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Horsemanship for Women/Index

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1315341Horsemanship for Women — IndexTheodore Hoe Mead


Acclimation, 148.

Advancing at Touch of Heel, 41, 44

Amateur Horse-training, 1.

Amble, 28.

Apoplexy, 148.

Appel, 28.

Approaching a Fence, 119.

Arm, 135.

Arrière-main, 23.

Avant-main, 28.

Back, 135.

Back Sinew, 135

Backing, 75, 76.

Barrel, or Chest, 135.

Bars, 15.

Belly, 137.

Bending the Neck to Right and Left, 32, 35, 48, 49.

Biting, 148.

Blind Staggers, 148.

Blindness, 148.

Blood-spavin, 150.

Bone-spavin, 150.

Boring, 150.

Bots, 150.

Breaking Down, 150.

Breast, or Bosom, 137.

Bridles, 12.

Bridle-tooth, 15, 18.

Broken Knee, 150.

Buying a Saddle-horse, 132.

Cannon-bone, 137.

Cantering, 64.

Capped Hock, 150.

Cataract, 150.

Cavesson, 46.

Changing the Leading Foot, 66, 79.

Chapped Heels, 150.

Chin Groove, 15, 29, 137.

Cold, 150.

Colic, 150.

Color, 147.

Contracted Heels, 150.

Corns, 150.

Coronet, 137.

Costiveness, 151.

Cough, 151.

Crest, 137.

Cribbing, 148, 151.

Croup, 38, 137.

Curb-place, 137.

Curbs, 151.

Deux Pistes, 29, 71.

Discharge from Nostrils, 12, 15.

Diseases and Defects, 148.

Distemper, 151.

Dress, 88.

Duke of Wellington, 110.

Dumb-jockey, 46.

Ear, 137.

Elbow, 29, 137.

Etiquette in the Saddle, 87.

Ewe Neck, 151.

Eye, 137.

"Falling Through," 16.

Farcy, 151.

Fetlock, 29, 137.

Filled Legs, 151.

Fistula of the Withers, 151.

Flank, 137.

Flexion of the Jaw, 32.

Flexions de la Mâchoire, 21.

Flexions de l'Encolure, 32.

Flying Trot, 58.

Fore-arm, 29, 137.

Forehand, 38.

Forehead, 137.

Forge, 29.

Forging, 152.

Founder, or Fever in the Feet, 152.

Frog, 29, 137.

Gadfly Bites, 152.

Galloping, 64.

Galls, 152.

Gaskin, or Lower Thigh, 137.

"Getting a Horse accustomed to Skirts," 42.

Girths, 138.

Glanders, 152.

Going on Deux Pistes, 72.

Grapes, 152.

Grease, 152.

Grinders, 29.

Gripes, 152.

Groom, 116.

Guiding Bridlewise, 55.

Hand, 29, 104.

Hand-gallop, 29, 64.

Heart Disease, 152.

Heaves, 153.

Heel, 138.

Hide-bound, 153.

Hip, 138.

Hock, 29, 138.

Holding the Bit lightly, 21, 24.

Hoof, 138.

Horse-training is not Horse-breaking, 9.

Interfering, 28, 153.

Jaw, 138.

Jog-trot, 58.

Kicking, 69.

Knee, 138.

Knee-sprung, 153.

Knuckled, 153.

laminitis, 153.

Lampas, 153.

Leading with Left Fore-foot, 88.

Leading with Right Fore-foot, 80.

Leaping, 118.

Loins, 138.

Lower Thigh, 138.

Lowering the Head, 25, 28.

Lunging-cord, 46.

Mad Staggers, 153.

Mallenders, 153.

Mane, 138.

Manége, 29.

Mange, 153.

Megrims, 153.

Method of holding Reins in both Hands, 111.

Méthode d' Équitation, Baucher, 4.

Mount, 91.

Mounting, 92.

Moving the Croup to Right and Left, 38, 52.

Muzzle, 138.

Navicular Disease, 153.

Nerved, 153.

Nippers, 30.

Nostrils, 138.

On the Road, 107.

On which Side to Ride, 100.

"One, Two, Three," 95.

Ophthalmia, 153.

Ordinary Pirouette, 71.

Organic Disease, 153.

Overreaching, 153.

Pace, 30.

Pacing, 192.

Parts and Points of a Horse, 138.

Passage, 30, 71, 73, 138.

Pastern, 30.

Pastern-joint, 138.

Piaffer, 30.

Pirouettes, 30, 71.

Pisiform-bone, 138.

Piste, 30, 74.

Placing the Foot in the Stirrup, 96.

Poll, 30, 138.

Poll-evil, 154.

Position in Saddle, 97.

"Pulling the Hands steadily Apart," 33.

Pulling the Right Rein, 36.

Pumice Foot, 154.

Punishment in Case of Resistance, 27

Quarter Crack, 154.

Quarters, 138.

Quidding, 154.

Quittor, 154.

Rack, 30.

Ramener, 30.

Rassembler, 30.

Ready to Mount, 94.

Rearing, 66, 148.

Reins, Act of Changing, 77.

Reins in Hand, 43, 77.

Rheumatism, 154.

Riding in Circles, 79.

Ring-bone, 154.

Rising to the Leap, 127.

Roaring, 154.

Running Away, 69.

Ruptures, 154.

Saddle-gall, 154.

Saddles, 12, 13.

Sand Crack, 154.

Scouring, 154.

Scratches, 154.

Seat, 102, 103.

Seedy Toe, 154.

Shank, 30.

Shoulder, 138.

Shying, 68.

Side-bone, 154.

Sidney, Mr., 130.

Single-foot, 30.

Snaffle, 30.

Spavins and Splints, 30, 138, 154.

Speedy Cut, 154.

Staggers, 154.

Starting, 99.

Stifle-joint, 31, 138.

Stopping at Touch of Whip on Back, 45.

Strangles, 154.

String-halt, 154.

Style, 50.

Surcingle, 31.

Surfeit, 155.

Tail, 134.

Thick Wind, 155.

Thickening of Back Sinews, 155.

Thigh, 31, 139.

Thorough-pin, 155.

Thrapple, or Throttle, 139.

Throat-latches, 15, 31.

Thrush, 155.

Trotting, 58.

True Arm, 139.

Turning, 112.

Vices, 148.

"Vieille Moustache," 130.

Walking, 46, 51.

Warble, 155.

Warts, 155.

Water Jump, 121.

Whips, 13.

Whirlbone Lameness, 155.

Whistling, 155.

Windgalls, 155.

Withers, 31, 139.

Worms, 155.