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History of Oregon (Bancroft)/Index

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3277172History of Oregon — IndexHubert Howe BancroftFrances Fuller Victor


Abbott, G. H. , Indians massacred by, 1854, ii. 330; Ind. war, 1856, ii. 405; Ind. agent, 1860, ii. 466, 477- 8.

Abernethy, G., trustee of Or. Insti tute, 1842, i. 202; petition to cong. i. 207-11; resolution of, 1842, i. 297; gov. of Or., 1845, i. 471-2; messages of, 1845, i. 488, 528-31, 536-8; 1847, i. 669-70; 1849, ii. 60; letter to McLouglilin, i. 491 ; inter course with Howison, 1846, i. 586- 7; reflected, 1847, i. 612; character, i. 612-13; proclamation of, 1847, i. 680; correspond, with Douglas, i. 681-2; with Ogden, i. 687-8; ad- ministr., i. 782-3.

Abiqua creek, battle of, 1848, i. 747- 9.

Accolti, Father M., arrival in Or. 1844, i. 325; in charge of mission, i. 327; correspond, with Lee, 1848, i. 743-4; biog., i. 744.

Adair, J., collector, 1848, i. 777; ii. J04.

Adams, E., biog., i. 634.

Adams, S. C., mention of, ii. 684.

Adams, T., mention of, i. 169-70; oratory of, 226-7.

Adams, W. L., biog., etc., of, ii. 170; collector, 1861, ii. 458.

Adams, Point, reservation at, 1849, ii. 86; fortified, 1861-2, ii. 511.

Agricultural college, establd, etc., 1868, ii. 660-1.

Aiken, J., mention of, ii. 743.

Aikin, H. L., biog., i. 634.

Ainsworth, J. C., master of Multno- mah lodge, 1848, ii. 31; steamboat- ing. 4SO-1; biog. 487

Alabama, petition from, 1843, i. 382.

Albany, condition, etc., of, 1848, ii. 5-6, 716; hosiery-mill at, ii. 732-3; flax-mill, ii. 737. \n Albany academy, mention of, ii. 682. Albany collegiate institute, ii. 682. Albina, improvements, etc. , at, ii. 752. Albion, ship, case of the, 1849-50, ii.

104-6, 110. Alcorn, Capt. M. F., the Ind. war,

1855, ii. 386-8. Alden, Capt., the Rogue river war,

1853-^, ii. 313-16. Alderman, A., altercation with Mc-

Loughlin, 1844, i. 459-60. Allen, B. S.,Ind. commissioner, 1851,

ii. 208.

Allen, J., mention of, i. 509. Allen, S., mention of, i. 633. Allen, congressman, resolutions of,

1844, i. 385-6.

Allis, S., mention of, i. 104-5. Allphin, W., biog., i. 635. Alton, meeting at, 1843, i. 382. Alvord, Gen., correspond, with wool,

ii. 344; exped. ordered by, 1862, ii.

493; requisit. of, 1864, ii. 497. Alzate, A., name of Oregon, i. 23-4. Amazon, brig, voyage of, 1851, ii.

258. Ambrose, G. H., Ind. agent, 1854, ii.

360, 371-2. America, H. M. S., visit of, 1845, i.

497 7 9.

American board (missionary), opera tions, etc., of, i. 104-5, 127, 343-4;

ii. 293. American Fur company, dissolution

of, i. 241. American river, Oregon miners at,

1849, ii. 46. Americans at Fort Vancouver, i. 43-

5; provis. govt establ d by, 1843-9,

i. 293-314, 470-507, 526-41, 600-23;

ii. 58-63. Americans, party, descript. of, ii.


Anderson, A. C., biog., etc., of, i. 39. Anderson, E. C., ministry of, ii. 683. Anderson, Dr, mention of, i. 178.

(767) \n 7 68 \n INDEX. \n Andrews, Major G. P., exped. of,

1860, ii. 467.

Angell, M., biog., etc., of, ii. 243. Anita, U. S. transport, visit of,

1848, i. 745; 1849, ii. 84. Ankeny, A. P. & Co., mention of, ii.

741. Antelope valley, Ind. raid on, 1864,

ii. 501. Applegate, C., journey to Or., etc.,

1843, i. 393, 408, 413; settles in

Umpqua valley, 1849, i. 569. Applegate, E., death of, 1843, i. 408. Applegate, E. L., ability, etc., of, ii.

431 ; commissioner of immigr., 1873,

ii. 595. Applegate, I. D., commissary, etc.,

1870, ii. 563, 566-9, 572-7. Applegate, J., journey to Or., etc.,

1843, i. 393, 396, 407-8, 412; man uscript of, i. 406, 410-11; accident to, i. 410-11; surveying engineer,

1844, i. 440; comments of, i. 444, 462-3; legislator, 1845, i. 473; 1849, ii. 59-62; measures, etc., of, i. 473- 506, 533; exped. of, 1846, i. 544-59;

1847, i. 679; 1850, ii. 178-80; set tles at Yoncalla, 1849, i. 568-9; the Cayuse outbreak, i. 670-3; Ind. agent, 1870, ii. 564; peace com., 1873, ii. 596, 601-3; candidate for sen., 1876, ii. 673; death of, ii. 763.

Applegate, L., journey to Or., etc., 1843, i. 393, 408, 413; exped. of, 1846, i. 544-59; 1861, ii. 489-90; settles at Ashland, 1849, i. 569-70.

Applegate, O. C., the Modoc war, 1864-73, ii. 577-8, 583, 586, 589-91.

Applegate creek, Ind. lights at, 1856, ii. 388-9.

Argus, newspaper, establ d 1855, ii. 356; attitude of, ii. 357-9.

Armstrong, P., mention of, i. 247.

Ash Hollow, massacre at, i. 136.

Ashburton, Lord, treaty of, 1842, i.


Ashill, P., biog., i. 468. Ashland, L. Applegate settles at,

1846, i. 569-70; woollen mill at, ii.


Assumption, mission founded, i. 327; Astoria, missionaries at, 1840, i. 185;

mail to, 1847, i. 614; condition of,

1848, ii. 6, 11; Hill s command at,

1849, ii. 69-70: Hathaway at, 1850, ii. 88; inaccessibility of, ii. 189; hist, of, ii. 708, 720.

Atchison, congressman, bills introd, by, 1844, i 384-8. \n Athey, mention of, i. 413-14; Work shops MS., 414.

Atkinson, Rev. G. H., arrival in Or., 1848, ii. 33; biog., ii. 33-4; college establ d by, ii. 33-5; missionary labors, etc., of, ii. 679-80.

Atkinson, G. L., mention of, ii. 356.

Atwell, H. W., petition of, 1873, ii. 634.

Atwell, R. H., mention of, ii. 600.

Aubrey, T. N., biog., i. 627.

Augur, Capt., the Ind. war, 1856, ii. 401, 407-9.

Aurora, founding, etc., of, 1855, ii. 717.

Avery, J. C., member of legisl., 1849, ii. 59; biog., ii. 143-4.

Avery, T. W., biog., i. 752. \n B \n Babcock, Dr I. L., missionary labors,

etc., of, i. 177, 190, 198-202, 218-

21; supreme judge, 1841-3, i. 294. Bache, A. D., survey, etc., of, 1850,

ii. 190, 248. Backus, Lieut, the Ind. war, 1866, ii.


Bacon, J. M., biog., etc., of, i. 509. Bagby, Senator, the Or. bill, 1848, i.


Bailey, C., mention of, ii. 381. Bailey, H., killed by Indians, 1855, ii.

381. Bailey, Capt. J., the Indian war, 1855,

ii. 381-2, 387. Bailey, W. J., arrival in Or., 1835, i.

96; chairman of comm., i. 294;

provis. govt 1844, i. 427-30; candi date for gov. 1845, i. 471-2; member

of convention, 1846, i. 693-4; of

legisl., 1849, ii. 59. Baillie, Capt. T., mention of, i. 447;

letter to McLoughlin, 1845, i. 497;

at Vancouver, 1846, i. 576. Baker city, hist, of, ii. 706; mines

near, ii. 739-40. Baker city academy, mention of, ii.

687. Baker, Col, the Ind. war, 1866, ii.

519, 523. Baker county, organized, etc., 1862,

ii. 485; hist, of, ii. 706. Baker, E. D.. biog., etc., of, ii. 450;

senator, 1860, ii. 453-4; death of,

1861, ii. 457.

Baker, J., mention of, i. 570. Baker, Mrs, biog., i. 570. Ball, J., biog., i. 75. Ballenden, J., mention of, ii. 277. \n INDE X. \n 769 \n Bangs, Dr, mention of, i. 178. Baptists, operations of the, ii. 683-4. Barber & Thorpe, mention of, ii. 338. Barclay, Dr F., biog., 39-40. Barker, W. S., mention of, i. 633. Barkwell, M. C., sec. of constit.

convention, 1857, ii. 423. Barlow, J., biog. of, i. 527. Barlow, S. K., mention of, i. 509;

journey to Or., 1845, i. 517-21;

road charter, etc., of, i. 532. Barnaby, J., member of convention,

1846, i. 603.

Barnes, G. A., biog., i. 752. Barnes, Oregon & California, MS.,

ii. 115. Barimm, E. M., adjutant-gen., 1854,

ii. 325; the Ind. war, 1855, ii. 384-

7; nominee for gov., 1857, ii. 430. Barry, Capt., exped. of, 1864, ii. 499-

500. Bartlett, Lieut W., survey, etc., of,

1850, ii. 190-2. Baum, J., biog., i. 629. Baylies, congressman, member of

comm., 1821, i. 351; 1823, i. 360;

speeches of, i. 353-8. Beagle, journey to Or., 1843, i. 407. Beale, Lieut W. K., the Rogue river

war, 1853-4, ii. 313. Beall, T. F., biog., ii. 712-13. Bean, J. R., biog., i. 527-8. Beaver, Rev. H , at Fort Vancouver,

1836-8, i. 50-3. Beaver, Mrs J., at Fort Vancouver,

1836-8, i. 50-2. Beaver, ship, seizure, etc., of the,

1850, ii. 107-8.

Beaver, steamer, arrival on the Co lumbia, i. 123. Beers, A., character, etc., of, i. 155,

161-2; trustee of Or. institute, 1841,

i. 202; member of comm., 1842, i.

304-5, 312.

Beeson, J., writings, etc., of, ii. 404. Beirne, Lieut-col, the Ind. war, 1866,

ii. 525. Belcher, Sir E., exped., etc., of, i.

232-3. Belden, G. H., survey, etc., of, ii.


Belknap, Mrs J., biog., i. 753. Bell, G. W., auditor, 1846, i. 606. Bellinger, J. H., biog., i. 628. Bennett, Capt. C., mention of, i. 578. Bent fort, clescript. of, i. 227-8; Whit man at, 1843, i. 343. Benton county, establ d, etc., 1847,

ii. 10; hist, of, ii. 706-7. Benton, Rev. S., mention of, i. 174.

OR. II. 43. \n Benton, T. H., resolution, etc., of, in sen., 1823, i. 363-5, 370; the boun dary quest., 1846, i. 590, 596; letter to Shively, 1847, i. 616-17; memo-

rial presented by, i. 756; the Or. bill, 1848, i. 761-3, 769-70.

Bernard, Capt. R. F., the Ind. war, 1866, ii. 523-5; the Modoc war, 1864-73, ii. 581-96, 616.

Bernia, F., member of convention, 1846, i. 693.

Berrien, Senator, the Or. bill, 1848, i. 763-4.

Berry, W., biog., i. 530; the Cayuse war, i. 671, 703.

Bethel academy, mention of, ii. 686.

Bewley, I. W., biog., i. 634.

Bewley, Miss, sickness of, i. 658; ab duction of, 1847, i. 663.

Biddle, Col, reconnaisance, etc., of, 1873, ii. 605.

Bigelow, D. R., commissioner, 1850, ii. 150.

Bigelow, W. D., mention of, ii. 292; settles at The Dalles, 1853, ii. 724.

Billique, P., constable, 1841, i. 294.

Birnie, J., mention of, i. 100.

Bishop, W. R., mention of, ii. 683.

Bissonette, meeting with White s ex ped., 1842, i. 258-9.

Bitter Root river, mission on the, 1841, i. 324.

Black Rock, name, i. 550-1.

Black, S., mention of, i. 36.

Blain, W. , chaplain of legisl., 1849, ii. 60; public printer, 1849, ii. 79.

Blair, Mrs E. B., biog. of, i. 628.

Blair, T. O., biog. of, ii. 715.

Blair, with Farnham s exped., 1839, i. 227-9.

Blakeley, Capt., the Ind. war, 1856, ii. 403.

Blanchet, Rev. F. N., in charge of Or. mission, 1838, i. 316-25; His torical Sketches, i. 320; archbishop, 1843, i. 326; vicariate of, i. 327.

Blanchet, A. M, A., bishop of Walla Walla, 1847, i. 327, 654; the Cayuse outbreak, 1847, i. 691-7.

Bledsoe, Capt. R., the Ind. war, 1856, ii. 405.

Blue Cloak, chief, castigation of, i. 330-1.

Blue mountains, emigrants cross, 1843, i. 402.

Blunt, Lieut S. F., commissioner, 1848, ii. 248.

Boddy, W., murder of, 1872, ii. 576,

Boggs, Ex-gov. , gold discov. disclosed by, 1848, ii. 43. \n 7 70 \n INDEX. \n Bogus, H., with Applegate s exped.,

1846, i. 551-2. Bohemia district, mines in the, ii.

742. Boise, Fort, mention of, i. 14; Farn-

ham s exped. at, 1839, i. 229; emi grants at, 1843, i. 401; road pro jected to, i. 531-2; ii. 436, 476;

abandoned, 1856, ii. 112; massacre

near, ii. 343; milit. post at, ii. 476,

494-6; Gen. Halleck at, 1866, ii.

526. Boise, R. P., mention of, i. 151-2;

commissioner, 1850, ii. 150; dist

attorney, 1851, ii. 168; dist judge,

1857, ii. 431; assoc. judge, 1858, ii.

442; decision of, 1863, ii. 642. Bolduc, Rev. J. B. Z., mention of, i.

322; head of college, 1844, i. 325-6. Bonneville. Lieut-col, command of, ii.

245; requisitions on, etc., 1853-4,

ii. 313, 343.

Bonser, S., biog., i. 637. Bonte, L. la, biog. of, i. 74, 78. Boon, J. D., terr. treasurer, 1851, ii.

168; 1857, ii. 431; biog., ii. 168. Boone, A., biog., i. 570-1; member of

legisl., 1846, i. 604-6. Boone, J. L., career of, ii. 457. Boonville, raid on, 1866, ii. 522. Booth, Gov., the Modoc war, 1864-73,

ii. 582, 588. Boston Charley, the Modoc war, ii.

605-10; kills Thomas, 1873, ii. 612;

surrender of, ii. 629; execution of,

ii. 636. Boulder creek, Ind. fight at, 1866, ii.


Bourne, J., biog., i. 784-5. Boutelle, Lieut, the Modoc war. 1864-

73, ii. 574-5. Bo wen, Lieut, the Ind. war, 1866, ii.

514. Boyle, Lieut W. H., the Modoc war,

ii. 582; attempted murder of, 1873,

ii. 612-13.

Bozarth, Mrs A. M. L., biog., i. 635. Bozarth, O. W., biog., i. 527. Brattain, T. J., biog., ii. 715. Brazee, J. W., biog. of, ii. 765-6. Breckenriclge, in cong., 1822, i. 358-9. Breeding, W. P., biog., i. 571. Breese, Senator, bill introd. by, 1848,

i. 771. Bremer, Van, the Modoc war, 1864-

73, ii. 578-86. Brewer, H. B., land-claim of, 1848, ii.

6. Brewer, H. D., mention of, i. 177,

190, 221, 275. \n i Briceland, Lieut I. N. , mention of, ii.

248. Bridger, Capt., mention of, i. 108.

Bridger, meeting with White s exped.

1842, i. 259-60. Bridger, Fort, emigrants at, 1846, i.


Bridges, J. C., constable, 1842, i. 304. Brigade, annual, arrival of, i. 46. Briggs, A., biog. of, i. 630. Bright, Senator, the Or. bill, 1848, i.


Bristow, E., biog., i. 569. Bristow, W. W., biog., i. 752. Bromley, I. W. R., mention of, i. 777. Brooks, S. E., biog., ii. 725. Brooks, Q. A., biog., i. 786. Brotherton, Mrs, bravery of, ii. 576. Brouillet, J. B. A., vicar-gen, of

Walla Walla, i. 327-8; arrival in

Or. 1847, i. 654 r 6; the Whitman

massacre, i. 661-5; Authentic

Accounts, i. 667. Brown, H. L., biog., i. 570.

Brown, J. H., Autobiography, MS.,

i. 646. Brown, 0., biog., i. 422; with White s

exped. 1845, i. 484. Brown, S., mention of, i. 74-5. Brown, Mrs T. M., arrival in Or.

1846, ii. 32; biog., ii. 32; charity

of, ii. 33-4. Brownfield, D. F., representative,

1850, ii. 161. Brownsville, incorporated, etc., 1874,

ii. 716. Bruce, J., mention of, ii. 316.

Bruce, Major, the Ind. wars, 1855-6,

ii. 381-3, 386-9, 400. Bruneau river, Marshall s exped. to

the, 1866, ii. 520; camp on, ii. 522. Brunt, G. J. Van, conmdssioiier,

1848, ii. 248. Brush, adventure of, 1851, ii. 199.

Bryant, W. C., name given by, to Or.,

1. 21-2.

Bryant, W. P., chief-justice, 1848, i. 777; dist of, 1849, ii. 70; measures, etc., ii. 80; neglect of duty, ii. 101-

2, 155; bribery of, ii. 122. Buchanan, Col, the Ind. war, 1S56,

ii. 389, 396, 404-7; at Crescent City, ii. 401.

Buchanan, Secretary, the N. W. Boundary treaty, 1846, i. 594; correspond, on Or. matters, 1847, i. 616; with H. B. Co., ii. 109; de clines purchase of H. B. Go s prop erty, 1848, i, 774-5, \n IND EX. \n 771 \n Buck, H., sergeant-at-arms, 1850, ii. 143.

Buck, W. W., biog., etc., of, i. 509; commissioner, 1849, ii. 79; prest of council, 1850,ii. 142; business ven tures of, ii. 732, 736.

Budd Inlet, settlement on, 1844, i. 464.

Buell, E., biog., i. 627-8.

Buford, J., mention of, ii. 371.

Bunton, Capt. E., mention of, i. 449.

Buoy, Capt., the Ind. war, 1856, ii. 390.

Burch, B. F., biog., i. 544.

Burgess, Capt. J. C., the Modocwar, 1864-73, ii. 626.

Burkhardt, L. C., biog., i. 635.

Burnett, G. W., biog., i. 571.

Burnett, P. H., journey to Or., etc.,

1843, i. 393-6, 403-7, 416; journal of, i. 406, 412; provis. govt, etc.,

1844, i. 427-32, 437; supreme judge, 1845, i. 496, 535; assoc. judge, 1845-8, i. 777; liquor law of, i. 536; oration of, 1845, i. 583.

Burns, H., magistrate, 1842, i. 304;

rights granted to, 1844, i. 440;

member of convention, 1846, i. 693;

mail contract, ii. 30. Burnt River Canon, emigrants on,

1843, i. 401.

Burrell, M. S., ii. 719; biog., ii. 766. Burris, W., judge, 1845, i. 496. Burton, Capt. G. H. , the Modoc war,

1864-73, ii. 582, 588-91, 616. Burton, J. J., mention of, i. 527. Bush, A., clerk of assembly, 1850, ii.

143; terr. and state printer, ii. 14S,

168, 431.

Bush, G. W., mention of, i. 464. Butler, Senator, the Oregon bill, 1848,

i. 769. Butte Creek, Indians massacred at,

1855, ii. 372. Butteville, location of, ii. 6; name,

etc., ii. 716.


Cabaniss, T. T., mention of, 613,

629. Cadboro, schooner, seizure, etc., of,

1850, ii. 107. Cady, Lieut-col A., in command of

Or. clist., 1861, ii. 490. Caffrey, J. S., ministry of, ii. 681. Calapooya, sloop, built 1845, ii. 27. Calapooyas, threatened outbreak of,

1843, i. 275; reservations, etc., for,

ii. 210-11: treaty with, 1851, ii.

211. \n Caldwell, S. A,, biog., i. 785.

California, migration to, 1843, i. 393, 400; 1844, i.^465; 1845, i. 510-11; 1846, i. 552-7; effect of gold disco v. , 1848-9, ii. 42-65; specific contract law, 1863, ii. 642-3; trade with, ii. 744-5.

California, steamer, at Astoria, 1850, ii. 188.

Calhoun, Secretary, negotiations of,

1844, i. 386-7; the Or. bill, 1848, i. 764, 769.

Camaspelo, Chief, interview with Blanchet, etc., 1847, i. 691; speech of, i. 720.

Campbell, H., mention of, i. 222.

Campbell, J., biog., i. 570.

Campbell, J. C., quarrel with Holder- ness, 1845, i. 492.

Campbell, J. G., member of Or. Ex change Co., 1849, ii. 54.

Campbell, R., mention of, i. 75.

Campbell, T. F., mention of, ii. 687.

Campbellites, sect, ii. 686.

Campo, C., magistrate, 1842, i. 304.

Canadians in Or. 1834, i. 15-17, 64, 315; withdraw from provis. govt, 1841, i. 295-9; missionaries among, i. 317-22; join Amer. party, i. 471; raise Amer. flag, 1847, i. 610.

Canby, Gen. E. R. S., supersedes Crook, 1870, ii. 561; the Modoc war, 1864-73, ii. 566-609; confer ence with Modocs, ii. 609-11; mur der of, 1873, ii. 612; honors paid to, ii. 613-14; biog., 614.

Canby, Fort, name, ii. 511.

Canemah, destroyed by flood, 1862, ii. 483.

Cane malt, location, etc., of, ii. 6.

Cantield, W. IX, biog., i. 662; escape from Indians, 1847, i. 663-5.

Cannon, W., biog., i. 74.

Canon city, founding, etc., of, 1862, ii. 712.

Cape Horn, emigrants at, 1843, i. 411.

Caplinger, with Palmer s expedition,

1845, i. 521.

Caravan, chief trader s descrip. of, i.


Card well, Dr J. R., mention of, ii. 759. Cardwell, J. A., biog., etc., of, ii. 184. Cardwell, Mrs J. A., biog., ii. 713. Carolina, steamer, first trip of, 1850,

ii. 188. Carpenter, Dr W. M., mention of, i.


Carson, J. C., biog., i. 784. Cartee, L. F., speaker, 1854, ii. 349. Carter, D., mention of, i. 177, 242. \n 772 \n INDEX. \n Camtheis, Mrs E., land claim of, ii. ! 288.

Oaruthers, F., land claim of, ii. 288.

Carver, J., works of, i. 17-21; map of, i. 20; name of Oregon, i. 24-5.

Cascade Falls, proposed reservation at, 1846, i. 602.

Cascade mountains, emigrants cross, 1843, i. 409-12; 1846, i. 563.

Case, S., peace commissioner, 1873, ii. 596.

Casey, Col C., command of, ii. 201, 235; exped. of, 1851, ii. 235-7.

Caster, Lieut, the Rogue river war, 1853-4, ii. 320.

Catholics, missions in Or., 1838, i. 315-29, 340-8, 640-2, 653-7; oppo sition to protestants, i. 328-48, 640- 2, 653-6, 697-9, 743-4; church, etc., buildings, ii. 678-9.

Cavanaugh, T., mention of, ii. 740.

Cayuses, missionaries among, i. Ill, 115-19, 316-17, 327-48; outrages, etc., of, i. 268, 274-7, 333-5, 344-7, 402-3, 644-66; conference with, 1843, i. 277-80; agric. among, i. 338; the Whitman massacre, 1847, i. 644-66; captives rescued from, i. 686-96; war with, 1848, i. 700-45; trial and execution of, 1850, ii. 92- 9; Dart s visit to, etc., 1851, ii. 214; treaty, etc., with, 1855, ii. 363-6.

Chadwick, S. F., biog., etc., of, ii. 182; gov., 1877, ii. 673-4.

Chamberlain, Mrs 0. W., biog., i. 636.

Chambers, Rowland, pion. 45, i. 525; biog., 528.

Champoeg, situation, i. 73; school, 1835, 86; public meeting at, 262-3; excitement at, 283; conventions at, 1842, 1845, 303, 471; church dedi cated, 319; ii. 678; flood at, ii. 483.

Champooick, district boundary, i. 310.

Chapin, Lieut E. S., in Modoc war, ii. 616.

Chaplin, Daniel, author of peace commis., ii. 595; of assembly, 1864-5, 665.

Chapman, I. B., at indignation meet ing, ii. 162.

Chapman, W. W., pion. 47, i. 625; arrest of, ii. 158-9; surveyor-gen., 295; lieut of vols, 386; of assembly, 1858-9, 1868, 434, 668; biog., 705.

Chase, Mr & Mrs, in Snake river massacre, ii. 472.

Chase, Albert, in Snake river massa ere, ii. 472. \n Chase, Daniel in Snake river massa cre, ii. 472. Chemakane, mission described, i. 339-

40. Chemeketa mission, site, i. 191-2;

work at, i. 192; investigation at,

221; dissolved, 221-2. Chemeketa plains, agriculture, 1840,

191-3; mills, 192; school, 193, 201. Chenemas, ship, on Columbia, i.

189, 199, 221, 245, 424, 466-7. Chenoweth, F. A., of assembly, 1852,

1866, ii. 296, 666; of Or. Cent. R. R.

co., 698, 699. Chiles, Jos. B., leader Cal. party,

1843, i. 393, 400. China trade, i. 371; ii. 258. Chinese mining, attack on, ii. 521;

acts relating to, 664-5. Chinooks, the, difficulties with, ii. 93. Christian Advocate and Journal, calls

for missionaries, i. 171. Christmas celebration, i. 577-8. Cincinnati R. R. Co. , charter granted,

ii. 696. Civil code submitted and accepted, ii.

663-4. Clackamas county, boundary, i. 539;

hist, of, ii. 707 Clackamas R. R. Co., charter granted,

ii. 696. Clackamas, the, treaty with, ii. 217.

Claiborne, Bvt Capt. T., of mounted rifles, ii. 81; defends Inds, 96.

Claim -jumping, indignation meeting, i. 610-11.

Clark, Mrs Anna, biog., i. 627.

Clark, Miss C. A., missionary, i. 177; at Nisqually, 188.

Clark, Miss Grace, adventures of, ii. 216.

Clark, Harvey, Or. Institute, i. 202; missionary, 244; chaplain, 480; ser mon, July 4th, 584; philanthropist, ii. 32-3; teacher, 678.

Clark, I. N., attack on Inds, ii. 534.

Clarke, I., exped. of, ii. 305.

Clarke, Gen. N. S., in com d of de partment, ii. 460.

Clarke, Sam l A., author of peace commis., ii. 595; works of, 692; director Or. Cent. R. R., 699.

Clatsop county, map of, i. 186; boun dary, 539; hist, of, ii. 708.

Clatsop district estab., i. 435.

Clatsop mission, work at, i. 185-8; sold, 221.

Clatsop plains, agriculture, 1840, 185- 8j cattle introduced, 187. \n IND EX. \n 773 \n Clatsops, massacre crew, i. 41; char acter, 188.

Clemens, John, killed on the Gazelle, ii. 340.

Clergy, position of, i. 301; disabilities of, 1842, 305.

Clerk, H. B. Co., fort duties, i. 8.

Cluggage, James, county com r, ii. 299; in Ind. exped., 315.

Clyman, James, biog. and bibliog., i. 451.

Coad, Henrietta Gilliam, biog., i. 469.

Coal discovered, ii. 332; first ship ments, 333.

Coal-fields, hist, of, ii. 743.

Coats, John, pion. 46, i. 568; biog., 570.

Cochran, R. R., of assembly, 1857-66, ii. 417, 432, 452, 666; senator, 1868- 70, 668, 671.

Cockstock, Indian, quarrel with Wins- low, serious results, i. 282.

Coe, David I., trial of, ii. 156.

Coe, Nathaniel, postal agent, ii. 166; biog., 189.

Cceurd Alene mines, ores, etc., ii. 754.

Cceur d Aleiies, miss, work among, i. 625; attack troops, ii 461.

Coffey, Nebuzarden, pion. 47, i. 625; biog., 632.

Coffin, Stephen, pion. 47, i. 625; del. to con., ii. 418; built steamer, 705.

Coinage, private, ii. 54; infiux of for eign, coin, 55.

Coke, Hy. I., visit of, ii. 175.

Colburn, A. C., killed by Inds, ii. 315.

Collins, Luther, pion. 47, i. 625; biog., 631.

Collins, Capt., explores Yaquina bay, ii. 203; exped. of, 520.

Collins, Smith, pion. 46, i. 568; biog., 569.

Collins, Mrs Smith, biog., i. 569.

Colonel Wright, steamer, ii. 480.

Colonization, Or., i. 154-83.

Colorado, military post established, i. 376.

Columbia, bark, i. 215; ii. 48.

Columbia, steamer, ii. 188; hist, of, 255.

Columbia county, hist, of, ii. 709.

Columbia, Mary, first child born, i, 529.

Columbia river, named, i. 24; fishery established, 245; disputed boundary, 316; value of trade to, 354; military posts on, 361 ; dangers on, 558, 559, 608; dangerous entrance, ii. 23-6; first steamers on, 255-6, improve ment of, 755-6.

Columbia river co. founded, i. 59. \n Colver, David, pion. 45, i. 525; biog.,


Colville valley, mission founded, i. 327. Colwell, Joseph F. , murder of, ii. 546. Comegys, Jacob, pion. 47, i. 625;

biog., 633. Commerce, English vs American, i.

366-7; imports and exports, ii. 744- \n 5. \n Committees, 1844, names, capabilities, i. 431.

Condit, Alva, Presb. elder, ii. 680.

Condon, T. J, missionary, ii. 680.

Conger, S. F., murder of, ii. 477.

Congregational church, hist, of, ii. 679, 680.

Congress, settlers petition, i. 168, 172, 176, 206-9, 231, 233, 245; Or. ques tion, 349-390; Linn s 2d bill, 372; memorial to, ii. 436-8, 481-3; 1st delegate from Or., 113; instructions to delegate, 299-300; appropria tions by, 326-7; 756-7.

Congress, U. S. frigate, i. 583.

Congressional appropriations, waste of, 1854-5, ii. 350-2.

Conklin, David, murder of, ii. 527.

Conner, John, of anti-slavery party, ii. 359.

Conner, Sergt, fight with Inds, ii. 423, 424.

Connolly, Nelly, marries Douglas, i. 52.

Conser, Jacob, of assembly, 1851-2, 1856-7, ii. 72, 296, 417; university trustee, 299; school trustee, 685; director Or. Cent. R. R., 699.

Conser, Mrs Jacob, biog. , i. 752.

Constitutional convention, act to hold, i. 441-2; acts of, ii. 423-6.

Convention, meeting, i. 603; resolu tions adopted, i. 604.

Converse, Lt 0. I., com d at Fort Walla Walla, ii. 532.

Cook, A., with Fariiham s exped., 227, 237.

Cook, I. D., in Ind. exped., ii. 240.

Cook, John G., claim of, ii. 321.

Cooke, map, i. 23.

Cooke, Mrs Belle W., works of, ii. 692.

Cooke, E. N., nominated state treas urer, ii. 637; of W. V. R. R. Co., 697; director Or. Cent. R. R., 699.

Coon, W. L., of anti-slavery party, ii. 359.

Cooper, Chandler, biog., i. 627.

Coos bay, Lt Stanton s exped. at, ii. \n 774 \n INDEX. \n 202; settlement at, 1853, 331-4;

hist of coal fields, 743. Coos county, created, ii. 254; hist, of,

709. Coppinger, Bvt Lt-col I. I., com d

Camp Three Forks, ii. 532. Conquilles, the, attitude of, ii. 234;

fight with, 235-8; trouble with,

391. Corbett, H. W., U. S. senator, biog.,

ii. 639, 667, 764; library director,

694; of W. V. R. R. Co., 697; of Or.

Cent. R. R., 698; of Or. R, R. & N.

Co., 704.

Cornelius, Benjamin, biog., i. 528. Cornelius, Florentine Wilkes, biog.,

i. 531.

Cornelius, Saml, missionary, ii. 683. Cornelius, T. R., pion. 45, i. 525; of

council, 1856-9, ii. 417, 429, 432,

434; senator, 1860-70, 452, 665,

666, 668, 671; col of Or. vols, 491;

resigns, 493; director Or. Cent. R.

R., 699. Cornwall, I. A., pion. 46, i. 568;

biog., 570; Presb. minister, 682. Cornwall, P. B., bearer of Masonic

charter, ii. 31.

Corvallis county, hist, of, ii. 707. Couch, I. H., on Columbia, i. 221,

245, 466; White s interference

with, 281; mem. P. L. L. C,, 296-7;

director Or. Printing Assoc., 536;

treasurer, 606, 612. Counties, hist, of, ii. 706-726; min eral resources of, 754-5. Cow creek, Ind. depredations, ii. 381. Cow creek Inds, land purchased

from, ii. 319.

Cowan, Robert, biog., i. 633. Cowlitz, bark, 250-1. Cowlitz valley, i. Ind. troubles in, ii.

67, 68. Cox, Jesse, of court convention, ii.

423. Cox, Joseph, pion. 47, i. 625; biog.,

630; of court convention, ii. 423. Cox, T. H., pion. 47, i. 625; biog.,

630; of Or. Cent. R. R., ii. 698. Coyle, R. S., of const, convention, ii.


Craft, Charles, biog., i. 527. Craig, I. T., of anti-slavery party, ii.

359. Craig, Wm, at Lapwai, i. 649; leaves

Clearwater, 697; agent to Nez

Perces, 721.

Crain, J. H., biog., i. 629. Cranston, Lt Arthur, in Modoc war,

killed, 616, 520; biog., 624. \n Cravigan, Rich., murder of, ii. 576.

Cravigan, W., murder of, ii. 576.

Crawford, David, explores Puget Sound, i. 463-4.

Crawford, John Davis, biog., i. 631.

Crawford, Medorarn, pion. 42, i. 76, 256; biog. and bibliog., 265; mem. P. L. L. C., 297; of legislature, ii. 59, 452; signs memorial, 127; col lector, 670.

Crawford, Peter W., biog. and bibliog., i. 646-7.

Creighton, N. M., supports Gov. Lane, ii. 93.

Cresson, Capt., in Modoc war, ii. 622.

Crocker, N., death, i. 199-200, 256.

Crockett, John, com. of Island co., ii. 299.

Crook county, hist, of, ii. 710.

Crook, Geo., Lt-col, relieves Mar shall, ii. 531; actions of, 532-45.

Crooks, I. M., in Ind. exped., ii. 313.

Crosby, Capt. N., piloting, ii. 26; mill sold to, 50.

Crouch, W. H., wounded, ii. 383.

Crow, James, murder of, ii. 477.

Cullen, John. W., lieut of Or. vols., ii. 510; acts of, 512.

Cully, I. W., elected to senate 1858, ii. 432.

Culver, C. P., editor, i. 575.

Culver, Saml, favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255; Ind. agent, 312; anti-slav ery party, 359; signs petition, 376.

Cunningham, Joseph, biog., i. 527.

Curly- headed doctor, in Modoc war, ii. 575, 576, 599; surrenders, 627.

Currency and prices, 13-15; ii. 796-8.

Curry county, established, ii. 415; hist, of, 710.

Curry, Geo. B., of Or. vols, ii. 491; exped. of, 496, 499; in com d of Columbia dist, 515; retires, 517.

Curry, Geo. L., editor, i. 57-5; loan commis r, 671, 672; of legislature, ii. 58, 59, 158; acting sec., 69; post master, 187; apptd gov., character, 348; biog., .349; procla mation, 384; calls out vols, 399; message, 435; nomination, 444.

Curry, Thomas, biog. of, ii. 713.

Curtis, E. I., favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.

Crump, James T., biog., i. 571.

Cyclops, ship, wrecked, ii. 300. \n D \n Daily Advertiser, newspaper, ii. 448. \n IND EX. \n 775 \n Daily News, newspaper, ii. 448.

Daily Times, newspaper, ii. 449.

Dallas foitnded, ii. 251.

Daly, John, killed on the Gazelle, ii. 340.

Daniels, W. B., del. to convention, 1857, ii. 418.

Darragh, John, apptd to raise Ind. co, ii. 531.

Darrough, I. , favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.

Dart, Anson, supertd of Ind. affairs, ii. 206; offl. actions of, 213-18.

Dart, Geo., favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.

Davenport, T. I., in explor exped., ii. 197.

Davidson, Geo., survey exped., ii. 248-9.

Davidson, James, biog., i. 629.

Davidson, James, biog., i. 632.

Davidson, Thomas L., biog., i. 624,

Davis, Byron N., Ind. agent, ii. 469.

Davis, Henry W., biog., i. 628.

Davis, Col Jefferson C., succeeds Canby, ii. 624; action in Modoc war, 624-31.

Davis, John W., Apptd Gov. 1853, biog., ii. 322; acts of, 323, 324; resigns 1854, character, 348-9.

Davis, Leaiider L., biog., i. 636.

Davis, Samuel, biog., i. 570.

Dawson, V. W., pion. 43, i. 394; Cal. emigrant, 403; arrest, 445.

Dayton, founded, ii. 251.

Deady, M. P., on sup. court, i. 151-2; supports Gov. Lane, ii. 93; of As sembly, 143; biog., 144; revises laws, 150; Atty, 158; of council 1851-2, 161, 296; trustee of Or. Academy, 167; Associate Judge, 307-8; at constitutional convent, 423; elected U. S. Judge, 442; U. S. dist Judge, 669; University di rector, 690; of Or. medical college, 691; mention of, 747, 763-4.

Dean, X. C., farm of, ii. 184.

Deception Pass on Puget Sound, i. 464.

De Cuis, A. P., of Coos Bay Co., ii. 332.

Deer Lake, name, i. 72.

Di lmey, Daniel, biog., i. 422.

Delano Sec., actions in Modoc affair, ii. 597, 602; hanged in effigy, 613.

Del ore, Antonio, exploring party, i. 532.

Demares Cove, ship, ii. 333.

Demers, Father, asst to Blanchet, i. 316; founds Willamette miss., 318- \n 319; vicar gen., 326; journey to

Europe, 327; chaplain, 480. Democratic Herald, newspaper, ii.

448. Democratic party, organized 1852, ii.

172; rupture in, 447; defeat, 1888,762. Democratic Statesman, policy of, ii.

420-2, 448. Demry, John, nominated for Gov., ii.


Denoille, Sergt, murder of, ii. 547. Dent, Capt. F. T., com d at Hoskins,

ii. 488.

De Puis, W., cattle exped., i. 42. Des Chutes river, mode of crossing, i.

514. De Smet, Pierre, Jesuit priest, labors

of, i. 322-6; physique, 323; biblog.,

327; hostility of, 340. De Vos Peter, R. C. priest, 1843, i.

325; St. Ignatius Miss., 327; with

hunting party, 396; discovers pass,


Diana, brig., i. 154, Diamond, bark, i. 188; ii. 48. Diamond, John, exped. of, ii. 305. Diamond Spring, named, i. 558. Dickinson, Obed, missionary, ii. 680. Dilley, murdered by Inds, ii. 223. Dillon, William H., biog., i. 636. Dimick, A. R., biog., i. 638. Disappointment Cape, surveyed, ii.

249; lighthouse at, 511. Diseases, disappearance of, ii. 39.

Distillery, Young s, i. 98, 99, 102,

160; descript of first, 281. Divorce law, passed, ii. 299, 300;

clause in constitution, 438, Dixon Robt, murder of, ii. 549. Dobbins, C., injured on the Gazelle,

ii. 340. Dodson, Jesse, in Ind., exped., ii. 224.

Dogs, excitement regarding killing, i.

258. Doherty, A. S., in explor. exped., ii.

197. Doke, William, escapes drowning, i.


Dolly, schr, ii. 27. Dolph, I. N., of Senate, 1866, ii. 666;

U. S. senator, biog. 676; of Or. R. U.

& N. Co., 704; mention of, 75U; coast

defence bill, 757.

Dominus, Capt., in Columbia, i. 40. Donation Claims, laud taken under,

ii. 659. Donation Laws, its provisions and

workings, ii. 260-3; advantages,

and disadvantages of, 299. \n 776 \n INDEX. \n Donner party, joins immigrants 1846, i. 550.

Donpierre, David, on Govt committee, i. 294.

Dorion, B., accompanies White, 15th Nov. 1842, i. 268.

Dorr, Eben M., seizes the Albion, ii. 105.

Dougherty, Wm P., promoter of masonry, ii. 30; left for Cal., 47; at indignation meeting, 162; corn- mis r of Pierce Co., 299.

Douglas, county, organized, ii. 166; hist, of, 710. "

Douglas, A., killed by Inds, ii. 315.

Douglas, David, in Oregon, i. 17.

Douglas, James, appearance, i. 31; at F. Vancouver, 48; marriage, 52; receives missionaries, 135; grants site for miss. 1839, 318; action in clerical affairs, 320; moved to Vic toria, 598; commu. massacre to Gov. , 670; action in regard to loan, C72-5; demands explanation from Abernethy, 681-2.

Dowell, Ben Franklin, biog., ii. 370,

Downing, Miss Susan, arrives Or., i. 156; at Willamette Mission, i. 157-9.

Drake, Lt, works of, ii. 691.

Drake, Lt-col, in com d of Columbia

dist, ii. 517. Drew, C. S., favors new ter. scheme,

ii. 255; Qt Master of Militia, 325;

Adj. of vols, 379; Major, 492; re-

connoissance of, 503-5. Drew, E. P., Ind. agent, ii. 360; offl

acts of, 392-3. Drew, I. W., of H. of Rep. 1851, ii.

158; in explor. exped., 176; senator

1862-3, 638. Dryad, ship, i. 94. Dryer, T. I. , founded Oregonian, ii.

147; of Assembly 1856-9, 417, 429,

432, 434; of constitutional convent,

423; commis r to Hawaiian Isls, 458. Due de Lorgunes, brig, ii. 48. Duelling, bill to prohibit, i. 492.

Dugan, Rich., favors new ter. scheme^ ii. 255; military commis r, 314.

Du Guerre, Baptiste, accompanies White, i. 484.

Dunbar, John, missionary, i. 104, 107.

Dunbar, Rice, biog., i. 572.

Duncan, Geo. Clayton, biog. of, ii.


Duncan, I. C., biog., ii. 184. Duncan, L. I. C., of const, convention,

ii. 423 \n Duniway, Mrs A. S., works of, ii.

691. Dunn, John, at Fort George, i. 38;

character, 44. Dunn, Pat. in Ind. exped., ii. 313; of

assembly 1854-5, 349. Dunning, U. H., of anti-slavery

party, ii. 359.

Duntz, Capt., on the Sound, i. 499. Duskins, rescues immigrants 1846, i.


Dwight, at Fort Hall, i. 30. Dyar, L. S., Ind. agent, ii. 568;

actions in Ind. War, 569-79; peace

commr, 606, 610-12. \n Eades, Clark, punishment, i. 450.

Eagle, Nez Perce chief, counsels Mrs Whitman, i. 665-6.

Eales, Capt., on Oregon coast, i. 84,

Earhart, R. P., sec. of state, ii. 762.

East Portland, progress of, ii. 752.

Eastham, E. L., mention of, ii. 753.

Eaton, Charles H., biog., i. 421.

E. D. Baker, steamer, ii. 481.

Edmonds, John, shooting affair, i. 444-5; left for Cal., ii. 47.

Edmunds, John, accomp. White, i. 434.

Edmundson, Indian mission, i. 55.

Education, effort toward, 1834, i. 315; girls school opened, 325; grants of land, 608; drawbacks, ii. 31.

Educational institutions, ii, 32.

Edwards, P. L., missionary, i. 59; character, 60; building miss., 78-90; treas. Willamette Cattle Co., 141; goes to Cal. for cattle, 142-150; life, 169; infor. to emigrants, 292-3.

Edwards, Rich., killed by Inds, ii. 312.

Eells, C. C., missionary, i. 137-8.

Eells, Myron, missionary, i. 138.

Eells, Mrs, missionary, i. 137-8.

Ehrenberg, H., Or. settler, i. 240; biog. 240-1.

Election, freedom of vote, i. 307.

Eliot, S. G., surveyed R. R. line, ii. 696.

Elizabeth, mining town, ii. 330.

Elizabethtown, Ky, petition to Con gress, i. 374.

Elkins, Luther, of assembly 1853-5, ii. 323, 349; of constitutional con vention, 423; senator 1858-60, 432, 452; R. R. commisr, 696.

Elhins, W. S., of assembly 1870, ii. 671.

El Placer, brig., ii. 48. \n IND EX. \n 777 \n Elliot, Col, Mil. commis. to try

Modocs, ii. 635.

Elliott, Win M., claim of, ii. 321. Ely, Lt, in Indian exped., ii. 314. Ellis, Ind. chief, biog., i. 271; cun ning of, 286-9; hostility, 330-2. Ellsworth, S., of Or. C. M. R. Co., ii.

652; director Or. C. R. R., 698,

699. Emehiser, I., in immigrant party

1859, ii. 463. Emigrants, Whites party, i. 256-7;

life on the plains, 257; character,

392; scarcity of food, 416-17; 1844,

448-9. Emigration, inducements offered, i.

374-5; organization 1843, 393-424;

character, 425-7. Emily Packard, ship wrecked, ii.

301. Emmons, Lieut, exped. from Or. to

Cal., 249.

Eagle, William, biog., i. 528. English, emig. to Or., i. 377; fleet,

497. English, L. N., leased penitentiary,

biog., ii. 644. Enos, half breed, treachery of, ii.


Enterprise, steamer, ii. 340. Episcopal church, hist, of, ii. 685-6. Erasmus, Christopher, murder of, ii.


Ergnette, W., cattle exped., i. 142. Ermatinger, F., character, i. 32-33;

attacked by Inds, 136; Men. P. L.

L. C., 297; treasurer, 472, 480, 496. Ettinger, S., favors new ter. scheme,

ii. 255. Eugene, founders of city, ii. 251; co ty

seat, 299; university at, 661. Euliiiger, Sigmond, claim of, ii. 321. Evans, Allan, bravery of, wounded,

ii. 378.

Evans, David, claim of, ii. 321. Evans, Samuel, murder of, ii. 489. Evans, I., exped. of, ii. 300. Everest, Mr and Mrs, biog., i. 631. Everman, Hiram, trial of, ii. 156. Everman, Niniwon, explores Puget

Sound, i. 463-4; left for Cal., ii.

47. Everman, Wm, trial and execution,

ii. 156.

Ewing, survey schr, ii. 190-2. Ewing, F. Y., travels with Lee, i.


Executive Com., pay, i. 440; author ity, i. 441-2. Express Co. , first in operation, ii. 339. \n Executive, power, summary, 1842, i.

307-8. Express, meeting to provide for

sending, i. 552. Eyre, Miles, drowned, i. 400. \n F \n Fackler, Samuel, biog., i. 631.

Fackler, Rev. St M., biog., i. 629.

Failing, Henry, biog. of, ii. 765.

Fairchilds, John A., farm of, ii. 578; removes Hot Creeks, 578-80; acts in Modoc war, 589, 597-607; favors Modocs, 634.

Falls debating soc , founding, i. 265.

Falmouth, ship, ii. 139.

Fama, bark, i. 422.

Fanning, Mrs Rebecca, biog., i. 530.

Farley, John F. biog., i. 630.

Farming interest, rise of, ii. 338.

Farnham, T. I., at Fort Vancouver, i. 44, 130, 234; exped., 227-34; works of, 230-1 ; in Willamette val. , 231; at Sandwich Is., 234; report on Or., 236.

Farrar, W. H., of const, convention, ii. 423.

Fawn, ship, wrecked, ii. 300.

Fay, James D., biog., i. 571; of as sembly, 1862-5, ii. 638, 665; defeat ed for congress, 669; senator, 1870, 671.

Fellows, A. M., enrolling officer, ii. 399.

Ferree, D, I., in com d of Klamaths, ii. 577.

Ferries, rights granted, i. 440.

Ferry, Chas, of anti-slavery party, ii. 359.

Feudalism among fur-traders, i. 46-7.

Fickas, John L., death of, ii. 370.

Field, M. C., with Stuart s hunting- party, i. 396.

Fields, Mr, biog., i. 637.

Fields, Calvin, killed by Inds, ii. 371.

Figueroa, gov. of Cal., i. 91, 97.

Finances, state of, 1854-5, ii. 355.

Finlayson, D., at Fort Vancouver, i. 34, 37.

Firefly, steam-tug, wrecked, ii. 341.

Fisgard, Eng. frigate, i. 499; officers of, 579.

Fisher, Mrs John, biog., i. 636.

Fishery, establish, on Columbia, 1840, 245.

Fiske, De, E. R., in explor. exped., ii. 176.

Fikh, T. L. exped. agtinst Inds, ii. 464. \n 778 \n INDEX. \n Fitzgerald, Maj., pursuit of Inds, ii.

373, 374.

Fitzhugh, Solomon, of const, conven tion, ii. 423; senator, 1860-3, 452,

638. Fitzhugh s mill, meeting at, of emig.

of 1843, i. 393. Fitzpatrick, trader, missionaries with,

i. 107, 127; with White s party,

259, 260. Five Crows, Cayuse chief, i. 279, 280;

outrages by, 662-3. Flanagan, Pat., in explor. exped., ii.

176; settles on Coos bay, 334. Flatheads, at St Louis, i. 54; mission,

65-6; missionaries among, 137; R.

C. influence with, 322-3. Fleming, John, printer, biog., i. 575;

signs memorial, ii. 127. Fletcher, F., with Farnham s exped.,

227, 237. Flint, A. C., founds Winchester, ii.

183. Floods of 1861-2, ii. 482-5.

Flour, hist, of manufacture, ii. 729. Foisy, M. G., biog., i. 467. Foley, Dr, settler at Coos bay, ii. 334. Fontenelle, trader, missionaries with,

i. 106-8.

  • Forager, ship, seizure of, ii. 107.

Ford family, settlers and biog., i. 413.

Ford, Nathaniel, leader of party, i.450; biog., 469; supreme judge, 496; co ty treasurer, 612; of ter. council, 1849, 1856-9, ii. 71, 417, 429, 434; of H. of Sept., 1851-5, 158, 349; on peni tentiary board, 298; senator, 1866- 8, 666, 668.

Ford, Nineveh, first to arrive at Dalles, i. 408.

Ford, Mrs R. A., biog., i. 636.

Ford, Sidney S., biog., i. 527.

Fordyce, A. G., in Ind. exped., ii. 313; claim of, 321.

Forrest, brig, ii. 48.

Forsyth, J., appoints U. S. agent, i. 100.

Fort Boise, established, i. 14; ii. 500; Farnham s exped. at, i. 229; aban doned, ii. 112; massacre near, 343; military post, 494.

Fort Canby, erection of, ii. 511.

Fort Colville, description, i. 14; mis sionary at, 1839, 318-19.

Fort Deposit, named, i. 521.

Fort George, description, i. 11; trad ing post, 29.

Fort Gilliam, named, i. 703. \n Fort Hall, established, i. 14; mission aries at, ,62; built, 63; Farnham exped. at, 228-9; immigrants at, 451; abandoned, ii. 112,

Fort Klamath, constructed, ii. 495; Modoc pi isoners at, 634.

Fort Laramie, immigrant supplies, i. 451.

Fort Leavenworth, military post, i. 374.

Fort Lee, named, i. 703; peace com- sioners at, 706; garrisoned, 737.

Fort Nisqually, appearance, i. 11.

Fort O Kanagan, situation, i. 13; Blanchet at, 316-17; abandoned, ii. 112.

Fort Stevens, erection of, ii. 511.

Fort Umpqua, 1840, i. 194; aban doned, ii. 111.

Fort Vancouver, description, i. 6-11; life at, 7-11; school, 11; agric. at, 8-9, 13-14; missionaries at, 16, 18, 184; importance of, 26; established, 29; society at, 26-28, 42; physi cians at, 34-35; arrival of brigade, 46; chief trader s caravan, 49; Sun day at, 123; Farnham at, 230; mills, 234; Ind. outrages, 268; mass cele brated, 317; fortified, 446-7; threat ened capture, 681-2; military post, ii. 85, 90; abondoned, 112; land claims, 279.

Fort Walla Walla, description, i. 12- 13; missionary at, 318; Bishops see, 327; army at, 715; abandoned, ii. 112.

Fort William, built, i. 15; abandoned, 98.

Forts, life at, i. 7-8; in Or. 1834, 12.

Foster, Philip, mem. P. L. L. C., i. 297; grievances, 480.

Foster, Capt. S. A., act A. A. G. Columbia dep t, ii. 531.

Fowler, Capt., on Columbia, i. 188.

Fowler, W. W., favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255; Alcalde, 325.

Fowler, William, encourages emigra tion 1843, i. 399.

Fox, C. E., founds town, ii. 252.

Framboise, M. la, nurses Kelley, i. 90; trail of, 147.

Francis, Simeon, paymaster of army, biog., ii. 458.

Franklin, family outraged, i. 645.

Franklin Advertiser, newspaper, ii. 438.

Frazer, Abner, deposition about Cal., i. 552

Freeman, James, contractor for sur veys, ii. 269. \n IND EX. \n 779 \n Free Press, newspaper, suspended, ii.

43-4. Fremont, Lieut, exped., i. 379, 419-

20. French Prairie, i. 71-3; convent

school at, 325. French Canadians, as settlers, i. 15-

16, GO, 73-4; in Willamette Val.,

66, 70-3; character, 235. French settlers, feeling toward gov t

]842. i. 298-9. Friends of Oregon, action in regard to

Or., i. 254.

Fritz, trouble caused by, ii. 579-80. Frost, Rev. J. H., missionary, i. 177;

at Clatsop miss., 185-8. Frost, Mrs, missionary, i. 177; at Clat sop miss., 185-8. Fruit, market for, ii. 257-8. Fry, 1. B.. adj in Hathaway s force,

ii. 70; of 0. R. R. <fe N". Co., 704. Fudge, I. M., killed on the Gazelle,

ii. 340. Fulkerson, I. M., of H. of Rep., 1852,

ii. 296; of council, 1853-6, 323, 349,

413; college trustee, 684. Fulkerson, John T., biog. of, ii. 714. Fuller, David, killed on the Gazelle,

ii. 340. Fulton, James, biog. and bibliog., i.

634; of assembly, ii. 671. Fur-traders in Oregon, 1834, i. 6-17;

life at forts, 7-8, 42; hospitality, 9-

10; religion, 10-11, 62; Iiid. wives

of, 27-8; brigade, 46; cravan, 47 \n G \n Gaets, Father, arrives, 1847, i. 326. Gage, Joseph, associate justice, i. 450. Gagnier, at Fort Umpqua, i. 193-5. Gagnier, Mrs, with missionaries, i.

195-6. Gaines, John P., app t d gov r, ii. 139;

administration and off! acts of,

1850-2, 139-73; biog., 169; Ind.

cominis., offl acts of, 208, 228-32;

charges against, 301-2. Gallagher, Lieut I. H., com d at Fort

Lopwai, ii. 531. Galvin, John, in Ind. exped., ii. 240.

Gamble, James, established Port Or-

ford, ii. 193. Gaiitt, E. E., capture of, ii. 548.

Gantt, Capt. John, conducts emi grants, i. 395, 400.

Ganymede, ship, i. 38, 84.

Gardapie, Baptiste, rescues immi grants, i. 564. \n Gardiner, Charles, injured on the

Gazelle, ii. 340. Gardipie, J. B., exploring party, i.


Garrison, A. E., biog., i. 572. Garrison, E., Methodist preacher, i.

397; ii. 677. Garrison, J. M., legislator, 1845, i.

472; explor. party, 1846, 532; capt.

of co., 703; of council, 1851-2, ii.

161, 296; Ind. agent, 312. Garrison, Margaret, biog., i. 422. Garrison, Margaret Herron, biog., i.

415. Garry, Spokane chief, character, i.

339-40. Gary, Rev. Geo., voy. to Or., i. 39;

supersedes Lee, 218, 221; miss.

work, 223-4; assists Thornton, 621;

supt of miss., ii. 677. Goskell, A. P., of Coos Bay Co., ii.


Gassett, C. C., murder of, ii. 521. Gaston, Joseph, acts in Og. Cent. R.R.

affairs, ii. 696-703; biog., 703-4. Gay, Geo., escapes from Inds, i. 96-7;

with cattle co., 142, 147; kills Inds,

148; mem. of col govt, 301; left for

Cal., ii. 47.

Gay, Rich., drowned, ii. 396. Gazelle, steamer, explosion on, ii.

340. Gazzoli, Father, arrives in 1847, i.

326. Geary, Edw., trustee of Or. academy,

ii. 167; supt Ind. affairs, 461; Presb.

minister, 681; school trustee, 682;

of Or. Cent. R. R. Co., 698. Geer, Frederick W., biog., i. 572 Geer, G., Or. pioneer, illicit liquor

traffic, i. 273. Geer, Joseph Carey, biog., i. 637;

maj. of militia, ii. 325. Geer, Ralph C., biog., i. 637; of state

house board, ii. 146; nursery of,

257; of H. of Rep., 18B4--5, 349,

R. R. commis r, 696. Geiger, abandons Dalles, accompanies

White, 1842, i. 268; tour, 342. Geisell, John, killed by Inds, ii. 395. General Lane, ship, ii. 48, 49. General Warren, steamer, wrecked,

ii. 203-4, 341. George, M. C. , elected to congress, ii.

6r -* /o.

Gervais, Jos., activity in govt forma tion, i. 300-1; meets R. C. priests, 317; explor. party, 532.

Gervais, Zavier, exploring party, i. 532. \n 780 \n ITSTDEX. \n Gibbs, A. C., revised Or. laws, ii. 150; att y, 158; biog., 181-2; of H. of Rep., 1852, 1SGO, 296, 452; collec tor, 309; commis. to settle claims. 321; governor, off l acts, 509, 637, 638, 644; aspirant for U. S. senate, 667; death of, 763.

Gibbs, Geo., deputy collector at As toria, ii. 81, 104; biog., 104.

Gibbs, John, in Ind. exped., killed, ii. 313.

Gilbert, Isaac N., biog., i. 469.

G.lleri, Col A. C., assumes com d, ii. 595; acts in Modoc war, 606-23.

Gille.spie, John, killed, ii. 383.

Gilliam co ty, hist, of, ii. 711.

Gilliam. Cornelius, gen. of immigrants, i. 449; biog., 449, 725; buffalo hunt ing, 450; bombast, 457, 681-2; ex- plor. party, 531, 567; supt of postal, 614; col com d t, 676; speech to army, 708; death, 725.

Gilliland, Isaac, biog., i. 647.

Gilmore, Matthew, member prov. govt, 1844, i. 427, 431.

Cilmore, S. M., supports Gov. Lane, ii. 93; of H. of Rep., 1850, 1860, 143, 452; biog., 143; delegate to convention, 418.

Gilpin, Major, life in Or., i. 223; with Fremont, 420.

Glasgow, Thos W., at indignation meeting, ii. 162.

Gleason, Sam l, in Snake river mas sacre, ii. 472.

Glover, William, biog., i. 636.

Godwin, Charles, wounded, ii. 383.

Goff, David, biog., i. 544; explor. party, 544; leaves for Ft Hall, 551- 2; guides immigrants, 558.

Goffe, T. A., mention of, ii. 765.

Gold disc, in Cal., ii. 42, 43; disc, of, 1850-2,174-204, searches for, 478-80.

Gold epoch, decadence of, ii. 337-8.

Gold-hunter, steamer, ii. 705.

Goldsborough, L. M., in survey ex ped., ii. 248.

Goldsby, John, wounded, ii. 383.

Good, D. H., biog., i. 270.

Goodhue, Samuel, exploring party, 1846, i. 544; biog., 544.

Goodrich, C. L., purchases Or. Specta tor, 1854, discontinued, i. 575.

Goodwyn, Thos Jefferson, biog. of, ii.

714. Goodyear, M., with missionaries, i.

127. Gordon, John, writes McLoughlin, i. \n Gordon, Harvey, nominated state printer, biog., ii. 637.

Government, provisional, 1843, i. 280- 1; organization, 292-314; election of officers, 293; expenses of, 443; seat proposals, 536.

Governor, salary, i. 432; power, 476- 7. _

Gracie, Lieut Arch., at Ind. council, ii. 362.

Graham, David, attacked by Inds, ii. 523.

Grammar, Nez Perce, i. 335.

Grande Ronde, emigrants arrive, i. 401; military reservation, ii. 397.

Grant co ty, hist, of, ii. 711.

Grant, Jas, at Fort Hall, i. 42, 261.

Grasshoppers, destruction by, ii. 342.

Grave creek, fight at, ii. 381-3.

Graves, S. C., favors newter. scheme, ii. 255.

Gray, James, del. to convention, 1857, ii. 418.

Gray, Thomas, death of, ii. 370.

Gray, W. H., names Columbia river, i. 24; missionary, 126; journey to Ft Vancouver, 126-35; returns east, 136; attacked by Inds, 136; on. the Dalles miss., 163-4; builds Or. in stitute, 203; oppose!? White, 264; hist. Or., 301-2; sec. of Champoeg, convention, 303; leg. com., 1842, 304; deserts Whitman, 340, 343; legislator, 1745, 472, 481, 488; re turns to Astoria, 584; residence, 588; left for Cal., 1848, ii. 47.

Great Britain, blows at interests, 1843, i. 313; occupation Col R., 363; jur isdiction, 366, claim disputed, 383- 4; treatment of U. S., 597.

Green, Col, actions in Modoc war, ii. 573-629.

Green, J., ship-building, 247.

Greenback question, ii. 640-3.

Greenhow, on term Oregon, i. 24.

Greenwo d, Wm, biog., i. 753; sen ator, 1862-5, ii. 638, 665.

Greer, I. B., nominated state treas urer, ii. 638.

Gregory & Co., express co. of. ii. 339.

Gregory, XVI., Pope, Or. created to an apostolic vicariate, Dec. 1843, i. 326.

Grey, Capt. Thomas, comd at S. Juan Island, ii. 432.

Griffin, Buford B., biog., i. 752.

Griffin, Rev. J. S., missionary, i. 238-9, 244; ineligible for gov r, 305; ed first paper, 335.

Griffith, Elisha, biog., i. 529. \n IND EX. \n 781 \n Griffith, Elizabeth, biog., i. 529.

Grim, I. W., biog., i. (336; of H. of rep. ii. 72; senator, 1858-65, 432, 452, 638, 665; vice-presdt Pion. Soc., 693.

Gri.st mills, location-owners, ii. 25.

Grover, L. F., biog., ii. 149; pros- attorney, 298; university trustee, 299; ter. auditor, 306; in Ind. ex- pedt., 313; of H. of rep., 1853-7, 323, 413, 417; of constitutional convention, 423; elected to congress, 1858, 431; takes seat, 441; charac ter, 444; elected Gov., 670; U. S.

. senator, 673.

Grubb, Sam l, in Indian expedt., ii. 313; claim of, 321. \n H \n Hacher, Isaac, settler at Coos bay, ii. 334; of H. of rep., 1864-5, 665.

Hackleman, commands immigrant co., 1845, i. 509.

Hagardine, R. B., in Ind. exped., ii. 313.

Haines, I. D., biog., ii. 81.

Half-breeds, causes dissatisfaction, i. 651-3.

Hall, E. C., killed, ii. 464.

Hall, Lawrence, biog., i. 528; mem. of leg., 604; on com t. to frame memorial, 606; reaches Walla Walla, 661; of council, 1850-2; ii. 142, 158, 296.

Hall, Reason B., biog., i. 569.

Halleck, Gen., visits Or., ii. 525, 526.

Hamilton, ship, i. 154.

Hamilton, Edw., torr. sec y, ii. 139.

Hamilton, W., killing of, ii. 155.

Hamlin, Nathaniel, biog., i. 752.

Hammond, Brev.-capt. D. P., in sur vey expedt., ii. 190.

Hanchett, W. H., of road co., ii. 652.

Hancock, Samuel, biog. & bibliog., i. 509; left for Cal. ii. 47.

Haniia, I. A., Presb. minister, ii. 681.

Hannah, Adolph B., of H. of rep., 1858-9, ii. 432-4; U. S. marshal, 443; in confed. service, 456.

Hannon, George, biog., i. 529

Harboss, appropriations for, ii. 300.

Hardin, John R., of H. of rep., 1852, ii. 296; killed by Inds., 313; claim of, 321; alcalde, 325.

Harding, Benj. F , of H. of rep., 1850-2, 1858, 1860, ii. 142, 296, 432, 452; biog., 143; defends W. Ken \n dall, 156; chief clerk of house, 163;

university trustee, 299; U. S. att y,

309; U. S. senator, 639. Harney, Gen., mil. administration of,

ii. 461-8.

Harper, Andrus, biog., i. 572. Harpooner, ship, ii. 48, 70, 103. Harris, Mrs, fight with Inds., ii. 373. Harris, Geo. W., killed by Inds, ii.

373. Harris, Isaac, warns Fairchild, ii.

579. Harris, Moses, assists emigrants, i.

315, 450, 564; with White, 484;

explor. party, 1846, 532, 544; biog.,

545; leaves Ft Hall, 551-2. Harrison, A. M., in survey expedt,

ii. 249.

Harrison, Hugh, biog., i. 635. Hart, Thomas, biog., i. 530. Hartness, McDonald, killed, ii. 403. Hasbrouck, in Modoc war, ii. 624-8. Hassaloe, steamer, ii. 480. Hastings, L. W., leader of party, i.

258-67; disagreements with, 258;

escapes Ind., 260; goes to Cal.,

266-7; character and bibliog., 267;

persuades immigrants to Cal., 552. Hatch, Peter H., pion. 43, i. 422;

signs memorial, ii. 127; candidate

for legislature, 437. Hathaway, Brev.-Maj., in comd. of

artillery, ii. 69. Hathaway, Felix, at Willamette

Falls, i. 204; ship-building, 247;

prov. gov t meets at house of, 428. Haun, Mr, biog., i. 637. Hauxhurst, Webley, cattle expedt.,

i. 142; assaulted, 444; university

trustee, ii. 299.

Hawaiian Islands, trade, i. 371. Hawkins, Lt, military force of, ii.

68, 69.

Hawkins, Henry, biog., i. 527. Hawks, Thomas, drowned, ii. 341. Hays, Mrs Rebecca, at Waiilatpu, i.

647; murdered, 660. Hazard, W. , early settler, ii. 252. Headrich, Samuel, biog., i. 632. Hearn, F. G., visit of, ii. 175. Heber, Fred, in Ind. expedt., ii. 313. Hedden, Cyrus, in explor. expedt., ii.

197. Hedding, Bishop, missionary meeting,

i. 59. Hedding, Elijah, son of Peupeumox-

mox, i. 279; murder of, 286-7. Hedges, A. F., of legislature, 1849,

ii. 59; of H of rep., 1858-9, 432,

434; director 0. C. R. R., 699. \n 7 82 \n INDEX. \n Heinrich, Peter, death of, ii. 370. Helm, L. S., col of militia, ii. 325. Helm, Win, Meth. preacher, ii. G77.

Hembree, A. J. , mem. of leg., i. 604; ii. 58, 59; of H. of rep., 1850-5> ii. 72, 158, 349; supports Gov. Lane, 93; trustee of Or. Academy, 167.

Hendershott, James, of H. of rep., 1866, ii. 666; senator, 1868-70, 668, 671.

Hendershott, S., of court convention, ii. 423.

Henderson, I. H. D., candidate for legis., ii. 337; elected to congress, 666; director 0. C, R. R., 699.

Henderson, Rob t, biog., ii. 144.

Hendrick, Sam l, killed by Inds, ii. 395.

Hendricks, T. M., biog., i. 753.

Hennessey, Win, death of, ii. 370.

Henry, brig, i. 414, 679-80; ii. 24, 43, 48.

Henry, A. G., Ind. agent, ii. 207; of H. of rep., 1854-5, 349.

Hensaker, T. H., mill-owner, ii. 50.

Hereford, Capt. , of the Gazelle, ii.340.

Herman, congressman, ii. 762.

Herron, Daniel, discoverers gold, i. 512.

Hibbler, joins Cal. exped., i. 679.

Hickley, Mrs, at Willamette mission, i. 157-8.

Hicklin, H. H., of anti-slavery party, ii. 359; del. to convention, 418.

Hicklin, John L, , biog., i. 753.

Hicklin, W. C. , of anti-slavery party, ii. 359.

Higgins, H., judge, i. 496.

Highlands, settlement, i. 463.

Hill, Capt. B. H., at Astoria, ii. 69.

Hill, David, leg. com. 1842, i. 304, 312; mem. prov. govt, 1844, 427, 431; legislator, 473, 481; post master, 614; of H. of rep., 1848-9, ii. 58, 59, 72.

Hill, Isaac, attack on Inds, ii. 313.

Hill, Ryland D., murder of, ii. 156.

Hinckley, Capt, on Columbia river, i. 154; at Willamette miss., 157-8; marriage, 158.

Hind, E., in immigrant party, ii. 463.

Hinderwell, R. 0., Capt., arrest of, ii. 104-7.

Hines, Rev. G., missionary, i. 177; among the Umpquas, 193-6; on school com., 201; trustee Or. insti tute, 202; life of, 225; opposes White, 264; oration at opening of leg., 306; Meth. minister, ii. 677. \n Hines, H. K., Meth. minister, ii.

677. Hines, Mrs H. K., missionary, i. 177;

teacher, ii. 678. Hinman, Alanson, in charge of

Dalles, i. 644, 667; biog. 667; of

H. of rep., 1866, 666; collector, 6G9. Hinsnaw, Isaac, biog., i. 529. Hinton, Capt., at Fort Boise, ii. 519. Hirsch, Edward, state treas., ii. 760. Hitchcock, Gen., in Oregon, ii. 233.

Hobart, Lieut Charles, movements of,

ii. 514. Hobson, Richard, biog., i. 421.

Hodges, Capt. H. C., A. G. M. Col- umbia dep t, ii. 531.

Hodges, Jesse Monroe, biog., i. 628-9.

Hodgkins, Win, in Ind. exped,, wounded, ii. 313.

Hoecken, Adrian, R. C. priest, i. 325; with hunting party, 396; dis covers pass, 398.

Hoffman, Mr, at Waiilatpu, i. 648.

Holbrook, Amory, att y in Ind. trial, ii. 96; signs memorial, 127; of H. of rep., 1860, 452; nominated U. S. senator, 639.

Holcomb, Gay C., killed by Inds, ii. 395.

Holden, Horace, biog. and bibliog., i. 467.

Holden, Mrs Horace, presents flag to Or. rangers, i. 583.

Holderness, S. M., mem. P. L. L. C., i. 297; fights duel, 492; sec. of State 1849, ii. 59.

Holgate, John C., biog., i. 630.

Holladay, Ben, acts in Or. R. R. af fairs, ii. 700-4; mention of, 746.

Holland, David, settler at Coos bay, ii. 334.

Holland, Francis S., biog., i. 530.

Holland, 1. P., in explor. exped., ii. 197.

Holman, Dillard, in Ind. exped., ii. 224.

Holman, John, biog., i. 421.

Holman, Jos., with Farnhams exped., i. 227, 237; of legislature, 308; uni versity trustee, ii. 299; R. R. corn- mis r, 696.

Holmes, Leander, del to convention, ii. 418, 446; nominated state sec., 431.

Holmes, William, death, i. 421.

Holmes, Wm, sheriff, i. 496; presents liberty-pole, 583; serg t at arms of H., ii. 59, 72, 143; signs memorial, 127; R. R. commis r, 69 6 \n\n Holt, Thomas, explor. party, 532; assists immigrants, 564.

Holton, D. S., of H. of rep., 1858-9, ii. 432, 434; surgeon gen., 438; senator, 1860-3, 452, 638.

Holy Heart of Mary, mission founded, i. 327.

Home, Capt., drowning of, i. 53.

Home, Capt. D., arrives Or. on Beaver, i. 123.

1 Honolulu, ship, ii. 42.

Hooker, Jim, in Modocwar, ii. 575-6, 587, 592, 599, 606, 909-12; surren ders, 62"; confession, 632.

Hooker, Col Joseph, completed road, biog., ii. 306; in union army, 456.

Hooker, S. C., murder of, ii. 156.

Horn, A., death, i. 261.

Horse Creek, military post, i. 376.

Hospital, at F. Vancouver, i. 8; Wil lamette miss, 162; Chemeketa plains, 193, 197.

Hot Creek Inds, attempt removal of, ii. 578-80.

Houck, I. L., in immigrant party 1859, ii. 463.

Hoult, E., of court convention, ii. 423.

Houston, Robert, biog., i. 635.

Hovey, A. G., del to rep. convention, ii. 446; senator, 1862-5, 638, 665.

Howard, Cynthia, biog., i. 572. Howard, John, biog., i. 572. Howard, Zenas, warns Fairchild, ii.

579. Howe, Lieut Albion, in Modoc war,

killed, ii. 616-22; biog., 624. Howe, E. W., killed by Inds, ii. 395. Howe, Sam l D., com. of Island Co.,

ii. 299.

Howell, John, biog., i. 421. How ell, Jonathan, biog. of, ii. 714. Howell, Morris, in Ind. exped., ii.

313. Howison, Neil M., commands Shark,

i. 584; examines country, 586-8.

Howison s Rep t, comments, i. 585.

Hoyt, family outraged i. 645.

Hoyt, Francis S., trustee of univer sity, ii. 299; librarian, 615; Meth. preacher, 677.

Hubbard, kills Thomburg, i. 95.

Hubbard, Charles, biog., i. 635.

Hubbard, M., established Port Orford, ii. 193.

Hubbard, Thos. J., leader cattle co., i. 179; mem. for col. gov t, 301; leg. com., 1842, 304.

Huber, N., clerk of council, ii. 434. \n Hudson Bay Co., Ind. wives among, i. 9-10, 26-28; servants of, 15, 70; treatment of Inds, 36; character of officers, 42; law in Or. under, 48- 50, 235; monopoly in cattle, 140; lease of Russ. ter., 232, 234; charges against, 245; post at S. F., 250-1; attempt to settle Or., 252; attitude to immigrants, 261; Whites tran saction with, 276; treatment of im migrants, 409-10; delicate position, 447; unite with Americans, 493-6; dissuading Inds., 540; celebrate Christmas, 578; Whitman s massa cre, 666-8; force sent to Walla Walla, 673-4; embarrassimg posi tion, 681-2; accused of conspiring with Inds, 697-9; decadence of business, ii. 103; sales of, 189-10; forts abandoned, iii; claims of, 276- 81.

Hudson, Miss, murder of, ii. 377.

Hudspeath, J. M., witness, land dis-

piite, i. 206. Hull, Joseph, promotor of masonry,

ii. 30. Humboldt, on term Oregon, i. 23-4.

Humboldt river, discovered, i. 32. Humphries, Capt., on Columbia, i.

215. Humpy Jerry, of Capt. Jack s band,

ii. 577.

Hunsaker, Joseph, biog., i. 633. Hunt, Capt. I. C., at Camp Lyon, ii.

519, 532. Hunt, Joseph, killed on the Gazelle,

ii. 340. Huiitington, I. W. P., representative

1860, ii. 452; sup t Ind. affairs, 670. Huntress, ship, ii. 48. Hurford, Susanna, biog., i. 628. \n Idles, John, killed by Inds, ii. 395.

Illutin, Nez Perce, chief, speech at council, May 1843, i. 279.

Immigants, attempt to prohibit negro, i. 287; refuse good drafts, 288; Whit man s views, 341-2; sufferings, 446 -67; 508-41, 552-67; 623-38 j_ ii. 174 -5; health and condition, i. 751; ef fects on, of gold discovery, ii. 63-5; protection of, 303-4; increase of, in 1859, ii. 465; in 18(52-3, 493-5.

Immigration society, hist, of, ii. 694-5.

Immigration to Cal. , efforts of Or. peo ple to prevent, i. 552.

Imports, value, 185-23, ii. 258. \n 7 84 \n INDEX. \n Independent gov t, steps towards, i. 441-3.

Indiana, petition from, i. 374-5.

Indian Agent, White s endeavor to ob tain appointment, salary, i. 254-5.

Indian*, attitude to H B Co., i. 36; murders by, i. 41, 95-7, 136, 148-9, 179, ii. 92-5; demand missionaries, i. 54-5; at missions, 81-3, 86-9; diseases among, 81-3, 196-201; dis turbances by, 95, 162, 285-6, 412, 703-6, ii. 66-70, 205-32; 330-1, 342 -4, 369-96; cause of dissatisfaction, 650; accusation against Whitman, 652-3; threatened alliance, 684, 728 -9; execution of, ii. 80, 93-100, 636; treaties with, 359-68; grand coun cil, 362-7; wars with, 1855-6, 369- 96; extermination of, 397-412; con duct on reservation, 489; Shoshone war, 1866-68, 512-54; enlisted to fight Inds, 530-1; Modoc war, 1864 -73,556-636; school, hist, of, 690.

Indian school, hist, of, ii. 690.

Indian wives, among H B Co., i. 9-10, 26-28, 47; character, 27.

Ingalls, David C., biog., i. 529.

Inyard, John, biog., i. 448; left for Cal., ii. 47.

Iowa, liquor law applied in Oregon, 1844, i. 281.

Iris, steamer, ii. 481.

Iriquois, as ; missionaries, i. 116.

Iron. manufactures, hist, of, ii. 733-5.

Irwin, D., claim of, ii. 321; of anti- slavery party, 359.

Isabella , ship, wrecked, i. 41.

Isaiachalahis, murder by, ii. 94; trial and execution, 96-100.

Ishalhal, brutality towards Mrs Whit man, i. 660.

Island Milling Co., formed, i. 206-7; work, i. 211.

Ison, S., of Senate, 1866-8; ii. 666-8.

Ivcs, Wm, contractor for surveys, ii. 269.

Iwality, district boundary, i. 310. \n Jackson, ship, wrecked, ii. 300.

Jackson co ty, organized, ii. 166; cre ated, 553; hist, of, 712.

Jackson creek, gold discovered, ii. 186.

Jackson, Capt. James, Com d. at Fort Klamath, ii. 563; in Modoc war, 574, 622, 628.

Jackson, Pres., interested in colony, i. 369.

Jackson, John R., biog., i. 463. \n Jacksonville, co ty seat, ii. 299; Ind.

attack of, 312.

Jacob, Nez Perce chief, i. 665; coun sels, Mrs Spaulding, i. 665-6. Jacobs, 0., candidate for Legis,, ii.

337; nominated U. S. Senator, 639. Jaggar, I. E., perilous adventure of,

ii. 484. James, John D., perilous adventure of,

ii. 484. James, Capt. L. L., Com d at Fort

Stevens, ii., 532.

James, P. Flint , steamer, ii. 480. Jamieson, Archibald, fate of, ii. 340. Jamieson, Arthur, fate of, ii. 340. Janet , ship, ii. 48. Japan, trade, i. 371. Jayol, J. F., arrives in 1867, i. 326. Jeffers, Joseph, biog., i. 628, Jeffries, John T., biog., i. 529. Jenkins, Willis, biog., i. 468. Jennings, Capt. J., exped. of, ii. 522. Jennison, Albert B., claim of, ii. 321. Jessup, Thos, S., on cost Mil. occ., i.

360, Jesuit mission, difficulty with priests,

i. 742.

Jewett, John, biog., i. 656. Jewitt, T. D., claim of, ii. 321. John Alleyne , schr, ii. 258. John Chief, actions of, attacks troops,

ii. 406-9; surrender of, 410. John Day mine, discovery of, ii. 479;

suffering at, 484. Johnson, Miss Elvira, arrives Or., i.

156; work at mission, i. 160; at

Lapwai, 648. Johnson H., chaplain of house, ii., 72;

school trustee, 78; signs memorial,

127; of anti-slavery party, 359;

promulgates rep. doct ns, 418. Johnson, J. W., Pres. of University,

ii. 690. Johnson, James, biog., i. 627; school

trustee, ii. 685. Johnson, Neill, Presb. minister, ii.

682. Johnson, Wm, views on gov t, i. 295;

high sheriff, 1843, 297. Johnson, W. Carey, of anti-slavery

party, ii. 359; promulgates rep.

doct ns, 418; nominated pros, atty,

637; biog., 637-8; of Senate, 1866,


Jo Lane , revenue cutter, ii. 488. Jones, John, explor. party, i. 544j

meets immigrants, 562. Jones, J. K., killed by Inds ii. 373. Jones, J. W., in immigrant party,

1859, ii. 463. \n IND EX. \n 785 \n Jordan creek, acts of Inds on, ii. 501.

Jordan, M. M., killed, ii. 501.

Joseph, Chief, acts at council, ii. 336 -5.

Josephine , brig, ii. 48; wrecked, 101.

Josephine Co ty, established, ii. 415; hist, of, 753-4.

Jourdan, with Farnham s exped. , 227.

Joven Guipuzcoana , bark, ii. 25.

Judiciary, ways and means, 1842, i. 304; reorganization, 005.

Judicial dist s, arranged, ii. 73-4, 164, 254; division of, 297; re-distributed, 308.

Judson L. H., missionary, i. 177; trustee Or. Institute, 202; death, 1880, 225; magistrate, 304; legisla ture, 307; mill-race, 440.

Juliet , schr, wrecked, ii. 203.

Juliopolis, Red river, i. 315.

Jump Off Joe creek, fight at, ii. 387. \n K \n Kaiser, P. C., bibliog., i. 398.

Kaiser, T. D., Sec. and Capt. Or. rangers, i. 283; leader immigrant party, 393; biog. and bibliog., 398; first to arrive at Dalles, 408; mem. prov. gov t, 428, 431.

Kalispelms, mission founded among, i. 327.

Kamehameha, iii. treaty with, i. 178.

Kamiah, missionaries at, i. 137-8; mission, 331-2.

Kamiakin, Chief, acts at council, ii. 364-5:

Kane, Paul, work, i. 599.

Kasas, execution of, ii. 80.

Kate Heath , brig, ii. 180.

Kautz, Lt., at Fort Orford, ii. 233; in exped., 313; fight with Inds, 374.

Kearney, Bvt Maj. of mounted rifles, ii. 81; exped. against Inds, 225-32.

Keath, F., killed by Inds, ii. 315.

Keeler, G-. W., Representative, 1860, ii. 452.

K^ane creek; named, i. 546.

Keene, Granville, killed by Inds, 371.

Keene, "VVm, murder by, trial, ii. 156.

Keintpoos, see Capt. Jack.

Kelley, Hall J., arrives, i. 17, 89; on term Oregon, 22-3; advocates miss, labors, 56; prominence in settle ment, 67-70; plan of city, 69; pur pose, 89; adventures, 89-90; bad report of, 91; relation to H. B. Co., 91-4, 99; leaves Or., 94; on Or. question, 365; emigration scheme, 367; poverty of, 369. OR. II. 50 \n Kellogg, Orin, biog., i. 752.

Kellogg, Orrin, biog., i. 528.

Kelly, Rev. Clinton, biog., i. 752.

Kelly, with Farnham s Or. exped., 228.

Kelly, James K., commissioner to prepare laws, ii. 150; in explor. exped., 176; biog., 182; of council, 1853-7, 323, 349, 413, 417; of con stitutional convent., 423; U. S. att y, 443; senator, 1860-3, 452, 638.

Kelly, John, at Cal. mines, ii. 185; register of lands, 669.

Kelly, Wm, capt. of Or. vols, ii. 491; at Ft Vancouver, 532; in Modoc war, 585-9.

Kelsay, Col, in fight at the Meadows, ii. 402.

Kelsay, John, of const, convention, ii. 423.

Kendall, Thos Simpson, biog., i. 530; of anti-slavery party, ii. 359; del. to convention, 418; school trustee, 682.

Kendall, Wm, murder by, trial, ii. 155, 156.

Kenny, D. M., favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.

Kennedy, Ezekial, destitute, i. 546; biog., 571.

Kennedy, L, in Ind. exped., ii. 313.

Keplin, Capt., on Or. coast, i. 94.

Kesner, Chas, in Snake river massa cre, ii. 472.

Kester, I., murder of, ii. 523.

Keyes, Morgan, biog., i. 528-9.

Keyes, Robert C., deposition about Cal., i. 552.

Kiamasumpkin, murder by, ii. 94; trial and execution, 96-100.

Kilborne, R. L., with Farnham s ex ped., i. 227, 237; ship-building, 247.

Kilborne, Wm, on Columbia, i. 414; treasurer, 606; ii. 63; of Or. Ex change Co., 54; signs memorial, 127.

Killin, John, biog., i. 531.

Kimball, Mr and Mrs, at Waulatpu, i. 647.

Kincaid, R. H., author of peace corn- mis., ii. 595.

King, Alex., exped. of, ii. 305.

King, T. Butler, established Port Or ford, ii. 193.

King, W. M., of H. of Rep., 1850-1, 1857-8, ii. 142, 161, 429; biog., 143; notary, 298; port surveyor, 309.

Kingsley, Calvin S. , trustee of univer sity, ii. 299; Meth. preacher, 677.

Kinney, A., arrival of, ii. 139. \n 786 \n INDEX. \n Kinney, Charles, actions in Albion

affair, ii. 105, 106. Kinney, R. C., biog., i. 633; of H. of

Hep., ii. 72, 158; trustee of Or.

academy, 168; of const, conv, 423. Kinsey, T. S., biog., i. 636. Kip, Lieut Lawrence, at Ind. council,

ii. 362; works of, 362, 363. Kirkpatrick, I. M., in com d at Port

Orford, ii. 193; attacked by Inds,

194; of assembly, 429. Kistler, Lieut A. C., at Camp Watson,

ii. 532.

Klamath co ty, hist, of, ii. 714. Klamaths, the, treaty with, ii. 506;

advancement of, 562; in Modoc war,

577-89. Kliketats, missionaries among, i. 181;

insolence of, ii. 67. Kline, Jacob, on grand jury, ii. 354. Klokamas, murder, by, ii. 94; trial

and execution, 96-100. Knapp, Capt. 0. C., Ind. agent, ii.

559; relieved, 563. Knapp, Rich. B., biog. of, ii. 719. Knaust, Charles, killed on the Ga zelle, ii. 340.

Knighton, H. M., biog., i. 576. Knott, A. I. , in Caruther s land affair,

ii. 288. Knox, Samuel, in survey exped., ii.

248. Kone, Mrs, missionary, i. 177j at

Clatsop miss., 187. Kone, Rev. W. W., missionary, i. 177;

at Clatsop miss., 185-7. Kyle, Lieut I. G. , in Modoc war, ii.

581-i. \n Ladd, W. S., biog. of, ii. 764.

La Dow, Geo., elected to congress,

biog., ii. 675.

Lafayette, founders of, ii. 251. Laggett, Jonathan, biog., i. 528. Lake co ty, hist, of, ii. 715. Lambert, David, del. to convention,

1857, ii. 418. Lambert, G. W., of anti-slavery party,

ii. 359. Lamerick, John K., leader of exped.

against Ind., ii. 241; elected, brig.-

gen., 389; campaign of, 402-3; in

confed. service, 456. Lancaster, C. , returns from Camp Co lumbia, i. 258; leaves for Cal., ii.

47; supreme judge, resigns, 63;

mem. of council, 158. Land, laws relating to, i. 311, 477-8;

ii. 260-95. \n Land claims, com. 1842, i. 304; dis putes regarding, 459-60; confirma tion asked, 607.

Land grants, petitions for, i. 367; acreage to male adults, 374.

Lane co ty, established, ii. 150; mil itia of, 386; hist, of, 715.

Lane, Joseph, governor, off l actions, 1849-50, ii. 66-100; resigns, 98; del. to congress, actions, 153-4, 206, 299-310, 355-8, 419; exped. against Inds, 219-22, 315-20; lieut-col of militia, 325; of Coos Bay Co., 332; decrease of popularity, 439; aspires to presidency, 447; disloyalty of, 455-6; death, 456.

Lane, L. F., of assembly, 1864-5, ii. 665; elected to congress, 670.

Lane, Nathaniel, biog., ii. 98; claim of, 321; enrolling officer, 390.

Lane, Richard, justice of peace, i. 612; co ty judge, biog., ii. 62.

Lapwai, miss, built, i. 136; threatened attack on, 268; Inds hostile to, 330; description of, 336-7; abandoned, 341; assistance for, 345.

Laramie, discussion as to site of mili tary post, i. 376.

La Rocque, George, biog., i. 636-7.

Lashmutt,Van B. de, mention, ii. 749.

Laughlin, Samuel, biog., i. 635.

Lausanne, ship, i. 171, 177-8, 182, 184, 197, 237, 254.

Lava beds, Ind. fight at, ii. 539-45; Modoc war, 583-627.

Laws under H. B. Co., i. 47-50, 235-6; requirements of, 292, 310-11; free dom, 307; compilation of, ii. 149.

Lawrence, Hy. , killed by Inds, ii. 395.

Lawson, James S., in survey exped., biog., ii. 249.

Lawyer, Nez Perce chief, i. 133; shrewdness, 336; actions at council, ii. 364-5.

Leary, Lieut P., in Modoc war, ii. 619.

Le Bas, arrives in 1847, i. 326.

Le Breton, Geo. W., with White, 1843, i. 275; killed, 282-3; clerk, pub. re corder, 294; sec. at Champoeg con vention, 303; clerk of court, 304; nomination, 312.

Leclaire, Guillaume, on Umatilla, i. 327-8; deacon, 654.

Lee, Barton, mem. P. L. L. C., i. 297; justice of peace, 612; left for Cal., ii. 47.

Lee, Daniel, character, i. 56-8; mis sionary, 60-5, 73; builds miss., 78- 80; visits Hawaiian isl., 84; at Willamette miss., 154, 159, 230; at \n INDE X. \n 787 \n the Dalles miss., 163-6, 190, 242; meets Sutter, 165; marries, 182-3; at Clatsop miss., 185; proselyting, 320; on Whitman, 343.

Lee, E. Trumrell, Presb. minister, ii. 681.

Lee, H. A. G., character, i. 455; legis lator, 1845, 472, 474, 481, 493; edi tor, 575; com d Or. army, 730, 732; supt Ind. affairs, 730-2; resigns, ii. 62.

Lee, Jason, character, i. 56-8, 61-3, 214, 220-1; miss, trip to Or., 59-65, 73; builds miss., 79-80; miss, work, 81, 160; relation to Kelley, 94; meets U. S. agent, 102; meets Parker, 113; receives Whitman s party, 135; Willamette cattle co., 140-3; marries, 159; as a colonizer, 166-8, 184, 190-8, 201-18, 226; me morial to congress, 168-9, 172-7; goes east, 169-78, 183, 318-20; death of wife, 170; again marries, 177, 183; censured, 183; supt of missions, 190; ii. 677; among the Umpquas, i. 192-6; quarrel with White, 196- 7; trustee Or. institute, 201-2; dis pute Willamette falls, 203; duplicity Or. city claim, 214-16; opposes Mc- Loughlin, 215-18; superseded as supt, 218; death, 220; at Willamette miss., 230; meets Wilkes, 246; on Or. question, 372.

Lee, Nicholas, biog., i. 753; school trustee, ii. 678.

Lee, Wilson, biog., i. 571-2.

Leese, J. P., in S. F. bay, i. 144; Or. pioneer, 266.

Leggett, Thomas, co. assessor, i. 612.

Legislature, first meeting, i. 305; ju diciary laws proposed, 306-10; pro ceedings, 427-45, 680-1; ii. 58-63, 72-9, 141-72, 296-8, 322-9, 349-54, 413-15, 417-18, 429-30, 436-8, 443- 4, 452-4, 475, 637-76; oath, i. 473; power, 475-6; act for raising army, 680-1; criticism on acts, ii. 54, 55; hrst meeting; amendts., 1887, 762.

Leisler, James, claim of, ii. 321.

Lemon, John, biog., i. 527.

Lennox, David, T.. biog., i. 421; school trustee, ii. 684.

Leonard, shooting scrape; ii. 37.

Leonard Sam l, murder of, ii. 523.

Leslie, Aurelia, death, i. 200.

Leslie, Rev. D. , at Willamette, miss., i. 161; on school com., 201; trustee Or. Institute, 202; names Salem. 222; justice of peace, 236; chairman at public meeting, 293; attempts \n revival, 320; chaplain of council, ii. 72; university trustee, 299; Meth. preacher, 677.

Leslie, Satira, marriage, death, i. 199-200.

L Etoiie du Martin, brig, i. 326; ii. 48.

Lewes, J. L., appearance, character, i. 38.

Lewis, C. H., biog. of, ii. 764-5.

Lewis, co ty, nan^ed, i. 493; created, 538; E. limits defined, ii. 166.

Lewis, H. C., of court convention, ii. 423.

Lewis, James, settler, i. 458.

Lewis, Joe, informs Indians of con spiracy to poison, i. 652-3.

Lewis, W. B., in fight with Inds, ii. 377-8; capt. of vols, 379.

Lewiston, founding of ii. 482.

Libraries, hist, of, ii. 694.

Light Houses, ii. 248.

Limerick, L.. del. to convention 1857. ii. 418.

Lincoln, Abraham, offered governor ship, declined, ii. 139.

Lindsay, J. J., biog., i. 754.

Linenberger, David, biog., i. 753.

Linn city, named, i. 536; co ty seat, ii. 151; flood at, 483; hist, of, ii. 715, 716.

Linn co ty, hist, of, ii. 715-16.

Linn, Lewis F., presents Or. memor ial, i. 176; bills of, 217-18, 372-81; on Or. question, 349; occupation Or. ter., 370; biog., 381.

Linnton, named, i. 415.

Linnville, Harrison, leads immigrants, i. 559; legislator, ii. 58; school fund commis r, 299 ;R. R. commis r, 696.

Lippincott, wounded, i. 561.

Liquor, laws regarding, i. 249. 281, 437, 537-9; efforts to suppress traffic, ii. 37.

Literature, hist, of, ii. 691-2.

Little, Anthony, favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.

Little-Dalles, shipwreck at Falls, 1838, i. 316.

Littlejohn, P. B. , missionary, i. 239- 40, 244; with White, 268-9; drown ing of son, 272; tour, 342; Llama, ship, i. 143, 144, 201.

Lloyd, John, biog., i. 529.

Lloyd, W. W., biog., i. 529.

Loan, negotiation, i. 671; correspon dence, i. 672-5.

Loan Commissioners, petition people amount obtained, difficulty in obtaining cash, i. 675-6.

Locke, A. N., biog., i. 635. \n 788 \n INDEX. \n Lockhart, F. G-., of Coos Bay co., ii. 332; of const, convent., 423; of H. of rep., 666, 671.

Locktrig, L., killed by Inds, ii. 315.

Logan, David, att y, ii- 158; of H. of rep., 349; of const, convent., 423; nominated for congress, 446; de feated, 669.

Long, J. E., sec. of Hotise, i. 429, 496; biog., 429; director Or. Print ing assoc., 536.

Long, Sylvester, drowned, ii. 396.

Loo-Choo, ship, wrecked, ii. 300.

Looking Glass Chief, act at council, ii. 364-5.

Looney, Miss, presents flag to Or. rangers, i. 583.

Looney, Jesse, leader immigrants, i. 394; death, 421; legislator, 604-5.

Lop-ears, term for Oregon settlers, i. 19.

Lord, Corp. Wm C., killed, ii. 424.

Loring, W. W., Brev. Col, com d of mounted rifles, ii. 81.

Loriot, brig., i. 100-1, 140, 142-3, 154.

Lost river, named, i. 548.

Lot Whitcomb, steamer, hist, of, ii. 255.

Loughborough, John, leaves emigra tion 1843, i. 397.

Louisiana Co., emigration, i. 369.

Louis Philippe, King of France, grants money to Blanchet, i. 326.

Love joy, A. L., escapes Sioux, i. 260. overland journey 1842, 343; meets immigration, 398; biog., 415; mem. pro\. gov t, 428; candidate for gov.,

471-2; loan commisr, 671-6; elected adj. gen., 680; left for Cal., ii. 47; H. of rep., 58, 71, 349, 417, su preme judge, 63; speaker of House, 72; school trustee, 78; mem. of council, 161, 296; postal agent, 309; of const, convent., 423; commis. gen., 438; pension agent, 459; di rector Or. Cent. R. R., 699; founded Portland, 717.

Lovelady, Presley, in Ind. exped., ii. 224.

Lovelin, Mr, kills Indian, i. 561.

Lowe, Dan, killed on the Gazelle, ii. 340.

Luce, H. H., settler at Coos bay, ii. 334.

Lucier, E., guard to missionaries, i. 113; on gov t com., 297, 301; meets R. C. priests, 317.

Luckiamute, the, treaty with, ii. 211.

Luders, oa Columbia, i, 420. \n Luders bay, named, i. 420. Luelling, Henderson, biog., i. 637. Lugenbeel, Maj., com d at Colville,

ii. 488. Lugur, F., leaves emigration 1843, i.


Lumber, trade, i. 353; ii. 726-9, 758-9. Luptori, I. A. , favors new ter. scheme,

ii. 255; massacre by, 372; of H. of

rep., 1855-6, 414; death, 414. Lutheran church, hist, of, 687-8. Lyman, in explor. exped., ii. 176. Lyons, James, in fight at lava beds,

killed, ii. 344. \n M \n Macey, Wm, exped. of, ii. 305.

Mack, settler, bibliog., i. 423.

Mackenzie, map, i. 22.

Mackie, Peter, 1st mate of S. Rob erts, ii. 176.

Macleary, Donald, biog. of, ii. 719.

Macomber, Lt Geo., A. A. insp. gen. Columbia dept, ii. 531.

Madigan, Lt John, : in fight at lava beds, killed, ii. 552, 544.

Madonna, ship, i. 245; ii. 48.

Magruder, E. B., biog., i. 469.

Magruder Theophilus, associate judge, i. 450; biog., 469; of Or. Exchange co., ii. 54; sec. of terr., 63.

Maguire, Jerry, biog., ii. 396.

Mahoney, Jeremiah, murder of, ii. 156.

Mails, facilities for, ii. 29-30; peti tions for, 436.

Mail service, efforts for in congress, ii. 186-91; ocean, 302; appropria tions for, 328.

Maine, whaler, wrecked, ii. 24.

Major, Dan G., contract of, ii. 649.

Maleck Adhel, ship, ii. 248.

Malheur Mts, hardships on, 1845, i. 512-14.

Malheur river, gold discovered, i. 512.

Mallory, Rufus, of H. of rep., 1862- 3, ii. 636; elected to congress, biog., 669.

Mann, S. S., in explor. exped., ii. 176; wreck master, 299; settler at Coos Bay, 334.

Manson, Donald, at Ft George, i. 29; life as a fur trader, 40-1.

Manufactures, hist of, ii. 726-38.

Marion co ty, raises co., i. 702; hist, of, ii. 716-17.

Marine Gazette, newspaper, i. 575. \n IND EX. \n 789 \n Maps -.forts in Or., 1834, i. 12; Car ver s, 20; Cooke s, 23; Mackenzie s 22; Payne s, 24; Parker s travels, 120; Clatsop country, 186; Umpqua river, 194; Rogue river and Umpqua val., ii. 380; Idaho camps and forts, 513; E. Or. camps and forts, 516; Modoc country, 560.

Matherman, A., in Snake river mas sacre, ii. 472.

Marks, John, biog., i. 627.

Marks, Wm, of anti-slavery party, ii. 359; del. to convention, 418.

Marple, P. B., of Coos bay co., biog., ii. 331.

Marriages, in 1838, i. 318; laws re lating to, 309, 436-7; in 1846-8, ii. 38-9

Marshall, J. W. discovers gold, ii. 42, 43.

Marshall, Maj. L. H., comd. of Ft Boise, ii. 519; exped., 520; defeat of, 521.

Martin, P. B., of H. of rep., 1852, ii. 296; favors slavery, 422.

Martin, H., mem. for Cal. govt ar rived 1840, i. 301.

Martin, Hy, exped. of, ii. 479.

Martin, James P. , exploring party, i. 532.

Martin, Win J. , pilots immigrants, i. 400; of H. of rep., 1848-9, 1853-4, ii. 58, 59, 323; col of militia, 325; pursuit of Inds., 326; maj. of vols, 386.

Martin, William, unfair treatment, i. 730.

Mary, steamer, ii. 480.

Mary Dare, ship, ii. 43; seizure of, 107.

Mary Ellen, brig, ii. 48.

Maryland, ship, i. 186, 244.

  • Mary Wilder, brig, ii. 48.

Mason, Gen. E. C., acts in Modoc war, ii. 582, 591-619.

Masonic lodges, charters, ii. 30-31, 415.

Massachusetts, interested in Or., i. 367.

Massachusetts, ship, ii. 69.

Massey, E. L., biog., i. 754; enrolling officer, ii. 399.

Matheney, Daniel, leader immigrant party, i. 394; biog., 421.

Matheney, Henry, biog., i. 421.

Matilda, interpreter, ii. 598, 599.

Matlock, W. T., of H. of rep., ii. 72, 143, 158, 296; librarian, 79; del. to convention, 418; receiver of land- office, 458. \n Matthews, F. H., district judge, i.

496. Matthieu, F. X., biog. and bibliog.,

i. 259; constable, 304; presd t Piou.

Soc., ii. 693.

Mattice, F. D., death of, ii. 370. Mattock, W. S., circuit judge, ii. 63. Mattock, W. T., nominated U. 8.

senator, ii. 639.

Matts, Chas, ship-building, 247. Matzger, Wm, of const, convention,

ii. 423. Maupin, Howard, attack on Inds, ii.

534. Maury, R. F., It-col of Or. vols, ii.

491; sent on exped., 493; nomi nated U. S. senator, 639. Maxon, Capt., assumes command Or.

army, i. 725. Maxwell, H., at Fort Vancouver, i.

42. May, Sam l E,, sec. of state, ii. 637;

crime of, 659, 670-71. Mary Dacre, ship, i. 14, 15, 63-4,

112. Maynard, Rob t, crime and execution

of, ii. 156.

McAllister, Indian mission, i. 55. Me Arthur, Lt W., in survey exped.,

ii. 190.

McAuley, Dr, miss, meeting, f. 59". McBean, W., in charge at Ft Walla

Walla, i. 42, 642; assists those es caping massacre, 661. McBride, Geo. W. , sec. of state, ii. 760-1 . McBride, James, biog., i. 630-1; left

for Cal., ii. 47; supt of schools,

79; supports Gov. Lane, 93; of

council, 142; trustee Or. academy,

167; exped. of, 479. McBride, John R., del. to convention,

ii. 418-23; senator, I860 3, 4p2,

638; nominated for congress, 637. McFaddon, Jno., joint brickmaker, i.

328. McCall, I. M., of anti-slavery party,

ii. 359. McCarver, M. M., incident as leader,

i. 400; biog., 415; mem. prov. g<>yr,

427; speaker of house, 428, 4721

act regarding organic law, 4851

resigns speakership, 488; left for

Cal., ii. 47; com. -gen. of militia, ii.

325. McClane, J. B., biog. and bibliog., j.

398; descends the Columbia, 407;

explor. party, 532; post-master, ii.

187. McClelland, S. R., of anti-slavery

party, ii. 359. \n 7 90 \n INDEX. \n McClosky, John, signs memorial, ii. 127.

McCluchy, Geo., killed by Inds, ii. 395.

McClure, I. R., of anti-slavery party, ii. 359.

McClure, John, biog., i. 26G-7; legis lator, 473, 481; in charge of Shark house, 588.

McCormick, Rev. P. F., biog., i. 634.

McOormiek, S. I., of const, conven tion, ii. 423.

McCoy, Jno., of anti-slavery party, ii. 359.

McCracken, John, chief clerk of house, ii. 323; It-col of militia, 325; of 0. C. R. R., 698.

McCrary, Richard, distillery owner, i. 281.

McCue, Felix, drowned, ii. 396.

McCully, H. F., of anti-slavery party, ii. 359.

MeCullock, Perry, exped. of, ii. 479.

McCullough, Pat, killed by Inds, ii. 395.

McCurdy, I. D., in Ind. exped., ii. 313.

McCurdy, John, biog., ii. 714.

McDonald, A., at Ft Hall, i. 42; at Ft Colville, 122; with White s party, 261; legislator, 604-606.

McDonald, Harley, biog. of, ii. 725.

M cDougal, guide for immigrants, 1845, i. 511.

McDowell, Gen., requisition for cav alry, ii. 510; app t d to com d of Pa c dist, 510-11.

McEldery, Dr, in Green s exped., ii. 574.

McFadden, 0. B., associate judge, biog., ii. 307, 308.

McGee, Michael, killed on the Ga zelle, ii. 340.

Mclntire, A., favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255; of H. of Rep., 1854-5, 349.

Mclntosh, Archie, exped. of, ii. 537.

McKay, murder by Ind. at Pillar rock, L. Col., 1840, i. 292.

McKay, Donald, in com d of scouts, ii. 497; acts in Modoc war, 586, 587, 615, 625.

McKay, Nancy, marriage, i. 159; death, i. 160.

McKay, Thos, farmer, i. 15; at Ft Vancouver, 33; character, 33-4; at Ft Hall, 62; with missionaries, 131- 3; explor. party, 532; raises co., 702; pilots co. to Cal., ii. 44.

McKay, W. C., app t d to raise Ind. co., ii, 531, \n McKean, M. M., of assembly, 1866, ii. 666.

McKean, S. T., biog., i. 636, of coun cil, ii. 71, 142.

McKinlay, A., at Ft Walla Walla, i. 35, 334, 642; address to Nez Per ces, 269-70; advice to Whitman, 342; gallantry, 345; signs memorial, ii. 127.

McKinney, I., Meth. preacher, ii. 677.

McKinney, William, biog., i. 634; at Dalles, 667.

McLane, David, killed on the Ga zelle, ii. 340.

McLeod, D., arrives Oregon, death, i. 41.

McLeod, John, in Ind. exped., ii. 240.

McLoughlin, John, at Ft Vancouver, i. 7-10, 28-9, 52-3; appearance, 29- 30; character, 30, 42-5; authority, 48-50; marriage, 52; receives Lee s exped., 63-4; plan of Or settlement, 67; relations towards Young, 91-5, 97-9; policy to settlers, 97; policy to U. S. agents, 101-3; receives missionaries, 112, 131-5, 154, 184; aids Willamette cattle co., 141; Or. city claim, 203-18, 223-4, 311; ii. 125-7; charges against, i. 207-8; meets Farnham, 230; attitude to miss, settlers, 233; opposes ship building, 247-8; visits Cal., 251; treat of Red River settlers, 252; aids White s party, 264; opposes Inds, 275; advice to Inds, 277; views on Cockstock s killing, 283-4; position on govt formation, 297; joins R. C. church, 322; store in Or. city, 326-7; treat of immigrants, 410-11, 416, 456-7; canal right, 440; treat by legislature, 443; op position to, 464-5; joins political compact, 493-6; resigns from H. B. B. Co., 505; financial troubles, 506; citizenship of U. S., 506; retired, 598; claims trespassed upon, 610; witness at. Ind. trials, ii. 97; injus tice to, 125-7; death of, 130; por trait at Salem, 1887, 763-4.

McLoughlin, John, j r, death , i. 36-7, 236.

McLoughlin, Maria E., marries Rae, i. 36.

McMahon, Richard, signs memorial, ii. 127.

McMinnville college, origin of, ii. 684.

McNamara, Serg t John, in Modoc war, ii. 588.

McNamee, Mrs Hannah, biog., i. 528. \n IND EX. \n 791 \n McNamee, Job. biog, i. 528.

McNary, Laodicea, biog., i. 531.

McTavish, Dugal, at Ft Vancouver, i. 42; County Judge, resigns, ii. 62.

Meadows, Joseph, exped. of, ii. 305.

Meacham, Sup t, official acts of, 552, 558-67; relieved, 567; come to Mo- docs, act of, 595-612; wounded, 612; at trial, 635.

Meacham John, Ind. agent, ii. 563; report of, 565.

Meara, Serg t, in fight at lava beds, killed, ii. 542, 544.

Measles, devastating, i. 648-50, 653.

Meek, Joseph L., biog., i. 244; cham- peog convention, 303-4; sheriff, 304; marshal, 497; mem. of leg., 604; messenger to congress, 676-9, 756; debut at Wash., 757-8; acts in Al bion affair, ii. 105; col of militia, 325.

Meek, S. H. L., founds Oregon city, i. 205; meets White s party, 258; guide, 512; life threatened, 513-15; petitions for road charter, 532.

Meek, William, biog., i. 637.

Meigs, C. R., of court convention, ii. 423.

Menes, Captain, biog., i. 326-7.

Menestry, Father, arrives in 1847, i. 326.

Mengarini, on term Oregon, i. 19.

Mercedes, ship, ii. 48.

Merritt, F. W., in Ind. exped., ii. 240.

Merrill, Ashbel, biog., i. 637.

Merrill, Joseph, biog., 2. 635-6.

Mesplie, T., arrives in 1847, i. 326.

Metcalfe, R. B., in Ind, exped., ii. 316; claim of, 321; Ind. agent, 360.

Methodist church, missionaries, acts of, i. 54-65, 154-83, 184-225; affairs investigated, 219-21; Wilkes visit miss, 247; missions, descript., of, 292-3, 311, 660; Whitman purchases miss, 644; hist, of, ii. 677-8

Military Posts, location, object, i. 374-6; opinion for establishing 381; established 1848-50, ii. 83-7.

Military reservations, declared, ii. 89-92; U, S. court decision, 91. Grande ronde, 397.

Military roads, appropriations for, ii. 75, 305-6, 436.

Military, situation, ii. 344-7.

Militia, law enacted, ii. 324; organ ized, 386

Millar, Mrs, injured on the Gazelle, ii. 340, \n Millar, Rev. I. P., killed on the Ga zelle, ii. 340.

Miller, C. H., in Ind exped., ii. 497.

Miller, G. M., founds Florence, ii. 757.

Miller, H. F., conduct in Modoc af- fair, ii. 565, 569; death of, 576.

Miller Island, mil. reser., 1850, ii. 89.

Miller, Joaquin, works of, ii. 692.

Miller, Jacob W., killed, ii. 383.

Miller, John F., of H. of rep., 1853- 4, ii. 323: nominated Gov., 638; com. of board of agric., 661; Or. Cent. R. R., 699.

Miller, John K., killed on the Ga zelle.

Miller, John S., claim of, ii. 321; lieut of vols, 386; of H. of rep., 1856-7, 417; school trustee, 685.

Miller, Minnie M., works of, ii. 692.

Miller, Rich., of council, 1850, ii. 142; of const, convention, 423.

Miller, Wm, del. to convention 1857, ii. 418.

Miller, Lieut, W. H., in Modoc war, ii. 589, 616, 622.

Mill Creek, Waiilatpu mission, i. 337.

Mills, at Ft Vancouver, i. 9, 234; Chemeketa plains, 192; Willamette falls, 203-8, 211-13, 217, 222.

Mills, Y. I., killed by Inds, ii. 312.

Milton, founders of, ii. 252, town des troyed.

Milton Creek, mill on, ii. 50.

Milwaukie, schr, ii. 48.

Milwaukie, founding of, ii. 251.

Mines, discovery of, John Day Pow der river, ii. 479; hist, of, 738-44.

Mining, hist, of, ii. 738-44; revival of, products, etc., 754.

Mint, question of, 1849, ii. 52-3.

Minto, John, biog. and bibliog., i. 451-2; joins Cal. exped,, 679; of H. of rep., 1862-3, 1868, ii. 638, 668.

Minto, Martha, biog. and bibliog., i. 451-2.

Missionaries, labors of, i. 17, 54, 78- 138, 154-225, 318-30; agric. under, 80-4, 192-3; women as, 125-38; ig norance of hygiene, 190; opposed to White, 280 ; treat, of immigrants, 416.

Missionary republic, failure, i. 470-1.

Missionary, wives, outrages upon, i. 662-3.

Missions, buildings, i. 78-80; un- healthiness of, 86; Calapooya, 163; Clatsop, 185; Nisqually, 188; Dalles, 190; diseases at, 190; land grabbers, 313.

Mission Life Sketches, bibliographi cal, i. 287, \n 792 \n INDEX. \n Missions, American Board of Com missioners for foreign, plans for western work, i. 104.

Missouri, petition from, i. 375.

Mitchell, J. H., sen., 1862-5; ii. 638, 665; U. S. sen., 667, 672; biog., 672; approp. for public works, 757- .

Modeste, English man of war, i. 447, 499, 574, 587, 599; officers of, 576.

Mo doc, origin of name, ii. 555.

Modoc lake, discovered, i. 547.

Modoc war, 1864-73, ii. 555-636.

Modocs, murders by, ii. 489; treaty, 506; war, 1864-73, 555-636.

Moffat, killed by Ind., ii. 235.

Mofras, Duflotde, visits Or., 250,

Molallas, Inds, i. 282; treaty with, ii. 211.

Monmouth college, hist, of, ii. 687.

Monroe, Pres., message Or. question, i. 361-2.

Monroe, E., attack on Inds, ii. 575.

Monteith, Thomas, biog., i. 632; joins Cal. exped. 679.

Monteith, W. I., Presb. minister, ii. 681.

Monteith, Walter, biog., i. 632; joins Cal. exped., 679; sch. trustee, ii. 682.

Montgomery, J. Boyce, biog., ii. 705; purchase of Albina, etc., 752.

Montoure, George, exploring party, i. 532.

Moody, Z. F., elected gov., biog., ii. 675; administration of, 760.

Moore, Lieut, in Modoc war, ii. 588.

Moore, Andrew S., biog. of, ii. 713.

Moore, E., favors New ter. scheme, ii. 255.

Moore, George, biog., i. 527.

Moore, Henry, exped. of, ii. 479.

Moore, Jackson, leaves emigration 1843, i. 397.

Moore, James H., in survey exped., ii. 248.

Moore, Robert, with cattle co., i. 145; biog. 237-8; on gov t com., 294, 304; elected J. P., 312; pro poses gov t seat, 536; purchases Or. Spectator, 575; signs memorial, ii. 127.

Moores, Isaac R., mem. H. of rep., ii. 413, 638, 665; of cons t. conven tion, 423; Or. Cent. R. R., 698-9.

Morgan, Wm. H., petition favoring Modocs, ii. 634.

Morris, Capt., arrest of, ii. 103.

Morris, B. Wistar, bishop, ii. 686.

Morris, M. B., in Ind. exped., wound ed, ii. 313. \n Morris, Col. T., in com d at Vancou ver, ii. 460.

Morrison, R. W., biog, i. 449; county treasurer, 612; mem. H. of rep., 1858, ii. 432.

Morrow, Gbv., mention of, ii. 757.

Morrow county organized, ii. 757.

Morse, David, jr., mention of, ii. 757.

Morse, W. B., Meth. minister, ii. 677.

Morton, S. E., rep., 1860, ii. 452.

Moses, S. P. , coll. at Puget Sound, ii. 108.

Mosher, L. F. , favors New ter scheme, ii. 255; Senator, 1870, 671.

Mosier, Alice Claget, biog.

Moss Pioneer Times, MS., bibliog., i. 265.

Moss, S. W., biog., i. 265; mem. P. L. L. C., 297; signs memorial, ii. 127; works of, 691.

Mott, C. H., Ind. commis r, ii. 412; joins Confed. service, 456.

Mountain Buck, steamer, ii. 480.

Mountains, Or., 2-3.

Mount Baker, eruption, ii. 41.

Mount Hood, ascent of, 1854, ii. 335.

Mount Jefferson, first ascent of, ii. 335.

Mount St Helen, eruption, ii. 41.

Mount Spencer, named, i. 484.

Mounted riflemen, organization, i. 578-9; bill to raise, 670-1; mem bers, 671; flag presented, 672; ac tions of, ii. 81-100; desertions from, 88-9; departure, 100.

Mud Springs, named, i. 550.

Mulligan, C., early settler, ii. 299.

Multnomah Co ty, created, ii. 354; hist, of, 717; value of prop, in, 753.

Munger, A., Or. missionary, i. 238-9; character, death, 239-40.

Munson, C. G., in Snake river massa cre, ii. 472.

Murphy, Pat, in explor. expedt., ii. 197.

Myers, John, in Snake river massa cre, ii. 471.

Myors, Joseph, in Snake river massa cre, ii. 472.

Myrick, Mrs J., i. 37. \n Nassau, ship, ii. 202-3, 300.

Natives, see Indians.

Naylor, T. G., biog., i. 422, 571.

Negroes, feelings against, i. 284; ex pulsion of, ii. 157-8; acts relating to, ii. 665-6.

Nelson, Thomas, biog., ii. 155.

Nereid ship, i, 50, 86, 143, 234 . \n\n Nesmith, James W., pion., 43, i. 393, 395; character, 402; judge, 472; left for CaL, ii. 47; legislator, 58; trustee Or. academy, 167; U. S. marshal, 309; in Ind. expedt., 313; brig. gen. of militia, 325; U. S. Sen ator, actions, 453, 459, 674; R. R. commis r, 696.

Newby, B. F. , injured on the Ga zelle, ii. 340.

Newcomb, Daniel, of co ty convention, ii. 423; mem. H. of Rep., 423, 434; brig, gen., 438.

New Dungeness, light-house at, ii. 248.

Newell, Rob t, legis. com., 1842, i. 304; mem. prov. gov t, 1844, 428, 431; legislator, 472, 474, 604; ii. 58; Or. printing assoc., i. 536; left for CaL, ii. 47; Ind. sub. agent, 70 -1; representative, 452; leased pen itentiary, 644; R. R. commiss r, 696.

Newmarket, settlement, i. 464.

  • Newport, ship, ii. 333.

Newspapers, started, 1850-1, ii. 147; political actions, 353-9; births at state admission, 448-9; excluded from mails, 492; number of, 692.

Newton, Mr, murdered, i. 564.

Nez Perces, missionaries among, i. Ill, 115-19; religious rites, 116-18; threaten Lapwai, 268; council with White, 269-72; Spaulding s influ ence, 330, 335; grammar made, 335; cattle, stock, 346; council with com mis r, 718-21; ii. 361-6; treaty with, 366.

Nichols, Serg t, attack on, ii. 547.

Nichols, Benjamin, judge, i. 450.

Nichols, H. B., of const, convention, ii. 423; of H. of Rep., 1858-9, 432, 434.

Nightingale, Gideon R. , biog. , i. 528.

Niles, H., on term Oregon, i. 22; prop. Weekly Register, 378.

Niles Weekly Register, bibliog., i. 378.

Nisqually, mission, i. 188-90; Inds at, 319; attacked, ii. 67-9; fort near, 70; port of delivery, 107.

Nisqually Pass, explored, 1839, ii. 75.

Nobili, Giovanni, arrives, July 1844, i. 325.

Noble, Curtis, set. at Coos Bay, ii. 334.

Noble, Mrs. Mary A., biog., i. 528.

Noland, Rhodes, killed by Inds, ii. 312.

Northup, Nelson, biog., ii. 333.

Norcross, A. I., mayor of Union and Auburn, ii. 485. \n Northern Pac. R. R., joint lease of O.

R. & N. Co. s line, ii. 748; injunc tion against lease, 749. North Litchfield Assoc. of Conn, send

exped. to Oregon, 238. Northwest Coast, term embraced, i.

1; U. S. territorial rights, 254. Notice bill, U. S. cong. passes, i. 589. Nott, Joseph, trial of, ii. 156. Nourse, Geo., first settler inKlamath

county, ii. 507. Nuns, arrival of, i. 325, 326. Nus, Wm, death of, ii. 575. Nuttall, at Fort Vancouver, i. 16;

expedt. to Or., 60, 85; names Or.

flora, 86. Nye, Capt., in Columbia, i. 201, 422. \n Oakland, laid out, 1849, ii. 180.

Oakley, with Farnham s expedt., 227 -8.

Oatman, Harrison, wounded by Inds, ii. 371; lieut. of vols., 510; fight with Inds, 528, 529.

O Beirne, Capt., fight with Indians, ii. 530.

Oblate, Fathers, mission to Yakimas, i. 327-8.

Oblates of Mary Immaculate, proceed to Or., i. 654.

O Brien, John, drowned, ii. 396.

Ocean Bird, bark, ii. 48.

Odd Fellows, dispensation for estab lishing, ii. 31.

Odell, W. H., surveyor gen., ii. 295.

Odeneal, T. B., app t. supt. Ind. affairs, ii. 567; off 1 act in Modoc war, 569-72; app t. peace commis r, 596.

Ogcleii, Maj. C. A., in survey expedt., ii. 248.

Ogden, P. S., character, i. 32; dis covers Humboldt river, 32; com ds on Columbia, 598; at Walla Walla, 673-4; rescues captives, 685-97.

Kelly, Nimrod, trial of, ii. 156.

Olcott, Egbert, see Smith Noyes. ,

Olds, W., of const, convention, ii. 423.

Olinger, A., biog., i. 421.

Oliver, L W., killed by Inds, i.i 395.

Olley, James, death, i. 200

Olney, Cyrus, trustee of University, ii. 299; associate judge, 307; of const, convention, 423; mem. H. of Rep., 606, 671; subsidy bill of, 697.

Olney, Nathan, Ind. agent, ii. 360; recruiting officer, 497. \n 794 \n INDEX. \n Olympia, port of delivery, ii. 170, co ty seat, 299.

One-eyed Mose, of Capt. Jack s band,

ii. 576. O Neil, James, in cattle expdt. , i. 142,

converted, 179; mem of col. gov t,

301, 304; judge, 312, 496; R. R.

commis r, 696.

Ordinance, 1787, applied to Or., 1843, i. 313.

Oregon, early extent, i. 1; geological division, 1-6; natural resources, 4- 6; climate, 4-5; ii. 40-1; society, 1834, i. 9-10, 15-17; advent of mis sionaries, 16-17; name, 17-25; law under H. B. Co., 47-50; Meth. missionaries, 5465; early settlers, 68-77; 251-2; missionaries, 1834-8, 78-103, 184-225; Presb. mission aries, 104-38; colonization, 154-83; event-, 1839, 226-52; Belcher on, 232-3; Farnham srept, 236; Wilkes visit, 2i6-9; U. S. claim to, 349-50; limits, 348-5; message of executive, 429-30; land law provisions, 443-5; negro immigration, 437-8; necessity for better route, 542-3; war feeling, 1846, 573-99; propositiion of Brit ish, 580; first flag, 588; boundaries, 591-4, 597-8; progress, 609; dis gust with U. S. gov t, 615-17; ship building, ii. 27; news of Cal. gold discovery, 42; effect of, 51; gold discovery, 1850-2, 174-204; cost of Ind. war, 320-1; state admittance, 440-1; seal, 444; during war, 1861- 5, 456-8.

Oregon army, miserable condition, i. 726; objections against, 727.

Oregon and Cal. mission, organized, 1849, ii. 677.

Oregon and Cal. R. K Co., charter granted, ii. 696; purchase of, 747.

Oregon cavalry, 1st, hist, of, 1860-3, ii. 493.

Oregon central military road co., ac tions and grants, ii. 651, 653.

Oregon Cent. R. R., hist., ii. 696-706.

Oregon city, founding, i. 205, 207, 211-12, 217-18; progress, 265; Mc- Loughlin s claim, 311; bishop s see, 327; first brick house, 328; jail, 439, 619; incorporated, 443; legis lature at, 473, ii. 59; seat of gov t, i. 536; post-office established, 614, ii. 29; churches, 36; trial of Inds, 94-6; population, 1852, 251; flood, 1861, 483; first church, 677; water- power at, 753. \n Oregon Democrat, newspaper, ii. 449.

Oregon s envoys, i. 754-67.

Oregon infantry, 1st, organized, ii. 509.

Oregon institute, founded, i. 201-3, 300; moved, 322; catholics offer to purchase, 326; sale, 789-90.

Oregon Pac. R. R., construe, of, ii. 749.

Oregon pioneer assoc., object, offi cers, bibliog., i. 394.

Oregon printing assoc., principles, i. 535-6; work done, ii. 31.

Oregon prov. emig. soc., organized, purpose, i. 174, 176, 373.

Oregon R y Co., purchased, ii. 747-8.

Oregon R y & Nav. Co., bridge and depot of, ii. 748; line of, leased, 748; injunction against lease, 749; exten sion of lines, 750.

Oregon rangers, formation, i. 283; serv. of, 284-5; flag presented, 583.

Oregon Spectator, newspaper, i. 484, 575; suspended, ii. 43-4.

Oregon Statesman, newspaper, ii. 147.

Oregon Steam Nav. Co., organization of, ii. 480.

Oregon Temperance Society, organ ized, i. 98.

Oregon Whig, newspaper, ii. 147.

Organic laws, amendment of 1845, i. 470-507.

Osborne, Bennet, explor. party, i. 544.

Oswego, founded, ii. 251; iron works at, 752.

Otis, Maj., in Modoc war, ii. 567-70.

Overland mail, first daily, ii. 438.

Over ton, Win, owner of Port, land claim, i. 791, ii. 281.

Owens, D. D., exped. of, ii. 300.

Owens, John, explor. party, i. 544; at Ft Jilall, 551-2; rescues immi grants, 564.

Owens, Y. P., attack on Inds, ii. 318.

Owens, Thomas, biog., i. 421.

Owhi chief, opposes treaty, ii. 364.

OM r yhee, biog. , i. 40.

Owyhee river, battle of, ii. 520-1. \n Pacific city, White, founds 1853, i.


Pacific co ty, established, ii. 150. Pacific Journal, newspaper, ii. 448. Pacific ocean, natural boundary of

U. S., i. 358. Pacific republic, scheme of, ii. 450-1. Pacific university, i. 138; ii. 680. Pack wood, Elisha, biog. i. 530-1. \n IITD EX. \n 705 \n Packwood, Wm H., of const, conven tion, ii. 423.

Page, Dan D., killed on the Gazelle, ii. 340.

Parge, H. C., attacked by Inds, ii. 523.

Pallas, brig, i. 423-4, 467.

Palmer, Capt., movements of, ii. 512- 13.

Palmer, Cornelius, justice of ""peace, ii. 298.

Palmer, Joel, leaves for W. S., i. 337; aid L to Welch, 509; road making, 518; biog. and bibliog., 522; corn- mis, gen., 676; sup t Ind. affairs, 683; ii. 309; official action, i. 720; ii. 359-68, 397-9, 409-11; left for

, Cal., ii. 47; of H. of rep., 1862-3, 638; senator, 1864-6, 665, 666; Or. Cent. R. R., 698.

Palmer, Joes, trustee of Or. Academy, ii. 168; founded Dayton, 251.

Palouses, battle with, i. 723-4.

Pambrum, P. C., at Walla Walla, i. 35; receives missionaries, 110, 120, influence with Inds, 330, 345; ex- plor. exped., 1839, ii. 75.

Paiiina chief, makes peace, ii. 507-8; fight with, 533; killed, 234.

Paris, J. D., fainthearted missionary, i. 334.

Parker, David, explores Puget Sound, i. 463-4.

Parker, A. C., of Assembly 1864-5, ii. 665.

Parker, Sam l, of legislature, ii. 58-9, 63; mem. of council, 71-2, 142, 158, 1G3, 434; mem. penit y board, 298; university trustee, 299.

Parker, Reb. Samuel, seeks miss, site, i. 104; character, 105-6. at Ft Walla Walla, 110, 120; meets White, 111, 115; at Ft. Vancouver, 111-14, 123; opinion of natives, 112; meets Lee, 113, selects Waii- latpu, 117-19; map of travels, 120; at Ft Colville, 122-3; Sandwich Islands, 123-4.

Parker, Wm, explor. party, 1846, i. 544; of H. of rep. 1850, ii. 142; biog., 143.

Parker, Wm G., biog,, i. 544.

Parker, W. W., of assembly 1858-9, ii. 434; dep ty collector, 458; biog. 458.

Parrish, E. E., biog., i. 469; dist judge, 496; school trustee, it. 685.

Parrish, Edward, death of, ii. 370.

Parrish, Jesse, biog., i. 754.

Parsons, I, H., biog., ii. 711. \n ParrLli, J. L., missionary, i. 177; at ClatoOp miG3., 188; trustee Or. In stitute, 202; at Salem, 225; on gov t com., 297; Ind. agent^i. 213; Meth. preacher, 677; K. R. com- mis r, 696.

Parrott, Rev. Joseph E., biog., i. 753; signs memorial, ii. 127; Meth. preacher, 677.

Partlow, James, Pilos of the Gazelle, ii. 340.

Patten, rescues immigrants, i. 564.

Patterson, A. W., of H. of rep., 1854- 5, ii. 349; lieut. of vols, 386; enroll ing officer, 390; cf 0. C. M. Road Co., 652; senator, 1870, 671.

Patterson, Joshua, biog. of, ii. 713.

Patton, Lieut, fight with Inds, ii.


Patton, Polly Grimes, biog., i. 627. Patton, T. Me F., att y, ii. 158;

favors new ter. scheme, 255; clerk

of council, 417; Or. Cent. R. R.,


Paugh, William, biog., i. 526-7. Pawnees, missionaries among, 105. Payette, at Ft Boise, i. 229, 239; re ceives immigrants, 401. Payne, Aaron, biog., i. 630; of H. of

rep., 1850, 143; in Ind. exped. 325. Payne, Clayborne, death, i. 397. Payne, Dr Henry, in explor. exped,

ii. 176.

Payne, S., map, i. 24. Peace Commissioners, visited by Ya-

kimas, i. 707-8.

Peacock, ship, wrecked, i. 249. Pearl, Henry, killed in Ind. fight, ii.

383. Pearne, Thos H., nominated U. S.

senator, ii. 639; Meth. preacher,

677. Peebles, I. C., of H. of rep., ii. 323;

of council 1854-7, 349, 413, 417; of

const, convention, 423. Peel, Win, arrives, i. 497. Peers, Henry N., mem. of leg., i. 604,

606; literary abilities, 606; works

of, ii. 691. Peerce, Capt. C. H., com d at Ft

Sfceilacoom, ii. 532. Pend. O Oreilles, St Ignatius mission

founded, i. 327. Pendleton, chairman mil. affairs, i.

378. Pengra, B. J., surveyor-gen., ii. !

458; nominated to congress, 446; of

O. C. M. Road Co., 652; explores

route, 705, \n 7 93 \n INDEX. \n Penitentiary, waste of appropriations, ii. 850, 352; constructed, 644, 645.

Pennoy er, Gov. S. , mess, to cong. , ii. 760.

Pentland, Robert, injured on the Gazelle, ii. 340.

Peoria, Lee s colonizing efforts in, 226.

Pepoon, Lieut Silas, actions of, ii. 521.

Pepper, I. P., in explor. exped., ii. 197.

Perkins, Mrs. at Willamette miss., i. 101; at Dalles, 104, 181, 190.

Perkins, Rev. H. K. W., at Willam ette miss., i. 101, 230; at Dalles, 1G3-G, 179-81, 242.

Perham & Co., Carding machine of, ii. 338.

Perkins, Joel, founded town, ii. 251.

Perry, Capt. D., in Modoc war, ii. 581-90, 616-18; captures Captain Jack, 629-30.

Perry, Frank, killed by Inds., ii. 315.

Perry, James, murder of, ii. 521.

Petty grove, F. W., fined for using liquor, i. 282; mem. P. L. L. C., 397; at Or. city, 417; biog. and bibliog., 422-3; judge, 496, left for Cal., ii. 47; founded Portland, 717.

Pettyjohn, L., school trustee, ii. 685.

Peupeumoxmox, visits MoLoughlin, i. 277; trading ventures, 286; ad ventures with McKinlay, 345; con duct, 651; revokes friendship, 728; acts at council, ii. 364.

Phelps, Miss A., missionary, i, 177; marriage, 237.

Phillips, Miss E., missionary, i. 177, 187.

Pickett, Chas. E., threatened, i. 284; mem. P. L. L. C., 297; bibliog., 434-5; judge, 496, Ind. agent, 614; unpopularity, 615.

Pickett, I. W., killed, ii. 478.

Pierce, E. D., expedt. of, ii. 479.

Pike, Lt, pursuit of Inds, ii. 545, 546.

Pilcher, Major, Ind, agent, with mis sionaries, i. 128.

Pilot service, at mouth of Columbia, ii. 191.

Pioneer, schr, ii. 48.

Pioneer association, hist of, ii. 693-4.

Pioneer Lyceum and Literary Club, 1844 i. 296-7.

Pioneers, lists of, i. 73-7; 394, 526, 568, QS3, 751; list cf deaths, ii. 762-3.

Piper, Lt, A., takes the field, ii. 476.

Pit river, Crook on, ii. 538-9.

Pit river Inds, murder by,ii. 489.

Pitman, Miss A. M., arrives Or., i, 156; at Willamette mission, i. 157 -9. \n Planing mill, built on Columbia, ii.


Platt, I. C., murder of, ii. 156. Platte, discussion as to site of military

post, i. 376.

Poinsett, on military posts, i. 376. Point, Nicholas, R. C. priest, Flat- head mission, i. 3^4. Poland, Capt., death of, ii. 394. Poland, John, killed by Inds, ii. 395. Polk, Pres., actions on Or. question,

i. 388, 582-3; on boundary question,

595. Polk co ty, created, i. 538; hist, of,

ii, 722.

Pollock, John, death of, ii. 370. Pomeroy, W., witness, land dispute,

i. 206; signs memorial, ii. 127. Ponjade, John P., biog., i. 633. Pony express, founder of, ii. 438.

Popham, Ezekiel, murderous affray, ii. 37.

Popo-agie, military post, i. 376.

Popular election, vote on constitution, ii. 427, 428.

Population, 251, 543, ii. 251, 259.

Port of entry established, ii. 103, 104.

Porter, William, biog., i. 753.

Portland, found, of, i. 791-3; port of delivery, ii. 107; pop. 1852,251; legis lation over site, 281-9; hist, of, 717- 22; progress of, 1880-8, 750-1.

Portland library, organiz. of, ii. 751-2.

Port Orford, established, ii. 193; offi cials at, 1851, 233.

Post route, establishing, i. 614.

Powder River mine, discovery of, ii. 479.

Powder River valley, fertility of, ii. 485.

Powers, Thomas, road making, 1846, i. 558.

Pratt, judge of second dist, ii. 70; mention of, 102, 307, 337, 357.

Pratt, 0. C., Young s property, i. 151- 152, 780; ii. 103, 157-9, 162-4, 167.

Presbyterian church, hist, of, ii. 680- 83.

Presbyterians, advent of, i. 104-38; 1838-47, 315-48: jealousies, 329- 30; alarm at R. C. action, 340-1; downfall of, 741.

Preston, Geo. C., Ind. sub. agent, ii. 70.

Preston, H. L. , nominated U. S. Sen ator, ii. 639.

Preston, I. R., surveyor gen., ii. 155.

Pretol, arrives in 1847, i. 226.

Prettyman, Perry, biog., i. 627. \n INDE X. \n 797 \n Prichett, defended Inds, ii. 96; acting gov., 98.

Prigg, Fred, mem. P. L. L. C., i. 297; judge, 496; terr. sec., 606; death, ii. 36.

Prim, P. P., pros, att y, ii. 336; of const, convention, 423; app td dist judge, 443, 670.

Prince, Nez Perces, chief, i. 279.

Pringle, Pherne T., biog,, i. 570.

Pringle, Virgil K., biog., i. 570.

Printing press, Hall brings, 1839, i. 335-6.

Probate courts, i. 3(

Probst, Robert, murder of, ii. 477.

Protective assoc., capital, object, ii. 21-2.

Protestant church, first erected, ii. 677.

Provencher, J. N., bishop of Juliopo- lis, 1834, i. 315.

Provisions, high price, i. 259, 451.

Pruett, J. H., biog., i. 633.

Public buildings, acts concerning, ii. 298.

Public lands, first sale of, ii. 660.

Public library, books for, ii. 144.

Public roads, acts relating to, ii. 651- 2.

Pudding river, name, i. 72.

Puebla mts, fight at, ii. 535.

Puget Sound, exploration, i. 463^4; collector appointed, ii. 108; fortifi cations, 510.

Puget Sound Agricultural Co., oppo sition to, i. 189; attempt at settle ment, 252; Cowlitz, 319.

Pugh, J. W., biog., i. 572.

Putnam, Charles, road making, 1846, i. 558.

Pyle, James M. , clerk of assembly, ii. 434; senator, 1864-6, 665-7; sup ports R. R. grants, 697 \n Q \n Quallawort, execution of, ii. 80. Quatley, Chief, in Lane s Ind. expdt,

ii. 219-21. Quebec, archbishopric, appoints Blan-

chet to Or., 1837, i. 306. Quesnel, F., settler, i. 74. Quito, brig, ii. 48. \n R \n Radford, Lt R. C. W., Indian expdt.,

ii. 320. Rae, W. Or., life as fur-trader, i. 36:

in Cal, 251. \n Rae, Mrs, marries, i. 37: in Cal.. 251.

Ragan, Win, attack on Inds, ii. 534.

Railroads, memorial for, i. 590: char ters granted, ii. 325-6; land grant, 668; hist, of, 695-706; progress, 746.

Rainer, founded, ii. 252.

Rainey, J. T., biog., i. 570.

Rains, C., killed, ii. 464.

Ralston, Jeremiah, biog.,i. 631; Uni versity trustee, ii. 299.

Rascal river, name, i. 90.

Ravalli, Antonio, arrives July 1844, i. 325.

Raymond, W. W., at Clatsop miss., i. 177, 187; death, 199-200.

Reading, P. B., pion., 1843, i. 395.

Real estate exchange, list of iiicor- porators, ii. 751.

Ream Lt, in Modoc war, ii. 593.

Reasoner, I. S., Presb. min., ii. 681.

Rector, W. H., mem. of leg., i. 612; left for Cal. ii. 47; supt of Ind. af fairs, 459; R. R. comm r, 696.

Red River families, settle t in Or. , 252.

Reed, Geo., killed by Inds, ii. 395.

Reed, I. H., of const, convention, ii. 423.

Reed, Martin, killed by Inds, ii. 395.

Rees, W. H., institutes library, i. 295-7; mem. of leg., 612. sec. of Pioneer Soc., 693.

Reeves/ S. C., pilot, i. 326, 589; ii. 24-5; left for Cal., 47.

Rehart, C. A., biog. of, ii. 715.

Religion, first celebration mass Nov., 25, 1838, Vancouver, i. 317.

Religious sects, numbers, denomina tions, ii. 36.

Remeau, assists emigrants, 1848, i. 400.

Rendezvous, of fur traders, i. 130.

Republican party, formation of, ii. 416; clubs, 418; platform, 1858, 430; convention 1859, 445; 1862, 637; victory of 1888, 762.

Reservation, on Malheur river, ii. 554; set off, 653.

Revenue, raising of 1845, i. 540; laws, ii. 104-8.

Reynolds, Frances Ella, biog., i. 753.

Reynolds, R. B. defended Inds, ii. 96.

Rice, Col, killed, ii. 527.

Rice, W. H. , fainthearted missionary, i. 334.

Richard, Father, superior of the ob late orders, i. 328.

Richardson, A., in Ind. exped., ii. 224. \n 7 98 \n INDEX. \n Richardson, Daniel, death, i. 398. Richardson, Dan, lieut of vols, ii.

379; killed, 396. Richardson, Jesse, favors new ter.

scheme, ii. 255. Richardson, P., meets Fariiham s

exped., 228.

Richey, Caleb, biog., i. 754. Richmond, Rev. J. P., missionary, i.

177; at Misqually miss., 188-90. Richmond, Mrs, missionary, i. 177. Ricord, <John, at Oregon city, i. 211-

13; opposes McLoughlin, i. 215-18. Riddle, F. F., interpreter, ii. 599-

609. Riddle, Foby, interpreter, ii. 599-


Ridge way, Mrs Tabitha, biog., i. 529. Riggs, James B., biog., i. 527. Riggs, W. C., killed, ii. 464. Riley, Capt. Bennett, chastises Inds.

i. 397.

Riley, Edward, murder of, ii. 527. Rinearson, S. S., mem, of express, i.

552; 1st serg t rifle co., 671; capt.

of vols, ii. 379; promulgates rep.

doctrine, 418; Maj. of Or. vols, 491. Roads, petitions for, i. 531-3; located,

ii. 152; explorations for, 335. Roanoke, ship, wrecked, ii. 300. Robb, J. R., attempts to muzzle

press, i. 622; left for Cal., ii. 47;

university trustee, 299. Robbins, Nathaniel, of const, conven tion, ii. 423. Robe, Robert, Presbyterian minister,

ii. 681. Roberts, G. B., at Ft Vancouver, i.

38; life, i. 38-9.

Roberts, Mrs G. B., arrives Ft Van couver, 27. Roberts, W., transferred to Cowlitz,

i. 598-9; attempts to muzzle press,

622; university trustee, ii. 299;

sup t. of missions, 677. Robinson, A. A., clerk of council, ii.


Robinson, Ed, stabbing affair, ii. 37. Robertson, Joseph, Presb. minister,

ii. 682. Robinson, John, biog., i. 570; of H.

of rep., 1855-6, ii. 413. Robin s Nest, proposed seat of gov t,

i. 536

Robinson, Thomas G., biog., i. 527. Robinson, Rev. William, biog,, i.


Roby, death, 1846, i. 559. Rock Dave, of Capt. Jack s band, ii.

576. \n Rockwell, John, in survey exped., ii.

249. Roe, C. J., marriage, i. 159; history,

ii. 160.

Rogers, murdered, i. 660 Rogers, Clark, Alcalde, ii. 325. Rogers, Cornelius, missionary, i. 137-

8; marriage, 199; death, 1843, 199-

200; explor. exped. 1839; ii. 75. Rogers, Capt. John I., cond. at Cape

Hancock ii. 532. Rogers, John P., left for Cal. 1848-9,

ii. 47. Rogers, Mary Jane Robert, death, i.

469. Rogue river, name, i. 80; hostility of

Inds, 95; ii. 377; explor. of, 176-8,

197; gold discovered, 186; battle

on, 227. Rogue River Inds, Lane s conference

with, ii. 220-21; expedts. against,

1850, 222-4; battle with, 1853-4,


Rolfe, Tollman, H., biog., i. 634. Roman Catholic, withdrawal of

French, i. 292.

Rose, De, killed by Inds, ii. 313. Rose, Aaron, founds Roseburg, ii.

184; of H. of rep., 1856-7, 417. Roseborough, in Modoc war, ii. 603.


Roseburg, founded, ii. 184. Ross, J. E., lieut rifle co., i. 671; re signed, 708; left for Cal., ii. 47;

favors new, ter. scheme, 255; claim

of, 321; col of militia, 325, 376; of

H. of rep., 1855-6, 414, 666; mem. of

council 1856-7, 417; offers services,

583; Director Or. Cent. R. R., 699. Rosseau, Father, on Umatilla, i. 327-

8, 654. Rosseau, Gen. L. H., com d of dep t,

ii. 548.

Round Prairie, named, i. 546. Routes, merits, i. 565-6. Routes and Cut-offs, map, i. 543. Rowe, John Lafayette, hist, of, ii. 713 Royal, Capt., on Or. coast, i. 86. Ruckle, J. S., elected senator 1858,

ii. 432; steamboat owner, 480-1;

mention of, 765. Runnels, Jesse, in Ind. exped., ii. 224. Russler, Sergeant, in fight at lava

beds, killed, ii. 542-544. Russell, Edward, founds Albina, ii. 752. Russell, Osborne, mem. prov. gov t,

i. 427; biog. 428; candidate for

Gov., 471. Russians, oppose H. Bay Co., i. 232;

trade of, 574. \n IND EX. \n 799 \n Russell, W. H., commands Cal. Co., 1846, i. 556; founded pony express, ii. 438.

Russia, ukases w. Am. limits, 1822, i. 352.

Ruth, I. S., in survey exped., ii. 190.

Rvan, Jeremiah, in explor. exped. ii. "197. \n S \n Sacramento, brig. , ii. 48. Saffarans, Henry, at Dalles, i. 667. Sager, Mr and Mrs, death, i. 453-4. St Clair Co., emigrant co. from, 1843,

i. 393. St Clair Wayman, of H. of rep., ii.

143, 349; biog., 143. St Francis Borgia, mission founded,

i. 337. St Francis Regis, mission founded, i.


St Helen, founded, ii. 251. St Ignatius, mission founded, i. 327. St Joseph, boys school, French

Prairie, 1844, i. 325. St Mary, convent and girls school at

French Prairie, 1844, i. 325. St Paul, Champoeg church dedicated ^ to, 1840, i. 319, 328. StPaul miss, sem y, incor., ii. 152. St Peters, mission founded, i. 327. Salem, site laid out, i. 222; capital,

ii. 146, 643; legislat. at, 163; const. . convention at, 423; growth of, 752. Sales, Mr, at Waulatpec, i. 648. Sallee, killed by Inds, i. 561. Salmon-canning, decline of, ii. 758. Salmon river, quartz mines at, ii. 754. Sam, chief, actions in Ind. troubles,

ii. 239^5.

Samuel Roberts, schr, ii. 176. Sanborn, Charles, biog., i. 633. Sanders, Allen, dep. about Cal. , i. 552. Sanders, Geo. N. , agent at Wash, for

H. B. Co., ii. 108-9. Sand ford, I. R., in immigrant party,

1859, ii. 463.

Sand island, surveyed, ii. 249. Sandwich islands, trade with, ii. 258. San Francisco, H. B. Co. post at, i.

250-7; explor. co. formed at ii. 175. Santiam river, Indians attacked on,

1846, i. 285.

Sarah & Caroline, ship, i. 144. Saules, negro, deserts ship. i. 249;

troubles with, 282-4. Saunders. L. Woodbury, biog, i. 647. Saunders, S., killed, ii. 378. Sager, John, murdered, i, 659, \n Savage, Luther, biog., i. 637. Savage, Morgan Lewis, biog., i. 629. Savage, Towner, biog., i. 571. Sawyer, Willoughby, in fight at lava

beds, killed, ii. 544. Saxton, Joseph Charles, accompanies

White, i. 484. Scarborough, I., killed by Inds, ii.

317. Scarface, murder by, ii. 238-9; hanged,

245. Scarface Charley, acts in tl^ Modoc

war, ii. 572-86; surrenders, 629. Schaeffer, J., in immigrant party,

1859, ii. 463.

Schira, Nicholas, murder of, ii. 576. Schira, Mrs, bravery of, ii. 576. Schmoldt, Adolf, killed by Inds, ii.

396. Schofield, Nathan, in explor. expedt.,

ii. 176. Schofield, Socrates, in explor. expedt.,

ii. 176.

Scholl, Peter, biog., i. 627. School, at Ft Vancouver, i. 49, 80;

Champoeg, 86; Willamette miss.,

160, 162; Chemeketa. 190, 201, 222;

Baptists, ii. 648; Methodist, 678;

Catholic, 679; Presbyterian, 682-3;

Episcopal, 687, Public, hist, of, 688

-9; Indian, 690.

School fund, act creating, ii. 299. School lands, appropriations for, ii.


School law, enactment of, ii. 77. Sconchin, chief, acts in Modoc war,

ii. 555-612; trial and execution,


Scott, Felix, Ind. agent, i. 749; es corts immigrants, 750-1; b og., 750;

R. R. comis r, ii. 696. Scott, Harvey W., edited Oregonian,

ii. 147; librarian, 694. Scott, J. B., murder of, ii. 545. Scott, John, biog., joins Cal. expedt.,

679. Scott, Capt. L. S., movements of, ii.

515. Scott, Levi, biog., i. 544, 572; explor.

party, 544, ii. 178; guides immi grants, i. 558; leader of party, 266;

wounded, 624; joins Cal. expedt.,

679; mem. of council, 1858-5, ii.

296, 323, 349; of const, convention,

423. Scott, Thos Fielding, elected bishop,

ii. 685; death of, 686. Scottsburg, name, i. 572; flood at, ii.

483. Seagull, steamer wrecked, ii. 341. \n 8 00 \n INDEX. \n Seal of state, ii. 444.

Seaman, Nelson, killed by Inds, ii.


Sears, Franklin, biog., i. 469. Secession, proposed, 1842, i. 306. Seletza, Indian chief, i. 684. Selitz reservation, condition of Inds,

ii. 412.

Seroc, Joseph, killed by Inds, ii. 395. Settlement, difficulties attending, i.


Settlers, privileges to, i. 257; occupa tion, 786-7; rights of, ii. 285-6. Saxton, Charles, bibliog., i. 508-9. Seymour, Admiral, writes McLough-

lin, i. 497. Shacknasty Jim, acts in Modoc war,

ii. 599, 627; surrenders, 627. Shagaratte, L., death of, i. 82. Shane, J., killed by Inds, ii. 315. Shannon, Davis, of const, convention,

ii. 423. Shark, U. S. schr, 584-5; wrecked,


Shark house, variety of uses, i. 588. Shastas, The, trouble with, ii. 238-45, Shasta valley, gold discovered, ii.

185. Shattuck, E. D., candidate for legis.,

ii. 337; promulgates rep. doctrines,

418; of const, convention, 423; of

H. of Rep., 1858-9, 434; library

director, 694; Or. Cent. R. R. Co.,

698. Shaw, A. R. C,, exploring party, i.


Shaw, Hilyard, early settler, ii. 299. Shaw, T. G., exploring party, i. 532. Shaw, Wm, biog., i. 449; explores

Puget Sound, 453-4; Capt. of Co.,

703; left for Cal., ii. 47; of H. of

Rep., 142.

Shea, 0. , attacked by Inds, ii. 534. Sheil, Edw., military comdr, ii. 314;

of council, 1857-8, 429; elected to

congress, 450. Shelton, Isaac, attacked by Inds, ii.

373. Shepard, Mrs, work at mission, i.

160. Shephard, Cyrus, missionary, i. 59;

character, 60; at Ft Vancouver, 80;

Willamette miss, 158-61; marriage,

159; death, 182,

Shephard, W. F., killed, ii. 464. Sherman, Gen., acts in Modoc affair,

ii. 602, 605.

Sherry, Ross, biog., i. 528. Sherwood, Lt W. L., attempt murder

of, ii. 612-3. \n Shields, Jas, of const convention, ii.

423. Shillingbow, Adam, murder of, ii.

577. Shipping, arrivals and departures, ii.

48-9; river and ocean, 340-1; hist.

of building, 727-9. Shirley, James Quincy, biog. of, ii.

723. Shively, John M., biog., i. 614; left

for Cal., ii. 47. Shnebley, D. J., editor and proprietor

Or. Spectator.

Shroeder, John, murder of, ii. 577. Shrum, Nicholas, of const, conven tion, ii. 423.

Shoalwater bay, examined, ii. 248. Short, Amos M., squatter, trial of, ii.

90; land claim, 278-9. Short, H. R. M. B., surveys Portland,

i. 792. Short, R. V., of const, convention, ii.

423. Shortess, Robt, petition of, i. 207-11;

character, 207; mem. col govt, 301,

304; scheme, 313; assists immi grants, 410; judge, 496; injured on

the Gazelle, ii. 340. Shoshone, steamer, ii. 547. Shoshone war, 1866-8, ii. 512-54. Shoshones, The, outrages by, ii. 216. Shumard, B. F., expedt. of, ii. 300. Silcott, John M., claim of, ii. 321. Silvie de Grasse, ship, ii. 48; wrkd,49I Simon, Joseph, biog. of, ii. 765. Simmons, Andrew J., biog., i. 631. Simmons, Christopher, first child, i.

464. Simmons, M. F , biog., i. 449; explores

Puget Sound, 463-4; of H. of Rep.,

ii, 72; at indignation meeting, 162. Simmons, Sam l, biog., i. 530; college

trustee, ii. 686; R. R. commis r,

696. Simpson, Anthony, Presb. minister,

ii. 681. Simpson, Ben of H. of Rep., ii. 143,

158, 638; biog., 143; surveyor gen.,

295; mem. of council, 323. Simpson, Sir George, feud with Mc-

Loughlin, i. 37; tries murderer of

McLoughlin, jr, 236; visits Or., 250

-1; settlement policy, 316; letter

of, ii. 108.

Simpson, Sam l L., works of, ii. 692. Sims, C., favors new terr. scheme, ii.


Sims, John, murder of, ii. 489. Sinclair, Col. J. B., at Fort Boise, ii.

519. \n IND EX. \n 801 \n Sinslaw, settlement at, if. 759".

Sioux, harass White s party, i. 260.

Siskiyou co., pet. of citizens, ii. 558.

fekmuer, A. A., circuit judge, i. 605; left for Cal., ii. 47; com. to settle Cayuse war debt, 79; signs memo rial, 127; claim of, 184; Ind. com- mis r, 208; life and public services, 309-10; dist judge, 670.

Slacum, W. A , report on miss., i. 88, 101; U. S. agent in N. W., 100 -3; treatment by H. B. Co., 101-3; aids settlers, 140-1, 152; opposes H. B. Co., 141-2.

Slater, James H., of H. of Rep., ii. 429, 432, 434; dist atty, 670; mem. to congress, 674; biog., 674.

Slavery, illegal, i. 307; proposed bill against, 389; act relating to, 437-9; actions of free soilers. ii, 358-9.

Sloan, Joseph, in explor. expedt., ii.

J*7Q t

Small, Lt, fight with Inds, ii. 528. Small, Wm J., removes Inds, ii. 579- -, 80. Smith, A, B., missionary, i. 137-8;

Ind. grammar, 335. Smith, Capt. A. J., expedt. of, ii. 466


Smith, A. T., missionary, i. 239-40. Smith, Bruce, murder of, ii. 527. Smith, Buford, biog., i. 753. Smith, Delazon, of H of Rep., 1854-7.

ii. 349, 413, 417; of const, conven tion, 423; supports Lane, 444;

school trustee, 682. Smith, Enoch, trial of, ii. 156. Smith, Fred M. , established Port Or-

ford, ii. 193.

Smith, Freeman, claim of, ii. 321. Smith, Fabritus R., biog., i. 570. Smith, Hiram, biog., i. 527. Smith, Hugh, in Ind. expedt., killed,

ii. 313. Smith J. E., in immigrant party,

1859, ii. 463.

Smith, James, biog., i. 571. Smith, Joseph, escaped massacre, i.

662. Smith, Joseph S. , elected to congress,

biog., ii. 669. Smith, John, of anti-slavery party,

ii. 359; del. to convention, 418; H.

of Rep., 638; school trustee, 682;

R. R. commis r, 696. Smith, Miss M., marries, i. 96; at

Willamette miss., 161. Smith, Noyes, mem. P. L. L. C., i.

297; biog., 621; signs memorial, ii.


Or. II. 51 \n Smith, Gen. P. F., comd of riflemen i. 613; in comd Pac division, ii. 83; plans of, 86-7.

Smith, Robert, biog., i. 544.

Smith, Sidney, with Farnham, i. 227-9; sec. at public meeting, 293; mem. for col gov t, 301; captain, 304.

Smith, Simeon, biog., i. 527.

Smith, Solomon, at Ft Vancouver, i. 11; Willamette miss., 182; Clatsop miss., 185.

Smith, Thomas, in Ind. expedt., ii. ^ 313; of H. of Rep., 4U 417, 668.

Smith, Thomas H., census taker, i. 443; sheriff, 496; mill of, 50, 252.

Smith, Virgilia E. Pringle, biog., i. 570.

Snake or Lewis river region, charac ter, i. 3.

Snake river massacre, ii. 468-475.

Snakes, the, trouble with, ii. 403-4; expedt. against, 495.

Snellback, Peter, in Ind. expedt., ii. 240.

Snelling, G. L., favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.

Snoqualimichs, troubles with, ii. 67,68.

Society, Oregon, 1834, i. 9-10, 15-17, 26-28, 42-53.

Southerner, stmr, wrecked; ii. 341.

Southern route, opening of, i. 543-52; protection of, ii. 475-7.

Southern Pacific R. R., purchase of Or. & Cal. R. R., ii. 747.

Spalding, H. H., character, i. 125; journey to Ft Vancouver, 125-35; at Lapwai, 136, 655; influence over Nez Perces, 330; irritability, 330-1; opinions on agric., 335-7; recalled to U. S., 341; attending sick, 656- 7; warned of massacre, 657-8; es cape of, 664-5, 686; Ind. agent, ii. 207; death, 682.

Spalding, Mrs, marriage, i. 125-6; character, 126; journey to Ft Vancouver, 125-35; at Lamrai, 136; illustrates scriptures, 336; in formed of massacre, flight, 0(35-6; rescue, 686.

Sparts, Rich., in Ind. expedt., ii. 221.

Spaulding, Capt. J., voyage, ii. 171; at Ft Vancouver, 184; leaves, 254; report on Or. question, 377.

Spect, Jonas, biog., i. 6*J .>.

Speel, Harris, biog., i. 5 JU.

Spencer, Z. C., sec. of war, \\hite visits, i. 254.

Split-lip, Chief Cayuses shrewdness, i. 330. \n 802 \n INDEX. \n Sportsman, William, Hog., i. 545. Spotranes, missionaries among, i.

121-2, 138; movements of, 286;

character, 339-40; attack troops,

ii. 461. Sprague, Capt. F. B., expedt. of, ii.

515, 516; comd. at Ft Klamath,


Stage lines attacked by Inds., ii. 523. Stanley, Arad C., biog. of, ii. 713. Stanton, Lt. expedt. of, ii. 202-203. Staiiton, Alfred, pion. 1847, i. 469. Stark. Benj., of H. of Rep., ii. 296,

452; U. S. senator, 457. Stark, Benjamin, jun., presents can non to Or. city, i. 588. Stark, Hy. A., of Coos Bay co., ii.

332; death of, 334. Starkweather, W. A., of H. of Rep.,

ii. 349, 417, 452, 666, 671; of const.

convention, 423.

Starling, survey ship, i. 232; ii. 48. 1 Star of Oregon, schr, i. 248. Starr, Rev. John W., biog., i. 753. Starr, Milton B., of anti-slavery

party, ii. 359; cong. minister, 680. State house, waste of appropriation,

ii. 350; destroyed, 351. State lands, acts relating to, ii. 646. State organization, question of ii.


State university, founded, ii. 689-90. Steamboat navigation, encourage ment, i. 375. Steele, E., favors new ter. scheme,

ii. 255; actions in Ind. troubles,

239-44; Cat. Ind. suptcl, 556-57;

actions in Modoc war, 571, 600-4;

petition favoring Modocs, 634. Steele, Maj. gen. T., measures of, ii.

518-19, 526, 527. Steen, Maj. E., expedt., of, ii. 465-8;

comd. at Walla Walla, 488. Steen, Mt., battle at, ii. 548. Steinberg, Justin, apptd. col of Or.

cavalry, biog., ii. 493. Stephens, James, biog., i. 469. Steptoe, Col, attacked by Inds, ii.


Stevens, Wm, murder of, ii. 93, 94. Stewart, Benjamin E., biog., i. 628. Stewart, P. G., mem. P. L. L. C.,

i. 297; mem. prov. gov t, 427; biog.;

428; promotor of masonry, ii. 30,

port surveyor, 309. Sticcas, Cayuse chief, i. 402, 403,

657; deception of, 721-2. Stiken, Simpson at, 250. Stock, Waiilaptu miss., 1839, 41, i. 338. Stone, building, ii. 754-5. \n Stone, David, biog., i. 752; pros.

att y, ii. 79.

Stone, Pleasant, W., claim of, ii. 321. Stoneman, Lt G., in fight with Inds,

ii. 235-238.

Stout, George Sterling, pion. 1843, i. , 395. Stout, Lansing, nomination of, ii.

444; acts in congress, 459; senator,

668, 671.

Stoutenburg, Geo,, death of, i. 182. Stratton, R. E., pros, att y, ii. 298,

336, 358; biog., 336. Strong, Wm, murder of, ii. 527. Strong, Judge W., arrival, ii. 102,

139; biog. 102; dissatisfaction with,

162-3. Stuart, Capt., in Lee s exped., i. 63;

with missionaries, 128; hunting

party, 396. Stuart Bot Capt. James, of mounted

rifles, ii. 81; in Ind. fight, killed,


Sturges, Mrs Susan, biog., i. 752. Sublette, exped., i. 60-61; advice to

White, 256-7; joins immigration,


Sullivan, Alex., killed, ii. 549. Sulphur, survey ship, i. 232. Suit, Michael, biog. of, ii. 715. Sumatra, ship, i. 161. Sumner, Brig. Gen. Eb., in com d

of mil. dep\ ii. 488. Surprise valley, named, i. 549. Surveys, of lands, ii. 247-50, 268-75. Sutter, J. A., travelling to Cal., i.

165. Sutters Fort, reception to Hastings,

i. 267; Peupeumoxmox at, 286. Swamp lands, speculations in, ii.

654-8; sales, etc., of, 760-1. Swaney, A. W., school trustee, ii.


Swaney, L. H., drowned, ii. 341. Swearingen, on Or. committee, i. 350. Swinden, John, claim of, ii. 321. Sylvester, Capt., on Columbia, i. 424,

467. Sylvester, E., bibliog, i. 424; leaves

for Cal., ii. 47 at indignation

meeting, 162. \n Tainey, R. C., biog., i. 630. Tallentine, Mrs Agnes, biog., i. 631. Tamahas, murders by, i. 659; ii. 94;

trial, execution, 96-100. Tamanowas, (evil eye) Indian belief

in, i. 335, \n INDEX. \n\n Tamsucky, treachery, i. 660. Tandy, Wm, exped. of, ii. 305. Tanitan, Head Chief, Cayuse, i. 278-

80; treatment of missionaries, 328,


Tanner, Daniel, death, i. 561. Tarbox, Stephen^ biog., i. 421. Tate, J. P., of anti-slavery party, ii.

359; del to convention, 418; of H.

of rep., 452, 665; school trustee,


Taylor, Chief, killing of, ii., 311-12. Taylor, G-eo. H. C., claim of, ii. 321. Taylor, James*, justice of peace, i.

612; in charge quarter masters

dep t, 705; of Or. Exchange Co., ii.

54; school trustee, 78; treasurer,


Taylor, John R, biog., i. 633. laylor, Wm, in Ind. exped., ii. 313;

senator, 452, 639.

Taxing land, case relating to, ii. 158. Tedford, Eli, murder of, ii. 477. Telegraphs, first proposal, ii. 339. Tep Eyck Anthony, inexplor. exped.,

ii. 176. Territory, necessity of gov t, ii. 4-5;

division of, 247, 306 Tefcherow, Solomon, com d of co., i.

509; biog., 679; R. R. commis r, ii.

696. Thanter, Andrew G-., Dist. Atty. ii.

443 ; elected to Cong. 454; biog.

454 ; riom. Pros. Atty. 638. Thayer, Gov., mention of, ii. 760. Thayer, W. W. , elec. Gov. , biog. , ii. 675. Theatrical performances, pieces

played, i. 574-5. The Dalles, mission at, i. 163-6, 179-

81, 190; natives at, 164, 179-81;

Whitman buys, 224, 348; hostility

of Iiids, 230; abandonment of, 268;

destruction, 345; army headquar ters, 703; supply post at, ii. 91;

early trading, 252-3; town site

claim, 289-90. The Dalles Journal, newspaper, ii.

449. Thellar, Lieut E. R., in Modoc war,

ii. 615. The Meadows, fight at, 1856, ii. 402-


The Times, newspaper started, ii. 147. The Union, newspaper, ii. 449. The Venture, steamer, ii. <iSO. Thomas, E., appt d peace commis.,

ii. 606; actions of, 608-12; murder

of, 612; biog., 614. Thomas, Lt Evan, in Modoc war,

killed, ii. 616-22; biog., 623. \n Thompson, D. P., capt. of Or. v

ii. 491; author of peace comm

595; surveyor, 647; senator, (.

671. Thompson, Frank, robbed by Ind s,

ii. 523. Thompson, I. F., of anti-slavery

party, ii. 359. Thompson. L. S., in Ind. expedt., ii.

240; of H. of rep., 323. Thompson, Lewis, Presb. minister, ii.

680. Thompson, origin of anti-slavery

party, ii. 359. Thompson, R. R., justice of peace, i.

612; signs memorial, ii. l J7; 1ml.

agent, 312; steamboat builder, 4 SO. Thompson, W., claim of, ii. 321;

drowned, 396.

Tliornbury, killing of, i. 95, 232. Thornbury, C. N., favors new ter.

scheme, ii. 255.

Thornton, Indian mission, i. 55. Thornton, H. G., explor. road, ii.

486. Thornton, J. Quinn, biog. and bibli-

i. 555-6; on routes, 560-6; supreme

judge, 566; delegate, 620; my-

rious departure, 620; funds iVr

penses, 621; a t Washington. 755-<>;

claims authorship of bill, 759-iil;

Ind. sub. agent, ii. 70-71, si.

memorial, 127; att y, 158; of H. of

rep., 665. Thornton, Seyburn, explores Puget

sound, i. 463-4, 531. Thorp, John, leader of party, i. 4~0;

of H. of rep. 1850, biog., ii. l-H:

R. R. commis., 696. Thurston, co ty, created, ii. !><>. Tlmrston, S. R., legislator, ii. 5S. 59;

first del. to congress, IK! lii; bioj.,

113; character, 115; actions, 117-

39; death, 136. Tibbets, Calvin, cattle expedt., i.

142; atClatsop miss., 185-8; juii.

496. Tichenor, Wm, founds Port Orford,

ii., 193-6; biog., 193; of H. of rep..

414, 432, 434; senator, 452. Tillamook co ty, hist, of, ii. 722. Tiloukaikt, Cayuse chief, i. -7-

658; speech at coiincil, 27*; insults

Whitman, 334; adclr- >n<K iu

694; murder by, ii. 94; trial and

executioii, 96-100. Tintinmitsi, Cayuse chief, i. 6-">l. Todd & Co., express co. of, ii. ." ! . . Tolman, J. C., suveyor gen., ii. 295;

claim of, 321; of Coos bay co., 331. \n 8 04 \n INDEX. \n Tolmie, W. F., on Ind. names, i. 18;

at Ft Vancouver, 34-5; legislator,

604, 605; tight with Inds., ii. 60-9. Tomson, Capt., trades in Columbia, i.

40. Tongue river, fishery established, i.

467. Tonie, engineer of the Gazelle, ii.


Toulon, bark, i. 588; ii. 48. Toupin, John, interpreter, Fort Walla

\Yalla, i. 119.

Town, Albert, emigration co., 367. Townsend, scientist, i. 16, 60; fauna

named by, 85-6; at Walla Walla,

134. jTrade, with Sandwich Is, i. 178; on

Puget sound, ii. 250. Transportation, means of, ii. 28. Traynor, Lawrence, in fight at lava

beds, wounded, ii. 544. Treaties, with Inds, ii. 210-18, 318,


Trees, Or., 224.

Trickey, Geo. , killed by Inds, ii. 396. Trimble, Capt., in Modoc war, ii.

622. Trimble, Christopher, in Snake river

massacre, ii. 472. Trimble, Elizabeth, in Snake river

massacre, ii. 472.

Trimble, Susan, in Snake river mas sacre, ii. 472. Tualatin Academy, foundation, ii.


Tualatin county, boundary, i. 539. Tualatin plains, missionaries settle,

240. Tualatin river, made navigable, ii.

256-7. Tucker, Maj. S. S., of mounted rifles,

ii. 81; establishes post, 91. Tulles, W. R., killed by Iiids, ii. 395. Tumwater, meaning, i. 464. Tungate, R., in Ind. exped., ii. 313. Turner, Creed, trial and execution of,

ii. 156. Turner, John, escapes Inds, i. 96-7;

cattle exped., 142-7. Turnham, Joel, shot, i. 444-5. Turnpin, Capt., in Ind. exped., ii.

224. T Vault, W. G., postmaster general,

i. 496-7; com ds co., 509; President

Or. Printing co., 536; mem. of ex press, 552; editor, 575; orator, 584;

legislator, 604; ii. 432, 434; biog.,

ii. 29; defends Ft Kendall, 156;

establishes Port Orford, 193; explor.

exped., 196-200; att y, 358. \n Tyghe Inds, murders by, ii. 489. Tyler, Pres., apology for failure of Or. bill, i. 381. \n U \n Umatilla, steamer, ii. 480. Umpqua co., estab., ii. 151, 485; towns,

180-1; hist, of, 722; div. of, 757. Umpqua river, map, i. 194; explor.

parties on, ii. 178-9; pilotage, 299. Umpqua val., Ind. deps in, ii 388-9. Umpquas, missionaries among, i. 195-6;

removed to reservation, ii. 388. Undine, brig, ii. 48. Union county, hist, of, ii. 723. Union Pacific R. R., lease of Or. R. &

Nav. Co. s line, ii. 748. Unitarian church, hist, of, ii. 687. United States, men-of-war, i. 497, . 584-7, feeling to Great Britain,

579; memorials to congress, 606-9,

617-20; appeal to, 677-8. United States court, appointment of

officers 1859, ii. 442. United States mail, first, i. 747. United States troops, ordered out, ii.

235. as Ind. fighters, 236-8. University, actions to locate, ii, 167;

established, 299; relocated, 351-2. Utter, in Snake river massacre, ii.

471-2. \n Vagrants, laws, i. 309. Vallejo, Gen., in Cal., i. 143-4. Van Brunt, G. I., in survey exped.,

ii. 248.

Vance, Thomas, death, i. 454. Vancouver, see Ft Vancouver. Vancouver, ship, wrecked, ii. 23. Vancouver island, bishop s see, i. 327. Vanderpool, leads immigrants, 1846,

i. 559. Vanorman, Alexis, in Snake river

massacre, ii. 472. Vanorman, Mark, in Snake river

massacre, ii. 472.

Vanorman, Mrs, in Snake river mas sacre, ii, 472. Van Voast, Capt., com d at Cascades,

ii. 488.

Vaughn, Martin, biog., i. 572. Vercruysse, Aloysius, arrives July

1844, i. 325. Veyret, Father, arrival, i. 326; at

Ind. execution, ii. 99. Victor, Mrs Francis F., works of, i.

406, 757-8; ii. 692; biog., i. 757. \n INDE X. \n 805 \n Victoria, H. B. Co. s post estab., i. 598.

All lard, Henry, biog. of, ii. 746; dona tion to school fund, 750.

Vincent, But Lieut Col A. 0., at Ft Vancouver, ii. 532.

Voters, qualification of, ii. 265-8.


Wagoner, I. B., express rider, ii. 379,

Wagner, Joseph, killed by Inds, ii. 395.

Wagons, first across the plains, 242.

Waiilatpu, miss, built, i. 136, 330; immigrants at, 261; Cay use attack, 268, 333; described, 337-8; aban doned, 341, 348; white people at, 647-8; negotiations for sale, 657.

Wait, A. E., editor, i. 575; in charge of commisary dep t, 705; signs memorial, ii. 127; of H. of rep., 158, 296, 432; mem. of council, 429, 434; nominated to congress, 638.

Waldo, Daniel, mem. P. L. L. C., i. 297; leader of St Clair Co.,. 393; biog., and bibliog, 403; mem. prov. gov t, 428; dist. judge, 496; county treasurer, 612; joins Cal. exped., 679; R. R. commis r, ii. 696.

Waldo, Joseph, biog., i. 572.

Walker, Mrs, missionary, i. 137-8.

Walker, Courtney M., miss, exped. i. 59; character, 60; clerk, 80, 501. at Ft William, 92; Ft Hall, 229; pros, att y, ii. 79.

Walker, E., missionary, i. 137-8.

Walker, Capt. J. H., exped. of, ii. 518; com d at Camp Smith, 532.

Walker, Joel P., life, i. 240; goes to Cal., 249; judge, 496.

Walker, Samuel, biog., i. 469.

Walker, W. T., expedt. of, ii. 305.

Walla Walla, see Ft Walla Walla.

Walla Wallas, movements, 1845, i. 286; baptized, 317; cruelty, 645; at council, 1855, ii. 361-6; treaty with, 366.

Walla Walla valley, fertility, i. 338; military posts in, ii. 460; opening of, 461.

Wallace, at Clatsop mission, i. 185-6.

Wallace and wife, drowned at Little Dalles, 1838, i. 316.

Wallace, Leander C., killed, ii. 67.

Walker, Rev. A. F., missionary, i. 177; at Dalles, 190.

Waller, Jane L., biog., i. 632.

Wallen, road expedt., ii. 463-5.

Walling, I., supports Gov. Lane, ii. 93. \n Walker, Rev. A. F., dispute at Will amette falls, 204-18; Or. city dis pute, 223-4; death, 225; vs. Blau- chet, 320-1; refuses aid immigran 515; university trustee, ii. 299; Meth. preacher, 677.

Wallowa county, organized, ii. 757-8.

Walpole, ship, ii. 48.

Walter, E. L., biog., i. 528.

Wampole, Elias, Ind. agent, ii. 207.

Wands, M. B., marries Gov. Gaines, ii. 159.

Ward, Alex., massacre of party, ii. 343.

Ware, Miss M. T., missionary, i. 177; marries D. Lee, 183.

Warner, Lorenzo, killed by Inds., ii. 395.

Warre, J. M., road making, 1846, i. 558.

Warren, Henry, at Vancouver, i. 500; biog., 632; of H. of rep., ii. 664; receiver of land office, 670; college trustee, 684.

Warren, R. K., biog. of, ii. 765.

Wasco, steamer, ii. 480.

Wasco co. , organized, ii. 253; hist., 724.

Washington co ty, hist, of, ii. 725.

Washougal, settlement, i. 458-9.

Waters, James, assists immigrants, i. 410, 452; explor. party, 531; col Or. army, 732.

Watkins, W. H., of const, conven tion, ii. 423; of Or. medical college, 691.

Watson, Lt, death of, ii. 498.

Watson, John, stabbing affair, ii. 37.

Watson, Keziah, death, i. 469.

Watson, Mrs Mary, biog., i. 628.

Watt, Ahio, biog., i. 754; supports Gov. Lane, ii. 93; trustee Or. acad emy, 167.

Watt, Joseph, mem. P. L. L. C., i. 297; biog. bibliog., 452, 468.

Watts, John W., of const, convention, ii. 423.

Waunch, George, explores Puget Sound, i. 463-4.

Waymire, Fred., mem. of council, ii. 142, 158, 296; biog., 142; enroll officer, 399; of H. of rep., 413, 668; const, convention, 423; senator, , 432, school trustee, 678; R. R. commis r, 696.

Waymire, John, lieut immigrant co., i. 509; exped. of, ii. 496.

Wrb-foot, origin, ii. 40.

Welch, Presley, capt. of immigrant CO., i. 509; runs for Gov., 61-.

Wertz, Franklin, biog. of, ii. 713.

West, John, founded town, ii. 225. \n 806 \n INDEX \n Welaptulekt, Des Chutes chief, friendly, i. 709.

Welch, Henry C., biog., i. 527.

"Western, Lieut Chas B., com d at Camp Logan, ii. 532.

Weoton, emigrant rendezvous, i. 448.

Weston, David, biog., i. 265.

Westport, founded, ii. 252.

Whale fishery, value, 1822, i. 353.

Whaleshead, Ind. attack at, ii. 393, 395.

Wharton, Capt. I. S., com d at Fort Colville, ii. 531.

Whately, shot by Indians, i. 561.

Wheat, yield, 1888, ii. 758.

Wheaton, in com d at Klamath, ii. 573; acts in Modoc war, 584-94; relieved, 595; restored to com d, 624.

Wheelock, O., favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.

Whidby island, in Puget Sound, i. 464.

Whitcomb, J. L., at Willamette Is., i. 157; leaves miss., 190; marries, 190.

White, Bartholomew, biog., i. 468.

White, Elijah, character, i. 155; at Ft Vancouver, 156. Willamette miss, 157-60; son drowned, 178; at Ft Umpqua, 193; quarrel with Lee, 196-7; opposes Shorter s petition, 210; dispute Willamette Falls, 223; in Washington, 254, 483; Ind. agent, 255, 262-3, 369; immigra tion efforts, 255-62; meeting with Tublette, 257; reception in Or., 262-4; importance of party, 264-5; admin, of Ind. affairs, -265-91; H. B. Co. transactions, 276; leaves Nez Perees, 280; acts against li quor dealers, 281; trial of, 283; gov t drafts, 288; biog., 288-91, 487; feeling against, 296; mem. for col gov t, 301; explores for route, 484-5.

White, James, in Ind. expecl. , ii. 240; killed on the Gazelle, 340.

White, Susan Bowles, biog., i. 627.

Whitaker, John, of H. of rep., ii.

429, 666, 668, 671; elected gov.,

, 431, 432; biog., 431; resignation

asked, 457; mem. to congress, 639,


Whitley, Samuel, biog., i. 633.

Whitman, Dr M., travels, i. 105-9, 124-35; character. 105-7; as sur geon, 107-8; journey to Fort Van couver, 124-35; at Waulatpu, 136; buys the Dalles miss., 224; treat ment of the emigrants, 261, 398-406. \n Whitman, Dr M., the insults to, 330-4; his educational methods, 338-9; asks reenf or cement, 340; miss, to U. S., 342-5; treatment of Inds, 344; difficulties, 345-8; ex pects outbreak, 643-4; obstinacy, 644-5; visits Dalles, 646; attend ing sick, 656-7; murder of, 659.

Whitman, Airs character, i. 125; journey to Ft Vancouver, 125-35; at Waiilatpu, 136; insulted, 268; murder of, 660.

Whitman massacre, 1847, i. 639-68.

Whitman, Perrin B., at Dalles, i. 644, 667.

Whitmore, Brice, in Ind. expedt., ii. 313.

Whitney, William, biog., i. 634; left for Cal., ii. 47.

Whiton, bark, i. 620.

Whittle, interpreter, ii. 598, 599.

Whitted, Thos, of const, convention, ii. 423.

Wilbur, James H., university trustee, ii. 299; peace commis r, 596; nomi nated U. S. senator, 639; Meth. preacher, 677.

Wilcox, Ralph, legislator, ii. 58, 59, 142, 158, 323, 638; biog., 59.

Wilkes, Lt, expedt., i. 246-9; views on gov t, 295.

Wilkinson, Capt. C. M., founds Ind. school, ii. 690.

Wilkinson, Joseph, killed by Inds., ii. 395.

Willamette, name, i. 72.

Willamette cattle co., purpose, i. 141; southern trip, 142-50; attacked by Inds., 148-9; end of, 179.

Willamette falls, dispute over, i. 203.

Willamette mission, built, i. 64-5, 78-80; work at, 81-9, 154-63, 178- 9, 190; arrival of missionaries, 154, 161; hospital, 162; importance, 163; farming plan, 163; failure, 182; converts at, 178-9; quarrels at, 196-8; deaths, 201; sold, 221-2; Blanchet s endeavors, 318-19.

Willamette river, land grants, i. 375; ferry, 440, 443; navigation of, ii. 256; bridged, 746-7.

Willamette university, origin, i. 222.

Willamette valley, configuration, i. 1-2; settlers, 15-17, 66, 73-7, 251, 252, 465; missionaries in, 63-7; cattle introduced, 139-50.

Willamette Valley, Farnham s ob servations, 231 ; White s party in, 262; visited by Park, 498-9; dam ages from freshets, ii. 64., \n IND EX. \n 807 \n Willamette Val. R. R. Co., charter

granted, ii. 696.

  • William & Ann, ship, i. 40-1.

Williams, attacked by Inds, ii. 199-

201. \\~illiams, Mr, drowned at Seattle

Falls, 1838, i. 316.

Williams, B., with cattle co., i, 145. Williams, Geo. H., of supreme court,

i. 251; chief justice, ii. 306; biog.,

307; appeal against slavery, 422;

of const, convention, 423; U. S.

senator, 444, 639, 667; U. S. att y

gen., 68; school trustee, 685. Williams, James S., in survey exped.,

ii. 190. Williams, Capt. L. L., exped. of, ii.


Williams, R., attack on Inds, ii. 318. Williams, R. L. , capt. of vols, ii.

379, 387; resigns, 400. Williams, Rich., elected to congress,

ii. 675.

Williams, Lieut, surveyed road, 201. Williamson, Henry, dispute with Mc-

Loughlin, i. 458-60; wounded, 624;

left for CaL, ii. 47. Williamson, John, biog., i. 569. Willow creek, Iiid. outrages at, ii,

565. Willson, Mrs C. A. C., teacher, Che-

meketa plain, i. 222. Wilbon, W. H., character, i. 155-6;

at Willamette miss., 160, 162; Nis-

qually miss., 188; sec. of con., 303;

mill race, 440; pres. of bench, 496;

loan comm r, 676; of Or. Exchange

co., ii. 54; R. R. comm r, 696. Wilson, Miss, murder of, ii. 377. Wilson, John, biog., i. 637. Wilson, John, biog., ii, 766. Wilson, Joseph G., clerk of supreme

court, ii. 443; nominated pros.

att y, 638; dist judge, 670; elected

to congress, 674; biog., 674. Wilson, Mathew, murder of, ii. 523. Wilson, Simpson, biog. of, ii. 714. Wimple, Adam E. , execution of, ii. 156. Winchester, county seat, laid out, ii.


Winchester, Heman, in explor. ex ped., ii. 176. Wind river, discussion as to site of

military post, i. 376. Winslow, George, negro, i. 275;

quarrel with Cockstock, 282. Winthrop, anti slavery bill, i. 389. Witner, John, murder of, ii. 523. Wolcott, brig., ii. 48. Wood, H., with Cattle co,, i, 145. \n Wood, C., with Farnham s exped., 27.

Wood, J., with Farnham s exped., 227.

Woodbury, in explor. exped., ii. 17fi.

Woodcock, Richard, Capt. immigra tion 1844, i. 449.

Woodhull, David, killed on the Ga zelle, ii. 340.

Woodman, Calvin, murder of, ii. 239. Woodward, Hy. H., in explor. ex-

peMt., ii. 176. Woodvvorth, C., killed on the

Gazelle, ii. 340. Woodworth, Selim E., dispatches, i.

589-90. Woods, Geo. L., promulgates rep.

doctns, ii. 418; expedt. of, 479;

attitude, 526; Presid t elector, 667;

elected gov. , 668; Or. Cent. R. R,,

698, 699.

Woods, Margaret McBride, biog. , i. 628. Wool, clip of 1887, ii. 758. Wool, Gen., commiss. on Ind. affairs,

ii. 344-5; campaign of, 401-2; re moved, 460.

Woollen mills, i. 468; ii. 338, 732. Wooten, Serg t, in Modoc war, ii.

613. Worth, I. Q. A., representative, 1860,

ii. 452. Wren, Charles, attacked by Inds,

68. Wright, Ben, in Ind. expedt., ii. 240.

Ind. agent, 391, 392; death, 394,

395. Wright, Col Geo., at The Dalles, ii.

460; expedt. of, 461; in comd. Or.

dist, 488; removed to CaL, 490. Wright, Rob t in Ind. expedt., ii.

313. Wright, Lt Thos F., in Modoc war,

killed, ii. 620-2; biog., 623. Wrisley John B., biog. of, ii. 713. Wyeth, N. J., builds Ft Hall, i. 14,

63; builds Ft William, 15; expedt.

to Columbia, 59-70; purpose in Or.,

70; meets Parker, 111, 115; meets

missionaries, 131-2; Or. memoir.,

373 Wygant, Mrs T., i. 37. \n X \n Xavier, St Francis, naming, 1839, L 318.


Yakirna, military post, ii. 460; growth of, 757. \n 808 \n INDEX. \n Yakimas, Oblate fathers among, i. 328; miss, to, 654; visit commis sioners, 707-8; desirous of peace, 709; at council, ii. 361-6; treaty with, 366.

Yamhill, name, i. 72.

Yamhill co ty, hist, of, ii. 725, 726.

Yamhill, district boundary, i. 310.

Yamhill river, bridge over, ii. 257.

Yantis, I. L., Presb. minister, ii. 681.

Yaquina bay, explored, ii. 203.

Yarnel, Jeremiah, claim of, ii. 321.

Yellow serpent, see Peupeumoxmox.

Yonccalla, meaning, i. 568-9.

Young bay, see Meriweather bay.

Young, Elam, escaped massacre, i. 662.

Young, Ewing, arrival, i. 70, 89.

Young, I., del. to convention, 1857, ii. 418. \n Young, Ewing, adventures, 89-90; bad report of, 90-1; relation Hud son Bay Co., 91-9; settlers in Chehalem val., 92; treatment of Inds., 95; leaves, 102-3; cattle transactions, 139-51; property of, 151-2; death, 292-3; estate, 439-40.

York, J. W., Indian mission, i. 55.

Young, Joaquin, claims property, i. 151-2.

Younger, Wm, attacked by Inds. , ii. 534.

Yreka, Modocs employed at, ii. 536.9 \n Ziebek, John S., surveyor gen., 1856-

9, ii. 295.

Zumwalt, Andrew, biog., i. 570. Zumwalt, Elizabeth, biog., i