rant 1665, Abraham Decele 1658. A cross between 4 crescents; Mary Wife of William Barnham, Nov. 2, 1729, 22, and 3 Children, Anne, Eliz. and Daniel, Children of Tho. Clayton, the last of which died in 1674.

There is a plaster monument against the west wall, having the man and wife on their knees, with five sons behind him, and five daughters behind her.

Here by her Mother's Side, interr's doth laye, Anna de Hem, Daughter to Paul de Hem, The Wife of Jakes de Hem, clad in Claye, To whom she wedded, bath tenne Children borne, But as Gods Tythe, the tenth Fruet of her Wombe, Brought her by Rachel's Death, to her last home, At the Age of fourty fower Yeares died shee, Octobers 5th one thousands, sir hundred, three.

In a north window is, gul. a chevron between three keys arg. andMater electa Dei

The north transept chapel was dedicated to St. John Baptist, and the south chapel to St. Mary the Virgin; and there were lights kept before the images of those Saints, at their altars in the said chapels; and also before those of St. Anne, St. Christopher, St. Nicholas, St. Thomas, the Holy Rood, Sepulchre, and Sacrament; and there was a hanging branch of lights burning before St. Michael, towards finding which, a messuage on the north side of the churchyard was tied in Edward the First's time, to pay yearly a pound of wax.

The following persons were buried here, as their wills inform me:

  • 1386, Jeffery de Sweynesthorp. 1405, Thomas Porter, and tied his messuage in this parish, after the death of Margaret his wife, and Margery Henley her neice, to find a wax candle burning on the rood-loft daily at mattins, mass, and vespers, before the image of the Virgin, there, and to find a mass weekly every Monday, for their souls, and the soul of Margaret de Norwich.
  • 1460, Rob. Machon, alderman, buried before the altar of the Virgin Mary in her chapel, on the south side, and gave a missal and suit of red vestments. 1468, John Northalis, mercer, buried in the vestry, and founded a certeyn for himself and friends for 20 years, and 40s. towards new leading and battelling the church, and 20l. for a silver cross gilt. 1475, Marion Machion buried by her husband's tomb, and gave vestments to St. Mary's altar. 1485, John Hebbys, mercer, buried in St. John's chapel, where he founded a certeyn for 32 years, and gave vestments &c. and charged his house to find a lamp for ever on the rode-loft, to burn daily from 6 in the morning to ten in the forenoon.
  • 1498, Rob. Machon the elder, browderer, buried by his father and mother aforesaid, and gave 20l. for a suit of vestments, 10l. for a stock to be vested in the principal inhabitants hands, to be lent to the poor gratis, no one borrowing above 40s. and each leaving a sufficient gage or pledge to repair it in a year: he ordered his executors to buy as much free-land in the Field, as should cost 6 marks, and vest it in 8 feoffees, who must be parishioners when chosen, and the clear yearly profit is to be put into a box, and there remain to pay any tax, subsidy, or aid, that shall be laid on the poorest of the parishioners, not discharging any persons that are laid above 2d. 1500, John Watur buried in the south porch, and Joan Drake, late wife of Alderman Stephen Bryan, buried in the chancel by her husband. 1503, Alderman Rob. Pynchemore, buried in St. John's chapel. 1504, Alderman Tho. Bewfeld by the font, and founded a mass for 8 years, every working day at 8 in the morning, and his executors were to find 8 poor men and women daily to attend it, and sit on the font and pray for his and his friends souls, and each to have 4d. every Saturday. The same year Katherine his widow was buried by him, and gave 24l. for a suit of black velvet vestments and copes, and 10l. to make a silver foot gilt to the best cross, 5 marks to paint the rood-loft and gild it, 40s. to repair the chancel, and a certeyn to be kept for 20 years. 1515, Margery Doget, widow. 1522, Stephen Leman, in the churchyard by the cross on the north side, and gave a legacy to buy a jewel.

The religious concerned in this parish were, the Prior of Norwich, who had divers houses and rents here, given by Ralf Norkes, Tho. de Stanfield, and Rob. de Sprowston, by license of Edward I. and were settled on the cellerer and almoner. The house at the north-west corner of the churchyard paid 6d. to the Abbot of Sibton, and 2s. 6d. to Norwich priory, and was given in 1289 to the monastery of St. Benedict at H⊙lm, by Sir Ric. de Griston, rector of North Burlingham; and the sacrist of that monastery was taxed for it at 8s. the Abbot of Creyk was also taxed 7s. 6d. ob. for temporals here, the Prior of Hickling 2s. 10d. the Prior of St. Faith's 16s. 5d. and the Prior of Windham 4d.

The Rectory of St. Michael ad Placita was commonly called St. Miles at Plea, because here the Archdeacon of Norwich used to hold his pleas or courts, and the general procession of all the Norwich clergy used to meet, the register's house being in the parish: in some old evidences it is called St. Michael near St. Christopher's, in others St. Michael Motstow, or Much stow, that is the head or chief church of St. Michael, because of the aforesaid pleas; in others, St. Michael at Muspole, that is, Much-Pool, there being formerly a pool, where the Red-well now is; and hence at this day, it is by corruption called by some, St. Miles of Musball. It was first valued at 20s. but not taxed, and paid 3d. synodals; it afterwards paid 6d. synodals, 19d. ob. procurations, and 13s. tenths, of which it was discharged, it being only 6l. 10s. in the King's Books.

The Regr. of Holm abbey, fo. 86, says, that it was confirmed to that monastery by the bulls of Pope Eugenius and Lucius, and that they possessed it in 1147, but I do not find that they were ever patrons; the patronage being always alternate, in the lords of Horsford and Sprowston, as it still remains.


  • 1302, John de Honing. John Bacoun.
  • 1327, Thomas atte Hille of Bodeneye. Sir John Bacoun, clerk.
  • 1333, Stephen de Stalham. Rich. de Catefield.
  • 1349, John de Heydon, Katherine, formerly wife of Sir John Bacoun, Knt.
  • 1354, John Baxter.
  • 1368, Tho. Cutts of Little-Cove. Sir. Edm. Ufford, Knt. lord of Horsford.
  • 1375, Adam son of Alan Dicles, of Potter-Heigham. Walter de Byntre.
  • 1412, John Newton. Sir Will. Bowet, Knt. ob.
  • 1427, John Grey, buried in the chancel before St. Michael's image.
  • 1427, John Honyngham, buried in the chancel. Jane, late wife of Sir Barth. Bacoun, Knt.
  • 1447, The advowson was settled by Sir Tho. D'acre, Knt. and Eliz. his wife, on Thomas Hoo, in trust.
  • 1449, Will. Fytell. Henry Inglose, Knt. and Anne, his wife.
  • 1452, Ric. Ferror. Will. Calthorp, Esq. ob.
  • 1467, Ed. Rightwise, A. M. ob. Ditto.
  • 1493, Tho. Bryan, ob. Ditto.
  • 1506, Tho. Fiennes, Lord D'acre, resigned.
  • 1508, Tho. Vele, he was also Dean of Cranwich, (Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 228.)
  • 1510, Robert Legge, ob. Ditto.
  • 1524, Robert Brown. Sir Phil. Calthorp, Knt.
  • 1533, Will. Nockold.
  • 1536, Robert Saham, some time a white friar of Ipswich. (Stripe, p. 286.)
  • 1550, John Barret, S. T. P. the King by lapse; resigned.
  • 1560, Sir Tho. Hughson. Sir Will. Woodhouse, Knt. and the Lady Eliz. his wife, daughter and heiress of Sir Philip Calthorp, Knt. resigned.
  • 1582, Robert Petchie, Assignee of Lord D'acres; resigned.
  • 1585, Roland Nutt, Assignée of Sir Philip Parker, Knt.
  • 1591, John Holden, lapse.
  • 1612, Dan. Heylet. Tho. Corbet, lord of Sprowston; he is buried in the chancel with this inscription on a brass plate,

Daniel Heylet Master in Arts, and Pastor of this Church, deceased Sept. 4, A. D. 1617, and of his Age 27.

Admir'd Heylet lieth beneath this Stone, Who for Invention, Judgement, Memorye, For Skill in Artes, in Tongues, and Historye, For Life and Doctringe, second was to none. He gaynes by Death, his Vertues cannot dye, His Soul in Blisse, behouldes her Maker's Eyes, His mortall Body shall in Glory rise, And both with God shall live eternallye.

  • 1617, John Ward. Ric. Lord D'acre, lord of Horsford. He was buried in the chancel with this on a brass plate,

Johannes Ward, in Artibus Baccalaureus, Collegij Emanuelis in Academiâ Cantabrigiensi Alumnus, obijt 20 die Junij A. D. 1634, cujus anima cum Christo Salvatore triumphat, et Corpus hic intus requiescit.

  • 1638, Will. Dawson. The King, as guardian to the heir of Sir Tho. Corbet, Knt. and Bart. He was buried in the chancel with this, now covered,

Vulneratus non victus,

Gulielmus Dawson Rector hujus Ecclesiæ mortem obijt 24 Oct. A. D. 1641, Æt. 31.

  • 1642. Thomas Tofts. Francis Lord D'acre; ob.
  • 1678, Stephen Painter. Sir Will. Adams. He lies buried in the chancel with Painter's arms and crest, and a crescent for difference.

Stephanus Painter A. M. hujus Ecclesiæ Rector, et Alicia Uxor ejus hic contumulantur è quibus alter obijt xiiio die Julij MDCLXXXIX, altera viii die Julij 1684, Hic requiescit Paulus Painter ex Liberis Parentum supradict' ultimus superstes, et Hæres (si præmatura mors non abstulerat) Pauli Painter Equitis Aurati, obijt 21° Maij 1702, Æt. 19°.

  • 1689, 11 Aug. Thomas Clayton, Thomas Earl of Sussex, lord of Horsford. He held it united to Colney, and was official to the Archdeacon of Norwich, and died March 18, 1743, and is buried in the nave, under a black marble thus inscribed,

P. M. S.
Viri Venerabilis THOMÆ CLAYTON A. M. Archidiaconatûs Norvicensis Officialis: Rectoris de Colney in Agro Norfolciensi, et hujusce Parochiæ Pastoris per LIV Annos vigilantissimi et Fidissimi. Beatus servus ille, quem, cùm venerit Dominus ejus, invenerit sic Facientem. Math. 24, 46. Placidè in Domino obdormivit, die xviij° Martij, Anno Ætatis suæ LXXXo. Salutis humanæ MDCCXLIIIo. Hic etiam inhumatæ jacent Reliquiæ Thomæ et Mariæ Clayton, Parentum ejus dilectorum.

He published a sermon in 1704, qo. Lond. on Rom. 12, 4, 5, dedicated to John Freeman, Esq. mayor, &c. preached at the cathedral Jan. 9, 1703, Unity of Worship earnestly recommended, &c.

There is a good parsonage standing against the street, joining to the south-east part of the churchyard, which, with the voluntary contributions, &c. makes the rectory about 35l. per annum. Dr. Prideaux says, it is endowed with 7l. per annum, and the contributions were then 20l. per annum.

Benefactors not mentioned before, are,

Cicily wife of John Fellows of Norwich, Gent. who in 1570, gave 10l. to be added to Mr. Machon's 10l. to be lent out to young beginners, free of interest; and at this time there is 36l. parish stock lent out interest free, by the parishioners.

Mr. Brereton, attorney at law, left a house situate between Mr. Mickleburgh's and Mr. Randal's, now let at 5l. a year, to be distributed to the poor in coals, candles, bread and money.

Mrs. Gibbs gave 50l. the interest to buy coals; and Mr. Gibbs gave the brass branch in the church.

Justice Salter's gift to bind out poor children, see in Pt. I. p. 412.

An offering bason belonging to the altar hath this on it,

Ex Dono Tho. Havers Ecclesiœ Sti. Mich. Ao. Dom. 1694.

There are also two flaggons, each holding about 2 quarts, with this on each,

Altari Ecclesiœ Sti. Michaelis ad Placita consecratum 1691.

And a cup and cover with the same inscription and date; there is also a paten dated 1712.

The small ward, called



Contains the several parishes of St. Peter of Hungate, St. Simon and Jude, St. George at Tombland, St. Martin on the Plain, St. Mathew, and St. Helen in Holmstreet.

(93) The Church of St. Peter of Hungate, or Houndes-Gate


Is one of the ancient churches of the city, and is so called from the hounds which formerly were kept near it for the Bishop's use, when the house belonging to the see stood in the parish of St. Simon and Jude, where now is the Maid's-head, and other houses.

It is a rectory valued at 30s. but was not taxed; it paid 3d. synodals, and afterwards 6d. and 9d. q. procurations; it was valued at 3l. 1s. 5d. ob. in the King's Books, and paid no first fruits; being now discharged of tenths, it is augmented with 200l. of the late Queen's bounty.

In 1402, Henry IV. granted the rector license to purchase a piece of ground to build a parsonage-house on, which was accordingly done, and Will. Mundes, parson of Stanninghall, and John Norwich, chaplain, conveyed it to him.

The advowson of the rectory was in the dean and chapter of the college of St. Mary in the Fields, who presented the following


  • 1271, Master Simon.
  • 1328, Master Alan.
  • 1330, Walter Thurstan of Ditchingham.
  • 1350, Rob.de Eton,
  • 1361, Hugh Thede of Wortham, who went to Bowthorp.
  • 1377, Roger de Barneby, who changed for Pangesford in 1380, with Adam de Lenn, who was buried here before the crucifix in 1384, and was succeeded by Jeffery Jeckkes.
  • 1400, John Dunston, who in 1416, exchanged for Spixworth, with John Cory of Ling.
  • 1419, Hugh Couteshale, changed his mediety of Aylmerton with Cory; he was buried in the chancel in 1443.
  • 1444, Will. Gibbs.
  • 1457, Master Tho. Andrew, the last rector presented by the college, who in 1458 conveyed the advowson under their common seal, to John Paston, Esq. and Margaret his wife, and their heirs for ever;

Which was no sooner done, but they and the rector demolished the whole old fabrick, which was in decay, and rebuilt the present church, which is in form of a cross, and is a neat building of black flint; the tower is square and hath three bells, on the first of which is In honore Sancte Marie Wirginis. The nave, south porch, transepts and chancel, are leaded. In the east chancel window is a woman kneeling, with the arms of Erpingham; there are also the arms of Paston quartering Barry, and Shelton impaling Berney, and Paston as before impaling Brewse; likewise a full coat of Paston and his quarterings, as Somerton, Barry, Shelton, Wichingham, &c.

In a window on the north side of the altar, is the effigies of Thomas Andrew, the rector, with an Orate under him; he is kneeling in a blue vestment at prayers at an altar, his crown is shaven, and on the tonsure is represented a white cloven tongue, to express the gift of the spirit, by imposition of hands, of which the tonsure is the token or mark. In the next pane is represented the extreme unction, in which he attends the sick man, (probably Paston his patron,) on his knees, at his bed's feet, while another priest in purple performs the ceremony, and by him is the host; by the bed's side appears the face of the evil angel, which cannot approach him: the rector being again placed on his knees before the gates of the new Jerusalem, represented by that city in the clouds; and in another south chancel window are the four Evangelists and their emblems; in the opposite north window, St. Jerom, St. Austin, &c. defaced; and in the east window of the north transept, is the same rector as before, who was buried in the chancel in 1468.

It appears by the date in stone on the buttress by the north door, that it was finished in 1460, where there is an old trunk of an oak, represented without any leaves, to signify the decayed church; and from the root springs a fresh branch with acorns on it, to denote the new one, raised where the old one stood; the words are, Fundata in Anno Domini Mcccclio

  • 1468, Febr. 16, Will. Mann, Margaret, relict of John Paston, Esq.
  • 1490, Rob. Tomson, A. M. lapse.
  • 1507, Tho. Toly, lapse.
  • 1512, Will. Collis, ob. William Paston, Esq.
  • 1561, John Fisher, ob. Ditto.
  • 1570, Rob. Robertson. Ditto.
    John Burgess, deprived.
  • 1590, John Holden, resigned in 1598. Sir Will. Paston, Knt.
  • 1603, George Mody, lapse.
  • 1609, 27 April, Joseph Jeffery. John Crop of London, Gent.
  • 1614, John Holden. Ditto.
  • 1615, Tho. Townly. John Crop, physician.
  • 1627, Rob. Kempe. Ditto.
  • 1636, William Bridge, deprived.
  • 1638, June 1, Thomas Grundey, Robert Craske and Tho. Corey, aldermen of Norwich; from which time it hath been held by sequestration only, or license, at the Bishop's appointment, and

The Rev. Dr. Ben-Joseph Ellis is now [1745] sequestrator or curate.

Dr. Prideaux says, it was endowed with 2l. per annum, and the arbitrary contributions then were 20l. and are much the same now.

The plate belonging to the altar here is, a very curious wrought standing cup and cover, with this round it,

Ex Dono ThomÆ Lane et MariÆ Uxoris ejus.

A large paten, on which, Deo et Ecclesiœ Sti. Petri de Hungate 1675.

Two plain flaggons containing about a pint and half each, and offering bason, without inscriptions or dates.

In the altar rails on a brass plate:

Here lyeth the Body of Thomas Spendlove late of Norwich Gent. some tymes one of the Aldermen of this Cittye, who deceased the first Daye of April A. D. 1636, and likewyse the Body of Margaret Spendlove the Wife of the said Thomas, who deceased the 26 Day of July A. D. 1608.

Eliz. Dr. of Will. Browne, born 1690, died 1727, Eliz. her Mother, first Wife of William Browne Dr. of Tho. King of Lyng in Norfolk, 1710, 43, Mary Dr. of Will. and Eliz. Browne 1711, 23, Will. Browne died 1727, 64, and was buried in Braken-Ash chancel. Lydia Wife of Henry King, Dr. of Will. Browne, 1734. Their characters their friends will tell with pleasure.

Reliquiæ Ricardi Charles Filij natû maximi Ricardi Charles de Haceby in Comitatu Lincolniensi Clerici qui obijt tertio die Maij A. D. 1723, 37.

Hic jacet Elizabetha, Filia Caroli & Elizabethæ Baseley, quæ obijt 4to die Oct. 1726, vixit 13 Hebdom. Sacrum Memoriæ Elizabethæ nuper Uxoris Caroli Baseley quæ obijt 16 die Julij A. D. 1728, 28.

Eliz. Wife of Will. Lamb Gent. Dr. of Sam. Verdon late of Shotisham St. Mary Gent. 1727, 61.

Rebeckah, Martha, and Mary, Drs. of John and Martha Drake, and John their Son 1711.

Here lyeth the Body of Dame Anne Palgrave, Relict of Sir John Palgrave of Norwood Barningham in the County of Norfolk Knt. and Baronet deceased, first the Wife and Relict of Cotton Gascoigne of Illington in the said County Esq. deceased, and one of the Drs. of Sir William de Grey Knt. and Dame Ann his Wife, of Merton in the same County deceased, which said Ann departed her Life 25 Dec. 1676.

Gascoigne single, D'Grey in a lozenge, Palgrave single.

Bullock, gul. a chevron between three bullocks heads caboshed arg. armed or, impales De Grey.

The pious and vertuous Mary Relict of Henry Bullock late of Faulcborne in Essex Esq. Dr. of Sir William de Grey Knt. and Dame Anne his wife, late of Merton died in this Parish Dec. 27, 1664, and lieth interr'd to rest, 'till the glorious Day of her Resurrection.

There is a brass partly covered, with this only apparent,- - - - -ia, Uxor Augustini - - - - - die Oct. in Anno Salutis 1596.

Flynt, sab. two lions combatant gul. on a chevron ingrailed arg. between three crescents erm. impales, on a fess three escalops.

D. T. O. M. S.

Rogerus Flynt Rector de Runcton Juxta Mare in Agro Norff. Illustrissimo Heröi ARTHURO Domino CAPEL Baroni de Hadham, ob Regiam Causam decollato, deinde CAROLO Martyris olim è Sacris inter arma; ob eandem causam bonis Beneficijs tèr spoliatus, privatus; tam adversa, quam prospera, æquo ferens animo infracto, hilarique, familaribus gratus, Amicis charus, Invidiâ, calumnijsque (tantum non obrutus) devictis et triumphatis; animam reddidit Creatori, Patri Redemptori, A° Æt. lxx°, Verbique incarnati OIO iocxxcvo. Kalend. Januarij xix°.

Margareta Flynt, Rogeri Uxor, Juxtà Maritum hìc contumulatur, obijt 3° die Mensis Decembr. A°. D. MDCXC°. Æt. suæ LXXV. Sarah Pate her Grand-Child, Dec. 7, 1706.

Eliz. Dr. of Ric. and Anne Browne 1716, and their other children, Samuel 1717, John 1720, Anne 1725, George and Charles 1729, and also Anne Browne 1732, 38, she was a faithfull and loving Wife, an affectionate and carefull Mother, a kind Neighbour, and a good Christian. Will. her son 1733, 15.

In the south porch, Henry Young 1714, 59, and his four children, Abraham 1713, Duffield and Mary 1712, Ann 1715.

This Porch was built by Nicholas Ingham, mercer, who was buried in it in 1497, and gave 12 silver spoons to the church.

The following memorials are in the church, beginning at the west end.

Dorothy Wife of John Rolfe 1673. John Rolfe Gent. 1706, 66. Eliz. Dr. of Henry and Frances Gale, 1687. Samuel their son July 1688, and Mary their Dr. Aug. 1688. Nic. Hale'knite 1652, Frances Reve 1690, 26, Samuel Claphamson 1690, Francis Claphamson 1691. Tho. Donne of Holt-Market Gent. 1685, 70. Memoriæ Mariæ Blenkar 3° Octob. 1677. Robert Cubitt, William Cubitt, Christopher Son of Will. Cubitt 1684. Dorothy his Dr. wife to John Inman, Will. Inman son of John and Dorothy, 1688, Mrs. Jane Thacker 1665, Mr. Ric. Thacker her Husband 1668. - - - - Hewet Dr. of - - - - Hastings 1706. Hewett with a crescent, impaling Hastyngs. - - Mordecai Hewet.

Here lieth the Body of the Honble Colonel Robert Laton, Son of Sir Robert Laton, of Sexhow in the County of York, by Anne his first Wife, the Dr. of Sir Thomas Davison of Blakeston in the Bishoprick of Durham, who departed this Life Feb. the 19th. 1737, aged 70. Also Ann his Wife, who died 30th. Dec. 1740, aged 62.

Crest, a Saracen's head proper, with a turban or and sub. quarterly,

Laton, arg. a fess between three croslets fitché sab.

Davison, gules, a buck trippant or,

  • 1390, William Bernard, chaplain, was buried in the church. 1451, John Dapeleyn, mason, buried in the churchyard, and gave 4 marks to paint the rood-loft. Walter Paston, clerk, was buried here before the image of St. John the Baptist. This Walter was just come from Oxford, and died at the city house of the Pastons in this parish, called Paston's Place; he gave his manor of Cressingham to John Paston, Esq. his brother; and when he inherited his father's estate, it was then to go to his brother Edmund, between whom, and Anne Yelverton his sister, and Margery wife of his brother John, he divided all his goods. 1472 John Berney of Redham, Esq. gave 29s. to this church; he had a city house in the parish, which was called Berney's Inn, and it continued a long time in the family, for in 1625, Lady Julian Berney dwelt in it. 1659, Mrs. Mary Barnham, aldress, wife of Justice Will. Barnham, was buried in the church.

In 1247, John Boude left legacies to the anchorites at St. Peter of Hungate, St. Christopher, St Michael's at Plea, and St. George at Tombland, there being one dwelling at each of these churches.

In 1639, the common well by the elm in this parish was made a common pump, as it now remains, and is to be maintained by the parish.

Mr. Kirkpatrick says, he was informed, that Mr. Mordecai Hewet, merchant was buried in this church, and bequeathed 500l. for ever, to be lent out for 7 years freely, to 20 young tradesmen of this city, at 25l. a man, and appointed certain trustees by his will, for putting it out accordingly.

The house at the north-west corner of the churchyard, formerly paid 2s. per annum to the rector, and was anciently inhabited by women, who dwelt together there under a religious vow, and were called the sisters of St. Peter, sometimes the sisters at Houndgate, and sometimes the widows there.

The religious concerned here were, the college of the chapel in the Field, the Prioress of Carhowe, the Abbots of Sibton. and Creyk, the Priors of Wimundham, Bukenham, Bromholme, Hickling, and St. Faith's; the Abbots of St Alban's and of Holm, the Master of St. Giles's hospital, and the Prior of Norwich, whose houses here were given to the monastery about 1360, by Sara wife of Nigel de Halys, and others; there was a pension of 2s. a year, out of Hales's tenement, to Creyk abbey, and in 1519, to Christ's college in Cambridge, in right of that abbey; in 1328, Alan, rector of St. Peter, licensed William de Ocle, then almoner of the monastery, on which office the revenues in this parish were settled, to enclose all the east side of the churchyard with a wall, and to have a door and gate there, paying 2d. a year to the rector.

The whole western part of this parish being demolished, and laid into the site of the Friars-preachers, the rector sued the prior for loss of his offerings, tithes, and profits, accruing from the demolished houses; upon which, the prior and convent were obliged to give security in 1451, to the rector, according to the direction of the King's writ, that notwithstanding the Pope's bulls lately obtained by John Pynnesthorp, then prior, that the convent should have the whole legacies given them, yet nevertheless, the rectors of this parish, as heretofore, should have a fourth part of all their legacies, according to the sacred canons, by which all parsons of parish churches were to have the like; and as the prior had cited the rector to appear at the court of Rome, contrary to the statute of 38 Edward III. he was forced to submit and make agreement with the rector, and fine to the King.

This house of friars is partly in this, and partly in St. Andrew's parish, and the most southern part was formerly the site of the house, or

(94) Priory of the Friars de Sacco


Or Brethren of the Sac,

Called also de Penitentiâ Jesu, who settled here about 1250, in a house given them by Sir William de Gissinthe, (or Gissing,) clerk, which stood opposite to the steeple of St. Peter's of Hungate church, in the yard of which they built an oratory or church, and had it dedicated to the Virgin Mary; and in 1258, John de Vaus, son of Oliver de Vaux, gave them a messuage in St. Andrew's parish, joining to the west part of their house; and in 1307, William de Ho, prior of the brethren here, released it to the Lady Petronel de Nerford and her heirs, under the convent seal, and she the same week leased it again to the said William and his brethren, so long as they inhabited there, and then to revert to her heirs.

In 1271, their foundation was confirmed by Simon, rector of St. Peter in Hundegate, and the dean and chapter of the college of St. Mary in the Fields, patrons of St. Peter, under their seals; by which they had license to appropriate the yards and houses, given them by Sir William de Gissing, clerk, their founder, to their use, upon finding four persons to be bound, to keep harmless the rector of St. Peter, from any loss as to the profits of his living; who licensed them on that condition, to have an oratory or private chapel in their house, and also a church and steeple, with liberty to celebrate all divine services therein, ring their bells, and bury the dead, as well regulars as seculars, except the parishioners of St. Peter's, unless such as should desire to be buried among them; but their offerings, &c. were to belong to the rector, and the convent was not to admit any parishioners to any ecclesiastical duties, to the detriment of the church, but was to pay to the rector 3s. yearly; and to confirm the whole, Roger Bishop of Norwich gave his consent in the presence of Master Godfrid le Gros, official of Norwich consistory, Master William of St. Faith, Henry de Norwich, clerk, Will. de Dunwich, and others; and soon after, Rob. Laddings, shoemaker, and Amy his wife, gave them a messuage in St. Andrew's, adjoining to the last mentioned messuage north, and abutting west on the street leading to the New-brigge; and Thomas son of Ric. de Stalham and John his brother, released a rent of 30d. a year, due to them out of Ladding's messuage; in 1276, Will. son of Peter But confirmed a piece of land in St. Andrew's, adjoining to their site; all which became

(95) The site of the Friars-preachers


In the year 1307, when Edward I. licensed the prior of the preachers to come and settle here with his whole convent, reserving to Will. de Ho, the last prior of the brethren of the Sac, who was then living, but decrepit with old age, his dwelling and maintenance during life.

These Friars-preachers were so called from their office; Black Friars from their habit, and Dominicans from St. Dominic their founder, who died in 1221, and was canonized by the Pope in 1233. The first friars of this order came hither in 1226, and were at first seated in

(96) The church of St. John the Baptist


Which was then parochial, and a rectory; but upon making it their conventual church, the parish was united to St. George at Colgate, and the church used by the friars for their own, in which I find the following persons were buried,

  • 1372, Sir Edmund Wauncy, Knt. and John Banham of Langhale.
    1382, Will. Schattock, rector of Hakeford All-Saints by Reepham.
  • 1394, Tho. Hilde, vicar of Bauburgh. 1397, Sir Andrew, the chaplain of Cringleford 1408, Walter de Bixton, merchant, in the choir by Elen his first wife.

When they removed to the other side of the water, they performed service in this church, or chapel, as it was called after they left it, and fixed a hermit to dwell there and look after it.

In 1444, John Crowland was buried in this church, and at the Dissolution it passed, with their whole old site, (which was then their great garden,) to the city, by the King's grant, who have since leased it out, and much of it is now built upon; the whole old site laid between the churches of St. George of Colgate, St. Clement at the Bridge, and St. Mary Unburnt, which stood at the corner of Golden-dog lane.

They were founded by Sir Tho. Gelham, Knt. who gave them the church and a house to live in, and not only got them confirmed by King Henry III. but also procured 10 marks as a gift from that Prince. The rest of their site, which they had here, was of the gifts of these following benefactors.

  • 1253, Imena and Christiana, daughters of Hermer de Totington. Will. Curteys, son of Will Surreye and Alice Curteys his wife, gave them a messuage in St. John's parish: in 1261, Will. de Dunwich and Cath. his wife, gave them a garden on the west side of their site. In 1273, Sir Ric. de Norwich, Knt. gave them a messuage and yard opposite to their site, which extended from the street to the river. In 1280, they enclosed their site with a precinct wall, which then laid in the parishes of St. Mary Unburnt and St. Clement of Fibrigge. In 1284, Sir John le Blund, chaplain, and Margaret, daughter of Henry le Waleys of Swerdeston, gave two messuages to the convent. In 1290, they got another messuage of the Prioress of Carrowe, and a piece added by Roger de Penteneye. In 1299, John de Acle, clerk, and Agnes his wife, gave them a messuage which he purchased of Tho. de Helgheton, and Alice his widow released it; and Tho. de Depham, clerk, gave them another. And thus this site was perfected, which after they left it, was called the Black-hall.

After their removal to their new site, in 1308, Petronel de Nerford, widow, daughter of Sir John de Vallibus or Vaus, released to God, the Virgin Mary, and the preaching brethren in Norwich, all her right in their site, in St. Peter of Hungate and St. Andrew's parishes, which was of her father's inheritance, and by him given to the Brethren of the Sac; and Sir Will. de Ros of Hamlak, and Maud his wife, did the same; she being a daughter of Sir John de Vaus; his deed is dated at Pentney, in the presence of Will. de Kerdeston, Sir Reginald le Gros, and Sir Tho. Bardolf, Knts.

In 1310, Will. But and Christian his wife, by license of King Edward II. conveyed a piece of land 500 feet long and 400 feet broad, with a key lying at Newbrigge, to enlarge their site; and the same year, Silvester Sparrow conveyed a messuage in St. Andrew's to them for that purpose, and Pope Clement V. confirmed them, and their removal hither.

In 1311, Sara, widow of Ralph the fishmonger, gave them a messuage to lay into their site, which laid in Hungate parish; and in 1312, Egidia, daughter of Adam Beneyt of Southreppes, gave another in the same parish; and Thomas Boton gave them another in St. Andrew's, and John de Hengham a cottage in Hungate. In 1313, Adam de Blickling gave a messuage in Hungate, which was released by Reginald his son; in 1318. But before the friars had finished getting what land they designed, to enlarge their site, on May 4, 1413, their house and church, and all the buildings, were burnt down, so that they were forced to return to their old church and site over the water, where they continued till they were burnt out there by another accidental fire in 1449, and were forced to come hither again before they had finished their church or convent.

In 1321, Andrew de Dalling gave them a house in Hungate, and Andrew Somersweyn another; they laid against St. Peter's churchyard, and were demolished to make the preaching-yard.

In 1331, the city was displeased at their getting so many houses to demolish them, for their site, and got the escheator to seize all such as had been given and purchased without license in mortmain; but in 1350, they were all confirmed by the King's pardon, with others given by Rob. le Fevre, Alexander de Sparham, and Ric. de Heylesdon.

In 1353, John le Clerk of Okle had license to give in mortmain, a toft in Norwich, to enlarge their churchyard. In 1367, Christian, widow of John de Halys and Henry de Halys, her son and heir, released 3s. yearly rent, out of a tenement in St. Christopher's, opposite to their site, which was granted by Will. Roberts, deacon, general proctor in England to Rouncival or Rocidival hospital, to the said John de Halys; and in 1369, Stephen de Rypon, then proctor-general of that hospital, also confirmed it.

In 1395, King Richard II. confirmed all their gifts and privileges, and in 1485, Richard III. did the same, as did the Pope also; and from this time, the friars continued quiet in their whole possessions, which contained only their old site, and a messuage opposite to it, and a house opposite to their new site, which now extended from St. Andrew's-street, to the river, from south to north, and from the street going down by Hungate church, to Newbrigge-street from east to west: their maintenance being chiefly owing to the charitable contributions of the citizens, and gentlemen of the country, many of whom lie buried in their conventual church, as I learn from the will books, and other evidences that I have seen.

Burials in the Black Friars church, at their new site.

  • 1434, Dame Margaret, wife of Sir Gilbert Talbot, and afterwards of Sir Constantine Clifton. 1439, Sir John Parlet, priest. Sibil, widow of John Pain, by her father and mother. 1440, John Tyllys, rector of St. Buttolph in Norwich, and gave 10 marks. 1442, Sir Simon Felbrigge, Knt. buried in the midst of the choir. 1443, Rob. Cariol and Simon Thurton. 1444, Rob. Norwich, senior, Gent. 1446, Cecily Cariol. 1448, Will. Mayes. 1451, James Syff, and Tho. Ingham the younger. 1452, Edm. Segeford, mercer, at the upper end of the north isle, in the chapel there, by the window glazed with the history of the Magnificat psalm, and founded an obit for a friar to sing for him 10 years, and to have 5 marks a year; he gave 20l. towards the furniture of the high-altar and ordered a stone to be laid over him, with this inscription, Drate pro anima Dilli. Segeford. 1455, Thomas Ingham, senior, by his son. 1458, Alice, widow of Sir Roger Harsick, Knt. and gave 5 marks to repair the new altars. The same year, these were also interred in the church: Reginald Herryesson, before the high-altar. Kat. Marchale, who gave 20s. towards building a new rood-loft, and Will. Stubbe of Skottowe, who gave 10 marks to repair their hall and infirmary, and 20 marks for a 4 years obit. 1459, Joan, wife of Nic. Wichingham, Esq. of Woodrising, Dr. of Fastolf, buried in Sketys chapel in this church, and Alice wife of Edm. Foster, hosier, who gave a legacy to their library. This year also was Katherine widow of Sir Simon Felbrigge buried by her husband, and gave 20l. towards building a new steeple to the church. 1467, John Palgrave, Esq. in the choir by the grave of Margaret his wife. 1472, Will. Lockwood alias Cleyveland, clerk, buried at the head of Sir Simon Felbrigge's monument. 1472, Jowet Bumpstede, widow, by Thomas Bumpstede, her husband, at the entrance of the choir. 1475, John Roberds. 1477, Rob. Harpeley, Gent. 1479, Agnes Caumbridge, widow, by the tomb of Tho. Ingham, her late husband. 1485, Margaret Smith, by St. Barbara's altar. 1487, Edmund son of John Hastings and Eleanor his wife, daughter of Sir Edward Wodehouse, Knt. 1497, Peter Peterson, by Alice his wife, and Alice Warme widow, by Thomas Warme her husband. Besides these already mentioned, Will. Mawtby, Esq. John Debenham, Esq. and Margaret Erpingham, were here interred.
  • 1501, Anne widow of Roger Drury, Esq. by the grave of John Pagrave, Esq. formerly her husband, she was a great benefactrix: and Agnes Swill, widow, by her husband, and also Robert Woderove, in the cloister, by Maud his wife. 1502, Philip Curson, Gent. and Alderman, afterwards of Liringsete, was a benefactor; and this year Dame Joan Blakeney widow, was buried in St. Mary's chapel on the south side of the church, and had a stone laid over her; she gave also 20l. to buy a chalice, and 20 marks for a vestment. 1503, Austin Bois of Norwich, by Margaret his wife. Isabel Ronham widow, and John Cowting. 1504, Anne Jeckis, single woman. 1505, John Foster and Gerard Johnson, by Julian his wife, and gave 12l. to repair the church. 1506, Will. Lincoln. 1508, Joan Geddeney widow. 1509, John Barnard, Esq. before our Lady's altar in the south side of the middle alley, and was a good benefactor. 1511, Robert Barnard of Norwich, Esq. buried by him, Anne his first wife was dead, and Eleanor his daughter was his heiress; he was lord of Saye's manor in Longstratton, which he gave to his son Christopher Calthorp, his executor; his tomb is now standing, and is called the Stone, it being used in room of a table, at which St. George's company used to meet. 1518, Joan Dogget, by St. Barbara's altar. 1522, Eliz. widow of Robert Felmingham, before that, wife of John Holdiche, Esq. by whom she was buried; she gave a legacy to Felmingham church, and a cope of twenty marks, with the arms of John Holdiche to the church of Fouldon; she ordered a stone and brass plates to be fixed thereon, viz. an image of our Lady and John Holdiche, kneeling on one side, and their two sons by him, and an inescutcheon of his arms; and on the other side Robert Felmingham in his coat-armour, and herself and three daughters by her, in their winding-sheets, in the middle, and the said stone was to be fixed in the wall near their graves.
  • 1529, Roger Colam, buried on the south side of Master Berneye, by our Lady's altar, and Dr. Todenham was to have 4l. a year to sing for him for 7 years.

At the Dissolution, the city made interest to the Duke of Norfolk, who applied to the King for a grant of the convent, and all that belonged to it, for the use of the city; and Austin Steward, alderman, much promoted it, by attending his Majesty with a petition from the city, requesting him to grant it them, to make of the church, a fair and large hall, for the mayor and his brethren, with all the citizens, to repair unto at common assemblies, as they used heretofore to do, and to have a pulpit for all strangers, and others, to preach in every Sunday and holiday in the forenoon and afternoon, when there was no sermon at the cathedral cross, and to make a chapel of the choir for the citizens priest, to perform daily service in, and also at their assemblies; and to make of the dortor and fraytor, granaries, to lay up the city's store of corn for the poor, and to maintain the malthouse, mill-house, and bake-house, for the city's profit, and the old site, orchards, &c. to be let out to maintain the said church or hall, and houses belonging to it; upon which, the house being suppressed, the King, for 81l. paid for the premises by the city, and 152l. more for 38 fodders of lead, which covered the church and houses, by authority of parliament, granted to the mayor, &c. the whole new site and all therein contained, and all their old site in St. Clement's and St. Mary's Unburnt, with the chapel, houses, &c. therein contained, and all the ponds, pools, and fisheries, and one tenement in St. Clement's, which led down to the water, to be held in capite by the 20th part of a fee, and 9s. a year to the Court of Augmentations; the grant is dated 25th. June 32d Henry VIII. but in 3d of Edward VI. the homage and rent due from the city was released by that King.

The Priors of This House


Whose Names Occur in the Evidences I have Seen, are,

  • 1259, Brother Robert de Hecham. 1290, Nic. de Edenham. 1305, Jeffery de Derham. 1374, Adam de Halesworth, who was general proctor for the order in the whole diocese. 1381, Robert de Freton, Robert Felmingham. 1452, John Pynnesthorp. 1370, Roger de Wichingham. 1383, Brother Simon Curteys. 1501 Dr. Roger Bemunde. 1505, Brother Thomas Bekylls. 1407, Will. Bryggs, (see Fox 2011. 2023.) 1536, Edmund Harcock or Harock. 1538, and Brother Tho. Bryggs, S. T. B. after the Dissolution rector of Brisingham, &c. see p. 217.

Remarkable friars of this convent, for learning and eloquence, were,

Brother John de Somerton, born at the village of that name in Norfolk, educated in this convent, was for his learning made bachelor in divinity, being a famous preacher in English and Latin; he published a course of sermons for the whole year. Pitts mentions him at page 882.

  • 1371, Brother Jeffery Swanton. 1378, John Kynyngham. 1379, Thomas Peverel. 1380, John Clare. 1416, Thomas Wodebridge. 1448, John Rockland. 1460. Simon Upton. 1472, Brothers Jerom, Will. Worsted, Henry Sharpen, Henry Cossey, and Walter, S. T. B. Dr. Myntelyng. 1493. Br. John Windham. 1495, Rob. Tye. And in the next century, Br. John Hugen, chief provincial of all England. (Fox 998.) Br. Richard Ingworth S. T. P. (Fox 998.) Friar Julles or Julleys, S. T. P. (See Pt. I. p. 205, Fox 1010.) Dr. Stokes, &c.

Immediately after, it was granted to the city. It appears from the chamberlains account 33 Henry VIII. that they leased off divers parts of both the sites, as the houses new built over the south gate, the malting-office, a garden newly severed from the preaching-yard, the late anker's house; the chapel on the great garden in the old site, &c.

And now a publick grammar school was kept here, and Walter Halle made master; the infirmary being appointed for that use; but on his being removed to the present free-school, this was made a granary for a publick stock of corn for the poor, to which we meet with many benefactors.

The cloister is on the north side of the church, with a churchyard or burial-place, in the midst of it; the convent kitchen at the north-west corner of it was in 1625 appointed to set the poor on work in; the dortor or dormitory, was one great room over the east side of the cloister; the west side was the freytor, the west part of the south side the firmary, and the chapter-house joined to the midst of the east side of the cloister, beyond it, and the library was a long building from east to west, near the north side of the chancel; and as the convent is at this day, I much question whether there be so much remaining of any convent of friars in England.

The church is a most noble and beautiful pile, remaining still whole and very perfect, except the steeple, which stood between the nave and the choir, and for want of looking after, fell down Nov. 6, 1712, (the weather being very calm,) and much damaged the nave and choir. This steeple was built about 1462, by the liberal benefactions of Dame Catherine, widow of Sir Simon Felbrigge, Knt. Dame Margaret, wife of Sir Constantine Clifton, Sir Gilbert Talbot, Knt. Tho. Ingham, and Sir Roger Harsick, who left legacies, and gave divers sums in their lifetime for that purpose; several arms carved in stone were preserved at its fall, and are now fixed in the walls, as Talbot impaling Clifton, Talbot single, a lion rampant impaling Monthermer; and many impalings and quarterings of Caily; there are also the arms of Sir Simon Felbrigge, Knt. in a garter, and those of Stapleton, who were all benefactors to it.

It was a neat pile, and sexangular at top, as the plate of it taken by Mr. Daniel King, which is to be met with in some copies of the Monasticon, shows me; and was a great ornament to the city; it had three large bells in it and a clock, before the Dissolution; in 1713, the breaches were filled up, by building a new gable to the east end of the hall, over the door of which is this inscribed,
Tempore Majoratûs Johannis Goose Armigeri, hujus Civitatis Majoris, hic murus Orientalis lapsu Turris dejectus, reædificatus est, Ao. Dni. 1712.

And that at the west end of the choir, which is now the Dutch church, was rebuilt the next year, for over the door is this,
Tempore Majoratûs Nicholai Helwys Armigeri, 1713.

The choir was the ancient church of the friars, which was by them dedicated to St. John the Baptist, as the church of their old site was, and stood on the place where the church of the Brethren of the Sac, which was dedicated to the Virgin Mary stood, which they pulled down when they first came hither, and built this; it is a long building, in the middle of which, before the high-altar, stood Sir Simon Felbrigge's tomb, by whose family, and own generosity, it had been partly built and adorned. At the west end stood an organ; and on the rood loft, besides the holy rood, were the images of St. Quyrine, St. Peter of Milain, &c. with lights before them; as had also the images of St. Michael, our Lady, St. Agnes, St. Nicholas, St. Christopher, &c. all which were in the choir.

As soon as it came into the hands of the city, it was made a chapel for the corporation, in which was performed daily service morning and evening for such citizens as pleased to go thither; and here the gilds of the several companies used to hear mass, and make their offerings, and the city appointed Mr. John Kempe, clerk, chaplain of it for life; and in the yard on the south side, was a pulpit, in which all strangers and others preached every Sunday and holiday, both forenoon and afternoon, when there was no sermon at the cathedral cross, as was usually heretofore done; this was called,

The Preaching-place, or Green yard at the hall, where such as died of the plague in St. Andrew's parish, were buried.

Aug. 10, 1542, Sir John Kempe, chaplain, built the three rooms over the south entrance of the hall, for his own lodging; upon which the city granted them to him for life, with a condition, that if the offerings and profits of his chapel of St. John, did not yearly amount to 6l. 13s. 4d. that they would make up to him that sum. At his death there were no more chaplains presented by the city to this chapel, so that the constant service ceased; and his lodgings were assigned to the sword-bearer, for lodgings for such preachers as came to preach at the Common-place in the city on Sundays, and other publick times, who were to be taken care of, and supplied with all necessaries, at the expense of the city. And thus it continued till 1608, when they were converted into a publick library for the city, as they still remain.

When service ceased here, the Dutch congregation petitioned the city for it, for a place of worship, which was accordingly granted, and they used it by leave only till 1619, and then it was leased to them at 6s. 8d. per annum and made convenient for their congregation, and was called, as it now is,

The Dutch Church


In 1650, the mayor, &c. had the forenoon service here, and attended at it instead of the cathedral, and the sermons used at the cross in the Green-yard at the cathedral, were removed to the Green-yard here, and the Dutch to St. Peter's of Hungate. But in 1661, the pulpit and seats in the Green-yard here were removed again to the yard by the cathedral, and attendance given there as usual, and the Dutch had possession of their church again. In 1687, the Roman Catholicks pe titioned to have it from the Dutch, for the free exercise of their religion, but the Dutch kept possession, and then the city assigned them the west granary here for that use, which till very lately was used by the Independant congregation, as their meeting-house; as the other granary was by the Presbyterian congregation. The Dutch congregation pays 6s. 8d. per annum to the city; their lease was made for 200 years, and commenced June 15, 1713.

Other parts of this house are made

A Work-house for the poor, the treasurer of which pays for the several rooms, chambers, and apartments, belonging to the Newhall, let to the corporation of the said workhouse, from Michaelmas 1712, for 60 years, 20l. per annum.

  • 1724, Alderman Gobbet, late Nic. Helwys, Esq. pays for the brewhouse at Black-Friars bridge, and other houses there, let for 61 years, from Michaelmas 1703, 20l. and for the late mint, and that some time the Romish chapel, with the cellars and arches under the same let from 1705, for 59 years, 10l. per annum.

Benjamin Nuthall, Esq. pays for a house built in part over the south gate of the Newhall, and for the garden and tenement adjoining, parcel of the preaching yard, 10l. per annum, and for the Green-yard, 10s. per annum, lease from Michaelmas 1723, for 80 years.

Other parts of these buildings were formerly used for

The sealing-halls, of bays, says, &c. In 1579, the city purchased of Mr. George D'alves, and Mr. Fitz Williams, her Majesty's pensioners, their lease of the alnage and subsidies of the new commodities made in Norwich, for 300l.

  • 1616, They purchased the Crown seal of the Duke of Lenox, which was put to every cloth; those made in Norwich had the city arms; and those made in the country had the castle without the lion; and those made by strangers had the ship; those made in Norwich by Englishmen, if defective, had Norwich in the ring; and if by aliens, the word alien in the middle; and if in the country, the word Norfolk. But now these seals are laid aside in general.

In the late troubles, the Green-yard or preaching-place, was made the artillery ground, and that company had the low rooms by the porch for their arms; and in 1672, the scaffolds and seats in the artillery ground were taken down to repair the south side of the hall.

The City Library, which is over the south porch, was begun in the year 1608, when Jerom Goodwyne, swordbearer, resigned the rooms called the chaplain's lodge, and afterwards the preachers lodgings, for that purpose; since which time, it hath increased by the benefactions of the subscribers and others; as Mr. Nelson, whose library was a great addition to it; the number of books, names of the benefactors, orders, &c. appear in the catalogue of it printed at Norwich in qo. Ao. 1732, which being easily to be met with, I shall refer my readers thither.

The church, now the Common-hall, called St. Andrew's-hall, is a neat, grand, and beautiful building; the six pillars on each side, which support the nave, are small and handsome: the whole, which consists of two isles and a nave, is very uniform, being covered with lead; it is about 50 yards long, and 30 wide; the two isles are of the same length with the nave, each being exactly half as wide as the nave is. There are 14 upper windows, and six lower ones on a side; and the whole was new paved in 1646. It hath been used as an Exchange for the merchants and tradesmen to meet in, but that is now disused. The Assizes for the city are held here, and the mayors feasts, &c.

Formerly all the several companies of tradesmen held their feasts here, and several of them had the Arms of their companies put up, some of which still remain. The courts of conscience, of the guardians for the poor, &c. are constantly held here.

This noble fabrick was built by Sir Thomas Erpingham, Knt. for whom see p. 38, 9, and his arms carved in freestone remain between every window of the nave on the outside; he died in 1428, before it was completely finished; but the glazing, &c. was continued by Sir Rob. de Erpingham his son, rector of Brakene, a friar in this house; whose arms were in the late fine painted glass windows, all which are demolished, except the six most western ones in the nave, in which there now remains the arms of Sir Tho. de Kerdeston, Knt. impaling De la Pool and Wingfield, and az. on a saltier arg. the five wounds gul.; those of Sir Andrew Butler, Knt. Sir Will. Phelip, Knt. and Ric. Gegge, Esq, executors to Sir Thomas Erpingham. Bishop Alnwick's, who was supervisor to his will. There are also the arms of Erpingham, Felbrigge, Stafford, Clifton, Shelton, Stapleton, Spencer, and Rede; and gul. two fesses or, in chief three bezants. Arg. on a canton sab. a cross potent of the field, gul. a chevron between three gambs or, and on the outside of the door, are the arms of Paston impaling Shelton; which show, that John Paston, Esq. and Margaret his wife, made it. (See p. 330, 31.) In the west window are the arms of England, and those of the Prince of Wales. At the upper end of the north isle was formerly an altar of St. Barbara, which before 1459, was enclosed in a neat chapel there, made by Ralf Skeet, from whom it was afterwards called Skeet's chapel; and opposite was another chapel in the south isle, the altar of which was dedicated to the Virgin Mary; and in the nave at the upper end, stood the great Rood, with an altar of the holy cross, before which, Holy-rood gild was kept.

At the east end is a clock, and the effigies of Justice at top, and the arms of England carved beneath; on the right hand is a picture of Queen Anne, and opposite another of Prince George, both given by St. George's company.

On the right hand also is the Earl of Orford at length, in his robes, and this under him,
The Right Hon. Robert Earl of Orford, presented this Portrait to the Constitution Club, 1743.

At his right hand is,
The Portraiture of the Right Honble. Horatio Walpole Esq. Member of Parliament for this City, presented by himself A. D. 1741.

On the south side, opposite to the Earl of Orford, is a portraiture in is robes, of
The Right Honble. John Lord Hobart, Lord Lieutenant of this County, who presented it to the Corporation in 1743.

By him, in a black coat with a sword by his side, is
The Portraiture of Thomas Vere Esq. Member of Parliament for this City, and Mayor Ao. 1735, presented by a Society of Gentlemen 1736.

In the north isle are the Weavers arms, and other companies, as carpenters, bakers, &c. and two pictures of aldermen in their proper habit, viz.
Robert Marsh Esq. Mayor Ao. 1731, being Alderman of the Grocer's Company; this Picture was by them presented Ao 1732.

Francis Arnam Esq. Mayor present, being Alderman of the Grocer's Company; this Picture was by them presented Ao 1732.

In the south isle, beginning at the east end, are the following portraits, viz.
William Clarke Esq. Mayor Ao 1739, (in his proper habit,) this was presented by a Society of Gentlemen Ao 1740.

Timothy Balderstone Esq. Mayor 1736, and Captain of the Honble. Artillery Company, (in his regimentals,) by whom this Picture was presented Ao 1736.

Benjamin Nuthall Esq. Mayor 1721, (in his proper habit,) this Picture was presented by a Society of Gentlemen Ao 1738.

In Gratitude to William Wigget Esq. Mayor, the Citizens presented this Portrait Ao 1743. (He is in his proper habit.)

Thomas Emerson Esq. who in the Year 1739, (See Pt. I. p. 449,) gave two Gold Chains to be wore by the Sheriffs of this City, for a perpetual Memorial of which Generosity, this Picture was presented by the Corporation of this City Ao Di. 1741.

Over the south door is the portrait, in his proper habit, of
Thomas Harwood Esq. Mayor in 1728, Treasurer of the Charity Schools in this City, the Trustees of which presented this Picture.

Which is placed between two tables containing the


By means of which worthy benefactors, and by the exact state of these schools being yearly published, and delivered to every subscriber, this truly great charity hath been continued, and is still in such a condition, that on the 5th of April, 1744, it appeared that no less then 210 boys, and 150 girls, in all 360, were taught in the 12 charity schools, appointed for that purpose; and all the children were new clothed, the subscriptions and arrears amounting this year to 92l. 11s. 6d. the collections at the charity sermons during Lent, to 68l. 1s. 10d. the interest money, rent, &c. to 104l. 5s. and a private gift, of 5l. the whole received, being 269l. 18s. 4d. and the whole of the salaries and expenses, came to 266l. 19s. 10d.

Every one that subscribes 20s. a year, is a trustee of course; and the trustees meet at the city library at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the first Thursday in every month, to dispatch all business relating to the schools, which is done in such a publick manner, that every one concerned may see, and be evidently convinced, that this noble and useful charity is not converted to any other uses, but such as the generous donors designed it for, than which nothing can be of more service and greater advantage to any community.

The boys are taught to read and write, and the girls to read and sew; the boys wear caps and bands, that they may be distinguished from other children, by which means their behaviour is the better known. (See Atlas of Norf. page 438.)

In St. Mary's chapel, at the upper end of the south isle, is St. George and the dragon carved at large, with St. George's arms, which is also in the south window there. It was done by order of

St. George's Company, in 1686, which usually held their feasts, and had their meetings at the Stone here, which is now standing, and is the tomb of Robert Barnard, Esq. as aforesaid. This company or fraternity first began in 1385, being a society of brethren and sisters, in honour of the martyr St. George, who by voluntary subscription, found a chaplain celebrating service every day in the cathedral for the welfare of the brethren and sisters of the gild, while alive, and their souls when dead; and thus they continued till 5 Henry V. 1416, and then that Prince granted them a charter, the original of which is in the Gild-hall, and is dated at Reding, by which they were incorporated by the name of "The Alderman, Masters, Brethren, and Sister's, of the Fraternity and Gild of St. George in Norwich," with power to choose yearly one Alderman and two masters, and to make all reasonable orders and constitutions for their own government, to clothe themselves in one livery, and yearly to hold and make a feast in any convenient place in the city, and to have a common seal, to sue and be sued; and to maintain a chaplain to pray daily for the health of the King, the Alderman, Masters, Brethren, and Sisters, while alive, and their souls when dead, with license to purchase 10l. per annum in mortmain. The prior, mayor, sheriff's and alderman of the gild, to have power to expel or remove all members of the gild, for any bad behaviour, &c.; and afterwards ordinances were made for the governance of it, by which there were to be yearly chosen one alderman, 4 masters, and 24 for the assembly or common council.

In 1451, by mediation of Judge Yelverton, the disputes between the gild and city were settled; by which it was agreed, that the mayor for the time being should be yearly chosen the day after the gild, alderman of the gild for the year ensuing his discharge from his mayor alty; the assembly of the gild was now to consist of 20 persons, and the common council of the city may be of the company, but liable to the charge of the feast.

Every brother to take the oath at their admittance.

The aldermen and common council of the gild shall choose who they list from henceforward, other men and women of the city, besides the aldermen and common council, such as they think convenient and able thereto, to be brethren and sisters of the said gild.

But no man dwelling out of the city was to be chosen for the future, unless he was a knight 'squire, or some notable gentleman. Many other orders were made in relation to their procession, which was always very grand, and contributed much to the honour of the city.

In 1468, was made an inventory of all the goods, jewells, &c. belonging to St. George's gild.

First. In the cathedral church of the Blessed Trinity at Norwich, among the Holy relicks, "is a precious relique, that is to sey, one "Angell silver and guylt, berying the arme of Seynt George, ye which was given to the seid fraternite by John Fastolf Knyght." A chalice of silver gilt, weighing 10 ounces and an half, and a manuel of ministration of the seven sacraments, with silver clasps, given by Sir Simon Holle, priest of the gild, &c. A chesipele of green damask embroidered with gold, having the arms of St. George and Bishop Spencer, another of red velvet, &c. A chest with divers charters of the purchases of the tenements of the gild, the charter of King Henry V. a seal of silver of the commonalty of the gild, graven with an image of St. George, a charter of Henry VI. A great chest in the tenement belonging to the gild at Tombland, in which two clothes painted with St. George's martyrdom. A scarlet gown for the George, with blue garters. A coat armour for the George beaten with silver, 4 banners of the same work, with the arms of St. George, for the trumpets. A banner with St. George's image, another with his arms; a chaplet for the George, with an owche of copper gilt, and all horses furniture. A dragon, a basnet, a pair of gantlets, two white gowns for the heynsmen or henchmen, a sword, the scabberd covered with velvet and bossed. A black chesipele given by Lord Bardolph. A mass book worth 12 marks. Much pewter, &c. A corporas cloth of gold and silk, given by William Malet, vicar of Hemenhall.

Sir Will. Mareys, priest, G. Spirleng, clerk of the gild.

This company increased so, as to be able to lend the city 100 or 150l. when they wanted, and was of such reputation, as to have the following great persons members of it:

In Henry the Fifth and Sixth's time, Sir Brian Stapleton, Sir John Fastolf, Sir Henry Inglosse, Sir John Clifton, Sir Thomas Erpingham, Sir Thomas Morley, Sir Tho. Kerdeston, Sir Tho. Tudenham, Knts. Sir Tho. Ryngman, Suffragan Bishop, Sir Rob. Ryngman, Bishop of Gathy, and Patriarch. Sir Tho. Browne, and Walter Lyhart Bishop of Norwich. The noble Lord Will. de la Pool Earl of Suffolk. Sir Will. Phelip Lord Bardolf, and Lady Joan his wife. Will. Paston, the King's chief Justice. Judge Will. Yelverton. Sir John Hevenyngham, Knt. Edm. Winter. John Fitz-raffe. John Bacon. Tho. Wetherby. Thomas Asteley. Will. Calthorp. Chris. Strange. Will. Paston, and Will. Roos, Esqrs. Dr. John Kenninghall, Prior of the Carmes, Dr. John Thorp, friar there, John Brakle, John rector of Sparham, John Parham, rector of Burgh, John Duston, rector of Spixworth, John Bron, rector of Possewyk, Nic. Coke, austin friar, Robert rector of St. Julian, Ralf rector of Burnham, Dr. Tho. Sharyngton, Will. Bernham, bachelor in the decrees, and chancellor, John Heydon, Edm. Wichingham, John Norwich, John Spendlove, John Lovel, John Gray, Simon Felbrigge, Tho. Elys, Will. Thurston, Will. Spelman, John Taseburgh, Thomas Cambridge, Tho. Bukenham, senior and junior, Simon Postle, Will, Norwich, senior, Ralf Pigot and Philip Curson, Gentlemen, the Lady Joan Thorp, &c. the whole number of brothers and sisters in 1450 being 264.

Ao. 1471, there were 217 members, among which the Bishop and Prior of Norwich, John Selot Archdeacon of Sudbury, Simon Thornham, clerk. Will. Merrys, chaplain, and priest to the gild, Sir Will, Yelverton, Knt. Sir John Heveningham, Knt. John Jannys, Roger Briggs, &c. Sir Miles Stapleton, Knt. Will. Rookwood, Esq. Sir John Flouredew, rector of Drayton.

  • 1486, Edm. Southwell, elected chaplain for life, with a salary of 8 marks per annum.
  • 1490, Will. Watirpitte, prior of the Carmes, and Will. Walsingham, D. D. reader there.
  • 1494, Tho. Shenkewyn, archdeacon of Sudbury, and official of Norwich consistory, and St. George's feast was this year held in the great hall of the Bishop's palace.
  • 1495, Will. Foster, the gild's chaplain, went beyond sea without notice, and the mass of St. George ceased for three weeks, on which Will. Levys was chosen chaplain.
  • 1496, Sir John Paston, Knt. Philip Calthorp, Esq.
  • 1502, Sir Rob. Prowet, chaplain of the gild.
  • 1506, Sir John Underwood, suffragan, and Sir Rob. Catton, prior of Norwich.
  • 1511, John Drye, A. M. chaplain of the gild.
  • 1555, Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Mr. Serjeant Gawdy, recorder, Mr. Serjeant Catlin, steward, John Corbet, Esq. Sir John Kempe, priest, Bishop of Norwich, Henry Earl of Sussex, Sir Tho. Woodhouse, Sir Will. Woodhouse, Sir John Godsalve, Knts. John Barney of Langley, Esq. Mr. Allen Percy, clerk, Mat. Parker, D. D. Thomas Tedman, D. D.
  • 1556, Sir Edm. Windham, Knt. John Dyer, Esq. John Barret, D. D.
  • 1564, Philip Earl of Surrey, Sir Tho. Cornwaleis, Sir Henry Jerningham, Sir Edward Warner, Sir Tho. Knevet, Sir Ric. Fulmerston, Knts. John Bleverhasset, Robert Warner, Ralf Shelton, Roger Towneshend, Philip Appleyard, Nic. Minne, John Paston, Clement Paston, Hen. Cornwaleis, Ric. Southwell, and Will. Bleverhasset, Esqrs. and Chancellor Gascoign.
  • 1565, The Lord Hunsdon, Sir Nic. le Strange, Knt. Mr. Underwood, Archdeacon of Norwich, Edward Clere, James Hobard, Miles Hare, Basingbourn Gawdy, Henry Doyly, Tho. Timperley, Tho. Heydon, Esqrs.
  • 1566, The Lord Cobham, Will. Paston, Tho. Hogan, Drue Drury, Will. Browne, Will. Dix, Henry Heveningham, Henry Woodhouse, John Jerningham, John Davy, Francis Thursby, Thomas Knevet of Ashwelthorp, Miles Corbet, and John Jermy, Esqrs.

In 1504, they bought the Lamb, which is now the city prison.

In 1519, they sold the George inn in St. Simon's parish, to Tho Greenwood, which they had purchased before 1494.

In 1549, after the new erection, an inventory of the company's goods was taken, in order to make sale of such, as since the alteration of the old ordinances, would be of no service; among which Mr. Huntingdon had a manuel with silver clasps, and Mr. Austin Steward had a gown of velvet pirled with gold, in recompense for a mace of christal, silver and gilt, which he then gave to the use of the city. Alderman Rogers had the best banner. And among other things sold, was a black velvet vestment, a jerkin of crimson velvet, a cap of russet velvet, a coat armour of white damask with a red cross, a horse harness of black velvet with copper buckles gilt, for the George, a horse harness of crimson velvet with flowers of gold, for the Lady, divers banners, books, and vestments.

In 1550, they granted all their temporals, (as the tenements and grounds called the Lamb, the Stere, 2 acres in the fields without St. Gile's-gates, and the customs of Fibrigge stathe, to the house of the poor people, called God's-house, in Holme-street.

In 1553, the company made an order, to buy yearly as much freese, as would make 13 gowns, to be given to 13 of the 40 poor people in God's-house, and each gown to have the conysance of the gild on them (viz. a red cross.)

In 1556, a gown of crimson velvet pirled with gold, was bought for the George.

In 1558, it was ordered, "that ther shall be neyther George nor Margett, but for pastime the dragon to come in and shew himself as in other yeres."

In 1577, Dean Gardiner was one of the company by his free consent, and instead of his bearing part of the feast, made a present of a salt of christal with silver gilt, of 20 ounces weight.

In 1612, every alderman was appointed to find two tapestry hangings for the feast makers of the gild, to hang the hall; and each of the sheriffs and common council one; and Sir John Woodhouse, Knt. in 1561, gave 20l. to buy hangings for that purpose.

In 1636, a carpet with six cushions, and benches, were made for the Stone in the hall, where the company usually met.

In 1704, the company gave the mayor a new sword of state, (now used, ) and a scabberd of crimson velvet and gilt lockets, and a new mourning scabberd of black velvet and gilt lockets; two new staffs to be carried by the two marshal-men before the mayor, with two silver heads thereon of the city arms, viz. the castle and lion on pedestals of silver on each, and two new silver badges of the city arms, to be worn on the marshal-men's breasts, on blue ribands before Mr. Mayor, when they wait; they had also a new staff with a silver head of St. George and the dragon, the arms of the said company, on a pedestal of silver, to be carried by the company's beadle, before the alderman of the company; and thus they continued till the general quarterly assembly, held Feb. 24, 1731, being St. Matthias's day, when the committee appointed for that purpose, reported, that they had treated with St. George's company, which agreed to deliver up their charters, books, and records, into the hands of the city, provided the city would pay their debts, which appeared to amount to 236l. 15s. 1d. which they promised to do; upon which, the charter was delivered, with the books, papers, and records of the said gild, fraternity, or company, to the corporation of the city, and are now reposited with the records of the city in the gild-hall. Their effects were put under the care of the city committee, who had power to appoint a person with a salary, to be keeper of them, and to lend any part thereof, to the mayor and sheriffs, or the judges, or the companies of the shoemakers, barbers, tailors, &c. at their annual feasts; which committee were empowered to order the procession on the day of swearing the mayor; and of clothing in blue coats, shoes, and stockings, the two beadlemen, bellman, and charcoalman; and of paying the trumpeters, wiflers, the ringers at St. Peter's and St. Andrew's, the standard-bearer, and all that shall be employed about the procession.

And thus was this ancient company disused, or laid aside, and their goods surrendered to the city committee, as they now remain; the intory of which here follows.

(97) The bridge commonly called the

Black Friar's Bridge


was formerly called New-Brigge, and was built about Henry the Fifth's time, of timber, rebuilt in Edward the Fourth's time, and in 1586, was made of stone, towards which, Alderman Edward Wood gave 20 marks.

(98) St. Simon and Jude's Church


Is as ancient as any in the city, and was the Bishop's own church before the see was settled here, for this being a place of great note before that time, the Bishops had a house, which stood against the street, since called the Cook-row, leading down to Fibrigge, on the east side of it, the principal entrance being where the Maid's-head tavern now is; in Edward the Confessor's time, (see Pt. I. p. 13,) Bishop Ailmer held it, with the house, half an acre of land, and three parts of a mill; and after him, Bishop Arfast; and in the Conqueror's time William Bishop of Thetford, who at the extent, claimed it to be of the patrimony of Bishop Ailmar, by which it seems, as if he designed to get it for his own inheritance; but it did not succeed, for though the whole, except the advowson, was aliened at that time, this always attended the see, and continues with it even at this day: and to make the preferment good, about the year 1200, the deanery of the city of Norwich, and that of Taverham, with the churches of St. Swithin in Norwich, (see p. 255,) ad Crostweyt by Norwich, were annexed; so that the rectors here may be seen at p. 63, down to the year 1329, when the deaneries and rectories were separated at the death of Tho. Silvestre, then dean.




  • 1329, John de Swathfield, alias de Yarmouth.
  • 1331, Rob. de Tilney.
  • 1340, Adam de Est Barkeworth.
  • 1341, Rob. de Haynton, who changed it in 1344, with Thomas Colyn for Derly in Lincolnshire.
  • 1349, Walter de Banham, ob.
  • 1354, Rob. James of Wissingset, who in 1364, changed for Aldham in London diocese with Tho. Chaloner.
  • 1365, Rob. Cole, who in 1366, changed for Thornham with Tho. de Honingham.
  • 1369, Tho. Profete, who in 1371, changed for Crondle in Canterbury diocese, with Tho. de Coventry, and he in 1386, changed with John son of Rob. Thornham for Timworth, who in 1393, changed this for Sparham, with Tho. de Wortham.
  • 1405, John Calthorp.
  • 1449, John Howlot, he is buried at the entrance of the chancel, the brass is loose and is thus inscribed,
  • Orate pro anima Domini Johannis Howlot nuper Rcctoris istius Ccclesie qui obiit vi die Mensis Junii Ao Dni. Moccccolriio
  • 1462, John Borrel, resigned.
  • 1462, John Bullock ob.
  • 1565, Walter Goose.
  • 1474, Will. Welysed, who changed Stradbrook for this in 1476, with Walter Goose.
  • 1492, another Walter Goose was collated.
  • 1497, Rich. Corby.
  • 1501, John Underwood, suffragan Bishop, and Prior of Bromholm; he resigned in 1507, to Hugh Kestryn.
  • 1510, John Thixstall, at whose death this was disunited, and presented to single.
  • Rectors of St. Simon and Jude.
  • 1546, Walter Ponington, buried here in 1559; he is called Bennington in the Office Register, but Ponington in the Parish Register.
  • 1559, Nic. Smethe, resigned.
  • 1569, William Blomefield.
  • 1570, Ric. Woods.
  • 1579, German Gardiner, resigned.
  • 1582, Tho. Twaites, resigned.
  • 1604, John Ward, resigned.
  • 1615, Martin Stebbyn.
  • 1633, Samuel Cullyer, resigned.
  • 1640, Charles Davell, resigned.
  • 1645, John Luce.
  • 1662, John Harwood, curate. Mr Hughes, who held it by seques tration as Mr. Harwood did. Joseph Alanson was collated by the Bishop, and held it many years united to Fretenham.
  • 1736, May 1, the Rev. Mr. John Burcham, the present [1745] rector, holds it united to Earsham, and is also curate of Cosseye.

This rectory was anciently valued at 40s. taxed at 20s. and paid 6d. synodals; and being the Bishop's own church, was exempt from all archidiaconal jurisdiction; it was valued in the King's Books at 3l. 9s. 10d. ob. pays no first fruits nor tenths, and is augmented with 200l. of the Queen's bounty, but no purchase yet made; the whole besides the bounty is arbitrary contribution, and amounts to about 15l. per annum.

(99) There was anciently a chapel of st. Simon and Jude standing in this parish on the east side of the Cook-row, it adjoined to the north part of the site of the Bishop's house, and was originally founded as a private oratory or chapel to it; in 1314, it was in use, and then belonged to St. Giles's hospital, at the expense of which house, it was covered with reed, but it seems to have been disused about the year 1400, for then it was called the Hospital's house there.

The religious concerned in this parish were, the Priors of St. Faith, whose temporals were taxed at 20s. those belonging to Hickling at 3s. 6d. The Prioress of the nuns at Blakebergh, had half a mark rent from a house, settled on them by John de Lodne. The hospital of St. Giles had divers houses and rents given them by Ric. de Norwich, and some by Will. de Dunwich in 1272. The Prioress of Bungey had a house, and the Abbot of Sibton another. The Dean of the chapel in the Fields had rents of about 8d. value, and the Prior of Norwich had houses, &c. taxed at 17s. 3d. given them by Sir Will. de Garnar or de Granarijs, Knt. Ric. le Specer gave a house to the abbot and canons of St. Mary at Creyk, and William, abbot there, assigned it to Gilbert de Harpele, clerk, who jointly with Will. Page of Stratton, sold it to the Prior of Norwich.

St. George's gild had a tenement here, which they sometimes used as a gild-hall, and they had also, the customs at

(100) Fyve-brigge Stathe, and were obliged to find a coke-stool there; and after this stathe came into the hands of the city and hospital, Miles Hobart, Esq. of Plumstede, contributed much towards making a new key there; and in 1662, the butchers stalls there were disallowed by the court, and the whole row of them pulled down.

The Maid's-head was anciently the Molde-fish, or Murtil-fish tavern, and was tied to find a lamp and wax taper to burn in the church.

This church hath a square tower and six bells, on the first of which is this,

Uirginis egregie voror Campana Marie.

And the nave and chancel are both leaded.

Persons buried here for whom I find no memorials in the church, are,
1336, John Pyrmund, bailiff of the city. 1404, Godfry de Stanhowe, chaplain. 1443, Will. Selby, chaplain, by his father's and mother's window. 1446, on condition the parishioner's rebuilt their steeple (as they did) there were twenty marks given towards new roofing the chancel, which was done also. 1449, William Grey, alderman, was buried under an arch on the north side of the church, before St Mary's altar, and gave 5l. towards new leading the church, and a silver cup, and two cruets to the altar; and in 1459, Alice his relict was buried by his tomb, and gave a silver censer, and a legacy to repair the beds in Ivy hospital. 1466, John Estgate, in the church. 1471, Henry Gardiner, chaplain, was also buried in the church, and gave a silver cup and vestment. 1531, there was an image of St. Anne, with a light burning before it, and the image of our Lady in the alley in the churchyard

On the screens at the altar are paintings of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the Passion of our Saviour, divers Evangelists, &c. and over the vestry door is carved St. Simon as a fisherman, rowing in a boat with fishes, &c.

In the east chancel window, are two shields, 1st, az. a chevron or. 2d, quarterly or and az. a cross gul. In a south window, arg. on a cross ingrailed between four escalops sab. five bezants. On a north window, 1st, Cecil quartering Castle, 2d, Bacon and Quaplode quartered, with a crescent for difference.

On brasses in the chancel.

Here lyeth the Bodye of Margaret the Wife of Richard de Balls who deceased the nynth Day of Februarye in Anno Dni. 1600.

Orate pro anima Ricardi Litester Capelani qui obiit Ao. Dni. Mo Vciv ultimo die Mensis Januarii cuius anime propicietur Deus.

Certâ resurgendi spe, hic situsest Johannes Walters A. M. filius Danielis Walters Generosi, et Janæ Uxoris ejus, qui dum inter homines ageret vitam, tàm inventute per multum tempus optimis artibus in Academiâ Cantibrigiensi innutritus, quàm Maturioris existens Ætatis in Lincolnes Inn, totos octo Annos in illo Forensi dicendi Genere moratus, litteris præsignis, Ærumnosæ Matris Solamen, Patris pergrata voluptas, Comis Amicis Amicus, omnibusque amantissimus fuit, et Demum Morbo confectus (suis publicis privatisque precibus finitis) hæc ultima verba dixit, et subito ad superos migravit, viz.

Lord, blesse, preserve, and keep me this Night and evermore.

Hœc dixit, et obijt 22° die Octobris Ao. D. 1619, annoque ejus Ætatis 3°. Fratres et sorores ejus adhuc superstites sunt Daniel, Thomas, Martinus, Jana, Elizabetha & Maria.

On a loose brass,

For John Cok Citezen and Alderman of Norwich Goldsmith, And Anneys his Wiff of yower Charite, Saithe a Pater noster, and an Ave.

In the church, beginning at the west end:

Curtis, with a crescent for difference. (See p. 203) Hic jacet corpus Augustini Curteis Gent. qui obijt 29° Nov. 1591.

Here lyth Thomas Warner Mercer and his Wyvys tweyn, God have Mercy on ther Sowlys and all Cresteyn.

Pray for the Sowle of Alerander Mather, Cetezen and Alder- man of Norwich, who departed from this present Lyfe the riith Day of September Ao. 1558, on whose Sowle Jesus have Merry Amen.

Orate pro anima Hichi. Lathe Parchemyner, qui obiit xviiio die Junii Ao. Dni. MoccccciioUroris eius quorum anima- bus propicietur Deus Amen.

Anna Whalle Uxor Thomæ Whalle Gen. Filia Radolphi Ward Gen. et Elisabet Uxoris ejus, spei integerrime Generosa, quæ Postquam per annum unum, Mensesque 4, cum marito vixerit, mortem obijt Jan. 3, 1624, Ao Ætatis suæ 19. Nec tamen tam virtuti, quam vitæ tuæ Mors antevenit.

An old brass plate on the same stone, hath this,

Hic iacet Ricardus Lawrence filius Laurentii Berbrewer, alias Wyllyamson qui obiit vo die Mensis Sept. A Dni. Moccccco cuius anime propricietur deus.

Pray for the Soule of Thomas Palmer the wich departed the vi Day of Maye Ao Dni. Mo vo. xlvijo on whose Soule Jesu have Mercy Amen.

Here lieth Thomas Mhall, late Alderman and Justice of Peace of this Cittye, who died the thirde Daye of Decem. in the lxi Yere of his Age in the Yere of our Lord God 1575.

The grocers arms are impaled with his mark.

On the same stone,

Here also lieth the Body of Margaret the Wife of Mathew Peckover, Shiriffe of this Cittie Ao. D. 1615, ob. 20 March 1616.

In the chancel are the following memorials:

Crest, on a torce a leveret. Arms, three leverets in pale, impaling

Reeve, gul. a chevron varry between three roses arg.

Crest, an eagle's head erased, collared.

Urith, Wife of John Leverington, Dr. of Mr. Tho. Reeve D. D. March 26, 1660.

The Night is come for sleepe, loe here I stay, My 3 sweet Babes sleepe here, we wait for Day, That we may rise, and up to blisse ascend Where Crownes and Thrones and Robes shall us attend; Thy worst is past O Death, thou'st done thy Parte, Thou could'st but kill, we fear no second Darte. Resurgemus

Saunders, per chevron ar. and sab. three elephants heads erased, counterchanged, impaling,
Mannock, sab. a cross florée arg. Saunders's crest is an elephant proper.

Anne Saunders, Daughter of Fran. Mannock Bart. Wife of Valentine Saunders Esq. 12 June 1662.

Warkehouse, sab. three covered cups arg. impaling

Andrews, arg. on a bend ingrailed cotized sab. three mullets or. Warkehouse's crest, a boar's head erased.

SAMUEL WARKEHOUSE Esq. some Time MAIOR of this City, afterwards CAPTAINE under his Grace Henry Duke of Norff. and sometime after, MAJOR under Charles Vicount Lord Tovnsend; he married HANNAH one of the Drs. of JOHN ANDREWS, sometime Alderman of this City, by whom he left 4 Children, Anne, Samuel, John, and Thomas, 20 Apr. 1702, æt. 54. HANNAH his Wife died 18 Febr. 1716, æt. 65. Mary Dr. of Sam. Warkehouse Sheriff, died June 30, 1684. Eliz. Dr. of Alderman Sam. Warkehouse, 1686, and John his Son the same Year, æt. 7. Mary his Dr. 1687.

Edm. Harvy 1681. Mary Leverington 1657, Mary wife of Denold Denham, 1726, 39. Eliz. and Mary their Children.

Below the altar rails are stones for,
Stephen Leverington 1650, Seele son of Seele and Martha Maxey, 1739, 21. John Watson 1703, 75. William Smith and Lidia his wife, Dr. of John Watson, 1714, 66, she died 1701, 51. John son of Thomas and Susan Ayde 1690, Susan their Dr. 1692. Peter son of John Wigget 1681. Martha widow of Roger Gooch 1659, under rector Howlet's stone. Seele son of Mr. John Maxey of Lyn Regis 1719, 33. Martha his Wife 1736, 51.

Crest, a pegasus volant. Nebulé a chief quartered on the 1st and 4th two roses on the 2d and 3d a lion passant. Alderman Peter Wiget died July 22, 1677, Susan his Dr. wife of Tho. Ayde, 11 Jan. 1702. Supporters two pegasuses.

There is a mural monument over the south door, for Frances Wife of Augustine Hankinson, daughter of John Curtis, who died 27 Oct. 1713.

Roberts, or, a lion rampant gul. impales Warkehouse.

Anne wife of John Roberts of Lincolns-Inn Esq. only Dr. of Sam. Warkehouse Esq. late Mayor, died Aug. 12, 1738, æt. 57.

Crest of Pettus, viz. out of a ducal crown, a demi-lion or, holding a spear gul. headed arg. tasselled or and gul.

Pettus, gul. a fess between three annulets or, impaling

Gleane, erm. on a chief sab. three lions rampant arg. Crest, on a crown, a dog passant.

Reader, behold where Time is put in Trust, To keepe 'till Day of Doome, the sacred Dust

Of this Blest Wife, who truly did possesse, More Vertue, than the most do now professe, Shee liv'd to Conscience, not to Showe, and dy'd Once, to live ever truly sanctify'd.

Mary wife of William Pettus Gent. Dr. of Sir Peter Gleane Knt. and Dame Maud his Wife, died 27 July, 1631.

In the church beginning at the west end, there are stones for, Eliz. wife of John Mazey, 1709, 40, Will. Mazey 1695. Mary wife of Tho. Pinder 1681. Tho. Grome 1641. Anne his wife 1677. John Davy 1676, Eliz. his wife 1695, Mary Pepys his sister 1705. Henry Davy Esq. 1728, 54. Sam. Faulke 1696, 24. John Cobb Gent. 1678. Edw. his brother 1676, 20. Mary wife of Simeon Waller 23 May 1732, æt. 49. John their son Nov. 3, 1726, aged 36 weeks. Tho. Allen 1673, Anne his wife 1654. Rebecca Davy 1650. Dorothy wife of George Kempe 1646. Mary Vesey. John and Jane Allen 1641. Jane wife of Rob. Allen 1645. Catherine wife of the said Robert, 1689. Francis Clopton 1679.

Davy, with a label of three for difference. Henry son of John Davy merchant, 1669.

Hannah wife of Henry Stebbing 1703, 23, Martha their Dr. 1702.

To the Memory of William Tracey Cutler, the last of the Family of Tracey in Norwich, haveing lived between 30 and 40 years in this Parish, did by his last Will, give one Acre and an half of Land [in Little Hautbois] for ever, to the Uses following, that is, five Shillings to the Minister yearly, for preaching a Memorandum Sermon once a Year, on the Sunday before the Guild, and at the same Time 1s. 6d. to the Clarke, as it doth in his Will more at large appear.

At the east end of the nave, where the altar of St. Mary formerly stood, is a monument, having the arms and crest of Pettus on the top. There is an effigies of Sir Augustine, and under him his two sons on their knees, and four daughters. And on the other side of a faldstool, which is placed between them, is that of Abigail his 2d lady, who was daughter of Sir Arthur Heveningham of Ketringham; on the top of the altar part lies Sir John in complete armour, leaning his head on one hand, and holding a book in his other; there is said to be an inscription on the tomb, covered, and this is open, viz.

Charissimi Patris, et dilectissimi Fratris, Johannis et Augustini Pettus Militum, Mœstissimus Filius et Frater, Thomas Pettus Armig. Pietatis et Amoris ergò posuit.

Et Pater, et Natus, Tumulo conduntur in isto, Militiâ, Virtute, Fide et Pietate, notandi; Filius ante Patrem immaturâ morte peremptus, Conjuge tàm binâ, vixit quam Prole beatus, Quam precor Hæredem Patriæ & Virtutis avitæ, Hac Pater urbe Locum tenuit cum Laude supremum, Cujus Cura Dei Res sacras protegit, ornat. Templa, Sacerdotes, Largito Munere in Ævum, Corpora nuda tegit Inopum, Fame Languida nutrit, Pressa Siti reficit, redimito è Carcere capla, Hæc Deus aspiciens, hunc dignum judicat astris, Eximit Ærumnis, dat factis præmia cœlos.

Sir AUGUSTINE was buried July 9, 1613.

On the opposite monument, are the effigies of Sir Thomas Pettus in his mayor's habit, and Christian his wife, who was daughter of Simon Dethick of Wrongey; behind him are four sons, and behind her are three daughters, all kneeling. Pettus quarters 1st Dethick, arg. a fess varry or and gul. between three water budgets sab. and 2d, gul. a chevron between three escalops or:
Siste Gradum, Quisquis Monumentum hoc aspicis, atque Hæc lege, Parva mora est, nec sine Fruge Labor; Conditur hic, celebris Civis, celeberrimus urbis NORWICI Civis, grande simulque decus; Nomen ei sacro Baptismi Fonte dabatur THOMAS, cognomen cum Patre, PETTUS erat Inter et ille notos, hoc nomine clarus, Inter et ignotos, nomine clarus erat; Namque suos inter, Gradibus perfunctus Honorum Omnibus, ad summum Præmia summa tulit.

Percrebuit famâ totius Gentis, et inter Urbes Anglorum, PETTUS ubique suâ; Nomen ubique bonum, PETTUS fuit, atque decorum, Tum Fidei plenum, tum Probitatis erat; Singula quid memorem (Resque rarissima) Mundo Et vixit Foelix, charus et ille DEO, Divitijs Mundo Foelix, pietate Supremo, Charus, et ille DEO vixerat, et moritur; Cumque DEO vivit, post mortem clarior ille, Quam fuit in terris, nunc simul Arce Poli: Candide discedas nunc Lector, Doctus ab illo: Quò vivas Foelix, et moriare modò.

Credo quod Redemptor meus vivit, & in novissimo die de Terrâ Surrecturus sum, & in Carne meâ videbo Deum Salvatorem meum: Reposita est hæc spes in sinu meo.

Johannes Pettus, Filius et Heres Thomæ Pettus Patris sui Charissimi hoc Monumentum erexit, Qui Thomas obijt Septimo Die Januarij 1597, Ao Æt. sue 78, Cujus Spiritus in Coelis, Carnis re-assumptionem expectat.

On the flat stone over him,

Religio Fructu florens, Foelicibus acta Prætura auspicijs, specimen moderaminis æqui, Mors hilaris, Christi in Meritis Fiducia sola, Hæc Thomam Pettum ornârunt, nunc hic Lapis ornat, Quod terræ superest, cælum mens incolit, urbe Laus, vivas ô sic, sic ut moriare, viator.

There is a stone over Sir John Pettus, who died in 1614, but the brass is above half covered with a seat.

  • 1609, Sir John Pettus, Knt. settled a tenement in this parish, copyhold of the manor of Tolthorp cum Felthorpe, on six feoffees, to be chosen by the parishioners, and when four of them be dead, within one month, six other new ones to be chosen; the profits to go to the discharge and payment of all manner of out charges and payments, going out of the said parish of St. Simon and Jude, and repairs of the church there.

This family were owners, for many years, of the house joining to the west side of the churchyard, and were principal merchants of this city, and Sir John Pettus aforesaid was the first knight of the family, whose grandson, Sir Tho. Pettus of Rackhithe, was created baronet Sept. 23, 1641.

There is a parish stock of 28l. lent out to tradesmen free of interest; but I find no account by whom any part of it was given.

(101) St. George at Tombland


Was anciently called St. George at the Monastery Gates, and was a rectory given to the college of St. Mary in the Fields in Norwich, as may be seen under the account of it; and the following



were presented by the Deans and Canons of the College.

  • 1290, Rob. de Druiton.
  • 1324, Rob. atte Herne of Draiton.
  • 1326, Richard Kempe.
  • 1333, Walter de Dichingham
  • 1339, John de Buningham, who in 1344, changed for the precentorship in the college with Rob. Redgrave, who was the last rector here, for in 1350, William Bishop of Norwich, by license of Edward III. and the Duke of Lancaster, lord of the fee, appropriated it to the college, on condition they served it by a vicar, or parish chaplain, who should have a sufficient stipend, and his dwelling in the college.

From which time it hath been served by parish chaplains to this day.

  • 1390, Sir Peter de Welbourne, chaplain, buried here.
  • 1390, Tho. de Ipre.
  • 1456, Sir Will. Balle, buried in the yard by the south door.
  • 1492, Sir Jeffery Newman.
  • 1558, Ric. Skippe, Tho. Melles.
  • 1604, Will. Fugill.
  • 1627, Rob. Fugill
  • 1633, Will. Bridge, who had a Friday lecture here, and was paid for it by the court.
  • 1685, Francis Morley, minister, died April 5, aged 48, and is buried here.

"Trusting in God, better than trusting in the best of Men, or the greatest of Princes, a Sermon preached in Norwich cathedral March 12, 1701, being the Sunday next except one, after the death of King William III. by John Graile, rector of Blickling, some time minister of St. George on Tombland, printed by Francis Burges in Norwich, qo. 1702, Psalm cxviii. ver. 8, 9." He published also, "Sacra privata in Duas Partes distributa, Authore Johanne Graile," A. M. and other works.

This rectory was valued at 5 marks, taxed at 20s. and paid 4d. synodals; and the advowson of the vicarage and appropriate rectory, with the nomination of the parish chaplain, came to the Crown at the Dissolution of the college, and there continued till 18 Elizabeth, when that Queen granted them to Roger Manners, Esq. to be held of the manor of East-Greenwich, in free soccage, but the exchange going forward between him and the Queen being not perfected, he surrendered his grant; and June 27, the Queen, in the 42d year of her reign, granted the rectory, church, &c. to the Bishop of Ely, and his successours, and the nomination to it belongs to that see at this time.

The Rev. Dr. John Clark, dean of Sarum, is the present [1745] parish chaplain.

The arbitrary contributions, &c. are said to amount to about 50l. per annum, as they were in Dr. Prideaux's time.

This church hath a square tower, which was built by the parish in 1445, to which divers legacies were then given; it hath five bells and a Saint's bell; the nave, two isles, two porches, chancel and vestry, are all leaded.

I find the following persons were buried here:

  • 1375, John Marioun, rector of Skeyton. 1447, Master John Excester, he gave 40l. to buy lead to cover the church, and a cup of 5 marks, and two silver phials. 1461, William Brampston. 1482, Tho. Storme, notary publick and proctor, was buried in the north isle, before the image of the Trinity, and gave as many two-feet marbles as would pave the ground by the altar of our Lady, and from thence to the grave, and also an antiphoner of 13 marks, &c. 1491, Agnes Petyte, widow, she gave wax lights to burn before our Lady of Pity, St. George, St. Margaret, St. Erasmus, St. Catherine, and at the altar of St. Catherine in the south isle. 1500. Rob. Harneys, by the south porch. 1504, Jone Best, widow, by Roger Best her husband. 1518.
    Will. Beisby, gave towards the new church roof 5l. to be kept in the vestry among the jewels, till the parishioners be able to set up the roof, and 6l. for a vestment. In 1543, the organs were brought from the Dutch Church, and set up here. About 1565, the inhabitants of Raton-rowe were united to this parish, which formerly belonged to St. Mary in the Marsh. 1480, Tho. Sheef, marbler, for whom Weever, fo. 82, tells us, there was this inscription,
  • Her arr buryed under this Ston Thomas Sheff, t his Wyff Marion, Somtym we warr, as ye now be, And as we arr, so be schall yee; Wherfore of your Charite. Prey for us to the Trinite. obiit (Marion) M.ccc.lrrriiio.

Francis Aylmer, Gent. Oct. 10, 1686, 58.

Aylmer, arg. on a cross ingrailed between four martlets sab. five plates, impaling or, frette az.

In the chancel,
Hic jacet Susanna Houghton una filiarum Roberti Houghton Servientis ad Legem, et Marie Uxoris ejus, quæ nata fuit 29° die Junij Ao Dni. 1594, ac obijt 17 die Maij A° Dni. 1604, A°. Æt. suæ 9°.

Charles son of Robert Barkham Gent. and Eliz. his wife, died on Trinity Sunday 1669. Eliz. wife of Mr. Robert Barkham Gent. 1681.

Mr. William Russell 1730, 60. Edm. Harvey Gent. 1683.

Forth, gul. two bends varry arg. and sab. on a canton or a demi-greyhound current of the 3d. Crest, an eagle's head erased.

Sarah Forth 1696, 42.

Forth as before impales Lane, per pale gul. and az. three saltiers arg.

Eliz. Lane widow, 1705, 77.

Norris with a mullet impales Edgar, per chevron or and az. in chief two de-lises gul. five fusiles in fess of the first, each charged with an escalop of the third.

Crest an eagle rising proper.

Marmore sub isto recubant Antonius Norris Generosus, et Antonius ejus Filius, non nisi generali Resurrectione excitandi, Qui animas Deo reddiderunt, primus xio die Mensis Aprilis Ao salutis 1688, æt. suæ 53. Et alter die Mensis Aug. xxiio A. D. 1709, à suis Cunis 34.

On a black marble in the vestry,
Park impales a chevron between three crescents, it was laid over Isaac Parke senior, April 28, 1732, 79.

On marbles in the altar rails:
This stone was bought and layd at the charge of John Atwood of this Parish; John Andrewes the Son of John Andrewes of Yarmouth, and Susan his Wif, Daughter to John Atwood, was buried here Nov. 4, 1673.

Katherine the Infant Daughter of Rob. Barkham Esq. and Eliz. his Wife 16 - - 67.

Gleane impales, on a bend ingrailed, three roses. Leonard Gleane Gent. 1683. Eliz. his wife 1701. Frances their Daughter widow of the Rev. Owen Hughes, A. M. and LL. B. late Chancellor of Bangor, died 7 Febr. 1741, aged 61. Christopher son of John Jay Esq. 1669. Leonard Gleane LL. B. son of Leonard Gleane Gent. and Eliz. his Wife, 1720, 37. Charles Pouwells 26 Feb. 1615, 64.

In the nave. Edmundus Noake Gen. nuper Curiæ Consistoralis Norwici, Procuratorum unus. 1680, 39.

Henry Brice 1698. Mary his wife 1699. Mary daughter of Tho. Reyner 1684. Margaret Dr. of Walter Reyner 1686. Sarah Dr. of Henry and Sarah Shardelowe 1689. Constance Knite 1641. Nat. Michels 1698. Nat. Michels 1681. Goditha and Elisha Skelton 1692. Susanna Wife of John Collinges Merchant, and John Collinges, 1729, Mary Snowden 1690. Tho. Snowden 1693. Nat. son of Isaac and Susanna Collinges 1700.

Here 'till in Heaven their Souls and Bodies meete, Sherif Lucian Lawes, his Wife lies at his Feete, By Name Elizabeth, Reader then pray, Thou there mai'st meete them at the latter Day.

Sarah Croshold 1672, Her Body lais in her Grandfather's Dust, Her Soule is in Heaven with the Just.

Oritur. Moritur. - - - - - ob. 7 Feb. 1741. Thomas Lawes Filius unicus posuit Hoc.

Crest, a pelican rising from a crown, vulning herself.

Arms, a chevron erm. between three pelicans rising, vulning themselves.

Frost, arg a fess gul. between three trefoils az.

Letitia Wife of Edmund Frost of Hunston-hall in Suffolk Gent. 1700, 58. Edm. Frost 1700, 68. Judith their Daughter wife of Mr. Daniel Meadows of Norwich, June 24, 1719, 41, and Philip and Thomas 2 of their children.

In the south isle,
Will. Hill 1710, 47. Hercules Foster 1689. Jane wife of Rob. Mihill Grocer, and Jane their Dr. 1674. Mary daughter of Rob. Barkham of Southacre Gent. and Eliz. his wife, daughter of Charles Cornwaleis of Broom-hall in Suffolk Esq. June 30, 1684.

Aylmer, arg. on a cross ingrailed sab. between four cornish choughs proper, five bezants, impaling fretté.

Francis Aylmer Gent. 1686, 58, Philip his son 1727, 72.

Eliz. wife of Abraham Yestis 1718, Elizabeth a 2d Wife, 1723, and several children by them. 3 coats viz. 1st, sab. a cross between 4 crescents arg. 2d Yestis az. a bend erm. cotized or between 3 falcons rising of the 2d. 3d, gul. four bars, and in chief three annulets arg.

In the north isle,
Jane wife of Robert Burgess 1613. Robert Burgess 1718. Thomas Groome 1708. John Lynnyck Gent. 1667, 58. Nevill and Thomas Witherley, twins, sons of Edw. and Dorothy Witherley 1655. Thomas Beecroft 1710, 45. Samuel Stearling Gent. 1689. Robert Beecroft carrier 1662, 50.

At the east end is a mural monument, having at the top the crest and arms of Anguish, viz. a snake wreathed proper; arms, gul. a cin quefoil pierced or. On the north side is the effigies of a man in his mayor's habit, kneeling at a faldstool, and nine sons by him, two in swadling clothes, laid on two sculls for pillows, and two more holding sculls, to denote they died before him; over his head is a shield of the arms of Anguish, and over that, this motto, terrestria sperno. Opposite to him is his wife and three daughters by her, each holding a scull; over her is a shield of Thurston's arms, and this motto, cæestia sequar, and the mercers arms are below, to show he was of that business; on the faldstool are placed two books, under them is this,
Here under lieth the Body of Thomas Anguishe late Citizen and Alderman of Norwich, and sometymes Maioer of this Citie, who deceased the 26 of Januarie Ao. Dni. 1617, Ætatis suæ 79, who had to Wife Elizabeth the Dr. of Edmund Thurstone, and had Yssue by her, 9 Sonnes and 3 Drs. whereof at their Death, there were livinge five Sonnes onelie.

William Anguish Gent. died the 6 Day of July 1668, to whose Memorie, John Anguish Esq. his Nephew and Executor dedicated this Inscription.

In the south porch,
Mat. Baltis 1734, 41. Infans Johannis et Eliz. Marker, hic est deposita. There is a carving in stone, of St. George and the dragon.

In the north porch,
Eliz. wife of John Huson 1689. Will. Priest 1721.

In the chancel,
Benj. Andrewes merchant 1623, 48. Thomas only son of Christopher Grigges 1664. Anne daughter of Tho. and Eliz. Grigges 1685. Catherine Martin 1698. John son of alderman William Browne and Judith his wife, 21 May 1621. Lucy daughter of Christopher Lay Esq; 1694.

Crest a griffin proper issuing from a crown or.

Cater, sab. a chevron er. between three fishes naiant arg. quartering a chevron between three leopards faces. Tho. Cater Gent. 1737, 57.

P. M. S. JOHANNIS HARBORD de Gunton Armiger. Qui ex Munificentiâ non vulgari, ducentas Nummorum Libras, ad Tectum Ædis hujus, stramine suo denudandum, Plumbo verò obducendum, expendendas, Testamento legavit 1711.

There is also a small mural monument in this church, on which are the arms of
Symonds, vert, two boars heads cooped arg. impaling gul. two sheep passant. There are the effigies of a man and wife kneeling, with a faldstool between them.

Here underneath lyeth interred, the Body of John Symonds and Olive his wife, who has given by his last will and testament, unto the poor of this parish, two shillings a week, to continue for ever Ao Dni. 1619.

It is now given every Sunday in bread, and the house in which Mr. Beckwith, barber, now dwells, is tied for the payment of the money.

Jeremiah Riley of Soyland near Halifax in Yorkshire, 1718, 31.

Margaret wife of Benjamin Hoyle Dr. of Rob. Ward late of Walcote Gent. 1727, 20, Frances wife of John Hoyle 1741, 73.

In the south side of the churchyard, on an altar tomb,
SUSAN conjux amantissima, nec non plurimum amata, JOHANNIS FRANCIS naturâ GAWEN & ELIZ: NASH, adoptione JOHIS. & MARIÆ REDDINGTONr Filia: Heu! nimium dilecta, Ao. Æt. suæ 26°. Dni. 1727°. Corpus suum Paterno huïc Tumulo, animamque in Dei Manus tradidit.

Vitæ quod brevis Particeps fuit, non est quod doleas:

Paucorum vitæ Particeps fuit Malorum.

On the top of the tomb,
GAGUINUS NASH Clericus A M. Ecclesiæ de Beelaugh quondam Rector, obijt iij Non: Mens Dec. A. D. MDCCVI. In piam Memoriam Patris, ANNA Filia hoc Marmor L. M. posuit, Beati mortui, qui in Domino Moriuntur.

ELIZABETHA conjux dilectissima, ordine quidem, at nec Amore, nee Pietate, secunda; Novem Liberorum Mater indulgentissima, communi hoc fruitur Sepulchro. obijt 8bris 29°. 1710, Æt. suæ 43.

Another altar tomb for Hannah Dr. of Francis and Eliz. Arnam 1722. Francis Arnam Esq; Sheriff 1723, Mayor 1732, died 1741, 67. Crest a leopard's head. On a chevron three boars heads cooped impaling barry of six a canton. Mary Wife of Francis Arnam 1705, 38.

There are altar tombs also on this south side for, Susanna Wife of Jacob Hatt 1734, 50. Jacob & Mary their Children, & and Martha their Dr. 1706, Rob. Priest 1721, whose Honest sober Life and Behaviour, together with his friendly Disposition to all Mankind, made him generally beloved by those that knew him. Millecent his Wife 1724.

Crest, a hand holding a hammer, the handle broken almost through. Motto. Non Arte, sed Marte.

Nasmith, gul. a dexter hand cooped, holding a sword arg. between two broken hammers or.

Mary Wife of James Nasmith, Jan. 21, 1721, and Sarah his Wife, July 21, 1733.

There is an altar tomb on the north side, for Dorothy Mettyer, Dr. of the Rev. Mr. John Coppin, Relict of Clement Barker, and Wife of Edward Mettyer, Jan. 27, 1722, 55.

Eliz. wife of James Salmon, 1736, 54.

There is a stone fixed in the north isle wall, to the memory of John Coppin, late rector of Winfarthing, ob. 1711, 81.

The religious concerned in this parish were, the Priors of St. Faith, Dunmowe, Hickling, Walsingham, and Norwich, the Prioress of Carrow, the Dean of the chapel in the Fields, the Custos of Magdalen hospital, and the Prioress of Bungeye, who had a house by Tombland.

Over against the west gate of the cathedral, is a large house, commonly called Samson and Hercules, the portico of it being supported by two large figures of those heroes in wood, the one holding his club, and the other the jaw-bone of an ass.

This was formerly owned by Sir John Fastolf, Knt. after that by the Countess of Lincolne, and in Henry the Seventh's time, by Elizabeth Dutchess of Suffolk, who used it as a city house for herself and family.

There are Fairs every year held on Tombland in this parish, viz. on Good-Friday, at Whitsuntide, and Trinity, all which formerly belonged to the convent, and now to the city, see Pt. I. p. 57, note 6, and p. 217.

(102) The Church of St. Martin at the Plain


Was anciently called St. Martin's at the Palace-gate, from its standing opposite to the north gate, or grand entrance to the Bishop's palace. In the time of the Confessor, Bishop Stigand held it, and it then had twelve acres of glebe; and in the Conqueror's time it was held by William de Noiers, as belonging to Stigand's fee, which was then in his hands, (see Pt. I. p. 10, 16,) and was purchased again of him by Bishop Herbert, and settled on the see, and afterwards given to the prior and convent, to whom it was appropriated, and settled by them on their infirmary; it was taxed at 20s. and paid 3d. synodals, but no procurations, it being then an exempt belonging to the jurisdiction of the dean of the manors of the prior and convent, and was not in the liberty of the city anciently, but in that of the Bishop, and belonged to the hundred of Blofield; notwithstanding which, the sole spiritual jurisdiction of all the parishioners, living on the west side of St. Martin's bridge, now called White-friars bridge, belongs to the Archdeacon, it being anciently his parish of St. Mathew, which at its dissolution was united to St. Martin's; which church, before its union, was of the Archdeacon's own patronage, and so consequently remains still under his jurisdiction.

At the appropriation, there was no vicar endowed, so that it is a donative in the donation of the dean and chapter: Dr. Prideaux says it hath no certain endowment, that the contributions then, were 14l. per annum, and now the whole is worth about 20l. and has been lately augmented with 200l. of the Queen's bounty. The religious concerned here were, the Priors of St. Faith's, Mendham, and Norwich; the Prioresses of Chiksand and Bungey, and the Abbot of Holm.

Parish chaplains

  • 1383, Rob. de Benham. 1431, Sir Will. Frank, buried in the south porch. 1445, Sir Will. Pyke, buried in the churchyard. 1468, Will. Harbald, buried in the chancel, and settled an anniversary for himself in St. Giles's hospital. 1538, Nic. Pennyman, who was said to be rector, as was Nic. Thorp in 1539. 1617, Nic. Bracket. 1618, John Woodson. 1636, Edw. Smith, A. M. 1662, John Harwood, John Barker, who died 1730, and lies buried in the altar rails with this inscription;

Memor Fragilitatis humanæ Johannes Barker A. M, hujus Ecclesiæ Curatus, annos plus minus triginta octo, vivens adhuc, et victurus insuper, quoàd Deo Placuerit, hanc sibi Sepulchralem Epigraphen posuit. De Vitâ, quam in hâc suâ Peregrinatione gessit, solus Deus [KARDIOGNOSTIS] Judex esto. Nihil unquam Boni, sibi arrogavit, Mali quas contraxit Labes, pretiosissimus Christi Salvatoris Dei æquè ac Hominis sanguis, uti sperat, eluet. Placidè quievit in Domino 1° Sept. 1730, Æt. suæ 65.

Mr. Charles Ray, curate, was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Will. Smith, who is the present [1745] minister.

This church hath a square tower, clock, and five bells; the nave, two isles, with the chapels at their east ends, chancel and south porch, are all leaded.

In 1300, I find mention of a publick school for children to learn to read and sing, kept in the parvis of this church; now the parvis, according to Staveley, in his History of Churches, p. 157, was the nether part of the church, between the north and south doors, which usually was set apart for that purpose; and sometimes courts, both spiritual and temporal, were held there, in which the lawyers often pleaded, even in Chaucer's time, who mentions

A Sargeant at Lawe, ware, t wise, That had oft been at the Parvise.

And we read, that in the church of Canterbury, at the south door, all the differences in the hundreds were there determined, as in the King's court. But afterwards, this being thought inconsistent with that reverence which is due to consecrated places, the courts and pleadings there were prohibited; though the teaching and instructing of children was still continued, as being a good Christian work, and tending much to edification.

In 1506, Mr. John Blomefield gave a robe of worsted, lined with purple satin, in honour of St. Nicholas, for the boy-bishop to wear his day and night, in this parish; and in 1498, money was accounted for, which was laid out in victuals, gloves, &c. for the boy-bishop and his attendants, on St. Nicholas's day; (see p. 41.)

In 1500, a perclose, or chapel, included with cancelli, or lattices, was made at the upper end of the south isle, like that in the north isle. Here was a gild of St. Anne, and images of St. Martin, St. Mary, St. William of Norwich, St. Margaret, St. John, St. Christopher, St. Thomas, St. Anne, and St. Nicholas, with lights before them.

Persons buried here, as appears by their wills: 1468, Thomas Lessingham, chaplain, by his mother's stone. 1470, John Pers, dean of Norwich and Taverham. 1471, John Chitok, alderman, and gave ten marks to buy ornaments, and six marks to the Carmelites, and a legacy to St. Giles's hospital to keep his obit. 1504, John Webster. 1505, Tho. Daywel, clerk, before the principal image of St. Martin, in the chancel, and gave the glazing of two new windows in the clerestories, or upper lights of the nave, one on the north, and one on the south side of the rood-loft, "Item I bequethe to the chirche of St. Martyn, one newe lectorne (or reading desk) for the queere there, and one double cloth for the lectorne, with one image of St. Martyn on the one side, and upon the other side Mary Maghdelyn, my selfe kneeling to one image, and Rob. Shynbone to the other."

  • 1506, Mr. John Blomefield of this parish, publick notary, and principal register to the Bishop, buried in the church by Anne his first wife, and gave a legacy to St. Giles's hospital, to put his name into the obit book; he paved the chapel of St. Nicholas in Tybenham church, and ordered his wife Eliz. to have his obit kept every year in this church, and to find a priest, and give him five marks to sing a year for his own soul, and those of his father, mother, and ancestors here, and left estates in Norwich, Garboldesham, &c. to Eliz. his wife, and then to Agnes his daughter, wife of Mr. William, son of John Bokenham of Garboldesham, "Moreover it is agreed between me and Dr. Hare, of his grete gentillness and courtesie, for the probacion of my testament, which longith to him by reason of his officiality of the consistory of Norwich, to have xxs. in money, and a gold ring. Witness Mr. John Swanton notary, my ghostly father."
  • 1526, John Chambre, in the church, before St. Christopher. 1549, (see Pt. I. p. 243.) 1589, Robert Bishop, LL. D. buried 17th Jan. 1618, Ralf son of Sir Edw. Bleverhasset, Knt. paid 10l. to the city poor, on the 27th of March; the day following being the funeral of Sir Edward. 1701, Francis, only son and heir of Heny Batch of Lyn Regis, and Eliz. his wife, was buried by the font.

On a brass plate in the nave, having the arms of Shelton,
Here resteth in Hope of the general Resurrection, the Body of John shelton the second sonne of Ralph Shelton of Brome in Norfolk Esquier, who left this mortal Lyfe the 3d of April, Ao 1588, and in the 33 Yere of his Age.

For faithfull Friendshipe to his Frend; for meakenesse to the Meane; For Modesty among the Rest; renowned he remayne; His Lyfe he lede in Godlyness; devoyde of every Blame; And in his last Ertremitie; hys Death declared the same.

Here resteth the Body of Mary the Wife of Mathew Marcon, & Dr. of Mat. Peckover Alderman, by Prisca his Wife, who dying together with her Infant in Child-Bed, lies with it under this kinde Stone interr'd July 19, 1642, 31.

Here lies a Mother, in this Earth supprest, Who oft in Labour was, yet heere found Rest; Here lies a Wife, lovinge, Religious, Chaste, Who to her Husband Christ, made early haste, Who livinge was so good, so sweet, so quiet, That when but Warre approached, she straightway died; She was so dear a Mother and a Wife, That for to bee the first, she lost her Life. And whilst to this poor Infant shee gave Breath, Shee, and that also, lost their own by Death. The Child would not forsake her, but the Woombe, Which it had lost, it found out in this Tomb, Where once more 'twill be born againe and tend, To a more pretious Life, which knows no End, Mean while they gently sleepe, cover'd with Clay, Never to wake or Rise till the Great Day.

There is a neat mural monument of white marble erected against one of the pillars, between the south isle, and nave, with an inscription composed by the late Dr. Camell; the exact resemblance of which, the plate here inserted will continue to posterity.

There are also stones for, Anne wife of William Manby 21 July, 1709, 71. Will. Manby 1717, 74. Mary Dr. of Tho. Larwood Merchant, 1707, 43. Ursula Forby 1675. Tho. Mickleburgh Senior, 1710, 50. Thomas his Son by Eliz. his Wife 1736, 47. Mary Goodwin 1717, 46. Sam. Barnes 1718, 63. Rich. Mott 1689. Mr. Will. Chapman of London, 1734, 55. Sarah wife of James Daglis 1719, 80.

Barnes, az. three leopards heads arg. Samuel son of Samuel and Jane Barnes 1719, 18, Jehoshaphat their Son 1713, 7.

In the south isle is a table of benefactors over the door.

  • 1550, Lady Calthorp gave a silver cup and velvet carpet, which is adorned with roses and lilies, and the Holy name of Jesus, and this,
    Sicut Lilium inter spinas, sic Amica mea inter Filias. 2 chap. Solom. Song, verse 2.

Mr. Ric. Moore, in 1608; gave an estate in Cossey, (about 6l. 10s. per annum,) the rents to be given to the poor by the officers, in the coldest time of the year.

Sir Peter Seaman, Knt. gave two estates, one in St. Swithin's, and another in St. Julian's, the neat rents to bind out poor boys apprentices in six parishes of the city, of which this parish is one; the money to be called for at the court of mayoralty by the officers, (see p. 282, and Pt. I. p. 437.)

Mr. Francis Gillians gave 100l. the interest to bind out poor boys apprentices, the claim whereof falls to the parish once every five years; the money is ordered to be lodged in the court of mayoralty, and called for by the church-wardens.

20l. left by several persons, the interest to the poor.

Crest, a demi-eagle. Clarke, arg. on a bend gul. between three bezants, three swans proper, impaling on a chief three estoils, in fess a herne. Hannah Dr. of Edm. and Hannah Clarke 1734, 4.

In the chapel at the east end of this isle;
Eliz. Chamberlayne 1729, 17, Cath. Wife of Rob. Darby 1666, Robert their son 1680. Calthorp's arms in the windows.

Pray for the Soule of Tho. Balkey, (ob. 1529.)

Here lythe Lennerd Spenser who God called to his Mercy in

Orate pro anima Johannis Tillys Generosi ac Civis et Alder- man: Norwici qui obiit xvo die Mens. Aug. Ao. Dni. Mocccco nonagesimo cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

John Powl sometime Inholder, died Aug. 4, 1620.

Tho' Death hath seiased on me as his Praye, Yet all must know wee have a Judgment Daye, Therefore whilst Life on Earth in you remaine, Prayse all your God, who doth your Lives mayntaine, That after Death, to Glory he maye us rayse, Yeelde to his Majestie, Honor, Laude, & Prayse.

Sic vos. Non vobis.

Judith wife of John Wild 1712, also the said John 1725, 63. He gave by will the branch to this church, and to the parish clerk for cleaning the same quarterly, and keeping it in good repair, 20s. yearly for ever.

In the chancel,

John Dillan 1708, 59, Anne his wife 1721, 64. Ric. Moore 1692. Nic. Kett, 1635, Nic. his son 1656, 20. Nic. Larwood Merchant 1739, 78. Susanna wife of Nicholas Larwood, Dr. of Henry Henley Esq. of Colway near Lyme-Regis in Dorsetshire 1707, 35, and two of their children. Tho. Larwood Merchant 1698, 67, Mary his wife 1699, 64. Abigail their Dr. 1675, 5, Eliz. born and died in 1677, Lydia their Dr. 1694, 21. Mary the wife of Franois Larwood Esq; Dr. of John Prattant Clerk, A. M. & Mary the Dr. of James Artis of Yarmouth Esq; 24th April 1743, 24.

Alex. Peckover Gent. who died Sheriff and Alderman of this City, 7 Nov. 1649.

'Twere vayne to tell his Vertues, when ech Heart, Better then Stones or Wordes, doth Act that Part, Looke here and learne, how mortal is pore Man, When one short moment, Life and Death doth Span.

There is a large stone with brass plates, on which is circumscribed that passage in the 19th Job, verse 25, 6, and 7.

I am suer that my Redemar lyveth, and that I shall ryse out of the Earth in the latter Day, that I shall be clothed agayne with this Shynne, and se God in my Fleshe, yee I my Selfe shall beholde hym, not with othar, wyth these same Eyes.

Nere lyeth hydd under thys Stone, The Wyfe of Sic Phylyppe Calthorpe Knyght, And clepyd Dame Jane, the Dowthter of one Jhon Bleverhaysset, Esquier he hyght, She loved God's Worde, and lived lykewise, She gave to the Poore, t prayd for the Rytche, She ruled her Howse in Messuer and Sysse, She spent as it came and gathered not moche, The Day of Apryll twenty and seven, God did her call from hense on to Havven. Anno 1550,

Calthorp impales Bleverhasset, Lowdham, Orton and Keldon; and in the east window are the same arms, and Bleverhasset impales a griffin passant or, quartering a fess between three croslets gul. Crest, a fox sejant gul.

In the north isle by the door, lies a stone disrobed of a circumscription, four shields, fifteen labels, the effigies of a man and woman, and fourteen children at their feet.

John Smith 1726, 75, Mary, his wife 1728, 54. John their son 1718, 18. John son of Joshua and Anne Smith 1737. John Gogill 1725, 45. The children of William and Mary Leedes.

In the chapel at the east end of this isle;
Thomas Browne Dier 1701, 73. Tho. his Son 1681. Will. Trower his Grandson 1725, 30. Ben. Austin 1709, Samuel Austin 1722, 34.
Mary wife of Ben. Austin 1697, 35, and 8 of her children. Jeremiah son of Henry Austin 1679, 16.

Here resteth One, tho' young, yet old in Grace, Whose dying Words, declared he ran Faith's Race.

On a monument at the east end,
Elizabethæ Caltrop er illustri et antiqua Caltropporum Familia oriundæ, Unicæ Parentis Filiæ, Primum Nobilissimo viro Hen- rico Parkero Equito Aurato nuptæ, deinde post eius mortem, Gulielmo Woodhouse Equiti perillustri, in Matrimonio Locatæ, mulier castissimus moribus, fælici ingenia insign cæteris- que preclarissimis virtutibus egregie decorat Fæminei serus Ornament Præcell Drugo Drury Armig. qui postremus in urorem durerat, hoc Monumentum observantiæ t Benevo- lentiæ, animo mærenti, non sine Luctu tam charæ coniugis conseccabat.

Unica quæ fuerat Caltroppi Filia, cuius Nomen perfælir Elizabetha fuit, Hic iacet hoc Tumulo, mulier tot Laudibus aucta, Vt vic speremus posse videre parem. Hæc postquam binos sepeliverat ipsa maritos, Lege maritali tum mihi nupta fuit, Antea chara fuit, quia nos cognatin iunrit, Sed post coniugium charior Uror erat, In Christo vales mea nunc fidissima coniur, Coniunc pars animæ dimidiata meæ, Et quia non licuit tecum discedere, nostra Una sepultura corpora Terra tenet.

Arms on the monument,
Crest, or and gul. a demi-talbot arg.

And Drury and his 13 quarters, impales Calthorp and his five quarters, viz.

1st, Drury. 2d, sab. six cinquefoils arg. 3, 2, 1. 3d, arg. a chief indented, and six croslets fitché 3, 2, 1, az. 4th, arg. a chevron gul. between three caps of maintenance az. 5th, erm. on a chevron gul. three escalops or. 6th, gironé of eight, or and sab. 7th, az. a bend cotized between six croslets fitchée or. 8th Derham. 9th, pally of six arg. and az. on a chief sab. two swords in saltier arg. hilted or. 10th, gul. a chief az. over all, a pair of barnacles ar. 11th, arg. a pair of barnacles gul. 12th, arg. six cinquefoils gul. on a canton sab. a mullet and annulet arg. 13th, ar. a fess indented gul. in chief three leopards faces sab. 14th, arg. a chevron gul. between three squirrels seiant sab. each eating an apple gul.

1st, Calthorp, 2d, Bacon, 3d, Davilers, 4th Wachesham, 5th Wythe, 6th az. a fess between six croslets florée or; the same is in the east window.

At the north end, Calthorp impales three chevrons humetté voided; at the west end,

Calthorp impales 1st, Baynaugh. 2d, Morley with a label of three, her first husband. 3d, Wodehouse of Waxham, her second husband. 4th, Drury, her third husband.

In a window of this chapel, towards the north are, the rose, crown, and thistles, and under them,
Blessed are the Peace Makers, for they shall be called the Children of God.

This was put up in James the First's time, at the Union.

Corbet impales Heydon. Spencer's arms, and a broken inscription, which shows that that window was made by Dr. Spencer, last dean of Chapel-field-College. Calthorp and Bacon quartered, impale Shelton. Drury impales sab. six cinquefoils arg. Drury quartering the cinquefoils, impales gul. an eagle displayed arg. Calthorp quarters Bacon, Wachesham, and Withe, impaling, 1st, barry of ten, gul. and arg. 2d, Hastings. 8d, Grey. 4th, Valence. Calthorp as before, impales Morley, quartering per pale or and vert, a cross moline gul. It seems the Calthorps had a city house in this parish many years, for in 1492 Sir Will. Calthorp, Knt. lived here.

In the south porch, Robert Wild Parish Clerk 1725, 41. On a headstone in the churchyard on the south side. Anna Dr. of Thomas and Margaret Skedge 1739, 21,
Reader beneath this Monument is Laid, The Body of a Pious, Prudent, Maid; Whilst her bright Soul, above the lofty Sky Shall dwell in Peace & Joy Eternally, Then let us not in vain lament her Fate, But her great Virtues Strive to imitate, And let her early Exit always be, An earnest Admonition unto thee.

An altar tomb enclosed with iron palisades is erected to the memory of Samuel Wade, 1727, 59, and William, Samuel, and Anne, their children, who died young.

Wade, az. a saltier between four escalops or. Crest an escalop or.

On the north side is an altar tomb for Theophilus Colcock 1725, 55. Arms per pale on a chief three swans proper, impaling a chevron between three eagles heads erased.

On the north side of the steeple is the street leading to

(103) White-friars Bridge, which was so called because the monastery of those friars was near it; it was afterwards called, as it now is, St. Martin's Bridge, and is built of stone, being one of the five principal bridges; it hath only one large arch; there were formerly two turrets to keep the passage, but they were demolished in James the First's time.

(104) The rectory of St. Mathew the Apostle


By the Palace, or at the School-gate, was so small that it was not taxed. It is said to be in the liberty of the prior of Norwich; but upon a trial before the justices itinerant in 1286, it was found otherwise; for in that year, a thief took sanctuary in this church, and acknowledging his fault, prayed liberty of sanctuary from the prior, but it was not admitted, it being proved to the jury, that this church, and those of St. Helen, St. Martin, and St. Paul, with their parishes, were within the precinct of the hundred of Blofield. But after this, the prior did not claim it, for Norwich Domesday gives us this account of it: " The Archdeacon of Norwich is patron of the church, and hath the absolute spiritual jurisdiction over all the parishioners;" and it pays 13d. per annum synodals; but now the church of St. Martin at the Palacegate pays the synodals, because the church of St. Mathew being in ruins, the parishioners go to St. Martin, and have done so ever since the great pestilence in 1349, and before that pestilence, and till now, the church of St. Mathew was governed by a rector, and the schoolhouse is in this parish, and is called Rome-halle.



All which were presented by the Archdeacons of Norwich.

  • 1305, Ralf de Baketon.
  • 1310, Clement de Cnapeton.
  • 1328, Roger Edryk of Happisburgh.
  • 1348, John de St. Faith, changed for Ringland in
  • 1349, with John Graunt.
  • 1358, Stephen atte Crouch or at Cross of Marham, changed the same year with
    Will. Carpenter, for St. Mary Wigenhall.
  • 1359, John Mersey, who was succeeded by Will. de Banham, and he in
  • 1364, by Walter Kempe, in exchange for East-Walton.
  • 1365, Roger Marcolf, who the same year, changed with Simon Parker for Haverlond.
  • 1366, John Wayte, who changed the same year with Stephen atte Cross, for St. Mary Wigenhall, so that Cross became rector again.
  • 1376, Will. Baxtere of Holkham, who the same year changed with Henry de Limpenhow, for Holkham; he died in 1377, and the church was annexed to St. Martin, and afterwards pulled down. It stood on the right hand of the street, leading from the Plain to the Old-men's hospital, directly at the turn of that street, the churchyard joining to the precinct wall; and directly opposite to it, at the northeast corner, on the left hand of that turn, stood

(105) The Old Grammar School for the City


Which belonged to, and was founded and endowed, by the Bishops of the see, who always collated the masters as to a living, with cure of souls, and they were inducted into the house by the Archdeacon of Norwich. The singing school and grammar schools belonging to the convent were kept in the almonry, and they often were collated to by the Bishop, on the Convent's nomination; both being often in one person; and at the time of their induction there was generally published an inhibition from the Bishop, prohibiting all other persons to teach grammar or singing in the city. But at the Reformation, these were dissolved, and the present school afterwards appointed, as you may see at p. 60.

The Masters were,
1274, Will. Blafield, who resigned in 1385, to Mr. Will. de Plumstede. 1338, Hugh de Waynflet, A. M. 1341, Thomas Buttolph. 1349, Mr. William Pecyn of Herlyngfleet. 1369, William Buntyng. 1403, John Hancock, resigned. 1413, John Seguard, an excellent poet and rhetorician, but for too freely reprovingthe monks for writing filthy verses, he was deprived, and Hancock was collated again, who in 1424, let his school to John Rikkes, rector of Wodenorton, paying him nine marks a year, and repairing the school-house and walls including it, and the gardens; but Hancock, as master of the grammar and singing schools, of the convent, reserved power to take lads from the cathedral precinct, and from St. Leonard's, and twelve from the city or county, but no more. 1434, John Spirling. 1439, Constantine Dalby, A. M. 1440, John Scarlet, clerk. 1475, Mr. Charles Herys, master of grammar in the University of Cambridge; in 1497, he was summoned into the Prior's court, the schools being in the exempt jurisdiction of the convent, and was deprived of his mastership, for speaking reproachful words of the monks, and Mr. John Swanton was collated in his room, who was the last that I find collated to them.

(106) St. Giles's hospital


Commonly called the Old-men's hospital, was founded in the year 1249, by Walter Suffield alias Calthorp, Bishop of Norwich, on the land which he had purchased in Holm-street for that purpose, having pulled down the house, to make room for the hospital and church, which he built thereon, which was made parochial; the old

(107) Church of St. Helen


Which belonged to the monks, and stood in their precinct, opposite to the present hospital, being then demolished, and the parish united to the hospital church of St. Giles, as it still remains; and this is the reason that that church is called St. Helen's at this time.

This hospital is situated on the north-east part of the cathedral, from the precinct of which it is divided by the street called Holmestreet; it consists of 50 aged men and 50 aged women, and is governed by a master, elected by the court, who has the sole management of the hospital; there is a chaplain, who hath his dwelling in its precinct, and serves the church, the whole of which is standing, with a square tower at the south-west corner, in which hangs only one small bell; the choir part is turned into lodgings for the women, and the part of the nave and isles from the steeple to the south porch or entrance, for the men, the middle parts of the two isles and nave, with a south chantry, (all which are covered with lead,) are still used for divine worship: in this chantry is placed the altar, in the rails of which there are stones for the following persons, viz.

Sarah an Infant Daughter of Mr. James Vertue, rector of Catfield, and Margaret his wife, 1723.

Edward son of Peter Attlesey Junior 1719. Prudence wife of Edw. Attlesey Aug. 22, 1694, 71. Edw. Attlesey Senior, Oct. 27, 1693, 67. Edw. Attlesey Aug. 14, 1694.

Nic. Rix Master of this Hospital 32 Years and a Quarter, 1675, 74.

Mihi Christus est, et in Vita, et in Morte, Lucrum Samuel Rix his Son, 1676, 24.

Mori vixit, vivere obijt.

Mrs. Anne Rix 1694, 83.

There is a mural monument erected against the east wall, to the memory of the three last persons, with this inscribed thereon,
To the Memory of Nic. Rix, who was 32 Years a carefull diligent and faithfull Master of this Hospital, untill the tormenting Fits of the Stone made him resign that Office, and afterwards his painfull Life, which he exchanged for eternal Rest, Nov. 14, 1675, aged 74. To the Memory of Ann his Wife, who concluded her long, as well as pious Life, of 83 Years, Jan. 14, 1694. And of Samuel their only son, who died 1 June 1679. This Monument was erected by Mary their Daughter, Widow of Tho. Shewell late of London Gent. she died 8 June 1718, aged 76, and lies in a Vault near the midle Part of this Altar.

Against the same wall, on the south side of the altar, is a monument of black and white marble thus inscribed,
S. M. Of Peter Attelsey Esq; Alderman, Sheriff, & Mayer of this City, so well had he deserved of the Community; in private Life a kind Husband, a tender Father, a sincere Friend, and in his Religious Capacity, an eminent Example to all Men, he died Febr. the 14th, 1729, aged 66. By him resteth Anne his loving and beloved Wife, who died Sept. 26, 1728, aged 75. As also Edward and John their Sons.

Opposite to this is another monument of the same form and materials, erected to the memories of,
Anne youngest Daughter of Peter Attlesey Esq; and Anne his wife, late wife of John Barker, Dec. 4, 1733, aged 40, she lies buried in her father's vault.

Sarah their eldest Daughter, widow of Philip Dyball, Sept. 9, 1735, 45. Phillip Dyball her Husband, Dec, 28, 1718, 28. Anne Dyball their Daughter Feb. 15, 1731, 14. Philip their Son Nov. 18, 1716, 1.

There are also stones for the following persons;
Edward son of Peter Attlesey and Anne his Wife, 1698. Will. Attlesey, 1700, 47. Margaret his Wife 1728, 78. Will. Masey 1706. Nic. Son of Edward and Prudence Attlesey, 1718, 54. Sarah his wife 1725, 64. Martha their Daughter, wife of Will. Attlesey, 1735, 39. Rich. Angell 1717, 26. Sarah his wife, Dr. of Nicholas and Sarah Attlesey, 1738, 48.

Thomas Son of Christopher Baret of Yarmouth, Gent. 1721, 38, and 7 of his children.

Crest, a helmet with two feathers by way of plume. Baret, arg. a bend az. between three mascle buckles gul. This family was of Horstead.

Joseph Rant Clerk and Alice his wife 16 - - - Mr. Augustine Steward Gent. 1689, 57, Mary his wife 1697, 65. The arms of Steward.

William Burnham Gent. late Master of this Hospital 28 Years, who was to the poor, a tender parent, and prudent Governour, industrious in his Calling, true to his Trust and Friend, an endearing and affectionate Husband, a loving and kind Relation, whose Life God having blessed with full Years, he has changed for a Crown incorruptible. 21 Oct. 1714, aged 74. Mary his Wife died March 8, 1721, aged 72.

There is a fine stone on the south side of this chapel, but it hath lost its inscription, effigies, and four shields.

There is also towards the north, another stone, having lost a circumscription and effigies, of a priest; there are four labels, one at each corner, on which, Eupr Thesu help. And there were four labels from his mouth, two are lost; on those remaining are these words,
In novissimo die de terra Surrecturus sum Secundum Actum meum noli me iudicare.

This was laid over Bartholomew Pecock, rector of Surlingham, who was buried in 1385.

The roof of this chapel is a stone arch, with curious carvings thereon; in the midst is the coronation of the Virgin Mary; in another place her ascension; the outward row of figures are the twelve Apostles, and the four on each side are the emblems of the Evangelists; there is also the salutation, and several other histories.

It appears, that the church was beautified when Peter Attlesey was mayor, in 1715, and again when Robert Harvey was mayor in 1738.

In the south isle is a stone reaved of its brass; it now lies in the vestry, and is something broken; the inscription, when perfect, was this,
Here lyeth Hew Herysun, the whyche departed the rrvii Day of August Ao Dni. Movorlviii. of whose Soule Jesu have Mercy.

Stephen Priest 1671. John Foster 1719, 64. By the south door lies a piece of a coffin stone very ancient, with the effigies of a priest cut thereon. This was laid over John de Ely, rector of Acle, who was instituted there in 1362, and was buried at the entrance of the new choir here, to which he was a benefactor in 1385; in 1381, Isabel de Brook gave a legacy to the new chancel's building.

There are many old stalls, in which the brethren of the hospital used formerly to sit.

The church was seated by John Hecker, master, whose name remains carved on several seats; on one he is represented on his knees in a priest's habit; on the tops of other seats, are carved St. Margaret and the dragon, the emblems of St. Mark, St. John, &c.

In the church, on a brass plate,
Hic iacet Willmo: Garlond Capellanus quondam Frater istius Hospitalis cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.

Hic iacet corpus Dni: Edmundi Keche Presbyteri, cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.

Daniel Markon Nov. 18, 16 - - aged 36. Tho Church 1683.

Repositum Johannis Filij dilectissimi Johannis Brandon Clerici et Anne Uxoris ejus, qui animam expiravit 8vo. die Nov. A°. 1705.

On a black marble by the step of the altar,
Crest, a hand holding a dagger proper, and on a label is this motto, I make sure. Arg. a saltier, and on a chief, az. three woolpacks of the field.

Here resteth in hopes of a joyfull Resurrection, the Body of John Kirk-patrick of this City Merchant, and Treasurer to this Hospital; he was a Man of a sound Judgement, good Understanding, and extensive Knowledge, industrious in his own business, and indefatigable in that of this Corporation, in which he was constantly employed, he dyed very much lamented by all that knew him, on the 20th Day of August in the Year of our Lord 1728, aged 42.

This Mr. Kirk-patrick, was a most judicious antiquary, and made great collections for the City of Norwich, jointly with Peter le Neve, Norroy; being so very intimate, they mutually exchanged their collections for this place, Mr. Kirk-patrick giving all his draughts to Mr. Le Neve, and Mr. Le Neve giving his to Mr. Kirk-patrick; to the labours of both which gentlemen I am exceedingly obliged, which if I did not acknowledge in this publick manner, I should inwardly condemn myself, as guilty of the highest ingratitude.

On a brass in the north isle,
Orate pro animabus Willi: Fualeyn et Margarete Uroris sue quorum animabus propicietur Deus Amen.

In the nave, Anne Wife of Jacob Votier 1730, 45. William Son of John Calver, rector of Gissing in Norfolk, and Eliz. his wife, 1719, 15.

The north door of the church opens into the cloister of the old hospital, which is all standing perfect, being a square of 20 yards, with a burial-place for the parish in the midst of it; the whole cloister is covered with lead; the master's lodge was on the east side; over the door is carved in stone, prior Molet's arms, and Bishop Lyhart's, in whose time it was rebuilt. The refectory, or eating-hall, is standing on the west side of the cloister, and in it is a brass plate thus inscribed, brought, I suppose, from the church.

Orate pro anima Roberti Cowper, cuius anime propicietur Deus.

In the women's lodging hangs a little bell with this on it,
Jhesvs Nazarenus Rex Judeorum M° v° xlviij.

On the stone work in the church, are the arms of Bishop Goldwell, by whom part of it was built, quartering his rebus or device for his name, viz. er. on a chief sab. three golden wells. And also the arms of Prior John Molet, arg. a mullet sab. between three birds gul.; he rebuilt the lodge, and part of the church, (see Pt. I. p. 604.)

Gul. a chevron parted per pale and per chevron sab. and arg. counterchanged, between three crescents sab. and arg. This is in stone over a chamber door. The colours are not to be depended upon, being new painted.

There are arms in the windows of the master's lodge, of Goldwell, Hobart, Le Hart or Lyhert, and his rebus, and other benefactors.

In 1405, Robert de Etone, rector of Yelverton, was buried in the church here, and gave 20s. a year, out of his tenement in St. Peter's Mancroft.

Orate pro anima Dni: Thome Lucas confratris huius Loci et Rectoris Ecclie: Parochialis de Thugarton qui obiit rvo die Marcii Moccccolrrrio cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

Owen Cary dyed in 1738, æt. 75.

The following lines are on a board within the hospital:
Henry the Faith's defender, great and good, Bequeathed St. Helen on the poor, Edward the sixth, that Youth of Royal Blood, Confirmed the Gift but added more, Eliza, Happy Queen, with pleasure view'd, The Royal Boon of two such Kings, Gladly She flew to those which Sued, For Charity has ever Wings:

Since which each Soveraign Prince has kindly lent To feeble age, his generous Aid, Well Knowing Kings were truly Sent, To Comfort Subjects when dismaid, St Helen thus the poor protects, From Poverty and Want, A Patroness whom Kings elect, Time never can transplant.

Tempore Majoratûs Richardi Mott Armigeri.

Be ye mercifull, as your Father also is mercifull Luke 6, 36.

On the outside over the chief western entrance, is this,

The house of GOD.

King HENRY the Eight, of noble Fame, Bequeath'd this City, this Commodious Place, With Lands and Rents, he did endow the Same, To help decreped Age in wofull Case.

Edward the Sixth that Prince of Royal Stem, Perform'd his Fathers generous Bequest.

Good Queen Eliza, imitating them, Ample Endowments added to the Rest.

Their pious Deeds we gratefully record, While Heaven them Crowns, with glorious Reward.

The choir of the church was rebuilt about 1383, and was called the New Chancel in 1385, by the benefactions of Bishop Spencer and others; and in 1451, the cloister, master's lodgings, nave, and tower, were built by Bishop Lyhert, Prior Molet, and other benefactors. 1461, in some wills it it called St. Helen's hospital in St. Giles's church. In 1272, there was an altar of St. Catherine, and in 1290, another of St. Nicholas, in the hospital church.

The foundation deed was executed by Bishop Suffield, in 1249, and is dated at Norwich on the calends of Oct. by which he gave and confirmed to God, the Virgin Mary, St. Anne, St. Giles, and All-Saints, and to the hospital of his foundation, to their honour at Norwich, all those messuages which he purchased in Norwich of Henry de la Sale, and Rob. de Stanford, for the use of the master and brethren of the hospital, together with the churches of Calthorp, Cosseye, Cringleford, and South-Walsham St. Mary; all which were by him appropriated to the hospital, with the consent of the prior and chapter, to maintain four chaplains, daily celebrating service for his soul for ever, and all the poor and decrepit chaplains in Norwich diocese, who had not wherewith to maintain themselves; and also to support 13 poor people to be lodged there, and have one meal every day.

And by another deed in 1253, he appropriated the church of Senges or Sething in Norfolk, which was alternately presented to by himself and the prior, to the hospital; after the death of Richard then rector there, paying to the almoner of Norwich convent, a pension of 10 marks a year, and keeping his anniversary with placebo and dirige by note, duly and feeding on that day 100 poor people, with meat and drink; all which was confirmed by the bull of Pope Alexander IV. in 1256, when the statutes of the hospital were signed by its founder, in which he appointed a master for their confessor and ruler, and four chaplains for the divine services in the choir, to be all priests; and two clerks to assist them, one to be a deacon, and the other a subdeacon; there were also to be four sisters, of 50 years old each, to take care of the clothing, bedding, and other necessaries for the sick, and no other women to be there; the whole of all the offices being to be done by men. The master and chaplains were to eat, drink, and sleep together, in one room; and every day, after grace at dinner, before any one drank, the bell was to ring, and the chaplains were to go into the choir, and sing the psalm of Miserere mei Deus, &c. (Psalm li.) He appointed the collation of the mastership, to be annexed to the see of Norwich; the Bishops of which were to be visitors, and have the spiritual jurisdiction and correction of it: thirteen poor people were daily to have their dinner, and liberty in the winter to refresh themselves at the fire; seven poor scholars named by the master of the grammar-school, were to have their dinner daily in the hospital, and when they went off, others were to be named. There were 30 beds or more, (if the income increased,) with sheets and all things complete; and if any poor man infirm or ill comes to the hospital, he shall be taken care of till his recovery, particularly all poor chaplains of the diocese of Norwich, who have nothing to support themselves, or are so old they cannot officiate, or if they have any disease or incurable infirmity, shall be received, dwell, and be maintained in the hospital as long as they live. And at this hospital shall be an arch a Domini, or Lord's box, from which the poor that pass by, shall be daily relieved, as far as the revenues will bear. From Lady day to the Assumption, at a certain hour, the great bell shall ring, and a quantity of bread sufficient to repel hunger, shall be given to all the poor then present. And because this house shall be properly Domus Dei, or the House of God, and of the Bishops of Norwich, he ordained, that as often as any Bishop of the see went by, he should go in, and give his blessing to the sick there; and that day, for the welfare of the living and dead, the 13 poor men should be wholly fed in the hospital, and the day after, there should be a mass of the Holy Ghost, for the same purpose. He appointed also four lay brothers, to do the outward business of the house; every Sunday the master was to hold a chapter to correct offences, and to have the sole nomination, and power to receive and admit the brethren and sisters. The master was to be a priest, and swear to continual residence, if he had no other ecclesiastical benefice, and not to alien any thing from the hospital. The common seal was to be kept by the master and eldest priest, and was never to be used but in a publick chapter. In every vacancy, the Bishop was to choose one of the priests to govern, till a new master was inducted. The hospital was to be exempt in all things within its precinct, no spiritual or temporal jurisdiction being to enter; but all was to be in the master's power, except the right of patronage, power of visiting, correcting, and reforming, all things and persons, which was particularly reserved to the Bishops of the see; and to all that observed his statutes, and that were benefactors either by council or goods, he gave the blessing of God and our Lord, and every year on St. Giles's day, an indulgence of 40 days pardon; excommunicating all those that acted contrary: and at this time he confirmed his former gifts, and added the church of Hardele, which he appropriated to them; and all his land in Hethill and Carletun, of the fee of the Earl of Norfolk, which Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk, and Marshal of England, had conveyed to him in the presence of his brothers, Sir Hugh and Sir Ralf Bigot, Knts.

And now he consecrated the chapel, and all the oratories in the hospital, adding liberty of burial for all persons that chose to be buried there; so that the parish churches where they died, were not defrauded of their mortuaries and dues. As to the election of a master, he ordered two brethren to certify every vacancy to the prior, and the archdeacons of Norwich and Norfolk, who were to meet on a fixed day in the hospital chapter-house, within three weeks after such notice, to treat about a future master, and to swear the brethren concerning the fitness of the priests in the hospital, or any other out of it, who on their oath were to elect a priest, whether gremial or not, such as they thought fit for the mastership, who was to be presented by the prior and archdeacons within eight days, to the Bishop or his official, &c. But in 1272, this method was set aside by the Bishop of Norwich and Archbishop of Canterbury: and it was ordained, that the priests or chaplains should always choose their master, whoever they would, if he was a priest, and present him to the Bishop; which was always done, notwithstanding the archdeacons contested their right at the first vacancy.

The founder died in 1257; his will may be seen in Pt. I. p. 487. And in his lifetime I find the following benefactors. William de Donewyco or Dunwich, burgess of Norwich, who gave for his own soul, and that of Catherine, his former wife, his meadow by Bishop'sbridge, which extended from the river to the hospital, and 6s. 8d. rent in Holme-street, paying 13 pints of wine to the prior yearly, the day before St. Mary Magdalen's day, and finding a priest for ever, to sing daily for their souls in the hospital church: and after this, he gave them three messuages in Conesford, and many rents of value, payable out of the houses in most of the parishes in the city; and by his will, which is dated in 1272, he ordered his body to be buried in the hospital church of St. Giles, before St. Catherine's altar, and gave a very considerable sum of money to maintain five sick people in the hospital continually, and find two chaplains at that altar, daily singing for him, his wife, and their ancestors; and four wax tapers always burning there in service time; he gave the master a silver standing cup, and a gold chain; and a cup and cruets of silver to the altar, and made Hamon, master of the hospital, Gosceline, vice-dean of Norwich, and Robert de Dunwich, his executors.

This man being a co-founder with the Bishop, was daily commemorated with him till the Dissolution; it appears by his will he was exceeding rich.

Roger of Dunwich, and Alice his wife, gave a piece of land by their site. Will. le Mercer gave a house in St. Peter's per Montergate, and Tho. de Tweyt released his right in it. Robert, vicar of Tybenham, gave 10s. yearly rents, out of divers houses in Norwich. At the same time, Roger de Eggmere, by various deeds, gave them the service and homage of many of his tenants in Bastwic, with all his pastures, reliefs, eschaets, &c. to be held of him at 6d. per annum, and afterwards they purchased much more of him there, and Agnes his relict, and James his son released all rents and services whatever, due from the hospital. Will. de Tyvile gave them land in Intewood, Walt. Barun of Cringleford, gave the 4th part of a water-mill there; and Will. Barun gave a rood of land by it. Peter at Cross, and Petronel his wife, gave land by Cringleford Holm; William son of Ralf de Cringleford, gave lands and the water-mill called Bek-mille, with the pool and fishery belonging to it. William son of Rob. de Bukenham granted them two villeins and their families in Brakene, and Sir John de Lodne, Knt. released Hardele advowson to them, it being purchased of him by the founder.

Ric. de Hethill gave half an acre in Hethill. Ralf son of Roger de Hethill gave three roods, and Ralf son of Reginald de Hethill, a messuage, 32 acres of land, five acres of wood, four acres meadow, and five acres pasture there, which belonged formerly to John le Briton, against whom he recovered them in the King's court. And at the same time they had houses and rents in Norwich of the gifts of Adam le Knite of Sprowston, and Maud his wife, Roger de Tybenham, chaplain, Walter de Derham, Hubert de Morley of Norwich, and Maud his wife, Peter son of Will. de Rakey, Eda de Plumpstede, Roger le May, and Aveline his wife, Isabel de Cressi, Alice Sadde, daughter of Reginald de Burgh, and relict of Adam Germyn, Andrew son of Rob. Faderman, Alice de Iselham, John de Briston, chaplain, Will. Engelond of Norwich Thorp, Robert son of John de Stanford. and Basil de Bek, relict of Laurence Hunger.

The good Bishop lived to see his charitable foundation thus endowed.

Benefactors after his death were, William de Berford, lord of Cringleford, who gave them a meadow there. In 1260, Will. de Suffield, alias Calthorp, the founder's brother, Archdeacon of Norwich, ordered his beloved chaplain and steward, Bartholomew de Sparham, to convey to the hospital, a messuage, croft, and the advowson of Reppes and Bastwick, with his body to be buried in their church, as his gift. The said William was rector of it, and resigned it to the Bishop, who at his request appropriated it to the hospital, he purchased them of Hugh de Caylli and Agnes his wife, who confirmed them to the hospital.

In 1275, Master Walter de Calthorp, the founder's nephew, gave two messuages in Holme-street. Sir Will. de Calthorp and Sir Bartholomew de Calthorp being witnesses.

Bishop Walton gave them six acres in Sething. Between 1270, and 1280, Sibil wife of Simon of St. Leonard, Rob. de Aswardby, and John his son, John le Scot of Norwich, and Reyner de Langele, chaplain, gave houses, lands, and rents, in Norwich; and Beatrice, relict of Henry de Dunham, confirmed her husband's gifts in Ringland; Walter, son of Tho. Shanke, gave a messuage and 14 acres in Reppes, Bastwick, and Rollesby. Stephen Crok, a brother of the hospital, confirmed the moiety of Uphalle in Calthorp, which was formerly Sir Peter de Hautbois's. The Master of the hospital licensed Lady Petronel, relict of Sir Roger de Brome, Knt. to have an oratory during her life, in her manor-house of Sundirlond-hall, in the parish of South Walsham St. Mary. In 1279, the Bishop granted an indulgence of 40 days pardon to all that would become benefactors to the hospital, or come thither, hear mass, say a Pater Noster, and an Ave Maria, for the souls of the founder, and benefactors. In 1280, King Edward I. granted them a license in mortmain, for their site, and leave to enclose the whole from the water to Holm-street, and to have all paths, ways, &c. that lead through it.

In 1282, the abbot and convent of St. Mary at York let for ever to the hospital, two parts of the ancient demeans of the Earl of Brittany in Cosseye, and all tithes that the Prior of Rumburgh used to receive for them, paying annually six marks to the said prior, in the name of the Abbot of York, on St. John's nativity.

  • 1283, Sir John de Vaux, Knt. gave part of the site, pool, river, &c. belonging to Bec-mill in Cringleford, in the same state as they were, in the time of the late Sir Jolein de Vaux, Knt. In 1285, the Prior of Norwich perpetually leased to the hospital, the third part of the tithe corn of the demeans of Henry de Heylesden, and of the demeans of Adam de Berford in Cringleford; and all other tithes due to them there, for a pension of two marks and an half a year, to be paid to the sacrist. 1286, John, parish chaplain of St. Peter in Hundegate, as executor to Agnes Glover deceased, settled a rent charge out of a house there. 1288, Richard Dunston of Norwich, son of Jeffery de Wychingham and Alice his wife, gave a rent of 12d. yearly, out of a messuage in St. Martin at the Oak, or in Coselany, as it was then called, which abutted east on the hospital land called Gildenecroft; Thomas de Lyncolne, &c. being witnesses. In 1290, Ric. de Tyke was buried at St. Nicholas's altar, and left half a mark to find a light before St. Nicholas, and many rents in Norwich, for a yearly pittance on his obit day.
  • John son of John de Nerford and Petronel his wife, released a messuage called Brundall-halle to the hospital. 1292, Thomas son of Adam de Knapeton of Norwich confirmed the gift of Will. de Denham and Alice his wife, who was mother of the said Adam, viz. all the arable land which they gave the hospital, lying out of St. Austin's gates. 1294, Will. de Lyngwood gave a messuage and 3s. rent in Norwich, and John his brother confirmed it. In 1310, the rents were so increased, that the Bishop added four chantry chaplains more; so that now there were eight brethren, who were to wear the habit of regular canons. In 1315, a messuage and 10 acres of land in Erlham were settled by the King's license to found a chantry in the hospital for John Custin. John de Ely Bishop of Norwich purchased of Sir Oliver de Ingham, Knt. a rent charge of two marks, out of his manor of Redham, which in 1321, was settled on the hospital by John de Sutton, and Will. de Culpho, clerks, Sir Oliver's feoffees in that manor. In 1330, King Edward III. licensed Walter de Filby, and Edmund parson of Lounde, to settle on the hospital, one messuage, 15 acres and an half, two acres of meadow, and 44 acres of reedharth or juncary in Norwich, Hardele, Sithing, Reppes, Wickmere, Cringleford, Hethil, Limpenhowe, and Redham, purchased of Ralph de Burghwode, and Sir Adam de Clifton, Knt. In 1332, the King licensed Walter de Filby, Sir Tho. de Preston, rector of Colby, and Sir Stephen, rector of Lounde, to settle a messuage, eight acres of land, and the advowson of Mundham St. Peter, on the hospital, all which they lately purchased of Sir John de Shelton, Knt. who held it of him. In 1333, an exchange passed between the hospital and Will. son and heir of Adam de Berforth of Cringleford, of lands there. Sir Simon de Hethersete, and Sir Hugh Peverel, Knts. and John de Heylesdon, being witnesses. Bishop Ayremine purchased the advowsons of the two medieties of Thurleton, Thurlton, or Thurton, of Tho. de Morley of Norwich, and Beatrix his wife, daughter and heiress of Sir Thomas Rosceline, Knt. and half an acre of land, and settled them on the hospital; and in 1335, he appropriated the church to found a chantry and three chaplains, in his chapel at the palace in Norwich, the whole account of which may be seen at p. 48, and in Pt. I. p. 503. In 1334, the King passed a special license, for appropriating Mundham St. Peter to the hospital, and it was passed by the Bishop in 1340, reserving out of the profits, a pension of six marks and an half, to be yearly paid by the hospital to the serving curate or vicar. In 1350, the King licensed his aunt, Mary Countess of Norfolk, to grant the advowson of St. Laurence in South-Walsham, to the hospital, to found a chantry for her there, and to be appropriated to the hospital; but she making no conveyance of it afterwards, it did not take place. And this year, the Bishop discharged the hospital from finding three chaplains to sing for the souls of Hugh de Caily and Agnes his wife; and the church of Senges or Sething was now confirmed to them; and in 1381, they had a license in mortmain, for tenements in Calthorp, Lodne, Mundham, Sislond, Hardele, Cosseye, and Repps; and in 1392, another, for a messuage, six shops, and six acres in Norwich, of the gift of John Frode or Fryde, clerk, Tho. Spynk, John de Foxle, and Richer Crispyng. In 1397, Beatrice Godale of Poswick had a grant from the hospital of 8s. a year for life, and that they would for ever keep on the vigil of All-Saints day, an anniversary for the souls of Wido and Maud her father and mother, and of herself, and William her husband.

In 1409, Thomas Lord D'Acre, lord of the honour of Horsford, licensed Will. Westacre, archdeacon of Norwich, William Rees, Esq. John de Thornham, rector of Sparham, Edm. Perke, clerk, William Sedman, merchant, and Walter Eton, citizen, to settle in mortmain on this hospital, their manor in Cringleford, formerly Adam de Berforth's, which they purchased of Simon Sampson, Esq. which was held of his manor of Horsford; and in 1411, the said Sedman and Eton conveyed it to the hospital, with an acre in Wikmere, and Wickmere advowson, on condition they find one fit chaplain, being no brother of the hospital, to live as a brother in it, and daily celebrate for the soul of Master John de Derlington, late archdeacon of Norwich, and all his family, and for Roger Prat, clerk, late master, and Will. Paston of Paston, and all the deceased, allowing him a good stipend and chamber, and yearly clothing. And all was confirmed by the King's license, who also then confirmed the grant of the prior and convent of St. Faith at Horsham, made to the hospital, of 200 faggots of wood yearly, and 200 chimney faggots, called astilwode, to be yearly taken out of their lands in Horsham, and carried on Michaelmas day to the hospital, at the charge of the Prior, for the use of the poor; and if default be made, the whole estate of the prior of Horsham, was to be seized for it; and this also licensed the hospital to get Wickmere appropriated, if they could.

In 1424, John Duke of Norfolk, &c. Walter Bishop of Norwich, Ralph Shelton, Esq. and John Heydon councellor at law, released to John Selot, master of the hospital, a messuage, 133 acres and 1 rood of land, one acre and an half of meadow, 10 acres of pasture, 30 acres of wood, and 7s. 6d. quitrents in Hethil; and two messuages, 119 acres of land, four acres of meadow, and 4l. quitrents in EstCarlton, which they had of the grant of John Turnour, prior of St. Mary at Alvesbourne, and the convent there.

In 1430, King Henry VI. for his own soul, and that of Queen Margaret his wife, granted a license in mortmain, for the hospital to purchase 20l. per annum more, towards the maintenance of the society, which now consisted of a master, eight chaplains, two clerks, seven poor scholars for choristers, eight poor bed-rid people continually lodging in the hospital, 13 poor people daily dined there, and refreshed at the fire after dinner, besides such poor strangers as pass by, who are to have a night's lodging there gratis, as many as the beds kept there for that purpose, would hold; and all poor chaplains in the diocese, overworn with age, or labouring under any constant infirmity, so that they could not officiate, were to be maintained wholly here, or at least, as many as the revenues could bear; and also two sisters to wait on the poor in the hospital; so that the state of it at this time, sufficiently appears from the said license.

In 1446, the Bishop visited the hospital. In 1460, Will. Jenny, John Jenney, and John Browne, sold their manor of Heylesden in Cringleford, which was lately Tho. Wetherby's, Esq. whose wife Margaret released her right in it to the hospital. In 1450, Sir John Fastolff, Knt. sold the manor of Mundham, and the advowson of St. Ethelbert's church there, to Sir Hugh Acton, master of the hospital, for 200 marks, and it was afterwards appropriated. In 1469, Nic. Abbot of Langley, released several rents paid out of divers houses in Norwich.

The hospital was obliged to find a chaplain in St. Barbara's chapel at the gild-hall, the whole account of which may be seen at p. 232, 3.

For the foundation of Bishop Goldwell's chantry priest here, see p. 178, and Pt. I. p. 541.

In 1499, the hospital presented to the rectory of Couteshall, of which John Smith, late master, had been rector, and because they could not get it appropriated, the master always had it, and held it with his mastership.

In 1532, the hospital leased the site of their manor of Rokels in Trowse, with the dove-house, &c. and a faldcourse in Trowse and Bixley, and three hills of bruery called Blake-hills, with Blake's swan-mark thereto belonging, and the tenant covenanted among other things in the manor-house, to leave the three panes of glass, with the image of St. Giles in them.

In 1535, upon the exchange of the bishoprick's lands and revenues, the advowson of the hospital came to the King, who in 1537, granted the mastership to Rob. Codde, who was instituted by the Bishop, and inducted on his mandate, it being then valued in the King's Books at 90l. and paid first-fruits, and 9l. yearly tenths, as an ecclesiastical benefice, from which it was afterwards discharged by Edward VI.

In 1536, the hospital leased out the old school-house yard or close (now Adam and Eve's Gardens) to Dame Jane Calthorp, widow, as it abutted on the east part of the head mansion of Sir Philip Calthorp, Knt. her late husband, and on the King's river north. In 1544, Rob. Codde, master, Rob. Dowe, John Fisher, &c. brethren, leased to Alderman Thomas Codde, all that ground called the Lathe, with the buildings and the Gildencroft, a pightle, and dove-house, and 31 acres in the field without St. Austin's-gates, and other lands, for 21 years, containing together 53 acres.

King Henry VIII. designed to have dissolved this hospital, and to have granted it to the city, clear of all first-fruits, tenths, and other out-payments, to the Crown, but died before it was done: however, in pursuance of his will, which ordered that all exchanges, promises, &c. which he had made, should be punctually performed, on the 6th of March, 1 Edward VI. 1547, William Rugge Bishop of Norwich, as diocesan and patron, and Nicholas Shaxton, D. D. late Bishop of Salisbury, master or custos of the hospital or college, and all the brethren, chaplains, or fellows thereof, with the consent of the dean and chapter, in a full chapter held in the chapter-house of the hospital, surrendered into the King's hands, the site of the hospital, "and also all and synguler the manors, land, tenements, hereditaments, church, lead, bells, tymbre, iron, glasse, tylestones, ornaments, and all other possessions and things of the same late hospital, in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex," which being thus vested in the King, he by indenture tripartite dated March 8, in the first year of his reign, made between himself on the first part, the honourable Prince, Edward Duke of Somerset, his uncle, counsellor and governour of his Grace's person, and Lord Protector of his Highness's realms, the Rev. Father in God Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury, Sir William Pawlet, Knt. of the Garter, Lord St. John, and great Master of the King's most honourable household, Sir John Russell, Knt. of the Garter, Lord Russell and Lord Privy Seal; Sir John Dudley, Knight of the Garter, Earl of Warwick, and great Chamberlain of England; Sir Tho. Wryothesley, Knt. of the Garter, Earl of Southampton; the Right Rev. Father in God Cuthbert Tunstall Bishop of Durham; Sir Anthony Browne, Knt. of the Garter, Master of the King's horse; Sir Will. Paget, Knight of the Garter, Chief Secretary to the King's Highness; Sir Ant. Denny, Knt. Sir Will. Herbert, Knt. Sir Edward Montague, Knt. Chief Justice of the Common Pleas; Sir Thomas Bromeley, Knt. one of the Justices of the Common Pleas, Edward North, Knt. Chancellor of the King's Court of Augmentations, Sir Edw. Cotton, and Nic. Wotton, LL. D. executors of the will of King Henry VIII. on the second part, and the Mayor, Sheriffs, Citizens, and Commonalty of the city of Norwich on the third part, for the increase of his honour, and continuance of his health, "and ffor the Soule of the sayd King Henry the VIIIth, "his Grace's Father," did give, grant, and covenant, to give and grant by letters patent to be made before Midsummer following, to the Mayor, Sheriffs, and commonalty of the city, and their successours for ever, "All the Site, Circuit, Compas, and Precinct of the late Hospital of St. Gyles, wythyn the Cytie of NORWYCH, in the Paryshe of St. Elyn nexte Bushhope Gate there, & all the Churche of the same late Hospytall, and the Lead, Bells, Tymbre, Ironne, Glasse, Tyle, and Stone, of the same Church, & late Hospytall, and all th'ornaments of the some Churche and late Hospytall, & all Plate, Stuf of Houshold, and other Thyngs to the late Church, & late Hospytall, or to eyther of them, belongyng or appertaynyng, and also all and syngler Houses, Buyldyngs, Gardynes, Meadows, Manors, Messuages, Lands, and Tenements, & all other his Graces Possessyons & Heredytaments, wythyn the Site, Circuyt, & Compas, or Precinct of the sayd late Hospytall; and also all & syngler his Graces Manors, Personages, Messuages Mylls, Houses, Buyldyngs, Lands, Tenements, Meadows, Fedyngs, Pasturs, Wodds, Undrewodds, Rents, Reversyons, Services, Courts, Leets, Perquysits & Proffuts of Courts and Leets, Vewse of Frankepleg, Advousons, Tythes, Oblacons, Pentions, Portions, Wavyes, Strayes, Wards, Marriages, Releyffs, Harryots, Eschetts, Warrens, Folde Courses, and all other his Graces Heredytaments; wyth all and syngler theyr Appurtenances, as well Spirituall as Temporall, of whatsoever Kynd or Nature they byn of, or by whatsoever Name or Namys the same byn reputed or taken, scituat lyeng or beyng in the sayd Citie of Norwych, and in the Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, and Norwich; and the Rectory and Personage of the same Parysche Church of Saint Elyn in Holmstret afforesayd, or by whatsoever other Name or Names the same Church is called or knowen, and the Steple, Bells, Lead, and Site of the same Church, and all the Tythes, Oblacons, Obvencons, and Offryngs of thynhabytaunts of the same Paryshe from hensforth for the Tyme beyng, and all the Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Heredytaments, Pencons, Porcons, and other Proffutts, Revenews, Commodyties, & Possessions, as well Spirituall as Temporall, of the same Paryshe Church of Saint Elyn, or to the same Rectory, Personage, or Parysshe Church, or to the Persone of the same, in the Right of the same belongyng or in any wyse appertaynyng."

To have and to hold, &c. to the Mayor, Sheriffs, Citizens, and Commonalty, and their successours for ever, of the King in soccage by fealty only, and not in chief. The said hospital being to be henceforward a place and house for relief of poor people, and to be called

God's-house or the House of the Poor in Holmstreet, within the city of Norwich, of the foundation of King Edward the VI. and King Henry the VIII. his most noble Father, and it was agreed and confirmed

"That the Church there shall be the Parysshe Church of Saint Elyn, as heretofore it hath ben used for Dyvyne Servis, wyth all manner of Sacraments & Sacramentalls, to be from hensforth, sayd, song, and mynystred there, as well to the Paryshners of St. Elyns Paryshe in Holmstreet afforesayd, ffor the tyme being, and to thynhabitants wythyn the Site of the sayd late Hospytall for the tyme being, as also to the poore People, Officers, and Mynysters, from hensforth to be resydent or commorant wythyn the Precynct of the sayd Hospytall, and that all Housys, Buyldyngs, Ground, and Soyle, wythyn the sayd Site of the sayd late Hospytall, shall hereafter be called GODD's HOWSE, or The Howse of the Poore, as is aforesayd, and from hensforth shall be accepted and taken to be part and Parcell of the seyd Parysshe & Parysshe Church of Saynt Elyn in Holmstreet afforesayd, and of none other Paryssne. Any Thyng heretofore used to the contrary hereof in any wyse notwithstanding."

And there is for ever hereafter to be
"In the sayd Paryshe Churche of St. Elyn, one Pryest sufficiently lerned, to serve the Cure there, which shall be called the Curate or Chapeleyn of the Paryshners of Saynt Elyns in Holmstret next Busshope Gate, and to the Poore of Godd's Howse." His yearly pension or stipend to be 6l. 13s. 4d. and a sufficient mansionhouse for his habitation within the site and precinct of the late hospital.

And there shall be in the same parish church,

"One other Prieste, which shall be called the Vysytor of the Guyld Hall in Norwich, afforesayd, who shall attend to vysit the prisoners of the Guyldhall afforesayd, & from tyme to tyme, to say and doo Dyvyne Servis & Masse in the Chapell of the sayd Guyldhall, and to Mynyster Sacraments to the Prisoners there, as heretofore hath ben accustomed and also shall be Confessor to the sayd Prisoners, and accompany suche as shall go to Execution, and shall be always resydent there, for the same Purposis," who shall have a yearly stipend or pension of 6l. and a sufficient mansion-house in the site of the hospital.

And there shall be from henceforth for ever in the said hospital, one schoolmaster, and one usher under him, sufficiently learned in the Latin tongue, to learn children the art or science of grammar, both which shall be attendant there for the instructing and teaching of the said children there, by them to be taught freely without any reward, other than their stipends and salaries, the schoolmaster to have 10l. per annum, the usher 6l. 13s 4d. per annum, and convenient mansion-houses for their habitations and dwellings, within the site of the hospital.

And the King appointed the curate or chaplain, the visitor, schoolmaster and usher, to take of the city their different grants in writing, under the common seal, for their several stipends and mansions, to have and to hold to them, "so long and duryng such tyme, as the same "chapeleyn, visytor, scolemaster, and usher, shall demean themselves well, and do theyr offyces," The mayor for the time being, with the assent of the most number of the aldermen then being, always to have the nomination and appointment of the chaplain, visitor, schoolmaster, and usher, and of all other officers, and ministers of the hospital; and to amove, expel, and put out from their rooms and offices, any of them, "for any notable cryme, offence, or neglygence, to be commytted by any of them, or for disobeying, or not doyng and performyng of suche good and reasonable rules, ordynaunces, and precepts, as shall be prescrybed, assigned, or appoynted to theym, or any of theym, by the sayd mayor, sheryffs, cytyzyns, and commonaltie, or theyr successours, to be done, executed, or performed." And the court is obliged to present to any place void, in three months space, either in case of vacancy or amotion, and the grants to the chaplain, &c. are to be made with clauses of distress, in case of non-payment on the hospital revenues, all other offices but the chaplain, visitor, master, and usher, are to be filled up in a month's time after any avoidance, and the court is to find sufficient and convenient lodging, meat, drink, bedding, wood, and all other things necessary for 40 poor persons, to be resident, lying, abiding, and found, from time to time, in the hospital; and 4 women to make the beds, and attend upon the poor persons, each of the four to have for their wages and apparel 33s. 4d. per annum. "The same fourty poor persons, and every of them, are to be always removeable from day to day, wyke to wyke, moneth to moneth, and tyme to tyme," and others to be taken and received into their rooms and places, at and by the discretion of such person and persons, as shall be named and elected from time to time, by the mayor and most part of the aldermen, to admit, receive, take and remove to and from the said house, the said 40 poor persons, the mayor and greater part of the aldermen, are to choose one sufficient person to be cater or steward, of and for the provision of the poor there, and he to have yearly one coat or gown of 10s. price, for his livery, and 40s. for his wages, and sufficient meat and drink in the said house. And also a sufficient person to be rent-gatherer, or collector of the rents and revenues of such possessions as belong to the hospital, he to have 3l. per annum, for his fee. And also one convenient person to be porter or butler, he to have a coat or gown of 10s. price for his livery, and 26s. 8d. for his wages, and sufficient meat and drink in the said house. And also one other convenient person to be cooke, baker, and brewer, who is to have a coat or gown of 10s. for his livery, and 26s. 8d. for his wages, and sufficient meat and drink in the said house.

The city had now also license to receive by purchase, bargain, sale, alienation, gift, grant, legacy, bequest, or otherwise, of the Kings of the realm, or any bodies politick, or any other persons, any manors, parsonages, lands, tenements, tithes, rents, reversions or other revenues, to 200l. per annum value, over and above all the ancient revenues of the hospital, though they be held in chief of the King, or of any other person by any tenure, notwithstanding the act of mortmain.

"And the sayd Mayor, Sheryffs, Cytizens, and Commonaltye, did Covenaunt, Promyse, and graunt for theym, and theyr Successours, to and with the Kynge, his Heyrs and Successours, that the whole yearly Proffits and Revenuse of the sayd Manors, Lands, Tenements, Tythes, Possessions, Heredytaments, and other the Premysses appoynted to be gyven and graunted to the sayd Mayor, Sheryffs, Cytyzens, and Commynaltye, and their Successours; and whiche the sayd Mayor, Sheryffs, Cytyzens and Commynaltye, shall by, and purchase, or that shall be gyven them by Reason of the sayd Lycence over and besyds the fynding of the sayd Chapeleyn, Visitor, Scolemaster, and Usher, and other necessary Mynysters and Offycers, as are before appoynted to be found by the sayd Mayor, Sheriffs, Cytizens, and Commonaltie, and over and besyds mayntayning of the necessary Reparations, and Buyldyngs of the said Hospytall, and every of theym, and the Successours of every of theym, and all and every theyr Pencons, Salaryes, and Stypends, as also the sayd Manors, Personages, Lands, Tenements, and other the Premysses to be given." Or that shall hereafter any way come and belong to the hospital, shall be expended on the hospital, the officers, and poor people there, which are to be augmented as the revenues increase; the said mayor, sheriffs, citizens and commonalty, and their successours, to be always rulers and governours, of the hospital or God's-house, and of the people there; and the King, (notwithstanding the statute of 26 Henry VIII. which gave all tenths and first fruits to the King,) for ever discharged the hospital and all churches appropriated to it from all such payments, upon showing these letters patent to the chancellor of the Augmentation Office.

All this was confirmed by letters patent under the broad seal, dated at Westminster, 7th May, 3d Edward VI. Ao. 1549, without any fee. And by (the charter or) letters patent all the old possessions were granted in the same and as ample a manner, as to spirituals and temporals, as any master ever held them, they being then valued at 142l. 19s. 2d. ob. and were to be held of the King's manor of Gimmingham, in free soccage by fealty only.

And thus it continued till Febr. 5, 14 Eliz. 1571, when that Queen augmented it with the lands of Robert Redman, grocer, of Norwich, in Cringleford, Intwoad, Hetherset, Cantley, Colney, and Eaton, which were forfeited on his being attainted of high-treason. All which her Majesty settled for the support of an exhibition to be paid out of the hospital revenues, and to increase the maintenance of the poor there, for which purpose she granted license in mortmain to purchase 20l. per annum more for the use of the hospital, and 40l. per annum for the use of the city. Since which time, divers purchases have been made, sufficient to support a chaplain or master, cater or steward, and 100 poor people, men and women, (the nurses included,) all clothed in gray, none of which should be admitted under 60 years of age.

The Revenues of this Hospital


As they were accounted for in the year 1728, and such annual Sums as they are obliged to pay, are as follow, viz.

Which Revenues are subject to the following annual Payments, besides Taxes, Repairs, &c. the clear Overplus being to maintain as many Poor as it can:

The Masters of the Hospital


The Masters of The Hospital, were presented to the Bishop, after the chaplains, brethren, or fellows of the hospital or college had elected them, and by him were instituted, and afterwards inducted by whoever the Bishop directed his letters mandatory to, for that purpose.

  • 1249, Master Hamon de Calthorp, who was nominated by the founder in the foundation deed; (see Pt. I. p. 486-10.) In 1257, he was called Sir Hamon de Belton, probably he had that benefice; and sometimes Calthorp.
  • 1288, Godwin.
  • 1289, Martin de Brunsted.
  • 1292, Tho. de Hemmesby, who died in 1311, and was buried here with this inscription on a brass plate,
    Dic iacet Thomas de Demesby Capellanus quondam Magister istius Hospitlais, cuius anime propiciertur Deus.
    1312, Peter de Herlingflet, brother here, elected master.
  • 1360, Roger de Metyngham; he resigned, and in
  • 1372, Master John de Derlington, archdeacon of Norwich, was collated; see Pt. I. p. 639.
  • 1375, Roger de Erpingham.
  • 1394, John son of Rob. de Thornham, resigned.
  • 1395, Benedict Cobbe; he died master.
  • 1399, Roger Prat, rector of Heigham by Norwich; on his resignation, he had letters of confraternity, and the apartment late Archdeacon Derlington's, with a chamber and stable, for life.
  • 1412, Rob. Spencer, he died in 1431, and Rob. Spencer, clerk, was his executor.
  • 1431, Mr. Willam Sekyngton, LL.B. rector of Sutton, inducted by Roger Prat, rector of Heigham, who was again inducted into the mastership on Sekyngton's resignation, in 1432.
  • 1436, Master John Walpole, rector of Shipdham, brother to Bishop Walpole, (see Pt. I. p. 495.)
  • 1437, Mr. Hugh Acton, clerk, notary publick.
  • 1464, John Selot, alias Salet, LL. D. Archdeacon of Sudbury, and rector of Winterton and Colteshale, chancellor, &c. (see Pt. I. p. 632.)

Mr. John Smith, LL. inceptor, chancellor, (see Pt. I. p. 633,) rector of Yaxham and Colteshale, died in 1489, and gave his manor of Rollesby for 80 years to the hospital, to found a chantry priest there, for the souls of John and Joan Smith, his father and mother, Master Peter Shelton, and all his brethren, and his own soul; and after that term, to come to his right heirs, if license in mortmain could not be obtained; he gave also in the same manner, his lands in Couteshall, to keep his obit every Tuesday after Trinity Sunday; and his lands in Bilting ford, to Trinity-hall in Cambridge, to keep his obit there, and his lands in North-Walsham to Holm abbey, to find a monk to sing for him in St. Anne's chapel in that monastery church, and was buried in the choir of the hospital, at the reading desk.

  • 1489, Oliver Dynham, A. M. rector of Coltishall, and Archdeacon of Norfolk; see Pt. I. p. 644.
  • 1495, Thomas Schenkwyn, Archdeacon of Sudbury, and rector of Colteshall; see Pt. I. p. 648; he died in
  • 1497, and Nic. Goldwell, Archdeacon of Sudbury, succeeded, (see Pt. I.p. 648.)
  • 1498, Robert Honywood, LL. D. rector of Coltishall, Archdeacon of Norwich, &c. (see Pt. I. p. 640.)
  • 1499, he resigned, and John Julles, alias Jullys, was elected by John Dowe, president of the hospital, and the brethren there; he was rector of Coltishall, and died master, and was succeeded in his rectory and mastership, in
  • 1513, by Will. Sooper; and he in
  • 1526, by John Hekker, chaplain to Bishop Nix, who died in
  • 1532, and was succeeded by Tho. Cappe, doctor of decrees, who resigned and had a pension of 4l. per annum for life.
  • 1535, Tho. Simondes, the Bishop's domestick chaplain, who resigned in
  • 1537, in which year King Henry VIII. by virtue of the revenues of the see, then in his hands, by the late exchange, granted the mastership for life, to Rob. Codde, priest, and the Bishop instituted him, and granted letters for his induction, and sware him to observe the statutes; he and five others subscribed the King's supremacy: he died in 1546, and was brother to Mayor Codde. (See Pt. I. p. 93, 8.)
  • 1546, Nic. Shaxton, D. D. and some time master of Gonvile and Caius college in Cambridge, according to Godwin, (de Præsul. p. 408,) though I do not find him among the masters there, was elected master here by the brethren, and instituted by the Bishop. This doctor was Bishop of Salisbury, which he resigned July 1,1539, the same day that Bishop Latimer resigned Worcester, and for the same cause; but not retaining the same constancy, he afterwards preached at the burning of Anne Askew, and others, and recanted that doctrine, for defending of which he lost his bishoprick. He died at Gouvile-hall in Cambridge, Aug. 4, 1556, where he had been president and fellow, and lies buried in the chapel there; in his will he styles himself suffragan to the Bishop of Ely; he was the last master here, that had institution and induction from the Bishop. He resigned this mastership March 6, 1st Edward VI. 1546.

And from this time, the power of appointing the master, who was henceforth called the curate or chaplain of the parishioners of St. Elyn's in Holme-street, and of the poor of God's-house, was vested in the mayor and aldermen, who are to name and appoint him under their common seal, to the Bishop, who is to license him thereupon; and the Bishop hath the same power of visiting the hospital, as before the charter, and may fill up the chaplain's, visitor's, master's, or usher's places, if the court do not make grants of such places in three months space, after any vacancy or amotion; and all other offices, if they be not filled up by the court in one month's space after any avoidance.

This church, parish, and hospital, is exempt from the jurisdiction of the dean and chapter, and of the Archdeacon of Norwich, who hath no power to visit here, they being under the visitation, jurisdiction, and correction, of the Bishop himself only, as to all spirituals, in the same manner as before the charter.

  • 1744, the Rev. William Harvey, rector of Lyng and Marsham, is the present master, chaplain or curate.
  • 1744, Alderman Simeon Waller is now treasurer. And

Mr. Jonathan Ward is the present keeper, cater, or steward.

The number of poor people are now reduced to 86, and their four nurses, in all 90.

The religious concerned here were, the Abbots of Brunne and Saltrey, and the Priors of Norwich and Westacre.

God's will be done, mine is as follows:

I Henry Jay late of London, goldsmith, now in Stoke Newington Middlesex, do give and bequeath to Mrs. Anne Lewis, 50l. per annum for life, Oct. 27, 1733.

"Febr. 10, 1734, explanation and direction how the 50l. per annum is to be given after the decease of Mrs. Anne Lewis. 200l. to the hospital of old men and women in the city of Norwich Bishop-gate street, to have some veal for change. For 10 poor boys of the parish of St. Martin's at the Palace, 50l. to put them out to handy craft trades; and to 40 old men and women 25s. each, 20 the first year, and the other 20 the second year, and not twice to one, if there is poor enough in their own parish, and no others; 50 pounds in the city of Norwich." Proved at London with two codicils, 12 Sept. 1738, by Tho. Ridge, the surviving executor. In Cur. Prerog. Cant. (Will Book in the Gild-hall, fo. 114 b.

28 Sept. 1736, John Gray of Southwich in Sussex, clerk, settled on the Bishop of Norwich, the curate of the parish of St. Martin by the Palace of Norwich, and the churchwardens there, and their successours for ever, and on divers other trustees, the sum of 5l. a year, which the city, for the sum of 125l. paid them by Mr. Gray, gave security to pay yearly on the 29th day of September; 2l. of which is yearly to be paid on the 10th day of December, to the curate of St. Martin by the Palace, and his successours; on condition, that on that day he yearly preaches in the said church, "a sermon concerning the great Christian duty of love and charity, or the usefulness and advantages of a good education, or preparation for the holy communion at the festival then approaching, or God's love to mankind, in sending his only begotten Son into the world; or any other subject, that the said curate or his successor shall think needfull and seasonable." And the curate is every Lent, or whenever he thinks proper, "publickly to examine and instruct the children and youth of the parish, in the church catechism, and not only to hear them repeat it, but by some short exposition, or plain texts of Scripture, make them understand it; and upon the day he shall finish his course of catechising, or upon the 10th of December yearly, shall distribute among such children and youth of the parish, as he shall judge most deserving, for their distinct repeating the catechism, and their good understanding of it, a small portion of the said 40s. not less than half a crown, nor shall be obliged to give more than 5s. on this account." The trustees on the 10th of December after sermon, are to distribute other 20s. part of the 5l. to the clerk of the parish for ringing the bell, &c. 4s. and the other 16s. to such poor of the parish, not exceeding 20 in number, "who are diligent and industrious, and not only profess themselves members of the church by law establised, but lead good and sober lives, and frequent the prayers of the church and holy communion," and this distribution may be in bread, or in little practical and devotional books, or in money, as the trustees please. The other 40s. per annum may be applied to clothing poor people, or putting out a child or children, "or if at any time there be a promising youth in the said parish, who hath a genius for learning, and is educated at the freeschool in the city of Norwich, and whose parents or relations are in mean circumstances, the aforesaid remaining produce, of one, two or three years, may by the trustees be applied toward the maintenance of such youth at Corpus Christi college in Cambridge. And this he did in testimony of his gratitude to Almighty God, for his great goodness to him, in raising him up many friends, by whose encouragement and assistance he had the advantage of a better education than others of his rank and condition, and in blessing him not only with a competent, but a plentifull subsistance, far beyond what he could ever expect or hope for, and out of the great love and benevolence he bears to the inhabitants of St. Martin by the Palace, being the place of his nativity." And if Anne West his sister, or her children, or their descendants, should through any misfortune stand in need of relief, upon making known their wants to the curate and church-wardens, they shall have the preference in this donation. He ordered an ingrossed copy of the deed of settlement to be hung up in the vestry, to be read by the curate every 10th day of December, to the parishioners in the vestry, after service and sermon, to prevent abuses or wrong application thereof. A copy of the deed to be deposited in the Bishop's office, and entered also in the Gild-hall; the corporation's security for the annuity, to be kept by the curate and church-wardens, and when the feoffees are dead to six, they to renew to themselves, and six others of the parish. (Will Book in the Gild-hall, fo. 110.)

(108) The Tower in the Hospital meadow, called the Dungeon, is about 52 feet high, and 24 feet within; the staircase is on the south side, and is very large; it was built at first, to command the passage of the river there, in order to levy the tolls then belonging to the prior and church, and was used as a prison for the jurisdiction of the cathedral, till the toll-house for that purpose was removed into Holm-street, and then it was assigned to the hospital, and was in a ruinous state till 1378, when the master of the hospital conveyed it, by the name of the Great Tower called the Dungeon to the city for ever, and it was rebuilt by the city, at a great expense, being finished in 1390. In 1565, the tower in the hospital meadow was leased out to the Lord Matravers, and he was to have a way from Bishopbridge to it.

(109) Bishop's Bridge


Was so called because it led directly to the Bishop's palace, and in 1249 belonged to the see; it being then repaired by the Bishop and Priors of Norwich and St. Leonard, but afterwards being a general inlet also into the city, it was agreed to be in the citizen's hands, and accordingly it hath belonged to, and been maintained by, the city, ever since 1393, and they always appointed a porter to live over, and keep the gates; but the hermit which dwelt by them was always nominated by the prior, and the hermit's house, at the Dissolution, was assigned to the church

And now having finished all the part of the city on the south side of the river shall proceed over

(110) White-Friars, or St. Martin's Bridge


To the only remaining great ward, commonly called the Northern Ward.



Or, the great ward beyond the water, it lying wholly on the north part of the river, which contains the three small wards of Coslany, Colegate, and Fybridge.



In which are the following parishes, viz.

(111) St. Edmund the King and Martyr of Fisher-Gate


Which was founded about the Conqueror's time, and was so called because the fishermen dwelt chiefly in this part; the watering at the southwest corner of the churchyard being the ancient Water-gate or stathe, where they landed their fish. The steeple here is square, and hath five bells, the nave, south isle, chancel, north vestry and porch, are leaded.

In the chancel:
Cory's arms and crest, an eagle issuant out of a coronet.

[Oi Nekroi Anastisontai],
Beatam hanc '[Anastasin] expectans, hic sita est Sarah, conjux Viri Reverendi Roberti Cory, A. M. dilectissima, et Filia Natû maxima Reverendi Johannis Cory in Agro Cantab. de LandBeach vigilantissimi Rectoris, Mater erat septem Liberorum, Quorum pars maxima, communi hoc Sepulchro fruuntur, Tribus qui supersunt propitietur Deus; obijt tertio Decembris A°. D. 1731, Ætat. 41mo.

John Son of Joseph Cory, married Jane Dr. of Benjamin Berwick Clerk, died without Issue June 11, 1715, Æt. 27. Mr. Rob. Cory May 29, 1677, 60. Susan his Wife 1684, 69. Tho. their Son 1702, 60. Joseph their 4th. Son 1703, 64.

At the east end of the south isle, is a chapel of the Blessed Virgin, which was built in 1463, by Alderman Robert Furbisher, who lies buried under the stone robbed of its brasses there; he founded a secular chaplain, to sing for him eight years here, and in 1466, Margaret his widow was buried by him.

Here are stones for, Ben. Clark 1722, 52.

Sleepe on in Silence, never more to wake, 'Till Christ doth raise thee, and to Glory take.

Nic. Coppin Senior 1724. Susan Dr. of Edward and Johanna Coppin 1674. Jane Coppin, wife of Nic. the Elder, 1698. Edw. son of Edw. Coppin 1670. Alex. Harrison 1643. Tho. Thrower 1681, Eliz. his wife 1701. Muryell Dr. of Ellis Braham of Trowse Newton, and Frances his wife, 1706.

On a mural monument,
Mors, vitæ Reparatio est.

Hanc Reparationem Fide certissimâ lætus expectat, qui hic Reconditur Josephus Burton Civis et Senator, Teque Lectorem, quicunque sis, admonet, ut sis omnibus horis paratus, hâc beatissimæ Vitæ Reparatione frui cum Gaudio, obijt III Idûs Februarij A° Ætat. xlvj°. Æræ Xianæ MDCCIIXX°. Josephus Burton Filius natû maximus, hoc Monumentum Pietatis & Amoris ergo posuit.

On a black marble under the monument,
Joseph Burton Alderman 1719. Tubbing Burton Filius natû minimus Josephi Burton Aldermanni & Marie Uxoris, placidè in Domino obdormivit ix Kalendas Decembris A°. Dni. 1720, Æt. suæ Vto.

In the windows are the arms of St. Edmund, and Clere, impaling arg. a cross moline gul. Crest, a plume of feathers in a coronet or.

On a brass in the chancel.

Pray for the Soule of Anne Haste, the which deperted in the Yer of our Lorde God Mo.vorriii, on whose Soule Jesu have Mercy.

Another hath the emblem of the sacrament, and this imperfect inscription,

Mari Capellani qui obiit iio 1505, cuius anime pro- picietur Deus.

Here are stones in the nave for, John Barnes 1718, 46. Martha wife of Charles Malteby 1729, 32, and two of their children. Martha their Dr. 1725, 2.

In the porch, Augustine Sotherton 1707, 70.

In the south isle, is a stone for Anne, wife of Will. Nocath, 1684, and the following Lines under a brass effigies,

Hic Smyth Collecta iacet en cognomine dicta In tumulo clausa, similis tellure relicta, Hac fuit in Uita stabilis, pia femina, iusta, Hic quia dum virit, semper Christum benedirit, Fili Christe Dei, te quesumus, O miserere, Jstius ac anime, propicieris ei.—Amen.

Que obiit viio die Julii Ao D. Mo.ccccolrrrrvo.

Among the relicks kept in this church, the most famous one, was a piece of the shirt of St. Edmund the Martyr, which was preserved in a box of chrystal, and was visited in those days, with great reverence; but what became of it, when those superstitious follies ceased, I do not find.

On the roof in the midst of the nave, are the arms of Norwich city, St. George, and St. Edmund, adorned on all sides with roses and lilies, and this,

S. Edmundus, Flos Martirum, velut Rosa, vel Lilium

St. Edmund, Flower of Martirs, still endures, As Rose, or Lillies, chief among the Flowers.

  • 1459, Alice Aylmer, wife of John Penning, alderman, was buried in the church; 1502, Alderman John Warren; 1505, Edm. Moore Gent. in the chancel; 1517, Alice wife of Nic. Kebyt, and gave a legacy to our Lady, "the second advoyer of this church." At the Dissolution there were a pair of silver censers a pair of gilt silver chalices, a paten, a gilt silver ship, and a gilt silver pax.

In 1676, the tower was repaired with money raised by a petition. There were lights formerly kept here, before the holy cross on the rood loft, and the images of our Lady, St. Edmund, St. Catherine, St. James, and St. John Baptist.

This rectory is said in Domesday Book, to pay 3d. per annum synodals, and to be then valued at 20s. and was not taxed. It is valued in the King's Books at 4l. 6s. 3d. and is sworn of the clear yearly value, of 14l. 10s. 2d. ob. and is discharged of first fruits and tenths. it is augmented with an estate of 20l. per annum in Stratton St. Mary, purchased of John Howes, Esq. The annual voluntary contribution is about 10l. and there is a piece of glebe let at 30s. lying in the farm called the Half-way-House to Catton; and another piece let at 20s. to the widow Gibbs, lying on the west side of Rotten-rowe, which is opposite to the churchyard.


  • 1300, Henry de Hecham. James Knot, patron.
  • 1310, Roger de Swathing, presented by Rog. de Upton and Emma his wife, John le Claver and Mary his wife.
  • 1322, John de Trunch, chaplain, John Claver, patron.
  • 1332, Roger Goldsmith. John le Claver of Plumstede; he gave his house on the west side of the churchyard, for a parsonage, and in 1337, Agnes his wife released it, and a license in mortmain passed to settle it for that purpose.
  • 1359, Will. son of John at Church of Blofield; he was buried in the middle of the chancel; his stone is now spoiled of its brasses, but the impression of a cup and wafer still remains on it; he gave lands in Hellesden to be sold, to pave the chancel, and build the vestiary on the north side of it; he was presented by William son of Rob. Clere of Ormesby; and the six following rectors were presented by Dionise his relict.
  • 1390, John, son of John at Moor.
  • 1394, John Hunt.
  • 1395, John Heyward. Tho. Frenge, resigned.
  • 1414, John Cory, who changed for Spixworth the same year, with Ric. Wormbridge.
  • 1417, Henry Bovy or Bony, buried in the chancel by St. Edmund's image, on the north side, and gave a red velvet vestment.
  • 1467, John Moor; he was buried in the south chapel, before the Virgin's image, and left legacies to lead the chancel, and adorn the low altars. Isabell, relict of Rob. Clere, Esq.
  • 1507, Jeffry Lesingham; he died rector. Sir Robert Clere, Knt.
  • 1508, Will. Hunt, buried in the chancel; he and the two following rectors were presented by Sir Robert.
  • 1525, Robert Fosdyke. Rob. Payntor, resigned.
  • 1530, Rob. Hoore, resigned. Alice, relict of Sir Rob Clere, who in 1533, presented
    John Fisher, who resigned, and in
  • 1537, Tho. Hall.
  • 1582, Henry Bird, A. M. buried Feb. 17.
  • 1584, William Greenaway, he was buried 13 Oct. 1595. The Crown by lapse.
  • 1595, Robert Withers, died rector. Sir Edward Clere, Knt. who in 1597, presented
    Henry Lynney, and on his death in
  • 1601, John Fernby, who was buried June 4, 1633; and Elizabeth Clere Sir Edward's widow, presented
    Tho. Allen, and in
  • 1638, Richard Irland; whose stone in the chancel hath this inscription, and arms of three de-lises, 2, 1, and a chief erm.

Richardus Irland A. M. hujus Ecclesiæ quondam Rector, obijt decimo die Mensis Sept. A. D. 1690. Æt. suæ currente 81mo.

  • 1673, Tho Bloome, died. Henry Pinkney, patron, who in
  • 1681, presented Joseph Ellis.
  • 1712, John Reddington, presented by Will. Cecil, clerk, resigned.
  • 1737, 28 Oct. The Rev. Rob. Cory, A. M. the present [1745] rector, was presented by George Hainsworth, patron for this turn; he holds it united to the vicarage of Hackford cum Whitwell in Norfolk, and is now perpetual patron of this rectory.

The religious concerned here were, the Abbots of Holm and Waltham, the Prior of Hickling and the Prioress of Carhow.

On the door of the corner house at the turn of St. Edmund's-street into St. James's, are the arms of Paston carved in wood, and Paston impaling a chevron. This was the dwelling of Agnes Paston, widow.

(112) The Children's Hospital now called, the Boys Hospital


Is situate in the parish of St. Edmund of Fishergate, a little east of that parish church, on the opposite side of the street; its rise and original is owing to the charitable disposition of Thomas Anguish; descended from an ancient family of that name at Walsingham in Norfolk, he was mayor of this city in 1611; and by his will, bearing date the 22d of June, 1617, he bequeathed to the mayor, sheriffs, citizens, and commonalty, of the city of Norwich, the east part of that estate, houses, yards, and grounds, which he purchased of Anthony, son and heir, of Anthony Style, deceased, rented at 14l. per annum joining to the west part of the same estate which he gave to Will. Anguish, his youngest son, with condition that his sons should enjoy the said east part 10 years after his death, and that then the corporation should enter upon it, and lease it out, though not for above 7 or 10 years, and they to receive the profits, &c. "Untill it shall please God to putt in the Harte of some able & Godlye minded Men, or by the General Charge of the Citty, which hathe byn from Tyme to Tyme for many Years wished & desired, to erect, set up, and found an Hospital, or Conveniente place for the Keepinge, bringinge up, & teachinge of Younge & very poore Children, borne & brought up in this City of Norwich, & specially suche as for wante, lye in the Streetes, Vaughtes, Doores, & Windowes, whereby many of them fall into great and grevious diseases and Lamenesses, as that they are fitt for no Profession, ever after; whereby in Compassion and great Pitye, in a good Conscience, although I doe acknowledge my Self the weakest among many other in Abilitye, having many Children my self, or in Wisdom, to direct for the Keeping and bringing up of poor Children, notwithstanding as a beginning to my small Power, I have given this said House & Ground, being large, spacious, & new built, and many Rooms therein, [that it may] be employ'd for the placeing of a Master & Dame, or other Teachers, to bring up Children, that be very poore, & have not Friends to helpe them, from the age of 5, 6, or 7 Years, untill they shall atteyne to 14, or 15 Years, & so be taught in the meane time according to their Disposition, as they may be fittinge for Service, or able to Mainteyne themselves by their work."

He says in his opinion (having viewed the house) there are convenient chambers for lodging the boys by themselves, and the girls by themselves; that there may be 40 beds at least, besides low rooms for a master, dame, and servants, and for the children to work in. All which he leaves in the disposition of the corporation, and if they can find and purchase a better house for the purpose in 10 years after his death, then the clear annual profits to go towards the keeping of such poor children in that house for ever. But before the end of the 10 years, the sons of the said Tho. Anguish, of their pious disposition released it to the city, for the use their father had settled it; upon which, viz. 1618, it began to be fitted up, and applied to that use by the corporation, for

Emmanuel Garret of Norwich, goldsmith, by will dated 18 Jan. in that year, gave 100l. towards the education and bringing up poor children in the houses of St. Edmund, according to the religious mind and purpose of Mr. Tho. Anguish. And in 1620, there were rules and ordinances made for the Children's Hospital; in which it was ordered, that all the rooms on the east part of the house should be fitted up for orphans, that 10 boys and 2 girls shall be admitted by the mayor and court of aldermen, who may displace them at their pleasure; the parish or ward whence they are chosen, to furnish them with 2 suits of apparel, linen and woollen; and eight beds were bought for the children with the 10 pounds given by Mr. Hammond Thurston, deceased, for that purpose. 30l. per annum for their maintenance, was allotted out of Barnham-Broome estate, and 40l. per annum ordered to be purchased with the money in Terri's chest, and with the 100l. given by Mr. Fawcet, the 100l. given by Mr. Emanuel Garret, or Garrard, goldsmith, and 20l. by Mr. Alderman Pettus.

And then they chose a master, and dame or mistress, to keep them at work; and also a master to teach them to read English, who was to bestow 2 hours every working day on that business, and have for it 10l. per annum; the master and dame to have their dwelling and 40l. per annum, (paid quarterly towards their diet, &c.) and the benefit of their work.

Eight governours of the house were also chosen, 4 aldermen and 4 commoners, and the oldest chosen alderman and commoner shall be yearly removed, and new ones chosen in their places, at the assembly held on the 3d of May; and in 1620, 13 Dec. Christopher Giles was appointed keeper of the children, he being thought an able man, and honest, and fit to be trusted, and able to manage the work of the children.

In 1621, 13s. 4d. per annum was settled for catechizing the children.

In 1622, 4 Sept. Mr. John Anguish offered to settle his estate in Honing for 200l. one hundred pounds whereof, he would give to the Children's hospital, &c. on condition that so long as he, or his wife, or any of his name, shall be living in Norwich, they shall be permitted to name one child, born and dwelling in the city, to be kept in the hospital.

In 1623, John Auguish, Gent. Alderman Alexander, Edmund, Thomas, and Will. Anguish, Gentlemen, sons of Mr. Tho. Anguish, the founder, not only released the term they had in their houses, but the said Mr. John and Edmund Anguish, with John Ward, Gent. late sheriff, settled on the city, the lazar-house and grounds thereto belonging, at St. Stephen's-gates, on condition, that yearly for ever, on the Feast of the Epiphany, (see Pt. I. p. 444,) there shall be a sermon in the afternoon in the church of St. Edmund, by a licensed preacher chosen by the mayor, and that the mayor, sheriffs, citizens, and commonalty, shall yearly pay 26s. 8d. viz. to the preacher 6s. 8d.; to the poor of the parish 3s. 4d.; to the mayor 20d. to four justices 2s.; to the sheriffs 12d.; to the chamberlain 6d.; to six commoners 2s.; to the under sheriff 4d.; to the mayor's two officers 12d,; to the minister of the parish 12d.; and to the clerk of the parish 18d.; and all persons aforenamed that are absent, forfeit their money, which is to be put into the mayor's hamper, for the poor of the city; and then the names, gifts, and bequests of all the benefactors, are to be read in the church, out of a book which shall be kept for that purpose, to preserve their memories to all posterity.

  • 1624, 6 of Oct. Mr. John Dethick, who married the widow and executrix of Mr. Tho. Anguish, the founder, paid 20l. given by Mr. Alderman Tho. Anguish, the founder's son.
  • 1626, Thomas Tesmond of Norwich, Gent. gave 69 acres in Bixley to the corporation, on condition they pay yearly to the preachers of God's word, which shall preach at the common place in Norwich, on the days observed for the memory of Kett's camp, Gowrie's conspiracy, the powder treason, and the coronation day, 20s. to each preacher, 5s. immediately at the end of their sermon, and the rest to the children's hospital.
  • 1628, Mr. Andrew Martin, baker, gave 5l.

King Charles the First by charter dated at Westminster the 28th day of November, in the 4th year of his reign, did establish and found this hospital, by the name of, The Children's Hospital in the City of Norwich of the Foundation of King Charles; and licensed the corporation to hold all lands and tenements already given them, and to purchase more, of what tenure so ever, so the new purchases do not exceed 300l. per annum, and to hold them in mortmain; authorising the Corporation to make rules for the well-governing of the hospital, and to alter them at their pleasure, and also to admit all the children and officers, and add, increase, or diminish the number at their pleasure.

  • 1629, 6 Febr. Thomas Herring of Heigham, Esq. gave 100l. to purchase lands, and a silver voider weighing above 80 ounces, for the use of the mayors in their houses.
  • 1630, An estate was purchased in Alburgh and Redenhall, of Lany Rowse, Gent. for 525l. 300l. of which money was given to charitable uses, by Mr. Nic. Reeve, citizen and scrivener of London, and conferred upon the city for this use, by Mr. Sheriff Tooley; and 225l. was paid by him in Nov. of the gift of Mrs. Merable Bennett of London; for he had a writing under the common seal, testifying the pious disposition of those two persons.
  • 1631, 15 June, the mayor, justices, and aldermen, assembled and made choice of surveyors of the children's hospital, according to the charter, viz, the mayor for the time being, and four aldermen.
  • 1631, Tho. Gooch, M. D. of Hellesden, gave 100l. and another 100l. after the death of Mary his wife.

This year Mr. Will. Anguish gave 100l. and John Anguish promised 100l.

  • 1632, 30 June, the orders for the hospital were made, by which the master was to have for the diet of each child 4l. 6s. 8d. paid quarterly by the treasurer, one quarter's allowance being always to be in the master's hands beforehand.

No child is to be admitted above ten, nor stay above fifteen, and at their admission must produce a testimony of their age from the minister of the parish. The schoolmaster henceforward is to learn them to write. All the boys to be at the cathedral sermon in the morning, their master accompanying them, who shall have 12d. a quarter for so doing; they are to be in their coats and caps, and to attend upon the sword; when ever warning is given them, all of them are to attend the funeral of any benefactor, in their habits, and to go before the corps in a decent manner, singing a psalm, and each boy is to have a penny loaf, and their master 12d.; they shall perform the like service for the friend of any other person, if desired, but then they shall pay for every boy 6d. to the treasurer, and as before, to the master and boys. The master shall keep a book of the admission, death, and departure of every child. The master is to be obliged by the corporation to obey the orders of the house; and when he dies, his executors or administrators shall keep the children, till the quarter after his death; and the 1st of August, the master is to be allowed for his firing 7 chaldrons of coals.

  • 1633, Mrs. Prudence Blosse, widow, gave 100l. (See Pt. I. p. 377.)
  • 1635, Rob. Smith, junior, of Trowse Milgate, grocer, gave 100l. for a boy from Trowse Milgate in Norwich, to be in the hospital; and if there be not one, then he is to be chosen from the county side of Trowse; and Lydia his widow, in 1637, gave 100l.
  • 1636, Lands were purchased of Stephen Upcroft; and Tho. Smallpece, Esq. paid 100l. given by Francis Smallpece, alderman, to purchase lands.
  • 1637, A close without St. Giles's-gates was given by Tobias de Hem.
  • 1637, The treasurer to pay the master of the hospital for the church rates, and paving the street.
  • 1639, 40l. per annum purchased of Mr. Debney, being a house and lands in Trowse, cost 720l.
  • 1639, Alderman Rob. Debney gave 10l. and Mr. John Tooley, mayor, gave a house in St. Laurence.

And Mr. Robert Crask, who was mayor in 1623, gave his houses in St. Martin at the Oak, provided they add two children more to be chosen out of South-Conisford ward, and that they be such as are chargeable to the inhabitants, and without father and mother, they being either dead or run away; and if there be no such, then the poorest that can be found, without partiality, in the said ward; and when 14 years old, they shall be bound apprentice, at the charge of the City; and this ward to have a child in the hospital as usual, before his gift; and if there be not a third child out of the ward for two years together, his gift to revert to his heir at law; and those two of his gift must be born in the city or suburbs.

  • 1641, John Gilbert gave by will 100l. and John Tuck, his executor, paid it, and admitted two children of All-Saints parish, according to his will.

Mrs. Anne Craske, widow, gave 40l.

  • 1645, Mr. Augustine Blomefield, late of Norwich, merchant, gave his houses, lands, and a malt-house in East Dearham, for to add as many children as the yearly rents will maintain.
  • 1647, 120l. given by Mr. Nic. Pipe, and lands in Catton and Cringleford.
  • 1650, Alexander Peckover, late sheriff, gave 50l.
  • 1662, Lands and tenements purchased of Mrs. Ann Southouse, for 260l.
  • 1663 Mr. Robert Holmes, late alderman, gave 50l. 1669, Henry Watts, Esq. deceased, gave 25l. 1672, Nat. Cock of London, merchant, gave 100l. 1673, Mr. Francis Aylmer gave 30l. 1675, 4 closes of 13 acres without Berstreet-gates were purchased of Bernard Church, Esq. for 338l. with the legacies given by Mr. Vaughan and Mr. Nat. Cock; Mr. Vaughan's gift is for a boy from Saxthorp in Norfolk; when his apprenticeship is out, he is to have 10l. paid him to begin the world with.
  • 1675, Will. Barnham, alderman, gave divers lands and tenements in the close of the cathedral, and an estate in Shipdham, to the boys hospital, provided a boy of Thetford be always kept in the hospital, and 4l. of money be yearly paid to the town of Thetford, to bind out, or clothe poor children there.
  • 1676, Mr. Nicholas Newham gave 50l. and 50l. at his death.
  • 1681, received 20l. of the commissioners, for Dereham fire, towards the loss of a house belonging to the hospital, being the 8th part of what it was valued at.
  • 1681, Mrs. Blackborn of Windham, widow, gave 100l. 1684, it was agreed to buy the boys books. 1684, 24 Sept. on Wednesday next a boy to be put into the boys, and a girl into the girls hospital, out of the benefaction of Augustine Briggs, Esq. at the recommendation of Aug. Briggs, his son, but this to be no precedent.
  • 1685, Henry Crowe, merchant, gave 50l. 1686, A boy from AllSaints parish, according to the will of Mr. Rob. Rosse.
  • 1695, The book of the names of the benefactors ordered to be left with the master, to be read yearly at the founder's commemoration.
  • 1701, the church-wardens and overseers of St. Bennet's parish nominated a boy to the hospital, and there is paid 6l. per annum for his maintenance, on All-Saints day, according to the will of Michael Smith, deceased. (See p. 251.)
  • 1701, Nic. Bikerdike late mayor, added a boy of his gift.
  • 1704, John Gostlin, heir to Dr. Gostlin, master of Caius college, Cambridge, gave 50l.
  • 1704, an estate at Little Melton, purchased for 335l. 300l. of which was given to the boys and girls hospitals, by Alderman Tho. Wisse, and was half settled on each.
  • 1705, Alderman Bernard Church, (see p. 141, and Pt. I. p. 421,) gave to the two hospitals aforesaid, for their better maintenance, 50s. per annum, and the court settled it to be spent on the children above their ordinary allowance, on the 15th January, Lady day, Midsummer Day, and Michaelmas day, viz. two shoulders of mutton, 3s. 6d.; plumbs for puddings, 1s. 8d.; other materials for the puddings, 1s. 4d.; two doz. two-penny cakes, 4s.; strong beer, 2s. twelve shillings and sixpence each day.
  • 1706, John Bristow gave 5l. Alderman Bene 50l.
  • Nat. Remington, Esq. gave 20l. Mr. John Filkin of Yarmouth 50l. Thomas Blofield, Esq. 100l. Alderman Laurence Goodwin 50l. James Demee, Gent. 20l. Mr. John Thompson, fishmonger, 5l. John Braythwait, hosier, 50l. Alderman Augustine Scottowe 25l. Alderman Mat. Peckover 20l. Mr. Daniel Martin, worstead weaver, 10l. Mr. Francis Fen 20l. Mrs. Susan Mingay 20l. Ric. Harman, Esq. 20l. Mr. Joseph Loveland, prebend, 100l. Mr. John Brabant 100l. Mr. Scottow of London 50l.
  • 1742, Alderman John Harvey, late treasurer, gave 30l.

The revenues of this hospital, from the foundation to the present time, have been so justly managed, that as they increased, there were added children in proportion; so that from 14 only, this hath now no less than thirty and six poor boys, who are decently clothed in blue coats and red caps, and well maintained with meat, drink, washing, and lodging, in the hospital, during their continuance there; and not only so, but are taught to write and read, and then are bound out apprentices to trades, by which means this charity is made as useful and beneficial as it can be.


The house late Edward Burrough's is empty, and so is not included in the annual rents.

Certain annual Payments, besides Taxes, Repairs, clothing the Children, and finding all Necessaries for the Hospital, paid by the Treasurer.

The present [1745] treasurer is Rob. Harvey, Esq. and the master is Mr. Robert Smith,

St. James's parish joins to the east part of St. Edmund's, and all the space on the east side of the street, leading from White-friars-bridge, to St. James's church, and from thence to the gates called Pockthorpgates, and from thence by the lane leading under the city walls to the river, and all along the river's side to the aforesaid bridge, was the site of the

(113) Carmelites, or White-Friars


Which received their names from St. Mary of Mount Carmel, the place of their first residence, and from the colour of their habit; they pretended to great antiquity; but the first we know of them, as to any certainty, is about 1238, when they were driven from Mount Carmel in Palestine, by the cruelty of the Saracens; their rule, which is that of St. Basil, was given them by Albert, Patriarch of Jerusalem, about 1205. They were confirmed by Pope Honorius III. in 1224, and were first brought into England in 1240, and held their first European chapter in 1245.

This priory, notwithstanding what is said of it by the authors of the Atlas, p. 402, was a large house. and of great repute, even to its dissolution; the Atlas, fo. 805, and Weever, tell us, it was founded by Philip Cowgate, mayor of Norwich in the year 1268, but with what truth we may judge, for there was no mayor of the city till 1403, it being governed before that time by bailiffs: the truth therefore of its foundation will best appear from the foundation deeds, which were exemplified April 24, 1533, on account of the claim made to the patronage of the priory at that time, by the Peircy family, for Sir Alan Peircy, brother of Henry Peircy Earl of Northumberland, had laid claim to it, as being founded by his family; which was entirely false, the patronage of it being in the senate, mayor, sheriffs, and merchants of the city, ever since the year 1486, when it was proved in a provincial chapter of the order, held on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, in the convent of Burnham, that Philip, son of Warine, son of Adam Arnold, or Ernold, of Cowgate, in Norwich, merchant, who assumed the name of Philip de Cowgate, from his living in that part of the city, was the first and prime founder of this monastery; about 1256, he settled his messuage, with all the buildings and yards thereto belonging, lying between the messuage of Ralph the chaplain, then vicar of Wrottyng, on the south part, and the messuage formerly Rob. de Holveston's, on the north part, and extended in length from the high-way called Cowgate, which lies west, to the ditch of the said messuage towards the east, on Master William de Suffield, Archdeacon of Norwich, and his heirs, on condition that the brethren of Mount Carmel should enter and dwell there, without any molestation, for ever, and serve God therein: upon this, the friars took possession of it, and by the gifts of their founder and other good people, erected a noble church, and had it dedicated to the Holy Virgin; which being finished, the said Philip took upon him the habit and order of a Carmelite, and entered the house of his own foundation, where he died the 23d of April, 1283, and was buried in his own church. And by reason of his appointing no patron of their house, they continued without any, till 1486, and then Thomas Waterpytte, S. T. B. prior, and his convent, supplicated the mayor, aldermen, sheriffs, and citizens of Norwich, that as their founder was a merchant and fellow citizen, and assigned them no patron, that they would henceforward be patrons, which they accepted, and it was confirmed in the general chapter of their order held at Burnham, as is aforesaid; and brother John, prior provincial of the said order, decreed in open chapter, that the corporation should be prayed for in all divine services in the monastery, as their patrons, and should be partakers of the benefit of the prayers of all the brethren of the order throughout England, and in token hereof, the convent confirmed it, under the common seal, to the mayor, and the mayor, under the city seal, to the convent.

This house had its share of benefactions, but most being in money or goods, it had few fixed revenues in lands or houses, it being contrary to the rules of the orders of the friars to have any possessions, unless the sites of the houses which they dwelt in, though they sometimes, under pretence of conveniency, did take some few.

In 1323, they purchased the house next St. James's church, and laid it into their convent.

In 1334, Tho. de Salthouse, prior here, purchased a messuage on the south side of their convent, which joined all the way to the river Wensum, and abuts west on Fishergate: by this purchase they had their site completed, from the river to St. James's church; and to make it entire, in 1344 the city granted them a lane, which went through their convent, called St. James's Wente; from which time the convent had gates, &c. nightly shut, that no one could pass through as usual; and now the houses they purchased were pulled down, and their court and churchyard was made large and spacious; upon which the prior and convent of the Holy Trinity, who held the church of St. James, and St. Martin at the Palace-gate, impropriated to them, complained, that the friars by pulling down the houses, and laying them into their convent, lessened the value of their parishes aforesaid, in which their friary was situated; upon which the friars agreed to pay 2s. per annum to their priory, in recompense for that damage, and also sware that they would not take nor receive, knowingly, any offerings from the parishioners, of their impropriate parishes of St. Martin, St. James, or St. Paul, without returning them to their several churches; and afterwards, in 1376, it was agreed between brother Walter de Dysse, prior here, and John de Hoo, prior of the cathedral, that whereas the said John de Hoo held the churches of St. Vedast, and St. Margaret in Fibrig-gate, All-Saints, St. Saviour, St. Paul, St. James, St. Martin at Palace, St. Giles, St. Gregory, St. Stephen, St. Sepulchre, St. John of Berstreet, St. Peter per Montergate, St. Cuthbert, St. Mary the Less, Holy Cross, St. Margaret at Neivbrigge, St George of Muspool, St. Olave, St. Martin of Coslanye, and St. Etheldred in Norwich, impropriate to his convent; and whereas divers of the parishioners of those parishes daily chose to be buried in the Carmelites church and churchyard, by which the said parishes lost much of their profits, to the injury of the convent, who served most of them by their monks, and received the profits; the friars agreed, that for the future, they would pay the prior of the cathedral, the 4th part of the profits every year, that arose from the offerings and funerals of such persons, in the same manner that the friars-preachers. and friars-minors did, according to the conslitution of Pope Clement.

In 1430, the friars paid the precentor of the cathedral 2s. at Michaelmas and Easter, as offerings to the parish priest, due from their servants.

In 1431, they paid the precentor 4s. for two or three houses laid into their site, besides the 4th part of the offerings above mentioned, which were always paid annually. In 1485, King Richard II. confirmed all their houses, lands, and privileges. In 1498, the mayor, sheriffs, &c. granted the prior and brethren of this house, under their common seal, that they should be ever free from all toll and custom in the city, and of all fees due to the city officers, for all things whatever, used and consumed in their house.

They had six messuages in St. Austin's parish, one of which was given by Margaret Beamond in 1529, which at the Dissolution were separated from the site, and granted in 1544, to John Eyre, one of the King's auditors, along with another messuage in St. Clement's at the Bridge which belonged to St. Faith's priory.

Many persons of note were interred here, viz.

In 1292, Sir Oliver Ingham, Knt. and Dame Lora, wife of Sir Reginald Argentein, sister to Robert de Vere Earl of Oxford.

Dame Alice, wife of Roger de Boyland. (Hist. Norf. vol. i. p. 59.) Dame Eleanor Boteler, Sir Barth. Somerton, Knt. and Dame Catherine, his wife. Sir Oliver le Gros, Knt. John, father of Sir Ralf Benhall, Knt. Dame Joan, wife of Sir Tho. Morley, Robert Baniard, Esq. Sir Oliver. Wythe, Knt. Dame Alice Wythe in 1361. Sir Jeffery Wythe of Smalbergh, Knt. 1373. Sir Peter Tye, Knt. Margaret Pulham. Dame Alice Hethersete. Dame Katherine, wife of Sir Nich. Borne. Joan, wife of John Fastolff. Thomas Crownthorp or Crongethorp, and Alice his wife.

  • 1320, Joan, widow of Sir Rob. de Caston, Knt. gave 10 marks for two annuals to be celebrated for her own and husband's souls here.
  • 1321, Dame Alice Everard. 1391, Alice, late wife of Sir Martin Everard, Knt.
  • 1376, John de Saxlinghamthorp, chaplain.

Sir Will. de Bradfeld. Sir Walter Cotet.

  • 1402, Dame Eliz. 3d wife to Sir Thomas Gerbrigge, first married to Sir John Berry or Barry, she was Dr. of Sir Rob. Wachesham. Sir Tho. Gerbrigge was buried by her in 1430.
  • 1423, John de Erlham, citizen and merchant.
  • 1433, Sir Edm. Barry, Knt. buried in the chapel of the Virgin in the Carmelites church, and Dame Alice his wife, Dr. of Sir Tho. Gerbrigge, was buried by him.
  • 1437, Dame Elizabeth, first wife of Sir Will. Calthorp, daughter of Reginald Lord Hastyngs, Weysford, and Ruthyn.
  • Hankinson of Lancashire. Clement Paston, Esq. 1440, Christian, widow of Peter Savage of Norwich, was buried before St. Anne's image in the chapel of the Holy Cross, in the convent of the Carmelites.
  • 1457, John Saberne of Norwich. 1459, Will. Norwych, senior, buried by Agnes his wife, and Walter his father. 1461, John Mulicourt, buried in the church, he lived among them. 1466, Margaret Furbisher, widow. 1467, John Gedge, fuller, buried in the Carmelites church, Brother Edm. Heverlond, a Carmelite, to sing for him. 1479, Will. Gladen of Norwich, publick notary. Richard and George, children of Sir Will Calthorp, by Cecily, John, and Thomas, other children of the said Sir William. 1418, John Dengayne, Gent. and Robert Smart, Esq. 1494, Sir Will. Calthorp, Knt. buried in the "Whyte Fryerys wher the Place of my Sepultur is made;" he gave 40 marks to be given in pence to the poor on his burial day; 10 marks to the friars, and friar Tho. Waterpepe to sing three years for his own, friends, and wife's souls, at the altar where my sepulture is, and after the Gospel, to say openly at the end of every mass, De Profundis, and to have 6 marks a year.
  • 1495, Dame Margery, wife of Sir John Paston, daughter of Sir Tho. Brewse, who was buried here the same year.
  • 1495, John, son of Sir Will. Stoarer. 1498, Margaret, wife of Sir Tho. Piggot.

About 1500, Christian Boxworth, widow, of the parish of St. Mar garet Fibrigge, was buried in the north side of the White-friars church, before the image of our Lady, and gave 20s. to the friars for her burial.

  • 1502, Margaret Ratcliff, alias Curteis, widow, gave to the friars 6s. 8d. and a legacy to St. Barbara's gild held in the White-friars. 1503, John Osteler, alias Patkerton, fishmonger, and the same year, Eliz. relict of Will. Aslak, Esq. buried in the chapel of our Lady, in the south part of the White-friars church, by the image of St. Laurence; and gave East-Tudenham manor to her son William.
  • 1511, John Walters, alderman, buried by Margaret his wife, gave 40s. to repair the church.
  • 1512, James Hammond of Rackeith, buried before the image of our Lady.
  • 1523, John Hemyngham, clerk, parson of Kesewyk, buried in the White-friars church, at the Jemowe door, by his mother. 1529. Margaret Beamond buried here, gave a house in St. Austin's on condition they said a mass for her soul at Christmas, Easter, Whitsuntide, and Michaelmas, and have a penny-candle burning before the Blessed Sacrament of the altar, at those times; and also that the prior distributed to the friars a pittance of 2s.

The following famous Carmelites were buried here, as Bale tells us from the register of the house.

  • 1287, died Brother Gilbert de Norwich [Episcopus Hamensis.]
  • 1303, Brother Humphry de Necton, D. D. and professor at Cambridge; a man of solid learning, a subtile disputant, and excellent preacher, author of many learned treatises, a catalogue of which you will find in Bale and Pitt. Of whom, Leland hath left us this distich,
    Laudibus Humfredum meritis super astra feramus, Cui data Grantenæ Laurea prima Scholæ.

Brother Andrew Felmingham.

  • 1310, Brother Rob. Walsyngham, a man of great repute in Oxford for his Quodlibets, ordinary Questions, and his Interpretation of the sacred Scriptures, which he made manifest to the world, as Bale says: and Pitt also gives him the character of a man of acute wit, sound judgment, good life, and great learning.

Brother Jeffery Statham.

  • 1332, died Brother Will. Crongethorp, (or Crownthorp,) Knt. who had taken the vow, but not yet assumed the habit of the order. Dame Alice his wife is buried by him.
  • 1346, died Brother Jeffery Mileham.

Brother Adam Saxlingham, for whom see Pitt, 473.

  • 1348, died Brother John Folsham, prior of this monastery, and provincial of all England; he was D. D. of Cambridge, a native of Folsham in Norfolk, an excellent logician, well deserving the praise that Pitt gives him. Bale saith, that indeed he was a doctor and none of the meanest; for by his chopping of logick, he could turn black into white, men into asses, and school divinity into natural philosophy. He wrote many learned treatises, as you may see in the aforecited authors, and died in the time of the great pestilence, for in this year, from the first of January to the first of July, there died in this city 57,374 persons, besides religious votaries; whereupon the prior and convent of this house composed a prayer, to be said daily for the brethren that died of the contagion.
  • 1360, Brother Simon Wichingham, Doctor of the Sorbonne, a great writer, see Pitt, p. 493.
  • 1361, Brother Rich. Enges. 1370, Brother Tho. de Len. 1372, died Brother William of St. Faith's, D. D. 1382 died Brother Tho. Riburgh.
  • 1383, died Brother William de Wroxham, in the convent of this order at Calais.
  • 1386, died Brother Will. Raymund. Brother Henry Myleham. 1387, Brother Peter de Beklis, S. T. P.
  • 1390, died Sir Hugh de Uvedale, or Dovedale, Knt. a devotee, who had not yet taken the habit of the order.

In the year 1400, 2d Henry IV. Thomas Arandell Archbishop of Canterbury, went his metropolitical visitation, and came from Ely to Norwich, where he was received at the cathedral, by the Bishop, prior, and convent, and the whole, city, with a solemn procession; and during the whole time of his stay, he lodged in the house of the Carmelites, at his own expense, and then made an amicable agreement between the Bishop, prior, and convent, who had great variances about their rights; all which he settled to their satisfaction. Hence he went to Walsingham, and removed the prior, assigning him 40 marks for life; and from thence he went to Mildenhall, and so to Bury. Regr. Curteys.

  • 1404, died Brother Walter Dysse, the Pope's legat, prior of this house. (Of this man see Hist. Norf. vol. i. p. 29, Pitt, 579.)
  • 1408, Brother Adam Hawling.
  • 1420, died Brother Robert Rose, D. D. he was honoured by the University of Oxford, with the title of supreme master; and wrote many things, yet never offended the followers of Wickliff: he was prior here, and enriched his monastery both in estate and learning, being an excellent philosopher, and profound divine.
  • 1421, Brother Tho. Kemyng.

Thomas Scroop, born at Bradley, of the noble family of the Scroops, to which he was an honour, on account of his virtue and learning, was first a Benedictine monk, and in 1430, took the habit of a Carmelite friar, and led an anchorite's life here many years, seldom going out of his cell, but when he preached: but about 1446, Pope Eugenius the IVth. made him Bishop of Down in Ireland, which he afterwards resigned, and came again to his convent, and became suffragan to the Bishop of Norwich; he died at Lowistoft in 1491, and was there buried, being near 100 years old. See his life and an account of his works in Pitt, p. 682. Bale, 213. Holingshed, 798. Baker, 363.

  • 1440, Brother John Thorp, died and was buried here; he was an excellent writer, author of many books, and divers learned treatises; but for his Labrynth of Logick, as he intituled it, he acquired the name of the Ingenious Doctor, which with his epitaph, was engraven on his tomb. It was an eminent work, wherein he exquisitely displayed the subtilities of that art. See Bale, 195. Holingshed, 662.
  • 1447, died Brother Henry Wichingham, D. D. of Oxford, a famous scholar, see Bale, 197. Pitt, 638.
  • 1451, died Brother John de Kenninghale, a native of that place, prior here, and provincial of his order all over England, of whom I have spoken in the Hist. Norf. vol. i. p. 227.
  • 1451, Brother John Taverham. 1451, Brother Peter of St. Faith, Doctor of the Sorbonne, for whom see Pitt, 647. Bale, 201.
  • 1456, Brother Tho. Johnson.
  • 1458, Brother Nicholas Grey.
    Brother Tho. Narburgh.
  • 1462, Brother Rob. Carlton.
    Brother Adam de Berton.
  • 1477, Brother Baldwin Mayer.
    Brother Rob. Shadwell.
  • 1479, Brother Tho. Barker.
  • 1485, Brother Ric. Water.
  • 1592, Brother Jeffery Bee.
  • 1494, Brother Will. Worstead.
    Brother Tho. Penyman.
  • 1504, Brother Tho. Scothow, and Brother Geffry Jullis.
  • 1508. Brother Tho. Martin.
  • 1517, Brother Rob. Love, prior here, provincial of all England.
  • 1524, Brother John Whytyng.
  • 1525, Brother Simon Pykerynge.
    Brother Rob. Browne.

I find the following persons friars, but not buried here.

  • 1344, Hugh Virley or Wireley, whose life see in Bale, 141. Pitt, 450, Hol. 414.
  • 1354, John de Titleshale D. D. and LL. D. of Oxford; see Pitt, 480. 1406, Tho. Colby, a great scholar, Pitt, 582, Bale, 178, b. and Bishop of Limmerick, &c.
  • 1423, Brother Walter Thetford. 1426, Brother Will. Suffield. 1432, Brother Ric. Lyn. 1436, Brother Tho. Walsingham. 1452, Brother Nic. Bungey; he was collated to the rectory of Beeston, by the Bishop. Li. XI.
  • 1457, Brother Tho. Thorp, collated to Stanninghall rectory, and died rector.
  • 1461, Brother Ant. Fisheman, collated to Beeston.

In this monastery there were two ankorages, or anker's houses, one for a man, who was admitted brother of the house; the other for a woman, who was also admitted sister thereof; the last under the chapel of the Holy-Cross, which is still standing, though converted into dwelling-houses; the former stood by St. Martin's-bridge, on the east side of the street, and a small garden belonging to it joined to the river.

In 1442, Dec. 2, the Lady Emma, recluse or anchoresse, and religious sister of the Carmelites order, was buried in their church. And in 1443, Tho. was anchorite in this house.

  • 1465, Brother John Castleacre, priest, anchorite. In 1494, there were legacies given to the anker of the White-friars.

In 1539, one John Pratt, servant, with Rauff Salter of Harpley, coming to Norwich on the Wednesday last, did on Friday go to the White-friars in Norwich, and found the prior and his brethren at dinner, and after the accustomed words of humanity between the prior and the said John, the prior demanded from whence he came, whereunto the same John said, I am my Lord Privy Seal's servant, and late come from his Lordship; and then the prior asked him the cause of his coming; and he made answer, I have a commission from my Lord Privy Seal to suppress this house. The prior desired the sight of his commission; and the said John, said that Mr. Godsalve had it, and further said, that they should be dispatched of their house on Monday next at the furthest. But it seems, the prior, upon further examination, found he was a cheat, and so caused him to be brought before the court, where he confessed, that he did it, purposing to have put the prior of the place in such fear that he by reason thereof should give him a reward of 40s. or 4l.; which being considered of, on Saturday, Oct. 19, he went round the market with a bason rung before him, and a paper on which was written, for false feynyng, and after had both his ears nailed to the pillory, and then cut off.

This house stood undissolved till 1543, and in that year it was suppressed, and the city endeavoured, as patrons of it, to have purchased the grant; but could not, for in that very year, the King granted it to Richard Andrewes and Leonard Chamberlain, by letters patent dated June 17, who were to hold it to them and their heirs, by knight's service, of the King in capite; and the same year they had license to sell the site to John Spencer and his heirs, and soon after it was divided, and that part which lies against the river, next the bridge called Whitefriars bridge in the parish of St. Martin at the Palace-gate, where the anker's house stood, was sold off, and the original site all lying in St. James's parish, from the aforesaid part to St. James's church, and backward quite to the city walls and river, continued in the Spencers till they sold it to the Southwells; and in 1561, Francis Southwell, Esq. Tho. John, and Hen. Spencer, Gent. conveyed it to Will. Gildren or Gildern, and his heirs, who was owner of it in 1569, and in 1579, sold it to William Drury of Melton, and his heirs. In 1635, there was a dispute between the parishioners of St. James, and St. Martin at the Palace, concerning the friary, which was referred to the aldermen of Fibrigge ward, who settled the bounds as they had been anciently. In 1639, Sir William Drury of Besthorp, Knt. died seized of it, since which time it hath passed through divers hands, and is now owned by Mr. John Chambers.

Brother Robert Bale, that learned man and great writer, was a Carmelite of this house in 1495, and so was Brother John Bale, that strenuous opposer, not only of this order, but of the Pope and church of Rome; he was a Suffolk man born, entered in this monastery at 12 years of age, from which he went to Cambridge, and became a diligent reformer, for which he was banished, and continued 8 years in Germany, was recalled by Edward VI. and made Bishop of Ossory in Ireland, but was driven thence by Queen Mary; afterwards he went through many misfortunes, being taken by pirates and sold, but was redeemed, and retired into Germany again, and at Basil published his famous work entituled, "De Scriptoribus Anglicanis." He died in Ireland, A° 1558, æt. 67, after he had wrote a prodigious number of books, a catalogue of which, with a fine cut of his tace, may be seen in Holland's Heroologia Anglica, fo. 165, 7. He left a collection in quarto MSS. concerning this monastery, from which we learn the following things. In the year 1256, the Carmelites first entered their house at Norwich. In 1343, the new grand choir of their church was finished. In 1344, their new churchyard was consecrated by Brother John Paschall, Bishop and Suffragan to William Bishop of Norwich. In 1382, when the church was completely finished in a grand manner, it was dedicated by Brother Thomas, suffragan to Hen. Spencer Bishop of Norwich. In 1450, the library here was founded by Brother John de Kyninghale, then prior. In 1526, Bishop John ordained in St. Thomas's chapel in the Carmelites house.

The Priors of this house that I have met with are these.

  • 1283, Philip de Cowgate, the founder, died prior.
  • 1334, Brother Tho. de Salthouse.
  • 1348, Brother John de Folsham, provincial of the order, died.
  • 1376, Brother Walter de Dysse. (See Hist. Norf. vol. i. p. 29.)
  • 1381, Brother Ric. Wichingham, S. T. P. prior, buried here this year. Pitt, p. 535. 1386, Brother Rob. Yvory. Brother John Tacesphalus, or of Tacolneston, D. D. born there; a great preacher against the followers of Wickliff, elected prior in 1404, and died and was buried at Rome in 1420. See his works, &c. in Pitt, 608.
  • 1420, Brother Rob. Rose, ob. 1451, Brother John de Kenynghale, ob. Ciril Garland.
  • 1488, Brother Tho. Watterpytte, D. D. 1517, Brother Rob. Love, provincial, in 1505, ob.
  • 1533, Brother Thomas, D. D.

There are now no ruins of this house remaining, save the Friars-hall, with their kitchen under it, now the Anabaptists meeting-house, and the chapel of the Holy Cross at the west end thereof, under which the anchoress had her anchorage, the chapel being over it; there is part of the cloister now turned into a cellar at a publick-house; the church stood near St. James's, there being only a passage between the churchyards, but its site is now all built on.

(114) The Church of St. James


Stands at the north-west corner of the White-friars site, and was dedicated to the Apostles of that name; it was founded in the Conqueror's time, and was anciently called St. James at Barr-gates, and afterwards St. James at Pokethorp, and till then, was part of Thorp. It was a well endowed rectory, having all the great and small tithes belonging to it, till about 1201, when it was appropriated by John de Grey Bishop of Norwich, to the prior and convent there, who by that means, got all the glebes and tithes into their hands, on condition they found a secular chaplain to serve the church, and paid him for so doing, and repaired the chancel at their cost; which they constantly did till the Dissolution, and some time after; but of late years, the dean and chapter hath not paid the serving minister, though they have all that belonged to the rectory, and still nominate the chaplain; who hath the surplice fees, and what voluntary contribution the parishioners will give, which in Dr. Prideaux's time amounted to 18l. per annum. It paid 3d. synodals, was laid at 26s. 8d. at the appropriation, and is now an exempt, being one of the peculiars belonging to the jurisdiction of the dean and chapter, and was lately augmented by lot, but there is no purchase as yet made.

The nave and south isle are leaded, the chancel is tiled, the steeple is octangular, and hath in it three bells; the upper part of it was rebuilt in 1743, and the emblems of the 4 Evangelists carved in stone lately stood, one at each corner: there is a chapel at the upper end of the isle, dedicated to our Lady, whose image stood by the altar, with a light burning before it. In 1479, the rood loft was beautifully painted, and there were then the images of St. Nicholas, St. Catherine, and St. John Baptist, with lights burning before them in service time; as there were also others before St. James, St. Christopher, the Holy rood, and Sepulchre; and there was then also a gild held here in honour of the two St. Jameses.

On a brass by the north door,

Hic iacet Johanna Rysyng, cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen

On another in the middle alley.

Orate pro Animabus Walteri Ftyer, et Margarete Uroris sue. qui obiit xxiio die Aprilis Ao Dni: Movo rrriio. et pro quibus tenentur.

On another by the south door,

Orate pro anima Elizabeth Calthorp, Filie Willi: Calthorp Ar- migeri, cuius anime propicietur Deus.

On another in the chapel,

Pray for the Sowle of Nicholas Parker, on whose Sowle Jesus have Mercy Amen.

Here are stones in the nave for, Rose wife of John Freeman 1676. George Gwynne Gent. 1699, 59. Frances Tubbing widow, 1728, 86. Anthony Francis 1684. In the isle, crest a tree, arms three castles: Mr. Tim. Copping, kinsman by marriage to Mr. Nic. Poyntar Gent. 1696, 59. Nic. Poyntar Gent. 1676, 69. Barbara Sprat widow, his Dr. 1717, 82. Hellen wife of Mr. Nic. Poyntar 1660, 48. Poyntar Harmer, 1707, 33. Ellen Harmer Dr. of Mr. Nic. Poyntar 1715, 77. In the chancel, Will. Wright 1692, 55. Jane his wife, Will. their son, 1723, 59. Frances his wife 1732, 76. Wyborough wife of Rob. Drake, 1618.

Who in her Life feared God, and the world contemned, For in his Fear she lived, and in his Favour ended.

Susan wife of John Chambers Esq. 1713, 59. John Chambers Esq. 1720, 71. Anne Barnes 1704. Tho. Barnes 1705. Children of Jane and Samuel Barnes. Davy's arms. Jehosaphat Davy, some time mayor, 1689, 72. Anne wife of Alderman Tho. Postle Dr. of Jehosaphat Davy Esq. 1702, 60. Bridget wife of Jehosaphat Postle 1720, 43. Jehosaphat Postle, Gent. ob. 5 Dec. 1723, 30.

By the south chancel door is a small mural monument with this,
Subtus hoc, Corpora Nicholai Emmes Generosi quondam hujus Civitatis Vicecomitum Unius et Mariæ charissimæ conjugis ejus, fælicem in Domino Resurrectionem expectantia. Ipsa obijt 11° Die Maij An° Salutis, 1632, Ipse 22 die Aug. 1638. Fuerunt ambo vicinis amicabiles, Amicis Fideles, pauperibus miserecordes, omnibusque bonis amantes. Edwardus Emmes filius primogenitus prædictorum Nicholai & Mariæ in ipsorum Charissimorum Parentum suorum Memoriam, hoc erigi curavit.

In 1528, Simon Westgate was buried in the church, before the image of St. Uncombre. 1526, Will. Mayner priest, parish chaplain, was buried in the chapel here, and gave a legacy to Gresham church, where he was born, and to St. Stephen's, where he sang his first mass. 1532, Sir John Fincham, parish priest, was buried in the churchyard, and was succeeded by Sir Ric. Crowder. 1604, Nic. Gilman, curate. 1627, John Barnham. 1662, John Smith, Mr. Scot, Paul, Tillet, Pickering, Otway, Bentham, and Manlove, were curates here.

And the Rev. Mr. Will. Herne, is the present chaplain or curate, who is also one of the minor canons of the cathedral, minister of St. Paul's in Norwich, and of Hemlington in Norfolk, and rector of the rectories of Horningtoft and Gerveston.

At the extremity of Pokethorp hamlet, belonging to this parish, is the site of

St. Catherine's Chapel, which stood north-east of the said hamlet, above a mile distant from it, upon Mushold heath; it was an ancient parochial chapel, founded about the time of the Conquest, and was afterwards reconsecrated to the honour of St. William of Norwich, the boy that was crucified by the Jews, as you may see in Pt. I. p. 26, &c. and is commonly called St. William in the wood; it had a cell of monks, which belonged to Norwich priory, residing by it, who were maintained out of the profits of the churches of Lakenham, and Ameringhall, which were held of these monks. In 1230, Nigel de Hapesburg, gave a messuage and lands in Wiclewood, and the moiety of the advowson of All-Saints church there, to the church of Norwich, on condition that the prior and convent should find a chaplain to serve daily in the chapel of St. Catherine by Thorp wood, for his own and his ancestors souls; and now being worth something, it was appropriated with all its tithes, offerings, profits, and lands, by Walter Bishop of Norwich in 1256, to the almoner's office in the convent, and about 1410, it was united to St. James's parish, and the parochial service transferred thither, the almoner only serving it as a chantry, from that time to the Dissolution, when it was totally demolished; the site of it being now commonly known by the name of Pokethorp church yard; and in 1550, was leased by the dean and chapter, to William Bleverhaysset. Gent. by the name of the Chapel-yard called St. William's in the Wood. It was much frequented by pilgrims, who visited it to its dissolution, for in 1506, the almoner accounted for the offerings at St. William's chapel, and those at

The Chapel of the Translation of St. Thomas Becket, which stood very near the former, and was called St. Thomas in the Wood, but was never parochial, being supported chiefly by the brothers and sisters of St. Thomas's gild, which was yearly held with great pomp here, on the Feasts of St. Thomas Becket, and of the Holy Relicks; in 2d Richard III. the members of this gild gave a famous picture of the history of Bishop Becket, to this chapel, which was constantly repaired, as well as that of St. William, by the convent; and at the gild days, there were grand processions made, and interludes played, with good cheer after them.

St. Michael's Chapel was also in this parish, on the brow of the hill, on the north side of the road just out of Bishop's-gate; the ruins of it are still [1745] visible, and it is called Kett's Castle, because it was the place of rendezvous of that arch-rebel; it was founded by Bishop Herbert, in recompense for St. Michael's church which stood on Tombland, and was demolished by him; it was constantly served by the monks of the adjacent

Priory of St. Leonard, which stood opposite to it, on the other side of the Yarmouth road: this priory and church of St. Leonard was also built by Bishop Herbert, on the hill, which then was part of Thorp-wood, in which he placed several monks, whilst the cathedral church and priory, were in building, and a succession of others were continued here, as a cell to the great monastery, until the general Dissolution; it was always governed by a prior, chosen by the Prior of Norwich, and confirmed by the Bishop; he was obliged to account with the Prior of Norwich annually, for all the offerings in his priory of St. Leonard, and in his chapel of St. Michael on the Mount aforesaid, and he was allowed a yearly stipend to find a chaplain for daily service there. St. Leonard's church was of great note for a famous image of good King Henry VI. which was visited by pilgrims far and near, some of which affirmed, they were, and many others resorted hither in hope to be cured of their diseases: so that the offerings to this good King, and the images of the Holy Virgin, the Holy Cross, and St. Anthony, brought in a good round annual sum. The names of such



as I have met with, are,
1394, Ric. de Blakeden. 1452, Sir Ric. Walsham. 1472, Brother Nic. Ayrich. 1496, Rob. Yarmouth. 1517, Rob. Catton.

This priory is now in ruins, being totally demolished by Kett and his rebels; the site is walled in, and contained about 14 acres; the church is ploughed over, but part of the gate-house, and the entrance into the churchyard, are standing close by the present farm-house. The prior had a pension of 6s. 4d. out of Taverham tithes, and the revenues of the house, were all accounted for to the convent at Norwich, which paid the prior here a certain stipend; and every one of the 7 or 8 monks that resided here, had their several stipends; they were obliged to find a scholar, and pay him a yearly exhibition, at one of the Universities, and pay for all his degrees. At its dissolution it went to the Crown, and King Henry VIII. granted it to Thomas Duke of Norfolk, whose son, Henry Earl of Surrey, built a sumptuous house on the site, in which he dwelt; (see p. 225;) on which occasion it was called Surrey-house, and the hill Mount-Surrey, according to Michael Drayton in his poem or epistle to Henry Howard Earl of Surrey,
Why art thou slack, whilst no Man puts his Hand, To raise the Mount where Surrey's Tower must stand? Or who the Groundsil of that Work doth lay, Whilst like a Wand'rer, thou Abroad dost stray, Claspt in the Arms of some lascivious Dame, When thou shouldst rear an Honour to thy Name; When shall the Muses by fair Norwich dwell, To be the City of the Learned Well? Or when shall that fair Hoof-plow'd Spring distill, From great Mount-Surrey, out of Leonard's Hill?

But this Earl being beheaded, the whole was forfeited to the Crown, where it remained till 1562, and then Queen Elizabeth granted it, with the wood called Prior's Wood in Thorp, to Thomas Duke of Norfolk, and his heirs, and King James I. in 1602, confirmed it with two capital houses in Norwich, to Thomas Howard Earl of Suffolk, and his heirs.

Under Mount-Surrey is a low valley, now a garden, belonging to the adjoining ale-house, in which the followers of John Wickliff, that worthy and learned divine, who first dared openly to oppose the Pope and the erroneous doctrines of the Romish church, were burnt for Lollardy, as they then called it, from whence it is called Lollard's Pit to this day. See Pt. I. p. 204.

Close by the river, on the left hand going out of Bishop's-gate, is a spring of pleasant water, formerly much resorted to; which occasioned Sir John Pettus, Knt. in 1611, to build the handsome freestone conduit over it, which is locked up, and so hinders its either being choked or made foul, the water running continually from it; on the freestone are carved the arms of Pettus, and this,
Johannes Pettus Miles, Monumentum construxit, Anno Dni. 1611.

Under St. Michael's Mount and part of Mushold, are surprising caverns in the earth, made by digging the chalk-stone for lime, and the black flints for building, with which these pits abound, notwithstanding what is said in the Journey through England, vol. i. p. 4, that "one would wonder from whence they had those stones, (meaning black flints,) for Norwich stands in a clay country, and neither flint nor chalk within 20 miles of it," the whole of which is so very false, that I must conclude the author was never near Norwich in his life; and only wonder where it was possible to pick up such errours, all the publick accounts that I have seen of it, mentioning nothing like it.

Mousehold, or as it is commonly called Musel-hill, is a large heath now, but was most of it wood formerly, and is about 4 or 5 miles in length and breadth: Alex. Nevile calls it Muscosus Mons, the Mossy Hill, and would have it called Moss-Wold, from the moss growing on it, and [wolð], (a Saxon word,) signifying a hilly country void of wood; but as it is certain this was a wood, that etymology will not bear. I take the proper name to be as it is often written in evidences very ancient, Monks-hold, it belonging in a great measure to the Norwich monks, who had a cowherd to keep their cattle there.

Pokethorp Manor


Was originally part of Thorp, and when it was severed from it in the Conqueror's time, with the parishes of St. James and St. Paul, took the name of Poc-Thorp or Little-Thorp; it hath court baron and lete, and now belongs to the church, as it hath done always from its foundation; in 1286, the prior had assize of bread and ale, and weyf, in his manors of Pokethorp, Holmestreet, and Great Plumstede, allowed in Eire, and a custom called Haliday-toll, besides land-gable paid him after dinner, the King's bailiff of his hundred of Blofield, having the same before dinner.

The manor-house was lately called the Lathes, it stands a little distance from Pokethorp-street, at the east end of it, and is now commonly called

Hasset's-house, from William Bleverhaysset, Esq. who lived in it, having obtained a lease of it from the Dean and Chapter, in 1550, on the surrender of the ancient lease, which Dame Jane Calthorp of Norwich, widow, and Thomas her son and heir, had of it; and in 1547, the said William had also leased to him, "asmoche of all that their tythe lamb and wolle of the fold-cource, called the Lathe-cource, as doth, or of right ought, in any wyse to belonge or apperteyne to the paryshe churche of Seynt Jamys in Norwyche, yelding & paying therfor yerly to the Dean & Chapter, Parsons of the seid churche of Seynt Jamys, or at their assignement to the curate of the seid parishe of Seynt Jamys, towards his Stypende & wages ten shillings of lawfull money of Englande, at the feast of St. Mighell th' Arkangell, yerely and every yere, during all the seid Terme of lxxx yeres." This tithe, with St. William's chapel yard, and part of the fald-course that extended into Sprowston bounds, was assigned by Bleverhaysset in 1555, to John Corbet of Sprowston, Esq. and Miles Corbet, his son and heir, to make Sprowston course complete.

The religious concerned here were, the Abbot of Pipewell, whose temporals were taxed at 4s.; the Abbot of Merryvale at 4s.; the Prior of Shuldham at 4s.; the Prior of Norwich at 10l. 13s. 2d.

Benefactors to this parish, are,
Tho. Chickering of Thorp, Esq. by will gave 52 bushels of sea coals, or 26s. 8d. every other year, to be paid to the church-wardens within 14 days next after Christmas day, to be divided among the poor of St. James's and Pokethorp. See St. Paul's parish, for

Mr. Edmund Topclyff's gift (p. 260, 272,) as also for Mr. John Cory's, Mr. Rob. Mallet's.

Mr. Benjamin Penning's, and Mr. Will. Gedge's. Mr. Blofield's gift is 4l. per annum to be given to his heirs, to whatever parishes they please, so it be disposed of in this ward.

(115) The Church and Hospital of St. Paul


Were founded on a croft called then the Cow's-croft, which was originally part of Thorp, till St. James's parish at Cowgate, with Pokethorp, was severed from it, and then it became part of that parish, and so continued till Eborard Bishop of Norwich, Ingulf, the first prior there, with the consent of the convent, and Richard de Bellofago, or Beaufo, Bishop of Auranches in Normandy, and Archdeacon of Norwich, separated the croft from that parish, and built the hospital and church, and Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury, consecrated it to St. Paul the Apostle, and St. Paul the first hermit, who was the reputed patron of such diseased poor, as were obliged to retire from the world, as Paul did to his hermitage in the wilderness; the life of this saint, with many incredible relations concerning him, may be seen in the Golden Legend, fo. 44. It seems to have been begun in the latter part of Bishop Herbert's time, and was finished by Eborard, between the years 1118 and 1145, for the souls of Bishop Herbert, the founders, and all the faithful, quick and dead; and the foundation was confirmed by the several charters of Bishop Eborard, King Henry I. the Prior and Convent, Rich. de Beaufo Archdeacon of Norwich, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Pope's bull, which was ratified by the succeeding Popes; at which time, the Prior and Convent settled the whole croft on the hospital and church, and granted divers parts of it to such tenants as would pay them yearly rents, which constituted the manor now called

Norman's Spital Manor


and the parish of st. Paul,

Which before the union of the dissolved parish of All-Saints in Fibrigge, extended no further than that place where St. Paul's pound stood, and contained no more land than was at first included in the said croft, and at first was inhabited by 18 families only, besides those in the site of the hospital, all which paid annual rents to the hospital; the convent then also settled their portion of tithes in Marsham, and Blickling, and land at Sprowston, and the ditched-in meadow between Thorp wood and the river; and Bishop Beaufoe gave them the churches, glebes, and tithes of the four churches of St. Michael, St. Peter, St. Andrew, and St. Margaret in Ormesby, which he had of the gift of King Henry I; and Alan de Bellofago or Beaufo, his brother and successour, confirmed them to the hospital, after they were appropriated by the Bishop, and enjoined all his clerks, and the vicar of the said churches, to pay the master of the hospital all his just dues; and Morel de Morlai, or Morley, and Emma his wife, who were received into the fraternity of the monks of Norwich, for that benefit gave to the hospital two parts of the tithe corn of their demeans in Filby, and all their tithes there, and Bishop Eborard granted 40 days pardon to all that came to the church and offered there, on St. Paul's day in summer, or in eight days before it; and appointed the church not only for the use of the hospital, but to be parochial, and have chrism and oil from the sacrist of the convent; and King Henry I. settled 3d. a day out of his revenues of the county of Norfolk, to be paid by the sheriff of the county; and in 1226, Thomas de Blumville confirmed all their revenues which they then had, viz. the rectories of St. Paul in Norwich, and the four churches in Ormesbye, and the tithes of the demeans of Ormesby-hall, and of the sheep there; and the third part of the tithes of the demeans of the Bishop's manor of Blofield, Bacton, Thorp, Thornage, and Langham, and two parts of the tithes of the Bishop's demeans in Marsham, and the third part of the tithes of his demeans in Blickling, the moiety of the tithes of the Bishop's demeans in Taverham, and of the monks demeans in Trowse Newton; two parts of the tithes of the demeans of Rob. de Ulmo or Holm in Filby; John son of Herbert de Norwico, or Norwich, gave them an house in St. Andrew's parish; John Knot gave to God, St. Mary, and the hospital of St. Paul, 6s. 8d. rent, out of divers houses in Norwich; Bishop Walter de Suffield gave the third part of the tithes of his demeans in Beyton, or Begeton, Humersfield, and Thornham; Julian, relict of Rob. de Horkneye of Spitelond, gave a piece of arable land at Galtre, or Gallows-hill, by Norwich. Adam le Blund gave them a house in St. Paul's parish, and John de Marisco, son of Archdeacon Steingrun, by will gave to Castle-acre monks, the houses and land which his father held of the hospital of St. Paul's church, paying to the hospital their ancient rents. Sir Clement de Cnapeton, chaplain, gave them divers cottages in St. Mathew's parish. In 1282, John Howard, carpenter, was a benefactor; and in 1492, Eliz. Clere, and Joan Harman, widow, who was buried in St. James's church. In 1494, Sir Will. Calthorp. 1495, Joan Blackdam, widow, who was buried in this church. 1502, Dame Joan Blakeney, widow. 1507, Dame Margery Hobart, who was buried in the cathedral. By means of which benefactors, and many others, whose names are lost, their revenues were sufficient to maintain 14 poor men and women, who were decrepit with age, or languished under incurable diseases; besides a procurator, custos, or master of the hospital, who was always to be one of their monks in priest's orders, appointed by the prior and convent, and approved by the Bishop; and from the year 1198, when John of Oxford Bishop of Norwich, appropriated the rectory of St. Paul's church to the hospital, the master was obliged to serve the cure by himself or chaplain, and had all the spiritual jurisdiction of his own exempt parish, in himself, and proved wills, &c. as official of his exempt jurisdiction, which extended no further than his own parish.

The first Procurator or Master, was Norman the monk, from whom it took the name of Norman's spital, or hospital; he was a good benefactor, and ruled well. In his time, Walter the priest was rector here, at whose death it was appropriated. Jeffery the monk succeeded Norman in 1190, being placed here by Richard I.; he was succeeded by Reginald de Pankesford. 1266, Rob. de Stokesby, who was succeeded by Brother John de Plumstede, who died about 1285. 1357, Brother Nic. de Gernemuta, or Yarmouth. Brother Ralf de Filby. 1398, Brother Tho. de Lyn. 1411, Brother John de Hasingham. 1418, Sir Will. Silton, resigned, and Ric. Corpusty succeeded.

  • 1429, Brother Ric. de Walsham; in whose time the state of the hospital was changed, there being no more men admitted, but 14 women only, seven of which were whole sisters, that is, eat, drank, and lodged in the hospital; the other seven were half sisters, which attended divine service with them, but were not lodged or clothed in the hospital. And now there was a Wardeness or Woman Guardian, who was subject to the master only, and appointed by him; and henceforward, his duty was only to take care of the church, and oversee the hospital; and about 1452, Dame Cecily Mortimer was appointed wardeness. 1513, Margaret Puregold, and in 1532, Margaret Dyver.

In 1470, Brother Rob. Bretenham was master. 1492, Dionise de Hindolfstone. 1493, Simon de Len, who resigned in 1497, to Brother Will. Mannell, who in 1504, resigned to Brother Castelyn. 1513, Sir John Sibley; and in 1532, Sir Henry Mannet, the last master, who was made prebend. See Pt. I. p. 665.

After the dissolution of the priory, there were no more masters appointed, but the hospital stood undissolved, under the care of a wardeness, as heretofore, and the new erected dean and chapter having the hospital and all its revenues assigned to them, made the church a donative, and appointed

Sir John Beeston, parish priest, who served here in 1548, and at Dyver's death. Mistress Agnes Lyon was appointed wardeness, and the sisters of the Norman's were reduced to 12, and she continued so till her death in 1565, and then by agreement between the dean and chapter and city, a lease was granted by them to the city for 500 years at 1d. a year, of all those their chambers, lodgings, houses. &c. (of the outward court) of the hospital of St. Paul, commonly called the Normans, late in the custody of Agnes Lyon, deceased, heretofore used for the relief and lodging of poor strangers, and sick impotent persons, together with the bedding, clothing, and stuff, belonging to the dean and chapter in the said house, obliging the city by covenant, to employ the house to the same use as formerly, for the lodging, comfort and relief of poor strangers, vagrants, sick, and impotent persons, during the whole term; reserving power to the dean, with any two of the prebends, to visit the said hospital, and see that it be employed to the aforesaid uses. By which means they got rid of their burthen and had the revenues to themselves, finding a curate or parish chaplain serve the church, and repairing the chancel as usual. But soon after the city laid claim to the manor of Norman's, and the church, as included, and a contest ensued; the result of which was, that paying for the manor, a rent of 40s. per annum they had a lease of it for a term of years, but upon the city's claiming a right to nominate to the church of St. Paul, they would not renew the lease, and so the whole fell into their hands again, except the site of the hospital itself, concerning which, by joint consent about 1570, it was agreed, that the aforesaid lease made of it to the city, should be cancelled, and a new one made; by which the city had it granted without any condition of its being an hospital, and in the year 1571, they turned it into a bridewell, or house of correction, for idle and lazy beggars. And thus the site of the hospital fell into the city's hands, where it now remains, and is leased to Benjamin Nuthall, Esq. at 5l. 5s. per annum, the part now standing being turned into a malt-office; and all the other revenues into the hands of the dean and chapter, who have been, and still are, so far from maintaining any poor therewith, that they refuse to pay their curate's stipend, though they insist on their nomination to this day; so that the serving minister hath only the surplice fees, and what voluntary contribution the parishioners please to gather, which in Dr. Prideaux's time amounted to 18l. per annum; and the dean and chapter enjoy all the tithes and revenues at this time.

In the Norwich Domesday we read thus: the church of St. Paul is valued at 33s. 4d. and is an exempt place, in which there are brethren and sisters. 'Tis not visited by the Archdeacon, neither doth it pay synodals. The sole correction and jurisdiction over all the parishioners of St. Paul's, and of all other persons offending in the said parish's precinct, belongs to the master of the hospital.

In 1670, Tho. Bond was curate. 1676, Ben. Penning. 1698, Will. Scott. And lately it hath had the same curates with St. James, the Rev. Mr. William Herne being the present [1745] curate.

The church, north isle, south porch and chancel are leaded; the steeple is round at bottom, and hath an octogonal top of freestone, adorned after the Gothick manner; in it are three bells; at the east end of the isle is a chapel, now used as a vestry, which was dedicated to our Lady, before whose image at her altar, there hung a lamp, which was always kept burning in service time.

In 1382, Sir Rob. Burkyn, Knt. was buried in the churchyard, and left Elen his wife executrix.

  • 1445, Christopher le Strange, Esq. was buried in the chancel.

Benefactors to this parish are,
Sir Tho. Salter of London, priest, who by codicil to his will, dated Oct. 8, 1558, gave 26s. per annum to be paid to the church-wardens of this parish by the wardens and company of Salters in London; to which company he gave 200 marks, to be given in alms every Sunday in the year in the church, after service, in 12 halfpenny wheaten loaves, baked the day before, viz. to each of the sisters in the Normans, one, if there be so many sisters, and if not, the bread shall be given to the poor of St. Paul's, and he willed it to the poor sisters.

"Bycause I have a great Truste that they wyll praye for me, and also bycause that a very good devowte Syster, was the first Creature that tawght me to know the Lettres in my Booke, Dame Katherin Pecham was her Name, I was Skoller lxxij Yearis ago with her in the saide Parish of St. Powle, I beseech Jesu to have Mercy on her Sowle. And if that my Masters the Wardens of the Salters Companie, can here and perfectly knowe, &c." that the said alms is not given every Sunday, then they are to take it away, and give it to their own almsmen in London, on whom he had settled 12d. a week for ever.

Rob. Mallet of Norwich, Gent. by will dated Feb. 6, 1696, gave his house and lands called the Castle, in St. James's parish, to 12 feoffees of the most substantial parishioners and inhabitants, six of them to be of St. Paul's parish, and six of St. James's, in trust for the clear annual profits, to be for ever disposed of to the benefit of the poor of the said parishes, viz. a third part to St. James's, and the rest to St. Paul, which is constantly done.

Febr. 4, 1697, Rich. Hall, carpenter, and others, executors of Benjamin Penning of Norwich, clerk, deceased, according to his will dated June 15, 1696, settled a messuage and garden in St. Paul's parish, the west part abutting on Magdalen-street, on feoffees, who are to dispose of the clear profits annually, one-third part to the overseers of St. Paul's, and another to the overseers of St. James and Pokethorp, which is constantly divided among the poor there. He settled also 500l. on 7 trustees, who when they are reduced to three, are always to choose four new ones, who are to put out the 500l. interest free, for 7 years, at 25l. to each person, who are to be young tradesmen, and inhabitants of the parishes of St. Paul, St. James, Pokethorp hamlet, St. Clement, St. George of Colegate, or St. Benedict in Norwich.

Tho. Chickering of Thorp, Esq. by will gave 52 bushels of sea coals, or 26s. 8d. every other year, to the church-wardens, to be paid within 14 days next after Christmas day, to be divided among the poor. (See St. James's parish.)

  • 1618, Sept. 17, Soloman Leech of Ling, Gent. settled his lands, &c. in Ling, for the payment of 6s. 8d. per annum to St. Paul's poor, to be divided the first Sunday after All-Saint's day. Also to Ling poor 6d. a Sunday in bread, 10s. for a commemoration. sermon on Sunday after All-Saints, and 16d. per annum towards bell-ropes.
  • Edmund Topclyff, Gent. by his will ordered Andrew Topclyff of Hofton St. John, to pay yearly out of his estate, to the overseers of the poor of the parishes of St. Paul, St. James, St. Laurence, and St. Margaret's, 5s. each, upon every 28th day of Dec. to buy two-penny loaves to be given to the poor there every New-Year's day.

Mr. Christopher Giles tied his houses for payment of 10s. per annum on Michaelmas day, to be given in coals.

On Holy Thursday Mr. Tilney's gift of 10s. per annum is given in bread; and also Mr. Pollard's annuity.

  • 1698, Mr. John Cory, gave by will to Joseph his brother, his houses in St. Edmund's, on condition to pay out of them, to the senior alderman of Fibridge ward, every first day of May, 40s. per annum, to buy plain well bound English Bibles, to give to the poor children of Pokthorp, St. James, St. Paul's, St. Edmund's, St. Clement's, St. Saviour's, St. George of Colgate, St. Michael Coslany, St. Mary's, St. Martin's at Oak, and St. Austin's, with power to enterfor nonpayment.
  • 1568, Alderman Nic. Norgate, gave a rood of land lying out of Magdalen gates, between his close and his 3-acre piece, for the citizens to lay their compost on, and particularly the inhabitants of Fybridge ward. (Will Book, fo. 16, b.)

Mr. Will. Gedge gave 100l. the interest to be disposed of yearly, to the poor of Pokethorp, 50s. to St. James's poor 25s.; and to St. Paul's 25s. per annum for ever, to be paid at Christmas; with this an annuity of 5l, per annum clear was purchased and settled, issuing out of houses in St. Paul's, now belonging to Mr. John Hall. He died about 1694.

There is an ancient house in this parish opposite to St. James's church, in which Mr. Rich Carr now dwells, which was called anciently Fastolff's Place, and was built by the great Sir John Fastolff of Castor by Yarmouth, Knt. and is called in some old evidences, his place or city-house in Pokethorp; to which manor it pays a rent of 1s. 5d. a year. His great hall is now a baking office; the bow window is adorned with the images of St. Margaret, St. John Baptist, in his garment of camel's hair, the Virgin Mary, St. Blase holding a wool comb, and St. Catherine. In a large north window are 10 effigies, of great warriours and chiefs, as David, Sampson, Hercules, &c. holding bows, swords, halberds, &c. ornaments suitable to the taste of so great a warriour as Sir John was.

At the extremity of the north-west corner of this parish, where Cowgate, or St James's-street, meets with Tolthorp-lane, which leads from the north end of Rotten-rowe, was anciently a pit, called St. Paul's pit, and by it stood the pound for the manor of Norman's, which was taken down in 1653, and removed to St. Martin's Plain; and in 1679, it was removed again hither, but now the pit is filled up, and the pound taken away.

The following inscriptions are in the nave of this church,
Orate pro anima Elizabethe, primogenite Roberti Drury Ar- migeri.

Orate pro anima Richardi Make quondam Curati Ecclesie Pa- rochialis de Jrsted qui obiit rv die Mensis Febr. Ao Moro. rr.

Hc iacet Jsabella Amusan Uidua quondam Uroris Roberti

Orate pro anima Willi: Lawes, cuius anime propicietur Deus.

Hester Allen widow, daughter of Clement Shepherd, 1684. Sarah wife of Clement 1666. Clement Shepheard 1682, 70. Ric. Hickling junior, 1698. Anne daughter of Clement Barker 1698. Will. Hardingham 1678. Eliz. his wife 1688, 5 children, of which Sarah and Mary died June 28 and 29, 1708, the first aged 62, the last 57. Sarah wife of Tho, Marker 1717.

In a south window, arg. a fess gul. between three eagles displayed S. impales or a maunch gul.

In the chancel, Blithe, arg. on a fess gul. between three bees volant proper, three escalops or. Motto, diligentia et labore.

Crest, a red rose slipped proper.

Martha wife of Will. Blithe Esq. sometime mayor, Feb. 1, 1715, 55. Will. son of John Framingham Gent. late of Walsingham, married the daughter of William Blithe Esq. and died April 30, 1717, 23, Will. Blithe Esq. Aug. 26, 1724, 66. He was mayor in 1704, and also major.

Rachel wife of Ric. Crosley 1706, 19. Rob. Waffe 1713, 54. Rob. Brook 1647, 51. Hellen daughter of Philip Bedingfield the elder of Ditchingham Esq; 1683, Bedingfield's arms in a lozenge.

Margery wife of Ric. Carr, 18 March, 1736, 40.

There is a stone with brass effigies of an alderman and his wife, but the inscription is lost, and an adjoining one hath a merchant's mark only, on a brass shield.

The chapel of St. Mary, now the vestry, hath four shields carved on the screens; on the first is St. George's arms; on the 2d a cross fleuré, towards the chancel; and on the inside, a cipher on each, viz.

C. L. and a plain cross for Christopher Lestrange, Esq. who was at part of the expense; and a plain cross; and an E. and D. conjoined, for Eliz. Drury, who was buried in the church, and was at the rest.

In the east window, Ufford, with a batoon arg.

In the north isle,
Of your Charite pray for the Soule of Richard Borough the Son of Mr. Borough of Yermouth.

Mr. Ric. Hall, beer-brewer, 31 May, 1725, 39. Catherine Dr. of Daniel and Eliz. Ireland 1738.

On an altar tomb on the south side, in the churchyard,
Crest, a talbot's head cooped erm. Erm. on a chief sab. three talbots erm. Mr. Benjamin Barrell 1713, 49.

On the bells:

1.Uirginis egregie Uocor Eampana Marie.

2.Per Thome Meritis mereamur Gaudia Lucis.

3.Hcc fit Sanctorum Campana Laude Bonotum.

The other part of the parish beyond the pit and pound, is not in the exempt jurisdiction of St. Paul's hospital, and consequently not in that of the dean and chapter, for anciently it was the separate parish of

(116) All-Saints in Fybridge-Gate


Which was one of the ancient parochial churches mentioned in Domesday book; the patronage of it, together with that of St. Margaret in Fybridge-gate, was given to the convent, by Hubert son of Ralf, when they were both rectories; this being valued at 12s. and paid 3d. synodals; but was not taxed; he settled it on the almoner, for his own and family's souls, and to be admitted a brother of the convent, and to be prayed for, for ever in their bed-roll; and Bishop John de Grey appropriated all the profits, finding a stipendiary priest constantly to serve it. It stood at the north corner of the street called Cowgate, at its very entrance into Magdalen-street, directly opposite to Mr. Beavor's house, and abutted south on Cowgate; the churchyard is now a garden, the parish belonging to it, extended to Magdalen-gates, on the north side of Magdalen-street, and under the walls, till it met with St. James's bounds, and was bounded south by Cowgate, except the houses opposite to the churchyard, which were also in this parish, and are now in St. Paul's.

The leper-house without Magdalen's-gates, on the east side of the way, was in this parish; and it appears, that though they had a small oratory or chapel belonging to it, for their private use, it had then no burial place, for the lepers that died there were buried in this churchyard, till 1448, and then there was a new chapel built for the lepers at Fybridge-gate, and a small burial place added thereto; and it was not dissolved, but continued as a place of reception for the poor, under the care of a master or guider, instead of the hermit who formerly presided over the lepers; and in 1604, Tho. Giles was guider of it: in 1668, the alms-houses at Magdalen-gates belonged to the parish, and were given by Mr. Throckmorton, to be inhabited by widows.

In 1477, there was a fine font erected in All-Saints church, and there was a good parsonage, not far distant from the north-west corner of the churchyard, in which the chaplains dwelt till its dissolution, since which time it belonged to the dean and chapter; the almoner had a house and land in this parish, given by Constantine the tanner; and other small rents here, given by Katerine, daughter of Maud Person, &c. In 1485, Henry Goodwin, and in 1515, John Stile, was buried in this church.

Parish Chaplains of All-Saints church,
1440, the prior and convent received only 10s. this year, from the chaplains of the churches of St. Saviour and All-Saints, because they had all the revenues besides, assigned them for serving the cures.

  • 1468, Sir Rob. Martham. The parish of St. Margaret in Fybridge was united to this.
  • 1491, Sir Robert Wakerle. 1492, Brother Ric. Reeve, a carmelite. 1498, Brother Tho. Pelles, a monk. Sir Roger Mondes. Sir Rob. Freeman. 1515, Brother Gibson, an Austin friar, 1536, Brother Rob. Thew, a carmelite. 1544, John Hey.
  • 1550, March 10, the dean and chapter granted this church, churchyard, lead, bells, &c. to the mayor and citizens for 500 years, at 4d. per annum rent, and the May following, the parishioners assembled and went to Catton to the dean, to ask, if he with the assent of the chapter, had sold their church to the mayor and court? whose answer was "'twas nouther giffen nor sold," notwithstanding they had sealed the conveyance two months before, upon which they were easy; but to their surprise, the very next month, their parish was united to St. Paul's, and the church pulled down, and immediately the city for 49l. sold the church and churchyard, and all that remained belonging to it, except a pair of chalices, to Christopher Soame, who was to pay a yearly rent of 6s. 8d. to St. Giles's hospital; and 5 Edward VI. a lease of the churchyard was sealed to Rob. Suckling, as pertaining to the hospital revenues.

And thus this church was demolished, by the under-hand dealings of the dean and chapter, and city; the one swallowed the revenues, parsonage-house, &c. and got rid of the serving curate's stipend; and the other got the bells, lead, plate, &c. for a trifling sum, to acquiesce in their proceedings; by which means the parishioners could have no remedy.

This parish, though it is united to St. Paul's, is not a peculiar of the dean and chapter, as that is; but at this day is, or ought to be, as to spiritual jurisdiction, under the Archdeacon of Norwich, as well as that other parish of

(117) St. Margaret in Fybridge-Gate


Which was united to All-Saints, and with that became also part of St. Paul's parish, as it now remains; this church was given to the prior and convent, along with All-Saints, and stood on the west side of Magdalen-street, upon the spot where Mr. Bell's stable now stands. It is anciently called St. Margaret in Combusto; this being in that part of the city which was burnt in the fire, that consumed the greatest part on this side the water, in the Conqueror's time; it is sometimes called St. Margaret by the Gates; it was valued as a rectory, at 13s. 4d. and paid 3d. synodals, but was not taxed; it was settled at the appropriation, by Bishop Grey, on the almoner, and afterwards on the infirmary of the monastery.

It appears, that all persons executed on the gallows out of Magdalen-gates, could claim a right to be buried in this churchyard; which shows, that all the land lying on the west side of the road, which is now in St. Paul's parish, originally belonged, and paid tithes to this parish, and that the triangular hill where the gallows formerly stood, now given to lay muck on, was also in this parish. In 1453, the Bishop colated Will. Brygg to this church, as a lapsed rectory. In 1491, Ric. Percy accounted with the prior for the tithe corn of this parish. and in 1520, the tithes were let to Tho. Franceys; and in 1547, were leased with the lands of St. Paul's hospital. The church was served by stipendiary chaplains till its dissolution, and was then granted off, and now continues a private property.

The dean and chapter of the college of St. Mary in the Fields had a house here, and several houses paid small rents to the priory, of the gift of William, son of Richard the smith of Fibrigge, and Will. de Titleshall.

John de Norwich, rector of Tid, gave to the nuns of Blakebergh, for the soul of the Lady Catherine his sister, two shillings annual rent out of his house here. There were also many houses and shops which paid small yearly rents to,

Magdalen-hospital, which is about half a mile north-east out of these gates, which from thence are called

(118) Magdalen-Gates


The old names of Fibridge-gates, and the Lepers-gates being totally disused.

This hospital is just into the bounds of the neighbouring village of Sprowston, and stands in a bottom.

The whole chapel is now converted into a barn; the hospital joined to its south side, of which there are but few ruins.

Bishop Herbert built it on the ground belonging to his church; and appointed it for lepers, endowing it well for that purpose. It was valued at 10l. and is in Taverham deanery; it is called a free-chapel, hospital, or house of lepers; there were many gifts given "to the three Magdalens" Thetford, Lyn, and Norwich. It was always in the Bishop's collation, and

The Masters or Guardians,

Were inducted by the archdeacon of Norwich, and were to account annually to the Bishop.

  • 1288, Adam de Schotesham. 1291, Peter de Dallyng, chaplain, O. Nic. Banningham, resigned. 1315, Sir Ralf de Baketone, custos. 1329, Adam Wombe, resigned. 1332, Rob. de Knapton. 1334, Peter Aleyn of Moringthorp. 1334, Will Morle of Blickling. Pe'er de Attlebrigge, R. 1341, Martin de Sandringham. 1342, John de Bromholm; he changed in 1345, with Roger de Nafreton, for Framlingham Earl. 1350, Tho. Claxton, he changed in 1367, with John Multon, for St. Mary Magdalen's hospital in Ipswich.

A° 1370, Sir Rob. de Salle, Knt. was beheaded at St. Mary Magdalen's chapel, June 17. 1393, Richard son of Tho. atte Townsend of Eton. R. 1407, Jeffery de Canyard of Hegham. 1416, Tho. Bontemps. 1436, John Thorneg. 1444, Simon Thornham, LL. B. Mr. Nic. Goldwell, O. 1505, Will. Stillington. Tho. Brerewood, doctor of the decrees. 1528, Will. Leveson. 1530, John Sampson.

In 1547, Edward VI. by letters patent dated at Aldersbrook June 7, for 276l. granted to Sir Robert Southwell, Knt. Master of the Rolls, and John Corbet, Esq. the dissolved chapel of St. Mary Magdalen in Sprowston, standing near the city of Norwich, the site, messuage, grange, and all lands in the adjoining fields; the bruery, sheeps-walk, liberty of faldage in Norwich fields, and all revenues in Sprowston and Thorp, thereto belonging; and all the fair called Mary Magdalen-fair, held yearly, and late belonging to the chapel; and all tollage, piccage, stallage, and customs, and the pie-powder court in the fair, the assise, assay, correction, &c. of wine, bread, ale, and victuals, in the fair during the fair time, and all fines, amerciaments, issues, forfeitures, profits, and other rights, belonging to the pie-powder court there; which fair was to last three days, viz. the vigil, day, and morrow, of St. Mary Magdalen; and it is still kept.

  • 1549, William Bishop of Norwich, and John Sampson, master, released and quit-claimed, to John Corbet, senior, all their right, title, and interest in this free-chapel and hospital, and all its revenues, and to his heirs, from which time it hath passed with the manor of Sprowston, and so continues.

Benefactors to this hospital were,
Alexander le Moyne, son of Peter le Moyne, who confirmed to the brethren and sisters of this house, and to Nicholas, chaplain of Berstrete, 12d. yearly rent, out of lands held by Nic. in Wrenningham, and Lady Ela, mother of Alexander, confirmed her son's gift. Sir John le Bretun, Sir Hugh son of Rob. de Thorp, Sir Thomas de St. Omer, and others, being witnesses, Alex. de London gave them a house in St. Margaret Westwick.

Will. Miles of Sparham gave a rent of a quarter of barley yearly, out of his land at Sparham. Serlo de Stubhate and Henry de Tholetorp, gave lands by their site in 1252. Walter, son of Will. Barun of Cringleford, gave half an acre in Cringleford, by the half acre of land which Hugh, son of Roger Barun, gave them. Will. son of Ralf de Cringleford, gave lands about 1294. William son of Ralf de Swerdeston, released an acre by the church of All-Saints in Casewic by Hertford bridge, which Sir Alex. le Vaux, lord there, gave to the hospital. In 1290, Walter de Melleford, chaplain, vicar of South-Yarmouth, now called Gorleston, gave them an acre in Sprowston, close by their site. John de Hoxne gave them his tenement in St. Vedast's parish; they had also houses in St. George Tombland, and St. Peter Mancroft in Norwich.

Formerly the mayor, sheriffs, aldermen, and whole body, rode on St. Mary Magdalen's day, in procession to this chapel, with the city watch before them, in their watching harness, to the great preservation of the city harness, or armour, which was always then new scoured; it was omitted in Henry the Eighth's time, but revived again in the 24th of that Prince; every constable and his watch to attend the court in their armour, as usually heretofore was done; and the court always offered at St. Mary's chapel there, and then went to the common wrestling-place, and saw such exercises performed there, according to ancient custom. But this is discontinued ever since James the First's time.

(119) The Church of St. Buttolph the Abbot


In Fybridge-Gate,

Stood more south in Magdalen-street, not far north of Stump-cross; its churchyard abutted east on the said street, and west on St. Buttolph's, commonly called Buttle-street: and is now the White-horse-yard; it was a rectory, valued at 13s. 4d. and paid 5d. synodals, and it stands now in the King's Books as a rectory valued at 2l. 7s. 8d. ob. chargeable with 4s. 9d. ob. yearly tenths, and 8d. procurations, and is yearly certified into the Exchequer, to be without an incumbent, and put to profane uses.

The religious concerned here were, the Priors of Pentneye, Norwich, and St. Faith's, and the Prioress of Carrowe.


  • 1308, Master Eustace de Kimberle purchased the house and land joining to the north-west part of the churchyard, with the advowson of the church, of Rob. de Gotherston and Cecily his wife, son and heir of Sir Jeffery de Gotherston, Knt. and settled them for a parsonagehouse and glebe for ever, but conveyed the advowson to Aylmer de Sygate of Erpingham, the founder of the family of the Aylmers in Norfolk.
  • 1309, Eustace resigned to Will. Stone of Aylsham, priest.
  • 1328, Will. son of John de Berton.
  • 1333, Will. Stone again.
  • 1335, Adam Umfrey of Gillingham; all which were presented by John son of Aylmer de Sygate of Erpingham; whose son, John Aylmer of Erpingham, presented Ralf Cat of Berningham, in 1345.
  • 1351, John Sparhauk by lapse. In
  • 1355, Cat took it again, on his former patron's presentation, and in 1359, changed it for Saxthorp free-chapel with Simon Maschal, who in 1361, changed it for Oxwick, with John Mathew. In
  • 1367, Walter Gudeman of Burgate was presented by Agnes Horn, to whom John Aylmer sold the advowson; he died and was buried in the chancel, in 1387. In
  • 1388, Tho. Alderman had it, and resigned it to William Walkeline, who the same year changed it for Besthorp, with
  • Tho. Killingworth, who resigned it immediately for Windham vicarage, in exchange with
    John Stukele, who were all presented by John Aleyn, senior, and John Aleyn, junior, who purchased it of Horn.
  • 1393, John at Hill. John Aleyn, junior; he resigned in
  • 1400, to William at Hill, and he the next year resigned in exchange for Chanreth in London diocese, to
    John, son of Rob, de Sewstern, who the next year, resigned to Ralph de Redham.
    Will. Gibbs resigned in
  • 1428 to John Cawston; all these were presented by John Aleyn aforesaid, worsted-weaver of Norwich, whose widow, Alice, married Augustine Bang, who presented in
  • 1438, John Tilley, who was buried in the friars-preachers church in 1443, and was succeeded by
    John Geywood, who was presented by John Bertram of Atilbrige; he resigned in
  • 1446, to Will. Norman, who was presented by Gregory Queyntrill of Norwich, who sold it to Sir Tho. Kerdeston, who either gave or sold the advowson to the prior and convent of St. Faith at Horsham, and they presented to the Dissolution,
  • 1456, Henry Goose, on Norman's resignation.
  • 1490, John Julyan, ob.
  • 1493, Tho. Keele, ob.
  • 1501, John Roper, ob.
  • 1505, Will. Stephens; he died rector, and was the last the church had; for in 1544, it was made a private property, by Henry VIII. who granted it to Will. Godwin; and in 1548, the church being quite demolished, the parish was united in form, to St. Saviour's, with which it now continues.

In 1560, Sir George Howard, Knt. seized it, by virtue of a grant of concealed lands, from the Crown; but it took no effect, the original grant of Henry VIII. being produced.

In 1473, Henry Owdolff was buried in the church by his father's tomb. 1475, Alderman John Butte was buried in the chancel, and Tho. Collys in the churchyard, and gave a silver chalice. In 1499, Alderman John Pynchamore was interred in the church, and settled an obit for three years here, for the souls of Joan his wife, Hen. Owdolff, John Clok and Kat. his wife, &c. In 1508, Tho. Alberd gave a legacy to repair this church.

On the east side of the street, more south, stands

(120) The Church of St. Saviour


Or the church of the Transfiguration of Christ; a rectory given in the time of John de Oxford Bishop of Norwich, to the almoner of the convent, by Will. Bardolf, Ralf Busing, and Robert son of Ulfketel Busing, the patrons; and that Bishop appropriated it to the almoner; it was valued at 12s. paid 3d. synodals, but was not taxed. It was served by stipendiary chaplains, paid by the convent, who repaired the chancel; and after the Dissolution, the dean and chapter paid an annual stipend of 10l. to the curate. It paid no procurations; and was a peculiar of the dean and chapter. In 1400, Sir Will. de Kerdeston, Knt. had a house by the churchyard; and in 1450, Sir Tho. Kerdeston had the advowson, by lease, I suppose, from the convent.

In 1508, there was a dispute whether St. Mary Unbrent should be united to this, or this to that, and which church was to be demolished.

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of Norwich, who had the land of Ailward Genegod, given by Gilbert Malet, and Agnes de Rifler, his wife, for the almoner's use. The Prior of Waborn. The Prioress of Carrow. The Master of Norman's spital, who had a rent out of a house settled by Will. Tutte, 2d Edward II. when he conveyed it to John de Dunwich, rector of Southwalsham. The Preceptor of the Commandry of St. John of Jerusalem at Karbrook had rent out of a house by the land of Nic. de Kerbrook. 15 Edward II. Cecily, anchoress of the church of St. Mary Unbrent, owned a tenement on the south side of the churchyard, which she gave 33d Edward I. to St. Mary's Unbrent church. The college of St. Mary in the Fields. The Priors of Hickling, St. Faith, and Bromholm. The Abbot of Sibton, &c.

Here was an anchoress by this church, for Will. de Kirkely, Prior of Norwich, paid 3s. quitrent, due yearly to Sabine, the anchoress at St. Saviour's.

  • 1492, Sir John Owdolf, parish chaplain. John Kemp, rector. 1598, Tho. Hech. 1604, Martin Stebbing. 1619, John Chater, curate. 1620, Fulk Roberts, B. D. the mayor and justices subscribed a rate made for his stipend, amounting to about 30l. for this year. Mr. Roberts came to court, and complained of Denys Lermyt, Abraham Castell, junior, and Michael Filkyn, "for detaining the duties to him, being minister of St. Saviour's, according to the rate established by force of the Counsells letter." The ministers of Holm-street, St. George of Colgate, and St. Laurence, desired rates according to those letters, and they move for the like course to be taken for the rest of the ministers of the city, which have cause to complain for persons refusing their dues.

Tho. Scott, A. M. (See Wood's Ath. Ox. fo. 846.)

  • 1631, 5 June, Edward Smith, rector. 1636, Ric. Gamon, Junior, curate. 1638, Henry Spendlove, minister.
  • 1647, The Spouse's hidden Glory, &c. in two lecture sermons, at St. Andrew's in Norwich, dedicated to Sir John Hobart, Knt. and Bart. Member of the House of Commons, and Lady Frances Hobart, to whom he was chaplain. Solomon's Song, chap. 8, verse 8. By
  • John Collins, A. M. preacher of God's word in St. Saviour's parish in Norwich.

Thomas Allen. (See first vol. Wood's Ath. Ox. p. 514.)

  • 1679, Laurence Townley. Mr. John Barker.

The Rev. Samuel Salter, D. D. Archdeacon of Norfolk, prebendary of Norwich, rector of Bramerton, and curate of St. George in Colgate, is minister here.

The parishioners raised 28l. per annum by voluntary contribution in Dr. Prideaux's time.

There was a chapel and altar, of St. Nicholas in this church, and in 1372, Alan Popy, citizen, was buried by it.

In 1447, John Brond, citizen, was buried by the font.

  • 1503, Nicholas Corpusty, buried in the church by Alice his wife, and gave 40l. by 8 marks a year, for the curate to sing for his soul.
  • 1611, 19 June, three young women were buried here, who were trodden under foot and smothered on the gild day, Mr. Anguish being mayor.

The arms of Calthorp impaling Withe, and Calthorp impaling St. Omer, were in these windows; 18 E. II. Sir Jeffry Withe, Knt. had a house in the parish.

In 1673, 20s. paid by the chamberlain, to re-edify Stump-cross, on the ground it formerly stood on; it was demolished in 1644, by the chamberlain, and the stones taken to the city's use.

Benefactors to this parish are,
Edward Nutting; for his gift see Pt. I. p. 409, and for that of Prudence Blosse, widow, see Pt. I. p. 377. The widows houses were fallen to decay, and being not habitable, were some time since leased out by the court, from Lady day 1739, for 120 years, at a clear rent charge of 40s. per annum, to Mr. Ric. Roberts; and the city committee yearly grant an order for the chamberlain to pay 10s. a year to every one of the four widows, which are named by the church-wardens, and chief inhabitants of St. Saviour, to the court, all which must dwell in the said parish.

For Mr. John Cory's gift, see p. 436.

Mr. Tho. Layer gave a stock of 5l. to be put out, and the interest given to the poor.

For Sir John Suckling's gift, see p. 309.

An annuity of 20s. per annum issuing out of Mr Osborne's estate, was sold by the trustees for 20l. which is now in hand as parish stock, and the interest given to the poor.

The church of St. Saviour, hath a south porch and nave only, which are leaded; the north vestry and chancel are tiled; the tower is square, in which is only a clock and one bell; here is service and a sermon once every week.

The following persons are buried in the chancel,
Joan wife of Christopher Stallon 1704, 60. Christopher Stallon, sheriff in 1694, died 1720, 78. Erm. on a pale three lions passant.

Eliz. Thurston, - - - - - - Edmond Thurston. - - - -

Christopher son of James Norris merchant 1673. Mary wife of Ely Phillipo 1650. Will Greenwood 1700, 53. Anne his wife 1702, 38. John Wrench Esq. some time mayor, 1697, 72. Anne his 2d wife 1685, 59.

Wrench, gul. three croslets in bend or, impaling chequy on a chief a barrulet indented. Crest, an oaken leaf.

Elisha Phillipo Esq. and Isabell his wife, of Norwich. He was High-Sheriff of Norfolk in 1675. They both died in 1678. Onias his brother 1693, 67.

Phillipo, arg. a chevron between three roses gul. impaling on a chevron a mullet.

Timothy Harper 1711, Judith his first, and Anne his second wife.

Unto his Friend he Honest was, and Just, His Name surviveth, now he lies in Dust.

The stone was placed by Robert Harper his son in 1713.

Christian wife of Joseph Hammont 1732, 52. Abigail wife of John Jackson 1732, 42.

Also John Jackson, whose paternal care, integrity of life, and inflexable patience under a languishing and incurable disease, made him, as well living as dying, a useful example to others, 1738, 69.

There are stones in the church, for

Edward Pistoll 1675. Martha his wife 1674, 2 fesses ingrailed between three mullets. Tho. Cady 1710, 50. Susan his first wife, and 10 of their children. James Denew 1647, 4. Nat. Rose Gent. 1720, 62.

He lyes at rest, Whose Soul is blest.

Mr. Rob. Thorold 1674. Mr. Joseph Elmy Merchant 1646.

Mr. Rose Merchant 1646.

Reconditorium Thomæ Barbor hujus Civitatis, illustris Senatoris, qui obijt Quinto die Maij A° Christi 1643.

Si noveras illum, Lector, nunc morte peremptum, Vel cuperes illum vivere, Te ve mori.

In the windows, arg. two fesses and a canton gul. impales erm. two chevrons sab.

Az. a fess between six croslets or.

Anne relict of Will. Drake sheriff, Dr. of Tho. Barbor alderman.

John Drake sheriff, 1712, 64. Mary his relict 1727, 89.

On a mural monument on the north side of the chancel,
Nutting, gul. on a chevron between six garbs in saltier or, three tuns sab.

Mr. Edward Nutting born at Carleton in Leicestershire, was one of the Sherifes of this City A° 1602, and deceased A°. 1616. He bequeathed unto this City 50l. to be freely lent among young Occupiers of the Brewers, whereof himself was one. To the City Library 5l. and 10l. a year for ever, to yield every Sunday 2s. 6d. to the Preacher at the Common Place, and forty Shillings a Year to the Minister of this Parish. Item, 13s. 4d. yearly, the one half thereof for a Sermon in this Church, upon the Sunday next after the 4th of Sept. and the other half to the poor of the Parish; and diverse other many good gifts in other places.

Prudence Blois widdow, late wife of Tho. Blois Esq; and before that, the wife of the above said Mr. Nutting, departed this Life the 23d Day of Febr. 1634, who bequeathed to the Childrens Hospital one hundred Pounds. Item, an House of Habitation for Widdows freely to dwell in for ever. Item, to the Minister of this Parish 13s. 4d. Yearly. Item, to the Poor of this Parish 10l. by 20s. yearly, also 13s. 4d. yearly, for ever. And to the City Library a Spanish Bible of 25l. price, and many other charitable Deeds, which cannot be here inserted.

Mr. Ric. Priest 1741, 62. - - - - Pleasants - - - 16 - - -

Maurice Son of Ric. and Eliz. Humfrey, Febr. 9, 1730, 18, and 3 other children infants. Ric. died 1714. Ric. 1715, Deborah 1719. Crest an hawk rising from a crown, holding a spear. A crown and lion rampant in pale, impale a chevron between three crescents Eliz. wife of Thomas Tawell daughter of Ric. and Eliz. Humphry 1739, 23. Eliz. Humphrey their mother Sept. 1, 1742, 58.

Mr. Farr 1736. Tim. Rose Gent. 1720.

There is a fire-engine in the porch, and gravestones for Mr. Mat. Press 26 Sept. 1738, 65. Catherine his wife Apr. 4, 1736, 63. Anne daughter of Matthew and Catherine Press 1723, 31.

John Wegg 1740, 56. Eliz. his Wife Apr. 1744, 89. Susanna wife of John Press 17 Aug. 1737, 34. Crest, a mermaid, er. on a fess three mullets impaling an eagle displayed.

Margaret wife of Will. Farr school-master, daughter of Rob. Hacon late of Brusyard hall in Suffolk Gent. died July 1, 1736, 49.

Against the east end of the chancel wall in the churchyard, is a small memorial, for Eliz. wife of John Banton, 1724, 66.

The register here, hath these two lines at the beginning, with E. S. for Edward Smith rector, with these lines under them.

Janua Baptismus, medio stat Tæda Jugalis, Utroque es fœlix: Mors pia, si sequitur.

(121) Doughty's Hospital


In St. Saviour's parish, and was founded by William Doughty, Gent. an account of which we learn from the two tables of stone fixed at the entrance of the hospital, with this inscribed on them:

William Doughty Gent. who spent the latter part of his Dayes in this Citie, did by his last Will dated Apr. the XXV, MDLXXXVII. appoint several Trustees to dispose and lay out Six Thousand Pounds, for erecting and endowing this Hospitall, and did therein appoint (after a certain Time) the Court of this Citie, to fill up, and continue Twenty-four Poor Men, and Eight Poor Women, in this Place, to the End of the World, each being Aged above LX Years, and to receive the Profitts of the said Endowments, &c. And to pay weekly to the Master hereof, (who is to be a Single Man, and by them successively chosen) 3l. 8s. and lay into the Cellars yearly XXXII Chalder of Coales, and to clad the Men with Coats, and the Women with Gownes of purple Cloth, at their Enterance, and every two Years after, and turn out either Master or Poor, if they observe not the orders of this Place, as is briefly mentioned in the other Table.

The Master of this Place is every Saturday Morning to pay to each poor Person two Shillings, and daily and equally to deliver the Coales to them, and to see good Orders kept, and when any Dye to Acquaint the Court therewith immediately, and to do the same if any be disorderly; for the due Performance whereof, the said Master, shall retain Weekly for his Paines, 4s. besides his dwelling, (in which he must constantly inhabit) and the said Poor People must constantly dwell in this Place, and so wear their Coates or Gownes, and live peaceaby with the Master and with one another, as becomes Christians, neither cursing, Swearing, keeping bad Hours, nor being Drunk.

The rents of the estates belonging to this hospital in 1742, were,

Annual Outgoings,

Philip Meadows, Esq. is the present [1745] treasurer and receiver, and Nathaniel Palmer is the present master.

More south, on the west side of Magdalen-street, stood

(122) The Church of St. Mary Unbrent


Was valued at 3l. 5s. 5d. in the Kings Books, and was called St. Mary in Combusto, was a rectory valued at 20s. paid 6d. synodals, but was not taxed; it was in the patronage of the college of St. Mary in the Fields, who presented all the rectors that belonged to it.


  • 1263 Ralph de Newton. Walter of St. Faith's. Bartholomew.
  • 1309, Rob. de Sempringham.
  • 1337, Walter Levyot.
  • 1349, John son of Robert de Teynton.
  • 1374, Will. de Broxford.
  • 1389, Will. de Fornham.
  • 1422, Edmund Aylesham.
  • 1437, John Browne.
  • 1452, Brother Robert Carleton, a Carmelite.
  • 1462, Brother Nic. Bungey.
  • 1476, Brother Ric. Therston, a friar-preacher.
  • 1489, John Owdolf, who had St. Saviour's.
  • 1500, John Mathew.
  • 1502, Tho. Yarmouth, alias Ludham.
  • 1511, John Aleyn.
  • 1513, John Happery.
  • 1527, Tho. Cleyton.
  • 1533, Tho. Kemp was the last rector; for at the Dissolution, the whole profits were returned to amount to only 36s. 8d. per annum, upon which the whole was granted to the dean and chapter, except the patronage, and they having obtained a consolidation of the parish to St. Saviour's, granted the church, churchyard, lead, two little bells, and all the materials, to Nic. Sotherton, grocer, the then patron, and his heirs; upon which it was totally demolished; and in 1558, the said Nicholas conveyed the city a foot path or passage through the north side of this churchyard, which is now called the Golden-doglane, from that sign, which was formerly close by it; and in 1565, Nic. Sotherton the younger, grocer, gave a tenement and orchard, by the churchyard of St. Mary Unburnt, to St. Giles's hospital, they granting him a lease of 500 years at 6s. 8d. yearly rent to the hospital. The city house of Sir Rich. de Boyland, Knt. joined to the south side of the churchyard. In 1272, Will. de Dunwich died in this parish. In 1292, a tenement in St. John's Maddermarket paid 2s. rent to the church, and in 1257, Maud Titshall, Dr. of Will. de Rackhithe, gave 2d. per annum rent out of her messnage here, to the cellerer of the convent; and in 1289, Nic. son of Walter Buckskyn, gave 9d. rent to the hospital. The Prior of Cokesford had temporals here taxed at 3s. 4d. the Abbot of Sibton at 2s. the Prior of Hickling at 4s. the Prior of Norwich at 10s. the dean of the chapel in the Fields at 4s. and the Prioress of Carhow at 2d. ob.

To the west side of this churchyard joins,

(123) The Girls Hospital


Over the door of which, this is inscribed,

ROBERT BARON Esq; Major of this City Anno Domini 1649, was the first Benefactor towards the erecting of this Hospital, and endowing the same, for the Education of young Girles; in which Year he also died.

"I give unto the City of Norwich, the sum of 250l. which my Desire and Will is, should be employed for the training up of women Children, from the Age of seaven, untill the age of fifteen Years, in spinning, knitting, and dressing of Wooll, under the Tuition of an aged, discreet, religious Woman thereto appointed, at some publique Place, by the Magistrates Appointment; hoping some other well affected, will so add to the same, that it may become a Means of great Benefit to the City, and Comfort to the Poor; the same I will to be paid within one Year after my Decease, in Case some Place be appointed thereto, and an Overseer thereof, by the city, as aforesaid."

In 1652, the court appointed Anne wife of Joshua Griselwhite, to be Dame of the children, to be kept in the new erected hospital called the Girl's hospital, and appointed her a house at the New-hall, and be allowed bedding, apparel, and linen for the girls, and 5l. a year for every girl, and their work: and a chaldron of coals towards her firing, she to maintain them in meat, drink, and washing, and to learn them to knit, spin, sow, and read; and the same year, Mr. Robert Whittingham, merchant, gave the city 200l. towards the hospital. 1659, Mrs. Alice Bishop, widow, gave by will 100l. and Mr. Will. Brooke an estate in Gorleston, leased then at 12l. per annum; but in 1672, it was sold, and the money laid out towards another purchase. 1660, Mrs. Gooch nominated the two first children of the gift of Mr. Rob. Gooch, who gave a house and ground in Conisford, in St. Faith's-lane.

In 1664, the house in the Golden-dog-lane was repaired, and the poor girls were removed from the Newhall thither, on Michaelmas day.

  • 1666, Tho. Sugget had a lease of the farm of Barton Berry-hall at 40l. per annum, and Mr. Rob. Rosse's gift was settled as at p. 129. 1679, Nic. Salter, Gent. gave 50l. and 50l. more after his wife's death. In 1670, the Hospital was rebuilt, and made a good strong brick house, convenient for that purpose, at above 200l. expense, and was finished about 1674. Mr. Francis Aylmer gave 30l. and Robert Thurrold, grocer, 30l. Alderman Will. Barnham gave by will in 1675 100l. And this year, upon search made, it appeared, that the right of election of the matron or governess of the Girls hospital is in the court, and not in the common council. 1677, Mr. Nic. Newham gave 50l. for a girl out of South Conisford ward. This year, a ring and several diamonds, and 190l. the overplus of the personal estate of Mrs. Eliz. Pendleton, were received by the treasurer, according to her will, (see Pt. I. p. 415.) 1679, 100l. received of the gift of Mr. Samuel Everard of London, deceased. 1688, Mr. John Bowde gave 200l. 1691, Mrs. Alice Powel gave 50l. 1693, Henry Herne, Esq. 25l. 1694, Mrs. Anne Baret 50l. 1695, Mrs. Sarah Baret 50l. Alderman Nic. Bickerdike gave an estate in St. Peter's Mancroft, and St. John of Timberhill a full third part of the clear profits to be paid to the Girls hospital, 1702. Alderman Wisse gave 150l. 1704, and now 4l. per annum was allowed a man to teach the girls to read. John Hall, Esq. 100l.

The Rents of this hospital in 1742,

Annual Outgoings of the hospital,

The remainder being constantly laid out to clothe the children bind them out apprentices, repair the houses, and pay the taxes, &c.

And it appears, that this hospital, from its original to the present time hath been so justly managed, that as the revenues increased, there were children added in proportion, so that from two only, it hath now no less than twenty and one poor girls, who are decently clothed in blue, and well maintained with meat, drink, washing, and lodging, during their stay there; and are also taught to sew, knit, spin, and read, and so made fit for apprentices or servants, and thereby rendered more useful for the world, and happy for themselves, than it was possible they could otherwise have been, to the honour of their benefactors, and credit of those worthy persons who have been, and are, immediately concerned in the management of this charity.

The present [1745] treasurer is William Clark, Esq. and the governess or matron, is Mrs. Mary Garret.

(124) The Church of St. Clement the Martyr



Is one of the most ancient in the city; it belonged originally to the

Manor of Tokethorp, or Tolthorp


The first par of which, took its name from Toke, who owned it in the time of Edward the Confessor, and held it of Bishop Stigand; in the Conqueror's time, Enise Musar held in Tokethorp 30 acres, I carucate, &c. then valued at 30s. of Alan Earl of Richmond, as of his manor of Cosseye; but the manor of Tolthorp itself was then held by Ribald, as of the bishoprick, and was risen from 20 to 30s. value.

The other part, which was part of Felthorp, was held also of the said Alan, as of his manor of Cosseye, and belonged to Turbert, lord of Taverham, in the Confessor's time, and was held by Haimer, lord of Taverham, in the Conqueror's; and both these were joined in the Gisney family, by whom they were held of the Earls of Clare, who held them of the bishoprick. Gilbert de Clare, son of Richard, son of Gilbert Earl of Brittanny, founded the church of St. John Baptist in Clare, and gave it to the monks of Bek in Normandy, and made it a college subject to the monks, and gave the college two parts of the tithes of all his manors, and of those held of him in Norfolk, by virtue of which, the Prior of Stoke had the two parts of the tithes of this parish, which the rector afterwards compounded for, at 20s. per annum, and Roger de Gisnei, who held Haveringland or Heverland, Whitewell, Tolthorp, in Norwich, and the advowson of St. Clement's belonging to that manor, confirmed to that house the said portion, and it was confirmed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and by Pope Alexander III. Ao 1174.

Ingelram de Gisnei, or Gyney, gave the advowson from the manor, to the Prior of Hurst, or Mendham in Suffolk, and in 1250, Emma, his daughter and heiress, widow of Henry de Tholetorp, settled it by fine on Simon Prior of Mendham, and his successours.

The said Emma, by another fine then levied, settled an acre of marsh in Haverlond, and divers lands and rents in Norwich suburbs, belonging to this manor, on Simon Prior of Norwich, and his successours; and Henry de Tholetorp, her husband, who assumed his sirname from this place, sold 2 acres of arable land, lying in the croft called Gildencroft, in Tolthorp in Norwich, for 3 marks, to John son of William Cureye, to be held freely of Tolthorp manor by 12d. rent. In 1330, Sir Gilbert de Tholthorp, Knt. was lord, and lived in the parish; and in 1299, M. wife of Sir John de Bosco or Bois of Burnt-Illey in Suffolk, claimed Felthorp manor, as her dower, and they both conveyed it to Sir Tho. Quitwell, rector of Fhelethorp; and in 1401, William Everard held Tolthorp in Norwich suburbs, and Felthorp, which manor Rob. de Felthorp lately held of Roger Jenney, at half a knight's fee, and the said Roger held it of the Earl of March.

In 1409, Katherine Brewes, daughter of Sir John Tolethorp, Knt. and neice and heiress of Sir Gilbert Tolthorp, Knt. granted to Sir Thomas Erpingham, Knt. and others, her manor of Tolthorp-hall in Norwich. In 1430, John Alderford of Norwich, Esq. was seized in fee, of Tolthorp manor in Norwich, held at half a knight's fee, and many lands in the suburbs, and other land, &c. belonging to his said manor in Felthorp in Norfolk, and soon after, it belonged to the famous Sir John Fastolff of Castor, Knt. of the Garter, who in 1456, settled it on his feoffees in trust, John Cardinal and Archbishop of Canterbury, John Duke of Norfolk, Sir Ralph Butler, Knt. and others; together with his manor and advowsons of Draiton, and Heylesdon, and other lands and tenements in Norwich; and in 1460, the feoffees were in possession. In 1469, Will. Wainflete Bishop of Winchester, who had been infeoffed by Sir Ralf Butler, Knt. and other of Sir John's feoffees, settled them on Sir John Paston, Knt. Guy Fairfax, serjeant at law, John Paston, Esq. Roger Townesend, Nic. Harvey, and Will. Danvers as trustees, to the use of Sir John Paston, for one moiety, and the Bishop for the other. In 1498, Sir John Paston, Knt. held Tolthorp manor in Norwich, and divers lands and tenements there, of the grant of John Earlof Lincoln, eldest son of John Duke of Suffolk, and of John de la Pole Duke of Suffolk and Alice his wife, and had it confirmed to him and his heirs, after the attainder of that Earl, with the manor and advowson of Draiton, and the manor and advowsons of the church, and two chantries in Hellesden. It afterwards was settled on the bishoprick of Norwich, the Bishop of the see being now lord.

The church hath a nave only, a chancel and north vestry, all which are leaded, a square tower, clock, and three bells; the south porch is tiled.

On the 2d bell, O Martir Thoma, pro me deum erora.

On the 3d bell, Sancta Catherina, intercede pro me.

I found the following ancient inscriptions on brasses in the nave,

Hic iacet Elizabetha Corpsti nuper Uror Roberti Corpsti.

Orate pro animabus Ricard. Corpsti t Katerine Uroris eius.

Of yomr Charite pray for the Sould of Master John Borough sumtyme Sheryf of this Cite, myche deyartyd out of this Warlde xiiij Day of Sept. the Yere of omr Lorde God Moho xxix. on whose Soule Jesu have Mercy Amen.

The mercer's arms impaled with his merchant mark, and a fess between three thistles, impale a chevron between six croslets.

Jesus. Sub marmore isto, in tumulo terreno, corpus iacet rorruptibile Margarete Pattmode Uidue, que obiit xix die Mensis Septembris Ao Dni: Mo CCCCCo cuius anime per Christi Pas sionis Merita, fiveliumque suffragia, electa inter Agmina Eelis sit Sociata. Amen.

In a north window, az. three lions heads erased or.

On a small stone against the south wall near the door,

Daniel Toft 1660, 47, Æternitatem Cogita. Toft, arg. a chevron between three text T's sab.

Hic iacet Galfridus Omynsyruius anime propicietur deus Amen.

He is in an alderman's gown, and over his head is a label, on which,

Michi Jesu requies sis, post huius bite Labores.

The stone is removed, for his will, dated 1461, order him to be buried in the chancel.

O Jesu for thy Holy Name, and thy most precious Blood, made mercy on the Soul of Elizabeth Wood, Whiche in December the fourteenth Daye, The Soule from her Booy thou tookest amaye, In the Year of our Lorde 1546, then, Jesu habe Mercy on her Saoule, Amen.

Of your Charite pray for soule of Agnes late the wife of Edmond Wood which departed

July xxv. XVo. xxiiij.

Of whose soule Jesu habe merry.

Rob. Wilkins 1700. John son of Richard and Sarah Smith 1742, 8. Anne wife of Edmund Manning 1697. Mary her Dr. the Feb. following.

There is a very neat mural monument of divers-coloured marbles, fixed against the wall not far from the south door, having the crest and arms of Harvey on the top, viz.

Harvey, or, on a chief indented gul. three crescents of the field.

Crest, a hand in pale proper, a crescent or at the fingers ends.

To the Memory of John Harvey Esq; an eminent Manufacturer, a considerable Merchant, and a worthy Magistrate of this City; who was Born at Bicham-well in the County of Norfolk, 16 Aug. 1666. By his assiduous Application, and exact œconomy, he acquired an ample Fortune, with great Reputation and Honour. He was elected Sheriff Anno. 1720, Alderman 1722, and Mayor 1727.

His Behaviour and Conduct, both in private and publick Life, were such, as justly gained him the Esteem and Respect of his Family, Fellow Citizens, and Acquaintance. He died 28 Sept. 1742, in the 77th Year of his Age. His Body lies interr'd in a Vault opposite to this Monument, together with Mary, his 2d Wife, who died the 9th of Apr. 1725, Aged 54 Years.

There are memorials also, for, Eliz. wife of Peter Harvey 18, Oct. 1741, 23.

Mary, wife of Sam. Harvey, 12 July, 1739, 28.

And as you go out of the north door, on the left hand, is an altar tomb in the churchyard for,

Anne wife of John Harvey 1706, 31. Also her father and mother, William and Margaret Statham, he died 1717, 68, she 1724, 87.

Opposite to the last mural monument is another, fixed to the north wall, which is also a very handsome one, and hath this inscription:

Sacred to the Memory of Jeremiah Ives Esq; born at Bourne in Lincolnshire, the 26th Day of March 1692; he was elected Mayor of this City in the Year 1733, which important Trust, he discharged with peculiar greatness of Mind, tempered with Candor, Affability, and unblemished Integrity; he was a professed Admirer of Vertue, and his general Conduct in Life was strictly conformable to this Profession; his Beneficence was extensive, his Benevolence, Love of Truth, and the Liberties of Mankind, Universal. He was a most endearing Husband, a tender and beloved Father, a kind Master, a sincere and chearfull Friend, Having for 3 Years endured the Torture of the Stone, with invincible Fortitude of Mind, possessed of the highest Esteem and Reputation, he departed this Life the 20th Day of March 1741, in the 50th Year of his Age.

Sarah wife of John Black, Gent. Oct. 15, 1741, 33. Hannah, another wife of the said John, April 1, 1733. Also their infant children, Hannah, Mary, and Richard. John their son, died 20 Febr. 1739, 13.

Ives, arg. a chevron sab. between three moors heads cooped proper, impaling,

Black, arg. a chevron in chief two mullets, between a crescent sab. for difference.

In the chancel, Tho. Everard Gent. 1666, 44, he gave 12l. to the parish for the use of the poor. Eliz. only child of John and Catherine Everard, 1662, 11. Anne wife of Sam. Hammond 1718, 42. Sam. Hammond merchant 1731, 58. Sam. their eldest son 1733, 31. Mary wife of Edward Tooke 1713, 26. Tho. their son 1711. Edw. 1712, Mary 1718, also Edward Tooke 1727, 46. John Kettell 1661. This stone was bought, and the vault under it was built by Tho. Chickering, Alderman, living in St. Clement's parish, for a burying place for his family. Francis son of Tho. and Dorothy Chickering 1669. Dorothy their daughter 1669. Crest, a hawk's head erased holding a branch. On a chevron three cocks, a crescent for difference.

Edmond Thurston lyeth buryed here under,

Whom God called to his Mercy the 14th of November, 1560.

Sacred to the Memory of John Black Esq; who died the 6th of Sept. aged 66, and Mary his wife, who died 27 Sept. aged 72, in the Year 1737.

This on a black marble in the altar-rails.

On the north side is a small altar monument, on which are the arms of Aldrich impaling Steward, Aldrich single, and Aldrich impaling Sotherton, quartering az. a lion rampant or, which arms I have met with born by the Palgraves of Norwich. The whole inscription, except what follows, is lost,

Jo - - Aldridge, Pater 1587. - - - - conjux 1583 - - - -

Over this, is a mural monument against the east wall,

Crest, from a coronet, a pelican's head vulning itself or.

Arg. a bend sab. between a mullet in chief, and an annulet in base gul.

Quartering, arg. on a bend ingrailed sab. three mullets of the field.

The same quartered, impales pally of 6 arg. and sab.

D. O. M.
In spem Resurrectionis corpus hic deposuit Johannes SanctAmandus, Nottinghamiensis, Natalibus, Animo, ac Studijs, juxta clarus, adeoque tam publicis Muneribus, quam privatis ergà suos Officijs (Ætate integrâ) cum dignitate perfunctus; urgente senio, in hanc Urbem (ob priscos mores Celeberrimam) ex optione se recepit Cui, Vitæ modestiâ, ac Probitate, cum factus esset Gratissimus, alacriter Spiritum Deo reddidit 21° Nov. Ao. Dni. 1622, Æt. suæ 73. Superstite mœstissimâ Uxore Jana, ex antiquâ Familiâ Strelleyorum, de Strelley in Com. Nottinghamiensi, è quâ genuerat Johannem, Mariam, Willelmum, Franciscam, Phillippum, quorum, duo natû minimi, admodum Juvenes, obierunt, primogenitus, memoriæ Patris, ac Amicorum meritis, de suo posuit 1623.



All which were presented by the Priors of Mendham in Suffolk to the Dissolution.


  • 1306, Alan de Hindringham, who granted a messuage in this parish to William his son.
  • 1307, Roger de Massingham, who was succeeded by Tho. de Downham, who changed it for Fisheley mediety in 1338, with Tho. de Wedmor.
  • 1339, Silvester Gloss of Norton.
  • 1368, Jeffery Kembes of Lessingham.
  • 1367, Rob. Roys.
  • 1409, Rog. Skot, who in 1408, changed for Somerton with Richard Proo, and he in 1419, changed for Trimingham, with Will. Stoke, who the same year changed for Stroxton in Lincolnshire with
  • John atte Gates, who in 1428, changed for Eccles, with
  • Stephen Merryot, who in 1444, changed for Spixworth with
  • John Kentyng, who in 1447, changed for Bathele, with
  • John Savage, who died in 1448, and was buried in the chancel, and gave 46s. 8d. to new glaze a chancel window, with the history of St. John the Evangelist.
  • 1448, Sir Adam Sylyard, who was buried in the chancel also.
  • 1467, John Swillington was rector.
  • 1480, Tho. Bevys; he died rector.
  • 1515, Rog. Cockson, was the last presented by the convent, and was a great benefactor to his church, of which he died rector.
  • 1524, Richard Cockson; he died rector, and was presented by Rob. Wood, citizen and alderman, as were the five following rectors, viz.
  • 1559, Will. Edwards.
  • 1561, John Matchet.
  • 1568, Simon Bullocke, who died 6 Oct. 1574, and lies buried in the chancel.
  • 1574, Tho. Roberts; he died in 1576, and was succeeded by John Duke, and he by
  • John Morgan.
  • 1587, Rob. Hunston was presented by Sir Rob Woods, Knt. who, in the same year presented
  • Edward Sewell or Saywell, who died rector. In 1590, Will. Harris was presented by Rob. Wood, Esq. who was also patron to the 3 following rectors 1591, Will. Parry 1602, Fulk Roberts S. T. P. In 1614, he had 10l. per annum from the court, for his weekly Wednesday lecture here, and was visitor at the goal, and chaplain of St. Saviour's, he was prebendary of Norwich, see Pt. I. p. 668.
  • William Hyat, who got possession when Roberts was sequestered, but was forced to resign it to
  • Benj. Snowden, one of the intruders in those times, who in 1661, got a legal possession, at the presentation of Rob Wood of Braken-Ash, Esq. but not relinquishing his former principles, he was deprived: and in 1662, the same patron presented
  • Christopher Stinnet, and in
  • 1668, James le Franc, S. T. B. who had been educated among the Roman-Catholicks, but afterward becoming one of the reformed church, he came hither in 1661, and was made minister of the French congregation; in 1662, he printed

"The Touchstone of Faith, wherein Verity by Scripture and Antiquity, is plainly confirmed, and Error confuted," delivered in several churches in Norwich, in 5 sermons, printed at Cambridge, 12mo.

  • 1680, Benjamin Penning died rector; Rob. Wood, Esq. was patron.
  • 1696, Joseph Bret was presented by the University of Cambridge, Mr Wood the patron being a Roman Catholick; he held it united to St. Austin, and lies buried in the chancel, with this,

Hic jacet Josephus Bret A. M. hujus Ecclesiæ Rector per 23 Annos, Qui obijt Octobris die 22, 1719, Ætatis suæ 54.

He hath several sermons in print, and was succeeded by,

Conyers Midleton, D. D. of Trinity college in Cambridge, who is sufficiently known to the learned part of the world, by the many excellent works that he hath published; he was the first presented by the master, fellows, &c. of Caius college in Cambridge, who purchased it of Mr. Wood, and are now patrons.

In 1724, at Midleton's cession, John Morrant, A. M. was presented, and held it united to Hetherset, till his death in

  • 1736, when the Rev. John Berney, A. M. the present rector, was instituted, who is now D. D. Archdeacon of Norwich, chaplain to the Bishop, rector of the consolidated rectories of the two medieties of Hetherset, with the rectory of Cantlose, and of the consolidated rectories of the two Saxlinghams in Norfolk.

In the churchyard, directly opposite to the south porch, is an old decayed altar tomb, which is whitened over every Ascension-day, before Archbishop Parker's sermon is preached here; this is the tomb of the Archbishop's father and mother, an account of which, as also of the foundation of his annual sermon, may be seen in Pt. I. p. 312.

There is also another tomb in this churchyard, which stands north and south, and is called the Leper's tomb; and there is a tradition, that a leper who was permitted to be buried here, after several parishes had refused him that request made in his lifetime, lies under it, and that he gave the parish-houses which stand at the south-west corner of the churchyard, and are now leased out at 12l. per annum to repair the church for ever, which is all an errour; for those houses, and all from thence to Colegate-street, belonged to the Prior of Ixworth, and at the Dissolution, were granted by Henry VIII. to Ric. Cadington, who had license to sell them to Cecily Suffield, and her heirs, who divided them into several parts, and settled this on divers trustees, to the use of the parish.

Another part, which is now owned by Alderman Harvey, hath this inscription on the door, which entered into the Prior's hall, the whole court being in those days the city house of the Priors of Ixworth, in Suffolk:

Maria Plena Gracie Mater miserccordie.

Remember Wyllyam Lomth Prior. muc. viij

Another tradition, equally false, concerning this leper is, that he gave to the church the tithes of Gilden-croft, and all that part of the parish within the walls, and all the lands belonging to the parish without the walls, lying against the city ditches, between Magdalen-gates and the river, which are now valued at above 30l. per annum; whereas the truth is, these lands were the demeans of Tolthorp manor, to which St. Clement's church was appendant, and the whole tithes belonged to it originally, till two-third parts were granted from it to the college of Stoke by Clare, as is aforesaid, under the account of that manor; by virtue whereof, till the Dissolution, the rector received one third, and the college two thirds, or a pension for them; and then the college-part fell to the King, and continued in the Crown till the 2d of Queen Mary, when she granted to Sir John Borne, Knt. one of her principal secretaries of state, and William Lacy, Gent. and their heirs, all the tithes of corn, hay, wool, lamb, and other tithes whatever, arising in the bounds of St. Clement's parish by Fybridge in Norwich, lately in the tenure of Tho. Parker, mercer, and lately belonging to the college of Stoke Clare in Suffolk, to be held of her manor of East-Greenwich by fealty only, in free soccage, and not in capite; and immediately after, he conveyed them to Rob. Wood of St. Clement's, Gent. who was patron, and his heirs; and in the 4th and 5th of Philip and Mary, the said Robert, by authority of an act of Parliament made 1st and 2d Philip and Mary, (which made it lawful for all persons seized of any manors, &c. or any other hereditaments whatsoever, in fee simple, not being copyhold, to make feoffments, grants, or other assurances, to any spiritual persons, body politick or corporate, without license in mortmain then to be obtained,) conveyed them to Roger Cockson, clerk, rector of St. Clement, and his successours, for ever: and from that time, this rectory hath been, and still is, in possession of all its original rights, the pension of 4s. formerly due to the Prior of Mendham, being vested in the rector at this time.

The truth of the thing seems to be this,

The Infirmary


As it is now called, from its being used for ancient poor people, which are infirm, and past labour, and not fit to be put into the common work-houses, was formerly a house of lepers, dedicated to our Blessed Lady and St. Clement, without St. Austin's-gates, but in this parish; and so the lepers that died there (they having no burying-place at their own house) were brought, and had a right to be buried here; and probably this tomb might be for some leper who died there, and left what he had to the church.

It seems, this house was founded by some Bishop of Norwich, for it belonged to the see, and at the Dissolution, became an hospital for such poor as the Bishops thought fit to fix there; and in 1568, the Bishop and Mayor constituted Simon Warner, keeper or guider of the house or hospital of our Blessed Lady and St. Clement, expelling John Bradley thence, and from any manner of collection by him henceforward to be made for the poor of that hospital; which shows that it was not endowed, but that the poor subsisted on alms, as the lepers there, heretofore did. It is now held by lease of the Bishop, for I find that Bishop Reynolds leased to the city all that alms-house or houses without St. Augustine's-gates in the parish of St. Clement in the suburbs of Norwich, with the gardens, yards, &c. belonging thereto, being parcel of his bishoprick, to hold to the city during the lives of Rob. Paine, grandchild to Sir Joseph Paine, Knt. Robert son of Henry Watts, alderman, and Richard son of Alderman Ric. Wenman, by the yearly rent of 19d. the city covenanting to keep it in repair, and use it only as an alms-house or lazar-house for poor people. In 1604, John Hothe was guider of it, and received 13s. 4d. from the justices of the county, as county-alms, due to the guidership of this house, and they allowed the same to the other four lazarhouses.

I find these buried in St. Clement's church, for whom there are at present no memorials.

  • 1468, John Fyce, bladsmith. 1489, Margaret late wife of William Blofield, and widow of Roger Greyve, who gave a stained cloth of the seven sacraments, a long diaper towel, a silver pax, and many gifts to our Lady's altar. 1509, Peter Paine, &c.
  • Benefactors: 1529, Margaret Beaumond, buried in the Whitefriars, gave a pair of silver candlesticks; Mr. Fawcett gave 5l. Mr. Tho. Allen 8l. Mr. Tho. Everard 12l. the interest of these gifts to buy coals.

The religious concerned here were,

The Priors of Ixworth, Horsham St. Faith, Norwich, Castle-Acre, and Mendham; the Prioress of Carrowe; the college of Stoke, and the Prior of the Friars-preachers in Norwich, who had a house here, sold by the city to Rob. Goslyn, with a lane thereto belonging, in the year 1563.

This rectory was valued at 7 marks, taxed at 40s. paid 6d. synodals, is valued in the King's Books at 7l. 9s. 2d. and is discharged of first fruits and tenths, being sworn of the clear yearly value of 27l. 3s. 1d. Dr. Prideaux placed the certain endowment at 28l. and the contribution at 14l. There is now an estate added by augmentation, of the donation of Mr. Brook, which is about 21l. per annum, and the present contribution is about 26l. per annum, the whole is commonly valued at about 80l. per annum.

There is a silver cup gilt, a patin bought about 1718, and two flaggons in 1742. There were formerly the images of St. Clement, our Lady, St. Catherine, St. Agnes, St. James, St. Andrew, and St. Michael, with lights before them, in this church.

(125) Fybridge Bridge, or Fyve-Bridge


As it is anciently called, took its name on account of its being the fifth principal bridge over the river at that time; it was a timber bridge till Henry the Fourth's time, and it was then built of stone, with two arches, being the first stone bridge that was in this place; it fell into decay in Henry the Eighth's time, and was broken down by a great flood in Febr. 1570, and was new built of stone in 1573; it hath a large and small arch, the large one is 26 feet wide, and over it is this inscription,
1572, Robart Sucklyng Mayor. 1578, Mr. Thomas Peck Mayor: Peter Peterson Chamberline.

The customs at this bridge, and the shops and stalls on the key on the south side of the river, went to maintain it; for in 1273, the bailiffs and commonalty appointed Walt. de Mouton, tavern-keeper, receiver of the rents and customs at Fybrigge; namely 12d. from a shop at the head of the bridge; 4d. from a messuage in St. Mary le Brent; 8d. from a messuage in St. Saviour's, and the rent of a shop; all which were given to repair the bridge with; he was likewise to receive all legacies given to the reparation of the bridge, and the profits of the stalls on the stathe, he being to repair them, and the bridge also.

(126) The Independents Meeting-House


Stands in this parish, on part of the site of the friars great garden, the whole of which belongs to the Girls hospital, but I do not meet with any rent paid to the hospital for it; it was finished about 1693; it is a large handsome square building, with a roof flat at top, and covered with lead, and the hiped part of it with tiles; it hath a burial-place on the north side, and a dial, and handsome brass branch in the middle, and hath galleries on all sides, except the north, in the middle of which the pulpit stands, and there is a convenient vestry at the north-east corner of the building. On a flat marble in the north alley;
Mrs. Prudence Browne, 1725, 76.

Death which before, was Nature's Bane, Is turn'd to the Believers Gain, Thro' this Dark Vale, the passage lies, To Robes and Crowns and Blissful Skies.

On a black marble before the pulpit,
Offley, arg. a cross floré, between four martlets sab. Crest a demi-lion holding a branch proper, impaled with a chevron be tween three owls crowned. Robert Offley of this City Gent. Jan. 1, 1716, 76. Mary his Wife 6 Febr. 1703, 56. Mary their Dr. Wife of Sam. Crome Merchant, Jan. 21, 1738, 65.

On a marbe more west, Offley in a lozenge,
Eliz. Offley, Dr. of Stephen Offley, Esq. and Grand-daughter of Rob. Offley Gent. and Mary his Wife, 28 Sept. 1741, 22.

On a black marble in the west alley. Tho. Withers 1723, 49.

What Zeal his Faith, or Country shar'd, More from his Deeds, than Words appear'd, Generous, and just, and void of Strife, He past an inoffensive Life.

In the south alley, Martha wife of Simeon Waller, Sept. 5, 1721, 39 Verily there is a Reward for the Righteous, Psalm 58, Ver. 11.

Ester the loving and much beloved Wife of Joshua Lincoln, 24 Apr. 1724, 61.

Happy the Dust which fills this Urn, Until her much lov'd Lord's return, For when his Trumpet Shakes the Skies, Her Charities shall with her rise.

Joshua Lincoln Apr. 3, 1742, 90. Sarah their Dr. Wife of John Allen, Mar. 5, 1742, 51.

'Tis here her meaner part, her Body rest, Her nobler part (through Grace) we trust, is Blest.

In this Vault lieth Mr. Henry Horningold May 26, 1726, 35. Mr. Joseph Brittan 28 Sept. 1734, 49.

Farewell vain World, I know enough of thee, And am now careless, what thou sai'st of me, Thy smiles I court not, nor thy frowns I fear, My cares are past, my head lies quiet here, What Faults you saw in me, take care to shun, And look at Home, Enough is to be done.

There are two neat mural marble monuments against the east wall, next the north corner thus inscribed,

Here lie the Bodies of Jeremiah Tompson, who by his superior Understanding, usefull Councells, uncommon Gifts, pure Faith, Evangelical Spirit, and bountifull Disposition, was for 30 Years the Ornament of this Society, and fell asleep in Jesus Christ, Aug. 17, and in the Year of our Lord 1721, of his Age 50.

And of Jane his Wife, who was Dr. of the Rev. Mr. Stackhouse, ingenious, discreet, charitable, a Pattern of filial Piety, and conjugal Duty, a constant and serious worshipper of God in this Assembly, and exchanged this Life for a better, Aug. 12, in the Year of our Lord 1721, of her Age 39.

And of Jeremia Tompson, who was the eldest Son of James and Mary Tompson, who died in the Year of our Lord 1721, of his Age 4.

At bottom, in a shield, arg. in chief a table covered with a carpet gul. in base a garb or, between them six battoons ragulé in saltier, 1 and 2, or.

Beneath lies the Body of Mr. James Tompson, who was a great Admirer of Free Grace, he died Sept. 24, 1727, aged 50 Years, and also the Body of his beloved Wife Mary, Dr. of Mr. Isaac Stackhouse of London Merchant, she dyed Dec. 12, 1728, aged 32 Years, & also 3 of their Children.

On the south side, in the yard, lies a stone with this, B. Balderstone, 23 July 1721, 66.

Some Friend shall drop his Tear, On these dry Bones, & say, These once were Strong, as mine appear, And mine, must be as they

In the burial-ground, there are six altar tombs with the following inscriptions on them:

1. Mr. John Rose, 1702.

2. Lucas, arg. a fess between six annulets gul. Crest, an eagle displayed issuing from a coronet or.

P. M. S.

Under this Stone do rest the small Remains, of that Laborious Minister of Christ, Mr. John Lucas, Whose active Soul, heedless of Age and Pains, In Faith, Love, Zeal, aspiring to the Hig'st, Nor took, nor gave his Body (weak at best) From Travail & from Preaching Rest.

But so invigorated all his Life, That with a steady Bent, Devoid of Strife, Meek, Humble, Modest, Pious, Just, Patient to Suffer, Labour, Trust, His Deeds & Doctrines, Hand in Hand still went, 'Till after many Years thus spent, at Length, Death dreading as it were, his Strength, Came on behind, his Heel did Wound, Casting his Body to the Ground, And then his Soul, Without Controll, With Christ it's long desired Requiem found.

June IV. An°. Dni: MDCCIII.


Philip. i. xxiii.

MARY his Wife, 28 Sept. 1718, 89, and 8 Months.

3. Here lieth waiting for the Resurrection of the Just, The Body of the late Reverend, Mr. MARTIN FINCH, Who was a burning and a shining Light, A plain Sound Spirituall, And powerfull Preacher of God's Word, One Walking Humbly and closely with his God, Full of Goodness & Love, Curteous & pitifull to all Men, Beloved & reverene'd by all; He having feared the Lord from his Youth And Labour'd abundantly.

In the Ministry of the Gospel XLIX Years, And guided this Church of Christ XII Years, With great Wisdom & Integrity, Diligence & Faithfullness, And many Years desired to depart hence, And to be with Christ, Being worn out with the Paines of the Stone His Soul ascended to keep an everlasting Sabbath, On the XIII of Febr MDCXCVII in the LXX, Year of his Age.

If we believe that Jesus died & rose again, Even so them also which Sleep in Jesus, Will God bring with him, 1 Thes. 4. 14.

4. Under this Monument do rest, the Remains of that Learned, and eminently judicious Divine, the late Reverend Mr. JOHN STACKHOUSE, A Pious, Orthodox, Painfull, Powerfull, Spirituall, And accurate Preacher of God's Word, Who labour'd faithfully in the Ministry XXXIX Years, And in this Church of Christ as Pastor XVII, Engaged in the Cause of God with great Sinceritie, Walked with him in abundant Humility, Demeaned towards Men with obliging Courtesie, Was not Discouraged in the greatest Difficulties, Was patient under most heavy Afflictions, Lived by Faith, Died in Hope, Of that everlasting Sabbath, Which he enter'd upon with Joy,
Sept. 14. A°. Sal. 1707. Æt. 69.

On this tomb is a shield of a table, garb, &c. as on one of the mural monuments.

5. Here lieth the Body of Mr EDWARD WILLIAMS, late Minister and Elder of the Baptists Congregation, lately meeting in the Granary in the City of Norwich, who died April 12, 1713, aged 73.

Is Williams dead? that cannot be, Since dead in Christ, so liveth he.

6. Cory's arms and crest, an eagle's head erased on a crown.

Hic beatam expectans Immortalitatem conduntur Reliquiæ Johannis Corey A L. M Qui Norwici natus est, Cantabrigiæ educatus, et Verbi Divini Ministerio annis decem functus, Hapisburgi et Walcottæ in Agro Norfolciensi, illinc vero Conscientiæ bonæ Causa discessit. ac deinde Puerorum in Bonis Literis Institutioni triginta sex annis sedulus incubuit, Pius, Doctus, mitis, Candidus Ludi-magister, plurimos emisit optimæ spei surculos, Ecclesiæ et Rei publicæ Proficuos, tandem Doloribus Calculi attritus, Cœlestem in Patriam migravit, Prid. Non. Octobris. Anno salutis 1698, Æt. suæ 67.

[Greek text] (Thes. i. 4, 14.)

On a head-stone,

Sarah Scott obijt 26, Aug. 1728, Æt. 22. Quis desiderio sit pudor, aut Modus tam chari Capitis? cui, Patientia, Pax, et Blandus Amor, nudaque Veritas, Quando ullam invenient Parem? multis illa bonis, flebilis occidit, nulli flebilior, quam tibi. Cui breve Eheu! conjugium dulcè frui dedit, abreptâque dolet magis.

On another headstone,

John Barchum, 1720, 23.

So soon his Spirit took its Flight, To Mansions of eternal Light; And 'till the Resurrection Day, Behind this Stone, reposed in Clay, Which then in glorious Form shall rise, Resume the Soul, and mount the Skies.



Joins to Fybridge ward on its west part, and contains the parishes of St. Augustine, St. George in Colegate, St. Olave, St. John, and St. Margaret of Newbridge; and first of the church of

(127) St. George of Colegate


Which was heretofore known by the names of St. George in Coslany beyond the bridge, and of Mus-pool or Much-pool, from a large pool or pond of water, heretofore near it, which is now stopped up; it was valued at 13s. 4d. paid 3d. synodals, was taxed at half a mark, and was appropriated to the prior and convent of Norwich, and by them settled on the Infirmary. It was at first a vicarage, of which Walter de Berney was vicar in the time of Ralf de Walpole Bishop of Norwich, but it was never endowed, and hath been ever since a donative in the donation of the church of Norwich, as it is at this day.

The present building is neat and uniform, having a square tower built about 1459, and three bells and a clock; the nave was rebuilt at the same time; the chancel was finished about 1498; the north isle with the chapel of St. Mary at the east end, was built in 1504, and was called the New Isle; and the south isle was almost finished in 1513, with the chapel of St. Peter at the east end; and to complete the churchyard, a piece of the common ground was added to it, in 21st Henry VII.

The whole building with the south porch is leaded, and the south vestry is tiled.

On the north side of the altar, between the chancel and chapel, stands a very fine altar monument, robbed of the greatest part of its circumscription; it was erected to the memory of that worthy citizen Robert Jannis, who was born at Aylesham, and founded the freeschool there, and was a great benefactor to this city; his merchant mark, with R. I. the initial letters of his name, remains on it, and over it, Contvrbat me. and under it Animam me- -and this part of the circumscription,
Pormicensis Fausto sub Bimatu Maioris, Pauperum hic vivens semper amator, Elemosinarum largitate

Opposite is a tomb of white marble, on which a boy leans on a skull, holding an hour-glass, and at top an urn and branch of flowers; Beneath here lieth the Body of Mr. Thomas Pindar senior, who departed this life 24 Febr. 1722, in the 73 Year of his Age, Also the Body of Mary his Wife, 10 Aug. 1724, 72.

Over the south vestry door is a mural monument with the crest and arms of Green.

Memoriæ Honorandi Patris, Gulielmi Green Gen. qui obijt 3° Aug. A° Dni. 1669, æt. suæ 73° necnon charissiniæ Matris Elizabethæ, piæ Gulielmi conjugis, quæ obijt 9 Jun. Anno predicto, ætatis suæ 65. Duos Filios genuerunt Johannem et Gulielmum, qui hoc in debitam utrique observantiam erexit.

Tumulantur in medio hunc Parietem, et oppositam columnam.

In the middle of the chancel, is a black marble for John Greene, Gent. and Martha his wife, daughter and sole heiress of George House, Gent. and had Will. John, and Eliz. 1676, 54, and lyelh buried in this vault with his father and mother. The Crest and arms of Green, impal a chevron between three eagles heads erased. Crest, a demi-unicorn from a coronet.

On black marbles by the vestry door,

Resurgam. Sub hoc marmore requiescit insigne Pietatis Exemplar, Maria Topcliffe, prime Sabeni Penning, deinde Edmundi Topcliffe Generosi Uxor & Vidua, quæ postquam annos 67 complevisset, religiose erga Deum, erga se sobrie, erga omnes juste, tandem Fato cedens 27 Dec. 1675. Quod habuit terrenum Terræ reddidit, animam Deo.

Ben. Penning M. A. unicus superstes Filius, in Memoriam charissimæ Matris hoc posuit sepulchrale Monumentum.

Benjaminis Penning,
Cœlesti quo in terris exulans afflatus est igne, in suum, quo natus est, revolvente locum, tenui hac capsulâ reconduntur, extincti licet, etiam adhuc loquentes Cineres, hoc est, prosapiam suam referunt monendo Peccatores, quot ab ipso, dum vixerit, à Rostris, ubi regnabat impiger, in Vitam evocatos Lazaros credideris; cujus nondum effata est in Sepulchro Eloquentia Cœli, ubi Potentior erat: diùturnis Laboribus, Consilio Fidelissimo, exemplo tantum non irrefragabili, quot quasi libuit, præmisit Hæredes, ad beatas Ipse sedes migraturus: quos secum ducere non licuit, eos quotquot potuit, terrâ Donavit; id nimirum in votis erat, ut nullos, nisi Spiritu, post se pauperes relinqueret. obijt III Calendas Oct. A. D. MDCXCVI. æt. suæ LI.

The following memorials are in the nave: on a brass nailed to a seat,
Mathew the onely Sonne of Alex. Peckover, lived x Yers & 1 Month, died Sept. 12. 1629.

My Course was short, the longer is my Rest, God calls them soonest whom he loveth best.

On a brass at the lower end,
Of yowr Charite prey for Robard Hall, sometyme Sheryf of this Cite, whyche deperted the ix Day of Febr. in the Yer of our Lorde xvC xxix, on whose soule Jesu have Mercy.

On a flat marble at the west end,
Mr. Bryant Lewis, who was babarously murder'd upon the Heath near Thetford, Sept. 13, 1698.

Fifteen wide Wounds, this Stone vails from thine Eyes, But Reader, hark! their Voice doth pierce the Skies.

Vengeance cry'd Abels Blood, 'gainst cursed Cain, But better Things spake Christ when he was slain, Both! both! crys Lewis's, 'gainst his barbarous Foe, Blood Lord, for Blood, but save his Soul from Woe.

Thou shalt do no murder, Exod. xx. 13.

Whoso sheddeth man's Blood, by man shall his Blood be shed, for in the Image of God, made he man.

Here also resteth the Body of Mr. Jonathan Lewes, his Elder Son, who died by a Fall from an Horse, Apr. 7. A. D. 1704, Æt. Suæ 32.

Judge me not Reader, Christ is judge of all, I fell, stand'st thou, take warning by my Fall, Be ready least Thee, suddain Death surprise, And hence two witnesses against the Rise.

Let him that thinketh he standeth, take Heed least he fall; 1 Cor. 10. 12.

On a neat mural monument against the north-west corner,

Sacred to the memory of Mr. JOHN LOUGHER, for many Years of this City, a worthy and usefull Citizen; while he lived, he did not only acquit himself, well to his own Family, in every Duty both Œconomical, & Religious, but throughout the whole of his Commerce, was approv'd to all, to be a man of steady and unshaken Integrity, to many he was a kind and & generous Friend, and in affairs of Difficulty, a faithfull & indefatigable assistant; to the needy & industrious Poor, a beneficent Patron: He exchanged this House of Clay, for that which is eternal in the Heavens: Febr. 9. 1732, in the 69 Year of his Age. His mortal remains lie buried near this marble, in Hope of a Joyfull Resurrection to eternal Life.

John Son of John and Rebecca Money, 1723, 37, John Money, 1719, 65, Rebecca his wife 1730, 66. Florence wife of Tho. Harmer 1719, 40. Tho. Harmer, her husband 1742, 71. John son of John and Abigail Dawson 1723, 7. Abigail their Dr. 1714, 6: Another John 1715, 7 months. Hannah wife of John Cooke 1690, 22. Ric. Bridges 1708, 61. Eliz. wife of George Wilson 1739, 62. Anne wife of Rob. Rogers Dr. of Framingham and Mary Jay of Cley by the Sea, 1737, 28, much beloved, much lamented. Tho. and Anne their children, Mary last of all their children, died young. Anne wife of George Blancher 1720, 56. George Blancher 1728, 55. Ruth his second wife 1724, 34. Eliz. wife of John Langley, 1734, 55.

There are hatchments in the nave for,

Justice Nic. Helwys. Crest, a goat's head erased, armed or.

Helwys quarters gul. a griffin saliant arg. impaling gul. a chevron between three eagles displayed arg.

Bacon, with the crest impaling Palgrave.

Thomas, Abigail, Sarah, and Mary, 4 Children of Rob. and Mary Harmer, who departed this Life 20 Dec. 1720, 14 Rob. Harmer, Master of St. Giles's Hospital, 1743, 64. Anne wife of John Baldy 1742, 41. John Lougher 1732, 99. Susanna his Dr. 1710, 18. Mary Dr. of the said John, and Mary his Wife, and Relict of John Cromate, of London 1736, 4; these under the steeple, where there stands a good fire engine. There are stones in the porch for, John Clark, an ancient and useful Citizen, 1735, 73. On a bend cotized three martlets. Anne his Wife 1732, 74. John Burcham 1736, 54. Mary his Wife 1741, 62. Lydia their Dr. 1733, 21.

The pulpit was given by R. Jannis, and hath his mark and the grocer's arms impaled with it, and three triple crowns, impaled with a woman's head, and M. I; there are three brass branches; one given by William Herne, D. D. 1715; the 2d by Mrs. Eliz. Marcon, 1696; the 3d is a small one, found in digging a cellar.

In the north isle; Anne wife of Francis Smallpece, Mayor in 1622, died A°. 1625. Tabitha wife of Hen. Tilyard 1716, 28. John English 1684, 50. Rebeckah Bell, 1711, 61. Hannah Bell 1706, 14. A large black marble over a vault, for Christopher Dixon 1734, 42. William Selth 1690. There is a small mural monument for Mr. Peter Redwin 1722, 63. Sarah wife of Tho. Postle 1717, 36. Mary Porter 1702. Jane wife of James Bacon 1726, 65. Peter Pindar 1722, 32. Tho. Pindar 1714, 38. Mary Pindar 1725, 16. Samuel Ekins, Esq who died Sheriff 1731, 51. Mary relict of Tho. Pindar and Sam. Ekins 1735, 54, two twins of Tho. Pindar's.

On a mural monument,

Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Tho. Blondell, who was born in this Parish the 11 of Jan 1684. He ended this Transitory Life, in Hope of a blessed Eternity, the 10 of Oct. 1730, much lamented by those that knew him: his Remains are interr'd under a Marble Gravestone in the Church Yard, behind this Monument.

Beatus qui Egentium habet Rationem, eum adverso tempore Liberabit Jehovah. Psalm, 41, V. 1.

On another monument with the arms of Hall at the top. (Pt. I. p. 435.)

Near this Place lies interr'd the Body of Thomas Hall of London Merchant, Son of John Hall of this City Esq; who was born in this Parish A°. 1681, and departed this Life Dec. 18, A°. 1715, in the 35 Year of his Age, who desired to lye here, near unto his Relations; also the Body of Captain Will. Hall, Son of the said John Hall Esq; who dyed July 16, 1721, aged 35 Years. And also the Body of Margaret the Wife of John Hall Esq; who died May 12, 1722, aged 70 Years. And also the Body of John Hall Esq; who served the Office of Mayoralty in this City in the Year 1701, and also in the Year 1715, dyed April the 14 1729, aged 76 Years.

Crest, a demi-griffin, winged, lingued, &c gul. holding a chaplet vert, collared gul. and or. Transit Gloria Mundi.

Arg. on a chief indented gul. a chaplet, three talbots heads erased az. two and one.

Orate pro anima Thome Lynes qui obiit xiiiodie Septembris AnoDni. Mo. vC. iiii. cuius anime propicietur Deus.

In the chapel at the east end of this isle, dedicated to St. Mary and All the Saints, lies the founder of it, with this inscription on a brass,

Hic iacent Willus: Normiche quondam Waior huius Cibitatis, et Alicia Consors sua, qui hanc Tapellam fieri fecit, ad Laudem et Honorem beatissime Uirginis Warie et omnium Sanctorum, et dictus Willus: obiit quarto die Februarii Ao. Tni. MoCCCColriiio. et dicta Alicia obiit secundo die Januarii Ao Dni. MoCCCCColrriio quorum ani mabus propicietur Deus Amen.

Over the head of his effigies;

Sana Domine animam meam quia peccavi Cibi.

Over her's,

Jesu Fili Uirginis miserere nobis.

and there is one son between them.

In St. Peter's chapel, opposite to this, called Waryn's chapel, is this on a brass plate,

Orate pro anima Chome Waryn Cibis et Aldermanni Normici, qui primo we Wensis Warcii migravit ab hoc seculo Ao ri. Mo vT riiii. rnius amme propicletur deus Amen.

Two trumpets in saltier, between two annulets, and two crescents, and St. George's cross.

In 1513, Will. Stalon glazier, buried here before St. Peter's image, and gave 40s. for the glazing of the windows, when they were set up. 1514, Will. Elsy buried by this chancel door, and ordered two images of St. Mary and John, to be made to the cross which he did make for his friends, and gave 5l. to adorn the church;

M. S. Georgij Cock, Patris, et Filij, utriusque pientissimi, quorum ille Reipub. Magistratu Civili, hic, Ecclesiam Ministerio Sacro, uterq. hanc Civitatem, ille olim Prætoris justi, hic nuper Pastoris Sancti, sorlito munere, ornavit, beavit; Filius quem recens flemus eruditionis Pietatisque nomine, omnium Testimonio, ipsiusque Veritatis celebratus, ad Patrem collectus, ejusque sinu receptus, eodem tumulo suaviter condormit, annos natus LXXI. ob. xx°. die Oct. A. D. MDC. LXXIIJ.

In a vault lie Ric. Lubbock, late Mayor; Sheriff in 1714, elected Alderman in 1715, died in his Mayoralty July 26, 1717, aged 41. Rob Anne, and Mary, 3 Infants. Eliz. his late wife, and after wife to Ric. Bacon Gent. Dr. of Tho. Palgrave of this Parish Esq; June 6, 1725, 43. There is also a mural monument against a pillar, for Mary wife of Tho. Lubbock, Dr. of John and Mary Low of Yarmouth, 4 Dec. 1729, 23.

Crest, a herne holding a shield, on which Palgrave's arms.

Lubbock, arg. on a chief gul. three mullets of the field, in base a herne standing proper, quartering Palgrave, impaling gul. two lions passant arg.

In the south isle,

John and Elizabeth Bayly, late of Stow-Market in Suffolk, who found this no continuing City, but sought one to come, were sweetly united in their Lives, scarcely divided in their Deaths, both died of the Small Pox, he Jan. 14, she Jan 28, 1700. Mary Yemes 1705, 81. Tim. Knights Gent. 1735, 84.

Here rests interr'd the Body of Elizabeth Peckover, Dr. of Edmond and Mary Quarles, late wife unto, and after widow of Mat, Peckover, once Mayor of this City, ob. July 23, A°. Dom. 1651.

A prudent Woman, chast and carefull Wife, A Matron Grave, an Eminent Saint in Life, One who Religion lov'd, & God did fear, Who loved that Gospel, which she striv'd to hear, Belov'd, admir'd, lamented by each One, Left her frail Body, underneath this Stone.

Quarles, arg. a fess dancetté erm. between three falcons vert.

Here lieth interred the Body of William Peckover, one of the Sonnes of Mathew Peckover, late Alderman and Mayor of this City, he died Ao. 1654, 26.

If Youth, or worth, could hindered have, A Man, a Saint, from dwelling in the Grave, These pious Ashes, had then kept their Life, Nor had an hopefull Husband left his Wife, But whilst this Flesh through Death, doth own this place, His pretious Soule doth live with Christ, through Grace.

Alicia mœsta Conjux hoc ei posuit.

In the altar rails, crest a plume of feathers, arms three castles.

John Copping 1699, 69. Mary his wife 1700, 69. Edw. Dawney 2d Son of Edward Dawney late Rector of Salthouse, 1690,36.

  • 1509, Sir John Corpusty, parish priest here, buried in the chancel, and glazed the south window next the perke or roodloft. William Knight, priest buried in the church, and gave a pair of chalices. In 1459, Alice, widow of James Woodrove, freemason, buried in the church by her husband. 1459, John Howys, who gave 4l. towards buying a new bell. Will. Seton, 1478, who gave x. marks for a jewel. 1490, Maud Radbode alias Bewflower, who was buried in the Austin-friars church, was a benefactrix here; she ordered her body to be carried into this church, as she was carrying to her burial, and that a mass should be said for her, and that ale and bread should be then given to the poor. 1494, Mic. Smith, worsted weaver, buried in the Friarsminors church, and gave a pall of five marks price, to be used by the poor as well as rich. 1504, Nic. Peyntour, buried in the churchyard by his own new window, and gave 4l. to the church, and 3s. 4d. to repair St. Olave's chapel. 1507, Tho. Bevys, who gave a cope of six marks. 1516, Alice Crome, widow, was buried in the church, and gave Alms-Houses, (seven in number) the 7th to be let, to repair the other six, and they are always to be inhabited by widows belonging to this parish.

On a black marble in the south isle, at the entrance of St. Peter's chapel,
Under this Stone lyeth interr'd in a Vault, the Body of John Calvert, who departed this Life the 28th Day of June 1744, in the 71st Year of his Age.

Calvert's arms and crest, viz. arg. on a chevron sab. between three bears couchant proper, as many mullets or.

On a wreath of the colours, a stork proper, reposing its dexter claw on an antique shield az. charged with a mullet or.

There is a hatchment of these arms in the nave, with this motto, In Coelo Quies.

In 1531, Tho. Fuller, worsted weaver, was buried in the church; and in 1533, Tho. Newman, coverlet weaver, on the north side in the churchyard near the east alley, and ordered a tomb to be made over him, and the cross then standing in the churchyard to be removed, and set on the top of the middle of his tomb.

On an altar tomb on the north side in the churchyard, having Byar's arms and crest,
Under this Marble Tomb, in Hopes of a joyfull Resurrection, are deposited the Remains of Lockyer Byar Gent. Son of Lockyer Byar and Judith his Wife, Oct. 15, 1728, 34, his Father and Mother, and six of their Infants, he died 1708, 38, she 1726, 52. Reader, who ever thou art, prepare to follow, let thy Loins be always girded, and thy Lamp always burning, for thou knowest not the Day, nor the Hour, when thou shalt be called to give an Account of thy Stewardship.

A monument at the west end over the steeple door, for John Lancaster 1710, 64. Damaris his wife 1718, 62 Sleep on in Silence, never more to wake, 'Till Christ doth raise thee, and to Glory take.

Against the north isle wall, is a stone in memory of Anne wife of Tho. Gregory, and Dr. of Anne Ellis, 1679, 39. Anne wife of Joseph Ellis of Thorp by Norwich, 1679, 66. John Fuller 1736, 81. John Blondell 1713, 71. Hester his wife 1722, 79.

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of Norwich, whose temporals were taxed at 12s. The Prioress of Carhow's at 12s.; the Master of St. Mary Magdalen's hospital, and the Priors of Horsham and Walsingham, the last of which, had a house (now the sign of the Crown and Woolpack) at the west end of the churchyard, opposite to the pond called Mus-pol. which was given to that monastery by John Waryn, and settled on John, prior there, 26 Edw. I. and at the Dissolution was granted to John Eyre.

In 1640, I find mention made of the houses given to this parish some time since, by Mr. Layer, the neat produce being to discharge the King's task; the church-wardens are tied to show their accounts to the court every year; I am informed, that they are now leased out to Mr. Lee for 150 years, at 3l. 10s. per annum clear, who hath demolished them, and built new upon the ground. In 1633, the Bishop, at the mayor s request, removed the Monday sermon then preached at St. Peter's per Montergate, hither, and altered it to Wednesday morning in summer, and afternoon in winter; but all the weekly lectures in the whole city are lately set aside by the court, except Hall's lectures, for which there is a fixed endowment; and they are preached here in their course. (See p. 317.)

For Sir John Suckling's gift see p. 309.

For Justice Church's see Pt. I. p. 421.

On the altar piece are Green's arms and crest, a buck's head sab attired or.

There were anciently lights before the images of St. George, the Holy Sepulchre, St. Mary, St. Peter, &c.

Dr. Prideaux says, it hath no certain endowment, that in his time the voluntary contributions, amounted to above 20l. per annum, and now they are said to be above double that value.

The names of such parish chaplains as I have met with are,
1420, Sir John Skynner. 1492, Sir John Corpusty. 1515, Sir John Bunge, clerk; he hired the whole of the dean and chapter, and paid a reserved yearly rent of 26s. 8d. 1546, the dean and chapter leased to two priests, the parsonage of St. George at Muspole, alias St. George of Colgate, and the church of St. Olave, now lately united to the same, reserving to themselves the rent of St. Olave's churchyard, and the dean and chapter covenanted in the lease "to repair the parochial chancel of St. George's church." 1610, Christopher Allen, curate. 1617, Rob. Alleson, curate. 1636, Rob. Kempe. 1662, Mr. Alsey, chaplain. 1672, George Cock. 1695, Benjamin Penning. 1715, Will. Herne, D. D.

The Rev. Samuel Salter, D. D. is the present [1745] curate. (See Pt. I. p. 646.)

The ancient stone house in which Justice Wigget now dwells, was built by Henry Bacon, who kept his mayoralty there in 1566. H. B. and his merchant mark is over the door.

On the old site of the friars-preachers, on the north part of the ancient churchyard of St. John Baptist (for which see p. 335) stands

(128) The Presbyterian Meeting-House


Which hath no burial ground belonging to it; and not far from Black-friars bridge, anciently called New-bridge; (see p. 353;) on the west side of the street, stood the church of

(129) St. Margaret's at New-Bridge


Called anciently St. Margaret at Colegate, (after called St. Margaret's, and now St. George's Stathe,) which was a rectory valued at 13s. 4d. and paid 3d. synodals, but the parish being depopulated by the great pestilence in 1349, the church ceased to be parochial, and the principal image of St. Margaret was carried to St. George's, and the parish annexed to it; the prior and convent converted the churchyard into a garden, and made the church into an hermitage, the chancel being used as a chapel for divine service. In 1429, John Martin was hermit here. In 34th Henry VI. the keeper of the infirmary of Norwich priory accounted for 20d. yearly rent for the garden, formerly the churchyard of St. Margaret at Newbridge, now in the parish of St. George at Muspool. In 6th Edward II. Nic. Loffyn of Bodham was the officiating chaplain here, and Cecily of Newbrigge settled a stipend on him, and another chaplain, to sing 13 years in this church for herself, Will. and Cecily her father and mother, and Ric. and Ralf of Newbrigge, her brothers. This churchyard is now held by lease, of the dean and chapter.

(130) St. Olave the King and Martyr


Commonly called St. Tooley's; this church was appropriated to the Prior of Norwich, and settled on the infirmary there; it was valued at 13s. 4d was served by a parochial chaplain, and in 1289, had an anchorage in the churchyard inhabited by Margaret and Alice, anchoresses there; in 1501, there was a gild of St. Olave kept here; in 1504, the chancel and church were repaired, and in 1534, it was called a chapel only, a title that the cormorants of that age began to give to such parochial churches as they wanted to devour. In 1546, it was consolidated to St. George in Colegate; the church was demolished, and the churchyard afterwards leased out by the dean and chapter, as it still continues.

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of Cokesford, whose temporals were taxed at 4s. 4d.; the Prior of St. Faith's 8s. 6d; the Prior of Norwich 15s. 4d. the Prioress of Carhowe 5s. 9d. and the Dean of the chapel in the Fields 6d.

Rob le Blund, Alan le Blunt or Blund, and Agnes his wife, A° 55 Henry III. purchased a house here of William son of Walter le Slaywritte and Alice his wife, and settled it to pay 1d. a week to the parish chaplain of St. Olave, to sing daily for their souls, and it was after given to the priory.

The churchyard abuts south on St. Tooley's-lane, now called Cherryalley, at the western end of the lane.

(131) The Church of St. Augustine


Stands on the east side of Gilden-croft; it hath a large churchyard, and a parsonage-house at the north-east corner of it, which is now in decay; the steeple is square, and is all brick, being rebuilt in 1687; the south porch of brick, which is leaded, was built in 1726. There are three bells; the nave, north and south isles, are leaded, and the chancel is tiled.

A brass in the nave shows, that Richard Bracket, some time rector here, died 29 Dec. 1631.

There are stones for, Hannah-Dorothea wife of Tho. de Hague, 1726, 27. James Deneaw 1714, 72, grandson of Captain Deneaw who lies under this stone, Sebastian Tavernier 1690, Eliz. his wife 1694, James Negusse 1709.

In the altar rails, Isaac Decele 1679, 56, Isaac his son 1709, 61, Mary his wife 1710,60, Mary wife of Isaac Decele senior, 1710, 87, Eliz. Decele 1682, Rob. Cubitt 1660, 71, Anne his wife 1664, 63, Anna wife of James Rant their Dr. 1680, 60, James Rant 1682, 65, Ellen Springall 1704, 66, Nathaniel Springall 1714, 72, Eliz. Decele 1654, John Decele 1657, Mary Decele 1675, Ann Decele 1677, Isaac Decele 1685.

A stone in the north isle for, Mr.Church - - - on a plate there,
Orate pro anime Willi Myllys qui obiit Anno Dni: MovCrrvo. ruius anime propicietur Deus.

He gave 20s. towards making the new roof of the nave.

There are stones in the south isle for, Mrs. Mary Delatate Dr. of Isaac and Eliz. Castell, relict of Mr. Stephen Delatate 1736, 61, Tho. Mills senior 1724,69, Mary his relict 1733, 70. Tho. Mills 1721,32, Jane wife of Rob. Drake Dr. of Tho. and Mary Mills, 1723, 29, Mercy Dr. of Tho. and Mary Mills, 1729, 37, Nic. their son 1731, 41, John de Hague 1723, 10, Mary wife of Isaac Decelee 1659, Isaac Decelee - - - - -

Hannah wife of Mr. Jonathan Browning of Thetford in Norfolk Dr. of Mr. Isaac Decelee of this city, 1694, Hannah wife of William Watts 1714,25.

Orate pro anima Jahis: Doms: Doms Senior, qui obiit iiiio die Augusti Ao Dni: Mo CCCColrrrrir, cuius anime propicietur Deus.

In the south porch, John son of Edm. and Eliz. Reeve 1738, 8 months.

A mural monument in the churchyard on the south isle wall, for Mary 1st wife of Castell Fisher grocer, 1733, 29, Elizabetha Maria their daughter an infant 1731, Susan his second wife, Dr. of William Sheppard of Hoo-hall in Suffolk Gent, 1737,29.

In 1478, Tho. Gyllyng was buried in this church, and gave a new tabernacle for the image of the Transfiguration of our Saviour, commonly called St. Saviour's Image. 1493, John Hodgys. 1499, John Dowce, worstead weaver, buried in our Lady's chapel in St. Austin's church. 1513, Eliz. Smith buried in the chancel. 1515, Reynold Cross, in the church. 1531, John Sketur, carpenter, in the church, and was a good benefactor to the roof. 1538, Rob. Curson, millwright, buried by the Palme crossin the churchyard, and was a benefactor to the new roof.

This church was anciently in the patronage of Lenton priory by Gloucester, 35 HenryIII John, Prior of Lenton, was rector, and had divers rents and services in this parish, belonging to his house; all which, with the advowson, were settled after 43 Henry III. on Norwich priory, by Bartholomew Prior of Lenton: when NorwichDomesday was wrote, it was taxed at half a mark, valued at 13s. 4d. paid 6d. synodals, and was returned to have been appropriated to Lenton, and after to Norwichpriory, but it being illegally done, the whole was vacated, and it became a rectory again, and so remains.



presented by the Priors of Norwich.

  • 1303, John de Blickling.
  • 1318, John de Brunham.
  • 1325, John Aylewmd.
  • 1349, Walter of Banham.
  • 1349, John Hullok.
  • 1362, Benedict.
  • 1370, John Carthowse.
  • 1418, Sir John Corpusty, who was buried in the church in 1465, and founded a light before the image of the Virgin Mary in her chapel here.
  • 1466, Nic. Fale, ob.
  • 1501, Adam Myddylgate, ob.
  • 1510, Rob. Heylesden, ob.
  • 1523, Will. Isabelles.
  • 1540, Will. Wight, commissary and official of Norwich. (See Pt. I. p. 656.)

Rectors presented by the Dean and Chapter.

  • 1550, Will. Stamp.
  • 1566, Adam Tugges, ob.
  • 1590, John Staller. Will. Staller, by grant from the dean; the same year he was re-instituted, being presented by the Queen by lapse, it appearing that the dean, without his chapter, had no power to grant away any turn.
  • 1617, Ric Bracket.
  • 1635, John Redding.
  • 1664, Christopher Stinnet; in 1666, he received 13s.4d. for a piece of glebe in the miller's occupation for an ozier ground, - - - De la Hay, ob.
  • 1688, John Robinson, resigned.
  • 1700, Joseph Brett, who held it united to St.Clement. Lynn Smear resigned.
  • 1730, Tho Ottway.
  • 1733, The Rev. Mr. John Brooks, the present rector, on Ottway's death, who holds it united to the rectory of Colney, and is curate of the churches of St. John of Timberhill, and St. Etheldred, sequestrator of St. Peter at Southgate, minor canon, and reader of the early prayers at the cathedral.

The religious houses following had revenues here; the Prior of St. Faith, the Prioress of Carrow, and the Prior of Norwich, who had a messuage given by Alexander son of Rob. de Heylesdon, to the almoner and Infirmary, and Ralf son of the said Rob. confirmed it. Andrew de Beccles, formerly porter to the priory, gave 2s. a year out of his messuage, to that monastery.

This rectory is valued at 6l. 17s. 8d. ob. in the King's Books, and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 17l. 5s. 3q. it is discharged of first fruits and tenths. Dr. Prideaux places the endowment in his time at 10l per annum, and the contribution at 12l. There is a close of glebe lying on the east side of the street, which with the churchyard, voluntary contribution, surplice fees, &c. make the whole about 40l. per annum.

For Sir John Suckling's gift to this parish, see p. 309.

Will. Crofts gave a messuge to Andrew de Beccles, reserving a rent of 8d. per annum to St. Austin's high-altar, and another rent of 7d. per annum was settled on it, by Tho. Walter and Christian his wife, who granted a piece of land on that condition, to Alex. son of Rob. de Heylesdon and Sarah his wife, and Amabilia de Heylesdon; and a shop in Middle-row in the Market, was held by 3d. per annum payable to this altar.

In 1632, the well at St. Augustine's was made a pump, by order of the court.

Mr. Thomas Pye, alderman, 29 Mar. 42d Eliz. had leave of the court to build alms-houses on a void piece of ground, under the city walls on the west part of

(132) St. Austin's-Gate


On condition he left them as alms-houses; and he built two houses, put in two dwellers, and left them for ever, " to the disposing of the mayor for the time being."

(132) Gilden-Croft


As it is still called, belongs to the city, and joins to the west part of St. Austin's churchyard, and formerly was very large, but by length of time, that part included within the walls, is much reduced, it being divided into many parts, in the hands of private owners; it is the demean land of Tolthorp manor, (which see under St. Clement's parish,) and the court of the manor was formerly held here, from whence I suppose it took its name, it being the place where all the tenants that paid their geld or tax to the manor, where to meet; and here the publick exercises of the city were held, for tilts, tournaments, or justyng, &c. and after that, Buthills were cast up, for shooting with the cross-bow, &c.

On the south side of Gilden-croft is

(133) The Quakers Meeting-House


A strong building of brick, with a large burial-ground joining to the east part of it, which was formerly part of Gilden-croft, in which are several headstones, and one altar tomb. The following inscriptions are to be read on some of them:

Here lie the Bodies of three Children of John and Susanna Lucas.

Tho' mixt with common Dust, the Body lies, In endless Space, th' unprisoned Spirit flies, Where full of Peace rewarded Virtue rest, And Babes (however they exist) are blest.

John Roe, Febr. 18. 1741, 60.

O Man! who e'er thou art, view well thy State, And see thy self prepar'd, for mortal Fate, Thy Friend that's gone, was tender, loving, kind, A bright Example, of a peacefull Mind, Learn then, like him, to keep a contrite Heart, And then, like him, thou wilt in Peace depart.

The altar tomb shows, that James Byar, died Sept. 2, 1716, 79. and Dinah his wife, Apr. 28, 1723, 80.

All you that do this place pass by Remember Death for you must Die, As you are now, ev'n so was I, And as I am, so shall you be

And now having finished this ward, we come to the last small ward in this city, called



Which contains the several parishes of St. Martin, St. Mary, and St. Michael; and first of

(134) St. Martin in Coslany


Commonly called St. Martin at the Oak, from a large oak with the image of our Lady, in it, which stood in its churchyard; it stands on the east side of Coslany-street leading to St. Martin's-gates; the steeple is square, and hath three bells, the nave, chancel, south porch, and south isle, are all covered with lead; and it appears by the following inscription on a brass plate, lying at the very entrance of the chancel, that the isle was built by Thomas Wilkyns, Alderman of Norwich, who died in 1491.

Orate pro anima Thome Wilkyns nuper Cibis et Aldermanni Nar lnici, qui istam clam sumptibus suis propriis de novo in ommbus fieri fabricabit, et idem Thomas obiit xxviijo die Januarii Ao Dni. MoCCCColxxxxj. cuius Anime propicietur Deus.

In the south porch there is a stone for Tho. Cady Senior, who died 4 Sept. 1708, aged 58, and Rebecca his wife Jan. 11, 1722, 72.

I find the following persons interred in the south isle, beginning at the west end. Mary Dr. of Christopher and Frances Richardson, 26 Febr. 1631. Anne their Dr. 20 Mar. 1632, Chris. Richardson 20 Sept. 1733, 24. Frances Richardson March 24, 1734, 3.

On a brass plate,

Orate pro anima Agnetis Wylkyns quondam Uroris Radulphi Wylkyns que obiit xxo die Mensis Nobembris Ao Dni. M CCCCCiio.

Margery, nebulé a fess, impales Manfield, or, two bars sab. on the first a wyvern arg.

James Margery Gent. March 5, 1720, 80. Eliz. his wife, Dr. of Nic. Manfield, Aug. 14, 1725, 71. & their 10 Children, James, Samuel, Sarah, Easter, Nathaniel, Henry, Henry, Barbary, Joseph, & James.

Margaret Dewing 23 Apr. 1690, 42.

In the nave beginning at the west end,
On the font there are eight shields, England, France, Scotland, Ireland, Norwich deanery, Norwich city, St. George, and a cross floré.

On an old brass,

Orate pro animabus Nicholai Heylakke et Margarete Uroris sue nui obiit xxviijodie Mensis Januarii AoDni. MovCrri. quorum animabus propicietur Deus.

Orate pro anima Bricii Skow cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

Tho. Tawell Esq; 5 May 1724, 52. Next lies a flat stone over the Revd. Mr. Jeremiah Revans, and Mary his wife, for whom there is a large monument erected against the north wall, upon the altar part of which, is placed a desk, with their effigies in white marble on each side, a book lying before each of them; on the wall opposite to the woman who is placed on the east side, is this,

Over them is this,

Memoriâ Æternâ Justi erunt.

In hope of a happy Resurrection, in the Ile lie interr'd the Bodies of Abra the affectionate Mother, Feb. 16, 1691. George the indulgent Father, Sept. 9, 1700. Mary Dr. of James Margery Gent. the most loving, pious, vertuous, and meek wife of Jeremiah Revans Clerk, Oct. 1st, 1711, who in Honour to her blessed Memory, hath given three Pounds per Annum, for the Education of poor Girles, with other charitable Donations.

O chara Maria! nil nisi longior defuit Vita; Ævum præsens te laudat, laudabit futurum.

The said Mr. Revans died Oct. 25, 1727, aged 63, and lies buried by his wife, he was a pious good Man, a kind Benefactor to this Parish, to East-Tuddenham and Barford, and all his Relations.

Beatus Servus ille, quem cum venerit Dominus ejus invenerit ita facientem.

Orate pro anima Alicia Wattys quondam Uroris Johannis Wattys que obiit bicessimo die Mensis Januarii Ao Dni. Mo bC rii.

Mary wife of John Girling, 5 April, 1687, 23. waighting for the second Coming of the Lord. Eliz. their Dr. 7 April 1686, an Infant. Martha Girling 20 March 1687. Ann 28 July 1688. Mary, Aug. 10, 1691. Mary, March 27, 1692. Mr. John Girling 27 Oct. 1715, 57.

On the north side of the chancel, hangs a table with the names of the benefactors to the parish inscribed thereon, viz.

Mrs. Agnes Bungey, died July 11, 1582, and gave a house and ground in this parish to repair the church.

She lies buried on the north side of the chancel, and hath a large brass plate fixed in the wall to her memory, on which is this,
Under this Stone lieth buried the Bodyes of Mr. John Bungen, and of Agnes his Wife, which John departing this Life, yelded his Soul to God the bith of December Anno 1557, after that he had libed lbiii Yeres fower Meclis, one Day, and and his Wief Agnes lybing after him rrb Peres FFF Weekes, Yelded her Soule also to God, the rith of Julye Ao 1582, being 96 Yeres and 24 Wekes old, who in her last Will and Testament, did gyhe and bequeath to the Parishyoners of this Parish, a Tenement sometymes Robert Derrolds, to have and to hold to them and to their Assignes, upon these Conditions following; that is, if the yerely Rebeneme and Profit thereof, rising a growing, shal and man be employed toward the Maintenance and repayring of the saide Church, so long as the same shall contyneme a Parishe Church, and a Sermon to be made by a learned Preacher for eber, upon the riith of Tulye, being the Day in the which she mas buried; and also, that then do repayer from Time to Time sufficientlie, the said Vowse, with th' Appurtenances, otherwise to reberte to her right heires for eber.

Blessed be then, which oye in the Lord.

  • 1648, Mr. John Warnes gave 10s. yearly to the poor.
  • 1702, 29 Sept. Robert Bene, Esq. gave the branch, and paved the altar with black and white marble.

Mr. Jeremiah Revans, rector of East-Tuddenham, gave 4l. 10s. for ever, towards educating six poor girls of this parish, and for a yearly commemoration sermon for his wife, and for bread to the poor There is an estate in the parish tied for the payment of it.

Mr. John Demee, grocer, died Dec. 28, 1706, tied an estate for 3l. per annum to the poor.

James Demee, Gent, died Sept. 11, 1718, and gave 5l. per annum to the poor, and an estate in St. Andrew's parish is tied for the payment of it.

Mr. William Nockells of London, Gent. in his lifetime gave 15l. 5s towards erecting the altar-piece; 10l. for communion plate; a purple communion cloth; 100l. towards procuring Queen Anne's bounty o the curacy of this parish; and another 100l. raised by the parishioners of this parish, and other well-disposed people's contributions, procured the said augmentation in 1723, which was appropriated accordingly.

On the south side of the chancel, on a mural monument of white marble,
Sacred to the Memory of ROB. BENE Esq; who was born and died as mentioned on the Marble near this place, which covers his Remains.

These two periods of Life are common to him and all Men, but he had many Vertues, in which he had not many Partners; his Industry render'd him wealthy; his Integrity, Liberality & Munificence. esteem'd; his Affection to his Friends, and his Benevolence to all Men belov'd; and his Death lamented; these excellent Qualities which adorn'd his Life, recommended him to the Favour of his Fellow Citizens, and he was elected one of the Sheriffs in the Year 1694, Alderman 1708, Mayor of this City, and one of the Representatives in Parliament 1710. As his Example is worthy Imitation, let this short but true Remembrance, excite latest Posterity to follow so good a Pattern.

BOB. BENE Esq; died 27 May, 1733, aged 80.

To the memory of THO. BENE, who died 23 Oct. 1680. Rebecca his Wife Aug. 30, 1700, 84.

Nihil sic revocat a peccato, quam frequens mortis Meditatio.

Remember thine End, and thou shalt never do amiss.

Lord teach us to number our Days, that we may apply our Hearts unto Wisdom.

John Tompson Gent: 27 Febr. 1732, 89. Hester his wife, 8 March, 17 0, 65. Henry Tompson July 1677. John Nall the Elder, 28 Aug. 1699.

Juxta Cineres Parentum depositæ sunt Reliquiæ Matthei Nall Armigeri, qui jute municipali ex Ephebis Exercitatus, rerum Prudentiam morum Integritati conjunxit, unde Civium Suffragijs in Senatorum ordinem cooptatus, Tribunitia potestate & Prætoris Officio Functus, Vitam deinde egit modestam, placidam, quietam, morte' ec absimih supremum diem clausit, natus Ao. 1655, denatus Ao. 1721.

John Toll, Jan. 18, 1671, the Year that he was Sheriff of this City. John Molcar, March 7, 1678.

On a mural monument in the churchyard, on the north side,
John Hale Senior, 25 Nov. 1706, and 5 young Children. Also the Body of the ingenious Hen. Hale, master of the Mathematicks, Son of the said John Hale, 15 Nov. 1723, 28.

The Phenix of his Time, Lies here but sordid Clay, His thoughts were most sublime, His Soul is sprung away. Then lett this Grave keep in Protection, His Ashes, untill the Resurrection.

There is a hatchment in the church for Thomas Newton, Esq. late Mayor.

Newton, sab. two shin-bones in saltier arg. impaling Tawell, az. on a chevron between three annulets arg. five cinquefoils gul.

And the same arms are on a mural monument against the south chancel wall; Newton's crest is, on a torce sab. and arg. a blackmoor clad in blue, kneeling; in his right hand a scymitar drawn or, his left hand by his side on his scymitar's scabbard, which hangs on a belt or, on his head is a crown or.

Sacred to the memory of THOMAS NEWTON Esq; and REBECCA his affectionate wife, who lived many Years the principal Inhabitants of this Parish, and whose Remains are deposited in a Vault between the Rails of the Communion Table and the Wall, to which this Monument is affixed. He was a Man well and deservedly beloved, and as a mark of it, successively elected Sheriff and Alderman, and in the year 1722, Mayor of this City; which Offices he discharged with Integrity and peculiar Generosity; Nor is she less to be remembred in her Station, being endowed with all social Vertues, and a Pattern of conjugal and parental Affections: She died the eighth Day of February, and he did not long survive the Loss, exchanging this Life for a better, the eleventh Day of July 1738.

Not out of Ostentation, nor to flatter the Deceased, is this Marble erected, and this Inscription recorded, but this short commemorative Recitall, to testifye the Duty and Gratitude of the Living, to their indulgent Parents.

There is a stone in the south isle, under which Sam. Ridgewell Gent. was interred in 1742, aged 23. and another by the font for John Lyng, 1740, 67. on which is this,
Although I am mouldering here to Dust, In Christ is all my Hope and Trust, My Change was sudden, without Surprise, By my Example, learn to be wise.

There is a headstone in the churchyard for, John Brooks, who departed this Life all in a watery grave, Sept. 1, 1742, 21. and Isaac Wolfery with him, they being both drowned in Fuller's hole.

The Young, the Strong, the Rich, the Wise,
To Death, must all become a Sacrifice.

Persons buried in this church, for whom there are no memorials remaining, are, Joan Clerk, widow, who was buried by John Clerk, her husband, in 1466. John Reynolds in 1503, who gave 40s. towards new leading the church, and two silver candlesticks for the altar. Tho. Richeman, worsted weaver, he gave 40s. a pair of silver chalices, and a vestment of 4 marks value, and had this on a brass, formerly to be seen here,

Orate pro anima Thome Richman, nuper Cibis Norbici, Dursted Weeber, et Alice Consartis sue, qui quidem Thomas obiit bi. Ja nuarii, Ao Dni: 1505.

In 1513, John Buxton, worsted weaver, was buried in the churchyard "before the image of our Lady in the Oke, and gave to our Lady in the Oke 6d. This was a famous image of the Virgin Mary, placed in the oak, which grew in the churchyard, so as it was seen by all that passed in the street; from whence the church took the name of St. Martin at the Oak, it being always before, called St. Martin in Coste-lane, or Coselany, the whole part of the city from Blackfriars-bridge, or New bridge, to St. Martin at the Oak-gates, being so called, because it lies on the coste of the river: now it seems this oak and image began to be of remark about the time of Edward II. for then I find it first called ate the Oke. What particular virtue, this good lady had, I do not know, but certain it is, she was much visited by the populace, who left many gifts in their wills, to dress, paint, and repair her; at the coming of Edw. VI. to the crown, she was dismounted, and I am apt to believe the poor oak, also cut down, least that should be visited for her ladyship's sake, for the present oak, which now grows in the place, hath not been planted a hundred years, as appears by the parish register in these words, "I John Tabor, constable and overseer, did bring the Oak from Rannerhall near Horning ferry, before me on my horse, and set it in the churchyard of St. Martin of Coselany, I set it March 9. 1656." Then also the rich vestments and plate, were sold, and the money laid out to fye the river. 1534, Will. Alleyn, worsted weaver, gave a pall of baudekyn.

This rectory was appropriated to the infirmary of Norwich priory, and paid 3d. synodals, was exempt from the archdeacon of Norwich, being valued at 12s. and taxed at half a mark. The tithes of Basset's close, and a third part of the tithes of that part of Gilden-croft, lying within the bounds of this parish, were due to the rector here and the mortuary was the best beast; it seems to have been appropriated by Bishop Blundeville, with the consent of Ric. de Redham, the last rector, who had a grant of it for life, paying 10s. per annum to the infirmary, which was confirmed by the Bishop and the Pope. And from that time, it hath been a perpetual curacy or donative, and is now in the donation of the dean and chapter of Norwich. It was returned formerly into the Exchequer, to be "an appropriation of the dean and chapter, the curate's stipend being 20 marks;" but now the curate hath only the income of the estate purchased with the augmentation money, and the surplice fees and voluntary contributions, amounting in the whole to about 40l. per annum.

In 1460, Sir John Feltwell was parish chaplain. 1492, Sir Thomas Cawne, alias Plowman, D. D. was buried in the chancel, and had a stone laid over him with the sacramental cup and wafer upon it, with the name of Jesus inscribed thereon, and under it this,
Orate pro anima Thome Plawman Capellani ruius anime propicietur Deus Amen..

John Prentis, chaplain here, was also buried with this, Orate pro anima Johannis Prentis Capellani i will Prentis. 1638, Robt. Kent, S. T. B. who had been minister here 45 years, died 3 June, and was succeeded by Henry Spendlove, (a relation of Prebend Spendlove,) he was ejected, and after two or three intruders, at the Restoration, Mr. Pew was appointed curate, and after him Mr. Studd, who was succeeded by Mr. Peter Burgess, and he by Dr. Will. Herring, at whose resignation it was given to

The Rev. Mr. Ephraim Megoe, the present [1745] curate, who holds it with St. John Sepulchre in Berstreet. (See p. 138.)

There were images with lights, either lamps or wax tapers, burning before them, of St. Martin, St. Thomas, our Lady of Pity, St. John Baptist, St. Christopher, St. Anthony, and a chapel, altar, image, and light of St. Mary at the east end of the south isle.

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of Norwich, who had a messuage held by Sir John Norwich, Knt. and after by Sir John Fastolf, and was called Stone-Hall. The Prioress of Carrow, the Master of St. Giles's hospital; the Prior of Walsingham had two messuages and gardens granted to John Peckover, and Will. Wood. The Prioress of Symplyngham's temporals were taxed at 10s.

In 1637, a dwelling-house under the walls, was granted to Marg. Gibson, widow, searcher of the infected poor, to hold during the pleasure of the court, and not otherwise, because it is intended, that that house shall continue for the only dwelling of such a searcher, when need shall be. 1343, Sir Barth. de Heylesden gave 6d. a year out of his messuage here, to the city to maintain Coslany-bridge, which had many other rents appropriated for that purpose.

Directly opposite to the lane on the north side of St. Martin's churchyard, called anciently Whores-lane, was the Mill-lane, which led directly to Calk-mill; which mill, with the fishery thereto belonging, from the Conquest, belonged to the manor of Horseford; one of the ancient lords of which, granted a yearly rent out of it to the Prioress of Carrow, before 1287, for that year, the Prioress received 40s. for arrears of rent due from it. In Edward the Third's time, Sir Robert de Benhale, Knt. held the 3d part of the mills and manor of Horsford, in right of the lady Eve, daughter of Eve de Clavering, his then wife. In 1394, the tithes of this mill were paid to the keeper of the Infirmary, in right of the appropriated rectory of St. Martin. In 1518, Lord D'acres, lord of Horsford, owned it, and was then seized of the fishery belonging to the mill, which was then set out by them and the corporation, and it extended from the mill to the bank of the close late of Rob. Thorp; before that of Gregory Clerk, after of Edm. Clerk, and late of Hamond Linsted; and in 1539, the lord of Horsford granted that fishery to be held of his manor of Horsford, to Alderman Nic. Sywatt (who then owned the closes) and his heirs, for ever; and in 1637, the jury for Horsford manor returned, "that they had credibly heard Calk-mill to be seated at or next the house called the Crown, in St. Martin in Coslany.

(135) St. Mary in Coslany


Was a rectory appropriated to the prior and convent of Cokesford in Norfolk, who received all the profits, and found a secular canon belonging to their house to serve the cure. He resided generally in the parsonage-house, which stood against the north-east part of the churchyard, and after the appropriation became the city house of the priors and canons of that monastery, to resort to, when either business or pleasure called them hither; the garden which belonged to it was very large, and abutted on Whores-lane north; it was valued at 5 marks and an half, taxed at 20s. first paid 3d. and afterwards 6d. synodals. At the Dissolution, the advowson of the rectory, and all the great garden and house, were granted to Thomas Duke of Norfolk and his heirs, from which time it hath been a donative, and it is now in the donation of the Lord Townesend. It hath no certain endowment, other than the 200l. of Queen Anne's bounty, which, with the voluntary contributions, surplice fees, &c. do not exceed 20l. a year in the whole.

  • 1366, John Howes, chaplain. Sir Jeffry Baniard, who was buried before the font in 1416. Robert Mayo, on whose brass is this, Orate pro anima Domini Roberti Maya, quondam huius Ecclesie Capellani Parachialis, qui obiit rrii die Aug. Ao Christi. 1503. By will dated 1502, he ordered to be buried in the chancel, and gave 4 large wax tapers to burn about his herse, and then to be given to the alderman and brethren of Corpus Christi gild; and each brother present at his dirige, to have 4d. and gave a vestment of blue silk, another of white damask, with a cross of rich red or blue tissue. 1518, Henry Mowndford, was buried in the chancel, and gave a gilt silver chalice, two silver paxbredes, his best corporas with a red velvet case bordered with ihesvs in gold letters, and a printed mass-book and little processionary; and 9 marks a year for two years, and founded a certain for seven years, "I will that my Place lying in the Church-yard of the said Parishe of St. Marie, the Churche Wardens for the Tyme beyng for ever, shall receyve the yerely Profites & Fermes of the said Place, upon this Condicion folowyng, that is to say, that yerely for evyr, the Churche Wardens shall kepe, or do to be kepte, in the said Churche of St. Marie, myn Obyte Day, and that they shall with the Profightes cummyng of the same Place yearly, pay to the Curate of the saide Churche for his Labor, seyinge Dirige & Masse for my Sowle, the Sowles of my Father and Mother, and all Cristen Sewles, 5d." a candie of wax weighing 4 ounces, to be set yearly upon his herse on his obit day, and to 5 poor men to sit that day about his herse, 1d. each, and to the parish clerk and sexton, to ring a peal on his obit or yereday, 8d, and if this be not duly performed, the prior of the monastery of our Lady at Coxford was to have the premises, and perform it; "provided alway, that the seyd Church-Wardeyns for the Tyme beying, and x or xii honest Men of the said Parishe of St. Mary, shall stond enfeffid in the said Mese to the eutent before rehersyd, and at every xxti Yere end, a new Astate, to be taken in maner and Forme aforeseid."

"Item, I will have a Stone of Marble with j Epitaphy in Verses, which I have wretyn in a Bil, to the Price of 46s. 8d. or more, to lye upon my Grave;" and it is still there with the verses on a brass plate;

Henrici Tumulum Mounteforth, Precor, aspice tutum, Ouisquis eris, qui transieris, sta, perlege, Plora, Sum, quod eris, fueram, quod es, pro me, pcecor, Ora, Et Deus Dmnipotens, qui verbo cuncta creasti, Sis memor, Oro, tui Famuli fragilis sine fine.

Oui dictus Nericus fuit in Cecretis Doctor, et istius Ecclesiæ Curatus, obiitque ultimo die Mensis Septembris Ao Dni: Mille simo ccccccrviii.

  • 1555, Mr. John Elwyn, late chantry priest in St. Michael of Coslany. 1604, Will. Inman, curate, by donation of the Earl of Berkeley. 1625, Will. Allenson, licensed curate, on the donation of Sir Roger Townsend. 1662, Gabriel Wright.

The Rev. Mr. Stephen Norris is the present [1745] curate, who is rector of Felthorp, vicar of Felmingham, and curate of St. Miles at Thorn.

The church stands in the midst of a large churchyard, and hath a round steeple and six bells, on two of which, are these inscriptions,

Dulcis cisto melis, campana vocor Michaelis. In multis annis resonet campana Johannis.

The present nave was rebuilt in 1477, and the two transept chapels or isles much about the same time, as also the north vestry and chancel, which are all leaded.

In the chancel, on a mural monument. Crest, a bull's head.

Hic iacent una Martinus ban kurnbeck, Artium et Medicine, Doctor, et Joanna Uror sua, de Parochia et Cibitate hac nuper defuncti, qui Martinus obiit rro Februarii 1578, et Johanna ter tio Septembris 1579. In quorum Memoriam Fidelis sibi Men Regine Eraminator, crecutor Testamenti dicte Johanne, opus culum hoc fieri fecit.

Quorum animabus propicietur deus Amen.

On a mural monument on the south side of the chancel, are the effigies of a man with two sons behind him, and a woman with one daughter behind her, with a faldstool between them, and a book before each of them, and the arms and crest of

Herne, or, three bars gemels gul. on a canton arg. five lozenges in saltier gul.

Crest, a talbot passant sab. lingued gul. collared and chained or. Norwich, and the fishmongers.

Sic fuit exorsû primo, Natura Pusilla, Sic fuit auspicijs serpens, sic parvulus Hyrnus, Mox fuit erectus, ut pinea Tæda corruscans, Altus, Honoratus, Firmus, sic Pinus in Hortis; Nunc jacet immotus, quem vestit terra quiescens, Sed vestit Cœlum melius Christus que, Precator.

Here lyeth buried the Body of Clement Hyrne, late Citisen and Alderman of this Citty of NORWICH, who had bene once Maior of this Citty, he dyed 23 Sept. 1596. He had issue by Margaret his first Wife, 2 Sonnes, Thomas and Xpofer; and one Dr. named Susan. He was a good benefactor to the Poore of this Parish. The said Margaret died the 13 of June, 1584.

He gave a tenement which stands directly opposite to the Millpassage-gate in Coslany-street, (now in the possession of Mr. John de la Hay,) to be let to farm by the church-wardens, 30s. of which is divided among the poor every Christmas and Easter, the one half of the residue is to repair the church, and the other half the houses. Part of this house to the value of 40s. per annum, was given by Jane Manfield, widow.

Here leyethe Johnhn herne I Cecilie his Wyfe, the whiche John depertid the xix Daye of September in the Yer of our Lord God xvC and xlviijo. on whose Soules Jesu have Mercy.

Orate pro anima Isabelle Western quondam Uroris Johannis Western, cuius tr.

Tho. Westwood 1699, 60. Abraham his Son 1699, 31. Alderman Henry Brady 1688, 55. Mary his Wife 1714, 78, he left one Daughter married to Rob. Schuldham, M. D. of Kettleston in Norf. in a Vault lie Mary Wife of Thomas Postle, Grandaughter of the said Henry & Mary Brady, & Daughter of the said Doctor Rob. Schuldham. 1730, 49. Mr. Thomas Postle 1739, 59. Francis Pyke 1681. In the rails are buried Mat. Coates, he died 1703, 33, & 2 children. Mary Wife of Joseph Parker 1685, 60.

There is a handsome gilt cup and cover, on which, Saynct Marye of Coselanye Ao 1569. A neat patin Ao 1736. On a fine large chalice, Deo optimo Maximo, humillimè dicatur, in usum Stæ Eucharistæ in Ecclesiâ Sanctæ Mariæ in Norvico Ao Dni. 1728.

  • 1444, Alice late Wife of John Alderford, was buried by her husband's tomb in the church. 1464, Gregory Draper Alderman, was buried in the south transept, which was then not quite finished, towards perfecting of which, he gave 26s. 8d. His stone hath this on a brass, and their effigies, and 7 sons and 5 daughters. He gave a house in this parish, to John Norman, Esq.
  • Ecce sub hoc Lapide Gregorius crtat humatus, Quondam Merrator pius, ar tnupum Kelebator, Consensu Turbe, Maior bis, in hac fuit urbe, Annis Mo Co quarter, decies ser, bis quoque binis, Serto kalendarum fuit Aprilis sibi finis; vic quisquis steteris ipsum precibus memor eris, Sponsam definctam simul Aliciam sibi Functam.
  • 1464, Rob. Wood, buried before the Virgin of Pity, and was a benefactor to the south cross isle, which was called the Chapel of the Virgin Mary. 1466, Alice Nyche, gave a legacy to lead the vestry, which was then new built; and was buried in the church by Walter Nyche her late husband. 1465, Henry Toke was buried in the north cross isle, on his brass is this, Orate pro anima Denici Johe, Libis Norwici, Cooke, cuius anima propicieur Deus. He founded a candle to burn before the Holy Sepulchre, from Good Friday to the Resurrection, as the use and custom is, of 5l. weight; a candle before 'the Pyte,' another before the principal image of our Lady, and another before St. Thomas the Secundary, of the said church, to burn yearly at service time, as custom is; he gave x. marks towards finishing St. Thomas chapel, or the north cross-isle. 1466, John Hall buried in the porch, 1467, Will. Reyner buried by his father's tomb. 1479, Margaret, Wid. of Ric, Courdon. 1482, John Howard, buried in the churchyard, and gave a legacy to make a door into the chancel. 1493, Eliz. widow of John Knowte, buried in the church by her husband, and gave 5l. to make a silver foot to the cross that her husband gave; she was buried by St. Anne's altar, a priest to sing at that altar 4 years, the first year for her own soul, the 2d for John Ellis her son, the third for the soul of Tho. Elys, her husband, and the 4th for John Knowte, her husband. 1497, Edw. Howse, gave a damask vestment. There is a loose brass which came off a stone in the nave, on which is this, Die iacet corpus Agnetis Franceys Vidue, quondam Filie Johannis Dentom cruis anima propcietur Deus. By will dated 1501, she desired to be buried by her mother Margaret Denton, and ordered John Franceys her husband to buy a jewel of 20 marks value, for the church. 1505, Geffrey Whitlake, Barker, ordered a glass window of 40s. value, to be made by Mary Mawdelyn, on the south side of the church. 1511, John Norman, alderman. Tho. Chaunte was buried by the font, whose brass, though much worn, hath this,
    Orate pro animabus Thome Chaunte Aldermanni istius Cibitatis, ac Johanne Uroris sue prime, qui quidem Thomas obiit iiiio die Octob. Ao Dni. Mo hC ri. quorum animabus propicietur deus. 1522, Will. Philip, Baker, gave 5 marks to repair the church, and a ship of silver. 1524, John Moone gave x. marks for a vestment. 1531, John Halston 5l. There were in this church, the principal image of the Virgin Mary, in its usual place, viz. north of the altar, at the east end, and in the north wall was the sepulchre of our Lord, as usual in most churches, the image of St. Thomas the Secundary, or second patron of the church, was in his chapel, as also the image of St. John Baptist; in our Lady's chapel, on the south side was the image and altar of St. Mary, and the images of Mary Magdalen, St. Anne, and the Virgin of Pite; these had all lights before them, as well as the image and altar of the Holy Trinity, which stood at the west end of the nave on the north side; over which is the following inscription cut in stone:

That is, Ie Thomas de Lingcole a done a cel Auter Sirge e un Laumpe e la Rente de Colegate. I Thomas de Lincoln, have given to this Altar, a Wax Taper and a Lamp, out of the Rent of Colegate.

I find this Tho. de Lincolnia or Lincoln, was a wealthy tanner that lived in this parish, and was owner of a house in St. George of Colegate in the year 1292. In 1275, he was one of the bailiffs of the city, and again in 1281; he died about 1298, and is buried before this altar.

On a brass against the east side of the north chapel, Mrs. ANNE CLAXTON here inter'd doth lye, Whose Vertuous Lyfe, a livinge Prayes did merrit, Hir Faith, Religion, Grace, & Charritye, Hath crownde hir Sowle, with what the Sayntes inherit, Full fower-score Years, She lived exempte from Blame, Preserving safe her Reputation's Name, From Worshippe's Race She did at first descend, And Claxton's Name did well that Worthe adorne, By whom whilst Heaven unto her, Lyfe did lend, Nine Sonnes, five Daughters, to this Worlde were borne, The first of August, one thousande, six hundred, & five, She dyed, let still hir Virtues Prayes survive.

Claxton, gul. a bend between three porcupines arg. on a demishield by way of canton, another coat born also by the name of Claxton, barruly arg. and az. on a canton gul. three martlets or, impaling

Clarke of Somersetshire, or, two bars az. in chief three escalops gul.

Other persons buried here are, Philp Dyball 1712, 57. Sarah his wife 1741, 77. Sam. Watson, 1695, 46. James son of Peter Verbeeke merchant 1633, and Peter Verbeeke merchant 1629, 44. Alice Kinge a virgin, Dr. of John and Kath. Kinge 1570. Tho. Dowe Frances his wife 1521, on whose souls Jesus have mercy.

A hatchment hath, 1st Claxton's arms. 2d ar. a fess quarterly az. and gul. between three mascles gul. 3d az three piles wavy ar. 4th, gul. a bend vair impaling Clark as before.

In a glass window. er. a saltier ingrailed betwen four croslets gul. On the roof, Rookwood, with a mullet for difference. Er. on a chevron sab. two lions combatant or and sab. a chevron between three lions rampant ar. On the pulpit, Herne impales Davy. On the font are the arms of England, France, Scotland. Ireland, St. George, Norwich city, and gul. a cross floré parted per cross arg. and sab.; and anciently an anchoress called St. Anne's anchoress resided in this churchyard.

Thomas Malby, alderman, died in 1558, (see Pt. I. p. 272, 8.) "Item, I will that the Mayor of the said Cittye for the Tyme beyng, withe the too Shreves, and certeyne of the Aldermen, shall ones in the Year, cawse an Obyte to be Songe in St. Maryes Church in Coslany, where my Body lyethe buried, to pray for my Soul and all my Frends, and that the Chamberlains of the City for the Time being, shall bestowe 20s. every yere at the Day appointed, by the Advice of the Mayor, Shereves, and the more part of the Aldermen, and this to be continued for ever, for the Welthe of my Soul to God's most high Pleasure." 3s. used to be distributed to St. Martin's at Oak, 2s. to St. Michael Coslany, and 5s. to the poor of this parish.

Cecily Wingfield, widow, about 1586, gave her arable close of ten acres by Norwich walls adjoining to the city, extending from St. Martin's to St. Austin's-gates,
"To the Use and Behoof, Relief and Comfort of the poor People, from Time to Time, being in the said Parish of St. Mary, for ever." It is copyhold of Tolthorp cum Felthorp manor, which belongs to the see. In 1725, Mr. Mathew Bretingham, paid the sum of 30l. to the parish, for which the feoffees surrendered the premises to him and his heirs, chargeable for ever, with a clear annual rentcharge of 6l. 10s. to the parish, to be applied to the use of her will; and now he hath built a new house upon it, with convenient gardens, &c.

Part of the new-mills are in this parish, and were sometimes called Gregory's mills, for which see p. 256, and Pt. I. p. 432.

The religious concerned here were, the Prior of Weybrigge, the Prior of Norwich, who had divers houses and rents given to the almoner, by Ric. de Horsted, Joceline de Norwich, chaplain Ralf de Heynford, and others.

(136) The Church of St. Michael in Coslany


Commonly called St. Miles in Coslany, stands more south in the same street, and is a rectory valued at 13l. 6s. 8d. in the King's Books, and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 11l. 12s. 2d. it is discharged of first fruits and tenths. Dr. Prideaux valued it at 14l. endowment, and 20l. voluntary contribution, in his time: there is a parsonage-house, and garden, not far from the north side of the churchyard, the houses which stand between them, belong to Caius college, and the house, voluntary contributions, augmentation, &c. is said to amount to about 70l. per annum.


  • 1300, Edward Oram of Acle (or Ocle-market in Norfolk.)
  • 1304, Will. Sare of Horseford. Will. Over-Dam of Acle, in right of Gundelf's half acre in Acre-field.
  • 1332, Henry son of Jeffry atte Churche. John son of Bartholomew de Acle.
  • 1339, Edward III. licensed the rector to receive land for a garden to his house.
  • 1352, Henry Limpenhowe. Tho. Hobbe of Acle. He exchanged for Holkham in
  • 1353, with John de Merston, who was buried in the chancel in 1387.
  • 1387, Tho. de Wrotham, presented by John Frythe, vicar of St. Stephen's, trustee to John and Walter Daniel, who exchanged it for Sparham in
  • 1387, with James Whitwell, who was presented by the same patron.
  • 1393, John Reed. Ditto: he died rector. Daniel's right was set aside, and John Ocle recovered.
  • 1395, William atte Fen, he died rector. John Ocle, citizen of Norwich.
  • 1414, John Faukes was presented by John and Walter Daniel, citizens of Norwich, who purchased of John Ocle, half an acre of ground called Gundell's half acre in Ocle-field, to which this patronage is appendant, and John Frythe, vicar, was named in the deed. And in
  • 1418, John Daniel, by will desired, this church might be appropriated, to find a chantry priest in St. Stephen's for their three souls, but the vicar could not bring it to bear.
  • John Prince, priest, for whom the following epitaph, which was on a brass in this chancel, is preserved by Mr. Weever, fo. 803.
  • Orate pro animabus Thome Chaunte Aldermanni istius Cibitatis, ac Johanne Uroris sue prime, qui quidem Thomas obiit iiiio die Octob. Ao Dni. Mo hC ri. quorum animabus propicietur deus. 1522, Will.
  • Anno Milleno C quater, totque ad et X quoque bino: Altari summo Tabulam prebet er alabastro, De precio Magno, cupiens Laus hinc fore Christo, Orridui Parte Fenestram fecit honeste, Ordinis Angelici, nec non ter Nomine Trini.
  • 1421, John Barsham, rector, was buried in the chancel.
  • 1421, John Riche, he was buried by him in 1426. Walter Daniel, patron.
  • 1426, Tho. Lynes, buried in the chancel, in 1463. Sir John Erpingham, and Sir Will. Phelip, Knts. John Schotesham, &c. trustees.
  • 1464, Tho. Drantale or Drantall, A. M. who was buried in the chancel in 1501. He was presented by Sir Thomas Boleyn, or Bollen, divine, master or warden of Gonvile-hall in Cambridge. Geffry Chaumpeneys, vicar of St. Stephen's, Thomas Boleyn, junr. John Burgeyn and George Munford, and this Sir Thomas it was, that after much trouble, got the advowson settled on the college, for in
  • 1501, 12 Jan. John Barly or Barlie, S. T. P. though he was then master of Gonvile hall, was presented by the master and scholars of Gunwile hall in Cambridge, and died rector in 1503, and was succeeded in
  • 1504, by Edmund Stubbs, D. D. who succeeded him in his mastership, as well as living, and was presented as before.
  • 1513, William Bokenham, S. T. P. succeeded to the rectory and mastership, and was a great benefactor to the college and living, for he rebuilt the parsonage-house, adorned the church, &c. He was vice-chancellor in 1509, and died here in the 81st year of his age, Ao 1540, having resigned his mastership to John Skypp, D. D. in 1536. Nic. Bokenham, his brother, was a great benefactor to the college.
  • 1540, Roger Overey. He was deprived.
  • 1556, Edmund Harrocke, by lapse.
  • 1561, John Elwyn, the last chantry priest here, was presented, by John Caius, the master, and fellows of Gonvile and Caius college in Cambridge, who presented all the following rectors, the patronage being in that college at this day. Elwyn was buried here.
  • 1569, Humfry Beshby or Busby, res.
  • 1570, Will. Botwine, ob.
  • 1572, John Staller.
  • 1580, Tho. Plombe, senr.
  • 1591, Tho. Plombe, ob.
  • 1600, Richard Stockdale.
  • 1601, Will. Batho, S. T. P. ob.
  • 1625, Rob. King.
  • 1676, Will. Cecill.
  • 1715, Rob. Cory, A. B.
  • 1724, Will. Selth, A. M. United to Melton-Magna, ob. 1740.
  • 1741, The Rev. Mr. Charles Tucke, A. M. the present rector, who holds it united to the consolidated parishes of Melton-Magna, St. Mary's, and All-Saints in Norfolk.

The tower is tall, and square, having a clock, chimes, and musical peal of eight bells, on which,
3d. Per Thome Meritis mereamur gandia Lucis

5th. Uirginis egregie, Uocor Campana Marie,

6th. Munere Baptiste Benedictus sit Chorus iste.

The south porch and isle are leaded, and were built by Gregory Clerk, citizen and alderman of Norwich, who lies interred in it with this inscription,

Orate pro animabus Gregorii Clerk, quondam Cibis t Aldermanni Norwici, qui obiit rrviio die Oct. Ao. Dni. Moccccolrriro et pro anima Agnetis quondam Uroris eiusdem Gregorii, postea Uroris Roberti Thorp Cibis et Aldermanni Norwici que quidem Agnes obiit rvo die Oct. Ao Dni. Mocccccoiiio.

On a stone in this isle with two effigies, is this imperfect inscription, over Gregory Clerk, junior citizen and alderman of this

Cyte, off qwose Soule Thu. have Mercy, the qwyche seyd Gregory depertyd from thys World the rrvi day off the monythe off January, in the Yere off owr Lord God, a thowsand ffyyffe

(1516) He was Mayor 1514, and perfected this isle, which was begun by his father.

Orate pro anima Johanne Clerk, nuper Uroris Gregorii Clerk Junioris, Civis et Aldermanni Norwici, que quidem Johanna obiit xxio die Sept. Ao. ri. Mo. vC xiijo. cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.

On a stone covered with a seat, are the arms of Ferrour, arg. on a bend gul. cotized sab. three bezants impaling Garnish.

Orate pro anima Margarete Ferrore nuper Uroris Rici. Ferrore Civis et Aldermanni Norwici que obiit xixo die Maii Ao. Dni Mo ccccoiio, cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.

At the east end of this isle, is a chapel of beautiful workmanship, made with freestone and black flints; this is the chantry chapel of the Virgin Mary, which was built and endowed with lands and houses, in Norwich, Barnham-Broom, Hunningham, Sprowston, Heigham, and Wood-Dallyng, by Robert Thorp, the founder, in the time of Hen. VII. He lies buried here, under a stone which hath his own effigies, and those of his three wives, and three boys and two girls, but the inscription is lost, though the most part of it is preserved by Mr. Weever, fo. 803. It had the arms of Thorp, az. three crescents arg. on the first shield, and the same arms impaled with those of his three wives, his second wife's arms remain, viz. a fess nebulé between three wolves head's erased.

Pray for the Sowl of Robart Thorp Gentilman, Citezen and Alderman of Norwich, Founder of this Chappyll and Ile, with a Chantrie Prest; be to sing perpetually for the Soul of Robart Thorp, the Sowls of Elyzabeth, Emme, and Agnes Sowls, his Wyfls; the sowl of John Thorp, his kindryd sowls, and al Cristen sowls: the which Robart th yer M. ccccc.

The several chantry priests that served here, are buried in this chapel, the first of which was Sir Richard Walloure, or Waller, by his will dated 1505, he ordered these lines to be fixed to a marble, and laid over him, as they now remain:

Ossa Magistri cuncta Ricardi Walleour ista Urna tenet primi terrea Presbiteri, Er Cantaria, Ueniam sibi posre Maria. Nunc anime cuius propiciare Deus. MD. que quinquies J. Anno Christique sepulti.

Good Frends, prey for Thomas Warnys Master of Arte, here the seronde Chauntry Prist, departed this Worlde on St. Mihil Evyn 1508. (Weever, fo. 803.)

Ao. 1524, Robert Long, citizen of Norwich, and Agnes his wife, gave to Gonvile-hall in Cambridge, the perpetual donation to this chantry, on condition, they constantly nominated an honest priest, or fellow of their college, to reside constantly in the house belonging to Thorp's chantry priest in Norwich, and daily to serve the said chantry.

Orate pro anima Johannis Mebber, Arcium Magistri et can- tarie huius Ecclesie quondam Cappellani qui obiit Ao. Dni. Mo. vC. xxviio cuius anime propicietur deus.

Sir John Elwyn, who afterwards became rector here, was the last chantry priest, and had a pension for life of 6l. 13s. 4d. out of the revenues of his chantry, all which were granted by Edw. VI. Ao 1547, to Sir Edward Warner, Knt. and Ric. Catline, Gent. and their heirs, who in 1549, sold the whole to John Welsh. It was valued to the tax at 8l. 2s. 6d. per annum.

Weever, fo. 803, hath this which, is now lost.

As I am, so sall yee be, Prey for Margery Hore of Cherite.

In 1540, Tho. Atkin, vicar of Mutford, and Margery Hore of the same town, gave 48l. apiece, to Gonvile-hall, to buy lands of the value of 4l. per annum, the same Thomas gave also Pain's close in Worlingham in Suffolk, of 40s. per annum for stipends for three scholars of the diocese of Norwich, 35s. per annum, who are to be chosen by the master and two senior fellows.

"Now hear a Word or two (saith Weever) of the Name Hore. I find saith Verstegan this antiently written Hure, and I find Hure to be also written for the word Hire; and because that such incontinent Women do often lett their Bodies to Hire, this Name was therefore aptly applied unto them. It is in the Netherlands written Hoer, but pronounced Hoor, as wee yet pronounce it, tho' in our later English Ortography (I know not with what Reason) some write it Whore. I find many of this Sirname of good Note, and speciall Regard, in many Places in this Kingdom."

The nave is covered with lead, and is said to have been rebuilt by John Stalon, who was sheriff in 1511, and Stephen Stalon, who served that office in 1512, and lies buried at the west end, with this,
Orate pro anima Stephani Stalon, quondam Uiceromitis Civi- tatis Norwici, gue obiit iiiio die Februarii Ao Dni: 1527, cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.

Alderman Henry Scolhouse, is also said to have been a benefactor, who lies buried in the nave with this,
Orate pro animabus Kenrici Scolows, quondam Aldermanni Cibi tatis Norwici, et Alice consortis sue, quidem Henricus obiit xxv die Der. Ao. dni. Mo. hC xvo.

This on a loose brass,
Of your charyte pray for the soules of Mr. Rafe Dylkyns, sum tyme Maner of this Cyte, which dyed in the yere of our Lorde 1535, And also of Mr. Brayan Tailor sumtyme one of the Auditors of the King's Erchequer, which also dyed in the Yere of Lorde 1555. and Anne sumtyme Wyfe to them both. Of ther Fathers and Mothers Souls, and all Christen Souls, God have mercy, Amen.

Orate pro animabus Johannis Dulman I Katerine Uroris cius quorum animabus propicietur Deus Amen.

Hic iaret Willus: Erasham Ao Dni. Mill: ccccxlij.o

Orate pro animabus Johis: Swaloi Domine Clizabethe Mor- ley t Alicie Ur.

Orate pro anima Margarete Bacton, cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

Hic iacet Willus: Jselham nuper Civis et Mercator Norwici, cuius anime propicietur Deus.

Round the brass eagle, which weighs above 200 weight, is this,
Orate pro animabus Willmi: Wesrbrok, Rose et Johanne Urorum eius Ao Dni. Mocccclxxxxiij.

Orate pro anima Edmundi Laws, cuius anime propicietur deus Amen. (By the Font.)

  • 1497, John Bishop, Esq. buried in the church, gave 10l. towards rebuilding it. In 1373, Will. Plommer, and in 1469, Walter Blake, mercer, were buried here.

The north isle and chantry chapel of St. John the Baptist, were built by Will. Ramsey, who lies buried in his chapel under a large altar tomb robbed of all its brasses, except his merchant's mark, and the initial letters of his name on each side it, and on the window are two rams and an A, as a rebus for Ramsa or Ramsey; he was sheriff in 1498, and mayor in 1502 and 1508, in which year the chapel was finished; in 1504, Will. Herte, chaplain here, desired to be buried on the north side of the church, within the precinct of the new ele, there to be edified, and ordered a gravestone to be laid over him, which is now disrobed of its brasses. In 1505, Agnes Parker was buried in this chapel, by John Ebbes, her late husband, and settled a rent charge out of her tenement to find a lamp before the rood.

In 1513, Sir John Cleyton was chantry priest and curate here.

Orate pro anima Roberti Harridans Arcium Magistri in Medicinis Bachalarii, Merceri et Cibis Norwici, qui obiit Anno Domini 1513, et die Mensis Februarii iio

This Robert Harridans, who is said to be master of arts, bachelor of physick, mercer and citizen of Norwich, was a physician of note in those days, and was not a mercer by trade, but only free of the mercers company in London.

Orate pro animabus Helene et Elizabethe Godfrey Filiarum Willi: Godfrey Uicecomitis Civitatis Norwici, quarum animabus propicietur deus. Ao. Dni: xvC. xxxo. (In the north isle.)

Sponsa facet talis, Welyam Roo que fuit alis, Sed sibi non ite, rogo, dices, Christe venite. (In the nave.)

(In the nave.)

Hier licht begran. ven Franchoys Vander Bekefs Huberts Van Ypre wyt Vlandren Staf Den xviii Dach May Anno Mccccclxxvij.

A griffin holds a shield, on which, a chevron between two stars in chief, and a crescent in base.

The chancel, as well as the north isle, and chapel and vestry at the east end of it, are all covered with lead.

The carpet at the altar formerly belonged to the altar of the north chapel, and had a crucifix, and Mary and John on it, though now picked out, and there are several angels with labels, on which,

Da Gloriam Deo. Credo quod Redemptor meus vivit. Mortui venite ad Judicium.

Anne the 2d Dr. of Henry and Mary Plombe, Anno 1596, 16. Tho. Fen 1596, 59.

Mr. Henry Fawcett that great benefactor to the city, and this parish, (see Pt. I. p. 368, 9,) died 1619, and was buried in the north chapel; his tomb is now broken through to make a passage into the vestry; his arms on a bend three dolphins with a crescent gul. for difference, still remain.

There is an inscription on a board standing in the vestry, which formerly hung by Fawcet's tomb, round which is a vine springing from the bottom, with leaves and bunches of grapes, between which are 24 labels, with inscriptions on them:

A deserved Memorial upon the worshipfull and worthy Benefactor to this City and Country, Mr. Henry Fawcet, who departed this Life, the 21 of Jan. 1619.

Stay Reader here, and e're a Foot thou pass, See what thou art, and what once Fawcit was, Whose Body resteth in the Earthly Bed, But heavenly Soule, to Heaven it's home, is fled: What in his Life he did, Behold! the Root, Body, Branches, and afterward the Fruit, Of him that lived by his Godly care, Of him that died with a heavenly fear, For look, how many Branches here you see, So many Hands imagine, hath this Tree, Not dealing Pence, unto the poor around, But Royally imparting, by the Pound, Oh! England, might in every City be, So brave a Vine, so beautifull a Tree, To check the base, and viler Shrubs below, Who now on Earth, unprofitable grow, But Fawcit, now thou art in lasting Fame, Let Rich admire thee, Poor, will bless thy Name, In Earth thy Body Sleep, thy Soul above, With Angeis rest, in Charity and Love, And Norwich mourn thy loss, not like to See, Hereafter, such another, like to thee.

1. To all his Godchildren 10s. a piece.

2. To a Widow and her Infant 8s. 8d.

3. 10l. for a Stock for 2 Joiners, for three Years, Gratis.

4. 10l. for a Stock of Coals for the Poor of St. Michael in Coselany.

5. For the mending of a Bridge at Hustangill 20l.

6. 20l. to the French for a Stock for their Poor.

7. 20l. for a Stock for 6 Darnick Weavers, to last for ever.

8. 40l. to set poor Masons to Work in Winter, Stock to last for ever.

9. 6l. Annualty for 2 poor Women during their lives.

10. 10l. a Year to maintain a School Master, at Haughlin-hall in Craven.

11. For the Preachers at the Common Place in Norwich, for ever.

12. 300l. for a stock among 10 Poor Worsted Weavers for ever.

13. 15l. a Year to keep Worsted Weavers in St. Giles's Hospital.

14. 100l. to the Hospital of this City for Orphants.

15. 10l. p. Ann. to Cloath 10 naked Worsted Weavers in Fibridge Ward.

16. Unto 2 Poor Maidens Marriages 60l.

17. 33l. 6s. 8d. for a Stock for ever for the Poor in Fybridge Ward.

18. 20l. to be lent to 4 Shoemakers for 4 Years, the Stock for ever.

19. 20l. for the Dutch for a Stock for their Poor.

20. 23s. 8d. for an Annual Commemoration here.

21. 10l. for a Stock for Blacksmiths, for 3 Years.

22. To the City Poor, presently to be distributed 10l.

23. To the Prisoners in the Castle or Guild-hall 10 Chaldrons of Coals.

24. To every Lazer House to be distributed presently 10s. a-piece.

On a stone covered, a fess between two chevrons, a de-lis for difference, quartering 1st, a frette. 2d, on a bend three mullets pierced.

In the east window of the south isle, a bear's head erased sab. muzzled arg. a crescent or, Ao Dni. 1577. In the east window of the north isle, the deanery impales a castle, on a chief sab. a mitre or, between three snakes or, and a cinquefoil for difference. This was the arms and rebus of Dean Castleton; see Pt. I. p 617.

At the west end, are the arms of Gonvile and Caius College.

There were in this church, before the Dissolution, the altar and light of St. William of Norwich before his image. The lights of St. Catherine, St. Margaret, St. Michael, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Anne, St. Christopher, St. John, St. Thomas, and that in the basin before the sacrament, the rood or perke light, the sepulchre light; and those before the images of the Virgin Mary in Thorp's chantry, and of St. John Baptist in Ramsey's chantry.

  • 1498, July 8, it was decreed by the Bishop, that whereas the feast of the dedication of this church used to be kept the same day with that of the dedication of the cathedral; it should now be altered to Monday after Relique Sunday.
  • Henry Playford gave 20s. yearly to the rector, to find a lamp continually burning in the chancel before the high-altar; and 31 Henry VIII. Thomas Morley, who owned the tenement that was tied for it, paid it.

In the beginning of Edw. I. Richard de Brekles, chaplain founded

St. Saviour's Hospital in Coselany


And in 1297, Richard de Coselany, fishmonger, conveyed to the founder, a stall in the bread-market, by the stall of the fraternity of St. Mary and St. Augustine. And in 1304, the said King confirmed the foundation, and granted license to hold all the revenues in FrankAlmoign. After which I have met with nothing concerning this hospital.

The religious concerned here were the Priors of Mendham, whose temporals were taxed at 12d.; of Binham 12d.; of Mungè, Mountjoy, or Haverlond 3s. 4d.; of Ixworth 2s.; of Hickling 5s. 11d.; of Westacre 5s.; the Abbots of Holm 2s. 4d.; of Saveyne 18s. 8d.; the Prioress of Carrowe 10s. 8d.; the Prior of Norwich at 7s.

The altar here is lately fitted up handsomely, being laid with the black and white marble which came out of the Earl of Yarmouth's private chapel at Oxnead, and was given by Mr. William Tuck of St. Peter's in Hungate, who purchased it. There are the four Evangelists at length, and a piece of the resurrection, painted by Mr. Heins.

In the south chantry,

John Buller, Son of John and Sarah Balderstone 1733. Nic. Vipond Gent. Attorney at Law, 13 May, 60.

In the chancel,

Will. Cockman Esq; Mayor in 1711, died 1733, 82. Sarah his Relict 1735, 75. Anna-Maria Dr. of Charles and Anne Harwood 1723, 3. so soon passeth it away, and we are gone. Maria-Anna another Dr. 1726. Mary their Dr. 1730. Salter their Son 1723. Alice their Dr. 1731.

Salter's arms and crest, impaling sab. a fess parted per pale, indented gul. and erm. between three cross-croslets ar. Roger Salter, Gent. 1698, 76. Mary his wife 1706, 76.

Crest, an armed arm in pale, holding an arrow. Dover, three arrows, the points meeting as piles in point, on a chief three rocks, impaling Salter Francis Dover 1720, 46.

In the north chapel:

Hic jacet Maria Uxor Johannis Annyson, quæ obijt 24 die Julij A°. Æt. 29, et Sal. Humanæ 1700. John Annyson her Husband, 1715, 43, and 3 of their children. Sarah his 2d Wife 1738, 56. Daniel son of John Masingbard, Gent. 1701, 25. Mark Masingbard 1704, both born at Thorney Abby in the Isle of Ely.

Moulton, arg. three bars gul. eight escalops sab. 3, 2, 2, 1, impaling three doves. Crest, a dove standing on a stone.

M. S. Elizabetha Johannis Moulton Uxor, Arnoldi Wallen Filia, utriusq; dilectissima, ad plures abijt 18° Sept. 1703, æt. 22.

Browne per bend A. S. three mascles counterchanged, impaling three castles. Crest, a demi-griffin displayed, with a snake twined about its neck. Hic sitæ sunt exuviæ Stephani Browne, cohortis Armigeræ apud Norvicenses, Ducis, qui obijt 14 Maij A. D. 1723. natus annos 37. Juxtaque ejusdem Liberi Quatuor. John Wigget 1720, 76. Abigail his Wife 1719, 66. James their son late of Calthorp, 1734, 53. Tho. Andrews, merchant, 1709, 67.

In the north isle,

Mary wife of John Rudsdell 1743, 34. John Whetewr 1655. Anne Dr. of Will. and Jane Maltby of Orston in Nottinghamshire 1717, 29. Mary Hallewijck widow 1661. Richard Skeeles, Gent. and Eliz his wife, dr. of Ric. Drury, Esq. of Bluntisham in Huntingdonshire 1723, 20. Ben. Cobb 1720, 79. Christian 1719, 70.

In the nave,

Robert Mitchell, 20 Years a faithfull Servant to the Salter's of this parish, 1723, 34. John Son of John and Eliz. Richardson 1742, 1. Nathaniel Ragge 1713, 69, Anne his Wife 1734, 77. Charles Verbeeke 1648. Sarah Cook 1707. Susanna Master 1733, 72. Samuel Hasbert late of Stoke Holy Cross, and Lydia his wife, he died 1703, 36, she 1731, 70. Eliz. their Dr. 1733, 43.

John Fremoult M. D. 1711, 28. Samuel Fremoult Brewer, 1727, 48. Joel Fremoult Attorney at Law 1728, 56. Resurgemus.

By the font,

Joel Freemoult, born in this Parish, and Judith Dr. of John Shoulder his Wife, born at Canterbury, where they had Issue, 5 Sons and 4 Daughters, 7 whereof do still Survive them, and are living monuments of their paternal Care and Industry, he died 1708, 66, She 1706, 56. Eliz. wife of Sam. son of Sam. Fremoult Brewer, 1743, 25.

Sarah wife of John Day, Dr. of William & Christian Jackson of Carlton Scroop in Lincolnshire 1737, 33. Sarah their Dr. 1732, Bridget their Dr. 1737, 4. Eliz. Filia Josephi Alanson Clerici & Annæ Uxoris 1701. The said Joseph is buried by her, and was Rector of St. Simon & Jude, & died in 1736, æt. 82. See p. 355.

Dover's arms as before, with a bear's paw erased for a crest. Motto, NIHIL UTILE QUOD NON HONESTUM.

H. S. E. Samuel Dover Generosus, ob Legum peritiam, Morumque Probitatem, undique notus obijt xvi° Nov. A° Sal. MDCCXXXVI. æt. LXVII°.

I find by the register these persons were buried in this church. 1559, Mr. Leonard Sotherton. 1571, Serjeant John Mason. 1583, Mrs. Sotherton. 1600, Alderman Christopher Soame & Anne his Wife in 1581. In 1568, Mary Dr. of Mr. Ralph Shelton, and in 1569, Kat. Dr. of Roger Wodehouse Esq. were baptised here.

Queen Elizabeth's mausoleum is painted over the south door, and this on the east side of it,

Stay Passenger, who e're thou art, retard thy Pace, View here the Mem'ry, of a Majestick Race, See here the Emblem of a dying State, Proves clear, that all alike, must stoop to Fate, This Urn, no common Ashes doth contain, The enclosed Majesty, seems Still to Reign, Only being wearied, with the World's Contest, Tamely Retires, here to take it's Rest: And 'tis but Just, that She, who made Religion shine Should in her Temple, still retain a shrine, But least this Monument, Should not display, The greatness of the Jewele, which doth lay Within it, stay yet further, & thou wilt see, The true Import of this Effigie.

On the west side,

Here lies Elizabeth, whose Royal breath, Gave true Religion Life, & false one Death, Whose Zeal & Power join'd, alike to advance, God's Honour, Christians Glory, and Church Ordinance. To say no more; she liv'd, she reign'd, she dy'd, A Christian Queen, fit to be Canoniz'd.

Queen Elizabeth came in progress to Norwich 16 Aug. 1578, and died on the eve of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary 1602.

The tradition is, that she lodged in a house in this parish; which is false, for she lodged during the whole time she was here, at the Bishop's palace. (See Pt. I. p. 332.)

There is a mural monument in the churchyard, against the west steeple wall, for Tho. Mason 1708, 69. Jane his Wife 1700, 66. David his Son 1703, 30. Eliz. his Daughter 1672, 12.

On the south side of the churchyard are two altar tombs, for Mary Dr. of Mr. John Pecke, and Mary his Wife 1718, 31. And Mr. John Pecke 1715, 58. Mr. John Pecke his Son 1716, 23.

There are memorials also, for John Cornish, Martha Wife of Geo. Wilson 1730, 56. Ambrose, Mary & Anne, their Children. George their Son, who successfully applied himself to Philosophical Inquiries, 1735, 28. John Wignall 1737, 52. Eliz. his Wife 1722, 35. And 2 Children.

And now having gone through the whole city, I shall proceed by

(137) Heigham-Gages


From their low situation, and the odd appearance that the street leading to these gates hath, to any one that looks down it, from Charyng-Cross; it being a prodigious chasm and declivity, like the entrance of the ancient poets' hell. This was a postern only, till lately, when it was taken down to be made a passage for carriages, since which time it hath never been built, but lies open and in ruins.

As soon as you are out of this gate, you enter the parish of Heham, Eeham, or, as it is now called,



Which was in the hundred of Humbleyard in Norfolk, till it was afterwards made part of the county of the city of Norwich, as it now remains, it being in the ward of West-Wimer, and as such enjoys all privileges, &c. of the city and ward.

It took its name from its situation on the river, Ea-ham, or Heham, being no more than the village at the water. This town was given by Wulfricus, a Saxon, (who then owned it,) to the abbey of Holm in Norfolk, and I take it to be that Wolfric, who began to repair the chapel of St. Benedict at Holm, after Inguar and Hubba the Danes, had demolished the old chapel, and killed the hermits that resided there, of whom there is a full account in the Monasticon, vol. i. fo. 283; for it appears by Domesday Book, that it belonged to the abbey from its foundation, and was held at three carrucates, two of which were demeans, and the other in the hands of the tenants; the whole in the Confessor's time was worth 4l. per annum, and 5l. in the Conqueror's. There was also a freeman under the abbot's protection, who had 33 acres of land and meadow valued at 2s. per annum, and it paid 2d. 3q. to the geld or tax. Abbot William, the first of that name, granted to Thomas, son of Thurburn the priest, this town of Heham, in fee-farm for life; and William, the second abbot of that name, granted it to Richard Basset in fee-farm for life, at 10l. per annum, and agreed to receive him into the fraternity of their convent, and annually kept his obit. This deed being curious for its form, handwriting, and seal, Sir Simonds D'ewes, to whom Sir Will. Neve, Clarencieux, gave it, had it engraved, and the exact representation of it appears on the copperplate here inserted: concerning which, I have added a note of Sir Simond's own writing. In the time of Hen. II. a fine was levied of this manor, and it was confirmed to the abbot by Will. de Neovillâ or Nevile, and Henry his brother; and the King gave special order, that the abbot should not lose his land, enclosed within the New Ditch that the burgesses of Norwich had made without the town, after the death of Henry I. This included all Lower or Nether Heyham, which was always in the suburbs of Norwich, and was made as the boundary for the liberties of the city. In Henry the Third's time the Abbot had view of frankpledge, and the assise of bread and ale, a common gallows, and other liberties, so that the King's Bailiff of Humbleyard hundred was present in court, and received 2s. yearly. And it appears, that this manor was then held as parcel of the abbot's barony of Tunsted. In 1227, the abbot granted to Peter and Nicholas Chese, 24 acres of land, and half a water-mill, in Heham, with common of pasture for 200 sheep; and in 1242, the abbot conveyed to Robert Hauteyn, common of fishery in the waters and rivers of Heham and Heylesden, viz. free fishing from the head of the mill-dam of Heham on both sides the river to Kelbes-acre; and Will. le Boteler released to Abbot Nicholas, all his right of commonage in King's Holm and Unkelbeve meadow, and elsewhere in this town; these mills were called

Chese's, Bumpstede's, Appleyard's, or Westwic Mills, and stood near Heyham-gates in Heyham; Robert son of John Chese, sold his part in 1292, to Peter de Bumpstede and Kat. his wife. John son of Peter had it; and now there were two mills under one roof, one held of the abbot, and the other of the Prior; they after belonged to Will. Appleyerd, and Nic. Appleyerd, Esq. and in 1470, to Margaret Appleyerd; in 1536, the Bishop of Norwich, as Abbot of St.Bennet, leased out all his watermill in Heigham next Norwich, and all the houses belonging thereto, and a meadow between the mill-dam and the water descending from Scalby, and the great meadow, and the meadow environed with water coming from the said mill, lying on the east part thereof, and all the right of fishing from and against St. Laurence's-acre, on the west part of the mill, unto, and against the creke of water, between Heigham-common, and the great meadow on the east part of the same.

In 1393, it was agreed and acknowledged by the city, that the abbot's tenants and the parishioners of Heigham, were not to be summoned or distrained by the bailiffs of Norwich, in any case.

The abbot was taxed for his temporalities here at 13l. 9s. 7d. and the whole village paid 2l. 5s. to the tenths, but had a deduction of 9s. out of it on account of the lands belonging to the religious.

In 1549, Thomas Holl farmed the manor of the bishoprick, at 16l. 16s. 3d. q. per annum, and had for his fee as bailiff of it 4l. per annum, and 4l. 16s. for 6 combs of corn to be delivered at the palace for the Bishop's use. (See Pt. I. p. 147.)

The manor is now held by lease of the bishoprick, and the advowson of the rectory is still appendant to it. The following

Were Presented By The Abbots Of Holm.

  • 1313, John de Hovetone, accolite.
  • 1314, Will. de Broke, accolite, who changed for Swanton rectory, in
  • 1320, with Alexander de Berneye, priest.
  • 1327, Silvester at Gates of Norwich, priest, who changed for Brunton, in
  • 1354, with John de Thefford, who was succeed by
    Rob. Kenton.
  • 1397, Roger Batt, on whose death in
  • 1443, John Poppy was instituted, who resigned in
  • 1445, to Master John Aylesham, at whose death in
  • 1449, the said Rob. Poppy, who was then a licenciate in the decrees, was instituted again, and in
  • 1454, changed it for Weston Longvile, with Master Simon Thornham, who the same day changed it for Yaxham, with
    Master Hugh Acton, who died in 1455, and was succeeded by
    Tho. Folkard, who was buried in the chancel in 1461, and gave a silver cup and cover to the altar; and was succeeded by
    Ric. Brakeburge, on whose resignation in
  • 1465, John Munde had it, and was buried here in 1504.
  • Elias Bartram succeeded, and died rector in
  • 1517, and Henry Wyat, Knt. as assignee to the abbot, gave it to
    John Thuxton, who resigned in 1523, to Cornelius Balls, who died rector in
  • 1526, and Will. Page, A. M. was the last presented by Holm convent.

In 1555, the Bishop, as Abbot of Holm, having all the spiritualities and temporalities of that abbey, presented
Will. Askoe, and the Abbot's portion of 20s. out of this church, was taxed at 2s.

  • 1576, John Morgan. The Bishop reserved two parts of the tithes of the demeans to himself, at this institution.
  • 1585, Tho. Plumbe; he died rector in 1660, and was succeeded by Paul Chapman, A. M. and afterwards, B.D. who in the year 1603, returned 140 communicants in this parish, and that he held it united to Titshall; at his death in 1630,
  • Tho. Stokes, A. M. was presented, and was ejected out of this, and Carleton-Road rectory, by the Earl of Manchester, Apr. 28, 1644, though he had a wife and three children, for refusing to contribute to the rebellion, &c. and after many intruders in 1652, Bishop Hall, after he had retired to this suburbian village, instituted
    John Whitefoot, sen. his friend, into this rectory, who enjoyed it peaceably till his resignation, to his son
    John Whitefoot, junior, in 1682, at whose death, in
    1731, the Rev. Mr. Anthony Aufrere, A. M. the present [1745] rector, was instituted, being presented by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in right of his option.

It is valued in the King's Books (by the name of Higham by Norwich) at 6l. 13s. 4d. and pays 13s. 4d. yearly tenths, and not being discharged, is incapable of augmentation; it pays no synodals, as being in the Bishop's patronage, but 6s. 8d. procurations, being subject to the visitation of the Archdeacon of Norfolk; but pays no first fruits. At Norwich Domesday's valuation, there was neither house nor glebe; it was valued at eight marks, besides the abbot's portion of 20s. which was a perpetual composition made with the rector, in lieu of two parts of the tithes of his demeans, which were due to the convent, The carvage was 2d. and the Peter-pence 18d. The church was dedicated to St. Bartholomew, and there was a gild kept in it, in honour of that Saint and the Blessed Virgin. It is called in many wills, "Staunford St. Bartilmew next Norwich," and the town is sometimes called Heham or Staunford.

The religious concerned here were, the Abbot of Bury, who had land of the gift of Gilbert le Claver, and confirmation of Alexander de la Cressimere. The Abbot of Langley, who had 46s. 3d. of lands and rents here, and in Erlham; and the Prior of Bukenham 2s. 6d.

The church and chancel are 26 yards long; the breadth, including the isle, is 11 yards; there is a north porch, and square tower with three bells in it; the church is thatched, the isle and chancel are leaded.

In 1377, Alice de Rockland was buried in the church, and Ralf Stalon, barkere, or tanner, in 1471.

Thomas Holly, or Holl, of Aylesham, married Lucy, daughter of Mr. Newport of Pelham in Hertfordshire; he bare or, on a chevron sab. three unicorns heads erased, attired arg. Crest, a sea-dragon gul. gutté de or, which was confirmed by Rob. Cook, Clarencieux, A° 1576, in which it is said, to be first granted to John Holly of Norwich, he died in 1557, and is buried in this church, and left John, Thomas, and Henry, his brothers, Tho. and Edmund, his sons, and the advowson of Swanton, he gave his wife. Tho. Holl, Esq. his eldest son, lies by him; who by Jane, daughter of Mr. Barker of Norwich, had two sons, John Holl of Metton in Norfolk, who married Alice, daughter of Mr. Anthony Styles of Norwich; and Thomas Holl, Esq. his second son, who died March 3, 1630, as a brass plate shows, on which is his effigies. Thomas Holl, lord of the manor, died 1628, 62. Elen, Dr. of Augustine Holl, Esq. 1633. Holl impales Wodehouse of Waxham, for Frances, wife of Aug. Holl, Esq. eldest daughter of Will. Wodehouse of Waxham; which Augustine was son of Rob. Holl, by a daughter of Jenney's. Rob. Holl, brother and heir to Augustine, (who had no issue,) married Anne, daughter of Sir Tho. Guybon of Thursford, and had Augustine Holl, lord of the manor of Twyford in 1720.

In the chancel, Bishop Hall's monument, and other stones of his family, for which see Pt. I. p. 580.

In Memoriam Thomæ Hearinge Armigeri qui obijt xxi° die Martij A. D. 1636, Æt. suæ 85. Hoc Monumentum Thomas Dey, and Rob. Norse Generosi Executores Testamenti sui posuerunt.

Quis jacet hic? Thomas Hearinge, qualis, Deus ipse, (Dicere si fas sit) Largitione Piâ.

Quæ fecit, dum vixit, egenis munera sparsit, Qualia, vix unquam secula nostra vident, Mors qualis fuerat moribundus pace beatus, Dona serens, summi scandit ad astra poli.

On a hatchment, 1st sab. three pheons arg. quartering Herring, az. three herrings arg. impaling, arg. on a bend az. between three demilions passant gul. three bezants, a chief indented per fess arg. and sab.

Gwynn, gul. on a chevron between three lions saliant or. Eliz. wife of Rice Gwyn of Fakenham, Esq. 1654. Eliz. daughter of Robert and Mary Johnson 1669. Charles Rawlins senior, 1646. Anne his wife, daughter of Nic. Dannock Esq. 1654. Mr. John Brabourne; he gave 100l. to the Children's hospital, 12l. to 12 poor parishes, and 5l. to the poor of this parish. Mrs. Anne Guybon 1688.

Sir Peter Seaman (see p. 282) bought the lease of the manor and estate, &c. of Mr. Holl; and Thomas Seaman, Esq. about 1720, sold or mortgaged it to Sir John Blount, Bart. upon his purchasing Beeston by Norwich.

There is a mural monument for Tho. Seaman, Esq. who died in 1700. His arms and those of Copland, art impaled, viz. arg. two fesses and a canton gul. a bend az.

Thomas Seaman of Heigham, Esq. some time sheriff of Norfolk, and also some time Sheriff of the City of Norwich, married Eliz. daughter of John Copland of Yoxford in Suffolk Gent. and had six sons and four daughters, died Aug. 18, 1700, æt. 68.

There are stones in the body of the church for, Anne wife of Will. Fitz-John, 1698, and Will. their son. In the south isle, Edmund Cullier 1687, 56. Will. Callyer 1715, 65. Thomas son of Laurence Marsh. Martha late wife of the said Laurence, Dr. of Tho. Elwin, 1667, Laurence Marsh 1690, 82.

Augustine Elwyn son of Will. 1666, 35. Will. son of Thomas Elwyn 1655, 60. Eliz. wife of Edw. Culver Dr. of Will. Elwyn 1679. Tho. son of Will. Elwyn 1648, 82. Mary wife of Daniel Reeve, Dr. of Will. Elwyn 1668. Eliz. wife of Will. Elwyn, eldest son of Thomas, 1666, 66. Will. Elwyn 1686, 46. Tho. son of Will. and Eliz. Elwyn 1676, 2. Eliz. their Dr. 1679, 1.

Robert Powell, Gent. some time Sheriff of Norwich, 1695. By will proved in the Archdeacon of Norfolk's court, Dec. 2, 1675, John Powell of Heigham, Gent. tied his house and lands in Heigham for an annuity of 20s. for ever, to be paid to the church-wardens on St. Thomas's day, by them and the overseers to be then divided, where most needs is, and not to ease any rates.

Will. Rogers, who was mayor in 1542, and 1548, gave 300l. to the relief of merchants and other inhabitants of Norwich, to be lent interest free yearly, by 5, 10, or 20l. at the most, by the mayor and three justices of the peace; no man to have any of the sums above two years at the most; and tied 200l. of it to be forfeited to the town of Yarmouth, if any part of the money be lost, and the rest to Lyn, for the same purposes; he purchased and gave Pakenham's manor in Shropham, to God's-house, and tied it to pay 10l. per annum (for the discharge of tolls and customs in the market and fairs kept in the city) on every Michaelmas day, and the rest to clothe the poor in God's-house. And Kath. his wife gave 100l. in like manner as her husband's 300l. and 12 acres in Heigham, out of which, 30 shillings yearly to be divided on the day after the Epiphany, when the account of the loan money is to be publickly passed by the mayor and three justices, who are to declare to 60 poor people, who are to be summoned to attend at the door, who have the several sums. The mayor to have 5s. the three justices 5s. the town-clerk 5s. for engrossing the account and declaring to whom the money is lent, the chamberlain for keeping the bonds and books 20d. to the sword-bearer 1s.; 2s. to two officers to warn the persons, 4d. to the door-keeper of the council-chamber, and 10s. to be equally divided among the 60 poor people. (Ex Indent. in le Gild-hall, and Will Book, fo. 16.)

(138) The Leper-houses at Westwic or Bennet-gates, were purchased in 1584, by the city, of Thomas and Nic. Layer, and were called the Spitel-cotes, or cottages, and had a garden belonging to them.



Commonly called Arlham, was also formerly part of Humbleyard hundred, but is now in the county of Norwich, part of it being laid to West-Wimer-ward, and part to the ward of St. Peter in Mancroft.

At the time of the Conquest, and many ages after, there were two manors here, one held by Uluiet of the King, as of his manor of Eaton, and the other of Alan E. of Richmond, as of his manor of Hetherset, besides three freemen that held 43 acres in this town, which belonged to Bowthorp manor. The capital manor, which then belonged to Uluiet, was, with the King's manor of Eaton, in the custody of Godric, and had belonged, as Eaton did, to Edric of Laxefeld, the ancestor of Rob. Malet, in the time of the Confessor; it had a carucate of land, and 16 acres of meadow in demean, and 10 freemen that held 80 acres; it was one mile and a furlong long, and a mile broad, and paid 8d. q. to the geld. There was a church which had 15 acres and an half of glebe, then worth 15d. per annum.

Ole the Thane held the other manor, as part of Hetherset, in the Confessor's days, and a freeman held it afterwards of Edric de Laxfeld, ancestor to Robert Malet, and Ribald held it of Alan Earl of Richmond, as of his manor of Hetherset, in the Conqueror's, when it was worth 12s.; it was afterwards held by the Bygods from the Conquest. In 1370, William Wyset, and other trustees, settled it on Catherine widow of Sir Will. de la Pole, sen. Knt. and Edmund her son; after which, it was divided into many parts, and is now united to

The Capital Manor


Which belonged very early to the family sirnamed de Alta Villa, Hautvile, or Hauvile; for in 1196, Ralph de Havile came and fixed here, and took the sirname of De Erlham, and so became founder of that family; which continued lords and patrons many ages; in 1199, this Ralf being then a knight, purchased of Humfry his brother, all his inheritance in Erlham for 100s. paid to Humfry for his pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and a settlement made on Miryld, daughter of Humfry, who escheated her lands by marrying Jurnet the Jew. In 1216, Ralf de Alta Villa or Hauvile, of Dunston, had custody of a part of this manor; and Roger de Erlham, had a 16th part of a fee here. In 1235, John son of Ralf de Erlham held this town by petit serjeanty, or the service of the cross-bow, to defend Norwich castle, and Ric. de Worsted, heir of Catherine de Worsted, had a part of the manor, held by the same service. In 1256, Hugh de Erlham held it, by finding a cross-bow and archer, in time of war, to guard Norwich castle, for 30 days, at his own cost. In 1272, this manor was divided into two, and Rob. de Worthstede was lord of one of them, and held it (per servitium arbalastariæ) with his estate in Swainsthorp; this Robert in 1275, sold all he had here, by divers parcels, viz. 50 acres to the Abbot of Langley; some to Ralph de Erlham, others to the Earl Marshal, &c. so that their two manors were increased, and his totaily lost, and small free-tenements with services and rents belonging to them, erected out of it. In 1286, Ralph de Erlham's manor was valued at 40l. and he paid a rent to the Exchequer yearly, of 40s. in lieu of his serjeanty; he died in 1295, and left Jeffery his son and heir; and another son named John. In 1313, Rob. de Erlham was lord; and in 1318, Jeffery de Erlham, and in 1345, the heir of Roger de Erlham had the 16th part of a fee, which Reginald de Erlham held before; this now was a small manor by itself. In 1369, John de Erlham, the capital lord, died, and left John his son, his heir; and held the manor by 3l. paid to Norwich castle, in lieu of his serjeanty, and five acres of land and 50s. rent, of the Earl of Suffolk, by 10s. and suit of court to Cossey twice a year; and in 1370, King Edward III. granted to this John, liberty of free-warren within his manor here. He sealed with a fess voided, in chief three mullets. 1401, Rob. Aleyn of Erleham, and Margery his wife, had this manor from John de Erleham, and settled it on William Blickling of Norwich, in trust; he died in 1436, and Robert his son succeeded, being then 40 years old; he paid 40s. per annum for Norwich-castle-guard, and died in 1465, and Robert Aleyn his cousin was his heir, and 20 years old. In 1479, John Alyn or Alleyne was lord, whose widow Joan had it, and died in 1483, and Thomas Allen, brother to John, had it; and in 1518, Agnes Multon settled it by fine on him; he died in 1544, and left Edmund his son and heir, who had license to alien it to Rob. Barney, who settled it on the said Edmund and Cecily, daughter of John Corbet, senior of Spixworth, his wife; in 1551, Edmund had license to alien it to John Allen, brother to Rob. Allen of Little Melton; and he and Dorothy his wife had it in 1567, and conveyed it in 1571, to Edward Downes and Eliz. his wife, at which time Andrew Thetford, Gent. had the small manor here; and in 1593, Downes sold it to Sir Charles Cornwaleis of Horsham St. Faith, Knt. who in 1608 sold it to Sir Henry Hobart, Knt. Attorney-general, Sir John Hobart of St. Mary Spittle in Middlesex, Knt. Edward Hobart of Hales-hall in Loddon, Gent. and Robert Hobart of Clifford's Inn in London, Gent. brothers of Sir John, and they had collateral security from Sir Charles, Edward Mapes, John Pain, and Thomas Herming, Esq. who all had some interest in it. In 1612, Tho. Plumstede, Gent. and John Gooch, surrendered all their right in the manor, to Thomas Holt and Jonas Pitts, Gents.; and in 1657, Robert Houghton of Erlham, Esq. died seized of them; Thomas Houghton sold them to Thomas Waller, Esq. serjeant at law, third son of Thomas Waller of Gregorys in Beconsfield in Bucks, Esq. who died in 1682, (he had Thomas, a son, who died before him Ao. 1666,) and Eliz. his eldest daughter married. Francis Bacon, Esq. descended from Edward Bacon, Esq. son to Lord-Keeper Bacon; he died in 1679, and their son, Waller Bacon, Esq. became sole lord and patron; he married Mary, daughter of Richard Porter of Framlingham in Suffolk, who died in 1701, and he in 1734, and left it to

Edward Bacon, Esq. the present [1745] lord and patron, who hath his seat here.

Erlham-bridge was built of stone in 1502, by the will of Tho. Bachcroft of Little Melton, who gave his estate to be sold for that purpose, and to make a stone cross by it, and put on it a scripture, desiring the passengers to pray for his soul, and the souls of Margaret his wife, his father's and mother's, and of Tho. Northwold and Margaret his wife. It was rebuilt in 1579, and now again in 1744.

In 1616, Lucy Suckling, daughter and coheir of Dr. Edmund Suckling, had liberty of free-fishery belonging to her messuage in Erleham, in the common river, from St. Laurence's Acre, to Hellesdenmills, and the manor hath the like right.

In 1428, the town was distinguished, as now, into Superiour or Upper, and Inferiour, Nether, or Lower Erleham; and this year, William Bishop of Lincoln, William Bishop of Sarum, and other feoffees, released 100 acres of land, &c. but no manor, to Sir John Fastolff of Caster by Yarmouth, Knt. who died seized of it in 1459.

These religious houses had revenues here. The Prior of Norwich, whose 'temporals were valued at 16s. 3d. ob. St. Giles's hospital had a messuage and 100 acres of land, part of Gilbert de Erlham's serjeanty, given by John Cusyn of Norwich in 1318, for a chantry for him in the hospital. In 1207, King John confirmed to the canons at Hickling, the land here, which Theobald de Valoynes their founder, gave them. In Henry the Third's time, Will. le Goldsmith gave 51 acres of land, which he had of the Prior of Walsingham, who had it of Rob. de Worsted, to St. Bennet in the Holm. The Abbot of Langley's temporals here were valued at 46s. 3d. they were lands and rents given by Rob. Altus, or Le Haut, whose son Ralph de Alta Villa, or Hauvile, called also de Erlham, confirmed them; and his son William confirmed the gift of his grandfather, and Ivoria his grandmother, viz. a tenement and 48 acres; and he, as lord here, confirmed the gift of Odo de Wiclewood. Nicholas, son of Reginald Picot of Norwich, confirmed the land at Erlham Hae, which his father purchased of Rob. de Worsted lying by that land which Ralf de Erlham gave to Holm abbey. Reginald, son of Henry, son of John de Erlham, priest, confirmed the lands purchased of his father, and of Maud Diggard, his father's sister. In 1522, Rob. Abbot of Langley, and his convent, sold to Sir Will. Paston, Knt. all their possessions in Erlham, Bowthorp, Melton, and Heigham, and three acres by Norwich-gates; and Sir William sold them the next year to Leonard Spencer, and John Marsham, alderman; Sir William reserving Strodeholm Marsh in Westacre Burgh, Holm Marsh in Runhall, and Potter's and East Marsh in Redeham, which he purchased of the abbey, at 5s. reserved rent. The revenues of the abbey of Holm aforesaid fell to the bishoprick, and in 1627, Bishop Corbet leased to Augustine Holl, Esq. one messuage, and all the lands, fishings, &c. in Erlham and Cosseye, belonging to the see, for three lives, at 4l. yearly rent, and 6l. 13s. 4d. fine on every death or alienation, and doing suit once a year at the Bishop's court at Helsden.

The church was a rectory appendant to the manor, is dedicated to St. Mary, and was given by Ralf de Erlham to the nuns at Carrow; and in 1249, another Ralf confirmed it, and gave 26 acres of land also; and Bishop Blundeville appropriated it to the nuns in 1226. Norwich Domesday tells us, they had the parsonage-house and six acres of land, that their rectory was valued at eight marks, and the vicarage at four, which was endowed, but not taxed; it paid 6s. 8d. procurations to the Archdeacon of Norfolk, whose jurisdiction it is in; 20d. synodals, 10d. Peter-pence, and 3d. carvage, and the advowson of the vicarage, always attended the impropriation.

The vicarage stands in the King's Books at 5l. 7s. 8d. ob. and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 22l. 13s. 8d. it is discharged of first-fruits and tenths, and is capable of augmentation. The whole village paid 2l. 2s. to the tenths, and had a deduction of 13s 4d. on account of the revenues of the religious here, which were taxed by themselves.

John de Erlham, priest, rector.




  • 1267, Alexander,
  • 1311, Gerandine de Plumstede.
  • 1318. John Levyng.
  • 1329, Will. Hervy.
  • 1349, Roger Wotton.
  • 1349, Will. at church of Blickling.
  • 1352, Benedict Brennewater of Estmore in Barton, on the resignation of Will. de Worthsted; he changed in 1355, for Thorp-Parva, with Tho. Hannok, and he in 1359, for Ormesby, with John Gerard.
  • 1365, John at Haghe.
  • 1372, Will. Squyer, son of Walter Squyer of Fymmes.
  • 1391, Will. de Fornham, junior.
  • 1400, Will. Morley, who changed for Werelse chantry in Lincoln diocese, with Rob. Swafield in 1401.
  • 1404, Walter Barker.
  • 1423, John Skinkill, ob.
  • 1437, Tho. Walcot, who changed for Langford in 1439, with Richard Skelton.
  • 1440, John Toftes.
  • 1447, John Attehoe, by lapse.
  • 1454, John Peyntour, alias Derham,
  • 1460, Rob. Thorndon.
  • 1464, Will. Winchcomb, res.
  • 1466, Rob. Samson, res.
  • 1467, Philip Pack.
  • 1470, Nic. Waterman, lapse.
  • 1478, Brother John Clare, lapse; he is buried in St. John Baptist's chapel in this chancel.
  • 1504, Tho. Haule, A. M. ob.
  • 1526, March 27, Richard Wheatley, presented by the assignee of the Prioress. In 1529, the vicarage-house was in ruins. 30 Henry VIII. the rectory and advowson of the vicarage was granted with Carrow to John Shelton

This vicar, with the consent of the Bishop, Dean and Chapter, and John Shelton, patron of the vicarage (in right of the dissolve house of Carrow) did lease out to John Corbet, Esq. one tenement and 53 acres of land meadow, and pasture, lying in divers pieces, as well within the fald course of John Alleyn, Gent. now in the occupation of John Corbet, as in divers other places in Erlham, the whole being parcel of the vicarage, which lease is dated April xi. 36, Henry VIII. and was to commence from the preceding Michaelmas, viz. 1544, and to continue for two hundred years from that time.

(See the lease in the Dean and Chapter's Leiger Book.)

  • 1555, Christopher Joye, ob.
  • 1567, Robert Smith, res. Miles Corbet, Esq.
  • 1573, James Warcop. Ditto, united to Colney.
  • 1592. Thomas Lewgar, res. Thomas Hemming.
  • 1597, William Johnson, res. Ditto.
  • 1598, James Branthwait, lapse; he returned 35 communicants, and Sir Charles Cornwaleis, Knt. to be patron.
  • 1606, John Knowles. Thomas Hemmings, Gent.
  • 1608, William Inman. Ditto. ob.
  • 1624, Mat. Clare. Will. Hemmings, Gent. of Wesenham AllSaints.
  • John Weld, res. Ditto.
  • 1632, Rich. Webster.
  • 1633, the said William and Thomas Hemmings his son granted the next turn to Tho. Skinner, clerk.
  • Gabriel Wright, res.
  • 1662, Robert Snelling. John King, patron.
  • Richard Webster, res.
  • 1679, Stephen Poole, res. Tho. Waller, patron.
  • 1683, Joseph Ellis. Eliz Waller, widow.
  • 1712, Sam. Salter, A. M. on Ellis's death; united to St. Stephen.
    Waller Bacon.
  • 1714, John Jefferies, on Salter's resignation, united to Draiton. Ditto.
  • 1723, the Rev. Mr. Jonathan Thornton, the present vicar, was presented by Waller Bacon, Esq. on Jeffries's cession, and holds it united to the rectory of Morton.

The steeple is low and square, and hath two bells; the church is sixteen yards and half long, and seven broad; St. John Baptist's chapel is on the north side; the nave is leaded, and the chancel tiled. On four gravestones by the altar:
1. Sub hoc marmore juxta Parietem requiescunt Maria, Filia Richardi Porter de Framlingham in Agro Suffolciensi Arm. Uxor præcharissima Walleri Bacon, de hâc Villâ Armigeri, Filij et Hæredis Francisci, propè Sepulti, et hujusce Ecclesie Patroni indubitati, quæ nupta fuit IVo die Aprilis 1695, et obijt 29 die Septeimbris Ao Æt. 29°. Domini 1701, et super illam Elizabetha, Nat. 27° die Febr. obijt 29° die Martij sequent. 1696, Richardus natus 13° Sept. 1697. obijt 16° die Julij 1699. Franciscus, natus xio die Sept. 98, obijt 27° die Febr. 99°.

2. Waller, sab. three walnut leaves (sometimes or, sometimes arg.) between two bendlets arg. quartering, az. a chevron or crossed lozengé gul. between three croslets moline arg. in the fess point, Hogan, on a coat of pretence, impaling Hogan, as at p. 195. Quartering, 1st, or, on a chief sab. three martlets of the field. 2d, arg. a chevron gul. between three eagles displayed az.

Sub hoc Lapide depositæ sunt exuviæ Thomæ Waller, Servientis ad Legem, qui obijt 13° Junij Ao Dni. 1632, æt. 72. Et Elizabethæ Uxoris ejus, Filiæ & Hæredis Greshami Hogan Armigeri, quæ obijt 27 Febr. A. D. 1698, æt. 83. In spem Felicis Resurrectionis.

3. Waller quartering the crosses moline.

Depositum Thomæ Waller, Filij et Hæredis Apparentis Thomæ Waller, Servientis ad Legem, qui obijt 30 Martij 1666, æt. 27.

4. Franciscus Bacon Armiger, ab Edwardo, Filio Nicholai Bacon Militis, Magni Sigilli Angliæ Custodis, longâ Proavorum serie oriundus, duxit Uxorem, Elizabetham, Filiam natû maximam Thomæ Waller, Servientis ad Legem, et [Eliz.] Hæredis Greshami Hogan Arm. obijt. 3° dic Aug. 1679, et subtus conditur.

There are four achievements of arms in this altar.

1. Bacon, gul. on a chief arg. two mullets sab. Waller on a coat of pretence.

2. Bacon and his ten quarterings impaling Porter, sab. three bells arg. a chief erm.

Bacon's quarterings are, 1st, Quaplode. 2d, Little of Berkshire, per chevron A. S. in chief two de-lises, in base a castle tripple towered, all counterchanged. 3d, erm. on a chief indented az. three de-lises or. 4th, arg. three bear's heads erased and erected sab. langued gul. 5th, sab. on a fess between three acorns or, as many oaken leaves vert. 6th, erm. on a cross gul. five acorns or, 7th, gul. a saltier between four garbs or. 8th, barry of six arg. and sab. 9th, Waller. 10th, az. a chevron or, crossed lozengé gul. between three crosses moline arg.

Crest, a boar passant erm. Motto: Mediocria Firma.

3. Waller quarters the crosses moline. Crest, a tree with fruit, and a shield of arms hanging from it, viz. three de-lises. Motto: Hæ Fructus Virtutis.

4. Waller quartering as before, with a coat of pretence of Hogan, impaling Hogan, quartering as before.

At the lower end of the church, is a stone for Simon Rackham Yeoman 1698, 83. Barbara his wife, 1698, 55.



Signifies the town at the water, it standing close by the river. This also was formerly in Humbleyard hundred, and is now in the county of the city of Norwich, and in the ward of St. Stephen. In the time of the Confessor, Edric de Laxfield, the ancestor of Robert Malet, owned the chief part of this village, and the said Robert after him, at which time the church had 14 acres of glebe, valued at 14d. per annum; there were also 4 freemen in Stoke-Holy-Cross, under the protection of Edric, as belonging to his manor here; and Erlham also then belonged to it, as is before mentioned, the whole belonged to Robert Blund, and was then valued at 4l. and when it was seized by the Conqueror, and committed to the care or custody of Godric, it was estimated at 7l. per annum and the freemen at 3l. Eaton was then a mile long, and as much broad, and paid 7d. q. to the geld or tax; and the manor extended also into Kirkby-bedon, Witlingham, and Plumstede; Witlingham was a berewic belonging to it, of 80 acres of land, &c. and Plumstede was another, of half a carucate; and in Wotton also 2 freemen held 12 acres of this manor, which the Conqueror gave to Flahald, who left it to his son Alan, the ancestor of the family of the Fitz-Alans, afterwards Earls of Arundel; and this Alan gave it in the time of Henry I. to the church of Norwich, and Will. Fitz-Alan his son confirmed it. It belonged to the Prior and convent to the Dissolution, and the monastery revenues, in lands, rents, a wood, water-mill, and commonage of young cattle, were valued to the taxes at 13l. 8s. and from that time, to the present, it belonged to and hath been leased out by the Dean and Chapter.

King Henry I. granted liberty of free-warren, to the manors of Thorp and Eaton. In 1204, on a dispute between the prior and citizens concerning the right of commonage on the land between Herforth bridge, Lakenham, and this town of Eaton, (see Pt. I. p. 41,) a fine was levied, and it was settled, that the citizens should inter-common with them, paying one penny a year for each ox and cow, and the like for every 5 sheep; it appearing by Domesday, (see Pt. I. p. 16,) that a carucate and an half of this land, joining to the city in the Confessor's time, belonged to Wicman, who held it under Stigand, not as part of the hundred of Humbleyard, but as part of the hundred of Norwich; and that Rainold Fitz-Ivo had it as two carucates, at the Conquest, when it was in Norwich liberty, and had a fald-course for 100 sheep, which right was at the time of the contest in the city; in lieu of the right of commonage aforesaid, the city now enjoys the Town-close, rented at 50l. per annum, which is yearly divided among the poor freemen. King John granted to the prior and convent, in all their manors and lands, sac, soc, tol, and theam, infangenethef, and outfangenthef, with the ordeals or judgment by fire, water, and iron, and a common gallows in each manor; with view of frankpledge, and assize of bread and ale, of all their tenants; and in 1286, Lakenham and Eton were found to be ancient demeans of the Crown, and as such, to be entituled to the privileges of ancient demean. In a survey made in the beginning of Edward I. the jurors valued each acre of land at 15d. a year, and that then there were 150 acres arable in demean, 44 acres of meadow, &c. the whole manor lands then, were 104 acres and an half, and the tenants of the manor paid bosage, as well as the citizens. In 1379, their water-mill was rebuilt, and the sheeps walk, wood, and warren, are mentioned. 1519, the celerar accounts for nothing for the site of the manor, because it was appropriated for the reception of the prior; the quitrents were then 10l. 14s. 5d per annum, and the walk carried 1200 sheep. The wood-reeve's fee was 26s. 8d. and the netherd's 53s. 4d. I his village was valued to the ancient taske or tax, with Newton-Flotman and Kingesham or Kiningham, and Eaton part was 1l. 5s. but had a deduction of 12s. on account of the revenues of the religious here.

The manor of Cosseye, and that of the Abbot of St. Bennet's of Heigham, extended hither; and in Edward the Second's time, that Abbot is reckoned as one of the two lords of Eaton, and was taxed for his temporalities at the rate of 40s; his tenants inter-commoned with oxen, cows, and sheep, with the Prior's, to Lugard's Sty, and up to the way leading from St. Stephen's-gates to Hertford-bridges. And the Prioress of Carrowe's tenants common also with the citizens there, paying as they do.

The church is dedicated to St. Andrew the Apostle, and had a gild kept in it to his honour; it was a rectory till 1204, and then John de Grey Bishop of Norwich, after the decease of Roger Luvel, then rector, appropriated it to the sacrist of the cathedral, reserving a pension of 2s. per annum to the celerer, and the patronage of the vicarage to the prior and convent, and all episcopal and parochial jurisdiction, to himself and successours, so that it became exempt from all archidiaconal jurisdiction, and paid neither synodals, procurations, nor Peter pence; and only 3d. carvage. The rectory-house was taken to the monks part, and all the great tithes, for which they were bound to repair the chancel, and pay to the taxes for their rectory, at the rate of 6 marks; the vicar who had all the small tithes, being to pay at the rate of 40s. to the taxes, for his vicarage, which is not valued in the King's Books, but being sworn of the clear yearly value of 30l. 1s. it is capable of augmentation, and pays neither first-fruits nor tenths.




  • 1308, Jeffry Boton.
  • 1334, Barth. at Childrehowse of Wroxham.
  • 1342, Barth. de Wroxham.
  • 1369, Walter Fayrman.
  • 1371, Philip Tubbe.
  • 1378, John de Thurton.
  • 1380, Walt. de Loddon.
  • 1384, John Mormaunt, buried in St. Gregory's churchyard at Sudbury.
  • 1389, John Wircestre of Cestre, resigned
  • 1411, Tho. Hogan.
  • 1417, Walter Martin.
  • 1418, Ric. Blok.
  • 1422, John Wythe, resigned.
  • 1426, Rob. Aylmer.
  • 1431, Henry Froude.
  • 1434, William Felys.
  • 1494, Brother John Brooke, held it by sequestration only, as did Mr. Smith and Mr. Perial.
  • 1580, Rob. Brook was instituted.
  • 1586, John Femely; and it was served again by sequestration only, till
  • 1636, and then Henry Briggs was instituted.
  • 1687, John Scamler.
  • 1693, John Oliver, resigned.
  • 1699, Samuel Bull, resigned.
  • 1705, John Blagrave, resigned.
  • 1728, Henry Etough; he held the donative of Cringleford with it, and the rectory of Caldecote by Oxburgh; but resigned this upon his taking Therfield rectory in Hertfordshire; and in
  • 1735, The Rev. Mr. Lynne Smear was instituted; who holds it united to the consolidated rectory of Alderford, and vicarage of Attlebridge; and is also curate of Bowthorp and Bawburgh, and minor canon of the cathedral.

The steeple is square and hath three bells in it:

1. Ave Maria, Gratia plena.

2. In eternis annis, resonet Campana Johannis.

3. Hac in conclave, Gabriel nunc pange suave.

The north porch, nave, and chancel, are all thatched; they are 28 yards long and 8 broad. In the chancel, John Scamler, clerk, rector of Thugarton, and minister of this parish, and Cringleford, died 1688, 65. He had 7 sons and 3 daughters, by Mary his dear and vertuous wife, who was buried by him, in the 75th year of her age. Mr. Rob. Browne 1652. Barbara Covel his 1st wife 1625. Awdry Alldes his 2d.

There are only two brass plates in the church, which are thus inscribed:

Hic iacent Johannes Collys, et Cumma Uror eius, qui Johannes obiit xviiio die Mensis Marcii Ao Dno: Mcccclrr, quorum anima- bus propicietur Deus Amen.

Orate pro anima Thome Styllyard, cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

This village is divided from Lakenham, by the King's highway, leading from St. Stephen's or Nedham-gates, to

Herford Bridge


Which divides the county of Norwich and Norfolk, the river being the boundary. It is often wrote Herdeford, and might be so called from the difficulty of passing the ford, before the bridge was built; though I rather think it took its name from the family sirnamed de Hereford, one of which first built a bridge here in King John's time; and in Henry III. Will. de Herford or Hereford, was prosecuted for holding view of frankpledge in Humbleyard hundred, without the King's bailiff of the hundred being with him.



Takes its name from its situation, by the broad water or lake. It belonged to Stigand in the Confessor's time, who held it as a berewic or hamlet belonging to the manor of Thorp. It was then two miles long, and seven furlongs broad, and paid 3d. 3q. to the Dane-geld. It had a church and 13 acres of glebe held in Frank-Almoign, but at the general survey it belonged to the Conqueror, and Will. de Noiers looked after for him. It continued in the Crown, till King Henry I. gave the manor and advowson to Bishop Herbert, and they two settled them on the prior and convent, and the manor continued in the church till the Dissolution of the convent. In Edw. the First's time, it was found by an inquisition then taken, that it was ancient demean of the Crown and entitled to all the liberties of ancient demeans; that it was in the liberty of the convent, and had all the same liberties as Eaton manor, it being then in Humbleyard hundred. It had a common gallows and cucking-stool, free-warren, &c. This manor, with that of Ameringhall, paid a rent of a bridle and pair of spurs, or 3s. 4d in lieu thereof, to the Earl of Arundell. In Richard the Second's time, Robert Thugarton, and others, settled 120 acres of land, and one acre of meadow, and 2s. 2d. yearly rents, lying here, and in other towns, on the prior and convent; which in 1284, belonged to John Fitz Gilbert, who then claimed view of frankpledge, and assise of bread and ale, of all his tenants in Lakenham. In 1428, the prior was taxed for his temporals at 15l. 10s. 8d. and the village paid to each tenth 1l. 13s. but had a deduction of 6s. 8d. for the lands of the religious, which were taxed by themselves.

The rectory continued appendant to the manor till about 1205, and then John de Grey Bishop of Norwich appropriated it to the chamberlain of the monastery, reserving to himself all episcopal and parochial jurisdiction; upon this, a vicarage was erected, which in Norwich Domesday Book is rated at 40s. to the first fruits, but was not taxed; that is, not liable to any tenths, fifteenths, &c. as the rectory was, which was estimated at six marks, and paid 8s. every whole tax. The church was not visited by the Archdeacon of Norfolk, but was an exempt, as belonging to the Prior's manor, from all but episcopal jurisdiction; as to procurations, synodals, and Peter-pence, it was free, for it is not so much as mentioned in the Archdeacon's Register; neither is it valued in the King's Books; but being sworn of the clear yearly value of 30l. 1s. it is capable of augmentation. It seems, part of the profits went to maintain a cell of monks at St. Catherine's chapel on Muswold-hill, (see p. 425,) and the rest belonged to the chamberlain's office. This vicarage was afterwards endowed upon the statute, and the vicar is entitled to all the tithes in the parish, except those of corn or grain, which belong to the impropriator; the present vicar having recovered all the small tithes of the demeans and Hall-farm, after a long suit for the same; for on March 17, 1735, the decree of the court of Exchequer was affirmed in favour of the vicar, by the House of Lords.




  • 1312, John de Berney, priest.
  • 1327, Simon Den of Brisele, R.
  • 1359, John Hakoun of Wilby.
  • 1361, Andrew Kynne.
  • 1370, Peter Smith, buried in the churchyard, 1375.
  • 1375, Roger Calf.
  • 1386, Edmund Martin, lapse, who, the same year, changed for Worsted, with John son of Hugh de Kimberlee; at whose death it was kept void, and the chamberlain of the monastery received all the profits of the vicarage, as well as rectory, and served it by one of the monks, or a stipendiary curate, to the Dissolution, and so it was continued by the dean and chapter till 1610.
  • 1610, Anthony Wilkinson, A. M. the King, by lapse; he was succeeded by
    Ralph Marham, who was presented by the dean and chapter, and died vicar in 1626, and
    Tho. Smith was instituted, on whose death in
    1666, John Harwood, A. M. succeeded.
  • 1692, Francis Folchier, A. M. on Harwood's death; and in
  • 1715, Philip Burrough on Folchier's deprivation; he held it united to Catton, was minor canon, and died in 1718, and
  • Pexall Foster, A. M. succeeded, on whose death in
  • 1719, the Rev. Mr. John Fox, A. M. minor canon of the cathedral, the present vicar, was instituted on the presentation of the dean and chapter, and holds it united to the vicarage of Catton.

As to the MANOR, when the priory was converted into a dean and chapter by Henry VIII. Ao. reg. 30, it was confirmed to them with their other possessions, and continued in the church till 3d June, 1 Edw. VI. and then the dean and chapter surrendered all their possessions to that King, who the 9th Nov. the same year, regranted great part of their possessions to them, and among other things, this impropriate rectory and church, and advowson of the vicarage, but he excepted the manors and rectories, and advowsons of the vicarages, of Hemesby and Wiclewood, and the manors of Martham and Lakenham; and also all messuages, lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, feedings, TITHES, rents, courts, leets, and other hereditaments, whatsoever, to the said manors belonging or accounted, as parts of the same manors and rectories; and also excepted all those lands, tenements, and tithes, assigned to the manor of Lakenham, out of the manors of Eaton and Ameringhall. By virtue of which, this manor only was vested in the King, the small tithes being passed away with the grant of the advowson of the vicarage; and thus they continued in the Crown till July 1st Ao. VI. reg. And then the King granted to Tho. Gresham, Esq. and his heirs, this manor, and rectory, and church of Lakenham, with the advowson and right of patronage of the vicarage of the church; and Lakenham wood, and the two mills, &c. and the fald courses, and all tithes of what kind or nature soever, &c. But the said Gresham never enjoyed the rectory or advowson of the vicarage, the King having regranted them before, to the dean and chapter, who always enjoyed them. In 1563, Sir Tho. Gresham, Knt. mercer, and lord mayor of London, held this manor, with the rectory and manor of Westacre, and the manors and granges of Great and Little Walsingham, &c. of the King's manor of East-Greenwich, by fealty only, in free soccage, and not in capite: and he died seized, and Dame Anne his wife had it after him, who offered it to sale in 1580. In 1640, George Lord Berkley was lord here, he died in 1685, and left it to George, his only surviving son, who being one of the Lords of the Council to Car. II. was created Viscount Dursley, and Earl of Berkley; and in 1693, it was owned by his 2d son James Berkley, A. M. one of the prebendaries of Westminster, who died about 1695; and in 1735, Jane Chaplin, widow, held it for life, remainder to the Hon. Henry Berkley, third son to Charles late Earl of Berkley, and brother to James Earl of Berkley.

The church is dedicated to St. John Baptist, and All the Saints, and had a gild called St. John's gild belonging to it, which was held before a remarkable image of the Baptist, which stood in the chancel, and here was also an image of St. Theobald, or Tebald, much frequented by pilgrims, which offered there, for every year the offerings at St. Theobald are accounted for, and amounted to 13s. and sometimes more, in a year. In 1452, Rob. Blickling, Esq. of Forwich, was buried in Carrow abbey church, and ordered that the cross near Cowhawe in Lakenham, between the city and Hereford bridges, should be well repaired at his cost, in honour of Christ was crucified.

The church stands on the cliff by the water side, and is 23 yards long and five broad, it hath a square tower and three bells.

In the chancel, Anne Dr. of Augustine Reeve of Bracondale Esq; 1658, 12.

Reeve of Stratton Norf. az. a chevron between three pair of wings conjoined and elevated or, impaling Fawether, gul, billeté or, on a chief of the 2d a lion passant vert.

Elizabetha Uxor Henrici Reeve de Bracondale in Comitatu Civitatis Norvici, Generosi, Morbo Decennali conflictata, neque per tot discrimina eluctari potens, quadraginta messibus peractis 15° die Mensis Aprilis 1690, placide in Domino obdormivit.

Fawether as before, impales Sedley, az. a fess wavy, between three goats heads erased or.

Anne Relict of Sam. Fawether, of Halesworth in Suff. Esq; 17 Febr. 1696.

Orate pro anima Willi: Grene, cuius anime propicietur deus Amen.

In the nave, Will. Coan 1707, 79. Peter Webb. 1701, 6. James son of Edm. and Sarah Webb, 1703.

  • 1982, Martin son of Walter Ordmer of Norwich, gave a meadow here to the prior of Norwich, and the revenues of the prioress of Carrow were taxed at 4d.

To this village belongs the hamlet of



The braky-downs, or hills, so called from the brakes formerly growing there: it lies between Lakenham and the city walls, and had a chapel placed on the hill, which was much frequented by fishermen and watermen, who used to come hither to offer to good St. Nicholas, their patron saint, to whose honour this chapel was dedicated. If they made an agreeable offering, they had a bulla or round piece of lead, given them, exactly like this impression, one of which now remains in the hands of Anthony Norris, Esq. of Norwich, to whom I am obliged for the copy. The words allude to the following story in his legend,

"On a Day as a Shyppe wyth Marreners were in peryshynge on the See, they prayed & required devoutly Nycolas Servaunt of God, sayeing, [Pie Nicholœ Ora pro Nobis] yf those Thynges that we have herde of the sayd, ben True, preve theym now: And anone a Man apered in lyknes, and sayd, [Vos vocastis me, Ecce Adsum; Ave Rex Gentis.] Loo see ye me not: ye called me. And thenne he began to helpe theym in their exployte of the See, And Anone the Tempest ceased. And when they were come to hys Churche, they knewe hym, & yet they had never seen hym; And thenne they thanked God & hym, of theyr Deliveraunce; & he bad theym attribute it the Mercy of God, & to theyre byleve, and nothynge to hys Merytes."

It was founded by Coleburn the priest, in the Conqueror's time, who with the King's license gave 20 acres of land lying round it, valued at 2s. to find a priest to say mass and chant the psalter every week, in the chapel, for the King's welfare. The advowson belonged to the Crown, and was purchased by Bishop Eborard of King Stephen, and by him settled on the convent's infirmary; and afterwards it was appropriated to the celerer of the monastery, and being in the liberty of the Prior, was exempt from archidiaconal jurisdiction. In 1428, it was taxed as a parochial chapel, endowed with lands and tithes, at 20s. and paid 2s. to every tenth. It had a large churchyard; for in the accounts I find it was let out to be fed, and it was served by the same person that served Lakenham. In Edward the Second's time, this was returned as a hamlet to Lakenham; that the Prioress of Carrow's manor included one part of it, which always attended that house, and still belongs to it, and the lordship of Lakenham the other; with which manor it still remains.

The Prior of Norwich was taxed for his temporals here, at 12s. 2d. q. the Prioress of Carrow at 4s. 4d. and the Prior of St. Faith's at 6d.

The chapel was pulled down at the Dissolution, and there are no ruins to be seen, though the place where it stood is still known. See p. 75, 6.)

This hamlet, and part of Lakenham, and that part of Trowse, which lies on the western side of the river, and is called

Trows Milgate


Are in the county of the city of Norwich, (though they were formerly in Humbleyard hundred,) and are laid to the wards of South Conisford and Berstreet: it was called Miltgate, from the water-mill standing on the river here; the county of Norfolk, and liberty of Norwich, was divided by a tall stone cross which stood on Trowsebridge, and is lately taken down; on the north part of the east side of the river, stood a small round tower, made as a guard for the passage, but it is now almost levelled. The inhabitants of this hamlet used to receive the sacraments, &c. at St. Etheldred's church in Conisford, as you may see at p. 75. The church is dedicated to St. Andrew, but as it is in Norfolk, the account of it and its parish doth not belong to this county, for which reason, I shall omit any further mention of it here.



Or the hill by the carr's side, as the situation plainly demonstrates, stands on a hill by the side of the river, about a furlong from Conisford or South-gates, and was always in the liberty of the city, and still remains part of its county; it was a parish by itself, and had a parochial church dedicated to St. James the Apostle, before whose image there was a light burning during divine service, and at the procession (or west) door of the church, was an image of St. Christopher; it was in use in 1520, and was served by parochial chaplains, appointed by the prioress, who received all the profits, and paid them for their service: it is now so totally demolished, that there are no apparent ruins, though its site still is called the Churchyard.

Here was an ancient hospital, or nunnery, dedicated to St. Mary and St. John, to which King Stephen, having given lands and meadows without the South-gate, Seyna and Leftelina, two of the sisters, in 1146, began the foundation of a new monastery, called

Kairo, Carrow, Car-Hou, and sometime Car-Dieu


Which was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and St. John, and consisted of a prioress and nine Benedictine black nuns; who were endowed, according to Mr. Dugdale, with revenues to the value of 64l. 16s. 6d. per annum, or according to Mr. Speed, 84l. 12s. 1d. 3q. both which sums did not exceed the third part of the real value of their revenues. Their church was founded by King Stephen, and was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, and had a chapel of St. John Baptist joined to its south side, and another of St. Catherine to its north; there was also an anchorage by it, and in 1528, Lady Julian Lampet was anchoress there.

The Prioresses of this house were,
1198, Lady Maud le Strange. 1224, Lady Agnes de Monte Canisio or Munchensy. 1264, Lady Magdalen. 1289, died Lady Petronel the Prioress. 1290, Lady Amabill de Ufford, who was buried in the nuns church, on Thursday before the feast of St. Benedict in Lent, and on Monday after, Lady Catherine de Wendling was elected, by Cecily de Howe, sub-prioress, and the nuns here; and on Sunday following, she held her installation feast. They were installed often by the archdeacons of Norfolk, it being in Humbleyard deanery; but could by virtue of its being exempt from all jurisdicton, but that of the Pope, choose whom they pleased to perform that office. 1310, Lady Beatrix de Holm, sacrist here, was elected prioress. 1325, Lady Agnes de Carleton; she was installed by Master Nicholas de Rudham, fellow-commoner here, their priest and chaplain, and was buried in the church. 1328, Agnes de Lenn, resigned. 1341, Lady Cecily de Plumstede. 1349, Alice de Hedersete. 1365, Margery Cat; she was buried here. 1369, Margery Engys or de Enges, buried here. 1395, Lady Edith Wilton, buried here; she was prosecuted by the Prior of Norwich, and Brother Tho. Roughton, monk there, for harbouring in sanctuary, the murderers of Will. Koc of Trows, at the appeal of Margaret his wife, and was committed to goal, tried and acquitted. 1430, Lady Alice Waryn, resigned. 1444, Lady Margery Bygot, buried here. 1457, Lady Alice Pygot. 1472, Lady Joan Spaldyng. 1491, Lady Cat. Segrime, buried here; her brother, Ric. Segrime, clerk, of London, gave 3l. 6s. 8d. in 1494, to this monastery for his soul. 1514, Dame Isabell Wygan. Cecily Stafford, the last Prioress, had a pension of 5l. per annum assigned her at the Dissolution, which she enjoyed A° 1553.

In 1388, John Downe was buried in the abbey church, as it was even then called. 1407, Will. Doncastre, chaplain. 1437, John Dowes, rector of Cantley. 1472, John Braylles, chaplain, left legacies to the prioress, nuns, and anchorite; and to Sir Robert Mateshall, William Hall, and William Walsingham, their three chaplains. 1537, Isabel, wife of Rob. Damme.

This monastery and parish, with the parts that belonged to it in Trowse Milgate and Brakendale, was an exempt jurisdiction belonging to the prioress; and in 1327, Nic de Cnapton, chaplain of the nuns church, and official of their jurisdiction, proved wills, and exercised all spiritual authority whatever, and placed the bounds between the exempt jurisdiction of the Prior of Norwich, and his own, both in Brakendale and Norwich. In 1244, Will. de Burgh, chaplain to King Henry III. was consecrated Bishop of Landaff in the nuns church, along with Walter de Suffield Bishop of Norwich, (see Pt. I. p. 486.)

  • 1552. Simon Wade, chaplain, was buried in this church; and Rob. Blickling of Norwich, Esq. by his wife's grave, and gave 26s. 8d. to St. James's parish church at Carhoe, and 20 marks towards building the nuns new dormitory; and in honour of the crucifix, he ordered the cross between Carhoe, Lakenham, &c. to be rebuilt, the foundation of which, may still be seen at the cross-ways between Norwich and Trowse Milgate. (See p. 90.)

In 1531, Will. Aslak, Esq. was buried between the high-altar, and the image of our Lady of Pity.

This house was endowed by the founder, and other benefactors, with its site and lands adjoining, both within the walls and without, and with all the liberties that belonged to those lands when they were in King Stephen's hands, as soc and sac, toll and team, and infangenetheef; by which liberty they had a common gallows near their windmill, standing on the hill by Berstreet-gates, near the 12 acres of land held by Rob. de Hemenhall of Langley abbey, at 4s. per annum, and then they had St. James's parish church in Carrow, of their founder's gift, appropriated by the Pope, when he confirmed their foundation.

In 1199, King John granted the nuns a fair for four days together, at their village of Carhou, with the same liberties which the Norwich monks had to their fair in Norwich, to be held on the vigil, and day of the nativity of the Virgin Mary, and two days after; by virtue of which, on those four days, they had the toll of all that came through the city; this and other rights in the city, occasioned a dispute, which was setted as in Pt. I. p. 64. Sir Ric. de Boyland, Knt. gave his house joining to the south side of the churchyard of St. Mary Unburnt, to the Prioress of Carrow; which in 1290, Amabill de Ufford, then prioress, assigned to the friars-preachers to be laid into their site. And the same Prioress released to St. Giles's hospital, a yearly rent of 6s. which she used to receive from a piece of ground lying in the precinct of the hospital, which her father left her. Rob. son of John de Stanford, gave 8 acres by their monastery church, and 6s. in rents in Norwich to find a lamp burning for ever at St. Catherine's altar, in her chapel in the monastery church, by his mother's grave; Sir John Helgeton, Knt. and others, are winesses to his deed. In 1228, Henry III. confirmed all their liberties and revenues; in 1273, Pope Gregory the Tenth inhibited their receiving more nuns than their income would maintain, upon their representation that the English nobility, whom they could not resist, had obliged them to take so many sisters in, that they could not support them. Reginald de Warren and Alice his wife, gave the advowson of Stow Bardolph, and William de Warren confirmed it about 1273, gave them a messuage and 40 acres there, with Muriel his sister, who was a professed nun here. It was appropriated to this nunnery, and a vicarage endowed, to which the prioress always presented. The said Reginald gave them also the tithes of the demeans of his manor of Barshall in Riston, which were valued to the tax at 10s. Roger Bygot, Earl Marshal, gave the tithes of his demeans in Halvergate, which were taxed at 26s. 8d. and confirmed by Bishop Sim. de Walton in 1264. Margaret de Caineto, or Cheyney, gave the advowsons of the churches of Wroxham St. John and St. Mary, and the chapel of All-Saints in Salhouse thereto belonging, and Bishop Blomevile appropriated them, and ordained a vicarage, to which the prioress always presented; there was a manor here which belonged to the nunnery, in which the prioress had liberty of free-warren. She paid also 30s. a year to the Prior of Norwich, for his portion of the tithes of Wroxham-Hall. William de Muntchensy gave the two parts of the tithes of his demeans of Burghapeton, which portion was then valued at two marks, and was confirmed by John and Ralph Bishops of Norwich, and Thomas, rector of Burgh; it was after compounded for at 12 quarters of wheat; and in 1612, a pension of 10 combs of wheat was paid to the owner of Carrow. The prioress had a portion in Fincham St. Martin, valued at 13s. 4d. Revenues in Thurlton valued at 18d. In Chedistan, valued at 5s. The mediety of the rectory of Great Wrenningham, or Wrenningham All Saints, was given by one of the Thorps of Ashwelthorp to this house, and the prioress presented to it till 1414, and then Edith the prioress, with the consent of her convent, conveyed it to Sir Edmund Thorp, Knt. who then purchased the mediety of the abbot of Creke, and got the bishop to grant a perpetual union of the medieties, and of the churches of St. Mary of Little Wrenningham and St. Peter of Nelonde, which remain united at this day. This prioress had also a mediety, of the rectory of Howe in Brook deanery, of the gift of Sir Ric. de Boyland, which with the prioress's consent was perpetually united to the other mediety in 1405. The rectory of East-Winch, was also given them by Sir Ralf le Strange, and appropriated by Bishop Roger, and a vicarage endowed, at their presentation. The advowsons also of Surlingham St. Saviour, and St. Mary belonged to them; and they had temporals here, and in Rockland Major, taxed at 20s. St. Saviour was only appropriated and no vicarage endowed, only they were obliged to pay a stipendiary chaplain for performing the parochial duty of it; and in 1349, St. Mary's was also appropriated, and a vicarage endowed, and the vicars are to be nominated by the Bishop, and presented by the prioress. In 1335, the prioress had license to receive in mortmain, 34 messuages, 80 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, and 12 acres of Turbary, or ground to cut turf in, in Wroxham, Rackhyth Crostweyt, Beeston, Bastwick, Blofield, and Randworth, which they purchased of John de Hecham, all which were held of the prioress's manor of Wroxham, by 68s. per annum, which the prioress held of Eve, daughter and heiress of Sir John de Clavering, by one knight's fee; and the said Eve held it of Rob. de Morley, who held it of the King in capite, as parcel of his barony of Hockering, and they were valued at 11s. 4d. clear; the whole being cottages, and the 80 acres, 13s. 4d. and no more, because it was all sand; and the 6 acres meadow 9s. and turbary 2s. In 1391, Will. Colyns and others, conveyed to the house, one toft, 14 acres and an half of land, and 3 acres of meadow in Norwich, Lakenham, and Brakendale, and 13s 4d. rents. In 1449, Rob. Everard, chaplain, gave a tenement called Churche's in Coltishall, and 20 acres of land to these nuns. Their revenues in Dunwich deanery in Suffolk were taxed at 7s. and there were but few parishes in Norwich, in which they had not houses or rents, as may be seen under the several parishes in this history, and the advowsons of the rectories of St. Julian's, All-Saints, and St. Catherine in Newgate, belonged to them. And the advowson of Erlham, which was conveyed to the prioress in 1249. In 1198, rents in Melton Magna were settled on them, and Torpingesmersh in 1206, and tenements in Lyn. In 1520, they had other revenues besides these; those in Carrow were valued at 6l. to the taske, and all that belonged to them, at 123l. 8s. 5d. and so paid 12l. 7s. 1d. q. to every whole tenth, whereof 54l. 13s. 4d. were spirituals, either impropriated churches, or appropriated portions of tithes, and the most part (if not all) of them were granted at the Dissolution to John Shelton, Esq. and his heirs. This nunnery, for many ages, had been a school, or place of education for the young ladies of the chief families of the diocese, who boarded with, and were educated by the nuns; and though the abuse of religious societies in those days was so great, that a reformation was absolutely necessary, yet that could never justify their dissolution, that took away the real use of them, which was no little loss to the publick, when their hospitality was demolished; as is evident by the numerous poor that the parishes soon after were forced to maintain, a thing never known before their fall.

Neither were nunneries without their conveniencies, for as Fuller says, "they were good Shee-Schools, wherein the Girles, and Maids of the Neighbourhood, were taught to read and Work; and sometimes a little Latine was taught them therein. Yea give me Leave to say, it such Feminine Foundations had still continued, provided no Vow were obtruded upon them, (Virginity is least kept, where it is most constrained) haply the weaker Sex (besides the avoiding modern Inconveniences) might be heightned to an higher Perfection, than hitherto hath been attained. That sharpnesse of their Witts, and suddeness of their Conceits (which their Enemies must allow unto them) might by Education be improved into a judicious Solidity, and that, adorned with Arts, which now they want; not because they can not learn, but are not taught them, I say, if such Feminine Foundations were extant now of Dayes, haply some Virgins of highest Birth, would be glad of such Places; and I am sure their Fathers and elder Brothers, would not be sorry for the same."

The site in the walls, contained about 10 acres; the church was large, though so far demolished, that it was with difficulty I found its site; the parlour and hall are grand rooms, and were fitted up by Sir John Shelton, Knt. at his coming to dwell here, which was not long after the Dissolution. In the hall windows is a fine succession of the matches of the Shelton family, still remaining:
1, Shelton single. 2, Shelton and Harling impaled, as all the following coats are with Shelton: 3, Illey or Illegh, erm. two chevrons sab. 4, Mellers, az. in a bordure per pale wavy gul. and arg. on a fess of the second, between three crowns or, three mascles conjoined of the field. 5, Sauntphilibert, ar. three bendlets az. 6, Vaux, chequy arg. and gul. 7, Burys, erm. on a chief indented sab. two lions rampant or. 8. Geddyng, arg. three mullets sab. 9, Uveaale or Dovedale, arg. a cross moline gul. 10, Lowdham. 11, Cockfield, az. a cross chequy arg. and gul. 12, Stapleton. 13, Barret, arg. a fess between three mullets sab. 14, Ufford. 15, Brewse. 16, Clere. 17, Marke, per pale erm. and az. a lion rampant counterchanged, in a bordure sab. bezanté. 18, Boleyn. 19, Shelton impaling Wodehouse of Waxham, quartering Barrowe. 20, Shelton impales Morley, and these arms were put up in their time, for two coats of Shelton with blank impalements follow them.

In the hall east window, Shelton and Barrow, and gul. on a cross ingrailed sab. five escallops. In the west windows, Bacon, gul. a boar in fess or, quarters Butts. Calthorp and Drury. Shelton and Morley. Illegh quartering Wodehouse of Waxham, and Reppes quartered. Gawdy with a crescent, impale, Bassingbourn and his quarters. Wichingham, Walcote, Phelip Lord Bardolf, and Furneaux. Cornwaleis and his quarters, S. three bars gemellé, and a canton arg. Braham. Jarnegan and his quarterings, gul. a cross ingrailed arg. Gul. three bars gemellé or, and a canton arg. Arg. a bend between six croslets fitché sab. Tirrel with a crescent, a chevron between three martlets arg. Mortimer, or, semi de-lises sab. Gonvile. Keldon. Erminois, a lion rampant arg. Jarnegan again, &c.

In a room by the gate-house, Bleverhasset, Lowdham, Keldon, Scales, a fess dancetté G. between- - - - az. a lion rampant arg. crowned or.

Soon after the grant, Sir John Shelton, Knt. settled on John Mynys his trustee, the manors of Overhall and Netherhall in Shelton, Barret's in Hardwick. Shelton-Hall in Bedingham, with Shelton and Hardwick advowsons, Saie's manor in Stratton, his manor of Carrow, the rectories of Eastwinch, Stowbardolph, and Wrenningham, with the advowsons of St. Edward, St. Julian, All-Saints, Eilham, and Erlham vicarage, and St. Catherine's chapel in Norwich, for himself for life, remainder to Anne his wife for life; after, on John Shelton, Esq. his son, for 60 years, and then to Ralf Shelton, his cousin. And in 1550, Lady Anne Shelton, his widow, lived here. In 1579, Sir Ralf Shelton, Knt. owned it, and in 1581, Anne Shelton, widow. 1589, Charles Cornwaleis, Esq. and Anne Shelton his wife. In 1624, Humfry May owned it, and in 1631, Judith May, Esq. and it is now owned by Robert Moreton, Esq.

To the site of this abbey, as it is now commonly called, belongs a swan-mark and free-fishery, in

The River


As far as the bounds of Carrow extend; but though the lords of the several manors joining to the river, between the city and Hardleycross, have all free-fisheries in the river in their several manors, and some swan-marks, &c. and several others under them, the same liberties; yet it is not exclusive of the corporation of the city, who have full right (jointly with them) in all the common stream, from the end of Hellesden bounds to Hardley cross, both of fishing, swannage, and all liberties, as appointing what wherries shall be the constant wherries for passengers to and from Yarmouth, nominating their swanner, game-keeper, &c.; and formerly there were 19 appropriated fishing-places, which they called Sets, which were yearly allotted by the mayor, to certain fresh-water fishermen. The first was called the Panne. 2. Carrow Dyke. 3. Thorphall Set. 4. Wicklingham Wood. 5. Muckflete. 6. Posewick Thorn. 7. Surlingham Wood's End. 8. New Ferry. 9. Dames Ende. 10 Carflete. 11. Midle Trayle. 12. Claxton-flete, alias Armet-yard. 13. Bokenham-ferry. 14. Rowghflete, alias Fayer-flete. 15. Burrel's-flete. 16. Cantley Hall. 17. Thursbam Set. 18. Lyttlehed. 19. Hardley Cross. And in 1620, there were two wardens of the fishermen. company appointed to inspect the set nets belonging to them, that they should not take fish of too small a size. This river abounds with many sorts of fresh-water fish, as perch, tench, roach, dace, gudgeon, bream, pike, roughs, eels, &c. of which last sort, great numbers were taken at the sets; and sometimes salmons have been, and now are, taken here. I have a picture by me, of one about 3 feet and an half long, with this inscription on it: "This Sammon was taken in Norwich River at the newe Milles by Good Man Wright the Miller, the 24 of October Anno Dom. 1656, Samuel Puckle Maior."

These are all the villages in the county of the city of Norwich, except small parts of the parishes of Hellesden St. Mary, Catton St. Margaret, Sprowston, St. Mary and St. Margaret, and Thorp St. Andrew, or Bishop's Thorp; but as the churches and chief parts of those parishes are in the county of Norfolk, they are not to be treated of here.




The revenues of this bishoprick were of good value from the most early times; for Sigebert, whom we may justly call its founder, did certainly give most of those revenues that belonged to the see in the Confessor's time; and as Felix's see was fixed at Dunwich, no doubt but those were given by Sigebert; and before 673, the Elmhams, viz. South-Elmham in Suffolk, and North Elmham in Norfolk, belonged to the see; at the latter of which, Bisus, on his division of the bishoprick, placed a bishop; and from thence till about 945, the Bishops at Dunwich governed all Suffolk and that part of the diocese in Cambridgeshire, as their diocese; and the Bishops of Elmham all Norfolk as theirs; till the two sees were united again, by Bishop Theodred the First, and have continued so ever since.

In Theodred the Second's time, Hoxne not only belonged to the see, but then was one of the principal residences of the Bishop in Suffolk, though he had a palace at Dunwich also

In 963, Bishop Athulf had a house at North Elmham; where he and his priests dwelt.

Bishop Ailfrick, was a benefactor, both to his priests that dwelt at his house at Elmham, as also to those at his house in Hoxne, (see Pt. I. p. 461,) and in those days wherever the Bishop had a house of residence, he had a secular priests residing with him, to send out, to serve the parochial churches, which then had not every one their several minister; and for that reason it was necessary, that bishops should have houses on their manors, for the priests that served the neighbouring churches to live in, in many parts of their dioceses, as the bishop in this diocese had; and this seems to be the original of chapters to the several bishops, to serve the church of their residence, and those in the adjacent country, and after the settlement of parish priests, such churches as were reserved to the use of the see.

Bishop Ailmar had the manor of Blofield with his wife, as her portion, and left it to the see. (See Pt. I p. 463.)

Bishop Herfast removed the bishoprick to Thetford Ao. 1075, and built his cathedral there, with the assistance of Roger Bygod and others, on the land, and by the place which heretofore belonged to the see, till Bishop Stigand retained it with other revenues, when he left it; but at his digrace, the King gave it to this Bishop and his heirs, and Herfast gave the inheritance of the palace and cathedral to Richard his eldest son, and the four churches belonging to it, to his other four sons and their heirs, which in some measure occasioned the removal of the see from thence, his successours not liking to have their palace and cathedral in the gift and inheritance of others. But this did not injure the see so much, as his successour.

Bishop Beaufoe, advanced it; he was consecrated in 1086, and did his utmost to enrich it with ample possessions; being very wealthy, and a great favourite of the Conqueror's, he obtained of that prince above 30 manors in this diocese, in fee, to him and his heirs, besides lands and revenues in above 40 other towns, some of which belonged to Bishop Stigand, who had forcibly retained them from the see, and all that did so, and that came to his hands, he restored, and added many others of his own gift.

The manors and revenues which belonged to the see, in the Confessor's time, and remained in it at the Conqueror's survey, were:
Cressingham-Magna, Thornham in Smithdon hund. Tofts, the Elmhams, Beetley, Colkirk, Saxlingham in Gallow hund. Thornage, Brunton, Becham, and Hemstede, Swanton noers, Hilderston, Hindringham, Egmere, Hemlington, Norton, Gestwick, Helmingham, Morton, Corpusty, Swathfield, Stratton, St. Michael, St. Trinity, St. Simon and Jude in Norwich, Yarmouth and Thetford; and it appears by the said book, that the revenues in this county only, in Ailmer's time, when the Confessor took his survey, were 105l. 6s. in annual rents, which were raised at Bishop Beaufoe's time, when the Conqueror took his survey, to 159l. 1s. 8d. per annum, and the following advowsons then belonged to it, viz. Cressingham-Magna, which had 20 acres of glebe valued at 20d. Elmham, 60 acres at 5s. 4d Colkirk 40 acres valued at 2s. Saxlingham had 12 acres, Thornage 32 acres valued at 32d. Hilderston 26, valued at 20d. the 3d part of Woodnorton advowson, with 2 acres 2 roods of glebe, valued at 4d. Swathfield with 28 acres. Helmingham and Morton churches, with 10 acres, valued at 8d. St. Benedit's church at Yarmouth, Trinity church in Norwich, and 24 houses which the Conqueror gave to be pulled down to build a palace there, and the Bishop had liberty of coinage in this city, as much money only as one minter could coin. In Thetford there was half the advowson of a church, a mill, and 20 free houses and no more, the rest being severed by Stigand and not restored again.

The aforesaid Bishop, had the following manors, given in fee to him and his heirs, most of which he left to the see at his death about 1091, by which he became the greatest benefactor to it, from its foundation to the present time.

Sedgeford, Fringe, Eccles, Langham, Gunton, Shipden, Boyton or Beigeton, Becham, Walsham, Blofield, Plumstede, Hemesby, Martham, Winterton, Langley, Rockland, Surlingham, Mendham, Thurning, Helmingham, Taverham, Attlebrigge, Btickling, Itteringham, Berningham, Marsham, Stratton-Strawless, Horseye, Scrouteby, Ormesby, Thrigby, Ravenningham, Mintling, Hunstanton, Stanford, Gateley, Fakenham, Snitterton, Burningham. Bruningham, Hindringham, Thorp in North Greenhoe hundred, Hottune or Houghton in North Erpingham hundred, Berningham in the same, Hemelington, Plumestede, Birlingham, Free-Thorp, South-Birlingham, Lecham, Bradeston, Catton, Bukenham, Brundale, Witton, Somerton, Ashby Rollesby, Burgh, Bastwic, Hadesco, Billockby, Clipesby, and Titshall.

Of these revenues did HERBERT, the first Bishop of Norwich, find his see seized, which in 1094, he translated from Thetford to Norwich, after he had obtained of Will. Rufus, part of the manor of Thorp, to build his cathedral upon; the whole of which, he afterwards got confirmed to his church, of the gift of Henry I. and by exchanging his own manors of Sileham and Wykes in Suffolk, with Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk he added Tombland, &c. with St. Michael's chapel that stood there, and the land in Taverham belonging to it, as well as that in Norwich, together with the site of the ancient palace of the Earls of Norfolk; all which the said King confirmed. King Henry I. not only gave the rest of Thorp, but also confirmed and partly gave, Eaton, Lakenham, and Holmstreet, and the FAIRS at Norwich, Lyn, and Hoxne; and Herbert gave Lakenham mill, and land at Stoke, &c. for his anniversary.

The ancient Revenues of the See, which were taken from it by the Act of Febr. 4, 27 Henry VIII. and vested in the King, his Heirs, and Successours, Ao. 1535.

The palace near Charyng by London, called afterwards York-house. The first fruits of the whole diocese.

All the knights fees belonging to the barony of the see.

Ancient Revenues of the See, not taken away at the exchange.

The palace in Norwich, with all its appurtenances, dignities, prerogatives, profits and pre-eminences in the precinct of the cathedral, to which the following advowsons are appendant, and now belong:

But in Bishop Jeggon's time, they were let at 45l. 9s. 10d. and are thus specified in Scambler's lease to Queen Elizabeth, being all due at Michaelmas.

The King by his auditor of Norfolk 11l. 15s. 7d. Caius college Cambridge 4l. Trinity-Hall 6l. 10s. Pembrook-Hall, for Tilney rectory, 4l. Dean and Chapter of Ely for Molicourt priory and Foston 6s. 8d. Dean and Chapter of Westminster for Swaffham rectory 3l. 6s. 8d Dean and Chapter of Norwich for Sprowston rect. 10s. Rect. of Castor St Trinity in Flegg deanery 1l. 3s. 4d. Rect. of Thurveton 5s. Rect of Flitcham 6s. 8d. Windsor college for East Ruston rect. 2l. 13s. 4d. Vicar of East-Ruston 1l. 6s. 8d. Rect. of Irsted 13s. 4d. Rect. of Waxham 2s. City of Norwich for Shropham rect. 1l. Rect. of Thompson 2l 13s. 4d. Surlingham St. Saviour and St. Mary's vic. 1l. 13s. 4d. Threxton rect. 13s. 4d. Raveningham and Norton rect. 3l. 17s. Wells rect. 10s. Easton rect. 6s. 8d. North-Walsham vic. 1l. Tunsted vic. 1l. Ingoldsthorp rect. 1l. 6s. 8d. Belagh rect. 2s. Swanton Abbots rect. 16s. 8d. Twayt rect. 1l. Barneye rect. 1l. 6s. 8d. Saxthorp vic. 2l.

In Suffolk, the King by his auditor of Suffolk, 6l. 12s. Sudbury rect. 1l. 6s. 8d. Brusyerd rect. 13s. 4d. Sutton in Wilford deanery 16s. Ashbockyng rect. 13s. 4d. Fresingfield rect. 3s. Iketshall St. John's rect. 2s. Bramford R. 3l. 6s. 8d. Framsden vic. 13s. 4d. Wicken R. 1l. Haverhill R. 16s. 8d. Sapiston R. 16s. 8d. Fordham R. 1l. Total of these pensions now paid, 95l. 5s. 7d. The following pensions are not duly paid, which if they were, would amount to 94l. 5s. 8d. 0b. Stalham R 7s. besides the 1l. paid. Field-Dallyng R. 2l. Riston in Fincham deanery 6d. 8d. Redeham R. 3s. 4d. South-Walsham vicarage 8s. Kessingland R. 1l. 6s. 8d. (see Lib. Inst. V. p. 5. a.) Cromere vic. 6s. 8d. Snape R. 13s. 4d. Holme by the Sea rect. 2l. 11s. 2d. 0b. Linford R. 6s. 8d. The Austin friary in Norwich 2s.

Bishop Thirlby granted to Edw. VI. and his successours, as many pensions from the see, as amounted, in all, to 20l. 11s. 11d. per annum.

The Revenues of the Abbey of Holm, which were annexed to the See at the exchange.

Revenues annexed to the See at the Exchange.

By the act aforesaid (27 Henry VIII.) the priory of Hickling, and the site and houses thereupon built, "and also all manors, lands, tenements, hereditaments, tithes, profits, and emoluments, of what nature, name, or quality soever they be, to the said late priory, the 4th day of Febr. in the aforesaid year, belonging," the site and manor, &c.

The same act settles on the see, for a city house for the Bishops, the house in Chanon-rowe, Westminster, which belonged to William Knight, clerk, archdeacon of Richmond, as parcel of his prebend in the chapel of St. Stephen at Westminster, and after the death of the said William Knight, the Bishop was to nominate 3 persons to the king, who was to choose one of them, to be prebendary of that prebend, which Knight enjoyed; but the said chapel being dissolved by Edward VI. the nomination ceased, but the right to the house remained, by the words of the prior act, it being settled by that, absolutely on the see, so that it was no part of the prebend at the disso lution of it, and it was leased off with most of the revenues of the see, by Bishop Scambler Ao 1558, to Queen Elizabeth, at 4d. per annum reserved rent, which was paid in Bishop Wren's time. See Pt. I. p. 559.

Revenues after the Exchange,
Added by King Edward VI, Ao 1549, and granted to Thomas Thirlby and his successours; his first grant is dated April 11, his second June 19.

The following revenues came to the see by an exchange made with Sir Will. Paston, Sir Will. Wodehouse, Knts. and John Corbet, Esq.

In Suffolk, added by King Edward VI.

The Bishop hath the nomination and appointment of the chancellor, principal registrary, and of the four commissaries to the Archdeacons, (see Pt. I. p. 655,) and their registraries also. (See Pt. I. p. 661.)

The bishoprick stands now in the King's Books at 834l. 11s. 7d. 0b. and pays first fruits, but no tenths, being discharged as aforesaid by Queen Elizabeth, for the manors of Swanton and Sudborne.

The Liberties of This See


From the most early to the present time, have been, and are, greater than those of any Bishop's see in the whole realm; an account of which here follows.

In the time of the Conquest, the privilege of coining or making current money, belonged to it, under this restriction, that the Bishop should coin no more, than one minter or coiner could make, as appears by that ancient record in Domesday Book.

William Rufus granted soc and sac, and freedom from all scot, geld, and other customs.

Henry I. granted them toll, team, and infangenethef.

The carvage that belonged to the see, and the manner how it was obtained, may be seen in Pt. I. p. 460, 70.

Pope Adrian IV. by bull dated 1154, granted to Will. Turb, then Bishop, that no one should forcibly elect any future bishops; but that the prior and monks should have the elections in them, and whoever was chosen by the majority, should be Bishop; by which the King and Pope should have no claim.

King Stephen granted a court to try all pleas in, concerning the lands and tenements held of the barony; and fines and recoveries were levied in it.

King John confirmed all former liberties, and added the following ones, that no Bishop of this see should be impleaded for any lands, unless before the King in person, or his chief justice; that they should have outfangenethef, and the four ordeals or judgments, by fire, water, iron, and duet; and should be free from danegeld, hydage, carrucage or carvage, aids, foreign pleas, plaints, and summons, from all suits, to shires or hundreds, from all aids levied by the sheriffs, or other stewards, from all amerciaments of counties or hundreds, and from all their pleas, from all pleas of murder, gaywite, and robbery; and the tenants of the church, as well belonging to the prior and monks, as those belonging to the Bishop, were to enjoy all the former privileges, together with a general freedom or discharge from paying any thing towards the re pair of any castles, houses, entrenchments, or ditches, parks, fishponds and bridges, as also from fredwite and hengwite, and from ward-penny and averd-penny, and them-penny, flemenswite, leirwite, blodwite, and flictwite, grithbreche, fremensfrithe, forstal, hamsocne, herfare, and frank-pledge; so that the Bishop do not suffer any others to be mixed with his tenants in his views of frank-pledge; and all fines and amerciaments of the tenants shall be to the Bishop and not to the King; they and all their tenants also by the same charter, are excused from payment of toll, pontage, passage, paage, lastage tollage, carriage, pannage, stallage, summage, navage, and all other customs throughout all England, except the city of London: and all things that the Bishop and his tenants, or the Prior and convent and their tenants, bought or sold, for their own use, should be toll free, except in London, and all forfeittures of lands, goods, or chatells of the tenants, should belong to the Bishop or convent, and not to the King, howsoever forfeited; and no tenant should be impannelled on any jury out of the Bishop's court, in any place in England; this charter was dated at Gatinton Nov. 28, Ao 2 Reg. 1200.

Pandulf Bishop of Norwich, obtained a grant of all the first-fruits in the whole diocese of Pope Honorius III. all which the see enjoyed till the stat. of 26 H. VIII. cap. 3, a privilege which no archbishop or bishop of this realm ever had. (See statute 1 Eliz. c. 14.)

Henry III. granted the return of all writs, and liberty of free-warren in all their manors and lands, in the 35th year of his reign; and in the 39th of that King, the Bishop had all jura regalia, or royal liberties, in all the manors belonging to his church, and also wreck, as appeared at a trial for a monstrous fish thrown upon the land of a minor in the guardianship of the Bishop, when Will. de Pakenham, the Bishop's steward, made it appear, that all royal fish, wreck, &c. immemorially belonged to the see; and in 1231, the same King granted to the Bishop and Prior, the amerciaments of all men in their demeans, saving to the King, those of the men of their fee, that held not in capite of them, with liberty of collecting them by their own bailiffs, and that no officer of the King should enter into any of their fees.

In 1255, Walter de Suffield, in the synod held at Norwich, confirmed by publick decree, this ancient custom of his diocese, that all rectors and vicars, who were alive on Easter day, might make a will of all the profits of their livings, to the Michaelmas following, except the offerings, mortuaries, and fees, that immediately belongs to him that serves the cure, saving to the Bishop, the profits of all livings void by the incumbents dying between Michaelmas and Easter, and all such profits as shall not be disposed of by the persons dying between Easter and Michaelmas, by an express clause in their wills; and accordingly beneficed persons in this diocese, generally had a clause in their wills to dispose of such profits.

In 1271, the Bishop and Prior had a coroner for their liberties, and a grant of all amerciaments of their tenants, in whatever courts they were fined.

In 1272, it appears that the election of a Bishop was free in the chapter, but the King might refuse the person elected, on just ground, (see Stow, fo 270,)

In 1285, the statute of Circumspecte agatis was passed, which confirmed and fixed the boundaries betwixt the spiritual and temporal jurisdictons, and as Selden saith, "hath special reference only to the Bishop of Norwich." but it grew afterwards to be a general law; though there was this at least in it, that that Bishop being a great promoter of it, and then enjoying the greatest liberties of any Bishop, was thought to be the properest person to be named in it, that all liberties might be included the better, by fixing him as the example; and though it is called a writ, De nogotijs tangentibus Episcopum Norwicensem et ejus clerum, yet Coke tells us, that it extendeth to all the bishops of the realm. and is proved to be an act of parliament, by another act. And indeed it see us a recompense to the clergy, to make them some amends for the act of mortmain, which was so lately passed. But of these we may see large dissertations in Fuller's Church Hist. Lord Coke's 2d Institute, &c.

In 1326, the Bishop had a prison for his liberty, and the Prior another for his; and the same year, King Edward II. granted, that for the future, when the see was void, the palace itself, and the churches appropriated to the see, should not be seized into the King's hands.

In 1336, a survey was exactly taken, of all the glebe lands in the diocese; and accordingly we find this concerning it in Fuller's Church History, 1. 4, fo 1/13. "About this time the Clergy were very bounifull in contributing to the King's Necessities, in Proportion to their Benefices. Hereupon a Survey was exactly taken of all their Gebe Land, and the same (fairly ingrossed in Parchment) was returned into the Exchequer, where it remaineth at this Day, and is the most usefull Record for Clergie Men (and also for Impropriators, as under their Claim) to recover their Right; many a stragling Acre, wondering out of the Way, had long since, by sacrilegious Guides, been seduced into the Possession of False Owners, had not this record at last directed them to their true Proprietary. The worst is, whilst some Diocesses in this Terrier were exactly done, and remain fairly legible at this Day, others were so slightly slubberd over, that (tho' kept with equal Carefullness) they are useless in effect, being not to be read."

In 1412, the Bishop granted to Will. Paston, the office of steward, of all his manors in Norfolk, during pleasue, with 5l. per annum fee out of Blofield manor, and such a livery out of his wardrobe every Christmas, as the rest of the gentlemen of the Bishop's family, usually had.

In 1418, the temporalities and all liberties belonging to them, and to the see, were taxed at 1000 marks, and it was returned that there were 1063 parish churches, 28 religious houses, besides friaries, and 20,000 marks per annum in the hands of the religious.

In 1443, King Henry VI. granted, that the Bishop of Norwich and his successours, should for ever be justices of the peace in the city and in the precinct, and liberty of the same, and that in every commission of justices of peace, the Bishop for the time being, should be justice in the city, liberty, county, &c. and also should have power by his own commissions, to appoint his justices of the peace for the precinct of his palace, who shall execute the office there, in the same manner as other justices in the county do.

These and all other customs, liberties and privileges whatever, enjoyed by the Bishop in right of his see, on the 24th of March 1512, were confirmed by the charter of King Henry VIII. in which the charters of his predecessors are exemplified by inspeximus.

The Bishops of Norwich, by immemorial custom, always have, and still do enjoy, as an ecclesiastical emolument or advantage, belonging to the spiritualities of the see, the power of union, or uniting any two cures with institution, any where within the limits of their own diocese, whether they be rectories or vicarages of any value whatever; and this power hath been exercised by every bishop without interruption, to this present day, and that in a double capacity, viz. by perpetual and personal unions.

The perpetual union, was always made with the consent and approbation of the Bishop, patrons of the churches, and their incumbents, or at least, one of them; and was and is, to all intents and purposes, the same as a consolidation upon the statute (37 Hen. VIII. cap. xxi.) unless in these respects; as first, the same power that united, can disunite, which cannot be done in a legal consolidation; and secondly, whereas the statute fixes and prescribes terms of consolidation, the perpetual union is not so restrained, but is solely in the power of the parties concerned; now this statute not being affirmative, that all unions, shall be consolidations, made by virtue of it, but only, that "an union or consolidation may be from henceforth had or made, by the assent of the ordinary, &c." doth not seem to affect or take away any power of making perpetual unions, from such bishops as by immemorial custom always did it; but only add a power of consolidating, to those sees that had not that power before; and therefore to hinder all disputes about the legality of all perpetual unions before the statute, whether made by bishops that had that power or not; the fourth paragraph of the act makes all perpetual unions before that act indissoluble; but no where takes away the power of making such unions for the future, from any one; so that it is solely in the power of the bishop, patrons, and incumbents, (where the bishop had this power before the act) either to make indissoluble consolidations upon the statute, or perpetual unions according to the ancient custom of the see; provided that the parishes to be united are in no incorporated place, for then, no perpetual union can there be made, but it must be a consolidation by the aforesaid act, which is confirmed and strengthened by the subsequent one of 17 Car. II. cap. iii.

Now it appears from the ancient records, register books, and undoubted authorities of the see, that the Bishop of Norwich always had this power, and constantly exercised it, from the most early times, and also since the statute.

About the year 1297, the deaneries of the city of Norwich and that of Taverham, and the rectories of St. Swithin, St. Simon and Jude, and Crostwick, about three miles from Norwich, were all united; but in 1329, the Bishop disunited the deaneries from the churches, and perpetually united the two deaneries, which were never parted afterwards, and the three churches were then also perpetually united, and remained so till 1546, and were then disunited, and are single rectories at this day.

In 1308, the vicarages of Wesenham All-Saints, of Thorp by Wesenham St. Peter, and the chapel of St. Paul by it, were perpetually united, and have remained so to this day.

Thus also, before the statute, the portions in Dicleburgh, the churches of All-Saints and St. Andrew in Snitterton, of St. Margaret and St. Andrew in Blonorton, of Midle-Herling and West Herting, and very many more, were perpetually united, and still continue.

And since the statute, the rectories of Ashby and Hillington, which in 1597, were proved not to be united or consolidated, in 1606, were presented to as one, by a perpetual union, and continued so till 1685; but upon the sale of Hillington from Ashby, the bishop and patrons by joint consent disunited them, and at this day they are single rectories in different patrons and rectors, which had it been a consolidation upon the statute, could not have been done.

Indeed I believe there are not above two or three instances of such unions by the bishop since the statute, but they are sufficient to show, that he hath that power still in him, in as ample a manner as he had before, except in corporate towns and burghs; and the reason why there cannot be so many instances as before, is because most people choose to consolidate upon the act, to render it unalterable.

The power of personal unions, or dispensations, to hold two livings for life, belongs to the see, by immemorial custom, and was always enjoyed and exercised by the aforesaid bishops, without any interruption, whose fiat or consent, in the most early times, was sufficient; and i doth not appear in all the ancient and modern records of the see, that either any pope, king, or archbishop, ever once contested, or so much as gainsayed that right; but whenever a person held two livings by the bishop's fiat, if he took a third, as sometimes was the case, and would hold them all, then he was obliged to take a Pope's dispensation to hold that third.

Thus, even in the year 1307, Sir Thomas de Butteturte, sub-deacon held the two rectories of Ewston and Troston in Suffolk, but upon his being instituted on the 2d of the nones of May in that year, to the rectory of Titshall with the parochial chapel of St. Margaret, in Norfolk, the Bishop obliged him to swear he would immediately resign one, unless he obtained a dispensation from the Pope, as soon as he received the profits of the third: and it is to be observed, that these three are all rectories, and the least of them 10l. 4s. 7d. in the King's Books, that they are in different counties, and that Titshall in Norfolk is 15 miles at least from Ewston, and 17 from Troston in Suffolk.

But even as old as the year 1437, we meet with personal unions in the very institution books or registers of the see; in 1461, 28 Nov. Sir John Byfeth, chaplain, rector of one mediety of North-Tudenham (then valued at 12 marks) was instituted to the other mediety, and had a personal union in form, as may be seen in the XIth Institution Book, fo. 129.

In 1480, Sir John Sepay was instituted to the rectory of Brecete Parva in Suffolk, and had a. personal union to the vicarage of Offington in the said county, as may be seen in the XIIth Institution Book, fo. 76.

In 1503, Sir James Sonkey, chaplain, rector of Cressingham Parva, had a personal union to the rectory of Threxton, as may be seen in the XIIIth Institution Book, fo. 28.

Now these examples I chose, because each of them have their different use, as first, before any instrument of personal union appears, when the fiat, or consent of the bishop or ordinary only was sufficient, it is plain that the power was not confined, but extended into both counties and to the holding of the best of livings in those counties, at any distance, if in the diocese; and that three livings could not even then be held by this power.

The next example shows us, that this power extended to unite two institutions in the same church.

The third that it extended to unite a rectory and vicarage of different churches, and was even then called an actual dispensation or faculty.

And the last example shows, that it extended to unite two rectories of different churches, and was then done by ordinary authority: and all of them, long before the Reformation; so that among many others, these are sufficient proofs that the see enjoys this privilege, exclusive of Pope, King or Archbishop by immemorial custom, and constant practice, which was never discontinued to this time.

A few out of the many hundred examples that occur in the Registers I shall here subjoin, to show that in every century this unlimited power hath been constantly used and enjoyed by the bishops of this see. In 1523, North Creke and Eccles rectories were held by union; in 1545, Diss, and Stonham Jernegan. In 1555, the vicarage of Lowestoft in Suffolk, with that of Besthorp in Norfolk. In 1566, Trinity church in Bungeye in Suffolk, and Reynham St. Margaret's in Norfolk. In 1600, Fetshall and Heigham. In 1600, Brettinham and Tharston. In 1686, N. Reppes and Ilketshall. In 1687, Lackford and Creting. St. Olave In 1688, Litcham and South Creke. In 1690, Cocley-Cley, and Cantley, Massingham and Colney. In 1704, Thorndon and Redenhall, Banham and Thwait, &c.

And now, having sufficiently established the Bishop's right to this emolument and prerogative of his see, it seems to me (with submission to those that may be better judges than myself) that it will also appear from the following considerations, that the power of the Bishop of Norwich's unions or dispensations in his own diocese are now supported by statute, as the Archbishop's power of dispensing in his province is,

For in the parliament held at Westminster, Feb. 4, 27 Henry VIII. an act passed (though it was never printed ) to exchange part of the revenues of the see, for those of the abbey of Holm, and confirm the rest of the revenues to it; in which is this: "that the said person which shall have the said bishoprick of Norwich, shall have to him and his successours Bishops of Norwich, for ever, all and singular rectories, personages, pencions, porcions, synods, proxies, probacions of testaments, visitations, and all and singular other profits and emoluments called spiritualties, which belonge, appertain or be appropriate to the said bishoprick, in as large and ample manner, as any bishops of the same see, have had the same." And in the 39th of Elizabeth another act passed for the Establishment of the Bishoprick of Norwich, which confirms the former, though the title only of this also, is to be met with, in the statutes at large.

Now it appearing that this privilege did immemorially belong to the see, and was always enjoyed as a profitable spiritual emolument, and as the bishops were to enjoy for ever, all the spiritualities of the see, "in as large and ample a manner as any bishops of the same see have and the same," I am sure the bishops who have constantly used this power, from the act to this day, have undoubted immemorial custom for so doing; and I think this statute law for it also, and must conclude, that whatever bishop refuses granting unions to such as desire them, or requires terms of any kind whatever [other then the 5l. now and anciently paid for such union or dispensation] injures his clergy, and whoever of his clergy takes other dispensation, when he might have his, injures him, by carrying the fees, which would be due to his own diocesan, another way: and indeed, I am apt to think, that the great number of very poor livings in this diocese was the reasonable original of this power, for the purchase of a Pope's bull or dispensation, to hold two livings in those days, was more than the advowsons of some two livings in Norfolk were worth; and indeed the expense of a dispensation now-a-days, would be several years clear profits of many two livings that I could pick out in this county; where, with grief it may be spoken, several parishes are not worth above 4 or 5l. per annum each; as the consideration therefore of the meanness of the livings seems to have been the orginal of this power; it will not be amiss to show, that the same reason for continuing it, still remains; which perhaps may make it not so much grudged at, as it was about 30 years agone, when a late bishop was solicited to refuse unions to his clergy, if the livings to be united exceeded a certain distance, in order to put them to the unnecessary trouble and charge of dispensations.

In the diocese then, besides 4 peculiars, there are exactly 1353 parishes. In Norfolk 800. In Suffolk, with the 16 in Cambridgeshire, 553; of which,

The visitation of the diocese also, is another profitable emolument of the spiritualties of the see; and are under a certain limited custom; as first, every bishop hath right after his inthronization, to hold his primary visitation as soon as he pleases; and the customary fees are double to those of an ordinary visitation, which the Bishop by custom can hold only every seventh year, computing from the time of his primary visitation; and accordingly I find, that from the most early times, to Queen Elizabeth, by all the publick registers of the see, no bishop ever visited otherwise; though since that time, contrary to the aforesaid act, which grants the spiritualities, only "in as large and ample a manner as any bishops of the same see, have had the same." One or two of the bishops held illegal visitations; illegal, I say, because they held them within less than seven years, and consequently in a more large and ample manner, than any bishop of the same see ever did, before the act.

And it appears, that before every visitation, upon the Bishop's inhibition, all other spiritual jurisdiction of what kind soever, ceased for a whole year, from the date of the inhibition; if the Bishop did not like of his own will to relax part of that time, by formal letters of revocation of his inhibition; and the same time the Bishop visits his diocese, he was obliged to visit the prior and convent, and so consequently the dean and chapter.

It hath been also by immemorial custom, usual in this diocese for rectors and vicars often to be instituted by their proctors, and to make conditional resignations of their benefices, to the Bishop, as well in cases of exchange as others, allowed of by the Bishop; and formerly, the Bishop appointed two suffragan bishops, according to the act 26 Henry VIII. cap. xiv. and commissary and official of the peculiar jurisdiction of his own manors.

As to the probations of wills, another emolument of the spiritualties; it appears by the registers, and depositions taken A°. 1510, (Depos. N. 191,) that the rural deans had the probate of all wills, where the deceased had no moveables but in their deanery only; and where the deceased had moveables in two deaneries, and in one archdeaconry, these probates belonged to the archdeacon, and if they had goods in two archdeaconries, those probates belonged to the bishop, who had the probate also of the wills of all noblemen, gentlemen of arms, rectors, vicars, and the whole clergy; though by virtue of the ordinary prerogative, all persons not having bona notabilia, or personals to the value of 5l. in different dioceses, might prove their wills in the Bishop's court, if they would; but if they had bona notabilia, they were always obliged to prove such wills in the prerogative or Archbishop's court, as they now are.

In 1st James, A°. 1603, an act passed, which confirmed the statute 1 Eliz. cap. 19, that no bishop should make any lease of his lands but for 21 years, or three lives, to any subject; and added a clause, that no bishop should assure his land, not even to the King. So that from that time, the bishoprick hath not suffered any diminution in its revenues.

The Bishop appoints by patents for life:

An high or capital steward, which office is now [1745] executed by Miles Branthwait, Esq. and also

A steward of courts, letes, views of frankpledge, &c. with a salary of 4l. 10s. per annum; and also

A general receiver of all the farm-rents, &c. and supervisor of all the manors, farms, &c. with a salary of 20 marks per annum, with power to make a deputy; which two last places are in the said Miles.

And also an auditor of the accounts, with 6l. 13s. 4d. annual fee, and a robe or livery, such as the Bishop gives to his gentlemen, with convenient victuals for himself, servant, and horses, during the execution of his office. Peter Atlesea, Gent. hath this office, by patent dated May 10, 1723.

And also the offices of bailiffs of the bailiffwick of the manors, &c. belonging to the see.

Febr. 10, 1703, Nic. Tuck of Westminster, Gent. had a patent for the office of bailiff or receiver of the rents of the manors of Heigham, with 40s. fee, Tibbenham, Shotesham, and Stoke-Holy-Cross, with 20s. fee, rectories of Thornham, Langham Hoxne, and rents in Norwich, and Heigham, Melton, and Moulton, late St. Bennet's cellerer's rents, with 26s. 8d. fee, and one livery or robe like that of the Bishop's gentlemen, or 13s. 4d. sterling, yearly in lieu thereof, with power to depute, &c.

June 6, 1720, Bartholomew Harwood, (now alderman of Norwich,) had a patent for the office of bailiff and receiver of the rents of the manors of Horning, Burwood's in Netesherd and Ashmenhagh, Netesherd, Hellesden, Draiton, Hofton, St. John, and Lathes, Ludham, Ludham and Bacon's there; Potter Heigham, Catfield, Walton, Ludham convent and Flegg rents, North Walsham, Thurgarton, Skeyton-hall in Twait, with various fees for the said manors, amounting in all to 27l. 8s. per annum and two robes or liveries of the Bishop's valets, viz. one robe or livery at Easter, or 13s. 4d. in lieu of it, and 1 at Michaelmas, or 6s. 8d. in lieu of it; and for Hofton, a valet's robe or 10s. for Flogg rents, &c. a valet's summer livery, or 13s. 4d. and a winter livery or 10s and for Thugarton, &c. a livery of the Bishop's gentlemen, or 10s. in lieu of it. The whole fees being 30l. 11s. 4d. per annum, with power to depute, &c.

The place of general apparitor, is also held by patent for life, and may depute; it hath no salary specified, but all ancient fees, (as 4d. from each will, administration, &c.) Mr. Will. Chase, printer, had it, and at his death Mr. Francis Stafford, who is lately deceased.

The office of porter, belonging to the principal gate of the palace, over against St. Martin's church, is also a patent place, which was granted to Robert Pickering, yeoman, for life, Oct. 26, 1697.

Chapter XLIV


Of The Revenues And Liberties Of The Prior And Convent, And Now of The Dean And Chapter.

Herbert, the founder, first appointed a prior and monks here, in room of secular priests, which had always hitherto attended the Bishops as their chapter; and settled the following revenues, which heretofore belonged to the see, for their maintenance, and got them confirmed by the Pope, King, and Archbishop, viz. all offerings, mortuaries, and burials, in the cathedral; the fair on Tombland, which Will. Rufus first granted, and Henry I. prolonged, with the tithes of his manors, except those which he had settled on his chaplains; the towns of Lakenham and Ameringhale, (except the land of Osbert the Archdeacon,) and the moiety of Thorp-wood; the liberty of warren and hunting in those towns being reserved to the Bishop. The villages of Hindringham and Hilderston; the mills, lands, and meadows, at Norwich, which formerly belonged to the bishoprick, half Thorp meadows on both sides of the water, the Bishop's house at Helgey, and the marsh and eel-rents which belonged to it; the towns of Martham and Hemesby, St. Nicholas's church at Yarmouth, and all belonging to it; St. Leonard's church and priory on Thorp-hill, which he built, Catton and all belonging to it; Newton by Trowse, which Godefrid or Godric the sewer, and Ingreda his wife gave, and Ralf their son confirmed; they had also whatever Herbert Ros owned in Plumstede and Becham; the church also of Hoxne, and chapel of St. Edmund, which is built, where that martyr was slain; the church at Lyn, and saltpans at Geywood, (except those let with the manor,) to be held as free from all customs, as Bishop Arfast, or any of his predecessors, held them; and his mill that he had begun to build in Geywood Marsh, the church of Helingham, and that of Langham, which was Alan's, and its tithes: and as he was truly sensible of the diminution and damage done to the see by this settlement, he says, to recompense it, he had repaired the palace, built a palace at South-Elmham in Suffolk, upon that part which he purchased of Will. de Nerverys; redeemed the manor of Eccles from Henry I. at 60l. expense, and settled the manor of Colkirk on the see. This charter is dated Sept. 1101; and it appears that his successours also fleeced the see; for in the charter of confirmation of their revenues by King Henry III. besides those already mentioned, they had the following revenues, Gnatingdon in Suffolk, Fringe, the soke of Lyn. The park, church, and fair at NorthEtmham, on St. Mary's day; portions of tithes in Geywood, GreatCress ngham, Secheford, Thornage, Blickling, Blofield, Martham, Langham St. Mary, Anderby or Auderby; as Agnes de Beaufo gave them, the churches of St. Sepulchre, St. Nicholas in Brakendale, St. Mary's chapel in the Bishop's court, St. Giles, St. Stephen, St. John in Conesford, St. John by the castle-gate, the Holy-Cross, St. Bennet, St. Margaret, St. Gregory, St. James, St. Cuthbert, the moieties of St. Mary in the Marsh, and St. Vedast in Norwich; the lands at Becham, Emster, and Colchester, which Bishop Eborard gave, the church and land at Mintling, the church and land of Thurstan the Deacon of Thornham; Hopton in Lothingland, which Will. Rufus gave; and Akwy de Walton's land, which Rich. Fitz-Hermer gave; the hospital and church of St. Paul in Norwich, with soc, sac, toll, theam, and infangenthef, in the hospital croft, and lands belonging to it, and freedom from all scot, geld, landgable, and all other customs, for those that dwell in the said croft; all the churches in Ormesby were confirmed to the hospital, and the tithes of the demeans of the hall there; the land and men at Harpley; the land and tenure of John son of Aslath of Flockthorp, and the mill and land there, given by Jeffrey de Beck, 60 acres in Heilesdune, which Walter Hauteyn gave; Sechford manor, which Bishop William gave, and Trowse mill, which Herbert gave; Thedward's croft, or Newgate in Norwich, with all customs and liberties belonging to them, &c.

Stoke Holy-Cross, manor, impropriate rectory, and adv. of vicarage.

North Elmham, appropriate rectory, and manor.

Whitwell impropriate rectory.

Hindringham manor and rectory appropriated by John de Grey.

Hemlington impropriate rectory, and advowson of the vicarage.

Field Dawling, Wolterton's, and Gibbes manor there.

Geywood, lands and rents beyond the bridge.

Smallburgh manor

Taverham, manor and impropriate tithes of a mediety.

Dilham manor.

Colkirk manor.

Gately manor.

Bawburgh, impropriate rectory, Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 391.

Berford, appropriate rectory of the mediety, and donation of its curacy. Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 483.

Plumstede Magna, impropriate rectory and adv. of the vicarage.

Sprowston, impropriate rectory, and nomination to its perpetual curacy.

Fringe manor, appropriate rectory, and donation of the perpetual curacy.

Cressingham Magna manor, and pension from the rector.

Fordham, mediety of the rectory appropriate, and nom. to its curacy.

Riston cum Roxton, impr. rectories, and nom. to the curacies.

West-Beckham, appropriate rect. and adv. of the vicarage.

Thornham Episcopi, manor, &c.

Kimberly manor. Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 538.

Pockthorp manor, the monks grange, and lands and rents there, with Norman's spitel manor.

Many lands, meadows, rents, gardens, houses, and tenements in the city of Norwich, and suburbs thereof.

Trowse mill.

In Well and Up-Well, lands there.

All these, and the following revenues, were confirmed by letters patents of the re-foundation of Edward VI. dated at Westminster, November 9, A°. reg. I. which were confirmed by authority of parliament, viz.

The rectory impropriate, and church of Scawby or Scalby in Yorkshire, lately belonging to Bridlington priory, and advowson of the vicarage. Whetacre-Burgh marsh, in the parish of Burrow All-Saints in Norfolk. Olton marsh in Suffolk. Conisford meadows and cows leasure in Norwich-Thorp; Lumpnour's and Gannock's closes there. Foule-holme marsh by Yarmouth. The ferry close in Thorp by St. Leonard's walls. An annuity of 3l. 6s. 8d. out of Claydon manor. 6l. out out St. Saviour's monastery at Bermondesey in Surrey. An annuity of 5l. 6s. 8d. out of the manors Skampton or Scanton, and Thorp in Lincolnshire, late parcel of Kirkestede monastery in that county.

The portions of tithes in Cringleford, Metingham, Wangford, Wichingham Magna, Blofield, Boyton, Filby, Thornage, Marston, Marsham, Hevingham, Sparham, Shottesham, Hockering, SouthElmham, Possewick, Scarning, Cockthorp, Buxton, Bishop's Langham, and those belonging to St. Margaret's chapel in Norwich.

The pensions paid by the vicar of Henley, rector of Witlesham or Witnesham, the rectors of Creke and Cressingham, the late Prioress of Carrow, rector of Possewick, vicar of Wigenhall, dean and chapter of Christ Church in Canterbury, vicar of Wighton, late abbots of WestDerham, and Lilleshall, late priors of Pentney, Westacre, Shuldham, and the Carthusians by London, late prioresses of Blakebergh and Fhxton, late priors of Castleacre, Bukenham, Walsingham, and Woodbrigge, late master of Tompson college; dean of the chapel in the Fields in Norwich. Abbot of Westminster, master of St. Gues's hospital. Rector of Geywode, late abbots of Sibton and Layston, abbess of Brusierd, vicar of Kessingland. Late master of Wingfield college. Late master of Sudbury chantry. Vicar of Framesden, and every one of them.

And also 4l. 11s. 3d. paid by the sheriff of Norfolk, as the King's alms to Norman's hospital, and also all messuages, lands, tenements, pastures, meadows, feedings, rents, services, and other hereditaments whatever, in the towns of Thorp by Norwich, Beetly, Howe, EastDerham, Dawling, Bittering, North Elmham, Geywood, Bexwell, Well, Upwell, Sething, Brakendale, Posstwich, Rockland, Alderford, Wichingham, Wood-Dalling, Erlham, Whitwell, Wramplingham, Shottesham, Kesewic, Dunston, Braken, Hobbes, Tharston, Hellesden, Sprowston, Catton, Merston, Langham, Cockthorp, Dersingham, Geist, Norton, Pokethorp, Lyn Regis, Yarmouth and Norwich, lately belonging to the cathedral.

And also all glebes, tithes, oblations, obventions, pensions, portions, courts, &c. in Kimberley, Hardingham, Olton, Whetacre-Burrow, Gibbs, in Field-Dalling, Pokethorp, Conisford, Bitering, Sething, Wramplingham, Shotesham, Scrowtby, Metingham, Wangford,Beighton, Felby, Thornage, Marsham, Hevingham, Sparham, Hockering, SouthElmham, Buxton, Plumstede, Creke, Langham, Wroxham, Wigenhall, Depham, Holkham, Wormegeye, Westhill, Westacre, Massingham, Holm by the Sea, Castor in Flegg, Islyngton, Haverhill, East-Barsham, Shropham, East Bradenham, Flitcham, Lakenham and Riston, Hopton, Claydon, Westleton, Corton, Brosyard, Sutton, Kessingland, Wingfield, Sudbury, Framesden, Woodbridge and Fresingfield in Norfolk and Suffolk, Chalk in Kent, Skampton and Thorp in Lincolnshire, and Skawby in Yorkshire,

To hold to the dean and chapter and their successours in free alms, n as ample a manner as ever the prior and convent held them, with all courts, letes, views of frankpledge, fines, amerciaments, assize, and assay of wine, bread and ale, free-warren, weyfs, strays, felons, and fugitive goods, deodands, and all other rights whatever heretofore enjoyed.

And also the whole site, circuit, and precinct, with all liberties, freecustoms, and privileges, heretofore belonging to it; with all the church, chapels, lead, jewels, lands, &c. and every thing real and personal, within the precinct walls; and thus it was re-founded, in honour of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and incorporated by the name of "the DEAN and CHAPTER of the cathedral church of the Holy and undivided Trinity of Norwich, of the foundation of King Edward the Sixth;" and from that time, the church continued in quiet possession of all its revenues till 40 Eliz. and then, one William Downing, and other needy and indigent persons. endeavoured to repair their poor declining estates, by the dissolution of the cathedral church, and of all the possessions of the dean and chapter, under pretence, that they were concealed from the Queen, and that they were (in the Queen's great deceit) under general and obscure words, passed by letters patents of concealment, pretending, that their translation from a prior and convent to a dean and chapter was void; and that their regrant after their surrender to Edw. VI. was void, by reason of a misnomer of the corporation of the dean and chapter; the words (ex fundatione Regis Edw. VI.) being omitted in the regrant; what attempts these concealors (graceless and wicked men) made, to the subversion of the deanery and chapter, saith Coke in his IVth institute, I have the rather remembered, both for the establishment of the bishoprick, as for the repose and quiet of very many farmers, officers, and others, for (favente Deo et auspice Christo) isti helluones non prævaluerunt. And if any question shall hereafter be made, either concerning any of the possessions of this bishoprick, or any other; or of any dean and chapter, or of the colleges in either Universities, &c. by any concealor or other; their possessions are established by the act of parliament of 21 Jac. I. cap. 2, intituied, An Act for the general Quiet of the Subject, against all Pretence of Concealment whatsoever. As to the

Liberties of the Dean and Chapter


They enjoy those that the prior and convent formerly did, as to their manors, lands, tenements, and tenants, and are the same with the liberties of the manors, lands, tenements, and tenants of the Bishop, mentioned in the preceding chapter; and there is, and from the foundation always was, a peculiar jurisdiction belonging to the prior and convent, and now to the dean and chapter, before the Reformation, governed by a DEAN, called the rural dean, of the manors of the prior and convent, and now by a commissary, of the exempt jurisdiction of the dean and chapter, to whom the chapter clerk is register of course; Thomas Fowle, LL. D. succeeded Dr. Tanner, and is the present commissary; and Francis Frank, LL. B. is now chapter clerk and register, appointed by the dean and chapter.

This COMMISSARY hath not episcopal, but archidiaconal power in the following manner, as it was confirmed by the bull of Pope Alex. IV. viz. the archidiaconal visitation of all the churches of those towns and places where they are lords of the manors, over both clergy and laiety; and all institutions made by the Bishop, shall be certified to the dean, and now to the commissary, who shall make out all letters of induction. The commissary hath also, the probate of all wills of the clergy and laiety, and power of holding an ecclesiastical court constantly, in the same manner as the archdeacons do, and to judge and determine all such ecclesiastical causes, as the archdeacons do, and no others, and to grant administrations of the goods of all that die intestate in the following places, which are in the exempt jurisdiction, and in no others, viz. Hecham, Sechesford, Hemesby, Newton cum Trowse, Lakenham, Ameringhall, Eaton, Catton, Hindolveston and Becham; and of all residing in the Precinct, and from St. Martin'sbridge to Bishop's-bridge, on the east side of St. Martin's-bridge and of all residing in the Precinct of Spitelond, which includes St. Paul's and St. James's parishes; and of such only, in the towns of Winterton, Taverham, Martham, Hindringham, Scrowteby, and Plumstede, as are resident and dwell in their manors there.

From the foundation of this church, it appears, that the Kings of England had power to give an annual pension and corrody to one chaplain and one priest in this convent, and whenever they were presented to any good ecclesiastical benefice, then they were to name others; and accordingly Edw. II. A°. Reg. IV. ordered the prior to provide for John de Tackele, upon which, the convent wrote a letter to John de Lenham, that King's confessor, and alleged, they had granted one corrody, and one pension already, and were obliged to grant no more, till one of them were void; but yet they were continually troubled about such admissions, till King Edw. IV. granted them letters patent of discharge for ever, from both corrody and pension, dated May 14, A°. reg. 22.

As to the government and present constitution of the church, we shall best learn that, from its STATUTES, which contain 40 chapters; the first of which treats of the number of them that are maintained in the church, viz.

One dean, six prebends, six petty canons, one deacon, reader of the Gospel, one reader of the Epistle, eight lay-clerks, one organist, eight choristers, six poor men to be maintained at the costs of the church, two vergers, two sub-sacrists, one HIGH-STEWARD being a nobleman, one under-steward of courts, one chapter clerk, two cooks, one porter, one butler, one catour, one bailiff of the liberties, one auditor and ingrosser of the accompts, who is also to be surveyour of the lands and woods, one keeper of the ferry, one beadle of the poor men, who shall likewise serve to blow the bellows of the organ; all which shall diligently serve in the church, according to their prescript, and in his order.

The 2d chapter treats of the quality and installation of the Dean, who must be a priest and preacher, and doctor or bachelor of divinity, or master of arts, and not dean of any other cathedral church, and is to be nominated by the King, by letters patents under the great seal of England.

The 3d chapter contains the oath of the Dean, and the 4th his office, which shows that he hath power to appoint and admit all inferiour offices of the church; and upon statutable causes, to correct, depose, remove, and expel them. The 5th chapter allows the Dean to be absent seven months in the year, jointly or severally. The 8th treats of the qualities, election, and installation of the PREBENDS, who are to be nominated by letters patents under the great seal, and must be either doctors or bachelors of divinity, masters of arts, or bachelors of law, and not prebend of any other cathedral church, or of the college of Windsor or Westminster; and the next chapter contains their oath, in which they swear, not to reveal the secrets of the chapter, and not to use the privilege or dispensation of any relaxation whatsover, hereafter conferred or to be conferred, so far forth, as they shall repugn these statutes. The 10th chapter concerns the residency of the PREBENDS, by which 5 months residence was prescribed; but according to the power reserved in the Crown, to add, diminish, or alter the said statutes, King Charles I. in the 5th year of his reign, did alter some; and in 1675, Charles II. reduced it to two months residence, and indispensable attendance, both forenoon and afternoon; from which time, each prebendary hath been obliged "to two months continuing residence, without interruption every year, to be personally performed by each of them, by attending divine service in the church, both forenoon and afternoon, and not one for another." And they are likewise to attend whenever a congé de elire issues, for the choice of a new Bishop.

The next chapter obliges the prebends to dwell during their residence, severally with their families, in the precinct of the church. The 12th chapter appoints 6 PETTY CANONS, all of them either priests or deacons at the least; one gospeller, one episteller, one organist, and 8 clerks, always to be chosen by the Dean; all of them to "be expert in singing, and apt and fit with voice and art to serve in the quire," but if the Dean be not expert in the said art himself, he must in every vacancy, have "the councell of some of the PETTY CANONS or CLERKS, which are most skillful in the art of singing," as to the choice of the person to fill the vacancy.

The next chapter contains the oath of the CANONS, &c. and the 14th concerns their service in the church, which is twice every day, under 2d. punishment every working day, and 4d. every Sunday, and for double feasts 6d.; and he that comes tardé shall be punished 1d. that is to say, after the Venite in morning prayer, or the end of the last Psalm in evening prayer; and whoever is present at service, and absents himself from sermon, shall be punished 6d. and he that comes not before the first lesson be ended, or that goes from the choir, before the second be ended, without leave, or lawful impediment, is to be esteemed absent. "Furthermore, that the PETTY CANONS or priests of the church, may more diligently attend their ministries, we give each of them liberty to enjoy one ecclesiastical benefice only, with their said service in the church; so it be, that the said benefice be not distant from our city of Norwich above 12 miles, from which benefice we permit them to be absent so long as they shall serve in this cathedral church, notwithstanding any statute to the contrary; and three of the choir, in their turns, may be absent, &c.

Chapter 15th appoints 8 choristers to be chosen by the Dean, who are to be taught singing, &c. and have their diet and education.

The 16th chapter prescribes the manner of performing divine service in the church.

Chapter 17, appoints the sermons, and wills and beseeches, by the mercy of God, that the dean and all the prebends be diligent in preaching the word of God, both in the country, and especially in the cathedral church, &c.

Chapter 19, fixes the stipends of the DEAN and prebends; the DEAN is to receive 35l. 6s. 8d. yearly, for the corps of his deanery; and every prebendary 7l. 16s. 8d. for the corps of his prebend; and the dean is also to receive for every day 3s. 8d. and every prebend 8d. a day, to be paid quarterly, but all money arising from vacancies, or absence of the dean and prebend, and from punishments, or from the common seal, is to be divided once only every year, among such as have performed full residences, and this shall be called the common dividend.

The Petty Canons stipends shall, by cap. 20, be paid quarterly, that is to say, to each, 10l. per annum, besides their commons, assigned them by the 18th chapter, the gospeller 9l.; the episteller 8l. 10s.; the organist 20l.; each lay clerk 8l.; the master of the choristers 8l. for teaching them, besides his wages allowed in right of his place in the choir, but to the choristers, besides their diet and education, we allow no money, but at Easter 2 ells and an half of cloth to the value of 5s. a yard, for their livery or gown. But now the 4 senior choristers receive each 10l. per annum in lien of their commons or diet.

Chapter 21, assigns houses for the DEAN, PREBENDS, and petty canons, and the rest of the officers of the church, within the precinct; and the next chapter fixes the reparation of the church and houses, The following chapters declare, that there must be 3 prebends at least, personally present to make a chapter, and that the absent prebends cannot vote, and appoint two general chapters to be held every year, one the first Tuesday in December, and the other the first Tuesday in June; the chapter clerk is to attend all chapters, keep the evidences, &c. By the 25th chapter they are restrained from granting or letting to farm any courts, leets, timber, woods, underwoods, or advowsons of Rectories or vicarages belonging to the church; and in the dividends of corn rents, &c. the Dean shall receive twice as much as each prebendary, and shall have the manor of Newton, called the Dean's Lodging, and also that manor itself, and the rectory of Trowse, for the corps of his deanery.

Chapter 27, appoints a common treasurer, and after every year's accompts passed there shall be a stock of 100l. kept. Chapter 28, orders the courts to be kept by the dean and receiver, or their deputies, and not by the under-steward alone; and "we exhort the said dean and receiver which shall be for the time to come, and those that supply their places, and beseech them in the Lord, that whilst they are intentive in viewing their courts, and lands, and coming in the time to their appropriate churches, and royalties of the church, especially upon Sundays and Holy-days, they preach the word of God diligently in them, for it is meet, that the Lord's workmen should sow to them heavenly things, of whom they yearly desire to reap earthly things."

The 29th chapter orders about surveying their lands, and keeping their woods, by which the dean is to go personally to keep the courts, the first year after his admission, and every year he, or the vice-dean, or some prebend deputed for that purpose, shall attend the receiver and steward of the courts, and one at least shall go to the distant manors; and they shall yearly survey the state of the woods, manors, edifices, and chancels of the churches appropriate to them, and what reparations they want; which if they are to be amended by the farmers, by covenant, the dean or vice-dean shall admonish them to perform the same by a day, and whatever they think should be repaired at the costs of the church, the treasurer with consent of the chapter, shall provide to have it amended in time.

The 30th chapter orders for the annual appointment of a vice-dean, Receiver, and Treasurer, which must be prebends; and the three following chapters specify their offices, and that every dean before his installation shall pay 10l. and every prebend 5l. into the treasurer's hands, to the use of the church. The next three chapters contain the offices of the precentor, who is to direct the singing, note the absences of the choir, &c. of the sacrist, who is to have the care of the church, holy vessels, bread and wine for the sacrament, and all other church ornaments; to him belongs the office of visiting the sick, administering the sacrament, &c. of the two vergers, who are to take care there be no disturbance in any part of the church, during divine service, and carry the mace before the dean, and before the preacher when he goes into the pulpit; and the two sub-sacrists or sextons shall be under the sacrist, and are to sweep and clean the church twice every week, ring the bells, keep the clock, open and shut the doors, clean the cloister, and dig graves; and these offices may be served by deputies if the dean gives leave.

The 36th chapter orders the dean to choose a porter, to keep the keys of the outward gates of the precinct, a butler to serve the common-hall, a cator, cook, and under-cook, and a keeper of the ferry, who shall at his own cost, be always ready with a boat to set over the water, the dean, prebends, and other ministers of the church, and with oars to carry and recarry the dean to and from Newton; and he is also to keep the water-gates of the church. He shall also appoint a beadle of the poor men, who is also to blow the organs.

The 37th chapter treats of the six poor men (or beads-men) to be nominated by the King's privy seal, who are constantly to attend divine service, obey the dean, vice-dean, and prebends, in those things that belong to the cleaning and adorning the church, and to help the sextons to toll the bell for prayers, and each may be absent only 40 days in a year; and every one of them shall always wear upon their left shoulder, a rose made with red silk, and no man who hath the like place in any other church, shall have any such place in this.

The 38th chapter orders the following stipends to be paid. to the vice-dean 4l.; to the receiver 5l.; to the treasurer 5l.; to the high-steward 6l. 13s. 4d.; to the under-steward 6l.; to the chapter clerk 6l.; to the auditor 6l.; to the precentor 1l; to the sacrist 1l. to the sextons, senior verger, porter, cator, butler, and senior cook, 6l. each; and 6l. to each of the poor men; to the under-cook 3l. 6s. 8d.; to the keeper of the ferry 2l.; to the bailiff of the liberties 2l.; to the beadle 2l.; to the junior verger 2l. yearly and every year; and if other ministers and officers be thought convenient, they may be added by the dean and chapter, and have stipends assigned them.

The 39th chapter concerns the compounding and reconciling all differences, which if the dean and chapter cannot settle friendly, all such strifes are to be finally determined by the Bishop.

The 40th chapter treats of the dignity of the Bishop, and the visitation of the church; by which, the dean, prebends, and all other ministers of the church are commanded to give him due reverence and honour in the church and all other places, not only as their Bishop, but as their visitor, who may visit the said church every seventh year, either in his proper person, or by his vicar-general, and shall interrogate all that belong to the church, upon every article of the statutes, and compel them by oath to speak the truth; and the dean shall prepare one meal within the precinct, at the costs of the church, for the Bishop or his vicar visiting, and his family, or otherwise pay to the Bishop accustomed procurations.

The interpretation of the statutes and determination thereon, is left to the Bishop, but neither he, nor no other persons, shall make any other new statutes contrary to these, or dispense with these: but there is a reserve for the King and his successours from time to time, to change, correct, enlarge, and reform these statutes, which are to be read distinctly and plainly in the English tongue, in the chapter-house, by the vice-dean, openly, once a year, at 4 times, all the ministers of the church being called together for that purpose.

The statutes are sealed with the broad seal, and are dated at Gothamburie.

Sept. 19, 1610, King James I. granted by charter, that the dean, vicedean, treasurer, or receiver, the high-steward, deputy high-steward, and principal coroner, shall be justices of the peace within the precinet or close, and hold sessions of the peace there

At the re-foundation by Queen Elizabeth her charter of endowment reserved a fee-farm rent of 89l. 13s. 4d. ob. which was not paid for many years, till it amounted to near 2000l. and a suit was commenced in the Exchequer for payment of it; upon which they petitioned the Queen, and set forth, that they were not able to pay the arrears, or satisfy the annual rent, by reason of the poverty of their church, 300 marks per annum of their old revenues being taken from them by Edward VI. when he new founded the church, without any compensation for the same; upon which, the Queen not only pardoned all the arrears, but reduced the fee-farm to 50l. per annum by her charter dated May 7, A° reg. 11°. This charter was obtained by the favour of the Earl of Leicester, to whom the dean and chapter presented a silver gilt cup, weighing above 48 ounces, engraven with historical figures, and of Tho. Ward of Lincoln's-Inn, Gent. who had 500l. for his pains; and by the master of Christ's college in Cambridge, who had 100l. for his pains, which he gave to his college.

At the visitation in 1568, it appeared upon oath, that the church was then endowed with 798l. 6s. 3d. of supposed clear yearly revenues; but by decay of their revenues in Lyn, from 44l. per annum to 20l. and of parsonages and rents in Norwich, with the oblations to the Trinity, legacies, &c. which, though now sunk to nothing, were formerly a considerable part of their revenues, the clear rents did not then exceed 658l. 18s. 8d. and the old stock, which used to be 400 marks, was then reduced to 131l. the rest being fraudulently divided among the residents, or improvidently wasted; the waste in the woods being great, and several of the estates in the church being let by coloured leases, in other men's names, some for the interest of the dean and his wife, some for the interest of Dr. Spencer, one of the prebendaries, &c.

At a visitation in 1428, the temporalities of the priory in the archdeaconries of Norwich and Norfolk, were taxed at 423l. 8s. 6d. ob. and their spirituals at 509l. 10s. and so consequently paid to every tenth 93l. 5s. 10d. q.

The present [1745] minor canons are,

1. John Fox, A M. sacrist and librarian, see p. 521.

2. Lynne Smear, precentor, see p. 518.

3. William Herne, see p. 425.

4. John Brooks, reader of the early prayers in the cathedral: see p. 477.

5. Charles Ames, rector of Hankford.

6. Ephraim Megoe, see p. 138, 485.

The gospeller is William Smith, vicar of Westhall in Suffolk, curate of Great Plumstede, and of St. Martin's at the Palace; see p. 368.

The episteller is John Pleasants.

The organist is Mr. Humphry Cotton.

The 8 lay-clerks are, 1. John Becket, master of the choristers.

2. Jacob Votier. 3. Tho. Hill. 4. John Swanton. 5. Tho. Guybon.

6. John Reynolds. 7. Rob. Burgess. 8. Sam. Cook.

The auditor is Mr. Henry Field, who is deputy coroner by patent.

The bailiff of the liberties is William Fenn.

The two sub-sacrists are, William Smith, who is also porter and under treasurer, and
Will Gell, who is also senior verger, to carry the mace before the dean. The junior verger, who carries a verge before the prebends, is Will. Fenn. The ferry-man is Joseph Jary.

The place of the beadle of the poor men is now void by the death of Francis Stafford, who was also general apparitor to the Bishop, and died Jan. 21, 1744, and is buried in the cloister near the south door, by the Rev. Mr. Will. Stafford, B. A. his son, late of Caius college in Cambridge, who died Aug. 21, 1744.

The six poor men, beads-men, or alms-men, are, 1. Tho. Potter. 2. Tho. Fransham. 3. James Life. 4. Will. Manning. 5. Martin Burrage. 6 Isaac Midlebrook,

And Thomas Bonkin hath a patent for the next avoidance.

The office of sub-steward, or steward of the courts, is a patent place, void by the death of John Jeremy, Esq. and there is said to be a patent preparing for John Fowle, Esq.

I find before the Dissolution, the prior had a portion of 40s. per annum from Swanton Morley. 30s. per annum paid by the Prioress of Carrow, for their portion of the tithes of Wroxham-hall, which the prioress hired. Two marks per annum from Chatgrave, for 2 parts of the corn tithes of the demeans of Rob. son of Tho. de Chatgrave, and Philip de Chatgrave, and in 1307 the prior leased them all at six marks per annum for ever, to the prior of Butley.

10s. per annum portion from Shotisham St. Mary and Butolf, 10s. per annum from Cockthorp, for two parts of the tithes of the demeans of Warine atte Hithe of Cockthorp: for Threxton portion see Hist. Norf. vol. ii. p. 362.

