History of Oregon (Bancroft)/Volume 1/Chapter 17

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3015848History of Oregon, Volume 1 — Chapter 17Hubert Howe BancroftFrances Fuller Victor



Belligerent Attitude of the British and Americans—Vancouver Fortified—Gathering of the Emigrants—The Several Divisions and Companies—The Independent Colony—Cornelius Gilliam—Nathaniel Ford—The Journey—Sufferings on the Journey—Their Destitute Condition—Reception by Missionaries and Fur-traders—Names of the Immigrants—Bibliographical Notices.

I HAVE said that there were two sessions of the legislative committee of 1844, which adjourned from June 27th to December 16th, in order to have an opportunity of learning from the immigrants who were expected in the autumn the attitude of affairs between the rival claimants of the Oregon Territory. No less anxious than the Americans were the British subjects, who, being well informed by the belligerent speeches in congress, and the temper of the western people, began to look on their position in Oregon as insecure.

Nor was McLoughlin ignorant that the pilgrims of 1843 were prevented by circumstances rather than by will from hostile acts; and notwithstanding that the danger was averted for the time, he did not regret having written to England for protection.[1] In the summer of 1844 he had added a bastion to Fort Vancouver, and otherwise increased the defences of the place, which before was hardly in a condition to resist attack. The reason given for these preparations was the threatening demeanor of the natives of the interior, and the necessity of doing something to secure the company's property in case of an outbreak. But these explanations did not deceive the more intelligent of the Americans, and while some smiled at the admission that the Americans were feared,[2] others chose to take alarm, and to accuse the company of intending to make war on them.

Early in July 1844 a British sloop of war, the Modeste, Captain Thomas Baillie, carrying twenty guns, entered the Columbia, and anchored opposite Vancouver; but it does not appear from McLoughlin's papers that any proffer of protection was made, or that the sloop remained long. It is certain, however, that the board of management had been officially notified that England would not yield any of Oregon north of the Columbia, and that they were to govern themselves accordingly.

The position which the officers of the Hudson's Bay Company filled at this time was one of great delicacy and not a little dread, which every fresh intelligence from the United States or England increased. On the 24th of January Wentworth of Illinois had said in congress: "I think it our duty to speak freely and candidly, and let England know that she never can have an inch of Oregon, nor another inch of what is now claimed as the United States" territory." A determination to maintain this position was the issue upon which a president of the United States was to be elected.[3] On the other hand, it had been said in the English parliament, by Sir Robert Peel, "England knows her rights and dares maintain them;"[4] and by Lord Palmerston, that if Linn's bill had passed both houses of congress it would have been a declaration of war.[5] This belligerent attitude on both sides was also as well known to uneducated western men, who were capital Indian-fighters, and who had served under Jackson and Taylor, as it was to the scholarly officers of the British fur company.[6]

The inducement to go to Oregon was not lessened by the prospect of having to drive out the nation which had been fought at New Orleans and along the border, and a large number of people[7] collected at different points on the Missouri River, amounting in all to fourteen hundred persons. The company which rendezvoused near Weston, at a place called Capler's land- ing, was led by Cornelius Gilliam, who had conceived the idea of an independent colony, as best suited to his fancy and the temper of the men. The leaders of 1844 were hardly equal to those of the previous year. Nor by saying this do I mean any disrespect. They were brave, loyal, earnest, but better fitted to execute than to command; to be loyal to a government than to construct one. Their tendencies were more toward military glory than pride of statesmanship. This spirit led them to organize under military rules for their journey to the Columbia, and to elect a set of officers sufficient for an army, with Gilliam as general.

Little is known of Gilliam's antecedents. He was brave, obstinate, impetuous, and generous, with good natural abilities, and but little education. His accomplishments were varied; he had served in the Black Hawk war, and also in the Seminole war in Florida, as captain; he had preached the gospel of Christ; he had been sheriff of a county, and had served in the Missouri legislature. He was, indeed, just the robust, impulsive, sympathetic, wilful, and courageous leader the men of the border would choose. His aid was John Inyard.[8]

The colonel of the organization was Michael T. Simmons, uneducated, but brave and independent, who sought in emigration to Oregon recovery of fortune and health. Four captains were elected under Gilliam: R. W. Morrison, William Shaw, Richard Woodcock, and Elijah Bunton.[9] Instead of a judge advocate, with that instinct toward civil liberties which characterized the frontiersman, a court of equity was established by the election of a judge, with two associate justices.[10] But the court was inoperative, martial law prevailing during the maintenance of military discipline.[11]

When the independent colony reached the buffalo grounds, Gilliam used to dash off after the game, to the disappointment of those left in charge of the train.[12] Speeches were made in camp on this subject, and some regulations were laid down for hunting, but they were not regarded; and as happened in 1843, when the Rocky Mountains had been passed, there was no longer any attempt to keep together in large companies.

The other divisions, led by Nathaniel Ford, a man of character and influence, and John Thorp, appear not to have found it necessary to burden themselves with too many regulations, and progressed well without them. Moses Harris, well known in the mountains among the fur-traders and trappers as Black Harris, acted as guide. A company under Sublette also travelled with them from the Platte to Green River. The spring was unusually rainy. By the overflowing of streams, as well as the softening of the earth, so much time was lost that by the 1st of July not more than one hundred miles in a straight course had been travelled. Yet they did not suffer themselves to be discouraged, only one man out of Gilliam's command turning back.[13] Two months of wet weather produced dysentery and rheumatism.[14] The delay occasioned by storms was so much additional time in which provisions were being consumed; hence at Fort Laramie many families were already without flour, and compelled to purchase it at thirty and forty dollars a barrel. Sugar could be procured only at a dollar and a half a pint.

The route from Green River to Fort Hall was the same opened the year before by way of Fort Bridger. Many were bitterly disappointed on reaching this point to be told that they were then only half-way to their destination; and a small company of men without families abandoned their wagons two days west of this post, and prepared to travel with horses only.[15] They reached Fort Hall on the 10th of September, finding flour at this place too high for their means. Gilliam's wagons arrived here the 16th, where a letter awaited them from Burnett, advising them, if they were likely to need assistance before reaching the Columbia, to send word to the settlers. As it was manifest that assistance would be needed, a party of young men were sent forward on horses, who reached Oregon City on the 18th of October. These were John Minto,[16] Samuel B. Crockett, and Daniel Clark. According to Clyman, they encountered at the Grand Kond James Waters of the previous emigration, who was going to meet his family, and who supplied them with provisions for the remainder of their journey.[17]

Ford's company, being in advance of Gilliam's, also sent three young men to the Willamette Valley with Minto's party. Snow had now begun to fall in the mountains,while a large part of the emigration was between Fort Boise and the Dalles. The misery entailed upon the belated travellers by the change to winter weather was indescribable.[18] The road from

Burnt River to the Dalles was a panorama of suffering and destitution, and the rear of the caravan remained at Whitman's over winter.[19] Shaw, who turned aside to Whitman's station to lay in provisions, left there a family of seven children named Sager, .whose parents had died on the road, the father while the company was at Green River, and the mother two weeks later. These children were adopted by Dr Whitman.[20] Shaw failed to reach the Willamette that season, as some of his family were prostrated by sickness, and he remained until March 1845 at the Dalles, with several other families.[21]

Two or more small mounted parties, the first to reach the Dalles, took the cattle trail round the base of Mount Hood, and arrived safely in the valley. But the later comers feared this route on account of the advanced season. The families were assisted in descending the Columbia by the loan of boats belonging to the Hudson's Bay Company;[22] and the cattle were crossed by swimming to the north side of the river, driven down to Vancouver, and recrossed in

boats, as they had been the previous year. The scenes of suffering at the Cascades in 1843 were repeated in 1844. Minto, who it will be remembered hastened to the Willamette for help for his employer and friends, tells us that on returning with a boatload of provisions to the Cascades he found "men in the prime of life lying among the rocks seeming ready to die. I found there mothers with their families, whose husbands were snow-bound in the Cascade Mountains, without provisions, and obliged to kill and eat their game dogs. Mrs Morrison had traded her only dress except the one she wore for a bag of potatoes. There was scarcely a dry day, and the snowline was nearly down to the river."[23]

In such a plight did the immigration of 1844, which set out with high hopes to plant an independent colony in Oregon, find itself on reaching the promised land. The loss of life had been light notwithstanding the hardships of the journey;[24] but the loss of property in cattle, clothing, and household and other goods had been great, to the ruin of many The cattle had become fat during the weeks of detention on the grassy plains, and were unfit for the hard work oi hauling loaded wagons for the remainder of the summer. Many died of exhaustion; some were taken by the natives, who, although not in open hostility, were troublesome at several places on the route, at the Kansas agency, at Laramie, in the Cayuse country and on the Columbia;[25] although White had deputized H. A. G. Lee to be among the Cayuses during the passage of the immigration, and to assist in the purchase of cattle with the ten-dollar drafts mentioned in a previous chapter—a device which proved unsuccessful, as the immigrants preferred their cattle to the drafts. The natives were able, however, to sell their crops to the immigrants for good prices, by exchanging wheat, corn, and potatoes for clothing and other articles. Not being able to buy cattle, they stole them;[26] and unable to purchase American horses with their less valuable ponies, they stole those also, until the immigrants, losing patience, retaliated, and took Indian horses regardless of individual ownership; and became robbers in their turn, without reflecting upon the evil consequences which were likely to fall upon the next immigration; savages being like civilized men in this respect, that they are ready to punish misconduct in others for which in themselves they find ample excuse.

The condition of the immigrants of 1844, after they had passed all the perils of the journey to Oregon,

was worse than that of 1843, for the reason that there had not been time for the country to recover from the draft upon its resources made the year previous. Thanks to the fertility of the soil, and to the good judgment of McLoughlin in encouraging farming, there was food enough for all. though many lived on short rations rather than incur debt. But the great want of the new-comers was clothing. All the goods in the several stores had long been exhausted; even at Vancouver there was no stock on hand except the reserved cargo, which was not opened when the immigration arrived.[27]Clothing was made by putting piece to piece without regard to color or texture; and moccasins, which took the place of boots and shoes, w T ere the almost universal foot-covering. A tannery had been begun in the summer, in the neighborhood of Burnett's farm, but the autumn supply of leather, besides being inadequate, was only half tanned, and had a raw streak in the centre.

This destitution, while there was a year's supply in the warehouses at Vancouver, occasioned complaints on the part of the less reasonable of the immigrants, who were unable to see why they should not receive as many favors from the Hudson's Bay Company as those of the previous year had had, under the same circumstances. McLoughlin had, with his usual sagacity, foreseen that there would be this feeling, and while prepared to defend the company's property from pillage in case of a collision with the immigrants, sought by every means to cultivate a friendly feeling. Minto relates that when Gilliam was at the Dalles he received a present of food and clothing from the gentlemen at Vancouver; and remarks that although kindly meant, it was a mistake on the part of the company, as it led to the discussion of subjects connected with the politics of the country, which were being forgotten in their more present anxieties, and to a great deal of gossip concerning the meaning of the recent action of the company in strengthening their defences, of which they had been informed, and also of the visit of the Modeste. These conversations were so frequent that the naturally generous Gilliam, whose prejudices were becoming softened, was led to declare at the Cascades that although willing to live in peace with the Hudson's Bay Company so long as they kept within their treaty rights, he would have no hesitation in knocking their stockade about their ears if they did not carry themselves properly.[28]

But it would have been strange if the generous assistance which extended to everything except opening their storehouse against rules and without pay, and the untiring courtesy of McLoughlin and his associate, Douglas, could not have removed many of the preconceived and ill-founded notions of these western Americans.[29] But the conflict which impended it was impossible to avoid by anything less than an admission that to the United States belonged the whole of Oregon, and that the company occupied the country temporarily under a convention which could be annulled at any time—an admission they were not prepared to make until instructed by the British government to do so.

McLoughlin was very desirous that the immigration should find homes south of the Columbia River; first, because he believed that was their proper place of settlement, under an American form of government; but principally, as he alleged, because contact with the free and independent frontier men would destroy the spirit of obedience for which the company's servants were remarkable, and on which the success and prosperity of the company depended. To his great dissatisfaction, a considerable number encamped for the winter at Washougal, about seventeen miles above Vancouver, on the north bank of the river. They were some of those most thoroughly imbued with the Bentonian idea of American proprietorship, and soon found means of expressing that idea according to their several natures.

Elwood Evans states that Michael T. Simmons and his company, who were among those at Washougal, had first designed to settle in the Rogue River Valley; but that finding McLoughlin anxious to have the Americans settle on the south side of the Columbia, determined to locate himself and company on the north side of the river. According to Evans, who had means of obtaining his information from Simmons himself, the latter, after deciding to take a look at the Puget Sound region, applied to McLoughlin to furnish his family winter quarters in the fort; the request was refused unless he would agree to live on the south side of the river—a promise which Simmons would not give. A cabin outside the fort was finally obtained, and his family established in its shelter, when Simmons set out for Puget Sound, accompanied by Henry Williamson, Henry, James, and John Owens, and James Lewis. They proceeded no farther than the forks of the Cowlitz River, sixteen miles north of the Columbia, when finding their provisions becoming exhausted, and the journey excessively difficult, owing both to the nature of the country and the severe weather, they returned to Washougal, where they passed the remainder of the winter and the first part of summer in making shingles, which they sold to the fur company, or in any employment they could find to pay expenses.

In February, Henry Williamson, who was from La Porte County, Indiana, and Isaac W. Alderman, erected a hut with a few logs, half a mile from Vancouver, on land occupied by the Hudson s Bay Company, and posted a notice on a tree that they intended to claim the land. This being reported to McLoughlin, he sent men to remove the logs and take down the notice; which removal was hardly completed when the intruders returned with a surveyor, and began running off a section of land. Being remonstrated with, Williamson and Alderman repaired to the fort to argue their case with the doctor. According to White, Williamson, "a modest and respectable young man, demeaned himself with propriety;" but Alderman, "a boisterious, hare-brained young fellow, caused him to blush for American honor."[30]

There were present at this interview, besides White, a number of Americans, and several officers of the fur company. Williamson asked McLoughlin why his hut had been pulled down. McLoughlin replied that it was because it was on land occupied by the Hudson's Bay Company, who were conducting business under a license from the British government, according to a treaty which implied a right to occupy as much ground as they required. This Williamson disputed,[31] and the argument lasted two hours, McLoughlin and Douglas keeping their temper very well, but Alderman declaring that if he were disdisturbed in the possession of the land he would "burn the finest building in Oregon," which was thought to mean that he would set fire to the fort. Finding that the young men would not yield, and irritated beyond measure, McLoughlin then declared if Williamson, who seems to have been regarded as the principal in the case, persisted in building there, he should be obliged to use force in preventing him; but offered, if he would choose a location somewhere else, away from any of the company's posts, to assist him in establishing himself; saying, as a reason for desiring his removal, that it was necessary to good order and discipline that their servants should be isolated from the settlements. Williamson, however, disclaimed any responsibility for the conduct of the company's servants, or any desire to influence them; and asserted his ability to get on without the assistance offered him, as well as his right, as an American citizen, to settle upon any unoccupied land in Oregon. Upon this, Chief Factor Douglas, justice of the peace under the Canadian laws, threatened to place him in irons and send him to York factory for trial; whereupon Williamson retorted, "You will have to send me farther north than Hudson Bay to place me beyond the reach of the United States government"[32] — with which challenge the interview terminated.[33]

Immediately after, McLoughlin and Douglas addressed a circular to the citizens of Oregon, in which they recited the case of Williamson, and stated their position. The settlement was made at Vancouver under a license and a treaty which gave them the right to occupy as much land as they required for the operation of their business. They had opened roads, and made other improvements at great expense; no officers of either government had questioned their right; their presence and business in the countrywere a manifest advantage to it, and a protection to the American as well as to the British settler. They had given assistance to both, and had done all they could do to develop the resources of the country. The land they occupied on the north bank of the river was indispensable to them as a range for their flocks and herds, and of little value for agricultural purposes, being in part inundated every summer, and in part forest land. They could not submit to the infringement of their right to occupy this land, and, as representatives of the Hudson's Bay Company, were bound to use every means sanctioned by the law against trespassers on their premises, until otherwise directed by the company. Yet it was their earnest wish to be at peace with all. They entertained the highest respect for the temporary government established by the American citizens.[34] The advantages of peace and harmony were evident, as were the dangers of lawlessness and misrule; and they felt confident that all persons desiring the well-being of the country would determine to unite in putting down every course tending to disturb the public peace, and in the support ot justice, obedience to law, and mutual good-will. The circular closed with a fervent prayer to the divine bestower of all good, for the happiness and prosperity of the whole community. A letter was at the same time addressed to the executive committee, informing them of the intrusion of Williamson on their premises and enclosing a copy of the circular, which explained the course they were bound to pursue in the event of the provisional government declining to interfere.

The reply of the executive committee was couched in terms altogether conciliatory. They regretted that "unwarranted liberties" had been taken by an American citizen upon the premises of the British company; expressed pleasure at learning that Williamson had finally desisted;[35] and thanked McLoughlin for his "kind and candid manner" of treating a "breach of the laws of the United States, by setting at naught her most solemn treaties with Great Britain." They promised to use every exertion to put down causes of disturbance, and reciprocated the desire for a continuance of the amicable intercourse which had heretofore existed, which they would endeavor to promote "until the United States shall extend its jurisdiction over us, and our authority ceases to exist."

The admissions made in the answer of the executive committee were not pleasing to the majority of the Americans in the country, who contended, as did Williamson, that the treaty gave no vested rights, as neither the sovereignty of the soil nor the boundary line was determined, and joint occupancy left all free to go wherever they desired. Some of the more careful and conservative argued that joint occupancy did not mean the occupancy of the same place by both nations, but only the equal privilege of settling where they would not interfere with each other, the first party in possession being entitled to hold until the question of sovereignty was settled. The affair gave rise to much discussion, not only among Americans themselves, but between Americans and the gentlemen of the British company; and while the arguments were conducted with courtesy, and each side was able to learn something from the other, which softened the arrogance of national pride and pretensions, the main question of difference—the propriety of making the Columbia River practically a boundary so long as the sovereignty of the country remained undecided—continued to agitate the new-comers, and to interest every inhabitant of Oregon.

Mr Applegate, commenting on the relative positions of the American and British debaters, has said that gentlemen of the Hudson's Bay Company who took part in these discussions were more scholarly and accomplished than their antagonists, but the Americans were better informed on the technicalities of the points in dispute. The British in Oregon had also a local weak point to defend. They had been ordered by the board of management to remove their establishments on the south side of the Columbia to the north side, but had not done so, and were occupying territory supposed to belong to the United States, when they forcibly ejected an American citizen from the territory they claimed for Great Britain.[36] This gave color to the opinion of some that England intended, or the Hudson's Bay Company for her, to attempt holding the whole of Oregon in case of a war, which really seemed impending at this time, and it gave occasion to men like Williamson and Simmons to assert a right to settle wherever they might chose, if their reason for choosing was only to defy the power of England.

In July Colonel Simmons renewed his endeavor to explore the country toward or about Puget Sound, and started with a company consisting of William Shaw, George Waunch, David Crawford, Niniwon Everman, Seyburn Thornton, and David Parker. They found at a small prairie five miles north of the plain on which the Cowlitz farm of the Puget Sound Association was situated, and ten miles from Cowlitz landing, that John R Jackson of their immigration had been before them, made a location at this place,[37] and had returned to bring his family. Jackson made his settlement in the autumn, which he called Highlands.

Continuing to the sound, the party took canoes and made a voyage down to and around the head of Whidbey Island, returning through Deception Pass to the east channel, and thence back the way they came to the Columbia River. In this expedition Simmons ascertained the advantages of the sound for commerce, and determined to settle there. In October he removed his family[38] to the head of Budd Inlet, where he took a claim which he called Newmarket, at the falls of Des Chutes River, where there was a fine water power. He was accompanied by James McAllister and family, David Kindred and family, Gabriel Jones and family, George W. Bush and family,[39] Jesse Furguson, and Samuel B. Crockett. This small company cut a road for their wagons through the dense forests between the Cowlitz landing and the plains at the head of the sound, a distance of sixty miles, in the short space of fifteen days. All settled within a circuit of six miles; and the first house erected was upon the claim of David Kindred, about two miles south of the present town of Tumwater,[40] the Newmarket of Simmons. Besides the half-dozen families above mentioned, and the two men without families who settled about the head of the sound in 1845, a few others were looking for locations in that country, three of whom were Wood, Kimball,[41] and Gordon.

Thus, by an effort to avoid the censure of the directors of the Hudson's Bay Company in London, some of whom had influence with members of the British cabinet,[42] by keeping American settlers south of the Columbia River, McLoughlin provoked their opposition and hastened the beginning of their occupancy in the region about that beautiful inland sea, which the company had no doubt at that time would come into the possession of Great Britain.[43]

With the exceptions mentioned, the immigrants of 1844 settled in the Willamette Valley the same autumn. The following summer a number went to California, the party being headed by James Clyman. They rendezvoused at La Creole River,[44] in what is now Polk County, starting thence the 8th of June, the company consisting of thirty-nine men, one woman, and three children.[45] Besides the overland immigration,[46] but few persons arrived this year by sea; and those came in the brig Chenamus, Captain Couch, from Newburyport, to the Hawaiian Islands, and thence to the Columbia River.[47] They were William Cushing, son of Caleb Cushing, and Henry Johnson, clerk in the establishment of Cushing and Company at Oregon City. A small fishery was established by this firm, between Astoria and Tongue Point, on the lower Columbia, from which the Chenamus took a cargo the following year, having made one or more voyages to the Islands in the mean time. The Chenamus was the only American vessel bringing a cargo to Oregon in 1844. On her return to Newburyport she took Cushing and Johnson home, and was commanded by Captain Sylvester, formerly of the Pallas, Captain Couch remaining in Oregon in charge of the company's business. Neither the vessel, her captain, nor Johnson was ever again on the Pacific coast.[48]

  1. McLoughlin's Private Papers, MS., 3d ser., 12.
  2. Gray, who seems not to understand the influence of congress on these acts of the company, attributes its defensive attitude at this time to the formation of the military force called the Oregon Rangers; and says sneeringly: 'The company had found that since the Americans began to settle in the country these Indians had become more dangerous.' Hist. Or., 374-5. Blanchet takes Gray tip sharply on this statement, which he seems to think is seriously meant. He says: 'It is false that the company had anything to fear from the Indians. If the fort was repaired, bastions built, and all other protective and defensive measures were completed, it was to defend itself against another kind of savageness.' Hist. Cath. Church in Or., 145.
  3. Greenhow's Or. and Cal., 394.
  4. Roberts' Recollections, MS., 6.
  5. Cong. Globe, 1843-4, app. 98.
  6. Minto's Early Days, MS., 20.
  7. McLoughlin places the number of immigrants of 1844 at 1,475. Private Papers MS., 2d ser., 9. A letter in the Western, Mo., Expositor of May 18, 1844, and dated at 'Oregon Camps' May 15th, says: 'Our company when joined with yours will be very large—much the largest that has ever crossed the Rocky Mountains. There are in the Independent Oregon Colony, at this date, 1 minister, 1 lawyer, 1 millwright, 3 millers, 1 tailor, 1 ship-carpenter, 2 blacksmiths, 1 cooper, 1 tailoress, 2 cabinet-makers, 5 carpenters, 4 wheelwrights, 2 shoemakers, 1 weaver, 1 gunsmith, 1 wagon-maker, 1 merchant, and the rest farmers. There are 48 families, 108 men (of whom 60 are young men) 323 persons; 410 oxen, 160 cows (16 of which are team cows), 143 young cattle, 54 horses, 41 mules, and 72 wagons. Many men from the adjoining counties are on their way to join us.' This letter was written by Captain Cornelius Gilliam, who was encamped with his company nine miles below fet Joseph, Mo., to Captain Nathaniel Ford, who was at Independence with another company. S. I. Friend, Nov. 1, 1844; N. Y. Express, June 7, 1844; Niles' Reg., lxv. 160. John Minto, who joined Gilliam's company, thinks the immigration of 1844 numbered about 800. Or. Pioneer Assoc., Trans., 1876, 42. A correspondent of the S. I. Friend, of June 2, 1845, says there were over 600. In the message of the executive committee of December 1844 the number is estimated at upwards of 750 persons. Gray's Hist. Or., 382 Elwood Evans in Or. Pioneer Assoc. Trans., 1877, 26, places the number at 475. We can count 300 of Gilliam's company, before the accession of all the 87 wagons comprising it. Ford's company swelled the host to about 800, and there was still another company under John Thorp, which started from near the mouth ot the Platte River, and travelled on the north side of that stream. As they would not come together until the different organizations had been much broken up, it would be difficult to judge of each other's original numbers. No count would again be made until they reached the Dalles, from which point the agents of the Hudson's Bay Company would be on the alert to ascertain their strength, for obvious reasons.
  8. Minto, in Or. Pioneer Assoc, Trans., 1876, 39; Letter of W. H. Rees to John Minto. Inyard had served, in a subordinate capacity, with Gilliam in the Seminole war, taking part in the battle of Okechobee. In General Taylor's report of the battle, some disobedience of Captain Gilliam, which entailed a loss of life, was mentioned, for which unfavorable report both Gilliam and Inyard bore ever after an inveterate enmity toward the future hero of the Mexican war. Inyard, according to Rees, was ' an average man of the class reared in the south-west amid the ruinous institutions of human slavery. ' Id. This name, I find, is sometimes spelled Engart.
  9. Morrison was a thrifty farmer from the neighborhood of Weston. Minto's Early Days, MS., 18. Shaw was born in North Carolina, near Raleigh, in 1795; but emigrated with his father to Tennessee when a child; and again to Missouri in 1819, when the inhabitants were living in forts to protect themselves against the natives. He had fought under General Jackson in 1814-15, in the war against the Creeks and the British. Shaw's Pioneer Life, MS., 1, 2.
  10. Benjamin Nichols, judge; Joseph Gage and Theophilus Magruder, associate justices. Charles Saxton was secretary of the independent company.
  11. Clark Eades, for violating a general order, was tried before General Gilliam, and sentenced to be "tied, and staked out in the hot sun from eleven o'clock A. M. until the going down of the same." Letter of W. H. Rees.
  12. Fremont's Rept, for 1843-4, in U. S. Cath. Mag., iv. 265.
  13. 'An Oregonian,' in Salem Will Farmer, Dec. 17, 1875.
  14. Sublette's company consisted of 22 men, 11 of whom were travelling for their health. Three of these died within a few days of each other: Manually June 27th, Ketchum, July 3d, Browning, July 7th. Clyman's Note Book, MS., 22, 25, 26. A Mr Barnett of the emigration died at Green River, of typhoid fever. Id.
  15. Of this company was James Clyman, who kept a daily journal or notebook, which has fortunately been preserved through many vicissitudes, and which I have found very useful. Besides the incidents of the journey, it contains many instructive remarks on the country traversed; and an account of affairs in the Oregon colony during the winter of 1844-5. Clyman was a Virginian by birth, but emigrated from Stark County, Ohio.
  16. John Minto became well known and highly esteemed in Oregon. He was of English birth and education, a native of Wylam on the Tyne, in Northumberland, born Oct. 10, 1822. He came to the United States in 1840, and settled at Pittsburgh, Pa., as a coal-miner. From Pennsylvania he went to St Louis in the spring of 1844, on his way to the frontier of Iowa, and learned at this place of the emigration to Oregon, which he determined to join. Having no means to procure an outfit, he engaged with R. W. Morrison to drive team and make himself useful, for his passage and board. It is to Minto's Early Days, a manuscript by his own hand, that I am chiefly indebted for the account of Gilliam's company. It contains, besides, valuable remarks on the political situation of 1844-6, on the industries of the country and stock-raising, and on the social condition of the colonists, with other miscellaneous matter, Minto married Miss Martha A. Morrison when they had been about three years in Oregon, and they went to reside near Salem. Minto has been a useful, intelligent, and every way an exemplary builder on the edifice of a new state; a farmer, stock-raiser, and editor; public -spirited in every position he has been called upon to fill. Mrs Minto is known throughout the state for her fearless vindication of what she esteems the right; and has been called the 'musket-member' of the Woman's Suffrage Association of Oregon. According to Minto, her mother carried, or at least was furnished with, a rifle, on her journey to Oregon, which she was competent to use had it been necessary. Mrs Minto has, as well as her husband, furnished a manuscript to my collec- tion It was taken from her lips by a stenographer at a meeting of the Pioneer Association in 1878, and is called Female Pioneering. As it gives the woman a view of frontier life, it is especially valuable— few records having been made of the trials which women were called upon to endure in the settlement of the Pacific States.
  17. Minto compares the warm interest and sympathy exhibited by Waters with the chilling indifference and absolute ignoring of their presence or their wants by the missionaries Waller and Brewer at the Dalles Clyman who brought letters to the missionaries, and who was a few days ahead ot Minto s party remarks that he was not thanked for the trouble of carrying them from the States, which he attributes to his travel-worn and unshaven appearance. Note Book, MS., 68.
  18. Joseph Watt, born in Ohio, author of a manuscript called First Things, gives an account of the incoming of 1844, and of the importation of sheep from the States by himself in 1847, the erection of the first woollen-mills in Oregon, and other first things, and describes his passage from Burnt River to the Willamette. Watt was then a young man and poorly equipped for such a journey, but drove an ox-team as far as Burnt River. Here, probably because he thought there were too many mouths for the provisions, he went forward, afoot and alone. At the end of the first day he found a cabin, occupied by Blakeley, an emigrant who gave him a few crusts. Bowman, a destitute traveller, joined Watt, and they walked on together until they overtook Ford's company, from whom they obtained one meal. In the Grand Rond they lost their way, but regaining the road, met a family named Walker, who had nothing to eat, and thought of killing their oxen. Being overtaken by others who still had a little food, they begged them to divide; but want and fear had hardened their hearts, and they refused. The pedestrians made a fire of green wood, before which they sat throughout the night drying their wet clothing; and in the morning found it snowing, men, with soleless shoes and pantaloons half gone, they renewed their journey. Bowman had a family whom he left with the wagons while he hastened on to procure assistance. Says Watt: 'I think there were snow-flakes as large as my hat, and it was damp snow. Bowman was speculating what he and his son "Billy "could do when they got down to the valley. Waters, whom we had met on Powder River, had told him it was worth so much a hundred to make rails; and, says he, "Billy and I can make lots of money at that. Whiskey-barrels are worth so much; whiskey is worth something. I can make whiskey." Says I, "You old fool, you will never get out of these mountains!"' Proceeding, sometimes bewildered on account of the trail being hidden by snow, they came to the camp of some immigrants who gave them supper and breakfast. On reaching Umatilla they were joined by a man named Nash. They had also the good fortune to kill a dozen sage-hens. At a Cayuse camp they borrowed a large kettle and made a stew of chicken and potatoes, purchased of the natives with an extra shirt. At Waiilatpu Whitman gave them some corn meal. A cow which belonged to Watt was sold to the doctor for provisions to take them to the Dalles. An immigrant, Barton Lee, was engaged to transport them, and a horse was hired of Adams. At the Dalles they found the fur company's bateaux, which had been placed at the service of certain persons to bring down the immigration with a view to assist them; but for a passage on which they were charged six dollars each by those having them in charge. 'I had no money,' says Watt, 'and they told me if the other passengers would board me they would take me down, but I must sing whenever I was ordered. They called me the "figure-head." On the 16th of November I arrived at Oregon City.' First Things, MS., 1-7.
  19. Or. Spectator, Jan. 21, 1849.
  20. Shaw's Pioneer Life, MS., 13.
  21. Shaw says in his Pioneer Life, MS., 14-18, which is a comparison of pioneer life in the western states and Oregon, with a narrative of the incidents of the emigration, that in March he went down the Columbia to a place seventeen miles above Vancouver, where he made shingles for the Hudson's Bay Company, to pay what he owed them for provisions and clothing furnished him while at the Dalles. In September he removed to the Willamette Valley, where he rented the farm of Beers for one year. The next year he bought a farm of a French Canadian, ten miles north of Salem, where he made his permanent residence.
  22. McLoughlin's Private Papers, MS., 2d ser., 9.
  23. Camp-fire Orations, MS., 15.
  24. Besides Barnette, Thomas Vance, Mr and Mrs Sager, and a young girl mentioned in Mrs Minto's Female Pioneering, MS., I find no other deaths noted in the several manuscripts and books referring to this immigration. All the others came through to Oregon, except a part of eighteen who turned off on the California road after passing Fort Hall. This party had thirteen wagons, the first to enter California from the United States. The names of the party were Townsend, James Montgomery, John Greenwood, Britian Greenwood, and another Greenwood, John Sullivan and brother, Dennis Martin, John Martin, Murphy and four sons, Jackson, Stevens, and Hitchcock. Or Pioneer Assoc., Trans., 1876, 42.
  25. Clyman relates that the Cayuses were very anxious to know of him when the wagons and stock might be expected,as they wished to exchange horses for for cattle; but that although they had horses to sell, they did not refrain from stealing his fine but half-starved mare—they having burned off the grass to annoy the immigrants. Note Book, MS., 65.
  26. H. A. G. Lee, an immigrant of 1843, was much esteemed for his probity and intelligence in the management of public affairs. His name appears frequently in the public prints. Burnett remarks on the justness of his views of the Indian character, and the impending Indian troubles. Lee says in his report on the affairs of 1844: 'The immigrants are still very imprudent in breaking off into small parties, just when they should remain united... These robbers furnish us a true miniature likeness of the whole Indian population whenever they fail to obtain such things as they wish in exchange tor such as they have to give. These are robbers now because they have nothing to give; all others will be robbers when, with what they have t give, they can not procure what they wish... The next immigration will, in all probability, call forth developments of Indian character which have been almost denied an existence among these people. Indeed, sir, had you not taken the precaution to conciliate their good feelings and friendship toward the whites just at the time they were meeting each other, it is to be doubted whether there had not been some serious difficulty. Individuals on both sides have been mutually provoked and exasperated during the passage of each immigration, and these cases are constantly multiplying. Much prudence is required on the part of the whites, and unfortunately they have very little by the time they reach the Columbia Valley. Some of the late immigrants, losing their horses, and naturally supposing them stolen by the Indians, went to the bands of horses owned by the Indians and took as many as they wished. You are too well acquainted with Indians to suppose that such a course can be persisted in without producing serious results.' White's Concise View, 61; Burnett's Rec. of a Pioneer, 245-6.
  27. Minto describes his costume when he went to Vancouver to receive the boat and cargo which he took up the Columbia. His pantaloons were ripped up to the knees; he had no coat, having worn out the one he started with; a blanket obtained at Vancouver was doubled across his shoulders over a string. His feet were nearly bare, and became quite so before he returned from his expedition. Minto's Female Pioneering, MS., 18, 19. Mrs Minto says: 'There was but one bolt of calico in the whole of Oregon that we could hear of, and that was at Astoria. . . The next summer my sister and I gathered a barrel of cranberries and sent them to Oregon City, and got a little blue drilling which made us a covering.' Id., 10. The dearth of goods affected all classes. Parrish says that in 1844 he wore an old coat which he brought from New York in 1839, and pantaloons made of English duffle, 'a kind of coarse cloth similar to our horse-blankets,' with a buckskin vest and moccasins. Id., 20.
  28. Early Days, MS., 27.
  29. Minto mentions this case: 'The doctor was standing on the porch of the main house, and motioned us to come to him. He asked us if we were the young men from Linnton who had come up with their boat. We said we were. He told us to go to that house, pointing to the door of bachelor's hall, when the dinner-bell rung. We thanked him, and as we were leaving ho called to us and said: "Maybe you would like to write to your friends in the east. We are going to send an express down to the mouth of the river, and there will be no other opportunity for sending letters for six months." I replied that as I had no writing materials I could not accept the favor offered; he immediately sent a servant to bring us paper, pens, and ink; and I wrote to my father the first letter since leaving home.' Female Pioneering, MS., 17, 18.
  30. Ten Years in Or., 251. According to Burnett, Alderman was a violent and unprincipled character, who soon made himself notorious He wont to California in 1848, and was killed in December of that year by Charles E. Pickett at Sutter Fort, under circumstances that justified the homicide. Recollections of a Pioneer, 242-4; Crawford's Nar., MS., 144.
  31. McLoughlin's Private Papers, MS., 2d ser., 10.
  32. Minto's Early Days, MS., 28-9.
  33. White says he had a private interview with Williamson and Alderman, 'which resulted in a suspension of hostilities for the present.' Official report, in Ten Years in Or., 252. I think he did all he could to preserve the peace in these threatening times. In his anxiety he wrote to the secretary of war that too great a portion of the population came from the western states 'for one moment's safety in our present condition.' Concise View, MS., 53.
  34. This allusion was introduced because the supporters of the organization were making efforts to induce the British subjects to unite with them, which they still declined doing, through fear of being considered disloyal.
  35. A second letter informed them that Williamson had withdrawn.
  36. Views of History, MS., 43.
  37. Olympia Columbian, in Alta California, Nov. 2, 1852. Jackson was born in Yorkshire, England, where he was a butcher's apprentice. He kept a way-side inn on the road from Cowlitz landing to Olympia, and was a popular man with the settlers, though too much given to his potations. Roberts' Recollections, MS., 74.
  38. While at Washougal, in April, Mrs Simmons gave birth to a son, who was named Christopher, the first child of American parents horn in that part of Oregon north of the Columbia River.
  39. Bush was a mulatto, owning considerable property; a good man and kind neighbor. It is said he settled north of the Columbia because of the law against the immigration of negroes passed by the legislative committee of 1844. He took a claim near Olympia which bears his name, and where his family long resided.
  40. Evans' Hist. Or., MS., 281-2 Tumwater in the Chinook dialect means rapids; literally 'falling water.'
  41. Clyman's Note Book, MS., 100; Tolmie's Hist. Puget Sound, MS., 21. Tolmie is one year too early in his dates.
  42. Applegate's Views of History, MS., 43.
  43. Roberts' Recollections, MS., 60.
  44. Incorrectly called Rickreall by many, and so printed on the maps.
  45. The names of the party are not given in Clyman's Note Book, MS., except incidentally. He there mentions McMahan, Frazier, Sears, Owens, and Sumner. See also McKays Recollections, MS., 3. The party arrived without accident at Sutter Fort July 12th. Clyman returned to the United States in 1846, in company with J. M. Hudspeth, Owen Sumner and family, L. W. Hastings, and James W. Marshall. Clyman afterward emigrated to California, and settled in Napa Valley.
  46. The following incomplete list contains besides those who went to Oregon many who turned off for California: T. M. Adams, Isaac W. Alderman, Asbill, Franklin Asbill, Pierce Asbill, Blakely, J. L. Barlow, William Bowman, sen., William Bowman, jun., Ira Bowman, Barnette, Francis Bordran, James Burton, Joseph Bartrough, William Burris, William Bray, Ed. Bertram!, Elijah Bunton, Joseph Bunton, William Bunton, Henry Bogus, Peter Bonnin, Charles Buich, Nathan Bayard, A. H. Beers, Adam Brown, Thomas Brown, George W. Bush, Solomon Beiners, Charles H. Burch, William R. Barsham, Charles Bennett, J. M. Bennet, Thomas Boggs, Lewis Crawford, Dennis Clark, Joseph Caples, Charles Caples, Hezekiah Caples, David Crawford, Daniel Clark, Joel Crisman, Gabriel Crisman, William Crisman, Aaron Chamberlain, William Clemens, James Clyman, Patrick Conner, Samuel B. Crockett, Clemens, James Cave, William M. Case, N. R. Dougherty, Daniel Durbin, V. W. Dawson, Edward Dupuis, James Davenport, L. Everhart, Moses Eades, E. Emery, J. Emery, C. Emery, Niniwon Everman, C. Everman, John Eades, Abraham Eades, Henry Eades, Clark Eades, Solomon Eades, Richard Eough, Robert Eddy, Hiram English, John Ellick, John Fleming, Charles Forrest, Jesse Ferguson, J. Fuller, B. Frost, John Fielden, M. C. Fielden, M. G. Foisy, James Fruit, 'Doc' Fruit. Nathaniel Ford, Mark Ford, I. N. Gilbert, David Grant, Mitchell Gilliam, Cornelius Gilliam, Smith Gilliam, William Gilliam, Porter Gilliam, Joseph Gage, William Gage, Jesse Gage, David Goff, W. H. Goodwin, Gillespie, James Gavish, John Gavish, N. Gilmore, Charles Gilmore, Gibbon, Samuel Goodhue, J. Graves, S. C. Graves, Samuel Goff, Marion Goff, Martin Gillahan, William Gillihan, John Greenwood, Britain Greenwood, Greenwood, Golding, J. Hillhouse, Alanson Hinman, M. M. Harris, John Harris, Adam Hewett, Hutchison, Hamilton, Hitchock, George Hanna, D. B. Hanna, T. S. Hedges, Jacob Hutton, T. Holt, James Harper, Herman Higgins, William Higgms, Fleming R. Hill, J. C. Hawley, J. H. Hawly, George Hibler, Jacob Hampton, William Herring, Hamilton, Joseph Holman, Jacob Hoover, James Hunt, Norris Humphrey, Jacob Hammer, John Inyard, Abraham Inyard, Peter Inyard, William R. Johnson, James Johnson, Thomas Jeffries, Daniel Johnson, James Johnson, David Johnson, John R. Jackson, Gabriel Jones, John H. P. Jackson, David Jenkins, Willis Jenkins, Henry C. Jenkins, William Jenkins, David Kindred, Charles Kerbs, Bartholomew Kindred, John Kindred, Alexander Kirk, Daniel D. Kinsey, Barton B. Lee, James Loomis, John Lousenaute, Charles Lewis, William Morgan, Theophilus Magruder, Ed. B. Magruder, John Minto, Robert Miller, Elisha McDaniel, Joshua McDaniel, James W. Marshall, Lafayette Moreland, Elisha McDaniel, Nehemiah Martin, Samuel McSwain, Westly Mulkey, J. Mulkey, Luke Mulkey P. P. Mulkey Murray, Mudgett, Murphy (father and four sons), John Martin, Dennis Martin, J. McKinley, McMahan, James McAllister, R. W. Morrison, Michael Moor, James Montgomery, John Nichols, Frank Nichols, Benjamin Nichols, George Neal, Attey Neal, Calvin Neal, Robert Neal, Alexander Neal, Peter Neal, George Nelson, Cyrus S. Nelson, Richard Owe, Ruel Owless, John Owens, Henry Owens, James Owens, R. Old,s John Owens, Patrick O'Conner, Priest, Joseph Parrott, William Prater, Theodore Prater, Joel Perkins sen., Joel Perkins, jun., John Perkins, E E. Parrish, Gabriel Parrish, Samuel Packwood, William Packwood, R. K. Payne, Eben Pettie, Amab Pettie, David Parker, Jeremiah Rowland, Levi L. Rowland, Ben M. Robinson, 'Mountain' Robinson, Roberts, Mac Rice Parton Rice, "Fatty" Robinson, Ramsey, Willard H. Rees, Rice, Robbin (colored), Ramsdell, Jackson Shelton, William Sebring, Springer, Henry Saffron, William Smith, Vincent Snelling, Benjamin Snelling, James Stewart, William Saunders, James B. Stephens, J. S. Smith, Charles Smith, Peter Smith, William Shaw. Joshua Shaw, A. R. C. Shaw, Washington Shaw, Thomas C. Shaw, B. F. Shaw, Texas Smith, Sager, Charles Saxton, Scott (colored), Snooks, Noyes Smith, Levi Scott, John Scott, Joseph W. Scott, William Scott, John A. Stoughton, Franklin Sears, Stephens, John Sullivan, Sullivan, Michael T. Simmons, Seyburn P. Thornton ,Jdm Travers, John Thorp, Alvin E. Thorp, Theodore Thorp, Long Tucker, Cooper Y Trues, O. S. Thomas, Mortimer Thorp, Milton Thorp, Benjamin Tucker, Dr Townsend, Thomas M. Vance, George Waunch Williams, Harmon Wright, Richard Woodcock, James Walker, sen., James Walker, jun., Robert Walker, Poe Williams, Thomas Werner, James Welch, Henry Williamson, Joseph Watt, M. M. Warnsbough, Samuel Walker, William Wilson. Samuel Packwood and William Packwood, brothers, emigrated from Missouri in 1844. They were two of a family of fifteen children, eight of whom were sons of Elisha Packwood of Patrick County, Virginia. In 1819 the father removed to Indiana, and in 1834 to Missouri Seven of the e.g. sons and two of their seven sisters emigrated to the Pacific coast, but not all in the same year. Of Samuel I know nothing except that he came to Oregon William was born in Patrick County, Virginia, in 1813, and removed with the family to Missouri. After reaching Oregon he remained m the Willamette Valley until 1847, when he removed to Puget Sound and settled on the Nisqually River, being the first bona fide American settler north of Olympia. Others of the Packwood family emigrated to Oregon in 1845, and will be noticed hereafter. A few names of women have been added to the roll: Mrs W. M. Case, Miss Amanda Thorp, Mrs Benj. Tucker, Miss Eliza Snellmg, Miss Henrietta Gilliam, Mrs Vincent Snelling Mrs Herman Higgins, Mrs Jacob Hammer, Mrs Joshua Shaw, Mrs D. Johnson, all of whom were in Major Thorp's company. Mrs McDaniel, Jenny Fuller, and the families before referred to, namely, Morrison, Jackson, Simmons, McAllister Kindred, Jones, Shaw, are all who have been mentioned. There are the names of two negro women, Eliza and Hannah, put down on the roll, in Or. Pioneer Assoc. Trans., 1870, 40-2.
  47. Horace Holden and May Holden, his wife, came from the Hawaiian Islands in the Chenamus, Captain Couch, with Babcock and Hines, when they returned to Oregon after hearing of the appointment of a new superintendent of the Mission. Holden was a native of Hillsborough, New Hampshire, born in 1810. He took to seafaring, and while roaming about the ocean was cast away on one of the Pelew Islands, and enslaved by the natives for three years. On being rescued and returning to New England, he published an account of his adventures, called Holden's Narrative of Shipwreck and Captivity among the Savages. In 1837 he went to the Islands with the design of introducing silk culture and manufacture, but the scheme failed. He then engaged in sugar-planting on the island of Kauai, the plantation of Kalloa, in which he was interested, being the first sugar-making plantation on the Islands. By the representations of Dr Babcock he was induced to remove to Oregon, which he professes never to have liked on account of the rainy winters. Holden settled near Salem on a farm, and engaged in cattle-raising and grain and fruit growing. Holden's Oregon Pioneering, MS., from which the above is taken, contains little more than his personal experience, and while it affords a plan on which a book might be written equal to many of the most interesting narrations of adventure, contributes little that is of value to this history. See Hines' Or. Hist., 233.
  48. It is said that Sylvester and Johnson sailed for the Columbia River 'in a small vessel, deeply laden, which was never heard from;' but whether the Chenamus was the vessel I have no information. Her name appears no more on the shipping-list; but in her place next came the brig Henry. A glimpse here and there of the after lives of the pioneers of 1844—for all were pioneers before 1850— will give us a necessary clew to the manner of life of those who go forth to clear the way for their more favored brethren to follow, as well as the time and manner of their death. M. G. Foisy, who came to Oregon in 1844, was the first printer in the territory after Hall, who visited Lapwai from the Islands in 1841. Mr Foisy set up the book of Matthew as translated into the Nez Percé language by the Presbyterian missionaries, and printed on the little press presented to this mission by the native church of Honolulu, which press is now preserved in the state archives at Salem. He afterward went to California, where he worked at Monterey in the office of The Californian in the English and Spanish languages, merged later into the Alta California. Pierce Asbill was born in Howard County, Missouri, in October 1835, whence he emigrated, with his parents, in 1844. In 1849 the family removed to California, finally settling in Sonoma County, since which time they have been engaged in various vocations, but principally in stock-raising. In their expeditions through the country Frank M. Asbill, in 1854, discovered Round Valley in California. Daniel Clark, a native of King County, Ireland, was born Feb. 14, 1824. His father emigrated to Quebec in 1828, and went from Canada to Missouri in 1836. At 13 Daniel was impelled to begin life for himself, and engaged with a neighbor for 8 dollars a month to cut cord- wood. At 18 he was employed as overseer on a plantation; but hearing of the prospective donation of land in Oregon to actual settlers, determined to go to the new country, and try his fortunes there. He joined the independent colony under Gilliam, and arriving late and destitute, went to making rails. Two years afterward he married Miss Bertha B. Herren. In 1848 he went to the California mines, returning to Oregon for his wife and infant child the same winter. In 1850 he left the mines and returned to his home 5 miles south of Salem. His wife dying in 1861, he married again in 1865 Miss Harriet Scheoffer. When the Oregon state grange was organized in 1873 he was elected master for his services in the movement, in which he has ever been heartily interested. Mr Clark lived long in firm health and vigor, enjoying the reward of a temperate and just life. S. F. Pacific Rural Press, in Or. Cultivator, June 15, 1876. Willis Jenkins and wife, entering Oregon in 1844, settled on the Luckiamute in Yamhill district. In 1852 he built the first dwelling, store, and hotel in Dallas; afterward aided in developing eastern Oregon. His wife died in 1872; his children are scattered over Oregon. James Welch, born in Clark County, Kentucky, February 16, 1816, removed with his parents to Missouri. On their death, he was, when about 6, bound to a planter till about 18. Then, after learning the brick-mason's trade, he removed to what is now Muscatine, Iowa, where in 1840 he married Miss Nancy Dickinson. He left Missouri for Oregon April 4, 1844, arriving in Oregon City in December. Late in 1845 he paid $2,000 for a half interest in a donation claim at Fort George, now Astoria's site. The next spring, with David Ingalls, he settled there with his family, the first white family to settle in the place. He built the first house there. In 1847 he packed salmon. Visiting California in 1848, he returned in 1849 and engaged in the lumber trade. In 1850 he built a second house; it subsequently gave place to another, in which his widow still lives. For several years he was active in handling lumber, fishing, and merchandising. In 1861-4 he was in the Idaho mines. Returning, he engaged in boating and fishing, but health failing, he retired partially from business. He held several offices of trust. On September 29, 1876, while visiting his son, James W. Welch, internal revenue collector at Walla Walla, he died suddenly while asleep. There still live in 1887, of his 3 girls and 7 boys, Jas W., John W., Daniel H., Mrs Sarah F. Woods, and Mrs Mary I. Herron, all living in Clatsop Co. His wife, born in Washington Co., Ohio, in 1818, still resides in Astoria. Joseph Watt was born in Ohio, "but emigrated from Missouri. He remained at Oregon City over two years, when he returned to the States to bring out sheep and a carding-machine. This attempt to drive sheep overland from the east was suggested by the fact that one of the Shaws in 1844 drove 16 sheep to Oregon, which he intended to kill for mutton by the way; finding that they travelled as well as the other stock, and buffalo being plenty, he spared them. This Shaw removed to Benicia, California. Watt had no sooner returned to Oregon with his carding-machine and sheep than the gold discovery in California drew everybody who could go to the mines, and he realized nothing from his scheme of introducing a useful manufacture. But his sheep increased, and money came into the country, until finally he conceived the idea of a woollen factory, which was finally established at Salem in 1857, this being the pioneer woollen-mill on the Pacific coast of the United States. Mr Watt still resides at Salem. Nathaniel Ford, of whose settlement in Polk County I have spoken, after a useful and honorable life, died at Dixie, in that county, January 9, 1870, at the age of 75 years. Lucinda Ford, his wife, died January 4, 1874, aged 74 years. Dallas Times, Jan. 15, 1870; Salem Statesman, Jan. 10, 1874. Samuel Walker, who had served 23 years in the army of the United States, and emigrated in 1844, settled near Salem, where he lived 26 years, and accumulated a comfortable property. He died July 20, 1870, at St Joseph's hospital, Vancouver. Vancouver Register, July 23, 1870. Joel Crisman, a native of Virginia, died in Yamhill County, Aug. 16, 1875, aged 80 years. E. E. Parrish, born in West Virginia, Nov. 20, died in Linn County, Oct. 24, 1874. E. B. Magruder, a native of Maryland, for a long time a resident of Jackson County, died July 1875, at Jacksonville, aged 74 years. He was identified with early enterprises in southern Oregon. With him emigrated to Oregon Theophilus R. Magruder, also a resident of southern Oregon, and a merchant. He died Oct. 5, 1871, aged 39 years. Theophilus Magruder resided for several years at Cresent City, California. Jas B. Stephens was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, in 1806. At the age of 8 years he removed with his father to Indiana, where he remained until he was 26, when he made another westward movement, and located on the Mississippi River, opposite Fort Madison, where he supplied the steamboats with wood and continued to reside for 11 years. Emigrating in 1844 to Oregon with his family, in the autumn of 1845 he bought a land claim on the east bank of the Willamette, opposite Portland, which is now the site of East Portland, and where he still resides. Overton, who had claimed on the other side, but wished to leave the country, offered Stephens his land for $200, but the latter having no money, and nothing to depend on except his trade, which was coopering, declined. It was after this offer that he purchased East Portland at an administrator's sale, Lovejoy being the seller. Nesmith was present for the purpose of bidding, but learning that Stephens desired the place for his business, and to make a home, the former gave way. This was during his term as judge of probate, the sale being under his order. The incident illustrates the generous spirit of the men of 1843. Minto's Early Days, MS., 32. Franklin Sears was born in Orange County, New Jersey, June 28, 1817. At the age of 10 years he removed with his parents to Saline County, where he loft them to join the emigration to Oregon in 1844. The following year he went to California, and settled in Sonoma County, where he held a large farm. Isaac N. Gilbert, a native of New York, was born at Rushville, June 27, 1818. He went to Illinois when still a very young man, and from there emigrated to Oregon at the age of 27, in company with 3 others. He took a land claim 2 miles north-east of Salem, and in 1850 married Miss Marietta Stanton, daughter of Alfred Stanton, an immigrant of 1847. Gilbert was the first county clerk of Marion county, holding the office for 3 years, and was for a time surveyor of the county. He made the first plat of the town of Salem. He laid out the road from Salem to Philip Foster's, at the foot of the Cascade Mountains, in 1846. He was one of the four original founders of the Congregational church in Salem in 1852; and during his life one of its principal supporters. He died March 20, 1879, at his home in Salem. Or. Pioneer Assoc, Trans., 1878, 82-3. Mrs Henrietta Gilliam Coad, daughter of Cornelius Gilliam, and wife of Samuel Coad, died at Salem, March 30, 1875, aged about 32 years. Mrs Pauline Ford Boyle, third daughter of Nathaniel Ford, died in November 1874 of consumption. H. C. Jenkins, in alluding to her death, remarked that of the Ford family of 13 who crossed the plains in 1844 with him, only 2 were then left. Elijah Bunton died in 1831, on the Walla Walla River, during the gold excitement. His widow married a Mr Watson. Mrs Keziah Watson died March 19, 1 874, at Weston, in Umatilla County. Mrs Mary Jane Roberts Rogers, wife of Clark Rogers, died March 4, 1875, aged 43 years. Portland P. C. Advocate, March 25, 1875.