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History of Zoroastrianism/Abbreviations

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2807510History of Zoroastrianism — AbbreviationsManeckji Nusservanji Dhalla


Aerpt. = Aerpatastan.
AF. = Arische Forschungen.
Air. Wb. = Altiranisches Worterbuch (Bartholomae).
AnAtM. = Andarz-i Atarpat-i Maraspand.
AnKhK. = Andarz-i Khusru-i Kavatan.
Aog. = Aogemadaecha
Artax. Pers. = inscriptions of Artaxerxes at Persepolis.
AthV. = Atharva Veda
Av. = Avesta
AV = Arda Viraf.
AZ. = Afrin-i Zartusht.
Bd. = Bundahishn.
Bh. = Behistan.
bk. = book.
BYt. = Pahlavi Bahman Yasht.
cf. = (confer), compare.
Dar. Alv. = inscriptions of Darius on Mt. Alvand (Elvend), near Hamadan.
Dar. Pers. = inscriptions of Darius at Persepolis.
Db. = Dabistan.
Dk. = Dinkard.
ed. = edition of, edited by.
Eng. = English.
EpM. = Epistles of Manushchihr.
ERE. = Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (Hastings).
FGH. = Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (Muller).
G. = Gah.
GIrPh. = Grundriss der Iranischen Philologie.
Gs. = Ganj-i Shayikan.
Guj. = Gujarati.
Hj. = Hajiabad.
Hn. = Hadokht Nask.
i.e. = (id est), that is.
ibid. = (ibidem), in the same work
Is. = Isaiah.
Jsp. = Jamaspi.
JAOS. = Journal of the American Oriental Society.
JRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
KZ. = Kuhn's Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung.
Mkh. = Menuk-i Khrat.
NR. = inscriptions of Darius at Naksh-i Rustam.
Nr. = Nirangistan.
Ny. = Nyaish.
Pers. = Persian.
Pt. = Patit.
Phl. = Pahlavi.
Rv. = Rivayat.
RV. = Rig Veda.
SBE. = Sacred Books of the East.
Sd. = Sad Dar.
SdBd. = Sad Dar Bundahishn.
Sg. = Shikand Gumanik Vijar.
Skt. = Sanskrit.
Sr. = Sirozah.
SlS. = Shayast-la-Shayast.
TdFr. = Tahmuras Fragment.
tr. = translated by, translation of.
Vd. = Vendidad.
vers. = version.
vol. = volume.
Vsp. = Visperad.
WFr. = Westergaard Fragment.
Xerx. Pers. = inscriptions of Xerxes at Persepolis.
Ys. = Yasna.
Yt. = Yasht.
ZDMG. = Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft.
Zsp. = Zatsparam.