History of the Ojibway Nation/Index
- Aboinug (Roasters), Ojibway name for Dakotas, 36, 95, 103
- Achipoue (Ojibway), 398, 408
- Adam, progenitor of the race, 55, 58
- Adders, Ojibway name for Dakotas and Six Nations, 72, 83
- Adoption, as brothers, 269
- Agriculture attempted by Indians, 40, 97
- Ah-ah-wauk, clan or Totem. See Loon.
- Ah-mous (Little Bee), Ojibway chief, 47, 192, 319
- Aish-ke-bug-e-koshe. See Flat Mouth.
- Ais-sance (Little Clam), Ojibway chief, 47, 354
- Aitkin, Alfred, killed, 484
- Aitkin, Miss Matilda (Mrs. W.W. Warren), 14, 16
- Aitkin, William A., 14, 115, 382, 383, 483, 489, 497
- Aitkinsville, Minn., 384
- Askin, Mr., British agent, 373, 375
- A-ke-guiow, Ojibway chief, 192, 317
- Ako (or Accault), Michael, 156
- Algic race, or family, 25, 30, 31, 34, 41, 43, 60, 62, 138, 146, 147
- Algonquin tribe, 30, 117, 118, 124
- Allouez, Claude, 115, 116, 404, 408, 464, 471
- America, how peopled originally, 60
- American Board of Foreign Missions, 386
- American Fur Company, 12, 140, 229
- American government, mismanagement of Indians, 135
- American people, responsibility on them, 23, 31
- Amherst, Gen., 439
- Amikouëts, 403, 413
- André, Jesuit missionary, 408
- Analogies between Hebrews and Algics, 53, 65, 67, 75
- Ance-ke-we-naw, 38, 382, 392
- Ancient mines. See "Copper."
- Anderson, Thomas G., Pottawatomie trader, 32
- Andreani, Count, 446
- Anglo-Saxons, sweeping away red race, 23
- Anguemance, Ojibway chief, 455
- Animals, totems taken from, 42
- An-ish-in-aub-ag, tradition about, 43
- An-ish-in-aub-ag, other references, 37, 56, 57, 67, 68, 81
- Apostle's Islands, 405
- Apple River, Wis., Indian fight at, 499
- Arickarees, 160, 179
- Armatinger [or Ermitinger], English trader, 384, 460
- Arrows, 277, 278
- Arms and weapons, 98, 126. See, also, Fire Arms.
- Ashmun, Samuel, fur trader, 384
- Asiatic origin of American Indians, 61, 62, 71, 72, 74
- Askin, John, report of, 460
- Assenipoels Lake, 423
- Assineboines, 84, 138, 140, 179, 184, 189, 261, 262, 323, 356, 378, 379
- Astor Fur Company, 382, 383, 384, 385
- Astor, John Jacob, 383, 385, 386
- Atlantic Ocean, Ojibway emigration from, 76, 79
- Au-daig-we (Crow's Flesh), Ojibway chief, 317
- A-waus-e Clan, or Totem, 10, 44, 46, 99, 164, 165, 212, 256, 334
- A-wish-toy-ah (Blacksmith), French trader, 275
- Ayer, Rev. Frederic, missionary, 11, 406
- Ayer, Mrs. Elizabeth T., 11, 20, 407
- Ba-be-sig-aun-dib-ay (or Ba-ba-see-keen-da-se). See Curly Head.
- Bad River, 117, 243, 262
- Badge, or Symbol, 42, 45
- Bagouache trading post, 417
- Baker, B.F., post of, 487
- Baldness among Ojibways, 46
- Ball game (Baug-ah-ud-o-way), 201, 202, 265, 359
- Balloqnet, Jesuit missionarj, 409
- Bancroft, Geo., quoted, 90, 115, 116, 122
- Baraga, Bishop, Ojibway missionary, 407
- Bardwell, J.P., Ojibway missionary, 501
- Bariband, early trader, 411
- Barrett, trader, killed, 467
- Battle customs, naked, etc., 84, 244
- Battle Lake, 338, 342, 360
- Battles with Foxes, on Lake Superior, 105; with Munduas, 91; with Iroquois, 147; with Odugamies, 152; of St. Croix Falls, 242, 245, 250, 254, 330, 351; of Elk River, 50, 238, 240; of Rum River, 50, 489; on Point Shagawaumikong, 103; at Mille Lacs, 161; at Point Prescott, 169, 219; do. at Sandy Lake, 227, 235; do. at Crow Wing, 230, 233, 235; do. at Prairie Rice Lake, 312; do. on Sunrise River, 328; do. at Willow River, 329; do. at Battle Lake, 338; do. at Pembina, 354; do. at Cross Lake, 351, 353; do. at Long Prairie, 353, 358, 359, 360; do. at Goose River, 364; do. on Western Prairie, 388; do. at Stillwater, 489; do. at Pokeguma, 491; do. at Kaposia, 493; do. at Shakopee, 502.
- Baug-ah-ud-o-way, or ball, 201, 202, 205, 359
- Bear Totem, 45, 49, 86, 87, 99, 124, 176, 185, 191, 254, 256, 206, 335
- Beardash, eccentric Ojibway, 452, 453
- Beaubassin, Hertel de, 430, 431
- Beauharnois, Governor of Canada, 432
- Beauleau, Bazille, 381, 382
- Beaver trade, 176, 415, 418
- Be-dud, Ojibway warrior, 346
- Belcourt on the word Ojibway, 399
- Bell, trader, 280, 289
- Bell, Mrs., kills the negro "Tom," 289
- Belle Prairie, Minn., 11
- Bellin, the geographer, quoted, 164
- Be-na, Ojibway warrior, 355
- Berkshire, Mass., 9
- Berthot, Colin, killed by Ojibways, 411
- Be-she-ke (Buffalo), 49
- Beujeu de Ville Monde, 431
- Bi-a-jig (Ojibway warrior), 331, 332, 334
- Bi-aus-wah (Ojibway warrior), 127, 222, 236, 240, 241, 347, 349
- Bi-aus-wah (No. 2), 176, 183, 185
- Bible, Holy, quoted, 46, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 65
- Bible stories, similarity to Ojibway traditions, 70
- Big Foot. See Ma-mong-e-se-do.
- Big Marten (Ke-che-waub-ish-ashe), Ojibway warrior, 50, 236, 239, 240
- Big Ojibway (chief), 305
- Birch bark canoes, how made, etc, 40, 473
- Birch trees, 175
- Bison, hunting the, 40, 97, 175, 266, 355
- Black Dog (Ojibway warrior), 387
- Black Dog village, 156
- Black Duck (Ojibway warrior), 364
- Black Feet, the, 33, 34, 68, 70
- Black Hawk, 32
- Black Hawk war, 136
- Blood for blood, Ojibway custom, 139, 307
- Blue Eagle (Ojibway warrior), 361
- Bois Forts Band, 39, 45, 85, 378
- Boisquillot, early trader, 413
- Bonga, fur trader, 381
- Bonga, George, 488
- Bonga, Jean, a negro slave, 488
- Bonga, Pierre, 488
- Bonga, Stephen, 488
- Bostwick, Henry, British trader, 209
- Boucher, Marie, 427
- Boucher, Pierre, 98, 403, 427
- Bougainville, describes western posts, 429
- Bourbon River, 414
- Boudinot, Elias, quoted, 62
- Boutwell, Rev. W.T., Ojibway visionary, 11, 12, 20, 62, 406, 478, 482, 484
- Boweting, Mich. See Sault Ste. Marie.
- Bow-it-ig-o-win-in (Ojibway warrior), 289
- Bradstreet, General, 217, 441
- Breché-dent. See Broken Tooth.
- Bridger, John, at Hudson's Bay, 414
- Brinton, D.G., quoted, 42
- British far traders, hire American clerks, 9
- British, The, 32, 146; receive Canada, 195; their influence ended by Pike, 349
- Broken Tooth (Ojibway chief), 349, 350, 365, 366, 459, 477, 494
- Brother, adoption as, 269
- Bruce, Ojibway half-breed, 281
- Bruce, Mr., fur trader, 381
- Brule, Stephen, early voyageur, 399
- Brunette, Francis, 484
- Brunett, Jean, 12, 390, 391
- Brunson, Rev. Alfred, quoted, 10, 11, 14, 495
- Bruske, trader, 451
- Buade, Lake. See Mille Lacs.
- Buffaloes. See Bison.
- Buffalo (an Ojibway chief), 464
- Bug-aun-auk (Ojibway warrior), 388
- Bulger, Capt., 461
- Bunker Hill, Gen. Warren's death, 9
- Burial customs of Ojibways, 72
- Burning captives, 36, 82, 95, 107
- Burning grass, at Elk River fight, 238
- Burnt Wood River, 252
- Burr, Aaron, 442
- Bus-in-au-see. See Crane Totem.
- Cadeau (Cadotte), Mons., 10, 212, 279
- Cadillac, La Mothe, on Hurons and Ottawas, 405, 407
- Cadillac, describes Mackinaw, 417; succeeds Louvigny, 420
- Cadottes, their ancestry, 10, 378
- Cadotte, J.B., Sr., 10, 116, 131, 195, 210, 212, 215, 220, 279, 290, 299, 304, 334, 336, 337, 378, 381, 433, 440, 448
- Cadotte, Mrs. J.B., Sr., 10, 296
- Cadotte, J.B., Jr., 10, 11, 213, 372, 449, 451
- Cadotte, Joseph, 450
- Cadotte, Louis, 490
- Cadotte, Michel, Sr., 9, 10, 11, 96, 111, 131, 145, 213, 282, 299, 320, 321, 323, 324, 326, 372, 381, 384, 449
- Cadotte, Mrs. Michel, Sr., 282, 296, 321
- Cadotte, Michel, Jr., 372, 373, 376, 460
- Cahokias, 218
- Calhoun, Hon. John C, 464
- Cameron, trader, 281
- Canada, 31, 37, 155, 195, 368, 372, 386
- Caniengas, 42
- Cannibalism, among Ojibways, 109, 308
- Canoes, how made, etc., 40, 98, 105, 473, 288
- Captives, roasting to death, 36, 82, 95, 106, 107
- Cardonniere, French trader, 411
- Carter, Jacques, 90
- Carver, Jonathan, 442, 508
- Cass, Gov. Lewis, 47, 317, 392, 462, 463, 468, 470, 471
- Cass Lake, 38, 175, 178. 183, 185, 224, 225, 281, 326, 336
- Catawbeta. See Broken Tooth.
- Catfish Totem, 45, 86, 87, 185, 318
- Catlin, George, Indian portrait painter, 114, 490
- Census, of Ojibwa tribe, 39
- Ceremonies, Medawe, foolish, 67, 77
- Cession of Canada, 378
- Chabouillez, Charles, trader, 381, 451, 452
- Chagouamigon, Shagawaumikong, or La Pointe, 48, 86, 88, 91, 95, 96, 102, 103, 104, 109, 115, 116, 123, 126, 130, 132, 167, 189, 219, 221, 243, 253, 254, 280, 323, 325, 331; first traders at, 402, 403; described by Allonez, 404; bark chapel at, 404, 406; Indians at, 405; early notice of, 405; abandoned by missionaries, 407; Le Sueur at, 419; St. Pierre at, 423; Luictot at, 423; La Ronde at, 426
- Champlain, quoted, 98; his map, 400
- Champlin, sailing master, 460
- Chaouanou. See Shawnees.
- Charatte, fur trader, 382
- Chesne, Indian leader, 432
- Che-suh-yauh, Ojibway chief, 48
- Chevrottiere, Sieur de la, 408
- Cheyenne River, Indian fight at, 453
- Chianokwut, Ojibway chief, 477
- Chicago, Ill., 32
- Chingouabe, Ojibway chief, 420, 421
- Chippeway, incorrect spelling of "Ojibway," which see.
- Chippeway (Saulteurs) River, on Franquelin's map of 1688, 408
- Chippeway River, Wis., 12, 38, 39, 49, 50, 129, 149, 181, 190, 192, 219, 292, 299, 319, 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 308, 317, 320, 321, 326, 389
- Chippeway City, Wis., 12
- Chippeway Falls, Wis., 12
- Chippeway Mills, Wis., 308
- Chouart. See Groseilliers.
- Christineaux, 422, 424, 428
- Chronology, of the Ojibways, 26
- Clairvoyance among Indians, 27
- Clark, Gov., 468
- Clark, Capt. Nathan, 474
- Clarkson, N.Y., 12
- Coats of arms (Totems), 35
- Colbert, 99
- Conner, Patrick, 384
- Convocation of tribes at Sault Ste Marie, 316
- Conspiracy of Pontiac. See Pontiac.
- Copper, 40, 98, 141, 221, 392; found by voyagers of Groseilliers, 404; worked by Indians, 404; mine near Chagouamigon, 424; superstitions about, 472; early notices of, 400, 404, 471
- Corbin, John Bte, trader, 145, 321, 325, 381, 382, 383, 390
- Cormorant Point (Mille Lacs), 160
- Cotte, trader, 381, 382, 383
- Coureurs du bois, 10
- Coutouse, Mons, clerk, 294, 295, 296
- Crane Totem, 44, 45, 46, 47, 86, 88, 99, 124, 131, 192, 316, 317, 318, 348, 375, 392
- Crawford, English trader, 460
- Crees, The. See Kenistenoag.
- Cresafi, chevalier, 420
- Cross Lake (Sa-sub-a-gum-aw), 348
- Crow River, 235, 272
- Crow Wing, battle of, 162
- Crow Wing, mentioned, 14, 69, 178, 180, 217, 266, 271, 344, 345, 348, 352, 364, 381
- Crow Wing River, 33, 222, 224, 229, 257, 263, 266, 275, 282, 326, 349
- Crucifix, ancient, found at Bad River, 117
- Curly Head (Ba-be-sig-aun-dib-ay), Ojibway chief, 47, 348, 349, 350, 352, 366, 469, 470, 495
- Customs, analogy between Jews and Ojibways, 63, 65, 67, 68, 65
- D'Ablon, Jesuit missionary, 408
- Dakotas, or Sioux, called "Roasters" by the Ojibways, 36; their lands conquered by the Ojibways, 38; the totemic system not known among them, 43, 61; called "Naudowasewig" by Ojibways, 72; also as "Aboinug" (Roasters), 95; ignorant of firearms, 120, 126; Dakota legend of warrior slain at Crow Wing, 232; they attack a French trader's house, 277; attack J.B. Cadotte's post, 283; claim to be better fighters on the praire than Ojibways, 312: various references to, 3, 43, 47, 49, 50, 61, 62, 72, 83, 84, 91, 96, 101, 102, 106, 108, 115, 120, 126, 127, 130, 138, 140, 146, 148, 153, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 176, l83, 187, 188, 193, 219, 223, 235, 242, 244, 250, 254, 267, 268, 271, 275, 280, 282, 303, 305, 308, 310, 320, 327, 331, 338, 344, 351, 354, 356, 358, 360, 364, 370, 387, 410, 428, 476, 482, 486, 489, 491, 499
- Daumont, Sieur du Lusson, 10
- Davenport, Col. U.S.A., 483
- Dead River (Ne-bo-se-be), 140, 261
- Dease, F.M., trader, 465
- De Bonne, Capt., 433
- De Chairgny, Francois, 408
- D'Esprit Pierre. See Radisson.
- De Callières, 415
- Default, a trader, 450
- Deity, the Ojibway idea of, 55, 59, 63, 64
- De la Chaise, French priest, 414
- De la Durantaye, 415, 418
- De la Ferte, 413
- De la tour, Jesuit missionary, 413
- Delawares, 32, 56
- De Lorimer, 432
- Deluge, Noachic, 55, 56
- De Mantlet, 413
- Denonville, on copper, 472
- De Moramport Du Plessis, 431
- De Ramelia at Nepigon, 431
- De Repentigny, 413
- De Smet, missionary, 68
- Detroit, Mich., 32, 33, 126, 140, 153, 194, 205, 214, 216, 217, 218, 322, 323, 372, 384
- Detroit Gazette, quoted, 145
- De Vandreuil, dispatch of, 422
- D'Iberville quoted, 33
- Dickson, Col. Robert, 362, 363, 369, 370, 371, 460, 461, 465
- Dingley, Daniel, trader, 384
- Disease, how cured and prevented, 100
- Divisions and subdivisions among Ojibways, 41
- Do-daim. See Totem.
- Dodge, Henry, Indian Commissioner, 485
- Dole, Maj., Indian commissioner, 504
- Domestic and chase implements of Ojibways, 97
- Doty, James D., 462
- Draper, Dr. Lyman C., quoted, 439
- Dress of Ojibways, 98
- Dreuilletes, Jesuit, 408
- Drew, John, fur trader, 383
- Drummond's Isle, 116
- Drunkenness among Ojibways, 31, 120, 301
- Duchene, trader, 382
- Duchesneau, intendant of Canada, 31
- Dugay, a Picard, 156
- Du Lusson, Sieur, 131, 212
- Duluth, Daniel, quoted, 162; near Sault Ste. Marie, 409; erects trading post at Kamanistigua, 409; descends St. Croix River, 410; visits France, 410; memoir by, 410; prepares to visit Sioux, 410; executes two Ojibways, 413, 414; at Niagara, 415; erects Fort St. Joseph, 415; fights the Senecas, 415
- Du Quesne, Gov. of Canada, 429, 486
- Duvant, trader, 382
- Dutch, in New York, 146
- East Savannah River, 177, 180
- Eel River, Ind., 33
- Elk River, 236, 238, 240
- Elk River, battles at, 50, 238, 240
- Ely, E.F., mission teacher, 493
- Emigration of Ojibways from Asia, 74
- Emigration of Ojibways from Atlantic Ocean, 76, 79
- Engelran, Jesuit missionary, 410, 411
- English, Mrs. Mary (Warren), 12, 20
- Esch-ke-bug-e-coshe. See Flat Mouth.
- Etherington, Maj., 201
- Etienne, Claude, 401
- Execution of Indian murderer, 389
- Families or clans, totemic, 34
- Family register, Ojibway, 89
- Family, known by badge, 42
- Fasts, 64, 65, 66, 100
- Feasts, sacrificial, 100
- Ferry. Rev. William, 406, 478
- Findley, trader, killed by Ojibways, 390, 393, 467
- Firearms introduced among Ojibways, 36, 108, 119, 120, 138, 161, 223, 277, 278
- Fire, torture by, 36, 82, 95, 106, 107
- Fire, continual, kept up on La Pointe Island, 99
- Fire water, first given to Indians, 119
- First post erected by whites, 137
- Fishing, Ojibways lived by, at La Pointe. 97
- Flat Mouth (Esch-ke-bug-e-coshe), Ojibway chief, 17, 19, 45, 50, 138, 178, 179, 223, 269, 275, 324, 342, 343, 349, 350, 352, 359, 360, 362, 363, 369, 459, 463, 465, 466, 475, 476, 478, 479, 480
- Fletcher, Gen. J.E., Indian agent, 14
- Folles Avoines. See Menominees.
- Fond du Lac, 14, 50, 81, 84, 130, 134, 158, 160, 176, 177, 252, 260, 262, 281, 282, 288, 292, 294, 295, 382, 383, 389, 392, 393
- Food, how got by Ojibways, 40
- Forsyths, fur traders, 380
- Fort Bourbon, 429
- Fort Dauphin, 429
- Fort Des Prairies, 430
- Fort Detroit, 201
- Fort Du Quesne, 194
- Fort Erie, 218
- Fort Howard, 372, 374, 376
- Fort Jonquiere, 429
- Fort La Reine, 429
- Fort Mackinaw (or Michilimakinac), captare of, 200, 204, 210, 218, 217, 373
- Fort Niagara, 217, 416
- Fort Poskoyac, 429
- Fort Repentigny, 435
- Fort Ripley, 266
- Fort Snelling, 166, 865, 867, 890, 391, 474, 476, 486
- Fort St. Antoine, 419
- Fort St. Charles, 429
- Fort St. Croix, 411
- Fort St. Joseph, 416
- Fort St. Pierre, 429
- Fourcelle, Chevalier, 411
- Foxes. See Odugamies.
- Fox River, Wis., 82, 192, 242
- France, 99, 378
- Franks, a trader, 460
- Franquelin's map (1688), quoted, 155, 821, 401, 404
- French (Canadian), 116, 117, 130, 131, 137, 141, 146, 153, 163, 164, 220, 316, 373
- French, the name the Ojibways called them, 116
- French cession of North America, 194, 195
- French intermarried largely with Ojibways, 132, 133, 195, 198
- Frobisher, far trader, 380
- Frontenac, Count, Gov. of Canada, 155, 163; feasts Indians, 417; in council with Ojibways, 421; censures Le Boesme, 409
- Fur trade, the, 9, 125, 130, 134
- Fur trade, the, its palmy days, 380, 381
- Fur traders on Lake Superior, 378, 446
- Fur traders, change in personnel, 385
- Future life, Ojibway ideas of, 73
- Gage, General, his estimate of Rogers, 442, 443
- Gallinee, a Sulpitian at Sault Ste. Marie, 406
- Game, abundance of, once, 97, 266
- Game, how hunted by the Ojibways, 263
- Gamelle's wife killed by Ojibways, 493
- Garland, Major U.S.A., 475
- Gaston, Jean Baptiste, 397
- Ga-ta-ge-te-gaun-ing (Vieux Desert), 38
- Gaulthier, trader, 381
- Gaultier, Magdalene, 427
- Gaultier, Marie, 427
- Gaultier, Rene, 427
- Gaultier, Pierre, 427
- Gauss Lake, 224
- Generations, how counted by Ojibways, 89
- Gladwyn, Major, 201
- God, Ojibway ideas of, 56, 59, 63, 64
- Good Road band, Dakotas, 156
- Gorrel, Lt., 439
- Graham, Duncan, 465
- Grand Island, 243
- Grand Portage, 52, 84, 86, 129, 137, 140, 143, 177, 189, 219, 243, 262, 281, 288, 292, 321, 378, 382
- Gravier, Father, 82
- Great Britain, 378, 879
- Great Buffalo, Ojibway chief, 48, 86, 147, 221, 246
- Great Cloud (Keche-ann-oguet), Ojibway Chief, 370
- Great Lake. See Winnipeg.
- Great Spirit, ideas of, 58, 59, 63, 64, 87, 93, 99, 117, 198, 244
- Greeley, Elam, 471
- Green, Rev. Beriah, 12
- Green Bay, Wis., 32, 33, 37, 43, 209, 315, 331, 332
- Gregory, fur trader, 380
- Gray Iron's Band, Dakotas, 156
- Groseilliers, early explorer, 401, 402, 403, 407, 414
- Gros Ventres, the, 178, 179, 181, 261
- Gulf of Mexico, 279
- Gull Lake, 14, 38, 117, 178. 180, 224, 263, 266, 349, 352, 366, 367
- Gull River, 224
- Hainault, Elizabeth, 401
- Hainault, Madeleine, 401
- Hale, Horatio, quoted, 42
- Hall, Rev. Sherman, missionary, 406, 464
- Hanks, Lt. Porter, 460
- Harmer, Fort, 32
- Harris, early trader, 450
- Harrisse, editor of Du Luth's letter, 410
- Hartford, Conn., 9
- Haslet, Colonel, 444
- Hawley, far trader, 382
- Hay River, Wis., 313, 320
- Hays, I.P., Indian agent, 14
- Healing sick, Ojibway plan, 100
- Heaven, Ojibway idea of, 73
- Hebrews, the, 53, 65, 67, 75
- Hennepin, Father, 116, 155, 156, 162
- Henry, Alex., trader, 99, 181, 196, 204, 213, 215, 217, 221, 378, 441, 444
- Henry, his work quoted, 10, 256, 279, 280, 290, 293
- Henry (of Northwest Company), 292, 450, 454
- Heraldry, European, totemic in character, 35
- History of Ojibways known only five centuries, 76
- Holcomb, Wm., 492
- Hole-in-day, elder, 47, 353, 354
- Hole-in-day, younger, 49
- Holiday, John, trader, 382, 467
- Holliday, Wm., trader, 392
- Holmes, Major, 461
- Howard, Captain, 442
- Howe, General, 444
- Hudson Bay Company, 70, 138, 189, 279, 349, 380, 381
- Hughes, killed at Red Lake, 456, 458
- Huron, Lake, 80, 99, 147, 194, 196, 199
- Hurons, tribe of, 116, 144, 400, 405, 407
- I-aub-aus, Ojibway chief, 165, 335
- Illinois tribe, 33, 116, 218, 406
- Improvidence of fur traders, 11
- Indian race of U.S. disappearing, 23
- Indian Territory, 32
- Indians, their summer customs, 251
- Indians misrepresented as morose, 133
- Initiation into the Medawe rites. See Medawe.
- Intermarriage between whites and Ojibways, 195, 255, 325, 385
- Intermarriage between Dakotas and Ojibways, 158, 164, 171, 219, 270
- Interpreter, J.B. Cadotte's value, 116, 293
- Iowa, Sacs and Foxes cede lands, 32
- Iron River, 426
- Iroquois, the, 42, 146, 147, 148, 280
- Iroquois Point, battle of, 403
- Irving, Washington, 26
- Islands, Ojibways occupy for safety, 187
- Isle aux Outards, 214
- Isle de Tour, or St. Michel, 321
- Isle Drummond, 372
- Isle la Pointe. See Chagouamigon.
- Isle la Ronde, 405
- Isle St. Michel, 405, 406
- Isle Royale, 99
- Israel, ten lost tribes of, 62, 67, 71, 72
- Israelitish customs similar to Ojibway, 63, 65, 67, 68, 75
- Jefferson, Thomas, censure of La Corne, 429
- Jenette [or Jamett], Lieut., killed at Mackinaw, 205, 440
- Jesuit Relations quoted, 32
- Jesuit missions, 26, 57, 113, 114, 123
- Jesuits and beaver trade, 414
- Jews. See Hebrews.
- Jobin, trader, killed, 420
- Johnson, Sir Wm., 4, 210, 217, 218, 220, 398, 438
- Johnson, John, 254, 382, 446, 447, 448, 460, 493
- Joliet, Sieur, 408
- Joseph, a French trader, 141
- Jump River, 301
- Ka-dow-aub-e-da. See Broken Tooth.
- Ka-gua-dash, Ojibway chief, 335
- Ka-nim-dum-a-win-so, Ojibwa chief, 91
- Ka-ka-ke (Hawk), Ojibway chief, 49, 193
- Kaministigoya, or Kaministiquia, 292, 422, 423
- Kane, Paul, an artist, 69
- Kansas, 32
- Kaposia, 156; battle of, 492; band, Dakotas, 156
- Kaskaskias, the, 218
- Kay, early trader, 450
- Keating, historian of Long's Expedition, 406
- Ke-che-aun-o-guet (Great Cloud), Ojibway chief, 370
- Ke-che-mun-e-do (Great Spirit), 64
- Ke-che-ne-zuh-yauh, Ojibway chief, 131, 132, 316
- Ke-che-puk-wai-wah Lake, Wis., 314
- Ke-che-waub-keenh. See Great Buffalo.
- Ke-che-waub-ish-ash. See Big Marten.
- Kewaynokwot, 467
- Keweenaw, 412, 424, 427
- Ke-dug-a-be-shew (Speckled Lynx), Ojibway chief, 295, 319
- Keesh-ke-mun (Sharpened Stone), Ojibway chief, 48, 192, 318, 319, 325, 372, 375, 391
- Ke-nis-ten-o-ag, or Kenisteno, the Crees, 33, 84, 136, 138, 139, 140, 179, 180, 184, 185, 189, 261, 262, 323, 337, 356, 378, 379
- Kirk, Sir John, 401
- Ki-yuk-sa Band, Dakotas, 156
- Knife Lake, 172, 223, 335
- Knife River, 181
- Kuk-ke-wa-on-an-ing (L'Ance), 243
- Lac Coutereille (Lake Ottaway), Wis., 10, 39, 191, 193, 292, 294, 299, 300, 301, 305, 310, 314, 318, 319, 320, 321, 323, 324, 325, 381, 382, 383, 384, 390
- La Cloche Island, 196, 430
- Lac du Flambeau, Wis. 10, 47, 191, 192, 193, 299, 300, 301, 314, 317, 318, 319, 326, 382, 383, 384, 389, 391
- Lac du Flambeau Band, 43, 192
- Lac la Folle. See Prairie Rice Lake.
- La Corne, de St. Luc, notice of, 439
- La Corne, the elder, 432
- La Croix, a trader, 460
- La Crosse, 32
- Lac Shatac, 191, 294, 314, 319
- La Fortune, 412
- La Harpe, Bernard de, quoted, 183
- Lahontan, visits Sault Ste. Marie, 416; burns Fort St. Joseph, 417
- La Jonquiere. Gov. of Canada, 433
- Lake Erie, 247
- Lake Michigan, 82, 148, 192, 199, 331
- Lake of Two Mountains, Canada, 30
- Lake of the Woods, 37, 256; trading post on, 428; massacre at, 428
- Lake Pepin, 156, 164, 303, 390, 391
- Lake Superior, 4, 9, 10, 11, 25, 37, 38, 40, 46, 52, 81, 83, 86, 95, 98, 99, 115, 116, 123, 124, 130, 137, 138, 141, 147, 155, 157, 163, 166, 183, 185, 189, 190, 193, 195, 209, 210, 219, 252, 262, 281, 286, 292, 304, 317, 318, 321, 325, 331, 344, 348, 368, 369, 372, 376, 378, 379, 381, 389, 392
- Lake Winnebago, 38
- Lake Winnipeg Indians, A.D. 1736, 428
- Landré, trader's clerk, 296
- Langlade, French trader, 208, 436, 460
- Languages, how differing, 34
- Lanman, Charles, quoted, 114
- La Noüe, St. Robertel, 423, 424
- L'Anse Bay, 86
- La Plante, 432
- La Pointe, or Chagouamigon, 8, 19, 11, 12, 13, 38, 48, 52, 79, 81, 86, 90, 127, 131, 191, 192, 193, 195, 210, 218, 219, 221, 243, 252, 259, 282, 300, 317, 321, 324, 325, 326, 372, 383, 384, 393
- La Pointe band, 48
- La Pointe Island, 96, 99, 101, 102, 104, 105, 108, 109, 110, 111, 118, 121, 126, 140, 141, 405, 406, 407, 431, 447, 463, 464, 494
- La Pointe town, 117, 119, 124, l47, 177
- La Pointe du St. Esprit, 405
- La Ronde family, 426
- La Ronde Island, 405
- La Ronde, Sieur, at Chagouamigon, 426; seeks for copper, 426, 472, builds sailing-vessel on Lake Superior, 426; sickness of, 426
- La Ronde, Ensign, 426
- La Roque, trader, 303, 304
- La Salle, quoted, 156; at Sault Ste. Marie, 409; mentions Ojibways, 410
- Leaf Lake, 338, 360, 370
- Leaf River, 282, 287. 326, 370
- Le Boerne (Bohesme), a lay Jesuit, censured by Gov. Frontenac, 409
- Le Bud-ee, Ojibway warrior, 313, 314
- Lee, Arthur, of Va., 4
- Leech Lake, 3, 11, 17, 38, 39, 49, 50, 175, 178, 183, 184, 185, 224, 225, 256, 257, 262, 263, 271, 281, 282, 288, 292, 324, 326, 336, 343, 350, 369, 371, 376; Pike visits, 458; Boutwell, do., 478, 482; Nicollet, do., 482
- Le France, Joseph, visits Winnipeg, 428
- Legardeur, Jacques, Siuar St. Pierre, 428
- Legardeur, Louis. See Repentigny.
- Legardeur, Paul, Sieur St. Pierre, 428
- Legend of slain warrior at Crow Wing, 232
- Legend of Yellow Hair, 269
- Legend. See also Tradition.
- Legislature, Minna., Warren elected to, 14
- Le Maire, murdered by Ojibways, 411
- Lenni Lenape, the, 56, 57
- Lesley, Lt., 440
- Le Sueur, the explorer, 157, 162, 163, 419, 420
- Libby, a whiskey seller, 489
- Libraries, public, want of, in Minna., 17, 26
- Little Crow, or "Big Thunder," a Dakota chief, 492, 493
- Little Eddy, Ojibway warrior, 393
- Liquor drinking among Indians, 301
- Lodge, council, how built, 51
- Lodge, medicine, 66, 77
- Longeuil, Gov., addresses Ojibways, 424
- Longevity, more common formerly than now, 101, 102
- Long Knife, Indian name for Yankees, 127
- Longlade. See Langlade.
- Long Lake, Wis., 191, 243
- Long Prairie, Minn., 266, 267, 270, 272, 344, 352, 359
- Loon Totem, 45, 46, 48, 86, 87, 88, 89, 127, 317
- Louvigny at Mackinaw, 417
- McGillis, Hugh, of N.W. Co., 381, 450
- McGillivary, Wm., 292, 380. 477
- McKenzie, Sir Alex., 290, 292, 293, 294, 380
- McKenzie, R., 292
- McKenney, T.L., 445, 447
- McMahon, surgeon, U.S.A., 475
- McTavish, trader, 380
- Mackinaw (or Michilimackinac), 11, 12, 14, 124, 126, 134, 141, 147, 194, 200, 214, 215, 216, 226, 259, 262, 280, 288, 355, 369, 372, 384, 386, 392; on mainland, described by Cadillac, 417; captured by Ojibways, 205, 439; occupied by English, 442
- Mackinaw Island, captured by the English, A.D. 1812, 459
- Maçons, a trader, 412
- Madeline Island, 321
- Magruder, Lt. W.B., 502
- Maheengun, Wolf Totem, 45, 49, 319
- Ma-mong-e-se-do (Big Foot), Ojibway chief, 52, 195, 218, 219, 220, 243, 248
- Manabosho, Ojibway deity, 27, 56, 57, 79, 102
- Mandans, the, 181
- Manitowish, 300
- Map, of Lake Superior (1670–71), 405; of N. Bellin (1744), 405, 426; of De L'Isle, 405, 424; of Veranderie, 428
- Maple Sugar, 186, 263
- Margry papers, quoted, 10
- Marquette, 116, 407
- Marriage, forbidden between same totems, 35, 42
- Marten Totem, 45, 50, 51, 86, 87, 94, 130, 159, 318
- Martin, Abraham, pilot, 401
- Masonic order, 42, 66
- Massacre at Fort Mackinaw, 204
- Matchikiwish, Ojibway chief, 216, 439, 440
- Maumies. See Miamis.
- Mayflower, the, 9, 30
- Mdé wakantons, the, 156, 162, 223, 232, 359
- Measles, the, 335
- Medal, golden, given to Ke-che-ne-zuh-yauh, 317
- Medawe rite, 46. 55, 56, 64, 66, 67, 77, 99, 100, 191, 193, 265, 322
- Medawegis, sacred emblem of Medawe rite, 78
- Medicine Bag, Ojibway, 68, 77, 323
- Medicine, grand (Medawewin), 66
- Medicine lodge, described, 77
- Medicine men, healing sick, 100; poisoners, 109, 270, 324
- Memoir of W.W. Warren, 9
- Menard, Jesuit missionary, 404
- Mendota, Minn., 156, 162
- Menominees, 33, 371
- Menominee River, 304, 309
- Merman, a Dakota symbol, 43, 165
- Miamis (Omaumees), 33, 162, 218
- Michigan, 32, 37, 369, 386
- Michilimackinao. See Mackinaw.
- Migrations of the Ojibways, 91
- Mille Laos (Lake Buade), 49, 50, 155, 157, 159, 160, 163, 165, 176, 178, 180, 223, 243, 335, 345, 351, 359
- Milwaukee, Wis., 32
- Milwaukee River, 33
- Min-ah-ig-wan-tig (Drinking Wood), Ojibway warrior, 224
- Mines, ancient. See Copper.
- Minnesota, 14, 17, 26, 37, 38, 137, 155, 292, 379, 386
- Minnesota Historical Society, 18; officers and members of, 513
- Minnesota Historical Collections, quoted, 369
- Minnesota River, 156, 185, 232, 236, 365, 367
- Min-ne-weh-na, Ojibway chief, 199, 200, 206, 207, 210
- Mis-ko-mun-e-dous (Little Red Spirit), Ojibway chief, 318
- Missions, A.B.C.F.M., 140
- Mission school at Mackinaw, 386; at Pokeguma, 491
- Missisaukie, Straits of Niagara, 214
- Mississippi River, 108, 153, 155, 156, 157, 163, 175, 185, 189, 191, 210, 212, 219, 222, 225, 226, 227, 228, 235, 242, 247, 263, 270, 279, 280, 292, 299, 305, 317, 328, 331, 344, 355, 379
- Mississippi River band, 39
- Missouri River, 3, 32. 68, 160, 178, 179, 181, 261
- Mixed bloods, 279, 386, 393
- Moccasin, peculiarity of the Ojibway, 36
- Mogras, Jacques, 408
- Mon-ing-wun-a-kaun-ing. See La Pointe Island.
- Moningwunakauning, meaning of the name, 96
- Mon-so-ne (Moose Tail), Ojibway chief, 318, 327
- Mon-so-bou-dah, Ojibway chief, 391, 392
- Montcalm, Gen., 195, 220
- Montreal, 31, 80, 105, 116, 126, 134, 143, 144, 145, 181, 194, 195, 205, 209, 215, 220, 221, 252, 279, 280, 290, 378, 381
- Morals of the Ojibways, deteriorating, 101
- Moreau, Pierre, 408
- Morrison, Allan, 228, 381
- Morrison, Wm., 115, 145, 381, 382, 383, 431
- Moose, how caught, 97, 176, 253
- Moose totem, 50, 51, 86, 87
- Mounds, supposed, only earth wigwams, 162, 179, 180, 182
- Mourning among Ojibways, 264
- Mousoneeg, family of Totems, 50
- Mud Lake, near Ft. Snelling, 487
- Muk-ud-a-shib (Black Duck), Ojibway chief, 50
- Mundamin, Indian corn, 97
- Munduas, the, 50, 91
- Mun-o-min-i-ka-she (Rice Maker), 49, 335
- Murder, among Indians, 139
- Murder of a French trader and family, 141
- Murder of four white men, 390
- Murderer, how treated by the Hurons, 144
- Murderer, Indian, punished
- Muscalonge, 175
- Musk-keeg-oes, or Swamp People, 33, 45, 85, 378
- Na-gu-on-a-be (Feathers end), Ojibway chief, 49, 165, 335
- Naudoways, or Naudowaig (Iroquois), 83, 119, 146, 147, 148
- Naudowasewug, or Adders (Dakotas), 72, 83
- Negro, slaves, emancipation of, 23
- Neill, Rev. E.D., officiates at Mr. Warren's funeral, 18; foot-notes by, 23, 31, 32, 33, 42, 69, 95, 98, 99, 115, 116, 117, 131, 145, 148, 156, 157, 162, 164, 172, 181, 247, 256, 279, 281, 317, 321, 369; his history quoted, 156, 292, 369; chapter on Ojibways and the fur-trade, 395 to 509
- Nelson's River, 414
- Nemaha River, 33
- Nemitsakouat, or Bois Brule River, 410
- Nepigon, 412, 417, 426, 431
- Nepissings, 403
- New York City, 18
- New York colonial documents quoted, 32, 247
- Niagara, 194
- Niagara surrendered by French, 438
- Niagara, straits of, 214, 216
- Nicollet, Jean, early explorer, 400, 423, 428
- Nicollet, Jean N., U.S. Geologist, quoted, 32, 185, 257, 308, 342, 357, 482, 483
- Nicollet, Margaret, 428
- Nig-gig (the Otter), Ojibway warrior, 325
- No-din (Ojibway chief), 335
- No-ka (or Bear Totem), 49
- No-ka, Ojibway chief, 235, 236, 266
- Nolin, Augustin, 381, 460
- Nonen, wife of Wa-wa-tam, 214
- Northern Ojibways, language of, 85; less warlike than others, 86
- Northwest County of Montreal, 181, 288, 290, 291, 294, 321, 349, 350, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 450, 452, 461
- Noyelle, deputy at Mackinaw, 432
- Nub-o-beence (Little Broth), 389
- Nug-an-ash, Ojibway warrior, 361
- Nug-aun-ub (Sitting-ahead), Ojibway chief, 50, 130
- Numakagun River, 243, 300, 326
- Oakes, Charles H., trader, 384
- Oak Grove band, Dakotas, 156
- Oak Point, 326
- Ochunkraw. See Winnebagoes.
- O-dah-waug. See Ottaways.
- Odish-quag-um-eeg, 33
- Odjibwa, how pronounced, 35
- Odugameeg. See Odugamies.
- Odugamies (Foxes), 32, 33, 95, 148, 152, 154, 162, 176, 180, 190, 191, 193, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 250, 331, 405
- Oge-mah-mi-jew (Chief's Mountain), 343
- Ogilvys, fur traders, 380
- Ohio River, 32
- Ojibway, supposed meaning, 36, 398; how correctly spelled, 37; etymology of the name, 82; how derived, 107; name usually spelled "Chippewa," 37
- Ojibways, the: the principal branch of the Algic race, 31; the origin of, 54, 55, 61; their chronology, 90; cause of emigration from the Atlantic, 82; where located, 37; minor divisions into bands, 38, 39, 83; their position, numbers, etc. (1851), 35; the northern division, language, etc., 85; general account of (in 1851), 29; total population 20,000, 38; their domestic implements, 97; did not work copper mines, 99; found a town on La Pointe Inland, 96; perpetual fire kept up there, 99; lived there by fishing, 97; their dispersion from La Pointe, 108, 110, 121; prevented from joining Pontiac, 211; loyal to the U.S. in 1812, 368; had firearms prior to the Dakotas, 120; make peace truces with the Dakotas, 267; are better fighters in the forest than on prairie, 312; their changing habits, 25; did they practise cannibalism, 109; partial to the French people, 133, 134; learned custom of torture from the Foxes, 106; inhabit a country of lakes, rivers, and forests, 39; their totemic system, 34; burial rites of, 72; customs of mourning, 264; have clear idea of creator, 63; their religious customs, 100; belief in future state, 72; their morals once purer than now, 101; their final extinction inevitable, 72; early mention of, 398; at Chagouamigon Bay, 403; defeat Iroquois at Lake Superior, 404; in 1670 at Sault Ste. Marie, 406; in council with St. Lusson, 408; settle at Chagouamigon, 408, 420; at peace in 1679 with Sioux, 410; executed for killing Frenchmen, 411; confer with Frontenac, 420; addressed by Gov, Longeuil, 427; census of, A.D. 1736, 427; at Ticonderoga, 432; at Niagara, 438; capture Mackinaw, 439; confer with Sir W. Johnson, 440; with Gen. Bradstreet, 441; visit to Johnson Hall, 444; attack Sioux A.D. 1766, 445; pillagers, 446; fight Sioux A.D. 1798, 452; engagement at Cheyenne River, 453; at Tongue River, 454; census in 1806, 459; fight in 1818 with Sioux, 461; visit Agent Taliaferro in A.D. 1820, 465; council of 1823 with Sioux, 465; make a treaty at Prairie du Chien, 467; at Fond du Lac, 470; visit Fort Snelling, 474; attacked in 1827 by Sioux, 475; kill captured Sioux, 475; dance the peace dance, 476; skirmish in 1832 with Sioux, 478; of 1833 with Sioux, 482; attacked at Pokeguma, 491; in 1883 in Minnesota, 507; in Wisconsin, 508; in Michigan, 508; in Canada, 509
- Okeenakeequid, 472
- Omaumee, name given Mille Lacs Indians, 162
- O-maum-eeg. See Miamis.
- O-mig-aun-dib (Sore Head), Ojibway chief, 171, 172
- Omunomineeg. See Menominees.
- O-mush-kas-ug, war on the, 84
- O-mush-ke-goag, or Swampies. See Muek-keeg-oes.
- Ontonagon River, 99, 104, 190, 221, 389, 393
- Origin of red race, 54
- Origin of red race possibly from Asia, 61
- Origin of the Ojibways, 54, 55, 61
- Osage River, 33
- O-sang-ees (Saukies, or Sacs), 32, 33, 146, 153, 154, 201, 202, 218, 242, 247, 265, 405
- Osh-ka-ba-wis, pipe bearer, 318
- Otter, sacred, said to have built sand bar at mouth of St. Louis River, 81
- Otter Tail Creek, 360
- Otter Tail Lake, 38, 39, 287, 356, 300, 301
- Ottaway, origin of name, 82
- Ottawa Lake. See Lac Coutereille.
- Ottawa River, 146, 147
- Ottawas (Outawas), the, 31, 43, 69, 81, 82, 83, 116, 124, 130, 146, 149, 200, 200, 218, 247, 355, 369, 372, 405, 407, 413, 416, 417; leave Chagouamigon, 407; the band Du Sable, 413; the band Nassaouakiton, 405; the Sinagos baud, 405, 413
- Ounangisse, Chief of Pottawatomies, 32
- Ousakis. See Osaugies.
- Outagamis. See Odugamies.
- Outuacs. See Ottawas.
- Pachot, Sieur, visits the Sioux, 424
- Pangman, 380
- Paris, 98, 99
- Pauotigoueieuhak, or Ojibways, 397
- Patridge or Pena River, 275
- Peace truces between Dakotas and Ojibways, 188, 267, 304, 366, 476
- Pegano. See Blackfeet.
- Pelican Lake, Wis., 192, 309
- Pelican Lake band, 315
- Pembina, 184, 185, 189, 287, 288, 354, 358
- Pembina River, early posts at, 452, 454
- Pembina band, 40, 48
- Pena or Patridge River, 275
- Penalty, death, for marrying same totem, etc., 42
- Penn, Wm., 30
- Peorias, the, 218
- Pere or Perray River, 411
- Peré, the voyageur, 411, 413
- Perrault, old trader, 450
- Perrot, Nicholas, quoted, 148, 155, 157, 408, 411, 418
- Philadelphia, 30
- Pickette, trader, 280
- Pictured Rocks, 86, 323
- Pigeon River, 52, 83, 137, 262, 292, 378, 370
- Pike, Lieut. Z.M., 349, 457
- Pike's Rapids, 349
- Pilgrim fathers, 30
- Pillagers, band of, 17, 39, 40, 45, 138, 178, 256, 259, 260, 270, 271, 283, 336, 344, 349, 369, 376, 381, 446
- Pillage Creek, 259
- Pine River, 180
- Pineries, Wisconsin, 40
- Piouabic, meaning of, 426
- Piouabic River, 420
- Pipe bearer, Blackfeet, 68; Ojibway, 318
- Pipestone quarry, 111
- Platte River, 359, 364
- Plymouth, Mass., 30
- Plympton, Major, U.S.A., 487, 488
- Pocahontas, 30
- Po-da-waud-um-eeg. See Pottawatomies.
- Poinsett, U.S. Sec. of War, 490
- Point Douglas, 167, 173
- Point Iroquois, how named, 147
- Point Prescott, 167
- Poisoning for revenge by medicine men, 270, 324
- Pokeguma, 105, 171, 172, 175, 320, 335; mission at, 491; battle of, 491
- Pokaguma Falls, 225, 320
- Pomme de Terre River fight, 401
- Pond, fur trader, 380
- Pond, Rev. Gideon H., 486
- Pond, Rev. S.W., 487
- Pontiac, 149, 199, 200, 210, 214, 218, 439, 440
- Poor, Sir Edward, 69
- Portage, 38
- Pothier, a trader, 460
- Pottawatomies, 32, 43, 81, 82, 83, 124, 140, 218, 309, 372
- Potter, Nathaniel, visits Ojibways, 442
- Poux, contraction for Ponteaoutin, 32
- Pow-hat-tan, 30
- Prairie du Chien, 317, 390, 391
- Prairie portage, 281, 287, 288
- Preston, English ambassador at Paris, notices Groseilliers and Radisson, 414
- Prairie Rice Lake, 308, 310, 313
- Price, Mrs. E.B., 18
- Prices paid for beaver, 415
- Priesthood among Ojibways. See Medecine Men.
- Prophet, the Shawano, 118, 320, 321, 323
- Prophet, Ojibwa, prediction by, 117
- Puk-wah, Rice Lake, 180
- Puk-wah-wan-uh, 119
- Quebec, 30, 31, 99, 116, 122, 123, 126, 130, 134, 144, 194, 195, 220, 378
- Que-wis-aus (Little Boy) Lake, 225
- Rabbit Lake, Minn., 38
- Race, human, origin of, 60
- Radison, Sieur, notice of, 401; visit to France, 414
- Radisson, Margaret, 401
- Rainy Lake, 38, 84, 184, 185, 189, 202, 281, 288, 427
- Ramsey, Gov. Alex., gives medal, 67; on word Ojibway, 399; visits the Ojibway country, 499; holds council at Fort Snelling, 500
- Randin, Frontenac's engineer, visits extremity of Lake Superior, 409
- Raratoans (People of the Falls), 96
- Rasle, a voyageur, 281, 284
- Red Cedar Lake, 191
- Red Cedar River, Wis. (or Menominee), 309, 320
- Red Lake, Minn., 38, 178, 185, 189, 281, 287, 289, 343, 350, 363, 364; first marked on a map, 428; trader killed at, 456
- Red Lake band, 40, 180
- Red race disappearing, 23, 31
- Red race, their character not understood, 24
- Red race to be ranged under several types, 29
- Red race, origin of, 54
- Red race, tradition regarding creation of, 58
- Red race, did they descend from the Hebrews? 62
- Red River, 38, 40, 47, 50, 138, 185, 261, 279, 281, 287, 288, 337, 355, 350, 358, 362, 364, 378, 428
- Red post, or stake, striking the, 77, 144, 332
- Red Wing, Minn., 156, 303
- Red Wood River, 150
- Reindeer Totem, 50, 52, 219
- Relationship, in totemic system, 42
- Religion. See Medawe.
- Religion, 63, 72, 322
- Religion, Christian, brought to Ojibways, 57
- Renards, or Foxes. See Odugamies.
- Renville, trader, 366
- Repentigny, Chevalier de, at Mackinaw, 436; notice of, 433; at Sault Ste. Marie, 433; his fort, 434, 435; service in French and English war, 437; subsequent life, 437, 438
- Revenge, blood for blood, 84
- Revolutionary war, 9
- Reyaulm, trader, 280
- Rice, Hon. Henry M., gives manusoript, 3; conducts treaty at Fond du Lac, 14, 497; aids Mr. Warren in his work, 18; furnishes material for Warren's memoir, 20
- Rice Lakes, 162, 164, 165, 171, 172, 335
- Rice makers, band, 38
- Rice, wild, people. See Menominees.
- Rice, wild, gathering, 40, 175, 186, 246, 309
- Rites, of Medawe. See Medawe.
- Roasting captives, 36, 82, 95, 106, 107
- Roberts, trader, 280
- Roberts, Capt. Charles, 460
- Robertson, Col. D.A., 15, 20
- Rock Island, 32
- Rocky Mountains, 33
- Rogers, Maj. Robert, early life, 442; at Mackinaw, 442; his intrigue, 443, 444
- Rolette, trader, 460
- Roussain, trader, 381, 382, 383
- Rum River, 155, 160, 162, 223, 230, 327
- Russell, Jeremiah, 491
- Sacs. See Osaugees.
- Sacs and Foxes, 32, 33
- Sacrifices, human, 109
- Saginaw Bay, 213
- Saint Anthony's Falls, 223, 232, 235, 366
- Saint Clair, Gov. Arthur, 32
- Saint Croix, department, 10
- Saint Croix Falls, 244
- Saint Croix Falls, battle at, 242
- Saint Croix Lake, 381
- Saint Croix River, 36, 39, 49, 50, 97, 126, 129, 130, 149, 160, 163, 164, 166, 167, 176, 242, 243, 292, 300, 317, 321, 326, 327, 329, 331, 335; explored, 410; why named, 419; fort, 411
- Saint Germain, British interpreter, 369, 372, 381
- Saint Joseph, Mich., 32, 33
- Saint Joseph's River, 209
- Saint Lawrence River, 76, 81, 119, 124, 145, 146, 147
- Saint Louis River, 81, 115, 130, 180, 281, 288, 292
- Saint Lusson, Sieur, 408
- Saint Paul, Minn., 15, 18
- Saint Pierre, Capt. Paul, 423, 424, 428, 433
- Saint Pierre, Jacques Legardeur, 428, 433, 437
- Saint Pierre, Marie, 429
- Saint Pierre River, supposed origin of name, 419
- Sandy Lake, 3, 38, 50, 91, 130, 176, 177, 180, 183, 185, 222, 224, 225, 227, 240, 243, 246, 251, 262, 263, 270, 272, 281, 283, 287, 288, 292, 344, 345, 348, 352, 358, 365
- Sandy Lake band, 48
- Sassaba, Ojibway chief, 462
- Saukies. See Osaugees.
- Sauks. See Osaugees.
- Sauk Lake, 272
- Sauk Rapids, 19, 259
- Saulteaux, "Falls People," 123, 163
- Sault Ste. Marie, 10, 37, 38, 47, 79, 80, 81, 83, 86, 87, 88, 96, 108, 116, 123, 126, 129, 130, 131, 137, 141, 145, 147, 177, 189, 192, 194, 210, 212, 214, 215, 217, 221, 226, 243, 250, 259, 280, 281, 288, 318, 323, 335, 372, 382, 392, 393; when named, 397; miasion at, 1669, described in 1670, 406; council at, in 1671, 408; Sioux killed at, 408; visited by Tonty, 409; visited by La Salle, 409; Ojibways at, executed, 414; visited by Lahontan, 416; abandoned, 417; Ojibways in 1736 there, 427; attempt to raise wheat at, 436, 437; Repentigny at, 435; Lt. Turner, U.S. Navy, at, 460
- Saut du Gaston, when named, 397, 400
- Sayer, John, trader N.W. Co., 115, 451
- Schoolcraft, H.R., 26, 30, 35, 52, 56, 87, 248, 251, 257, 448, 467, 471, 475, 478, 484
- Schoolcraft, Mrs., 255
- Scolding wives (Ojibway), 338, 355
- Sea of the West, trading district, 422, 429
- Secret societies, totemic, 42
- Selkirk's settlement, 70, 356
- Seminole war, 136
- Semple, Governor of Selkirk's colony, 381, 481
- Senecas, the, 42
- Shadawish (Bad Pelican), Ojibway chief, 192, 317, 318
- Shakopee, Minn., 156
- Shakopee, battle of, 502
- Shagawaumikong. See Chagouamigon.
- Shappa (Beaver), Yancton chief, 358, 359, 362, 363, 364
- Shawakeshig, Ojibway warrior, 50, 362, 363
- Shawanos. See Shawnees.
- Shawano prophet. See Prophet.
- Shawnees, the, 32, 218
- Shawunoag. See Shawanos.
- Shaug-un-ush, or British, 195
- Shell River, 164
- She-se-be, Ojibway warrior, 346, 352
- Shin-ga-ba-wos-sin, Ojibway chief, 47, 319, 392, 445, 462, 470
- Shin-goob, or "Balsam," 50, 130
- Shing-wauk, or Little Pine, 462
- Shoneyah, or "Silver," Ojibway chief, 165, 335
- Shokpedan, or Shakopee, Dakota chief, 156
- Shosh-e-man, or "Snow Glider," Ojibway chief, 334
- Sibley Lake, 224
- Silver crosses sold by traders, 439
- Sioux. See Dakotas.
- Sissetons, the, 168, 266, 352, 304, 359
- Six Nations of New York, 30, 83, 146, 148, 217
- Smallpox, how introduced among Ojibways, 260, 261, 344
- Smith, Capt. John, 30
- Snake River, 243, 246
- Snelling, Col., U.S.A., 474
- Snelling, H.H., 475
- Snelling, W.J., 476
- Snelling, Fort, 474, 476, 485
- Solomons, Ezekiel, British trader, 209
- Song-uk-um-ig, or "Strong Ground," Ojibway chief, 47, 353, 354, 470
- Spiritualism among Ojibways, 27
- Spontaneous Man, Ojibway name for themselves, 56
- Strong Ground. See Song-uk-um-ig.
- Stillwater, Minn., 11; Indian fight at, 489; scalp dance at, 499
- Stirling, General, 444
- Stuart, Robert, 494
- Sturgeon, 175
- Sucre, le (Sweet), Ojibway chief, 231, 376, 452, 454, 458, 459
- Sugar trees, 175, 263
- Suk-a-aug-un-ing, 315
- Summer life among red race, 251, 264
- Sunrise River, 327, 328
- Sunrise River, battle on, 328
- Swamp People, or "Swampies." See Musk-keeg-oes.
- Sweet. See Sucre, le.
- Swan River, 384
- Swearing unknown in Ojibway tongue, 64
- Symbol, family, 42
- Tabushaw, Ojibway warrior, 355
- Taliaferro, Major, agent for Sioux, 465, 474, 476, 483
- Talon, intendant, 99
- Tartaric origin of Dakotas, 62
- Taupine, Sieur de la, 408
- Tecumseh, 118, 324, 372
- Tennessee River, 32
- Tepees, or wigwams, 158
- Ticonderoga, Ojibways at, 432
- Theology of the Ojibways, 27. See also Medawe.
- Thief River, 326, 356
- Thompson, D., astronomer and geographer of Northwest Company, explores the Red River of the north, 151; visits Red Lake, 451
- Thunder Bay, 84
- Tobacco raised by Gros Ventres, 179
- Tom, a negro engagé, 289
- Tongue River, fight at, 454
- Tonty, Henry, 409, 415
- Torture of prisoners, 82, 106, 107, 128, 188
- Totemic system, 34; analogous to Hebrew customs, 70
- Totemic division of Ojibways, 41
- Totems. See Crane, Bear, etc.
- Totems, members cannot intermarry, 42; the five original, 43, 44; system not known among Dakotas, 43, 61; list of the present, 44; the fish species, 46; intermingling of, 165
- Tracy, Mr., British trader, 205, 208
- Trader, a, robbed by pillagers, 258
- Trading post, first, on La Pointe Island, 96
- Tradition of the Totems, 43; how the Mooses were exterminated, 50; of deluge, 55, 56; of how Great Spirit created man, 58; of a great pestilence, 67; of events similar to Joseph and his brethren, 70; of the Megis (sacred sea shell), 78; of the sand bank at the mouth of St. Louis River, 81; of the murder of an Omushkas, 84; of the Munduas, 91; of Manabosho creating a bar on the lake, 102; about the coming of the whites, 118; of the Odugamee invasion, 149; of the taking of Mille Lacs, 157
- Treaty (1787), Fort Harmar, 32; with Ojibways, 1820, at Sault Ste. Marie, 462; in 1825, at Prairie du Chien, 47, 317, 468; in 1826, at Fond du Lac, 392, 470; in 1837, at Fort Snelling, 485; in 1842, at La Pointe, 494; in 1847, at Fond du Lac, 14, 497; in 1854, 502; in 1855, at Washington, 502; in March, 1863, 504; in Oct. 1863, 506; in May, 1864, 506; in April, 1866, 506
- Trial of Alfred Aitkin's murderer, 485
- Trout Lake, 192
- Trumbull, J. Hammond, on Indian names, 397
- Tug-waug-aun-ay, Ojibway chief, 87, 89, 90, 192
- Turner, Lt., U.S.N., at Sault Saint Marie, 460
- Turtle Portage, 192
- Two Rivers, Minn., 14, 17, 18
- Uk-ke-waus, Ojibwav warrior, 337, 343
- Urau, Mrs. Madeline, 20
- Utica, N.Y., 12
- Utrecht, treaty of, 422
- Varennes, Pierre Gualtier de, 427
- Verendrye (or Veranderie) Sieur, 98, 426, 427; son killed by Sioux, 428; sons reach Rocky Mountains, 427; map of, 428
- Verplank, Hon. I., 14, 497
- Vermont, 384
- Vieux Desert, 38
- Vincennes, 372
- Virginia, early colonists of, 30
- Wabash River, 33
- Wabasha, Dakota chief, 156, 219, 220, 248
- Wabasha village, 303
- Wabishkeepeenas, or White Pigeon, 471
- Wab-ud-ow, or "White Gore" Lake, 224
- Wadden, trader, murdered, 378, 381
- Walker, Ojibway agent, 503, 504
- Wa-me-gis-u-go, Ojibway hunter, 129
- Wampum, 48
- Wa-na-ta, a Dakota chief, 359, 363, 364
- Wa-path-a, or "Wabasha," which see
- War, revolutionary, 9
- War of 1812, 368, 372, 387, 459
- War dance, 166
- Warfare, Indian, how conducted, 249
- War pipe, keepers of, 49, 68
- War, much stimulated by mourning customs, 264
- War parties, how raised, 338
- Warpetons, the, 266, 270, 272, 304, 352, 359
- Warren, Abraham, ancestor of W.W. Warren, 9
- Warren, Charlotte, 12, 18
- Warren, Gen. Joseph, 9
- Warren, Julia, 12
- Warren, Lvman (grandfather of W.W.), 9, 12
- Warren, Lyman M. (father of W.W.), birth, 9; becomes trader, 10; marries, 11; farmer at Chippewa River, 12; his library, 12; other references, 326, 383, 384, 450, 464; death, 12
- Warren, Mrs. Lyman M., 11, 12
- Warren, Miss Mary, 12, 20
- Warren, Richard (ancestor of W.W.), 9
- Warren, Sophia, 12
- Warren, Stephen (ancestor of W.W.), 9
- Warren, Truman A. (uncle of W.W.), 9, 10, 326, 384, 391, 450, 464
- Warren, Truman A., Jr., 12, 20
- Warren, William W., memoir of, 9; birth, 12; education, 26; learns
- Ojibway, 12, 25; becomes interpreter, 13, 14; comes to Minnesota, 14; marries, 14; his familiarity with Ojibwa legends, 15, 17; collects historical facts from the Indians, 15, 17, 19, 25; begins to write book, 10; his moral qualities, 16; elected to legislature, 15; death of, 18; eulogies on, 19; his children, 20; other works projected by him, 26, 27
- Warren, Wm. Tyler, 20
- Washington, D. C, 392
- Washington, George, 433, 444
- Wash-kin-e-ka, or "Crooked Arm," 363
- Wa-son-ou-e-qua, or "Yellow Hair," Ojibway chief, 269
- Wash-ta-do-ga-waub, Ojibway chief, 364
- Watab River, 352
- Watrous, Hon. John S., 14
- Waub-ash-aw, Ojibway warrior, 330
- Waub-o-jeeg, or "White Fisher," Ojibway chief, 52, 232, 235, 242, 246, 248, 253, 266, 351, 352, 394, 438, 447
- Waub-ish-aahe, Marten totem, 50
- Waub-ij-e-jauk, or "White Crane," 11, 48, 317, 321
- Waub-ish-gang-aug-e, or "White Crow," 47, 192, 319
- Waub-un-uk-eeg, or Delawares, 32
- Waukouta, 156
- Wausekogubig, or "Bright Forehead," 223, 227
- Wa-wa-tam, saves Henry's life, 204, 206, 213, 214
- Wa-won-ge-quon, Ojibway chief, 180, 289, 356
- We-esh-coob, or Sweet. See Sucre, le.
- We-esh-dam-o, Ojibway chief, 47
- We-kauns, or initiating priests, 77
- Wen-ni-way, Ojibway chief, 206
- We-non-ga, or "The Vulture," 342
- We-qua-dang (Ance-ke-we-naw), 38
- Wheelock, President of Dartmouth College, 443
- Whipple, Mercy (grandmother of W.W. Warren), 9
- Whiskey, among Indians, 31, 120, 301
- White Crane. See Waub-ij-e-jauk.
- White Earth Reservation, 12, 16, 20
- White fish, 175, 186
- White Fish Lake, 224
- White Fisher. See Waubojeeg.
- Whites, intercourse with, 101, 108, 113, 125
- Whites, Ojibways first discovered by, 117, 118
- Whites, first visit to La Pointe, 121
- Whitesborough, New York, 12
- Wigwams, how built, 40, 98, 100, 157, 160, 254
- Williams, J. Fletcher, Memoir of W.W. Warren, 7
- Willow River, 329
- Winnebago Lake, 33
- Winnebago agency at Long Prairie, 266, 353
- Winnebagoes, 3, 14, 30, 32, 43, 47, 193, 247. 314, 352, 354
- Winnebagoes, borrow totemic system from Ojibways, 43
- Winnepegosish Lakes, 224
- Winnepeg Lake, 38, 98, 175, 178, 183, 185, 281, 288, 326
- Wisconsin, 32, 37, 190, 292, 386
- Wisconsin Historical Collections, quoted, 145
- Wisconsin River, 3, 38, 39, 126, 149, 190, 191, 192, 242, 243, 299, 317, 320, 356
- Wiscoup, Weeshcoob. See Sucre, le.
- Wolf's Father, Ojibway chief, 319, 320
- Wolf totem, or clan, 45, 49, 165, 335
- Wolfe, General, 195, 437
- Women, Ojibway, their labors, 265
- Wood, Wm. H., 19
- Wyandots, the, 30, 124, 146
- Yankton Dakotas, 138, 139, 168, 356
- Yellow Hair, legend of, 269, 274
- Yellow Hair, Ojibway Chief, 310, 311, 312, 319, 320
- Yellow Lake, 171, 172, 326, 335
- X.Y. Fur Company, 380