Housing and Community Development Act of 1992/Title I
[edit]- Sec. 101. Low-Income Housing Authorization.
- Sec. 102. Extension of Ceiling Rents.
- Sec. 103. Definitions of Income and Adjusted Income and Applicability to Indian Housing Programs.
- Sec. 104. Public and Section 8 Housing Tenant Preference Rules.
- Sec. 105. Income Eligibility for Assisted Housing.
- Sec. 106. Family Self-Sufficiency Program.
- Sec. 111. Major Reconstruction of Obsolete Projects.
- Sec. 112. Public Housing Tenant Preferences.
- Sec. 113. Reform of Public Housing Management.
- Sec. 114. Public Housing Operating Subsidies.
- Sec. 115. Public Housing Vacancy Reduction.
- Sec. 116. Public Housing Demolition and Disposition.
- Sec. 117. Public Housing Resident Management.
- Sec. 118. Public Housing Homeownership.
- Sec. 119. Public Housing Family Investment Centers.
- Sec. 120. Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing.
- Sec. 121. Choice in Public Housing Management.
- Sec. 122. Assisted Housing for Indians and Alaska Natives.
- Sec. 123. Public Housing Early Childhood Development Services.
- Sec. 124. Indian Housing Childhood Development Services.
- Sec. 125. Public Housing One-Stop Perinatal Services Demonstration.
- Sec. 126. Public Housing Youth Sports Programs.
- Sec. 127. National Commission on Distressed Public Housing.
- Sec. 128. National Commission on American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing.
- Sec. 129. Rental Assistance Fraud Recoveries.
- Sec. 130. Project-Based Accounting.
- Sec. 131. Sale of Certain Scattered-Site Housing.
- Sec. 132. Homeownership Demonstration Program in Omaha, Nebraska.
- Sec. 141. Eligibility of Low-Income Families to Receive Rental Assistance.
- Sec. 142. Contract Adjustments for Expiration of Property Tax Exemption.
- Sec. 143. Termination of Contracts.
- Sec. 144. Preferences for Veterans with Disabilities that Prevent Use of Home.
- Sec. 145. Termination of Tenancy for Criminal Activity.
- Sec. 146. Definitions of `Project-Based Assistance´ and `Tenant-Based Assistance´.
- Sec. 147. Portability.
- Sec. 148. Family Unification Assistance.
- Sec. 149. Implementation of Amendments to Project-Based Certificate Program.
- Sec. 150. Effectiveness of Section 8 Assistance for FHA-Owned Units.
- Sec. 151. Implementation of Income Eligibility Provisions for Section 8 New Construction Units.
- Sec. 152. Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing.
- Sec. 153. Directive to Further Fair Housing Objectives Under Certificate and Voucher Programs.
- Sec. 154. Housing Assistance in Jefferson County, Texas.
- Sec. 155. Compliance of Certain Activities with Limitations on Project-Based Assistance.
- Sec. 161. Public and Assisted Housing Drug Elimination.
- Sec. 162. Housing Counseling.
- Sec. 163. Use of Funds Recaptured from Refinancing State and Local Finance Projects.
- Sec. 164. HOPE for Youth.
- Sec. 165. Extension for Commencement of Certain Construction.