Before the year 1872, the stores and residences of this town were illuminated only by the use of kerosene lamps, and as for street lights that was left to the moon and stars, if they chose to shine, and if they didn't the streets were in darkness.
In the latter year the Township Committee entered into an agreement with the Hudson County Gas Company, whereby that Company was given permission to lay gas mains in the several streets.
The township contracted with them to light the streets, and at first had 17 gas lamps in use, the township and Gas Company each paying half the salary of the gas lighter, who was Mr. John Everson. He held this place until 1874, when Mr. Charles Hall procured the position. By this time 200 oil lamps had been added, and 13 more gas lamps. Mr. Hall held the contract for caring for these lamps until 1875, when Messrs. Collins and Everson got the contract, and they were the official caretakers of the street lamps until 1890, and at this time there were 596 gas lamps in use and no oil lamps.
An amusing incident in connection with this contract for street lighting was a clause which prohibited the lighting of the lamps on nights when the moon was supposed to shine. It didn't matter if it was story on these nights, or if old Luna was obscured by the clouds, as long as the almanac stated that it would be moonlight the lights were not lit, and at these times the streets were in total darkness.
In the year 1890, the town council contracted with the Hudson Electric Light Company for 15 arc lights. These were placed on Clinton avenue from Stevens street south, and on Spring street from Stevens street north.
After the installation of these electric lights the council gradually added more until all the gas and oil lamps were done away with, and to-day I do not think I exaggerate when I say that there is no municipality in the State that can lay claim to being better lighted than our town. With very few exceptions every street corner is adorned with an electric light.