Home-Made Toys for Girls and Boys/Index
Airships, "clockwork" flying, 102.
Animal targets for toy shooting gallery, 142.
Apartment building, doll, 165.
Automobile, clockwork, 104.
Automobile delivery wagon, clockwork, 112; cigar-box, 192.
Baby carriage, doll, 196.
Ballast, toy elevator, 63.
Balusters, doll-house stairway, 154.
Battery, a bi-chromate of potash, 135.
Bead portieres, doll-house, 157.
Beds, doll-house, 183, 187.
Bi-chromate battery fluid, 136.
Boat, toy motor-, 33.
Box-kite, 12.
Bridle, Malay kite, 12; box-kite, 16.
Buzz-saw whirligig, 71.
Cables, toy elevator, 61, 69; electro-magnet derrick, 123.
Cardboard toys, 196.
Carpets, doll-house, 157.
Carriage, doll baby, 196.
Cars, toy railway, 50; gondola, 52; street, 52; other forms of, 56; elevator, 60, 68, 150; Ferris wheel, 99.
Cart, cigar-box, 192; cardboard, 199.
Chairs, cigar-box, 176, 194, 195; cardboard, 203.
Chauffeur for clockwork automobile, 111.
Cigar-boxes, to prepare, for use, 175.
Cigar-box toys, 191.
Clock, a grandfather's, 182.
Clock wheel top, 81.
Clockwork automobile, 104.
Clockwork automobile delivery wagon, 112.
Clockwork Ferris wheel, 96.
Clockwork "flying airships," 102.
Clockwork merry-go-round, 89.
Clockwork motors, 89, 97; increasing speed of, 103.
Clockwork railway, 116.
Clockwork toys, 88.
Clog-dancer, toy, 72.
Control, toy elevator, 65.
Cosey-corner, doll-house, 158.
Counter-balance, 61, 69.
Cradle, doll's, 195.
Cricket-rattle, 75.
Curtains, doll-house, 157.
Decorating, doll-house, 156; doll apartment, 173.
Delivery-wagon, clockwork automobile, 112; cigar-box, 192.
Derrick, electro-magnet, 117.
Doll apartment building, 165.
Doll-house, 145; furnishing the, 156.
Dresser, doll, 185, 189.
Egg-beater motor-winder, 31.
Electrical toys, 117.
Electric motor truck, toy, 132.
Electro-magnet, 118.
Electro-magnet derrick, 117.
Elevator, model aeroplane, 25.
Elevators, toy, 59.
Elevator, toy office building, 59; an outdoor, 67; doll-house, 148.
Enlarging by squares, 175.
Express-wagon, cigar-box, 192.
Feed-hoist, toy stable, 163.
Feed-troughs, toy stable, 162.
Ferris wheel, clockwork, 96.
Fin, model aeroplane, 26.
Fireplace, doll apartment, 171.
Fixtures, doll apartment lighting, 171.
Floors, toy office building, 59; hard-wood, for doll-house, 157.
"Flying airships," clockwork, 102.
Flying-line for kites, 12.
Folding-bed, doll, 187.
Furniture, cigar-box, 174, 194; cardboard, 203.
Fuselage, model aeroplane, 22.
Gable-ends, doll-house, 151; toy stable, 161.
Garage, toy (see Stable).
Gondola car, 52.
Grandfather's clock, 182.
Guides, toy elevator, 61, 69, 150.
Hand-rail, doll-house stairway, 153.
Horses for merry-go-round, cardboard, 86, 92.
House, doll, 145; furnishing the doll-, 156; doll apartment, 165; furniture for doll-, 174, 194, 203.
Induction-coil, 126.
Interrupter, shocking-machine, 129.
Jack-in-the-box, cigar-box, 193.
Jumping-Jack, 74.
Jumping-Jack operated by windmill, 7.
Kite, a Malay, 9; a box-, 12.
Kite-reel, a hand, 17; a body, 19.
Launching a model aeroplane, 31.
Lighting fixtures, doll apartment, 171.
Magnet, electro-, 118.
Mail-bag, toy, 209.
Mail-box, toy, 205.
Malay kite, 9.
Mantel, doll apartment, 171.
Mechanical toys, 71.
Merry-go-round, top, 85; clockwork, 89; cardboard, 201.
Mirror, doll-house, 181.
Mission furniture, doll, 174.
Model aeroplane, 21; propellers for, 27; motors for, 29; motor-winder for, 31; launching a, 31.
Motor-boat, toy, 33.
Motors, clockwork, 89, 97; increasing speed of, 103.
Motors, model aeroplane, 29; winder for, 31.
Motors, water- (see Water-Motor).
Motor, toy motor-boat, 37.
Motor truck, toy electric, 132.
Motor-winder, egg-beater, 31.
Newel-post, doll-house stairway, 153.
Office building elevator, toy, 59.
Partitions, toy office building, 60; doll-house, 145; stable stall, 162.
Pictures, doll-house, 158.
Pinion-wheel windmill, 2.
Pinwheel, a paper, 1.
Pistol, toy, card-shooting, 143.
Planes, model aeroplane, 24.
Portieres, doll-house, 157.
Post-office with mail-box, to play, 209.
Primary coil, induction-coil, 127.
Propeller-shaft, model aeroplane, 29; toy motor-boat. 35.
Propellers, model aeroplane, 27.
Propeller, toy motor-boat, 35.
Pulley-wheel, 42, 45, 62, 151.
Race-track, spinning-top, 82.
Railway, toy, 47; trolley-line for, 47; power for, 49; tracks for, 50; cars for, 50; gondola car for, 52; street car for, 52; other cars for, 56; operation of, 56; station for, 57; clockwork, 116.
Rattle, cricket, 75.
Reel, a hand kite-, 17; a body kite-, 19.
Reflectoscope, 210.
Riders for merry-go-round, 86, 94.
Risers, doll-house stairway, 153.
Rugs, doll-house, 157.
Rug-tack top, 82.
Secondary-coil, induction-coil. 127.
Settee, doll, 178.
Shocking machine, 124.
Shoe-polish can top, 83.
Shooting gallery, toy, 140.
Side-board, doll, 180.
Sleighs for merry-go-round, cardboard, 93.
Sofa, doll, 203.
Spinning-top race-track, 82.
Spiral top, 85.
Spool and cardboard toys, 196.
Spool top, 82.
Stable, toy, 160.
Stairway for doll-house, 152, 154.
Station for toy railway, 57.
Straw portieres, doll-house, 158.
Street car, toy, 52.
Swing, doll, 202.
Switch, electro-magnet derrick, 121.
Tables, cigar-box, 179, 180, 194; cardboard, 204.
Tack top, 82.
Targets, toy shooting gallery, 142.
Teeter-board, 201.
Thrust bearings, 23, 35.
Top, clockwork, 81; rug-tack, 82; spool, 82; spinning, racetrack, 82; shoe-polish can, 83; spiral, 85; merry-go-round, 85.
Tops, 79.
Track, spinning-top race, 82.
Tracks, toy railway, 50.
Treads, doll-house stairway, 153.
Trolley-line, toy railway, 47.
Troughs, toy stable feed-, 162.
Truck, toy electric motor, 132.
Turtle toy, 76.
Varnish-can water-motor, 38.
Wagon, cigar-box express-, 192.
Wardrobe, doll, 190.
Wash-stand, doll, 186.
Water-motor, a varnish-can, 38; another form of, 42.
Wheel, clockwork Ferris, 96.
Wheel, water-motor, 39, 43.
Whirligig, a buzz-saw, 71.
Winder, model aeroplane motor-, 31.
Windlass, electro-magnet derrick, 123.
Windmill, a paper, 1; a pinion-wheel, 2; a four-blade, 4; an eight-blade, 5; jumping-Jack operated by a, 7.
Window-shades, doll-house, 157.