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How to Get Strong and How to Stay So (1899)/Index

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Abdominal muscles, work for, 183 184.

Activity develops parts used, 153.

Actress, reduction of weight of, 150.

Air, "tidal," in lungs, 69.

Airs, national, singing of, 93; of Scotland, 96.

Alexander the Great, 255; body of 256.

Alfred the Great, 275; body of 276.

Alpine climbing for the calves, 170.

Altitude of organs gauges vigor when, 101.

American, women, exercise of, as runners, 10; as walkers, 10; playgrounds, 16; Henley, 120–124; physique, average, improvement in, 125.

American-English friendly feeling increased by annual contests, 124.

Amherst College, Beecher on physical culture at, 83.

Amount of exercise for women, 44.

Anderson, Dr. W. G., 98; work of, 111; treatment of consumptives, 142.

Anderson's, Madam, walking, 47.

Angina pectoris, 63.

Apoplexy, 63.

Appetite improved by golf, 72.

Aristotle, 254; body of, 255; teacher of Alexander, 255.

Arms, of girls, 25, 35; of women, not developed, 37; 15-inch ones scarce, 113; slim, exercise for, 197.

Assimilation improved by physical exercise, 65.

Assistants of physical directors, 117, 118.

Athletes, development of, 18; do they die young? 47, 482; working in ruts, 113.


Backs, of girls, 35; upper, development of, 190.

Bag-punching, 232.

Ball-playing, 12, 13, 71.

Bank-president as to benefit of sleep, 53.

Banks, Nathaniel P., education of, 483; swimming of, 483.

Bath, daily, 68.

Beard, Dr., on anæmia, 202, 203.

Beauty, foundation of, 33; enhanced by deep breathing, 202.

Beauties of mythology, 32.

Beecher, Henry Ward, on getting rich, 70; on Dr. Hitchcock's work at Amherst College, 83; neck of 203; sketch of, 406; body of, 409, 470; physique of ancestors, 409, 410; on eloquence, 468; on getting rich, 473; popularity of 473; power of, 473; as sexton, 474; training of, as a speaker, 474, 475.
Bendigo, legs of, 170.

Berkeley School, rowing at, 120.

Biceps, how to develop, 193.

Bicycling, 99.

Biliousness, exercise for, 183.

Bismarck, neck of, 207, 360; body of, 361.

Blackie, Prof. John Stuart, on health and strength, 61; on Dr. Guthrie, 58; on vitality, 66; on sitting, 70; on examples of great men, 240; sketch of, 403; body of,

Blacksmith's legs, 6.

Blaikie, Prof. William Garden, on Burns, 310.

Blood, circulation of, improved by golf, 72.

Blowing-machine, 238.

Blue Mondays, 58.

Bodies of great men, 240.

Body, educated, 11; half-built, 12; value of a good one, 49, 52; weak, whose fault? 66; how to cure, 66; knowing power of, 77; sound, a sane mind in a, 490.

Body-building, 17, 62, 66; at school, 76, 77.

Bony frame-work enlarged by exercise, 137, 142.

Boston, playgrounds in, 16; gymnasiums in, 16; rowing near, 122.

Boston Latin School, rowing at, 120.

Bow unbends by exercise, 30.

Bowels, work of the, 64.

Bowling, 71.

Boxers, Sullivan, Corbett, and Fitzsimmons, compared, 206.

Boxing, 71, 99; of Washington, 454.

Boys, in British schools, Dr. Roberts on, 7; undersized, 14, 15; German, 15; gain by exercise, 135; exercise for those who work, 482.

Brain, depleting blood in, by exercise, 30; rest of, 30; repair of, 30.

Brain-workers' need of good bodies, 62.

Breathing, correct, 40, 45, 48, 70, 73, 97, 100; deep, 157.

Bridge, wrestler's, 209.

Bright's disease, 63.

Bristed, C. A., on jumping, 174.

Broadening the shoulders, 100.

Broadus, Rev. Dr. John A., 107; his physical education, 107.

Broadway, 1.

Brougham, Lord, 65; physique of, 476.

Browne, Dr. Lennox, on singing as an exercise, 96.

"Brown, Tom," on sleep, 53, 56.

Bruce, Robert, 281; body of, 282.

Bryant, William Cullen, on daily physical exercise, 158–162.

Bryn Mawr, physical education at, 34.

Buermeyer, Harry, athlete, longevity of, 480.

Building up thin men, 129.

Buoyancy of spirit from exercise, 142.

Burke, body of, 469.

Burns, Robert, 310; body of, 311.


Cæsar, Caius Julius, 107, 265; body of, 266; head of, 480.

Calisthenics, 17.

Calthorpe, Lord, 435.

Calves, developing the, 74, 166, 167.

Cambridge, rowing at, 120, 477.

Cancer, effect of perspiration as to, 65.

Canoeing, 71.

Canon Kingsley on exercise, 189.

Can't means won't, 10.

Carlyle on cheerfulness, 73.

Carnegie, Andrew, libraries founded by, 483; free lecture-course for New York, 483, 484, 485.

Carriage, erect, 24; low, weakens vital organs, 30; always, 73, 97, 101, 213.

Cash-girls' work exhausting, 38.

Casts in a gymnasium, 112.
Catskill, farming in, as a developer, 155.

Chalmers, Thomas, 330; body of, 333; power of, as an orator, 403, 471.

Charlemagne, 271; body of, 274.

Chase, Chief Justice, 117.

Checkley, Edwin, system of exercise of, 99–103.

Cheerfulness, 73.

Chest-diameters, American, too small, 177.

Chest-expansion, by exercise, 30, 31, 73, 100; classes for, 31; Dr. J. G. Smith, on, 138; from exercise, 143, 203.

Chests, girls', 25; full, deep, high, 30, 31, 35; hollow, 30; women's, 41, 73; American, too small, 73, 177; defective, corrected at school, 77; how enlarged, 100; arched, a sign of beauty and inspires confidence, 102, 103; forty-five-inch scarce, 113; how to deepen, 189; how to widen, 221.

Chest-girth, how enlarged, 177, 187.

Chicago, Olympic Games at, 489.

Children, city, play of, not enough, 78; all should run daily, 97; of run-down stock should run, 97; daily exercise for, 211.

Chitty, Mr. Justice, 392; body of, 393, 413; longevity of, 478.

Choate, Joseph H., address to Chicago Bar, 61; on brain-worker's need of a good stomach, 61; sketch of, 410; body of, 412.

Choate, Rufus, 348; body of, 60, 349.

Chopping, effect of, 186; Greeley on, 420.

Christian workers, training-school for, 83.

"Christopher North," 436; body of, 436.

Churches, why not filled, 468.

Cicero, on exercise, 51, 107; neck of, 206; sketch of, 262; body of, 264.

Cigarette-smoking, 121.

Circulation of the blood improved by golf, 73.

Classes for chest-expansion, 31.

Clay, Henry, 340; body of, 342; power of, as an orator, 472.

Clogged by faulty position, 73.

Clubs, Indian, 48.

Coasting 12, 17.

Cockran's, Bourke, neck, 207; as a lecturer, 413, 485.

Cocoa and chocolate harmless, 102.

Coffee causes much harm, 102.

Cold drinks should not be taken at meals, 102.

Coleridge, 436.

Coliseum, Roman, 487.

College, could guarantee health and figure, 49; athletes work in ruts, 113; baseball, 119; rowing, 119.

Columbia University rowing, 119, 122.

Columbus, 282; body of, 283.

Complexions, girls', 25; women's, 41.

Comprehensive Physical Culture, Jenness, 103.

Compulsory exercise, 127; in schools, 104.

Comstock, Anthony, good work of, 227.

Constitutional, daily, 48, 54, 71; variety of, 71.

Consumption, among shoemakers, 8; begins at top of lungs, 102; is often caused by impure air, 205.

Consumptives, daily exercise for, 234, 239; do not take in enough air, 235; sleep of, 236; need much chest-expanding exercise 237.

Contractors, need of good bodies, 63.

Cooley, Chief Justice, 439.

Corbett, James J., boxing of, 206, 480.

Cornell University, rowing at, 119, 122.

Corsets, ill effects of wearing, 100.

Courtney, Charles, fore-arm of, 192.

Cripples, 11.
Crossing knees, sitting with, tends to cause paralysis, 103.

Curtis, William B., record of, as an athlete, 479, 480; longevity of, 479.

Cutler School crew, 120.

Cycler should have heart and lungs first examined, 192.

Cycling, 17, 71, 99; chiefly develops the thighs, 176, 177; Dr. J. W. Roosevelt on, 177; effect on chest-girth, 177, will not fully develop the back, 177; when heart action is defective, 470.


Daily bath, 68.

Daily exercise, for girls, 25, 29, 36, 74; for women, 43, 46, 69, 74, 229; of one hour, 60, 62, 210, 222; what to take, 69; increases usefulness and attractiveness, 74; value of, 210; for children, 211; for young men, 226; for consumptives, 234.

Dana, Charles A., 421; body of, 423.

Dancing develops the thighs, 175.

Dante, 435.

David, 243; body of, 245.

Day, President, great age of, 239.

Debility, of girls, 28; chronic, 28; of women, 37.

Deep breathing, 70, 157, 183, 201; enlarges our power-house, 73, 74; lengthens life, 165.

Defects cured by exercise, 30.

Deformity, from bad position, 74; exercise to remedy, 74; correcting at school, 74, 77.

Delsarte system of exercise, 99.

Demosthenes, 257; body of, 259; training of, for eloquence, 471, 474.

Denman, Lord, 390; body of, 390.

Depleting blood in brain by exercise, 30.

Descendants, effect of exercise on, 30.

Detroit Free Press for biliousness, 183.

Developing, the calves, 74, 166; the slim muscles, 171; the front of the thigh, 172, 173, 176, 177, 215; the sides of the waist, 178, 181; the back, by rowing, 179; the under thigh, 181; the abdominal muscles, 183, 185; the loins, 187; the chest, 189; the shoulders, 190; the upper back, 190; the biceps muscles, 193; the shoulder, 194; the fore-arm, 195; the triceps, 196; the hand, 198; any finger, 198; the front of the chest, 199; of the chest, 201; the lungs, 203, 204, 205; the neck, 206.

Development follows activity, 153.

Dewey, Admiral, body of, 441, 442.

Diabetes, 63.

Dickens, 379; body of, 380.

Digestion, improved by muscular exercise, 65; by golf, 72; hurt by bad position, 73.

Dilke, Sir Charles, body of, 440.

"Dips," 98, 224; eighty-four, by one man, 197.

Directors, physical, 116; assistants of, 117, 118; possibilities of, 126; salaries of, 127.

Disease, enters easily if system is run down, 52; ninety per cent, from disorder of stomach or liver, 102.

Dry-dock for broken-down men, 19.

Duke of Wellington, vigor of body, 55, 56; sketch of, 314; body of, 318.

Dulling by physical exercise, 129.

Dumb-bells, exercise with, 48, 94, 143; what size to use, 221.

Dyspepsia, 63; from bad position of the body, 74; first step to cure it is to hold the vital organs high, 101; chronic unknown in such a case, 101.


Easy running, 203.

Eating, rest after, 156; Gladstone's habit, 357.

Elder, Physical Director, on tug-of-war, 188; on work for biliousness, 183.

Elasticity of movement, 25.

Eldon, Lord, 328; body of, 329.

Eliot, President, on brain-worker's need of a good body, 62; secures Dr. Sargent, 80; on physique of students, 113; body of, 440.

Eloquent men's bodies, 468–475.

Emerson's, Dr. Charles Wesley, system of exercise, 99, 101, 103.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, on elegance of form, 31; on the best man, 110.

Endurance, our lack of, 113.

Enlarging the lung-room, 203.

Equipment of gymnasium, 112.

Erect carriage, how to get, 34, 46, 97, 113, 144, 213; how obtained at West Point, 35, 128.

Ericsson, John, body of, 479; longevity of, 479.

Erskine, Lord, 325; body of, 328.

Esculapius, 106.

Esher, Lord, 394; body of, 395, 413; longevity of, 478.

Eton, rowing at, 120; crews at Henley, 120.

Excellence of structure, 31.

Exercise, in colleges, 18; effect of, 18, 28, 29, 44, 48, 49, 136, 225; for girls, 25, 26, 27, 133, 135; effect of, on descendants, 30; expansion of chest by, 30; physical, depletes the blood in the brain, 30, 52; for women, 37; prolongs life, 40; daily, 43, 46, 50, 52, 55; amount of, 44; developing weaker side by, 44; with dumbbells, 48; with Indian clubs, 48; with exerciser, 48; affects weight, 49; Blackie on, 61, 70; Cicero on, 61; O. W. Holmes on, 51; strengthens the lungs, 62; value of, 62, 66; what to take, 69, 101; improves the spirits, 74; with slow movements brings greater results, 102; for old persons, 158, 159, 160; oils the joints, 162.

Exerciser, 48, 94, 232, 233; use of, by New York society leaders, 48.

Expansion of chest by exercise, 30.

Eyes strengthened by physical exercise, 163.


Farmers, as walkers and runners, 3; Dr. Sargent as to size and weight of, 8.

Farm-hand, vacation as a, 75.

Farm-work, effect of, on carriage, 3.

Fast walking by women, 47.

Fat, exercise to reduce, 100.

Faulty position clogs breathing, circulation, and digestion, 73.

Fawcett, Postmaster-General, rowing of, 30; Miss, scholarship of, 30; physical training of, 30, 118; tennis of, 30; shinny of, 30; rowing of, 30.

Feet, in-turning, 41.

Fencing, 71, 99.

Field sports, 71.

Figures of girls, 28.

Finck, on beauty, 34; on high chests, 102; on breathing, 201, 202.

Fingers, how to make them strong, 198.

Fitzsimmons as a boxer, 206; with Buermeyer, 480.

Fleshy, work for the, 145.

Football, 12, 15, 16, 71; Sandow on, 94.

Fore-arm exercise, effect of, 29; work, 195, 227.

Fox, Charles James, 303; body of, 304, 469; eloquence of, 469.

Franklin, self-reliance of, 117, 205; body of, 296.

French physique, 15.

Freshman crew, 20.

Front of the chest, how to develop, 199.


Galen, 109.

Garfield, President, 117.

Garibaldi, walking of, 69.

Garrett, Robert, 63.

Gastric juice, 69.

German physique, 15.

Getting rich, Beecher on, 70.

Gibson, Chief Justice, 335; body of, 336.

Girls, running of, 26, 230; study by, need not break down, 26; walking of, 27; tennis, 27; exercise of, 27, 30; figures of, 28; effects of exercise on, 28; mental work of, 28; debility of defective bodily education of, 29; symmetry of, from exercise, 30; usefulness increased by daily physical exercise, 36.

Gladstone, care of his body, 56, 65, 66, 67; his daily exercise, 67; biting his food, 68; walking of, 69; sketch of, 354; body of, 355.

Go-as-you-please racing, 97.

Godkin, Edwin L., 429; body of, 431.

Goethe, 323; body of, 324.

Golf, 71; makes men eat and sleep, 72; oxidizes the blood, 72; regulates the circulation, 72.

Good spirits, one way to get, 75.

Gould, Jay, 63.

Gout, freedom from, 163.

Grace, foundation of, 33, 48.

Grant, U. S., effect of out-door exercise on life of, 130, 383; body of, 385.

Gray, Mr. Justice, 438.

Great horses, 241.

Great men's bodies, 240; examples, 240; Blackie on, 240; Longfellow on, 240; difference between great and ordinary men, 241.

Great ships, 241.

Greek gymnastic exercises, 110.

Greeley, Horace, 418; body of, 419.

Greenough, the sculptor, on leg exercise, 173.

Grip, how to strengthen the, 198, 199.

Grippe comes easiest to those who are run down, 75.

Griscom, S. E., exercise his cure for nervousness and insomnia, 159, 160, 161.

Guaranty of health, strength, and figure to college-girls, 49.

Guthrie, Thomas, prowess of, 58.

Gymnasium, home, 48, 67, 68; substitute for, 67, 69; how to use it, 68; Chicago Athletic Club, 112; Hemenway, outfit of, 112; Manhattan Athletic Club of New York, 112; New York Athletic Club, 112; of Yale, 112; most useful branch of college education, 115; directors, field for, 126; how it pays, 126.

Gymnastics, in Italy, 32; Sandow on, 94.


Hackensack rowing course, 123.

Hale, Nathan, body of, 1, 447.

Half-built boys, 12.

Hall, Rev. Dr. John, 424; body of, 426.

Hall, Rev. Robert, on Dr. Chalmers as an orator, 331.

Hamilton, Alexander, 307; body of, 309.

Hammond, Surgeon-General, 26, 27.

Hand, symmetrical, 25; how to develop, 198.

Hand-ball, 71.

Hannibal, 260; body of, 261.

Hard muscles, 31.

Hares and hounds, 14.

Harlan, Mr. Justice, body of, 438.

Harper, President, on students' need of good bodies, 61.

Hartwell, Dr., on treatment of consumption, 144.
Harvard, oarsman and perspiring, 55; Hemenway gymnasium at, 76; President Eliot, as to physique of students, 113; rowing at, 119, 121; oarsmen, legs of, 173.
Headache, 63.

Health, of women, 38; Napoleon, 61; Emerson, 61; Blackie on, 61; Hopkins on, 61; Mathews on, 61; one way to get, 76; value of, to professional men, 87; aided by singing, 95, 96.

Heart, failure of, 63, 72, 74; rest in sleep, 71; work of, in sleep, 71; toned up by golf, 72; testing, 95; perfect rhythm of by high carriage, 101; of wheelman should be first examined, 178.

Heavy exercises, 98.

Heenan, John C., pugilist, physique of, 188.

Hemenway gymnasium, 79, 112.

Henley, an American, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124; cup for, 124.

Henley-on-Thames, Eton crews at, 120; Radley crews at, 120; annual regatta, 121; Steward's rules, rules, 123.

Henry, Patrick, 298; body of, 299.

Hereditary, weakness, 60; strength, 50; consumption, 50.

High shoulders, 30.

Hippocrates, 109.

Hitchcock, Dr. Edward, 82.

Hitchcock, Dr. Edward, Jr., on wrestling, 485.

Hockey, 12, 71.

Holmes, O. W., on vigor of body, 51.

Home-exerciser, 48.

Hopkins, Mark, on sound physique, 51.

Hopkinson School, rowing at, 120.

Hopping develops the calves, 169; and the sides, 182.

Horseback riding, 71; at West Point, 127; develops calves, 169; thighs, 176.

Horsewomen, 42.

Hour of exercise daily, 50.

How to get strong fast, 204.

Hughes, Thomas, on sleep, 53; sketch of, 391; physique of, 392.

Huntington, C. P., 381; body of, 383.

Huxley, on breathing, 69; on "tidal" air, 201–202.


Imperfect development inherited, 11.

Impure air causing consumption, 205.

Indian clubs, 48.

In-door men, constitutional of, 233, 234.

Inflating the lungs, 236.

Inhaler, 238.

Insomnia, 5, 71; cured by exercise, 159, 160; golf-cure for, 71.

Isis, rowing on the, 120.

Italian gymnastics, 82.


Jackson, 301; body of, 301.

Jahn's, Father, system of exercise, 99.

Jefferson, 300; body of, 300.

Jenness's, Mabel, system of exercise, 99, 103.

Jerks a sign of weakness, 102.

Jinrikisha man, legs of, 171, 173.

Johnson, Samuel, 297; body of, 297; on Wesley, 471.

Journalist, New York, benefit had from exercise, 133.

Jumping, Maclaren on, 104; develops the calves, 169, 173.


Kidneys as sewage agents, 64, 65.

Kingsley, Canon, on exercise, 189.

Knees crossed tend to cause paralysis, 103.

Kollman, Professor, on breathing, 202.

Krueger, Paul, 414; body of, 415; longevity of, 478.


Labor-saving machines bring weak muscles, 3.

Laborer, development of the, 9.

Laugenbeck on pulmonary diseases, 237.

Laughing, 70.

Lawyers need good bodies, 59, 61.

Leg, how to develop, 166.

Legislators, sons of strong mothers 50.

Legs of blacksmiths, 6.

Lehmann, R. C., 124; on longevity of athletes, 477, 478.

Leonard, Hugh F., on wrestling, 485.

Lewis, Dr. John A., on consumption, 205.

Life insurance companies could support State physical directors, 110.

Life, lengthening your, 72.

Lifting develops thighs, 176.

Lincoln, Abraham, 350; war-strain on, 131; body of, 350; as an orator, 472; as a wrestler, 485; judgment of, 485.

Ling's system of gymnastics, 99.

Liver, fourth-rate, 19; as sewage-factor, 64, 65; a sponge, 69; held high secretes bile better, 101; torpid, exercise for, 182.

Loins, how to develop, 187.

Lombard, Dr., thinking-organs filled by work, 130.

Longevity extended by physical exercise, 109; of oarsmen, 477.

Low tackling, 16.

Lowell, James Russell, walking of, 69; lectures in Boston, 484; lecturers in Boston, 484.

Low-heeled shoes, 69.

Luke, Dr., 109.

Lung capacity, 69, 100; and staying power, 100; enlarging, 23; cramping, 23.

Lungs, as sewage-factor, 34; made strong by exercise, 52; testing, 95; filling the, 100, 101, 236; held high use more air, 101; of wheelman should be examined, 178.

Luther, 283; body of, 57, 285, 470; neck of, 207.

Lycurgus, physical education in his time, 79.


Maclaren, Professor Archibald, 98, 104; some results of his work, 134, 135, 136, 139, 140; on chest-expansion, 142, 143; on development, 153; says that exercise oils joints, 153; legs of, 170, 171.

Maclaren, Ian, lectures by, 485.

Maclure, Dr. "Willum," 108.

McBurney, Dr. Charles, body of, 441.

McCormick, Cyrus II., 359; body of, 360.

Madame Anderson's walking, 47.

Madison Square Garden, racing and jumping at, 97; size of, as compared with the Coliseum at Rome, 487.

Magnetism, personal, 49.

Manikin in gymnasiums, 112.

Mansfield, Lord, 322; body of, 322.

Manufacturers' need of good bodies, 63.

Marquis of Salisbury and golf, 71.

Married women, exercise of, 38; carrying child in arms is often too heavy for, 39; not trained for it, 40; should exercise daily, 40; life prolonged by exercise, 40.

Marshall, Chief Justice, 305; body of, 306.

Mass-playing in football, 16.

Master of the Rolls, longevity of, 478.

Mathews, Professor, on Beecher's oratorical training, 474.

Measurements at Harvard, 80.

Mechanics, lack of development of, 6; Salzman as to, 7; Roberts as to, 7; Sargent as to, 8; defective physical training, 4, 482.

Men, daily exercise for, 231.

Mental work of girls, 28.
Merchants' need of good bodies, 63.

Michael, "Jimmy," the cyclist, 171.

Miller, Mr. Justice, 371: body of 371.

Milliken, Dr. Dan, on grace, 33.

Milton, 290; body of, 292.

Ministers' sore throat, 58; lack of eloquence, 470.

Mirabeau's neck, 207.

Miss Von Hillern's walking, 47.

Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir, on vigor, vitality, and out-door life, 54; Wear or Tear; or, Hints for the Overworked, 6, 44; on effect of exercise, 52.

Model men, 210.

Mohammed, 270; body of, 271.

Moltke, 368; body of, 369.

Moody, Dwight L., 427; body of, 428, 470.

Morgan, University Oars, 141, 477, 478.

Morgan, J. Pierpont, 399; body of, 400.

Morrissey, John, physique of, 188.

Moses, 242; body of, 242; Michael Angelo's statue of, 243.

Mothers, physical characteristics of, 10.

Mountain-climbing develops the calves, 179.

Mouth-breathing, 45.

Mowing develops the thighs, 176.

Muscles, hard, 31.

Muscular system closely connected with the vital, 43.

Mythology, famous beauties of, 32.


Nansen, lectures by, 486.

Napoleon, 312; body of, 313.

National airs, singing, in schools, 96; of Scotland, 96.

Navvy, development of the, 9.

Neck, how to develop, 100.

Neck development, 206; of H. W. Beecher, 203; Dr. Sargent as to meaning of, 207.

Neligan on wrestling, 485.

Nerve-power comes with muscular exercise, 65.

Nerves, exhausted, 5; quieted by exercise, 44, 159.

Nervous disorders among women, 37.

Nervous exhaustion, who prone to, 6.

Nervous persons eat too little, 102.

Nervousness, 54; cured by exercise, 159.

New York, playgrounds and gymnasiums, 16; rowing near, 122; journalist's benefit from exercise, 133; World provides free lectures, 484.

Nicks, Physical Director, on tug of war, 189.

Northwestern States furnish many amateur oarsmen, 122.


Oarsmen, professional, 21, 22; university, longevity of, Dr. Morgan on, 141.

O'Conor, Charles, 372; self-reliance of, 117; body of, 373.

Offspring, effect of exercise upon, 30.

Old, work for the, 145, 158, 159, 162.

Old men at golf, 71.

Old persons, avoid exercise, 162; should have daily systematic physical exercise, 163; helps the eyes, 163.

Olympic Games, 487, 488, 489.

One hour's exercise a week, results of, 136.

Oratory as a power, 471; New York World on, 472.

Organs, altitude of, gauges vigor, 101.

Osseous frame-work enlarged by exercise, 137, 142.

Out-door life, Dr. S. Weir Mitchell on, 54.

Over-developed athletes, 18, 105.
Overwork, of brain, 53, 56, 72; folly of, 56; danger of, 105, 115, 116; of muscles saps vitality, 201.


Palatial gymnasiums, 112; equipment of, 112.

Palmerston, Lord, 163; body of, 437.

Paralysis, 63; freedom from, by exercise, 63; from knees crossed, 103.

Parents, physical training of children by, 76.

Paresis, 63.

Parsons, Chief Justice, habit of, 208.

Passaic rowing course, 123.

Paul, 245; physique of, 247.

Peel, Sir Robert, body of, 436.

Pennsylvania, University of, rowing at, 121, 122; provost of, 121.

Peripatetic teaching, 254.

Perspiration as a preventive of disease, 65.

Perspiring, Harvard oarsmen as to, 55.

Peter, 291; body of, 292.

Philadelphia, rowing near, 122.

Phillips, Physical Director, on tug of war, 188.

Phillips, Wendell, body of, 438; eloquence of, 472.

Physical culture, school the place for, 76, 79.

Physical education, daily, 29; at Smith College, at Bryn Mawr, at Vassar, at Wellesley, 34; for girls, Herbert Spencer on, 35; at Amherst, 83; at Training-school for Christian Workers, 83; should be compulsory in all schools, 104; for all, 110.

Physical exercise, for girls, 25, 29, 36; daily, increases their usefulness, 36; does it dull one mentally? 129; rests the brain, 130.

Physicians, exposure of, 59, 108; get little exercise, 59; health of, 59; need of education of, as physical directors, 109.
Physique, 49; of Agassiz, Alexander, 440; of Agassiz, Louis, 437; of Alexander the Great, 265; of Alfred, 276; of Aristotle, 254; of Beecher, 409; of Bismarck, 361; of Blackie, 405; of Brown, Tom, 392; of Bruce, 281; of Burns, 310; of Byron, 435; of Cæsar, 266; of Carter, S. C., 399; of Chalmers, 333; of Charlemagne, 274; of Choate, J. H., 411; of Choate, Rufus, 349; of Cicero, 264; of Clay, 342; of Columbus, 283; of Cromwell, 288; of Dana, C. A., 423; of Dante, 435; of David, 245; of Demosthenes, 259; of Denman, Lord, 390; of Dewey, 442; of Dickens, 380; of Dilke, 440; of Eldon, 329; of Eliot, 440; of Erskine, 328; of Fox; 304; of Franklin, 296; of Gibson, 336; of Gladstone, 355; of Godkin, 431; of Goethe, 324; of Grant, 385; of Gray, 438; of Greeley, 419; of Hale, Nathan, 1, 447; of Hall, John, 425; of Hamilton, 309; of Hannibal, 261; of Harlan, 438; of Henry, 299; of Huntington, 388; of Jackson, Andrew, 301; of Jefferson, 300; of Johnson, 297; of Krueger, 415; of Lincoln, 350; of Luther, 285; of Mansfield, 332; of Marshall, 306; of McBurney, 441; of McCormick, 360; of Miller, 371; of Milton, 290; of Mohammed, 275; of Moltke, 369; of Moody, 428; of Moses, 240; of Napoleon, 313; of O'Conor, 373; of Palmerston, 437; of Paul, 247; of Peel, 436; of Peter the Great, 292; of Plato, 252; of Scott, 321; of Selwyn, 435; of Shakespeare, 287; of Shaw, 335; of Smith, Justice, 389; of Socrates, 250; of Spurgeon, 403; of Sumner, 437; of Tennyson, 378; of Van Brunt, 432; of Vanderbilt, 339; of Wallace, 280; of Washington, 343; of Webster, Daniel, 343; of Webster, Sir Richard, 397; of William the Conqueror, 278; of Wilson, 436; of Wellington, 318; of Wesley, 294.
Physical directors, 116; assistants of, 117, 118; field of work for, 126; qualifications of, 127.

Pictures in gymnasiums, 112.

Plato, on cripples, 11.

Playgrounds, American, 16.

Play of city children insufficient, 78.

"Pleb," setting up of, at West Point, 113.

Poke-necked wheelmen, 178.

Pores, clogged, 64.

Preacher, when a power in the pulpit, 468–475.

President Eliot on need of good body for a brain-worker, 62.

President Harper on student's need of a good body, 61.

Preventing diseases, 109.

Princes startled by eloquence of Chalmers, 471.

Professional men, value of health to, 57, 61; reducing weight by exercise and perspiration, 151.

Professional oarsmen, 21, 22.

Protracted mental work, 53.

Proverb, Sandwich Island, 50.

Pull-up, 98.

Pulmonary diseases, cause of, 237.

Pulpit, power in, 468; power of Chalmers in, 471; of Beecher in, 473.

Putney-to-Mortlake rowing course, 123, 125.


Radley School crews at Henley, 120.

Railroad men's need of good bodies, 63.

Raquets, 71.

Read, George R., as a "whip," 489.

Repair of brain by exercise, 30.

Repairing broken-down men, 19.

Respiration, types and methods of, 138.

Respiratory power, work to gain, 127.

Rest after eating, 156.

Results of exercise, 48, 49, 133.

Rheumatism, physical exercise helps to prevent, 163.

Rich, Beecher on getting, 70.

Richards, Professor, 98; work of, 111.

Riding, 71.

Roberts, Physical Director, 83, 84; feats of, 84, 98; abandonment of heavy work, 104.

Roberts, R. J., hints to wheelmen, 179.

Rockefeller, John D., his estimate of Rev. Dr. Broadus, 108.

Roman, gymnastic exercises, 110; Coliseum, 487; amphitheatre, 488.

Romantic Love and Personal Beauty, 34.

Roosevelt, Dr. J. W., on cycling, 177.

Rowell, Charles, in go-as-you-please racing, 97; training for, 97; outrunning greyhound, 97.

Rowing, 23; American, how managed, 121; reducing weight by, 146; effect of, on the back, 177; on the abdomen, 184; rounds shoulders, 192; Lehmann on, 477, 478; records of William B. Curtis at, 479.

Rowing-man, 19; Lehmann on longevity of, 477, 478; Morgan on longevity of, 477.

Rubbing down, 236.

Rubbing the skin with towels, 68.

Run-down stock, 97.

Running, 13, 71; of girls, 26, 79; by all children, 97; moderate, for all, 97; develops thighs, 174, 175; brings shapelier legs than wheeling, 178; develops abdominal muscles, 186; expands lungs, 204; by women, 230; by girls, 230.
Running-tracks for schools, 97.

Russell, Lord Chief Justice, concentration of, 118.


Sadler, Joseph H., the oarsman, 481.

Salisbury, Marquis of, and golf, 71.

Sandow, Eugene, 93, 98; dimensions of, 94; dumb-bells of, 94; on football, 94; on gymnastics, 94.

Sandwich Island proverb, 50.

Sane mind, a, in a sound body, 490.

Sargent, Dr. D. A.; on position while at work, 73; methods of, at Harvard, 80; works of, 81; summer-school of, 81; pupils gain, 137; treatment of consumption by, 142, 143; on meaning of large neck, 207.

Sawing wood as a developer, 143.

School, as a place for physical culture, 75, 104; for correcting deformities, 76; children, 14,000,000, in America, 79; running-tracks, 97; exercise for children, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 223.

Schweninger, Dr., reduced Bismarck's weight, 148.

Scott, Sir Walter, 320; body of, 321.

Scouring the mind, 73.

Scrofula, how perspiration affects, 65.

Seaman, Dr., cup for American Henley, 124.

Seaver, Dr., 98, 111.

Secret vices, dangers from, 131.

Self-reliance, how bred, 117.

Self-supporting students, 117.

Selwyn, Bishop, body of, 435.

Servants, arms of, 43.

Setting-up drill, 31, 113.

Sewage system of the body, 64.

Shakespeare, 286; body of, 287.

Shaw, Chief Justice, 384; body of, 335.

Sherman, W. T., vigor sustained by out-door life, 131.

Shin-muscles, work for, 171.

Shoemakers, consumption among, 8.

Shoes, low-heeled, 69; ill-shaped, 100.

Shoulders, high, 30; too far back a deformity, 73; too low and how to correct, 100; development of, 190, 194.

Shovelling develops the thighs, 176.

Sides developed, by wrestling, 178, 181; by hopping, 182; by swaying sideways, 182.

Singing, in schools, 95; as an aid to health, 95; strengthens chest, 96; arrests consumption, 96.

Sitting, a slovenly habit, 70; erect, 70; how to sit, 74.

Skating, 12, 71, 99.

Skin, and its pores, 64; clogged, 64; clear and sweet, 64, 65.

Sleep, 26, 27, 71; bank president as to benefit of, 53; "Tom Brown" on, 53; remedy for, 71.

Slim arms, work for, 197, 198.

Slow exercise brings greater results, 102.

Smith, Dr. J. Gardner, on chest-expansion, 142, 187, 188; on undeveloped bodies and longevity, 481.

Smith, Mr. Justice Archibald L., 388; body of, 389.

Smith College, physical education at, 34.

Socrates, 248; body of, 250.

Sons, strong, from strong mothers, 50.

Special classes for special needs, 104; work for, 105.

Spencer, Herbert, as to need of physical education for girls, 85.

Sponge-bath, 68.

Spurgeon, Charles H., 58, 402; neck of, 207; body of, 403, 420; on eloquence, 468.

Squatting develops the thighs, 173.

Squeezing the liver, 69.

Stahl, Dr., on secret vices, 131.

Stamina, orator's need of, 469.

Statues in a gymnasium, 112.
Staying-power, and the lungs, 100.

Step, correct, 97.

Stethoscope, 72.

Stock, run-down, 97.

Stomach, third-rate, 19; held high properly secretes gastric juice, 101.

St. Andrews golf-links, 71, 72.

St. Paul's School, rowing at, 120, 121.

Strength, of women, 38; Blackie on, 51; Emerson on, 51; Mathews on, 51; Napoleon on, 51; of cheerfulness, 73.

Stretching the body, effect of, 100.

Striking-bag exercise, 232.

Structure, excellence of, 31.

Students, physical development of, 18; need of good bodies, 61; starvation of, 61; effect of exercise on, 153.

Study, by girls, need not break down, 26, 27.

Sullivan, John L., as a boxer, 206, 480; measurements of, 206, 207; chest of, 206; neck of, 207; longevity of, 208; wrestler, compared with Washington, 454; "a cat and a locomotive combined," 480.

Summer-school, Harvard, 81.

Sumner, Charles, body of, 437.

Swaying the shoulders sideways develops the sides, 182.

Sweater, how useful, 74.

Swimming, 71.

Symmetry, of hands, 25; from exercise, 30, 41.

Systematic education for girls, 29, 30.


Teachers' knowledge as to exercise, 18.

Ten Eyck, Edward Hanlan, 22, 121.

Tennis, of girls, 27, 71.

Tennyson, 376; his body, 378.

Theological Seminary, Beecher's oratorical training at, 474.

Thiers, Louis Adolphe, 164.

Thigh, how developed, 172; value of, 180.

Thighs, exercises for, in school, 215.

Thin, work for the, 145; how to stouten, 151, 152; writer's experience, 155; need rest, 157.

Thin men, building up, 129; "train up," 156.

Tidal air, 69.

"Tidal air," Huxley on, 201, 202.

Tight-rope walking develops the sides, 182.

Tired-faced men, 5.

"Tom Brown," on sleep, 53; vigor of, 53; constitutional of, 54.

"Tom Brown of Rugby," 391; body of, 392.

Toned-up heart, 72.

Torpid liver, exercise for, 182.

Track, athletics, 71, 97; running, for schools, 97.

Triceps muscles, work for, 196, 197.

Tuberculous tendency, how perspiration affects, 65.

Tug of war on cleats, dangers of, 188.

Types and methods of respiration, 137.


University crews, Lehmann on, 477.


Vacation which pays, 75.

Van Brunt, Charles H., 431; body of, 432.

Vanderbilt, William H., 63.

Vanderbilt's, Cornelius, long life, 67, 164; periauger, 57; work after he was fifty-two, 57, 337; self-reliance, 117; body, 339.

Vassar College, physical education at, 34.

Vaulting, 224.

Vices, secret or open, destroy the body, 131.

Vigor, Dr. S. Weir Mitchell on, 54.

Vital organs are developed by using nearest muscles, 102.
Vitality, Dr. S. Weir Mitchell on, 54; measure of working-power equals, 66.

Voice-power, developing, 238.

Von Hillern, Miss, walking by, 47.


Waist-girth reduced nine inches, 101.

Walking, up-hill, 17; for women, 37, 42, 46, 47, 69; by college girls, 42; two hundred miles in one week, 42; how fast, 46, 69; daily, 69; how far, 69, 70; reducing weight by, 151; fast develops thighs, 174.

Wallace, 279; body of, 280.

Washington, pew of, 2; sketch of, 444; body of, 446; Rev. M. L. Weems on, as a wrestler, 446, 450, 453; as a jumper, 450–452; early education of, 485.

"Watch on the Rhine," singing, 96.

Wear and Tear, 130.

Webster, Daniel, 107, 342; way of working, 56; head of, 206, 344; body of, 343, 469; Carlyle on, 345; as a wrestler, 346; chest of, 347; presence of, 348; Sydney Smith on, 469; "a steam-engine in breeches," 469.

Webster, Sir Richard, 396.

Weight, how affected by exercise, 49; reducing, by exercise, 147, 148; by riding, 148; Bismarck's, reduced after seventy, 148; Roberts's pupil of seventy-two, 148, 149; by exercise and perspiration, 150; by walking, 151; students', how affected by exercise, 153, 154, 155.

Weight-lifting, 99.

Wellesley College, physical education at, 34, 37; walking at, 42.

Wellington, Duke of, 314; vigor of body of, 55, 56; body of, 318.

Wesley, John, 293; body of, 294; preaching of 42,000 sermons by, 471; muscular development of, 471; nerve of, 471.

West Point, exercises, 17; setting-up drill, 31; erect carriage at, 35; horseback riding at, 35.

Wheeling, 71, 234; not so good for whole leg as running, 178.

Wheelmen, 171; should have heart and lungs first examined, 178; are generally poke-necked, 179; Roberts's hints to, 179.

Wheels, number of, in United States, 179.

Wheel-work develops chiefly the thighs, 176.

William the Conqueror, 277; body of, 278.

Wilson, Professor John, body of, 436.

Winship, Thomas, the oarsman, 481.

Women, American, as walkers, 10; swimming by, 23; exercise for, 37, 43, 229; debility among, 37; arms of, not developed, 37; nervous disorders among, 37; health of, 37; strength of, 38; ordinary work of, only partly develops, 38; in-turning feet of, 41; mountain-climbing by, 42; rowing by, 42; arms of, 43.

Wood-sawing as a developer, 134.

"Work incessantly "—Carlyle, 73.

Workers, Christian Training-school of, 83.

Working-power of man equals vitality, 66.

Worry, 54, 63; burns men out early 7, 63; defined, 64; effect of, 64; exercise as a factor in preventing, 64; remedy for, 64.

Wrestler's bridge, 209.

Wrestling, 99; develops the sides, 178, 182; Milton on, 291, 485; of Washington, 446, 450, 453, 485; makes men large, tall, brave, 485; of Lincoln, 485; Hugh F. Leonard on, 485; Professor Hitchcock on, 485; Neligan on, 485; Americans not generally good at, 486; if we were it would benefit our nation, 486; soldiers at, 486.