History of the Down Survey (Petty 1851)/Index

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The History of the Survey of Ireland commonly called The Down Survey by Doctor William Petty A.D. 1655-6. (1851)
by William Petty, edited by Thomas Aiskew Larcom
William Petty2516370The History of the Survey of Ireland commonly called The Down Survey by Doctor William Petty A.D. 1655-6. —  
1851Thomas Aiskew Larcom


ABBOT, Dr., 69, 73, 75, 76, 79, 86, 196, 198.

Accounts, Dr. Petty 's, passing of, 133, 136, 140, 149, 151, 157, 159, 217, 227, 331—335, 348.

——— order of discharge for, 149, 169.

Act of Parliament, 17 Charles I., declaring lands of rebels forfeited, 233, 317.

——— of satisfaction of September 26, 1653, 85, 354. Order of council, confirmed by above, 368. Commission, with instructions, 370, 372.

——— for attainder of rebels, 1656, 306.

——— of confirmation, 1656; legal opinion as to whether it comprehends adventurers, 256.

——— of indemnity, application to be made for, 70, 78.

——— of settlement, 1662; Dr. Petty a commissioner for carrying out instructions under, 348.

——— various names and dates of, 250, 370.

Advancements and abatements upon rates of land over Act rate, to be made by even groats; odd roods and perches to be esteemed for whole or half acres, 189.

Adventurers, committee of, for settlement of lands; for proceedings of, see Committee of Adventurers sitting at Grocers' Hall.

Agreement with Dr. Petty to be in legal form, 22.

————— engrossed, 23, 317, 319, 322.

Alchorne, Richard, 243.

Aland, H., 30, 73, 75, 76—79.

Allen, Captain Stephen, 127, 133.

——— Adjutant-General, 4, 7, 299.

Allen, Mr., 252, 257.

Almery, Mr. George. See Fowke, Alderman.

Anonymous letters, accusing Dr. Petty of several crimes, &c. See Letters.

Antrim, contents of baronies examined in surveyor-general's office, 140.

——— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144, 145, 146.

Apothecary-General of the army and assistants, time of, not spent to advantage, 1.

Appendix, 353.

Aran (Aron) Isles, army serving in, arrears due by, for survey, 162, 334.

Archer, Serjeant J., 252, 257.

Ardee (Atherdee). See Louth.

Armagh, contents of baronies examined, in surveyor-general's office, 140.

——— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.

Army, grants could not be made to, without knowing quantity, quality, and bounds, 8.

——— debt due to, to be ascertained, and the agents for the several regiments to be required to meet, and proceed to a subdivision and apportionment of lands, 41.

——— regiments to determine upon some places to begin, and proceed to take satisfaction of their lands, 63.

——— regiments to be put in possession of lands, for two-thirds of the arrears due to them; overplus to lie together for Commonwealth and remainder of army; order of council as to manner of distribution, 64.

——— proceedings of council of agents as to distribution of lands, 66.

——— petition to have the profits of all lands belonging to their security handed over to their agents for them, 67, 76.

——— profits of ten counties granted accordingly, 68, 77, 328.

——— widows, orphans, and maimed soldiers to be put in speedy possession of their arrears, 67, 199, 318, 328.

——— agents to draw up proposals for making a sound title of lands to, 69.

——— reduction of, ordered by Lord Deputy; troops reduced, to have full satisfaction in lands, 70, 328.

——— agents of, petition to have the soldiers put into speedy possession of lands to the full amount of their arrears; and if there should not be land enough, they offer to pay each person shut out 18s. in the pound, 72, 328, 330, 337.

——— serving and disbanded, advantages of the latter, in having a first choice of lands, pointed out, 73, 74.

——— agents constitute certain officers as their lawful attorneys, to have arrears satisfied, confirming whatever they do according to instructions laid down, 78.

Army, debt and credit of whole army, 79, 188, 189, 337.

——— rejoice at their lots yielding 12d. per acre, &c. See Lands, value of.

——— lands belonging to their security to be distributed by their own trustees, 85.

——— ordinance for more equal division of lands to; an instrument of lands so set out to be enrolled in the Court of Chancery, which is to be for ever conclusive, 88.

——— agents for the division of the province of Munster petition to have their provincial and collateral security, 89.

——— Council books of, still preserved, 330.

——— address of, relative to Iveragh and Dunkerron, 91.

——— agents of Leinster and Ulster, having failed in an attempt at an accommodation with those of Munster, insist upon the terms of the Act, 101.

——— agents of Munster, proposals of, to those of Leinster and Ulster, rejected by them, 102.

——— stoppages from, to pay Dr. Petty the balance of his account, 157—160, 334.

——— collection fell short of doing so, 161.

——— order to consider why the balance cannot be raised, and how Dr. Petty may receive satisfaction, 161.

——— report on above, and proposing an additional allowance to Dr. Petty for collecting the amounts due, &c., and thereupon to acquit the Commonwealth, 162, 334.

——— order made on above, 163.

——— too much paid by certain colonels of, for survey, refunded to them by Dr. Petty, but claimed from the Council, as due to him, 164.

——— report of auditors on above, 165.

Army, order to repay same to Dr. Petty, 166.

——— agents of, assent to rules and agreements concerning the proceedings of setting out lands to the army by the commissioners appointed for that purpose, 197, 202. See Commissioners appointed for distribution of lands.

——— disbanded in 1653 and 1655, baronies set out to, in an imperfect manner, 185, 389.

——— amount paid to, in Leinster and Ulster, 187.

——— extent of lands disposable to, 216.

——— arrears of 1d. per acre due by, to Dr. Petty for survey, remitted on purchase of lands by him, Dr. Petty being answerable for any payments made by the army after this agreement, 219, 334, 344, 348.

——— officers of, petition the Lord Lieutenant and Council, stating their arrears remain as yet in part unsatisfied, praying a committee may be appointed for auditing the proceedings of the commissioners for setting out lands to the army, and that they be put in joint possession of the survey-books, maps, &c., 264.

——— committee appointed accordingly; to be assisted by seven persons nominated by the petitioners, 266, 268, 270.

——— this commission not considered satisfactory by some, 266. See also Soldiers.

Arnopp, Lieut.-Colonel William, 4, 7. 12, 30, 39, 89, 93, 265.

Arra Survey, documents of, 55.

Arrears for services before 1649, committees appointed for examination of, 70, 317.

——— when forfeited to be lost, 89.

Artists, report of committee of; auditors and surveyor-general's report on, and proposal of another advance to Dr. Petty, 159.

——— committee of, duties performed by, in examining and checking the survey, 168.

Artists to be paid by the chain and angle, 45.

——— objections by old surveyors to employment of untrained hands nearly removed, 80.

——— trained by Dr. Petty, 17, 316, 321.

Ascue, Sir George, 349.

Auditors-General, 150, 151, 164, 165, 268, 274, 295.

Axtell, D., 73, 75, 76, 79, 92, 101.


Baldwin, George, 52.

Ballintoy possessed by Dr. Petty, 260.

Ballyboy lands, possession of, by Dr. Petty, enumerated among the charges preferred against him, 299. See also King's County.

——— survey of, 62.

Ballybret, survey of, ib.

Ballycowen, survey of, ib.

Bampfield, Tho., 289.

Barefoot, Robert, 244.

Barker, William, 243.

Baron, Lord Chief, 134, 135, 149.

Baronies, and lands lying in, to be distinguished on the maps, 25.

——— out-meres of, to be surrounded, &c., 47.

——— some not now recognised as, 326.

——— names of, provision for, if returned incorrectly, 322.

Baronial and parish bounds would not be preserved by surveying forfeited and profitable lands only, 8, 313, 322.

——— instructions relative to surveying of, 49, 322.

Barrington, Thomas, 196.

Barrow, Colonel, 30, 39, 79, 89, 180.

—————— complaints of, against Dr. Petty, 81.

Basill, William, Attorney-General, 167, 206.

Bate, George, 244, 269.

Beaufort's map of Ireland, 347.

Bennett, Jo., 181.

Benyor, Gabr., 243.

Betters, Ffrancis, ib.

Blackwell, John, 158, 160.

——— Samuel, 243.

Blaeu, Irish maps by, 346.

Boazio, Irish maps by, ib.

Bockat, Sarah, 244.

Bofin (Buffin) Isle, army serving in, arrears due by, for survey, 162, 334.

Bolton, Ffrancis, 73, 76, 80, 93.

Boncle, John, 243.

Boyce, Mr. Nathaniel, 79, 80.

Books of reference, Mr. Worsley's instructions to Dr. Petty relative to, 36.

————— one of, described by Mr. Worsley, remains in Record Office, 325.

————— resolves of general council of agents for Munster still preserved in Record Office, 330.

————— size of, nineteen reams of paper being used in perfecting three, 124.

————— plots and maps received from Dr. Petty by surveyor-general, and delivered into Exchequer, 183, 326, 335.

——— of surveys also made by commissioners for distribution of lands, and former books, names of, reviewed by commissioners, 194.

——— of survey, copies of, received as evidence in courts of justice, 296.

Boundaries, 320; difference of, to be noted, whether wall, river, &c.; together with all permanent objects, as churches, &c., noting profitable and unprofitable, arable, &c., 47, 48, 50, 313, 322. See also Meresmen.

Brandon, Gil., 243.

Brayfield, Lieut-Colonel, 30, 299.

Bribes said to be given to Dr. Petty, 298.

Bridgman, Orlando, 251, 252.

Brisco, Thomas, 244.

Brudenel, William, 52.

Burroughs, Jo., 243.

Bury, William, 134, 135, 166, 224.


Cambell, Jo., 180.

Camby, Sol., 73, 76, 79.

Carbury, West (Cork), rents in, 77.

Carey, widow and children, debentures of, 260, 271, 272, 275, 342, 343.

Carlow (Catherlogh), 107, 108, 183.

——— 1d. per acre to Dr. Petty for admeasurement in, 103, 107, 332.

——— surveyed, without the aid of civil survey, at great additional cost, &c., 124, 131, 132, 154.

——— value of land in, 134—136, 332.

——— cost of survey, allowed to Dr. Petty, 151, 333.

Carterette, Dr., 4, 7.

Cartrons. See Plowlands.

Cary barony, 195, 338.

Castles, dwelling-houses, weirs, mills, &c., to be shown. See Towns.

Cavan town (Caveine), property in, possessed by deputy surveyor-general, 260.

Certificates, legal opinion as to registering of, 256.

Chancery, Court of, enrolment of lands in, 88.

Cheyne, Cha., 243.

Chilbingworth, Roger, 244.

Church lands 1d. per acre to Dr. Petty for survey of lands in, 103, 107, 332.

——— and Crown lands, survey of. See Crown Lands.

————————— or lands not forfeited, not at present to be surveyed, 6.

————————— cost of survey of, 313, 316, 331, 332.

——— glebe, and mensal lands, to be surrounded, whether small or great, 44.

Churches, &c., to be noted. See Towns.

Circumferenters. See Instruments.

Civil survey and abstracts, 389; delay in supply of, 121, 319.

——— Lewis Smith's description of, of Kerry, 100.

——— shows less land than Down Survey, 72.

——— specimen sheet of, 394.

Claims, committee of, for settlement of adventurers' lands. See Committee of Adventurers sitting at Grocers' Hall.

Clanmorris, 95.

Clanwilliam; no survey of, 57.

Clare, lands in, to be set out to parties whose lands may be assigned to Gen. Monke, 224.

Clerke, George, 243, 249.

——— John, 31, 243.

Clerks, of council, surveyor-general, and register, allowed ¼d. per acre by committee sitting at Grocers' Hall, for their trouble in distributing surplusage lands, 247.

Clonliske, survey of, 62.

Cockayne, T., 19.

Colby, Gen., superintendent of ordnance survey, foresight and arrangements of, 314.

——— instructions of, and those of Dr. Petty, 324. See also Ordnance Survey.

Collins, Ffrancis, 243.

——— William, ib.

Collyer, Benjamin, ib.

Commissioners of Commonwealth of England for affairs of Ireland, 4.

——— lands in controversy, survey or inquiry of, to be made by, 6; committee appointed, 43, 321.

——— appointed for distribution of lands, proceedings of, 185, 319, 337, 340.

——— queries put by, to Council, as to how they should act in certain doubtful or difficult cases, 195.

Commissioners, above queries referred to agents of the army, 196.

——— to hear complaints, after distribution of lands, 198.

——— duties of Dr. Petty and of the other commissioners, 207.

——— Dr. Petty's defence of, in the House of Commons, 296.

——— appointed by committee of adventurers at Grocers' Hall, for settlement of adventurers' lands in Ireland, 235.

——— above superseded, and Dr. Petty alone appointed, 247, 248.

——— for carrying out instructions under Act of Settlement, 348.

——— to consider how the survey may be expeditiously and cheaply executed, 4, 313, 319.

——— report of, on above, 4—8.

Committee for surveys, proceedings of, 13.

——— Dr. Petty's remarks on report, 7—10, 313.

——— for removal of obstructions to the progress of the survey, and to determine all controversies, 43, 321, 389; report from, 46.

——— to examine into debentures of soldiers who deserted, &c., before 1649, 70, 74.

——— for examination of survey, 107, 111.

——— of adventurers sitting at Grocers' Hall, Dr. Petty to proceed to, and confer with, on the subject of the final settlement of the adventurers, 228, 339; propositions made by Dr. Petty to committee of adventurers, 230, 232, 318; result of interview, 233. See also 353, &c.

——— replies and proposals of, to Lord Deputy and council, delivered to Dr. Petty in London, 236—248, 330, 340.

——— thank council for sending Dr. Petty over, 248; above protested against, 249, 341; Lord Lieutenant and council appoint Dr. Petty to arrange same with adventurers, 252, 330; legal opinions on above, 252; and as to whether they are comprehended in Act of 1656, 252, 256.

Committee appointed by council for settlement of arrears to the army yet unsatisfied; to act with seven persons named by parties interested, 266. Seven officers nominated to act as above; Dr. Petty's opinion of each, 267. Dr. Petty proposed other parties, who were nominated accordingly, 268. They petition for parchment and clerks, to make the book of distribution, 270.

——— of Irish affairs, 398.

Commons, names of persons having commonage, with proportion belonging to each to be given, 48.

Compsy. See Slevardagh.

Connaught, distribution of land to disbanded forces in, 73, 74, 319.

——— lands exempted from the Irish for garrisons, plantations near the sea, &c., in. See Mile-line.

——— value of lands in; wood, bog, &c.. to be thrown in, 337.

——— and Tipperary, a well-planted and accommodated country, 16, 316.

——— Strafford's survey only detailed survey of; all of which was burned in 1711, 325.

——— West, description of, by O' Flaherty, 348.

Contracts for survey made by Dr. Petty, 63.

Contract and bond given for performance of Down Survey, taking up of, 166, 167, 171, 172, 179, 180, 181, 183.

Conway, Phil., 154, 155.

Cooke, Justice, 39.

Coolestowne, survey of, 62.

Coot, Chudley, 12, 13, 164, 180.

Coot, Sir Charles, 10, 12, 13, 30, 70, 74, 164, 165, 180, 196, 204, 206, 265, 346.

——— Thomas, 265.

Corbett, Miles, 23, 141, 143, 166, 317, 333.

Cork, 107, 108, 183, 356, 368.

——— 1d. per acre to Dr. Petty for survey of lands in, 103, 107, 332.

——— contents of baronies in examined, in surveyor-general's office, 137.

——— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 142, 144—146.

——— distribution of land to disbanded forces in, 73.

——— lands reserved in, for his Highness and the Commonwealth, 150.

——— rents in, 77.

——— House, situation of, in Dublin, 317.

Corkaguiny, 94.

Corporation lands, survey of, 17.

Cox, Sir Richard, 333.

Cranagh, 89.

Cremorne, 92, 102.

Crispe, Nathaniel, 243.

Cromwell, Henry, 223, 229.

——— Lord Lieutenant; warrant of, to deduct 1d. per acre from army, for Dr. Petty, 160.

——— Oliver, Lord Protector, change of government sought on death of, and attempt to injure family of, 258, 342.

Crowder, Thomas, 244.

Crown and Church lands, survey of, 17, 23, 25, 27, 47, 143, 147, 313, 316.

——— to be admeasured into plowlands, townlands, and cartrons, 27, 318.

——— abstracts of, not furnished, until forfeited lands were surveyed, 121.

Cudmore, Paul, 165.


Dalbe, Samuel, 243.

Darcey, Nicholas, lands of, in Duleek, set out to Dr. Petty, 227.

Davenport, Nathaniel. See Letters.

Davis, Thomas, 73, 75, 79.

Deacon, Richard, 243.

Deane, Jos., 196, 265, 267, 270, 273, 279, 280, 282.

——— Richard, 158, 160.

Debentures in possession of soldiers who deserted or revolted before 1649, committee to examine into, 70, 74.

————— management of, 187, 191, 192.

————— to be delivered up, &c., 189.

————— book of, 194.

————— sales, or alienations of, 201, 205.

————— register-general or deputy to attend at cancelling of, 201.

————— wholly or in part unsatisfied, order of council as to how they are to be satisfied, 202, 204, 205, 223, 337; satisfied, 296.

————— application of Dr. Petty to council for permission to purchase, in lieu of arrear of 1d. per acre, due by soldiers, 334, 348.

————— purchase of, by Dr. Petty, 212, 213, 343, 344; approved by council to the extent of £2000, 214, 216, 224.

————— 1d. in ready money as good as 3d. in, 220.

De La Noy, Peter, 243.

DeLawne, Rich., 127, 133, 141, 143, 149, 150.

Denison, John, 73, 76—79.

Disbrow, John, 73, 75, 76, 92, 101.

Donegal, 107, 108, 183.

——— contents of baronies examined, in surveyor-general's office, 140, 142.

——— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.

Down admeasurement proceeded on, 41, 46, 63.

————— and subdivision ought to have been carried on together, 66, 68, 131.

——— Survey did not cost so much as former gross surveys, 133, 327, 335, 338.

————— history of, 311, 336, 346.

————— of forfeited profitable lands, 14.

————— shows one-third more land than civil survey, 72, 328.

————— ordered to be expedited, 77.

————— extended over twenty-two counties, admeasured field by field, and performed in thirteen months, 85, 129, 294, 318, 331.

————— date from which commencement of work should reckon, 321.

————— legal record on which lands in Ireland are held, 347.

————— other surveys not to be called for, unless errors of more than one-tenth be discovered, 348.

————— being so near an end, Dr. Petty petitions the council to have the surveys vouched, and delivered into the surveyor-general's office; describes additional labour and trouble in surveying forfeited lands, not included in civil survey, hoping to be paid for such by the army and proprietors; accounts for omissions in his survey; proposes terms for making them good; points out the way in which impeachments ought only to be admitted; hopes the money lately paid for the gross surrounds may be remitted, in consequence of his extra services, 103, 107, 133, 136, 332, 334, 348.

————— committee appointed to examine and see how far the survey answers the ends of that undertaking, 107; report of the committee so appointed, and system of examination and check adopted, 108—111.

Down Survey, surveyor-general and four assistants appointed to examine plots, books, &c., 111, 127; he details their examination, and reports omissions and defects, and states what work remains to be done, 112—115, 126, 331. Dr. Petty explains these omissions and defects, 115—119, 128, 331. Dr. Petty remonstrates; details his grievances and difficulties, and solicits additional allowance, &c., 119—126, 133, 348.

————— Dr. Petty 's proposal to have the £2054 formerly disbursed on gross admeasurement remitted or stopped out of last payment, referred to committee for consideration, 134. Above amount to be stopped accordingly, and present account passed without interruption, 135.

————— £2054 ordered to be stopped out of amount due for survey of Limerick, Carlow, and Wicklow, allowed to Dr. Petty, 151, 156.

————— particular of the contents of the baronies examined in the surveyor-general's office, 137.

————— contents of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, as examined in surveyor-general's office, 140, 144—146.

————— cost of, 147—149.

————— contents of lands measured for, 150, 159.

————— manner in which payments were made for. See Accounts.

————— Dr. Petty's offer to perform it for £1000, actual reward, 176.

————— three complaints only against it within nineteen months, 176; difficulty of dealing with complaints, 177.

————— documents of, received by surveyor-general, and delivered into the Exchequer, 183, 336.

Down Survey of Limerick, Wicklow, and Carlow, cost and final possession of, 131, 132, 134—136, 151, 156, 333.

————— "material passages relating to," 314.

————— of Wexford, sheet from, 396. See also Survey.

Dublin, 107, 108, 183, 357.

——— 1d. per acre for survey of, to Dr. Petty, 103, 332.

——— county survey of, troublesome, and almost endless, 43, 124, 321, 332.

Dublin, contents of baronies in, examined in surveyor-general's office, 139.

——— quantity of unprofitable Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 145, 146.

——— land reserved in, for his Highness and the Commonwealth, 150.

Duckenfield, Major, 30.

Duffry in Wexford, 92, 102.

Duke, Charles, 181.

Duleek. See Meath.

——— lands assigned to Dr. Petty in, 226.

Dunkerron, 85, 91, 94, 102.


Eames, Samuel, 243.

Edwards, James, 243, 249.

Elephant, name of building in which surveyor-general's office was situated, 336; probable origin of name, ib.

Eliogarty survey, documents of, 55.

Evelyn's Diary, notices of Dr. Petty in, 349.

Ewre, George, 244.

Eyre, George, 243.

Eyres, Thomas, 243, 249.


Fairies, ghosts, and walking spirits, 209.

Ffarrell, Charles, 243.

Ffarrington, Cadwall, 243.

Ffassadyna, 73.

Fflesher, John, 244.

Ffews, 89, 92, 102.

Ffield, Thomas, 244.

Ffinch, Henry, 251, 252.

————— Symon, 180.

Ffleetwood, Lieut.-General, to go to Ireland, instead of M. G. Lambert, 1, 318.

————— Ld. Deputy, 157, 158, 255, 295, 301.

Fflower, Lieut.-Colonel, 101, 267, 269, 273, 274, 277, 279, 280, 282, 298.

Ffox, Charles, 244.

Ffractions, West, 95.

Ffranke, John, 181.

Ffranklin, Richard, 92, 101.

———— Robert, 79.

Ffreind, Jo., 181.

Field-books, instructions for check, &c., of, 49.

————— methodical, 17.

——— work, foot-soldiers to be trained for. See Soldiers.

Fisher, John, 243.

Fishing, and sea, advantage of in Kerry, 92.

Fore. See Meath.

Forfeited lands, made available for satisfaction of adventurers and soldiers, and other public debts, by Acts 17 Charles I., and 26th September, 1653, and other Acts, 23. See also Commissioners.

————— surveyors may summon juries, and examine upon oath, to ascertain them; commissioners of revenue also to assist, 5, 319.

————— original instructions for survey of, 5.

————— boundaries of, only to be surveyed, 6, 313.

————— to be surveyed with the instrument, as well as Crown and Church lands, into townlands, plowlands, cartrons, or usual denominations, woods, bogs, parishes, &c., also to be given, 27, 313, 317, 318, 337, 392.

Forfeited lands, measured, but not disposed of, in Dublin, Carlow, and part of Cork; to be paid for by the State, 27, 317.

————— abstracts of, to be furnished to Dr. Petty, or his agents, by the commissioners of civil survey, 40.

————— whether small or great, to be admeasured, 46.

————— profitable from improfitable, to be distinguished, ib.

————— unprofitable to be admeasured according to baronies, when in parcels of above 500 acres, 47.

————— belonging to delinquent proprietors to be returned; and others to be distinguished on barony plots by colours, 47.

————— belonging to one person, extending into several baronies, to be distinguished, ib.

————— in Kerry, Wexford, Tyrone, Londonderry, one-half Kilkenny, and Kinalea, Kerricurrihy, East and West Carbury, rents in, belonging to the Commonwealth, to be reserved, 77, 150.

————— cost to the State for survey of, per 1000 acres, 126, 143; and cost paid by army, procured by Dr. Petty, 126.

————— rents and profits of, allowed unto the army until they should be divided and laid out by the Down Survey, 170.

————— applications to join the lands of several small debentures together submitted for order of council, 187.

————— petition of officers, &c., stating they cannot be in possession of, without certificates from two of the council, under their hands and seals, 180, 205, 206.

————— difficulties in distribution of, 184.

Forfeited lands, commissioners appointed for distribution of, among officers and soldiers, 185, 319, 337, 340.

————— stringing and lotteries of. See Lotteries.

————— narrative of all the proceedings relating to the setting forth of lands by commissioners, 191.

————— extent of, remaining after distribution, 296. See also Lands.

Fowke, Jo., 79.

——— Alderman, and Mr. George Almery, anonymous letter addressed to, in London, cautioning them against Dr. Petty. See Letters.


Galland, Jo., 92, 101, 196.

Galmoy, 89.

Galway and Sligo, Strafford's survey relating to, contents of, 57.

——— Strafford's maps of, doubted if ever made; estate maps in possession of families in; few surveys of, made by Dr. Petty; except of towns, none remain in Record Office; county map of, subsequently engraved by Dr. Petty; difficulty of establishing title for the King in, 325. Specimen sheet of Strafford Survey of a parish in, 393.

Garrisons, 75.

Geometrical Survey. See Survey.

Gibbon, Ffrancis, 76.

Glanneroughty, 85, 93, 94, 102.

————— county Kerry, lands assigned to Dr. Petty in, 226.

Glascocke, George, 244.

Godfrey, John, 80, 89, 93, 243.

Goodman, William, 243.

Goodwin, Robert, 23.

——— Samuel, 31.

——— William, 243.

Gookin, Vincent, 86, 224, 226, 227, 266, 273, 274, 276, 282, 289, 343.

—————— commissioner for distribubution of land, 185.

Gore, Ffrancis, 73, 75, 76, 79, 92, 196.

Gorge, Robert, auditor-general, 150, 164.

——— Dr., 261.

Gough, Mr. Christ., 152, 154, 155, 183, 216.

Gower, Thomas, 243, 249.

Gowran, 73.

Greenesmith, Jo., 243, 249.

Groats. See Advancements and Abatements.

Gross survey, 68, 359.

————— only a few fragments remain, 313.

————— specimen sheet of, 395.

Gualtier, 89.

Gunston, William, 243.


Hall, Godfrey, 243.

——— Jo., ib.

Hand, James, 265.

Harbours' mouths, in sea or navigable rivers, width of, by intersection, to be given; size and distance of islands or rocks, the place of the bar, soundings, anchorage, course of channels, sand-banks, &c., to be noted, 48, 123, 323, 324.

Hardiman, Mr., description of adventurers, &c., by, 319.

—————— preserves Dr. Petty's efforts at collecting topographical memoirs, 348.

Hawkes, Henry, 244.

Heiden, William, 79, 89, 93.

Herbert, Thomas, clerk of council, 12, 22, 35, 39, 43, 64, 65, 77, 87, 108—110, 134—136, 149, 151, 152, 154, 157, 161, 164, 165, 167, 168, 170, 172, 183, 188, 203, 205, 206, 214, 222, 252, 261, 266, 268, 274, 277, 279.

————— secretary to commissioners of Commonwealth, 4, 7, 54.

Hewson, Colonel, 4, 12, 30, 39, 107.

Hiccocks, William, 243, 249.

Hide, Mr., 252, 257.

Hieron, John, 244.

Hill, Ffrancis, 243.

Historical papers collected by and preserved in Survey Office. See Ordnance Survey.

Hodges and Smith, manuscripts in possession of, 334, 341.

Holland, John, 243, 249.

Hopkins, Wm., 127, 133, 141, 143, 149, 150.

Hudson, Thomas, 244.

Humphreys, John, and Lewis Smith's difficulties in surveying Kerry. See Kerry.

Humphrey, John, 244.

Hurd, H., 73, 75, 76, 80, 92, 101, 196.

Hutchinson, James, 73, 75.

————— Richard, 243.


Iffa and Offa, no survey of, 57.

Ikerine, survey documents of, 55.

lleagh, survey documents of, ib.

Ingoldsby, George, 180.

————— Colonel Sir Henry, 69, 76, 79, 164, 165, 180.

Instructions for survey, 63, 313, 391.

————— impediments in carrying out of, to be noted, 50.

Instruments made in Dublin, 17, 316.

————— needles of compasses, 17.

————— little magnetic variation in Ireland in year 1657, 323.

————— chains, scales, and protractors, to be often examined, 49.

————— pawned by surveyors, 122.

————— taken by Tories, 125.

————— seven soldiers and a corporal to attend each, 45.

————— &c., supplied by Dr. Petty to the surveyors, 53.

Iraght Icannor, 95.

Ireland to be declared a member of the Commonwealth, and enjoy free trade with England, 70.

————— more charged on it than one-half as much more land would pay, 82, 343.

Islands. See "Lands no Surrounds" and "Harbours."

Iveragh, 44, 85, 91, 102.


Jackeson, Mr., of Limerick, payment to, 51.

Jammick, Hugh, unsatisfied debenture of, 223.

Jenner, Thomas, 244.

Jeoffrys, Mr. Robert, 268, 274, 276, 282.

Jeoner, Jo., 73, 76.

Johnson, Henry, 198.

Jones, Dr., 39.

——— Henry, 89, 180.

——— Major, 30.

——— Thomas, 79.

——— Scout, Mr. General, 30.

——— Colonel, revolt under, 70, 74.

——— Theo., 92.

Juries. See Sheriffs.

Juxon, Thomas, 243.


Kerricurrihy, East, rents in, 77.

Kerry, rents in, ib.

——— drunken surveyors in, &c., 80.

——— number of profitable and unprofitable acres in, 84.

——— Dr. Petty's explanation relative to survey and value of, &c., ib.

——— address of army agents for Leinster and Ulster, proposing that Iveragh and Dunkerron may not be laid aside, but divided like the other parts of Munster, 91.

Kerry, address of Munster agents on the subject of these baronies andof Glanneroughty. 93. See also 102.

—— defects in Munster lots pieced out of, &c., 193. Amount to be satisfied in, 198, 202, 203.

—— Lewis Smith's description of the survey of by himself and John Humphreys, 89, 93; delay in the subdivision of; difficulty of fixing profitable portions and of making their instructions applicable to this county; complaint as to remuneration, &c., 101.

—— plowlands in, laid out so as to make them equal in value to each other, 96; most part of, not worth the quit-rents, 98.

—— lands in, should be distributed according to value, not according to acres, 97.

—— Dr. Petty 's opinion of above, 102, 330.

—— contents of baronies in examined, in surveyor-general's office, 107, 137, 183.

—— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 114.

—— difficulties of distribution of lands in, 187.

—— satisfaction of Majors King and Ormsby in, 195.

—— lands in, assigned and set out to Dr. Petty in Kilmore and Toysista, 226.

—— Dr. Petty accounts for selecting lands in, 281, 287.

—— survey of lands in, 259.

—— desolate in consequence of Desmond wars in, 330.

—— instructions of Dr. Petty to Mr. Cheesey relative to his property in, 401.

Kilcoursey, survey of, 62.

Kildare, 107, 108, 183.

——— contents of baronies in examined, in surveyor-general's office, 138.

——— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.

Kildare, valuation of incumbrances in, 199.

——— proposal that it be distributed among adventurers and soldiers, 246. See also 251, 337.

——— surveyed without the aid of civil survey, 332.

Kilkenny, 107, 108.

———— contents of baronies in examined, in surveyor-general's office, 138.

———— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146, 183.

———— distribution of land to disbanded forces in, 73.

———— commission under the Act of Satisfaction, for surveying of lands in, 382.

Kilmore, lands assigned to Dr. Petty in, 226.

Kilnelongerty, Strafford's survey, documents of, 55, 62.

————— now included in Kilnemanagh, 326.

Kilnemanagh, Strafford's survey, documents of, 55, 62.

Kinalea, rents in, 77.

King, Mr. R., 180, 224, 274, 276, 282, 343.

King's County, 92.

————— survey for Dr. Petty by Dr. Patrick Ragget, 62.

————— early survey of, 346.

————— contents of baronies in, examined, in surveyor-general's office, 138.

————— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.

————— King's County, lands assigned to Dr. Petty in Ballyboy; extent and price named, 215.

————— articles and agreement relative to, 216.


Lambert, Major-General, designed for government of Ireland, 1.

Lands of rebels, Act under which they are declared forfeited, 317; and contributions secured on, 318.

—— in controversy, survey, or inquiry of, to be made by commissioners, 6, 43, 321.

—— profitable and unprofitable, Act did not prescribe any rule for distinguishing of, 6, 7.

—— profitable and unprofitable, arable, meadow, and pasture, wood, bog, and mountain, to be distinguished, 13, 14, 24, 313, 337.

—— to be surveyed and admeasured into the smallest denomination of known bounds, 14, 24, 27.

—— no surround to be made of less than forty acres, unless some islands in rivers, loughs, or bogs, 14, 24, 321.

—— to be surveyed according to proprieties and denominations; no surrounds exceedceeding 350 acres, 44.

—— in three counties laid apart for cautionary security towards arrears due before 1649; lands in lieu may be taken from Connaught, exempted from the Irish, for garrisons, plantations near the sea and Shannon, 75, 318. See also Mile Line.

—— complaints that unprofitable were thrown in as profitable, 70, 80, 329.

—— profitable and unprofitable, 78; one acre of the latter thrown in with every eight of the former, 81.

—— probable correctness of above, when compared with modern documents, 329.

—— value of, soldiers rejoiced at their lots yielding 12d. per acre; some lots worth 12d. a year, others 6s., 82.

Lands liable for the arrears, except Wicklow. Longford, and Donegal, to be distributed according to Dr. Petty's survey, 86.

—— profitable and unprofitable, Lewis Smith's interpretation of meaning of, under the Act, 98.

—— reserved for Commonwealth, 77, 150.

—— doubtful or incumbered, or where there is no certainty as to whether they are forfeited or not, to be respited, 188.

—— distribution of, arrangement as to the overplus or deficiency; disputed profitable or unprofitable; exchanges or reprisals; collusions or abuses; disposal of scraps and remnants, 190; Church lands, &c., 193.

—— dubious, disposal of, 199, 208.

—— incumbered, rates of letting and boxing for, 200, 328. See also Lotteries.

—— distributed in 1655, mistakes in sales or alienations of, 201.

—— order of council on above lands, 202.

—— cessation of claims on, until accounts be perfected and lands received by disbanded, &c., in 1653, be returned by the surveyors, &c., 201, 205.

—— distributed in 1655, where more than a due proportion has been allotted, same to be rescinded, 204.

—— purchase of, by Dr. Petty. See Petty, Dr. See also Forfeited Lands.

Lawrence, Colonel Richard, 12, 30, 47, 81, 89, 93, 107, 204, 206, 265, 267, 269, 273, 277, 279, 280, 282, 331.

Lawson, William, 244.

Leader, Richard and David, 243.

Leigh, James, 181.

Leinster, Orier and Ffewes drawn with, as security, and divided, 89, 90.

——— contributions towards quelling rebellion secured on, 318.

Leinster, western division of, agents of, require books, maps, debentures, &c., 189.

——— five-sevenths cannot be so well satisfied in, as in Munster, 193.

——— and Ulster, allotment of, 6, 79, 195.

——— rates of satisfaction received by soldiers in, 196, 328.

——— value of lands in, wood, bog, &c., cast in, 337.

——— and Ulster, price paid by Dr. Petty for 3000 acres of lands in, 288.

Letters, anonymous, to Alderman Fowke, Dr. Petty, and N. Davenport, Esq., &c., containing serious charges against Dr. Petty; latter intercepted and delivered to Lord Lieutenant, 229, 257, 262, 340.

Lewin, Edmund, 243.

Limerick, surveyed at great additional cost, through neglect of commissioners of civil survey, 131, 132, 134—136, 154.

——— value of lands in, 133, 151.

——— payment for survey of, to Dr. Petty, 136, 333.

——— instructions under the Act of Satisfaction to surveyor for, 386.

——— North Liberties of city of, lands in, set out to Dr. Petty, 225, 340.

——— did by law belong to Wexford lot, 283.

——— statement as to how Dr. Petty became possessed of, 260.

——— possession of by Dr. Petty enumerated among the charges before the House against the Doctor, 299.

Lincolne, Thomas, 243.

Linne, Samuel, 244.

Lloyd, Charles, 243, 249.

—— Rice, 32.

Londonderry, 107, 108, 183.

————— geology of. See Ordnance Survey.

————— rents in, 77.

Londonderry, contents of baronies in, examined in surveyor-general's office, 140.

————— profitable and unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 142, 145, 146.

————— early survey of, 346.

Long, Thomas, 180, 263.

Longford, contents of baronies in, examined in surveyor-general's office, 138.

——— quantity of profitable and unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144.

——— distribution of land to disbanded forces in, 73, 86, 107, 108, 183, 184.

Lord Lieutenant, 252, 262, 266, 268, 279, 291, 295.

Lotteries of lands to army, 188, 189, 190, 328.

———— legal opinion as to, 253.

Louth, 170, 184, 193, 203, 207.

——— distribution of land to disbanded forces in, 73, 337.

——— except Atherdee (Ardee) to be added to the list of redundant baronies, 237.

——— proposal to have land of reserved for adventurers only, 246, 250, 318.

Lowe, William, 92, 101.

Lucas, Edward, 52.


Magnetic variation. See Instruments.

Magunnity in Kerry, 95.

Malahide Castle, length of time in possession of the Talbot family, 317.

Mansell, Jo., 80, 181.

Maps, plots, and books of reference already made to be allowed for by Dr. Petty, 15.

—— of baronies and counties to be made by Dr. Petty, 315.

—— plots, and books of reference of all parcels and subdivisions to be returned to surveyor-general; plots to be on scales named, 14, 25, 49, 324, 335.

Maps to be supplied to soldiers where required, but not of less than 1000 acres, 14, 24.

—— delivered accordingly, 183.

—— description of, so delivered, 323, 326.

—— of Ireland, engraved on copper by Dr. Petty, on such scale as to keep each barony on a sheet of paper, 323, 324. See Plots.

—— alone, not a survey without topographical memoirs, 347, 348.

—— of Ireland previous to Down Survey, 346.

Markham, H., 31.

Meath, surveys under forty acres numerous in, 43, 321.

——— contents of baronies in, examined in surveyor-general's office, 139.

——— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.

——— lands set out and assigned to Dr. Petty in Duleek, Fore, and Rathoath, 215.

——— articles and agreement relative to, 216.

——— lands set out, &c., to Dr. Petty in Duleek, formerly the property of Nicholas Darcey; extent and terms of, 226, 227.

Medicaments, a saving effected by Dr. Petty in cost of, 1,2.

Melhvish, Mary, 243.

Memoirs, descriptive, by Dr. Petty, 323, 348.

——— effort to publish, with Ordnance survey maps. See Ordnance Survey.

Meredith, William, 198.

———— Sir Robert, 298.

Meresmen, 49; marksmen, chainmen, &c., employment of, and wages paid to, 35, 324; officers and soldiers to assist, 39, 40, 320.

Merricke, Jo., 244.

Methwold, William, 243.

Miclethwait, Nathaniel, 243, 249.

Middlethird, 89.

————— no survey of, 57.

Mile-line around the coast of Connaught; Irish excluded from, 75, 225, 318, 356.

Monck, Henry, 154, 155, 346.

——— Colonel, 70.

Moncke, General, equivalent for lands of, set out to Dr. Petty, 224, 281, 285.

Moore, William, 92.

More, William, 73.

Morgan, Sir Anthony, 79, 86, 107, 108, 109, 111, 187, 263, 265, 267, 270, 273.

——— William, 52.

Morris, William, 73, 80, 89.

Mosse, Thomas, 73, 75, 76.

Mosyer, Jo., 247, 249, 252, 257.

Mountains, height of, to be measured in feet, describing them and giving their names and true places, 48, 123, 346.

Mullineux, Captain, 12, 107, 108, 111.

Mulrian. See Owny Mulrian.

Munster, 79.

——— contributions towards quelling rebellion, secured on, 318.

——— petition to have security left with soldiers, viz. Cranagh and Galmoy, drawn with, as security, and divided; Gaultier and Middlethird not divided, 89, 90.

——— further division of, by commissioners for distribution of lands, 191; manner in which performed, 193, 195.

——— value of lands in; wood, bog, &c., cast in, 337.

——— legal opinion as to distribution of land in, by committee of claims, beyond the value of £110,000, 253.


Names of places, true names to be ascertained, 48.

——— barbarous and uncouth names ordered to be changed, 326.

Names, mode adopted for ascertaining correct names for Ordnance Survey, 326.

——— on Ordnance maps might with advantage be made general, 327.

Natural History, museum of. See Ordnance Survey.

Needles, variation of. See Instruments.

Nelson, Jon., 73, 75, 76, 79, 92, 198, 265.

Newcomen, Robert, 19.

Norden, Irish maps by, 346.

Norman, Robert, 243

Notes, 307.


O' Flaherty's Description of West Connaught, edited by Mr. Hardiman, efforts of Dr. Petty preserved in, 348.

Orders of council, legal opinion as to effect of, 255.

Ordnance Survey, superintendent of, possessed many of the qualities of Dr. Petty, 314.

————— instructions for, very similar to those for Down Survey, 324.

————— object of, &c., differing from Down Survey, 347.

————— index maps of counties made on such scales as would bring each within a sheet of paper, 324.

————— plan adopted in establishing orthography for, 326.

————— boundaries of, recognised by Acts of Parliament, 327.

————— historical papers collected during the progress of, and still preserved in Ordnance Survey Office; memoir of Templemore; geology of Londonderry; museum of natural history, &c., 348.

Orier, 92.

Ormond, Duke of, 344.

——— Upper and Lower, survey documents of, 55, 62.

Ormsby, Robert, 73, 76, 265.

Orphans. See Widows.

Ortelius, Irish maps by, 346.

Orthography. See Names.

Ossory, Upper, 92, 102.

Owen, Captain George, 164, 165.

—— Henry, 76.

—— Thomas, 244.

—— Owney and Arra, survey documents of, 62.

Ownybeg, survey documents of, 55, 62.

————— survey of, not charged in Dr. Petty's account, but subsequently claimed by him, 164. Report on, 165. Order to pay the amount, 166.

————— in County Limerick, 166.

Owny Mulrian, survey documents of, 55.

————— now included in Owny and Arra, 326.

Oxmantown, Captain Sands' house in, said to be given as a bribe to Dr. Petty, 298.


Palmer, Jeo., 251, 252.

Papists, affection of, 186.

——— employment of, objected to by Mr. Worsley, and explained by Dr. Petty, 20, 317.

Peaker, Tobias, 181.

Pepys, Richard, 224, 228, 229.

——— diary, notice of Dr. Petty in, 348, 349.

Perrott, Jo., 243.

Petty, Dr., advised to go to Ireland, 1.

———— physician to the forces, Lieut.-Gen. Fleetwood and family, in Ireland, 1, 311.

———— offered to refund four or five first years' salary, if allowed the lowest usual reward for his services as physician, 2.

———— reasons for undertaking the geometrical surveys, 3, 311.

———— proposal that the lands be surveyed down, recommended, 12, 312.

Petty, Dr., proposal to admeasure forfeited lands, if protected against Tories, and supplied with bounders, &c., for £30,000, or £6 per 1000 acres, 7, 9, 313. Above taken into consideration, 13, 314.

———— proposal to survey Crown, Church, and corporation lands, 17, 316.

———— advances to, 22, 27, 28, 30.

———— remarks upon cost of present and previous survey, compared with a fictitious proposal, by which Dr. Petty was to be allowed £2000, and pay for fifty soldiers for thirteen months, 45, 46.

———— agreement made with, to be considered; also the soldiers' proportion of pay to be made to him, and how same may be reimbursed to treasury, and how money to be paid to Dr. Petty may be obtained, 64. See also Agreement.

———— reply to the complaints, that the fixed scale of payment induced him to return too much as profitable, 80, 81, 329.

———— in much credit with army and council, and appointed for distributing lands, 102, 185, 207, 348.

———— remuneration to, for above, 340, 344, 348.

———— account of his proceedings; application to be paid for survey, 103.

———— sureties, application to have them released, 129, 335.

———— accounts of. See Accounts.

———— duties which lay wholly on, 207.

———— secretary to Lord Lieutenant and clerk of the council, and members of Parliament, 208, 209, 273, 289, 293, 342, 345.

———— considered the Robin Goodfellow and Oberon of the country, 209.

———— accusations against, ib.

———— dealings of, in lands and purchasing of debentures by, 210, 212—214, 216, 222, 223, 272, 280, 333, 334, 337—340, 342—344.

Petty, Dr., debt due to, by soldiers on lands undisposed of, 212; same sanctioned, 214.

———— lands set out and assigned to, in King's Co., Co. Meath, and province of Ulster, 215, 216, 218, 219, 226; in North Liberties of city of Limerick, 225, 340, 343, 344; in Co. Kerry, 226, 340; and Ballintoy, 260, 334, 338, 339, 343.

———— lands set out to, in consideration of the debenture of Hugh Jammick, 223.

———— anonymous charges against, addressed to committee sitting at Grocers' Hall. See Letters.

———— appointed to act as sole trustee for committee of adventurers sitting at Grocers' Hall; three half-pence per acre to be paid to for duties named, 247, 330; also appointed by Lord Lieutenant and council as requested by above, 252.

———— several attempts and stratagems to injure; proposed to be put in command of a troop of horse, believing, as he was no soldier, he should soon be disgraced, 257.

———— reports relative to, in England and Ireland, 263, 341.

———— rides night and day from London, and returns to Dublin, having encountered the greatest storm that ever was known, 268.

———— petitions to have further arrears due to him satisfied with land, 272; petition referred to committee named for report, 273, 342; some of the committee report upon the debt accordingly, others refuse to sign it, who subsequently request time to state their exceptions, 274, 276, 277, 342.

———— petitions for reward for his services as commissioner for setting out lands to the army, 276, 348.

Petty, Dr., petitions stating the above exceptions are only intended to ruin and disgrace him, and hopes the case may be put in such a way that after this trial he may not be subjected to more molestation, &c., 278, 342.

———— ordered that the committee prepare their charges in writing, 279; committee complain that Dr. Petty refuses to show them maps, books, &c., 280; committee state their exceptions, 280, 281, 340.

———— replies to the several charges, 280; and furnishes an account in detail of debts due him; prices at which lands were purchased by him, &c., 280, 343.

———— summoned to attend the House to answer certain charges of misdemeanours, frauds, and breach of trust preferred against him by Sir Hierome Sankey, 289, 345.

———— answers before the House to the several charges, 292, 343.

———— details the duties he performed in Ireland; the amount of money he received; his dealings in debentures and lands; defends his acts as a commissioner, and the acts of the other commissioners for distribution of lands; describes his accuser, attributes the accusations to malice, &c., and seeks the protection of the House, 292. Sir Hierome Sankey replies, accuses the Doctor of receiving bribes in money, a house and lands; names the parties and localities; and that he gave in a duplicate of Strafford's survey as the Down Survey; and did not put into the Exchequer certain maps and documents, 298.

———— explains relative to maps, 300; ordered that the Lord Lieutenant and Council do dispose of those papers according to law, 300; the House dissolved, and Dr. Petty returned to Ireland, 301.

Petty, Dr., employed to carry to Parliament the lord lieutenant's letter resigning the lord lieutenancy, 301.

———— Colonel Sankey presents to the next meeting of Parliament charges of high misdemeanours, frauds, breach of trusts, and several other crimes, 302, 345.

———— accused of unjustly possessing himself of many of the chiefest places and seats; of obtaining large amounts of money and debentures under several pretences; of delaying payments to his surveyors until he forced them to a compromise; and that he retained maps, books, &c., of the survey instead of depositing them in the Exchequer. The above charges ordered by Parliament to be referred to the commissioners for managing the government in Ireland, 307, 343.

———— works by, 314, 334, 348.

———— petitions the King for assistance to make a general map, 323.

———— avails himself of means and men about him, 323.

———— communication with Sir Robert Southwell and Sir Richard Cox, 333.

———— power given to, after Restoration, for levying 1d. per acre where due, 334, 348.

———— amount of pence due to, 339.

———— duplicate of will, notice of, 341.

———— coadjutors appear also in book of distribution as possessors of land, 343.

———— suit of, against Duke of Ormond, 344.

———— personal character of, 344, 347, 349.

———— maps engraved by, 347.

———— only portrait of, ib.

———— notices of, in Pepys' and Evelyn's diaries, 348, 349.

———— an early and distinguished member of Royal Society of London, 348.

———— notice of his double ship, ib.

Petty, Dr., one of the commissioners for carrying out instructions of Act of Settlement, 348.

———— encouraged by Act to finish the maps, 348.

———— knighted at Whitehall in April, 1661, 349.

———— petitions of, to the King, 398—400.

Phayre, Robert, 92, 196, 198.

Phillipstowne, survey of, 62.

Pike, Edward, 244.

Plots. See Books of Reference.

—— still in Record Office, 324.

—— of baronies to be reduced to such scale as to fit on one sheet of paper, 49, 324.

—— or protractions, instructions relative to, 49, 50, 324.

Plowlands, townlands, and cartrons. See Crown Lands, Kerry, and Forfeited Lands.

Ponsonby, John, 181.

Pope, Andrew, 244.

Preston, Ric, 101.

——— Robert, 73, 75, 76, 80, 92, 180, 196.

Prittie, Henry, 73, 180.

Protestants encouraged to plant and inhabit Ireland, 184, 359, 364, 380.

———— claims of, 186.

Protractors, Mr. Worsley proposes they should be paid by the State, 21.

———— instructions relative to, 49, 324.

Purefoy, Art., 180.

——— William, 92, 101.


Queen's County, contents of baronies examined in surveyor-general's office, 138.

—————— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church, and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144, 145, 146.

—————— early survey of, 346.


Ragget, Dr. Patrick. See Tipperary.

Ratcliff, Hu., 249.

Ratoath. See Meath.

Rawlins, J., 92, 101.

Rebels. See Lands of.

Read, Jo., 180.

Record commission, reports of, description of adventurers, &c., in, by Mr. Hardiman, 319.

——— Office, papers of Down Survey in, 314, 323, 324, 325, 333. See Appendix.

——— Tower, petitions of Dr. Petty preserved in, 326, 348. See Appendix.

Records, &c., of forfeited lands, order of council for Dr. Petty to view and copy, 38.

Redman, Daniel, 92, 101.

Regiments. See Army.

Register, oath to be taken by, 375.

———— deputy, oath to be taken by, ib.

———— public, remuneration awarded to, by committee of adventurers sitting at Grocers' Hall. See Clerks of Council.

Reynolds, Commissary-General Sir John, 12, 30, 67, 79.

Roads, highways, and rivers, to be noted, giving breadth and depths, together with falls and islands, 48, 123, 323.

Roberts, Edward, 4, 7, 31, 150, 156, 158, 159, 163, 165, 180, 274, 276, 282, 289.

Rolfe, Jo., 244.

Rowley, Hugh, 243.

Rushley, Jer., 244.

Russell, Ja., 181.


Sadler, Colonel Thomas, 86, 265.

St. George, Oliver, 180.

St. Nicholas, Tho., clerk of Parliament, 307.

Salt, Cape, 4, 7.

Sandford, Theobald, 265.

Sandon, John, 244.

Sands, Cap., house of. See Oxmantown.

Sankey, Sir Hierome, 67, 69, 76, 79, 89, 93, 102, 107, 265, 267, 273, 289, 290, 291, 298, 302, 307, 314; bent on sueing Dr. Petty for £15,000 damages, 81.

———————— charges of misdemeanour, fraud, and breach of trust, preferred by, against Dr. Petty, to the House of Commons, 290, 302, 345.

———————— took a prominent part in proceedings of army, 345; commanded Irish Brigade in north of England, 346.

Saunders, Colonel, 30, 164, 165.

———— Lawrence, 243.

———— Robert, 92.

Scobell, Henry, 88.

Scholars of Trinity College, employment of forbidden by the Provost, 21, 317.

Sea and fishing, advantage of in Kerry, 92.

Seares, Thomas, 243.

Searles, Chr., 244.

Security to be given by Dr. Petty, 17, 22, 27.

——— bond of, perfected, 31.

Seeling, Jo., 244.

Shannon, 75.

———— mile-line of. See Mile-line.

Shaw, Captain William, 4, 7, 12, 30, 39, 79, 181, 265, 267, 270, 273, 274, 279, 282.

Sheapheard, Thomas, 180.

Sheriffs, proposal that they be authorized to empannel juries to determine wrongs in distribution of lands, 245; and that they be authorized to give possession when lots are confirmed by council, 246.

Sibly, Sol., 244.

Slevardagh and Compsy, no survey of, 57.

Sleavelogher mountain in Kerry, 95.

Sled, William, 244.

Sligo. See Galway.

Smith, Major, 19, 30, 39.

——— Jo., 243, 290.

——— Lewis, and John Humphreys; delays and difficulties in surveying forfeited lands in Kerry by. See Kerry.

——— Robert, 92, 101.

Snelling, Erasmus, 244.

Soldiers to be trained for field-work, 18.

——— objected to by Mr. Worsley, 19.

——— defended by Dr. Petty, 21, 316.

——— billets, &c., for, 320.

——— delay occasioned by removal of, to England and Scotland, 126.

——— maimed, to be speedily put in possession of their arrears, 67, 318, 328. See also Army.

Southwell, Sir Robert, 333, 334.

Spanish money paid to Dr. Petty instead of English, 124, 332.

Spursto, William, 243.

Standish, Henry, 243.

——— James, 4, 7, 64, 157, 161, 163, 164, 165, 180, 182, 183, 216.

Stanley, Thomas, 79, 89, 93.

Stannel, Ro., 73, 76.

Stanyard, Robert, 79.

Staples, Alexander, 80, 89, 93, 181.

Steele, William, Cane, 166, 224, 228, 229.

Stephens, Lieut.-Col., 30, 180.

Stopford, James, 79, 92, 101, 180, 265.

———— John, 73.

———— Theobald, 265.

Storm, great, encountered by Dr. Petty, 268.

Strafford, Earl of, 54, 315, 325.

Strafford survey, 60, 315, 325; probable rate paid for, 316.

——————— nature of, and prior to Down Survey, 346.

——————— of Connaught all burned, 325.

Strafford Survey of Tipperary said to be used by Dr. Petty for Down Survey, 239, 325, 327.

——————— of Galway and Sligo, 57.

——————— of Galway, doubtful if ever completed, 325.

——————— specimen sheet of, 393.

Sullivan, Cor., 19.

Survey by Mr. Worsley, mistake in system of, shown by Dr. Petty, and remedy offered, 3, 312.

——— committee to consider how it may be cheaply and expeditiously done, 4, 7, 313, 319.

——— of forfeited and profitable lands; reasons of committee for objecting to payment for such lands only, 8, 9, 313.

——— security, &c., for. See Security.

——— articles of agreement for. See Agreement.

——— proposal that previous cost of, be borne by the State or purchaser, 15.

——— army to pay 1d. per acre for, in addition to the £3 per 1000 to be paid by the State, 15, 22, 27.

——— complaints against, to be made within twelve months after subdivision, and three months allowed to Dr. Petty for correcting and amending, 29.

——— and subdivision committee ordered to consider how to begin, 39; report of, 40; observations on above, by Dr. Petty, 42.

——— obstructions and controversies. See Lands.

——— to be protracted on single sheets of paper on scales named. See Maps.

——— private admeasurements collected. 194,313; executed in Ireland previous to Down Survey, 346.

——— examiner-general of, to reside in Dublin, 45, 322.

——— taken by adventurers, imperfections of, 234; differences between it and Down Survey, 240, 312, 316; allotments under, 250; legal opinion as to whether this survey or the Down Survey ought to be adopted, 256.

Survey performed for adventurers by Dr. Petty and Mr. Worsley, 325, 333, 341. See also Down Survey.

Surveying, art of, divided into field-work, protracting, &c., 17.

Surveyor-general, 268, 274; salary of, 316.

——————— office of, See Elephant.

——————— remuneration awarded to, at Grocers' Hall. See Clerks of Council.

——————— oath taken by, 374, 388.

Surveyors, two or more to be appointed to each county, for admeasuring lands in each barony fallen by lot to the soldiers, 5, 319.

———— oath to be taken by, 375.

———— clerks and meresmen to be allowed to assist them, 312.

———— payment to, 6, 29, 329; said to exceed preceding rate of surrounding whole baronies, 8.

———— previously employed, terms for, proposed by Dr. Petty, if his plans be approved, 9, 313, 314, 332, 333, 335.

———— agreements of, broken by, 122.

———— lately employed by Mr. Worsley remonstrate against Dr. Petty's terms, plan of working, &c., 19; reply of Dr. Petty to above, ib.

———— examination of, proposed by Mr. Worsley, 21.

———— trained under Dr. Petty's eye, near Dublin. See Artists.

———— informed by Mr. Worsley of Dr. Petty's undertaking, and instructed not to enter on any new surrounds, 31, 319.

———— money expended on gross surrounds reimbursed to, 51.

Surveyors, instructions to, by Dr. Petty, 5, 6, 46, 61, 313, 322.

———— who protract their own work, and vice versâ, instructions relative to, 49, 324.

———— form of certificate of, to work, 31; and certificate as to payment, and to plots sent into surveyor-general's office, 52.

———— said to be ignorant and drunken, and defence of, by Dr. Petty, 80, 82.

———— old, would not work otherwise than by the 1000 acres, 83, 332, 333, 335.

———— new, paid by the mile, 83, 329.

Sumpter, Giles, 243.

Sutton, Charles, 244.

Sweeting, Jo., 243.

Symmer, Major, 12, 13, 54, 57, 86, 107, 108, 208, 224, 226, 227, 266, 273.

——— Miles, commissioner for distribution of land, 185, 343.


Tables in manuscript book, errors and corrections in, 333.

Taylor, Jo., 244.

——— Matthew, 244.

——— Thomas, 52, 189, 195.

Templemore, memoir of. See Ordnance Survey.

Theobalds, Daniel, 244.

Thomlins, Ed., 80.

Thomlinson, Colonel Matthew, 23, 134, 135, 224, 228, 229, 331.

Thompson, Jo., 181.

———— Ma., 243, 249.

Thornehill, Robert, 265.

Tipperary, surveys of, made in Earl of Strafford's time, documents of, delivered to Dr. Petty to be examined, 54, 55, 58; report on approval of, 57; value of to Dr. Petty, 62, 63, 326; and destruction of, by fire, 325, 327.

Tipperary, specimen sheet of civil survey of a barony in, 394; parishes in, 58.

———— uninhabited and waste, 60.

———— one of barony-books described by Mr.Worsley remains in Record Office, 325.

———— revision of documents of, by Dr. Patrick Ragget; Dr.Petty's agreement with him, 62; maps now remaining only copies made by Dr. Ragget, 327.

———— contents of baronies in, examined in surveyor-general's office, 137.

———— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.

———— Strafford's survey of, said to be used by Dr. Petty for Down Survey, 259, 325, 327.

Topographical memoirs. See Memoirs.

Tories, 9.

Townlands. See Plowlands.

Towns, churches, castles, houses, hills, raths, &c., true places of, to be determined, 37, 47, 48, 50, 123, 313, 322, 326.

Trading with England, 70, 79, 328.

Treasurers-at-war, 158, 160.

Treasury low, 223.

Tredagh, liberties of, possessed by surveyor-general's friends, 260.

Trees. See Woods.

Tremlett, Barnett, 243.

Trevis, William, 52.

Trinity College. See Scholars.

Trughanacny, 95.

Tuosist (Toysista), County Kerry lands assigned to Dr. Petty in, 226.

Turner, Methuselah, 250.

Tyrone, 107, 108, 183; contents of baronies examined in surveyor-general's office, 140.

——— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.

Tyrone, specimen sheet of gross survey of a barony in, 395.

Ulster, distribution of land to disbanded forces in, 73.

——— contributions towards quelling rebellion secured on, 318.

——— value of land in, wood, bog, &c, to be thrown in, 337.

——— lands in, not distributed because English proprietors have mortgages on them; proposed that lands of the rebels equal to their debt be given them, and the remainder distributed among the soldiers, 75.

——— payment on account of survey of, 79.

——— and Leinster, five-sevenths cannot be so well satisfied in as in Munster, 193, 195.

——— amount received as satisfaction in, by the forces, 196, 328.

——— lands set out and assigned to Dr. Petty in; extent and prices named, 215, 288.

——— articles of agreement relative to, 216. Underhill, Thomas, 243.


Vernon, Quarter-Master General, 30, 39.

Vise, John, 52.

Voyce, Gam., 244.


Wade, Samwell, 165.

Wages paid to examiners and house-workers, surveyors and others employed, 35, 51, 53.

Walcot, Thomas, 73, 75, 76, 80.

Waldenses, contribution of army towards relief of, 66, 328.

Walker, William, 73, 76, 79.

Waller, Sir Hardress, 4, 7, 10, 12,13, 30, 31, 39, 40, 79, 86, 89, 180, 204, 206, 265.

————————— one of Dr. Petty's sureties, and accused of sharing with the Doctor the profits of the survey, 33.

Waller, Sir Hardress, son of, employment of by Dr. Petty, 34.

——— Ric, 73, 75, 76.

Wallis, Peter, 73, 75, 79, 92, 101, 196, 265.

Warden, William, 180.

Warrants issued for men to show the meres; for list of lands to be surveyed, for access to surveys and records, and for committee of officers to consider how work might be commenced, 32, 319; for stoppage from army to pay Dr. Petty. 157, 160.

Warren, A., 73, 75, 76, 180, 196.

——— John, 92, 101.

——— Capt. Edward, 73, 75, 92, 101, 181, 189, 196, 267, 273, 274,277, 279, 280, 282.

——— Lieut.-Colonel, 267.

Warrington, Edward, 181.

Warringstowne, survey of, 62.

Waterford, contents of baronies in, examined in surveyor-general's office, 137.

———— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.

Weale, Mr., 333.

Webb, Captain, 107, 108, 111.

Westmeath, contents of baronies in, examined in surveyor-general's office, 139.

————— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.

————— instructions under the Act cf Satisfaction to commissioners for holding and keeping courts of survey in, 383.

Wexford, 107, 108, 183; contents of baronies examined in surveyor-general's office, 139.

———— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 144—146.

———— rents in, 77.

Wexford, equivalent for lands of General Monke in, set out to Dr. Petty, 224, 281, 285.

———— sheet from Down Survey of, 396.

Wheeler, Jo., 73.

———— Ffra., 79.

Whittaker, William, 244.

Wicklow, 107, 108, 183.

———— surveyed without aid of civil survey at great additional cost, and cannot be perfected, 124, 131, 132, 134, 136, 151, 154.

———— value of land in, 135.

———— cost of, allowed Dr. Petty, 156, 333.

Widows, orphans, and maimed soldiers to be speedily put in possession of their arrears, 67, 199, 318, 328.

Williams, Jo., 243.

Wilton, George, 180.

Winkworth, Captain, 299.

Winston, Ric, 243.

Wood, Dr., new property of a circle discovered by, and author of papers in Transactions of Royal Society, 323.

——— Edward, 243.

——— Jo., 243, 249.

Woodhouse, William, 244.

Woodreeves, 70, 79.

Woods not growing upon barren mountains to be surveyed, and number of timber trees estimated, 37.

——— soil on which they grow, as well as the woods, applied for by adventurers, 245.

Worsley, Mr., 4, 7, 12, 13, 39, 54, 57, 107, 111, 112, 115, 119, 150, 159, 168, 183, 291.

Worsley, Mr., as stated by Dr. Petty, failed in great designs in England, was employed in managing the geometrical survey, 2.

————— surveyor-general of Ireland; Dr. Petty's observation on his manner of admeasuring, 2; his exorbitant prices, the dissatisfaction they created in the army; his manner of framing committees to screen his failures, and stating his geometrical surveys were done over again, 3, 312.

————— instructions of, clogged with unnecessary impositions, 7, 319.

————— not responsible for their imperfections, 313; carefully considered, 320.

————— survey of, excelled by proposal of committee, 10, 314; remarks on, as to its value, 312, 313.

————— opposes Dr. Petty's proposals, and labours to obstruct the further consideration of them, ib.

————— remarks of, on above, answered by the Doctor, 11.

————— objections to Dr. Petty's terms, being more than was paid for Connaught and Tipperary, 16.

————— in book of distribution as a possessor of land, 343.

Wright, Nat., 243.


Yardley, An., 181.

Young, Thomas, 243.