How to Keep Bees/Index
- ABC of Bee Culture, 207.
- Abdomen, 187.
- After-swarms led by virgin queen, 81.
- prevention of, 81.
- reason of and remedy for, 79, 81.
- Alder, 154.
- Alfalfa, 201.
- Alighting board, 15.
- Alimentary canal, 187, 191, Plates XXV., XXVI.
- Alley's queen and drone trap, 12.
- Alsike, 200.
- Anatomy, external, 181, Plate XXV.
- internal, 187, Plate XXVI.
- Antenna cleaner, 186, Plate VIL
- Antennas, 183, Plate VII.
- Ants, 27.
- Apiaries, floating, 209.
- out, 209.
- Apiary, high fence for, in city, 23.
- in village garden, 22.
- location and arrangement of, 20.
- mowing the, 23.
- old-fashioned, Plate XXVII.
- old orchard good place for, 20.
- on city house tops, 22.
- sheep in, 23.
- windbreak for, 22.
- Apparatus for extracting, Plate XVIII.
- Apple, 196.
- Apple blossoms, Plate XVII.
- Apricot, 196.
- Aristotle, 172, 207.
- Artificial pasturage, 199.
Bacillus alvei, 176.
- Balling of queen, 32, 158.
- Basswood, 198.
- blossoms, frontispiece.
- Bee, anatomy of, 181.
- books, 206.
- brush, Plate III.
- Brush, Dixie, 19.
- brush, use of, 101.
- cellars, for wintering, the Bingham, 151.
- gloves, 11, 17.
- glue, its source, 60, 61.
- glue made from varnish and cement, 61.
- glue, various uses of, 62.
- house-keepers, 34.
- how she gathers pollen, 59.
- how she collects propolis, 62.
- ingratitude, 44.
- journals, 206.
- moth, 172.
- moth, development of, 173.
- moth, how to detect, 173.
- moth, maxims, 176.
- moth, remedy for, 174.
- tent, 102, 168.
- tree, 214.
- veil, II, 16.
- worker, 59.
- worker, brains of, 40.
- worker—life and habits of, 42, 43.
- worker, sex of, 39.
- Bee-bread, 59.
- as food, 60.
- in cells, 98.
- Bee-escape, Plate III.
- Porter, 18.
- Porter, use of, 101.
- Bee-gum, 83.
- Bee-hunting, 211.
- Bee-keepers, 206.
- books written by, 9.
- number of, 207.
- Bee-keepers' supplies, catalogue of, 10.
- Bee-keeping, 206.
- a beginner's order, 11.
- as a regular business, 10.
- attractive materials of, 85.
- how to begin, 8.
- too successful, 73.
- worst way to begin, 10.
- Bees, as a recreation, 5.
- as socialists, 6.
- a study in natural science, 6.
- belong to the garden, 7.
- control population, 34.
- diseases of, 176.
- enemies and diseases of, 172.
- feeding of, 136.
- German or black, 12, 47.
- how they collect propolis, 60, 61.
- how they secrete wax, 52.
- how to handle them, 91.
- how to keep from keeping too many, 73.
- how to manage when swarming, 66.
- how to reconcile swarm to new hive, 70.
- how to unite colonies, 82.
- how to winter, 145.
- how to work with, 92.
- hybrids, 48.
- Italian, 12, 13.
- Italian and black bees compared, 48.
- Italian, Mr. Root's test for, 48.
- keep for sake of honey, 4.
- keep for sake of money, 4.
- legends and literature of, 3.
- races of, 12.
- races of domestic, 47.
- reasons why one should keep, 3.
- relations to plants, 194.
- robbing, 164.
- secreting wax, Plate X.
- sense of smell, 92.
- swarming of, 64.
- telling the, 61.
- watering, 143.
- when they swarm, 65.
- why they swarm, 64.
- wild, 47.
- Beeswax, adulterated, 126, 134.
- clarified by vinegar, 128.
- how to make it, 126.
- its value, 126.
- maxims for making, 135.
- press, 132.
- primitive method of rendering, 127.
- refining of, 134.
- rendered in wash boiler, 129.
- Beeswax-extractors, 130.
- Black brood, 179.
- Blue thistle, 204.
- Boardman wax extractor, 130, 131.
- Body wall, 181, Plate XXV.
- Bonnet, 207.
- Borage, 204.
- Bottom board, 83.
- Box elder in blossom, Plate XXX.
- Box hives, 83, 208.
- Brain, 188, Plate XXV.
- Brimstoning bees, 208.
- Brood, black, 179.
- foul, 176.
- foundation, 17.
- how to examine, 97.
- pickled, 179.
- Brood chamber, 83.
- how to examine, 95.
- size of, 14.
- Brood frame, Langstroth, how much honey it will hold, 146.
- Brood frames, examining of, Plate XIII.
- how to lift out, 96.
- Brushing or shaking-out method to control swarming, 77,
- Buckwheat, 201.
- Buckwheat in blossom, Plate XXIX.
- Cabbage palmetto, 199.
- Cages, queen, 160, 161.
- Candy for feeding bees, how to make, 141.
- Good, 141, 161.
- Cans for shipping extracted honey in bulk, 123.
- Carniolan bees, 47.
- Carton for comb-honey, 106, 113.
- Catnip, 204.
- Cell of queen, 29.
- Cellars for wintering bees, 150.
- Cerasin, wax adulterant, 134.
- Chaff hives, 11, 14.
- Chaff hives for wintering, 148, Plate XXII.
- Chyle food, 36.
- how regurgitated, 58.
- City apiary, 22.
- Cleome, 204.
- Clipping wings of queen, 75.
- Clover, 200.
- Cogshall, 209.
- Colonies, how to unite, 82.
- Colony, queenless, 29.
- queenless, Mr. Root's method of testing, 159, 160.
- Comb building, Plate IX.
- built by many workers, 56.
- drone, 37.
- cell caps, construction of, 56.
- foundation for brood chamber, 85.
- how to tell honey from brood in capped cells, 97.
- made without pollen, 50.
- making, described by A. I. Root, 53.
- making, Prof. V. L. Kellogg's observation of, 53.
- mathematics of, 54.
- placing in extractor, Plate XIX.
- shape of, not fortuitous, 54.
- strength of, 56.
- uncapping of, Plate XIX.
- Comb-honey and large hives, 77.
- bee moth in, 174, 175.
- candied, 115.
- compared with extracted honey, 106, 124.
- conditions for production of, 107.
- grading of, 112.
- how to keep, 116.
- how to make, 106.
- in 8-frame hive, 14.
- marketing of, 114.
- maxims for producers of, 116.
- shipping of, 113.
- storing of, 115.
- Combs for extracting, Plate XVIII.
- Cook, Prof. A. J., method of uniting colonies, 82, 207.
- observation on bee moth, 172.
- Coreopsis, 204.
- Corneil smoker, 11, 16.
- how to use, 93.
- Coxa, 185.
- Crabapple blossoms, Plate XXVIII.
- Crimson clover, 200.
- Cuticle, 182, Plate XXV.
- Cyprians, 47, 210.
- Daisy foundation fastener, 11, 17.
- Dandelion, 205.
- De Geer, 207.
- Details concerning honey, 106.
- Development of worker, 40.
- Diarrhoea, prevention of, 180.
- Diseases of bees, 176.
- Division board, what it is, 13.
- Division board feeder, Plate XII.
- Dixie bee brush, 12.
- Doolittle division board feeder, 12.
- wax-extractor, 130, 131.
- Drone, the, 34, Plate V.
- appearance of, 35.
- cell of, 37, Plate VIII.
- cells, how capped, 97.
- cells, size of, 56.
- comb, 37.
- death of, 35.
- eggs in worker cells, 37,
- flight of, 36.
- food of, 36.
- from unfertilised egg, 36.
- head of, Plate VI.
- leg of, Plate VII,
- life-history of, 36.
- killing of, 38, 39.
- maturity of, 37.
- physical characteristics of, 35, 36.
- reproductive organs of, Plate XXVI.
- trap, 19, Plate XVI.
- wedding flight of, 38.
- Drones, great number of, 38.
- males, 27.
- Dzierzon, 207, 208.
- Egg, 192.
- queen, 29.
- tubes, 192, Plate XXVI.
- Eggs, unfertilised, 33.
- Egyptian bees, 47.
- Enemies of bees, 172.
- Entrance to hive, how to contract, 167.
- Epilobium angustifolium 204.
- Eucalyptus, 199.
- Extracted honey and large hives, 77.
- candied, 122, Plate XXI.
- care of, 121.
- compared with comb-honey, 106, 124.
- drawing from extractor, Plate XX.
- hive for, 14.
- how to bottle or can, 122.
- how to produce it, 117.
- in glass jars, Plate XXI.
- maxims for the producers of, 124.
- packages for, 123.
- Extracting room and apparatus, Plate XIII.
- Extractor, honey, invention of, 117.
- Extractor, Solar wax, 130.
- Extractor, wax, 130.
- Eyes, compound, 183, Plate VI.
- simple, 183, Plate VI.
- Fabricius, 207.
- Feeder, Boardman, 138.
- Division board, 138.
- Doolittle, 19.
- pepper-box, 139.
- Feeders, Smith, Hedden, Miller, 139.
- Feeding back, 143.
- bees, 136.
- candy, 140.
- chunk honey, 140.
- for honey, 142.
- for winter, 137.
- how to do it, 138.
- how to feed inside the hive, 138.
- how to feed outside the hive, 138.
- in fall, 136.
- in spring, 136.
- maxims for, 144.
- rye flour, 142.
- syrup in combs, 140.
- what to feed, 137.
- Females of social insects, 27.
- Fence, Plate III.
- between sections, 88.
- Figwort, 204.
- Fireweed, 204.
- Flowers of the garden, 203.
- Food of worker, 40.
- Foul brood, 176, 179.
- how to detect, 177.
- remedy for, 177.
- Foundation, brood, 17.
- super, 11.
- Foundation Comb, 126, Plate XII.
- for brood chamber, 85.
- for sections, how to cut, 89.
- how to place in frame, 85, 86.
- size of, 86.
- Foundation-fastener, Daisy, 17.
- Parker, 18.
- super, 17.
- for extracted honey, 119.
- foundation for, 84.
- Frames, Hoffman brood, 86.
- Hoffman self-spacing, 84.
- Langstroth movable, 84.
- self-spacing, Plate XII.
- spacing of, 84.
- Fruit, not punctured by bees, 196.
- Fruit trees, 196, 197.
- Gall-berry, 204.
- Galleria mellonella, 172.
- Garden flowers, 203.
- German bees compared with Italians, 48.
- German steam wax press, 133.
- Gill-over-the-ground, 204.
- Glands, 189.
- Glands of honey bee, Plate XXV.
- Goldenrod, 204.
- Grapes, not punctured by bees, 197.
- Guagilla, 199.
- Hatch-Gemmill wax press, 133.
- Head, 183, Plate XXV.
- Heart, 188, Plate XXV.
- Hetherington super springs, 90.
- Hive, arrangement in apiary, 24.
- cover, 15, 83.
- the description of, 14.
- entrance, how to contract, 167.
- essential parts of, 83.
- history of, 83.
- how to get the cover off, 95.
- how to handle it, 83.
- how to lift out the brood frames, 96.
- how to open, 92.
- industries of, 50.
- inhabitants of, 27.
- Langstroth, 8-frame, 10-frame, 14.
- maxims for opening, 104.
- one and one-half story, Plate XV.
- the reasons why it must be opened, 94.
- telescope cover, 91.
- tenement, for wintering, 149,
- to change the location of, 25.
- Hive-stand, 15, 24.
- Hives, chaff, 14, 15.
- chaff for wintering, 148, Plate XXII.
- Dadant-Quinby, size of, 77.
- decoy, 70.
- devices for carrying into cellar, 152.
- double-walled, 21.
- double-walled, cover for, 22.
- entrance toward south, 25.
- how to group, 20, 25.
- large, for extracted honey, 77.
- large sizes limit swarming, 77,
- observation, 103.
- shade boards for, 21.
- shaded by awning, 21.
- shaded by thatched roof, 21.
- shaded by trellis, 21.
- well shaded, Plate IV.
- where to put them, 20.
- Hiving bees, Plate XI.
- maxims for, 72.
- Holy Land bees, 47.
- Honey, the amount produced in the United States, 58.
- basswood. 198.
- buckwheat, 202.
- composition of, 57,
- flowers, 194.
- gardens, 199, 204.
- healthful food, 58.
- how produced, 57.
- how to take off in supers, 101.
- house, 25.
- not made in the true stomach of the bee, 58.
- of Hymettus, 204.
- the only sweet of the ancients, 58.
- plants, 199.
- ripened in uncapped cells, 57.
- ripening of, 120.
- room, 25.
- sage, 203.
- uncapped, 120.
- uncapping of, 120.
- unripened for extracting, 119.
- weeds, 199.
- when to extract, 119.
- white clover, 200.
- Honey-extractor, invention of, 117.
- principles of construction of, 118.
- use of, 119.
- Honey-stomach, 57, 191, Plate XXVI.
- Horsemint, 204.
- House top for apiary, 22.
- How to clip the queen's wings, 100.
- to examine frames of brood chamber, 95.
- to find the queen, 99.
- to find the queen cells, 98.
- to handle the bees, 91.
- to introduce a queen, 160, 161.
- to keep from keeping too many bees, 73.
- to make comb-honey, 106.
- to open the hive, 92.
- to produce extracted honey, 117.
- to rear queens, 156.
- to stop robbing, 167.
- to take off honey in supers, 101.
- to winter bees, 145.
- to winter bees in cellars, 150.
- Hruschka, Major Francesco de, inventor of honey-extractor, 117.
- Huber, 61, 103, 208.
- Hutchinson, W. Z., method of treating after-swarms, 81.
- Hymettus, honey of, 204.
- Hypodermis, 182, Plate XXV.
- Indian meal moth, 175.
- Industries of the hive, 50.
- Inhabitants of the hive, 27.
- Introducing the queen, 157,
- by nucleus method, 162.
- Interrelation of bees and plants, 194.
- Intestine, 191, Plate XXVI.
- Italian bees, 47, 204.
- Italian worker, description of, 47.
- Jars for extracted honey, 123.
- Kellogg, Prof. V. L., 53, 103, 172.
- Kitchen, how bees rob the, 165.
- Labium, 184, Plate XXV.
- Labrum, 184, Plate XXV.
- Lamarck, 207.
- Langstroth, 207, 208.
- Latrielle, 207.
- Laying worker, 45, 79.
- Leg, 185.
- Legs of honey bee, Plate VII.
- Legumes, 200.
- Linnaeus, 207.
- Location of hive, to mark, 25.
- Locust blossoms, Plate XXXI.
- Locusts, 197.
- Males of social insects, 27.
- Malpighian tubes, 191, Plate XXVI.
- Malthusian practices of bees, 34.
- Mandibles, 184, Plate XXV.
- Manum swarm catcher, 12, 19,
- Maple, mountain, Plate XXIV.
- Maples, 154, 197.
- Marjoram, 203.
- Marketing comb honey, 114.
- Mason's cans for extracted honey, 123.
- Maxillæ; 184, Plate XXV.
- Maxims for beeswax making, 135.
- for feeding, 144.
- for hiving bees, 72.
- for introducing queens, 163,
- for opening the hive, 104.
- for prevention of bee moth, 176.
- for producers of comb honey, 116.
- for the producer of extracted honey, 124.
- for wintering, 154.
- to prevent robbing, 171.
- McEvoy, William, treatment of foul brood, 177.
- Medics, 201.
- Mellilots, 205.
- Metatarsus, 185.
- Micropyle, 192.
- Milkweed, 204.
- Miller, Dr., 102, 162.
- Mignonette, 203.
- Motherwort, 204.
- Mouth parts, 184, Plate XXV.
- Muscles, 187, Plate XXV.
- Muth bottles for extracted honey, 123.
- Nervous system, 188, Plate XXV.
- Nucleus, method of introducing queen, 162.
- to begin with, 13.
- Observation hives, 103, opposite frontispiece.
- Ocelli, 183, Plate VI.
- Œsophagus, 191, Plate XXVI.
- Out-apiaries, 209.
- Ovaries, 192, Plate XXVI.
- Oviduct, 192, Plate XXVI.
- Oxydendrum arboreum, 199.
- Palpi, 185, Plate XXV.
- Paraffine, wax adulterant, 134.
- Parker foundation fastener, 18.
- Partnership of bees and plants, 195.
- Peach, 196.
- Pear, 196.
- Pickled brood, 179,
- Piping of queen, 31, 32.
- Planting for honey impractical, 199
- Pliny, 207.
- Plodia interpunctella 175.
- Plum, 196.
- Plum blossoms, Plate XXIII.
- Points about beeswax, 126.
- Poison glands, 193, Plate XXVI.
- Pollen, 59.
- fed to drone, 37.
- how gathered, 59.
- in cells, 98.
- how placed in cell, 60.
- made into bee bread, 60.
- Pollen-baskets, 59, 186, Plate VII.
- Pollen-comb, Plate VII.
- Porter bee-escape, 12, 18.
- Propolis, how collected, 62.
- how to dissolve, 63.
- its source, 60, 61.
- made from varnish and cement, 61.
- various uses of, 62.
- Pussy willows, 197.
- Queen, Plate V.
- armour of, 30, 31.
- balling of, 32, 158, 1 59.
- cages, 160, 161, Plate XVI.
- cages, the Miller, 162.
- capacity for egg laying, 28.
- cell, 29, Plate V.
- cell, how to find, 98.
- cell, how to cut out, 98.
- clipping wings of, 75.
- development of, 28.
- duels, 30, 31.
- egg, 29.
- excluder, 78.
- first flight of, 32.
- head of, Plate VI.
- her attendants, 28.
- how she lays eggs, 33, 34.
- how to find, 99.
- how to handle, 99.
- how to introduce, 160.
- introducing by nucleus method, 162.
- introducing cage, Plate V.
- introducing of, 157.
- issues from cell, 30.
- larva, 30.
- leg of, Plate VII.
- maxims for introducing, 163.
- mother of her subjects, 27,
- piping of, 31, 32.
- rearing, 156, 157.
- removed to prevent swarming, 79.
- reproductive organs of, 30, Plate XXVI.
- selection of, 27, 28.
- surrounded by workers, 99.
- tested, 14.
- trap, 19, 75, Plate XIV.
- virgin, leads after-swarms, 79, 80, 81.
- weapons, 30, 31.
- wedding flight of, 32.
- when to introduce, 159.
- Queen-clipping device, 100.
- Queen-excluding honey-board, use of, 108.
- Queenless colony, 29.
- Queens, development of new, 29.
- females, 27.
- Queen's wings, how to clip, 100.
- Quinby, 207.
- Rape, 202.
- Rauchfuss wax-extractor, 130, 131
- Rearing queens, 156.
- Reaumur, 207.
- Red clover, 200.
- Red maple, 197.
- Red raspberry, 202.
- Reproductive organs, 191, Plate XXVI.
- Respiratory system, 188, Plate XXVI.
- Robbing, borrowing, 170.
- fate of the robbed colony, 170.
- how it is done, 166.
- how to detect, 167.
- how to prevent, 102.
- how to stop, 167, 168, 169.
- maxims to prevent, 171.
- the result of, 164.
- slow, 170.
- when it is likely to happen, 165.
- why, 164.
- Rocky Mountain bee plant, 204.
- Root, 207.
- treatment of foul brood, 177.
- views about smoking bees, 93.
- Royal jelly, 29.
- Rye flour for feeding, 142.
- Sage, white, 203.
- Sage, black or button, 203.
- Scrofularia venalis, 204.
- Section glazed for comb-honey, 106.
- holder, Plate XTV.
- holders, 88.
- of honey, Plate XIV.
- Section-boxes, 88, Plates II., III., XIV.
- no bee-way, 88.
- with bee-ways, 88.
- Sections, 11, 17.
- fence between, 88.
- foundation-comb for, 89.
- how to put together, 89.
- how to take off, no.
- no bee-way, 16.
- scraping of, 112.
- stained, 111.
- unfinished, 110.
- Sense hairs, Plate VII.
- Sense organs, 183.
- Sense pits, Plate VII.
- Shade for hives, 21.
- Sheep in apiary, 23.
- Shipping-cases for comb-honey, 113.
- Skeleton, 181, 187, Plate XXV.
- Slumgum, 131.
- Smell, organs of, 184.
- Smoking bees, should be done carefully, 93, 94.
- Smoker, Corneil, 16, Plate II.
- how to fill and use, 92, 93.
- Social insects, 27.
- increase of, 64.
- Solar wax-extractor, 130, 131.
- Sour wood, 198.
- Spanish needle, 204.
- Spraying fruit blossoms with arsenic, 196.
- Spermatheca, 192, Plate XXVI.
- Spermatozoa, 192.
- Spider flower, 204.
- Spiracles, 188, Plate XXVI.
- Spring dwindling, 154.
- Spur, Plate VII.
- Spur wire embedder, 86.
- Stained sections, 111.
- Sting, 193, Plate XXVI.
- Stomach, 191. Plate XXVI.
- Sumach blossoms, Plate XXIV.
- Storifying, no.
- Sunflower, 203.
- Super, 11.
- boxes, 209.
- cover, II, 91.
- description of, 87.
- filled with section boxes, Plate XV.
- for comb-honey, 87.
- for extracted honey, 87.
- foundation, 17.
- how to entice bees into, 108.
- how to prepare, 90.
- how to prepare and place in hive, 91.
- partly filled, Plate II.
- parts of, 87.
- ready to be filled, Plate XII.
- springs, 88, 90.
- Supers, 15, 83.
- different kinds of, 88.
- how to take off when filled with honey, 101.
- Swammerdam, 207,
- Swarm, how to hive, 66, 68.
- how to manage in difficult places, 69.
- how to reconcile to new hive, 70.
- how to stop, 66.
- size of 65.
- throwing dirt at, 67.
- use, fountain pump with, 67.
- Mr. West's device for saving, 71.
- when given off, 65.
- Swarm-catcher, the Manum, 19.
- Swarming, conditions that lead to, 65.
- control by brushing out method, 77.
- control by extracting honey, 76.
- control by giving room, 76.
- control by removing queen, 79.
- lessened by use of large hives, 77.
- necessary to produce comb-honey, 75.
- of bees, 64.
- owing to queen or workers, 65.
- Swarms, dividing of, 78.
- Sweet clover, 205.
- Swiss wax extractor, 131.
- Syrian, 47.
- Syrup, for feeding bees how to make, 137.
- medicated for foul brood, 177.
- Taking up bees, 208.
- Tallow, wax adulterant, 134.
- Tarsus, 185.
- Telescope cover, 15.
- Tenement hives for wintering, 149,
- Tents for bee-keepers, 102.
- Termites, 27.
- Thorax, 185.
- Thornapple blossoms, Plate XXVIII.
- Thyme, 230.
- Tibia, 185.
- Tiering up, 108.
- Tin pails for extracted honey, 123.
- Tinned wire, 12.
- Tongue, 184, Plate XXV.
- Tracheæ, 189, Plate XXVI.
- Trap for queen, 75.
- Trap, queen and drone, 19.
- Trees, 196.
- Trochanter, 185.
- Turnip, 202.
- Uncapping, 120.
- Uncapping cans, the Dadant, 121.
- Uncapping knife, Bingham, 120.
- Urinary organs, 191.
- Vagina, 192.
- Van Deusen wax -tube fastener, 12, 18, 86.
- Varnish used as bee glue, 61.
- Vas deferens, 193, Plate XXVI.
- Veil, need for, 16.
- Village garden for apiary, 22.
- Wasps, 27.
- Watering bees, 143.
- Wax, amount of honey required to make, 50.
- bees hang in curtains to make, 52
- bees secreting, Plate X.
- the constituents of, 51.
- how to make it, 126.
- made in the fields, 52.
- made when need for, 52.
- press, 132, 133.
- the secretion of, 50.
- scales, 52.
- Wax-extractors, 130.
- Wax-glands, 52, 191, Plate XXVI.
- Wax-pincers, 186, Plate VII.
- Wax-plates, 51, Plates VI., XXV.
- Wax-tube fastener, 18, Plate III.
- Weeds, 203.
- When to feed, 136.
- When to introduce a queen, 159.
- When to put bees into cellar, 153.
- White clover, 200.
- Wild flowers, 203.
- Willow, 154, 197.
- Wings, 185.
- Wintering bees in single-walled hives, 145.
- diarrhoea, 179.
- getting ready for, 146.
- how much food needed for, 146.
- in cellars, 150.
- in chaff hives, 148, Plate XXII.
- in hive boxes, 147.
- in tenement hives, 149.
- maxims for, 154.
- out doors, 147.
- poor honey for, 147.
- spring dwindling, 154.
- when to put bees in the cellar, 153
- when to take bees out of cellar 153.
- ways of, 147.
- Wire embedded by heat, 87.
- Wire embedder, 86, Plate III.
- Wire, tinned, 18, 85.
- Worker, 39, Plate V.
- cell of, 37, 40, 55.
- cocoon of, 41.
- death of, 39.
- Worker eggs, in drone cells, 37
- head of, Plate VI.
- laying, 45, 46.
- leg of, Plate VII.
- life and habits of, 42, 43.
- life-history of, 40, 41.
- maturity of, 41.
- moulting of, 41.
- old age and death of, 44.
- Workers, labourers, 27.