The Free Public Library went into active operation on June 1, 1898, issuing books on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of each week.
The first Board of Library Trustees consisted of Messrs. Lucien P. Druck, chairman; Paul Konert, clerk; Louis A. Menegaux, Henry O. Steinhoff and John Lane, with Mrs. A. Parker, librarian. The board organized in No. 1 school, and on December 1, 1898, leased its present quarters, 327 Clinton avenue. Only the upper floor of this building was used at first, the board subsequently acquiring possession of the entire building.
The library began its existence with 1,500 volumes, and to-day there are 3,902 volumes on the shelves, and there are enrolled as members 1,908 male and female citizens, and during the last year (1902), 20,584 books were issued.
That great philanthropist, Mr. Andrew Carnegie, has recently notified the library trustees that he is ready to donate $25,000 for a new library building. The authorities have complied with the terms of his generous offer and have recently purchased the necessary ground on High street for the erection of the building, which, I suppose, will be erected and in operation by the time this history is given to the public.